Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 29, 1904, Page 15, Image 15

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Trade Slows Down in Produce
and Jobbing Markets.
Dealers in Grain, Flour and Hops Ex
pect Resumption of Activity After
Opening of New Year But
ter Prices Uncertain.
Holiday tveok has never been an active one
In the markets, and thin year Is no exception
to ihe xtrte. Stock-taking Is under way In the
heavy wholesale bouses, and little else Is be
ng done. The Front-street produce markets
ae very dH. Flour, -wheat and other cereals
fiT neglected, but the Arm undertone of val
ves has net been affected. The hop market la
&o in & waiting attitude.
WHEAT There is no buying or selling In
export wheat market, and in view ot the
vr leMfng rv3tion of shipowners, no business
is l:kely to ensue, at least so long as Amer
san and European values stand, as they are.
The only prospect of trading Is with the Bast,
tut at thr moment this business is affected
by the holiday trading. Some considerable
ra ea were made- for St. Louis account last
week. The mills aro buying sparingly, as the
Inquiry tor flour is slow.
The- foreign situation Is reviewed by the
Lcndon correspondent ot the Northwestern
Miller in lis issue of December 21, as follows:
The wheat trade has docidedly- shown, more
activity this week and prices have recovered
threepence to sixpence a quarter, with more
disposition to buy for forward shipment. Bus
flan shippers aro holding back, and now ask
prices quite above buyers" ideas. Indian
'wheat is still plentiful and relatively cheap at
29s 6d$21s per 492 pounds c. 1. f.. according
to quality, which compares with 37s per 480
pounds c I. f. obtainable for No. 1 Northern
Manitoba, sow the dearest wheat owing to Its
Somewhat contradictory cabled reports have
Theen received from the Argentine Republic.
"With regard to the crop outlook, the harvest
has begun, but every other day wo receive
cables announcing wet weather, damaging
'J-e crop and tending to delay or protract the
Larvesu Mall advices or November 15 report
vf-y heavy rains in Santa Fe and Cordoba,
e ng much damage In those provinces, the
Krca Of which undor wheat is more than half
of the total of the republic
In Buenos Ayres province, where about one
th'rd of the wheat Is grown, the conditions
are relatively better. On the whole, however,
there Is reason to believe that. In spite of the
in-reasc in the area, at present unknown, the
total crop may not even equal last year's,
while a late harvest Is regarded as practical
ly certain.
Vndcr these circumstances, and In view of
he Inevitable decrease In the Russian shlp
rrents. the trade is disposed to view the future
with more confidence than has been shown for
icnc tlinc, the more so as with nearly half
!." ssi gone, we are no nearer to Amcr-.-n
wheat and. floar than before.
"t may also be regarded, I think, as toler-
j certain that the European countries will
T.rrt rooro largely in the coming sir months
tm was the case last year or In 1002. It
1 b easily seen that the comparatively high
j. fs which have obtained elnce July have
,s '-acted a greater proportion of the homes'-
wn wheat In the various countries than
Vrrwise womM have been the case; by con
teiuenfe there Is so much the less to come for
asT'I in the remainder of the season.
F Ma August 1 to October 31 European
c intrtee' net Imports of wheat and flour aro
cs follows. In quarters:
Augt 1-to"' ' Total for
Oct. 31 season.
t ... 35.050,000
-X.T!. 13.233.000 56.325.000
1PT2. 15,151.000 56.217.000
K1. 14,000.000 52,170,000
France. Germany, Italy and Spain have all
rime extent declared their purchases of for
.gn wheat, and will in the remaining nine
rrcnths ot the season Jtnport much more freely,
I jtm convinced, than last season. There are,
.ndeed, already signs of this, for France Is
truvlng Australian wheat for Spring and Sum
trer dellverj-. and the Farls option price for
March-June delivery is not within 8a per quar
ter of an importing price.
I.vldcnee ot the immense demand for foreign
wheat In the United Kingdom this season is
alio tolerably clear. In the past nine weeks
June-August 1 we have imported on an aver
age 620,000 quarters of wheat and flour a
week, which, under ordinary circumstances
ould have added no less than 1,100,000 quar
tern to our stocks during the past nine
weeks, whereas, as a matter of fact, our
xcrt stocks on December 1 were only 800,000
C-arters larger than on September 1, thus In
dicating a weekly consumption or distribution
cf foreign wheat of no lew than 530.000 quar
ter a week.
FLOUR, FEED, ETC. It is hoped by mil
lers that the foreign demand for flour will
Improve after the tern of the year. At the
present time It Is docidedly slack. A few
stray Inquiries are coming In from the Orient,
tut practically no business Is being worked.
There is still & fair movement locally.
The feature of the milling trade Is the strong
demand for mlllfeed In California. Largo sales
have been made on San Francleco account, and
at better prices than, the local trade warrants.
A alues hero are very firm, and will go higher
If there Is an advance at San Francisco. Oats
and barley are still strongly quoted, but
fading in those grains Is dull. Hay Is steady
sni moderately active. Rye flour and rye meal
advanced during the week, and are -now quoted
at $5 and, $4.75 respectively per barrel.
HOPS Most of the men In the hop trade be
lieve that business will pick up about the mid
dle of January, & period. In which the market
usually become active. Brewers do little
vylng before the close of tho year, but after
thrlr Inventories are taken and account set
tled up, generally resume purchases. Other
dealers are not so sanguine that the market
Wi'l revive al such an early date. They point
cut that three-fourths or more of the crop Is
.n the hands of consumers, and will last them
or about three-fourths of the brewing year.
T r this reason they do not think there will be
raurh buying before early Summer, except of
a 'hand-to-mouth character. On the other
haid. It is conceded by all that, should Eng
land come Into the market suddenly, things
w V wear a different aspect.
Tnrhmgod markets are reported In the East
arj abroad. The New Tork Journal of Com
rrT -e of December 24 said: "A quiet and
-r.:ereUng market continued to be reported,
rvrlngs were light, sellers generally show
ng confidence in tk-e future of the market, ex
pe tfng , revival of business activity follow
ing the tars f the year, and held tho very
rrr rae supplies they had to market for full
"RODDCK More Interest is felt in the de-
e --ments In the butter market than In any
c'Ver line ot produce. Friccs are about steady
r2w but may go up or down without much
warning. "Weather conditions will have more
cr less to do with prices. Should it turn cold
a"d th diminished supply of cream be rc-c-L
an advance may be looked for. On the
OVr fcnad. the San -Francisco market Is off
agam. and as It was the recent advance there
fas' stiffened this market last week, the
change. In the California prices will likely have
a weakening effect here. The trouble In San
Francisco seems to be due to the heavy nupply,
- Eastern butter carried, amounting to 2,000.
000 pounds. Speculators there are now flgur--.g
on the disposal of it, and may ha-e to ship
rvjrh cf It back to the East.
regn eggs are easing off. and were yoster
dai quoted a fuM cent lower by many house.
KerMpts are increasing, and a .steady .decline
i looked for. , .-. , j . -,
The poultry market Is brightening up with
the New Tear demand, but prices are elew
to advance.
The onion market is quiet and Inclined to"oe
weak. A fair movement is reported In pota
toes. New California potatoes aro in better
supply, and the assortment has been increased
by several shipments from San Francisco of
what are known as "manufactured" new po
tatoes.' These are small potatoes of last
year's crop, probably sent from this state,
but have been run from a machine and
brushed up until they are a fair imitation of
tho new article. They may fool the buyer, but
the consamer quickly detects tho fraud.
Garden truck la In plentiful supply, three
carloads arriving from San Francisoo yester
day, but It moves slowly.
There is a good Inquiry for oranges, and
prices are firm, as receipt of late have been
light, rains in California having interfered
with picking. The apple market is dull and
weak. California strawberries drag even at
out price.
were announced in staple grocery prices dur
ing the week. Great interest centers In tho
sugar market, owing to the Jobbers row at
San Francisco, but It Is impossible to predict
what prices will be from day to day. Coffee
Is dull and unchanged. Japan teas are
Btrongcr. Choice grades of rice aro firm.
Livestock prices at the Portland yards are
as last quoted. Dressed beef Is slightly firmer
for fancy. Dressed pork is alfo well held.
There is a good demand for fancy veal weigh
ing 75 to 125 pounds, but large ones, even if
fat, are neglected. Hog products ape un
changed in price.
Grain, Flour, Feed. Etc
"WHEAT Export values. Walla Walla, 81c;
bluostem. S5c; milling, Walla Walla, 85c; blue
item, BSSSOc; Valley, S7c; Eastern basis.
Walla Walla. 83383c; blueetem, J0c.
BARLEX Feed, $22 per ton; rolled, f23.50gi
21 50
OATS No. 1 white, $1.32&'&1.35; gray. $1.35
TL40 per cental. . ,
FLOUR Patents, S4.C5S4.85 per barrel;
straights. S4.30S4.45; clears. S3.S5M: Valley.
f4.10iJ4.25; Dakota hard wheat, Q.ZOQi.oO;
Graham, $3.504: whole wheat. S4&4.25; rye
flour, local, S3; Eastern. f5Sf5.10.
MILLSTUEFS Bran, S1U per ton; middlings.
S25; shorts. $21; chops, U. S. Mills. SID; linseed
dairy food, $18; linseed oilmeal, lc per pound.
CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream, 03
pound sacks, $0.75; lower grades, $530.25; oat
meal, steel cut, 50-pound sacks, S8 per barrel;
10-pound sacks, .$4.23 per bale; oatmeal
(ground). 50-pound sacks. $7.50 per barrel: 10
pound sacks. $4.25 per bale; split peas, 54.50
J . m r.r . . . - . . J tnw-Aa CI
pr juv-nounu rac&; --iiuii uu v
tail umvi;, Y yi aw jwmm, -- ,
1.25 per box; pastry flour. 10:pound sacks.
2.50 per bale.
HAi Timothy, $14110 per ton; cover. jiva
12; grain. $11612; cheat. $121S.
Vegetables, Fruit, Etc.
VEGETABLES Turnips. $1 per 6ack; car
Tots. $1; beets, $1.25; parsnlpF, $1.25; cabbage,
California. l4c; Danish, lic; lettuce, head.
15c per dozen; parsley. 20c dozen: tomatoes,
$1.25 per crate; cauliflower, $1.002 per crate:
egg plant, lOfTlSc per pound; celery. OOGOSc
per dozen; peas, C8c per pound; beans, green,
7c; wax, 7c; pumpkins. IffflUc per pound;
peppers. 5c per pound: rhubarb, $1.85 per box.
ONIONS New, $2&2.15, buyers' prices.
HONEY $33.25 per case.
POTATOES New Oregon, fancy. 75385c;
commonfl C0SC5c, buyers' price; Merced sweets,
1141c: new California, 4c per pound.
RAISINS Loose Muscatels, 4-crown, 7?ic;
5-layer Muscatel raisins. 7c; unbleachd seed
less Sultanas. C&c; London layers, 3-crown.
whole boxes of 20 pounds. $1.85; 2-crown, $1.75.
DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated. 68Hc
per pound; eundrled. sacks or boxes, none;
apricots. lOifllc; peaches. 010c; pears, none;
prunes. Italians, 405o; French. 243c: figs,
California blacks. 5;c; do white, none; Smyr
na, 20c: Fard dates. Cc: plums, pitted, 6c
DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples, fancy, $1L50;
cooking, 0075c; figs. S5c$2.50 per box;
grapes. California, $1.2561.05; pears, pound, 75c
S$l; cranberries. $9.50011 per barrel: persim
mons, $1.25 per box; strawberries, $11.50 per
TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, fancy, $2,759
3.75; choice. $2.75 per box; oranges, new na
vels. $292.50; mandarins. 00970c per box:
tangerines, $1.50 2 per box; grapefruit. $80
3.50 per box; bananas. 5g5Vic per pound; pome,
granate $2.25 per box.
Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Etc.
EGGS Oregon ranch, 312c; Eastern, 24
CHEESE Full cream twins, 1315c; Toung
Americas. 14015V4C.
BUTTER City creameries: Extra creamery.
30c per pound; fancy creamery, 22tf2Gc State
creameries: Fancy creamery. 25Q27&C; Califor
nia, fancy creamer). 2520c; store butter.
POULTRY Hens. UrffdlKc; old hens, 3c;
mlzed chickens, 809c; old roosters, 77J4c;
do young, OVic; Springs. VA to 2-pound, 10c;
broilers, 1 to 1-pound, 12,,s'810c; dressed
chickens, ll12c; turkeys, dressed, average,
1517c; choice. 20322c; geese, live, $S3D; do
dressed. 10312"ic; ducks, old, $C37; do young,
as to size. $738; plgeond. $131.25.
GAME Wild geese, $333.50; Mallard ducks,
$2.5033.50; widgeon. $2; teal. $1.50L75.
Meats and Provisions.
BEEF Dressed, bulls and cowa, 23c;
steers. Zn4ViC
MUTTON Dressed, 3g5c per pound; lambs,
543Gc per pound.
HAMS Ton to 14 pounds, T12ic per pound:
14 to 10 pounds. 12c; 18 to 20 pounds. 12c:
California (picnic), 9c; cottage hams, Dlic:
shoulders, 9c; boiled ham, 21c; boiled picnl
ham, boneless. 14c
VEAL Dressed, 100 to 125, 78c per pound;
125 to 200. 50e; 200 and up. Stt4c
PORK Dressed. 100 to 150, GSC',4c per pound;
150 and up, 5&Gc.
BACON Fancy breakfast. 18c per pound:
standard breakfast. 17c; choice. 15c: English
breakfast. 11 to 14 pounds, 14c; peach bacon
SAUSAGE Portland bam, 12,c per pound;
minced ham, 10c; Summer, choice dry. 17ic;
bologna, long, 5c; welnerwurst, 8c; liver, 5c;
pork. 9c; blood, 5c; headcheese, 12c; bologna
Bausage. link. 4c.
DRY SALTED MEATS Regular short clears,
10c salt, 11c smoked; clear backs, 9?ic salt,
10-Xc smoked; Oregon export, 20 to 25 pounds,
average. 10&c salt. llc emoked; Union butts,
10 to 18 pounds, average, 8c salt, 9o smoked.
PICKLED GOOD Pickled pigs feet, "-barrels,
$5; -barrels, $2.75; 15-pound kit. $1.25;
pickled tripe, -barrels, $5; -barrels, $2.75;
15-pound kit, $1.23; pickled pigs' tongues.
barrels. $C; 'i-barrels, $3; 15-pound kits, $1.50;
pickled lambs tongues, ti-barrels, $9; -barrels;
$3.50; 15-pound kits. $2.75.
LARD Kettle-rendered: Tierces. 04c; tubs.
10c; 50s. 10c: 20s. 10c; 10s. 10c; 5s. 10c.
Standard pure: Tierces. 9c; tubs. 9Vfce: 50s, ic;
20s. 9c; 10s, 99ic: 5s, 9c Compound: TJerces,
CHc; tubs, 0?ic; 50s. 64c: 10s, 7c; 5s.7c.
Groceries, Nuts, Etc.
COFFEE Mocha, 20328c; Java, ordinary. 16
20c; Costa Rica, fancy, 18320c; good. 1031Sc;
ordinary. 10312c per pound; Columbia roast,
cases, 100s. $13; 50s. $19.25; Arbueklc. $15.38;
Lion. $15.38.
RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1. $5.C7Vi: South
ern Japan. $3.50; Carolina, 430c; brokenhead,
2 Sic.
SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound tails.
$1.75 per dozen; 2-pound tails, $2.40; I-pound
flats. $; rancy. ifi-pound flats, $1.80:
la-pound flats. $1.1 0;Alaska pink. 1-pound
talis. 85c; red. 1-pound tails, $1.45: rockeyes,
1-pound talis. $1.75: 1-pound flats, $1.85.
SUGAR Sack .basis, 100 pounds: Cube, $6.00
powdered, $6.25: dry granulated. $6.15; extra C,
S5.65; golden C. $5.55; fruit sugar. 6.15, ad
vance over sack basis as follows: Barrels, 10c;
rialf barrels, 25c; boxes. 50c per 100 pounds.
tTerms: On remittance within 15 days, deduct
mc per pound; if later than 35 days and within
30 days, deduct c per pound; no discount after
liO days ) Beet sugar granulated, $6.03 per 100
pounds: maple sugar, 1531Sc per pound.
SALT California. $9.50 per ton; $L30 per
i'fJ'eV 'jrpool. Ms, $15.50; 100s. $15; 200s,
51rSL:f.hi? ground. 100s. $5.25: 50s $5.75.
jNUTS ValnuU. I3c per pound by .sack, 1c
extra for less than sack: Brazil nuts. 15c; Al
berts, 14c; Pecans jumbos. 14c: extra large,
15c: alfflnds, I. 3C L., lfrc; chestnuts. Ital
ians. 15c; Ohio. $4.50 per 25-pound drum; pea
nuts, raw. tic per pound; roasted. 0c- ulne-
SJ'fil: h,ckor' ". TcToaSutsT
WfpwOc per dozen.
.B?ASilman wh,te. e; large white. 3c;
pink. 3y4c; bayou. 3e; uma. 5ytc
n Hops, WooL Hides, Etc.
HOPS-ChoIce. 29330c; prime, 2732Sc per
"WOOL Valley. f9320c per pound; Eastern
Oregon, 1017c; mohair, 25326c per pound tor
,JS.1."?.ES-Dr" hldc- No- s 1C pounds and up.
15315c per pound; drj glp. No. 1. 6 to 1
pounds, lie; drj- calf. No. 1. under 5 pounds.
16c; dry. salted bulls and Btags, one-third less
fnan dry, flint; salted hides, steers, sound, 7
Tc: under 50 pounds and cows, 637c: stags
and bulls, sound. 44 He; kip, sound. 15 to 20
mon. 10315ceach; Angora, with wool on, 25c$l
pounds, 7c; under 10 pounds. Sc; green (unsalt
fd. lo per pound Ices; culls, lc per pound; horse
hides, salted, $1.5062 each; do. $11.50 each;
colts' hides. 25g50c each; goatskins, common
10S15c each; Angora, with wool on, 25cO$l. '
TALLOW Prime, per pound, 435c; No. land
grease, 2V403c.
GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cases. 24c; iron
barrels, 18c: 86 dep. gasoline, cases, 32c; iron
barrels o r drums, 20c
COAL OIL Cases. 21c; Iron bafrels. Htc;
wood barrels, none; 63 dcg.. casea. 22e; barrel
lS&c Washington State test burning oils, ex.
eept headlight. c pr gallon higher.
LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels 54b; cass. 59c
Boiled: Barrels. 50c; cases, Glc; lc lass In
250-galIon lots.
" TURPENTINE Cases. 85c; barrels. Sic
"V HITE 'LEAD Ton lots. TUc; 500-pound,
7?tc; less than 500-pound lott, Sc.
Annual Lifting of Prices by the
Great Corporations Trade Re
ports Very Favorable.
NEW TORK, Dec 28. The same dull,
rising market and the same largely profes
sional share in, tho dealings wcro la evi
dence again on the Stock Exchange today.
Tho stocks which were picked for advances
were much less influential In sentiment by
their movements than were the high grade
standard flocks which were conspicuous yes
terday and still showed evidences of realiz
ing today. This was notably true of New
York Central, the strength of which Infused
confidence throughout the whole market yes
terday. Low grade Industrial stocks came for
ward Into notice today. Ncw was uniform
ly favorable for values, and the extraordinary
ease of money afforded means for embarking
in stock market commitments. But the dimen
sions of the day's business Is sufficiently con
vincing that there was no widespread Interest
In the market There Is a general belief that
the lifting of prices is due in some degree to
the desire among great financial institutions to
help out that Item In their annual statements
which Is entitled. "Market Value of Securities
There is no doubt of "tjie scarcity of stock
offerings at present, so that tho process of
marking up prices is conducted at a minimum
of the expense Involved .in absorbing offerings
on tho advance. Tho opinion Is widely held
that an active demand for securities will be
revived -In January, and it is supposed that
present holders of stocks aro anxious to sec
prices at a profitable level for themselves,
when this expected demand awakens. Ad
vances for these causes are justly attributed
to somewhat narrow professional factors, rath
er than to a broad market demand for secur
ities, but they are significant of the underly
ing strength o market conditions nevertheless,
without which the professional tactics would
be unavailing to move prices.
The interest manifested in the industrials to
day was stimulated by the color of trade ad
vices, especially from all departments of tho
Iron and steel trade. Railroad buying was the
most conspicuous factor, and dealt especially
with bridge matters, steel rails, freight cars,
locomotives, and. In fact, all forms of rail
road equipment. Amalgamated Copper re
sponded to a fresh advance on a revival of
the demand for the metal. The cotton market
reflected the growing conviction that the Gov
ernment's estimate of an unprecedented yield
of that crop arc warranted, a fact that may
have Its naturally beneficial effect on stocks,
modified by the reflected effect of speculative
losses In cotton. Much importance was at
tached to tho relief by the breaking or drouth
from some serious restrictions on industrial
activity. The market closed quite active and
Bonds Firm; total sales, par value, $5,135,
000. United States bonds were unchanged on
Sales. High. Low. bid.
Atchison 15,700 8J St!Jl 87
ao preferred 3.&00 101 lot iui4
Baltimore & Ohio.... 39.400 102ft
ft 101 102v
95fi 9354
132 132-i
Co preferred ....... sou uu
Canadian Pacific 9.000 133
Central of N. J - ISO
Chesapeake & Ohio.. 2. COO 48:4 4S 4b
Chicago & Alon 1.800 .4.r?i 42 42&
do preferred 300 S31i S3 81
Chi. Great Western.. 9,100 22j4 22 Vi 22
Chi. & Northwestern. 200 206 206 205
Chi., Mil. & St. Paul 10.600 1726 171ft 17l
do preferred 500 183 182 lS2i
Chi. Term. & Trans.. COO 12 12b I-k
do preferred ...... 1,300 23 22 23
C C, C. & St. L
Colorado Southern .. 1.300 23:4 23i 25 Vt,
do 1st preferred.... 400 02i 6254 6254
do 2d preferred 30
Delaware & Hudson.. 5.600 187?i 18454 186
Del., Lack. &. West 335
Denver & Rio Grande 300 32 3154 31ft
do preferred 500 865 8054 86
3rle 11.500 37 37fc 37
do 1st preferred.... 4,200 75 74 75
do 2d preferred... 900 55 54 55
do preferred
Illinois Central
Iowa Central ........
do preferred
Kan. City Southern..
do preferred
Louisville & Nash v..
Manhattan L.
Metrop. Securities...
""200 f2" "r)154 S05
700 15054 155 156H
200 50U 36 55
COO 29 2S 28
300 5354 53 5X
700 141 140 141
700 80 79 79Ti
2,300 121 120 12154
Minn. & St. Louis
M.. St. P. & S. S. M. 1.200 90 8954 90
do preferred 12,300 147 14754 1475A
Missouri Pacific 12.300 107 100 107V4
Mo., Kan. &. Texas.. 1,000 32 31 3254
do preferred 300 . 63 6354 6854
National of Mex. pfd 40
New York Central.... 14.S00 143 14454 144
-"sorxoiK 61 wcsiero... 4,uoo 7u4 79
ao preterrea 700 94
Ontario & Western.. 2,700 41
5f 4054
P.. C.. C. & St. L.
46.400 1384 187 13S
Reading C7.500
8 70
do 1st preferred.... 1.000 9154 91
do 2d nrcferred rtft ftOrt Rl SU. Kiii
Rock Island Co 5.C00 3754 30 36
do preferred 3,000 85 SI 54 84
St. L. & S. F. 2d pfd 67
St. L. Southwestern 25
do preferred 300 58i 58 5754
Southern Pacific .... 21,100 05 6454 85
Southern Railway ... 20,900 35 34 33
do preferred 300 97 97 964
Texas & Pacific 3,300 354 34 35
Toledo. St. L. & W. 5,200 30 36U. 3j
do preferred 500 5454 54 " 5354
Union Pacific 44.000 112 1115i 112
do preferred ....... 1,100 97 97 " 97'
Wabash 800 2254 22 22
do preferred 200 43 4354 4354
Wheeling & L. Erie 1054
Wisconsin Central .. 1,800 2254 22 22 u.
do preferred 800 40 43U. 46 "
Mexican Central .... 000 21 2054 -1
do preferred 3.300 119 118 11954
Express companies
Adams . 236
American .. "J03
United States 119
Wells-Fargo 100 243 243 237
-Amalgamated Copper 50,100 70 67 00
Amer, Car & Foundry 9,500 35 34 35
do preferred 700 94 93 93
American Cotton OH. 3.500 37 37 37
do preferred 95
American Ice 2,000 6 5i 0
do preferred 300 30 3654 36'
American Linseed Oil 15
do preferred 33
American Locomotive 18,400 36 34 35
do preferred 1.000 104 10' 10854
Amer. Sm. & Refining 7,900 82 8155 81
do preferred 112ft
Amer. Sugar Refining 9,300 143 14254 143f4
Anaconda Mining Co. 200 105 105' 105
Brooklyn R. "Transit. 5.200 61 61ft 6154
Colorado Fuel & Iron 2,200 48 45 4Si
Consolidated Gas ... 800 20354 201 ' 208H
Corn Products 400 21 21 "u
do preferred 2.100 78 7fi 77V4
Distillers Securities. 700 40 39 40U
General Electric 1854
International Taper.- 3.600 24 2R 24
do preferred 400 7754 76 76'
International Pump as
do preferred ............. ..... sa
national ieaa . . , 3U
ao preferred 700 Oft on ni
Pullman Palace Car. 100 233 2X4 2S5
Republic Steel 4.700 17 10 17U
do preferred 2.100 70 00 70ft
Rubber Goods 1,700 27 27 '211
do preferred ....... ...... ....'. 92
Tenn. Coal & Iron... 2.000 73 71 73
U. S. Leather 20.500 15 H n
do preferred ....... 11.500 10254 101ft 102K
U. S. Realty.. 78
U. S. Rubber........ GOO 33ft 33 SSft
do preferred 700 Mft 95 Pflii
U. S. Steel... 53.700 30 29 30
do preferred 51.700 94 92Ti 911
Westlnghouse Elec.. 1,400 182 181 181
Western Union 1.000 93 92 92
Total sales for the day, 836,200 shares.
NEW YORK, Dec 2S. Closing quotations:
V. S. ref. 2s reg.l044
C. & N. W. C. 78.129 ft
do coupon ...104H
U. S. 3s rcg...l0454
do coupon ..10454
U. S. new 4b reg.l30i
do coupon ...130
U. S. otil 4b rf-.ior;i
u. A: j 1. u. 4s.,1025i
N. T. Cent, lsts.101'4
Nor. Pacific 3s.. 75 Ti
do 4s 105
So. Paclfl" 4s... 94
Union Pacific 4s.l06
do eounnn . lflrtii !A'! r.nini f c ' not'.
Atchison AdJ 4s 94 551 " ".
Stocks at -London.
LONDON. Dec 28. Consols for money.
&S5-1G: consols for account, 86.
Nor. & Western. 61
do Dref erred .9514
Atchison 8954
do preferred .1025
Halt & Ohio ..104
Can. Pacific ...136
Ches. & Ohio .. 49
a Ot. Western. 2354
C. M. & St. P.. 175 54
DeBeers 1S54
D. & R. G 32
do preferred . 4155
Erie 3S
do lsj. pref . . . 76
do 2d pref ... 5655
Illinois Central. .159 -
Ont. & Western. 45U
Pennsylvania ... 7014
Rand Mines .... 11
Reading 4054
do 1st pref ... 46
do 2d nref 42
So. Railway ... 36
do preferred 90 1
So. Pacific RRU
Union Pacific ...114 ft
do preferred 95544
ITi.'S. Steel ..... 31
ao 'preferred .. 95
Spanish 4s 89
L. & N. 144
Pacific Mall 1.000 42 42 43
People's Gas 2,200 107 107 107
Pressed Steel Car.... 200 40 39 40
Money, Exchange, Etc
NEW YORK, Dec 28,-Money on call.
steady, 25i33 per cent; closing bid, 2 per
cent; offered at 3 per cent. Time loans, easy;
GO and 90 days. 303 per cent; six months.
343354 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 4
6- aer cent
Sterling exchange, quiet, with actual business
in bankers bills At $4.872034.8723 for demand.
and at $4.S4S064,.84S5 for 60 days. Posted
rates, $4.83fJ4.SS. Commercial bills, $4.84.
Bar silver, 6ic
Mexican dollars, 48c
Bonds Government, steady; railroad, firm.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 28. Silver bars.
6lc . . '
Mexican dollar. 61c i
Drafts Sight, 254c; telegraph. 5c
Sterling on London. 60 days,"$4.85; sight.
LONDON. Dec 23. Bar silver, quiet, 2Sd
per ounce
Money, 25433 per cent.
The rato of discount in the open .market for
short bills Is 233 per cent; three months
bills, 2 11-1632 per cent.
Dally Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 28. Today's state
ment of the Treasury balahccs. shows: ,
Available cash balance... $141,564,475
Gold 80.399,500
Bank Clearings.
. 418.715
$ 49.414
Portland ...
Tacoma ....
California Expects to Produce Large Crop
Next Season.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 2S.-(Special.) Since
the recent decline, the local hop market has
been Inactive and without new features. Lead
ing authorities now estimate the California
yield this year at fully 63.000 bales, and be
lieve that, under favorable conditions, tho
coming output will be larger, as there Is a
greatly Increased acreage.
The local wool market is dull and nominal,
with no stock of consequence left to work
Poor wire service from the East caused dull-t-M
ln.Jocal, wheat speculation, but prices
showed firmness -Xqp futures and spot. Barley
also displayed all around strength, arid oats
were firmly held, but trade In the latter was
of a small Jobbing character. Rye was In
light supply and firm. A few dealers report
an easier feeling In bran, and aro quoting 50
cents lower.
The orange market is generally quiet and
weak, but several special brands of well-colored
navels from- leading districts of the South
cold well at top prices. Apples of good me
dium and fancy grades move off readily at
steady prices, receipts being light. The mar
ket Is well stocked with bananas.
Receipts of potatoes are light. Fancy stock
being scarce and firm, the trade gave more
attention to Iowec grades, and the latter be
came steadier. Offerings of onions largely
exceeded the demand, and prices remained
Dairy products are quiet. Receipts, 29.000
pounds butter. 5C00 pounds cheeso, 8430 dozen
VEGETABLES Garllc OgSc; green peas. 3.
6c; string beans, .CffSc; tomatoes, 90oS$1.50;
egg plant, 5Sc
POULTRY Turkey gobblers. 20S22c; roost-'
crs, old. $44.50; do young, S5S6; broilers,
small, $2.503: large. $33.50; fryers. $4.503;
hens. $406; ducks, old, $5g3.50; do young,
CHEESE Young America, 1213c; East
ern, 13J?15c.
BUTTER Fancy creamery. 23c; creamery
seconds, 10c; fancy dairy. 19c; dairy seconds,
17c ,
EGGS Store, 2830c; fancy ranch, 40c
WOOL Lambs. 161Sc
HAT Wheat. $1014; wheat and oats. $10
13; barlej-, $911; alfalfa. $9011.50; clover.
$760; stock. $5g7; straw, 4555c
MILLFEED Bran, $15319; middlings, $25
HOPS 1004. 25ff2Sc.
FRUIT Apples, choice, $1.50; do common.
50c; bananas. $13; Mexican limes, $4; Cali
fornia lemons, choice. $2.75; do common, $1;
oranges, navels. $2; pineapples. $1.50S3.5A
POTATOES Early Rose. SlS'l.lO; River Bur
banks. 50080c; River reds; 504160c; Salinas
Burbanks, $11.45; sweets, 60375c; Oregon
Burbanks. 85c$1.10.
RECEIPTS Flour, 4333 quarter sacks;
wheat. 2298 centals; barley, 4965 centals; oats,
400 centals; corn, 1700 centals; potatoes. 3724
sacks; bran. 905 sacks; middlings. 2700 sacks;
bay, 2S0 tons; wool, 17 bales; hides, 1925.
Government "Report of Production In
WASHINGTON. Dec 28. The Census Bu
reau today Issued a report giving the quantity
of cotton ginned, in 737 counties up to Decem
ber 13 last to have been 11.9S6.614 running
bales, which Is the equivalent of 11.84S.113
commercial bales. The commercial bales re
ported to the same period for 1903 amounted
to 8.747.669.
In arriving nt the number of commercial
bales, round bale3 are counted as half -bales.
The report to the same date last year cov
ered 812 counties, as against 737 this year.
The report for the present year covers the out
put of 29.057 ginneries, while 29.527 were in
cluded in the report for 1903. The product of
the different states for this year, in running
bales, reported to December 13, Includes the
following: Indian Territory. 43,373; Oklaho
ma, 294,041; Texas, 2.9S2.S19.
Lowest Point at New York.
NEW YORK. Dec. 2S. The cotton market
broke 30 to 35 points on the Census Bureau's
glnners report. Indicating a crop In excess of
tho Government's estimate. There was heavy
trading on the decline. The bears' contended
that the glnners' report probably forecasted a
crop ot nearly 13,000,000 bales.
Following tho report, prices, which had
shown weakness since the opening, broke
sharply, with January selling around 6.CCc.
March 6.81c. and May 6.96c. or a net decline
of 22 to 25 points and a brenk of practically
$6 a bale In two weeks time. The market was
very active during the afternoon, with big
short Iiftercsts covering, while there was also
heavy liquidation, and on every little bulge
the bears seemed disposed to withdraw their
buying orders and sell more cotton.
The low figures reached In. the slump are
the lowest that cotton has reached In nearly
three vears.
Slump at New Orleans.
NEW ORLEANS. Dec 28. With the read
ing of the glnners' report on the Cotton Ex
change today, cotton slumped 47 to 55 points,
attended by extraordinary excitement. The re
port that 11,848,113 bales had been ginned, with.
82 counties yet to hear from, came as a sur
prise, 'although a bearish report was expected,
and the market was hammered with great
energy. The report today showed 1.8S4.259
more bales already ginned this year than the
total crop of last year.
After the first excitement the market grew
quieter, though the decline was not checked.
January cotton went to 6.40c which Is a de
cline of about 4 cents In the last three months.
Metal Markets.
NEW YORK. Dec 2S. There, was another
sharp advance In the London tin market, with
spot closing at 134 10s, and futures at 134.
The New York market was Irregular, but
steady, with spot quoted at 29.35229.50c
Copper was firm again In London, with, spot
closing at 67 15s and futures at 6S 2s 6d.
Locally, the market continues firm, and while
some parties are still quoting 15c for Lake,
the general range of prices is as follows:
Lake. 15.12C15.25c; electrolytic. 14.73 815.25c:
casting. 14.503 14lS5c.
Lead was unchanged locally, while In Lon
don the price was higher at 12 15s.
Spelter was firm at 636.1254c In New York,
and at 24 17s Gd In London.
Iron closed at 53s Cd in Glasgow, and at 50s
454d In Mlddlesboro. Locally, Iron continues
firm. No 1 foundry Northern, unchanged; No.
2 foundry Northern ranges from $17 to $17.23;
Southern grades are quoted at $17.75 flat for
No. 1 foundry and No. 1 foundry soft.
' Coffee nnd Sugar.
NEW YORK. Dec 28. Coffee Futures closed
net unchanged to 5 points lower. Sales, 17.750
bags, including: January. 7.60S7.65c; Febru
ary. 7.80c; May. 7.80c: July. 8. 258. 35c; Sep
tember. 8.50as.60c; November. S.60c. Spot,
steady; No. 7 Rio. SUc
Sugar Raw, firm; fair refining. 4c; centri
fugal. 96 test. 4ci molasses sugar. 4c; re
fined, quiet; crushed; '$6:85; powdered. 45.75;
granulated. $3.65.
M., K. &. T. ... 32 J Wabash
N. Y. Central.. 149 I do preferred
Latest Reports From Argentina De
clare the Crop Is In Excellent
CHICAGO. Dec 2S. The wheat market was
weak at the start. Influenced by lower prices
at Liverpool, many of yesterday's buyers were
liberal sellers when trading began. With only
a moderate demand, flnal quotations showed
losses. May being oft c to c. at,
$1.1401.14. Additional Selling soon de
veloped upon receipt of a cablegram from Ar
gentina by a local commlsslon-houso claiming
that the crop was In excellent condition, and
that shipments will begin In about four weeks.
As a result, the market became still weaker,
May gradually declining to $1.13. There was
also some selling occasioned by the heavy fall
of enow, which, it Is claimed, would greatly
benefit growing wheat. Weakness at Minne
apolis was another factor that contributed to
tho decline here. Two or three longs sold
during the latter part of the day. Orders
were readily taken by shorts, and In conse
quence part of the early loss was regained,
but the prevailing undertone was. ono of
weakness. Final quotations on May were 55
c lower at $1.14.
The corn market was weak. May opened a
shade lower and closed at 45e.
Trading In oats was of small volume. May'
opened a shade lower at SHi'gSlftc; sold off
to 31c and closed at 31c
At tho closo May pork was off a shade, at
$12.85-612.87. Lard was down 2ic, at $7.10
7.12. Ribs were 2g5c lower at $6.70.
Tho leading futures ranged as follows:
December ....$1.13 $1.13 $1.12 $1.12
lay 1.14 1.14?, 1.13 1.14
.......... .vTB
December 46 -.46
May 45 .45
July 45 .45
.45 .45
.45 .45
.45 .43
December IIWi .f?nii
hilay 31 .31 .31
July 31 .31 -31
January 12.50 12.5754 12.50 12.55
May. 12.92 12.02 12.80 12.'S7i5
January 6.65 6.87 6.82 6.83
May 7.12 7.12 7.0754 "-12
January 6.42 (U5 6.425s 0.45
May 6.7254 0.72 6.07 6.70
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour Steady.
Wheat-No. 2 Spring. $1.08fil.l6; No. 3. $1
1.12; No. 2 red. $1.151.17.
Com No. 2, 43c; No. 2 yellow, 45c
Oats No. 2, 29c; No. 3 white, 305i'd31c
Rye No. 2 7355c.
Barley Good feeding, 37c; fair to choice
malting, 474Sc
Flaxseed No. 1, $1.17; No. 1 Northwestern,
Timothy seed Prime. $2.7255.
Mess pork Per barrel. $11.3O5'11.40.
Lard Per 100 pounds. $8.75.
Short ribs sides Loose, $6.1596.30.
Short clear sides Boxed. $6.255g6.75.
Clover Contract grade, $12.75.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels - 23.200 29.500
Wheat, bushels 107.000 08.500
Corn, bushels 1,322.100 416.S00
Oats, bushels 210.100 173.S00
Rye bushels 8.000 5.200
Barley, bushels 143,300 11.700
Grain and Produce at Nerr Tork.
NEW YORK. Dec. 2S- Flour Receipts, 75,
000 barrels; exports. 1600 barrels. Market,
higher, but trade quiet. Minnesota patents,
$3.S5f 6.20; rye flour is quiet.
Wheat Receipts, 99,000 bushels; spot, nom
inal elevator: No. 1 Northern Duluth, $1.24
f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba. $1.0S f.
o. b. afloat. In response to easier Liverpool
cables, where strength had been expected, and
a bearish visible supply statement, wheat
broke a cent today. Bull shorts were lacking.
Near the close prices rallied slightly on cov
ering, but still left oft lc net lower. May
closed $1.14; July closed $1.05; December
closed $1.20.
Hops Quiet.
Hides Steady.
Wool Firm.
Grain at San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 2S. Wheat, firmer.
Barley, easier.
Spot quotations
Wheat-Shipping. $1.45g1.50: milling. $1.52
Barley Feed. $1.121.15; brewing, $1.16
61.15. -
Oats Red. $1.401.55; white. $1.451.57:
black. $1.301.62.
Call board sales
Wheat May, $1.44.
Barley May. $1.0951.
Corn Large yellow, $1.2731.305.
European Grain Markets.
LONDON, Dec 2S. Wheat Cargoes on pass
age, quiet; but steady; English country mar
kets, quiet.
LIVERPOOL, Dec 28. Wheat Quiet;
March, 7s 55d; May, 7s d. Wheat ln Paris,
steady: flour in Paris, steady; French country
markets, quiet. Weather In England, light
Visible Supply of Grain.
NEW YORK. Dec. 28. The visible supply
of grain Saturday. December 24. as compiled
by the New York- Produce Exchange, is as
Wheat 39.715.000
Corn 7.208,000
Oats 23.672.000
Rye 2.110.000
Barley 6.850.00O
Wheat at Tacoma.
TACOMA. Wash.. Dec 28. Wheat Un
changed; bluestem. SSc; club. 85c
Prices at Portland Union Stockyards Yes
terday. Receipts at the Portland Union Stockyards
yesterday were 313 nheep, 60 cattle and 73
hogs. The following prices were quoted at tho
CATTLE Best steers, $3.2593.50; medium,
$2.7583; cows, $2?2.50.
HOGS Best large fat hogs, $5.25; light hogs.
SHEEP Best Eastern Oregon and Valley.
$3.2533.50; lambs, $3.25.
Trices Current In Chicago, Kansas City and
KANSAS CITY, Dec 23. Cattle Receipts.
3000. Market strong to 10c higher. Native
steers. $3.7536.25; native cows and heifers.
$1.75f?5; stockers and feeders, $2.754; bulls,
$2.2564: calves, $390.50; Western fed steers,
$3.505.50; Western fed cows, $1.753.50.
Hogs Receipts, 4000. Market strong to 5c
higher; bulk ot Fales, $4.4034.65. Heavy, $4.65
04.75; packers. $4.5oif4.65; pigs and light, $3.75
Sheep Receipts, 2500. Market strong. Mut
tons, $4S.25; Iambs, $56.25; range wethers,
$4&5.60; fed ewes, $3.504.50.
OMAHA, Dec. 23. Cattle Receipts, 1400.
Market strong. Native steers. $3.5OQ6.10: cows
and heifers. $2.204.10; Western steers. $3
4.75; Texas steers. $2.753.05; cows and heif
ers. $2.3033.60; canuers, $1.5092.23; stockers
and feeders, $2.504; calves, $2.50u.50; bulls,
stags, etc., $1.7523.50.
Hogs Receipts, 1300. Market 3c higher.
Heavy. $4.5O&4.60; mixed. $4.534.57; light.
$4.57544.tI5; pigs. $424.50: bulk of sales. $4.55
Sheep Receipts. 200. Market strong. West
erns. $4.7595.30; wethers. $4.7030.20; ewes,
$3.75fM.30; common and stockers, $2.5064.50;
lambs. $5.2566.25.
CHICAGO. Dec. 2S. Cattle Receipts, 10,000.
Market 5tfl0c higher. Good to prime steers.
$6.2556.55; poor to medium. $3.0066; stockers
and feeders. $2,356-1.30; cows. $1.6064.35; belt,
crs. $2.2064.85: canners. $1.6062.60; bulls. $2.20
64; calves. $3.4067.
Hogs Receipts today. 9000; estimate for to
morrow. 'll.OOO. Market 10c higher. Mixed
and butchers, $4.4064.70; good to choice heavy.
$4.6564.75; rough heavy, $4.45 4.55; light, $4.40
64.60: bulk of sales. $4.5564.65.
Sheep Receipts, 10,000. Market for sheep
strong; for lambs. 5c higher. Good to choice
wethers. $4.8563.30; fair to choice mixed. $4
4.65; Western sheep. $4.3363.25; native lambs.
$5.1065.70; Western Iambs, $3.5565.60.
Christmas Week Closed With an Absolute
CIcan-Up ot Poultry Stocks.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Dec S. (Special.)
The Seattle produce market closed last week
with a grandstand finish. All lines trere In
brisk demand during the week, but tho high
pressure limit was not reached until Fri
day and Saturday. Friday the stocks be
gan melting away and from the opening
of business on Friday morning until long af
ter the regular closing hour on Saturday
evening there was a regular deluge of buy
ers on the street.
The feature o the two days trading was
the absolute clcan-up of poultry stocks and
nt higher prices than have ever been known
at this season of the year. Tho informa
tion given In this column last wcok. If It
had been followed by our producers, would
have been of great value. Turkeys at 25c
per pound, best apples at $1.50 per box, and
potatoes at $22 per ton should surely look
good to the producers within reach of this
Wheat, feed, grain and hay have held
steady, with no sign ot a material change
in the near future. There Is no move of
any moment expected in the grain market
until after the holidays. The. prospects are
that this market will be good for high
grade apples, butter, eggs and potatoes for
some time to come. Quotations are:
WHEAT Club. 87c; bluestom. SOc
OATS White, per ton. $28629; gray, per ton.
BARLEY Feed, per ton. $23624.
HAY Timothy, per ton. $19620; clover, pet
ton. $14613; grain, per ton. $22.
POTATOES Fancy, per ton, $22.
ONIONS Fancy, per cwt.. $2.5062.73.
BUTTER Fancy creamery, 28c; ranch, 24
EGGS Best ranch, per dozen, 3&6G8c
APPLES Fancy, por box; $1.2561.50.
Dried Fruit at New York.
NEW YORK. Dec. 28. Evaporated apples
quiet and without change.
Prunes, according to mail advices, are very
flrmly held on the Coast, In some cases above
a parity with local spot quotations. The mar
ket ranges from 2c to 5c, according to grade.
Apricots, dull, but holders show confidence
and aek full late prices. Choice, 10c; extra
choice, 1055611c; fancy, ll615c
reaches, quiet, but firmly held. Choice.
054c; extra choice, loi610c and fancy. 11
Dairy Produco In the East.
CHICAGO. Dec 2S. On the Produce Ex
change today the butter market was Arm;
creamery, 17620c; dairy, 16624c Eggs,
strong. 19622c; firsts. 22c: prime, firsts. 24c;
extra do, 2'Jc Cheese, firm, ll12c.
NEW YOBK, Dec, 28. Butter Very rm.
Street prices, extra creamery, 275462Sc; offi
cial prices, creamerj". common to extra. 17i
27c; state, do. 16626c; Western Imitation
creamery, 10622c
Cheese and eggs, unchanged.
New York Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. Dec. 28. Cotton Futures
closed barely steady, and sentiment was very
apprehensive of a bad slump In the Southern
spot markets, as a result of the report and
the decline in futures. The total lorn of the
day was from 31 to 38 points. December,
6.49c; February, 6.58c; March. 6.66c; April.
6.75c; May. 6.Slc; June, &69; July, 6.95c;
January, 6.50c.
Gold Engaged for Shipment.
NEW YORK. Dec 2S. Lazard Frercs an
nounced today an engagement of $650,000 gold
bars for shipment to Paris tomorrow. The
same Arm has bespoken all the gold bars up
to January S.
Wool at St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Dec 23. Wool Nominal;
territory and Western medium, 21622c; fine
medium, 176'ISc; fine. 16617c.
Refined Sugar Advances.
NEW YORK. Dec. 28. All grades of reflned
sugar were advanced 10c per 100 pounds today.
Bids for Jetty Work.
Specifications are being prepared by the
United States Engineers for bids to be
taken shortly on stone for the jetty at
the mouth of the Columbia River. The
amount of stone being bid for Is now un
certain, as the Engineers do not know
how much money they will have with
which to carry on the work.
When you suffer from sick headache,
dizziness, constipation, etc.. remember
Carter's Little Liver Pills will relieve you.
One pill Is a dose.
We Charge No Interest for
Carrying Long Stock
Genera! Office lva
X. XL Aid en. Correspondent
Room 2, Ground Floor,
Chamber of Commerce.
Line Steamers
Direct line for Moffett's, St. Martin's and
Collins' Hot Springs. Connecting at Lyle.
Wash., with Columbia River & Northern Ry.
Co.. for Goldendale ana Klickitat Valley points.
Landing foot of Alder st. Phone Main 014.
S. M'DONALD. Agent.
For South -Eastern Alaska
Steamers of the comDanv. or
for which it Is agent, leave
06 P. day previous steam-
tsmps luiiaus uxi (Dec.
5. 51. BKAliWAl DIRECT;
Dee. 17. via Kllllsnoo and Sit
ka); RAMONA (Dec 13. via
Klillsr.oo and Sitka: Dec. 2.H.
Sksgway direct); both vessels
making regular S. E. Alaska
ports of call; Cottage City
calls at Vancouver; Ramona CALLS AT VIC
CITY OF SEATTLE leaves Seattle Tuesdays
Thursday. Sundays. 10 P. M.; call at Everett
and Belllngbam.
Steamers connect at San Francisco with com
pany's steamers for ports In California. Mex
ico and Humboldt Bay. For further Informa
tion obtain folaer. Right is reserved to change
steamers or sailing date.
Portland 240 Washington st.
Seattle .113 James st. and Dock
San Francisco. 10 Markeret.
C. D. DUNANN. Gen. Pass. Art.
ao Market st., San Francisco.
I 7 WWll 1
Through Pullman standard and tourist sleeping-cars
dally to Omaha, Chicago. Spokane;
tourist sleeping-car dally to Kansas City;
through Pullman tourist sleeping-car (person
ally conducted) weekly to Chicago. Reclining
chair-cars (seats free) to the East dally.
UNION DEPOT. Leaves. Arrives.
. CHICAGO-PORTLAND 9:15 A. M. 5:25 P. M.
SPECIAL for the East Dally. Dally,
via Huntington.
SPOKANE FLYER. 6:" M- ft- A- M
. I Dally. I Dally.
For Eastern Washington. Walla Wala. Lew
lston.Coeur d'Alene and Great Northern points.
for the East via Hunt- SnnnM' rm;
lngtori. Daily. Daily.
FOR ASTORIA and 8:C0 P.M. L:00 P. M.
way points, connecting Dally. Dally,
with steamer for Ilwa- except except
co and North Bcacli Sunday, Sunday,
steamer Uassalo. Ash- Saturday.
street dock (water per.) 10:00 P. M.
FOR DAYTON. Ore- 7.rn . .ftTJ
gon City and Yamhlli 7A;M- ,:,PkM-
River point Ash-strcet Si
dock (water permitting; cx-Sun- ex. Sun.
tr50Tna ,wa P01"13- Dally. 5:CO P. M.
from Riparia. W ash. ex. Sat. ex. Frl.
TJilY,7Z ,,f " iV inlrtl and Washington.
Telephone Main 712. C. W. Stinger. City Tlck
et Agent; A. L. Craig. General Passenger Agent.
For San Francisco, every five days, froiu
AInsworth dock-S. S. Geo. W. Eldr, Jan. 1.
11; S. S Columbia. Jan. 0. lrt. Sailings from
AInsworth dock, 8 P. M.
,.F)r Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at
Kobe, Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight
via connecting steamers for Manila, Port Ar
thur and Vladivostok; S. S. Aragonia, Jan. 22.
&, S. Arabia. Jan. 2. For freight and fu.-ther
particulars apply to
Telephone Main 268. Upper Alaska Dock.
8:30 P. M.
for Salem. Tios.
7:23 A. M.
fburg. Ashland, Sac
j.amento, Ogden, San
I ""ranclsco, Mojave.
Los -Ies, Et
Paso, Lew Orleans
and the East.
Mnrnlnir train ron.!
9:30 A. M.
7:10 P. M.
nects at Woodburn
.(daily except Sun
day) with train for
iiount Angci. swver
ton. Brownsville.
3nrinefleld. Wend.
hing and Natron.
4:00 P. M.
Albany passenger;
10:10 A. M.
tconnects at wood'
Ihurnwlth Mt, AngelJ
ana anverton local.
7:30 A. M. Corvallis passenger.
4:30 P. M. jSherldan passenger.
x-r.n p. if.
NS.25 A. M.
.Dally. 'jDatly, except Sunday.
Leave Portland daily for Oswego at 7:30 A.
M.. 12:30. 2:05. 3:23, 3:20. 6:25. 7:45. 10:10 P.
M. Dally, except Sunday, 5:30. 6:30. 8:35,
10:23 A. M.. 4:00. 11:30 P. M. Sunday, only.
0 A. M.
Returning from Oswego arrive Portland daily
8:30 A. M., 1:55. 3:05. s:35. 6:15. 7:35. 0:55.
11:10 P. M. Dally except Sunday. 6:25, 7:25.
9:30. 10:20, 11:45 A. M. Except Monday. 12:25
A. M. Sunday only, 10:00 A. M.
Leave from same depot for Dallas and inter
mediate points daily except Sunday, 4 P. M.
Arrive Portland. 10:20 A. M.
The Independence-Monmouth motor line oper
ates dally to Monmouth and Airile. connecting
with S. P. Co. trains at Dallas and Indcpend
First-class fare from Portland to Sacramento
and San Francisco. 20; berth. $5. Second
class fare. $15; second-clssa berth, $2.50.
Tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Al3o
Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia.
CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and
Washington streets. Phone Main 712.
. : j
Depart. Arrive.
Puget Sound Limited for
Tacoma, Seattle. Olympla,
South Bend and Gray's
Harbor points 8:30 am 5:30 pm
North Coast Limited for
Tacoma. Seattle, Spokane,
Butte, St. Paul. New York.
Boston and all points East
and Snuthraat S'lW nm' ?.n
Twin City Express, for
lacoma, seatue. spoKane.
Helena, St. Paul, Minne
apolis. Chicago, New York,
Bostpn and all points East
and Southeast 11:43 pm 7:00 pra
Puget Sound-Kansas Clty-
St. Louis Special, for
Tacoma, Seattle. Spokane.
Butte. Billings, Denver.
Omaha. Kansas City, St.
Louis and all points East
andv Southeast 8:30 am 7:00 am
All trains daily, except on South Bend branch.
A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Pas
senger Agent, 255 Morrison St.. corner Third.
Portland, Or.
Astoria & Columbia
iver Railroad Co.
For Maygers, Rainier.
Clatskanle1, Wcstport,
Clifton, Astoria, War
renton. Flavcl, Ham
mond. Fort 'Stevens,
Gearhart Park. Sea
side, Astoria and Sea
shore. Express Dally.
Astoria Expresj.
8:00 A. M.
11:10 A. M.
7:00 P. M.
9:40 P. M.
Comm'l Agt... 243 Alder st. G. F. & P. A
Phone Main 900.
City Ticket Office, 122 3d st.. Phone 630.
Th FlvrT- onrf h Taat "If nil Am
For tickets, rates, folders and full in
formation, call on or address
H. DICKSON. City Passenger and Ticket
Agt.. 122 Third street, Portland, Or.
For Japan. China and all Asiatic Ports, will
Leave Seattle about Jan. 17th.
EAST dfa