Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 29, 1904, Image 1

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VOL. XLIV. NO. 13,746.
Multnomah's Candidate
for Speaker.
Legislative Delegation iVIeets
in Caucus.
Political Leaders, However, Assert
Multnomah State Senators Will
VotcforsDr. W. Kuykendall,
Insuring His Election.
Multnomah Legislators in caucus last
night put forward A. L. Mills for Speaker
and agreed to use thoir influence in both
Houses for his election. A. A. Bailey, who
hitherto has been the candidate of this
county for Speaker, withdrew from the
race at the wish of the delegation, and
Dan J. Malarkey, who has been often
mentioned as a possible candidate of this
county for president of the Senate, acqui
esced to the manifest desire of the dele
gation to reserve Multnomah's effort for
the presidency until the session of 1907.
Kuykendall in Favor.
It was passed out yesterday by leaders
of the political organization in this county
that Dr. Kuykendall Is Multnomah's fa
write for leadership of the Senate. In
dications ore strong, therefore, that Kuy
kendall -will be the choice of the Repub
lican caucus in the Senate, though that
purpose was not made manifest at last
night's meeting. If all the Multnomah
Senators who are allied with the organiza
tion wiU adopt Its suggestion this county
will deliver to the Lane man a solid block
of six votes. In this event Kuykendall's
election is assured.
Six outside Senators have already allied
themselves with Kuykendall. and there is
good assurance that at least two others
Hobson of Marion and Linn, and Croisan
of Marion are waiting only for the Mult
nomah six to go to the Kuykendall camp
before going thither themselves.
The seventh Senator from this county
C. W. Nottingham having been elected
in defiance of the regular Republican or
ganization, Is expected to career as a
freelance. Neither Carter nor Kuyken
dall seems to have -him rbTjnWcp.
Kay Is Still Confident.
T. B. Kay, of Marlon, was In Portland
yesterday, and scented the Mills boom
but declared that it would not keep
himself from being Speaker. He re
marked that though he desired Mult
nomah's support he could win without
it, and that this county's opposition
to him would slmpily force him to
take extreme measures for protecting
himself. By "extreme measures" Mr.
Kay meant in large part the allotment
of rewards among his own flock.
The meeting last night was attend
ed by 16 of the 20 Multnomah law
makers, the absent ones being Senator
C TV. Hodson. who is in California;
Senator C TV. Nottingham, -who said a
previous engagement kept him away;
Representative T. H. Crane, who sent
-word that he would fall in line with
whatever policy the delecation would
adopt, and Senator F. P. Mays.
The lawmakers closed the doors be
hind them when they went into cau
cus in the Executive Board room of
the City Hall, but the doors were of
transparent glass, through which they
oould be seen in gyration. The talk
fest did not grow heated but it -was
vigorous, and frequently the speaking
colons waved their arms and threw
their voices over the transom.
Bailey Withdraws From Race.
Right soon after the discussion be
gan, it became evident that the delega
tion had convinced Itself that Mr.
Bailey could not bring down the game.
As soon as he perceived how wide
sDread that opinion was sown, Mr.
Bailey neatly announced that he would
pull out of tho contest and bequeath
whatever influence ne possesses 10
help elect the man they thought they
could elect. That man was A. L. Mills,
and the delegation unanimously chose
him for Its standard bearer. Mr. Mills
was inclined to remonstrate but his
colleagues would hear nothing of It
and he was constrained to accept.
The delegation did not choose Its
candidate for President, but decided
that it should use Its influence in the
upper chahmber for gathering votes
for Mr. Mills In the House. The law
makers were confident of their ability
to pluck the plum in the House and
unanimously agreed to stand all to
gether. In order to silence the many re
ports that Mr. Malarkey would be a
candidate for Prosldent, that Senator
announced that in view of the delega
lion's desire not to try for the Pres
idency at the coming session, he would not
be a candidate for that place but said that
he would perhaps ask for the delegation s
support in 1S0.
How Senate Shows Up.
In the Senate are 23 Rcpublicans,v.whose
choice for President will te maae in me
caucus. 13 votes being required. Only five
Democrats have seats in the body. In
the House are 50 Republicans and 10 Dem
ocrats; therefore the caucus nominee of
the Republicans must secure 26 votes.
Multnomah's votes number 13.
The contest for the Presidency now lies
betweon Kuykendall' and Carter, and for
tne Speakership between A. L. Mills, T.
B. Kay and TV. I. "Vawter. If Kuykendall
should fail of the goal. Brownell, who is
now allied with him, would undoubtedly
be a candidate; indeed, tne supporters of
liuyKcndall believe that Brownell would
take up with Carter if his one vote would
defeat their man. Vawter has at his
back some six votes, including his own,
several of which, are promised to Kay for
second choice. Kay claims he has prom
ises of support from more than a major
ity of the Republican members of the
House. One of his chief reliances is the
promised support of the Eastern Oregon
delegation, which he says he will have
practically solid and which numbers U
Representatives. In the Willamette Val
ley he claims some 17 votes from his own
county and Linn, Lane. Benton. Yamhill,
Tillamook. Washington and Clackamas.
Inasmuch as Kuykendall will be expect
ed to deliver the -three. Lane Representa
tives to Mills in. exchange for Multno
mah's Senatorial votes, his ability to do
so will bo watched with much interest,
because they are known to be allied with
Kay. Dr. Kuykendall. and his friends
have been trying to pull them loose from
Kay, but without success.
. Why Mills Was Chosen.
Mr. Mills was selected by the caucus
last night largely because of his promi
nence and the large property interests
which he represents, but chiefly, as was
pointed out last night, because he has not
been an intense partisan of either faction
of the Republican party.
From the claims of the rival camps in
the Senate it appears that Carter is
stronger than Kuykendall, outside of
Multnomah, although boomers of the lat
ter are insisting that Carter is claiming
Senators who do not belong to him. It Is
evident that i Kuykendall Is to be Presi
dent he will owe his success to Multno
mah, and that If this county should split
up his changes would bo greatly im
paired. If Mcltnomah can succeed In ele
vating tho Lane man to the President's
chair, his boomers in this county declare
Multnomah's influence in legislation will
bo more potent than If Carter should
head the organization.
But Mr. Carter said very confidently, on
the eve of his departure for Ashland two
days ago, that ho would surely come out
first even if Multnomah's six or seven
should turn against him. Yesterday, how
ever. Dr. Kuykendall repeated his con
fidence in his own success. His allies as
sert that the opposition, being composed
of incongruous elemonts, cannot hold to
gether, aaa tbatvCArter is claiming Sena
tors who will not be with him at the
The claims of the rivals show the fol
lowing line-up:
-For Kuykendall R. A. Booth, of Lane,
Douglas and Josephine; U. S. Loughary.
of Polk; Jay Tuttle, of Clatsop: John L.
Rand, of Baker, Harney and Malheur;
George C. Brownell, of Clackamas; C. W.
Hodson, of Multnomah: Herbert Holman,
Dan J. Malarkey. F. P. Mays. SIg Sichel
and Dr. Henry W. Coe, of Multnomah,
and Dr. Kuykendall himself 12.
For Carter Squire Farrar, of Marlon;
J. S. Coke, of Coos and Curry; J. A. Lay
cock, of Grant, Crook, Klamath and
Lake; G. S. Wright, of Yamhill, Tilla
mook and Lincoln; W. A. Howe, of Yam
hill; E. W. Haines, of Washington; N.
Whealdon, of Wasco; Jay Bowerman. of
Gilliam, Sherman and Wheeler; Peter Mc
Donald, of Union and Wallowa, and Car
ter himself 10.
Doubtful E. M. Croisan, of Marion; W.
H. Hobson, of Marlon and Linn; C. W.
Nottingham, of Multnomah 3.
Total Republicans in Senate, 25; major
ity, 13.
Senator Croisan was in the city yester
day, surveying the ground. He announced
that he had not gone to either camp, but
it was understood that he was waiting for
Multnomah to join the Kuykendall pro
cession before doing the same himself.
Senator Loughary was in the city, too,
ready to unite with the Kuykendall
forces. '
Mission Architecture Shown at tho
Lewis and Clark Fair.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 28. (Special.)
Governor Pardee desires to have the mis
sion type of architecture exemplified in the
construction of the California stato
building to bo erected, .at theliasrls-Jind,
Clark Exposition at Portland.
Preliminary drawings for four buildings
have been prepared by local architects.
These were examined today by J. A.
Filcher, commissioner for California to
St. Louis, and by Mr. Burrell, of the Bur-
rell Contracting Company, which has
erected several buildings at Portland for
the Lewis and Clark Exposition. The gen
eral idea embodied is that of a central
structure surmounted by a dome with tour
wings radiating from the center, each rep
resenting a separate California mission.
Tho California Legislature will undoubt
edly make an appropriation for the build
ing at Portland. Plans for the structure
are necessarily tentative at this time, but
Governor Pardee thinks that an under
standing may be reached earlier with the
Legislators by presenting to their atten
tion something will plctorially approxi
mate what may finally be adopted.
The size of the building for Portland
will depend on the appropriation to be
made at Sacramento. When the Legisla
ture voted $130,000,000 ior the California
exhibit at St. Louis there was also an ap
propriation of $20,000 for the preliminary
expenses of the Lewis and Clark Exposi
tion. This Is money that Is now available and
Is to be used as decided. The building at
Portland will probably be made to hold
the California exhibit and to contain of
fices and living apartments of the Cali
fornia commissioners under one roof.
Afraid That Lawson Is About to Be
gin Another Raid In Stocks.
BOSTON, Dec. 2S. (Special.) It was
rumored today that Thomas W. Law
son would start a great movement
against the Amalgamated Copper and
certain other so-called Standard Oil
stocks beforo New Year's day and there
has been much hustling about and
sleuthing by Wall street and State
street financial institutions to verify
the story.
They are anxious to know definitely,
if possible, whether the author of
"Frenzied Finance" is contemplating
another onslaught, because it is the
custom to work up the prices of securi
ties beforo New Year's in order to dress
up lists of assets and make a good
showing in the annual statements. They
are fearful that Mr. Lawson's move
ment may so depress quotations that
their annual "slates" will show up bad
ly beforo the public When asked about
It tonight Mr. Lawson laughed and
"So Wall street would like to know.
I'd like to tell Wall street, that dear
old friend of mine, but I prefer to keep
it guessing. However, they will know
or hoar something before New Year's.".
Alabama Young Woman at a Party
Objected to Being Bussed.
MOBILE, Ala., Dec. 25. James Robin
son was sent to Jail today for 30 days
for an assault. The offense for which he
was committed was kissing a young wo
man against her will at Bayon la Batre,
this county, during a party.
Cossack Prince Is Killed.
ST. PETERSBURG, Dec 23. General
Sakharoff, in recording recent reconnolter
ing operations, reports that a Cossack of
fice Prince Yildaroff, has been killed.
City Engineer Elliott to
Be Tried.
Contractors E, W. and R. M.
Riper Also Indicted.
Elliott Will Be Charged With Mal
feasance In Office, and Also, With
Riners, cf Attempt to Obtain
Money Falsely.
INDICTMENTS Grand Jury baa al
ready voted to Indict City Vnglner "W
C Elliott and E. "V. and R M. Rlner.
Grand Jury has matter under considera
tion, and may return Indictment next
SUMMONED Councilman Zimmerman
Interrogated. Other members subpenaed
for Friday.
Many 'questions regarding police affairs
asked. Chief Hunt's Indictment consid
H. Howell appears before grand Jury
and presents his charges as before the
Executive Board.
City Engineer W. C. Elliott and R. M.
and E. W. Rlner, contractors for the con
struction of the Tanner-Creek sewer, -will
be indicted by the Multnomah County
grand Jury.
It is positively known that the grand
jurors have already voted to return indict
ments against them.
City Engineer Elliott will probably be
indicted on two counts-imal feasance- -Jn
o fficVhn d alternp t Log toobtain. money un-J
der false pretenses. Tho latter charge "Will
also be filed against the Riners.
The charge for attempting to obtain
money under false pretenses will be based
upon the fact discovered in the investiga
tion of the Tanner-Creek sewer that cer
tification had been made that a greater
length of new sewer had been built than
was actually constructed.
City Engineer Elliott and the Riners
both signed certificates relating to the
sewer which were presented to the Execu
tive Board, Elliott making a verbal affir
mation as well as a 'written report. These
certificates will appear as tho "fatal
tokens" to support the charge.
It Is also positively known that the
Multnomah County grand jury has under
consideration the indictment of Mayor
Williams, and it is probable that an in
dictment will be returned against him next
Tuesday along with those against Mr.
Elliott and the Riners.
The methods of the Police Department
are also under investigation by the grand
jury. Yesterday Councilman Zimmerman
was a witness before the members and
was asked concerning why the police have
not enforced the laws regarding gambling
and about police regulations generally.
All the members of tho liquor license com
mittee who are in the city, namely, Coun
cllmen Zimmerman, Slgler, Flegel and
Whiting were subpenaed to appear before
the grand jury at 2:30 o'clock yesterday
afternoon. Mr. Zimmerman was called
and tho otliers were excused until Friday
morning. The other member of the com
mittee, Councilman Bentley, is in the
East. It Is presumed that the grand jury
may ask why saloon licenses are granted
to such places as the saloon in the Paris
House, saloons where gambling was car
ried on and many other things. In all
Inquiries concerning city affairs it Is said
the grand jury has gone over pretty broad
Charges Against Chief Hunt.
The grand Jury yesterday continued the
investigation of the charge that Chief
Hunt, carried Officers Carpenter and Re
slng on the Police Department payroll
last Summer when they were traveling
over the country from one racetrack to
another. Messrs. Carpenter and Reslng
were called ae witnesses and asked to
tell all about It. which they probably did.
There is a report to the effect that in
quiry is in progress for the purpose of
ascertaining why certain saloons persist
ently violate the 1 o'clock closing ordi
nance, and if Chief Hunt favors certain
places. Officers Grif Roberts, King,
Goltz and Taylor were Interrogated by the
members of the jury, and Deputy District
Attorney Adams.
Bridge. Controversy Up.
George H. Howell, of the City Executive
Board, was In the grand jury-room one
hour and forty minutes, and related his
disclosures as recently published concern
ing the Morrison-street bridge contract,
the enormous profit made on extras, and
other things which he vigorously pro
tested against. The grand jury will no
doubt investigate the charges preferred
by Mr. Howell fully.
John Murphy, a gray-haired man, was a
witness against Jed Hart, who beat him
severely in a North End saloon recently.
Murphy still carries a black eye and a
gash on his forehead as the result of the
blows he received.
The grand Jury will not make any report
until next Tuesday, because the State
Circuit Court has adjourned until that
.date. Today the grand Jury will not re
ceive any witnesses, and the members will
occupy the whole time in deliberations.
Count Casslni Congratulated.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 28. Count Cas
slnl, the Russian Ambassador, today cele-.
pbrated the 60th anniversary of his entry
Into the Russian foreign service. A mes
senger from the White House brought to
the Embassy a letter of hearty congratu
lations from President Roosevelt upon
the Ambassador's half of a century of
service to his government, and also an
autograph letter from the President and
a brilliant assortment of flowers from the
White House Conservatory, .sent by Mrs.
Hungarian Parliament Ends In Great
BUDAPEST, Dec 2S. There was a dis
orderly sitting of the Chamber of Dep
uties today, and Premier TIsza was com
pelled, owing to stormy protests from the
opposition, to abandon his attempt to in
duce the House to vote on indemnity for
the government's expenditure without the
sanction of Parliament. The Premier
then, amid a great uproar, announced- the
adjournment of the chamber until Janu
ary 1, saying that the House at that time
would hear the Emperor's speech dissolv
ing Parliament.
Shouts were raised of "the King is
breaking his oath," together with de
nunciations of Premier Tiza as "the
cure of. an unfortunate dynnsty."
Count Andrassy, ex-Premier, has pre
dicted that bloody electoral struggles will
New Cabinet in Greece.
ATHENS, Dec 28. A new Cabinet has
been formed, with Delynnis as Premier,
and Minister of the Interior Skouzes as
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mavromicha
Hs as Minister of War afjd ad interim
Minister of Marine. Carapanos as Minis
ter of Justice and ad Interim Minister
of Instruction, and Gounarakis as Min-
Jiterof Flnffnc.. r
Asutrian Premier Has- Resigned.
"VIENNA, Dec 2S. The Neue Frele
Press says Premier von Koerber, at an
audience with Emperor Francis Joseph
this morning, tendered his resignation on
the ground of ill health.
Children Forced to Chj to School.
TIFXJS, Trans-Cauca--: Dec 23. The
Town Council of Tlflls nas ordained com
pulsory education at the "expense of the
Ex-Governor Black, Louis Payne and
-Others Meet Him In New Yorkr
NEW YORK, Dec. 2S. Governor Odell,
ex-Governor Black, Louis Payne and
many other prominent New York Repub
licans were In conference here today, but
up to a late hour tonight no results of
the conferences which throw any light on
the Senatorial situation were made public
Addicks Still in Contest.
DOVER, Del.. Dec 28. The Delaware
Legislature will meet tomorrow in spe
cial seE3lon to amend an act relating to
Judgment liens in Kent and Sussex Coun
ties. Caucuses were held tonight.
J. Edward Addicks announced in the
Union Republican' caucus tuat -he Is still
In the contest for United States Senator,
and all but four members of the caucus
are said to have, voted to support him.
tThe Beggar arrf Union Republicans
dJld , to -riauh any ireeinGnt as to th
distribution of offices in" the Organization
of the legislature.
Fairbanks Goes to Washington.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Dec 2S. Senator
Charles W. Fairbanks left this afternoon
for Washington.
Rear-Admiral Terry Retires.
WASHINGTON Dec 23. The retire
ment today of Rear-Admiral Silas Terry
resulted In the promotion of Captain Jo
seph B. Craig to bo Rear-Admlrah
t - .
, A. L.
Its Object Is to Abolish
Freight Rebates.
Circuit Court Should Have the
Fixing of Rates,
Senator From West Virginia Believes
That No Attempt Will Be Made
by Roads to Evade Execu
tion of Instructions.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 28. (Special.)
Senator S. B. Elklns, of West Virginia,
chairman of the Senate committee on
interstate commerce, is busily engaged
In framing a bill for the purpose of
carrying1 out the views of the Presi
dent in relation to the abolition of
freight rates. The Senator, In discuss
ing the subject today, said among
other things:
"There should be some power In this
country to declare what rates should
be on the railroads. The United States
Supreme Court has decided that the
fixing of a railroad rate is a legisla
tive and not a judicial power. So we
cannot depend upon the Interstate Com
merce Commission to fix these rates,
and, in fact, no commission or court
can be depended on for that important
function. What we can do Is to em
power a oourt to declare when a rate
is excessive and in that way send the
rate back to the railroad to be low
ered. 'T do not think we need fear that the
roads will attempt to evade the execu
tion of such instruction in good faith,
by attempting: to come back again
with another rate, slightly lowered, so
as to result in no benefit. We can de
pend upon public opinion as a power
to force them to accept this method of
regulating the rates in good faith. If
the lower rate they fix is not low
pnough, It -can again be declares to' be
too high and would go back to them.
"For several reasons I think the In
terstate Commerce Commission is not
the proper tribunal for the fixing of
rates by this method. It should be
done in a Circuit Court of the United
Statos and that court should be pre
sided over by a Justice of high char-i
acter, who ought to receive a salary of
$10,000, $12,000 or $15,000 a year. Suoh
a Judge would, of course, be appointed
for life, and would be In a position to fix
these rates. He could devote his entire
thought to the questions that would
come to his attention.
"Just think what might happen if
these powers were placed In the hands
of a commission, the members sub
ject to reappointment by the President,
with limited terms. Such a proposal
would not meet the approval of the
conservative men."
Crater Lake Picture for President.
ington, Dec 28. Senator Fulton, today In
troduced to the President Judge Charles
H. Page, of Astoria. He also presented
the President with a magnificent photo
graph of Crater Lake, the gift of Frank
Trent, superintendent of Crater Lake
Park. The President was greatly pleased
with the picture and expressed the hope
he might some day see the lake Itself.
Rural Route in Benton County.
ington. Dec. 23. Rural route No.l has been
ordered established February 1 at Mon
roe, Benton County, Or., serving 540 people
and 120 houses.
E. II. Mays wa3 today appointed post
master at Elk City, Or., vice James H.
Blair, removed.
Congress Will Have to Pass Necessary
Legislation at This Session.
WASHINGTON, Dec 2S. Members of
the Congressional committee which will
formulate Isthmian canal legislation have
been considering the various questions
relating to the government of the canal
zone. A bill for this purpose passed the
Senate last session, but was rejected by
the House, and a measure finally was
agreed on placing the whole government
of the zone In the power of the President
until tho end of the present session of
Congress. Before the close of this Con
gress it will be necessary to renew the
power for a term of yeare, or to enact a
new law.
Opinion differs as to the best method
of handling the subject, although It is
declared that a strong government will
be necessary in order to provide for the
care and health of the men engaged in
canal work. It is expected that Repre
sentative Mann, of Illinois, will introduce
a bill relating to canal government soon
after Congress reconvenes.
Invited to Tuskegee.
TUSKEGEE, Ala.. Dec 23. The City
Council of Tuskegee unanimously passed
a resolution today inviting President
Roosevelt to visit Tuskegee on his South
ern trip.
This invitation is in connection with the
one already presented by the Tuskegee In
stitute for Negroes, located at Tuskegee,
of which Booker T. Washington is presi
The Weather.
TODAY'S Bain; brisk to high gusty south to
west winds.
XBSTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 43
leg.; minimum, 30. Precipitation, 0.S5 Inch-
Abolition of J-rijiit JiebattB. .
Senator Elklns, of "West Virginia, preparing;
bill embodying views iE he President.
Page 1
Circuit Court, presided over by Judge of abil
ity, to be empowered to fix rates. Page 1.
Bishop Talbot Trial.
Change la laws of Episcopal chureh probably
render court appointed invalid. Page 4;
Matter will then have to be referred back to
presiding bishop for action. Page 4.
The Storm.
Unknown steamer stranded In Hell's Hole, oft
Capo Hatteras. Page 3.
Steamer DrumelJIer Is still pounding hi surf
oft Oak Island. Page 3.
Old Foldler found dead In Kansas snow drift.
Page 3. -
War la Far East.
Japanese House of Peers passes financial meas
ures for carrying the war. Page 3.
Admiral Togo to be specially honored on ar
rival. Page 3.
Rumor that T. W. Lawson is about to run on
Standard Oil stocks is agitating Wall streot.
Page 1.
Natural causes have raised price of paper, says
member of eo-called trust. Page 3.
Two chums take poison together in a New
York hotel; O. A. Weed, of Boston, Is dead.
Page 4.
SI. A. Meyendorff, special land agent, on the
way to Portland, attempts to commit sui
cide. Page 4.
Republican Senators given election certificates
In Colorado. Page 6.
Ball money for Nan Patterson Is offered ' by
West Virginia men. Pago 3.
Syndicate of Ohio men will put up $40,000 to
release Mrs. Chadwlck. Page 4.
Commercial and Marine.
Weekly review of local produce and Jobbing
markets. Page 15.
Chicago wheat weak from start to finish.
.Page 15.
New York stock market dull, but firm. Page 15.
Increased hop acreage In California. Page 15.
Review of wool trade of United States. Page
British ship Lonsdale rescues castaways oft
Cape Horn. Page 4.
Pacific Coast.
Four men killed In boiler explosloln at Wal
vllle, "Wash., sawmill. Page 1.
Lerwiston's Chief of Police closes all gambling
by an order. Page 7.
Washington Land Commissioners allow B. F.
Heuston to buy Dcsdemona Sands. Page 7.
Captain Applegate, agent of Klamath reserva
tion, under investigation prompted by
woman, graduate of Carlisle. Page 7.
Jack Johnson, colored, will try to knock out
Marvin Hart, to force fight with Jeffries.
Page 7.
Portland and Vicinity.
A. L. Mills enters race for Speaker; Multno
mah State Senators will probably vote for
Dr. W. Kuykendall. Insuring his election as
Frtflidcnt of Stato Senate. Page 1.
County grand jury has Indicted City Engineer
W. C. Elliott and Contractor R. M. and B.
"W. Rlner; Indictment against Mayor "Wil
liams probable. Page 1.
Peace mass meeting to be held Sunday. Page
Rev. Robert Hope glve3 Inside history of Talbot-Irvine
controversy. Page 16.
Smooth swindler takes In East Side firms. -Page
Multnomah County tax levy will almost reach
30 mills. Page 10.
Independent Ice Company Incorporated to buck
combine and make lower rates to consumers.
Page 11.
Apportionment of teachers' salaries will be
made according to merit. Page 10..
Senator Mitchell and Representative Hermann
appear before Federal grand jury. Page 10.
Refusal of Council committee to grant saloon
license takes away widow's only asset.
Pago 10.
Chlneso put ?100O price on head of Chinese
gambler said to have betrayed his fellows.
Pago 12.
Northern Pacific Company to Insert advertise
ments of Lewis and Clark Exposition in
principal magazines. Page 11.
Barge Monarch sinks In "Willamette River,
drowning one man and Injuring four others.
Paso It. - ,
Four Men Killed in the
Walvilie Mill.
Inspected Ten Days Ago, and
Passed Muster Then.
Usually One Hundred Men Are in the
Sawmill of Walworth & Neville,
but Repairs Kept Main Build
ing Almost Untenanted.
CHEHALIS, "Wash., Dec. 2S. Three
men were killed instantly and two In
jured, one so that ho died soon after
wards, by an explosion of four hollers at
the sawmill plant of Walworth & Ne
ville, at Walvilie. Wash?, shortly after
1 o'clock this afternoon. Almost imme
diately after the mill started for tho
afternoon run a terrific explosion occur
red. Killed instantly:
R. G. HICKS, single, 32 years old, rela
tives in West Virginia.
FRANK DOWELL. 3S years, married, wlfa
and girl at Walvilie; native Missouri.
FERRIS EPLING, single, 2G years; broth
er and sister at Walvilie.
Injured: Roy Ickes, single. 28 years, rela
tives at Decatur. Mich., died soon after
wards; W. Buchanan, 22 years, single, prob
ably fatally injured, relatives at Mossy
Rock, Wash.; Ellas Paquette, seriously
scalded, will recover.
The cause of the explosion Is unknown.
The mill 'plant had been shut down for
repairs and only sufficient steam wa3
kept up to run the cross-arm factory,
and for the dry kilns. The boilers wera
inspected by the official inspector of a
boiler insurance company ten days ago,
and were pronounced all right. The plant
Is situated on Rock Creek, 27 miles west
of Chehalis, on the Chehalis & South;
Bend Railroad. When the mill is run
ning 100 men are employed in the plant
The mill, stands directly north of and neas
the railroad. The boiler-house leans
against tho mill building on the west
afdft- ' K k t
The fact that the mill proper was not
running accounts for the small number
killed, as a large number of men work
within a few feet of the boiler-house ln
the mill, about the saw, carriages and
rolls. The mill was badly wrecked by
the explosion. The damage Is estimated
at several thousand dollars. The cross
arms plant is situated some distance west
of the main mill, with the dry kilns be
tween. Steam for all was supplied from
the boilers at the main mill. The mill
is one of the best equipped in this sec
tion of the state, and did a large business
in timbers and the manufacture of cross
arms. The mill stands partly In Lewi3 and
partly in Pacific County, on the line.
Buchanan Still Alive.
CHEHALIS. Wash., Dec. 28. (Special.)
A telephone message from Walvilie
states that Buchanan is still alive and
may recover. It Is not known whether
more than one boiler exploded, but all aro
badly wrecked. Walworth & Neville is a
Chicago firm, and have two sawmills on
Puget Sound.
Body Found in a Snowdrift Near:
Leavenworth Home.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Dec. 28. Carl
Molter, an inmate of the National Mili
tary Home at Leavenworth, and a form
er member of Company C, Firty-nlntb
Illinois Infantry, was found under a drift
of snow frozen to death, at the Home
Slightly Warmer in Missouri.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Dec. 28. Zero
weather was recorded In Western Mis
souri and through Kansas early today,
but later It became several degrees warm
er. In Oklahoma and Indian Territory to
day it averaged 2 degrees warmer than
yesterday. No snow was reported in tho
Southwest today, and with tho wind
greatly diminished in force, train facll
itles were rapidly restored.
Losses on Lake Michigan.
DETROIT, Dec 28. Specials from
points along the shore of Lake Michigan
from St. Joseph north to Muskegon Indi
cate damages resulting from the storm
will aggregate $500,000. This includes tha
loss of the lighthouse at Macatawa Bay.
Summer cottages and resorts, yachts at
anchor and fishermen's property suffered
heavily all along the shore.
The lowest temperature registered here"
during the last 24' hours was one degree
above zero. The weather was clear today
and tonight it is moderating."
The dead body of an unknown man wag
found near Lees Summit, Mo., today.
The body bore no marks by which it could
be Identified.
Georgia Farmers and Merchants ta
Help Get Rid of the Surplus.
FORT GAINES. Ga., Dec. 2S. The farm
ers and merchants of this county met to
day at Fort Gaines and decided to burn
their share of 2,000.000 bales of 'surplus
cotton. A starter was made today, when
a bonfire was made of cotton on tha
streets at Fort Gaines. It Is not yet de
termined where it will stop. The farmers
have decided to set the pace, and are mov
ing determinedly.
A large crowd paraded with much spec
tacular ceremony. The object la to show
that tho farmers, are. ready to sacrifice a
few bales for the benefit of the masses.