Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 28, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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Mitchell Wants to Know
the Charges.
Senator Writes a Letter to Fed
eral Grand Jury.
Assistant District Attorney Heney
Says He Is Willing for Him to
Appear, but He Will Accord
Hm No Special Privileges.
If, therefore, you will kindly advise I
ra when all such testimony has been
submitted on the part of the Govern
ment, I ivjll then be 'ready to to be
fore you in answer to any such
charges as may be made, and I re
spectfully ask that on my appearance
before yon at the close of the Gov
ernment's case I then be advised fully
as to the precise charges, if any,
made against me, and of the nature of
the evidence submitted by the Govern
ment in support thereof. And I also
should bo glad, if not deemed im
proper by your advisors, that the
names of the "witnesses making the
t same be submitted to me at that time.
rrancls J. Heney'a Reply.
Senator Mitchell will reccivo at my
hands the same privileges "which I
irould accord under similar circum
stances to the humblest citizen of the
United States, and I will at-all times
advise the grand Jury not to indict
any man, whether his position in so
ciety is high or low. unless the evi
dence In the possession of the Gov
ernment is sufficient in my judgment
to warrant and sustain a conviction by
a trial Jury. I am ready and willing
to permit Senator Mitchell to appear
before the grand Jury and to ex
amine him about ail the matters
relating to which the Government has
evidence, and with which his name is
in any way connected.
Senator Mitchell had a hard time with
the Federal grand jury yesterday and has
not as yet been allowed to appear before
that body to hear what charges have beon
or will be brought to connect him with the
land frauds being unearthed.
At 10 o'clock he appeared at the door of
the juryroom and handed to the foreman
a letter asking that he be allowed to ap
pear before the jury to answer all ques
tions which might be put to him In regard
to his complicity in any fraud or con
spiracy, but he affixed a clause to the
effect that he would not go before the
body unless he could be presented with the
case against him, and suggesting also that
he bo furnished with the names of the
witnessos testifying to his detriment. Ho
rIfo stipulated In his letter that he would
not go before the jury until all of the
case of the Government had been pre
sented. The letter was considered by the jury
and as a result the Senator was not called
to give his version during the forenoon",
us it had been promised to him that he
should. In the afternoon the Senator ap
peared again at the juryroom and asked
to be admitted, but was met at the door
by Assistant District Attorney Heney and
told that he could perhaps be allowed to
go before the jurors today at 2 o'clock.
Mr. Hermann also takes the same stand
as does the Senator and was given the
same answer when he applied for admis
sion yesterday afternoon.
Far From an Agreement.
The difference of opinion between Sen
ator Mitchell and Mr. Heney seems to
have taken a different turn and an agree
ment is no nearer reached than it was
in the first place. On December 38 Sen
ator Mitchell telegraphed Mr. Heney, stat
ing that he demanded that all charges
against him be fully investigated, and he
lurther demanded in bo many words that
he be allowed to appear before the jury
with his testimony. The telegram was as
Francis J. Heney. Assistant United States
Attorney-General: I will be In Portland Sat
urday morning next, and I demand a full in
vestigation by a grand Jury of any and all
charges, if any, against me. I ajso demand
the right to testify concerning the same before
the grand Jury. JOHN H. MITCHELL.
At the time the telegram was received it
tvaa understood that the Senator would be
accorded no more privilege than would be
given to any citizen, and this seems to
J"5.6" '""ilt df the conference
held between Senator Mitchell and Mr.
Heney on Saturday.
Before sending his letter to the jurv
Senator Mitchell wrote to Mr. Heney ap
prising him of the fact that he would
communicate with the jurors. This letter
vhlch was received Monday evening by
Mr. Heney, was as follows:
Portland, Dee. 26, 1004
Hon. Francis J. Heney, Assistant United States
District Attorney, Portland. Oregon-
Dear Slr-I will this evening, or tomorrow
morning, send to IV. H. II. TVade, foreman of
the Federal grand Jury, now in session In this
city, a letter of which the Inclosed is a
duplicate. I trust that you will agreo that I
should be accorded the privilege I ask. I am
ready and earnestly desire to go before the
grand Jury as oon as you have produced be
fore the Jury ail the evidence you have on the
part of the Government, but not until then.
Very respectfully, JOHN H. MITCHELL.
Writes Letter to Grand Jury.
At 10 o'clock yesterday morning the
Senator nppoared at the grand jury room
and asked for TV. H. H. "Wade, the fore
man. TVhen Mr. Wade responded to his
knock the Senator handed him the follow
ing letter:
Por0na. Or., Dec. 23, 1004. TV. H. H.
ale, &q.. Foreman Federal Grand Jury.
Portland. Or. Dear Sir: Street rumor in this
olty for the past ten days and press dispatches
from this city to all parts of the United States
re to the effect that I am being charged with
complicity with others in certain Oregon land
frauds, and that the jury of which you are the
foreman are investigating- ouch charges. I
have- heretofore requested of the prosecuting
officers. Hen. Francis J. Heney, Assistant
United States Dtetrlct Attorney, and Hon.
John H. Hall. United States District Attor
ney, the privilege of going before your body
for the purpose of answering, under oatb. any
charges that may have been lodged with your
body against me, which in any wise impli
cates me In any such frauds.
I. therefore, respectfully ask you, and
through you your associates composing the
Federal grand Jury now In session in this
city, the privilege of going before you for the
ourpose of answering, under oath, any and all-
such charges that may haTO been made just
as soon as the Government has concluded tak
ing of each testimony as it desires to bring
beiore you in support of any charges against
If. therefore, you will kindly advise me when
all such testimony has been submitted on the
part of the Government. J will then be ready to
go before you in answer to any such charges as
rnay be made, and I rocpeottully ask that on
my appearance before you at the close of the
Government's case, as above suggested, that
I then bo advised fully as to the precise
charges, if any, mde against me, and. of the
nature of the evidence submitted by the Gov
ernment in support thereof. And I also should
be. glad if not deemed improper by your ad
visors that the names of the witnesses making
the same be submitted to me at that time.
Sincerely trusting I will be accorded this
privilege, I am, very respectfully,
Strange Request, Says Heney.
Mr. Heney wag seen In regard to
whether or not the demands and requests
of the Senator would be allowed by him,
and consented to make a statement show
ing his attitude on the question. Hereto
fore Mr. Heney has disliked to speak for
publication on any matter in which the
future courso of the grand jury would
have a part, but in view of the fact that
Sonator Mitchell had himself raiaed the
question, he said:
I consider this a roost remarkable and
extraordinary request, under the circum
stances of the case. The grand Jury is an in
vestigating body, and in the very nature of
things no accusation Is made by it again? t
any person, until Jt has fully completed its
investigation, and then no accusation is made
unless the evidence which has been presented
to the grand Jury Justifies the finding of an
indictment in the opinion of at least 12 of its
I understand that Senator Mitchell la a law
yer of considerable experience, and he must
know that the custom of swearing members
of the grand Jury not to reveal anything that
takes place in the grand jury-room is based
on the gravest reasons of public policy, and
is very largely for the very purpose of not
making known the evidence in possession of
the Government, so that the ends of justice
cannot be defeated by the destruction or per
version of such evidence at the instance of
persons Indicted for crime.
Senator Mitchell will receive at my hands
the same privileges which I would accord un
der similar circumstances to the humblest cit
izen of the United States; and I will at all
times advise the grand Jury net to 'indict any
man, whother his position In society is high or
low, unless the evidence in the possession of
the Government is aufflolent In my Judgment
to warrant and sustain a conviction by a trial
jury; and I will advise the jury not to indict
upon the evidence of convictod persons, unless
their evidence Is corroborated hy othor evi
dence upon material points.
In these investigations the grand jury has
absolute power, by majority vote, to control
the manner of conducting them, and can per
mit Senator Mitchell or any other person to
appear before them at any time that they
deem expedient. Personally, X can see no rea
son for extending to Sonator Mitchell any
privileges other than those to which every
other citizen is entitled under similar circum
stances. I shall certainly not accord him any
privileges which are based upon the mere as
sumption that by reason of his official position
ho is entitled to more or other privileges than
other nonofflce-holdlng citizens possess.
Ready for Mitchell to Testify.
I told Senator Mitchell last Saturday that I
would gladly permit him to appear before the
grand Jury today at 2 o'clock, and that I
woud then and there examine him about all
the matters relating to which the Government
has evidence, and with which his name Is in
any way connected. I am still ready and
willing to accord him this privilege, and slnco
the recelpt.of his telegram from Washington
of date December 18, I have shaped the cvl
denco before the grand Jury and have sub
penaed witnesses with this end In view, so
that Senator Mitchell could testify beforo
the grand Jury about all facts wjthln
his knowledge relating to the matters
under investigation, at the earliest possible
moment after his arrival, and would thus be
enabled to return to Washington and attend
to those public duties which he pleaded were
too pressing and urgent to permit hlro to come
here and testify as a witness upon the trial
of Puter, McKlnloy et al.
No innocent man need fear this course of
procedure before tho grand Jurors who are
conducting these Investigations, and they are
the final Judges of the weight and value of the
evidence produced before them.
Evidence of Good Times as Reflected
by the Record of Ellers Piano House
Twenty-Four in One Little Town.
Many people who pass the busy estab
lishment of Ellers Piano Houso wonder
whore so many pianos and organs are
sold, and few stop to realize the immense
territory that is accessible to Portland
jobbing-houses and the thoroughly pros
perous condlton of most of this field
where Ellers Piano House and Its hus
tling representatives are looking after
The record of Mr. J. G. Gallagher, who
looks after the business Interests of the
Ellers House in Morrow County, can be
cited to illustrato this point. In one little
town alone, that of lone, he sold no loss
than 24 fine pianos and organs, all within
a v;ery short time, 15 being sold within a
few days. Most of the instruments arc
of the highest-priced stylos, valued at
$300 to $550, and were delivered to tho
following prominent citizens of that
place, vlz.z
A fine Kimball upright to Mr. Augustus
Another fine Kimball fancy, exhibition
style, to TV. R. Cochran;
Still another Kimball of similar size to
J. H. TVoolcry; '
And yet anothor to Mr. Seymour P.
And one of the boautlful Baileys was
secured by MIks Maud L. Akors;
And a similar one by Miss Alfa V.
Ganger; Still another Bailey was sold to
E. J. Pennington;
And a fourth of the Baileys to Mr. It.
A fine Schumann upright was bought
by Mr. Louis Balzlger.
The Public School Board secured a
fine Kimball for the lone School:
And two Esteys wcro sold to Mr. It. R.
Gabell and Mr. Fred Ritchie.
A Chlckerlng piano was sold to J. P.
And a Kenwood make to Mr. Frank
TVhilo one of the many-toned TVeser or
chestral pianos was selected by Mr. J. H.
A lovely Jacob Doll went to the home
of Mr. C C. Spcrry;
A handsome TVeser was purchased by
Mrs. Zeta King;
Another one of tho same make went to
the home of Jacob Boltzer.
A Chicago Cottage was purchased by
J. TV. Linn;
An E3tey organ was the choice of TV.
B. Nolan;
A Kimball was also the choice of Mr.
R. N. Hyman;
Tho first Clarendon eold in lone went
to the home of T. N. TVilson;
A TVhltnoy & Homer was Mr. Edw.
Yates choice.
And another Clarendon was purchased,
being the choice of B. F. Akers.
Eilers Piano Houso secures its business
from the "Western boundaries of Wyo
ming and Montana, through the State of
Idaho to "Washington and Oregon, and
while most of the retail business Is han
dled from the retail establishment on
Park and "Washington streets, nearly all
of tho business to the interior Is looked
after direct from tho wholesale estab
lishment at their big brick warehouses
on the corner of Thirteenth and Marshall
street where carloads of pianos are be
ing unloaded and loaded for shipment al
most daily now.
Holiday Beach Rates.
For the holidays the O. R. & N. makes
the very low rate of Ji.OO for round trip
to beach points. Dates of sale, December
23 and 30. Final limit, January 3. Par
ticulars of C TV. Stinger, City Ticket
Agent, Third and "Washington streets.
H. S. Ellison Declares People
Hate Their Country.
Lecturer Who Lived Many Years . In
Russia Draws Morbid Pictures of
Conditions There Says Peas
ants Are- Yet Barbarians.
Forced to fight, tho wounded Russian
soldier lies on the battlefield cursing the
country for which he has given his blood.
The Russian peasant of today is the same
barbarian and degenerate that existed in
his country centuries ago; the passing
time has not served to dull the edge of
the savage cruelty so traditional of the
Slav. He lives a life of total depravity,
"Into which there does not enter one sin
gle enlightening ray, and invariably hates
the country he lives in.
These were tho declarations made by
Herbert S. Ellison, lecturer and poet, who
spoke in the Y. M. C. A. auditorium last
night on "The Empire of the Czar and
the Russian People."
Mr. Ellison's lecture was based on per-
The best advertisement for the 1805 Fair that Oregon's people can send to
their friends in the East, will bo a copy of the New Year's Oregonlan that
will be published Monday morning next.- The illustrations of the beautiful Ex
position buildings and the Exposition ground will bo made a special feature
of the New Year's number. The paper wliL be mailed to any address in the
United States or Canada, pojtage prepaid, for 10 cents a copy. Address The
Oregonlan, Portland, Or.
A- ..
sonal knowledge of the country, gained
and acquired by him during his long resi
dence within the boundaries of the Rus
sian Empire. He spoko with that earn
estness which comes from a thorough
knowledge of the subject, and during his
lecture painted a word picture of Russia
as it i3 today. that was In itself an edu
cation for his hearers.
In speaking of tho deplorable condition
In which the Russian peasantry exists, he
"There- is not a tribe, nor a remnant of
. tribe, living within the confines and
boundaries of the Russian Empire that
has not suffered at Russia's hands; there
is not a single people to be found in tho
Russian Empire of non-Russian extrac
tion that do not hate her.
Not In the March of Progress.
"With very few exceptions, the Russian
of today is like his wild progenitor of the
early Roman times, and little does it mat
tor that so many centuries have- passed
and so much advancement has been made
Tales of the Street and Town
The Strange Adventures of Billy Buckland.
Billy Buckland is back from the Gulf
of Anadir. Billy looks ruddy and rugged,
but ho says he Is 20 years older and stiffcr
than when he stowed away on tho Elder
in OT for a free passage to Skagway.
"Make your pile, Billy?" I asked.
"Pard," roplled Billy, regarding me
with great earnestness, "I had the equiv
alent of a million dollars in the palm of
my hand once. I lost it, and I've come
back flat broke, as regards the lucre but
I'm rich enough to wallow In luxuries all
the rest of my life Tu-shar-uk?"
"TVell. the luxuries I mean to enjoy are
sidewalks, morning papers in a warm
reading-room, fresh potatoes, red apples,
a clean shirt (sometimes), a gallery-seat
at the show, a beer, with music beer!
Think of It! And tho sight of a white
woman's face, kids on the street, a cigar
like this, a spring-bed, and pillows
and "
"Yes, I 'tu-shar-uk'; but what about
that million dollars?"
"Pard, its a long yarn. I could spin it
from here to Point Barrow, but I'll re
duce it to just a doublc-half-hltch over a
bolayin' pin.
"You know that oak-ribbed dory-lighter
I bought from Lane at Nome, Spring of
'01? TVell, me and my brother and Dan
Hall, an ex-wbalerman, decked her, put
in a cabin and cockpit and a couple of
stout slicks, and rigged her for a sloop.
TVe had a devll-of-a-job gettin' cleared
from Nome. Cap Jarvls said:
" 'Where you goin'?'
" 'Capo Romanzof, Bristol Bay, Unga,
Holy Cross Bay and all points In Bering
Sea,' says I.
" 'These Alaska prospectors are all
crazy ' says Cap. "Nono of you can
navigate; these waters are hell In "Win
ter, and you'll never come back. How do
you expect to get along, anyway?'
" 'Christopher Columbus had a com
pass, an old tub of a craft, and no chart.
I've a boat that will turn double-sum
mersaults, a good
Compass and a Gov
ernment chart, and
If I can't go 'round
this old pond as well
as old Chris crossed
tho Atlantic, you can
tag mo for a Hoosler
"Well, he let us
clear, and we went
to sra. Shaped a
course straight for
Ihc steamer Charles
D. Lane, aground be
low the mouth of the
Yukon. Found her,
got alongside in the
night, watchman
asleep in the cabin,
locked him In, helped
Billy Buckland, the twelves to every
luxurloos. ln5 wanted on
board, filling every
cubic half-Inch left for cargo on the
'Holl-bent' (that was the name of our
boat); dropped a saw and augur through
a port hole, so the watchman could help
himself out, and got away beforo dawn,
without his ever, having had a glimpse of
us. TVe hit every out-of-the-way Injun
village from Good Nows Bay clean to the
end of the Aleutian Archipelago, trading
with the natives, and tumbling and toss
ing through tho stormiest TVinter in them
frightful waters.
"Back to Dutch Harbor in the Spring
of "02, we had to count out my brother.
He'd been hurt by the stove breakln
loose from its lashin's one gale.
"That was an awful time. Tho stove
tore from end to end of that little four-by-nlne-foot
cabin, smashln everything.
It was too lively and heavy to hold fact
was we had been havln' all we could do
to keep ourselves from floppln" from beam
to beam and fore and aft. My brother
got both arms broke before Dan and I
got a turn with a rope 'round the stove.
"Got a tip at Dutch Harbor 'bout buckets-full
of nuggets somewhere in from
the head of Holy Cross Bay, which emp
ties Into the Gulf of Anadir, coast of
Siberia. Outfitted for a year's prospect
in', and mo and Dan sailed them SOO miles
straight to that bay, gettin there in
"We traded some on the coast, and got
a bunch of nine-foot whalebone from the
Chuk-chees they're a bad lot but one of
us always kept on watch wltha 00-40.
Then we heard something that made us
think the 'money-rock' was 'way 'round
on tho north side at the head of a river
putting' into Kolluchin Bay. So we drove
tho Hell-bent sou-east to Bald Head, and
by tho human race in progress and civ
ilization. "The Russian of today is capable of com
mitting Just as many monstrous and out-,
rageous crimes as his sire of old. Na
tions, like children, grow and develop firsf
their physical nature, then the mental,
moral and spiritual strength, but it is
only the physical part of her national be
ing that Prussia has developed so far."
In speaking of the present war, Mr. El
lison can see nothing but the downfall of
Russia, and attributes this to the lack of
any civilizing force. In tills connection,
he said:
Dying Call Imprecations.
"Forced, the young man of the many
races, tribes and peoples will march with
the countless regiments of tho Czar to
meet an untimely death in China, in
Manchuria, in Turkey, or elsewhere, but
when dying, far away from their native
homes, relatives, families and friends,
victims of Russian tyranny, despotism
and oppreslon, oven while fighting In her
behalf, they will not forgive her. and
with their last breath will they pray to
Heaven for her destruction for injuries
sustained, "wounds received, and suffer
ings endured from the cruel and heartless
Muscovite." .
Increased Business at Sub-Station A
Causes Change.
Substation A, of the local postofflce,
will be removed from 131 Grand avenue to
92 Grand avenue, on January 1. The new
location will bo in the Model drugstore
and Dr. H. TV. Little will be the clerk in
charge of the station.
Feeling that the increasing work of the
station required more attention than he
could devote to it, J. TV. SIngletary, the
present clerk, tendered his resignation a
short time ago, with the request that he
be relieved on January 1. The depart
ment has just accepted the resignation
and wired Postmaster John TV. Mlnto
yesterday to -make the necessary trans
fer. The new location will provide larger
quarters for Station A.
Watchmen at Academy Gates Can
not Stop All Contraband.
ANNAPOLIS, Md., Dec. 27. The Naval
Academy authorities discovered that prep
arations for tho drinking of a large
amount of Intoxicants during the holidays
had been made by some of tho midship
men, the liquor to bo obtained through
academy attendants. "Watchmen wore
placed at the gates to inspect persons
east to Indian Point, then straight nor'
east through Bering Strait, follerln' closo
in the Ice pack goln back with the Sum
mer' current. East Cape on the port bow,
we headed nor'west with fair winds, clean
to Kolluchin Bay, gettin' there July 4.
way a head of any whaler in the Arctic
that year.
"It was the Fourth, so we run up an
Uncle Sam's- necktie, fired the 30-40, and
put dead low tide on our last pint of
Dutch Harbor Hootch.
"Wo was kltln' along, nico upder jib,
and main and fous'le, when we sighted an
Injun boat Just to lec'ard. Nobody seemed
to bo in it and we overhauled it in no
time. TVhat d'ye think we found? An
old whiskers of a white man, 'bout all In
for shortage of grub, dirty and 'bout half
covered with ragged old reindeer skins for
clothes. He seemed scared to death at
first, but too weak to put up a fight. Then
he caught sight of our Fourth-o'-July col
ors and I thought he had 'em in the coco.
He threw up his hands, uttered a funny
bark of a cry and fainted dead away. TVe
got him aboard, brought him to, and in a
couple of days he was In pretty good
"Who was he?"
"That man was an escaped Siberian po
litical convict. He'd had his tongue ampu
tated, but understood Chuk-Chee, and
Dan knew that, like his mother lingo, for
ho had a Chuk-Chee wife once, so we got
his whole history and details of his es
cape by as-kin' him questions that he could
answer with a shako or a ood of the head.
One day ho was 'slz'n' up our stove and
seemed all at once much Interested. He
mado a fuss and kept polntln to tho stove
and to himself, makin signs. TVe guessed
all sorts of things, to which he only
shook his head. Finally Dan asked him:
" 'Do you mean that you can make iron
like what that stoi'e is made of?'
"Ho nodded his head and grinned. Dan
jumped up so quick he bumped hla head
against a deck-beam.
" 'Know what that means, Bill?' he yells
to me. 'That's why his tongue's cut out.
He's a life convict who must have been
workln' in one o' them big Russian iron
manufactories in tho Siberian iron region.
Russian Iron- is tho moat wondorful Iron
in' tho world; tough as wrought, and it
won't rust Russian government secret,
guarded like the Czar's hide. There's a
standing reward from English and Amer
ican manufactories of 51,000,000 for that
"Maybe we didn't take extra care to be
nice to our friend after that. He promised
to glvo us the formula, but we didn't
hurry him 'bout wrltln it out. He was a
Moscow Jew, by tho way. TVe decided to
put back for Nome, as grub was too short
for threo and we'd 'bout concluded there
wa'n't much in the tip 'bout the nuggets.
"One morning, just as we rounded Cape
Serdze, we run smack in sight of a Rus
sian cutter, comin' north, early, to catch
poachers. TVe sheered off quick, and Lev
inofsky seemed to go wild with fear.
" 'Get him to write out tho formula
quick,' says L and Dan talked to him in
Chuk-Chee, and gave him. a pencil and
Meanwhile the Russian spotted us and
changed her course. Levinofsky sat on
the cabin roof staring at the cutter. He
looked desperate and made signs that he
would jump in the sea before the Rus
sians came up. The brands on his hands
and forehead, he knew, would give him
away. All at onco he began to write as
fast as ho could work his stiff old hands.
The cutter came on, signalled, then fired
a shot across our bows. Just as Dan was
sayln" 'It's no use, and I was puttln'the
wheel over, the Russian cut loose again.
Tho shot carried away our starboard maln
riggin', part of the port fore-rlggln', halt
the cabin-roof and all that was mortal of
poor old Levinofsky. The note-book and
pencil went, too.
"Dan and I put up a bluff to the Rus
sians when they overhauled us. Made 'cm
think we belonged to the new Russian
American East Siberian Development out
fit, out scoutln for 'em. They got us both
drunk on their Russian hootch, then when
we got sober we found they'd repaired our
boat, so we were glad to cut loose and get
across to Uncle Sam's waters.
"The Hellbent, after two years Iam
bastin', wasn't good for much more, so
we sold her to a Chechaco outfit at Nome
for double what she cost us. Then we hit
faro for a month before It hit us back In
the S. Plexus. I worked my passage to
Seattle on a lumber bark, and here I am,
whero I shall stay, rolling in luxuries for
the rest of my life." LUTE PEASE.
coming In, and were successful In finding
considerable quantities of liquor, which
was confiscated. A quantity of it was
smuggled in, however, and several ban
quets were Interrupted in different quar
ters. As a result, the prison ship Santo
is full of offending midshipmen, and
three have been recommended for dis
Nothing Will Be Done in Chadwick
Affair for Some Days.
CLEVELAND, Dee. ?7. Contrary to ex
pectation, the Inquiry In connection with
tho Chadwick receivership case was not
resumed today. Recolver Loescr stated
that nothing more would be done in the
matter for several davs.
"Wo have definitely located the trunk
and satchel that were taken from the
Holland House, In Now York," said Mr.
Looser today, "and they will be brought
here within a day or two. Aside from
wearing apparel, thero is, I understand,
little of value In cither the trunk or the
satchel." Continuing, Mr. Loeser, said:
"Wo had today intended to examine
Henry TVuerst, the Elyria, O., jeweler,
who holds about 520,000 worth of Mrs.
Chadwlck's jewels as security for a loan.
Wuerst has made a full statement of
just what ho holds, however, and has ex
pressed his willingness to surrender them
whenever the loan is made good. The
jewels will be appraised later, but the
impression is that they are worth no more
than the sum advanced by TVuerst to
Mrs. Chadwick.
Odeil Will Prevent Delay.
NEWBURGII. N. Y., Dec. 27. Governor
Odcll, whon told at his home here of tho
delay at Albany In granting an extradi
tion warrant for the arrest of Dr. Chad
wick, said:
"It is the dcfilre of the executive de
partment of the State of New York to
act In entire harmony with the Ohio of
ficials in this matter, and I will see per
sonally that there Is no unnecessary de
lay." Purchase of Pearl Harbor.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 27. Word comes
from Honolulu that tho United States
has paid over tho sum of $SO,000 to the
owners of lands at Pearl Harbor, com
pleting tho purchase of the land desired
thero for the proposed naval station.
Governor Carter has named Delegate to
Congreso Kalanlanaole. Secretary of the
Territory A. L. C. Atkinson and W. L.
Hall as Hawalia's delegates to the Ameri
can Forest Congress, which is to meet
in Washington on January 2. Hall Is a
forester of tho National Bureau, who vis
ited Hawaii some time ago to report on
conditions here.
Secretary Atkinson has sold a second
Jl.000,000 of Hawaiian bonds for J1C00
premium, slightly better than the last
sale. They run 15 years and bear 44 per
cent Interest.
Honolulu sportsmen arc discussing the
enactment of a game law to protect tho
game on this Island. The agitation Is a
result of a recent trip of some dove hunt
ers, who shot over 2000 birds in a morn
ing's hunt.
Not In With Patterson.
J. H. Mooro, who served as a Deputy
Sheriff under William A. Storey, com
plains that he has recently ben mixed
up with J. B. Moore, who is associated
in business with the notorious Bob Pat
terson. J. H. Moore says he desires his
friends to understand that he is not
in partnership with Patterson and that
the report that he is the other Moore
has caused him more trouble than anything-
that has happened for a long
time past, and he will be glad when he
hears tho last of it.
If nbr Is Cut One Twtfa.
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Mrs. Wlns!owa Soothlnj Syrup, for ehU4ra
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Dr. B. E. Wright, the Painless Dentist,
will give away the $900 Automobile on
Thursday evening, Dec. 29, at the Lyric
Theater, corner 7th and Alder streets, at
7:30 o'clock, P. M. Be sure and be
present with your coupons, as it will pos
itively be given to some coupon-holder
in the house. Come now to have dental
work done and get coupons.
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