Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 28, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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    the morning orbgonia??, Wednesday, December .28, 1904
Tho Oresonlaa' Telephone.
Counting-Room .... Main C07
Uan&pln? Editor - Main 638
Sunday Editor Main G233
City Editor - Main ICS
Society Editor Main 235
Composlng-Room ....Main 683
Superintendent Building Red 2826
East Side Office East CI
bet. 6th and 7tb) Tonlcht at 8:15 o'clock,
Maxine Elliott.
COLUMBIA THEATER 14th and Washlnston)
Tonlcht at 8:15, 'The Charity Ball."
EMPIRE THEATER. 12th and Morrison)
Tonight at 8:15. "Yon Xonson."
GRAND THEATER tPark and Washington)
Continuous vaudeville. 2 to 10:30 P. M.
6TAR THEATER (Park and Washington)
Continuous vaudeville, 2 to 10:30 P. M.
BAKER THEATER (Third and Yamhill)
i ......i in. t.n irt-9ft r M
ARCADE THEATER (7tH ana v asninKUW
Continuous vaudeville. 2 to 10:30 P. M.
BIJOU THEATER (Sixth, near Alder) Con
tinuous vaudeville from 2:30 to 10:30 P. M.
LYRIC THEATER (cor. Alder and 7th) Con
tinuous vaudeville from 2:30 to 10:30 P. M.
Installation of Officers. Officers of
Portland LKxJge No. 65, the largest Masonic
Lodge of Oregon, were installed with im
pressive ceremonies by Past Grand Master
Judge J. B. Cleland last evening. Offi
cers elected and appointed for the ensu
ing Masonic year were: Frank H. Lewis,
roaster; Felix Frlcdlander, senior warden;
Henry L. Pittock, junior warden; F. C
Wasserman, senior deacon; F. T. Drake,
junior deacon; I. "Wr. Pratt, secretary; J.
E. AVerlein, treasurer; E. G. Jones, senior
steward; Charles Noon, junior steward;
M. D. Young, tyler. The ceremonies were
made particularly impressive by the pres
entation of past master's jewels by the
lodge to past mastery It. L. Sampson, who
has filled In a very able manner the office
of master of the lodge for the year just
closed, having passed through all the
chairs, and Dr. O. P. S. Plummer. Dr.
Plummer, who was master of Portland
Lodge for three successive years, stands
high in Masonry, and the honor just con
ferred on him by his lodge will be ap
preciated by the Masonic fraternity gen
erally throughout the state.
Death of Mrs. Mart A. Ikeman. Mrs.
Mary A. Jkeman, wife of J. C. Ikeman,
state organizer for the Modern Foresters,
died at the family residence, 613 Overton
street, Monday at 12:30 P. M. Mrs. Ike
roan was a member of ML Hood Circle No.
151. Women of "Woodcraft, and Portland
Lodge No. 102, of the Modern Foresters.
Mr. Ikeman was in Eastern Washington
at the time his wife passed away, not ar
riving until yesterday. Mrs. Ikeman has
keen a constant but patient sufferer for
several months pasL She leaxes behind,
her to mourn her loss a husband and
three small children. She was a member
of the First Christian Church.
New Building Land. The Basmussen
tract of 20 acres, immediately west of
Mount Tabor, was sold yesterday to A. E.
Jackson for 320,000. The property has been
used for farm and orchard purposes. It
formerly belonged to Hans Basmussen
and was sold by Mrs. Kirsten Basmussen,
his widow, who has moved, -to Sweden
since the death of her husband. The prop
erty will be turned by Mr. Jackson into
a. building tracL He will lay water mains
and place a pumping plant to secure the
force of water. Street will be graded and
sidewalks laid before Spring.
Concert at Seamen's Institute, An
interesting concert will be given at the
Seamen's Institute on Wednesday, De
cember 28, under the direction of Mrs.
Ella Jones. The programme will include
readings by Florence Dalton and Alice
PIckthorn, songs by Ella Francis Hoberg.
Mrs. T. H. C. Miller, Dr. Keefer and
Charles Setto, piano solos by Lillian
Voatch, AlicCfilsley and Hazel Spears, and
a violin solo by Miss Cornelia Barker.
Treat for Aid Society Children. The
boys and girls of the Receiving Home of
the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society received
a fine Christmas treat last evening at tho
home on East Glisan streeL A tree well
loaded with presents was placed in a large
room, end after an entertainment the
presents were distributed to the waifs.
Superintendent Gardner saw that every
child was remembered. .
Christmas Festivities at Grace
Church. The Grace M. B. Sunday school
-will hold its Christmas festivities tonight
at 7:30 P. M. The Epworth League will
entertain the children with a cantata en
titled, "Mother Goose and Her Children."
Members of the school, old and young, are
expected to be present Parents are most
coraially invited to come with their chil
Dinner at Men's Resort. There will
be a Christmas dinner for about 200 men
who visit the Men's Resort today at the
new building at Fourth and Burnside
streets. The dinner will be furnished and
served by the various Presbyterian
churches of Portland, and will be com
plete in every detail.
The Creditors' Sale of the stock of
books, calendars, stationery, of the EL G.
McKean Co continues at Fourth and
Yamhill streets, Ewing's book store, at
tin greater cuts in prices. A good time
to add to your library or remember your
irionas out In the woods.
Bor Arrested for Burguuit. De
tectives Kerrigan and Snow yesterday ar
rested Lewis Marshall on a charge of
Burglarizing a store at Nanavine. Wash
The prisoner is a mere boy, being but 17
years or age. His home is at Wheeling.
W. Va.
Barnes' Market, 103-107 Third street.
wants four butchers; one general market
roan. Must be first-class and furnish good
reference. Others need not apply. Call
Between 12 and 6 P. M. today.
No T. P. A. Banquet. The banauet to
ke given by the T. P. A. on Friday night
nas oeen postponed indefinitely.
No One Can Afford to Miss the rare
money-saving opportunity presented at
-Kosentnars Inventory sale.
Rosenthal's, 149 Third street, have
jauncnea tne greatest shoe sale in the his
tory of Portland.
Fred dispensary ior worthy poor Tues.
IThurs.. SaL. 1 P. M.. St Vincent's Hosp.
The Great Shoe Sale at Rosenthal's
is drawing crowds of eager buyers.
"Whito." H. Claussens & Son, plumb-
ira. -sio wasmngton. Alain 2475.
.Dr. C. W. Barr. Dentist, 817 Dekum.
B. B. Rich Curio Store fe selling ouL
Ben Greet Company Wili Assist Baby
The Ben Greet company of players, be
sides doing missionary work in the field
of art, will this week do philanthroplo
work' for the Baby Home. They will give
four performances of the Christmas-time
play, "The Star of Bethlehem." at the
Marquam Theater, and a liberal percent
age of tho receipts for each performance
will be given the Baby Home. Tickets
which can be exchanged for reserved
seats at the box office of the theater are
being sold at Woodard, Clarke &. Com
pany's drug store, at the S. G. Skidmore
drug store and by the following ladies:
Mrs. Charles E. Sltton, 493 Yamhill
street; Mrs. E. F. Riley, 455 Morrison
street; Mrs. Hannah Robertson, Fifth and
Yamhill streets; Mrs. Norris R. Cox,
Thirty-second and Thurman streets; Mrs.
John Stewart, 340 Montgomery street;
Mrs. David Dalglelsh, 303 Twelfth street;
Mrs. O. M. Scott. 320 East Morrison
street; Judge H. H. Northup. Washing
ton building; F. S. Akin. 623 Chamber of
Commerce; A. L. Keenan. Milwaukie and
Powell streets.
Revival Services Begin Sunday.
The union revival services, for which
plans have been in progress for some
time, will begin next Sunday, under the
leadership of Dr. Ralph Glllum, of Low
ell. Mass. These services will be partici
pated in by. all the evangellcaHchurches
of this city and will be made a strong
feature in the present crusade against
vice In Portland.
It has been arranged to hold the even
ing services in the First Congregational
Church, and the afternoon meetings in
the Taylor-Street Methodist Church.
Should the attendance prove greater
than the capacity of these churches,
overflow meetings will be provided for in
other churches. An especial feature of
the meetings will be a musical pro
gramme rendered by a large choir.
Dr. Glllum, who will have charge of
the meetings, is one of the prominent
evangelists of the country and. has met
with great success in his work in differ
ent parts of the "United States.
Steps Taken In United States Court
to Protect the Purchasers of Hermi
tage and Old Crow Whiskeys.
The Federal courts of this state wero
called upon about two or three years
ago to consider a series of cases of
great importance with relation to
spurious goods that were being sold un
der labels of concerns of high stand
ing in the commercial world. Cigars,
bottled whiskeys bearing the labels of
prices commanded by the superior arti
cle, whereas they were only imitations.
The cases were disposed of and some of
the local dealers found themselves In a
Now there are two detectives working
in the city on similar cases. They have
covered a wide fiold all the way from
New York. They have been buying whis
keys sold as Hermitage and Old Crow
and sending them back to New York for
analysis, and these samples return start
ling evidences of fraud. It is demon
strated beyond doubt that a wholesale
Imposition upon the public is being car
ried on. Many samples of the spurious
goods have been collected in this city and
tho names of the dealers recorded who
are selling whiskeys labeled Hermitage
and Old Crow that are counterfeits on tho
real article.
The detectives are employed by W. A
Gaines & Co., distillers of these brands,
and are collecting evidence that will bo
submitted at the proper time after the
cases are filed in the United States Court.
It is evident that many dealers have
reaped a harvest by the sale of cheap
goods under high-class labels who will
now suffer for their past misdeeds and
the fraud they have imposed upon
the public It Is very commendable in
tho Hermitage and Old Crow distilleries
to go to this enormous expense In collect
ing evidence against fraudulent liquor
dealers who are using Hermitage and Old
Crow labels on cheap whiskeys, and they
will be prosecuted to the full extent of
the law. The general public will make
no mistake In buying these whiskeys
when the Government stamp is over the
cork on the bottle, or when these whis
keys are bottled by a reputable dealer
with the name of the firm printed on the
Instrument Is Ready to Be Submitted
to the People.
The new charter for SL Johns is com
pleted and ready for submission to the
Council, and then to the people of that
new city. Councllmen T. J. Monahan,
C. D. Hughes and W. H. Hurlburt, spe
cial committee appointed by the Council
to have this charter prepared, are ready
to make their report.
In the last Installment provisions are
made for acquiring and operating water
and light plants, and other public utili
ties, but never without vote of the people.
Under the provisions of the article au
thorizing acquisition of any public util
ity it requires a two-thirds vote of the
electors where It is necessary to issue
bonds to pay for the utilities acquired.
It is forbidden to issue bonds in excess
of 10 per cent of the assessed valuation
of the city property, and a sinking fund
Is required.
Under the now charter the city govern
ment will be able to purchase grounds for
a city hall and erect the building, to
secure grounds for public parks and to
purchase apparatus for the Fire Depart
ment It is estimated that SL Johns al
ready has a population of over 2000 and
It Is rapidly growing, as shown by the
Increase of school enrollment Now that
the charter is completed, it remains for
the people to approve it and then get it
through the Legislature. The latter will
be easy enough after the first has been
Opens Next Monday Morning at Mar
quam Theater.
Ignace Paderewski was only 18 years of
age when he was nominated a teacher of
piano and technique in the Warsaw Con
servatory of Music at Warsaw, Poland.
The elevation of one so young to such a
responsible position in the conservatory
was an unheard-of tiling and It caused
wide comment at the time. But the
young Pole proved well his abilities to fill
the place. For eleven years he had con
tinuously studied the piano with Sowinski,
at Padolia; bad taken a course In har
mony with Ragouskl and Kiel, of Berlin.
He also devoted much study to Latin his
tory, science. Polish history and general
literature. But all this did not satisfy
his ambitions, and he took up a three
years' course of highest technical practice
with Leschetitzky, of Vienna. Through
years of severest practice he became the
greatest of contemporary pianists.
Paderewski now returns to this country
on a" concert tour, and will be heard In
this city Wednesday evening, January 4,
1903, at the Armory. The advance sale of
seats will open next Monday morning,
January 2, In the lobby of the Marquam
Grand Theater.
John W. Bankson Expires Suddenly
of Heart Disease.
John Wesley Bankson, a veteran actor,
who came here from New York about two
months ago, expired very suddenly of
heart disease at the residence of his sis-ter-In-law,
Mrs. E. Bell, 32S Grand avenue,
yesterday morning.
Mr. Bankson, with his wife, Mary Bank
son, the well-known actress, came to Port
land early In the Fall in the hdpe that
this climate might prolong his life. For a
time he showed marked improvement; and
Mrs. Bankson. who had been his constant
attendant entered the Columbia stock
company, playing character parts. His
Improvement was only temporary, how
ever, and although his death was very
sudden it was not 'unexpected.
Mr. Bankson was 5S years of age and
had spent most of his life on the stage.
No funeral arrangements have yet been
Mr. William. Lee Greenleaf, whose ex
perience as a public speaker and imper
sonator well qualifies him for work as a
teacher, will have charge of the class in
public speaking at the Young Men's Chris
tion Association night school during the
Winter months, beginning January 2.
Not a Personal Gift.
PORTLAND, Dec. 27. (To the Editor.) In
a recent Issue In the City News In Brief it
was reported that Mrs. D. Foley donated the
statuo of SL Patrick. To the contrary, the
Irish-speakin? members of the parish and
.their friends presented the statue. Mr. "Dan
iel Foley had originated the Idea and worked
for lta realization. F. GREGORY, Pastor."
Names of Two Officers Alleged to
Have Been Carried On Payrolls
by Chief While Men Were on
Pleasure Trip.
The state .grand jury Is still engaged
In Investigating charges against Chief of
Police Hunt In relation to his having
carried Sergeant L. G. Carpenter and
Humane Officer Joseph F. Reslng on the
police pay-roll last Summer while they
attended the races at Irvington track,
Salem. Walla Walla and Boise City.
Captain of Police Grltzmacher was a
witness before the grand jury yesterday,
also Archie Leonard, stenographer and
clerk of the Chief of Police.
Policemen Not Blamejess.
M. B. Keefer, an attorney, was also a
witness in this same matter and, after
leaving the grand Jury room, Mr. Keefer
remarked that the two officers mentioned
are not above reproach. Other witnesses
called bofore the grand jury yesterday
were George W. McCoy and Councilman
C. E. Rumelin. Subpenas have been is
sued commanding the attendance of Of
ficers Carpenter and Reslng.
The grand jury is also investigating a
charge, preferred by Mr. Holllster, against
Nicholas M. Bern, a lawyer. Holllster
avers that Bern collected $25 due him on
notes and did not atfeount to him for
the money. The grand Jury previously
looked Into the case and, it is reported,
were satisfied with the explanation made
by Bern. .
Holllster has renewed his complaint
and, yesterday, he brought Ernest E.
Merges, an attorney, with him as a
What the Press Agents Say.
A Very Fine Production at the Co
lumbia Theater.
"The Charity Ball," the Christmas week
offering at the Columbia Theater, which
runs all this week, with Saturday matinee,
and ends at Saturday night's perform
ance, is really the most beautiful play
ever brought out at the holiday time in
New York. Henry De Mille is an Incom
parable artist in words and he never did
better than in the fine dialogue and strong
situations of this play. Wrapt in an at
mosphere of Christmas cheer, touching
the heart with generous emotion, bringing
to mind the charities extended by tho rich
to the poor at this joyous season, and also
telling an extremely attractive talc of deep
love among the higher walks of society;
all this added to and embellished by David
Belasco's wonderful stage art "The Char
ity Ball," Is perhaps the most beautiful
play that has been written or produced In
the last 20 years.
It is the general opinion of those who
have attended the Columbia already that
the Columbia Stock Company Is presenting
this lovely play this week in Portland
quite as well in every way as Daniel
Frohman's Lyceum Theater Company first
presented it in New York, when David
Belasco was his stage manager. No one
should miss It here this week. Every
member of the Columbia company is espe
cially suited In some excellent part
Charming Maxine Elliott in Delight
ful Comedy at the Marquam. .
Tonight at S:15 o'clock the last perform
ance of the beautiful American actress,
Maxine Elliott, in Clyde Fitch's comedy.
"Her Own Way," will be given at the
Marquam Grand Theater. This is one of
the most delightful dramatic offerings
Portland has had this season and should
be seen by all lovers of the good in dra
matic art
"Yon's" Farewell Tonight.
Tonight will be the last opportunity to
see the greatest of all American-Swedish
comedies, "Yon Yonson," at the Empire
Theater. All throughout this clever char
acter study Yon Is treatedt as natural and
a human being not as a monkey. He Is
not burlesqued, as Is the case in many of
the modern dialect plays, but the humor
Is derived through the employment of legi
timate methods. David Brattstrom, a
Swedish-American actor of youth, ability
and good looks, is the new Yon Yoason
this year, and his associates in the com
pany are all well known.
"The Last Word."
"The Last Word," Augustin Daly's
greatest comedy is in preparation for the
bill at the Columbia Theater to follow
"The Charity Ball.". Ada Rehan and
John Drew made one of their greatest
hits in this play on Broadway, New York
It will have a fine production at the Co
lumbla. It Is a scintillating comedy.
Advance Sale Today.
. The sale of seats for "The Star of Beth
lehem," to be given at the Marquam
Grand next Friday and Saturday after
noons and nights, begins this morning. So
appropriate to the holiday season Is this
beautiful miracle play and so strongly
does it appeal to children as well as the
grown-ups that four performances will be
given In all, two matinees and two even
ings. The play Is just the thing for young
folks to be taken to as a holiday treat
and as for older theater-goers they are
bound to be charmed by the poetry and
romance of this narrative of the first
Christmas. Special attention is. paid to the
music, which will include some of the
most popular and notable of the old Eng
lish Christmas carols.
Williams and Walker.
The advance sale of seats will open
next Friday morning at 10 o'clock for the
famous colored comedians, Williams and
Walker, who come to the Marquam Grand
Theater as the New Year's attraction
next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
nights, January 2, 3 and 4, with a special
Wednesday matinee, in their latest sue
cess, "In Dahomey."
Sale of Seats Tomorrow.
"The Show Girl," which appears at the
Empire Theater all next week, starting
Sunday matinee, also with a special mat
inee Monday, which is a legal holiday, is
one of B. C Whitney's attractions, and
this alone is a guarantee of a first-class
entertainment for the patrons of tho Em
plre. Mr. Whitney is known throughout
tho theatrical field as being one of the
best producers of the day. At the Majestic
Theater, New York City, he has had an
other musical extravaganza, entitled the
'Isle of Spice." which he has recently
sent on the road, after a successful run of
150 nights at that theater, where It did a
phenomenal business and which has
caused no end of interest in the musical
line. Mr. Whitney has spared no amount
of expense in making "The Show Girl" an
attraction equal to the "Isle of Spice"
In splendor and scenic beauty. Tho com
pany numbers 60 people, with a carload
of magnificent scenery and electrical ef
fects. Marie Heath Tomorrow Night. ,
That delightful pastoral Idyll, "For
Mother's Sake," with the little sunbeam,
Mario Heath, la the principal character,
win De seen at tne empire aneater to
morrow night and the remainder of this
week, with a regular matinee Saturday. It
Is a perfect page from life," whose every
speech rings true; an unvarnished picture
of Just plain folks; a play whose situa
tions are so natural, whose scenic em
bellishments are so true to nature, that
you forget you are gazing at a play and
imagine you are looking "upon a bit of
real life. Such a play is "For Mothers
Sake," and that it will continue to draw
the amusement-loving thousands for years
to come is a foregone conclusion.
Alexander Concert Tomorrow.
One of the bright recollections of
Christmas week, when the season's musi
cal events are compared, will be the fare
well concert tomorrow evening at tne
White Temple. Twelfth and Taylor
streets, to mark the departure for Paris
next month, of Arthur L Alexander,
tenor. The singers and the selections
they will give will please different
tastes, and it will also be an Interesting
musical event, where several musical
debuts will be made. Mr. Alexander has
sung at private musicales since he ar
rived in Portland, but never In public,
and another debutante is Mrs. William
A. Knight, planlste. The 0rpheu3 male
chorus, Mr. Alexander, conductor, will
make Its premiere, as also will a quartet
composed of Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer, Mrs.
Walter Reed, A. L Alexander and Dom
J. Zan. These singers will also contrib
ute individual numbers. Other singers
who will be heard with kindly Interest
are Mrs. Fletcher Linn, soprano, and
Mrs. Anna Selkirk Norton, contralto.
Tickets are now on sale at Walter
Reed's store. No seats will be reserved.
Arabs Pack the Gran'd.
The Shelk-HadJI-Tahar Arabs have
proved to be the greatest vaudeville at
traction which this city has ever known.
They are not merely acrobats of the high
est excellence, but they are true repre
sentatives of life in the Far East and they
show the religion and customs of their
people in a most graphic and Interesting
manner. Their Dervish dance, given at
each performance by the chief of the ag
gregation, a man 73 years old. Is a wonder
in the line of endurance. Their religion
teaches them that in this dance, sacred
In character, there Is Divine protection.
The scene which opens the act is one that
will never be forgotten. All the other acts
on the bill are top-liners, but this great
act holds the people in awe, and at the
end of each part of it the house fairly
shakes with thunders of applause. Mr.
Wise, the double-handed cartoonist Is
also a genuine novelty and his little talk
more than clever. The comedies are very
humorous and the musical act much be
yond the average. The whole bill Is at
tractive, even to the selections of the or
chestra. Crowded Houses at the Star.
The merit of a vaudeville bill Is gauged
by public patronage. By this standard
this week's Star bill is the best yet pre
sented at this enterprising theater, for
capacity houses fill the cdmfortable au
ditorium at every performance. Daisy
Harcourt has made many hits in her lines.
She has sung in the fashionable vaude
ville theaters in London, and. in Portland
she is arousing the same spontaneous ap
plause. She is pretty and she wears flno
gowns with grace. She speaks distinctly.
She sings catchv songs bewitchingly and
her biggest hit is made with a catchy.
sprightly little song, "Do That Again."
The Taggart family of acrobats Is another
big feature act that gives the audience
new sensations. Montgomery and' Cantor
are both natural-born funmakers, while
another team, Ellis and Paloma, present a
high-class musical act with the quarrel.
scene from "Lucia dl Lammermoor" as a
feature of extraordinary Interest Thrill
ing scenes are presented on the projecto-
scope, showing the Japanese spies wreck
ing a Russian train, their pursuit capture
and execution by Russian soldiers. The
whole Star bill is equal to and is the same
as presented in the high-class Eastern
vaudeville houses.
The Lyric Boxing Exhibition.
The most sensational feature ever pro
duced on a local vaudeville stage is tho
stirring three-round boxing exhibition be
tween Barry and Greggins at each per
formance of the Lyric this week. The
bout is strictly a scientific contest and is
waged on its- merits. Barry Is one of the
best known ring stars in the country and
his appearance here this week gives an
opportunity for ladles and children to
witness an athletic exhibition which they
could not possibly see at a prizefight ring
side. All the brutal and offensive aspects
of prizefighting are eliminated. In addi
tion to this feature the regular vaudeville
bill ranks among the best ever presented
at the Lyric The biggest hit of the week
at the theater is Robert Athan's original
song entitled, "The Opening of the Lewis
and Clark Exposition." There are other
record-breaking acts.
Fun at the Arcade.
Dan and Bessie Kelly are two of the
funniest comedians that ever stepped on
the stage. They are at the Arcade The
ater this week, the first theater In Port
land to make a specialty of entertaining
vaudeville. Bessie Kelly has a rich so
prano voice and makes a great hit with
her songs. Llois Mendenhall, a high-class
violinist, is an interesting feature of the
excellent bill, while for excitement the
bloicope pictures of a race between an
auto, and a rajehorse has never been
The Baker's New Year Spirit.
The Baker is always down to the min
ute. Its first offering of 1905 vaudeville is
worthy of the opening of what Is to be
Portland's greatest year. The booking
agencies have been busy for weeks getting
ready for this event and as a result they
have provided the Baker with the prize
bill of the season. The principal come
dians this week are the eccentric Kober
Brothers, whose trick-ladder act is the
most hilarious piece of buffoonery you
would wish to see. Edith Clark, the
sunny-haired soubrette, has played havoc
with the hearts of her audiences. Another
out of the ordinary act is the big contri
bution of the Blmm-Bomm-Brrr, by way
of a novelty musical act the best ever
S3en In Portland. There are many other
acts good enough to be classified with the
Clearly a Double Assessment.
LAKEVIBW. Or., Dec. 24. (To the Editor.)
I run my sheep in Harney County during
December, January, February and March and
the other eight months of the year I run them
In Lake County. And last March they were
assessed ia Harney, and when I brought them
back to Lake In April the Assessor of that
county assessed them also, claiming them to
belong to Lake County because they are In
that county eight months, while in Harney four
of the year. I have my residence in Lake
Count where I lamb, shear, dip, etc. "Will
you kindly advise me which county can legally
collect the taxes, as there .are a -great many
here in the tame flx as myself, and local law
yers differ In their opinions. READER.
The statute provides for the assessment of
property each year as of March. There is also
a provision in the statute which exempts a
person from the payment of taxes On personal
property if the person is a nonresident. You
should not pay on tbe same property more than
once each" year.
Timbermen Propose to Have
State Rangers,
Commissioner to Be Paid by State and
Subordinate Rangers to Be
Paid by Timbermen Are
To' protect the forests of Oregon was
the purpose of a meeting of prominent
tlmberland-owners and loggers in tho
state held yesterday In the office of E.
E. Cooert, Chamber of Commerce
building. The bill for the same pur
pose which was passed by tho last ses
sion of the Legislature and vetoed by
Governor Chamberlain, was discussed
and means by which to avoid the Gov
ernor's objections were considered. A
committee? was appointed In the end
to draft a bill for the coming- session
of the Legislature and to report to the
general body of tlmberla-nd-owners
meeting' next Tuesday.
Timbermen Willing .to Pay.
The question Is merely one of means.
The timbermen are anxious to have the
law on the side of rangers, whom they
are willing- to hire, so that they can
act authoritatively. The easiest and
least objectionable way of securing- the
arm of the law is all that is being
sought now. Timbermen are used to
doing- things quickly and by short
methods, consequently they wish as lit
tle red tape about this matter as they
can help.
Two plans were suggested yesterday
for making rangers hired by the timber
owners, officials with police power. One
is to have a commission appointed by
the Governor who should acquaint
themselves with the condition of the
state and appoint rangers where nec
essary or requested. The second is to
make some county official, preferably
the County Judge, ex officio the chief
fire warden in each county, and leavo
it to him to appoint forest rangers and
issue permits for the setting- of "slash
ing" fires.
The method of utilizing- officials as
fire wardens received the favor of the
meeting- until George Cornwall ex
plained that this method had been used
in Washington and had proved a fail
ure, as the County Judge was dealing
a little too directly with his constitu
ents, with the result that settlers wish
ing to slash brush would not take
the trouble to obtain a permit It was
also difficult to inflict a penalty.
State Commissioner Favored.
The suggestion which then followed
being- more direct and hence more fa
vored, is to have appointed by the Gov
ernor or by the timbermen, if the Gov
ernor would overlook his prerogative.
some competent tlmberman as a single
commissioner to serve as state fire
warden, and during- the Summer devote
his entire time to the business, his ex
penses in this work being- paid by the
state. The timbermen have no objec
tion to paying his expenses themselves.
but have no means of apportioning- the
The duty of this commissioner would
be to become perfectly acquainted with
the forest conditions of the whole state
and have a knowledge of the heavy
timber-owners and, as far as possible,
of men who would make suitable forest
rangers, though this matter would like
ly be looked after by the timber-own
Rangers to Watch Fires.
He would appoint rangers at the sug
gestion of timber-owners and clothe them
with police power. They should have all
the power that. by . the other plan, would
"be delegated to the County Court Settlers
would have to come to the rangers for
permits for setting fires, and they would
have to keep close watch on these slash
ings to see that they were put out com
pletely. They should also post on the
roads and trails through the forests no
tices of the penalties for leaving camp
fires burning.
The timbermen wish a practical means
of having all fires set out watched and of
discovering fires in their lnciplency. The
committee they have appointed to look
after the matter, consisting of Chairman
S. Bensen, E. B. Coovert, James Muckle,
George McLeod and R. R. Giltner, will
meet and consider these questions and
draft a bill which they believe will meet
the objections of the Governor to the last
Governor Objects to the Expense.
Governor Chamberlain has been expect
ing some such movement as the present
and has informed local timbermen that he
"has Included in his message to the Legis
lature a section in which he repeats his
former objection to a law which saddles
upon the state the expense of supporting
forest rangers whose duty it is to look
after private interests.
The timbermen are anxious to avoid
that objection and are seeking the best
means of securing rangers with police
power to be paid for by themselves. All
the large timber-owners each year now
hire rangers for the Summer months, and
they have saved much timber by' that
means, but these men could be much more
effective if they were clothed with police
power and had authority to say when and
under what conditions fires should be set
Slashing Will Be Regulated.
The fact has not been forgotten that It
is absolutely necessary to burn and slash
a great deal of land each Summer In or
der to clear the ground, and provision will
be made in the bill to be drawn to meet
this demand. Slashing will be permitted,
but not under conditions which are likely
to lead to the destruction of other timber.
Mr. Muckle said at the meeting .that the
terrible forest fire on the Coweman in
Washington two years ago last Summer
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was caused by a small bit oC burned-over
imv.r -which had been permitted to
smoulder all Summer till in September a
tall snag caught aiire ana, ourning to tne
top. fell Into unburned grass and set the
whole forest afire. In this case the owner
had been told of the existence of the fire
and had not given heed. Under a system
of Competent rangers with police author
ity such an occurrence wduld not have
been possible.
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