Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 28, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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There never has been a time these
hundred years and more when numbers
of our good people, of narrow vision,
have not thought that "too many for
eigners, particularly of the "undesira
ble classes," were pressing into the
Vnited States. The immigration now is
larger than ever; and the apprehension,
and the clamor against the -immigration,
continue. But it cannot be said
that the protest is louder than it was
fifty years ago. It is not so loud, in
deed; for some lessons have been
learned during these fifty years
among them the lesson that the power
of absorption of population posssessed
by America has not nearly reached Its
limit. During the fiscal year that end
ed June 30 last the migration of for
eigners into the United States was
greater than in any former year; and
the Chief of the Bureau of Statistics
says It will probably be greater dur
ing the current fiscal year than last.
During the half year it actually Is.
Study of immigration into the United
States is a subject of interest and curi
osity. All of us or our ancestors
were immigrants, or "newcomers"; yet
from the first there has been protest on
the part of those already here against
the coming of any more. A story of
long ago is pertinent. Down in New
England, as a neighbor rode by one
morning, his neighbor greeted him with
the inquiry where he was going. He an
swered: "to the village, where they were
to hold a service or function in com
memoration of the arrival of the Pil
grhn Fathers for it was the anniver
sary; and he asked his neighbor to go
with him. "No," was the emphatic an
swer. "I am not going to celebrate the
rrnval of a lot of foreigners in this
Down to the year 1S20 no statistics of
immigration into the United States
ww officially kept. An act of Con
gress, in the year 1819, required Collect
ors of Customs to keep a record and to
n ake a return of all passengers arrlv
'rg-in their districts from foreign ports;
v ith separation of citizens from aliens,
cc it could be known what the foreign
Emigration was. To this day the
svstem has been maintained, and sta
titles of foreign immigration for each
fiscal year (beginning July 3and end
ing June 30) are" published 'with the
general returns of the Treasury De
lartment. For the year ended June 30,
1S20, the foreign immigration into the
United States was S3S5. By 1824 it had
fallen to 7912. From that time it rose
rapidly, till in 1837 it was 79,340. By the
great Industrial and financial depres
slon of that year it was checked, and in
the following year it was but 38,914
From this it grew again, till in 1842 it
was 104.555; but another industrial and
financial setback cut It down to one
lialf the next year. In the period be
fore our Civil "War the greatest lmmi
.gratlon was -that of 1854, whose total
was 427,883, which never again was
equaled till 1873, when the total was
459,803. Industrial conditions that at
tended the papic of 1893 again cut down
th Immigration, which, by- -the year
18DS, had fallen to 229,233; since when
it has been rising rapidly, till in the
fiscal year that ended June last it ex
ceoBed $00,000.
There is difference, however, in the
character of the immigration of the
present as compared "with that of the
former time. Formerly the immlgra
tion was mostly from Northern Europe,
from" the British Islands, from Germany
and from Scandinavia. The majority is
now from the south of Europe, from
Italy, from the countries of the Aus
trtan ismpire. this raises in some
quarters a new alarm, which we cannot
regard as well founded. These peoples.
now coming, are an important rein
forcement in our country to the other
races. They supply new and useful ele
rnents. xney introduce or take up
trades that others do not engage in
they add variety to our Industry, to our
art and to our National life. And the
public school rapidly assimilates them
al! to a general standard.
AH this, of course, can apply only to
the white races. The Asiatics cannot
be included In It, nor the foreign ne
groes. Such Immigrants already are
mostly excluded; and the Chinese, once
rumerous In our Pacific States, will
sonn almost wholly disappear. It Is not
doubted that Chinese, If still admitted
would supply useful kinds of labor, for
which wages that white persons re
quire cannot be paid; but the judgment
of the country on the whole is that it
is better to do without this labor than
to incur the consequences of the ad
mission of Chinese. There Is no little
sentiment of the same kind against the
further admission of Japanese.
There Is much talk, too, against se
vere restriction of immigration from
certain parts of Europe. But It can
amount to little or nothing. "We shall
encourage Immigration from foreign
races allied to or assimilable with our
own, so long as we feel that we have
room for them and need of them. That
limit has not yet been reached, and still
is a very Ions way off. Canada also is
offering: a boundless .field, into which
many from the United States are ;pour
ing thus relieving: the pressure upon
portions of our own territory. We have
laws. Indeed, for the exclusion of pau
pers and criminals, but it Is practically
Impossible to Identify one -class or the
other' except in a very few cases,
which cannot be said to offer any real
obstruction to the general movement of
the stream.
The Oregonlan prints on this page a
statement by an Important citizen of
St Louis as to the great commercial
alue to that city of the Louisiana Pur
chase Exposition. The figures are given
in detail in many important branches
of trade, finance and industry, and they
make a most astonishing showing. It
appears" to be accepted by every citi
zen of St Louis that the Fair has been
the main factor In the city's recent
wonderful development.
The story of St. Louis in brief is that
since 189S Its banking capltaliba's in
creased nearly three-fold; Its bank de
posits more than fwofold; bank clear
ings two-fold; its wholesale jobbing
trade two-fold; Us retail dry goods
business nearly two-fold, and Its popu
lation a very considerabl percentage.
By the Exposition St. Louis has been
established as a financial and commer
cial center of first importance. It has
regained, practically in Its entirety, the
prestige It lost by 'being eclipsed by its
great rival, Chicago. It has been made
the terminus of ten new railroad lines.
The value of Its real estate has been
considerably enhanced. A better public
spirit has been encouraged, and, to
quote from Mr. Wade, "it has opened
the eyes of millions who have visited
our city to the beauty of our homes,
the -greatness of our commercial estab
lishments, the magnitude of our -manu
facturing industries, the solidity of our
financial institutions and the beauty of
our parks." In short, the name of St.
Louis, for many years of secondary im
portance even In the South, has been
made known throughout the entire civ
ilized world as a distinctive and leading
American city, ranking in the general
estimation with New York, Chicago,
Philadelphia and Boston.
If there had been expectation that
immediately after the close of the Ex
position there would be a slump in all
branches of activity at St, Louis, it
seems to have been entirely disap
pointed. The Exposition closed Its
gates December 1. The Fair' was dis
mantled, exhibits moved away, and a
ast horde of visitors, employes, exhib
itors, hangers-on, and all kinds and
conditions of people attracted to that
city by the Fair, moved away. But St.
Louis seems not to have lost anything.
Bank clearances are an excellent test
of the volume of the city's permanent
business. For the past four weeks the
clearances in St. Louis were as follows:
Gain. Loss.
Saturday. Dec. 3 $r.a.OD.O0O .... 7.1
Saturday. Dec 10. . . 71.0CS.000 31.7
Saturday, Dec. 37... 01,235,000 12.1
Saturday, .pec. -'4... ui,b.uuu .
It is thus shown that a disturbance
created by the close of the Fair had
effect only in the week that the gates
were closed. This is probably a natural
result, in view of the fact that all the
energies and attention of the city and
Its visitors were probably confined
largely to the Fair. Immediately there
after business conditions seem to "have
resumed their normal sway.
The lesson afforded to Portland by
the example of St. Louis is almost too
obvious to be pointed out. Some timid
souls have doubted the value of the
Lewis and Clark Fair, because .they
thought that business would, before and
during the period of the Exposition,
reach so high a tension that certain
reaction would ensue. But it must be
said that these gloomy doubts have al
most entirely disappeared In view of
the unquestioned benefits of a perma
nent nature that have already accrued
to this city by the exploitation of our
own great Fair enterprise. During the
period since the question of the Fair
was first agitated the growth of Port
land has been marvelous. Our popula
tion has In the past five years increased
heavily. The volume of our wholesale
jobbing trade has doubled. Ttetall busi
ness and manufacturing have grown
greatly. All lines of business, Indus
try and production have -been greatly
Improved at a time when other cities
have complained of dull times and when
many Eastern cities have suffered' more
or less from financial stringency. Port
land has gone right ahead. Just one
indication of the great growth of the
city may be given, in its bank clear
ings, a most valuable and reliable bar
ometer of trade conditions. Bank clear
ings'for the entire year 1900 were $106,-
918,027.48; for the year 1904, $189,070,640.40
an increase of 80 per cent. The month
of December, 1903, in the last figures, is
added to the first eleven months of 1D04
to make the complete year.
If there is any doubt whatever in any
mind as to what a great expoistion does
for a city, let him study -the example
of Ct. Louis, with its mighty undertak
ing out of the way, and of Portland
with its Fair now about to open its
It is said that E. E. Calvin will sue
ceed Charles H. Markham as general
manager of the Southern Pacific. Nu
merous recent promotions in the rail
road world would indicate that a rail
road man who is good enough for Port
land has the ability to fill the best post
tlons In the country. Mr. Calvin's de
parture from this city will be noted
with regret by the business community,
with which he was just beginning to
get in close touch, and also by a wide
circle of warm personal friends. In the
brief period in which he has had charge
of the Harrlman Interests 1n this terrl
tory Mr. Calvin has displayed admlr
able tact and skill In his endeavors to
maintain a policy fair alike to the peo
plo as well as his employers.
With no egotistical desire for innova
tions, the "silent man," as he is termed
took up the work as he found It when
our good friend A.t L. Mohler was
moved up to a higher position. In the
handling of the ever-arising new prob
lems of the transportation business he
has been fully as successful as' with
those on which the lines were more
dtfinitely hewn by his predecessors.
Personally no more, courteous or oblig
ing railroad man ever handled the dell
cate task of maintaining pleasant and
profitable relations between the busl
ness community and the great railway
system by which it is served. While
Portland will regret the departure of
Mr. Calvin for his new and larger field
we are to be. congratulated on having
another good friend a little nearer the
seat of "power. Mr. -Calvin, like his pre
decessor, Mr. Mohler, has made a care
ful study of the requirements of Port
land's territory. Both of these gentle
men are sufficiently equipped with re
liable information, gained by experi
ence, to give expert testimony on the
most important matters that in the
near future will engage the attenlon of
the great railroad systems.
Portland will not suffer by having
such able friends at court, and, if Mr.
Harrlman will only replace Mr. Calvin
ith some railroad man of somewhere
near equal merit and ability, he will
be forgiven for taking him away from
us just at a time when we were in need
of the best the country affords. The
day of the railroad autocrat with
the "publlc-be-damned" attitude has
passed, and In moving Into positions of
great power, quiet, courteous and un
assuming men like E. E. Calvin, the
railroads are taking the most effective
means for silencing much of the preju
dice that is felt toward them.
While suicide, like death In general.
has all seasons for Its own, the de
pressing season of the year, beginning
about the middle of November and con
tinuing through January gathers in an
undue proportion of the victims of self
murder, "Neurasthenia" is the cause
given for some of these suicides many
of them, indeed, of the class that come
as a complete surprise to the friends
of the victim. "Melancholia" would be
the more nearly correct diagnosis in
many instances, accurately designating
a low mental state, which keeps the
patient "down In the dumps," as we
would say a condition that has re
sulted from lack of fortitude to bear
the ordinary Ills of life, complicated
perhaps by some of Its more distress
ing vicissitudes.
"Melancholia" designates a serious
mental affection that is distressing
alike to Its possessor and to all who
come within the clouded circle of his
influence. Beginning with the assump
tion that life is not worth the living, he
passes on the downward grade of men
tal depression until, in a supreme mo
ment of gloom, he destroys the visible
sign of life and passes out posslbJy on.
Statistics show that there Is a steady
Increase of suicides, and that this in
crease is most marked between the ages
of 15 and 25. Lack of self-control of
the common emotions of life is the
prime cause of suicide in these cases.
Having never learned the virtue of self-
denial, the emotional youth cannot
readily adjust himself to disappoint
ment in what he conceives to be "love."
An Ineffectual attempt at suicide not
Infrequently restores the mental bal
ance that was disturbed by the refusal
of the object of his regards to marry
him,, and he walks out of the hospital,
whither he had been taken to better
facilitate the means applied to thwart
his purpose, a saner, safer man than he
was befoi-e.
Anything which has a tendency to
lower the mental power becomes the
agent of despondency and depression.
The man in whom this mental state has
become chronic needs to be watched.
If possible, his thoughts should be
turned away from himself and led Into
more wholesome channels. We may
readily believe that what is known as
'Christian Science" has accomplished
much in "this field through lifting the
hypochondriac out of himself and giv
ing him something more cheerful and
promising to think about. The preven
tion of suicide as the result of such
mental states as are distinguished by'a
brooding disposition, chronic depression
of spirits and melancholia, lies almost
entirely in the possibility of arousing
the mind of the individual thus self
obcessed to the fact that there are
objects In life more worthy of his con
sideration than himself, his ills and ails.
Nervous and mental conditions that
have become morbid develop the tend
ency to suicide and sometimes to those
homicidal impulses that the suicide in
dulges as preliminary to self-murder.
"Sudden Insanity" is usually given as
the cause for such acts. It would be
more nearly correct to estimate this
cause as due to a growing propensity
of the misguided Individual to give un
due prominence to himself, his disap
pointments, his alls and his affairs gen
erally. The ego In man may be said to
be the great first cause of suicide, since
it betrays the individual into the folly
of thinking that his lot Is a peculiar
one; that his feelings are of paramount
Importance, and, under stress of cir
cumstance, 'that fate Is particularly un
kind to him. The short, dark days of
Winter are supposed to foster depres
sion Incident to this mental attitude
toward self and the world; hence the
relative frequency of suicide during this
"The State Legislature has been the
burial place of many a man's virtue,"
says Samuel P. Orth, in the December
Atlantic The statement Is true, as
everybody knows who has observed the
workings of a session of a State Legis
lature, and yet this assertion should not
be permitted to convey the Impression
that every State Legislature is a vast
graveyard filled with the skeletons of
once-noble characters. Many a man
who had previously borne the highest
reputation for honesty and purity of
life met the temptations which he could
not or would not resist while serving In
the legislative branch of the state gov
ernment; but these" men are In the great
minority. Most of the men who sell
themselves In the Legislature were cor
rupt before they were elected to a po
sltlon of honor and trust. A few were
honest In their intentions, but weak
before the pleading tones" of golden
coin. In the elmple lire of rural sur
roundlngs they led lives of uprightness
and integrity. Subjected to the wiles
of experienced lobbyists, their moral
sense was dulled, and before they re
alized their fall they were directly or
indirectly accepting, bribes.
It is usually the cheap man who soils
himself in the Legislature, for the man
who places a high estimation upon him
self spurns dishonesty and knows that
It doesn't pay. The cheap man looks
no further than the reward which the
present offers and trusts the future to
take care of Itself. He thinks he can
take money in return for his vote and
that no one will know it, for of course
the bribe-giver wll keep the secret. But
the secret is never kept. Little by lit
tie the facts are hinted in whispers
until the sale of a public trust -becomes
a matter of public knowledge. It could
almost be said that no man. ever sold
himself without thereafter standing be
fore his fellow-men convicted of the
There is another statement made by
Mr. Orth which meets the approval of
every one who has attended a legislat
ive session: "There is at least one fool
in every Legislature." Sometimes the
man entitled to this distinction Is the
perpetual- talker. Sometimes he Is the
self-appreciated humorist. Oftener he
is. the man who votes "No" on every
bill carrying an appropriation, regard
less of its merits, or the man who de
lights In raising nice points of parlia
mentary law, even though the error In
procedure may be immaterial. Usually
there Is but one man out of the whole
number of members who deserves Mr.
Orth's characterization, but that one
seldom fails to make his presence
Legislatures, as a rule, are represent-1
atlve bodies of men, and but little bet
ter or; worse than the constituencies
they serve. The members are drawn
from every walk of life, from every part
of the state, and represent every phase
of human- character. If there are rogues
In the Legislature, it is because there
are rogues among the people. The fact
that there is a fool in- nearly every
Legislature is sufficient proof that there
are some foolish constituencies. When
the people themselves rise above self
ishness and walk the paths of wisdom,
no more shall the knave and the fool be
heard or seen In legislative halls.
A local enterprise of more than ordi
nary significance is that of the organi
zation of a company of Medford capi
talists to build a railroad from that
point to Crater Lake. The enterprise is
a dlstlncly commercial one, though in
cidentally the scenic beauties of the
route and its' termination at one of the
most picturesque bodies of water in the
world will Increase the tolls. Specific
ally, the route chosen lies through one
of the finest bodies of pine timber on
the coast. This fact Indicates the com
mercial spirit that floats the enterprise,
but that does not, however, disdain the
Idea that .the incomparable scenery of
the section traversed and reached will
prove a- valuable auxiliary In making
the railroad a paying Investment.
The daughter of a Russian bishop has
forwarded to General Kuropatkin a
cross. A St. Petersburg dispatch states
that It Is only one of many thousand
sacred symbols that have been show-ered-on
the army in the Far East. The
crosses will undoubtedly be very com
forting to the soldiers, but beef, bread
and an occasional canteen of vodka
will put the men at the front In better
shape for winning victories than all of
the sacred symbols that can be sent
them. "You take an oar, let the little
'man do the praying," said the prac
tical captain of a sinking boat to the
husky young minister. Undoubtedly
Kuropatkin has a similar feeling re
garding the immaterial aid of '.crosses
and sacred symbols.
President Jordan, of Stanford, is not
alone in his belief that the Czar is In
sane, and Russian policy since the war
began strengthens the suspicion. Alex
lefC was confirmed In power to be de
graded. Kuropatkin was given a free
hand and ordered to send Stalkelberg
to the relief of Port Arthur. The
Zemstvolsts were encouraged to hope
for a great measure of reform, and a
few days after the Czar had received a
deputation of the reformers he made a
petulant notation on a Zemstvo me
morial, telling the petitioners to. keep
There are obvious advantages inthe
plan of editing a Belgrade paper from
a point across the Hungarian border,
and the editor would have little hesita
tion In conducting a vigorous cam
paign against the throne or against
favorites, as th6 manager of the Op
poslta is now doing. The foreman,, how
ever, who has to do his part of the
work within sight of the prison gates,
no doubt retains the right to censor any
too fiery denunciation of the powers
that be.
Emperor Nicholas may be crazy. Da
vid Starr Jordan, president of Stanford
University, declares, upon what he con
siders competent testimony, that the
Russian ruler has never been right in
his head since he- was struck down
many years ago, while In Japan, by a
blow from a fanatic. There Is some
reason to think that this estimate Is
correct. The Czar has from the first
had the attitude of a man whose job
was too big for him.
The Methodists of the Pacific North
west propose to make the Lewis and
Clark Fair their own. That Is to say,
they intend to become part and parcel
of the Exposition by building a club
house on the grounds in which to dis
play historical relics of the church, hold
conferences and be known generally as
factors in a great commemorative en
terprise. The church will in this way
conserve Its forces and make the most
of a grand opportunity.
The story that Kodama, the Japanese
chief of staff, has been recalled from
the field for striking the commander-in-chief,
Oyama, Is so contrary to all
American Ideas of Japanese character
that Its confirmation would come as
surprise. Were some Irresponsible
Grand Duke to strike Kuropatkin,
there would be less astonishment.
The New York Commercial remarks
that "a cable to Panama will soon con
nect the Infant republic to Its home
base and will make the canal strip a
sort of weather strip on the edge of the
republic" And there will be more
weather in the strip than In the home
The Lewis and Clark Exposition Is a
growing proposition. It Is typical of
expansion, and fittingly so, since its
first purpose was to commemorate "the
effort that reached out and covered the
distance between the Missouri River
and the Pacific Ocean.
Ormsby, now indicted, was a member
of the grand jury that indicted Moody
a year ago. Ormsby was working then
what he thought "a lead-pipe cinch
How these Inventions do return to
plague the Inventors!
A naval station at Pearl Harbor will
keep down insurance rates on Pacific
commerce when the next international
conflagration threatens.
Christmas is past, and the Japanese
did not put Port Arthur iri the Mikado's
stocking. Waiting for the Fourth of
July, we suppose.
It Was Business.
Boston Transcript.
Aunt jane uia Mr. bweetser pro
pose last evening?
Carrie How did you happen to guess
it? Yes, and Ira. going to take out
policy for $1000.
b or mercy s sane, wnat do you
"Well, you see, he began to ' make
love to- me, but the chance to get
new applicant was. so strong h
couldn't resist. He's a life insurance
solicitor, you. know."
"There were three wedding notices in
our issue of last week, and the bride
wasn't 'the accomplished daughter and
the groom didn't wear the 'conventional
black In any of them," says the Jewell
Republican. "It U? our guess that no
other paper in the state ever made a rec
ord like that."
A dispatch from New York to a Pitta
burg paper says that "today the people
of New York divided themselves Into ten
sections, each one trying to answer one
or the other of the following questions:
1. Will it ever stop snowing? 2. Will Dr.
Lyman Abbott be tried for heresy?
3. Why did the wife of the son of Dowle
quit him? A. Will Parkhurst ever stop
scolding? 5. Will tho Standard Oil put a
crimp In Lawson? 6. Is there no end to
the variety of Madison Square Garden
snows? 7. Will Nan Patterson be ac
quitted? S. Where's the million Mrs.
Chadwlck exchanged for wind? 9. Will
the Raines law be repealed? 10. Will the
boss give a Christmas bonus in the en-
elope?" The topics of conversation out
here are much the same, but we have a
grand jury to give a livelier Interest.
a sum uukbcl iiaa -ecu iuuuu in . uu
uuck by a .foiK county man.
It was
case of riches having wings.
Lawson called Donohue a boozooiated
boo In one of his "breezy" letters. If
Lawson Invented the name himself, the
sooner he begins work on a musical com
edy the better. Successes have been made
on les3 than boozooiated boo,
Some Honolulu sportsmen shot 2000 doves
in , one day's sport, and there are some
birds left. Too bad that snch good fellows
didn't succeed in making a clean sweep
of the game.
The man that struck O'Hara appears to
have a rival in
the man that struck
A clock was stolen recently from the
Presbyterian Church in Belllngham. In
accordance with the old Jest the police
should arrest Procrastination,
Employes of the French Foreign Office
are now required to shave, possibly be
cause a sensitive chief was disturbed by
hearing the wind whistle through their
Dr. Jordan politely hints that the Czar
has "bubbles In his dreambox."
The Pulajanas must be a branch of the
tribe of Pajamas.
Chefoo's conversion appears to be wear
ing well. No backsliding as yet. Every
day comes the report that Chefoo has no
news. What a change from the stlrrlnc
times when the Chinese refugee in the
Junk used to scud across daily from Port
Arthur with harrowing tales of carnage.
A Chicago William Tell shot the apple-
bearer between the eyes. One is not so
much disposed to blame the bad marks
man as to wonder what brand of .fool the
volunteer target could be.
These plush kind of dresses the women
are wearing now are they made by tail
ors or upholsterers?
London Is going to have a law enforcing
better methods In barber shops. The best
thing London could do would be to import
few American barbers to open up a
good American shop, for the American
barber shop ought to be as famous abroad
a3 the American bar.
A paper in Belgrade Is edited from
Hungary, but not because the editor is
dodging Servian poets so much as Servian
This Is how the Northport (Mich.) Lead
er tells of tho bright days in "ye editor's"
The narrow-chested gillle-loo-blrOfl who act
as state editors on the metropolitan dallies
poke fun at the country editor all the year
round, but we guess if they could shove their
epindle shanks under the corn-fed editor's table
'Ion? about now and proceed to do thine to
the aromatic buckwheat cakes liberally lath
ered with real butter and maple eyrup, or
could Just have the opportunity to- pick
home-grown, spare-rib, they'd probably know a
few of the trreen spots In the mossback editor's
desert when they saw and could understand
better why we browse alone the highways of
the sauerkraut and link-sausage districts in the
land of TVayback Instead of nibbling along the
barren asphalt pavements In the city of frosty
mlts, health foodd and homeopathic mtnce-ple
The New York Evening Sun says that
tho fishermen on the coast of Cornwall
are suffering from a plague of the de
structive dogfish. They have long feared
mat tne namt visiting artists nave of
sketching the sea on Sunday afternoons
would bring some judgment of that kind,
It seems hard, however, that the sins of
the artists should be visited upon the fish
Even If the teachers wanted to work
just . for. tho fun of it, they have to pay
market rates for clothes and grub.
It Is noted by the New York Globe that
the new Drury Lane Theater in London
is pronounced fireproof, just as was the
oio one, wnicn was opened wltn a pro
logue which declared that In case of fire:
"We can assure our cenerous benefactors
'Twill only burn the scenery and the actors.
There are ten million more or less-
definitions of "gentleman," but not so
many of. "lady," therefore this one from
the New York Tribune Is of Interest: A
London cabman had brought suit against
a woman for not paying the legal fare,
and his constant remark was, "She ain't a
lady." "Do you know a lady when you
see one?" asked the Judge. "I do. yer
honor. Last week a lady gave me a sov'rin
instead of a shillln', and I called: 'Beg
pardon, madam, I've got a sov'rin instead
of a 8hflHnV and she shouts back: Well,
you old fool, keep the change and get
drunk with It!' That's wot I calls a lady!
A Tear Bottle.
Frank Dempster Sherman.
Glass wherein a Greek girl's tears
Once were gathered as they tell.
After these two thousand years
Is there still no tale to tell?
Buried with her. in her mound
She is dust Ions' since, but you
Only yesterday w.ere found
Iridescent as the dew.
Fashioned faultlessly, a form
"Graceful as was tier's whose cheek
Once against you made you warm
"While you heard her sorrow speak.
At- your lips I listen lonjr
For some whispered word of her.
For some ghostly strain of song
In your haunted heart to stir:
But your crystal Hps are dumb.
Hushed the music in your heart;
Ah, if she could only come
Back again and bid it start!
Long Is Art. but Life how brief!
And the end seems so unjust:
This companion Of her grief . ,
Here today, while she is dust .
Remarkable Advance Made in Six Tear by the City of St. Louis A
Lesson Peculiarly Applicable io Portland.
That expositions are of great benefit to the
cities wherein they are held Is clearly shown
by statistics gathered by Festus J. wade,
president of the Mercantile Trust Company
and Incorporated In an address recently deliv
ered by him at a farewell banquet to foreign
and state commissions to the Louisiana Fur-
chase Exposition, given at the Jefferron Hotel,
St. Louis. Just prior to the closing- of the
"World's Fair. Mr. Wade, who responded to
the toast. "The Exposition and St. Louis Busi
ness Interests;" said:
While the Exposition has been a great
university of learning to the millions who
have entered its gates, it has also been a
great prom6ter of all business Interests o
St. Louis. In fact, the development of St
Louis has been most marvelous ever since
the suggestion to celebrate the Louisiana
Purchase was made by the Missouri, His
torical Society In the early part of 1S9S.
At that time the taxable wealth of St.
Louis aggregated $C60.0CO,000. Today It is
The banking capital of St Louis in 189S
was 329.000.000. Todav It is 5SO.000.000.
The total bank and trust company de
posits in 1SSS were ? 102,000,000. Today they
and cash items are held bv the banks and
trust companies of St. Louis aggregating
more than $101,000,000, or practically -10 per
cent reserve against the entire deposits,
showing no other financial center ap
proaches. The total clearings of St. Loul3
In 1S9S were $1,455,162,062. in 1S04 they will
aggregate more than $2,500,000,000.
In 189S the wholesale Jobbing trade In dry
goods and kindred lines in St. Louis ag
gregated $10,000,000. In 1S04 it will exceed
In 1S9S the retail dry goods business of
St. Louis amounted to $14,000,000. In 1904
It will exceed $20,000,000.
In 1898 there was but one or two estab
lishments in St. Louis transacting a vol
ume of business to exceed $4,000,000. To
day there are more than ten merchants
and manufacturers who are doing a busl-
ness exceeding $10,000,000 each, and fully
ten more each of whose annual output
exceeds $o,0CO,000.
In 1S9S the capital of the largest bank or
trust company was only $4,000,000: today
tnere is one Institution with a canltal of
$15,500,000; one with $10,500,000: one with
$9,500,000; one with $S,uOO,000. and numerous
Peacock's Temporary Luster.
Lakevlew Herald.
Marshal Whortan was off duty a few
days of this week, owing to the serious
illness of his father. J. W. Peacock wore
the star during the time.
Art Under Difficulties.
Marshfleld Sun.
The Margaret Fisher show company Is
deeply Involved in litigation. Some of the
bread and butter actors have jumped the
management for alleged salaries due.
Deep Mystery Not Unraveled.
Bandon Recorder.
A unique feature of the trial that was
too unsubstantial to materialize the fore
part of the week Is that to the would-
have-been defendant It was a disappoint
ment rather than matter for consolation,
since the facts In the case, If brought
fairly before the public, would tend to cor
rect certain statements whose purport
has the tendency to Injure rather than
to justify.
Frank James' Tender Heart.
Huntington Herald.
A. H. Cochrane went over to the train
Wednesday evening and had a talk with
Frank James, the man who has the repu
tation of having the largest reward offered
for his "capture, "dead or alive," of any
man tnat ever lived, coupled wltn the
reputation of never breaking his word to
a friend, besides having a tender heart.
He did not remember A. H., but remem
bered his father well ana expressed his
regrets that he could not meet him. He
ton- of several Incidents In the war In
which he -and A. H.'s father were com
panions. The Last of the Penns.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
N. L. Penn, the last of the lineal de
scendants of William Penn, Is dead at
Hartford, Conn. Since the death of his
wife in 1SS6 Penn had lived there ob
scurely, although quite wealthy, and at
his request no public notice of his death
was made. As a young man In Phila
delphia he was a leader in the most ex-
qluslve social circles.
hen about 25 years old Fenn fell In
love with Miss Butterworth, of tha
Quaker City, and married her. A few
years later she and her baby died to
gether. Since then Penn had stayed away
from Philadelphia. He had no relatives
and did not want to make any friends.
He spent his time translating French and
In tinkering at unimportant inventions.
The body was sent to Philadelphia,
where it will bo buried. Thus ends the
line of the Penns.
Public Opinion.
Leslie's Monthly.
Public opinion Is a necessary and true
protection to the world as it is, be
cause if It were not for public opinion
many men and women would dare to be
more wicked than they are. But that
ls nt reason why intelligent men should
oruer iiieir lives uiung certain lines
just because their neighbors do just
because it is the custom. If the cus
tom is a good custom, it can be follow
ed intelligently, and because we recog
nize It as good, but it should not be
followed only because our neighbors
follow it. Then, if our neighbors fol
low the custom for the same intelligent
reason, it will bring us and them Into
free and happy sympathy.
An Up-to-Date Angel.
- New York Press.
She sat beside her nurse on the Park
bench, swinging her doll by one arm
and turning an angelic face confiding
ly ud to the nassersby. none of whom
-nassed her without a second glance.
"Isn't she a perfect little seraph?
exclaimed one lady as her eyes dwelt
admiringly on the child's golden curls
and eyes of Heaven's own. blue. "But
aren't you afraid you'll hurt dolly,
dear?" she added, pointing to the bat
tered plaything, whose head was being
beaten to a pulp against the bench.
With a sweet smile the seraph re
plied: "It's ml doll; it ain't up to you to
butt in."
A Good Indian.
North and South, East and West, the
Bible Society sows; and that no ground
Is too barren for Its seed, surely the fol
lowing true incident proves:
A Cree Indian and his son, nshlng In
the Northwest some years ago during
the Winter season, traveled on snowshoes
across the plains, thinking they carried
what they called the "Book of Heaven"
in their pack. When they reached a
huntlnr-cround. however, 140 miles dlst-
'ant from tho fishery, they found the book
had been left behind. It Is a fact that
one of them went back on his tracks,
walking In four days 2S0 miles through the
wild, bear-Infested forests to regain that
The Drawback.
Atchison Globe.
The" trouble with a man marrying the
only daughter in.a family Is that he also
gets all the enlarged pictures on her
fathers walls. .
others larger than the ' largest bank or
trust company in 1SSS. .
The total deposits of the largest financial
Institution in 1S93 were $17,000,000: today
the deposits of that same Institution ap
proximate $50,000,000.
The Exposition has given us ten new
railroads and five new trunk lines run
ning into St. Louis one from Memphis,
one from New Orleans, one from i.1 ifaso.
Tex. one from Kansas City and. a double
track road from Chicago.
The Exposition has firmly and perma
nently established St. Louis as a financial
center. It has proven to the world the
ability and Integrity of St. Louis and St.
Loulsans. financially and commercially.
While there was and still is a complete
absence of any activity in the .buy
ing and selling of real estate by reason
of the Exposition, nevertheless no inter
est has been so largely and permanently
beneflted as has been the property-owners
In St. Louis first, because- it has firmly
and Irrevocably established the value of
St. Louis real estate as a safe and con
servative investment: secondly, it has edu
cated all classes of St. Louis property
owners In tho wisdom of supporting and
encouraging the municipal government in
enlarging and developing all public im
provements; thirdly, it has opened tho
eyes of millions who have visited our city
to the beauty of our homes, the greatness
of our commercial establishments, the
magnitude of our manufacturing indus
tries, the solidity of our financial institu
tions and the beauty of our parks.
The Investment of $10,000,000 made by
St. Louis and St. Loulsans In tho stock
of the Exposition has paid more than ten-,
fold In the advertising given to St. Louis
throughout the habitable globe.
It has been calculated by an astute and
experienced advertiser that if the reading
notices published by the papers and peri
odicals of tho world were measured at the
Insignificant sum of 10 cents per line it
would not have been purchased for
Travel where you will, in Europe, Asia
or Africa, you will no longer be asked if
St. Louis is near New York, San Francisco
or Chicago. We are not only on the map
of the world, but the name and fame of
St. Louis are impressed upon the minds of
millions upon millions of people, and this
fact 'alone Is of incalculable value to tha
business Interests of St. Louis.
Brooklyn Eagle.
It appears that in behalf of Henry H.
Rogers, one of the Standard Oil notabili
ties, an effort has been made to prevent
the distribution by the American News
Company, of Everybody's Magazine, in
which publication a series of articles on
"Frenzied Finance" has been running for
several months. At tho Instance of Mr.
Rogers the company was notified that its
ofllcers would be held liable for such dis
tribution because of the "grossly libel
lous" character of tho statements made by
the writer, Thomas W. Lawson. Inter
ference came too late to prevent the cir
culation of the current number, according
to the representatives of the News Com- "
pauy. It Is by no means clear, however,
that much attention would have been paid
to the notification, even had It been re
ceived in time. The publishers of the
magazine express their willingness to as
sume all the responsibility involved, which
means that they will meet Mr. Rogers in
court and abide by the consequences there.
It remains to be seen whether in the
matter of future Issues, the News Com
pany will assume further accountability.
Lawson ls naturally jubilant. Ho con
gratulates himself. He makes no effort
to conceal his satisfaction. On the con
trary, he exploits it by wire, sending
somewhat frenzied dispatches to the news
papers, declaring that at last Standard
Oil "strikes," that at last the issue is
clinched, and the "American people will
know the truth." Incidentally, he. pro
ceeds to express tho hope that District At
torney Jerome will "rip the whotj affair
up tho spine, down through Adam's apple,
the wishbone and both rows of ribs," He
is flushed with what he evidently regards
as a signal -victory he can see nothing
but the galled jade wincing. Well, he
has not a little warrant for enjoyment.
Tho counter movement carries confession
with It, The admission it Implies ls that
composure ls disturbed. Tho inference
also Is that not only Mr. Rogers, but his
associates, have become sensitive, that
the fusillade Is upsetting them, which is,
of course, anything but gall and worm
wood to tho belligerent Bostonian.
Interference was a mistake. Nothing is
and nothing can be clearer than that
Lawson will have his say. Nor can any
thing be clearer than that efforts to sup
press him will have precisely the effect
that was not intended. It is a generous
contribution to the advertisement of which
Lawson is in search. It is a recognition,
an acknowledgment- One of It3 effeots
will be to encourage him. What ha may
have supposed he now knows his firo Is
not ineffective, which is to say, it creates
concern just where ho would have solici
tude induced. Ho has everything to gain
and nothing to lose by the notification
served upon the News Company. On the
other hand, it ls difficult to resist the con
clusion that Mr. Rogers has nothing to
gain and something to lose he was not
well advised. Interest in the story of
"Frenzied Finance" was subsiding to at
least some extent. It has been renewed,
stimulated. There was a disposition to
subject nearly all the statements made by
Lawson to a lavish discount, but he will
be taken with all the greater seriousness,
because of the counter movement. It
looks like a blunder.
Dawn of a New Era.
New York Press.
"Bill" Greene and "Tom" Lawson hav
ing cracked a cold bottle together, what
next? Perhaps a tete-a-tete between
Messrs. Gould and Cassatt, a small lunch
eon by Ira Reynolds In honor of Cassle
Chadwlck, a "gentlemen'3 agreement" be
tween Murphy and McCarren, and a
unanimous agreement by all the powers
to sink battleships and disband armies.
Preceded as It was by the Jerome-Canfleld
compromise, the Lawson-Greene love
feast plainly marks the beginning of a
world-wide and everlasting reign of be
nign peace.
The Pumpkin Pie.
Dallas (Tex.) News.
A wild rose tangle, bitter sweet, is sprawled
across the trail.
The sassafras glows scarlet on a back
ground of the pines.
The breeze in flirting with the leaves shows
aspens spotted pale.
Half choked la the affection of the -creeping,
clinging vines.
Out In theopen where the corn once stood In
level rows.
The stubble's gold is silver with a touch of
frosty rime,
The old worm fence Is dotted with a line of
somber crowa.
United in a sympathy that comes with
autumn time
And on the fields, bereft of green, the golden
pumpkins He:
Lucullus mlsed it when he tried to set a
royal feast.
Or history would show us he was fond of
pumpkin pie.
And even' time he had it ate a half of one
at least.
But overlooked by epicures who lived in other
By Kings and Princes who have reigned jon
far and distant shores.
A providence has given it to us of later
And dumped its cornucopia of plenty at our
Lueullus had his peacocks' tongue-, and others
made their choice
Of all the luscious edibles that they could
steal or buy.
But when it comes to me. Just now I'm lifting
up my voice
To sing about the bauties of the golden
"Dumpkin pie.