Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 28, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Manifest Is a Victory for
r Alje Liberals.
GreakPossibilities of Expan
sion of Reform.
Government Has Strong' Backing in
Programme -Against the Rule- of
Bureaucracy nd Aristocracy
in the Russian Empire.
I- -
st. Petersburg, Dec. 27. (Special.)
The general opinion Is that the manifesto
ropresants a victory for Minister Svla-topolk-Mirsky
and tho Conservative Lib
erals 'ovr M. Pobodlenostseff, and prac
tically places the strong combination of
3kC Wltte and Svlatopolk-Mirsky behind
the government's programme. The
vagueness in which the reforms are out
lined" gives possibilities of expansion or
limitation, according to their ideas.
"With a man of M. Witte's domination
and force at the head of the committee
of Ministers, the general belief is that
he will control In the end.
Those allied with- the Zemstvolsts ex
press th Intention of continuing with
thorn despite the government's note of
warning. They believe that the dissimi
larity of the two documents will enable
them to continue the light on the ground
that tho manifesto Is In a conciliatory
spirit and represents the views of the
Emperor, and that tho government note
is the work of the bureaucracy.
The response of tho people generally
and of the extreme Liberals and revo
lutionaries to the government's action Is
awaited with Intense interest. No one
lmaginos that any of these classes will
be satisfied, but upon the course they
have elected to pursue will depend the
question of a possible crisis in the near
Ukase Has Not Fully Pleased
tremists of Both Parties..
ST. PETERSBURG. Dec 27. While Em
peror, Nicholas' manifesto on Russian ra
iorms, coupled with the government note
cf warning on the same subject, leaves
no doubt that It is the firm Intention of
th Emperor to maintain unimpaired the
utile cratio principle which no observer
hero ever Imagined he would relinquish,
not yield to the .umstoylsts' demand
for a national legislature, the programme ,
of reforms outlined: is a. "broad one, and- if
it had not been preceded by the ag' tat Ion
of the" last month probably wj'i'.d have
b-xn accepted with universal acclaim In
Rutwta as extremely iloc-nl. The raising
f the peasants to an equality with other
Rtxens of the empire is alone practically
r-e:id cnly to the emancipation o the
Mrf?, but hardly lew important ar th
.ffuara.'hlti-s which tlie manifesto directs to
lxs incorpoiated In the laws for the protec
tlsn of "the personal liberties against the
Vriiic&les of administrative abltra.ines.
ho measures taken ender tho state of
siege are no Jonger permissible except
in cases of crimes against the state.
Tli increase In the Jndepenuencc and
scape rf .the Doumas and the Zeras'vos. as
veil" as the creation of smaller Zcmstvo
units. th: definite protection of the Jews,
Armenians and other unorthodox sects,
.and the revision of :he press laws, aic
til on the line of the Zemstvos demand.
T;he extremists, of course, are not
satisfied, and many of tho moderate
liberals are disappointed. The govern
ment note threatening drastic meas
ures In the event of a continuation of
the violation agitation, which the gov
ernment considered necessary in order
to put a stop to the existing condi
tlon, is resented deeply by them, and
it Is feared will inflame, rather than
allay, the present agitation. Harsh
measures, it Is understood, will be
avoided," and the government expects
that the nature of the reforms offered
will gradually draw to its support all
except the extreme radicals.
Fully as Important as the govern
ment's response to the Zemstvolsts Is
tho position In which M. Wltte la
placed by confiding the reforms to tho
committee of Ministers, of which he Is
president. The old finance minister
becomes the man of the hour, confirm
injr the reports that he is again in high
Imperial favor. Moreover, this body.
tho duties of which heretofore have
been purely perfunctory, are raised 0
thte-.highcst dignity, and institute for
tho first time a species of MInistdrlal
responsibility which is apt to make the
committee 01 Ministers a real Cabinet.
in addition to the Ministers, six
Grand Dukes are meinfiers of the com
jnittee: As the imperial manifesto di
rects the commltteo to ascertain 'the
best method" of carrying tho rerorms
Into effect, somo papers, notably the
Russ. find In these words that the com
mlttec may call In Zemstvo represen
Russian Insurrectionists Must Keep
the Peace.
ST. PETERSBURG. Dec 27. The fol
lowing communication was issued by the
government early this morning:
"In the Autumn of this year there was
a meeting In St. Petersburg of several
Zemstvos of the various governments.
who expressed a series of desires con
cerning what are. In their ODlnion. in
dispensable reforms In the different gov
ernments of the empire. These desires
wore- maae tne suojects of action by
m em dots 01 various other assemblies
wnicn met for the purpose, and also.
Knowing uio provisions or jaw, were con
yaaerea ac ine aen Derations of certain
Councils and Zcmstvos. Thus, 1)y the
a ci ion or people who endeavored to In
troduce discord into public and state life.
excitement arose In the minds pf certain
xsecuons ot society, chiefly among Inmres
slonable youths. Ia certain towns of the
empire there occurred a series of noisy
meeunge, wnicn acroancea the presenta
tion to the government of certain de
mands which were- inadmissible. In .the
face of the sacred foundations of the
laws of the empire and tho indestructible
elements wnicn iona tho government.
These sections of the public made street
demonstrations in bands and openly re
sisted the. police authorities.
"Such movements against the existing
order or the government which have
fallen adversely, upon the bulk of the
Russian- people, who are loyal to the
evcfla'stlng ' foundations of the existing
government, gave to the excitement
above referred to an undeserved Import
ance of & general tendency. The Russian,
people Involved in this movement, for-,
getfut of the grievous year which has
fallen to the lot of Ruasia, blinded by
chimerical" hopes of profits which they
might expect from a radical change In
the ancient foundations of the Russian
state and life, and not knowing what
they were doing, acted to the advantage
not of the--country, but of Its enemies.
"Now the duty of the government' Is to
preserve order In the sjate and protect
the public confidence" frortf all change In
the tree course of -Internal life., There
fore -any destruction of order and peace,
and all meetings of an anti-government
character, must and .will be stopped by
all legal means at the disposition of, the
authorities, and those concerned in those
disorders, especially persons employed in
the government service, will be held re
sponsible. "Zemstvo and town statutes and every
form or . institution and company must"
not go -beyond -the limits ' provided for
them, and must not concern .themselves
in the questions the consideration of
which they have no legal authority. Pres
idents ol "public meetings. w.hp. allow con
sideration to take place of .matters not
in their - province, of questions of . gen
eral government, are liable under the ex-
rests upon them, must for their part in
troduce- the- necessary calming enect on
public lie, which has deviated In recent
times from .Its proper course."
Moscow Government Marks Birth of
Czar's Son.
3lbS"CQ"W, Dec 27.The Zemstvo Con
gress of tho Moscow. government opened
today. Prince Trubetskoi,- the ..president.
In "his opening , address, dwelt upon the
serious condition of Russia and the re
grettable war with Japan, the end of
which, could, not-be anticipated in the near
future, as well as the grave economical
crisis through which the country', is 'pass
ing, and the Internal disorganization of
tho empire. All this, he said, lay as a
heavy yoke on the Russian people,' .and
produced the condition of strong rfervous
excitement under which it labored.
Prince Trubetzkol then proposed the
adoption and forwarding to Emperor
Nicholas of a resolution announcing that
to commemorate the birth "of tho Czare
vitch, the Zemstvo had set aside the cap
ital sum of $150,000. to 2e devoted to the
construction of new school buildings, and
that the Emperor should be asked to
name the new fund after his son, Alexis.
Continuing, Prince Trubetzkol declared
that Minister of the Interior Sviatopolk
Mlrsky's assurance of confidence in the
people had given tho Zemstvo new power
to serve the state. The Zemstvo had
firm confidence In the Emperor. They
believed the happy day was nigh when,'
through the imperial will, tho present
bureaucratic regime, which had estranged
the supreme power from the people,
would be changed; the day on which the
Emperor would, summon freely elected
representatives of tho people to partici
pate In legislation, -through whose co
operation the imperial power and great
ness of the throno would be strengthened
and the triumphant development of the
fatherland assured. The development,
the Prince said, was dependent upon "the
immutability of the principles of the law,
the .inviolability of persons, and equality
of rights for all citizens, as well as free
dom of speech and laith, which -would
bring them a strengthening of tho close
and strong ties between the throne and
the people, and enable them to co-operate
for the good of the fatherland."
The address was adopted by a majority
of the votes in the congress.
Imperial Ukase Meets With Much
Favor .in Papers.
ST. PETERSBURG. Deo. 27. The re
form ukase Issued yesterday js- given
an exceptionally favorablo reception by
the press. The aovoc vremya, con
cluding a long analysis of the document,
"Wo firmly believe and hope this will
realize all the best expectations of the
most liberal-minded Russians and hope
and believe also that it will be the moans
of the dawning of a better day and bring
more light and warmth' and life into Na
tional -existence throughout tho Empire."
Taking the provisions-of the ukase sep
arately, the Novoe Vremya says the ap
pointment of Ministers to the committees
for dealing with the several problems
Involved will form a connecting link in
tho government between the people and
the sovereign, and that it believes the
Ministers together will be able to work.
more effectively. Mutual counsel, the paper
says, will dissipate much misunder
standing and friction existing be
tween departmental chiefs. The Novoe
Vremya characterizes the ukase as a
strong and favorable answer to tho claims
of liberalism, and says It Is glad to see so
much space and Interest devoted to the
peasant question, which undoubtedly is
one of the most serious problems of. na
tional life.
Tho Kovostl and the Russ comment In a
similar tone, asserting that the great
problem of national life is for tho first
time put in a fair way of accurate and
satisfactory settlement.
More of Razom Riots.
LONDON, Dec. 27. A dispatch from St
Petersburg to a news agency says the
Russian authorities have closed Moscow
University until February 1 owing to re
cent disturbances. According to the same
source of information, during tho riots at
Razom two railway bridges were blown
up and an attempt wai made to dynamite
tho statue of Alexander 1L but only the
steps were Injured.
pTo Hurry Work on Black Sea Fleet.
SEVASTOPOL Dec 27. The dockyard
laborers have been released from their
obligation as members of the rasorves
in order that they may continue work
on the vessels of the Black Sea fleet
which Is being pushed w'lth tho great
est energy.
Police Chief to Go to Front.
MOSCOW. Deo. 27. It Is reported -that
Chief of Police Trepoff. who took an active
part In the suppression of the rocent stu
dent demonstrations, is about to resign
and proceed to the front
Admiral Schley in a Collision.
BALTIMORE. Md Dec. 27. The North
Central Harrisburg Express, carrying
large number of Mystic Shriners and
other passengers. Including Admiral
Schley, collided today In theyards of the
Pennsylvania Railroad with an, empty ex
press train. None of the passengers was
injured, but all "were badly shaken up,
Several trainmen were more or less seri
ously hurt.
Missed Bottle, Hit Head.
CHICAGO. Dec. 27. While Elmer Hunt
19 years old, balanced a bottle on his head,
William Dougherty, who, had been boast
lng of Ids prowess as a marksman, it is
alleged, attempted to emulate William
Tell by shooting the bottle.
.At tho second snot Hunt fell to tho
floor with a bullet between his 'eyes, and
dift almost lastantly- Dougherty escaped
and tho police are searching for him.
Electrocuted in Bathtub.
LIMA, O.. Dec. 27. J. W. Griffin, one
of the wealthiest oil operators In the city,
and vice-president of the Lima Trust
Company, was electrocuted In his bath
room'herc today, receiving a heavy voltage
of electricity. The, contact was made by
an iron register and an -electric light
chandelier. His -fingers wore badly
To set the genuine, call for the full nand and
look tor U3Q, e ig nature or s. W. Grove. 23c.
Nude Young Woman Plunges
" From Third-Story Window.
Clothing Found -Scattered in Great'
. Confusion About Room in New
York Hotel identified as a
Pennsylvania Girl.
NEW" YORK, Dec. 27. A woman of 2X
years, known as Cecil Hall." killed hersolf
instantly today .by jumping from th.P
third-story, window- of a ' house near
Broadway- in West 'Forty-sixth street.
Her action created a commotion in the
neighborhood, where it was declared that
the girl was screaming for help, after
which she wag seen to fling herself In a
nudo condition head-foremost from the
window. Coroner Scholer took charge of
the matter early today, and gave It as
his opinion that the girl was not a suicide,
but had been detained against her will and
was attempting to escape. Later he modi
fied his statement, somewhat pending fur
ther investigation. The woman's cloth
ing was found scattered about the room
from which she leaped.
Two suitcases found In the room con
tained women's and men's clothing, bear
ing marks which.-with other articles found
in the cases, led tho police to come to
the conclusion that both tho man and
woman were from Washington
The woman had been at tho house only
a few hours .before her death and noth
ing was known about her beyond the
!.-. mat aue eaia ner name was, Cecil
The best advertisement for the 1005 Pair that Orccon' people, can nend to"
their friends In the East, will bo a copy of tho New Year -Oregonlan that
will be published Monday momlnc next Tho Illustrations of the beautiful Ex
position buildings and tho Exposition grounds will be ma do a special feature
of the New Year's number. Tho paper will be mailed to any addreu in tho
United States -or Canada, postage prepaid, for 10 cents a copy. Address Tho
Oregonian, Portland, Or.
Hall. The police believe the marks on
tho man's clothing show that It was
bought In Warsaw, Poland. An overcoat
bore the name of Mr. Hoar. Other arti
cles of man's clothing bore the mark "J.
H." Tho Initials found -on the clothing
and on sliver-backed hair brushes found in
the suitcases correspond with those of a
prominent jockey who recently returned
to tnis country, alter a successful season
on tho race tracks of Russia. It is known
that this jdekey has been in Washington
.within a few days.
The tailor whose name appeared on the
overcoat found at tho Forty-slxth-stroet
lodging-house-said tonight that he made
ine coat tor J. Hoar, a joexcy. Among
tho woman's offsets was a newspaper
clipping which said that Jockey Hoar
headed thp winning list of jockeys on
Russian mounts, and spoke in compli
mentary terms of him.
Hoar has been located in Hoboken by
dotectives, who are trying to find out
what ho knows about the dead woman.
Mr. Jerome has much documentary evi
dence, Ho says, which will contribute to
khls support He also wants to call a
numbor of witnesses and his subpena-
servers have boon busy gathering these
Mother Sends for the Body.
LANCASTER, Pa.. Dec. 27. The vountr
woman calling herself Cecil Hall, who was
Kiuea oy plunging from the third-story
window of a lodging-house in New York
last night, has been identified as Cecelia
Moss, aged 23 years, of this city. Late
mis atternoon her mother, Mrs. Thomas
Moss,, received the .following telegram:
sorry to ten you your daughter has
committed suicide. What shall I do with
The telegram was slimed by Mrs. M.
Webb, 202 West Forty-sixth street. New
York. Mrs. Moss teleCTanhed back that
the body should be sent to this city. Her
mother Is unable to give much Informa
tion as to her recent career. About a
year ago the girl went to Washington,
i. C Later she wrote to her mother
that September 6 sho had married Clifton
Frascr. of that city, who she said was a
.clerk In tho Government employ. Some
weeks ago she wrote that sho and her
husband would spend Christmas here
with Mrs. Moss, but a letter received a
few days since said that she would go to
New York. The girl also stated that she
and her husband had adopted the name
of Mr. and Mrs. L J. Hall. She directed
that letters should be addressed to her
under the name of Hall, in care of Mrs.
Webb, at the Forty-sixth street address.
A photograph of Fraser which she sent
to her mother shows him to bo a rather
handsome man about 30 years of age,
smooth-faced. J. Hoard, the jockey from
Russia mentioned In the case. Is -hot
known at any of tho local hotels or by
horsemen here.
Teeth of Cutler Mountain Victim
Show Signs of" Long Use.
theory that the woman murdered on
Cutler Mountain, near this city, was
Mrs. Bessie Kemtcr Bouton, formerjy
of Syracuse, N. Y., is still regarded by
the police here as the strongest yet
advanced. The Butte, Mont, clew that
tho woman may have been Mrs. W. J.
Bodno, of that place, is discredited by
tho statement that Mrs. Bodno had had
her dental work dono recently. The
dental work in the mouth of the dead
woman sKbwed considerable wear, this
fact being regarded by tho dental ex
ports who examined the woman as in
dlcating that tho dead woman was not
younger than 25 years of age.
Tho police today have been Inter
viewing the local drugstore proprie
tors and hairdressers, and have found
an abundance of evidence that Mrs
Bouton was in this city for several
days ubout October 1, and that during
her stay here she was a representative
of Dr. J.. Parkor PrayT manufacturing
chemist, of 12 Twenty-third street, New
There Is not a circumstance yet
brought to light howover, that gives
a clew as to whore Mrs. Bouton wont.
If anywhere, from this city. The mys
tery surrounding the murder Is be
lievctl hero to bo yielding to the efforts
of tho officers, who believe that they
are now on the right tratc
Woman Sick at Denver in Company
With Man of Sporting Habits.
DENVER. Dec 27. Tho Nows today
says: Bessie BOuton. believed to bo the
young woman who was found on Cutler
Mountain with a bullet In her brain and
her face burned beyond recognition, was
a guest at tho Albany Hotel,. In this
city from May 2 to July 13. Thle has
been established by the hotel register.
Sho was accompanied by a man, and tho
couple registered as G. Bouton and wife.
Bouton became a. familiar figure at
sporting resorts, and when ho left Denver,
some time in August ho told his intimates
that ho was going to- Syracuse. N. Y.
Tho woman who knew the Boutons best
was Mrs. "Mary Madison, a maid at the
Albany. Mrs. Souton told Mrs. Madison
that her folks came from Germany, that
her parents lived In Syracuse. N. Y., and
that her maiden mime was Kemter.
Clerk Doty, of the Albany, In speaking
of the Boutons., said:
"Bouton said they, were from New Or-
leans, and they, registered from there.
The description of the murdered woman
fits well with Mrs. Bouton, there being
no real points of dissimilarity that I can
now detect During their stay at tho
Albany Mrs. Bouton told me her mother
was sick and that she must go back to
Syracuse. Ho objected, and they quar
reled, but finally they compromised by
sending a package to Syracuse." f
Dr. Sherman Williams prescribed . for
both the Boutons, while they were at the
Albany. He had the following to say:
"When I 6aw that tho murdered wom
an's name was Bouton. I at once read
the description 4given of her, foe I re
membered two patients of that name
whom I treated at the Albany Hotel' last
Summer. The description printed lxi the
papers tallies closely with" that of Mrs.
Bouton. This woman had a good set of
teeth, but there was much gold filling
In them."
All describe Bouton as a tall and muscular-appearing
Searching for Testimony.
"NEW YORK. Dec. 27. District Attor
ney Jerome and hts assistants are work
ing hard to obtain corroborative evidence
in connection with the confession of
Charles F. Dodge, who was brought here
from Texas on a charge of perjury which
grew Qut of the Morse-Dodcc divorce en
tanglement This confession, according
to current report Involves a conspiracy
on the part of men well known here to
defeat the ends of justice, but the District
Attorney la understood to take tho posi
tion that corroboration -of tho statement
Is a necessity before any court or Jury,
because Dcdge admits that-he committed
Procuring of this corroborative evidence
Is one of the most difilcult tastes which
has ever confronted the public prosecutor.
It Is known that in several Instances he
has found himself face -to face with ob
stacles behind which he cannot go. On
ae'cral aides he ls beset by the fact that
communication bcTwcen a lawyer and his
client are privileges. What a client may
have told his attorney cannot be asked
of tho lawyer.
In face of this difficulty, Mr. Jerome Is
confident that he will soon have a com
plete case against at least three men, and
he Is hopeful that his Investigation will
lead him not only to the Instruments of
the alleged conspiracy, but to the men
whose Interests made It vitally necessary
that the conspiracy should be carried out
aa the District Attorney believes It was
Last Letter Came From Denver.
SYRACUSE, N. Y., Dec 27. Mrs. C.
R. Kemter, mother of Mrs. Bessie
Bouton, Is thoroughly convinced that
the victim of tho Cutlor Mountain
murder Is her daughter. Tho last let
ter she received from the girl " was
written at the Albany sH6tol, Denver.
Sho would not disclose tho contents.
Sho said the girl's -name was Doskc,
but sho was known as Bessie. The
woman's husband lives here. Ho Is. a
mechanic of good reputation. The
couple lived together only a short time,
ana ho has not seen her since tho part
ing. For a time tho young woman
lived in New York.
Tired of Being, a Cripple.
CHICAGO. Dec 27. Buying a coffin
ostensibly for a friend, Leroy K. Nes-
blt a banker, committed suicide today
In an undertaking "establishment
Scribbled on a card in the banker's
pocket was a note saying:
"I am tired of being a cripple." Nes-
blt had a shriveled leg, and had spent
thousands of dollars In a vain attempt
to" effect a cure.
Permitted Girl to Kill Herself.
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 27. Miss Agnes Gar
rison, of Detroit aged 25 years, a former
employe at the .World's Fair, died at the
City Hospital today from tho effects of
poison taken In a room at a local hotel
here Albert Chlttum, aged 28, of Trum
bull, Tenn., who was in tho room at the
time. Is under arrest Chlttum admitted
seeing- the girl swallow the poison, but
aeiayed calling a. physician.
Detective Has Letcher in Charge.
COLUMBUS, O.. Dec. 27. A- telegram
from Detective Fox at Flagetaff, Ariz.,
states that ho has arrested George E.
Letcher, wanted at Bryan, O., on, a charge
of arson, and that he will arrive at Bryan
Wednesday. Letcher was arrested some
tlmo ago at San Francisco, and later was
reported to have been kidnaped and taken
from the state to prevent his release on
habeas corpus proceedings.
Doctor Is Put on Trial.
NEW ULM, Minn., Dec. 27. Dr. Georgo
R. Koch was pjaced on trial today on the
cnarge of having murdered Dr. Lewis A
Gcbhardt on the night of November 1
Both the defendant and his victim were
prominent socially.
Auto Chase at Bijou.
An auto knocks over a fruit wagon, js
chased by the police for several miles, the
automobilists then take to the wood?, but
are finally captured by the police in an
electric car. Such is the" scheme of "The
Trials and Troubles of an Automobilist,'
tho great film on tha Bijougraph this
week. Welch and Maltland have an ex
ceptionally funny acrobatic act
Bricklayer Burned to Death.
PITTSBURG, Dec 27. John Guy. ore
man of bricklayers, was burned to dcatKt
and fivo- others seriously Injured In an
explosion today in furnace MJ" of the Ed
gar Thompson plant ot the Carnegie Steel
Company at Braddock.
fuls Hour.
Result of Seating Democrats
in Colorado Legislature,
Supreme Court Hears Arguments in
the Case From Las Animas
County Similar Contest
From Boulder County.
DENVER, Dec 27. The Supreme Court
today heard argument on the application
of Dr. Michael Beshoar, Las Animas Sena
torial candidate, for leave to file an appli
cation for a writ of mandamus compelling
the State Canvassing Board to count the
returns as sent in, which show that Be
shoar was elected. The Republican have
asked the State Canvassing Board to go
behind tho re.tu.rns and give the certificate
to Barela, on the ground of alleged frauds
In Trinidad in the interest of Beshoar.
The decision of this case will apply also
to the Boulder County Senatorial contest
which Is ot a similar nature. If certifi
cates are issued to the Democratic, can
didates shown to be elected on tho face
of tho returns there will be a tie in the
Senate, which will consist of 17 Repub
licans and 17 Democrats, one seat being
vacant owing to the failure of Governor
Peabody to call a special election for the
choosing of a successor to the late Sena
tor Buchley.
Although the tlmo for canvassing the
returns expires tomorrow, the court did
not announco Its decision today on tho
mandamus proceedings.
Harrison Will Not Run Again.
CHICAGO, Dec 27. (Special.)-Mayor
Harrison announces positively that he
will not bo a candidate for re-election.
He 'gives as a reason that his son's
health demands his removal to a different
Dr. Bodine Had No Official Informa-.
tion in Bishop Talbot Case.
PHILADELPHIA, Dec 27. The Rev. Dr.
Bodine, of this city, who will be chairman
ot the board ot Inquiry which will investi
gate the charges made In behalf of tho
Rev. Ingram N. W. Irvine against Bishop
Ethclbert Talbot, of tho central diocese
of Pennsylavnla, said today that he was
without any official Information concern
ing the case. He said ho was not-aware of
tho grounds for tho presentment against
tho bishop excepting Information he has
gleaned from the newspapers.
"I nave not received the papers In the
case," said Dr. Bodine, "and am not cer
tain that they will bo forwarded to mc
-Should they be committed to my care I do
not know that I would have authority to
make public anything concerning their
contents. I will merely be the custodian
of the papers until January 10, when they
will be laid beforo the board of Inquiry.
"It la tho rule In such cases that the
papers are sent to the elder presbytery,
which holds them as custodian until they
aro required. I understand that Dr. Dix
Is said to have sent tho presentment to
mc, but I do not know that -ho has. Dr.
Dix withdrew from tho board because of
the infirmities of nge." '
Russians Demand the Ammunition.
PEKIN, Dec. 27. The Russian officials
here demanded from tho Chinese Foreign
Office yesterday the restitution of the
3,000.000 rounds of ammunition; apparently
destined for Port Arthur, seized by the
Chinese authorities at Fchgtai, near here,
four days ago. The Russians assert that
the ammunition was intended only for tho
legation guard.
It la learned at the Foreign Office that
the Chinese intend taking a strong stand,
in view of the frequent attempts to smug
gle arms and ammunition. The bales of
wool containing the cartridges seized at
Fengtal were consigned to a foreign resi
dent of Pekln, who Is now at Tien Tsln
taking part In the Investigation into the
""' Consecration of a Bishop.
KANSAS CITY. Dec 27. Rev. Father
T. F. Llllls, of Kansas City, at the Ca
thedral hero today, was consecrated Bish
op of tho Roman Catholic Diocese of
Leavenworth. Kan. Father Glennon. co-
Archblshop of St. Louls acted as conse-
crator. and Rev. S. G. Messmer. co-Arch
bishop of Milwaukee, preached the ser
No Railroad Administration Measure
Will Be Sent to Congress.
WASHINGTON. Dec 27. President
Roosevelt embraced "the opportunity to
day to take up with tho members of
tho Cabinet many questions of detail
in departmental administration, the
semi-weekly meeting of tho Cabinet
being longer than usual. At the con
clusion of the meeting tho members of
tho Cabinet said in response to In
qulries that little business of serious
importance was considered.
After other members of the Cabinet
had left the executive offices Attorney
General Moody discussed with tho
President some phases of the railroad
freight questions. Both tho President
and the Attorney-General recently havo
devoted much tlmo to that problem.
The latter Is giving particular atten
tion to the legal sldo of the question,
so that he may bo prepared to ad visa
with the President on the subject and
with such members of -Congress as
may wish to consult "him. It Is under
stood not to bo the Intention of the
i3 i
Materials: Three onions
carrots, two turnips, head
salt, pepper
butter, nvi
three table- g
tablespoon- j
9 m 1
As indicative of the dishes which follow, a soup should
be perfect in consistence and scasqning. The anxious
cook need not feat criticism if to the soup in the
tureen she adds two tablcspoonfuls of Lea CE Perrins'
$ heart
you it
They act directly on the liver. You will need
only one each night for a few nights. Your indi-1
gestion and biliousness will quickly disappear. I
ATSJt'S HAia V1G0H For the hair.
AYfi&' 3 SARSAPARiLLA r or uo uooa.
President and Attorney-General Moody
to prepare and press the consideration
In Congress of an "Administration
measure," dealing with- the railroad
frelgnt problem. Such a bill, it Is
thought (to quote a member of the
Cabinet), would bo destined to defeat.
Both the President and the Attorney-
General, It is said, aro proceeding on
the assumption that the committees of
Congress are amply able to prepare
their own measures, although the Pres
ident In conversation with Senators
and Representatives has presented
clearly his own ideas. At the confer
ence today no definite conclusions were
Postmaster-General "Wynne present
ed to the President a report prepared
by tho department in response to the
resolution of Senator Dubois, of Idaho,
regarding Postmasters or othor postal
employes who may be living tn -polygamy.
The report 'will be transmitted
to tho Senate when Congress recon
venes, next weelc. The report finds
that there are four Postmasters ' who
have sustained polygamous relations.
All these are at small places, and tho
relations.- it is stated, havo not been
continued since the passage of the Ed
munds law, the offenses having oc
curred prior to that enactment. In view
ot this fact. It has been determined
not to take any action in their cases.
Canal Zone Not a Territory.
WASHINGTON. Doc. 27. In an oninion
rendered today by Frank L. Campbell,
Assistant Attorney-General of the In
terior Department. It Is held that tho laws
of tho United States arc not applicable to
the Panama Canal rone, rne canal zone
is described In the opinion as not being
an organized territory or tne united
Shoersafety in
Selz Royal Blue Shoes
Shoe safety meansa lot of things
that you want when you spend your
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price. It means satisfaction to you in
every respect.
You are sure of all this when you get
a shoe with the name Selz onit.
You may get it with some other shoe,
or not; you're sure of it with Selz
Royal Blue shoe.
Price $3.50 and $4.00.
Outfitters to Men and Boys
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Doctors of the St Louis id Dispensary
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men only, who
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SSffiuf ?nt sTccefufVcrvlce." Consult' 6ei 'ore' consenting To" an$
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SPECIAL HOm TREATMENT. If you cannot call write us. Always in.
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St Louis Sccaa'iand Dispensary
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What! Another
dizzy spell?
Vertigo the doctors call
it. You naturally fear itis brain
trouble, nervous prostration,
your doctor will tell
is your liver. A slug-1
gish liver means a poor circula-1
tion, a. congested brain, a dis-1
ordered stomach, constipated
bowels. I
Ayer's Pills are liver pills. 1
Kado by tb J. O. Ayar Co.. Lowall, 3ui Ej
Also manufacturer of g
&xtaL'a auus uusjs ifor malaria and ague S
States, and the Assistant Attorney-Gen
eral holds that there is no provision in
tho treaty with Panama or the laws o?
regulations making the laws of the
United States generally applicable. The
question at issue was whether or not the
patent or trademark law extended to the
canal zone.
Big Dock for the Navy.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. The Bureau of
Yards and Docks. Navy Department, to
day awarded tho contract for the comple
tion of the drydock at the Maro Island
Navy-Yard to the Schofleld Company, of
P'hlludelphla. Pa. The amount of the con
tract Is $1,355,000. and the drydock is to be
completed in 33 months. This drydock
will be the largest In the United Statts
Judge Wing Has Resigned.
CLEVELAND. O.. Dec. 27. Judge Fran
cis J. Wing has forwarded to the President
his resignation as Judge of the Northern
District of Ohio. His reasons. Judge
Wing said, were entirely personal. He will
resume his law practice.
Curzon Receives in State.
CALCUTTA, Dec. 27. Lord Curzon,
Viceroy ot India, received Prince Inayat
Ullah. son of tho Ameer of Afghanistan,
with great ceremony today in "the throne
room at the Government House. Both the
Viceroy and tho Prince were attended by
brilllant staffs. The scene was most ef
fective. Tho Prince was evidently de
lighted with his reception.
Many persons keep Carter's Little Liver
Pills on hand to prevent bilious attacks,
sick headache, dizziness and find them
just what they need.
Royal Blue Shoes
and oil dlaeuaes ana weatuittsses 01 ineu, due to in
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We make no misleauing statements or unbusiness
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their patronage. The many years ot our successful
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