Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 28, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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Steamer Pounding to
Pieces in Dense Fog.
Captain Refused Aid of Life
Savers Yesterday.
that reached the Oregon Coast Saturday
morning moved southeastward to the
Texas coast, -where It. was central Mon
day morning, and then moved to the
Missouri Valley. In the last 24 hours it
has Increased greatly In Intensity and
forms today the most severe wind and
rain storm of the season throughout the
Middle and Lower Mississippi Valley,
Tennessee anil the East Gulf States.
Heavy downpours ots rain, accompanied
by thuriHer storms and high, shifting
winds, have occurred In the Lower Mis
sissippi Valley Tennessee and the Lower
Ohio Valley. The Mississippi Valley dis
turbance will move northeastward dur
ing the next 36 hours.
So Dense Is the Mist That the
Stranded Drumelzeir' Cannot Be
Seen From Shore, Only Two
Hundred Yards Away.
NEW YORK, Dec 27. Efforts to
learn whether Captain Nicholson -and
the crew of the British tramp steamer
Drumelzolr are still aboard the vessel,
which Is aground on the bar at Fire
7sland, "have been unsuccessful and to
night the life-savers are still watching
from the beach in the hope of com
municating with the ship.
Hidden In a black fog and pounded
by fierce seas rolling from the south
east, the steamer tonight was in im
minent danger of going to pieces. If
her captain and crew of 32 men are
Mill on the ship, they face almost cer
tain death in the heavy surf breaking
over the sandy beach. The captain
would not let the life-savers take off
his crew yesterday when the seas were
not running so high, and, today It was
too late to help them. No lifeboat in
the world could be launched in the
teeth of the gale that was plowing up
and down the shore.
The fog was so thick that the strand
ed vessel could not be seen from the
fihore, 200 yards away. Two tugs were
sent to the vessel last night, but as
no report was received from them to
day, it is thought they may have left
her to escape the storm.
Panic Caused Aboard Ferry-Boats
Loaded With Passengers.
NEW YORK, Dec. 27. A collision on
the river resulted from the thick weather
during the morning rush hours. The ferry-boat
Chicago, of the Pennsylvania
Line, loaded down with commuters, was
run into by the New Haven Railroad's
big steam transport Maryland In the
North River, Just off Cortlandt-street slip
of the Pennsylvania ferry. The transport
crashed Into the rear of the ferry-boat
.and tore away a large part of the deck
work over the stern. No serious damage
was done to the 'hull.
While a dense fog hung over the river
and harbor this afternoon, the ferry-boats
Bergen and Musconctong, of the Lacka
wanna Line, crashed into each other near
Hoboken ferry slips, and for a few min
utes there was a wild panic on both boats.
The Bergen had left the New York side,
and was approaching the New Jersey side
under reduced speed, crashed into her.
Except for slight bruises, no "one. was
hurt, and neither boat was seriously .in-
jurea. ' -
Rain and Sleet In New York.
NEW YORK, Dec. 27. Rain and sleet,
with a rising temperature, followed yes
terday's snow storm, having greatly im
peded traffic in and about New York.
Telegraphic communication has been con
siderably handicapped, and all through
trains from the West and North are de
layed, owing to slippery rails.
In the city the rain and sleet, freezing
as soon as It struck the ground, made
walking hazardous and Inconvenient, and
whenever there was a grade on the sur
face roads there was great trouble. On
the elevated lines brilliant electrical dis
plays marked the passage of trains over
the ice-coated third rail.
As the rain descended, it froze in a firm
layer- on all exposed rails, and made elec
tric circuits almost Impossible. Because
of the holiday an unusually small num
ber of cars were run In the boroughs, and
the Ice had plenty of time to form. On
the Brooklyn elevated lines trains sup
posed to run in half an hour rrom the
bridge to the end of the line required
x.early two hours for the trip.
The rain, sleet or drizzle, with the tem
perature only half a degree below freez
ing, was welcomed by the Bureau of Snow
Removal, but it was admitted If the tem
j.erature should fall much further. In
stead of rejoicing there would be gloom.
The snow packed In the streets would
1'reeze, and it would require great efforts
to break it loose.
In addition to the delay caused by sleet.
the congested traffic of the upper harbor
and the North and East Rivers, crowded
with ferryboats, was hampered by a fog
so dense that it was still almost dark at
7.30 A. M., and ferryboats bringing the
thousands of people employed In this city
from Jersey City and Brooklyn picked
their way slowly from slip to slip In con
stant danger of collision.
Heavy Snowfall Is Piled Up by Heavy
KANSAS CITY. Dec. 27. This portion
of the Southwest today Is in the grasp
oi a genuine buzzard, tne first severe
cold weather of the Winter. It extended
through Missouri, into Nebraska and
Iowa, over the whole of Kansas and Into
Oklahoma and Indian Territory- Snow
ffll to a depth of nearly a foot and. driv
en by a high wind, drifted badly. Street
car traffic In Kansas City waa demoral
ized, while railway trains in every dlrec
tlon were delayed and some stalled.
At some points, particularly north of
Kansas City, In Iowa and Nebraska, tele
phone and .telegraph wires were rendered
useless by sleet and for many hours com
snunlcatlon north of St. Joseph into those
states waa Impossible.
The thermometer is close to the zero
mark, showing a fall In temperature since
midnight of 11 dcg.. and a fall within 24
nours oi jo aeg. More snow, with a
continued fall In temperature, was predicted.
The snow storm ended tonight, but the
emperature is expected to go down to
zero or lower before morning. At 9
o clock the thermometer registered 8 de
grees above zero. Cars are running on
tui or tne street-car lines tonight. .Be
lated trains are arriving at the Union Sta
tion from all directions.
From Oregon Coast to Texas, and
Now in Mississippi Valley.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. Reports to
the Weather Bureau today say the torm
All Kansas Feels the Storm.
TOPEKA, Kan., Dec. 27. The storm
which began here last night has assumed
the proportions of a blizzard and the tem
perature Is at zero, with a strong wind
blowing, which drifts the enow badly.
Street railway traffic is practically sus
pended and castbound trains late on all
the railroads. Reports received here at
the Weather Bureau ' headquarters and
at the general offices of the railroads In
dicate that the storm cxterids to all por
tions of Kansas.
The Santa Fe reports that telegraph
wires ore working, but the Rock Island Is
having much trouble with telegraph wires.
Only one wire la working as far west as
Herington, and at 9 o'clock thia morning
communication with the Southwest linos
and the Northwest line to Colorado was
almost completely shut off.
Reports from Western and Central
Kansas tonight say that the temperature
is steadily falling, after being near zero
all dav. and will Drobably reach 10 be
low Stero before morning. The snow is
piled in drifts, and much loss Is reported
among the cattle on the plains. Railroad
traffic Is In bad shape, nearly all trains
being hours behind time. The telegraph
companies have trouble with wires, espe
cially to the West.
Trains Are Delayed.
WICHITA. Kan., Dec. 27. The first real
blizzard of the Winter, which began late
yesterday, was utill In force early, today.
The thermometer stood at six" degrees
above zero at 7 o'clock this morning, the
coldest weather of the Winter. Streetcar
traffic was tied up for an hour this morn
ing and la still crippled. All railroad
trains are late.
Rainfall in Kentucky.
LOUISVILL.E, Ky., Dec 27. The South
tine rffflvpfi durinc the nast 36 hours the
first soaking rain in many months-. In
the territory from the Ohio River to the
Gulf and from Texas over into Georgia
ih Snrimr-llkt weather of the oast few
days has been broken by heavy rain?, fol
lowed by high winds. In several places a
cold wave has sent the mercury scurrying
to the bulb, a fall of 9 degrees in one
hour being recorded at Nashville.
At Louisville there, was a rainfall of
tven Inrhps. Mountain streams are fill In ir
up and crops will be greatly benefited. A
boating period in tne unio seems assured,
and many places suffering from a short
age of coal will soon have their wants
St. Paul in Grip of Blizzard.
ST. PAUL. Dec 27. This part of the
state Is in the grip of a blizzard and the
snow piling up in drifts is delaying trains
and streetcar traffic
The storm extends oer the entire
Northwest, and all trains are more or less
late today. The Pacific Coast lines were
hard hit. One Great Northern train due
Monday afternoon was reported 20 hours'
late. The Northern Pacific Coast train
was reported almost six hours late.
Glowing Trll u cs Ftn the Pen of
Great Pianist.
Private Car "Rlva."
En route to San Francisco.
March 24, 1900.
To The Aeolian Company, New York:
Gentlemen As an admirer of the
Aeolian, the wonderful merits of which
I have attested to In a former letter to
you, I have now much pleasure In adding
my tribute" to your latest Invention, the
Pianola, which I consider still more In
genious. It is astonishing to see this Httlo device
at work, executing the masterpieces of
pianoforte literature with a- dexterity,
clearness and velocity which no player,
however great, can approach.
Every one who wishes to hear absolutely
faultless, free 'of any kind of nervfiusaess.
piano-playing,, should buy a Pianola. It
is perfection.
Wishing you well-deserved success, I am,
Yours very truly,
Chalet RIond-Bosson Morges.
November 7, 1900.
To The Aeolian Company:
Gentlemen I desire to order another
Pianola for use in my residence. Will you
kindly select an Instrument In rose-wood,
and have packed with It rolls of music,
and shipped via steamer?
Since the above letters were written the
Metrostyle has been added to the Pianola.
This little device enables anyone to follow
whatever Interpretation Is Indicated upon
the muslc roll and lmnart to the compo
sition exactly the expression of the highest
musical autnoritles. JFaderewsKi nimseit
has personally marked a number of music
rons witn nis own interpretation. u.neso
compositions can all be obtained from us
with the Paderewskl Interpretation.
Metrostyle Pianolas. Pianola Pianos.
which include the peerless Weber. Aerl
olas. Aeolian Orchestrelles and Aeolian
Pine Organs, sold only by Ellers Piano
uouse. wi wasnmgton street, corner iarK
Slush and Water in Streets.
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 27. Traffic of
every sort In this city was badly ham
pered during the early hours today by a
dense fog. Rain fell during the night. A
heavy thaw resulted, and this, following
the two days and a half of snowfall, con
verted the streets Into rivulets. Train
service was irregular.
Wind Blows In Indiana.
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Dec 27. High
winds are prevailing today throughout In
diana. At Elklnsville a schoolhouse was
unroofed and several children were In
jured. At Vincennes the wind unroofed
the Blackford brass plant and blew down
a portion of the walls. A lumbor plant
was also damaged.
Wisconsin Traffic Delayed.
LA CROSSE. Wis.. Dec 27. A blizzard
prevails in Wisconsin today. At Superior
the wind reached a velocity of ,40 miles
an hour. Traffic Is delayed.
Rain Follows Snow in Jllinois.
BLOOMINGTON, 111.. Dec 27. The first
severe snow storm of the Winter raged
in Central Illinois -'today, following a
heavy lain of two days.
John Bough Has Serious Charges of
Swindling Against Him.
PHILADELPHIA, Dec 27. Charges
of conspiracy, false pretense and for
gery. Involving $130,000, are made
against John Bough, alias Baker, who
was committed in the City Hall Police
Court today, to await requisition pa
pers from the New York authorities.
New York detectives arrested Baugh
as he was leaving the county prison,
where he had served six months for
swindling operations In the name of
the Boyer Sign Manufacturing Com
pany, of Philadelphia.
According to Information here. Bough
and other persons who have since dis
appeared established an insurance com
pany under the name of Lloyds Insur
ance Company, of America. The con
cern. It is alleged, wrote $4,000,000
worth of fire Insurance and colected
$150,000 In premiums, the insured hav
ing been led. It Is charged, to believe
that Bough was the 'American agent of
Lloyds of London. ,
Six 'months ago a collapse followed
an alleged nonpayment of policy and
the prosecution claims that- the dis
covery was then made that the safe was
filled with assets In the shape of worth
less deeds and mortgages.
Jerome Refuses to Sue When. Matter
Will Reach Grand Jury.
NEW YORK, Dec 27. The development
of the Morse-Dodge divorce case was
practically at a standstill today. Whether
or not the case will be brought before the
grand jury, tomorrow Is a question that
District Attorney Jerome refused to an
swer. Except for Dodge, who will be the
state's chief witness in any criminal
prosecution, none of those who are likely
to be Involved has been arrested. The
testimony of Dodge, as contained In the
long confession he made and signed, will
need corroboration.
Holland Will Observe Neutrality.
THE HAGUE, Dec 27. The report that
Holland will place Sabang, in the Straits
Settlements, at the disposal of the Rus
sian Second Pacific Squadron, is devoid
of foundation. It is learned in official
quarters that Holland will observe the
same strict neutrality in her colonies as
at home.
Story Told by Jockey Hoar.
NEW YORK. Dec 27. Jockey Hoar in
formed the police tonignt mat tne young
woman known here as Cecil Hall, who
Jumped to her death "last night from the
window of a lodging-house In West Forty-sixth
"street, was in his company yes
terday afternoon and that be went "with
her to the door of her houc. There he
left her, he said, and about an hour
later he called her up by telephone. She
appeared to be In good spirits and asked
him to write her.
He ' admitted having met the young
woman while he was riding at a recent
Bennings meeting and that he came to
this city with her at the close of the
Russ Says They Would Not Be Able
to Reach the East.
ST. PETERSBURG. Dec 27. In an
outspoken article, in reply to a recent
letter of Admiral Blerlleff, which ap
pealed to Russians not to criticise the
condition of the navy openly, the Russ
today declares the time is passed Tor si
lence, in view of the fact that the "old
system of concealing facts is responsible
for the loss of 150,000,000 rubles worth
of warships and has covered us with
shame and grief. It would be absurd to
hide the defects that can still be repaired
in the ships which remain at Cronstadt
and Llbau. Wo have already criminally
wasted enough time."
The Russ enumerates the defects In the
ships still In Russian waters, averring
that the peculiarities of structure of
several of the vessels destined for the
Far East make the voyage dangerous,
and the torpedoboats are In such a shock
ing condition that It is a matter of sur
prise that the authorities accepted their
delivery. Torpedoboats intended to e
inforce Vlce-Admlral Rojestvensky
clearly not be dispatched with the nu
merous defects which have been proved
to exist In them. '
"Even If Admiral Rojestvensky is a
clever leader and his 12,000 comrades are
heroic sailors, everyone knows that we
have imposed upon them an almost su
perhuman task in consequence of our not
being furnished with a true account of
tho gravity of the events which have oc
curred since tho fatal night of Febru
ary 8."
New Machinery Palace is Not Large
It was generally agreed at the meeting
of the committee on exhibits of the Lewis
and Clark Exposition board yesterday
that. In order to do Justice to exhibitors
and to the Fair, not only an extra build
ing would have . to be built on the
grounds, but an "L" must be added to the
east end of the Machinery and Transpor
tation building. It was an adjourned
meeting, held for the purpose of hearing
the report of Director of Exhibits H. E.
Dosch on the amount of space available
and the requirements of the exhibitors;
and when the wide divergence between
the two was learned, the only question
was, how much more space was needed.
Mr. Dosch reported that he had ap
plicants for almost twice as much space
as there Is now available. The situation
and the possibilities for the obtaining of
more space were illscussed with the final
agreement that a building 375 feet long
and 240 feet wide would probably be suffi
cient If an "L" were built on each end
of the Machinery and Transportation
building. Thee would house everything
now In sight, except the educational ex
hibit, and a fit place for that was believed
to be the gallary of the Oriental building
which Is already built.
Final action regarding the new building
and orectlng the "Ls" will be taken
Thursday at .the meeting of the executive
committee, and meanwhile President
Goode and Mr. Dosch wiU visit the
grounds and discuss the feasibility of the
projects. If they find the size of the new
building 'as given too small, they are to
report the fact to" the executive commit
tee, and a larger one within limits will
be erected In Its stead. Mr. Dosch be
lieves'; however, that he will be able to
take care of exhibitors with the addition
al space agreed upon by the committee
on exhibits yesterday.
Davenport National and First Na
tional of Boston. J
i ., t-o ? Tiif Controller of the
lll&iuu, - - -
Currency has authorized the Davenport
National uanK, oi uaveniiuu, w
begin business with a capital of $100,
000; A. Kuhn. president; D. M. Drum
heller, vice-president; Martin McLean,
cashier. , , .
rrti.. n.n.Allir Vina nlxn niltlinrlzea
AUG VUIll.. u -i ......
the First National Bank, of Preston.
Idaho, to begin business with a capital
of $25,000, James Pingree. president;
Joseph scowcroii, vice-iJi;ucjw. . ...
R, Nelson, vice-president; John C.
Greaves, cashier.
Postoffice Appointments.
ington, Dec 27. -Leslie G. Sickles has
been appointed regular and Albert
Jones substitute rural carrier of routo
2, at Everett. Wash.
Wllllanf W, Scott has been appointed
Postmaster at Peach, Lincoln County,
Wash., vice Emma J. Young, resigned.
Succeeds Admiral Dormville of the
Mediterranean Squadron.
LONDON, Dec 27. Vlce-Admlral Lord
Charles Beresford has been-appointed to
succeed Admiral Dofmville. In command
of the Mediterranean squadron on May 1.
LipmanWoIf e & Co.
"Our Great Sale"
Opened With a Rush
The caused A bright, clean, up-to-date stock of first-class merchandise and every article irij it
s on saie at a recmcea price.. ...
Every Article Reduced in Price
Everything that you need for personal wear, for home decoration or for table use, on sale at re
duced prices, which mean substantial savings.
ikf perusal of the following list will suggest a want. Every article in the store dan be. purchased
for less money now than at any other time of the year.
Black and Colored Dress
Women's Tailor-Made Suits.
Women's Coats and Wraps.
Women's Muslin Underwear.
Men's Shirts and Neckwear.
Everything in Art Goods.
Handkerchiefs, Veils and
Towels and Toweling.
Sheets, Sheeting and Cases.
White and Colored Flannels.
Corsets of All Kinds.
Pictures and Calendars.
Notions of All Kinds.
All Sorts of Art Goods.
Dress Trimmings.
Black and Colored Silks.
Women's Cravenette Rain
coats. Women's Silk and Cotton Pet
ticoats. Women's and Children's Hos
iery. Men's and Boys' Sweaters.
Dress Firidings and Linings.
Silk, Wool and Kid Gloves.
Battenberg Doilies and Cen
ters. Percales and Ginghams.
Blankets and Comfortables.
Music of All Kinds.
Suit Cases, Bags and Purses.
Stationery of All Kinds.
White Bedspreads.
Bohemian Glassware.
Men's and Women's Under
wear. Women's Dress and Walking
Women's and Children's Furs.
Men's Socks and Suspenders.
Women's and Child's Millin
ery. Laces, Ribbons and Neckwear.
Table Damasks and Napkins.
Silk and Cotton Umbrellas.
Outing Flannels.
Curtains and Draperies.
Books for Old and Young.
Jewelry and Cut Glass.
Cushions and Pillows.
Yarns and Worsteds.
All Embroideries.
Every one of these articles is on sale at greatly reduced prices.
All goods bought on December 28, 29, 30 and 31 will be charged on January account.
Lipmaixwol-ffe Co.
Hamburg-American liner Phoenicia has
been sold to an unknown purchaser, and
that she is going to uoau.
Great Britain Fathers Tonga Islands,
VTTr-.T.-RnrmVR. Dec. 27. Great Britain
has assumed control of the legal and
financial administration of tne uonga. is
lands, the native chiefs consenting.
Czar to Go to Minsk.
ST. PETERSBURG, Dec. 27. Emperor
Nicholas will leave on December 29 for
Minsk and the Don Caucusus, returning
on January 5.
Austrian Premier to Resign.
VIENNA, Dec. 27. It is reported that
Premier von Koerber finds his position so
difficult that he has decided to resign.
Alaska Plum Secured for Portland
Man by Senator Fulton.
ington. Dec. 27. It can be stated on reli
able authority that T. C. Powell, of Port
land, Is to be appointed United States
After Dinner
To assist digestion, relieve distress
after eating or drinking too heartily,
v to prevent constipation, take
Hood's Pills
Sold everywhere. 25 cents.
There are twenty different
cinnamon barks, and they cost
from 4 to 55c 'lb. This ex
plains the market, all but one
particular. Schilling's Best is
the best with the coarser pieces
picked-out; not thrown-away;
oh no; they go to some less
particular grinder.
Liner Bought by Unknown.
"LONDON, Dec. 27. A dispatch from
Hamburg to & news agency says the
Tutfs Pills
Cure All
Liver Ills
Twenty Years Proof.
Tutt's Liver Pills keep the bow
els in natural motion and cleanse
the system of all impurities An
absolute cure for sickheadache,
dyspepsia, sour stomach, con
stipation and kindred diseases.
"Can't do without them"
R. P. Smith, ChU?sburg, Va.
writes I don't know how I could
do without them. I have had
Liver disease for over twenty
years. Am now entirely cured.
Tutt's Liver Pills
and Morrison
Our Great Semi-Annual
Is Now in Progress
And progressing very rapidly, judging from the business we have had during our first day, and we have no
doubt whatever that it will continue and improve as the splendid array of money-saving opportunities is almost
unlimited. "We have marked down every article in our immense new stock. This sale is certainly proving
a Mecca for great numbers of bargain-loving women, for while purchasing what brought them directly to us,
they nearly always discover so many things of interest and profit to themselves that we are nearly always sure
of another visit.
We are offering unparalleled bargains in our Suit and Cloak Department, also in Misses' and Children's
Dresses and Jackets on our second and third floors; and the values offered in dainty Neckwear and Hand
kerchiefs, the very latest designs in Belts, the handsomest Purses, the best Gloves, the most stylish Millinery,
high-class Muslin Underwear and the daintiest, prettiest French Lingerie have never been equalled in the
City of Portland,
Every Article in the Entire StocK at Almost
Our great stock of Fashionable Furs must be sold, and we have therefore reduced the price of every
garment in the store to the actual value of the skins they are made of. Here's an opportunity to purchase
Furs with the
At the most ridiculously low prices. The superiority of the Silverfield Fur is acknowledged,
and workmanship they cannot be excelled.
An Incomparable Bargain Feast
Only Appreciated When Seen
For style, quality
Marshal at Nome, Alaska, to succeed
Frank Richards, recently removed. Pow
ell was recommended by Senator Fulton.
Other Eastern" Senators have been clam
oring to securethls position for their
friends, but to them all the President
has stated that Richards' successor had
been chosen. Powell's nomination will
probably be sent to the Senate when Con
gress reassembles next week.
Senator Foster and other aspirants for
Senatorship in Washington, it Is reported,
have protested to the President that
United States Marshal Hopkins is tak
ing too active a part in the Washington
Senatorial contest. They have asked that
he be called down. Hopkins is charged
with openly managing the campaign of
Sweeny, of Spokane, while holding ah Im--portant
position, which Is contrary to the
President's Idea ot propriety.
Notwithstanding protests that have
been made Hopkins has not yet been
notified to -keep his hands oft, though it
is very probable that he will be called
to time before the campaign progresses
much further.
Foster is particularly sore on Hop
kins, whose appointment as Marshal
he consented to two years ago, ever
sim:e which timft Hopkins has been
worklpg against Foster.
Senator Foster started West this
mo'rning. He will stop several days in
St. Paul and then proceed direct to
Tacoma. He will not return to Wash
ington undl the close of the Senatorial
Congress Will Have to Buy Bullion at
s Once.
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 27.-John H.
Landis, superintendent of the mint in this
city, said today that the available silver
bullion of the country has been exhausted.
Unless Congress takes prompt action to
relieve the situation by authorizing the
purchase of more sliver bullion for coin
age or by accepting a suggested tem
porary remedy, he said commerce would
be greatly hampered next year, as a re
sult of a 510,000,000 shortage in small sil
ver coins. The prevailing conditions of
the country's collateral also entails whole-
sale discharges or mint employes, to taka
effect on January 1, and unless relief is
obtained from Congress the regular mint
force will be cut down to a nominal num
ber within the next few months.
"Sliver bullion," said Mr. Landis. "has
been exhausted because of the coinage of
our useless hoard of 55S.000.000 standard
dollars, for which there has never been
any real popular demand. At the game
time, with no available sliver bullion,
there Is an urgent demand for 510.000.00)
of minor subsidiary coin, without which
the country's commerce will be greatly
hampered next year.
"The Government Is facing conditions
which compel it either to go into the mar
kets and resume the purchase of silver
bullion for coining purposes or recolning
a portion of .Its stock of silver dollars into
smaller silver coins."
"Washington BIdg.j 4th and Washington St's.