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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1904)
THE MORNING OREGONIAS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 190s. All PURCHASES MADE ON "CHARGE ACCOUNTS" TODAY AND FOR THE BALANCE Of THE MONTH WILL GO ON JANUARY BILLS J-V- PORTLAND'S LARGEST FOREMOST STORE "THE DIFFERENT STORE" FIFTH, SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS PORTLAND'S "QUALITY SHOP" ""ISO ' J)CQiW4JUl Weather Today "Olearance" and ,Crowdy.,, Store Closes at 6 P. M. and made me so much larger that it seemed I never realized how small I was before. And now I'm the biggest store in Portland's family and carry the biggest stocks. You can't realize how well I feel after the operation and yet for the past two weeks I've had such a crowded feeling just as perhaps you had after your Christmas dinner yesterday, especially, I felt it, the people crowded in so fast my sides seemed to bulge out until I felt I'd have to grow bigger right soon to hold all wh'o want to visit me. But perhaps you'd like to talk to some of my big family IT switch you first to Undermuslins, Second Floor, in new part. THE CLEARANCE SALES GAIN MIGHTY MOMENTUM The. Great January, 1905, "White Fair Sale" in the Undermuslin Stores. Portland's Greatest and Finest Exposition of Dainty Undermuslins and Beautiful French lingerie. ALL AT STARTLINGLY REDUCED PRICES FOR ABSOLUTE CLEARANCE. . THE GREAT "WHITE FAIR Second Floor, Sixth-Street Annex, in the Undermuslin and Corset Section. A Sale of Mighty Magnitude, A 27th Annual Event Long Looked for, Anxiously Awaited A Sale Bristling With Matchless . Bargains -and Dazzling With Snowy Whiteness. Those special- vartues listed below give a faint idea of the opportunities offered by this peerless, unapproachable GREAT JAXUAIIV SAXE OP WHITE that starts this -week in conjunction with the store's 27 tli Annual Clearance Sales. LARGEST BUYERS AXD SELLERS OF UXDERMUS MNS AND CORSETS IN' THE NORTH WEST. Extra special this vrecltt Ladies' fine Cambric or Muslin Gowns, high or V-shaped neck, long and elbow , sleeves, lace or embroidery trimmed; regular price, 51.50; special. . 87c Ladies' fine Muslin Drawers, deep ruffle, hemstitched, tucked, lace or embroidery trimmed; regular price 75c; special at 40c Ladies' fine Nainsook Drawers, line Swiss embroidery, trimmed with beading and ribbon; regular price $1.50; special at.88c Corset Covers of fine muslin, full front with tucks, torchon lace edging and in sertion; regular price, 35c; special at. 23c Corset Covers of fine nainsook, very elab orately trimmed, with yoke effect of Fe dora lace, beading and draw ribbon around neck and sleeves; regular prlcv, $1.50; special at 90c Ladies' fine Cambric Petticoats, 18-lnch lawn, flounced with four rows flne tucks, ' lace insertion and edging, .hemstitched, dust ruffle, some embroidery trimmed; regular price, 55, special at $2.1)7 Ladies' Heavy Muslin Petticoats, three I-lneh hemstitched tucks, deep Spanish flounce with under-ruffle; regular price, 51.50; special at 98c Good Muslin Chemise, with round yoke effect, neck trimmed with embroidery; regular price, 60c; special at 43c "HELLO MILLINERY Is it true that you gained more than 300 per cent in threo weeks of December over last year or any previous year'-s business at the store?" "Well We're not quite sure, madam, until tho auditors have finished their work But we made an onormous gain, and we're bound to do even better in January if there's any virtue in values like theser' Great Clearance Sale Prices on Stylish Millinery 2d-Fl'r Annex I Extra Special! Today Only. IlaBdftome Beaver Hat AVortk 93JH) to S5 for 91.49 Beaver Hats of very best quality very swell new shapes Hfc brown, blue ffjL. jZjPr or castor and trimmed with velvet and fancy feath ers. Our reg ular 53.50 to 55.00 values. Sneclal clear ance sale "price, each 91.49 A MICROSCOPIC PRICE PUT ON SEA SONABLE DRESS HATS. A line of handsome and stylish Dress Hats Actual 55.00, 56.00 and 58.03 values. They are yours tomorrow for the tiny little price of, each. $1.00 AIX OTHER TRIMMED HATS AT EXACTLY HALF PRICE. Public Tea Rooms Second Floor. Under tho auspices of the Y. W. C. A. "Grandma" Munra, Hostess. TODAY'S MENU. TEA COFFE CHOCOLATE BOUILLON MILK IN BOTTLES" SALAD HOT ROLLS SARDINE SANDWICHES BREAD AND BUTTER , DESSERT CAKES 99 Ladles' Outing Flannel Gowns, flne pink or blue and white striped, rolling collar and sleeves, finished with button-hole stitching and fancy braids; regular price, 51.10; special at 73c Black Mercerised Sateen Petticoats, deep Spanish flounce of accordion plaiting, finished with two rows of hemstitched ruffles and four stitched straps; regular price, 52; special V.$L29 From our large Royal Worcester Corset stock we have selected six styles, two of the highest grade, hand-made Sapphires, two of Bon Tons, and two of Royal Wor cesters. These corsets cover a wide range of figures, comprising low, medium and high busts, short or full over hips, and short and medium lengths, colors pink, blue, drab and black and white, sizes IS to 30. Regular prices $1.75 52.50 55.50 $7.50 510.00 512.50 Special at 8Sc $1.25 $2.73 93.75 $500 385 All our Children's Colored Cloaks at one-half price. This line consists of all the new Fall and Winter novelties in make and plain and fancy materials, ages from 1 to 6 years. Regular prices, from 33 to 540; your choice this week at ONE HALF PRICE. Art Shop Secoad-Floor Annex. Cushion Covers, with plain back, tops stamped In a great variety of conven-' tional and Dutch designs, materials Rus sian linen, hopsacklng, canvas and art uemms; regular prices to $1.50; special at .20a Stamped Linen Centerpieces In a great va riety of -floral and conventional designs, sizea IS inche's; regular price, 30c; spe cial at .- 17c "HELLO! Knit Underwear: My, how big you've grown! Is it true that everything in your shops Is reduced? Yes? "Well I'll be down today and buy for next year. You see underwear styles don't change, and I always take advantage of the clearance sales to buy fpr a year ahead. "What's on extra special today? Tes, all right, go ahead, I'm listening and I'll be down, too." Today's Extra Special Clearance Sale Prices on Women's Knit Underwear and Hosiery "WOMEN'S 94.00 UXION" SUITS FOR $2.08. Women s fine whl,te or blue gray wool Union Suits; regular made, splen did quality. Our 54.00 value. Special Clearance Sale Price is. suit. .. .$2.08 WOMEN'S $5,00 SILK TIGHTS FOR 33.75 Women's flesh color Silk Tights, Winter weight, open, ankle length. Our 5500 value. Special Clearance Sale price, the pair $3.76 CHILDRESS UNDERWEAR A Lot of odds and ends in Children's Winter Un derwear, both cotton and wool, at a tremendous sacrifice. "WOMEN'S COTTON HOSE WORTH 25c FOR- 18c Women's heavy weight black cotton Hose, seamless. Our 25c value. Clearance Bale Price, the pair 18c WOMEN'S FINE BLACK CASHMERE HOSE WORTH 50c FOR 20c Toy and Doll Sale Extraordinary The Boldest, Most Daring Offer Ever Made by Any House In America. TOYS HALF PRICE In order to dispose of our entire remain ing slock of TOYS AND DOLLS this week we shall start this morning, at 8 A. M., continuing until closed out, and place on sale A MONSTER STOCK OF TOYS- AND DOLLS placed on 30 long, double tables, extending over 4S5 feet in length, com prising air our Immense stock of the fol lowing AT ABSOLUTELY ONE-HALF PRICK. Dolls, Doll Heads, Doll Clothing, Print ing Press, Animals, Swings, Merry-Go-Rounds, Mechanical Toys. Jugglers, Dancers, Acrobats, Clowns. Metalopnoncs, Accordions, Boats, Tool Chests. Drums. Trumpets, Trombones, Railroads and Trains, Savings Banks, Iron Fire Engines, Hooks and Ladders; Police Patrols, Coaches. Jockeys. Coal Carts, Hose "Carts. Wood Saws. Stoves, Ranges, Kitchen Outfits, Violins, Banjos, etc An aggrega tion of Immense magniture to select from. A toy-selling event never before at tempted In Portland. FULL ANI FREE CHOICE AT HALF PRICE ALL THIS WEEK. "HELLO, EXCHANGE 12 HOW ARE YOU THESE DAYS, "OLD HOMESTEAD SHOP"? "Pretty well, thank you ma'am bnt almost too busy to talk. Able to sit upright and entertain thousands upon thousands of friends every day; held "open house" yesterday and s erred. Clearance Sale Prices to the "biggest crowd of folk that ever paid their respects to any Portland store in any one post-Christmas day. The Pall months were rather trying on me. Half of my right side was forcibly extracted, and I was bandaged up until about six weeks ago, when I woke up to find, a new part had grown on to me an annex building that towered above me As New 27th Annual Clearance Sales Are Now On "HELLO I THE BIG- WHITE FAIR?" Yes, This Is Portland's Great Exposition of White The Most Superb Undermuslin Shown West of Chicago I Special Eyents? Yes! Lots of 'em read a few. And bear in mind this is the "Quality Shop." Ho skimped or undersizes here. But garments from eight of America's leading factories and the peerless products of the French needlewomen. The most charming, dainty lingeries ever produced by human hand all radically underpriced. This is the Undermuslin Sale of all the year the greatest in scope and magnitude of bargains and values involved in all the history of this great store. Hello Dress Goods! Good Morning Silks! My ! -But you had a jam around you all day yesterday. You had more admirere than a debutante on her "coming out7 1 day. Guess the prices had something to do with your losing much of your bulk. Never missed the weight you lost in the strenuous rush? Wellj such enormous stocks can stand a mighty strain even such as these prices bring. And the fabrics are new, desirable and fashionable. Extra special this week. Fifth-Street Annex First Floor. Colored Dress Goods LOT 1 Our regular 50c quality of Serges, Tweeds, Voiles, Etaminos and Heather Mixtures, a tremendous assortment of styles to select from Annual Clearance Sale Price, per yard 34c LOT 2 Our regular 51.00 and 76c French "Voiles, Mixed Etamines, Heather Tweeds and Voiles, Illuminated Scotch Suitings, oyer AO pieces to select from Annual Clearance Sale Price, per yard 42c LOT 3 Our regular 51.25 quality of French Zibelines, Camelshairs, Lace Etamines. Hard Twisted Mannish Wor sted Suitings, all wanted colors in tho lot Annual Clearanco Sale Price only esc LOT 4--Our regular 51.50 54-inch all-wool Suitings, in neat, mannish effects, Just the thing for shirtwaist and walking suits, Mouchette Zibollnes, etc etc, a grard money-saver Annual Clearance Sale Price 74c LOT C. Our regular 51.75 Nubbed and Plain Mannish Hard Twisted Suitings, the best values ever shown at the reg ular price Annual Clearance Sale Price ,8c LOT G Our regular 52 and 51.75 English Chevron Suitings, in plain and plaids: also a choice assortment of Illuminated Suitings Annual Clearance Sale Price 91.10 LOT 7 Our regular 52.50 and 52.25 Nov elty Plaid Suitings and a beautiful line ot Matelasso Crepe effect Annual Clear ance Sale Prlco 91.36 In adltion to these great specials, every piece of our entire stock will be radically reduced. Including Rainproof Suitings, Cravenettcs, Venetians. Broadcloths, Co vert Cloths, Dress Kerseys, Prunellas, Voilos. Etamines, Mistral Etamine. Silk and Wool Crepe de Pnrls, Poplin de Chene, Crepe do Francaise, Crepe de Chine, Pana mas, Canvas Cloths, Serges, Cheviots, Brll llantlne, Sicilians, Alpacas, Challies, Ba tistes and Albatross in fact, everything that is new and good, the choicest selec tion from the best makers In tne worlds All radically reduced. GRAND ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE OF Block and Colored Silks Every piece of plain and fancy Silk reduced. Colored Taffetas, Cygne, Chiffon Taffeta. Messalino Taffetas, Peau de Soles, Failles, Bengalines, Mummlo "HELLO! APPAREL SHOPS Second Floor. Oh! I was in yesterday and got n few things yes, I managed to get along very nicely in the crowds, like to shop in a crowd at your store, the service is so good, and no matter how busy you arc, you never seem to get flurried a bit. And it gives me such a lonesome feel to enter the other stores 'round town Ugh ! It makes mc shudder to think of 'cm and gives me the blues for a week. "Wish you'd just call off yoxxv list of extra specials for today and the -week again there's more I want and must get before the crowds gobble up the best of the bargains." All rightr-Listen ! , "HELLO CENTRAL! Is this Portland's. Biggest Store? Yes Well, I want to talk to your Linen and Domestic Shop Manager" "Oh! Mr. Oliver! "Well, they tell me your sections were the 'storm center' yesterday of the bargain besiegers is that so? Oh, of course, might have known when everything in the honse is reduced, aud such extra values are offered on wanted, everyday staples as you list, that it would bring out the crowds. What's on today?" These Extra Special: Stirring Values That Will Hurry Hosts of Buyers to Our-Domestic Section Flrxt Floor. BED XAPERV, TABLE LINENS AND THE WANTED EVERY DAY DRESS FAB RICS AT WONDER FUL ECONOMY PRICES. Sheets, Pillow Cases and Muslins; heavy round-thread Sheets, 72x00 in. size; special, each 43c 81x90 In. size; special, each 48c Pillow Cases, 36x45 in. in size, at, each..lOo Bleached Muslin, full yard wide, soft finish; 84c value; special at, yard 6c Percales; our best 15c quality; light, iredium and dark colorings: special, yard lOc Every Article Price - Breakers the Bargain Beach SPECIAL NOTE The result of the "Managers Sale," with names of winners, photos and brief biographical sketch, will appear in nest Sunday's papers. Sllksu. Imperial Taffetas, Satins, Liberty Satins,- Black Silks in all the staple and navest weaves. Including the world-renowned Bonnet Silks, which stand far ahead of all other makes of Black Silks for durability, fastness and perfectness of color. In aditioiv to the great reduction on every piece of silk In our department (except Rajah Pongee) wo have made four great specials where profit and costs have been absolutely lost sight of. LOT 1 A largo assortment of Novelty Suit Silks, Plain Peau do Cygne, Black Taffetas and 27-inch White India at, yard . : . 49cr LOT 2 Suit Silks in full color assortment. Black Taffetas and 27-inch White India Silk at, per yard 00c LOT 3 Suiting Silks in the newest colors and styles, Black Taffetas, White Indias, at, per yard 70c LOT 4 Suiting Silks In all colors and styles Evening Silks, Cheney Foulards, 27-lnch Colored Taffetas, Black Taffetas, Peau de Soles, etc., etc, at, per yard.SOc These special lots are tho greatest bar gains We have ever offered. No other Port land storo owns these Silks at the prices these are marked hero to sell to you. ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE OF Slack Dress Goods Every piece In our stock reduced In price, and in adltion to every piece being cut in price, we liave selected FOUR MONSTER BARGAIN SPECIALS. LOT 1 French Voile Etamines, neat fig ured Mohairs and Brllllantines, 52-inch all-wool Canvas and Panama Cloths and neat figured Albatross, regular values up to 51.50 Special Clearance Sale Price 30c LOT 2 Nubbed Zibelines, Canvas, Pana mas, Sanglies and Panama Cloths, all pure wool, fast dyes and good-wearing fabrics, regular values up to $1.75 per yard Special Clearance Sale Price, per yard 70c LOT 3 Noat figured Italian and Turkish Mohairs. Crepons. Zibelines and Lace Voile Etamines. all new weaves, regular values up to 53.00 per yard Special Clearanco Sale Price, at, per yard. 91.49 LOT i Silk and Mohair. Silk and Wool Crepons, neat figured Turkish Mohairs, a grand assortment to select from of the newest Black Dress Goods shown, regu lar values up to 53.75 per yard Special Clearance Sale Price, per yard.... 91.70 EXTRA SPECIAL TODAY ONLY AN ALL-CONQUERING SALE OF MAGNIFICENT SILK PETTICOATS A SURPASSING WEDNESDAY SALE. Actual, Splendid $ 1 0-$ 1 2.50 Skirts $5.45 Rich, haudsomo Taffetas, Peau do Soies and Chiffon Taffetas, in bonnie plaids, plain colors and changeable effects. In every wanted color and shade you can name, and every stylo favored by imperious Dame Fashion. Beautiful trimming effects add to the magnificence .of these charming Skirts. "We buy and sell more Petticoats than ALL other Portland stores combined. To demonstrate our mastery in price-making, we shall offer these real, unrivaled $10.00 and $12.50 values for today only at .- $5.48 Flannels Best quality French Flannels, nice, soft finish; all colors; 60c value; special, yard . 39c All-wool Walsting Flannels; plain and fancy effects; 50c and 60c values; spe cial at, yard , 25c Fine white Saxony Flannels for children's wear; value 35c; special at, yard.... 25c Heavy Outing Flannels, dark color ings, in checks, plaids and stripes: 10c yard values; special at, yard 6c Flannelettes, 51c values; fine, yard-wido fabrics; a hg range of patterns in the choosing; special at, yard... 10c Whlto Dimities, checked Nainsooks and lace-striped Musline: 18c and 20c quali ties; clearance special, yard 10c in the House, Except Is Thai You, "Different Store?" Dash Upon 27th Annual Clearance Sales Are Now On Note the Sale of Women's Stylish Suits at $9.95 Featuring the great 1905 Clearance sweeping clearance of big Second-Floor the Western Garment "World." WOMEN'S READY-TO-DON GAR MENTS AT SENSATIONAL RE DUCTIONS. A scrlci of price and precedent smash ing sale this week, eclipsing and out doing even our ovra remarkable achieve ments of the past! SENSATIONAL SUIT SELLING. Women's Suits, Values to $25.50, to close this week, Handsome Street Suits, in every wanted material and full line of colors, includ ing plain blacks, navys, browns, tans, grays, greens, oc, and fancy mixtures; smartly tailored; some plain and others In popular trimming effects, strappings, stitchlngs, plaits and button; the vari ety Is too great to allow further de scription in limited space. Suffice to say, the suits are right down-to-date productions from leading New York man tailors. Tho smartest collection on the Coast to choose from. "Values to $28.50; special, this week, for ?O.SS $3.50 WALKING SKIRTS FOR 1.98. All good, serviceable garments, well made In this season's styles, good, sensi ble every-day Skirts, In best materials cheviots, homespuns and handsome tweedlsh mixtures blacks, grays and browns; our regular 53.50 values; while they last 91.08 Don't delay or you may be too late to secure one of these. LADIES' KNIT JACKETS. The Knit "Worsted Norfolk Jackets have preference this year for style and com fort, largely taking the place of knit Tests; these come In either white or red; regular price, 57.50; special price, to close $4.65 BIG SALE. OF HOUSE WRAPPERS. A Determined Clearance. The buying public has long since learned that our values are always as ad vertised. Therefore, when we say Turkey red Damask; absolutely fast col ors; 45c quality; special at, yard.... 35c 60c quality; special at, yard 45c Heavy unbleached Table Damask; 40c value: special at, yard 28c Huck Toweling, extra heavy value: special at, yard quality; 7c 5c All-linen, heavy unbleached Crash Towel-" ing: value 12 c; special, yard Oe Checked Linen Towel! ngs, all size checks, in red and blue; 12c value; special, yard oe Damask Table - CJoths, with one dozen Napkins to match 2x2 yards: value $4.75: special at.9340 2x2& yards: value 35.50: special at. $4.00 2x3 yards; value $$;00; special at. $4.50 Bedspreads, full size, heavy crocheted; value $1.25; special at 00c Satin finish Bedspreads: extra weight and size; value $2.25; special at 91.85 Contract Goods, Radically Reduced Sale and big January " "White Fair" A Apparel Shops. "The fashion center of $3.50 WRAPPERS FOR 98c. There will be -a big scramble to get first choice. Not all the Wrappors offered at this price sell regularly as high as $3.50. but there arc many in the lot worth that. Others, good value, at $3.00, $3.75, $2.50. $2.00 aqd $1.7.5; there's a big lot of these, but it stands to reason they will notlast long at this price. A word to the wise is sufficient; special this week OSc FINE SILK WAISTS ONE-HALF OFF. A grand ar ray of flne ' Taffet and , Peau de . Sole Silk Waists? not many ot " any one style in every size and every de sirable color, as well as blacks and whites. The styles are so varied that it would not be possible in this limited space to at tempt de scriptions, but suffice it to say that they are positively correct in style embrac ing all the new effects of the season: $ 5.00 Silk Waists $2.50 $ 5.50 Silk Waists $2.75 $ 6.00 Silk Waists t?3.0O $ 6.75 Silk Waists 93J.S S 7.50 Silk Waists 93.75 $ S.50 Silk Waists 94.25 310.00 Silk Waists 55.00 $12.50 Silk Waists Ci25- $15.00 Silk Waists 87.50 LONG- FTMONAS OR WOMEN'S BATH ROBES. A splendid value in long Kimonas and Women's Bath Robes; now patterns of Outing Flannels, cut full and mado in several pretty stylos; very useful gar ments, really needed by every woman: regular prices, $3.25 and $3.30; special price, to close $2.10 SPECIAL SALE OF WOOL AND OTHER WAISTS AT ?1.29. An immense lot of odd styles, in all col ors of wool, alpaca, brilllantine, mohair and other Waists, in plain colors, checks, stripes, dots, etc.: values, $2, $2.25. $2.50, $2.75, $3 and $3.50; all on one bargain tablo at .. $1.29 WOMEN'S JACKETS AT ONE-HALF. A big assortment of Women's half-fitting, loose-back Coats, in blues, tans and mixed goods, in browns, grays, etc., to be Closed out quickly at one-half former prices. $10.00 Jackets go for S5".0O $12.50 Jackets go for $0.25 $15.00 Jackets go for ... 97.50 $17.50 Jackets go for .98.75 $2a.00 Jackets go for 910.00 And all In the in-betweens and higher priced ones in this lot at proportionate prices. Clear ance Sales Bring Big Cuts in irurs the largest stock in the cltvr Including almost -very known fur. and made up in the very latest stylos, marked at about fur riers' first cost, to close. Tbero arc perhaps a hundred differ ent lots, all re duced in this proportion: $10.00 Furs to closo at.. $6.80 $15.00 Furs to close at. 810.50 close at. $18.35 $25.00 Furs to cIopo at. $16.05 $20.00 Furs to 1 1 II