Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 28, 1904, Page 14, Image 14

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Every Article in the Establishment is Greatly Reduced
The Meier Frank Store's Great Annual Clearance Sale
Started off yesterday with Holiday throngs in attendanceIn every department the spirited Iwiying v and the crowds of enthusiastic shoppers reminded one of Christmas week They
found spread before them a bargain feast never before equalled in the history of Portland retailing Mammoth stocks of high grade merchandise Everything Women, Men and Child
ren wear Everything in housekeeping effects Marked at prices that mean a saving of a quarter, third, a half in many instances more Seasonable and staple Dry Goods, Clothing,
Shoes, Millinery, Men's Furnishings, Books, Stationery. Crockery, Silverware, Carpets, Etc., Etc., in short every article in the establishment will be found reduced Sale continues
daily until farther notice Mail orders will receive full benefit of Clearance prices
City Engineer Talks of Morrison-Street
W. C. Elliott Declares Expert Blhler
Is Mistaken in Saying That $15,
000 Was Made in Substitut
ing Steel Stringers.
"F. M. Butler is right in the stand he
has taken on the bridge question." said
City Engineer Elliott in an Interview for
The Orogonian yesterday. Mr. Elliott
says that the city Is getting a good
bridge, the Pacific Construction Company
a fair profit, and that Expert Blhler is
mistaken in his calculation that a profit
of $13 000 was made by the substitution
of Btrel for wooden stringers.
"In order that you may grasp the gist
of my remarks," continued Mr. Elliott,
'l shall review the whole proposition.
Of course, the great bone of contention Is
a disagreement of the figures of Mr. Blh
ler and Mr. Butler. As far as Mr. How
oil Is concerned, I am convinced that he
Is being taken advantage of by some en
gineer who sees that Mr.' Howell is dab
bling with something of which he knows
absolutely nothing.
"When the proposal for the Morrison
street bridge came up a number of bids
were received ranging from $277,227 to
something over $400,000. The appropria
tion for the building of the bridge, but
as you know the Pacific Construction
Company's bid of $331,313 was accepted.
"This company, along with the Puget
Sound Bridge & Dredging Company, sub
mitted several propositions, inviting in
price, but they did not conform to the
requirements of the specifications I had
drawn up for the city.
"Messrs. Blhler and Holmes, as consult
ing engineers, and myself carefully stud
ied the respective proposals and made
our report to the Executive Board.
How the Contract Was Let.
"In this report, we found that all the
bids under that of the Pacific Construc
tion Company of $331,343. and including
the more reasonable proposals of that
company, wore not desirable. Insofar as
the distribution of loads, that Is to say,
the doad and live loads, was of such na
ture as to make the bridge construction
of a very unstable nature. The figures
for tho distribution of loads were alto
gether inadequate, and in some In
stances only a few supports were provid
ed for whore many more were absolutely
necessary. In addition to these faults,
there were other methods of cheapening
the construction resorted to, in fact, to
such extent that tho consulting engineers
and myself were forced to pass the bids
to the Board without recommendation.
"Regarding the accepted proposal of
the Pacific Construction Company, the
plans conformed to the city's specifica
tions In every particular. In some de
tails the proposal was even better than
the specifications. Robert Wakefield, ex
clusive of his other proposals, submitted
a bid for the construction of the bridge,
accompanied by plans which were Identi
cal with those of the Pacific Construction
Company. The plans were equally meri
torious and contained provisions for
many excellent features which showed
that Mr. Wakefield had given the matter
very careful study. His price, however,
was $338,550, and as this was over $7000
In excess of the Pacific Construction
Company's bid, Messrs. Holmes, Blhler
and myself recommended that the latter
company's bid be accepted by the Board.
"The Pacific Construction Company's
plans provided for a turntable of the
latest improved pattern and contained
an alternative plan for a crib-pivot table
"which we have used in the bridge.
Good Bridge at Fair Profit.
"The company has carried out Its con
tract in every particular and gives us a
good bridge, making a fair profit on the
"Regarding Mr. Blhler's charge that the
Pacific Construction Company made a
profit of $15,000 on the substitution of
steel stringers for wooden ones and chan
nels. I feel that he is slightly In error.
"The substitution of the stringers does
not come under the head of 'extras and
therefore the clause In the specifications
which governs tho estimating of 'extras'
at '15 per cent, and, the cost of materials
and labor cannot be applied to the
change of construction.
"The original specifications permitted
the Board to authorize this change, and
as long as we were building a steel
bridge. I personally recommended the
"The transaction," said Mr. Elliott,
taking a letter from the files, "was by a
legitimate bid from the Pacific Construc
tion Company. Here is the bid."
The bid was contained In a communica
tion to Mr. Elliott from the Pacific Con
Flruction Company in which they agreed
to place (30,000 pounds of steel, substitut
ing the wood for the sum of $37,170.
Says Blhler Is Mistaken.
"That estimate," continued Mr. Elliott,
"was figured according to the basis of
figuring adopted In the original proposal
of the company. The difference between
their figures and Mr. Blhler's Is easily
explained. Mr Blhler Is a very capable
engineer and a man whose word cannot
be questioned, but .he has made a mistake
which any of us Is likely to make.
His figures are based upon the current
prices of steel existing at that time, and
they naturally differ from the figures of
the Pacific Construction Company, which
are based the same as the original fig
uring. I have no doubt but what the
matter will be amicably settled in the
near future."
Oregon and Washington Departments
Will Meet at Exposition.
Assistant Adjutant-General G. E. Cal
kins, of the Department of Oregon, G. A.
R.. Is arranging for a G. A. R. day at
the Lewis -and Clark Fair. At the last
enocampmcnt held at Hood River it was
decided to hold the next encampment at
Orogon City, June 30. 21 and 22, and the
same dates have been adopted by the
Krand oncampment of Washington, to be
held In Vancouver.
It is desired to bring together the en
campments of the Oregoih and Washing
ton departments, Friday. June 23, the
day following adjournment of the Oregon
sad Washington encampments at the
Lewis and Clark Fair ground. There are
good prospects that this can be accomplished.
All of the B. B. Rich Collection for
Sale at Your Figure.
My entire collection of Indian baskets
Are for sale, either the entire lot or singly.
I must -vacate, as I have sold my lease.
Come and make me an offer on any
basket or articles you want, and if the
price is anywhere within reason I will
take it. What I do know Is that I have
to get out. and I want to realize, and no
reasonable offer will be refused on any
article in the Curio Store, 123 Sixth street.
Bornctt's 'Extract of Vanilla
X tfc leader all the world-over. .Use no other.
Clearance Sale Prices on Every Garment
Portland's Leading Cloak Store
Largest and Leading Cloak Store presents for your choosing the only complete garment stock in the city Suits,
Wraps, Raincoats, Tourist Coats, Skirts, Waists, Petticoats, Etc Stylish apparel in magnificient variety All
this season's newest ana best fashions and materials m unbroken assortment Satis
factory garments at Clearance Sale Prices Everybody knows this big cloak store
of ours so thoroughly that details are unnecessary to attract 'buyers-Yesterday's
response fairly swamped us A dozen extra saleswomen will help to give everyone
prompt attention today We promise the best values in town to women having
garment needs to supply And in addition to the superior values you'll find assort
ment three times as great as any display hereabouts AD that we ask is that you
look here before buying elsewhere Second Floor
All Evening Costumes and "Wraps have
been marked at ridiculously low prices. If
you have need for a beautiful Theater or Car
riage Wrap, you can save half on its value
during the Clearance Sale, which starts .to
day. Silk "Waists at very low prices; this sea
sons styles.
Wool "Waists at very low prices; all new
Silk Petticoats, Sateen Petticoats,. Alpaca
Petticoats, Moreen Petticoats, all at Clear
ance Sale prices.
All Tea Gowns at Clearance pricesl . .
All Eiderdown Dressing Sacqucs ,and.
Robes at Clearance Sale prices. Greatest
values ever offered.
1500 New Tourist Coats
at Clearance Sale Prices
1500 Tourist Coats, all 1904-05 fashions;
handsomest materials, many styles, all prices.
Our entire stock of Furs marked at exceptionally low Clearance prices
All "Wrappers at Clearance prices.
Childrens Coats,. Suits, Dresses and Crav
enettes at Clearance Sale prices. Big reduc
tions on every garment.
All Tailored Suits reduced ; best styles ; big
' variety.
All Silk and Velvet Suits reduced; beauti
ful models.
All Dress Skirts reduced; this season's
All "Walking Skirts reduced ; Targe variety.
All Furs at very low prices; Coats, Scarfs,
All. Tourist Coats at low prices; 1500 of
. them.
2000 New Craveriettes
at Clearance Sale Prices
2000 handsome new Raincoats in the latest
styles and best materials are included in the
great Annual .Clearance Sale ; all sizes ; im
mense variety. Prices range from $8.98 to $50.
Clearance Sale Prices
Prevail on the Following
Kid Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Ribbons at Clearance Prices
Laces, Embroideries, Dress Trimmings at Clearance Prices
Silks, Dress Goods and Black Goods at Clearance Prices
Knit Underwear and Hosiery on Sole at Clearance Prices
Ginghams, Calicoes and Percales, Etc. at Clearance Prices
Linens, White Coods and Flannels at Clearance Prices
Leather Goods and Umbrellas on Sale at Clearance Prices
Notions, Linings and Toilet Goods at Clearance Prices
Books and Stationery, First Floor, at Clearance Prices
Women's, Men's, Children's Shoes at Clearance Prices
Men's Furnishings, Hats, Hosiery, Underwear, Hdkfs, Etc.
Pictures and Art Goods on Sale Now at Clearance Prices
Carpets and Rugs, Third Floor, at Clearance Sale Prices
Lace Curtains, Curtain Materials at Clearance Sole Prices
Blankets and Comforters Now at Clearance Sale Prices
Our Entire Stock of Millinery at Clearance Sale Prices
Men's and Boys Clothing, 2d Floor, at Clearance Prices
Infant's Wear and Corsets on Sale at Clearance Prices
Trunks and Traveling Bags on Sale at Clearance Prices
All Children's Garments Now on Sale at Clearance Prices
Veilings and Handkerchiefs Now at Clearance Sale Prices
Jewelry and Fancy Goods on Sale at Clearance Prices
Women's Neckwear in Great Variety at Clearance Prices
Fancy China and Glassware, Basem't, at Clearance Prices
Cutlery and Silverware, Basement, at Clearance Prices
"Peninsular" Stoves and Ranges at Clearance Prices
"Willamette" Sewing Machines at Clearance Sale Prices
Toys, Dolls, Games and Wagons at Clearance Sale Prices
Tinware, Woodenware, Kitchen Goods at Clearance Prices
Lamps and Bric-a-Brac, Basement, at Clearance Prices
Artistic Picture-Framing, 2d Floor, at Clearance Prices
Portland's Greatest Carpet Store
Up in Portland's greatest carpet store the Clearance Sole
prices are of great importance to economical housekeepers
Everything in Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Mattings, Cur
tains, Table Covers, Curtain Materials, etc., marked down
to the manufacturers' figures Workroomifacilities for car
ing for any amount of orders promptly Note these values:
Melrose Ingrains, best patterns, 65c value, for yard 45d
2-Ply All-Wool -Filling, clearing price yard 72
All-Wool extra heavy, extra super, 2-ply, $1 grade, yard 8l
80c Linoleum, elastic finish, square yard, 68 ; 90c Linoleum, 81
square yard; $1.60 Inlaid Linoleum, neat designs, $1.35 square
yard; $1.75 Linoleum, 1.58 square yard.
85c quality Smith's Hotel Brussels Carpets, yard 77$
$1.00 quality Brussels, with or without borders, yard
$1.25 Windsor Brussels, will not fade, yard SI. 05
Prosaic Velvets, the best Wool Velvet on the market, yard. .81.35
$L75 Royal Axminsters, elegant assortment of patterns, yard.S1.44
Bigelow Axminsters, extra fine quality, $2.10 value, yard. . .$1.89
Men's Wear
Men's Clothing and Furnishing
Goods at Clearance prices: Every
article with the exception of E. &
W. Collars, Cluett Collars, Mon
arch Shirts and Hawes Hats. Here
are a few of the extra special
values we are offering:
Men's 50c and 75c English
Squares and Four-in-Hands, best
quality silks, hand- o
some pattern
Japonet Silk Initial Handker
chiefs, 15c values,
each vC
Unlaundered White Shirts, New
York Mills muslin, front and
back reinforced, all
sizes, each
All 50o Suspenders, pair. ...39
All 25c Hosiery, pair 20
Men's heavy fleeced
ribbed Underwear JC
Millinery Clearance Sale
Our entire stock of Trimmed Hats at
half priGe and less; not a Hat in re-
serve ; every one included cfESS-faes
$ 2.50 Huts... 75 d $4 Hats. .81.95 wln
enn tt4- co do trt eo or ttJaHlr srl J
u.uu xj.tJ.La . pmJ.ctj po .po.7t 'r i
10.00 Hats.S4.yo $12 Hats..
15.00 Hats. $6.95 $20 Hats.. $9.95
25.00 Hats. 12.50 30 Hats.S15.002
Iff 1 -! T 1 J I" -
women s ana unnaren s weaver jaaxs,j
$6 values, S1.50; $2.50 values, at,(
each IAjq
Special lot of Children's Tarn o'-Shan-ters,
at, each 10
300 ready-to-wear Hats, values up to $2.50 C
gach, on sole for Jv
" Ostrich Plumes, Fancy Feathers, Jet Trimming, Braids, etc.,
all marked at ridiculously low clearance prices.
The Great "White Fair"
50,000 Pieces of New Undermuslins
50000 pieces of dainty new undermuslins included in this mid-winter "White Fair"
Gowns, Corset Covers, Skirts, Chemise, Drawers beautiful styles immense variety
best materials Splendidly made muslin underwear No skimping in material or trimmings
The best product of America's leading muslin underwear factories Not a single sweat
shop garment in the entire lot Prices in every instance will be found the very lowest
Second Floor
Woman's Ions skirt Petticoats o nainsook.- cambric and
lawns, dainty lace and embroidery trimmings, also plain hem
stitched. 47c, 69c, 78c. 88c. Up to $3.50.
"Women's Gowns "made of fine cambric,
mu3lln and nainsook, trimmed In dain
ty lace, embroidery. Insertion, tucks, hemstitching', headings
and -ribbons; high, V, square and round necks.
Great Values at 30c, 60c, 87c, OSc, ? 1.29, 91 AO, 1.&8, $2.12, $2.29,
$2.09, 9SJS8 Up to 939.00.
Complete line of extra size Gowns. Drawers. Chemise, and
Corset Covers; hand-embroidered French lingerie -at sale"
A5nO PTTHTXIPO AT Cambric, nainsook and muslin
D3UU r,l IIWAIO Long, SklrtB( wlth full flounces,
trimmed in clusters of tucks, insertions, lace and embroidery,,
also plain hmestltched flounces; big. full sizes, all have sepa
rate dust ruffles; an Immense variety of new styles.
9c, 87c, OSc, 91.23, $1.48, $1.52 Vp to S35.M
rOR TTT PftnrH "Women's fine nainsook, cambric and
VJMVOEi VVJVr,K.O , Corset Covers, trimmed In
! clusters of tucks, lace and embroidery edgings. Insertions bead-
iings, ribbons, blouse fronts, trimmed and plain backs, round,
XZCf Sec, 43C, 48C, TZC vp To
HANDSOME. CHFMISP Beautiful long? and short Che
IXttJWOVnC V-rriCmiOXl, mj3e of fine nainsook cam
bric and lawns, trimmed with dainty embroidery, laces, bead
ing, ribbon and tucks; great special values at
23c. 30c, 47c, 09c, S3c Vp to 15.06.
WOMFN'S Cambric, nainsook and. muslin
WVIlE,r O WlUiVYCW Drawers. trimmed In fine
laces, tucks, insertions, headings and ribbons, full flounce and
plain hemstitched
22c, 43c, 48c Up to 12U).
Misses and children's Muslin Undorwear Gowns, Petticoats,
urawers are ail marKea at clearance prices, second r ioor.
Beautiful French Undermuslins at Clearance Sale Prices
am &ml n&r i
Infants and Children's White Dresses at Clearance Prices
Blankets and Comforters marked
at rock-bottom prices Warm I
bed coverings of recognized
quality, weight and style Our
entire stock included in the great
sweeping Clearance Sale reduc
tionsA few of the extra-special values follow
Third Floor
i n i ii ii m in ! j . i in ! i i i ii,n
10-4 "White "Wool Blankets, with color- n m
ed horders, great special value, pr. .00
Three great special lots of full-size Comforters,
laminated cotton filled, great values at 1.07,
$1.29, $1.70.
All our high-grade Silk and Sateen-covered Com
forters are marked at Clearance Sale prices.
Third Floor.
$7.00 extra large AU-Tool "White Blankets, col
ored borders, grand values, tf p
pair JileJr
Full size fine CaliforniaBlankets, mot- C?A L3
tied gray, great special value, pr. . . tj&KCO
"White and Gray "Wool Blankets, extra
heavy, full size, great value, pr P
Entire stock of Blankets up to $27.50 a pair are
all greatly reduced.
Clearance Sale of Fine Shoes
Odds and ends of Infants' Shoes, kid and patent An-
leather, $1.25 and $1.50 values, at the low price ot.HftfC
900 pairs Little Gents' box calf and vlcl kid .
Shoes, all sizes at pair l.ltfr
Boys' and Youths' Shoes, great values . y
during clearance sale i.Ow
200 pairs of Women's 53.50 and 54.00 Shoes, J. & T.
Cousins famous make, kid lace style only, a
broken sizes; your choice at the low price of...5.10
400 pairs of Men's Goodyear welt lace and Blucher
Shoes, box calf, vie! kid. patent colt, velour
calf, 53.50 and 54.00 value, for pair... $&.OJ
800 pairs of "Women's $3.00 Shoes, vlcl kid, box calf, pat-
ent colt, lace and Blucher styles, light and heavy soles,
kid or patent tip, all sizes, every pair Johnson Bros",
famous make: clearance sale price j
500 pairs of Women's vlcl kid lace and button Shoes,
spring- heel and low heel. $2.50 values, csa
for pair ZfOC
52.50 TO $5.00 SLIPPEItS OSc PAUL
Women's fancy Dress Slippers in kid and patent leather,
broken lots, odd sizes,-$2.50 to $5.00 Oft
values pair "OC
Misses' Dongola Lace Shoes, heavy sole; also kangaroo
calf, lace and button styles, sizes 11 to 2; . rto
great values at the low price of I.U?
Lmens, Towels, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Cottons
Clearance Sale at the Meier & Frank Store means hundreds of money-saving opportunities for
the housewife, hotel and hoarding-house keeper. The greatest stocks of fine Tahle Linens (John S.
Brown & Sons'), Cottons, Sheetings, Towels, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Bedspreads, Bath Towels, etc., all at
exceptionally low prices. Cotton Piece Goods Ginghams, Percales, Calicos, "White Goods, Nainsooks,
Swisses, India Linons, etc., all are heing offered at Clearance prices.