Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 28, 1904, Page 13, Image 13

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Salmon Output Smallest in
Pa'st Seven Years.
Quantity of Cohoes Only Exceeded by
1900 and 1901 Humpbacks Due
Again In Sound Waters
Next Year.
The pick of salmon on Puget Sound lor the
eaaon of, 10H is estimated at 123,410 cases
of sockeyts. ICG.&XJ cases of oohoes and 56,335
cafn of ofeum. According to theso figures,
which are those of the Kelley-Clark Com
pany, the soekeye pack was the smallest In
the past seven years. "While the output of
cohoes war larger than la -any of those years,
excepting 1000 and 1B0L There -was but two
years during the period covered when the
pack of chum was larger, the 1902 pack hav
ing amounted to 95,822 cases, and that of 1001
t 71.011 cases. The. total pack as ectlmatrf-
by the company compares with previous years
as follows:
Cases. Case?-
1004 280,030 1000 - 402.048
lt3 404.014 1809 - 51.300
lfrtt . BS4.M)lJl8aS-. 355.000
1P01 1,853,207
In last year figured are Included the pack
o' humpbacks, amounting to 1S1.2(S cases.
This vpecies of salmon runs biennially, and
will be due again in the Sound next year.
The. packs of that-kind In 1001 and 1SS0 are
Included la the above figures, being 43,437
cues and 245.400 cases respectively. The
park of 1004 is apportioned among the various
canneries as follows:
'Alaska Packers' Ass'n..
Aster. & P. S. Pack. Co.
Cuolc Pk. Co.. J.W.&V.
Ioherty & Co.. W. A..
ridalgo IsL Can. Co.--.
GorKe & Barker Co...
Manhattan Packing Co..
No :h Amer. Fisheries..
Fac Pack. & Nav. Co..
Porter Fish Co
San Juan Fleh. & P. Co.
White Crest Canning Co.
7. COO
Totals 123.41&)106,650
No effwt made to pack oohoes or chums.
The red Spring pack totalling 10,727 cases is
included In the cockeye figures.
Grain, Hour, Feed. Etc.
"WHEAT Export values. Walla Walla. 81c;
bluestem. S5p; milling, Walla Walla, S5c; blue
stem. SSOOc: Valley. 87c; Eastern basis,
TVfllia "Walla. SSS5c; bluostem, 90c.
liARLEY Feed. $22 per ton; Tolled, f 23.503)
OATSNo. 1 white, Sl.32Vifl.35; gray. $1.35
CI-40 per cental.
LOUR Patents, ?4.654.S5 per barrel;
strnlRltts. $4.21004.45; clears. 33.S5&4; Valley.
li lo45, Dakota hard wheat, $0.5037.50;
Uraham. $3.504, whole wheat. $434.23; rye
15 m.'. local. $5; Eastern, $30.10.
M1LLSTUFFS Bran, f 13 per ton; middlings.
$20. aborts, 521; chop?, V. S. Mills, ?10; linseed
dairy food, $18: linseed ollmeal, lc -per pound.
CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream, 00
pcund safcks. 56.75; lower grades, $5Jj0.25; oat
mcsu, steal cut. 50-pound socks, SS per barrel:
10 round sacks, $4.25 per bale; oatmeal
(ground i. 5o-pound tacks. $7.50 per barrel; 10
pcuud tacks. $4.25 per bale; Bpllt peas, $4.50
per 100-pound eack; 25 pound boxes, $1.25;
pearl barely. $4 per 100 pounds; 25-pound boxes,
$1.25 per box; pastry flour, 10-pound sacks,
$2.50 per bale.
HAY Timothy, $14010 per ton; clover, $110
12. grain. $11312; cheat. $121S.-
Vegetablea, Fruit. Etc.
Tho demand for fruit and vegetables fell off
yesterday, as waa to be expected. There were
no changes in prices. Receipts by steamer
wrre light. A car of mixed vegetables and a
car of bananas will arrive today.
VEGETABLES Turnips. $1 per sack;, car
rota. $1; beets. $1-25; parsnips, $1.25; cabbage,
l?c; lettuce, head, 15c per dozen; parsley, 20c
doscn. tomatoes. $1.25 per crate; cauliflower,
$1 per dezon; egg plant, 10&15c per pound;
celery. OOffCSo per dozen; peas. 03'Sc per pound;
beans, green, 7c; wax. 7c; pumpkins, 'lQlttc
per pound; peppers. 5c per pound; rhubarb,
$1 85 per box.
ONION'S New. $2fT2.15. buyers prices.
HuNEY $393.25 per case.
POTATOES New Oragon. . fancy. 75S5c;
eommonfl 00865c, buyers' price; Merced sweets,
iiClVsc; new California, 4c per pound.
RAISES S Loose Muscatels, 4-crown, 7$ic;
5-;ajer Muscatol ralain, 7c; unbleachd seed
less Sultanas, Cc; London layers, 3-crown,
whole boxes of 20 pounds, $1.85; 2-crown. $1.75.
DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated, C3c
per pmind; eundrled. sacks or boxes, none;
aprlcoU, lOffllc; peaches. lH?10c; pears, none;
r'uwt, Italians, 4g?5c; French. 2ViSWJic; figs,
C alifornia blacks. 5?ic; do white, none; Sinyr.
na. 20.; Fard dates, Oc; plums, pitted, tic.
DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples, fancy. $11.50;
cooking, tj075c; ng, S5cii$2.50 per box;
craped California, $1.2561.65; pears, pound, 75c
tsf 1. cranberries. $0.50Q11 per barrel: persim
mons. $1.25 per box: strawberries, $1,75 per box.
TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, fancy. $2,750
3.75, choice. $2.75 ier box; oranges, new na
vels. $22.&0; mandarins, 60S"70c per box;
tangerine. $L50$2 per box; grapefruit, $3
3 50 per box; b&nanas, 5$5c per pound; pome
zaaatos. $2.25 per box.
Butter. Eggs, roullry. Etc.
Receipt., of Oregon eggs are heavier, and
the market is becoming weaker. Front-street
dealers, leek for a decline about tho first of
the rear. Butter is rteady to firm, and may
Araace K a ooM snap co.mra on. There was
a paute in the poultry trade yesterday, but
ihf- New Year's demand -will probably open up
toda), and there may bo some advance In
rxiGS Oregon ranch. 32Q32ytc: Eastern, 24
"HEESE Full cream twins, 1815c; Young
Arncas. J4ri"7sc
nia. fancy creamery, 20g2Gc; store butter.
12 14c
POULTRY Hi!. llSllfcc; old hens, 0c;
mixed chickens, 8"0c; old roosters, 797tc;
do young, SVia; Springs, IVa to 2-pound. l'Gc;
broilers. 1 to lVt-pound. 12ViSlc; dressed
chickens. 11912c; turkeys, dressed, average
15$17c; chohe. 20f?22e; geese, live, 8g0; do
JreMed. 10P12Sfc; ducks, old, $07; do young,
as to size. $7fcS; pigeons. $1(31.25.
JAME W4W eesu. $3tf3.50; Mallard dueks.
$2 5f03.KO; widgeon. $2; teal. $1.501.75.
M.cats and Provisions.
BEDF Dreed. 4&6e per pound.
MI TTOX Drersod, 3i5c ikt pound; lambs,
5'r0c per pound.
HAMS Ton to 14 pounds, 12?o per pound;
14 to 16 pounds, 129r; 18 to 20 pounds, 12c;
California (picnic). Oc; cottage hums, Kite:
shoulder. 0c; boiled ham. 21c; boiled plonu
haxn. benetosc. 14o
VEAI Dressed. 100 to 125, 768c per pound;
1ZT to 20ft. BGc; 200 and up. pic
PORK Dressed. UK) to 150. OJftttsc per pouno.
ir-t and up. 56a.
BCON Fancy breakfast. 18c per pound;
rndard break fart. 17c; choice. 15c; English
baxtast, 11 to 14 pounds, 14e; peach bacon
SAUSAGE Portland ham. 1214c per pound;
xniuced ham. 3 Or. Summer, cbolco dry. lTVfcc;
bJAgBa, long. RHc; welnerwurst, 8c; liver. 5c;
po-k. 5c; blood, &c, headcheese, 12Vic; bologna
tau;ag. link. U.
DRY SALTED MEATS Regular short xjlears,
Itfc sale lie smoked; clear back?. sail,
l smk: Oregon export, 20 to 23 pounds,
erag mU, HHc amoked; Union butts,
lu to 1 p'Hik3i. average, 8c salt. Jc smoked.
TICKLED GOOD-PK-klod pigs' foet. ii-bar-$5;
U-barrelt. $2.75. 13-jound kit. 51.25;
rfkW trip-. 5-hH $5; Vi-barrels, $2.75;
t5-ioBiid klu 1.25; plakled pigs' tongues,
barreU. $; .barrols. $3: 15-pound kits, $1.60;
pickiod lambrf tongues, -barreli. ffl; -bar-rrla.
$5.59; 15-pound kits. $2.75.
LARD KetUe-rendered: Tierces, 04c: tubs.
2"C 50s. 10c; 20s. lOc; 10. 10Uc; 5s. lOXc.
Standerd pure: Tierces. 0c; tub;, tUe: 5os ouct
Jw-Tic. ComiKund: Tierccf,
GV; tub. 0c; 50s, 01tc; 10s. 7Jlc; 5s. 7c
Grocerirs, Nutu, Etc.
COFFES-Mocha. 20g2c: Java, ordiuarv 18
?20r; Costa Rica, fancy. 1S20-: good, lcwisc-c-rdlnarj-.
1012c p- pwind; Columbia roast:
cases, 1JK. $13; 00. 419.25; Arbuskle,, $15.38;
Lion. S15.3S. "
RICE Importal Japan, Uo. 1, $5.37ii;" South
ern Japan, $3.50; Carolina', 4!55Jflc; hfokenhead,
SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound tails.
$1.75 per dozen; 2-ound tails, $2.40; 1-pound
flats, $L85; fancy. 10 Impound fiats, $LS0;
impound fiats; $1.1 0;Alaeka pink, 1-pound
talis, 85c; red, lound tails, $1.45: eockeyes,
1-pound tails. $1.75: Lpound fiats, $1.85.
SUGAR Sack basis, 100 pounds: Cube. $3.50:
powdered. $65: do granulated, $4.15; extra. C,
$5.65; golden C, $5.55; fruit sugar. C.13. ad
vance over sack basis as follows: Barrels, 10o;;
isalf barrels, 25c; boxes. 50c per 100 'pounds.
fTcrms; On remittance within 15 days, deduct
per pound; if later than 15 days and within
30 days, deduct ',6c per pound; ao disiount after
30 days ) Beet sugar granulated. $0.05 per 100
pounds; maple sugar, 1518c per pound.
fiALT California. $0,50 per ton; $1.80 per
bale: Liverpool, 50s, $15.50; 100s, $15: 200s,
$14.50; half ground. 100s, $5.23; 60s $5.75.
N'TJTS "Walnuts, J37ie per pound by sack, lo
extra for less than eack; Brazil nuts. 15c; fil
berts, 14c; pecans. Jumbos. 14c; extra large,
15c; alnioads. I. X. L,, 10c; chestnuts, Ital
lans. 15c; Ohio, $4.50 per 25-pound drum; pea
nu.' Pr Pound; roasted, 9c; plne-
1012,ic; hlckorj- nuts. 7c; cocoanuts,
85O0c per dozen.
.B?1SJrBSm,n "wh'te. Be; large white, 3ic:
pink. 34c; bayou, 3Hc; Lima, 5Uc
Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc?
HOPS Choice, 2330c; prlpe, 272Sc per
"WOOL Valley, 10320c per pound; Eastern
Oregon, 1017c; mohair. 25g26c per pound for
-ir-i1.9,Irs1r"h,dea' "o. 1. 16-poundsand up.
1515ic per pound: dry gip, No. l."5 to 16
pounds. 12c: dry calf. No. 1, under 5 pounds,
16c; dry, salted bulls and stags, one-third less
fnan dry, flint; salted hides, wteera. sound. 70
Tc; under 50 pounds and cows. CW7c: stags
and li,i?:,sound kip. sound. 15 to 20
mon, 10S15ceach; Angora, with wool on. 25c2$l
pounds c; under 10 pounds, 8c; green funsalt
ed. lc per pound less; culls, lc per pound; horse"
hl?.es 'ted- 51-5032 each: dry. S1&L&0 each;
coiu hides, 2j50c each ;, goatskins, common,
1015c each: Angora, with wool on. 25cSl.
TALLOW Prime, per pound. 45c; No. 1 and
grease, 2g3c.
GASOLINE Stove gasoline, casea. 24Uc; Iron
barrels, 18c: 86 deg. gasoline cases, 82c; Iron
barrels o rdrums. 26c.
COAL OIL-Cases. 21UC; iron barrels. 16c;
T1 barrels, none; 63 deg.. casen, 22c; barrels'
3!SCV 1iSsh.,n?011 SUlte t burning ells, cxl
C?ki1i?1cV?cr llon higher.
Tt 5? 1Saw'' barrels, 54c; cases. 58c.
flon3!8' C: lc: lc ItSa ta
TMPMFVSE-C' 85: barrels. Sic
WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 7c; 500-pound.
7?ic; less than 600-pound lots. Sc. wiWUDU'
rrices at Portland Union Stockyards Yes
terday. Receipts at the Portland Union Stockyards
yesterday were 410 cattle and 97 hogs. The
following prices were quoted at the yards-
nrLBBeet steeT3' 3.25ffS.S0; medium,
$2.i53; rows, $22.50.
HOGS Best large, fat hogs, $5.23- Hcht
hogs, $4.2504.75. K 1
iSET031 Eastcm Oregon and" Valley,
$3.2550; lambs, $3.25.
Prices Current In Chicago, Kansas City and
CHICAGO. Dec 27.-CatUe-Recelpts, 3000.
Market, steady. Native steers, $3,856.60'
Blockers and feeders, $22004.25; cows. $135
C; bulls, $2$-4; calves, $S:50ff6.50.
Hogs Receipts today. 10,000; estimate for
tomorrow, 25.000. Market, 5c higher. Mixed
and butchers, $i.C5S?4.60; rough heaw. $435
4.C5; light, $4,250-4.471. "
Sheep Recelptrt, 15.000. Good to cholca
wethers, $3,70570; "Western sheep. $325.15:
"Western lambs, $36,76.
SOUTH OMAHA, 2feb.. Dec -27.-CatUe-Re-celpta,
4000. Market, stronger. NaUve eteers,
$3g0.20; co we and heifers, $2.4004.23; "West
ern, stoors, $34.65; Texas steers. $2.703.75;
stockers and feeders. $2,2550.80; calvpj, $2.50
Hogs Receipts, 3300. Market, 10c higher,
Heavj-, ?4.604.52i: mixed. $4.5034.52t
light. $4.62itG4.55; pigs, $4?4.60.
Sheep Receipts, 1000. Market, stronger.
Westerns, $4.905.35; wethers, $4.605.25.
KANSAS CITY. Dec. 27,-Cattle-ltccelpts.
3000. Market. 10c higher; native steers. $3.50
6.25; native cows and heifers, $1.7663; stock
ers and feeders, $2.504; calves, $306.50;
"Western steers, $395; "Western cows, $L76
Hogs Receipts, 400. Market. 5d6c higher.
Bulk of sains ii Alvftl nr.. v.n.. n -n.
packers, $4.504.65; pigs and light, $3.85
Sheep Receipts, 10.000. Market, strong.
Muttons. $l5; lambs, $5gS.60; range wethers,
$4v".50; ewes, Sa.SOSSO.
Mining- Stocks.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 27.Offlclal closing
quotations for mining stocks today were as
Alpha. Con. ....$ .OOlJuatico .
$ .03
. 5.50
. .17
. .58
. .07
, .16
Andes ... 22
Mexican ... . . . .
Occidental Con..
Best & Belcher.
Challenge Con...
Con. Cal. & Va..
Crown Point ....
Potosl .."
Sog. Belcher ...
Sierra Nevada. .
1.70 Silver Hill
Union Con. ...
Utah Con.
Yellow Jacket
Gould & Curry..
Hale & Korcross. 1.03
NEW YORK, Dec 27. Closing quotations:
Adams Con. .20jLittle Chief .....$ .05
Alice OOjOntario ... .... 3.75
Breece 17JOphlr 3.50
Brunswick - Con. . .OftlPhoenlx ... V... .08
Comstock Tun... .0SPotosl 14
Con. Cal. & Va.. 1.4SiSavage 15
Horn Sliver 1.50SIerra Nevada.. .35
Iron Silver 2.05tSmalI Hopes ... .25
Lcadvlllo Con... .02Standard 2.00
BOSTON, Dec 27. Closing quotations:
Adventure ...$ 5.50 Mohawk .$48.50
Alloue 18.00 Mont. C. & C. 5.00
Amalgamated. 66.63 Old Dominion. 25.25
Am. Zinc .... 11.75 Osceola 92.00
Atlantic 16.00 Parrot i 26.25
Bingham 33.75 Qulncy ... ... 105.00
CaL & Hocla.. 630.00 Shannon 83.00
Centennial ... 23.50 Tamarack .... 115.00
Copper Range. 64.50 Trinity S.75
Daly West ... 17.88jU. S. Mining .. 24,00
Dominion Coal CO.OOIU. S. Oil 10.75
Franklin . ... 10.50Utah 41.50
Grancy ri.00Victorla 4.25
Isle Royale .. 20.25Winona-f 11.50
Mass. Mining. S.75Wolverlne .... 104.00
Michigan ..... O.00
aietal Markets..
NEW YORK, Dec 27. The London tin mar
ket was firm. Spot dosed at 133 32s Od, and
futures at 133. Tho local market was quiet
at 29.30329.GOc
Copper was firm abroad, with epot dosing
at 67 -8s and futures at 67 10a. Locally, a
better demand was noted. Lake, 15J515.25c;
electrolytic 15-12H. and casting. 14.50214.75c.
Lead! was unchanged.
Spelter waa firm at 24 15s in London, and
at 66.12Ho for spot locally.
Iron closed at 63s 6d in Glasgow and at 60s
4Hd in Mlddlesboro. Locally. Iron waa un
changed. LONDON. Dec 27. Copper opened buoyant
today on Continent and home buying, and on
American advices being encouraging the
metal advanced to 67J. but dropped slowly
when tho foreign orders were filled, and closed
at 67?i. Fourteen hundred tons were sold.
Wool Markets.
BOSTON, Dec 27. Despite the fact that the
wool market remains quiet, the supply of un
sold material available hes seldom been eo
small as at present Quotations:
Territory Idaho fine. 18H10c; heavy fine,
10T17c; fine medium, 18H&10C; medium, 22(J
23c; low medium. -IftZKc.
Wyoming Fine, IVSlSc; heavy fjne, 353
36c; fine medium,, llQ18c; medium." 23024c.
Utah and Nevada Fine, . 1718c; heavy fine,
15lCc; fin medium. 1718c; medium, 220
23c; low medium, 2324c
Montana Fine choice, 21?22c; fine average.
39S?20c; flno medium choice. 2122c; average)
lP20c; staple, 22625c ; -medium choice 220
25c . - ,
ST. LOriS. Mo.. Doc. 27. Wooii-Nommal;
territory anlfWcstonr modIumsJ"'-2122e; line
medium. 170 18 Ape 16917c
Dried Frnlt atrXcw rYork? ' .
NEW YORK. .Dec 27. Evaporated apples
are "well sustained, although tho demand is
moderate.- Common, 3&4e; prime, 4H4?c;
choice. 5?5&c; fancy, 6Sif7c .
Primes are in a healthy ponltlon. with an
advance probable. Tho quotations range from
2c to 5c, according to grade.
Apricots are' unchanged. . .
"Peaches., quiet, but steady. Choice. 91c;
extra choice. 10"i4?lo;4e: fancy. UHei2e.
Holiday at "Liverpool. J-' v
' LItERPOcTl; Dec 27.-ilolIda'y. market.
.' 1 -; 1 .
... , 7 1 1 - .
Stocks, Though Inactive, Have a
Strong Undertone Evidences of
Confidence In the Future.
NEW YORK. Dec 27. The Stock Exchsxgo
recumed buslneaa today, after tho three days'
holiday, with only a languid interest; and the
market was a nominal affair. This was in
accordance with expectations, and the same
state of affairs is -expected to endure through
the week. Interested conjecture centers al
most entirely upon the future.
Th tightness -of tho money market, which
Is usually a feature of this time of .the year,
is entirely lacking at tho present, and ' tho
rates for time money today were lower. The.
condition in the money market is duo to the
extremely quiet speculation In stocks. There
are, besides, some coming requirements be
yond tho end of the week which probaolyhavo'
to do with Iho deslro to maintain quiet con
ditions. In foreign money centers the ovent
of chief Importance seema to be tho forth
coming Russian loan, which Is expected to be
offered In Berlin and Paris toward tho end
of January, and which is expected to delay
the easing effect of the influx or funds fol
lowing the annual settlements. Except in the
hypothesis of future demands of somo such
character, it is difficult to explain the pres
ent phenomenal quietude of the money mar
ket. While the stock, market was but little more
active today than during the dull session of
last Friday, the tone was strong. This- waa
in accordance with the tenor of the news,
which was generally favorable -Tho elab
orate terminal projects of the New York-Central
In New York and the report of a heavy
outlay by the Pennsylvania in Chicago for
the same purpose seemed to ba impressive to
sentiment as evidence of confidence la the
railroad world in tho permanence of prosper
ous conditions. The crippling of the wire
service by the storm aggravated the dullness
of business. The day'a advances were held
well until the closing, which waa dull and
Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value.
$4,440,000. United States bonds were un
changed on call.
Atchison SC?i Texas & Pacific.
do preferred 101 T.. St. L. & W..
Bait. & Ohio 100'i do preferred
do preferred 95k Union Pacific..:.,
Canadian Pacific.. 131 1'J do preferred....
. 34H
. 36i
. 53
. OOli
. 21?k
Central of N. J... 100
Ches. &. Ohio.... 47Ti
do preferred.
Chi. & Alton 46W
Wheel. & L. E... 19 Ji
do preferred 31 (Wisconsin Central. 22
Chi. Gt, Western. 324
dd preferred 45U
Chi. Si N. W. 205
St. Paul 170
Express companies-
Adams 236
American 205
ao preierrea isi
Chi. T. & T. 12
United States 118
do preferred 22UlWells-Farco 237
C, C, C. & St. L. 91U Miscellaneous
Colorado Southern 23$h
Amal. Copper 66
Am. Car & Fdy... 34
do 1st preferred. 62'
uu proLerreu. . 01 1 uo jjrcierrea-. .
Del. & Hudson 180V4 Am. Cotton OH.
D I & W. 330 j do preferred...
D. & R. G 304 American Ice...
do preferred..... SSi do preferred...
Brie 379siAm. Linseed Oil
do let preferred. 74i do preferred...
do 2d preferred.. 54 Am. Locomotive.". 34.
Hocking Valley.. S0& do preferred 102
do preferred 01 Am. Sm. & Jtfg.. 81
.Illinois Central.. .1541 do preferred 112
Iowa Central 20 (Am. Sugar Rfg.. 142;
do preferred..... 55 w Anaconda 102
K. C. Southern... 23i!Brooklyn R. Tran. 61i
do pref erred. 53 1C0I0. Fuel & Iron 45
L. & N 139itConsolldated Gas. .200V
Manhattan L.....164iiCom Products.. 20
Met. Securities... 70H do preferred 77
Met. St. Ry. 120aDIst. Securities 3SYs
Mexican Central.. 20 General Electric. 18d
Minn.. & St. L.... 55 Inter. Paper... 24
M.. S. P. & S.S.M. 89 1 do preferred 76
do preferred..... 147 (Inter. Ptimp 37
Missouri Pacific. lOOHl Co Preferred . 85
M.. K. & T.. 30U!Natlonal Lead 23
do preferred CSliiNortlr American... 100j
Mex. National pf. 39Paciflc Mall 43
N. Y. Central.... 144iPeople's Gas 106i
Norf. & Western. 70 Pressed Steel Car. 3V
do preferred 03 do preferred 89
unt, at western... 4i:mman i'ai. car.34
Pennsylvania ....137?i
Republic Steel .. 16
I do preferred 63
Rubber Goods,..,.. 26
P.. C. C. & St. L. 76
Reading 78
do lot preferred. 00'
do 2d preferred.. S2UJ
Rock Island Co... 3Cnl
do preferred 93
Tenn. Coal & Iron 71
U. S. Leather 14
00 preferred bavi
do preferred.. 301
S. L. & S. . 2d pf. 60 U. S. Realty. .. 79
St. Louis S. W... 25
j. . nuuocr...... '-".
do preferred. ... 94i
U. S. Steel 04i
do preferred 29
Wcstlnghouse El.. 181
ao prercrreo 07
Southern Pacific. 04
do preferred. .118
Southern Ry 34!
do preferred 96
Western Union.... 92
"To tal sales for the day, 491,000 shares.
JiEW YORK. Dec. 27. Closing quotations:
U. S. ref. 2s reg.104
do coupon ., .1045i
U. S. Ss reg. ...104
C. & N. W. C. 7s.329
D. & R. G. 4s.. 102
N. Y. Cent, lsts.101
Nor. Pacific 3s.. 75
do coupon ...104
U. S. new 4s reg. 130 HI do 4s 105 i
do coupon . ..13lHSo. Pacific 4s... 94U
U. S. old 4s rcg.l053iUnIon Pacific 4s.lOG
do coupon ...106Wls. Central 4s. 93
Atchison Ad J 4s. 04 U I
Stocks at London.
LONDON, Dec 27. Consols for money,
-88 11-16; consols for account. SS3-16.
. 5
. 88
Nor. & Western. S0
do preferred .. 05
Ont. & Western. 44
Pennsylvania .. 70
Rand Mines .... 11
Reading 40
do 1st pref ... 40
do 2d pref .... 41
So. Railway .... 35
do preferred ..09
So. Pacific 034
Union Pacific ...111
do "preferred . . 38
U. S. Steel 30
do-preferred .. 05
Wabash ... .... 23
do preferred
Bait. & Ohio ...103
Can. Pacific ...133
Ches. & Ohio .. 48
C. Gt. Western.. 22
C. M. & St. F..174U
DcBeers 38
D, . & R. G 31
do preferred ..01
Erie 37
do 1st pref ... 76 14
do 2d pref ... 65
Illinois Central. 158
L. & NV 143
M.. K. & T. 31i
do preferred .. 44 ,
X. Y. Central... 140i Spanish 4s
.. 83
Money, Exchange, Etc.
NEW YORK. Dec 27. Money on call,
steady. 2 rxr cent; closing bid and offered,
2 per cent. Time loans, easy and dull ; 60 and
90 dayp. 33 per cent; six months, 33
per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 44 per
Sterling exchange, firm, with actual business
In bankers' bills at $4.87164.8720 for demand,
and at $4.84702l4.84;5 for 00 days. Posted
rates, $4.854.SS. Commercial bills, $4.S4?4.
Bar silver, 51c
Mexican dollars. 4Sc
Bonds Government, steady; railroads, firm.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 27. Silver bars,
Mexican dollars, 51c .
Drafts Sight, 2c; tolegraph, ;5c
Sterling on London, 60 days, $4.85; sight,
LONDON, Dec 27. Bar silver, firm; 23 3-1 Gd
per ounce " "
' Money, 23 -per cent. .
Tho rate of discount in the open market for
short bills Is 2 13-18?f 2 --"per cont; three
months' bills, 213-10 per cent.
. Bank Clearing. 4
. Clearings. Balances.
Portland $833,727 $67,200
Seattlo 745,590 1S2.879
Tncoma 630.9S5 40.789
Spokane -522,106 02,783
Dally Treasury -Statement.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. Today's statement
of the Treasury balances shows:
Available cash balances....
.. 80.992.103
Usual Tost Holiday Dullneta Tn Felt In
Most lines.-
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 27. Tho usual post
holiday duIlnesH was felt in most of the local
markets. Wheat options had some advances,
and would probably have. ben higher In sym
pathy with Chicago, hut for the bad working
of the Eastern wires. Spot prices for all
cereals were firmly sustained. Oat were In
better -demand. Hay recelpja wore lighter, but
local trade was very dull. Bran was firm.
Cold and dark weather was against trade in
cUniR fruits. Stocks of oranges are accumu
lating, owing to liberal receipts, and prices
aro weak. The citrus market is not likely to
find IUi true lev-luntll the regular auction
wiles commence next week. Apples are in
light aupply and steady, but trade is quiet.
Btna and pineapples are in ample supply
at provlous prices. ,
The potato market, aside from strictly fancv
,Burbank. which are in good. demand and firm.
wai dujr,and, weak Early "Rose and, rlvor. reds
were neglected and lower. About 500 sacks of
best drcgdn Burbanks frcm recent steamer ar
rivals Jd,at $L10. Sweets were easier. Fout
carload! of Oregon onions, in addition to 623
sacks by the steamer Elder, arrived. The mar
ket was oversupplled and had a Tapld decline.
Between 500 and 600 sacks sold at $2.25. Gar
1 den vegetable were weaker. t K,
AU, dairy products .were easier,. Receipts,
,45.000, pounds butter, 30.000 pounds cheese, 16,y
000, dozen eggs. . . :
- VEGETABLES Garlic ' 688c; green peas,
46c; string beans, 5Sc; tomatoes, $1.25L50;
egg plant, 56 Sc.
t POULTRY Turkey gobblers,. 20321c; roost
ers, old. $434.50; do young, $5Q; broilers,
all, $2.503; large, $333.50; fryers, 34.505;,
hens. $406; ducks, old, $583.50; do "young.
CHEESE Young America. 1213tic; East
em. 1315o-,, t
BUTTER Fancy creamery. 23c; creamery
seconds, 19c; fancy dairy. 19c; dairy seconds.
EGGS Store, 2Q30c; fancy ranch, 40c
WOOL-Lambs'. I8C18c "
"HAY Wheat. $1014; jvheat and oats, $109
13; barley, ogil; aifarfa, fllLSO; clover,
$769; stocky $57; straw; 43353c
MILLFEED Bran, $lS10;'.mlddllngs. $25Q
HOPS 1004. 2528c.
FRUIT Applet, choice. $1.50; do common. 50c;
bananas. $1&3;- Mexican limes, $4; California,
lemons, choice, $2.75 do common, $1; oranges,
navels. S1Q2; pineapples, $1.503.50.
POTATOES Early ' Rose, $1.101.20; River
Burbanks, 40980c; River reds. 50f?60c; Salinas
Burbanks, $lffl.45; sweets, 63S75c; Oregon
Burbanks. S5cO$1.10.
RECEIPTS Flour. 43.153 quarter - sac!is;
wheat. 74,534 centals; barley, 21,021 centals;
oats, 8486 centals; beans, 2099 sacks; com.
3600 centals: potatoes, 8729 sacks; bran. 11,411
sacks; middlings, 705 sacks; hay, 794 tons;
wool, 4 bales; hides. 201.-
Mor Hops Eequired for American Con
sumption. WOODBURN. Or.. Dec 27. (Special.)
.Large- dealers in hops who hafe sold short
have .resorted to methods so unusual as to
merit attention. During the present month
and in the latter, part of November, several
sales, ostensibly made at. low prices, were
given to the press by the bear element. .It Is
asserted by' tho holders of hops that these sales
were fictitious, and were not legitimate trans
actions; in tho regular course of trade, but
were advertised far and wide by the short
sellers, both here and In the East, as demon
strating conclusively a collapse in prices. That
this method of manipulation did not result In
any material decline In prlos Is solely due to
the unprccedentedly strong statistical position
of the hop market, to which was added the
unwavering firmness of holders the world over.
Bears In the hop market have most strenuously
asserted that less hops may be needed during
the coming year, but the following Government
report on the number of barrels of beer paying
Government tax during the month of Novem
ber. 1004, as compared with the month ot
November. 1903, will certainly prove the utter
fallacy of such statements:
United States barrel tax on beer for
November. 1003 $3,347,477.34
United States barrel tax on beer for
November, 1904 3,534,001.23
Increase of tax of November,
1304. over tax of Xovember,1903.$ 237,423.91
Or a, fraction over 7 per cent for the month.
Notwithstanding this Increase, in the consump
tion of hops by the brewing Industry, no more
hops were raised In the United States in 1904
than are actually required for home ns, yet
70,000 bales of American hops have already
been exported this season.
Jobbing Prices Quoted nt tho Puget Sound
SEATTLE, Wash.. Dec 27. (Special.) The
following are today's produce quotations here:
WHEAT Club, 86c; bluestem. 90c
OATS Whit,- per ton, $2&29; gray, per ton,
$26323. . '
BARLEY Feed, per ton, $2324. .
HAY Timothy, per ton, $1920; clover, per
ton, $14315; grain, per ton, $22.
POTATOES Fancy, per ton. $22.
ONIONS Fancy, per cwt. $2.5052.75.
BUTTER Fancy creain'ery, 28c; ranch. 242
EGGS Best ranch, per dozen, 3C33Sc.
APPLES Fancy, per box, $1.251.501
Dairy Produce la the East.
CHICAGO. Doc 27. On tho Produce Ex
change today the butter market was firm;
creamery, 16327c:" dairy, 36S23c. Eggs,
steady at mark, cases Included, 1721c; extras,
25c. Cheese, firm, ll?12c.
NEW YORK, Dec 27. Butter Firm; street
price, extra creamery, 2727c; official prices,
creamery, common to extra, 17618c; Western
factory, common-to choice, lS17c; Western
imitation, 16021c. Eggs, lower; Western fancy
selected, 20c; Western, average best, 25c
Cheese, quiet.
Coffee, and Sugar.
NEW YORK. Dec 27. The market for cof
fee futures closed steady, net 5 to 10 points
higher Sales, 111,750 bags, including: "Jan
uary, 7. C037.70c; March. 7.807.95c: May, 3.05
8.20c; July, 8.30flS.35c; September. S.45&
8.55c Spot, steady; No. 7 Rio, 8Tc
Sugar Raw, firm; fair refining, 4ic; centri
fugal, 96 test, V.ic; molasses sugar, 4o;' re
fined, steady; crushed, $6.35; granulated, $5.65.
2eir York Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. Dec 27. Cotton Futures
closed steady at a net 1cm of 2 to 3 points
higher, with January selling around 6.8Sc.
December, 6.S5c; January, 6.8Sc; February.
6.95c; March, 7.05c; April. 7.10c; May, 7.18c;
June, 7.25c; July, 7.29c: August, 7.32c; Sep
tember, 7.3Sc; October. t.SSc.
Marriage Licenses.
Lionel M. Woodworth, 25; Marie W. Leiseher,
EC V. Erickson, 31; Minnie Erlckson, 20.
George A. Brown. 30, Clark County? Wash
ington; Bertha M. Agnew, 24.
Peter Bush, 47, Cowlitz County, Washington;
Elizabeth Jane, 49.
George C. Watklns, 23, Clateop County;
Maude E. Springer. 23.
B. W. Taylor, 32, Yamhill County; Mary
Parks, 27.
G. S. Summers, 28; Gertrude Stopper. 13.
Eben B. Grant, 56; Ella Kellogg. 46.
Reno Hutchinson, 29; Julia Virginia Spencer,
Walter W. Bruce, 25, Morrow County; Lucy
E. Edwards, 22.
Gust. Anderson, 37, Cowlitz County. Wash
ington; II lima- Larson. 34.
December 18, to tho wife of George Albert,
965 Hendricks avenue, a daughter.
December 22, to the wife of Joseph Bau
meister, 504 East Clay, a daughter.
December 17, to the wife of Hermann Bnke,
148 East Twentieth, a daughter.
December 14, to the wife of August Escblo,
t415 Couch, a daughter.
December 12, to the wife of Elnar Viccc, S50
North Fifteenth, a daughter.
December 10. to the wife of Robert William
Ewell. 608 East Taylor, a son.
December 20, Emma Hauser. aged 46 years
and 1 month, 404 Falling: cancer of the pan
creas. Interment" Lone Fir Cemetery.
December 24, Sarah Kllen Donohue. aged 60
years, 5 months and 23 days, Tremont Place;
bronchitis and asthma. Interment Rlvervlew
December 9, Joseph Anjola. still-born. 253
Skldmore. Interment Lono Fir Cemetery.
December 19. Richard J. Welch, aged 57
years, 9 months and 12 days. Basin, Mont.;
accidental death. Interment, St. Mary's Ceme
tery. Building Permits.
. Mabel Kuhn, Wygnnt. between Eaat Ninth
and East Tenth; $1500.
Amos Frels. northeast comer Twelfth and
Washington; $100. - , "S
John Anderson, Crosby, between Haliey and
McMillan; $1200.
Says She Deserted Him.
. Suit for a -divorce, on the ground of de-'
sertlon, was filed. Jn' tho- Stato Circuit
Court yesterday, by Hugh C Frisbie
against Matilda il. Frisbie. The litigants
were married at' Vancouver. Vash., . Oc
tober 21. 3902. and there" is one child, a
daughter, 10 years old, who 4s with the
father. Frisbie -alleges thnt hit wife will
fully "abandoned "hlra "over a year auo.
7 ' 7-.-' -.'c.
Lively Demand From the Start, but
Offerings Are Light Strong Cash
Inquiry Helps Prices.
CHICAGO. Dec 27. Inspired 07 a good de
mand, wheat opened strong, with May up i
c to X&Kc. at $1.12 to $1.13. The cold
wave made the -probability of reduced deliver
ies by farmers much more certain- Another
factor Influential in producing" bulges was a
cablegram from a Chicago crop expert in Ar
gentina. The cablegram stated that much
pf. tho wheat crop in Argentina, had been
ripened prematurely by frost From the first
tap of the bell a lively demand was In evi
dence from commlselon-houaes. but fellers were
few. In consequence, the market steadily
gained In strength, notwithstanding reports
that the long drouth In the Winter wheat
territory had been broken by rain or snow,
The - demand for cash wheat, both In tire
Northwest and the Southwest, was greatly.
Improved, and this helped to creato a. more
bullish sentiment In speculative trading. Pri
mary receipts "alao were much smaller than
for the corresponding day & year ago, but
owing to wire trouble these statistics were
Incomplete. During the latter part of the
session a leader of the bull crowd waa a free
seller. Increased offerings found ready buy
era, however, and prices continued to mount.
The market closed at the highest point of the
session. May being quoted at $1.14Ul.H9s-
The corn market held firm throughout the
session. May closed at 45?ift45c
Tho oats market waa Influenced; by strength
in other grains, and by tho anticipated in
crease in consumption that would result from
zero weather. May closed at 31$ic
Provisions started strong on smaller re
ceipts of hogs, but at the advance offerings
were larger than the buying orders -could ab
sorb. Pork cloned at $12.87; -May lard at
7.20. and May ribs at $6.72H06.7a.
The leading futures ranged aa follows:
Open. High. Low. ' Close
December ...,$1.12tf $1.13 $1.121 " $1.13
May 1.12 3.14H 3.32-n 1.14
July 9Si .00 .9SH .99Vi
December .40 .401 .46 .46V
May 45K .434 .45J4 .45
July 46 ,40ft .45? .46
December .... .29 14 .29U .29-i .29-
May 31t. .31 .Sli
July 31 .31ft .319s .31
January 12.62 Vi 12.62 12.57 12.57
May 12.03 12.95 12.87 12.87
January 6.87
May 7.15
6.90 0.S7 C.87
7.17 7.12 7.15
January 6.47 6.50 6.43 0.47
May 6.77 U.77 6.72 0.75
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour Steady.
Wheat No. 2, $1.0391.16; No. 3, 9Sc$1.12;
No. 2 red. $1.14?if?1.16.
Com No. 2, 4647c; No. 2. yellow. 4647c
Oats No. 2. 29c; No. 2 white, 31ft34c; No.
3 white, 30gnlr;c.
Rye No. 2. 73c
Barley Good feeding. 3537c; fair to choice
malting, 45348c.
' Flaxseed No. 3. $1.17; No. 1 Northwestern,
Timothy seed Prime, $2.72.
Mess pork Per barrel, $11.35311.43.
Lard Per 100 pounds, $0.77.
Short riba sides Loose. $6.2356.37.
Short clear sides Boxed, $C.62Q6.75.
Clover Contract grade. $12.75.
Flour, barrels 39.100 40.100
Wheat, bushels 1S7.000 137.S0O
Com, bushels 353,000 318.000
Oats, bushels 251,900 252,200
Rye, bushels 2,000 17,500
Barley, bushels .. 207.900 51,500
Grain and Produce at ew York-
NEW YORK, Doc 27. Flour Receipts, 27.
000 barrels: exports. 3500 barrels (threo days).
Wheat Receipts, 113,000 bushels (three
days; exports. 57.000 bushels. Spot, firm; No.
2, nominal elevator and $1.20i f. o. b. afloat:
No. 1 Northern Dulutb, 51.25 f. o. b. afloat;
No. 1 hard Manitoba. $1.0S f. o. b. afloat.
Options were quiet all day. May closed at
$1.15, July closed $1.03$. and December at
1.20?i. '
Hops Quiet; olds. 14c.
Wool Firm.
Grain at San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 27. Wheat and bar
ley, stronger
Spot quotations
Wheat Shipping. $1.45??1.60; milling. $1.52
Barley Feed, $1.12J1.13i; brewing. 1.15
Oats Red. $1.4091.35; white, $1.4591:57;
black. $1.3091.62.
Call board sales
Wheat May. S1.44U.
Barley May. $1.09.
Com Largo yellow. $1.271.37.
Wheat at Tacomn.
, TACOMA, Dec 27. Wheat Unchanged; blue
stem, SSc; club, 85c
Royal White Wins, Played at Thirty
to One.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 27. Royal
"White, at 30 to 3. brought woe to the
talent at Emeryville today. The weather
was showery and the track slow. The
Futurity course The Gadfly won, Sala
ble second, McGregor" third: time, 1:11.
( Six furlongs Alice Carey won. The
Cure second. Revolt third; time, 1:H4I
Six furlongs Royal White won. Travers
second, Yellowstone third; tlme,vl:16.
Six and a half furlongs, handicap, purse
Matt Hogan won, Tocolaw second.
Judge third; time, 1:20J$.
.MJIo and 50 yards Melstcrsiuger won.
Briers second. Box Elder third; time, 1:46.
Mile and 100 yards W. R. Condon won,
G. "W. Trahern second, Freckman third;
time, 1:47.
Records Made at Ascot.
XiOS ANGELES. Cal., Dec 27. Records
were made at Ascot track today, Gold
Roso going a mile in l:3S?i, which Is equal
to the California- record made by DIvIna
at San Francisco, and Needful galloping
tfle Brooks' course, 73 yards less than a
mile and quarter, in 2:03. Besides these
two features to the day's racing, there
was a steeplechase, in which two horses
fell. A crowd of 7000 packed the grounds.
Tho results:
Five and'a half furlongs, selling Tim
Hurst won. Joe Kelley second. JJght of
Day third; time, 1:07.
Slauson course, selling Nanon won,
Rose of Hllo second. Great Mogul third;
lime. l:09?i..
Handicap, steeplechase, short course
Allegiance won, Gray Morn second. Flea
third; time, 2:11.
One mile Gold Rose won "Was Swift
second, Ralph Reese third; time, 1:3SJ4.
Selling, Brooks course Nedful won,
Uelgerson second, Merwan third; time,
Selling, six furlongs Hilona won, Clo
verton second, Edlnborough third; tlmcx
Races at New Orleans.
NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 27. The re
sults today were:
Six furlongs Girl From Dixie wxm.
Long Days second, Dixlo Androws
third: time 1:17 3-5.
Mlle St. Tammany won. Gay Boy
spcond. Falnerian third; time 1:45.
"Mile The Trifler won,- Pawtucket
secondt Mr. Jack third; time 1:47 1-5. '
Six and one-half furlongs Fronte
tiac won. Matador second, Astarlta
k thirds time l.22 4-5. c -
bix iuriongs Topic won, isu TIerncy
second Tootsey Mack third; time
T:U '3-5. ' " '
Seven furlongs Greser K. " won,
Foromaster- second; -Mayor Johnson
third; time 1:30.
Local Wrestler Wants to Meet Jap
Tlte fact that General Buenmon Nil and
his 15 jlu-Jltsuian Japanese are to give a
performance- of this Japanese mysterious
art, cn Thursday night, at tho Marquarn
Theater, has roused great Interest among
local athletes. In the city there are a
number of both professional and amateur
wrestlers and they are anxious to meet
General Nil or any member of his com
pany. The only drawback to a match of
this sort is that jiu-jitsu has no connec
tion with wrestling. A member of the
Multnomah Club Is anxious to have a
man he will select out of tho club meet
General Nil. and in the near future a
match of this sort may 'on arranged.
These athletes, however, aro not the
only persons Interested in this Japanese
art. Mayor George H. "Williams, who Is
deeply Interested in all sorts of sports,
will be present. So also -will be Chief of
Police Hunt. Invitations will also be ex
tended today to General C. F. Beebe and
Chief Campbell, of the Fire Department,
and Tsuneejl Aiba. the- Japanese Consul.
Seats are now selling.
Fighting Man Says It Was a Misun
. derstanding With His Manager.
SAN FRANCISCO. Doc. 27 Battling
Nelson and his partner, Theodore Mu:
phy, who was arrested at Stockton a left
days ago on a charge of embezzling tho
bulk of the pugilist's two latest contests,
appeared aYm in arm today before Police
Judge Cabaniss. Eddie Santry, also under
arre3t on a similar charge, was with
Nelson took the stand and declared that
the arrests were made while he was la
boring under a misapprehension of facts
and said he did not desire to prosecute
anybody. The money in the property
clerk's hands was then produced. Nelson
being given $6901, and Murphy $2100, this
division being according to tho manager's
accounts. Tho cases were then dismissed
and the trio left the courtroom.
Present Plan Better Than Having
Special Attendants.
OREGON CITY. Or.. -Dec. 27. (To. the Ed
itorsHaving noticed an article In The Ore
gonlan of December 23. proposing a new plan
for tho conveyance -of the Insane patients
from the place of commitment to tho Insane
Asylum at Salem, I would submit that this
subject, like all others, ha& two sides to it.
First, the most Important of all s the prompt
and careful treatment -of the unfortunate per
son who has to be committed to the Insane
Asylum. In consideration of this subject, let
It be understood that there Is not a place In
the State ot Oregon, excluding Multnomah
County, that has any accommodations what
ever that would be suitable for the confining
of any Insane person for the length ot time
that would be necessary to await the coming
of an attendant from Salem. In many cases It
would require several days for an attendant to
arrive and receive "the patient. And again,
would it not cost just as much for a person
to travel from Salem to Baker City and back
as It would cost to travel from Baker City lo
Salem and back?
To carry out this new plan. It appears to
me. would necessitate the addition of several
special attendants, whose duty it would be to
go all ever the country gathering up the in
sane patients and at times when there were
nono to gather, their pay would go on just
the same. From this point of view, I fail to
see where there can be any material raving
to the' state. Again, the new .plan has a
tendency to centralize, which I do not think
will lessen expenses or furnish any better as
sistance than is nearly always furnished by
the officials making the commitment. who,ar
familiar with the patient and his case.
Again, when an unfortunate person Is ad
Judged Insane, instead of starting with him
to the asylum Immedlatly, he will be stowed
away in same unsuitable place awaiting- the
coming of an attendant. As It Is now, the
patient would be safely landed at the asylum
by tho tlmo the attendant could reach the
place from which the patient Is committed.
To look the question squarely In the face, I
do not believe the new plan offers any Im
provements over the present one, and Inns
much as the people foot tho bills. I think they
should be the ones to havo the say. I am
satisfied that the people would greatly prefer
the present plan to any new-fangled scheme
that would tend to promote tho Interests of
politicians; and would, wihout doubt, work a
hardship on the unfortunate insane of th.s
I hopo that when this matter comes up In
the coming Legislature, it will be carefully
considered and decided In the Interest of all
the people, and not tho few.
Wc Charge No Interest for
Cerrying Long Stock
General Office -JgJ ffifg
. K. Aides, Co rrceg o ndcnU
Room 2, Ground Floor,
Chamber of Commerce.
Line Steamers
XJlttrui line ivi rfiuni. a, -J .u.iAiiii: tuiu
Collins Hot Springs. Connecting at Lyle.
"Wash., with Columbia River & Northern Ry.
Co.. for Goldendalt; ana Klickitat Valley points.
Landing foot of Alder st. Phone Main 01 i.
S. M'DONAT.D, Agent.
. tl r fnlf.M. C. !.. a
For South -Eastern Alaska
Steamers of the company, or
for which It U agent, leave
e P. M-. day previous, steam-
&. ul. BH.AUW.A1 iUKECT;
Dec 17. via Kllllsnoo and Sit
ka): RAMON A (Dec. VA, via
KUIhmoo and Sitka; Dec is,
Skagway direct); both vessels
making regular S. K. Alaska
ports or call; Cottage City
calls at Vancouver; Rumona CALLS AT 'VIC
CITY OF SEATTLE leaves Seattle Tuesdays
Thursday. Sundays. 10 P. M.; call at Everett
and Belllngham.
Steamers connect at San Francisco with com
pany's steamers for ports in California, Mex
ico and-4lumboldt Bay. For further informa
tion obtain fotaT. Right Is reserved to change
steamers or sailing date. . '
Portland .w..24Q Washington st.
Seattle 113 James st. and. Dock
-San Francisco ........10 Market st.
C. D. DUXANN,. Gen. Pass. Agt.
10 Market St., San Francisco.
am union Pacific
Through Pullman standard and tourist sleeping-cars
dally to Omaha, Chicago. Spokane;
tourist sleeping-car dally to Kansas City;
through Pullman tourist sleeping-car (person
ally conducted) weekly to Chicago. Reclining
hair-cars (seats free) to the East dally.
UNION DEPOT. . Leaves. Arrives.
CHICAGO-PORTLAND 0:13 A. M. 5:25 P. M.
SPECIAL for the East Dally. Dally,
via Huntington.
For Eastern "Washington, Walla "Wala, Lew
l3ton.Coeur d'Alene and Great Northern points.
fngton? EaSt Yla W ifca
FOR ASTORIA and 8:00 P.M. 5:00 P.M.
way points, connecting Dally. Dally.
wlh steamer for Ilwa- except except
co nd North Beach Sunday. Sunday,
steamer Hassalo. Ash- Saturday,
street dock (water per.) 10:00 PT M.
FOR DAYTON. Ore- -. . ,.-np
son City and YamhllJ 5'-D,?1-
River point Ash-atren "aH: Bh
dock (water permitting) Sua' Sun.
t?R LEWISTON, 3:40 A. M About
Idabo. and way points. Dally, 3:00 P. M.
from Rlparla, Wash. ex. Sat. ex. Frl.
Telephone Main 712. C. W. Stlngar, City Tlck
et Agent; A. L. Craig. General Passen ger Agent.
For San Francisco, every five days, from
AInsworth dock S. S. Geo. VT, Elder, Jan. 1,
11: S. S. Columbia. Jan. 6. 10. Sailings from
For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at
Kobe, Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking frelsht
via connecting steamers for Manila. Port Ar
thur and Vladivostok; S. S. Aragonla, Jan. 22.
S. S. Arabia, Jan. 2. For freight and further
particulars apply to
Telephone Main 268. Upper Alaska Dock.
8:30 P. M.
for Salem. Rose-
'7:23 A- M.
burg, Ashland, Sac-
.amento, Ogden. San
"ranclsco. Mojave,
Los Angeles. Ei
Paso, New Orleans
and the Eaat.
Morning train con
3:30 A. M.
7:10 P. M.
nects at Woodburn
(dally except Sun
day) with train for
Uount Angel, bilver-
ton, Brownsville,
Springfield. Wend.l
Ung and Natron.
4:00 P. M.
Albany passenger
10:10. A. M
connects - at W ood
born with Mt. Angel
and Sllverton local.
I ' 1
7:30 A. M.
4:30 P. M.
Sheridan panger.j8:23 A. M."
.Dally. HDally, except Sunday.
Leave Portland daily for Oswego at 7:30 A.
M.. 12:50. 2:05. 3:23. 5:20. &-J25, 7:45. 10:10 P.
M. Daily, except Sunday, 5:30. 0:30. 8:35.
10:25 A. M., 4:00, 11:30 P. M. Sunday, only.
0 A. M.
Returning from Oswego arrive Portland dally
8:30 A. M.. 1:33. 3:03, 4:33. 6:15. 7:33. 8:55.
11:10 P. M. Dally except Sunday. 6:25, 7:25.
9:30. 10:20, 11:45 A. M. Except Monday. 12:25
A. M. Sunday only, 10:00 A. M.
Leave from eame depot for Dallas and inter
mediate points dally except Sunday. 4 P. M.
Arrive Portland, 10:20 A. M.
The Independence-Monmouth motor line oper
ates daily to Monmouth and Alrlie. connecting
with S. P. Co. trains at Dallas and Independ.
Flrst-claas fare from Portland to Sacramento
and San Francisco, 20; berth. 55. Second
class fare, $15; second-clssa berth, $2.50.
Tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also
Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia.
CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and
Washington etreeta.' Phone Main 712.
fft 1 1 fir J J 3
'f AHi ftf- TDAINC
m- doDti Awr
Depart. Arrive.
Puget Sound Limited for
Tacoma. Seattle. Olympla.
South Bend and Gray's
Harbor points 8:30 am 5:30 pm
North Coast Limited for
Tacoma. Seattle, Spokane,
Butte. St. Paul. New York.
Boston and all points East
and Southeast 3:00 pm 7:00 am
Twin City Express, for
Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane.
Helena, St. Paul. Minne
apolis; Chicago, New York,
Boetpn and all points East
and Southeast 11:45 pm 7:00 pm
Puget Sound-Kansas Ctty-
St, Louis Special, for
Tacoma, Seattlo. Spokane,
Butte, Billings. Denver.
Omaha. Kansas City, St.
Louis and all points East
and Southeast 8:30 am 7:00 am
All trains dally, except 'on South Bend branch.
A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Pas
senger Agent, 255 Morrison st,, corner Third.
Portland, Or.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
Leaves. UNION" DEPOT. Arrives.
Daily. Fr Maygers. Rainier. Daily
Clatskanie. Westport.
Clifton. Astoria, War-
8:00 A.M. renton, Flavel. Ham-nuoA-M
mond. Fort Stevens.
Gearhart Park, Sea
side, Astoria and Sea
shore. Express Dally.
7:00 P. M. Astoria Express. 9;40 P. M.
w Daily.
Comm'l Agt.., 248 Alder st. G. F. & P. A.
Phono Main 006.
City Ticket Office, 1,22 3d st., Thone 630.
Th Flyer and the FastMall.
For tickets, rates, folders and full In
formation, call on or address
II. DICKSON. City Tasscnxcr end Ticket
Art.. 122 Third street, Portland, Or.
For Japan, China and all Aolatlc Ports, will
Leave Seattle about Jan. l?tb .