12 THE MORNING OEEGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, liXH. AT HIS POST OF DUTY Sam -Colson, Veteran Pilot, is Stricken Down. HIS -CONDITION IS CRIJIjCAL Pacific Mail Will Lose Valuable Trade if Government Terminates Panama Railroad Contract Relic of the Clallam. Captain Samuul Celson, bottor known as "BIr Sam." one of the most popular of the old-time river captains, was stricken "Mondav evoninj? while at his pout of duty, and now lies In a precari ous condition at his home at 326 Bast Second strwt- Captain Colson is master of the O. R. & X. tugboat Ockluhama. He left here on his steamer Monday morning, towing the British ship Durbrldge down, the river. When at a point near Kalama their prog ress was impeded by a log-raft, and It Is presumed that the worry or strain was what brought on the attack of par alysis. Charles Anderson, the mate of the Ocklahama, at once took charge of the boat and, having the ship anchored on the spot, steamed to the Kalama wharf. There everything possible was done for the stricken captain, and when the Undine came along during the night, bound up the river, he was transferred in her and brought to this city. Mr. An derson proceeded down stream with the ship, reaching Astoria yesterday after noon. BAD OUTLOOK FOR PACIFIC MAIL Will Lose Valuable Trcde if Panama Contract Is Terminated. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 27. R. P. Schwerln, the chief representative of Har riman's steamship companies on this Coast, the Pacific Mail and Occidental & Oriental lines, is back from New York, where he has been conferring with Mr. 'Harrimait about the Pacific Mall's exclu sive traffic contract with the Panama Railroad and the likelihood of that con tract being terminated by the United States authorities, now that the Govern ment owns the road. "I do not know what action the Gov ernment may or will take in the mater," ."aid he. "I do know, though, that the Pacific Mali will be forced to withdraw Its Panama line of steamers, should the Washington authorities cancel the pres ent traffic agreement. The Pacific Mall . annot fight the Government, and would not pretend to do so. If the contract Is terminated, the Pacific Mall would find the business under competitive conditions such a losing venture that it would be forced to withdraw. It cannot help it eelf." "Our most profitable business on the Panama route Is between Central Ameri ca and Europe, and the Chilean Steam ship Company would get this, so we would lose the most valuable part of the Pana ma, route's traffic. The Kosmos line of steamers is already competing with the Pacific Mail on traffic between this city and Mexico and Central American points." FINE ON AGNES STANDS. Captain Had Been Warned Not to Carry Passengers Without License. ASTORIA, Or.. Dec. 27. (Special.)-Col-lector of Customs Robb was notified by the Treasury Department today that the appeal made by the owner of the steamer Agnes against the 5500 fine Imposed on the vessel by Collector Robb had been re ferred to United States District Attorney Hall. The Agnes was fined last July for carrying passengers without having" a II ceive. The steamer was used during the fishing season as a tender for a seining ground and she was fined for bringing 13 men belonging to the seining crew to this city. Her master had, however, received a previous warning, and that is under stood to be the reason the Treasury De partment has refused to act upon the ap peal. The Agnes is owned in Vancouver. RELIC OF THE CLALLAM. Flag of the Ill-Fated Steamer Pre sented to Steamboat Inspectors. An interesting relic, the ensign of the ill-fated Clallam, has been added to the collection in the possession of Steamboat Inspectors Edwards and Fuller. The flag, the original colors of which are al most gone, was picked up on Dungeness sand spit by J. C. LaByrne.- the assistant lighthouse-keeper at Dungeness. It was found soon after the disaster, and as the lighthouse man was transferred to Alas ka, he took it with him there, but be lieving the inspectors' office a better place for It. he forwarded it to Captain Ed wards. Tho Clallam foundered in the great utorm of January 8 last while crossing the Straits from Port Townsend to -Victoria. Fifty Mves were lost in the accident. Changes In Buoys. Captain L. C. Heilner, lighthouse In spector of this district, issues notices of buoy changes, as follows: Taqtilna Bay entrance South end or reet buoy. No. 1, a flret-clasa can, reported adrift :Vtobr SI. was replaced November 11. Gray Harbor entrance South channel outer buoy, a 1S. first-class nun. marked SC. In white, -was established December -i, in 45 feet of water, to mark the entrance" to the new -outh channel over the bar. This channel Is cry narrow, and is close to the Jetty. Vessels iOouM not attempt to enter It without a pilot, i -one tree on Damon Point. NXE. Ned Rock, NNB ?K. Gray's Harbor Iichthou.se. E. by N. BeUlnKham Bay Starr Rock buoy, a red sec-ind-ctew jan. reported out of position Decem ber 30. will be replaced as soon as practicable. French Captain Joins His Ship. Captain Quatrevaux, of the French ship Jules Gommes. who was arrested for permitting a sailor named Morisseau, Massed as a degenerate, to leave his ves sel without the permission of the immi gration authorities, has Joined his vessel at Astoria. The ship's agents Taylor Young & Co., put up a cash bond of $100, and by the captain's departure this has been practically forfeited. No decision has been handed down In the case In the United States Court, owing to the ab sence of the Government's witnesses. Coasters Have Trial Trips. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 27. The steam schooner liclen Drew, built by the I. E. "White Lumber Company, and the Cas cade, built by the Charles R. McCor mick Company, wore on the bay today for trial trips. They will engage in the Coast lumber trade. Chehalis Loses a Propeller. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 27.-While en tering the bay this morning, after com pleting a voyage from Gray's Harbor, the steam schooner Chohalis lost her pro peller. She had on board a cargo of lum ber for San Pedro, to which port she has proceeded in tow of the steam schooner Norwood. Captain Gordon Reinstated. ASTORIA. Or.. Dec 27. (Special.) Captain W. S. Gordon, master of the Quartormastors Department steamer Major Guy Howard, who, was .relieved Zrvm command of the vessel pending an official investigation of the recent colli sion between that steamer and the dredge Chinook, received a telegram from Wash ington today stating that the Quartermaster-General has Issued an order returning him to the command of the steamer again. laqua Struck Noyo. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 27. (Spe cial.) It was learned today that the steamer laqua, which arrived here Christmas night from Portland, was in collision a few hours bofore hor ar rival with the steamer Noyo. Captain Jorgcnson, of the laqua, made no re port of the accident and left on Mon day for San Pedro. The laqua was off Duxbury Reef at 7:15 P. M December 25. and there she met the Noyo, bound from this port for Eureka. The Noyo struck the laqua on the counter, well aft, slightly damaging the Iaqua's guard. Protests Await Other Decision. ASTORIA. Or.. Doc 27. (Special.) Word was received at the local custom house today from the Treasury Depart ment slating that the protest filed by tho French bark Jules Gommes against tho remeasurement of the vessel at this port was being held in abeyance, as well as a similar protest from the bark Europe, to await a decision in the case of the French steamship Brelzhuel. which Is under con sideration by the State Department and the French government. McL'eod Free of Smallpox. ASTORIA. Or.. Dec. 27. (Special.) Cap tain McLeod of the British steamship El lerlc has fully recovered from his recent attack of smallpox and will be released from the Quarantine Station tomorrow. He will not rejoin his vessel at once, as he has secured a leave of absence and will start in a few days for his home in England, via New York. Ties From St. Helens. ASTORIA, Or., Dec 27. (Special.)-Tho steamer Charles Nelson, which crossed J out for San Pedro on Sunday morning, carries a cargo of 17,000 railway ties loaded at St. Helens. Marine Notes. The British bark Dunreggan cleared for Durban yesterday and will leave down the river this morning. Her cargo con sists of 26,250 barrels of flour, 10.249 bush els of wheat. 300 cases of canned pears and one bale of empty sacks, the total value being I1CC.S96. She Is dispatched by the Portland Flourins mills. The steamer Bee started down the river yesterday with C0O.O00 feet of lum ber for San Pedro She will complete her cargo with ties at St. Helens. Domestic and Foreign Ports. ASTORIA. Or.. Dec. 27. Arrived at 7:40 and left up at 0:30 A. 2d. Steamer Re dondo. from San Francisco and coast ports. Arrived at 10:40 A. M. Steamer W. H. Harrison, from Sluslaw and tuu L. Koscoe. Arrived at 11:30 A. M. and left up at U P. M. Steamer Aurelia, from San Francisco. Arrived down at 3:45 P. M. British ship Durbrldge. Arrived at 4:1J and left up at C:30 P. M. Steamer Northland, from San Francisco. Outside at 5 P. M.. a four masted schooner. Schooners Joseph Russ and Virginia leave up at daylight. Condition of H.he bar at Y. M., moderately rough; wind east: weather, rainy. San Francisco, Dec 27. Sailed Schooner Robert Searlea. for Gray's Harbor; steamer Santa Monica, for Gray's Harbor; steamer George Loomls, or Seattle; United States eteamer Ohio, on cruise. Arrived Steamer Umatilla, from Puget Sound; steamer Rainier, from Bellingham; steamer Aber deen, from Gray's narbor. Hoqulam, Wash., Dec. 27. (Special.) Sailed December 25 Schooner W. J. Pat terson, from Aberdeen, for Chill; schooner Chas. E. Faulk, from Aberdeen, for San Francisco; schooner Laura Madsen, from Aberdeen, for San Francisco; steamer Grace Dollar, from Aberdeen, for San Francisco. Arrived December 24 and 25 Schooner Car olina, from San Pedro, for Hoqulam; schooner C. A. Thayer, from San Fran cisco, for Hoqulam; schooner Ruth K. God frey, from San Pedro, for Aberdeen; schoon er Lizzie Vance, from San Francisco, for Cosmopolis; steamer Olympic, from San Francisco, for Hoqulam. Yokohama. Dec. 27. Sailed Empress of Ja. pan, from Hong Kong, Shanghai, Nagasaki and Kobe, for Vancouver. B. C. INTEREST ON BOND ISSUES. Interest for Past Six Months Reaches Good Figure. The sum of $128,375 will liave been paid out by the City Treasurer by January' as Interest for the past six months on the different bond issues. Saturday $12,500 was dispatched to the Chemical National Bank of New Y'ork as the accrued interest for six months on the bridge and ferry bondage. Under the sale of the bonds the Chemical National Bank was made disbursing agent, as the bonds are all payable In New Y'ork. for which sen-ice they charge one-fourth of 1 per cent. The Interest on these bonds falls due semi-annually, on January 1, and July 1. On the first of the year the Interest on the City Hall bonds, amounting to $1C,875, will be paid, as well as Interest on the Bull Run water bonds, amounting to $72,500. Of the latter, the largest part of the bond issue was disposed of among Eastern people who will cancel their coupons, either by sending the bonds here and receiving New York exchange, or through their local banks, which. In nearly all Instances, have Coast repre sentatives. The balance of interest on bridge bonds, amounting to $81,500, will be paid to local banks. A like Installment, of $123,375, will fall, due July 1, 1905. PANIC IN JUTE MILLS. Women Frightened by Accident That Killed the Engineer. NEW YORK, Dec. 27. Engineer Charles J Hebe was instantly killed; his assistant, Daniel Ferrer, probably fatally Injured, and the lives of hundred of young women endangered today, when the cyl inder head of the great power engine in the Chelsea Jute mills In Brooklyn blew out. The noise of the explosion threw Into a panic the 1200 young women at work In the building. Many of them were bad ly bruised and hurt In their efforts to escape. Begonia Three Weeks Overdue. ST. JOHNS. X. F., Dec. 27. The steamer Begonia, with a crew of eight men, overdue three weeks, has been posted as missing. It Is feared she foundered. The Begonia is the only vessel unreported of all those driven sea ward in the gale of December 3. Hugh A. Jamieson. WARREN. Pa.. Dec. 27. Hugh A. Jam ieson, one of the most prominent business men of Pennsylvania, died today at his home here. He had been ailing for the past week. He was one of the prominent figures among the Independent oil re'finers Of the United States, and was largely in terested in lumber in Minnesota and on the Pacific Coast He defrayed the ex penses of two missionaries for the Warren Y. M. C A., one In China, the other in India. Education of Chinese in War. PEICIN; Dec 27. A proposal is now be fore the Emperor of China to .send the students of the naval college to the Brit ish school at Shanghai for a course of instruction. ' To cure scrofula, salt rheum, dyspepsia, catarrh and rheumatism, take Hood's Sar-saparilla. 80L0N8 IN POLITICS Multnomah Lawmakers. Study Problem .of Organization. FIND HARD NUT TO. CRACK Meet Tonight to Discuss Their Cburso in Election of President and Speaker What the Prob lems Are. To find Multnomah's bearings, in the sea of Legislative politics lawmakers from thls; county will meet tonight at S o'clock in the City Hall, with their legs under the mahogany council tabic of the Executive Board. They will endeavor to decide how Multnomah should stand In the organiza tion of the Senate and House of Repre sentatives. The organization ' of each branch will be determined in Republican caucus one week from next Monday, when the Legislature will convene. In the Sen ate caucus Multnomah will have seven Senators out of 25 and in the Hoifse cau cus 13 out of 50. The Multnomah lawmakers have grown restive at the spectacle of Legislative politics all around them, and at last have decided to jump Into the game themselves. They will resolve tonight whether to sup port A. A. Bailey for the Speakership or Dan J. Malarkey for the Presidency. Both are Portland men. Other candidates for the Speakership are T. B.. Kay, of Salem, and W. L Vawter, of Medford, and for the presidency Dr. W. Kuykendall, of Eugene, and E. V. Carter, of Ashland. Bailey in Game Early. Bailey launched his candidacy soon after the election last June, but has not re ceived encouragement from the entire House delegation, and, as a solid phalanx is necessary to his success, his chances are not bright. Besides. Kay has made such progress outside Multnomah that he has come to be regarded as the probable Speaker. He has declared that, though he would welcome the support of Mult nomah, still. If he cannot get it, he will win anyhow. There Is no denying the fact that Kay has mustered so many votes that he Is far In the lead: Indeed he has announced confidence in his success on the first caucus ballot. Is Perplexing Problem. , The problem as to the Senate presents considerable perplexity. Senator Kuy kendall had been in the field since last Summer and for a time had things pretty much his own way. But Senator Carter sprang Into the game ten days ago and has combined the anti-Kuykendall ele ments in such a way that he seems the stronger outside 'Multnomah County. But the situation appears to be that, without aid from this county, neither Cartor nor Kuykendall can be elected; therefore the seven Senators from Multnomah must choose between those two candidates or put up a candidate of their own. The meeting tonight will be held behind closed doors and is intended for considera tion of Legislative politics and not bills. NOT AFRAID OF INVESTIGATION Representative Wiliamson Says He 'Has Never Defrauded Government. u-iEGONLAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Dec 27. The Oregonian of De cember 23, received, here this evening, brought the first Intimation that Repre sentative Williamson's name had been connected with the Oregon land frauds. When shown The Oregonian atory Mr. Williamson said: "'Yea, I have just read last Friday's Oregonian. It contains the first Intima tion I had received that my name was being handled in connection with theM- present deliberations of the grand jury at Portland. I am at an utter loss to know upon what facts such statements are based. 1 have never been party to any transactions to defraud the Government out of land or anything olse." Asked about his alleged connection with the- Puter-Watson combination, Mr. Williameon said that he never saw one of these persons In his life that he knew of, and never had had any relations with them whatever, either In a social or In a business way. "While I am well acquainted with Mr. Maya," said he, "I have never .owned an acre ot land, a hoof of stock or property of any kind in which he owned an Interest. I have known Mr. Mays since my boy hood and always held him In the high est esteem, but have never had any co-par tnerehip with him In business. So far as I am concerned I have never vio lated any public land law and I have no apologies or explanations to make for any act of mine. 1 defy any living man or set of men to produce testimony that will make good the' statements that appear In the columns of The Oregonian under date of December 23." When asked if he was going to Port land to appear before the grand Jury Mr. Williamson replied: "No; I have committed -no wrong and I do not fear the results of any investi gation being made now or. that may be made hereafter." TEACHERS ARE GATHERING. Over a Thousand Will Attend State Convention at Spokane. SPOKANE. Wash., Dec. 27. The van guard of the state educators is here to attend the convention of the State Edu cational Association, which opens tomor row. Today's arrivals Include: H. D. Dewey, of Tacoma. president; O. C. Whitney. Tacoma, secretary; H. M. Shafer, Cheney, of the executive commit tee: A. B. Warner. Tacoma, of the St. Louis Exposition committee; F. B. Coop er, Seattle, of the School Lands commit tee; L. L. Benbow. of Tacoma, of the salary committee; E. T. Mathes, Belling ham, of the legislative committee: B. W. Johnson, Seattle; Superintendent W. J. Hughes, Bellingham; Deputy State Super intendent from McCulIey; W. E. Wilson, Ellensburg; W. H. Yoder, Seattle. Dr. David Starr Jordan, who will lec ture Thursday evening, will arrive to night. Secretary Whitney says between 1500 and 2000 teachers will attend the conven tion. Bank's Creditors to Meet. SUMPTER, Or., Dec. 27. (Special.) J. B. Messick, referee in bankruptcy, has called a meeting- of tho creditors .of the Bank of Sumpter for January A. The meeting has been called that the creditors might prove their claims, ex amine the bankrupt property and ap point a trustee The liabilities reach $40,000 and the bank building and lot now bring $5000. Mrs. Elizabeth C. Geiger. FOREST GROVE. Or., Dec 2i. (Special.) Mrs, Elizabeth Cornwall Geiger died at her home here last even ing very suddenly.. heart trouble being the cause of death. Her age was 76 years. Sho was born in Arkansas, and crossed the plains with her parents In 1S46. The family settled finally near what is now McMlnnville. Her sister. Angelica Cornwall, was the first white child born In Forest Grove. In 1847 the deceased married Dr. William Geiger, who died In 1901. Tho following- chil dren survive her: William Geiger. Wal cott Geiger, Dr. Charles Geiger and Mrs. Laura Wells, of Forest Grove; Mrs. F. G. Huston, Hillsboro; Mrs. Sarah McGee, Empire City; F. L. Geiger, Cor nelius, and Dr. Hugh Geiger, of California. Freezes by Whisky Bottle. PENDLETON. Or., Dec. 27. (Spe cial.) Lylngr beside an empty whisky bottle, the body of Tacarnle, a Umatilla Indian, has been found on the reserva tion. From all appearances he had evi dently dropped down while intoxicated and had frozen to death. Hilboka to Hang. GREAT FALLS. Mont, Dec 27. (Special.) George Hilboka Is to hang for the murder of George Sedilsk in Cascade County, for the Supreme Court has affirmed tho verdict of , the Dis trict Court! Killed In Mine Cage. BUTTE, Mont., Dec. 27. (Special.) Dewey Squires was killed in the Bell mine today, because he fainted In the ascending- cage. He came here from Minneapolis. LOOKING FOR "SQUARE DEAL" Chicago Shipping Interests Wil Work Together to That End. CHICAGO. Dec 27. (Special.)-Chlcago shipping Interests today began a move ment to get the "square deal" in railway legislation urged by President Roosevelt in his message. At a meeting In the of fices of the Chicago Shippers' Association the executive committee appointed by President A. C. Barlow decided that, if any legislation is to be enacted by Con gress, the shippers will have something to say about it. In order to make their utterances as strong as possible. It was decided to in vite the Board of Trade, the Manufac turers Association and other kindred bodies to co-operate with them and dis cuss the needs of the shippers. A joint meeting will be held next Tuesday If the other organizations accept the invita tion of Chairman H. C. Barlow, and. the various measures already before. Congress touching interstate commerce will be dis cussed. The meeting will represent prac tically all the vast shipping Interests -of the Middle West. The meeting today was preliminary. In addition to Chairman Barlow, there were present representa tives of the following firms that comprise the executive committee: Marshall Field & Co., HIbbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co., Sprague, Warner & Co., W. W. Kimball & Co. These representatives speak for GO of the largest shippers in the country. They talked over the possibility of action by Congress, and adjourned after they had decided to Invite the other associa tions and bodies to join In action. "We are not committed to any action," said Chairman Barlow. "We are not agreed that any action is desirable, but if Congress is to act. we want some voice In the action; we want to present our views." The representatives of the meeting held widely different views. The shippers take the stand that the railroads are repre sented in Washington, and that she ship pers should not stand Idly by and allow the transportation companies to ride over their Interests rough-shed. GOT CRUSHED FOOT. Mrs. Bussey Sought Her Sewing-Machine With Dire Results. Officer Murphy reported to the station last night that he had found Mrs. H. S. Bussey In the Lambert building suffering keenly from a crushed foot. Mrs. Buseey claims that she went to the Lambert building armed with a letter from the Dis trict Attorney to obtain a sewing machine which is her property, but is at present in the possession of a Mr. Gannon. The latter's reception of the lady was exceedingly ungallant, according to her story. On learning Mrs. Bussey's errand he threw her out of the room and slammed the door on her foot with such force that it was badly crushed, she says. Officer Murphy accompanied the unfortu nate woman to her rooms at 40C East Couch street. Mrs. Bussey will appear at the station today and swear out a warrant for Gannon's arrest. Christmas at the White Temple. At the White Temple, last night, there were two Christmas trees for the children of the Sunday school. The whole church decorated with many yards of evergreen ropes and small trees, was thrown open to the children, and they were the re cipients of not only the usual bag of candy, but of special gifts from their several teachers. Miss Cornelia Barker lead the children's orchestra, and Miss Clara L. Webb and Mrs. J. W. Brougher were In charge of the programme, which was interesting throughout. Orchestra, "The Palms"; prayer. Dr. Brough er; girls' chorus: recitation, -Helping santa Claus." Paul Stone; recitation. Celeste Biagen; song. "Bethlehem's Babe," primary depart ment; recitation, 'Telephoning Santa," Helen McGuire; girls quartet, "Holy Night"; march ing song. 12 boys: recitation, "Ring Out the Bells for Christmas." Lucille Hudson; recita tion, "I'd Like to Be a Santa Claus," Melba Peterson; song, Corlnna Brougher: concert reci tation, "The Little Town of Bethlehem." 10 girjs; exercise. "Holly. Mistletoe and Ever green," Myrtle Spauldlng. Florlan Llnklater and Adele Brault: song. "Merry Christmas," primary department: recitation, "The Twins." George and Edward Morgan; recitation. Lorena Middleton; eolo. "Santa Claus Is Coming." Miss Lillian Kennedy. Accused of Robbery. Tom Nlckles, a Greek, was arrested last night by Officers Baty and Burt on com plaint of L. A. Kikes, who alleges that the culprit robbed him of $50. It seems that Nickles entered Kikes' room at 53 North First street and appropriated the money. The Greek Is at present incarcerati.-d In the City Jail. PORTAGE ROAD CONTRACT LET Nelson & White Are to Finish Pro ject by May 1Vor $115,523. The contract for building the Celllo Portage Road was awarded yesterday to Nelson & White by the State Portage Commission, for $115,523, exclusive of rails and rolling stock. The contractors are to finish their work by May 15, and delay, after that date, will cost them $500 a day. The bond which they are required to file Is $50,000. Russians Used Searchlights. LAS PALMAS. Canary Islands, Dec 27. The British steamer Bellarden, which sailed from here today for Ant werp, reports that a large Russian ves sel steamed alongside of hec Dpcember 22 in latitude 11 north and longitude 22 west, examined her -with the aid of two searchlights, and then' withdrew cast-ward. LYING THE CHARGE PresentmentintheCaseAgainst Bishop Talbot FOUR SPECIFICATIONS GIVEN Letter Sent to Rev. I. N. D. Irvine, the Unfrocked Rector, Is Also Produced as Evidence for the Trial. NEW YORK. Dec 27. Following Is the presentment in the case against Bishop Talbot of the Protestant Epis copal diocese of Central Pennsylvania, in connection with the deposition of Dr. iMgraham N. Irvine, of Philadel phia, from the priesthood: The undersigned, in virtue of tho canonical authority reposed In them, present Rt. Rev. Dr. Ethelbert Talbot, bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the diocese of Central Penn sylvania, as being- guilty of conduct unbecoming a bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church In the United States of America in the several specifications hereinafter more particularly set forth, in order that he may be tried on said charges, which is laid within five years last past, which trial is had by demand under the provisions of canon nine, title two, of the canons of the general convention of the said church in such case made and provided. "Specification 1 The said present ers hereby present and allege that Bishop Talbot is guilty of immorality In having- written a false, libelous and untruthful letter regarding Rev. I. N. Irvine or mailed or caused the letter to be mailed to Dr. IT. p. John, presi dent of the Philadelphia Catholic Club. (A copy of the letter follows.) "Specification 2 That Bishop Talbot Is guilty of lying in having written such: 'I say to you that this man was deposed nearly two years ago for gross Immorality and for lewd and lascivious conduct with women.' For reference see the proceedings of the ecclesias tical court before which Dr. Irvine waa tried. In which no record "will be found of such charges". "Specification 3 That Bishop Talbot is guilty of lying in having written: That Irvine for 30 years has been in the ministry and for 20 of these years he has been under ecclesiastical disci pline.' (Here papers from three bish ops, as well as letters and other docu ments, are given as reference.) "Specification 4 That Bishop Talbot Is guilty of lying in having written that 'he (Irvine) has been suspended once, admonished once in your diocese and inhibited and made to leave re peatedly.' "The charge of lying Is set forth In specifications covering all but two of the remaining paragraphs of the letter. "Following the paragraph reading, that all hi3 (Irvine's) talk about divorced women being excommunicated, and then restored by me. Is baseless,' the present ment in support of the charge of lying sets forth the following letter: " 'Diocese of Central Pennsylvania. Bishopric. South Bethlehem, Pa., Feb. 5. 1S99. My Dear Irvine: The woman to whom you refer is by canon excommuni cated. I cannot believe she will have the presumption to present herself at the holy communion. If you think there Is any danger of her doing so. It would be' better for you. In some kind and gentle way, to Intimate to her her true condi tion. Of course, you have no discretion in the matter. If she should present her self bofore you can speak to her, and you think she does so in Ignorance, then you can speak to her afterward. There is no reason in this case to make any row if the thing is managed quietly and firm ly, with a little common sense. I thank you for what you say on this matter of the missions. Affectionately yours, " 'ETHELBERT TALBOT.' "The further specification to the charge of lying is as follows: 'Specification That Bishop Talbot is guilty of conduct unbecoming a bishop, of breach of his ordination and consecration vows against involving other bishops in controversy by writing untruths fully as follows: " 'That eight bishops have made charges against him (Irvine), that the venerable Bishop of Qulncy wrote me upon his deathbed that Irvine had outraged two girls In his city, and Bishops Whltaker, Whitehead. Seymour. Scarborough, Pot ter, Doane, Adams. Taylor and Rev. Dr. Leffingwell and a host of others will bear out all I have said as to his character. "Therefore, the presenters. In view of the reasons as se( forth In the above specifications do ask that Bishop Talbot be presented for trial before a court of his peers." Array of Legal Talent. PHILADELPHIA, Dec 27. As al ready published. the presentment against Bishop Talbot was sent to Herbert Noble, of New York, an at torney and a prominent layman of the church. Mr. Noble's name apears on the document as one of the presenters, of whom there are 14 in all. Associated with him as presenters are John A. Beall, of New Y'ork. an'at torney, and J. Frederick Jenkinson and Agnew McBreed, of Philadelphia, both attorneys. These four gentlemen, in addition to figuring as presenters, will also appear in the case as counsel for the prosecution. Of the other 10 pre senters four, it is learned, are Phila delphians and six are from parishes located in Bfshop Talbot's own diocese. The Identity of these meu is being closely guarded. Paper Speaks Out Boldly. ST. PETERSBURG, Dec. 28. 7:40 A. M. The Novoe Vremya, which, in common with other papers, has been display ing the greatest Independence since the opening of the present regime, takes ad vantage of the greater liberty of the press suggested In the imperial ukase issued December 26 to plainly remind the gov- A CREAMY FOOD Scott's Emulsion is cod liver oil prepared as a food not a food like bread or meat, but more like cream ; in fact, it is the cream of cod liver oil. At the same time it is a blood-maker, a nerve tonic and a flesh-builder. But principally it is food for tired and weak digestions, for all who are fat-starved and thin. It is pleasant to take ; children like it and ask for more. Well scad yon a cample, free PCOTT & EQWNE, 409 Pearl Street, New York. DISHliUKfcD WITH ECZEMA Under Physicians Five Months. Went from Bad to Worse. CURED BYCUTICURA Wonderful Change in One Sight. In a Month Face Was Clean as Ever. " I waa troubled -with eczema on the face for five months during which time I- was In the care of physicians. My face -was in such a condition that I could not go out. It was going from bad to worse and I gave up all hope, when a friend of mine highly recom mended Cuticura Remedies. The first night after I washed my face with Cu ticura Soap and used Cuticura Ointment and Cuticura Eesolrent it changed won derfully, and continuing the treatment it removed all scales and scabs. From that day I was able to go out, and in a month my face was as clean as ever." THOMAS J. SOTH, 817 Stagg St., Brooklyn, N. Y. The above letter was received in 1893 and he again writes us Peb. 19, 1903, I have not been troubled with eczema since." The agonizing itching and burning of the skin as in eczema; the frightful scaling, as in psoriasis; the lo3s of hair and crusting of scalp, as in scalled head: the facial disfigurement, as In plmpiesand ringworm; the awful suf fering of infants, and anxiety of worn out parents, as in milk crust, tetter and salt rheum all demand a remedy of almost superhuman virtues to success fully cope with them. That Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Resolvent are such stands proven beyond all doubt. No statement is made regarding them that is sot justified by the strongest evi dence. The purity and sweetness, the power to afford immediate relief, the certainty of speedy and permanent cure, the absolute safety and great economy have made them the standard skin cures of the civilized world. Sold thronrhout tha world. CsUenn ResoWtnt, iOe. (In form ot Ccocotste Cctd Plllj. lie. per rial of 80), OLQtmtat,3c. 8oip. 23c Df poU i Lonaon, 27 Charter houii Sq. Farii. i Ra dt Ja Falxt Botton, 137 Colom bo! At. Potter Dnir Chetn. Corp., Sola rroprUtvs ernment what can be expected from un trammelled newspapers. The journal says In connection with the recent political agitation that had the government heeded the warnings con veyed by a number, of papers and had the papers themselvee been allowed greater latitude in reflecting public operation, the authorities might have been saved a num ber of fatal steps calculated to allay pop ular demonstration. Charities Authorities Coming. Alexander Johnson, secretary of the National Conference of Charities and Correction, will arrive In Portland Thurs day to assist in making local arrange ments for the National conference during the Fair here next Summer. Mr. Johnson Is a man of wide experience in criminol ogy, especially among children and Is connected with the School of Philan thropy in New York. His arrival is be ing looked forward to here by many enthusiastic philanthropists. On Friday evening he will probably speak In Tem ple Beth Israel and will be Introduced by Dr. S. S. Wise. Captain Will Lose His Feet. MOSCOW. Dec. 27. Arrangements have teen completed for receiving here 4000 wounded soldiers from the front. Captain Grippenburg, son of the com mander of the second army In Manchuria, has returned to Moscow, his feet having been amputated. Workingman Badly Hurt. In an accident at the North Pacific Mill yesterday afternoon Joslah Fultz was se verely bruised. He was removed to St. Vincent's hospital for medical treatment. Pears' Pears' Soap is not med icated: just good, pure soap. Contains no free alkali to injure the deli cate texture of the skin. Matchless for the com plexion. Established In X7S9. "WILL IILL YOUK VEINS WITH pure, rich, healthy blood. How can you expect to be strong- with that poor, poisoned blood -weakening your system? Cures catarrh, liver, kidney troubles!. Indigestion and constipation. 30 days' treatment 25c. All druggists. HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH PUrgera roughened by needlework catch every stain and look hopelessly dirty. Hand Sapollo removes not only the dirt, but also the loosened, Injured article, and restores the fingers to their natural beauty. ALLQK0CER5 AftS DRUGGISTS Always Resxniber the PoU .Name Curee aCcIfi inOneDay Grip in 2 Dayr oevary WWW' 25q 5 axassve jy The Whiskey with a Reputation Quaker Maid Awarded the GOLD MEDAL at the Louisiana Purohase Exposition for Superior Quality, Purity and Per fection of Age l"or sale at all lending bars cafes and drug stores S, HIRSGH & CO., Kansas Gity.Mo, Dr. W. Norton Davis IN A WEEK Via treat successfully all private nervous aai chronic diseases ot men. also blood, atomach, heart. Uver, kidney and throat troubles. W cur STFHXLIS iwlthout mercury) to stay, cured forever, la SO to tW days. YVe remov STRICTUKIC. -without operation or pain, la 15 days. fV stop drains, the result of lelf-abuje, tsa medlately. We can restore the aexual viror of any man under SO. by mean of local trtnua; peculiar to ourselves. WE CURE GONORRHOEA II A WEEK The doctors of this Institute aro all rerula sraduatos. have had many years' experience., have been known In Portland for 15 years, have a reputation to maintain, and will undertake bo case unless certain cure can be effected. W cuarantee a cure In evanr case we under take or charze no X fcw. consultation free. Let ters confidential. Instructive BOOK E"OK MEN mailed free In plain wrapper. If you cannot call at office, write for queaUos blank. Home treatment successful. Office bourn. 0 to 8 and 7 to S. Sundays as holidays. 10 to 12. Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. Offices ax Van-Koy Hotet. 52 Third t cor. Fine, Portland. Or. $630 ROoK X VI 41 . OO PAOEa. BS P1CTUR23. MRSTCOFY COST 8O0 rPES OZA1ZD t TktawecdCTfuI book, tells everything you vant , to know and eveyuusg .you should know tn regard to blood poison Ignorance begets myoery: knawl" edae brtnoa health enjjil and happlnua: k werTTCN BY THE WCRL&-I Famous rATtn 3p:oau5T11 tclmiiy.c rexitcol b3oHo ttx eg.4 Utete Medical Institute! X02 Second Ave. Soatb. freatil, Wash. THIS REMEDY la srare to GIVE SATISFACTION ELY'S CREAM BALM Gives Hellaf at Onca It cleanses, soothes and heals the diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and drives away a Cold In the Head quickly. It Is absorbed. Heals and Pro tects the Membrane. Restores the Sean, of! Taste and Smll. Full size 60c at Drus-nists off by mall: Trial Site. 10c by mall. EL.T BROTHERS. 08 Warren St.. New Torfc, Is Interested and should knoir about the wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray Th.?erLJ!es Syrtnga liort, Surest, ii&it Convenient. ik r.ir drsssltt for It. If hft cannot supply the UTAftVT?!.. nwrntno other, bnt end stamp for 11 Intrated book-aiMt cives mil n.irtira!arsand Hreotlonsln- FOR SALE BY WOODABn. CLARKE & CO KOWE Jfc MAKTLN. ALUK1CU PKAKA1ACX. CURIO ANTIQUITIES B4S NATHAN JOSEPH, Wholesale Dealer 604 MERCHANT ST., San Francisco, California INDIAN STOKE, ARROW OR SPEAR POINTS. Ralics, Works of Art, Idols, Indian War Clubs, Spears, Shields, Mats, Bassets, Bows, Arrows, Bolos. War Implements. SKULLS OF ALL NATIONS, ANTIQUE SILVER, FLINT GUNS. PISTOLS, BRONZES, COINS. Carvings in any matetiaL Native Clothes, Armor, War Medals. Send for photographs. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH Original I' -- - SAFE. Al;T rllM. I.a.le. aik Drnrlil f r-r CHICHESTER'S KNGLISII uli ana uoia matauia bases. leale wllhblqeribbou. Take no other. Reftiio I'nnxeroiis Knbatltntton and Imita tion. Bay of J oar Draggiit. or mi 4e. la ?tJ"l EftleuLrs, Te.tlm.nlal. and "Keller fop LadleV tn Utter, t rg. all Drnrrtiu. r'M. ),...- ri i t n' paper. ilaiUon Square, miLA.. VjH WEAK MEN MADE STRONG By our electric vacuum treatment. Cures all weaknesses of men. nervous debility, loes of memory, varicocele, etc Our book on "Perfect Manhood" sent free. Safety Appllanc Co-,. Dept. A. 1411 1st ave., Seattle, Wash. Book 2 52siM mm Sent mm m HAY FEVER mm ... LM MP