Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 27, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Sister Identifies Mount
Cutler Victim.
Hairdresser Says Tr.ess Came
,-irom Woman's Head,
Sold a Bill gf Goods in Colorado
Springs, Which Vas Never Sent
Was Last Seen in Mrs.
Crook's Shop.
SANTA BARBARA, Cal., Dec 26. Mrs.
Charles Nelson, of this city, believes that
the dead woman found near Colorado
Springs. Colo., was her ' sister, Mrs.
Bessie Bouton.
The main point upon which the con
clusion is based is the peculiar nature of
the dental work shown on the teeth of the
dead woman. Other circumstances sup
port this conclusion. She says Mrs. Bou
ten left Santa. Barbara last August for
Los Angeles, going thence to Denver.
It is said she traveled in company with
a. traveling salesman, who is said to have
pi yen her several thousand dollars' worth
of -diamonds.
Colorado Springs Woman Identifies
Lock From Dead.
"The hair Is the same color as that which
I dtjsss'ed for the representative of Dr. J.
Parker Pray, who sold me a small bill of
goods early in October last," said Mrs.
H. R. Crooks, a hairdresser of llvs city,
to a city detective today.
The answer was In reply to a question
by the officer who presented a lock of the
hair taken from the body of the Mount
.utler murder victim, and nas almost con
vlnjccd the officers that they are able to
Uvc the identity of the victim. "While
the hairdresser does not know the name
of the female drummer whose hair she
dressta". it is believed that she is none
other, than Mrs. Bessie Bouton, daughter
af Charles R. Kempter, 406 Avery avenue,
Syracuse. N. Y., and a sister of Mrs.
Charles R. Nelson, of Santa Barbara, Col.,
who is reported as missing since early In
A visit from some member of the family
to this city is anxiously awaited by Chtsr
Reynolds. The description certainly
tallies very closely and except in minor
details are the same.
It is learned that early in October a
woman believed to be Mrs. Bessie Bou
ton called upon a number of druggists and
Hairdressers of this olty as the repre
sentative of Dr. J. Parkor Pray, manu
facturing chemist, 12 East Twenty-thirl
tercet. New York City. She sold a small
fll of goods to Mrs. Crooks and had her
Jialr dressed while she was at the storo
BerUiis' reason, Mrs. Crooks expressed
thei.inlon that she would recognize Lit t
color and texture of the hair If she saw
it again. "When the detectives showed
her a lock of hair taken from the body
she expressed the opinion that it was the
"While soiling the bill of goods It was
arranged that they should be shipped
within a case to the Robinson Drug Com
pany, but Mrs, Bouton has never called
upon the Iattor firm for Its order, no- has
Mrs. Crooks received the goods she or
dered. The detectives have been unable
to find anyone In the city who has sea a
Mrs. Bouton slnco that time,- although
she had expected to-call on several drug
gists and did call on others. Whli-j In the
h&trdresslng store Mrs. Bouton did not
remove her gloves and the hairdresser did
not see her hands and could not tell if
she wore jewelry of any kind.-
No word has been received by Chief
Reynolds from Syracuse, but today he re
calved a telegram from Chief of Police
Tames Ross, of Santa "Barbara, Cal., as
"Mrs. Nelson, of this city, thinks the
murdered woman to be her sister who left
here In August with Milton Franklin.
Lives Syracuse, N. Y. "Wire description."
The request was compiled wit'i tnd a
complete description was at once sent
An examination of every hotel register
in the olty. and inquiry at the leading
rooming-houses patronized by tourists,
falls to shed any llghtpn the matter. The
name of Mrs. Bessie Bouton does not ap
pear and It Is now believed that she
stayed here under another name An ex
amination Is being made In an effort to
locate Milton Franklin.
Description of Dentistry Fits.
.SYRACUSE, N. Y., Dec 26. Mrs. C.
R. Kemter. of this city, believes that
the girl found murdered on Cutler Moun
tain, near Colorado Springs, is her daugh
ter. Mrs. Bessie Bouton. She last heard
of her daughter in October, when sheU
was informed that she would leave Colo
rado Springs and go to "Wllkesbarrc, Pa.,
and reach Syracuse on Christmas. The de
scription of the murdered woman fits
Mrs. Bouton, the daughter, the dentistry
bolns exact- Members of the family de
clare that If the dead woman proves to
be Mrs. Bouton, they know the man in
Presbyterians May Form Co-operative
Council. v
NEW ' YORK, Dec. 26. Official an
nouncement is expected this week, ac
cording to the Times, of the details of
the plan wheroby it Is hoped to bring all
the religious bodies of the United States
having a Presbyterian form of govern
ment 'into one organization which, while
not? providing organized union, shall af
ford a basis for co-operative work that
has not before existed. The plan provides
for the organization of a federal council
of the Reformed churches in the Unitea
States of America holding the Presbyte
rian system.
The plan ,of federation, if carried out,
would bring Into one organization, the
2,OM,O0O or more members of the Presby
terian and Reformed churches, and will
be made public this week in order that
it may be thoroughly discussed and may
be acted upon in the synods and assem
blies of the various bodies next Spring.
The aim Is thus to secure the approval of
the various supreme judiciaries to a gen
eral plan, and have the committees con
tinued and Instructed to prepare a def
inite plan for adoption a year hence.
It is provided in the plan, continues
the Times, that the churches joining the
federation shall preserve the individuali
ties of their creeds, forms of government
and worship, and every right power and'
jurisdiction not specifically conferred on
the federal council.
The representation of the various
churches In the council shall be regulated
by the number of. .communicants In the
affiliated bodies, on the basis of four rep
resentatives for each 100,009 communicants
up to 300,000, and four additional representatives-
for each additional 200.0CO com
municants. On this basis the Presbyterian Church
North, with Its 1,090,050 members, would
have 24 representatives in the council; the
Presbyterian Church South, and the
German Reformed cnurches, would have
eight representatives each, nnd of the
other bodies officially represented at the
Pittsburg meeting the Dutch Reformed,
the Reformed Presbyterian General Sy
nod, the United Presbyterian and the
Cumberland Presbyterian would have four
representatives each, making in all a
membership of 56 In the council. Other
Presbyterian bodies believed likely to join
include the Christian Reformed, the Associate-
Reformed Synod of the South, the
Reformed Presbyterian Synod and the
Welsh Calinlstic, which would add four
representatives each to the council.
It is provided in the plan of federation
that the council shall have power to deal
with differences which may arise among
the several churches of the federation In
regard to matters within 4he jurisdiction
of the council, which the constituted
agencies of tho churches concerned have
been unable to settle, and which shall,
therefore, be referred by the supreme ju
diciaries of the churches of the council.
Ex-Premier Deleanthis Has
Given the Task.
ATHENS, Dec 26. Theodore Delean
this, ex-Premier, has been entrusted
with the task of organizing' a new
Cabinet. The Chamber of Deputies will
be dissolved.
Artons' System of Radio-Telegraphy
Given Successful Test.
ROME, Dec 26. Experiments with
the Artons system of radio-telegraphy
have been made between Rome and
Sardinia, resulting' in a successful dem
onstration of the Inventor's claim that
an electric-magnetic wave, transmitted
by this system, cannot be diverted from
the point for which it is intended.
King "Victor Emmanuel, who witness
ed, the test, congratulated the -inventor
upon his achievement.
Received by the'Pope.-
ROME, Dec 25. Right Rev. Augustin
Dontenwill, Bishop of New Westminster,
B. C. was received In audience today by
the Pope. Tho pontiff asked the bishop
for particulars regarding his diocese and
was Interested to learn that it contains
10,000 Indian Catholics, to whom he eent
his special benediction. Tho Pope acceded
to the bishop's request for hla autograph
and gave with it the pen with which it
was written.
Wheat Yield in Australia,
ADELAIDE. South Australia, Dec 26.
Tho estimated wheat yield In. South
Australia this year is 14;57B,000 bush
els, an Increase of 1,360,000 bushcl3
compared with last year.
Mrs. Nellie Dent Sharp.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 26. Mrs. Nellie
Dent Sharp, widow of Major Alexander
Sharp. U. S. A., and sister of the late
Mrs. U. S. Grant, died In this city to
day. The body will be buried at tho
Presidio, San Francisco, where t he
remains of Major Sharp, who died three
years ago, are interred.
General W. H. Powell.
BELLEVILLE, 111., Doc. 26. Majors
General William Henry Powell a dis
tinguished soldier of the Union Array
during the Civil War and formerly
prominent In the iron Industry, died
-at his home here today, aged 79 years,
John W. Wallace.
WORCESTER. Mass., Dec 26. John
W. Wallace, a lifelong friend of Admiral
Dewey and his shipmate In the Civil War,
is dead at his home here. He was 74 years
Rev. John Mackenzie Bacon,
LONDON, Dec .26, Rev. John MacKen
sle Bacon, lecturer, scientist and aero
naut, is dead at Col dash, Newbury, of
pleurisy, aged 5S years.
Yale Graduate Will Investigate Condi
tions There.
TIENTSIN, Dec' 27. Tang Shao Kl,
Taotai' of Tientsin, left this morning en
route to Thibet to 'Investigate conditions
Tang Shao Id, who was educated at
Yale College, was formerly secretary to
Yuan Shal Kan, Viceroy of .Chi Ll Pro
vince He is conversant with foreign af
fairs and is not considered anti-foreign,
although jealous of Chinese Interests.
He was cpmmanded In the latter Dart
of September to proceed to Thibet and
was created a metropolitan officer 'of the
third rank. He was also promoted to the
rank of Lieutenant-General.
Faces Must Be Shaved.
NEW YORK. Dec. 26. A peremptory
decree reported to havo been made by
the Minister of Foreign Affairs, com
manding that all of the employes of the
Foreign Department, high and low, shall
shave off their mustaches and beards,, has
created considerable excitement, says a
Parts dispatch to tho World. Protests
from the Federation of Government em
ployes arc said to have brought the reply
that eYchtthe mustaches of the employes
are at the"?ervlce of the state A federa
tion has now appealed to tho Society for
the Protection of Rights of Mankind.
Bred to Death From Nose.
NEW YORK. Dec 26. Nosebleed has
caused the death of Edward Murray, 17
years old. a clerk living in Brooklyn. He
returned- from work Christmas eve In his
uauaj health, but awoke In the morning
with a severe headache. A few hours
later blood began running from his nose.
Doctors were called, but could not stop
the flow, and Murray soon died.
Edits at Long Range.
BELGRADE. Dec 26. The newspajper
Opposita came out today with an editor
ial vigorously demanding that the regi
cides of King Alexander and Queen Draga
be executed, as were the murderers of
Prince Michael, In 1S68. The paper was
promptly- confiscated. Its editor writes his
articles from the safe vantage point of
Zemlin. Hungary-
Ameer's Son Visits Viceroy.
CALCUTTA Dec. 2C. Prince. Inayat
Ullah. son of the Ameer of Afghanistan,
attended by a considerable suite, has ar
rived here. He will pay Viceroy Curzon
a -ceremonial visit December 27.
Confidence In New Government.
WASHINGTON, Dec 26. Mr. Russell,
the American Minister at Bogota. Colom
bia, "advised, the State Department today
of the arrest In Bogota of three opposition
members' of the lower house of the last
Congress for circulating publications
against the government. The present
government. Mr. Russell, adds, is Inspir
ing confidence
Many persons keep Carter's -Little Liver
Pills on hand to prevent' bilious attacks,
sick headache, dizziness and find them
just what they need.
Kodama Has' .Been Recalled
From the Front,
One of the Greatest of Japan's Gen
eralsHis Brilliant Work in
j the Field In Manchuria
Highly Praised.
PARIS, Dec 27. The Tokio corre
spondent of rthe Temps wires that Lieutenant-General
Kodama, Field Marshal
the Marquis Oyama's chlef-of-staff, has
been recalled from the front for strik
ing the Field Marshal. Lieutenant
General Kodama Is 'without doubt one
of the greatest, if not the greatest, of
Japan's Generals, and at the time of
the outbreak of the war it was gen
erally believed that he would be ap
pointed commander-ln-chtef of the
Manchurlan army. The announcement
of his apoplntment to be chlef-of-staff
Tvas received with general satisfaction
as the preparedness of the Japanese
army was generally credited to- his
foresight and wonderful executive abil
ity. '
For' years prior to the outbreak of
war General Kodama was engaged in
perfecting both the home defenses and
the means of mobilization of the army
on short notice The scope of the work
was a revelation even to the govern
ment, for General Kodama had worked
out many details, the importance of
which became only apparent when the
test of mobilization was taken in hand.
There is no doubt that many of the
brilliant strokes executed by the Man
churlan army were creations of Gen
eral Kodama's brain.
During the war with China, Kodama
was Vice-Minister of War, and later
was appointed to the command of the
Third Division, from which position ho
retired to assume the office of Field
Marshal Oyama's chlef-of-staff.
Commander of Besiegers Is Struck by
Three Rifle Bullets.
LONDON, Dec. 27. The Chefoo corre
spondent of the Telegraph says It is re
ported that General Nogf, the commandor
of the Japanese forces besieging Port Ar
thur, has been taken to the hospital at
Dalny. He was wounded severely in the
arm and leg by three rifle bullets, accord
ing to the correspondent.
Light Column Takes Many Trenches
on Northern Defenses.
LONDON, Dec. 27. The Daily Tele
graph's correspondent at Chefoo in a
dispatch dated December 26 says:
"A messenger from Port Arthur de
scribes a Japanese attack the evening
of December 22, with a light column
of 5000 and many machine guns on the
northorn defenses. They dashed along
the railway, carried trench after
trench, and succeeded in reaching the
water course beneath Payuesean Moun
tain, where the Russian artillery work
ed terrible execution.
"A fierce bayonet fight occurred at
midnight. A strong Russian force ad
vanced eastward of Payuesean 3foun
taln. threatened the retreat of the
Japanese, who, after a desperate strug
gle, retired to the north, leaving sev
eral machine guns, 300 rifles and 80
prisoners. It is estimated that they
lost 600 killed.
"The Japanese halted near the ceme
tery and, finding- that both their flanks
had carried all the works forming the
outlying- range of the main forts, they
entrenched on a small hill near Etso
Mountain under a severe enfilading- fire
which caused them heavy losses."
Russian Hospital Ships Obstruct the
Shots From Siege Guns.
LONDON. Dec 27: The DaUy Mail's
correspondent at Tokio cables as follows:
December 14, the Japanese signaled the
Russian hospital ships protecting the
destroyers In the roadstead of Port Ar
thur to change their positions, and the
Russians requested a respite of six hours,
which meant giving the destroyers the
benefit of darkness. The sequel Is not
It is reported that recently positions
havo been captured behind Liaotl which
have cut off the Russian supply bases
from the main force.
Foreign correspondents from Port Ar
thur declare that the fortress Is the
strongest that was ever attacked and
compare It to Sevastopol, with hills ar
ranged in mutually supporting groups,
connected by tramways and telephones
and backed by walls masking the move
ment of the troops from one to another.
They assert that no other army In the
world could havo done what the Japanese
have accomplished, but deDrecate as
You walk with
her, you rock her,
you give her sugar,
you try all kinds
of things!
But she coughs
all through the long
night, just the same !
No need spending another
I night this way. Just a dose
j or two of Ayer's Cherry
I Pectoral will soothe the
I throat, quiet the cough, insure a good night's rest.
I Ask your doctor about the wisdom of your
I keeping this remedy in the house, ready for these
I night coughs of the children. Doctors have the,
j formula. They know all about this medicine.
3 aceda by the 3. C. Arar Co., Lowells 21xm.
a Also OAaufsetarers of
I AYEE'S HAIR VIGOR-Fcr the hair. AYSR'S PILLR-Far,eeMtrsatta.
AYE2'S SARSAPASniA-? tke fcjd. AYSR'S AGUS CUEi-FSlurta u& .
'ftrr OTnwnr'tiTfflHfflHirwrirnTigr 1 wmiiiiiiiii 11
ovcrsanguine the Idea of its immediate
capture .
Consul Makes No Reply to Demand
for Sailor Murderer.
SHANGHAI, Dec. 26. The Russian Con
sul has made no reply to the demand of
the Taotai for the surrender to him of the
sailor belonging to tho Russian cruiser
Askhold who, December 15, murdered a
Chinaman as a result of a dispute over a
payment for the hire of a jlnrlklaha. The
sailor Is atlll on board the cruiser, where
he was sent by the Consul, and where It
was understood he would be tried by court
martial. " The Taotai has applied to the
.foreign board at. Pekin' for further in
structions. Tho Nlngpq community is be
coming restive'
(The murdered Chinaman was a native
of Ningpo, an Important treaty port, 100
miles south of Shanghai, and the Ningpo
Tli New Year' number of The Ore
ronlan for 1905 wilt be published Mon
day morning next. It will bo devoted
entirely to the Iwls and Clark Ex
position. The paper will be sent to
any address In the United States or
Canada for 10 cents a copy, postage -
prepaid. Address The Oregontan, Tort
land, Or.
community at Shanghai Is 50,000 strong.
As told In a dispatch from Shanghai De
cember 19, the lower classes of this com
munity were urging an attack on all Rus
sians In Shanghai, but were being re
strained by the Ningpo Guild, which was
counselling, patience, pending tho action of
the Taotai.)
Manshu on Inspection Trip.
YOKOHAMA, Dee 2C. The steamer
Manshu, bound for the neighborhood
of Port Arthur, left here today. She
carried as rjassenirers 10 I n.ivnl at
taches, four Peers, 17 members- of the j
nouuc oi jnepreseniaiives, one secre
tary of the Diet and one Lieutenant
Commander. There will be no press
representatives on board during- the
voyage, which It is expected- will oc
cupy three weeks.
Sent at Request of British.
PARIS, Dec 27. The Echo de Paris
claims to have information that it was on
the request of the British Government
that Vice-Admiral Rojestvensky sent back
Lieutenant Valron, of tho transport
Kamtchatka, to testify before the Inter
national Commission on the North Sea
affair concerning the wireless messages
which aroused the suspicions of the com
mander of tho Baltic squadron and led to
the firing on the Gamecock fleoL
Practically No Harbor in the Eastern
Coast of Samar.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 26. Secretary Taft
today received a cablegram message from
Governor Wright at Manila in response
to his Inquiry in regard to the recent up
rising of tho Pulajanas, Dolores, Samar.
Governor Wright's message Is as follows:
"Manila. December 26, 1904. Secretary
of War, Washington, D. C With refer
ence to your telegram, of 21st Inst., I re
gret to say that General Corbln's report
of attack on and loss of detachments of
scouts at Oras and Dolores is correct.
Pulajanas have of late loft west and north
sides of Samar and become active on the
east coast, which Is practically without
harbor and very difficult of access during
prevalence of the existing monsoon. Or
ders were giver; gpmetime since to
strengthen all detachments on the east
coast, but unfortunately this was delayed
by wreck and loss of coast guard boat
carrying 100 or more of the constabulary
The men were saved, but the delay In
sending another coast guard boat to the
rescue resulted in leaving these small de
tachments at Oras and Dolores Isolated
and the consequent loss. All east coast
stations havo ben hcnvlly reinforced and
wo are still sending .T.en by my direction.
General Allen (uhlcf of constabulary) left
hero (Manila two weeks since, to take
personal charge of affairs In- Samar. I
am still further reinforcing him with con
stabulary and am consulting with General
Corbln. who, If necessary, will aid -lis
with troops. (Signed) WRIGHT."
Bark Genera! Fullerton Badly Dam
aged While on Tow to Bay City.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 25. The bark
General Fullerton, which arrived today
from the Columbia River, In tow of the
steamer Whittler, was run into by the
"Whittier December 22 and damaged to j
the extent of about $1000. The vessels
were about eignt miles soutn or tho Co
lumbia River, bucking a stiff southeaster.
Tho hawser parted, and when she tried
to put another line aboard the -Fullerton,
tho Whlttler's nose poked itself deep into
the barkentlne's side. The Fullerton's
guard planks were stove In and the wood
work in her cabin was much damaged.
Disappointed at the Failure of the
American Fuel Corporation.
NEW YORK, Dec. 26. Made desper
ate by the failure of the American Fuel
Corporation, of which he was the sec
rotary, George S. Evans, a broker and
promoter, ended his life in a hotel in
Jersey City today by shooting- himself
in the head.
Backedup by over a third of a century
of re mar Sable and. uniform cures, a record
such as no other remedy for the diseases
and weaknesses peculiar to women- ever
attained, the proprietors and makers of
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel
fully warranted in offering to par $500 in
legal money of the United States for any
case of Lcuco'rrhsa, Female Weakness,
Prolapsus, or Falline of Womb, which they
cannot cure All they ask is a fair and
reasonable trial of thefr means of cure
"I was a great sufferer for six yean and doc
tored i all the tuaewirh a number of phyaidaM
put did not receive any benefit," writes Mrs.
George Sogden, of 641 Bonda Street, Saginaw
(South), Mtckizan. "I bed given up nil booe of
ever getting better. Thought 1 would write to
you. "when I received your letter telling rae
Treat to dp I commenced to sake your Favorite
Prescription and follow your advice. I hive
Ukcn ten bottles in all, also fi-re vials 0f the
Heasaut Pellets.' Am now regular, after hav
ing cussed two years and suffered with pain in
the heed end back. I was so nervous, could not
eat or sleep. Now I can thank you for xay
Don't hesitate to write to Dr. R.V. Pierce,
chief consulting physician to the Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo,
N.Y., if you want good medical advice from
a fully qualified physician as to your per
sonal good health. Such letters are always
answered free of charge and confidentially.
A medicine which has outsold all others
for women in the past third of a
century and being recommended by all
those who have used it, is a good remedy
to tie to. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion is purely vegetable and does not con
tain a particle of alcohol to destroy the
blood corpuscles and weaken the system.
Do npt permit the dealer to insult your
intelligence by suggesting some other com
pound which he recommends as "just as
eood. because he makes it himself.
New York Dental Parlors
Having Just completed remodeling, re
furnishing and re-cqulpping our office with
all the latest Improved, modern appliances,
both electrical and mechanical, we are bet
ter prepared than over to complete all kinds
of operations with great skill and dispatch.
Our specialists of world renown will treat
all who como with tho courtesy and earo
that the New York Dentists aro so well
known by. "Wc do not try to compete with
cheap dental work, but do all kinds of nrst
clais work at about half that charged by
others. All operations arc guaranteed pain
less. You can have your teeth out in the
morning and go homo with your NSW
ic-.'iii "that fit" tho same day.
All work guaranteed, with a protected
guarantee for 10 years.
taie dentine methods applied to the gums.
No sleep-producing agents or cocaine.
These arc the only dental parlors In Port
Ingredients to extract, fill and apply gold
crowns and porcelain crowns undetect
able from natural teeth. All work, done by
GRADUATED DENTISTS of from 12 to 20
years' "ixperlenc. and each department In
charge of a specialist. Give us a call, and
you will find us to do exactly as wo adver
tise. Wo will tell you In advance exactly
what your work wilt cost by a FREE EX
New York Dental Parlors
Hours 8:30 A M. to 0 P. jr.; Sundays and
holidays. S:30 to 2 P. M.
Fourth and Morrison Sts.. Portland.. Or.
The Great Chinese Doctor
is called great becausi
fcls wonoerfut cures
r so well knatra
throughout tho United
Etates and becautw bo
zsany people are thank
Jul to him tor avina
their Uvea from
Ho treats uny .mil a4
titeatea wltb yowtttul
Ctlnesa herbs. rooU,
buOB. bark and vegeta-
Uica. Utah a4o uivtj
unknown to medical
HiS. 0 i?ryn.?A science ja laa cuuiiir.
and tarousn tac u-ci iwtiuitaa naif
AUb. This famous doctor knows tho action ot
over 50O d!fl7nl xemedlea tbat he has duccejv
raui edto dUterent diea. He guarantee
uiX asthma, lung tN raja.
m.Hrm r.rvnusncji. stomach, liver, Kiunsya,
g?tWuw2Sdlu Private dlaeaaw. Hun;
"STo. eStaoniata. Cbarse moderate. CU
and cv hint.
Patients out of the city wrltoxfor blank and
circular. Inclose ttamp. Address
253 Alder Street
Mention this iaper. Portland, Or.
(Established 1879.)
"Cures While You Sleep."
Whoo ping-Cough, Croup,
Bronchitis, Coughs,
Diphtheria, Catarrh.
Confidence c&n be placed In aremcdy, which
foraqnarterof acenturyhaa earned unquali
fied praise. Aalc your physician about It.
Is a boon to
All DrojjW
Stud postal for t!
,- icrlptlT. Iwlltt.
Cmoleoe Xnli
ptlc TbnMt Tb
lcta lot Ike irri
tated throat, at
your drajjcUt or
from Uf. 19c. 1b
The Vapo-Cresolena Go. 180 Fulton Sl.H.Y.
Delicate enough for the softeai
skin, and yet efficacious in removing
any stain. Keeps the skin in perfeel
condition. In the bath gives all tho
: desirable after-effects of a Turkish
j bath. It should be on every wash
J stand.
1 We, aro enabled to extract from
one to 32 teeth at ono sitting,
positively and absolutely with
out nam or bad after effects.
People in delicate health need
have no fear, as our method of
extracting Is positively safe
and absolutely painless.
Absolute Cleanliness Is our
We do crown and bridge work
without pain. Our 17 years ex
perience In pl&to work enables
us to fit your mouth comfort
ably. Tho best Is the cheapest
In the end. We havo feelings
as well as you.
: VVlSti I
213 FAILING BLDO. Open evenings till 0. Sundays from S to 12. Comer
For over five centuries chocolate has been
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Every man who la afflicted owes It to himself and
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out leaving any blignt or weakness In his system.
We make no misleading statements or onousiness
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