Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 27, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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Chadwick Extradition
Warrant Refused.
Necessary Affidavit Has .Been
Forwarded to New York.
Officer From Cleveland Says He Has
Known the Accused for Years,
and Regrets the J&sk
Before Him.'
ALBANY, N. Y., Dec 26. Sheriff Barry,
of Cleveland, O., was refused an extradi
tion -warrant for Dr. Leroy S. Chadwick
at the executive chamber here this morn
Ins. The ground of refusal was that his
papers failed to prove that Dr. Chadwick
'was In the State of Ohio March 5, 1303.
when the forgeiy of the signature of An
drew Carnegie, In which he is accused of
having been concerned, with his wife, Cas
cie L. Chadwick. Is alleged to have been
committed. Sheriff Barry went on to New
Sheriff Barry decided not to try to cor
rect his papers now, but to go on to New
York and arrest Dr. Chadwlck and ar
range for his extradition afterward.
Before leaving for New York Sunday
the Cleveland Sheriff telegraphed to the
executive department here asking that his
papers be prepared so that there might be
no delay upon his arrival early -today.
"When the telegram was received Governor
Odell was at his home in Newburgh and
the message was given to his pardon
clerk. Judge Joyce immediately tele
phoned the Governor and received reply
from him to deliver the prisoner in case
the papers were properly drawn up.
Sheriff Barry called at the executive
chamber this morning and presented to
Judge Joyce the requisition papers signed
by Governor Herrlck, of Ohio, asking an
extradition warrant to enable him to take
his prisoner out of New York State.
When the Sheriff learned that his proof
was defective he concluded to telegraph
to have the necessary affidavits prepared
and sent to him at New York. He said
that it was a purely formal matter, and
that affidavits could be promptly obtained
showing that Dr. Chadwlck was In Ohio
on or about March, 1903.
The Ohio Sheriff left soon afterward for
New York, where he will wait for Dr.
Chadwlck's steamer, which Is expected
Wednesday. He will consult with New
York authorities regarding the best course
of procedure. Before leaving Sheriff Bar
ry said that while he was disappointed -at
not obtaining the requisition warrant at
this time, the failure would not delay him
to any appreciable extent.
f Frequent Visitor at the Palace of
Emperor Nicholas.
.ST. PETERSBURG, Dec 25. M. Witte
seems again to be high In favor of the
Emperor, and is almost a daily visitor at
the Tsarskoe Selo palace.
The Zemstvos generally are increasing
the budgets from 30 to 35 per cent in
order to meet the increased demands of
the Red Cross work for the relief of the
Sheriff Barry Will Have Testimony
Against Dr. Chadwick.
NEW YORK, Dec 26. Sheriff Barry,
of Cleveland, reached New York this
afternoon from Albany and went to the
Hoffman House, where he will" remain
until the arrival of the steamship Pre
toria, which is bringing to this coun
try Dr. Leroy S. Chadwick, of Cleve
land, and his daughter. Miss Mary
Chadwick. Mr. Barry is not at all dis
concerted over his inability to obtain
the requisition papers from Governor
Odell which would permit him to take
Dr. Chadwlck to Ohio. In conversation
with a representative of the Associated
Press tonight the Sheriff said:
"I do not find any fault with Judge
Joyce in declining to issue the requisi
tion papers. "I realize that It is. neces
sary for him to act absolutely in ac
cordance with his Interpretation of the
law. I decided that It would be better
to have the matter straightened out in
Cleveland. Prosecutor Keeler has al
ready forwarded to me an affidavit giv
ing me the testimony before the grand
jury tending to show that Dr. Chadwick
was In Cuyahoga" County, Ohio, March
3. 1903, upon which date the alleged
crime was commited, and this affidavit
will be in my hands tomorrow morn
"With that in my possession I antici
pate no difficulty in getting the neces
sary papers.
"I am here on a sad errand, for I
have known Dr. Chadwlck many years
and our relations have been of the
rlcasantest nature. I shall do every
thing in my power to make his trying
situation as easy as possioie. x am
especially solicitous that Miss Chad
wick shall be spared any humiliation
'I understand that some of her rela
tives wilt meet her upon the arrival of
the steamer and make arrangements
for her future movements."
Mr. Barry said that Mrs. Chadwick Is
better than when she arrived at the
Jail in Cleveland, and that she is tak
Ing her troubles philosophically.
Believes Warrant Will Be Granted.
CLEVELAND, O Dec 26. County
Prosecutor Keeler. wnon shown the dis
patch from Albany, stating that Sheriff
Barry had beon refused an extradition
warrant for Dr. Chadwlck, said:
"The papers which Sheriff Barry carried
to Albany were In regular form, and I
cannot understand why the warrant re
quested has been refused. It is probably
a mere technicality, however, owing to
the difference in the laws of .New York
and Ohio. The requisition as Issued by
Governor Hcrrick explicitly states that
Dr. Chadwick is a fugitive from justice
In Ohio; that he has been Indicted by the
grand jury of this county on the charge of
forging and uttering a note for J3.000.000,
signed 'Andrew Carnegie"; that the crime
was committed in Cuyahoga County, O., in
March 5. 1903. and that the indictment is
sufficient in itself for placing Dr. Chad
wick on trial upon the charges made"
Mr. Keeler expressed the belief that the
extradition warrant would be eventually
granted by the New York authorities.
had been adduced before the grand
jury, 'tending, to show that Leroy S.
Chadwick was in this county on March 5,
1903. upon which date the alleged crime
was committed. Mr. Keeler subsequently
swore to this affidavit before n. notary
public, after which It was at once for
warded to Sheriff Barry at New York.
Moscow University Is Closed After
the Recent Disturbance.
ST. PETERSBURG, Dec 26. There
seems to be no evidence of a cessation
of the agitation in different parts of the
country In favor of the liberal reforms.
The situation Is most acute In Moscow,
where the university is closed and the
students and other societies are in a con
stant state of ferment.
It develops that the social revolutionary
party in Moscow, before the demands of
December 18 and 19, Issued a proclama
tion condemning to death Grand Duke
Sergius and Police Master Trepoff, If dur
ing those demonstrations there should
be a recurrence of "the police brutalities
which were witnessed In St. Petersburg."
Subsequently the students decided not
only to cease attending school, but demon
strate on the occasion of the burial of
the victims of rioting of December 18 and
19; to ally themselves with the labor
movement and take up arms In their own
defense They also asked the professors
of the university to back up their de
mands. As a result, the latter obtained'
permission to make a searching Inquiry
into all the circumstances.
General Kuropatkin, according to an
Interview with Prince Dolgorousky, head
of the Moscow Red Cross detachment at
the front, has added his voice in favor
of broader activity of the Zemstvoi This
may be fraught with immediate signifi
cance later.
Mobilization Is Creating Much Dis
order at Present.
ST. PETERSBURG, Dec 26. While the
new mobilization is proceeding quietly in
most places, disorders arc reported to
have occurred in Poland. The most seri
ous disturbance was at Razon yesterday,
where one Colonel was killed and a gen
darme wounded.
There also has been much rioting at
Bakhout, where C000 conscrips pillaged a
few houses and fruit stalls. No one, how
ever was killed.
The Emperor has his personal aids-decamp
at all of the mobilization centers
in order to see that everything is done
for the Inhabitants and conscripts to ob
tain Immediate reports at first hand of
any disturbance.
American Attaches Coming Home.
ST. PETERSBURG-, Dec. 26. Lieuten
ant-Colonel Walter S. Schuyler and Cap
tain Carl RIchmann, the United States
military attaches with General Kuropat-
kin's army, have arrived here, making
the journey from Mukden to St. Peters
burg In 24 days. After completing their
formal calls they will leave Immediately
for Washington. Both officers have per
sonally seen much fighting, having been
present at the battles of Vafanagow,
Liao Yang and Shakhe. They express
satisfaction with the treatment accorded
them, but as they left the front under
pledge not to reveal anything, they con
sider it would be Improper to discuss the
military situation.
United States Held Up as Example.
ST. PETERSBURG, Dec 26. The reac
tionary Grazhdanln publishes a remark
able article against the bureaucracy, de
claring that it was responsible for the
French Revolution, the fallen Roman
Empire and the decay of China, whereas
Japan has regretted because, while It
overthrew the hureaucracy, It retained
the principle of the sacred power of the
soyereign. The paper expresses the hope
that the bureaucracy .is seeing its last
days in Russia and adds:
"Bureaucracy is more or less present
in all countries except the United States,
where the laws safeguard the liberties
of the people to the fullest extent, giving
equal opportunities."
Jewish Passport Not Yet Taken Up.
ST. PETERSBURG, Dec. 26. The com
mission which is Investigating the pass
port question has not yet taken up the
subject of Jewish passports, either for
eign or domestic, the whole matter hav
ing been temporarily postponed pending
the decision of other points. Foreign
passports, the commission says, shall be
good for the period for which they are
Issued by foreign governments without
requiring the holder, as now, to take out
Russian passports at thp end of six
(Continued from Page 1.)
Prosecutor Makes Affidavit.
CLEVELAND. O., Dec 26. Upon a tele
graphic communication from Sheriff Barry
today. Prosecutor Keeler lrew up an af
fidavit setting forth $hat testimony
tion shall only be permitted in cases
where the actual safety of the state., is
"Sixth That In confirmation of my un
deviatlng heart's desire, as expressed In
the imperial manifesto of March 3, 1903,
for the protection by the fundamental
laws of the Empire of tolerance in mat
ters of faith, the laws dealing with the
rights of communities and persons belong
ing to heterodox and non-Christian con
fessions should be submitted to revision,
and that. Independently of this, measures
should be taken for the removal of all
limitations on the exercise of their reli
gions not directly mentioned In the law.
"Seventh That there should be such re
vision of existing ordinances limiting the
rights of foreigners and measures In cer
tain localities of the Empire, that In the
future there shall remain only such of
them are are required by the present in
terests of the Empire and the manifest
needs of our people.
Freedom of the Press.
"Eighth That all unnecessary restric
tions should be removed from the exist
ing press laws, and that printed speeches
should be placed within clearly defined
legal limits; that the native press. In ac
cordance witn the progress of education
and the independence thereby accruing
to it. .should be lett to the possibility of
worthily fumlllng Its high calling, namely.
to be the true interpreters or reasonable
strivines for Russia's advantage.
'Acting upon the above principles, with
a view to a series of great Internal
changes impending in the early future,
part whereof, under instructions previ
ously given by us, are already under pre
liminary examination, we deem it well. In
view of the diversity and importance of
these changes, to fix an order of business
for consideration of means and the possi
bility of their early and complete reali
zation. The closest co-operation is incum-
bent on the various sections of the admin
istration throughout the whole series of
our state Institutions.
"With reference to all the above-men
tioned subjects, the Council of Ministers
has to examine the best way of giving
effect to our views and to submit to us
at the earliest possible date its decisions
as to the further shape of the above-mentioned
measures in their prescribed or
der. The committee has also to report
to US' as to the subsequent progress of
the elaboration of matters maintained.
Collapses in His Room at a
New York Hotel.
District Attorney JeromeWlll Give
Out No Information Concerning
Man Brought Back From
Texas on Perjury Charge.
NEW YORK. Dec. 26. Charles F.
Dodge, who returned from Texas last
week In charge of -United Stales Marshal
Hanson to answer to a charge of perjury,
suffered a collapse in his roam at the
Broadway Central Hotel today and -a phy
sician was speedily summoned. Later a
second physician was called In consulta
tion. During the remainder of the Oay
one of the medical men was in constant
Assistant District Attorney Garvan
called on Dodge and was later asked con
cerning his condition. He replied:
"Mr. Dodge Is a very sick man under
the care of a physician. He is suffering
from malaria and a general undermining
of the system."
County Detective Jesse, one of 'the Dis
trict Attorney's office force guarded
Dodge and said that Dodge was in a high
ly nervous state as a result of the re
action after the excitement of his arrest,
followed by the comparative quiet of the
past two days.
Mr. Garvan called on the ex-hotel man
for the purpose of securing nls signature
to a transcript of the stenographer's notes
of his statement to District Attorney
Jerome. Mr. Garvan declined to discuss
the case in any of its phase?.
Messrs. Jerome and Garvan spent m. st
of the day In their offices working on the
Dodge case. Mr. Jerome refused to be
interviewed and said he could not say
when he would present te case to the
grand Jury.
James W. Osborne, counsel for Dodge,
said there were new developments todty.
Thomas O'Brien, Originator of the
Swindle, Serving Life Sentence.
TCEW YORK, Dec ,26. A report has
reached this city that Thomas O'Brien,
the notorious confidence man and alleged
inventor of the gold-brick swindle. Is dead
In the French Penal Settlement at Cay
enne, where he had been serving a life
sentence for the murder of his partner.
"Ild" waddell. in Paris, in 1895. Several
of O'Brien's old friends In this city are
said to have received the news direct
from Cayenne. Several years ago it was
reported that O'Brien had escaped from
the penal settlement and was on his way
to New York. The report was never con
firmed, however, and the authorities never
got sight of O'Brien.
O'Brien's career was a remarkable one.
He was born 53 years ago, in Chicago,
and, aided by an attractive personality,
managed to 'make an enviable record.
In New York bold swindles, running Into
the thousands, were numerous and were
credited to his genius. . In 1SS9 he Jumped
a bond of $6000 and fled to Europe, but
was recaptured and sentenced to tne
A remarkable plea conducted by a wom
an resulted in his escape from a hotel
In Utlca. jvhere he was in charge of a
prison keeper. O'Brien caught a steamer
here for Europe, and reached Paris safe
ly, and remained there until he was ar
rested on the charge of killing Waddell,
his partner. Money was spent lavishly
in his defense, but failed to save him
from a life sentence.
Volley Fired From Outside During
Christmas Celebration in Church.
HANCEVILLD, Ala,, Dec. 26. While ne
groes were holding a Christmas celebra
tion in a church at Stout's Mountain, a
mining camp, a volley of shots were fired
into the congregation from the outside.
Rev. Mr. Clay, the pastor, and one of the
negroes were fatally and another seri
ously wounded. The shooting caused a
Later, the dead body of Henry Jett, a
white miner, was found near the church.
It is supposed he was a member of the
shooting party and was accidentally killed
by one of his companions. John Jett and
Ted Blackwell, both white miners, have
been arrested in connection with the affair.
Butte Butcher's Wife Missing.
BUTTE, Mont. Dec. 25. W. J. Bodno,
of Butte, a wealthy butcher, believes that
the remains of a woman found dead on
Cutler Mountain, near Colorado Springs,
Colo., two weeks ago, were those of his
wife, who eloped from here six weeks
ago. About the time she left a former
employe of the husband, who had
been discharged, also disappeared. The
relations of this man and Mrs. Bodno
were alleged to have been Improper, and
Bodno Is now suing for divorce.
Upon leaving, the woman drew $1300
from the bank and took it with her. She
also took two small children. Bodno has
made every effort to trace the latter, but
without success. He and the missing
woman had been to Colorado Springs and
had often talked of the beauty of Cutler
Mountain. This and the similarity of the
dental work on the jaw of the corpse
found, to that done for his wife a few
days before she fled, leads Bodno to be
lieve his wife has been murdered. Bodno
will go to Colorado Springs tonight.
Killed for Resenting Insult.
NEW YORK, Dec 26. While resenting
an insult to a young woman with whom
he was walking In Glendale, a suburb of
Brooklyn, Frederick Fredericks was
stabbed and probably fatally wounded
last night by an unknown man, who
With the young woman, Fredericks had
spent the evening with friends and the
couple were on the way home, when a
man appeared In a lonely street. Without
provocation, he burst into offensive lan
guage, and Fredericks attacked him. In
a moment the stranger drew a knife and
Fredericks fell mortally wounded.
The young woman screamed loudly for
help, but no person reached the scene for
several minutes. Meanwhile, the stabber
escaped In the driving snow storm, leaving
no clew to his identity, and only a meager
description on which the police could base
a search.
Nan Patterson In Tears.
NEW YORK. Dec 26. Nan Patterson,
the former actress, accused of the murder
of Frank Young, passed a gloomy Christ
mas in the Tombs. She had anticipated
celebrating her release from Imprisonment
with her family in Washington, .and the
fact that she will probably have to under
go another trial made this Chri9tmas the
saddest of her life.
Miss Patterson 'was sent an elaborate
dinner by one of her counsel, but she ate
little and wept continuously. She was
somewhat composed later in the day by a
long letter from her mother.
Revenge for Being Jilted.
CHICAGO. Dec 26.-tfllted by a widow
in whose house ho had roomed for sev
eral months, Charles Witt is alleged to
haye attempted to burn her dwelling last
night Failing to gain entrance to the
LipmanWplf c a Co.
The Store Opens at One o'clock
Stare Ylzuuns
Yesterday we rested all day from the arduous labors of the holiday
rush thegreatest this store has ever had. This forenoon, although
the doors will remain closed, the store will be a scene of. enormous
activity. Displays will be changed new price tickets, each one smaller
than the old one, will appear the store will change its appearance and be ready to receive the thousands of
eager shoppers who are anxiously awaiting the bargain event of the year, viz. :
v1.. '4.
Our Great Sale
Where every article in the store except
ing a few contract goods is reduced
It will be a sale without a parallel, because of many weighty reasons: First, the class of the merchandise
involved is' of the very highest, equaled by none in this vicinity. Second, because of the swiftest, fierciest,
keenest, most sweeping price-cutting thaf s ever been done. This sale offers bargains of supreme importance.
This great sale is anxiously awaited by thousands. The demand is bound to be beyond all precedent. We
'cannot too strongly urge you to be here today, for rarest values will go first a word to the wise is sufficient.
The "Charlotte Corday" Hat
WW TPodfiV We show today in our Millinery Store the hat
A VUaj .which has captured Fashionable Femininity of the
East. The "Charlotte Corday" Hat is a decided hit in New York, and will
no doubt prove to be even more popular than the famous "Dreamland"
Sailor, which we were the first to show in this city, last season. These hats
are made of chiffons, lace, taffeta and moire silks, in plain and pleated
effects. Choice of white, black, light blue, brown, cardinal, etc. Are equally
suitable, for evening, dress or street wear.
In addition to the "Charlotte Corday," we are displaying a number of
very captivating styles in Turbans, of chiffon and hair braids, especially
suitable for evening wear, because of their light weight.
N. B. The picture illustrates the "Charlotte Corday."
All goods bought on December 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31
charged on January account.
lapmaxxwoire $ Co.
residence, he is said to have broken open
the door of the vacant house adjoining
and to have set fire to it with the Idea
that the flames would spread.
The blaze was discovered by Mrs. Ed
ward HenseL who occupied the rooms be
low Mrs. Bertha Brazen, the widow. She
told the police she saw a man crawling
out of a side window of the building soon
after the blaze started. She said he went
across the street and watched the flames
spread. Her description of the man led
to the arrest of Witt.
Italian Duel . Ends - In (Death.
NEW YORK, Dec 2S. A fatal duel has
been fought in West Farms, Borough of
the Bronx, between two Italians. Fully
200 people saw the battle, which occurred
at the street terminus of a trolley line
Many were within a few feet of the com
batants, but ran away screaming.
The duelists alighted from a trolley car
after a quarrel. .Both drew revolvers,
backed apart and began shooting without
preliminaries. Several shots had been
fired when one of the men fell with a
bullet through the head. A policeman ar
rived at the moment and gave chase to
the uninjured Italian. Several times the
officer fired' at the fugitive, who finally
fell and was captured, but showed no
wounds. The cause of the duel was not
Shot Landlady and Himself.
LEADVILLE, Colo., Dec 26. As a re
sult of the" drunken rage of Patrick Bren
nan. both he and Mrs. Kate Lowney are
probably dying at a hospital In this city.
Brennan was boarding with Mrs. Lowney
at the latter's boarding-house in Stump
town, three miles from this city. The
couple are engaged to be married. Bren
nan has been on a spree, and after quar
reling with the woman, smashed the
dishes and furniture. Later Mrs. Lowney
and her children went to a neighbor's,
where a party was in progress. Brennan
came in and ehot Mrs. Lowney twice. In
flicting what is thought to be fatal In
juries. He then turned the revolver upon
himself and Is dying. Brennan came here
from Butte.
Soldier's Suicide, by Gas.
DES MOINES, la., Dec. 26. Corporal
Solomon C. Cook, of the Eleventh United
States Cavalry, committed suicide in the
Wellington Hotel today by turning on the
gas In his room. He was found by the
chambermaid. Cook had served in the
Regular Army many years, and had seen
service in the Philippines.
Brennans Numerous in Butte.
BUTTE, Mont. Dec. 26. There arc five
Patrick Brennans in Butte, but none of
them is missing. A Mrs. Hannah Lowney
formerly lived here, but has left, and her
whereabouts Is not now known.
Severe Winter Storm Is Sweeping
the State.
TOPEKA. Kan., Dec 26. A severe
Winter storm prevails over Kansas to
night. Much sleet and snow have fallen
with a rapid fall in temperature. There
will be HtUo suffering among stock, the
farmers being generally well prepared for
the Winter.
There Is a'bllzzard sweeping over Indian
Territory. There was a drop of 35 degrees
in the temperature. Stockmen assert that
the cold wave will not effect cattle as they
are .in excellent condition and able to
stand much cold.
Zero in the Dakotas.
WASHINGTON, Dec 26. Reports to the
Weather Bureau say the first decided cold
wave of the season is spreading rapidly
southeastward over the east slope of the
Rocky Mountains. The temperature this
morning Is below zero in the Dakotas,
Montana. Western Wyoming, with a
minimum rating of 30 degrees below at
Havre, Mont. The area of high preesure
attending this cold wave occupies the
northeast Rocky Mountain slope and ex
tends well southeastward into Nebraska.
Frozen to Death at Depot.
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Dec 26. An un
known man was found dead today near
the union depot. He had apparently
frozen to death. The thermometer had
fallen during the night from IS above to
below zero. The cold wave was accom
panied by a high wind.
Temperature Failing in Kansas. -ABILENE,
Kan., Dec 26. Central Kan
sas is covered with sleet and a high north
wind prevails. The temperature is falling.
Captain Ulinnin Receives Medal for
Rescuing Capsized Yacht Crew.
CHICAGO, Dec 26. The presentation of
medals for heroism at St. James Episco
pal Church has brought out the' fact that
one of the recipients is several times a
llf e-savcr. He is Captain V. ( Cllnnin. in
spector of rifle practice in the' First Regi
ment, Illinois National Guard. A year ago
he was an unknown hero of the Iroquois
fire. He Is also known as the hero of a
yachting incident off Zion City.
The Rev. James S. Stone, rector of St.
James, after awarding medals to George
H. Shapiro and A. Waldo Carlisle, of the
United States training ship Dorothea,
turned to Captain Cllnnin.
"Friends of the Captain," he said, "hear
ing that he had been recommended for
this honor, requested his heroism In con
nection with the Iroquois fire be made
public Captain Cllnnin was in the Schil
ler building, when ho saw smoke pouring
from the air shaft. Ho was one of the
first to arrive in the foyer of the Iroquois.
"After some had already fallen to the
floor, others were piling up on them In
the efforts to escape. Seizing a woman,
the Captain dragged her to a place of
safety. Then he went back, edged along
the wall and rescued a chorus girl. He
was thrown down and trampled on, but
he returned to help carry another woman
out. He made three more trips into the
The only way to get rid
of pimples and other erup
tions is to cleanse the blood,
improve the digestion, stim
ulate the kidneys, liver and
skin. The medicine to take is
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Which has cured thousands.
Positively cured by thesa
Little Pills.
They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia,
Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per
fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi
ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue
Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They
Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable
mall Pill. Small Dos.
Small Price.
If you want the lowest possible prices,
the finest quality of glasses, and expert
optical knowledge conscientiously used In
the furnishing of your spectacles, consult
the. Oregon Optical Company, 173 Fourth,
street. Y. 11. C. A. building. Examina
tion free.
theater, brought out a child, apparently
dead, found his sister-in-law hysterical
and took her to the Schiller building, and
came back, but was excluded from the
fire lines by the police."
The act of heroism, however, for which
Captain Cllnnin received the "Life-Saving
iledal." founded by Henry E.- Weaver in
1900, was the rescue last May of threo
men from a capsized yacht. In which he,;
with eight others, had been sailing.
Hard Lines for Old Drunkards.
NEW YORK, Dec 26. Arrest, Instead of
a comfortable cot, will be the lot after
January, of the several thousand habitual
or occasional drumcards who in the course
of the year seek Bellevue Hospital for
treatment and use the Institution as a
handy place to sleep off their sprees.
Preliminary to the scheme of disposing
of the list of alcoholic patients Is a state
ment that a detail of police will be on
duty day and night at the hospital. When
a drunkard appears as a candidate for
the alcoholic ward his pedigree will be ex
amlned. If found to be an old customer,
he will be arrested and taken In charge
by the city police department. By this
business method the officials of the Belle
vue Hospital propose to reduce the con
stant overcrowding In the alcoholic de
partment. There are often 70 patients
there, and there are only places for 25.
Steel Trust Gets Coal Land.
GREEXSBURG, Pa., Dec. 26. The pur
chase by the H. C. Frlck Coke Company
Of 1000 acres of Connellsville coking- coU
land has just been ppnflrraed. -Th Frtck.
Company Is a subsidiary- company ofhe
United States Steel Corporation, and thjj
property bought ig said to -bo the last
Piece of coal lands held by prtyatK In&,
viduals in the Connellsville regloSEh"
property ,Iles near Unioritown,v WTl and
the price paid Is said to be .000.'O '
i ' r
Russian Governor Enthusiastic.
Governor, opening the Zemstvo. spoke
enthusiastically of the forthcoming de
centralization of Russia.
Next month King Frost holds
sway, and the Winter blasts will
continue until the end of March.
The only safety lies in fur garments,
which we are now offering at the
most tempting prices. With a good
fur jacket, boa or stole, you will rc
main comfortable and cheerful dur
ing the coldest weather. Let us
show you some of our unmatchable
creations never commonplace al
ways distinct and chic.
H. Liebes & Co.
J. P. iMaggmiuin, Mnjr.
Established 1870
Send for Catalogue
126 2d St., bet. Alder and Washington
Alaska Sealskins
Persian Lamb Coats Astrachan Coats
Otter and Beaver Coats
Near Seal Coats Sable Stoics
Ermine Four-In-Hands
Chinchilla Ricas Mink Stoles
Alaska Bear Boas
White Fox Boas Sable Fox Boas
Fur Pillow Muffs, Fur Rugs, Robes