Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 27, 1904, Page 10, Image 10

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Scope of Exposition to
Be Widened.
Change Is Needed to Meet De
mands of Visitors,
Consultations Will Be Held With Di
rectors and Plans Made for a
Greater Exposition Out
look Is Bright.
Unexpected travel from the East next
Summer, unexpected attondance at the
Lewis and Clark Exposition, unanticipated
btrwt throughout the country In the
Pa;r. a necessity for the scope of the Ex
position to be enlarged and the great show
to br made something of which the di
rocV ri never before dreamed these are
the facts brought to Portland by President
H W. Goode, who. with his wife and
children, returned yesterday morning from
a visit of six weeks in the East, princi
pally at the St. Louis Exposition.
It is necessary that certain plans be re
arranged and the scope of the Lewis
and Clark Fair widened, that prepara
tion be made for caring for more exhib
itors and more visitors than the directors
ever hoped they would have to take care
c The situation is so critical that im
mediately upon his arrival. President
Goode held a consultation with Di
rector of Works Huber. and announced
that he would call a meeting of the di
rectors at once. With Director Huber. Mr.
Goode went over the plans, Jooking to-
the end of making the Exposition
pat enough to care for the thousands
will come to Portland next year.
Visits the Grounds.
'In the afternoon President Goode
.sited the Exposition grounds and an
nounced himself as well pleased with the
JEkvdone' during his absence. He in-
sDC-ted the several buildings recently com
peted and took particular notice of the
Farestry building, which is rapidly near
ir.g completion. The Improvements made
tlnce Mr. Goode departed for the East
"were particularly gratifying to the dl-rertor-general.
who declared himself well
p!eased with the general aspect of things.
"The Exposition must be on a larger
trope than was originally planned," said
the director-general. "It must be en
larged to meet the demands of the people
who are coming to visit us. I was greatly
surprised during my visit in the East to
Bear such an amount of talk about the
Lewis and Clark Fair. The travel wesl
w&rd next year will be record-breaking,
and cannot but result in much good to
the Exposition, to Oregon and to Port
land. Cannot Talk Definitely.
It Is too early for me to talk definitely
?ut Jim plans for enlarging the scope of
"a lr l mtKK t hold several consulta
tions with directors at once. I can only
Say that the outlook for a very successful
Exposition Is vet'y bright Indeed. The in
terest, shown by people in the East Is re
markable, and I was Impressed with the
large numbers who stated that they are
certainly coming West next year. I vis
its wwnil rwilntK rftir!n- mv trln nnrt
the Interest seems to be universal.
"Owing to our limited space, those ex
hibits coming here from St. Louis will be
but the best parts of the original ex
hibits. We shall have the cream without
the trouble of looking all over the milk
lor It. It will be condensed. The ex
hibits department is to be congratulated
cn securing so many fine displays. Col
onel Dosch and the rest have exercised
Hie judgment in selecting exhibits, and
"have succeeded In getting about what
"iv as wanted.
State Made Good Showing.
The exhibit of Oregon at St. Louis com.
pared favorably with that of any other
state. The horticultural exhibit was far
ahead of that of other states, the fruit
attracting particular attention. This feat
ure excited much favorable comment
among visitors. In fact, all our exhibits,
In fishing, mining and agriculture, at
tracted great attention."
The matter of erecting a Fine Arts build
ing Is to have the immediate attention of
Uie director-general, and within a few
Cays a decision on this and other matters
will be rendered. Meetings of the execu
t re committee will be rather numerous
tJ-ring this week and the one following,
and the indications are that there will
soon be announced plans for Important ad
ditions to the Exposition.
. To Exhibit Old Church.
During the present week steps will bo
taken to bring to the Lewis and Clark
Exposition the first Protestant Church
ever erected west of the Rocky Mountains.
.e building now stands in Oregon City,
Lear the corner of Seventh and Main
streets. It is at present used as a car
riage warehouse. It was first erected on
the spot where Dr. McLoughlla's house
now stands, but was later moved to Its
present position, and a new church was
erected, on the same lot. Then the hls-
UU1IU111& u, naicuuu&
The building was erected in 1843 of lum
ber brought around Cape Horn in sailing
ships. With its erection a Methodist mis
sion was established. Missionary A. F.
Waller being in charge.
Next Friday night a meeting of the
trustees will be held, and the subject of
Vringing- the historical building to the
Exposition will be discussed. Bishop
Moore, or Portland, Dr. A. H. Rader and
Dr. L. E. Rockwell will be present at the
-Methodist Association Presents Dr.
Doane With Well-Filled Purse.
Rev. N. Doane, D. D., the well-known
pioneer Methodist minister, -who began
his work in Oregon In 1850, and who is
now In extremely feeble health, was re
membered in a most substantial manner
yesterday by the members of the Portland
Methodist Ministerial Association. The
um of HQ was collected, and taken to his
home by a committee of which Rev. A. N.
Fisher was the chairman, and, there pre
sented to the veteran minister.
D. Doane was very deeply touched by
Jifig token of remembrance from his
"brethren, t has been several years since
Dr. Doane has been able to leave his
home, and he is now almost in a helpless
condition. Mentally and physically get
ling: weaker, he recognized and appre-
lated the gift Xrora the Ministerial As-
jciation. and, joined with his faithful
iviXe, sends his thanks and blessings to
fihe ministers wno made tne contriDution.
tSlRocwclI, presiding. elder, said:
jw&s a most appropriate thing to do,
and I could only wish that every pioneer
minister in the Northwest could receive
the same token, for they are the men
who helped subdue the wilderness and
desert of this splendid country, and we
cannot remember their tolls and sacri
fices and services any too well."
Propose to Build Clubhouse on the
Grounds and Hold Conferences.
That the Methodists of the Pacific
Northwest will have a huge conference
In Portland during the Lewis and Clark
Fair seems to be an assured fact Five
conferences on the Pacific Slope have
signified their willingness to gather
together under a Lewis and Clark
Methodist Conference, these organiza
tions representing the districts of
Montana, Idaho, Columbia River, Puget
Sound and Oregon.
A board of commissioners has been
appointed by each of these separate
conferences to meet at the Taylor
Street Methodist Church, in this city,
on January 11, at which time full plans
for the consolidated conference will be
discussed and arranged.
The matter of the Lewis and Clark
Conference has been under discussion
for some time and many suggestions
have been offered in connection with it.
Chief among these is the plan of
Bishop Moore, which contemplates the
building of a Methodist clubhouse on
the Fair grounds. This house would
also be used for a display of the col
lection of Methodist curios and an
tiques of great historical value, many
of which the church now has in its
Another feature suggested is that
of a grand choral concert with at least
a thousand or more voices chosen from
the choirs of the churches in the five
conferences. This matter is now under
consideration, and steps have been
taken towards its completion.
The commissioners appointed by the
various separate conferences are as
Montana conference Rev. R. P.
Smith, of Lewiston; Rev. Jacob Mills, of
Helena; Rev. C. L. Bovard, of Billings;
Rev. F. A. Rigin. of Kalispel; Rev. W.
W. W. Van Orseel, of Great Falls, and
Rev. G. D. King, of Billings.
Idaho conference Rev. W. W. Van
Dusen, of Boise; Rev. J. D. GIHIlan, of
La Grande, Or., and W. IL Ewin and
C. S. McConnell.
Columbia River conference Rev.
Henry J. Rasmus and Rev. W. H. Fry,
of Spokane; Rev. W. C. Evans, of Moro,
Or.; Rev. D. C. Sanderson, of Pomeroy,
Wash.; Rev. Robert J. Reed, of Walla
Walla: Rev. H. N. Rounds, of Daven
port, Wash., and Rev. C G. Harmon,
of Rltzville. Wash.
Puget Sound conference Rev. J. E.
Williams, of Tacoma; Rev. Albert At
vvood, of Seattle; Rev. A. J. Joselyn, of
Ballard; Rev. John Johnson, of Seattle;
Rev. A. B. Chapin. of Everett; Rev. C.
E. Todd, of Bellingham. and Rev. G. A.
Landle and Rev. D. G. Le Sourd, of Ta
coma, Oregon conference Rev. L. E. Rock
well. Rev. W. B. Holllngshead, Rev. T.
B. Ford and Rev. D. A. Waters, of Port
land; Rev. D. T. Summervllle. of Grant's
Pass, and Rev. M. C. Wire, of Eugene.
Many other prominent Methodists are
expected to be present at the meeting
on January 11, chief among whom are
Dr. J. H. Colburn, president of Willam
ette University. Safem; A. M. Smith,
president of the Board of Trustees of
the Willamette University: Dr. O. Royal
president of the Laymen's Methodist
Social Union of Portland; T. S. McDan
iel, president of the Church Extension
and City Evangelization Society of
Portland; and Robert Booth, president
of the Laymen's Association of the Ore
gon conference.
Our Resources Make Possible an Un
paralleled Civilization.
Writing of "The Economic Interpreta
tion of History" In the bi-monthly Annals
of the American Academy of Political and
Social Science. Professor Simon N. Pat
ten, of the University of Pennsylvania,
says this of an American future based on
food supplies:
"Not only has America " better food
supply than Europe, but the barriers to
commerce have been so far broken down
as to make the food supply of the whole
world available at our great centers.
"A new civilization is now possible to
which those of the past can offer few
analogies. Individual struggle has prac
tically ceased. A sufficiency of food comes
to the unskilled laborer, and the increase
of population even when augmented by
a million Immigrants a year, does not
increase the pressure. We have higher
standards today with SO.O0O.O00 people than
we had two generations ago with 40,000,000
people, and we could support 300,000.000
with as great ease and with as little Indi
vidual struggle.
"The great central plain of North Amer
ica is a vast storehouse of food. We have
the wheat that Europe has, but we have
it more abundantly. We have more ex
tensive grazing regions, and with corn
for fodder have superior facilities for rais
ing cattle. Pork never took its proper
place in the diet of the world until the
great cornfields of the West came Into ex
istence. "To think of tho changes in diet that
the cheapening of sugar has made is to
realize In a measure what an Increase of
population will follow the full utilization
of available root crops. We have com
bined the resources on which the civiliza
tion of North Europe depends and those
which made the ancient civilizations of
the South. The immigrants from South
Europe find here a possible diet like that
of their home countries, and in Its use
they evoke qualities in our soil that lay
dormant as long as the Northern races
were fed from. it.
"In addition to those home possibilities
the nearness and accessibility of the semi
tropical regions of the West Indies and
Central America make many new food
stuffs available and in quantities prac
tically unlimited. Measured in food, these
regions can support as great a population
as can the United States, and cost is less
than that of the home supply. We need
only a fruit and a vegetable-loving popu
lation to utilize these new food materials,
and it is at hand in the emigrants from
Southern and Central Europe.
"This food supply could not be made
available, nor could the absorption and
assimilation of southern races take place
without the recent cheapening of the cost
of transportation.
"Coincident with this improvement in
food and transportation have come social
betterments that have lengthened life and
made people more health. Great scourges
like the mediaeval plagues areno longer
possible, and fevers are so well under con
trol that they have ceased to be grievous
"To attain all these advantages a rapid
increase of capital is necessary: and for
tunately the growth of the saving Instinct
has kept pace with other improvements.
A slight change in the rate of Interest
calls forth capital enough for our great
"Food, health, capital and mobility of
men and goods are the four essentials to
progress. All of them are now abundantly
supplied and capable of indefinite Increase.
Must not this be the basis of a great so
cial transformation, changing our institu
tions, habits and traditions until they
establish a social adjustment as complete
as the present economic situation permits?
If there was a break In traditions, Insti
tutions and ideals when civilization moved
from Southern to Northern Europe, a still
greater crisis is before us when American
civilization matches American possibili
Itchlnc. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding: WIcj.
Tour druggist will refund monpy it Fazo Olnt
tnect to curs you Ja e to 14 Cay. Wc
Taxpayers of District No. 1
Will Convene.
Matter of Teachers' Salaries and the
Bond Issue for New High School
Is to Come Up for
Of the resolutions to come before the
meeting of the taxpayers of District No.
1 in the High School tonight, those which
will probably be most spiritedly discussed
are the asked-for increase in salary for
teachers and the provision for the con
struction of a new high school.
While the teachers, members of the
Board and some taxpayers are heartily
in favor of granting the Increase, Its
passasge depends entirely upon the vote
at the meeting, and as a strong opposi
tion force will be represented, those most
Interested have dubious hopes as to the
resolution's success. The result of a
canvass instituted some time ago among
the taxpayers, however, apparently guar
antees that the teachers' cause will be
favored-with majority support.
The sympathies of the Board are with
the teachers and in speaking of the mat
ter In an interview for The Oregonian
yesterday a member said:
"In the report to be submitted Monday
night we have stated that 'economical
maintenance of the School Department
does not necessarily mean to curtail ex
penditures unreasonably,' and personally,
I feel that the most economical teachers
we may employ are those that receive
the best salaries.
"If we desire our schools to be of the
highest possible standard of efficiency, we
must obtain the services of teachers who
have unquestionable ability and who are
best qualified to fill their positions. Con
sequently we must pay them good sal
aries and the teachers should really be
granted this increase."
Bond Issue in Favor.
The fate of the move, however, rests
with the meeting. Regarding the new
high school, the Board In Its report sug
gests that It be provided for by a bond
issue. Public sentiment is also generally
In favor of bonding, but it Is optional
with the taxpayers as to whethor the
school shall be erected by a bond Issue
or by an additional tax levy, the latter
being the only alternative.
Although the Board has no definite
assurance that the school will be provid
ed, they feel that its absolute necessity
will make the issue of paramount Impor
tance with the taxpayers and are ex
tremely hopeful.
6.6 Mills Levy Recommended.
The report also suggests a tax levy of
4.6 mills to provide the running expenses
of tho School Department for the com
ing year. This estimate. It Is said. Is
reasonable, taking Into consideration tho
fact that several new features have been
embraced In the curriculum and the pro
jected extensions and Improvements.
There is no doubt among tho members
of the School Department that the meas
ure will be passed without discussion.
An additional levy of 2 mills is suggest
ed for the provision of one new school
structure and a number of additions to
the present buildings. This resolution. It
Is felt, will also be passed with little or
no comment.
Several other suggestions are Included
in the Board report, but of such an un
important nature that they will In all
probability be passed almost unnoticed.
Heretofore the meetings have been held
In the Lower Hall, but tonight, for some
unexplained reason, the taxpayers will
congregate In the assembly hall of tho
High School building.
Bill Will Be Drafted to Protect the
Tho tlmbermon of Oregon who failed
m securing a law at the last meeting of
the Legislature regulating the setting of
fires, will meet at 2 P. M. today In 732
Chamber of Commerce building to draft a
bill to be presented at the coming ses
sion of the Legislature.
The Legislature passed a fire bill at Its
last session, but It was- vetoed by Gov
ernor Chamberlain on two grounds. It
provided a system of forest ranging
which he declared might prove very ex
pensive, the cost of support to fall on
the state. He also objected that it In
fringed on his prerogative In naming the
members of the commission to have
charge of the rangers.
The timbermen wish to avoid these pit
falls and will eliminate from the bill they
present all objectionable points. They will
recommund in their bill a complete and
elastic system of rangers, their salaries
to be paid by the timbermen. Just how
the burden will be divided will be decided
upon today.
Tho system to be recommended Is that a
state commission be appointed by the
Governor to have full control of the
rangers, that each county have a chief
ranger, whose duty It shall be to issue
permits for the setting of slashing fires.
He shall also hire the rangers. The chief
ranger must use his judgment as to the
best time to allow fires to be set. He must
have a ranger at every fire, whose duty it
shall be to see that the fire is" put out
within 24 hours. He is to be able to "hire
as many men as rangers as he finds nec
essary. The bill will provide that this chief
ranger be either the County Judge or
County Clerk, who shall assume the duty
ex officio and shall receive no extra com
pensation. While the chief reason for passing an
act regarding forest fires this year Is to be
to prevent the destruction of timber,
there Is also a purpose to prevent ruthless
slashing In the midst of Summer, espe
cially next Summer when the Exposition
is on.
Falls to Recover From Injuries in
Elks Excursion Wreck.
From injuries received In tho wreck of
the Elks' special train, near Centralla.
Wash., August 23, 1903. Charles E. Fran
ser died at an early hour yesterday morn
ing at St. Vincent's Hospital. He was 41
years old. and a wife and two sons sur
vive him. Ho was a member of the Elks
and Woodmen of the World. The fun
eral will occur tomorrow afternoon 'at 2
o'clock at Finley's chapel. Interment will
take place in Lone Fir Cemetery.
Peter Erickson Arrested.
For conduct unbecoming a gentle
man, Peter Erickson was arrested In a
disreputable house on lower Fourth
street yesterday afternoon by Police
man Gibson. He was released on bonds
of $20. He is a contractor. One of his
employes balled him out.
Holiday Beach Rates.
For the holidays the O. R. & N. makes
the very low rate of $4.00 for round trip
to beach points. Dates of sale, December
23 and 30. Final limit. January 3. Par
ticulars of C. W. Stinger, City Ticket
Agent, Third and Washington street
By virtue of a warrant to me directed.
Issued by the County Clerk, commanding
me to sell the several articles of personal
property and parcels of real property upon
which the taxes are levied and unpaid,
as shown by taxlist accompanying such
warrant, of the state, county, school and
other taxes for the year 1903. and City of
Portland taxes for the year 1901, I will,
beginning at 10 o'clock in the forenoon on
Wednesday, the 4th day of January. 1905.
and continuing from day to day thereafter
until the list Is exhausted, offer for sale
at public auction and sell to the best bid
der the real property situated In Multno
mah County. Or., particularly described
in tho list following:
Lamont. Thomas J. Lot 6, block 1,
Ashley's subdivision of lots 1 and 2,
block 5, Alnsworth' Tract 2.33
McCoy, Newton Lots 17 and 18,
block 4. Alblna 22.61
Grlswold. Mary B. Lot 9. block 8,
Alblna 17.85
Wirfs. Peter and Mary K. W. lot
23, block 8,Albina 8.33
Marlay. P. H. Lot 9, block 13; Al
blna 4.7S
Ryan. Matt Lot 8. block IS. Alblna.. 33.03
McEntee. Rose S. 15 feet of BSO '
feet lot 15. block 18, Alblna 4.52
Mair. Harriett Lucy N. 20 feet of E.
45 feet of lot 12, and E. 45 feet of
lot 13. block 23. Alblna 7.14
Montgomery. Mary Phelps Lots 4, 5.
6. 7, S. 9. 10, 14, lo. 16, 17, IS. 19. 0, 21,
22. 23. 24. 25 and 26. block 27. Al
blna , 135.63
Kraeft, Arthur T and Ardella A.
E. 25 feet of lot 2, block 28. Alblna 3.33
Richardson. James Lot 12. block 30,
Alblna 23.56
Investors' Mortgage Security Co..
The (Limited) S. of lot 7, block
47. Alblna 4.76
Brosy. Charles M. N. K lot 16. block
48, Alblna 5.95
First National Bank of Portland. Or.
Northeasterly 100 feet, except SO
xlOO feet In N. E. corner of frac
tional block 55, Alblna 19.99
Smith, B. F. Undivided V lots 5 and
6 and the Northeasterly SO feet of
lots 7 and 8, block 56, Alblna 84.49
Rankin. J. and H. Lot 5, block 5S,
Alblna 16.66
Montgomery. James B. (heirs) Und.
Vx lots 7 and 8. except O. R. & N.
right of way. block 69. Alblna 17.S5
Scotton. G. C Lot 4, block 1. Al
blna Addition 11.90
Wood. Chas. E. S. Lot 5, block 4,
Alblna Addition 4.76
Lynch. Peter Lot 1. block 5, Alblna
Addition 10.71
Breske. Laura Lot 1, block 1, Al
blna Heights 1.67
Sensel. Henry Lot 8, block 3, Alblna
Heights 2.S5
Gantenbein, Ambrose E.-NB. of
block E. Alblna Homestead 13.09
Frentress. Dora Lot 5. block 1, Al
blna Homestead 5.95
Marlay. P. H. Lot 8. block 1, Al
blna Homesjead 8.33
Phillips. G. D. and J. P. Lot 2. block
S. Alblna Homestead 15.95
Bauer. John W. y, of lots 1 anJ 2,
block 15. Alblna Homestead 6.90
Marx. Daniel Lot 16. block 23. Al
blna Homestead 7.14
Shadlnger. Gall Grant E. lots 1
and 2, block 25. Albina Homestead. 7.14
Freeman. J. A. and Andrew J. Lots
7 and S and E. lots 9 and 10, block
25. Albina Homestead 17.30
Freeman. Julia A. Lots 13 and 14,
block 28. Alblna Homestead 7.14
Sackett, E. M. Lot 8, Alblna Home
stead Addition 12.62
Thompson, John R. -Lot 24, block 1,
Albion Addition to Alblna 1.90
Share. H. J. Lots 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
15. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23 and 24. block 3.
Albion Addition to Albina 13.93
Heftv Lena Lot 21. block 4. Albion
Addition to Alblna 1.42
Knebcl. F. Lot S. block 5, Albion
Addition to Alblna .... 1.42
Bronaugn, E. C Lots 4, 5 and 6,
block 9. Arbor Lodge 4.2S
Pope. Seth L., Tr. Lots 1. 2, 3. 4, 5
and 6. block 13. Arbor Lodge 9.28
Bronaugh, Earl C.Lots 1, 2 and 3,
block 26. Arbor Lodge 4.76
Taylor. Wm. M. Lots 7, 8 and 9,
block 27. Arbor Lodge 4.28
Phoenix Land Co. Lots 10. 31. 32. 40,
41, 43, 44. 56. 59, 62, Arleta Park 13.42
Her. Anpa Cv Lots S3 and S4 Arleta
Park 17.S5
Phoenix Land Co. Lots 99, 102, 107,
145 and 148. Arleta Park 6.66
Reed, Charles J. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block
1: lot 3. block 2; lota 1. 2. 3 and 4,
block 3: lots 1 and 2, block 5; lots
1. 2, 3 and 4. block 8: lot 1. block 10.
Auburn Park (A. Subdivision of
lots 1 to 10, Mount Tabor Park).... S2.25
Mclnnls. Christina Lot 1. block .322,
Balch's Addition to-Portland 22.37
Portland Trust Co. of Oregon Lot
C, block 4. Beauvoir 2.32
Title Guarantee Sc. Trust Co. 30 feet
of Watson street W. of and adjoin
ing block 15, Blackstone Addition.. 21.42
Bowman. B. H. Und. 2-3 of lot B,
block 6. Boise's Addition to Port
land l-"5
Allskv, Chas. A. Lots 9 and 10.
block 2, Bourne's Addition to Port-a
land 4-76
McClure. James Lots 2 and 3, block
9. Bralnard 2.09
Maurln. Martin Lots 19, 20. 21 and
22, block 13. Bralnard 3.14
Bralnard. Wm. E. Lots 11 and 12.
block 14. Bralnard..., 8.37
Brezell. John Lots 1 and 2, block L
Bralnard Tract 4.28
Skramen. Lotta Lot 7, block 2,
Bralnard Tract 1.90
Bailey. Augusta Lots 3. 4. 5. 6. 7, 8,
9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14, 15 and 15. block
7. Brighton Park Addition to East
Portland 4.S3
Cook, J. H. and Nellie E. Lot 19.
Brookdale 9.52
Bretherton. Walter W. Lot 3 and S.
20 feet lot 4. block 1. Brush's Sec
ond Addition to East Portland... 4.76
Bretherton. Gertrude B. N. 30 feet
of lot 4 and S. 40 feet lot 5. block
I. Brush's Second Addition to East
Portland 43.03
Buckman. Lydla Lot 3. block 14.
Lydla Buckman's Addition to Port
land 12-S5
Swigert. M. E. Lots 17, IS. 19. 20. 21
and 22. block 16. Burrage Tract 7.38
Clinton. Richard Lots 20. 23 and 24,
block 8: lots 9 and 10, block 13:
lots 17 and IS. block 14; lots 12 and
13, block 15. Capltan Addition to
East Portland 8.51
Cooper. Harry M. Lots 11 and 12,
block 11. Capltan Addition to East
Portland 1.87
Preston, B. F. Lots 19. and 20. block
II. Capltan Addition to East Port
land 1.70
Smith. T. E. Lots 11 and 12. block
14. Capltan Addition to East Port
land 1.71
Sturgis, Rose M. Lots 15 and 16,
block 33. Carson Heights 1.91
Nordby, T. W. Lots 5 and 6, block
1. Carter's Addition to East Port
land 37.13
Campbell. Collna Lots 7 and 8,
block 42, Carter's Addition to Port
land 8.23
Smith. Preston (Heirs), and Walter
V. Lots 3 and 4. block 44, Carter's
Addition to Portland 23.70
Alnsworth National Bank E. 41 feet'
of lots 13 and 14. block 49. Carter's
Addition to Portland 22.61
Harrison, M. C Lots 7 arid 8. block
85. Carter's Addition to Portland. 39.93
Canadian Bank of Commerce W. S3
feet of the N. 50 feet of block 86.
Carter's Addition to Portland.... 20.23
Jenks, May W. 50 feet of lots 2, 3
and 4, fraction of lots 5 and 6:
also lots 7 and 8 and strip 30x100
feet N. of and adjoining lot 8,
subdivision lot 16. block A, Car
ter's Addition to Portland 74.97
Wood, Harry E. E. 33 feet of W. 70
feet 6f N. 130 feet of subdivision
of lot 25. block C. Carter's Addi
tion to Portland 24.51
Roberts. Laura, and Lambert, Al
bert W. et al. Undivided two
thirds of lot 5. subdivision of lot 5,
block D, Carter's Addition to Port
land 6.66
Fleidner. William W. 6 feet of lots
1. 2 and 3, block 5. Caruthers Ad
dition to Portland 1.67
Jenks, May Lots 6. 7 and 8 of sub
division lot 5. block D. Carter's
Addition to Portland 32.13
Allen. Wiley B. S. of lot 6. block
16. Caruthers Addition to Portland 11.90
Humphrey. James Lots 1 and 2:
also strip 20Vs feet wide N. of and
adjoining lot 1. block 60, Caruth
ers Addition to Caruthers Addi
tion to Portland 9.52
Apple. Lena E. 81 feet of lot 4.
block 71. Caruthers Addition to
Caruthers Addition to Portland... 42.84
Security Savings & Trust Co E. 25
feet lost S: also W. 56 feet lot 8,
block 72. Caruthers Addition to
Caruthers Addition to Portland. 14.23
Balfour. Guthrie Investment Co. E.
30 feet of N. 100 feet of block 76,
Caruthers Addition to Caruthers'
Addition to Portland 16.66
Wood, Corinne E. Lot 9. block 80.
Caruthers Addition to Caruthers'
Addition to Portland 65.43
Connell. Anna B., and Ibex Land
Co. Undivided of lots 5 and 6,
block 104, Caruthers Addition to
Portland by South Portland Real
Estate Association 4.07
Switzef, Leroy J. N. 36 feet lot 2.
block 123, Caruthers Addition to
Portland by South Portland Real
Estate Association 2S.1S
Dllley. Abram Except S. P. R. R.
right of way. E. lot 1. block
143, Caruthers' Addition, to Port
land by South Portland Real Es
tate Association 2.86
Adair. B. A. Owens Lots 7 and 8,
block 149, Caruthers' Addition to
Portland by South Portland Real
Estate Association 15.24
Title Guarantee & Trust Co. Lots
5 and 6, block 152. Caruthers' Addi
tion to Portland by South Portland
Real Estate Association 14.23
Gregory, Lenora S. E. of R. R.. S.
30 feet of lot 2 and N. 15 feet of
lot 3, block 165. Caruthers Ad
dition to Portland by South Port
land Real Estate Association 2.15
Wrenn. Samuel E. Lot 1. block 179,
Caruthers Addition to Portland by
South Portland Real Estate Asso
ciation 26.73
Hackeney. Frank, and Mary Lots
1. 2. S, 6. 7 and 8, block 1S5. Ca
ruthers Addition to Portland by
South Portland Real Estate Asso
ciation 207.77
Green. Charlotte, et al. Undivided
two-fifths of lots 17, 18. 19. 20 and
2L all except a strip of H. Slnshelm
er's, on N. of lot 26. and undi
vided two-fifths of lots 28. 29. 30. '
31, 33, 34, 33. 36. 37. 33. 39. 44. 45. 46.
47. 54. 55. 56. 57. 53, 59. 61. 62, 63. 64,
66. 67, 6S. 71 and 72, Cedar Hill. 496.47
Cake. H. M. Lots 73 and 74. Cedar
Hill 66.64
Ellis. M. M. Lots 19 and 20. block
2, Center Addition to East Port
land 3.06
Sldler. Albert, and Gelina Lot 16.
block 3, Center Addition to East
Portland . 1.54
Williams. L. J. Lot 22. block 3. Cen-
n ter Addition to East Portland 1.34
Savage, Eva A. Lot 4. block 4. Cen
ter Addition to East Portland 1.54
Daigety. Kate-Lot 5. block 4. Cen
ter AddiUon to East Portland.... 1.54
Reeves. Arthur Lot 4. block 6, Cen
ter Addition to East Portland.... 1.54
Vaughan. Sadie Lot 6. block 7. Cen
ter Addition to East Portland 6.11
Thomeson. Mary F. Lot 12. block
13. Center Addition to East Port
land 4.93
Savage, Eva A. Lot 3. block 15,
Center Addition to East Portland.. 1.54
Glfford. Harry Snuffln, John F.,
and Rhodes. Charles. Tr. Lot 12.
block 2. Center Addition Annex to
East Portland 2.33
Rydman, John A. Lot 7, block 3.
Center Addition Annex to East
Portland 1.54
Winters, Henry D. Lot 3, block 1
Central Addition to East Portland 17.14
Kllllngsworth. William M. Lot 9.
block 1: lota 7 and 8. block 3; lot
10. block 4. Central Alblna 24.99
Davis. N. M. Lot 3. block 3. Central
Alblna 4.76
Luthers, William S. Lots 5 and 6.
block 7. Central Alblna 11.90
Arekenbrenner, Lizzie Lots 3 and 4.
block 11. Central Alblna 9.52
Murton, Clarence C Lots 5 and 6,
block 21. Central Alblna 14.23
Halght. Emmon J. Lots 13. 14. 15
and 16, block 25. Central Alblna... 29.75
Halght. Emmor J. and Annie Lots
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
14. 15 and 16, block 26 Central Al
blna 215.33
Halght Edna B. Lots 5. 6, 7 and 8,
block 27, Central Alblna 30.94
Hoepcke. Emma Lot 14. block 27,
Central Alblna 7.14
Alblna Swedish M. E. Church E. 30
feet lot 9. block 29. Central Alblna. 24.23
MerrUI, Norman S. lot 14, block
3L Central Alblna 12.38
Freeman. Andrew J. Lots 1. 2, 3 and '
4, block 36, Central Alblna lfr.33
Freeman. J. A. Lots 15. 16, 17 and
15. block 36. Central Alblna 11.90
Staples, Pearl L. Lot 3. block 2,
Central Alblna Addition 7.72
Slover, Enoch A. Lot 16. block S,
Central Alblna Addition 4.76
Richards, F. W. (Heirs) Lots 1 and
2. block 16. Central Alblna Addition 5.24
Lusberg. Ollse M. Lot 8. block 16.
Central Alblna Addition 5.72
Keenan, Frank P., and Parker, E.
' H. Undivided 2-3 lots 1, 2. 3, 4. 5. 6.
7 and 8. block 3; City View Park
Addition to East Portland 11.10
Lewis, Herman A. Lot 7. block 11;
also lot 13. block 12. City View
Park Addition to East Portland.... 3.57
Clifford Real Estate Association
Lots 5, 6. 7 and 8. block 13, Clif
ford's Addition 12.62
Clinton, Richard Lots 1. 2. 3, 4 and
5, block B; lots 1. 2. 3, 4. 5, 6. 7.
8. 9 and 10. block F; lots 3, 4, 5 and
6, block G: lots 4. 7 and 8. block H;
lota 1. 2, 3. 4. 7 and 8. block I: lots
5 and 6. block J; lots 5 and 6. block
K; lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 7 and 8, block L,
Clinton 30.87
Nosier, A. I. Lots 11 and 12, block 5,
Cloverdale Extension 5.00
Newton, Jasper Lots 19 and 20, block
14, Cloverdale Extension No. 2 3.S1
Bowman, Emley L. Lots 7. 8. 9
and 10. block B. College Place 11.43
Marlay, P. H. Lots 23, 24 and 25,
block 4. Columbia Heights 4.23
Murphy. Edward W. Lot 10, block 5,
Columbia Heights 1.43
Millmore. G. T. Lot 7, block 6,
Columbia Heights 1.43
Wilbur. Rozel M. Lots 23 and 24.
block 6, Columbia Heights 2.86
Cooper. Ruby F. Lot 6, block 10,
Columbia Heights 1.43
Vucash, Palmyre B. Lot 11, block
16: lots 9, 10. 11 ad 12, block 20,
Columbia Heights 7.14
Walker. May E. Lot 9, block 21.
Columbia Heights 1.67
Taylor, Thomas J. Lots 15 and 16,
block 23. Columbia Heights 3.10
Healey. Elsie Lots 1, 2 and 4, block
24. Columbia Heights 4.52
Imbrie, Eliza J. Lots 5 and 6, block
23. Columbia Heights 2.85
Holmes. Mary Lots 14. 15, 16 and 17,
block 1, Carona Park 3.15
Gong, Lang Long Lots 32 and 33,
block 2, Carona Park 1.58
The German Savings & Loan Society
Undivided lot 3, block 36, Couch
Addition to Portland 40.46
Adair, B. A. Owens Lots 5 and 8,
block 9L Couch Addition to Port
land 140.42
German Savings & Loan Society, San
Francisco Lots 3 and 4, except S.
5 feet of lot 3 and S. 10 feet of
lot 4. block 137, Couch Addition to
Portland 80.45
HInkle. Lillian C W. 75 feet lots
2 and 3. block 140. Couch Addition
to Portland 80.92
Cook. C. E. N. & lot 3, block 1SS,
Couch Addition to Portland 19.04
Martin, John R. Lot 5 and E. of
lot 8, block 184, Couch Addition to
Portland 140.43
O'Brien, John J. W. 1-3 of lot 11 and
E. 1-3 lot 14. block 264, Couch Ad
dition to Portland 16.05
GUsan, Elizabeth R. EL 15 feet of
the W. a lot 8. block 270. Couch
Addition to Portland 12.86
McDonnell. J. R. Lot IS. block 2S8,
Couch Addition to Portland 52.36
St. Vincent's Hospital Lot 2. block
293. Couch Addition to Portland.... 23.56
Hunter, M. M. Lot F. block 1. Crys
tal Springs Addition to East Port
land 2.15
Hobson. Juletta A. Lots 1. 2. 3, 4. 5.
6 and 7. and S. 1 of lot 8, block
2. Crystal Springs Park 63.52
Kratz, A. A. Lots 1. 2, 3 and 4.
block 8; also lot 3, block 9. Dunn's
Addition to East Portland 49.02
Gibson, S. J. Lot 3, block 14.
Dunn's Addition to East Port
land 19.04
Johnson. Caroline J. Lot 10, block
16. Dunn's Addition to East Port
land 21.42
Marlay, P. H. Lot 4 block 2, East
Portland 57.12
Smith, Seneca: McFadden. W. S.,
and Kourthour, G. S. 120 feet of
block 72. East Portland 64.25
Loller, Robert H., and Frank &
Pratt, Mary L. Lots 7 and 8,
block 75, East Portland 72.59
Pomeroy, Harry H. E. of W.
of lots 7 and 8, block 120, East
Portland 16.65
Porter, Elsie O. W. of lot 4,
block 145. East Portland 14.23
Parent. Ida E. Lot 7, block 147,
East Portland 32.13
Allen, Lizzie M. E. of lots 5 and
6, block ISO. East Portland 14.23
Chamberlayn, Roxanna Lots 2 and
3, block 195, East Portland 47.60
North Pacific Church Extension So
cietyAll except S. 36 4-10 feet lot
7, block 229. East Portland 4.76
Aver. W. B. W. 45 feet of E. S3
feet lots 7 and S block 23S. East
Portland 20.59
Goodsell. David Undivided ?s lots 8
and 9, block 13, East Portland
Heights 3.00
Barker. J. Fred Lot 16, block 1,
Eden 1.73
Cross. Catherine M.. heirs Lots 7
and 8, block 3. Edendole 3.06
McWain. O. G. Lot 3, block 3,
Edgemont 4.76
Marlay. P. H. Lots 5 and S. block
2, Erwin & Watson's Addition to
Alblna 7.S6
Inman, Poulsen & Co. Lots 8 and 9,
block 2, Excelsior 4.53
Clements. E. B. Lots 1, 2. 3. 4, 5. 6,
7, 8, 5 and 10, block 9, Excelsior.... 19.52
Mclnnls. Christina Lot 2. block 10,
Excelsior 3.57
Simon. Gus Lots 11, 12 and 13. block
3. Fairfield 2.15
Fowler, J. Lots 37 and SS. block 3,
Fairfield 1.43
Hallock. F. S. S. lot 21, Fair
lawn 6.83
Lewis. Leander Lot 7. block 7, Fair
view 1.72
Austin, Edmund A. Lot L block 2,
Falrvlew Addition to East Port
land 3.57
Hanson, Mrs. Frank Lots a and 6,
block 2. FarreU's Addition 8.33
Grathwohl. Fritz Lots 5 and 8, block
10, Feurer'B Addition to East Port
land 12.3S
Koelbener.. John Anthony Lots 1
and 2, block 3; also lots 1 and 2.
block 8, First Electric Addition
to Alblna 2.33
Burpee, H. N. Lot 7, block 9. First
Electric Addition to Alblna 1.67
Coolldge & McLean Lots 3 and 4.
block 4: also lots 1 and 2. block
S, Foxchase Addition 3.31
Davenport, A. L. Lots 4. 15 and
16. block 5; lots 3 and 4, block 6.
Foxchase Addition 4.76
Raynor, Charles S. Lots 5, 6 and
7. block 9. Foxchase Addition 2.S6
Lang. B. D. Lot 8, bloc 9. Fox
chase Addition 2.15
Hershner. A. F. Lots 1 and 2, block
10, Foxchase Addition 1.91
Fox, F. T. Lots 11 and 12. block
11, Foxchase Addition 1.91
Mlsner, George M. Undivided ifs of
lots 4, 5 and 6, block 13, Foxchase
Addition 1.43
Lowensteln, Jonas Lots 7 and S.
block 14. Foxchase Addition 1.91
Gelatly, Laura J. Lots 34, 35, 36,
37 and 33. block 3, Francis Addi
tion to Alblna 3.57
Tobln, A. W. S. 53 feet lots 13 and
14, block 23, Fulton Park 4.05
Hlggins, F. D. Lots 7 and 8. block
37, Fulton Park 3.33
Fulton Park Land Company Lots 1.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 and 9, block 5; lots
1, 2, 3, 4. 5. 6, 7, S and 9. block 14:
lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, block 15;
lots 5, 6. 7. 8, 9, 10. 11. 12, 13, 14,
15, 16, 17, 18, 19. 20, 21, 22, 23. 24.
and 25, block 18: lots 1. 2, 3. 4
and 5, block 19: lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5,
6 and 7; block 20. Fulton Park.... 24.01
Starr, Anna Eliza Lot 7, block 67,
Fulton Park 3.10
Best, Joseph Lots 10 and 19. block
69. Fulton Park 2.61
Balrd, A. W. Lot 23, block 69. Ful
ton Park. 1.66
Chase, James H. Lot 24. block 69.
Fulton Park 1.66
Mitchell, Sarah Lot 9, block 70,
Fulton Park 1.91
City & Suburban Railway Company
N. 120 feet or block 105, Fulton
Park 6.61
Cardwell, Byron P. Lot 9, block I.
Fulton Park 42.13
South Portland Real Estate Co. Lot
5, block J. Fulton Park 1.45
Ladd. William M. W. 60 feet lot
2, block 4, Garrison's Subdivision. 32.37
Weller, Seth G. Lots 15 and 16,
block 2, Gay's Addition to Albina. 2.86
Wilson. Campbell T. Lots 11 and
12, block 4, Gay's Addition to
Alblna 3.34
Pallock, Robert L. Lots 5 and 6,
block 5, Germanla 2.12
Russell, John N.. trustee, and Frank
Lot3 7 and 8, block 5, Germanla. 1.40
Hudson, Henry T. Lots 1 and 2,
block 1, Giscome Tract 10.24
Barkley, Verne, and Gibson, Musa
Lot 5. block 1, Giscome Tract.. 5.95
Davey. Ullle B. Lot 6, block 11,
Glencoe Park 13.57
Llchtenthaler. F. M. Undivided 4
lots 10 and 13. block 4. Goldsmith's
Addition to Portland 18.57
McKenna, C. L. Lot 15, block 2,
Good Morning Addition to East
Portland : 2.15
Pate. J. A. Lots 10. 11 and 12,
block 12, Good Morning Addition.. 3.10
Feyrer, Louise Lots 2 and 3, block
13, Good Morning Addition 2.33
Misner. Jesse Lots 1, 2 and 3, block
15, Good Morning Addition 3.10
Alnsworth, J. C. trustee Lots 7
and 13, block 2; also lots 15. 16 and.
17. block 9. Grand View Addition.. 1.43
Stuart. C. A. Lots 1. 2 and 3. block
11. Grlswold Tract 4.29
Briggs. E. D. and Nellie W. 50 feet
of lot 1, block 101, Grovers Addi
tion to Portland 1S.S1
Markle, Cora Beginning at N. W.
corner of block 109, thence E.
30 63-100 feet, thence p. 4 deg. 11
mln. W. 64 feet, tbeno N SI deg.
31 mln.; W. 50 23-100 reet. thence S.
62 deg. 29 mln., W. 44 feet, thence
N. 40 deg. 35 min.; W. 50 feet,
thence northeasterly 111 feet to
place of beginning, block 109, Gra
ver's Addition to Portland 18.19
Croft, Mrs. M. E. N. of E. 100
feet lot 1, block 111, Grovers Ad
dition to Portland 22.14
Roper, Minnie M. and C. R. Lots
7. 8 and 3, block H, Grovers Ad
dition to Portland 4.52
Delano, Harvey H. Lot 8, block I,
Grovers Addition to Portland 2.15
Unknown owner Lot 4. block L,
Grover's Addition to Portland 2.15
Delano, Ella P. Lots 7 and 10, block
L, Grover's Addition to Portland..' 2.33
Sunnyside Land & Improvement Co.
S. of C. & S. Ry, lot 4. block
8. Hanson's Addition to East Port
land 5.72
Gay, C. W. Lot 1, block 14. Han
son's 2d Addition 3.80
Roberts, J. C Lots 1. 2 .and 10,
block 15. Hanson's 2d Addition to
East Portland 26.66
Hanson, Fred W. Lots 1. 2, 8, 9 and
10, block IS; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and
6, block 22; lot 4, block 25; W.
lot 5, block 27. Hanson 2d Addition
to East Portland .... 64.12
Kerr, John B. Lot 2. block 1. Hart's
Addition to East Portland 6.19
Linden, Robert J. Lots 46 and 47,
block 7, Hawthorne Avenue Addi
tion 2.42
Cake. H. M. and W. M. Lots 17 and
18. block 9, Hawthorne Avenue Ad
dition 2.42
Hawthorne Estate. The Lot 1, block
17; lot 1, block 21; lot 5, block 22;
Hawthorne 1st Addition to East
Portland 20.23
Klrker, A. J. & D..L. S. lots 11
and 12, block 16, Hawthorno 1st
Addition to East Portland 26.18
Hawthorne Estate. The E. lots
7 and 8. block 327; W. lots 5
and 6, block 329. Hawthorne Park.. 33.32
Beck, Catherine H. Lot 8, block
256. Hawthorne Park 19.04
Beck. Catherine H.. and Boise.
Louise H. Lot 1. blofk 287: W.
li lots 3 and 4. block 2SS; W.
lots 3 and 4. block 2S9; W. lots
5 and 6. block 2S9; lots 1 and 2,
block 296, Hawthorne Park 138.04
Fouch. Eva W. Vt lots 3 end 4,
block 296, Hawthorno Park 66.64
Wortman, Hardy C Lots 1, 2 and
6, block 2, Hawthorne Place 8.63
Thompson, Robert H.. Jr. Lot 5,
block 3, Henry's Addition 8.33
Hanson. Nellie Graff Lot 12. block
4, Highland 15.47
Garner, Agnes J. Lots 1 and 2,
block 16. Highland 4.29
Lindsay, Merritt Lot 12, block 17,
Highland 1.91
Minor. Wirt, trustee Lots 2 and 4.
block 1. Highland Park 3.10
Wilson. R. B. Lot 22, block 2,
Highland Park 1.67
Alexander, A. F. Lots 15 and 17,
block 4, Highland Park . 23.95
Holbrook, Etta C Lot 25. block 4,
Highland Park 2.38
Noble, H. E. Lot 2, block 5. High
land Park 1.67
Sheffield. F. W. Lots 12. 14 and 16.
block 7, Highland Park 4.29
Marlay. P. H. Lot 19. block 12,
Highland Park 1.67
RIggln. Flora I. Lot ' 25. block 6;
lot 10. block 14; lots 2 and 4, block
D; lot 1, block E, Highland Park. 8.81
Gwllt. John W. Lots 22 and 24.
block 15. Highland Park 3.57
Halght, Edna B. Lota 1. 2. 3, 7, 8.
9. 10. 11 and 12. block 1; lots 1, 2.
3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 12, block 2: lots
1. 2, 3 and 6. block 3; lots 1. 2 and
3, block 4; lots 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 and 8.
block 5; lots 1. 2, 3 and 4, block 6.
Highland Place 6S.07
Unknown owner Strip 34 feet x
1301-10 feet W. of and adjoining
lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 11
and 12, Hillcrest 8.57
Portland Trust Co. N. SO feet lots
23. 24. 25. 26. 27, 2S, 29. 30. 31. 32.
33, 34, 35, 36, 37. 3S, 39, 40 and 42,
block 2; N. SO feet lots 22. 23, 24,
25 26 27, 2S. 29, 30. 31, 35, 36. 37,
3S and 40. block 5, Hilton 9.03
Lehigh, William J., heirs and M. A.
Lot3 1. 2, 3. 4. 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, 11,
12. 13, 14. 15, 16, 17. 1. 19, 20, 21.
22, 23, 24. 25. 26, 27. 28, 29. 30, 31.
32, 33. 34, 35. 36, 37, 23. 39, 40, 41
and 42, block 3; lots 1. 2. 3. 4, 5,
12, 13, 14. 15. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,
23. 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. 29. 30. 31, 34.
35. 36. 37 and 33. block 6. Hilton.... 21.90
Pender. Marcla M. Lot 7, block 61,
Holladay's Addition 13.90
Archambeau. Emma J. Undivided
hi of the W. ft of lots 3 and 4.
block 63, Holladay's Addition 16.09
Murphy, John Puis Lots 1. 2, 3, 4,
5, 6. 7 and 8, block 67. Holladay's
Addition 223.73
Collinge. Carrie A. Lots 3 and 4.
block 186. Holladay's Addition 40.94
Gleen. P. Lots 7 and 8, block 206,
Holladav'3 Addition 34.04
Derby. Richard Undivided lots
1 and 2, block 219. Holladay's Ad
dition 17.00
Shane. H. J. W. lots 7 and 8,
block 242, Holladay's Addition.... 19.99
Smltn, Maria A. Undivided lots
1 and 2, block 263: undivided li
lots 7 and S, block 267, Holladay's
Addition 11.90
Hamilton, R. G. Lots 1 and 2. block
12, Honauay Park Addition 6.53
Colt. J. H- Lots 1. 2. 9 and 10,
block 2. Howes Addition 4.76
Drew. Daniel Lot 8. block 2, Howes
AddiUon 2.15
Bates, P. S., and Gazzman, W. L.
Lot 8, block 2. Howltt 1.31
Leltmann. Maurice Lot 6, block 4.
Howitt 1.31
Reldt. William Lots 13 and 14. block
1. Hudson's Addition to Portland. 1.81
Wllkey, E. Lots 4 and 5, block 2,
Hudson's Addition to Portland 1.81
Rude, H. M.. and Roberts, F. M.
R. Lot 4, block 1. Hunter's Ad
dition to Portland 1.31
Hall. A. Lots 15 and 16. block 2.
Elizabeth Irving's Addition to East
Portland - 38.03
McCarthy, Mary E. of lots 3 and
4. block 5. Elizabeth Irving's Ad
dition to East Portland 11.90
Flynn. Ella J. S. 6S feet of lot 4.
block 7, Elizabeth Irving's Addi
tion to East Portland 30.94
Hamilton, R. G. S. 36 feet of lots 1
and 2. block 4. John Irving's First
Addition to East Portland -.9.53
Prescott. Charles H.. Trustee Lot 9,
block 7, John Irving's First Addi
tion to East Portland 7.14
McCoy. M. L. Lot 13, block 13, John
Irving's First Addition to East
Portland 24. ia
Holm Martha Lot 5, block 8. Irving-,
ton Heights 1.43
Pruner. Mrs. V. S. Lots 20 and 22.
block 14. Irvington Park 1.43
Johnson, E. C Lots 21. 23. 25, 27, 29
and 3L block 20. Irvington Park.... 4.23
Jasper. Charles Lot 46 and N. Vt lot
44. block 25, Irvington Park 2.63
Johnson. E. C Lots 18. 20, 22, 24
and 26. block 35; lots 15. 1. 19. 21.
23. 23. 27 and 29. block 42; lots 18.
20. 22. 24. 26 and 2S. block 42; lots
30, 32, 34. 36 and 33. block 42; lots
14. 16. IS and 20. block 50, Irving
ton Park 13.34
Donaldson, S. C Lots 40. 42, 44 and
46. block 35. Irvington Park 2.14
Williams. Elmer Lots 39. 41, 43 and
45. block 3S, Irvington Park -2.14
Erler. Kate. Mary and Minnie Lots .
10. 12. 14 and 16. block 45, Irvington
Park 1.91
Fleming. Roger J., and Hanley P
F. Lots 41. 43 and 45, block 50,
Irvington Park I.ST
Severance, Benjamin O. (Heirs),
Learned, Otis E., Doernbecher
Manufacturing Co. and Oak Park.
Land Co. Fraction blocks 12 and
13, James Johns' Addition to St.
Johns 23.93
Catlin, John (Heirs) Lots 1, 2, 3 and
4, block 24, James Johns Addition
to St. Johns 14.45
Oak Park Land Co., Learned. Otis
E., Severance, Benjamin O. (Heirs)
and Doernbecher Manufacturing
Co. Undivided 2-5 of lot 1 and lots
7. 8. 11, 12. 13, 14 and A. James
Johns Addition to St. Johns 227.43
John James (Heirs) Lots 1, 2. 3. 4,
5. 6, 7 and 8, block 32. James Johns'
Second Addition to St. Johns 13.50
Jones, William, Trustee Lots S and
9, block 6, Kenll worth 9.76
Loryea, Esther C Lots 4 and 5,
block 15. Kenilworth 8.57
Johnson, J. J. Lots 15 and 16, block
16. Kenilworth 4 13.07
Williams, J. P. Lots 5. 6. 7, 8, 9, 10,
11 and 12, block 8, Kennedy's Ad
dition to East Portland 6.13
Mackenzie, William R- Trustee, and
Fidelity & Deposit Co., of Mary
landLots 1. 2. 3, 4 and W. of
lots 5 and 6. block G; N. 110 feet
of block H, Kern's Addition to
East Portland 44.34
Brooke. Robert Lot 9. block 1, Key
stone Addition to Portland 43-23
Burkhardt. Phoebe A. Lots 2, 3 and'
4. block 2, King's Second Addition
to Portland 113.05
Reed. Margaret G., and Burr, Cath
erine G. E. 50 feet lot 9, block IS.
King's Second Addition to Portland 42.84
Laller, Lillie B. W. 10 feet lot 13
and E. 40 lot 13, block 18. King's
Second Addition to Portland E5.6S
Mix. S. Josephine Lot 12, block 20.
IClng's Second Addition to Portland 61.S8
Ayers. Elizabeth Lots 7 and 8, block "
1. Kinzel Park 3.14
Lewis. Leander Lot 8, block 2, Kin
zel Park 9.17
Rltzlnger. F Lot ih', ' block " Z, ' Kin
zel Park 9.17
Riley. Patrick Lot 13 and 14, block
5, Kinzel Park 2.62
Walton, Maurice Lot 12. block 14,
Kinzel Park 1.S2
Lund. H. J. Block A. Kinzel Park 1.83
Simon. Samuel Lots 13, 14, 15. 16,
17. 18. 19 and 20. block 14. Labers
Addition 1.9a
German Savings &. Loan Society
Lot 5. block 3; lot 11, block 4.
Latourelle Falls 5.34
Sterne. Genie Lots 1 and 2. block
1: lots 11. 12 and 13, block 2, Laurel
Park 4.13
Jerome. Nancy B. (Heirs) Lots 17
and 18, block 1. Laurel Park 1.83
Smetzer, A. H. Lots 11 and 12, block
5, Laurel Park 1.57
Campbell. A. V. Lot 11. block 4,
Lent (town of) 3.10
Shrigley. J .M. Lots 15 and 16, block '
1. Lents' Addition to Portland 11.90
Merchants' National Bank of Port
land. Or. Lots 8 and 9. block 2.
Lent's Addition to Portland .... 1.44
Velten, Metta Lots 20 and 21. Leo
nora Place 2,24
Porter, Florence Lot 4, block 3,
Lesh's Addition 2.SS
Breske. Laura Lot 1. block 6, Lesh's
AddiUon 1.19
Dunning. George D.. and Campion
Patrick Lots 8 and 9, block 6. Lin
coln Park 8.33
Wlnkelmann, Ernest Lot 6, block
18. Lincoln Park 14.28
Schledeman, John Lots 4 and 5,
block 19. Lincoln Park 9.52
Shanahah. David Lots 7. 8 and 9,
block 22. Lincoln Park 23.55
Morgan. M. S. Lot 4. block 7. Lin
coln Park Annex 6.19
Macleay Estate Co. Lot 11, block 9,
Lincoln Park Annex 2.SS
Seward. Loren Lot 11, block 12, Lin
coln Park Annex 3.57
Harnett, Daniel H. Lot 6. block 18,
Lincoln Park Annex 3.57
Chaney. Joseph Lot 1, block 22, Lin
coln Park Annex 3.57
London & San Francisco Bank N.
30 feet of First street E. and ad
joining blocks 1 and 6 and J. street
N. of and adjoining block 6, Linn
ton 4.57
Selover, William Lots 6 and 7, block
7; lots 6 and 7, block 13: lots 3 and
4. block 25; lots 3 and 4. block 5L
Llnnton 7.13
Lowrle. Catherine Lots S and 4,
block 46. Llnnton 1.71
Carson. F. C Lots 16 and 17, block
16. Llnnton First Addition 1 63
Hall, Charles Lot 6, block 1, Llnn
wood 5.24
Durham, R. L. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7 and 8. block 9; lots 1, 2, 3. 4. 5,
6. 7 and 8. block 10; lots 1. 2, 3. 4.
6. 7 and 8, block 13, Little Homes
Subdivision No. 3. DeLashmut &
Oatman's 27.37
Phenllne. Annie E. 66 feet of S.
block. 15. Little Homes Subdivision
No. 3, DeLashmut & Oatman's 3.33
Gerhardt. Frida Lots 13, 14. 15 and
16, block 1, Lochinvar AddiUon to
Alblna 17.61
Hall. Henry Lot 19, block 1, Lochin
var Addition to Alblna 1.44
McKenna. C. F. Lot 1L block 2,
Lochinvar Addition to Alblna 1.90
Newton. Minnie B. Lot 6. block 3.
Lochinvar Addition to Alblna 1.45
Cawston. Pearl Lots 9, 10 and IL
block 3, Lochinvar AddiUon to Al
blna 3.57
Wynkoop, Charles T. Lots 7 and 8.
block 4, Logan's AddiUon to East
Portland 19.28
Andrews, Lorin H. Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
and 9, block 1; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
7. 8, 9. 10. 11 and 12, block 5, Lor
rinton 13.4S
Southeast Portland Real Estate As
sociationLots 2. 3, 4. 5, 6. 7, 8, 9
and 10, except R. of W. block 11;
lots 1. 2 3. 4 and 5, except R. of W.
block 12; McKInley Park 3.SS
McMlllen. Tlrzah B. W. 19 feet lot
1 and W. 19 feet of N. of lot 2;
also E. 33 feet of N. 25 feet of lot 7
and E. 35 feet of lot 8, block 3 Mc
Mlllen's AddiUon 10.00
Kratz, A. A. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7. 3,.
9. 10. 11, 12. 13. 14, 15. 16 and 17, block
2: lots 1. 2, 3, 4. 5. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 11,
12. 13. 14. 15, 16. 17, 18. 19 and 20.
block 3: lots 5. 6. 7 and 8, block 4;
lots 1, 2. 3 and 4. block 5; lots 1. 2.
3. 4. 5. 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. 13. 14. 15.
16, 17. 18. 19 and 20, block 6; lots 1
and 2. block 7: lots 6. 7 and 8, block
9; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 12. 13. 14, 15, 16.
17, 18, 19. 20. 21 and 22, block 10; lots
12. 13, 14, 15, 16. 17 and 18, block 11:
lots i, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 10. 11. 12.
13. 14. 15. 16, 17. 18. 19, 20. 21 and 22,
block 12; lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7. 8, 9.
10. 11. 16, 17. 18. 21 and 22, block 13;
lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6, 7. 8, 9. 10. IL 12.
13. 18. 17, 18. 19. 20, 21 and 22. block
14, Mabelvllle 64.7S
HasUngs, Jane Undivided lot 15,
block 1. Maegly Highland 6.05
McClure. Henry F. Lots 11, 12 and
13, block 4. Maegly Highland 7.85
Turner. T. A. and C. C Lots 1 and
2. block 5. Maegly Highland 6.40
Morrison, Ira W. lots 11 and 12,
block 5. Maegly Highland 2.85
McKInney. Grace N. lots 1 and 2;
also lot 3. block 15, Maegly High
land Addition 14.05
Rltzlnger, Antone Lot 11, block 4.
Market-Street Addition 15.95
Destifano, VIncenzo Lot 5. block 3,
Marquam Road Add. to Portland.. 1.43
Stefano. VIncenzo Lot 6, block 3.
Marquam Road Add. to Portland.. 4.30
King. Chas. F. EL lots 5 and 6,
block 316. Marshall's Addition 19.05
Cavanaugh. Andrew (Heirs) Lot 4,
block 6. P. J. Martin's Tract 1.90
McConnell. Sarah W. 56 14-100 feet
of block 1, Mead's AddiUon to Port- "
land 19.05
Hunt. Leonard Gaylord All except
N. 100 feet of block "A," Mead's