THE HORNING OREGON! AN, MONTAY, DECEMBER 26, 1901. SANTA CAUGHT FIRE Earl Albright Seriously Burned While Giving Presents. CANDLE IGNITES CLOTHING George A. Weitman, an Uncle, Saves Boy's Life by Using a Blankets Sad Ending of a Merry Christmas. "While playing the part of Santa Claus and distributing toys, little Earl Albright, whose parents live at 707 First street, was seriously burned about the face and hands. A Christmas party had been arranged by the mother of the injured boy,- in which a tree loaded with presents was the central feature. A number of rela tives and friends were present, and the evening was given over to festivity. Earl Albright, 14 years of age, assumed the role of giftgiver, appearing in the suit so typical of Santa Claus. His red coat was entirely covered with tufts of cotton, and it was this that led to his accident. While engaged in handing out the presents he unwittingly passed his arm over a lighted candle, which immedi ately ignited thq cotton, and In a mo ment he was completely enveloped in flame. Screaming with pain he rushed into an adjoining room, where his uncle, George A. "Weitman, was resting, and who had the rare presence of mind to smother the flames by means of a blanket. Medical aid was promptly summoned, and everything possible done to rolleve the condition of the boy. It was at first thought that the Injuries might be fatal, but an examination showed only the ears and right wrist to be severely burned. "While still suffering pain the condition of the boy is not regarded as precarious, and the doctors say that he will recover. The accident was a shock to the guests, and proved a terrifying experience to the mother and other women present. It all happened so quickly and produced such a spectacle as to render everyone help less with fright, and had It not been for the prompt action of Mr. "Weitman the result might have been fatal. Al THE THEATERS What the Press Agents Say. MAXINE ELLIOTT TONIGHT. Will Have "Her Own Way" at the Marquam Grand. Maxlne Elliott will appear in the new Clyde Fitch comedy, "Her Own "Way," under the management of Charles B. Dill ingham, at the Marquam Grand Theater tonight, Tuesday and "Wednesday nights. Miss Elliott comes here with the prestige of New York favor, and the record of hav ing scored the most unique theatrical run vnr known In New York, having ap peared at four different first-class theatersH In succession without leaving Broadway a record never before equalled by any other attraction. "Her Own "Way," is said to be the best play Clyde Fitch ever wrote. It Is a story of New York life of the present day, and dopicts m a charming manner certain features of life in the smart set which will be highly relished even by the very class thus cleverly caricatured. Miss Elliott will be supported by the same strnnc pnmnanv kcpii In New York- 'the cast includes Charles Cherry, James Carew, K. c. Here, Fanny Addison Pitt, Goorgle Lawrence, Nellie Thorne and little Donald Ga.lln.her n clever child actor. The stage settings are rich ao4 elaborate views of modern interiors. Curtain at S:15. Carriages at 10:50 o'clock. "For Mother's Sake." Thoater-goers remember with pleasure the little sunbeam Marie Heath, who ap peared here last season in that beautiful pastoral play "For Mother's Sake." Miss Heath, supported by the same strong company, will present "For Mothers Sake at the Empire Theater Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights of this week and at the regular matinee Saturday. The company carries its own car loaded with evory piece of scenery used in the four acts, all of which was painted by an artist who made a study of the scenes which wore reproduced. "The Star of Bethlehem." 'The Star of Bethlehem," which the Bon Greet players will present at the Marquam Grand next Friday and Satur day afternoons and evenings, will be IrTsharp contrast to "Everyman," which the same company presented here a fortnight ago. "The Star," while im presslve, lacks the solemnity of "Every man" and has many comedy 'scenes and Incidents. This miracle play has been specially arranged by Charles Mills Gayley as an entertainment for the Christmas. The performances are tin der the auspices of the Ladies' Aid So clety of the Portland Babies' Home, to whloh institution part of the proceeds will go4 The sale of seats opens Wednesday at 10 A. M. at the box of ficc Alexander Concert Thursday. Only three nights more and Arthur L. Alexander, tenor, will apear before the Portland public for the first time at the farewell concert which is to be given in his- honor at the "White Temple, Twelfth and Taylor streets. Portland's best mu slcians will participate. Mrs. "William A. Knight, pianist, will make her debut, and so will the Orpheus male chorus-, 2? voices, and the Alexander quartet, Mrs, Hose Bloch Bauer. Mrs. "Walter Reed. A. lu. Alexander and Dom J. Zan,-vwho will be heard in a duet and quartet from Liza Lohmann's "Persian Garden." The other singors nre: Mrs. Fletcher Linn and Mrs. Anna Selkirk Norton. Remember the date, Thursday evening. Tickets are now on sale at "Walter Reed's store. There will be no reserved seats. Ball Players at Columbia Tonight. The members of both football teams will occupy all the boxes at the Columbia Theater to witness the company's per formance of "The Charity Ball" tonight. The boxes will be decorated in the teams respective colors and several large blocks of seats have been sold to friends and en thusiasts. AT THE VAUDEVILLE THEATERS Grand's New Bill Today. The event of the vaudeville season takes place at the Grand today, where the per focmances will be continuous from 2 to U P. M. The management has spent a jrmall fortune in getting together the various attractions and the result Is a 6trong bill. Such feats of physical skill as will be shown by the Shak-Hadji-Ta har Arabs have never been seen before and only this great troupe does them They are paid a big salary and they do the greatest act of the kind ever present ed hore. "A Doll-Maker's Dilemma" is a comedy presented by the four Roberts of rare excellence. J. O. "Wise, the Choc taw cartoonist, gives an act entirely new. He uses both bands with equal dexterity. Levina and Arlington offer "Burglar's Surprise." Kenton and Lorriane do a new kind of musical act. Cumxnlngs and Merley use the "Bogus Count" as a ve hicle for their great ability. fWhVn the Bees Are in the Hive ' Is the new illus trated song of Alf Bonner. "An Impossi ble Voyage" is the grandlscope picture and it is the 'very latest from Paris. These and other attractions are on the bill and It is the greatest ever. Star. Another great bill opens at the Star this afternoon, and to accommodate holiday crowds there will be continuous per formances from 2:30 until 11 P. M. The Taggart family, famous for their wonder ful feats, will present a novel and enter taining act, and Montgomery and Can tor, rag-time kings and dancers, will pay a return visit This time they will more than duplicate their former hits. Daisy Harcourt, London's favorite, enters on her second week at this house In defer ence to popular request. She is one of the best exponents of coster songs' In the business. The bill also Includes: Ellis and Paloma, sketch artists; the Delkcs, dancers and kings of fun; "Williams, Jug gler; Arthur Lane, balladlst, and the projectoscope. Sparring Match at Lyric. The big event of the exceptional holi day bill at the Lyric this week, commenc ing this afternoon will be the appear ance of Dave Barry, the famous fistic champion, and his sparring partner In a brisk three-round bout at each per formance given at the Lyric during the holidays. This go will .be a scientific boxing match, fought out on Its merits, and will demonstrate the manly art of offente and defense as it is practiced by the greatest ring generals of our time. It will, however, of course, not be a finish fight, and will be free from all brutality. In addition to this great ex ceptional Teature there will be one of the best vaudeville bills ever presented in the city. , Don't miss the great holiday show. Arcade. This is holiday time and at the Arcade a most entertaining bill has been prepared to meet ii just the sort of amusement for holiday week. Today the Arcade will have continuous performances from 2:30 to 11 P. M. It's always good to hear a violin virtuoso, and Llols Mendenhall Is one of the best Her tone and bowing are all that can be desired, and the same may be said about her -welcome selections. "Waldron Brothers, German comedians, are also clever singers and dancers, and Genevieve Ardell will be heard in an other illustrated song. Dan and Bessie Kelly, laughmakers; Sylvan and O'Nell, sketch artists, and the bioscope make up the remainder of the bill. It will suit all tastes. Baker's Holiday Celebration. The greatest week of the year will be celebrated at the Baker with the great est vaudeville bill it has ever been the privilege of a local manager to bring to Portland. Every act which has a place on . the list will be the best possible of Its kind, having been selected with the greatest care by the Eastern booking agents for the holiday season. Start early to begin a good new year by see ing the phenmenal Baker offering. Not a thing on the programme but the very best and the management is willing to stake its reputation that nothing better has ever been presented in Portland. "We know what the people want and we are giving it to them. If you don't believe it visit the Baker this week con vinced forever afterward. Remember the new show commences this afternoon Bijou's New Acts. Mav anS Miles, with their exclusive ekptch. "Ronlnfr Thlncs " will do much to amuse the vaudeville-loving public They are at the Bijou. Tney nave an tne new songs that are worth learning to whistle nnrl enmc comical dances. Welch and Maitland present an unequaled acrobatic performance. Tne new mu Dcgms wun todays matinee. Token of Esteem. Nicholas F. SargonL whose resignation as manager of the Arlington Club takes effect on Janaury L was more than sur prised yesterday to receive a testimonial In the shape of a silver service from the employes of the club. This sorvice was presented as a token of the cordial rela tions which have existed between the manager and emploes and as a memento of the esteem In which Mr. Sargent Is held. Mr. Sargent will leave shortly for Coronado Beach, CaL, .ere he will re main some time. BUSINESS ' ITEMS. If Baby Is Cutting Teeth. Ba core asc use that old ana we 11-tried remedy. Mrs. WInslow'a Soothing Syrup, lor children tectums, it aootne tne cmio. softens tne gunu, Have all vain, cure -wind cblta and dtarrnoea. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Dec 25. Maximum tempera ture, 42 dec.; minimum, 36. River reading a't 11 J- M., 4.7 feet; change in past 24 hours, O.G foot Total precipitation, S P. M. to 5 P. M.. 0.05 Inch; total since .September 1, 1004, 14.38 Inches; normal, 17.80; deficiency. 3.48, Total sunshine December 24, 1004, none; pos sible, 8 hours and 36 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level), at 5 P. M., 30.38. PACIFIC COAST "WEATHER. Wlnd. 2 STATIONS. 3 Baker City Bismarck Boise . ..- Helena Kami oops, B. C... North Head Pocatello ......... Portland 1.... Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento ....... Salt Lake City San Francisco .... Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island .... Walla Walla 001 NW (Clear 24 20 N Snow Oil NW (Clear 01 T ISW Clear Clear Cloudy CfO.OO 0! 26K).34jl4SW Snow Rain Clear Clear Clear PL cloudy Clear 41 T i S,SE .SOIO.OOIIOIV 420.00 SE 58j0.O0.20-.NW 30 0-OS'lO V 54 0.00: JN tallO.oirf SW (Clear iCloudy i Cloudy iClear .i$00.20jl4jS .34l0.00 S Light. T trace. "WEATHER CONDITIONS. Light, misting rain has occurred today in the Willamette valley and the Sound country while light snow Is roporttfd In Southern Idaho and Montana. Elsewhere In the Rooky Moun tain and the Pacific Coast States fair weather has prevailed. It is colder this evening In Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho, and moderately cold In the remaining portions of the Pacific North west. The indications are for clondy to partly cloudy weather in this district Monday, with probably occasional light rain In Northwestern Oregon and "Western Washington. "WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 28 hours ending at midnight, December 26: Portland and vicinity Cloudy, with probably light rain at Intervals; variable winds. Western Oregon Fair south, probably occa slonal rain north portion; variable winds. "Western "Washington Cloudy, with probably light ram or snow at intervals; variable winds, mostly easterly. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho Fair and moderately cold. Southern Idaho Cloudy to partly cloudy, with probably occasional light snow cast portion. A. B. WOLLABER. Acting District Forecaster. NEW TODAY. Mort gage Loans 5 and Upwards Heal Estate City and Farm Insurance in Ail Lines A. H. BIEBELL, S02-3 XcXsy Building, Third and Stark. Store Closed :A11 Day Today. January Clearance Sales Begin Tomorrow Exclusive Carpet House J.Q.IVIack&Go 86-88 THIRD STREET PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON BOARD OF DIRECTORS. . BENJ. I. COHEN, President H. U PITTOCK, Vice-President A. S. NICHOLS, 2d Vice-President B. LEE PAGET, Secretary J. O. GOLTRA, Asst. Secretary FINANCIAL DEPOSITARY OF SUGGESTIONS FEOM "THE OLDEST (CAPITAL $300,000) as to the use of our SPECLVL CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT as de scribed iu our book of "ILLUSTRATIONS," which we shall be glad to send you. . a. u u t ttiUUK.L. w e were lounaea obligation during the panic of 1893. "We have accumulated assets amount ing to $983,833.44,4n which are included $423,805.64 of gilt-edged bonds, and $59,024.00 of choice stocks; all saleable on the New York or other stock exchanges at a moment's notice. THE NAMES of our Directors as above speak for themselves. c. uuc siuuimu.LdJ.ti.KrS include leading citizens oi .rortiana; and Heavy capitalists of Baltimore, Md., Philadelphia, Pa,, and at other Eastern and Foreign points. d. THE EATES OF INTEREST paid are 3V4 per cent on ten days' call; 4 per cent on ninety dajs' call. e. xtLtix iu&Jti usiL dv Trustees, -attorneys, capitalists, ana lor sank; ana Life and Fire Insurance Funds, and all purposes where "Bank Paper" is desired; or "Sterling Bills" could be used as an investment. f. AS A COEOLLAEY to the above, small investors in the following California, "Wisconsin, New York, Carolina. IN CONCLUSION On January 3d, us in these Special Certificates was On January 3d, 1904, the amount On December 19, 1904, it was $401,o79.37 PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 100 THIRD STREET. rrsn. mxtschan, '.Pre. SOEBTHUO W1SSUQT0I European Plan . . . THE PORTLAND FORTUKD, 03. American Plan also European Plan. Modern Restaurant. $3 PER DAY and upward. MEETING NOTICES. OREGON COM1IAXDERY. NO. 1, K. T. Special oonclave on Monday morning, Dec 2C, at 8:30, for observance of Christmas and Installation of ofilcers. Members are requested, and visiting Sir Knights are courteously Invited, to be present. W. S. MACRUM, Recorder. CAMELIA CHAPTER, NO. 27, O. E. S. A stated communication this (Monday) evening, at S o'clock, in Hill's Hall. Election of officers. By order AV. M. ESTHER KANE, Secretary. MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAV TER. NO. 14. O. E. S. A re&ulacj communication mis lonaay; evening, at 8 o'clock. By order W". M. SARAH B. GUERIX, Sec HARMONY LODGE. NO. 12, A. F. F. AND A. M: Stated communication this (Monday) evening, ar 7:30 o'clock, work in tho B. A. Degree. Visitors are cordially Invited. Br order of the IV. M. W. M. DE LIN, Sec rVANHQE LODGE. NO. 10. K. OP P. Regular convention tonight at 7:30 o'clock. In Pythian Hall, eighth floor, Marquam bldg. Visiting Knights cordially Invited. ROBERT G. MORROW, C. C. FRED P. HOLM, K. of R. and S. PORTLAND SOCIAL TURN VERBIN All members arc requested to assemble at our hail today, at 1 o'clock ,to attend tho funeral of our late member, Fred Armbrustcr, -which will take place at 2 o'clock from Flnleys Chapel, cor. 3d and Madison. By order of the Presi dent. WM. FEUSTEL, Secretary. PAST SACHEMS' ASSOCIATION The mem hers of the association will please assemble in their rooms, cor. 2d and Morrison sts., at 1 o'clock P. M. today (Monday), to attend the funeral of our late brother. Past Sachem t Armbrustcr. Please wear your caps. L. CARSTENSEN. Secretary. WILLAMETTE TRIBE. NO. C I. O. R. M. All members are requested to attend a spe cial meeting today, at 1 o'clock. In our wig wam, to pay the last respects to our late brother. P. S. F. Armbruster, whoc funeral takes place at 2 P. M., from Flnley's chapel. Members of Minnehaha and Chinook tribes In. vlted to be present. By order of Sachem. A. E. BUTTNER, C. of R. DIED. DONOHUE At her late residence In Tre raont Place. Mrs. -Sarah Donohue, aged CO years. 0 month and 24- days; beloved wife of Hugh Donohue. and mother of Mrs. Mao Ncesn. SMITH In this city, near the Portland Flour Mills, Doc 25. 1904, Michael Smith, age 74 years. Remains at Zollor-Byrnes Co.'s par lors, 273 Russell tU Funeral notice later. COST ONE MTLLIOX DOLLARS. E. A. NOYES D. SOLIS COHEN H. W. DECKER EARL C. BRONAUGH A. F. FLEGEL THE CITY OF PORTLAND TETJST COMPANY IN OREGON.' , in tne spring or lbo . w e met every upon our Special Certificate of Deposit 3 per cent on thirty days' call; we have sent them to Capitalists and states: Oregon, "Washington, Idaho, Pennsylvania, Maryland and North 1903, the total amount on deposit with $ 89,721.83 was . . .$25S,83S.30 C. W. KNOWLES, Mgr. SHEET. niTUll, 8H . . $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day E El DO BARTERS fOSTBUaiilSAIl COKMEBCUl TUTEIE31 Special rates xsado to families and slnglo gentle men. The mu Cement will b pleased at all times to show rooms and glT prices. A modern Turkish bath es tablish most is tho hotel. H. C. BOWERS, Miimgcf. FUNERAL NOTICES. DONOHUE Friends and acquaintances are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral of Mrs. Sarah Donohue, at late residence,- Tre mont Plac Monday. Dec za. at 0:15 A. M thence to-Sacred Heart Church at 10 o'clock. Burial Rlvervlew Cemetery. PAINTON In this city. Doc 1C. 1004. Eva Palnton. wife of C. A. Painton, aged 33 years. Friends ana acquaintances arc re spcctfully invited to attend tho funeral Mrv Ices, which will be held at the chapel of J. P. i iniey & son. today, at 11 a. it. interment at Pittsburg, Kan. WELCH At Basin. Mont,, on December Jfl 1004, Ulchard J. Welch, aged 57 years a months 12 days. Left a wife and three children Martin. James and Acnes Welch of this city. Funeral Monday. December 20, 10O4. 8:30 A. 31.. irom lioiman'a Chanel corner Third and Salmon sts.. 0 A. M. from St. Patrick's Church, corner 10th and Savler streets, friends rcspeciiuuy invited to at tend. Interment at. iiary s Cemetery Kindly omit flowcru. DUNNING. McENTEE & GILX5AUGIL (accessor to Dunning X Campion, under takers and embsiliaer, modern In every de tail, 7 th and Pine, i'lioao Main 43tf. Ladj a&sliitanl. EDWARD HOLM AN CO, Undertaken and embalmcrs, have moved to their aevr bolld las, Third and Salmon. Ladj- assistant, Telephone No. COT. J. P. FINLEV SON, Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. Office of County Cor- cner. Lady assistant. Telephone No, 9. F. 8. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lutly uItant. Tclepnone Host M, NEW TODAY. Holiday Bargains Cottage No. 35b Ivy St. Nearly new nve-room cottage, porcelain bath and sink, house In nrst-class con dltlon and ready for Immediate occu pancy, full 50xl00-foot lot. Price $1750, House No. 360 Ivy St. New. modern, full two-story, bay-window iront house, porcelain bath and sink, first-class condition ready for occupancy. mu ouxiuu-ioot iou race ?zu. WaKefield, Fries &. Co. Phone Main 14. 229 Stark St. AMUSEMENTS. Co! umbla Theater k'S Phone Main 311. Down-town box office. Main 110. Special Christmas week offering of the superb Columbia Stock Company, ' Bclasco and De Mille's greatest drama, THE CHARITY BALL Christmas Day matinee TODAT (Monday); December 26. Regular matinee Saturday, December 31. Evening prices, 15c. 25c 35c. 50c Matinee prices, 10c, 15c, 25c Down-to Vn box-office ooen from 10 A. M. till 7 P. M.. at Dollv "Varden candy-shOD. 327 Morrison at. After 7 P. M. at theater. Next week. Augustln Daly's oomedy. "The Last Word." Empire Theater George L. Baker, Manager. Scats can be ordered by Phone Main 117. Record business both times yesterday. HOLIDAY MATINEE TODAY. Prices. 10c, 15c and 25c Tonight. Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Prices. 13c, 25c 35c and 50c Tho real favorite. The American-Swedish comedy, "YON YONSGN" Hear the lumbermen's quartet. See the great log Jam scene. Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights and Saturday matinee, Rusco and Holland present MARIE HEATH. In the beautiful comedy drama, "FOR MOTHER'S SAKE" Prices, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c Matinee, 10c, 15c and 25c MARQUAM GRAND THEATER W. T. Pan- gie, Resident Manager. Phon,e Mam 80S. Tonight at 8:15 o'clock. Tuesday and Wednesday Maxlne Elliot Special will have Christmas IIER OWN WAY." Attraction. .Nights Comedy by Clyde Fitch. Prices Lower floor. $1.50, Balcony. S1.50. 51t 75c 50c. Gallery. 25c, 35c. Boxes and loges, $12.50. Carriages at 10:50 o'clock. - The Grand Theater New Bill Today! Greatest Ever! CONTINUOUS 2 -TO 11 P. M. Engagement Extraordinary SHAK - H ADJI TAHAR'S ARABS Whirlwinds of the Desert Sensation of the World 4The Four Roberts--4 In the "Doll-Maker's Dilemma," Kenton and Lorraine America's Foremost Musicians. Levina and Arlington In "A Burglar's Surprise." J. O. Wise Ambidextrous Choctaw Cartoonist. Cummings and Merley In "The Bogus Count." Mr. Alf Bonner's New Song "When the Bees Are In the Hive." The Grandlscope The lostest Parisian film. "An Impossible oyagc." Admission to any scat 10c; box seats 25c. STAR THEATER Portland's fashionable vaudeville play house. NEW BILL STARTS TODAY Continuous performances from 2:30 to 11 P. M. DAISY IIARCOURT. THE TAGGART FAMILY. ELLIS AND PALOMA. MONTG03IERY AND CANTOR. THE DELKES. ARTHUR LANE. In Pictured Ballads. WILLIAMS and THE PROJECTOSCOPE. 8 BIG ACTS 8 Admission, 10c; reserved box seats, 25c BAKER THEATER K77ATING & FLOOD. Masasr. Third and Yamhill. LARGEST CONTINUOUS VAUDEVUXa HOUSE IN THE WORLD. EVERY SEAT 10c One performance afternoon; two every evenlBg. ARCADE THEATER Portland's pioneer vaudeville theater. New bill starts today. Continuous performance from 2:30 to 11 P. M. WALDRON BROS. DAN AND BESSIE KELLY. SYLVAN AND O'NEIL. LOIS MENDENHALL. GENEVIEVE ARDELL. AND THE AMERICAN BIOSCOPE. Admission to any scat, 10c LYRIC THEATER (Comer Alder and Seventh.) H1QH-CLASS REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:20 to 4&0: 7:30 to 10:30; Sunday, 2 to 10 P. i. Thlo ad. and lOo will admit two peosla any matinee, except Sundays and holidays, TEN CENTS NO HIGHER. BIJOU THEATER Sixth St.. opposite Oregonlan. Programme This Week: WESTIN, MAN OF MANY PACES. DIVINE DODSON. JENNIE BENTLEY. PEARL GREYSON. MURRAY HILL. "THE STRIKE," ON THE VITASCOrE. Admission 10c. Afternoons, from 2 to 4:30, evenings, from 7 to 10:30. Sundays, continuous from 2 to 10:30. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board." "House keeping Rooms," "Situation Wanted," 18 words or less, 15 cents; 16 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc No dis count for additional insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," 30 cents for 15 words or less; 16 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 23 words. 59 cents, etc first Insertion. Each additional insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month. IMPORTANT The low second-time rate on advertising that runs either In the classified columns, or under head "New Today," will be given only when advertising Is Inserted ob consecutive days. Dally and Sunday Issues. Advertising that Is scheduled to appear ai intervals of one or more days apart will be charged for at foil one-time rate each la ertion. "NEW TODAY" (gauge metis uro agate), 15 cents per line, first Insertion; 19 cents par lino for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan. and left at this office, should, always be inclosed In sealed en velopes. No stamp is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not bo responsible for errors in advertisements taken through- the telephone. NEW TODAY. MORI GAGE LOANS - On Portland real estats at lowest rates. Titles insurad. Abstracts furalshsd. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 4 Chamocr or Cosuaercs, NETT TODAY. FOR SALE: Worthington Compound. Duplex Pump, second hand, A 1 condition. Sizs 10xl8rxl4xl0. Deliver ing 875 gallons per min ute. Check valve, lub ricator, etc., complete. Inquire A. W. Cpchran, Grcenlan Building. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 100 acres, with 20 acres under plow, 15 acres slashed and seeded and in good pasture, 0 acres of good green timber, balance good land and can be easily cleared; land laya nicely, with rich soil and plenty or live wa ter; fenced and cross-fenced; 400 bearing fruit trees, besides a young orchard o peaches, pears, etc; a nice two-story 6-room house, good barn; on good county road 3 miles from Carrollton, a town on the Colum bia River and N. P. Ry., and same distance from Kelso; close to school and church. Price, only $1500; terms on part. A great bargain; come, see it. Imus &. Wllloughby. Kalama, Wash. FOR SALE VERY CHEAP HOTEL AND excursion parte in Washougal. Wash.; finest location on the Columbia River; 20-acre fruit farm with first-class residence, near Washougal; vacant block and house with three lots In Washougal: 35x100 store building In Vancouver. Wash. Inquire at office of Star Brewery Co., E. 3d and Burn Eide sts., Portland. BEGIN THE NEW YEAR WITH A HOME OF your own 8 rooms, 1114 -Esst Salmon, $2000; $100 down. $25 monthly. 5-room new mod ern, porcelain bath, adjoins above, 31S0O; same terms. Your choice 10 new cottagea. Montavllla, 90x100. SHOO to $1400; $12.50 and $15 per month. If you can pay rent, you can buy on these terms. Phone Union 4015. ACRE TRACTS WE HAVE SEVERAL tracts of n acres ud to 100 acres for plat ting; that's our specialty; some are on car lino; all are accessible: choice one-acra tracts; terms to suit. A. C. Churchill & Co.. 110 Secoid st. WEST SIDE. 25x100, FOR $1500; SAY, IB you want a bargain for uats or nome tnat will bring you big returns and always ready to cash upon a few days' notice, you look at this; 10 blocks from 3d and Morrison; fine location; must sell. 740 Chamber of Com merce. $375 A FRACTIONAL LOT. FINE SUR rounding, easy walking distance; 15th near E. Burnside; Improvements In and paid; this price and location talks to you, so be quick. Owner, 740 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $02530x100 BEST PART OF HOLLAD AY S Addition; street, eewer and cement walks in and paid; nothing so good and cheap to be had: must go at once. 740 Chamber of Commerce. GOOD BUY IF SOLD BY THE 1ST. $2800 will buy a thoroughly modern G-room house, cement walks, gas, bath, toilet, eewers; lot 00x125 feet. Lockbox 5o4, city. NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE LN SOUTH PORT land. $1000, $150 cash, balance $10 per month at 0 per cent Interest. B. S. Cook & Co., 231 Alder st. FOR SALE A BEAUTIFUL NEW FOUR room cottage, lot 50x84. only $1000; parties going East. J 45, Oregonlan. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. . i'. electric line. O. K. Additon. Lents, Or. Take ML Scott car, 5c. 0-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. CORNER LOT. 50x110 feet; $1700. $50 down, balance $13 per month. Pnone East 075. LOT 25x100 AND TWO HOUSES FOR SALE. bet. Wash, and Alder, on Lownsdale. In quire 123 Lownsdale st. FOR SALE A GOOD FARM. NEARLY ALL In cultivation. Inquire E. M. G rover, 133 & 5th, cor. Alder. HOME CORNER LOT, 0 ROOMS. $073 CASH. Berry & Alexander. 4 ?. otn. LAND SCRir. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. Approved, unrestricted, ready for Immediate use. ijunui x-ivx.a. E F. & F. B. Riley, 608 Chamber Commerce. APPROVED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR securing title timbered or agricultural land. H. B Compson, 61S Marquam bldg. PrtPPOT nWCRVR 51VTA VV. i N--T rtTTT- cr guaranteed land scrip on hand ready to locate aiagmnis sz son, 7 r ailing bldg. FOREST RESERVE AND ALL OTHER scrips: general land practice. Collins Land Co., Concord plus. TO EXCHANGE. 20 ACRES. IMPROVED FARM. 10 MILES out. good house, furnace heat. barn, all flrst class, for sale at bargain, or part ex change for property near car line. Pltten- ger, 245 Morrison. $3000 EQUITY IN NEW MODERN HOME for small improved farm. Adareos Box 595, .rortiana. FOR SALE FARMS. 04 -ACRE FRUIT RANCH, 5 ACRES IN fruit and rest garden spot; good 7-room house, cellar, good well of water, dryer, and barn, chicken house, all Improved, un der fence: 3 blocks from railway station. $2300. half what It cost, $1300 down rest easy terms, iock nox ti, uregon uuy. Exceptionally lino Improved rann, 55 acres. east of Fortiana: electric car. Zl Jfront. FOR RENT FARMS FOR RENT ON SHARES FIRST-CLASS AP Die and orune farm near Vancouver. Wash.: good house, barn and garden. H. E. Noble, Commercial diock. FIVE ACRES. WITH DWELLING, NEAR E. 24th st., suitable for chicken ranch. Ap ply 453 I2tn St. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES, S2000 to $10,000: also business properties. $5000 to $20,000. Have buyers. L. W. Whit ing & Co.. U3 ADington Diag. WANTED WILL PAY CASH FOR 7-ROOM house, located in good district on East Side; must be under $4000. Call Western Land Cd.. 24S& Stark st. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. WOTVFSTEIN buys and sells horses, wagons. harness, buggies, farm Implements. 227 Front. LARGEST STOCK. OF NEW AN 2D-HAND Pianos. FOR SALE GOOD PIANO, USED BUT HT- tle; a great Dargam ior cuau; mtouaic 582 Broadway, cor. ma vnn SALE CHEAP PIANO USED 7 months: leaving city. Box X 36, Oregonlan, $250 CASH WILL BUY $425 PIANO; USED a few weeks; must sell at once. A 30. Ore gonlan. Miscellaneous. 4 DROP-HEAD SEWING MACHINES IN llnght and dark oak, slightly scuffed. The above, machines have been In tho office some time and will be sold very cheap- If you are contemplating buying don't miss seeing them. At 402 Washington st. tho Singer Mfg. Co., Phone Main 45SS. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK Repair it with Blaterite; it rolls, ea3- to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old Iron, tin or snmgies; nest ior new roors. Elaterlte Roofing Co"., room 2, Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE 50 PAIRS OF GOLDEN. SILVER, Lady Amherst and Japanese pheasants; afine lot of talking parrots, singing Diras ana ah gora cats. 'Portland Bird uo 3tH 3d, ana 12 N. 6th, near Union Depot. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL llard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent lames, Willi privilege ui uuj wg, rauutm bar fixtures, cheap prices. iirunswicK-uaiKe Collender, 40 3d st. A'KOLITAIRE DIAMOND RING. ABSOLUTE ly prefect and pure white weighing one carat, for amount loaned and Interest, which Is $00. Uncle .iyers, un iw,-ncar Aiaer. 30,000 CORDS WOOD AND PILES ON stumptage, 3 ana o miies west 01 roniana John Klodterman. 21st ana jjavis sts. Bargains in typewriters, supplies, office goods, rubber stamps, safes, coast (Jo., 31 btark. Moving picture film, song slides, magic lan tern3. T. P. Andrews,' 100 Mont., S. F., Col FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. HOP ROOTS FOR SALE PURE ENGLISH Cluster cutt!ng3 for sale at reasonable prices. Room 314. Allsky blfig., Portland. Or. TWO CAGE CIRCUS WAGONS. ALL KINDS vehicles bought and sold. 211 Washington. Oliver typewriters. S. H. typewriters, all makes. Norm Sate & Lock Co.. 84 sa at. BICYCLE CLOSING-OUT SALE WO WOLFF Americans now $25. 7th and Morrison. FOR SALE FRESH MILCH COWS AND) Great Dane pups. 1C04 Mllwaukle st. BEAUTIFUL CANARY BIRDS. DEEP YEL- low, cheap. 231 fe- Market st. HELP WANTED MALE. YOUNG MAN AS PERMANENT PORTLAND representative for correspondence school: mostly otnee business; experienced man pre ferred; part time only required; a lucra tive position will be made to the right man. Address Immediately, Box 1533, Den ver, Colo. THE ORIGINAL JOHN A. MOLER HAS opened one of his famous barber colleges at C44 Clay St., San Francisco; special Induce mcnts this month; positions guaranteed: tui tion earned while learning. Call or write Chas. Halstead, agent, 215 Morrison st., Portland. EMPLOTED OR UNEMPLOYED IF YOU are a competent manager, salesman, technical or office man, we can help you to a good posi tion. Call or write for plan and booklet. Pacific Commercial Bureau, suite, 45, Con. cord blk., 2d and Stark. RELIABLE PERSON EACH LOCALITY FOR business position; salary $20 weekly and ex penses; expense' money advanced; position permanent; previous experience unnecessary; business established. Address Mr. Cooper Como block, Chicago. LOGGERS, MILL AND YARDMEN, LABOR- ers, cuy ana country; men ana teams, farm hands and milkers, restaurant and mesa-houso help; work of all kinds. Canadian Employ ment Co., 240 Burnside and 226 Morrison. Phone Main 3074. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE FN S weens ana secure positions; constant prac tice; expert Instruction and examination; wages earned, while learning. Catalogue mailed free. Molcr System College, Saa Francisco, CaL DRAMATIC. VAUDEVILLE, ACTING, STAGE aancing, sxeicnea. taugnt; terms reasonable; positions guaranteed. Newman's School 0 Acting, Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington. SQLIC1TORS; ADVERTISING, SUBSCRIP- tion. .LtiDerai commissions; newspaper, pe riodical propositions. Clyde's Advertising Bu reau, 636 Chamber of Commerce. $300 BUYS ONE-THIRD INTEREST IN A good-paying office business; $25 per week guaranteed; chance of a lifetime. Apply at once, 617 Commercial bldg. TILE SETTERS WANTED TO SET 2500 rect tne oy day's work or contract. For further Information address F. H. Goas Co., Tacoma, Wash. WANTED COAT AND PANTS-MAKER AT once, pay $10 for coat and $3 for pants; must be first class. A. H. Morquardt. La Grande, Or. WANTED ENERGETIC MAN WITH $50 capital, to take interest In well-establlshea, good-paying business. Address B 46, caro Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PRINTER A3 make-up on Morning- Astorlan. Apply td the J. S. Bellinger Co., Astoria. Or. FIRST-CLASS BICYCLE REPAIR MANj state age. experience ana wages wanted. Ad dress Q 40, care Oregonlan. SNAP $40 WILL LEASE SUBSCRIPTION route ousiness; cnance ior energetic nastier 63S Chamber of Commerce. WANTED SOLICITORS WHO CAN FUR- nlsh bond. Apply Tuesday morning, 631 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED REGISTERED DENTIST AS As sistant in Valley town. S 38, Oregonlan. Men wanted to learn barber trade. Barbe- College, 741 Howard st., ban Francisco. WANTED FHtST-CLASS BARBER. COM- munlcate, J. L. Gibson, Heppner, Or. WANTED PLATEN PRESS FEEDER. PA cmc Blank Book Co., 207 2d st. DR. WALKER, l&l 1ST, CURES ALL PRr- vate diseases of men. EXPERIENCED COOK WANTED. RESTAU rant. 503 Washington. HELP WANTED FEMALE. DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KINDS CHAM- bermalds. cooks, waitresses, nurse girls, sec ond girls, housekeepers, housework, $15 to $30. Canadian Parlors, 226& Morrison. Phono Main 1323. TWO APPRENTICES WANTED TO LEARN manicuring, nairdressing and massage treat menL Call at the Raleigh. 323 Washington St., room 3S; hours from 11 A. M. to 3 P. M. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, WAIT- ers, cnamDerraaidsv general workers. St Louis Agency, 2301a Yamhill. Phono Black; 28S1. WANTED BRIGHT. UP-TO-DATE WOMEN! splendid opportunity to right persons. Call 0-12 A. M.. 53 First at. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE. work; must be good cook. Apply 135 11th st. cor. Alder. WANTED GIRL FOR PANTRY AND DIN-lng-room work at the ZInalcy Restaurant. 230 1st st. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE, work In family of two. Apply 778 E. Salmon, LADY WANTED TO ASSIST IN TAILORING. ml-tz Aider, between 1st ana -a. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 569 Johnson st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE, work. 787 Gllsan st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALSC WANTED CHORUS GIRLS. SINGERS, PER former; big salary; for vaudeville circuit, Portland World's Fair. Newman's Vaudeville. Circuit. Raleigh. 0th and Washington. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. TRAVELING SALESMAN WANTS POSITION with wholesale grocery or hardware housej references. P 30, Oregonlan. POSITION WITH WHOLESALE SHOE ORi clothing house, headquarters at Portland.' Jan. 1. O 30, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. YOUNG MAN WITH CONSIDERABLE Ex perience In promoting, with the very besS connection with Eastern and English capital, would like to hear of something first-class la mining or timber lands; send In first In stance, short description of what you. proposq to offer to P 40, Oregonlan. JAPANESE LABOR ASS'N CAN FURNISH domestic servants; farmer and all kinds ot help. Black U02. 26S Everett st. BY YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE TO HAVE; Job as Janitor or hotel work, or any kind 05 work. K 40, Oregonlan. GOOD JAPANESE WISHES POSITION TOl do cooking, hotel and boarding. Address Q 32, care Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Dressmakers. DRES3MAKINO PARLORS, ROOM 217, Allsky-bldg. Tailor-made suits and wraps o 11 kinds. Jackets rellned. Skirts bound ano pressed for $L Prices reasonable. Housekeepers. WAVTrn A pnSTTTOV AS HOIISEKEEPE In hotel or boarding-house; can give best. o. references. R 40, Oregonlan. Domestics. JAPANESE NEAT GIRL, WITH EXPERI ence as cook and housework, wants situation In family. Y 30, Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. alfalfa land syndicate; $5 monthly and up spicnuia pruuia tuauicu. vo.ii ui wfiia 31 Oregonlan Diug. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF- CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at tho "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517. HOP ROOTS WANTED. PLEASE FOR ward sample bunch, price, etc. to room 313 Allsky bldg., Portland, Or. WANTED TO BUY LOT OF SECOND-HAND illustrated song slides. Address C 40. Orego nlan. SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR 50c AT HOLLA baugh's, 207& Taylor, bet. 3d and 4th. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT. tie of all klnd3. Phone East 2233.