Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 22, 1904, Page 16, Image 16

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Sheriffs Party Cause Furor in
. Chinatown,
Had Joints Located, and Forced En
trance to Many Fifty Tables
Ruined and Twenty Doors
Are Broken.
In a raid through Chinatown yesterday
afternoon Sheriff Word and his deputies
unbolted and carried away 20 heavy doors
and smashed to bits 50 tables, alleged to
have been in use for fantan games.
The raid continued from 2:30 P. M. to
4:80. and was one of the most spectacular
of the soties made by Sheriff Word since
lie began his crusade against the Chinese
gamos. He had a large express wagon
ready to carry away the doors. The ta
bles were reduced to kindling wood with
hammers and sledges wielded by the depu
ties. The wrecked paraphernalia was left
in the rooms.
Had the Games Spotted.
Sheriff Word, with some of his deputies,
toured, the Chinese district early Tuesday
night, inspecting many of the places
where they had heard that fantan games
were running. Preparations were made
to raid such places as were found to be
violating the orders of the Sheriff, and
the work began In earnest yesterday
afternoon at 2:30.
Encounters No Resistance.
There was no attempt to interfere on
the part of any one with the Sheriff or his
deputies, or to Impede his progress. Doors
were opened to them so uiat they were
able to go in and do as they pleased.
While they unbolted the heavy doors, car
ried them Into the street, and while depu
ties made kindling wood of the tables,
groups of excited Celestials stood about
in the cold, drizzling rain and discussed
the latest action of the Sheriff.
Beginning at Second and Pine streets,
the raiders worked their way up to Tay
lor. street. where the bounds of Chinatown
cease. From there tney went to the Court
house. "We had heard that some of the games
were running," said Sheriff Word, "so we
decided to raid the district and take every
thing In sight that was being used by the
Chinese for gambling purposes. At some
of the places we found new tables. They
must have been put in lately, for the
shavings had not been removed. It looked
like the carpenters had Just finished with
A. C. Mitchell, Who Owns Two Atlan
tic City Hostelries, Is in Portland.
A. Cheshire .Mitchell, owner of two
of Atlantic City's finest hotels, visited
Portland yesterday on a tour of the
United States, undertaken principally
for the purpose of advertising: Atlantic
City. He -went over the Lewis and Clark
Fair grounds and took a fleeting
glance at the city, making a mental es
timate of its hotel possibilities.
'This city will be able to house its
visitors next Summer," he said. "All
the hotels can stretch themselves to
several times their present capacity,
and In this climate, where. I under
stand, it never becomes pppresslvely
3ibt. you will find that rooms now oc
cupied by one person will be able to
hold six and eight at a pinch. Even In
Atlantic City with its thousand hotels,
we haye to stretch our capacity occa
sionally and find that the crowd does
not object."
Tourist Coats.
lon't miss seeing them; elegant coats.
P.alncoats. A few light tan ones left;
these are the only real light tan coats in
the city. Also some dark, nearly black
raincoats, special values. Indies skirts,
tailor cloth, regular $5.00 skirts, today
$3.75. Fine black Jackets. $9.00 garments,
J.5 today. Also a splendid line of ladies
pults made of our regular tailor cloth.
Any of these garments make elegant
Xmas presents. Remember that we are
"open until 10 P. M. this week.
. Fifth and Alder Streets.
Tailor-Made for Men.
There are always a lot of men who want
-a .good tailor-made overcoat for Christ
mas, and they put it off until the last mo
ment, and then we tailors don't have
enough time to make them a coat, so
they have to go and get a ready-made
cheap coat.
Anticipating these fellows, we haye had
our tailors make up a few elegant over
coats ready to wear and you can get them
ready to put on. This is forethought in
deed, but we don't want to miss you. We
want , your trade. These overcoats are
$150 to 518.59. Easy terms. $1 per week.
Merchant Tailors, Fifth and Alder Sts.
Make it last until next Christmas by
getting him a membership in the boys' de
partment of the Y. M. C. A. For 12 happy
months he can get strong In the gymna
sium, swim In the swimming pool and en
Joy the game3. magazines and books In
the boys' game and reading-room. An
inual memberships, $4. $5, $6, 57.
English derby and French pique, worth
51.50 for 95 cents; best street glove, made
for wear. 52 grades for 51.45. fitted and
The Store Noted for Best Goods at Low
est Prices.
A Ufe-tlme chance at the showrooms of
the M. J. Walsh Co. for the next three
days. Five hundred gas and electric
table-lamps, and about the same number
of andirons and firesets, screens and fend
ers, at a discount of 20 off. Now is the
time to trim your fireplace and center
table. Showrooms, 313 Washington street.
HOLDERS Should read the analysis of the New
York Life financial methods in the cur
rent numbers of the Era Magazine; 10
dents, all news stands.
Smokers' tables for the den or li
brary, exclusive style.
If Babr In Csttiac Terth.
K ur and use thxx. old aad well-tried rtmeflj,
Mra. WlnsloWs Soothlsc Eyrup, tor cMldras
teething. It eootbea the cfciltf. corteoa the UK,
Ujjv n pals, cunt -KiaA aoUs ul AUxrfeeM.
Mean Substation of U. S, Postoffice Rear of the Mam Floor Money Orders. Stamp and Registering
The Meier Frank Store's Busy "Toyland"
i in:.:
61'' '
t w r r
I 2
6 7 6 9
5 Vr J5 15
-20 21 22 25
If you happen to be near Fifth, Sixth and Alder streets between 8 and 8:30
any morning this week take a glance at the 20 delivery wagons and tons
of Holiday merchandise piled high on the wagons and sidewalk It will im
press upon yon the real importance of The Meier &. Frank Store at Christ
mas time as well -as every other season of the year Makes one believe
that almost the entire Holiday shopping of the Northwest is concentrated
at Portland's largest and best store Up in 'Toyland" we are doubling
our sales of a year ago because the stocks are far superior to any in the
city; because the department arrangement- permits buying to be done sat
isfactorily; becausethe service is the best we ever planned Only three
days remain We are at our -best when the crowd is thickest
Games of "Pit," "Flinch." 'Tanlc" and
lock Holmes, on sale ior tC
Mechanical Train, locomotive, tender and
three coaches, 10 pieces of r i
track; 52.35 value 1.0J
Trimmed Metallic Bed, 14-in., 50c value... 34c
Chutes-the-'Chutes, now toy, 60c value.... 33c
Toy wringers, 2 sizes; fioc value, 2c;
7ac value
Table Croquet Set. 8 balls and mallets,
oiled and varnished; $1.00 value OC
Combination Keyless Lock Bank, best a a
bank made; 51.25 value o4C
Hand-made Dolls, Hickory Furniture, r o
Toys that don't break, resr. $1.50 -vol. CC
"Defender" Gdn, shoots rubber balls,
the only kind to buy; 50c value. ..... .04 C
Cut-Out" Paper Model of St Louis c
Exposltlon; regular 51.00 value 6JC
ll-ln. Drum; 85c value c
52.50 brass Upright Steam Engine $1-73
Great Doll Sale Today
Up on the Third Floor
Large hip-jointed Kid Doll with
patent Jointed arms, fine bisque
head, moving eyes, mouth
wig; 26 inches, 52.75 g i q n
value, 8 to 12 A. M 1.0y
1000 51.15, 51.25. 51.35 dressed
Dolls, the kind sold in other
stores at 51.75 to 52.00, on sale
herefrom 8 to 12 88c
Hip-jointed Kid Body Doll
bloque head, curly hair, 15
Inches long.
50c value for
Best plain - Kid Body Doll, ele
gant bisque bead, 22 inches In
length, 51.65 value, c
8 to 12 A. M $ 1.19
Dolls' complete wardrobe,
wearing apparel, "Jewelry, shoes,
These Great Picture Bargains Today
Wonderful bargains in the Picture Store for today and to
morrow. Don't miss them. Second floor.
50 beautiful Oil Paintings, different sizes, marine and landscapes;
painted by Englehardt ; values up to $20.00, j q f
on sale for
500 Framed Pictures, immense variety of subjects in all sizes;
values up to $2.50 each; your choice at qo
the low price of :. ZrQG
Magnificent Water Colors in handsome gold-leaf tf PQ
frames, size 6x14 inches; $3.25 values . . . . . v
Gilt Photo Frames in immense variety of styles.
Artistic Picture Framing to your order at lowest prices.
Fine Table Cloths Reduced Today
We place on sale today our fine hemstitched Satin Damask
Tablecloths, fine patterns, styles suitable for round or square
tables. Note the bargain. A splendid gift to give the housewife
for Christmas v
$ 5.00 Cloth, 2 yards by 2 yards, for. : 3.78
6.50 Cloth, 2 yards by 2y2 yards, for 4.65
.7.50 Cloth, 2 yards by 3 yards, for .5.50
9.00 Cloth, 2y4 by 2 yards, for. . '. . 6.45
10.00 Cloth, 2y2 by 2y2 yards, for..'. 7.85
Iull line of Napkins to match the above Cloths and all at
special holiday prices.
Tomorrow's Great 790th Friday Surprise Sale for Men
Men's $22.50 Black Suits for Christmas $12.50
f A black-suit bargain every man in town is intensely interested in A change in partnership
in one of New York's largest clothing houses enabled ns to buy 200 men's high-grade un
finished worsted suits at less than their real value In fact we secured them at the lowest
price good clothing has ever been purchased for in the history of the clothing business
Every garment of this season's manufacture, materials and styles just what men want for
Holiday wear The details: The finest black unfinished worsteds and thibets in single
breasted, four-button, round cut sack coats, Italian-serge lined, handfelled collar, hand
made buttonholes, handfelled shoulders, suits cut in the latest fashion, square shoulders,
full trousers, all sizes 34 to 44, also stouts 36 to 46, every suit $20 or $22.50 value
The exclusive clothier would ask $25 for suits of equal style and
grade Perfect fit guaranteed in every instance Tomorrow only L 1 J iV
at this phenomenally low price Second Floor Each Suit 9
See big Morrison-street window display
Smoking Jackets and Lounging Robes
T !, , : j"U- 1 L r r O I T ; J -r -r- l . -i. r t -
I auuwiug tuc xui-gcbi variety ox lvu s ouiuaaug, xjouuging ana Xiuia xvooes 10 De IO una in
the city. All the very best styles and materials and every garment priced at an exceedingly low fig
ure. Look here before buying elsewhere. Second floor, Men's Clothing Department.
$6.50 Lounging. Eobes in desirable styles, dark
gray and blue colorings 5.35
All our $15 Smoking Jackets, silks, velvets and
Tuxedos, great values at 12.35
Ail $12.50 Smoking Jackets 10.15 I
Men's $6.50 Bath Robes, of fine imported striped
-Terrycloth, 60 inches-long, sailor
collar, all sizes, great value at P6r32
Men's Smoking Jackets 1000 of them; every
new style and material, $4 to $15.
Beautiful Lounging Robes, $5.35 to $20.
Portland's Leading Cloak Store
Announces grand Holiday Bargains in all lines of Women's and Children's R.eady-to-Wear
Apparel All Suits reduced Tourist Coats and Raincoats' at special prices All
Furs at Holiday prices Bargains in Waists, Silk Petticoats, Eiderdown Sacques and Robes.
Walking Skirts, Etc. These extra special values today and tomorrow
$3.30 Wool Waists 98c Each
mam k
"200 Women's Albatross Waists, in black, blue and red;
lace stock collar, neatly made, tailored effects, An
all sizes, regular $2.50 values, on sale for each. . "OC
$6.00 Walking Skirts $2.95
100 Women's Walking Skirts in fancy Tweeds and Cash
meres, mixtures and stripes, strapped and button trim
med; regular $6.00 values, on sale q C
today at :
French Coney Cluster Scarfs with tails, $1.50 value. 95
$12.30 Silk Petticoats $5.85
Continuation of the great sale of Women's $10.00 and
$12.50 Taffeta Silk Petticoats, plain colors and change
able effects, in black, tan, brown, green, red and navy,
accordion plaited and ruffles: greatest Silk t w r f-
Petticoat value in town at, each OC
100 Women's Silk Petticoats,, in black and changeable ef
: fects; big variety; regular $6.50 rr no
values, on sale for h2-JO
Store Open Tonight Until 9:30
Oranges25c Dozen
The grade your neighborhood gro
cer asks 35c and 40c doz. for. 300
boxes just received, new crop de
licious California Navels.
All your Christmas Groceries at
saving prices. Phone Exchange 4.
1-lb. pkg. New Dates 10
New Crop Walnuts, lb jL5
New Paper-Shell Almonds,
2 pounds 35c
Brazil Nuts, 2 lbs 35c
Rice Popcorn, lb 5
1 box fancy Layer Raisins.. 50c
3 1-lb. pkgs. Seeded Raisins.25d
17 lbs. Granulated Sugar. $1.00
1-lb .basket Washed Figs. . . :25
3 lbs. Mission Figs 25?
4 lbs. Loose Raisins for 25
Qt. Maraschino Cherries 65
Cream Mixed Candy, lb. ...20e
3 pkgs. Mincemeat ....25
14-oz. bottle Queen Olives. . .25
Stuffed Dates, box 25
National Biscuit Company's fancy
package goods at the lowest
New Lemon and Orange P.eel.l5
McLaren's, Imperial Cheese,
2 for 25
Durkee's Salad Dressing, bot
tle 10, 25d, 45
1-lb. can Ground Chocolate. .25
2 cans Duchess Peaches 25
Meier & Frank's 790th Surprise Sale
$4.00 Waist Patterns $1.10
We will place on sole for Friday's
790th Friday Surprise Sale 450
handsome White dnd Colored Shirt
Waist Patterns, three and four-yard
lengths, in light, medium and
heavy-weight oxfords, madras,
piques and popolines Plain and
basket weaves in desirable patterns
and colorings Great variety to
select from An exceptionally
pleasing gift to give to any woman
Only 450 of them, remember
Better come early if you want oneValues up tf 1 (
to $4 Your choice tomorrow only, pattern y Ilv
See Fifth-Street Window Display
Silk Floss Cushions Low Priced
Another great lot of Silk Floss Cushions in all sizes, at excep
tionally low prices. Third floor
16-inch at, each 24 18-inch at, each 32
20-inch at, each 37 22-inch at, each 46
24-inch at, each 53 26-inch at, each 59
Pendleton Indian Robes in superb variety, new designs and col
orings, $4.50, 5.00 and 6.00 each.
200 beautiful Silk, Satin and Tapestry Covered Pillows in new
svlfs nnn at TiTmsrailv low Trrifps. Saa them riirpf.tlv in fr-nnf n-3
elevators. Third floor.
nanasome vown comtorters
Two great special values in fine Down Comforters Rich silko
line coverings of the best quality; filled with good quality of down;
exceptional values at
$5.50 Values $4.40 Each $9.50 Values $7.60 Each
Pendleton Indian Robes, $4.50, $5.00 $6.00.
Women's $ 1 .50 Gloves 98c
Grand Christmas offering of 800 pairs
of "Perrin's" famous real French
Kid Gloves' for women, 2-clasp
styles, self or black stitching, per
fect Gloves, complete line of colors,
black, white, tan, mode, gray and.
brown, sizes 5 to 7, every pair
guaranteed "Perrin's" best $1.50
Gloves ; your choice while they last
at the exceptionally low
price of pair
50c Golf Gloves 35c Pair
300 pairs of Women's Mercerized Golf Glove3, black white,
and gray, all sizes; best 50c values, pair
Bargains In the Book Store
Special prices on Books you want: Complete line of Padded
Poets, special, 65c vol. "Audrey," Johnston's best book, $1.50 edi
tion, 50. 1904' Chatterbox, 90. E. P. Poe's Ajax Series for
Boys, 65 "Black Beauty," 79c edition, on sale for 39- "Tat
tlings of a Retired Politician," $1.50 edition, $1.00. Portland's
new "Scenic Beauties," special, 15.
Gems of Music, vocal and instrumental, copy 45
Great special reductions on our entire stock of Bibles, Testa
ments, Prayer Books and Hymnals.
All $1.50 Copyrighted Books on sale at $1.08 copy.
1905 Calendars in immense variety, lc to $10.00.
Dictionaries and Dictionary Stands, Christmas Cards, Boys'
Books, Alger, Optic, Henty and all the popular authors.
Special Holiday Books in great assortment.
Great Reg Sole
Special holiday bargains in all kinds
and sizes of Axmlnster, Smyrna, Wilton
and Oriental Rugs.
1Sx3S Axmlnsters, JL25 value, Q-
for, each OJC
27x60 Axmlnsters, 12.75 value. i ne
for. each yloO
26x72 Axmlnsters, $4.50 value, 1 A n
for. each 0.f
36x63 Royal Wiltons, J8.50 ( nr
values, for, each O.zfJ
30x60 All-Wool Smyrnas, j
values, each Crt
Entire stock oi Oriental Rugs at spe
cial prices.
Third Floor.
Holiday Bargains
in Handkerchiefs
Great odd lot of Women's Handkerchiefs
lace and hand embroidered ef-
fects, value up to 51. for C
65c taped border hand-embroidered, hand
hemstitched Handkerchiefs tT
for JriO
$3.00 Lace and Spangled Fans $2.57
Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, val
ues. 73c: $1.50 values, $1.19; i rr
$2.50 values $1.79
Holiday Handkerchief Annex on the
Second Floor, near Muslin Underwear.
Women's $5 Shoes $3.85 Pr.
French, Shriner & Urner and J.
& T. Cousins $5 Shoes for wo
men; patent leather, patent
colt, vici kid and box calf,
Cuban or French heels; all
this season's very best styles,
in all sizes and widths, on sale
at the low price C.3t
of pr $OJ
MEN'S $5 SHOES $3.85 Pr.
French, Shriner & Urner's fam
ous $5.00 Shoes for men; this
Winter's newest lasts, in pat
ent leather, patent colt, box
calf, vici kid and velour calf;
Shoes for street or dress wear ; all sizes and
widths; great values at pair
Great Holiday Slipper Bargains
300 pairs Men's Fancy Leather Slippers in various styles, big vari
ety, all sizes, regular $3.00 and $4.00 tT A 8t
values, on sale for priO
600 pairs of Men's Fancy Slippers pair 67
"Women's Telt Juliettes and Fancy Lap Slippers, all g
sizes, great special values at pair 2)
"Women's Felt Juliettes of the best grade and styles, fur trimmed;
on sale at p 1
Children's and Misses' Slippers at low prices .
med: I