THE MORNING OKJffiGONlAy, THUBSDAY. DECEMBER 22, 1904. IS - 11 1 -, ,1 FOR BENT. . FOB RENT. , FINANCIAL. BUSINESS CHANCES. BUSINESS CHANCES. BUSINESS PIBECTOBY. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. , Booms. Housekeeping Booms. MONET FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. BARGAINS I BARGAINS t patv;' 4 ' CLalrvoTantT Snlrlualls -w- v.iPMnnvT -rvrr- nu Any wage-earner needing money before pay- ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. H EADQ U VRTE RS FO R R(0?f I VOO IT . . ES ' i Clairvoyants. bpirltnaltets. THE FAIRMOUNT HOTEL. 20 N. 6TH FOR RENT 3 ROOMS. FURNISHED COM- day can get it from us; no commission or v LILLIAN DE Kmrn i JnHOT cr airvhyaot TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT . THE ONEONTA. 187 1TTH ST., NEAR YAM- NELSON & HIND LET, 303 McKay bldg. DESIRABLE LOCATIONS that are for sale. Ifwuwanta hotel don't fall to see us N COMJWLETB LIFE READING. 30c READING RpnnmjToW for 7 DATS E...BUI1DING JUS7 COMPLETED. Ey- hill-New house; elegantly furnished apart- ' Good Iotioiia are cofnfasL Note our par- exclusive withi- ITELL TOUR NAME. MY SIS ffiLERRWEn LIFE RE .DINGS frythlng flrat-c,as and up-to,date. furnace ments. in suites of 2. 3. and 4 rooms; hot and MONET TO LOAN tjl 5WJtot 5,ow of "? aad Bma" ones- Fine plac. nice "1 room-, good mcnev. Bo posiUve 15Tl of SSwerT to tell the My -S15 j-f Hlf of hea phone and bath free, large parlor for cold water; gas range in each kitchen; cteara On Improved city property or for building 11 these don't suit, call in- make?- ttA house' can bchld ro?V?00- is Present wd future and exactly what 50c- 50c- 50c- 50c j0c 50c- us! of guests, hot and cold running water in heat and baths; free phone on each floor. Purposes. Any amount on 3 to 10 years time , onh SM-or-taM Jth LrX you want to know that I will make . , T-X.DT-T,. c.,.. fa: . room. Don't fall to see this elegant 1 with prIMlege to repay all or part of loan 40 ROOMS-Steam he?i. hot and cold water iffi S,ntemfes. NO CHARGE' NO CHARGE! l-DP-SOLEMNLT AGREE fc.rae Rooms $15 per month. 207 14th t.. SS8 JEFFERSON - 5 OR 6 FURNISHED after Sae yelr. LoXs approved from plans in all rooms, new house and all new fur- at . roo transient, cheap rent. 75. Cnl, m obtain perfw? sMtafacUoa ani AND GU,Ut.VNTEE to make you no charge near Taylor. housekeeping rooms, piano, telephone, por- ? money advanced as building progresses. rrlDS oWMy above all ex- $4500-SwellMt transient house In city new nd me superior to all MEDIUMS. CLAIR- J ca" you by name in full, names celain bath, jra or electric liehf wntnl Motgazes taken ni ,nri T.n'nwd. penses J 200 per month: cheap rent and good V-.! transient nouso in cuj, new VOYANTS and pitviwT in this city. of lour friends, enemies or rivals. I prom- 'COSMOS S. E. COR 4TH AND MOB- no childS references ;hw 4 uppWoom! , FREDSW? -St locaUo'n in the city. Price .fhlng'p tTdate- wTth u, only ,U WWtKom too to tell you whether your husband wife rison; best down-town rooms in the city; : Financial Agent. 103 Second at. near Stark. gcVi t? V, iv- Minn- P18 outwme of your present distress. or sweetheart ia true or false, tell you heat and service night and day; rates $3.50 70S EVERETT. 2 BLOCKS FROM WASH- ' ' ,B tinJuvtil fm fS: JFtRJ ' 1 7116 happiness of yor future Ufa may de- how to gain the lovo of tho one you most per week and up. Including, bath; l day. ington Neatly furnished iousekeeping LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE 38 ROOMS-Swellest place in the city: all "jVry wiOi fln , Sta Toven ' JCM bis pSn? upoa th9 riSh -olutioa and proper desire, even though miles away; how to apartments, with home-like acamoda- bolding permanent posIUons and responsible Axminster carpeU, golden oakand mahogany et?gT' ? Sk2?- liSfirt JZk alce' succeed In business, speculation. lawsuits: N' ELT FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH Hons; desirable location. accommoaa flrm8; paymLjuimd strictly conflden- furniture; clearing over 20O per 'month; c ra: baker. "ced- 3n5 There are no mistakes in the predlcUons how to marry the one of your choice; "'st-riasc board, in private family; reason- : ' toca"Q- Ual ana cneap rent and good long leas; bona, fide fS 1?,; J , .,n!f;.,0.nIXo?3-5- d by the great and wonderful Psj-chlc. how to regain youth, health and vitality. a- modern conveniences; walking dls- TWO NEATLY FURNISHED HODSEKEEP. CHATTEL LOANS S2!2a; tor . , exclusively with us. LILmvnP T TmTo- You nar wtoh to know If It to ajlvtabls Removes evil Influence, cures drink habit; c. select neighborhood.' 461 .W. Park. lag rooms, newly paptred and patatedThot .n Ponal propSyrroouVg-houses a spe- Price for quick sale. 3000. RoVm AUkbloc? 3d&and Morrison. marriage ctaa ,n bus,nM' ,0CaleS -""" cure3 aU nerV0B3 dl3' TPE NEWCASTLE. 3D AND HARRISON Sto"?v '"ouoL' COaVealeat' 10- 2ii NEW ERA LAN & TRUST COMPANY. rtJS. Phone Main 0151. "S?oit?.Dtam ffly WlflhM' 7 can I have good luck Elegant up-to-date furnished and unfurnish- ae- B0UU1- 203 Abmgton Building. It.m"house m the city, now clearing FORrvS Rt:TVP; nuTPO inc "w,1!0?8 , . How can I tucceed in business? jd housekeeping and other rooms: heat. bath, RENT NICELY FURNISHED ADingion auuaing. cLI nV)ntat 0315 1?3: 5?f rfnv ' J?. 1 ever eaioy 1110 Mzuri" of How can I make my home happy? light free; reasonable prlcea. housekeeping rooms.fowlr iSSS SALARY LOANS YOTJ CAN BORROW Cn be hadOw for ?4500. JOSEPH FORd! Manager. "Can trust my friendsr' How can 1 conquer my enemies? EI EGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS PHONE bath- telephone, etc. 704 Flanders. Call af- money Xrom us on your salary or tacome for 21 R0OMS-Very choice location, new GREAT BARGAIN IN ROOMING-HOUSES "When shall ?Sr ??? J ,a" ?,,0a 1 caooae- Ee.tri7llghtFid bitg Nt5: ter 5. evenings. Vw-'tow?" k of E&rS w3 no new StSe. See heaUThl. 1. 28 rooms, rent 05; lease; central; 2100. "How often shalffIrryr sfon "canT marj- Nw Belmont, 10 st. Mrs. L. Zlusley, THE HEILER. 280 GRAND AVE. FIRE- i'p & : WllfSSl 1 . 'Lrtoo oca- "D1 iSffiTST'lor. that rUbt- How cfcuK rival? rrri- r Proof block; furnished housekeeping suites; confidential. Payments suspndd in case of ' oa,y 1-' tlon 1230 ' fully belongs to met" Sovr can 1 make any oae Iove m8T Fl KNBBEI1 ; ROOMS. JEFFSKSOX ST W " ffS.n.'jft "KfufSf-hSS SM r I&ft ?K ,um Si . JWiiW-ss-wsa! -fisssas-sssas a g- loan co. srjse- " g zgsr-. sssisyt.'Ti'ssasL.. W PER WEEK t OR FINELY, FURNISHED FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. UPPER OR Confidential. Month, -roonth. Week. is exclusive. Fot radicular call. portunuy. ..Hov I xnalta my lire - and home How can I settle my quarrel? ItiF'rJSSrlui, l!MinaU Ut lower rnlshed I natTrcasoable to WO-Repay - to 13.33 oT J0.65 or 3.25 or particulars can. splevdid OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE ppyT" . How can I hold my husband's love? side rooms. 150 11th. near Morrison. responsible parties. J 44. Oregonian. 2f-Repay to us 5 C.65 or 43.35 or SI.C5 U ROOMS-On 10th st.: rent W. furnl- Aa? iBtSS5D ?PSJS thL nnd nrof lVea naU abacnt frin1 "turnT How can I keep my wife's love? TE DEXTER-NO. 124 12TH. COR. WASH. g ygWLY FUPNISHED CENTRALLY LO- BJ" " aas good income. 50. "Sl if iS?tST S8&&0X iSM Af SUNDAY. J CM DBAKB Ull. -I MW SSOCT - Ig OK THE EASY-PAYMENT PLAN TO -SJgSS ?rg: SSgff&SL Mf THE ELM 121 13TH, COR. WASHINGTON o PER MONTH 3 FURNISHED HOUSE- KVar"' 'l Jflf K JSTSlc JESS 20 feR8? rd?SSSi " fS"52 CIGAR STORE 8 SMgrS' TH.' FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STS. ' ,vn T TJnoto 7tn'gt- TcrrHCe- nCar Sa'rioaa LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL CIAR STRE' FINE CIGAR STORE. CENTRAL. ASTRO TRANCE MEDIUM, ' .' MRS WALLACE. 25 YEARS PORTLAND'S CHEAPEST AID BEST SINGLE ROOMS .HT- rnirvenATr frrTivrrT ttt-o r chattel mortgages, personal or salary - Heart of rtv rfninir n .iprint faiiKlnnaa. RlBht in the busy part of the city. It is CLAIRVOYANT." most reliable medium- all In trouble call "IFSJISL610 $1-23 nbedLhoDe gW gh Lfes A'5 lS"oSSnB?ffllu MSLSg"8. cf "iSS S PALMIST. hS'ffieli cek. S6 10th. near Stark, phone. Corner Alder and 13th. Fenton bldg. Phone Main 1385. cheap rent and nice fixtures; If you want StS in J nil. & cS nm '1 . n . . 77 v r. "ie' buslness. love, troubles; absent ,, . "7r7Ti7r7Z ; . a money-maker herei i encaper ones, jails & uiDaon, room -i, -o Thf Greatest Living Adviser on the Continent. friends a specialty. 16514 4th. st.. Russal NICE BOOM. BATH ADJOINING; ;PRI- J6i FIRST ST COR. Y Ail HILL SPLE V- ONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE. 7 nere-V " Morrison st. Established in Portland and Seattle for 7 Years bldg.; hours 0-5. . ?h noni wSwnS,n tlemcn; ?JL 35 ' dWly fUTOlshed'sulti of hoFsekclVoos; Leanc' w,lthout "ffS ,er ,W- "ST YOUR ROOMING-HOUSES WITH RoomKCHOnSE FOR bale CENTRAL. Tne nUac Vaa CorUad a double suarantee. . 18th. near Washington. reasonable. Phone Clay 755. ' S' tolf,l?ln.ess Ll,!) prlacll,il1 clUes- US LARGE OR SMALL. with leH?m fnfe'nt $3? , Reduced Cbarcw n MRS. LADD FINNICAN HAS RETURNED: . . Tollman. 223 Ablngton bldg. -Kllli lease till after Fair, rent 533. part 50c 50o This Week $15.00 Readings 50c 50c can be consulted dally. 412 Alder cor Ilth. FINE LARGE FURNISHED ROOM rN FRI. THE ELv rl nTH rnn WiqHTVpTnv - WE CAN MATCP TPRMS ON ANY OF can' remainder on monthly payments to Satisfaction guaranteed or no fee accepted. i . rate family, central, reasonable, for gentle- "vvrLulV1, W5II,?JI IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM 55 THF ABOVF TERMS AJ5T OF. CC8tomer i ken at once: sickness h MRS STEVENS snlritual life reader c!pn- man. Phono Main in. TJa'mvttSSZZ Bleoren to $500 on all eecm-IUes. R. L EckersonS ALLmls GUARANTEED. BUYERS cause of selling; no agents. Phone Clay 533. MM E. DR. HERZOG. FROM BERLIN. SCI- Uflc Mt mS& Yamhfllf Jor. 7th" . ' Co.. room 6, Washington bldg. Phone PROTECTED AS WELL AS SELLERS. "77-r7"7Z , , ... entlflc revealer. tells llfo from cradle to PLEASANT ROOMS WITH NICE HOME 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR TfOi:?F- clL'r 7i WE WANT 10 TO 15-ROOM HOUSES; "-ROOM FLAT BARGAIN. grave. Consultation on all affairs. Good ad- MRS. C CORNELIUS. 305 Allsky bldg.. 3d feiS??; 2uhne: 4 bl0Ck frm H bam phcSS llgbtf water. 1 Tnivo -TtPTTT!. n ALSO 20 TO 40. ,Sl"0, &0tZTs&l v,ce' suro he,P' 'tako impossible; re- and Morrison; sittings ilally. Hood 403. tel Portland. 2o0k Cth. Whltaker eU Main 3C69 LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND 5!SlSd; nt only ..VLn 'ein iwS Btorea loat lova d unites seDarated by , ' ' other securities; lowest rates. S W. Klne tpt x- m 1C00. Come, see It. Others up to tiu.wu. sj-mpathy: locates buried treasure. Fee. Rafp riAfoS'nlfoZ7 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; ' Washington' bldg"" ftoR SS5 & CO. Ellis Gibson, room 21. 204 Morrison st. mg; jggg trCn,mre- gCC' 1 Phon'ciav leia. housekeeping. neat pleaant reas0nable. 320 4th; cor. 15' 122-3-5-8 Ablngton BlOck-lOflS Third SL TT.Kp mnTF ' 8 SECOND-HAND FIREPROOF SAFES. raone Clay 1B53. c, . . . nV.i-'nni's lease Contractors. prices ranging from $25 to S150; 3 good NICELY FDHKI8HFD ALCOVE ROOM MONEY TO LOAN TO SALARIED PEOPLE G0 iSS? nfre? her 'resta' ' second-hand bank safes for sale. Call or. suitable for twe Tor three persons 169 Park' WITCH HAZEL, Front and Madinon House- or others on collateral security, small loans FOR SALE RARE OPPORTUNITY CHANCE tP S'MM Smn GibMn oom 2l" COAST CONTRACT CO. GOVERNMENT write S4 3d St.. PorUand. Or. 2ar Morrioi keeping rooms; transient; bath, efcetrio light. short time; notes bought. 333 Mohawk bldg. In lifetime to purchase first-class, well-paying. 25Slin2 Gibson, room -l. nroad. dUch. logging road, IrrlgaUon and near -Morrison. ; long-cstabllshed business; clean stock guar- Morrison st. general grading. Room 10. I. O. O. Jp. NEW AND SECOND. LOCKOUTS OPENED; rcMonable. THREE COMPLETE FURNISHED HOUSE- - ScrVr'."' fig tSaS S3 CC,. "'" A BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED SINGLE keeping rooms; central. 300 7th st. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY OR SUBURB- Siven for selling. Q 44, Oregonian. 2? orSlSiian raoKer retJu ganitarj- carpet cleaning. aucUon and com- R. C. WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN room S" week to ladv- nrlvate famili- an Property. Mercantile Trust & Invest- ' pressed air combined; carpets cleaned on patents; Infringement cases. 604 Dekum. 4oa iuiniij. Bouses. ment Co.. 405 Chamber of Commerce. WANT HONEST. RELIABLE PARTNER vfm cat-p Tnnfivn-TTorRP TU'O Iloor wltnout removal. Phono Main 5534. . Aa- . . . , . with 51000 who Is a cracker-Jack experl- blocks from Fair Ground? 813 Savler st. T- J- GEISLER, 530 CHAM. OF COM. U. S. ROOMS FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED IF TOU DESIRE TO RENT YOUR UN- LOANS on furniture, pianos, any other sccurl. enced specialty salesman; have stock on phone Main 30S2. " Coo1 Dealers. and foreign patents a specialty. team' beat. bath. gas. 26 14th. near Jeff. tenanted houses, flats, or rooms, list them ties, at lowest rates. Phone Clay 52S. East- hand and coast agency which should make 1 . with us; we do not let the moss grow on rn Loan Co.. 419 Sherlock bldg. fortune this season; references given and WESTERN FEED & FUJSti CO. PHONE stoP Drinking. Hotel Butler. 409VJ Washington Elegantly fur- the steps; we rent them without charge. - required; for particulars call afternoons or SPECIAXt NOTICES. Main 1018. Castle Gate Coal, blacksmith . nlshed rooms; tourist and traiwient solicited. H- B. Edwards. 185 to 101 1st. LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT ON REAL. PER- evenings. 572 E. Oak St.. near 14th. coal. coke, charcoal. Office Front & Uoyu GUARANTEED euro; send 50c; tablet form; . . . , oonal or chattel security. Stelnmets & Keat- Fro no sals Invited. mailed In plain package; has cured thou- 4 ROOMS, WELL FURNISHED. NEAR ST. WHY DISTRESS AND TIRE YOURSELF lng. 504 Marquam. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY FUR- , VULCAN COAL CO., wholesale dealers, beat sands. L. L. a Co., 417 Hayward bldg. S. F. Johns car line; rent $12. Phone Scott 1064. needlessly hunting houses, flats and rooms s nlsh reliable information on business oppor- finTirv to rnTRArToRi rn t a- coals; foundry and smelter coke. 329 B sc. - when by calling on us our man. Mr. ,cr., tunities in the Northwest Coast. Those de. 2Jter Dii4! Sealed oposato wlH I he e- Second-Hand Dealers. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. BATH. Young, will locate you without cost. IL PERSONAL. Mring to engage in any kind of business are wa,Verd Ptha undr?lCTedTcity Clk of Civil Engineers. lnlT?wlv . cna . , . . ; TT gas. 432 Jefferson, bet. ltlh and 12th. E. Edwards. 185 to 191 1st invited to call at their offices, Ablngton tv" city ot Aberdeen WaThlnzton un to S ' S?ARM.A5r SONS, highest price paid : Z JtlLltZ AZA HOLMES-RIBBECKB NEW INSTI- bldg.. for full details. Ths Ames Mercantile tfdp TffftSw S PHILIP G. EASTWICK, 602 WORCESTER 2d-hand furniture, stoves. 233 Front. Red 726 IRVINGNICELY FURNISHED -FRONT HOUSES FOR RENT. RENTS COLLECTED tute' refl"ed. "i11 equipped for all classes of Agency. Ablngton bldg. 1904. for the laying of 140 pieces more or block-RaUroad. hydraulic, mining and gen. 3m- room. suitable for two gentlemen. and property cared for. The Title Guarantee 2orK performed at John Woodbery's. New . . f 12-lnch cast-iron water nine from eral engineering. . t Trust Co Oand 7 Chamber of Commerce! TorlV Have your work done at home. Dr. 16-ROOM LODGING-HOUSE, ?900. tn"n"th bank fofUie Chehllls River ncS - Showcases, Bank and Store Futures. WELL-FURNISHED ROOM, WITH ALL Ground floor. 4th-atreet tide. A. L. Nclden. the world's beauty king, meth- On main-traveled Btreet, right where you o the BOUth bank of said river Said nine Danclns. 1 conveniences, at 18S 14th st. - 1 ods employed by Axa Holmes-Rlbbecke. the set the business, on one floor, lease, rent a belniKflanged. and to be laid so that when - - . THE IUTKE -MANUFACTURING CO.. COR, 2 NEW MODERN 0-ROOM HOUSES ON only graduate plastic surgeon and derma- snap, pays net $60 a month; price only $0CO. thoi ppe is In position the top of the THE MATTLNGLY ACADEMY OF DANCING 6th Hoyt; branch Seattle. Waah. NICE ALCOVE ROOM, MODERN. SUITABLE the East Side. In a good location, $18. In- tolpgist on this Coast. Portland's best phy- on terms. Othera up to $10,000. Ellis & flanges will be nothing less than 3 feet 0 tt 14th cor. Jeff. Claea or private lessons ' fir two or three. 208 11th st. Quire of Hartman. Thompson & Powers. 3 ctom for reference. Parlors, 304 Morrlioa. Gibson, room 21, 264 Morriion st. inches below the bottom of the river bed. ' ' f TLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO., . Chamber of Commerce. 1 Said pipe to be laid from about 325 feet mth 0 RANT'S ADULT and children's classes 34S lst near Market. Phone Black 3133. 41 ELLA NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS; 77 WOMAN WANTED SUFFERING FROM PARTNER WANTED WITH A LITTLE east of the east line of Fairfield street we"a:era Academy. Morrison st.. corTI " gas, bath and phone. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. NEAR STEEL Irregular, painful or stoppages, leucorrhea money to go In with an experienced auc- across the said river to Columbus street In Storage and Transfer. bridge. East Side. $25 per month John (whites) and all diseases of women, old or tloneer; location already secured; no experl- South Aberdeen. All the pipe, knuckle Educational. Booms With Board. P. Sharkey. 201 Chamber of Commerce. oS. cured by old Dr. Kessler. 230tf Yam- cnce necessary; investigate thte if you want Joints, bolts and rubber packing to be SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE moved. . Phone Main 180. ' hill at.. Portland, Or. Private waiting-room ? ?ke money; references exchanged. P. furnished by the city; the contractor to fur- fn coiiecn oronaratorv branches- smu- pocked ready for shipping and shipped: all ROOMS AND BOARD. . for ladles. Consultation free. Call or write. . - Box 374, Portland, Or. nlsh all appliances and labor, and to lay lf.v lanKulges. Suite 27 187 17th Travis, guaranteed; large 3-story brick flre- If you want to room and board In the best A STRICTLY MODERN COTTAGE SIX Inclose 10 2-cent stampr. said pipe in a good and workmanlike man- " '. . proof warehouse for storage. Office 12S house In the city call at the rooms, bath and basement. 224 East2d l " SNAP IN TRANSIENT HOUSE. ner. to the satisfaction of the City Coun- Fraternal Insurance 1st. C 2S. Olsen. Phono Main 547. ASTOR HOUSE. North, near Holladay ave Inaulre Room MONTHLY IRREGULARITIES YIELD 22 rooms, central location, right where the ell or one in Its behalf authorized Each Everything first-Class at exceedingly low 301, the Dekum. ' promptly to our painless method of treatment- business is; furnished new and good; lease; bid must be accompanied by a certified .,. nf Washlnirton. foremost fraternal 90- C. O. PICK. OFFICE SS 1ST. BET. STARK rates. 251 7th st.. corner of Madison. Tel. we treat diseases of women only? consultation rent r,Bht- 11 la bargain at $1850; terms. checx payable to the City of Aberdeen. In ''?Tr M V?- motecta the 11 vine J r and Oak. Phone 59G. Pianos and furniture Main C231. C92 2D. COR. MEADE 8 ROOMS- FULL 'ee. private and rtrictly confidential. X Ra- Others up to $10,000. Ellla & Gibson, room the sum of $200. as a guarantee that the ff.fh s'ao Sec! tilZ-aii avaihldT' moved and packed for shipment; com- r . basemen and attlcf aodern; good condW d,um Inultute. 162fc 1st. cor. of Morrison st. . 2W Morrteon st. bidder will If successful promptly execute Mitchell. Sup. Sec., uu. oi marquam bldg. 0oua flreproo brIclc warehouse. Front THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY HO- tlon. Owner 609 llorrisnn Phnn. iwi M,in a satisfactory contract and bond, according and Clav sts tel, 365-1CT 10th St.. cor. Morrison ThcVe O ner. 509 Morrison. Phone 1013 Main. DREsa SDIXS FOR RENT ALL SIZES$1 OFFICE BUSINESS-RETIRING PARTNER to the laws of the SUto of Washington, for Leather and Findings. and Clay sts. ?" Pvwa f.ew vcanc,.es: flne rooms, nicely FOR RENT 00 ROOMS. UNFURNISHED a month keeps your clothing cleaned and bas made $5000 the past yeur and will sell ""Li i." 1 0&VJ:il'i , T STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 31 N. FRONT furnished; steam heat In everj- room; plenty all on one floor, brick building, central lol Pressed, buttons sewed on. rips sewed up. his Interest in the business for $1500; pur- X-HrS? fS5l? it m riw nf ?Sr?..1B t .Mir and flndlncs- Stockton wle leath- st.. household goods and furniture, pianos. Sfnm2t?2-eti.i,ra?lll.-I?ai ?aad80me tIon. Call room 3177 Fenton bldg.? 810 h. Prompt calls ad deliveries. Unique Tailor- chaser must be energetic; duties easily "council reSwesT the right to r: e ? md cut sfockf full lUe Eastern Jum- tnlnks. tool chests, sewing machines and dining-room; table and service flrst-class. 8 ' lng Co.. S47 Washington, opp. Cordray's. learned. Call 24SVS Stark st. for partlcu- J. a" 0r all bids! bos. 189 Front st .iiern Jum aU ovablo artlcies at reasnablo prices. 'SSSi?8 TO??-i16TH YEAR; flJSIiuvvJol MRS. M. GILBERT. FROM LONDON-ALL Abcrfeea' Waahlnston. Nor. 23. -HitEYMAN CO LEATHER MFRS Trunk Factory. Fhoao Ma,n 1US5- fflce 110 " -bsarss whss - r F 3PF&aHP pcttis Anabel Russell, superintendent. E10 Flanders. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 240 STARK ST. ttd- 160 5st. Ftfrtland. Or. Phone Red 310L room, most central jtnd best located for cvh PP.OPOSALS FOR PIPE AND FITTINGS- s"PPes "ner 01 an xinaa. 1- 74 5tn. wholesale and retail. Send for catalogue. ELEGANT OUTSIDE ROOMS WITH FIRST- and insuranc. Phone Main S45. " Beslflence. 25? Harrjoon. Main 4443. HadV ipcla"7J?ltetl J0r .F?6?1 m,?.rch?? Ottlce Depot Quartermaster. 36 New Mont- Lands. tear, 2 people; $40 'aM5 month; ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. BTfi-AR-c tilse business. Addrea. Box 344. Corrallls. Or. gomery sL. San Francisco'. Cal.. Dec. 20. - . 'ters. ThLlna!uHolerMS 2 NEW HOUSES ON LINCOLN. NEAR gONOnRHOE Qsm? SYPHILIS. $750 FOR HALF INTEREST IN RELIABLE. .,-01 CoiLclMCWdf New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold ne -.inaeu -lotei, Market bet. 3d and 4th. Park c rooma fc . BLOTCHES. OLD SORES. NIGHT EMIS- established business; active and sober man until o'clock A. M.. Pacific Standard tlce. Collins Land Co.. concord Diag. anfl repa,re(L Coast Agency. 231 Stark. THE MANITOU "61 13TH ST HOMP vnn Furniture Co.. 1st and Taylor. f?i05 VARICOCELE. HYDROCELE and w"nted g?Mr; d,Ut!lS casUy a"-,re: Time, Friday. Dec. 30. 1004. and then opened Harness and Saddles TeI- 140T- HElSS.l'orl V-ROOM HOUSE OK T.OOK ST- StfttAffST ' SSTS SSSUT' """"" JSgft. t " BSuW-UfUSS ,7 WHOLE t".?.'ayr''- -" " S'Xir- F""" T.V.JSI01y BV DE. ROB. CASH BOSyESS-B.O CHAKOE TODAV Jf"r'F?&UinSSSJS! ""rSVBL-S ALLEN LEWS. WHOLESALE CROC- NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS wtttt nn 1 ei?diSVS,lfleh ?n. month's treat- f?r nei?"c ma" 7,tn ,'3 ownet: s furnished on application. Envelopes contain- hardware, leather all kinds. .2-74 5th st. ery, cor. N. Frcnt and Davis sts.. Port- ... . i L itrs iblii.U BOOMS, WITH OR FOR RENT 4 NEW 0-ROOM FLATK NEAR ment. 2; 3 months'. $5. Sent securely scaled tired of hired help and- will Guarantee inc. m-ooosahi to be marked "Proposals for " iand. Or. .U-t rhiu Pd .1jUrkt?P,!,,E Mirkot on xrkn itm ,na,i' rtAs:CnU' ' Clarke i Co. purchaser at least $85 nWhly as This part- P,e,Pa. No. 10?04T. L aCa to , -i"uB ,liXJVC3r' WkHOLK; rooms, reasonable. 344 E. 2d st.. North. Doolcy & Co., 88 3d st, - "-. Portland. Or. ner. Call 248 Stark st. Major C. A. Devol. Q. M., U. S. A., Depot al sa daihardware J1' lcather and Hpiei?rViJ,i JtityJu2&: CHEAP-o-ROOM COTTAGE NEAR LIN- THE STAR HAIR REMEDY RESTORES SALOON FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST Qaartenaa9ter- saddlery har ware. 3t- JSXSKB. finSroonlTaMlenLs" coln and Park: 512. Powers Furniture Co.. SSLuhRiJ to, color, promotes the places In Portland; under control of no PROPOSALS FOR PLUMBING SUPPLIES- Junk. Hides and Felts. LADD & TILTON. BANKERS omia.a room, transients, potn car iinea. 1st and Taylor. ' Browth of tolr and removes dandruff ; not a brewery; very cheap at $6500; we also have Office Depot Quartermaster. 36 New Mont- 1 . ESTABLISHED IN 1S50. -n-5 10TIWJTC- vpokt -RnrixT ctttt at3t dye. Paris Hair Store. 308 Washington st. opening for man as partner; $600 required. gomery st., San Francisco. Cal.. Dec. 17. L. SHANK & CO PUKCHASERS OF Transacts a general banking business. ,.iSrV TwJ-oaJ. SUITABLE FOR RENT COTTAGE 4 ROOMS $10 E. t ,mrc Call at 248 Stark st. 1904,-Sealed proposals, in triplicate, subject hides, pelts, wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, interest allowed on time deposits. 1 TJ JnUemcnU no,me cok,ln&. rnace Ash 8t beC 10th and 17th AddIv L East LADIES ATTENTION! ORIGINAL FRENCH to usual conditions, will be received here metals and sacks. J42 Front st. Collections made at all points on favor- heat. bath, gas and phone; $45. 10th B -aal Tansy Wafers for sale by leading druggists; SPLENDID LITTLE PLACE FOR $450. until 10 o'clock A. M.. Pacific Standard Time. TZ 7T able terms. Letters of credit Issued avatl- VI5,Tnn5 tr, r.pJerr ,?x: !af0,aad rllablfi S. G. Skid- 7-room rooming-house, near this office, rent Tuewiay. Dec. 27, 1004. and then opened, for Marble and Oranite. v m Europe and. all points In the United i.oiJSr.S Jllzr . NICELY AC- S-ROOM HOUSE. EAST SIDE ON CAR 01 & Special Agents. 151 3d st. only $30. income $60. It is a bargain. Other furnishing water closets, pipe and fittings. . .. x.nvtn,..-. ' States. commodated in select place central loca- line; $20. Poxvcrs Future Co 1st and Tc:r-v-,v. houses up to $19,000. Ellis & Gibson, room for Manila. P. I. The United States reserves MMtBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS sight exchange and telegraphic transfers tlon. 394 Columbia. Main 2219. Taylor u-mture 1st and B PRESENTING THis AD AT THE NEW 21. 264 Morrison st. right to accept or reject any or all bids, or For bargains see Weeks; no agents; v20 per ao,dBon New York. Washington. Chicago. St. TTTV..TTT. 1 Home office. 3o0 Morrison st., you can get any part thereof. Information furnished on cent saved. At -20 Front, cor. Hooker. Louis Denver. Omaha. San Francisco and Svr?,?? HOME. ?i3M0DERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE- NFW fiS?9 SlnBCr 0r Wh,te for 15' Mlt ?350 tO $500-AN EXCEPTIONAL OPENING application. Envelopes containing proposals , various points in Oregon. Washington and limSfS Easlish faml,y- 215 12th sU cor. S03 Nelson- take 12 A n k e nvcar D r D nr flnlaa' Is offered a desirable party to take half In- to be marked "Proposals for Plumbing. Sup- Northwest Ylavl Co. Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. salmon. . - Aua.f.nj car. jjr. -uar- tcrest n a fl(Je bU9mem. 3 a wek plies. No. 0925." and addressed to Major C. ,n ..n,.. Exchange on London. Paris. BerUn. n0n ctttt-tt ttot vnTTx'r' r-.x.' print your name on 30 calling cards. guaranteed; references exchanged. O 42. A. Devol. Q. M.. U. S. A., Depot Quarter- LEWIS BLDG., PARK AND MORRISON STS. Frankfort. Hong Kong. Yokohama, Manila ?MvnH. ?nv?-F?-T?5G MEN' LABCP nrw -tt?-. nr aqc t nn,Tmv Proper sire and style. c; 50 busing cards Oregonian. master. Call or send stamp for Health Book. anil Honolulu. best home cooking. 4S E. Ankeny. near LARGE HOlSE. FIRST-CLASS LOCATION; 51. Brown & Schmale 229 1st Portland Or 1 gth L part furniture ror sale; will lease. R 7. Or. L 1 1 FOR RENT LARGE HOTEL, GOOD CON- OFFICE OF C. Q. M.. VANCOUVER BAR- Medical. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK norm TiOATin nnnv tTirw TTT 5-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT 4Vi RrKKiYOTT FRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE ACCU- dltion. centrally located In thriving col- racks. Wash.. Dsc. 19. 1904. Sealed pro- ,,T,.r T . 7 PORTLAND. OR. ? .? mT ' ,?9.NE AND it imiv iim rf...ii- I t?i OD rately and reasonably filled at BseU'a lege town; also the furniture therein for posals in triplicate will be rocelved hero TiR. PAUL CROMWELL, the colored special- j FRANK WATSON President I bath. $4..5 per week. 32 N. 11th st. Main st. Apply 361 Gantenbeln ave; $12 per mo. Pharmacy. 227 Morrison, bet. 1st and 2d. sale at a bargain. Address Box 344. Cor- Unt 111 o'clock A. M. Januar? 12 1905 1st. sanatorium. 127 N. 12 th. cor Glisan. r i DURHAM .... ....... .Vice-President &uo- vrn npvT cnnnf um.cp ,mn,v vallls. Or. for furnishing fuel at Fort Lawton Wash' Consult this old doctor and learn what your r HOYT Cashier ggfelSg-Jgg tSZSSS&JZR, MSS?k Z-ASPJSiS WAKTE: REHADLB BUS.-.ESS gHTH " "Z tSsIFtS'S- out board, block from car line. Main 3634. FOR RENT 7 ROOMS- BVTH HOT AND Book Store. 201 Alder st. man wants $1000 to open good-paying gro- reserves the right to reject or accept any Machinery. BUSINESS. .Sfr r5,- n-??0? E CM 1S' ' YOUNG LADY GIVES MASSAGE AND k .fa-Iudllr. 3.0 velopV'Salnlng Sl. "Sw bo" B. TRENKMAN & CO MINING SAWMILLS. Draft. SHulS'ot ?r?dTtSed. avalN suite or single, board, hot and cold water. FOR RENT-FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. 30TH &5EF&Fa treatment. TOrt st. SgJSSSS fo'rV Forage at &ygSSSF hydraulic pipes, castings. ad5aerts 815 MORRISON-Deslrable rooms, hot. cold and Evcrett' Phoae Palm. Room 189 3d. $5000 WANTED IN ESTABLISHED BUSI- " addressed F. G. HODGSON. C. Q. M. All kinds repaired. 104 I. 4th. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought. ZLT10 r0m' lg3 WtkZc ranPffiEnoer StJESSnSZ Masters' NoUces. chYneS SS.ll SPSSS -ONDON SA.CO BANK- 'VSSMmB squire Phone Main 3. C15 Fenton bldg. .0 thorough investigation. C 21. Oregonian. GERMAN SHIP CARL. CAPTAIN HASHA- Chamber of ComJildlng. Third and ELE.ANTLYrSHBRAND-NEW SSSTSa Fr BB JUST OPENED THE LURLINE BATH PAR-- era.S FPPER FLAT 6 ROOMS ON COLUMBIA. tJS.V2! f open SSSS. fniS.' Krenn"1'' g SHVSff Mquroo ZSnX gSffig Ctggg- " r "m OF' WANTED PARTNER IN POULTRY RANCH NOTICE A EETING OF THE STOCF gneUc mlg'e. 'manfeuringnd3 effift g ett FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTARP -ft vc- balm r,.F?9? FOR ALIj FEMALE DIS- by man thoroughly experienced In busings; AT,.7 r fh ronl- UniMFnJ STCK ody; kind attention given patrons. 323 domestic exchange. Interest paid on time de- sb rogKin?rtS?TilS eases. 434 Alder st. Phone Main 4832. P---: -an Jg- SlSta, xI ' M S W. A. -ACRAE. Mgr. tlon. H 36. Oregonian. ' S ,th 8U FIRST-CLASS SECRET SERVICE WORK PMnFrtrf.wv x 1 ?DCCmDer' YOUNG LADY. SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE WELLS FARGO & CO BANK ' -ctcft Y FiTRVTRWTgn ft Ttnrtxr TjTTor. t,t done, reasonable rate. Q 00. Oregonian. IF A SMART BUSINESS WOMAN WITH 1004' ,11 ,Pv,, or p.ur- Vapor, cabinet baths, magnetic treatment. corner Second and Washington 6-ROOM FLAT. NEW. MODERN CEN- nnoTnril, 5S?f2f?2 H ?uOUS?;,PV $23CO will call on us. we can arrange for her po" .o elcc';,ln, a btard.f fl7e "etor alcohol rubs, salt glows: good attention given homer S KING President tral. steam heat. Frknk a Hart. She." ano Included. 309 Jefferson, or phone Black Jho bt rooming-house proposition In this and transacting such other business as to patrons. The Raleigh. 0th and Washing- HOMER ' rsn Fricisco "M,dent lock bldg. faaer 1C0- LOST AND 3QUND. city. H. E. Edwards. 181 to 191 1st. 'fi ySttf s'tty mMtlar'' ton- lors 15-10. fiwt floor. R LEjV BARNES !?..!.".. Cashier FOR RENT i NEW 6-ROOM FLATS NEAR a?15 lltET tlrlS?3, SVR' LOST BETWEEN 10 O'CLOCK AND NOON.' $10.000-RELIABLE AND COMPETENT PAR- secre ary. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A FIRST- WALTER A. HOLT. Assistant Cashier Market on 13th. Call 455 Market 'st. side. Apply at Oxford. 68 6th. references. Saturday, a sliver net purse, containing $40 ty with $10,000 secures position worth $3B00 nnmVEsa DiREfrnnv cl.ass steaal .ba and, ,maf,ct,c massage. General banking business transacted. Ex- l . ' D t,-.-. .T..rr-,, - t rrr TZT In gold and some change. Finder will be annhally. The National Financing Company, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Rivo me a trial; satisfaction guaranteed. cCll"eJ Tsold and letters of crcdlt iss Housekeeping Boom.. . F?age.Rtaqulre744N tho"r;Ra.M CT" "y by returning to 5G GIN 208 Marquam bldg.. Fortland. Or. Accordon Plaiting. Marquam rooming-house. 145 Cth st.. room 1. c$&xfg all parts of the world. T?derLnRo Houses for 'lUnt-Ixdruro for Sale. ' LOST-NECKLACE OF GOLD BEADS. meflFs? arolhS MISS O. GOULr 801 JIJWAM : VWrP "E Jg?" i 2 9-ROOM HOUSE. WELL FURNISHED. TWO G'uVer offlcru'an SjlS'- f!ifi nces. W. Park and lt&l gB Toronto. Canada ONE SUITE AND ONF qivrr r blocks form CHy Hall; rent $20; furniture Pine. . . Art Furniture. Reserve J..1OO.OOO nlshed room for housekeeping no n' $46- L- . Thompson 4X Co.. 223 3d. WE INCORPORATE AND FLOAT STOCK TTTC. VAPOR AND SPONGE BATH. MASSAGE Tr?ZS? T4rl twtwvp"- dren 37" East Oak. Chl1 : LOST A CHECK PAYABLE TO F. A. companies; we handle unlisted securities; HAND-CARVED CURIOS, EGYPTIAN CHAIR and magnetic treatments by experienced . SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT aren. .. Last Oak. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. TWO BLOCKS NORTH Spence. $99.50; leave at E. Side Bank and loans negotiated. Horatio Gilbert & Co a"d trarewaro for sale. 344 Alder st. young lady. 351 Morrison st,. room II Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up- 3 OR 4 HOUSEKEEPING Roovo: 77 Washington. 7 Park st, Furniture. ?2V0; receive reward. Elllcott Square. Buffalo. . and 12. ward and Interest allowed on minimum -.V.- n ,.HPT rent $15; lease. . 1 ' , Assayers and Analysts. monthly balances. Rates on application. 5th st cor Mari-er Call 334 LOST FUR AT STAR THEATER. ' ANY- CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY STORE THE SNOWDEN BATHROOMS. 234 MOR- , -,44 WASHINGTON ST tn St., cor. Marker. FOR SALE-NICE FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM one finding same will leave at Oregonian Living rooms, low rent; will sell at actual MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 203 STARK ST. rison. cor. 2d. room 3; vapor and sponge E- A. WYLD, Manager Portland Branch. 8 UNFURNISHED CORNER ROOMS FOR reat' 12- 355 Ea8t (ouoa' cor- 3d- office; reward value; $350 cash today takes It. Call at Prices: Gold. $1; copper. $1; silver. 50c. baths with massage, electric treatments. Red -,A-.q .-.Tf,v.AT . ' BZ?1; J&'St tC':a' Ea6t 10-ROOM FLAT FURNITURE FOR SALE, LOST SPITZ DOG; ANSWERS TO NAME 8torg' " at- PAUL BAUMEL. AS8AYBR AND ANALYST; OF ORTIAt". OREGON. ' ' with lease. o33 Washington st. Pepper. Return to B. H. Grant. 151 0th. BOOMING-HOUSE. 12 ROOMS. ALL FUR- S:d dust bought, 223 Stark st. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. 5-ROOM COT- Northwest corner Third and Oak streets. CHEPFST AND tit?t MOTT;cnrE..TTx- mZl TZ ! " Reward. nlshed; cheap rent; centrally located; $675. h T ZTT, " tage: phone and bath; references; walking Transacts a general banking business. "ulteXand single iJims $l" wfek-ii6 Winter and Sumincr Resorts. , Hatfield & Smith, Room 32. Russell bldg.. Business Colleges. distance. 591 5tn st, Drafts issued available In all cities of the S8 Tenth near sSrk' C In' ttotv, vnnr,r ..I 105 Fourth st. - 8 United States and Europe. Hong Kong and b6 Tenth, near Stark. HOTEL MOORE. CLATSOP BEACH. SEA- BUSINESS CHANVS. . . GREGG SHORTHAND TOUCH TYPEWRIT- SCOTCH LADY -GIVES BATHS AND MAS- Manila. THREE FURNISHED ROOMS FOn ttoht 'a durlnc FaU and Winter. $5000 RIGHT PARTY WITH $5000 SECURES lng. famous budget bookkeeping, actual bual. sage treatment. The Palm House. 180 Collections made on favorable terms. housekeeping or lodging; gos. phone and . $250 TAKES IT. HALF-INTEREST IN REAL position worth $1800 annually. The National ?ecs 'ractIIcV Illi0,a3 tJm1 f0" Eirad uaM: 3d St.. room 9. President J. C. AINSWORTH bath. 58hrt. Btonu estate, loan and business chance offlcefpay- Financing Company. 203 Marquam bldg.. f f& &!1 ""A l;ro ,,(0,., . Vice-President W. B. AVER . nr t,-vt rtvo- -r-n-r-o-- lng proposition; good reasons for selhng. Portland. Or. lege. Y. M. C A. bldg. Phone Main 513, VAPOR BATHS MASSAGE, MAGNETIC Cashier R. W. SCHMEER HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS-SMAIvL COZY Tfl lS KMffiRR S,5' Investlgite this. D 36. Oregonian., Carnenters and BuIIde! a,nd os1t-e0Dathy treatracat- 4th st,. Assistant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT sufte for 2 young ladles. $15. 168' Park- "J i locauon. good lease, il 45. Orego- . . SPECIAL BARGAIN CONFECTIONERY Carpenters and Builders. Room lu , ,.wt . , private famll" Parlt ntan - FOR SALE HALF INTEREST IN MACHINE otore. on Washington street. $1000. J. V. , nnj.-t,t.r, 7. " . - T.r. t -,.' NATIONAL BANK a M.l "or cth-verv ps,rable or? S oo-towk caT1ok. ga-tgag-g' -- Eiil "iisgZSgbS?!! '25&j&S&?iUu bu S. WZS&Sir""' "m prE rIaI STOH . - PIRST-CLABS 00KO.HOU-.KOR SAL-T ZJg??rg?&g?&?. GEO. W-OOROOK. COUTERE .SHELVES. TOUNO LAPT OjvES BATHS AT P.,.e.. . .."S L. !LLS . ' reaaonap'e- FART FINE RCTAIL STORE FOR RENT; excellent location for business and Ffclr. Ad- ence not nectary. Call at 229 Secind. houses built and repaired. 203 4th. Clay 174. 4th. corner Washington. Cashier J. W. NEWKIRK 82 17TH COR PLANnPRS Twn ttttu leweip preierrea. F 8. Oregonian. dress C 44, Oregonian. - ; . Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVORD nlshed noutckccDlM i, fTrf li-V.?" wiP.HnrKF ;pvc!F tor prV. SNAP-CANDY. CIGAR AND GROCERY- Chiropodist and Manicuring. Osteopothy. Second Assistant Cashier ..B. F. STEVENS rat SlIdrwT rooms to parUes with- ASff l1 Rlw! FOR RENT. CENTRALLY LOCATED HALL new stock and fixture-.; living-rooms; rent .T.v.-. . ,,, H , -., . Letters of credit Issued available la Eu- out cnuaren. freight eleator. S. e. cor. Cth and Oak. suitable for furnished rooms; lease for 3 $25; price $100. Call at 415 5th st. DEVENY & ESTELLB DEVENY. THE. DR. I B. SMITH. DR. CARVLLT. SMITH rope and tho Eastern, States. THREE NICELY FTTTiviKH n ttottct. v---srctTtv win TlWT-.n in c.rvnv . t, years, 187 Front. . only sclentlflc chiropodist-, parlors room 203 osteopathic physidaas; graduates KlrkavlHe' Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers Fl ?!L DELATpSEN, SHINCON SrR. TOOT"S S5L SZ gcoSff fSa TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Ofilc $1 V. Crelghton & Co.. 165 Tb.rd iening1Ca man . ou are looking for KOHXHKUP. 410 Dekum ffuSBU? 1.? t, SZJSg? FOR RENT-PART OF LARGE OUTSIDE FOR SALE Mil K. CREAM AND TU-rW BAKERY FOR SALE. SELLING ON AC- 3'&S-dSS: J ultn t0 ?t" th . -ed' 34Chamoerof&g S&J g $ SSS' Byeln. and Cleanln. - Faints, Oils and Glass. "!Hoan 327 3D ST.-ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM - 44. Oregonian. 1! ncou'Br' uasn' Daelnic and Cleaning. ro Rnrnp Christtanla. Stockholm. St. Petersburg. Mos- with 1 closet furnished for housekeeping; also OFFICES AND NEWLY FURNISHED S -fnn wiit T.TT- -r,r MUST SELL TODAY CASH BUSINESS: II. W TURNER. PROFESSIONAL DYER Bm? -lllr ash and doors Car?'?3' cov Surf.c h HonIulu- , -ingle rooms. W Allsky bldg.. 3d and MwtoSl fhrfvK ubl Addefs H 44 Ool' ' $300 wQuld; will pay you $150 every and-leanerrsOS Jefferson. Te" MoJn Tlf oUa. -lass. ash and doors. Lor. Jd & Taylo Collections made on favorable terms. THREE DESIRABLE FURNISHED HOUSE- ...-.,., TO-tTi-v. ' -1 & " ' rnmrrW.n M.T.hanf. Rabbcr Stajnp. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF ORE- keeping rooms to a couple; private family. FINANCIAL. mUl .J1 CUMvFLOCR CASH GROCERY; ONE OF THE BEST IN . Commission Merchants. WORKS -40 m.P -u S 109 THIKD SJ 555 Yamhill. r s' mill. Trullinger. R. F. D. 4. Hillsboro. Or. city: thta at Invoice. J. V. Crelghton A . Co ttt. n .r MFTZGER. PDRTOicro 7. T,CC -iX n.w V-,. ALDER. TEL. The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. ATn $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CENT CIG R STORE coon ,tT,nv 165 Third St.. Room A. niSDl0n HgAeltsf fu! Z&l. mohlTr At!u?w olf , CAPITAL. $300,000. 435 ALDER UNFURNISHED BASEMENT. Wm. G. Beck, room 307. the Failing bide V Selchfon tv? r-ifiTi01. ' i450" f ru-br and old metal iSd genial comnTlssfon Shoe, ilannfartnrer- " ' We conduct a general banking business. water and gas plate in kitchen; fcentral and 8 g' A- Cre'gnton & Co- Th'rd st. Room A. $1325 RESTAURANT FULLY EQUIPPED. SerchnL Front . st, near Main PiniarSi Shoe Mannfactnrerg. We reCclve savings deposits. We Issue time gPS'rablP- i &LMZ&tSg W;ANTEDA MAN TO TAKE HALF IN- -jF&'gl t0t U amtS 19-' Or Cash advanced on cons.gnment,, ; & HERTSCHE CO.. SHOE MANUFAcT SbtoS? lJrS SVl? ONE LARGE FURNISHED ROOM. GAS AND ' - v-om. tcrest in good busine Call 208 4th st. 1 . j I TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO., SHIP BROKBPS turers. v ana n r. 1st.. Portland. Or. days' call, with interest at 3U. 3 and 4 bath, with use or kitchen. If desired. 291 PRIVATE FUNDS LOANED. 50 PER CENT LODGING-HOUE SI ROOM, irorv. T T $1250-STOCK GROCERIES, FIXTURES, and commission merchants. Sherlock blaj. " Palmlsrr ' 3er,cnt Per annum, respectively. Call or Jfi vuatlon; low rates. W. S. Ward. Allsky biff ?gtgn & ' TWrtSf $8?Jt Scr 4 ,,v,nf "- Fortlaad- Mmtot-. ,d tor onrta. FINISHED FOR HOUSEKEEPING. THREE State funds loaned. C per cent. W. E. Thomas. FOR S VLE-A GOOD pa-tiki. 1 ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO- D clairvoyant andIEthl.T t,W.DERFU1' SVrJ' JiJZS? .'....President room,, first Soor. $25. 1J Park mL J stat. agent Multnomah Co.. 400 ChanS F?t 55jf damSSS1 BESTAU-j gjBTOS TO XUSNT. merchants. Front and Davis Sg. sIngtheKton" nt B SeSSS? VleSS!2S5 1 C001" 10 Bakefs Theater; readings. $i. J.' O. GOLTRA .".". .."... AsVl-tnt Secretary