12 THE MORNING OREGON IAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1904. WANTS NO AMENDMENT POLICY IS ANNOUNCED BY ANTI SALOON LEAGUE. Believes People Alone Have Power to Change the Existing Local Option Law. The Anti-Saloon League has announced its policy and outlined Its attitude bear ing on the local option law and political parties. At a meeting of the board of trustees on Tuesday evening definite ac tion was taken and the result was an nounced yesterday. It was decided to work for the defeat of amendments by the Legislature, to the local option law, and also was decided to affiliate with no political parties, although the support of members of all parties will or- sought. The league's position with reference to the existing local option law Is as follows: First That the question of the amendment of the local-aption law by the Legislature in--lolvee the broader one of the power of the legislature to amend at will a law enacted by iV.e people wider the Initiative and referendum . :auf of ttte constitution. Sfoond That the question of the power of thf Legislature uthUt this clause of the con t ituUon over a law cnaeted by the people has ncr been directly before the courts of this ;ate. Third That whatever amendments to the lo ts i option law now wsemR deairable or hereafter ..n further testing o this law may appear so, should be enacted by the people. Fourth The Anti-Saloon League, therefore for th- present will hold, in abeyance the question of amending the law on its own Initiative, and will work fe-r the following ends: (1) To de frai Wfore the Legislature all proposed amend ment. (2) In e of failure here to contest o?f..re the eor: wk.1i amendments as may be ma io bv the Legislature. The league makes the following state ment of it policy : hrrea. The Anti-Saloon League throughout its history ha Wn a federation of moral '..roe upon a strictly non-parti.an basis; and, ' Whereas. Our State Constitution provides ;..at the league pledges Itself "to avoid affilia tion with any political party as such;" there- 'Resolved. That It be th&.sense of this board of trust: First That the success of the local-option mtment depends upon its being maintained u,on a dlrUncttveiy non-pefftisan platform, un d r mn-lartlfn leadership and separate from &;i party afnllatlon. -cond That while the league cannot enter ,nti an alUaaee with any political party as jh. vet It will welcome to Its councils and to its fleld of action men from all parties who are willing to co-operate in harmony with its T Inoiple. Third That a standing committee of nve o . ..nbUtuted to confer with similar committees fiom any political or temperance organization, Tiith power to act. Fourth That the league renew its former ac t n agatoft petitions being filed for local-o.-tlou elections where there is not a strong public wentlmen to Justify it; and we shall faor elections by prertnets. especially In Port land and whenever local public sentiment does not demand a broader application 01 tac AT THE THEATERS What the Press Agents Say. "PRINCESS CHIC" TONIGHT. Beautiful Operatic Musical Success at the Marquam Grand Theater. Tonight at S:15 o'clock the beautiful op eratic musical success, "The Princess Chic." will begin an engagement of three nights with a special matinee Saturday at the Marquam Grand Theater. The management has provided a large and efficient chorus, consisting of a bevy of pretty girls, who look well in tne cnarm ing costumes they wear and who can also sing. The beautiful and talented Sophia Brandt will be seen as "The Princess Chic.' The four clever comedians, Hen derson. Callahan. Thomas and Martin,' with "Tlie Princess Chic" Company, all materially to the success of the produc tion, and there Is a general outburst of enthusiasm whenever they appear. They bring out In the most laughable fashion the fun which Klrke La Shelle has writ ten In his libretto. Seats are now selling lor the entire engagement. AUDIENCES ARE DELIGHTED. Intense Interest Manifested in Great Emotional Drama at Columbia. The best proof of all that "Camille" Is a drawing card at the Columbia is found In the close attention paid by the large audiences which nightly watch and weep at the sad but iasclnatlng story of a blighted career. This intensity of interest is due to sev eral causes. The compelling interest of the life story unfolded, the perfectly con sistent stage settings and costuming, but most of all to the sincerity with which the players interpret the characters they portray. There is no overdoing, no ranting, "no false notes. Bach one lives and breathes his part in the existence of the loving. Buffering, sorrowing, doomed Camille, so faithfully rendered by Miss Countiss, the dominating spirit of the play. There is a sermon in It that has for Its text. "The wages of sin are death." Special Christmas Matinee Monday. At the Columbia will be given a spe cial Christmas matinee on Monday, De cember 26. of "The Charity Ball." which Is perhaps the most beautiful and appro priate play ever written for the holiday season. "The . Charity Ball" opens at the Columbia Sunday matinee and will continues all next week. Seats are now rn sale. Sale for Maxine Elliott. Tomorrow (Friday) morning at 10 o'clock the advance sale of seats will open for tlie Marquam Grand Theater's Christmas attraction. Maxine Elliott, in "Her Own Way," Monday, Tuesday, "Wednesday nights. December 20, 27, 28. The combina tion of Mies Elliott as a star and a new Clyde Fitch play which has been voted the best that prolific author ever wrote. is a strong attraction. Miss Elliott, as a star ta the head of her own company, has scored the most pronounced success In years. There are many Fitch epigrams and satires throughout the play, and society life is held up In a whimsical fashion. Charles B. Dillingham has surrounded his star with a strong supporting company. Christmas Offering at Empire Theater Whatever may be the fault of 99 out of every 100 dialect plays, none of them are apparent In "Yon Yonson,"' which is to be seen in this city at the Empire Theator four nights, starting next Sun day matinee. There- will be a special matinee Monday. Manager P. J. Kennedy has imported a new "Yon" for this season in David Brattstrom, who is conceded by all who have seen him to "be the greatest of all dialect comedians row before the public Christmas Gifts From Miss Countiss. Miss Countiss. the charming leadln woman of the Columbia stock company. will give away Christmas presents to all the Juvenile attendants at tho matinee Saturday of this week. All those who come to see the beautiful play "Camille" that day will be twice delighted first with "Camille" and second with a pretty Christmas gift from the hands of their favorite actress. "For Mother's Sake." "For Mother's Sake." which Is hilled to appear at the Empire Theater three nights HOTEL Fifth and Washington Streets EUROPEAN Booni, ft.00 to ?3.C0 Per Day. According to Location. J. IT. DAVLES. Pre. St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED.) FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON European Plan Rooms 50c to $1.50 First-Class Restaurant In Connection HOTEL SCOTT CO. A. J. DEITZ, Manager Portland's Newest and Best Equipped Hotel Rooms single or en suite, with private bath. European plan. Elegant cafe in connection. Free "bus will meet all trains. SEVENTH AND ANKENY STREETS. PORTLAND. OREGON. and Saturday matinee, beginning Decem ber 29. is highly spoken of by the press throughout the country. The stage set ting Is said to be magnificent, the story absorbing and pathetic and the comedy plentlful and varied. "A Night in Japan." Go to the Marquam Grand on the night of December 29 and see jl 15-year-old Japanese boy handle with skill and ease a man twice his weight and age. Gen eral Buenmon Nil and his Jlu-JItsu art ists will give an exhibition, the like of, which has never been seen on any stage, or In any country outside of Japan. Gen eral Nil has a thorough knowledge of anatomy. He knows the vulnerable points of the human body, and any one of his 15 artlsLs can take the best trained ath lete In the city and by a slight twist of the wrist or pressure cause him Intense pain and render him momentarily help less. Concert for December 29. None but musical people know how dif ficult It Is to start a male chorus of se lected voices of good quality. There is such a scarcity of good tenors and con ductors. But In the case of the Orpheus Male Chorus of this city the problem has been solved by Its conductor, Arthur L. Alexander, who will present his chorus to the public for the first time at the White Temple, Twelfth and Taylor streets, nimhiir 29 Wanders "Lanro" Will be one of the numbers sung by this male chorus. AT THE VAUDEVILLE THEATERS The Star's Big Acts. Harcourt. the famous London sou- brette and the greatest female mimic in the world, the Mexican Quintet, and Zat, Zams and Mowra, knife throwers, are the three big acts at the Star this week. They are the foremost performers In vaudeville, and are attracting crowded houses to this enterprising theater. Public Favors the Grand. The public shows favor to the Grand Theater, where always polite vaudeville reigns supreme. Eldrldge, the wonderful sand cartoonist, yesterday portrayed the burning of the General Slocum, which was so fatal to human life, last Summer In New York harbor. This and nine other great numbers explains the popularity of the current programme. The Arcade's Bright Bill. Th Arcade's bill Is nleaslnsr record- breaking audiences this week. With such stellar attractions as Fern Hart, baby tranpze nerformer. Irene Franklin, the only great woman cornetlst, and KItchle and Richards, the American Japs, tne fact that tne Arcaae is in tne ieaa is easily understood. Bijou's Big Entertainment. Verily, the Bijou bill this weok is hard to beat. Westin, the man of many faces, makes five-second changes, and steps forth In a new character each time. Sousa shifts to Dreyfus, and Napoleon to George Wash ington. Go to the Baker. If you are looking for amusement, the kind that really amuses, don't forget that the Baker Is giving Its patrons the great est bill of Its history. Mile. Vita, the recognized queen of the slackwlre. Is amazing the big audiences with her mar velous performances. Will Brown is one of the cleverest comedians seen here this year and the Three Malvcrns are world champion tumblers. Lyric Ready for Christmas. The ever-5opular Lyric is preparing its patrons to properly appreciate Christmas by presenting the best vaudeville bill of the season. The Sisters Kelsey, the most popular soubrettes on the vaudeville stage, are proving a veritable magnet, drawing immense audiences at each performance. INSPECTION IS COMPLETED. Condition of Morrison-Street Bridge Will Be Reported Today. Inspection of the Morrison-street bridge will probably bo finished today by Charles S. Blhler, the engineer who was engaged by the special Investigating com mittee of the City Council, and a com mittee of the Taxpayers' League. The report will be made to C. E. Rumelln, chairman of the Council committee. What it will contain Mr. Blhler has not re vealed. " When seen last night ho declined to discuss the contents of the report so far as he had prepared It, or to tell what would be his opinion of the whole struc ture. His. hands were stained from climb ing over the iron and steel framework of the bridge, showing that he had been at work. Yesterday he spent on the draw span. He will not attempt to Inspect the submerged parts of the bridge. It Is the general opinion that the bridge will be found up to spcclficatl6ns, and the chief Interest centers In whether or not the city has been charged an exorbi tant price for extras, the total cost of which is to be $55,000. Tax to Improve Roads. HOOD RIVER. Or., Dec. 21. (Special.) Road District No. 7, known as the Pine PERKINS PORTLAND, OREGON PLAN First-Class Check Restatrrsat. Connected With Hotel. C O. DAVIS, Sec and Xreaa. THE- ESMOND HOTEL OSCAR AHDEBSOH, Manager Front and Morrison Streets PORTLAND - OREQON TREE 'BUB TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS. Rates European plan. 50c. 75c. $L00. $L50. (2.00 per day. Sample rooms In connection. Grove District, will vote another 10-mlll special tax for road purposes. This was the only district In the state Iaat year to take advantage of the law permitting a special levy for road purposes. About $1200 was raised by the special tax, which was used In Improving the road.? of the district. SIG SICHEL & CO., 92 THIRD ST. Card and chip racks, game sets, for home use. Newest and prettiest. CLERGYMEN, ATTENTION. Applications for clergy certificates for I9tt may be had oy caning at u. k. & N. general pasenger department, room 2, "Worcester building, or on C. W. Stinger, City Ticket Agent. Third and Washing ton streets." DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Deo. 21. Maximum tempera ture. 40 degrees; minimum, 42 degrees. River reading at 11 A. M., 4.8 feet; change In past 24 hours, 0.3 of a foot. Total precipitation. C P. M. to !5 P. M.. .13 of an Inch; total since September 1, 1904, 13.70 Inches; normal since Sejitember 1, 1904. 16.31 Inches; deficiency, 3.11 inches. Total sunshine December 20, 1004, 1:12; possible. S:30. Barometer (reduced to pea level) at & P. M.. 29.86. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. ' 2 Wind. b -33 j: p L 2. d go STATIONS. "I I ? j So ? o - ? i i : Baker City Bitimarek Boise Eureka Helena Kamloops. B. C. North Head PocntelVo Portland Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento Salt Lake City.. San Francisco. . . Spokane Seattle Walla Walla I40;o.01j " XW 38j0.00 S E lyjjo.oo; ;nw 4S.0.08 12NE ksjo.oo! ,NV :tn n.ooi v. IHaln Clear jCloudy Cloudy Cloudy IClear JCloudy ICloudy Cloudy ICloudy Cloudy IRaln ICloudy ICloudy ICloudy I't. CWy. fplondy I44i0.02j24tv. 4g;o!oo! ',w 44! T S 40U10 W 42; T i , SB 50:0.00 (lNV !SB S,S ,SB OS .1381 T .'40.0.04 .148,0.01 Light. T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. During the last 12 hours light rain has fallen In Northern California. Western Oregon and Western Washington, and light rain mixed with snow has occurred In Eastern Oregon Eastern Washlncton and Northern Idaho. X marked change In temperature has taken place witnin the last 24 hours. The Indications are for light rain or snow in tnis district during the next 24 hours. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 2S hours ending at midnight, December 22: Portland and vicinity Occasional light rain possibly part snow: southerly wind?. Western Oregon and Western Washington- occasional rain, probably part enow; southerly winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and laano ttain or snow. EDWARD A. BEALS. District Forecaster. MEETING NOTICES. OREGON' raiMVivnrnv xrr 1. K. T. Special conclave this evening, at 7:30 o'clock. Order of the Temple. Visiting Sir jvuig-is courteously invueo. W. S. MACRUM. Recorder. HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. Ill A. F. & A. SL Special communication this tThursday) evening at 7:30. work In M. M. degree. Visitors wel come. By order of the W. M. C. E. MILLER. Secretary. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 114, A. F. Si A. M. Special communication this (Thursday) evening. Masonic Temple, 7:30 o'clock. M. M. degree and Installation ot omcers. AH Ma sons Invited. By order of W. M. . B. S. PAGUE, Secretary. DIED. it)fonncTcn Tn hl nlv Tetjmber 21. 1004, Fred Armbruster, aged 40 years. No tice oi iunerai nereaiier. titt rtr r T W.lVi nf XIVl T-nvlfwr died In Montana, Dec 1U. Husband of Mrs. Julia Welch and father of Martin. Jatnea and Agnes. unerai nonce isier. -o uower? FUNERAL NOTICES. BILLETER In this city. December 20. 1004 John Bllleter. aged 38 years, a late resident of Oregon City, ana son or u. toward bu leter. of this city. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held today at 1:30 P. M. at the German Baptist Church, corner Fourth and Mill streets. Interment at Lone Fir Ceroetery- TVORTHINGTON In this city. December 20. 1004. Man- Ellen, wife of Theodore K. Worthlngton. aged 40 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to at tend tne iunerai services, wnicn win De neia at the family residence, near luwauKie, ur. Friday. Dcember 3. at - . .11. DUNNING. McENTEE GTLBAUGH. cccesaors to Datmlns A Cnmplon. under takers and cmbaunera, modern In ercry de tail. 7th and Pine. Phono Main 430. Lau assistant. EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. Undertakers and embabners, have mored to tbelr new bond ing. Third and Salmon. Ladr asalatanu Telephone Io. oOi. J. P. XTNXET Jfc SON. Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. Office ot County Cor- ncr. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 8. F. 8. DUNNING, Undertaker. I4 aj Aider. Ldy suUtaaU lelcpUoao East 62. AMUSEMENTS. COLUMBIA THEATER A. H. Ballard, Lessee and Manager. 14th and Washington. Phone Main 311. Down-town box-office. Main 110. Tonight, all week, matinee Saturday, the superb Columbia Stock company, pre senting Dumas great emotional drama, CAMILLE At S&turdar matinee. December 21. each lit tle girl In audience will be given a Christmas souvenir by Miss Countiss. Evening prices Entire lower floor, 50c, balcony, 50c. 35c, 25c; gallery. 10c. Matinee Entire lower floor. 25c: balcony. 25c, 15c; gallery. 10c uown-town box office open iu a. ja.. tin i P. M. at Dollr Varden Candy Shop. 327 Morrison at., phone Main 110. After TP. M. at tneater. phone ilaln 311. Next week. Christmas week, "The Charity Ball. Marquam Grand Theater. W. T. Pangle, Resident Managar. Phone Main 60S. TONIGHT AT 8:15 O'CLOCK, Friday I ., I Special and i ae upcrauc oucvew, Price SiSSf rmxciSscmc. SS Evening Prices: $1.50. .$1.00, 75c. 50c, 35c, 25c Special Matinee Prices: $1.00, 73c, 50c. 35c, 25c. Seats now selling. Marquam Grand Theater. W. T. Pangle, Resident Managar. Phone .Mam atJ3. XMAS ATTRACTION, Monday, I MAXINE ELLIOTT pecember tuesaay, i rv Wednesday, HER OWN WAY. 23. AUVASUE SALE OPENS TOMORROW (FRIDAY). AT 10 A. M. Prices: Lower floor, excent last 3 rows. $2.00; last 3 rows, $L50. Balcony, nrst 3 rows, ?i.au; second 3 rows, ;i.ou; third 3 rows. 73c: last 3 rows. 50c Gallery. 25c. 33c Boxes and loges, $12.50. Not more than six seats to one person for any single perform ance. EMPIRE THEATER TEl5tOl.,L. BAKER, Manager. Seats Can Be Ordered by .Phone Main 117. Prices Evening. 15c. 25c, 35c and 50c Matinee. 10c. 15c and 25c. TONIGHT AND ALL THIS WEEK, MATINEE SATURDAY, The Greater BLACK PATTI TROUBADOURS . Hear Black Pattl Sing "Suwanee River." See John Rucker, the Alabama Blossom. CHRISTMAS ATTRACTIONS. "EV,. V It Kit a Cai-tlnr. KlinrtllY MMnM T- cernber 25. Matinee Monday, December 26 The Landslide of Laughter, YON YOfNSOIN YOU ALL WANT TO SEE The Funny Irish Widow, The Lumber Camp In Mid-Winter, The iiruaung ol me iog-juiu, lire iumuvw,t. . Quartet. PRICES Both matinees. 10. IB and : cents. Evening, 15, 25. 35, and CO cents. 'I he Grand Theater TODAY I 10 FEATURE ACTS 10 TONIGHT I Programme of Novelties. It, E. ELDRIDGE. Sand nlcture artist, a terrific hit. ATHON. WILSON & CLARK COMEDY CO. Roaring farce no s iirowa i RA1MOND AND TRICEY. A "Mr." and "Miss" "Mistaken." THE CURTIS SISTERS. Queens of Melody. FLOOD AND HAYES. Barrel!, face and nest-egg tricksters. MR. HARRY G. GRAY, Recitations. MR. ALF BONNER. Illustrated song. 'Two Little Orphans Are We." THE GRANDISCOPE The Suburbanite Cy clone of Photographic Fun. Admission to any seat 10c. box seats 25c THE STAR THEATER Cor. Park and Washlngtoa. The Best and Most Fashion able Vaudeville Theater Mexican Quintette World's greatest musicians. DAISY HARCOURT VAT, ZAMS AND MOWKA. WEAVER AND JONES. HERBERT, "THE FROG MAN." WIIEELAN AND .HOLMES. J. W. CLIFFORD. ED TURNER. THE PROJECTOSCOPE. Khnvi 2:30 to 4:3U P. M.. 7:30 to 10:30 p. M. General admission, loc; reserved box seats, 23c BAKER THEATER KEATING & FLOOD. Managers. Third and YamhllL LARGEST CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE HOUSE IN THE WORLD. EVERY SEAT 10c One performance afternoon; two every evening. THE ARCADE THEATER Tho r-lginal family vaudeville bouse. This Week. CASTER AND JONES. THE JFA1KCHILDS. RITCHIE AND RICHARDS. IRENE FRANKLIN. BABY FERN II ART. GENEVIEVE ARDELL. AMERICAN BIOSCOPE. Shows 2;30 to 4:30 P. M.. 7:30 to 10:30 P. M. Admission. iwe to any seat. LYRIC THEATER l Comer Alder and Seventh.) HIQH-CLASS REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:30 to 4:30: 7:30 to 10:30; Sunday, 2 to 10 P. M. This ad. and 10a will admit two people say matlnfc. except bunaays ana nouaays, TEN' CENTS NO HIGHER. BIJOU THEATER Sixth St.. opposite Oregonlan. Programme This Week: ' WESTIN. MAN OF MANY FACES. DIVINE DODSON. JENNIE BENT LEY. PEARL GKEYSON. MURRAY IULL. .Tin? crmirK ox the vrTAsrnpR. (.ininlnn 1 lie Af!prnoon. from '2 tn 4 -no evenings, from 7 to 10:30. Sundays, continuous from 2 to io:ao. SE EYTIINGE Pupils prepared for stage, pulpit. filatform or parlor. Either private essons or class work. For time and terms, apply at 261 Thirteenth Street PHONE MAIN 1203. NEW TODAY. OLD GOLD. JEWELRY MADE OVER OR exchanged; diamonds, precious stones, loose and mounted; watches. Jewelry repaired; i i A ...n-1 Tlnlw Vi n T.n..1. Close pnLrn. &wu vj v. j .enctcr. upstairs. FOR SALE LOTS CHEAP. NEAR CONTEM- plateu l-.ast siae nign ucnooi uuuaing loca tion; bay now, while cheap. J. L. W'ells CO., 1H urana ave. TURKEYS! TURKEYS! i Corn-Fed Turkeys for Xmas. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS EARLY Creamery butter . 50c and 55c Dairy butter 30c and 35c Best creamery 55c and 00c Eggs 25c and 30c Best eugar-cured hams 13c Breakfast bacon He and 15c Cheese, ful cream 10c. 12 Vic ana 13c Chickens, geese and turkeys for Christmas. All goods retailed at wnoie6aie prices. LA GRANDE CREAMERY, "Oi Yamhill. GEO. BLACK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 318 Worcester Block General practice. Investigations. Estate work. Special and periodical audits. Phone West 11. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Baker's Auction House, corner Alder and Park. Sale at 10 A. M. Geo. Baker & Co. auctioneers. At GUman's auction rooms, 413 Washington street, at IO o'clock A. M. S, L. N. Ulunan, auctioneer. CLASSIFIED AD. BATES. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board," "Hesse- lieeplns Rooms," "Situations Wasted," 15 words or less, IS cents; 10 te 20 words, 2t cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc. No dis count for additional insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," 30 cents for 15 words or less; 16 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 59 cents, etc Qrst Insertion. Each additional insertion, one-half; no further discount ua der one month. IMPORTANT Tho low second-time rate oa advertising that runs cither In the classlfled colnmns, or under bead "New Today," wlU be given .only when advertising Is Inserted oa consecutive days. Dally and Sunday issues. Advertlslns that Is scheduled to appear at intervals of ono or more days apart will ba charged for at fall one-Unio rato each, la- sertlon. "NEW TODAY" (snare measure acato), 15 cents per line, first Insertion: 10 cents per line for each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Orctronlan. and left at this office, should always be inclosed In sealed en velopes. No stamp Is retiulrcd on such letters. Tho Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors in advertisements taken through ta telephone. NEW TODAY. PERSONAL ATTENTION THE OFFICERS OF THE OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IN OREGON" (CAPITAL, $300,000) Give personal attention to the Interests of Us patrons. We should be glad to have you call. Perhaps business between us may re sult from your call. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 100 Third Street. BENJ. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK .Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary I FOR SALE: Worthington Compound Duplex Pump, second hand, A 1 condition. Size 10xl8xl4xl0. Deliver ing 875 gallons per min ute. Check valve, lub ricator, etc., complete. Inquire A. W. Cochran, Oregonlan Building. WANT A HOME? We have Houses and Lots in all parts of the city. Let us lend you money to build. You can oav us in installments. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 109 Third Street. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Our records are complete and up to date W xurniflh abstracts promptly. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved PorUand Real Estate. SECURITY ABSTRACT & TRUST CO. 214-213 Chamber of Commerce FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE S230 IN WOODSTOCK. PORT land's moat attractive suburb; lots tuuxiuu. very lot a corner. We will loan you money to build: you can pay us In Installments, PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, 109 THIRD ST. ACRE TRACTS WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of handling acreage: we have tracts In side of city limits or outside; some are directly on car line; an are accessible. one acre or more: prices very low; terms to suit. A. C Churchill & Co.. 110 Second street. FOR SALE NEW. MODERN. 7-ROOil colonial house, corner lot. 4 blocks from Sunnrslde car line. 2 blocks from Mt. Scott line, close In. $300 cash, balance to suit purchaser. Owner. J. A. Gray, Uni versity Park. nonc union oaot. 4 NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGES. YOUR CHOICE for 1000; cash, balance monthly: on car line: large low, snaae treee. see owner, joe Nash. In the white nouse at rsasnvme bta tlon, on .Mt. scoit car line. JUST WHAT YOU WANT TO BUILD .flats on, 30x100; west side, 14th near ciay; nothing on 14th st. ror the price, ?guu L. W. Whltlns & Co., 40S Abington bldgr. WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES, S2000 to $10,000: also business properties. $3000 to $20,000. Have buyers. L. W. Whit ing & Co.. 40S Abington oiag. LOTS FOR SALE AND HOUSES BUILT TO suit purchaser on installment payments; bet ter than paying rent. Hatfield & Smith. 165 FOR SALE A BEAUTIFUL NEW FOUR room cottage. lot 50xS4. only $1000; parties going East. J 43. Oregonlan. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on u. . r. ciccinc nne. u. ru Addition. Lents. Or. Take Mt. Scott car. Sc. n .nrtr c-TTr'T Tinner- fnpwi t n-r O-lkUUJl a.wmww, w . ... . 00x110 feet; $1700, $50 down, balance $15 .w Tv.An r. ... irri MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE, WILLAMETTE Heights; no finer view In Portland; easy terms, .rnone xui um. LOT 25x100 AND TWO HOUSES FOR SALE. Dei YaSa. UtU AIUCI .UW W M0U.49. IU quire i i-ownsunio bv. CORNER E. GTH AND EVERETT STS. Whole or iractlonai lot. owner, oo E. oth. North, HOME CORNER LOT. 0 ROOMS. JC75 CASH. Berry & Alexander. 4 N. 6th. MODERN G-ROOM COTTAGE. EASY terms. Phone East 075. FOR SALE 5-ROOM HOUSE. A BARGAIN; $1300. I'none coii ixjuj. FOR SALE FARMS. mn rTTa hlT.IPOnTA TlftTTdH - ATT first-class garden, alfalfa, wheat and hop land; splendid Improvements; premium on wheat and livestock; 40 milk cows, 12 norses, macmnerj, nuy, everyining goes; price $50; easy terms; no agent. X 45, Oregonlan. Exceptionally fine Improved farm. 55 'acres. east Of roruana; eireinc car. -...i rruiiL FOR RENT FARMS 5-ACRB TRACT, NEAR HIGHLAND; 5- Vn.i.a nrfhnr-i hirnt frtr rpnf Hot WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED TO BUY OR LEASE GOOD clay land, suitable lor making brick P 45, Oregonlan. LAND SCRIP. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. Approved, unrestricted, ready for unmedliu ee. LOWEST PRICES. EL F. & F. B. Riley. 60S Chamber Commerce. APPROVED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP for securing tltlj timbered or agricultural land. H. B. Compson. 018 Marquam bldg. FOREST RESERVE. SANTA FE AND OTH., r guaranteed land scrip on hand ready to locate. Maglnnts & Eon. 227 Falling bid. FOREST RESERVE AND ALL OTHER crips: genoral land practice Collins Land Co., Concord Bldg. TO EXCHANGE. IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY TO Ex change for rooming-house; might give some cash. Hatfield & Smith. Room 32. Russell bldg., 165Vs Fourth st. FOR SALE. Ilorses, Vehicle and Harness. BUT THE CHILDREN A CHRISTMAS present; gentle Shetland pony, cheap. Regal Stable. 23 N. 14 th. WOLFSTEfN buys and ztttt horses, wagons, narness. Duggies. larm implements. ironr. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AN 2D-HAND vehicles on Coast for sal or hire. 211 wash. Piano. FOR SALE NUGENT UPRIGHT PIANO. rosewood case, 5100, it sold at once. 474 Alder St., cor. 14th. VERY FINE HIGH-GRADE UPRIGHT Pi ano for sale, used very little. X 20, Ore gonlan. $250 CASH WILL BUY $425 PIANO: USED a lew weeKs; must sen at once, a 30. Ore gonlan. Miscellaneous. 4 DROP-HEAD SEWING MACHINES IN ltnght and dark oak, slightly scuffed. The above machines have been In the office some time and will be sold very cheap. It you are contemplating buying don't miss seeing them. At 402 Washington St., the Singer Mfg. Co., Phone Main 45S8. SEWING MACHINES A FEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines at very low prlet Singer, V. S.. Domestic. Wheeler & Wilson and White; dropheads In oak and box tops. At Wheeler & Wilson and Domestic ofncea, B. S. SI gel, agent. 335 Morrison L FOR SALE TWO DROPHEAD SINGERS, OtUt IUI13XI, fill) uuo umiiucou "Uiic, Rt $15; one New Home drophead, $15; box tops; $5 to $10; cash or installments. J. S. Crane, 350 Morrison st. (Lewis bldg). Call this week. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair It with Elaterite; It rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs. Elaterite Roofing Co., room 2. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL. Hard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying: modern bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswick-Balkt-Collcnder, 49 3d st. FOR SALS GOING OUT OF BUSINESS, groceries! and fixtures at discount; will sell part or whole. M. E. O'Connor, 715 Johnson. SECOND-HAND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of all kinds at lowest prices, cash or In stallments. Fisher Music Co., 190 3d at. A BEAUTIFUL SUNBURST. CONTAINING 7 genuine diamonds. Original coet. $70; only $40. Uncle Myers. 143 3d st., near Alder. ANGORA GOATS AT A BARGAIN. CO HEAD. inquire G. w. Sharp, w. lamniii, or 01 owner. A. S. Watt. 746 E. Burnslde st. FOR SALE THREE FRESH COWS. GOOD milkers: must sell; no stable room, can barn. cor. E. 30th at. and Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE AT BARGAIN GASOLINE EN- gine for automobile, 5 horsepower. T. N. Smith, phone Scott 1295. Moving picture film, ror.fr sllaeo. maglo lan terns. T. P. Andrews. 108 aiont.. a. y..- km. TWO CAGE CIRCUS WAGONS. ALL KINDS vemcies Dougnt ana soia. -11 n usuuiw. Bargains In typewriters, supplies, office 'goods. ruuutr laupa, sues. v-ou.tt u., ox oiAtm. Oliver typewriters, S. H. typewriters, all makes. Norrls Safe & Lock Co.. 84 3d st. BICYCLE CLOSING OUT SALE $40 WOLFF- Americans now $sa. 7th ana Momson. BEAUTIFUL CANARY BIRDS, DEEP YEL- low, cheap. 231 & Market st. FOR SALE CHEAP SET OF BAND UNI forms. 29 N. 11th. upstairs. SMALL. COOK STOVE FOR SALE CHEAP, 134 1. sun. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLBBODrED. unmarried men. between ages of 21 and 35. citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information, apply to Recruiting Officer, 3d and Oak it.. Portland. Or. SUCCESSFUL SALESMEN TO HANDLE line of staDle specialties In Montana and Eastern Idaho on commission. Sell mer chants only. A valuable elde line worth $S to $10 a day to & good man. Give refer ences and experience. Addresa C 33. Ore gonlan. THE ORIGINAL JOHN A. MOLER HAS opened one of his tamcus barber colleges at 644 Clay at., San Francisco; special Induce ments this month; positions guaranteed; tui tion earned while learning, can or write taaa. Halstead. agent. 215 Morrison St., Portland, RELIABLE PERSON EACH LOCALITY for business position; salary $20 weekly and expenses; expense money advanced; posi tion permanent; previous experience un necessary: business established. Address Mr. Cooper, Como block, Chicago. EMPLOYED OR UNEMPLOYED IF YOU are a competent manager, salesman, tech nical or ortlce man, we can help you to a good position. Call or write lor plan anu booklet. Pacific Commercial Bureau, suite 45, Concord blk.. 2d and Stark. 1 nrrpDa fTT.T- AKT "VaHTJMEV T.AI5- orirs, city and country; men and teams, f.mh.ni. nnH Tnllkaro restaurant and niee-bous help; work ot all kind a Ca- cadlan Employment Co., z-w uurnaioe aau "Kii orTHnn Phorg Main 3074. WANTED 20 CHORUS GIRLS. SINGERS. performers; big salary; for vaudeville cir cuit, musical acts. Portland World'a Fair. Newman's Vaudeville Circuit, Raleigh, tlth. and Washington. LEARN BARBER TRADE AT tJILLETT. Teaches you free In shops: practical meth od: wages while learning: no fake barber college. 011 commercial St.. Ban ifranclsco. DRAMATIC, VAUDEVILLE ACTING, STAGE dancing, sketches taugnt; terms reasonable; positions guaranteed. Newman's School of Acting. Kaieign Diag., btn ana Washington. WANTED AN ENERGETIC MAN FROM 25 to 35 years old, fair education some business experience ana Knowiecge ol range riding. ji 41. care uregonian. TILE SETTERS WANTED TO SET 2500 feet tile by day's work or contract. For further Information address b. H. uoas Co. Tacoma, Wash. SUBSCRIPTION SOLICITORS SOME thlng needed In restaurants, saloons, hotels. business places; reference. G36 Chamber of Commerce. WE PAID ONE SALESMAN $489 COMMIS- sions in one week. Pocket sample, u. 1. Weir Whlto Lead Co., St. Louis, Mo. DETECTIVES EVER"! LOCALITY; GOOD salary, experience unnecessary. Inter-State Detective Agency, AiuwauKee. wis. ti'iVTPn vni'vn A 'V OR WOMAN' Tn do some copying. Call Thursday A. M., WANTED A GOOD MAN TO WORK ON Hmall rancn near cny. sicuu worn, ijem son News Co.. Union Depot. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE NEWLY opened; special Inducements to young men to learn trade. 267 Flanders. WANTED GOOD. HONEST BOYS. WITH wheels, con earn good wages during the holi days. Apply 363 Stark st. WANTED FIVE SOLICITORS. SALARY OR commission. $4 to $10 per day. 23 Labbo bldg.. Portland. Men wanted to learn barber trade. Barber College. 741 Howard st.. San Francisco. DR. WALKER, ISt 1ST.. CURES ALL PRI vate diseases of men. WANTED A DELIVERY BOY. 175 4TH ST. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WAITRESSES (BOARDING $20). COOKS, city $25: French, $30; out. $25. Family help. "Drake's," 205 Washington. GIRL OF 14 TO DO LIGHT HOUSEWORK: can secure good home and small wages. 84 N. 16th. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO HELP GEN eral housework; no washing. 340 East Seventh N. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; family of 3; must be good cook. 288 23d. North. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; 2 IN family; good wages. 581 E. Main. cor. 14th. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR family of three. Apply 524 East 11th st. NEAT GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK. 100 Glbbs. Take S car to Corbett st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KINDS CHAM bermalds. coo lea, waltressea nurse girls, second girls, housekeepers, housework. $1$ to $30, Canadian Parlor. 220 Morrison. Phone Main 1323. WANTED 20 CHORUS GIRLS, SINGERS, performers; big salary; for vaudeville cir cuit, musical acts, Portland World's Fair. Newman's Vaudeville Circuit, Raleigh, Uts and Washington. WANTED EXPERIENCED LADY COOK for the Fair restaurant; must understand short order and be willing to work for small salary until Fair opens. 300 N. 2Cth. DRAMATIC. VAUDEVILLE. ACTING. STAGE dacln?. sketchM inugm: ipraip reuuuauw; positions guaranteed. Newman's School of Acting. Raleigh bldg.. 6th and Washington. DRAMATIC. VAUDEVILLE ACTING, STAGE dancing, sketencs taugnt; lerma fwajiwuic, positions guaranteed. Newman s School ot Acting. Raleigh bldg.. 6th and Washington. EXPERIENCED FORELADY FOR OUR factory manufacturing overaus ana niru. Apply, with references, to Clendenlng. Angllm & Co.. Seattle. Wash. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework; must do a gooa cook; salary $25 per month. 7SS Corbett St., .cor. Glbbs: take S car, LADIES EARN $20 PER HUNDRED writing short letters; aena stampea en velope for particulars. Ideal Mfg. Co.. Cas sopo lis. Mich. EXPERIENCED CLERK, GERMAN PRE- ferred. begin January 1; gooa salary. Clerks' Registration Bureau, 285 Mor rison st. GIRL ATTENDING SCHOOL CAN HAVE good homo In exchange for assisting In cara ot 3-year-old child. 145 B. 12th, near Mor rison. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAlT- ers. chambermaids,- general workers. fat. Louis Agency. 230 YamhllL Phone Black 2SS1. WOMAN OF ABILITY TO TRAVEL; MUST; do unencumbered, of good address and will ing to work. J 41. Oregonlan. WANTED BRIGHT. UP-TO-DATE WOMEN; splendid opportunity to right persons. Call 9-12 A. M.. 53 First st. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED DINING. room girl for private boarding-house. Ad dress G 36. Oregonlan. TWO EXPERIENCED LADY CLERKS. Call early, 2u Washington st. A WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 461 Rodney ave. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. BY YOUNO MAN. POSITION IN OFFICE OR clothing store; 1 years experience bookkeep ing aud shipping clerk; good references, ft 29. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN. WITH" 7 YEARS EXPERI- ebce in grocery business, wishes employ ment. Address X 33. Oregonlan, A POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER OR GEN- eral office work; experience In lumber of fice. V 44, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. EDUCATED YOUNG MAN, 20. DESIRES position In any honorable calling: capable. Intelligent and Industrious; technical train ing; business experience; references. A 36, Oregonlan. MIDDLE-AGED MAN DESIRES EMPLOY ment morning and evening or part of each day In exchange for board; reference fur nished. Address B 36, Oregonlan. YOUNG STUDENT WILL WORK IN EX- cnange tor Doa.ru anu room; unaerstanu waiting or will attend to the furnace. Q 45, Oregonlan. I WANT A JOB; HAVE HAD SOME Ex perience in grocery store; would do very well as delivery boy; will work at anything. F 36. Oregonlan. TELEPHONE DRAKE FOR COOKS (ALL races), waiters, dishwashers, laborers, farm hands, clerks, porters, anybody. 20G& Wash ington. YOUNG MAN. GOOD HABITS AND FAIR business education, desires employment; most any kind. Address N 44, Oregonlan. JAPANESE LABOR ASS'N CAN FURNISH domestic servants; farmer and all kinds of help. Black 992. 263 Everett st. WANTED WORK OF ANY KIND BY 3 young Japanese boys. Address 43 N. 4th st, city. Phone Clay 872. POSITION IN ELECTRIC LIGHT OR power plant; thoroughly experienced. N 43, Oregonlan. WANTED BY YOUNG MAN. POSITION AS short-order or second cook. V 45, Ore gonlan. WANTED POSITION AT BRICK-LAYING, odd Jobs taken. 424 1st. Phone West 2861. Schultz. SITUATION AS OASOLINE ENGINEER Can run any make of engine. O 45, Ore gonlan. JAPANESE YOUNG BOY WANTS HOUSE work, or make beds. T 44, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING PARLORS. ROOM 217, Allsky bldg. Tailor-made suits and wraps of nil kinds. Jackets rellned. Skirts bound and pressed for $1. Prices reasonable. Nurses. EXPERIENCED NURSE WISHES En gagements; will take confinement cases; best references. Phone Front 2103. A 45, Oregonlan. Domestics. WANTED CHAMBER WORK BY YOUNG woman In nice plain private boarding house. Phone West 1452. COMPETENT YOUNG WOMAN WANTS place to work in small family; wages $15. 300 Montgomery st. JAPANESE GIRL WANTS LIGHT WORK for board and room; wages no object. P. O. Box 545. Miscellaneous. SKILLED LAUNDRESS WISHES DAY En gagements; also assist in housecleanlng and moving. Phone Main 1625. EXPERIENCED CLERK WANTS POSITION In a dry goods store. C 45, Oregonlan. WANTED AGENTS. CASH IN ADVANCE EACH WEEK TO OUR salesmen: choice territory now open; writs quickly for particulars; eend references with tlrst letter, and, state where you want to work; outfit free. Address Washington Nursery Co.. Toppenish, Wash. WANTED ENERGETIC PERSONS (MEN or women) to solicit orders; salary or com mission. Box 305, Portland. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Roome In all parts of the city. Apply 220 Goodnough building. Exposition Accommodation Bureau. Under direction of Lewis and Clark Fair Corporation. Phone Main 6266. WANTED BY RESPONSIBLE PARTY, small family, gentleman, wife and son, mod ern 7 or 8-room house, spacious yard; rent f35 to $40; must be best location. Addreaa ' 28. care Oregonlan. DECENT YOUNG BUSINESS MAN WISHES to live with private family; prefers either the South or West. Address R 45. Ore gonlan. WANTED TO RENT PART OF STORE BY responsible pary engaged In Jewelry business. Address H 19. care Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHINO and shoes: highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phon Hood 017. WANTED SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT Pi ano, standard make and good condition; must be cheap for cash.- F 44. Oregonlan. SHOES HAI.F-SOL3D FOR 00c at HOOLA baugh's. 2C7& Taylor, bet. 3d and 4th. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tla of all kinds. Phone East 2233. WANTED BY LADY GOING TO CHICAGO, ticket by 27th. Y 43. Oregonlan. FOR. RENT. Rooms. THE AUDITORIUM." 208 3D ST.. BET. Taylor and Salmon, one block south of Baker Theater, new brick building, ele gantly furnished, steam heat, hot and cold water In room, porcelain bath, rooms with nrivate baths, elevator: reasonable rates.