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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1904)
v. 15 THE MORNING- GBEGOOTAN, WEDNESDAY, 21, 19Q4. ROPOF ARGENTINA Prospects Are improving in South American Country. I WEATHER MORE FAVORABLE Foreign Markets That Draw Supplies From Here Show No Uneasiness Over the Present . Situation. Argentine Treacher and -crop condition have fcr some time been important Influences. In the speculative markets of this country, and in a somewhat lejened way In those of Europe. I nsettled -weather baa prevailed in the South American republic for several .weeks, the" pe riods of fine weather being few and iar be-: ttreep, besides short-lived. Claims of damage and denials of serious damage have been made. besides assertions that damage was only to the quality, and not to the quantity. Te fact that a crop reporter has been sent to the Argentine from this country to investj gate and report the crop condition, and -that th'.c person was employed by a Minneapolis gra'n house that figured prominently In the rurt care In the Spring wheat crop, which re ports have bn proven by the Government's crop statements to have been grossly exag gerated. says tho Modern Miner, made the fade -f both America and Europe discredit tht advices ho cabled to his house. However, t!sey exerted an Influence in domestic centers at t.m when market was in a receptive csrd't'on for anything of a bullish character. The !ateat and most reliable cable from the Argentine report the weather improving;. One cable read. "Weather clear and fine: wheat harvest operations proceeding- favorably." Foreign markets that draw supplies from Seuth American exporting countrjes evince no uneasiness over the situation there. The special correspondent of the Northwest' em Miller cabled from Buenos Ayrefi, under date of December 18: "Prwpects are Improving. In the south weather is cold, and fome fear of frost Is fe'.t " The exports from Argentina for the first nine months of this year were as follows: Vrlted Kingdom.'. tr"e1 States France Germany St'glum 3tay E uth Africa Erazll Ordera ........ Sundries - T-ials 1) months 1903. ...... ft minThs 1M2 months 10M 9 months 1900 .. 261,822 !S 10307 .. 18,440 .. 241.312 3.050 .. 17.130 140.672 -.1.069.496 .. 231.870 2.133.-414 ... 1,018.418 891.421 1.856.2SS Big Wool Contract at Welser. WEISDR, Idaho. Dec. 20. (Special.) One of the largest wool contracts ever made In this crunty was concluded yesterday by Prank Johnson, of Boise, when he contracted for ro-re than 250.000 pounds of the 1905 wool r' p The contract price was lSUc, 6c per ieunb advance payment. The wool clip of this county is more than-8,000,000 pounds. PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Flonr. Peed, Etc The wheat market has taken on a holiday ttre, and very liltlo business Is being trans acted While prices are nominal, the under tone of the market 4s firm. WHEAT Export values. Walla Walla, 81c; blaeatem. S5c; milling. Walla Walla. 85c; blue stem, &8g&0c; Valley. 87c: Eastern basis, A alia Walla. SSeeocn'blueElcmr Wc. " " BARIET-rFced.' 22 per ton; rolled, $23.50 50- " OATS-No. 1 white, .$1-303)1.3214; gray, $1.35 CI 40 per cental. . v FLOUR Patents, $4i65-4.S5 per barrel; straights, 4.304.45; clears, S3.B5&4: "Valley, $4 104 4 25. Dakota hard wheat, $d.50Sj7.50; Graham, J8.50Jf4: whole wheat, $44.25; rye flsur. local, $4.00; Eastern. $55.10. MILLSTUFFS Bran, $19 per ton; middlings, $25, shorts. $21; chops, t S. Mills. $19; linseed dairy food, $18; linseed ollmeal, lfco per pcund CEREAL. FOODS Rolled oats, cream. 90. pound sacks, $6.75: lower grades, $5.75ff6.25; oatraral steel cut. SO-nound sacks. $8 ter bar- rci. 10-pound sacks, $4.25 per bale; oatxneaLJ pcund sack?. $4.25 per bale; split peas7 51-50 per 100-pound sack; 25-pound boxes. $1.25; pearl barley, $4 pet 100 pounds; 25-pound boxes. $1.25 per box; pastry flour, 10-pound ta-ks. $2.50 per bale. HAY-Timothy. $14016 per tons clover, $12 13, grain. $1213; cheat, $1213. Vegetables, Fruit, Etc Business was brisk In the fruit and vege table lints, the demand running largely to dims fruits, applos and California vegetables. Potatoes continue strong In view of light re ctlrts. i VBfiwrA'BT.EA Turnlns. SI ner sack: car rots. $1. beets. $1.25; parsnips. $1.25; cabbage. 3c lettuce, head, 15 c per dozen; parsley, 20o cozen, tomatoes. $l: per crate; caunnower, $1 per losen; egg 'plant, 1015c per pound; celery, SOSTCc per dozen; peas, &y-8c per pound; beans, green, 7c; wax, c; pumpkins, ltxlitC per pound; peppers, 5c per pound; rhu dst SI. K per box. "MOSS-New, $22.15. buyers prlceS. HNBY S33S.25 per case. POTATOES New Oregon, fancy, 7590c; common. CO 65c. buyers' price; aiercea sweets. lUoiHf. new California, 4c per pouna. itAISlNS Loose Muscatels. 4-crown. 7?ic; 5-iayer Muscatel raisins, 7c; unbleached seed less sultanas. eic; ionaon layers, it-crown, whole boxes of 20 pounds. $1.85; 2-crown. $L75. DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated, 6f8$ac per round; sundrled, sacks or boxes, ncne; aprloou. 10llc; peaches, OQHOVjc; pears, ncne, prone. Italians, 45e; French, 2Sc; figs California blacks, D9c; do white, none; R-T-Vl-nu 3fW- TTa r-A itain It.- nliima nlttsri DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples, fancy, $li.50; ceding, 60075c; tigs, S5c$2.50 per box; grapes, California. $1.2501.65; pears, poundr 7c$l, cranberries. $9.6041 per barrel: per simmons. $1.25 per box; strawberries. $2 per box TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons; fancy, $2.75 3.75. choice, $2.75 per box; oranges, new na vels. $22ai0; mandarins, 60Q70c per box; '.angerinea, $1.502 per box; grapefruit, $3Q S.5C per bos: bananas, 5Q5Hc per pound; pome-g-anarec, $25 per box. Butter. Egffs, Poultry, Etc. 1 Receipts of drwsed turkeys were good ye-terdaj-, and will be large today. The price was steady at 20c to 21c and It was the opinion on Front street that the quotation during the remainder of the week will be near this figure. Eggs are coming in fairly well," but the strong demand holds prices up. Slit ter is weak, and city brands are likelj-sqon to go lower. EOGB Oregon ranch. 32SS2J$c: Eastern, 25c. "HEESE Bull- cream-rtwins, 1316c; Young Americas. 136pi5c BUTTEll City creameries; Extra creamers'. SOc per pound; fancy creamery, 22J&QSJ0C State oreameries: Fancy creamery. 25327!5c; California, fancy creamery, 2526c; store but ter. 12 14c. POULTRY Hens. 11Hac; old hens. 10 IPtfce; mixed chickens. Ogv&c; old roostere, 7t?$&c; de young, 9luc; Springs. iu to 2-pound, leullc; broilers, 1 to lVi-pound. 12SrG13r: dreseed chlckene, ll12c; turkeys, live tSp-lng. 16517c do dressed. 19c; do choice. 20T21c; geSe. ive. 8Jc; do dreased, lMtJ12raueks. old, $660.50; do young, as to lse. $S. pigeons. $15? 1.2.'. G.OIB-IVUd geese. $Sf?3.W; Mallard ducks. $2.5063; wlageon. $2g2.50; teal. $1.502. Meats and Provisions. BEEF Dresed l6c per pound. MUTTON Dressed. 45c per pound; lambs. 5Vt9Sc per pound. HAMS Ten to 14 pounds, 12 c per pound; 14 to 16 pounds, 12c; IS to 20 pounds. 12tc. California (picnic), c ;cottago hame. "f; shoulders. 9c; boiled ham, 21c; boiled picnic ham, boneless, 14c VEAL Dressed. 100 to 125. 77Uc per pcund, 125 to 200, 5 06c; 200 and up, 3 ' c V PORK Droted, lOOto 150,66c pec pcund. 150 and up. 54 0c BACON Fancy breakfast. 18c per pound; standard breakfast. 17c; oholce, 15c; Eng Hah breakfast, llto 14 pounds, 14c; peach baron. l$c. SAUSAGE Portland ham. 12 tic per pound, minced ham, 10c: Summer, choice fry 17c; bologna, long, .'o; welncrwurrt, S". liver. 5c: pork. Sc. .blood. 5c: -head- cbee.. 12ttc; bologna sausage, link, ic."S DRY SALTED MEATS Regular short clears, 10c salt, 11c smoked; clear backs. 9c salt, 10 c smoked; Oregon export, 20 to 25 pounds, a-rerage, 10HC sait,-iic smoked; Union butts. 10 to lSjpoundEt'aver- age, 8c salt. .13c, Bmoked. . v PICKX.BD -GOODS piciaea yigs-,ieei, barrels. $5; i-barrela. $2.75; 15-pbund 'kit. $1.25: pickled tripe, H-barrela,' $5r U-bar- rels. $2.75; 15pound kit. $L5; plcHiea pigs" tonirues. H-barrela $6: -barrels, $3; 15- pound kit. $L50; pickled lambs' tongues, V, . 1- en- ft K r.n- in.rn,nf4 tritm S2.75. . -LARD Kettle-rendered:, Tierces, OVic:. tubs, 10c; 50s. 10c: 20a. lO&cf 10a, lOHc a$.'Sl0ic oumunru pure; iicira, .ot, iuuwoi,,,. 9HcV20e, Hc; 10s, 9c; 5, 034 "Compound;? Tierces. 6Hc; tubs, 6fcc; ''60s. 64; lOs," ?!4c;i 5t, 7ic Groceries, Xuts, Etc COFFEE Mocha, 2B32Sc; .Java, ordinary, 16&20c; Costa Rica, fancy, 18020c; good, 1618c; ordinary, 10 12c per pound; Co lumbia roast, cases, 100s, $13; 50s, $1"S.25; Arbuckle, $15.38; Lion, $15.35. RICE Imperial Japan. $6. 1, $5.STi; Southern Japan, $3.50; Carqlinal 4b$Bp; brokenhead, 2c. SALMON Columbia' River, 1-pound tails, $1.75 per dosem 2-pound, tails, $2.40; 1 pound flat, $1.85; fancy, 10-pound flats, $1.80; H-pound flats. $1.10; Alaska pink. 1-pound tails. 85c; red. Jbpound talis. $1.45; sockeyes, 1-pound talhr, $1.75; l-poundllats, $LS5. SUOAR Sack basis, 100 pounds:. Cube. $0:50; powdered, $6.25; dry granulated, .$8.15; extra C, $5.65; golden C,$5.55; fruit sugar, $6.15; advance over sack basis as follows: Barrels. 10c; half barrels, 25c; boxes, 50c per 100 pounds. (Terms: On remittance within 15 days, deduct &e per pound; if later than 15 days' and within SO days, do duct He per pound; no discount -after 30 days.) Beet sugar granulated, $6.05 per 100 pounds; maple sugar. 1518c per pound. SALT California, $9.50 per ton;; $1.30 per bale; Llverpopl, 50s, $15.50; 100s, $15; 200. $14.50; half ground, 100s, $5.25; 50s, $5.73. NUTS Walnuts, 13&C per pound by sack, lc extra for less than sack; Brazil nuts, 15c; Alberta, 14c; pecans. Jumbos, 14c; extra large, 15c; almonds. L X. L.. 16ic: chest nuts. Italians. 15c; Ohio, $4.50 jper 25-jound drum; peanuts, raw. ,7c per pound; roast ed, 9c; plnenuts. 10Q12Vic; hickory nuts, 7c; cocoamits, S590c per dozen. BEANS Small white, 9c; large white, 3ic; pink, 8&c; bayou, 3Hc; Lima, SUc. Hops, Wool, Hides. Etc. HOPS Choice, 29030c; prime, 2728c per pound. avoot Valley. 19320c ner nound: Eastern Oregon. 1017c; mohair, 2582c per pound for choice. HIDES Drr hides. No. 1. 16 pounds and up.,l. na. wiimrf ' Attr Vln Vn 1 C In lit pounds! 12c; dry calf. No. 1.' under b- pounda,. loc; do, oalted bulls and stags, one-tnira less than drr. flint: salted hides, steers, sound, 7(3 8c; under .V) pounds and cows, 6Vs7c; stags and bulls, sound, 4&4&c; kip, sound, 15 to '-10 pounas, ic; under 10 pounds, be; green tun 3alted), lo per pound less; culls, lo per pound; horse hides, salted. $1.504?2 each; dry. $13 1.50 each; colts' hides, 20 g 50c each; goauklna. common, luni&c eacn; Angora, wun wool, on, 25cS. -: i. " , TALLOW Prime, per pound. 4-6c .2Co..,! ana grease zC3C Oils. GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cases,. 24Vic; iron oaireifl, itc; ao aegrees gasoline, casta, S2c: iron barrels or d ruins. 26c COAL OIL Cases, 21 tie; iron barrels, 16c; wood barrels, none; 63 degrees, cases. 22c: barrels. lSc: Washington State test burning oiis. except neaaugnt. hc per rauon nighcr. linseed OIL Raw. barrels, 64c: cases. 69c, Boiled: ..Barrels. 50c; cases, 61c. On cent Jess lu 250-gallon lote. TURPENTINE Cases, 85q;, 51 c WHITE LEAD Ton lots, "7V4c; 5TO-pound, tut. less man -wu-pouna iou, sc. LIVESTOCK MARKET. Prices' at Portland Union Stockyards Yes terday. - Receipts at the Portland Union Stockyards yesterday were 252 cattle, 287 sheep and 69 hogs. The following prices were quoted at the yarde: CATTLE Best steers, $323?3.50; medium. -$2.75r3; cows, $28?2.SO. HOGS Best large; fat hogs. $5.25; light hogs. $452-4.75. SHEEP Best Eastern Oregon and. Valley. $3.Z53.D0; lambs. $3.25. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. Prices Current In Chicago, Kansas City arts Omaha. . CHICAGO, Dec 20. Cattle Receipts, 6000. Market, steady; good to prime- eteera, $8Wi poor to medium, $2.76ff4.25; atockcra and feeders, $284.15; cows, $24; calves. $3S6.50: heifers, $1.7554.15; canners. $102.35; bulls. Hogs Receipts today. 33,000. Market. steady to lower; mixed and. butchers, $4,406 -4,45; good -to -ebolco hta-y. $4.60S-4.72U; light, $4.3084.85; rough heavj. $4.354.50; bulk of sales. $4.5024. Ui. Sheep Receipts, 22.000; sheep weak to 10c lower: lambs, 1015e lower; good to choice wethers, $4.405; fair to choice mixed, $3.50 C4.50; Western sheep, $366.15; native lambs $4.250.75; Western lambs, $6.6036.65. KANSAS CITr, Dec 20. Cattle Receipts 20,000; steady. Native steers, $3.30(36.50; na tive cows and heifers, tl.755J5.00; stockera and feeders, $2.60gH,00; bulls, $ZOO4.00; calves, $3.006.50; Western steers, $3.O05.00; West ern cows, $1.7503.50. Hogs Receipts 12,000; steady. Bulk, $4,459 4.65; heavy, $4.654.70; packers, $4.5034.65 pigs and lights, $4.002460. Sheep Receipts 5000; strong to 10c higher. Muttons, $4.005.25; lambs, $5.0096,65; range wethers, $4.005.CO; ewes, $3.734.50. SEATTLE TBODUCE .MARKET., Jobbing Quotations of the Pnget Sound SEATTLE, Wash., Dec 20. (Special.) Th following are today's produce quotations In this city: WHEAT Club. SSc; bluestem. 91c OATS-rWhlte. per ton, $28329; gray, per ton. $2e28. BARLEY Feed, per ton, $23C4. HAY Timothy, per ton. $192T20; clovexr per ton, $1415: grain, per ton, $1416. POTATOES Fan cy, per ton. $20322. ONIONS Fancy, per ewt, J2.50i32.75. BUTTER Fancy creamery, i 30082c; ranch 20530c EGGS Best ranch, per dozen, S6e. APPLES Fancy, per box,x$l1.25. nnlngV stocks. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 20. Official cloa lng quotations for mining stocks today "were as follows: Alta .. $ Hale & Norcross.$1.00 A.ndcs Justice .. .08 Belcher Best & Belcher Bullion Caledonia Challenge Con. Cbollar ... Confidence Mexican Ophlf . LOO . 3.15 Overman ... . Potosl .06 . .1 Savage . , . . . . .17 Seg. Belcher.., Sierra Nevada Silver Hill ... Union Con. ,. .03 . .38 -Con. CaL & Va.,1.40 . .58 Con. Imperial .01 Crown Point ... .13 . ,.44 . .03 Utah Con. .... Exchequer' 43 Yellow Jacket . .13 Gould &. Currle. .16 NEW YORK, Dec 20. Closinjr quotations Adams Con $-.20 Little Chief ...$ .05 Alice ... Brcece ... Brunswick Comstock .60 Ontario S.75 15lOphlr 1.00 Con.. .091 Phoenix Tun., .08 Potosl ... ..... Con. CaL & Va.. 1.30 Horn Silver , ... 1.55 Savage -- Sierra Nevada . . . , Iron Silver .... Leadville Con. L90Smalt Hopes ... .02Standard 2.00 BOSTON. Dec 20. Closing quotations: Adventure ....$ 5.50 Mohawk ... 49.50 Allouez .. .... 17.75 atont. C & d 5.13 Amalgamated. 67.75 Old Dominion 25.50 92.00 102.00 Atlantic Bingham ..... Cat. & Hecla.. Centennial ... Copper Range. Daly West . . . Dominion Coal Franklin Grancy Isle Royal e ... Mass. Mining. Michigan 16.00 34.50 lOsceola ... .. Qulncy 634.00lShannon . . . . , 8. 24.50Tamaraclc ... 118.00 C5.25 12.00 60.00 Parrot . . .v .. 28.00 Trinity ... . . ,8.7 U. S. Mining. U. S. Oil Utah Victoria ... . 24.38 10.75 46.00 11.00 5.00 26.00 4.2 8.B0J Winona 9.00 Wolverine ... 1L30 104.00 V. v Dried Xtrr "Tork.' NEW TOBK, Dec. "20. The market for evaporated apples U steadily held, with de mand Improving: prime, 4H04c; choice. 5 XiW, fancy. eeoc Prunes are selling In small lots, but the un dertone is casj with quotations ranging rom "c to &c, accoraing to graae. Apricots remain firm and unchanged. Choice are quoted at 10c; extra choice, 10Hllc Pcachcs. are in moderate Jobbing demand. wlthdeslrab1e alzes acarce. Choice are quoted at 9Jic; extra choice. 104G105iC; fancy, 12c Nor York Cotton. Market. NE.W pen.d YORK, Dec 20. Cotton Futures opened, easy 7ar:a. decline of .5glOT points, and closed' steady at DEL U'S yUIUU STOCKS 0FFERED.LIGH1LY .j ONLVsEtEMENJ ORSTRENGTH iH MEW YORK MARKET. . DuIInen of. Trading, Is .Profound at uarge up era tors wun rawn FromExchanae NEW YORK, Dec 2a The strength cn tc- fiay6 dull market was due lo the light offer ings of stocks. The dullness was really pro found: at times. The total for the day, al though only .about 500,000 shares, conveys no adequate Idea of tho .dullness, as this bUsi nees, small as it was, was largely concentrat ed In a few active stocks. The operators on a large scale, who have made the great mar kets of the recent past, seem to have with drawn by common consent, and to have left the dealings to a smaller, but still progres sive class. There la a pretty general agree ment that revived activity IS; not to be looked for until 'after tho holiday period. The large energies - and resources devoted to the great annual setuemenis-civeri mucn irom tne stocu mcrktst. This factor eems less operative than usual this year, owing to the abundance -of money offerings in the Joan "market. Tho call. loan rate swms to begin to. stiffen toward the end of the year, and little is done at as high 3 per cent. The loans are made on time for periods up (o six months, hot at 3H Bd 3 per cent and there is only a languid de mand even at these rates. Pressure continues upon the urgent supply, and also upon that of London, the average 'being in favor of Berlin. Along with the central aeretment In the probability of dull trading until New Years are expressions of confidence In higher prices when the market does become active again. These expressions of confidence Influnce the small buying such as was In evidence today. Attention la alert also to discover eigne of the investment buying which it la an old tradition to look for In Wall street during December. This Is supposed to come from capitalists who expect to receive dividends and Interest at the first of the year and- will see an advantage In securing their desired holdings before others who are seeking the same ends. The picture of capitalists of resources sitting .down to await the Immediate receipt of their increment of wealth for new outlad&e not appeal for its grea,t veruimiutudQ to all demands. Thare was some realizing In the United States Steel stocks on the additional advances In prices of product. Southern Pacific moved In response to rumors of, a coming dividend. Foreign exchange was. easier, but New ' York exchange - at ' Chicago -receded to near . par. Gains were not -fully retained, buf the closing was firm. Bonds were firm. Total - sales, par .value. $3,320,000. United States bonds were un changed on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing rtaies. Hign. low. bid. Atchison 6.500 85H $45; S5tt 6.500 85H S4?i do preferred ' 2.soo ioa iox liiau. Baltimore &, Ohio.... 9.100 10054 &9T4 IO0V, Co preferred nsu Canadian Pacific .... 1,500 181 1550 . 130 Contral joI N. J 700 190 160 190 Chesapeake fc Ohio.. 1.400 4S& 48 4SH Chicago & AMon. 1.400 43H 41 43fe do preferred 78 Chi. Great Western.. 2.800 224; 22ti 22 tv Chi. & Nortliwestern. 1.000 208 206i 207 Chi.. Mil. & St. Paul 9,900 170 160W 170K do preferred 182 Chi. Term. & Trans.. 100 11T4 11T4. 12 do .preferred 1.200 22 22 22u C C. C. & St. L.... 600 91 P0 OOVs Colorado southern 900 23 23 Vi 23l do lt preferred.... 1,900 50 5Sfe 59 do 2d preferred..... 1.400 30-i 3d 30 Delaware & Hudson. 5,600 15& 165i 187U Del.. Lack. & West. 3$0 Denver & Rio Grande 100 31 31?i 314 do Dreferred ....... 1.900 S8!k 85 li fcSii Erie 15,200 37 fl7 37 do 1st preferred 46.00 75& 744 75 do 2d preferred 3.200 5CU 55U 58 Hocking Valley l04 do preferred 400 93 92X 02 V. Illinois Central 1.200 155 354?a 354i 300 23 25 281 300 50U W 300 29 2S 28 S00 53 53 63. 8,460 1401 140H 340H 100 163W 16214 163 1.700 80Vi 79 79 6.100 1234 122 121 1,100 21Vt 20H 20H 62 1,000 904 90 9014 200 146i 140 146i 3,900 1O0H lOStl 108it 800- 31 Oji, 30 200 ' 63 62- 62 . Iowa Central do'preferred Kan. City Southren.. do preferred Louisville & Nashv.. Manhattan L. Metrop. Securities... Metropolitan St. Ry.. Mexican Central .... Minn. & St. Louis... M.. St. P & S. S. M. do preferred , Missouri Pacific .... Mo.f 3an. & Texas. so preieireu National of Mex. nfd. .. ..... 40U New York- Central... 27.000 142 1404 141 7S& 79 02 Norfolk & Western... 7,500 794 do preferred .; Ontario &. Western.. 1.900 43' Pennsylvania 42,100 13TJ4 P.. C C. 4c St. L-.fc Reading 41.600 do 1st preferred 300 co 2a preierreo 200 7.600 600 200 . 400 Bock Island Co do preferred SU L. & S. F. 2d pfd. St. L. Southwestern, do preferred ....... Southern Pacific .... do preferred Southern Railway .. do preferred Texas & Pacific Toledo. St. L. & w.. nn nreferrea ....... Union Pacific 39,500 111 110 110 "do preferred M00 ?3 ?5tf ?5H U'.hoi)! 300 22 22 do nreferred iw Wheellpg & L. Erie. 100 10 19 ia "Wisconsin t-entrai -jj? do nreferred 400 -45 45 45 Express companies - Adams American iw v7t aa United States Wella-Fargo ..4 - 237 Miscellaneous- Amalgamated Copper 17.400 68 Amer. Car & Foundry 0,100 S5U do preferred 1.200 03H American Cotton OH. 100 36 do preferred ....... ------ ----- American Ice 700 6 do preferred ....... 500 08 American Llnieed Oil do preferred American LocomoUvo 3.600 34? do preferred 100 302 Amer. Em, & Refining 17,900 82 66 33 93 3S 36 93 33' 2 38 16 27 33 34 102 .102 79 81 do preferred uu Jjaji Amer. Sugar Refining 7,500 141 140 141 Ariaeonda Mining Co. 301 Brooklyn R. Transit, Colorado Fuel & Iron Consolidated Gas ... Corn Products do preferred Distillers' Securities. General Electrlo .... International Paper.. do preferred International Pump. do preferred National Lead North American .... Pacific Mall People's Gaa Presssd Steel Car-. . . do nreferred ....... 2,000 61 1,600 . 46 "600 201 1.000 '21 61 00 46 46 201 201 21 21 .100. 79 79 400 . 38 87' 400 186 386 1.600 25 25 37 185 T HA 85 '23 400 23 23 301 UO i"U. 42 43 1,800 107. 306 307 ii. "X.'t X,7 (r 00 "36 68 26 94 90Vi 264 Pullman Palace Car. . Republic Steel . 200 16 do.preferred,...... 700 68 Rubber Goods do preferred 1 04 Tm: Coal & Iron... 4.300 72 r- T ..IV.r 29.000 1411 16 68 26 94 71f? 13 101 80 "nsU 71 14H dnfeferred ".. 10.000 101 101 "SB tt r. Realty 100 93 T. .l.-i 29 29 20 93 182 92 Wftlngbouae.Elec.. 300 l-1 Western Union 700 02 9- Total salts for the -day;. 658.200 shares. "IS dividend. bonds NEW YORK. Dec 20. Closing quotations V. S. ref. 2s reg.104 C & N. Wi C. 7a 124 'do coupon ..-Jo D. & R. G. 4s.. 102 Tf. H. 3s reg. 104t4N. T. Cent, lsts.101 do coupon ...104 U. S. new 4s reg.130 do coupon ....131 TJ. 8. old 4s reg.103 do coupon ...100 Atchison Ad J 4 s 04 Nor. racinc .is. o- do 4s 105 Ko. Pacific 4s... 94 Union Pacific 4S.106U Wla Central 4s. 93 Stocks at London. LONDON Dec 20. Consols for money, SS 1-16; consols for account. SS 13-10. Anaconda 6 Atchison ... ... 86 do preferred ..105 Nor. & Western. S0 do prefered .. 95 Ont. & Western. 44 Bait. & Ohio ...102 Can. Pacific 134 Pennsylvania 0 Rand Mines . ... 11 Ches. St Ohio 49Readlng . .. 40 C. Gt. Western. 23 do 1st pref . do 2d pref , So. Railway . do preferred So. Pacific ... Union Pacific do preferred .. 45 C., M. & St. P.174 .. 41 DeBeers IS "35 D. G. . do preferred Erie do 1st pref da 2d pref 31 90 30 .. .98 . . 03 ..133 76 .. 87 56U. 5- Steel ...29 Illinois Central. .158 do preferred Wabash ... do preferred .. 94 .-,22 .. 44 L. & N. 134 M., 3C & T. 31 N. Y.' Central ..144 Spanish 4s . . .. 89 Money, Exchange, Etc 136& 137i 76 79H 78i 76H 90V4 90U 89U 81 SlS 8lU 33 322 334 84i SS& 83 67i C7fc 67 25 24!i 28U 57. 64,700 644 6114 64 2.700 118 US4 118H 6,200 35 34H 34i 400 96i 96t4 66H 100 34 34 34 200 ' 36 35 S5H 500 63 52 63U asked, 3" per cent. Time loan, easy add dull: 60 and 90 days and six months, 3V&3. per rent?. "Prime mercantile paper, 304 per cent. Storllnsr exchange, easier, with? actual busl ceesin bankers' hHlx-t S4.8TSS4.S7$0 for de-s Whd and at $4.&4654.s4;0 for feday bjlla. -Posted rates, $4.S5H4H.8e. Cosanircl.l JUle, $4.84. Bar ellver.-filc. Mexican dollars, 4SHc Bonds Government, steady; railroad, flrm vLONDON. Dtc 30. Bar sllvej, steady 2THd per ounce. . . ! Money?r23 per'cent. r K ' The rafo of "discount in the' open market for; snort, ouis is i io-iir&.i per ceni, uu uuuuu. tills, -2 15-16SS per cent. SAN FRANCISCO.. Dec 20. Silver bare, 6ic Mexican dollars. 51c Drafts-rSlgbU, 214c; telegraph. . 6c Sterling on London, 60 days. '$4.B4i; sight. $S7. Bank Clearing. Clearings. $711,881 , 741.375 533,615 437,720 Balance. $120,251 169,322 46.817 61,604 Portland Seattle .. Tacoma . Spokane . Dally Treasury Statcnient. WASHINGTON, Dec 20. Today's Treasury, atafetnent hows: k ,v Available cash balance $143,871,377 Gold 84.412.425 SAN PRANdSCO MARKETS. Most ActMty Is Shown In tho Apple ' Trade." BAN FRANCISCO, Dec 20.-SpeciAl.) Most of the local markets eel the approach ing holidays. Outside of a few lines, business ls quieting -down. Unusually cold weather a'.o .checked trade n fruits. Apples nhowed the most activity. Receipts were lighter. Ootid medium and fancy grades are In steady demand at well-maintained prices. The mar ket for Northern apple la largely In control of one Arm. and is well protected. Oranges showed a little more movement at unchanged prices. Three carloads arrived. Other citrus fruits were unchanged. The market for potatoes and onion Is large ly of a holiday -character. Leading dealers do not expect much change Until after New Year's. Fancy grades of both are in light supply, and price steady. Oregon potatoes and pnlons brought by the Columbia are not. yet unloaded, as the steamer, had to go to the seawall to discharge grain. uaraen vege tables were In lighter supply and firm for choice offerings. The grain market was much quieter. Spot prices for all leading cereals were firm, but futures were r easier, notably May wheat, which had a sharp decline- following Chicago. Choice feed barley and oata were strong. Feedstuffs were firm. Hay was quiet. Butter waa quieter, with some dealers shad ing prices. Cheese was easy. Eggs were firmer for selected. Receipts, 20,000 pounds butter. 33,000 pounds cheese, 14,000 dozen eggs. Drwed turkeys werp in more demand. VEGETABLES Garlic 537o: green peas, 4 $6c; string bean. 810o; tomatoes. $1.23$ : egg plant, jvtc. POULTRY Turkey gobblers, 18520c: roost ers, old, $44.50j do young. $536; broilers; small, $2.503; large.' $S?3.50: fryers. $4.50 6; hens, $46; ducks, old, $696.60; do young, $5.6036.50. CHEESE Young America, 12"413Hc; East ern. 33315c BUTTER Fancy creamery. 25c: creamery seconds, 20c; fancy dairy. 19c; dairy seconds, 17c - EGGS Store. 27H330c; fancy, ranch, 4Qc WOOL Lambs'. 16lSc HAY Wbea $1014; wheat and oats, $10 13.60; barley, $fill; alfalfa. $9311.50; clover. $79; stock, $537; straw, 40365c. MILLFEED Bran, $183'19: middlings,' $25 28. HOPS-1904, 26329c FRUIT Apples, choice, $1.25; do common, 60c; bananas, $13; Mexican limes. $4; Cali fornia lemons, -choice, $2.76; do common, $1; oranges, navels, $162; pineapples, $1.603.60. Burbanks. 40ff80c; River reds, 6065c; Salinas Burbanks, $11.4C; sweets, GOS 83c; Oregon Burbanks, 85cS$l.I0. RECEIPTS Flour, 16.348 quarter eackar wheat, 31,668 centals; barley, 3600 centals; oats, 3300 centals; do Oregon, 900 centals; beano, 1600 sacks; corn. 800 centals; potatoes, 6745 sacks; bran, 3267 sacks! middlings. 20 eacka; hay. ,140 tone; wool, 60 bales; hides. 104.. - . Wool Market. . BOSTON. Dec 20. The little demand for wool now In evidence In the wool market is principally for lots of scoured wool, especial ly In supers and wools of that grade ' Prices are steady. The general opinion is that the available supply of domestic wool in the mar ket hero is le&s than one-halt than that on hand last year. Territory wools are quoted steady. The market Is firm for foreign wools? Quotations: Territory Idaho fine. 1619c; heavy ane, 164J'17c; fine medium, 1819c; medium. 220 23c; low middling, 23$24c Wyoming Fine, 17G18c; heavy fine. 15 eiCc; fine medium, 1718c; medium, 23 34c; low medium, 23324c Utah and Nevade Fine. 1718c; heavy fine. 15gl6c; fine medium, 1718c; medium, 22 GT23c; low medium, 23f24c Montana Flno choice. 21 (522c; -fine average, 19Q20c; flno medium choice, 21Q22c; average, 10320c; staple, 2223c; medium choice -238 25c; average, 21fi22c. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Dec 20. Wool Steadier; medium gradea combing and clothing. .2129c; jignt ana, 212Jhc; heavy one, 14318c; tub washed, 27g41c Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Dec 20. Tin had a very se vere break in tho London market, as a result. ao. It waa aald. of increasing offerings and speculative manipulation. Spot closed at 131 and futures at 129 12s 2d. Locally, the mar ket waa weak. In sympathy with the foreign decline, and closed at 28.70S29.25c Copper was unchanged at 66 for spot and jtbB is Bd for futures In the London market. Locally, the market- la quiet and without visible change Lake la quoted at 14.753 16.12c; electrolytic, 34.7615c; casting. 14.60 14.T0C Lead was unchanged at 4. 60 1.70c In the New York .market, whila In London there waa a slight decline, with spot quoted at 12 12s Gd. Spelter also waa unchanged at 5.755.67c In the local market and 24 15s in Londoa. Iron closed at 62s 6d in Glasgow, and at 48s 6d in MIddlesboro. Locally, iron was firm: No. 1 foundry Northern, No. 1 foundry South ern ano rno. 1 loundry Southern soft are quoted at $17.2517.75; -No. 2 foundry Northern. $1.60 17.23. Cofleo and Sugar. NEW YORK, Dec 20. Tho market .for cof fee futures showed greater activity than at any time since the big bull movement of last Spring. It opened steady at unchanged prices to a decline of 5 points, and closed net points higher to 10 points higher. Total aalea were reported of 341,000 bags, including: De cember, $7.557.e0c; January. "7.3047. 80c: .March, 7.75e7.85c; April, 7.90c; May. &38.20c; August, 8.45c and .September, 8.4038.45c Spot Rio, Arm; No. 7 Invoice, 8c; mild. firm: Cordova, 10313c Sugar Raw, firm; fair refining. 4sc; centri fugal, 96 test. 4c; molasses sugar. 4e: re fined, firm; crushed, $6.35; powdered, $5.75; granulated, $3.C5. Changes la Available Supplies. new lORK, Doc 20. Special cabla and telegraphic communications received by Brad street's show the following changes in avail able supplies, as compared with last account Bushels. A neat United States and Canada. , east of the Rocklnes. increase..,.. 1.895,000 Aiioat ior ana in jsurope. decrease;. 3.200.000 Total supply, decrease 3,306,000 of the Rockies, Increase 2,207,000 uau-runuea states and canaaa, cast of the Rockies, decrease 381,000 European Grain Markets. ujpuv?i. . ufc i.v. w neat cargoes on passage quiet; English country markets, quiet, but steady. LIVERPOOL. Dee. 20. Wheat March. ld;'May. 7s ld. Wheat and flour in Paris, steady; French country markets, firm. Weath er in England, fine. Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA. Wash.. Dec. 20. Wheat Un changed; bluestem. SSc; club. SSc V Board of Trade Will Close, CHICAGO;. 'Dee 20. TheBoardof Trad will be closedDecer. Jecember 24 "and 26." WHEAT WEAK. AT START REAK IN' LIVERPOOL PRICES CAUSES EASE ATCHICAGO. Heavy Movement In tha Northwest . Adds to the Depression Later Revival Not Upheld. CHICAGO. Dec 20. The greatest weakness in the wheat market waa manifested at the Immediate opening. Under the Influence of a sharp break In prices at Liverpool, Initial quotations here showed substantial losses, the May option being off c to e. at $1.10 to $1.10. According to a prominent British crop statistician, the decline at Liverpool waa caused by holders reselling Argentine cargoes and by late offerings of parcels, from that country at lowar figures. Another factor that contributed to weakness here was the heavy movement In the 2Corthwt, arrivals at Min neapolis and Duluth today being 478 caw. against 424,-cars the. corresponding day a year ago. The start shorts took advantage of the lower prices. and covered freely. Congested conditions of the December delivery caused a quick advance In the price of that option, other optldns rising In sympathy. The revival of bullish sentiment was aided by small re ceipts In the Southwest. On the upturn May sold up to $1.11. Realisms sales caused an other reaction late In the day, and tho mar ket closed ' easy. Final" quotations, on May were $1.10, a loss Of c. Corn was weak throughout the day. Baying by shorts had a steady effect. May closed c down, at 45c , The volume of tradlnr in cats waa light. May closed unchanged at 31c Provisions were easier, as a result of a small decline In prices at the 'yards. Senti ment later- became firmer on a demand from packers. At the close May pork and lard were each up 2c. and ribounchanged. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. ..$1.09 $1.11 .$1.00 ...1.10 l.ll 1.10 .. .07 - .03 .07 corn: Close. December May $L10 1.10 .98 July December .. .45 .48 .. .45 .46 .. .43 - .45&, OATS. .. .20 y .20 .. .31- .31 .. .31 -31 MESS PORK: ..12.60 12.65' .45 .45 -.45 .23 .31 -31- .48 May , :8S July December .29 May , .31 .31 July January 12.60 12.62 May 12.02. 12.97 i.bia 12, vo : - 6.S5 6.90 7.10 , 7.15 LARD. January . 8.85 7.10 6.90 M5 May .... SHORT RIBS. January 6.47 6.50 6.45 6.50 May 6.77 8.80 6.75 B.8U Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Easy. Wheat No. 2 Spring, $1.0S$1.1S; No. "3. 95c $1.10; No. 2 red, $1.121.14. Corp No. 2. 46?46c; No. 2 yellow, 46-t?46c; Oats No. 2. 30c; No. 2 white, 3030c; No. 3 white, 2931c. Rye No. 2. 73c Barley Good feeding, 3738c; fair to choice malting. 414Sc Flaxseed No. 1, $1.16; No. 1 Northwestern, 1-23. Mess pork Per barrel. $11,353)11.46. Lard Per 100 pounds, $6.85. Short ribs sides Loose, $6.266.60. Short clear sides Boxed, $6.6238.75. Clover Contract grade, $12.75. Becelpts. Shipments. Flour, barrels .. 164.500 13.600 48,700 39.400 Wheat, bushels . .. 87.000 ..1,875,500 .. 115,000 .. .8.000 .. 204.100 Corn, bus&eia .. Oats, bushels ... Rye. bushels ... 32S.900 2.100 24.600 Barley, . bushels Grain aad Produca' at New York. NEW YORK. Dec 20. Flour Receipts, 30.- 000 barrels; exporU. 17.000 barrels. Market. Wheat Receipts, 54.000 bushels; Spot bar ley, steady; No. 2 red. nominal elevator. $1.17 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth, $1.22 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal f. o. b. afloat. The early wheat mar ket sustained a bad break because of disap pointing Liverpool cables .nd liberal North west receipts. Later It partly recovered in sympathy with a scare of December shorts at Chicago, but eventually weakened again un der liquidation, closing unsettled at e net loss. May closed $1.12xf July, $1.02 December, $1.1734. Hops Dull. Hides and petrojeum Steady. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. .20. Wheat and barley, weaker. Stot Quotations Wheat Shipping, $1.46i.50; milling, $1.52 1.63. Barley Feed, $1.1231.15; brewing, $1.16 GU.20. Oats Red, $1.401.50; whit. $1.4551.57 black, $1.8091.62. ' Call board sales Wheat May, $1.45. Corn Large yellow. $1.2791.37. AT THE HOTELS. THE PORTLAND, G A Bailey, Sioux C0 A Olson. Minnesota G Hlghtowar, Qulncy IG Brytin, Minnesota F J Brady, Qulncy Mrs M Dupont. Detrol J H Welst, N Y E C Hales, N Y H Bratnqber. Callforn Mrs E Mortimer, "Chinese Honeymn" O Hayter, Dallas O Stephens and wife J J Rosenthal. N i Mrs J Frith, N Y F R King, N Y B Dudley. N Y Montana Mrs B Marshall. Mont W A Bethel and wife, Vancouver, Wash G T Williams. Wal W Mrs W E Pierce. Bols W E Pearson. London J S Williams, S F W Bailey, Seattle J G Blake. Seattle P Marks, San Fran M Jacobs, San Fran H A Lay. Westfleld E E Elston and wife. J C Lee and wife. Spk Seattle T E Flaherty, N T A B Jones, Seattle M A FoUer. Indpls J 7. Hall. Tacoma A B Hurly. Hartford F E Lawson, San Frn E P Q Day. Belltngh K K. Noack, S F H L Van Winkle, S F P 8 Morgan; Jr, S F T M Allcs, San Fran .Miss junswortn, city J A. Daniey, a x Miss Belle Alnsworth,R W Christian, GoldH city G Baylngton and wife. Miss M E Norrls, Fresno; Cal C H Sewor, K C Seattle. Wash G Marstraur, Van B C Mrs Marstraur. do Miss Marstraur, do I S Marstraur. do J P Brown, Chicago C A Stace. San Fran; J N Essehtyn, BakerC C W Thompson. Case C T Zlegler. N Y A O Glover, San Frn B S Corlett and wife. H J Lathey, Seattle San Francisco A D Rummel, San Frn S G Owens, Yosemlte Mrs A B Jones THE PERKINS. C W Jones. PlttsburglT J King. Seattle CP Ford. Denver H F McFeeley. USA Mrs Ford, Denver Mrs E C Baldry, Chg W D Officer. John Dy V Officer, John Day F P Washburn, Bostn A C Ruby, Eugene J E Verdln, Gr Pass A B Kaiser, Grants P C F Fulton, Waaco J W Hull. Hoqulam F J Scuggln, Sheridan Roger Cook. McMlnnv F J Fleming, ChehalsiMraCook, McMlnnvll Geo Wennell. Chehlls Cor Cook, McMlnhvllle O L -Wattcnberg, od L Gilbert. Corvallis J L Smith. Spokane Mrs S R Paterson, Adams G J Rice. Salem J H Schlvely, Olympl W L Lambom, Wasco Ella Edenburg, Waisco P H Sones. Pendleton Mrs sones. Pendleton Fred Cone, N Yamhll Mrs Cone. N Yamhill Mabel Banister. Westn J W Greene. Chllecth F Davenport, Hood R Emma J Mlllette, J E Johnson, Vale Mrs Johnson, Vale Frank Lawberg. Vale Dr Chas Hlnes, For G Denver Miss E Lldue. Denver William Winters, Spk Mrs H Young, Tacoma E R Swlnburn, Hepp W S Ii-ons. Kelso Chas McAlvey. Helix W H Preston, St Louis Miss W Carter, AstoR Hayes. Pocatello Ed T Howe, Jr, Asto D Srouschaat, Pocatell T E Miller, Asa'oria G McCoy, Shantko L Johnson. Sllverton! B F 0Nell, Wallace J C Scott. Wallace N G Leach. Wal Wal J F Tlerney, Spokane A Millar. do Mrs Miller. do ! ueo Kingiey. Fargo T Moffett. Moffett Sn Mrs Moffett. Moffett I J Palmeter, Moffets W D Out man. Pull ran J H Roulston, Pullmn P Marks, San Fran A M Black, Goldendal A Roberts. Mlnnapl Mrs J F Tlerney, do F M Fuller, San Fran J J Tlerney. do Mrs Fuller. San Fran L A Anlts, St LoulslG L Severns. Junctn C J G Boss, San FranjBert Johnson, do C F Kinney. San Fr Nat Withers, do Mra Kinney, San FrnMrs Miller, city Whj -H Gregor, MInnpi W H Moffett. city H A. uoaman. tanoy W J Culver, Salem C D Mlnton, Salem F- Taylor, Spokane S Cooler. Spokane Otto Evans. Canny John Bogart. Woodld J W Hoover, Seattle J H Watson, Umatill J H Gibson. Umatilla C II 'L' A""Loomls, Ilwaco J N Chute, SanFran J K Hawkins, Clatskn Mrs Naurer. Clatskan W H Baker. Junction M "L Swlnt, Vancouv C A Payne, Chcjnawa FWard; Pomerojr J W Hd"rick, Chemw W J Perkins. ITom Williamson. Che Grand Baplds Mlch'iO D Gibson. Wal TV 81 THE IMPERIAL R A. Hawkins. HwacolMrs D Smith, Astoria A Case. Sumpter O M Hunter, wife ana W H Ruseher. Cot Gri son. iicKeesport F W Power. Eagle CI F S Bush and wife, M Jack. Grangevltl Omaha E R Olsen. Enumclawj A B McCarty, Pendltn Hutchman Mrs A B McCarty, J D Hamilton. Rosbg Pendleton J J N-al, Ashland, F"E Ramsey, city j no .t.oBeorougn, spKn Orion. Klneraly. city Ralph Savage. HoOdR Frank Chandler, do Ed T Judd, Turner Mrs M D Egbert. I W Mann and wife, Medora So Bend C B Slraonda. T Dallas A Chinese Honey I D Driver. Eugene D C Tlnnen. St Paul moon Co Adele MacDonald John Reed and wife. Anne Morgan Nancy Sherwyn Seattle Clyde Kelty. McCoy P L Campbell. Eugen Gertrude Nornberg John Kearney D H Loopey. Jefferson Regtna McAvery E M Tucker. Jefferson Eveieen Dunmore Mrs S D Bacotn N J E J Ward, Seattle W H Russell. Denver Helen Lotten Belle Lotten , R M Brumheller and C D Jessup. Salem wife. Walla Walla L J Gay, Seattle M L Tower. Ft Stevn N N Craig. San Fran A H Richie and wife, M J Hlckey. city .Battle Ground Mrs W A Roberts, Seattle F Patton and wife, Astoria , H G Van Dusen, Asto James Wlthycombe Corvallis A Fink. 8an Fran. E ir Snow, Seattle THE ST. CHARLES. (Lena Anderson, M W Anderson, wash ou gal O Strass, Carson Washougal Chas Weir Jas P Feller and son, . Hubbard W H Lewis, Seaside W Helgeson. Washgal J H Huglll. Gervals F G Blumhart. Albany TV J Yeon. Rainier C T Bonney. Woodbrn G F Warnock. Spokn F L Clark. Goble Jas Coughlln. U S A Ed Franklin. USA Mrs L'R Nelon. Vane W M Alllngharo, Mrs Newton. Vancouv Shedd F Haffey I R R Hill R Robins Mrs Robins Mrs S Allen, Washgln John L Snyder. Clatak J H Neep, Eufaula Mra Neep. Eufaula R- Wright Dunwoody. Colfax Frank Sloper E J Hubbert. city H Caples, city D Kauffman. Hubbard J Cannady Mrs Cannady J W Ferguson, city Andrew Kee, .clfy Fred Wilson, city F M Griffin, lone Frank Glass, Bend A E Fitzgerald C W Weir, city Thos "Robinson. Evrett Mrs J Franklin, The F H Zehndner, Areata Dalles M F Wilkes. TJenver Minnie ShocJett Leila Lisle C T Raether- Mount Pleasant E E Flelshaner. Newb J A Burk. Kalama Chas C Henry. Newbgi Mra R L Pebley. La Fayette James Frank. Salem G D Goodhue. Salem Paul Martin. Bumpier E C Case, Canby Mrs Geo Moore, Cheney Mrs B S Qulnn. Buttevllle Geo W Phillip. Cheny F W Bishop Mrs L Watt. Cheney Mrs J C Kenmouth. I Pullman F RItner Mrs RItner O Erickson, Qulncy H C Hastings, Latah J O Lott. Camas. WnlMrs Hastings. Latah Mrs Lott. Camas W E Barnes. Beavertn Tena Anderson. Mrs Barnes, Beavertm washougal. Wash M F Donahue, Chelan B N McNutt, Cornels THE ESMOND. H Brown. N Yamhill O Rlneseth, Washgal W Simpson, Buxton C Johnson. Skamokwa J J Jaggy. Vancouver J Allen. Seattle J Good. do H Allen. do G Rose. do 3 W Southern. Halsey H Jackson. Tacoma I Mm Jackson, Tacoma A Johnson. Skamokw W E Conyers, Clatskn Miss R Barring, S F Mrs S W Gaunt, Ralnr Miss S Barring. S F M A Wonderly, Ralnlr J E Taylor. W Wal A K Morgan. Rainier N McFee. Seattle J C Gordon, Dundee J Qulgley, Cathlamet F Catlln. Catlln C E Marshall. GoldndjMrs J Qulnn. Qulnn G II Wood. GoldcndllC C Ruckle. Kalama A N Fanning. SheridnlL Rodlun. Gresham W Given. Grant's Ps:A A Bonney. Tygh VI G Foster, Goble (Isaac Pea. Kelso N D Hunter. Goble IJ T Nark. Madison J W Jorey. Salem IJ R Nark, Madison R Zlmmer. San FranlD W Rutherford. Tac J Hill. Washougal I J E Bonbonle, Brldl V T iN'asjo. Cathlamet A Johnson. Skamokw L L Oxley, GardenhmG W Shirley. Seattle F W Butler. do w Simpson. Seattle. H Hastings. do jE Long. Seattle G Eleo. Astoria L W Ball. Quinn's Mrs E Lascelles, Ranr0 Thompson, Astoria THE SCOTT. E B Young, city Mrs A P Marshall Wood burn C H Harris, Hoqulam C E Berry. Seattle Miss Maye Simmons.' Marshfield Miss C Fymond, Marshfield "A Chinese Honey moon" Co Mrs McCarty Mrs Southern Mr' Zucker Mrs Sltze Miss Palmer Mlas Allsworth Miss Crawford Miss Henry Miss Deddle Miss Shields Mr Grant Mr Tagart Mr Mertens J D Woodberry. Tacm Oscar Grcertwpod, do Frank Carr, city Mrs G Dubaek. St P A E Catan. Oakland J W PllHster, Oaklnd A E Benton. Oakland J G Calvin. Oakland A J Nevlns W H Saurlal and wife. Kalama Mrs Carter, Kalama E K Brlghtman, Roseburg D M Donkel. Rosbrg Walter Stanhope, N Y Mr Franklin. New T Mr and Mrs Durand. Tew York Mr Blueman and fam Hoqulam B J Barster. Hoqulam Wm Campbell, city T P Ryan, San Fran W M Slsk, Oakland - Tacoma 7Io!e7, Tacoma. American plan. Hates. $3 and up. Hotel Domnelly, Tacoma. FIrst-clacK restaurant in connection. OE OMMISSION QRAIIN'and STOCK BROKERS "We Chorale N Interest for Carrying Leng Stock General Office gSg SJffi&wo MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 2L X. Aldeat, CorrpnTirtU Koqbs 2, Gronad (Floor, vCfc amber mt Co mm ere e. TRAVELER'S GUIDE. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY PORTLAND to THE DALLES Regulator Line Steamers l Ml (HCEfTSOKDAT) 7 JL M. Direct lln for MoEtt's. St. Martin's and Collins' Hot Springs. Connecting at Lyls. Wash., with Columbia River tz Northern Kr. Co.. far UoldadaI and Kliekiuc Valley -olats. Tending toot of Alder street. Pbon Maln 914. 'i'UMALi. Agme. 1 . For South -Eastern Alaska Steamers of th nmnnn.. fOr Which It f 9!-nr 1.'.... SEATTLE 0 A. M.. TACOMA 6 P. M.. day nrevloUsL sti-m- ships COTTAGE CITY (Dec 5. 31, SKAQWAY DIRECT Dec. IT, via Killianoo and Sit ka): RAMONA Dec. 13. via Kllllsnoo and Sitka; Dec. 28 Skagtvay direct); both vessels making- regular S. E. Alaska ports of call; Cottage City calls at Vancouver: Ramcna CALLS AT VIC TORIA . FOR VANCOUVER. CTTT OF SEATTLE leaves Seattle Tuesdays Thursdays. Sundays. 10 P. M.; call at Everett, and Belllngham. Steamera connect at San Francisco with com pany's steamers for ports In California, Mex ico and Humboldt Bay. For further Informa tion obtain folder. Right is reserved to change steamers or sailing date. TICKET OFFICES. Portland.. , 249 Washington St. Seattle 113 James st. and Dock San Francisco ...10 Market sti C. D. DUNANN. Gen. Pass. Agt. 10-Market st.,- San Francisco. TRAVELER'S- GUIDE. Oif mm ak Union Pacific . 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullman standard and tourist sleep ing-cars dally to Omaha, Chicago, Spokane; tourist sleeping-car dally ta ' Kansas City; r through Pullman tourist sleeping-car (person-- ally conducted) weekly to Chicago. Reclining chair-cars Jseats free) to the Eaat dally. . UNION DEPOT. Leaves. Arrives. CHICAGO-PORTLAND 9:15 A. M. 5:25 P. M. SPECIAL for the East Dally. Dally, via Huntington. SPOKANE FLYEK, 6:15 P. M. S:00 A. M. - I uauy. 1 uany. For Eastern Washington. Walla Wala. Lew- lston.Coeur d'Alene and Great Northern points. ATLANTIC EXPRESS, U.,-t t 7:t6A.M. .O DailvV r5" lngton. Dally. RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR ASTORIA and?S:06"P.M. 5:00 P. M. way points, connecting Dally, with steamer for Ilwa-t except Dally, except Sunday. . co and North Beach! Sunday. steamer Hassalo. Ash-.Saturday, street dock (water per.) 10:00 P. M. FOR DAYTON. Or. 7:00 A. M. Dally, ex. Sun. 5:30P.-Mi ran "1tv- anil VainSm Dally; ex. Sun.- River points, Ash-strcet dock (water permitting) FOR LEWISTON. 1:40 A. M. Dally, ex. Sat. About 3:00 P. M. ex. Frl. Idaho,- and way points. irom Hiparta, wash. TICKET OFFICE. Third and Washtnrton-- Telephone Main 712. C. W. Stinger. City Tick- - t Agent; A. L. Craig, General Pasaanger Agent. SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND S. S. CO. TTai- TJV-. tiUa vrv : m, ifsvt t pr.m ' Alnsworth 'dock S. s'. Geo. W. Elder, bee. 2, 12: S. S. Columbia, Dec. 7, 17. Sailings from. Alnsworth dock, 8 P. M. PORTLAND tAsfATIG S. S. COMPANY. For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at ' Kobe, Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamers for Manila. Port Ar thur and Vladivostok; S. S. Numarttla. Dec. 8; S. 8. Arabia, Dec. 31. For freight and further particulars apply to JAMES H. DEWSON. Agent. Telephone Main 268. Upper Alaska Dock. CAQT VIA SOUTH Laavea. "" UNION DEPOT. Arrtvta, P1UU3A 'XxUuifii fSOP. M. lor Miilrm. Mac- 723 A. M. nmwiim, UsUoo. ban Los Auicelti. ui roo. .Nw urla&4 um the ist. Pluming train con 1:30 A.M. 7:10 T. M atcu at Vocdburti idaily excepc sua aav) witn train tot Mount Angel, stiver. ton. urowtuvuic, Springfield. Weed lutf and Natron. 4:C0PM- 10:10 A. M, Albany passenger connects at Wood turn with ML Angel aad Bllveruia :ccal. Corvallis passenger. Sheridan 'paisentf-.. 7:20 A. M. 1140 P. M. 5:39 P. M. X. M- Dally. i Daily. xcpt Sunday. PORTLAND-03WEGO SUBURBAN SERVIC3 AND TAMHTT.L DIVISION. Leave Portland daily for Orcrex t 7:30 A. M.. 12:S0. 2:00. 315. &2o. 0. 1:45, 10:10 P. M. Dally, except Sunday, 6:30. tS:30. 8:5$. 105 A. M.. :uo. H:3t) P. il. tiunaay. ouly. 0 A. M. Returning from Oowego arrlvo Portland dally 8:30 A. . 1-55. 3:ua. 4:35. 6:15. 7:35, 8:55, il:ioP. M. Daily except Sunaay. tt5, 7:25, 0:30. 100. 31:42 A. M. Except Monday. 12 A. M. Sunday only, 10:0o A. M. . Leave from same depot for Dallas and Inter-, mediate point dally except aunday. 4 P. M, Arrive Portland. 10:20 A. M. Tb Independence-Monmouth motor line oper .e dally to Monmouth and Alrlle. connecting with S. P. Co. ualns at Dallas and Independ-. eace. First-class fare from Portland to Sacramento id Ean Francisco. $20.' berth, $5. Second- ,,. fa,- S15; second-class berth. $2.50. TWkeS ''to Eastern points and Europa. Al j.n China Honolulu and Australia. En Ticker OFFICE, comer Third aad Waihlnttoa streets. Phone Main 712. imi CARD OFTRAINS; PORTLAND Deuaru. Arrlr Puget Sound Limited for TaVomi; Seattle. Olympla. Sooth ,Bno 8:30 am 0:20 prs North Coast Limited for Tacoma, Seattle, bpoxane, uBtte. St. Paul. Naw York, Boston and all points Ease and Southeast 3:00 pm Twin Cltj- Express for Tacoma, Seattle. Spckane, Helena, St. Paul, lliaae apolis. Chicago. New York. Boston and ail points East and Southeast .13:45 pm Fugwt Sound-Kansan City St. Louis Special, for Tacoma. Seattle, hpokano. . . Butte. Billings, Denver, Omana, Kahiua City. SU Louis and all polnu East 1 and Southeast . . 8:30 am 7:00 aa 7:00 pza 7:00 1 All trains dally, except on South Bend branch. A. D. CHARLTON. Asslsnt General Pas aanger Agent. 235 Morriuoa sc., corner Third, Portland. Or. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. 0fo Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrive. Dally. i"or Maygers, Baiuier, jjally Clatakanle, Weatport. Clifton. Astoria,. War- 8XO a. it. renton. Flavel, Ham- UMX. mand.. Fort Stevens. Qearhart Park. Sea side, Astoria and tfea hore. (Express Dally. 70 P. M Astoria Express. 0:40 P.M. Dally. C A. ETEVVART. J. C. ilATO, Comm'l Agt., 2415 Alder st. G. P. a P. A, Phone Main 90S. City Ticket Office, 122 3d st. Phono 630. 2 0VEELAND TRAINS DAILY O The Flyer and the Fast Mail. SPLENDID SERCE UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT- COURTEOUS EMPLOYES For tickets, rates, folders and full in formation, call on or address H. DICKSON, City Passenger and Ticket Agt., 122 Third street. Portland, Or. JAPAN-AMERICAN LINE S. S. KANAGAWA MARU For Japan, China and all Asiatic Ports, trill .Leave Seattle about Jan. 17th. 1"6AT Northern j .