THE MOKNTOG OREGOKIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1904..- MORE STATES IN Middle West Corning to Portland. Fair. WISCONSIN SETS .PACE Gives $50,000 and Will Send Legislators in Special. Train, ILLINOIS WILL ALSO BE HERE C. H. Mclsaac Returns From Exploits tlon Field With Cheering Reports of Interest Shown by the Middle West. Colin H. Mclsaac, assistant director o exhibits, -who returned -yesterday from a trip of three months to the St. Louis Exposition and the East, brings the -welcome news that the State pi Wisconsin -will participate in the Lewis and Clark Exposition. Fifty thousand dollars -will-toe set aside at the coming meeting- o the Legislature for the erection of a "Wis-, consln pavilion -and the preparation of an exhibit that will do the state credit When the Wisconsin Legislature meets on January 11 Governor LaFollette will send a message asking the assembly to make' the appropriation. The bill will 5ass the House and also the Senate. Im mediately thereafter Grant Thomas, who was special commissioner from Wisconsin to the St Louis Exposition, will .leave lor Portland with the plans of the Wiscon sin pavilion In his pocket As the bill for the appropriation will contain the emergency clause, he will have ready money with which to -work, and the con tract -will be let immediately upon his arrival here. Official Party Coming. It Is also certain that Governor LaFol lette, his staff and the majority of the State Legislators will be here for the open ing services of the Exposition. A special excursion train, carrying the official party will leave Madison shortly after May 15 and proceed to Portland over the North ern Pacific The train will make its way leisurely across the continent hut -will arrive in ample time lor the party to be present on the opening day. The return will be made over the Union Pacific lines. In Madison, Mr. Mclsaac held a meet ing with the holdover Senators, -who are, by one member, the majority of that body They expressed themselves favorably for state participation. The exhibit and pa vilion from Wisconsin is assured, as is shown from the fact that Mr. Thomas, the commissioner-to-be, relinquishes the secretaryship of the Senate in order to accept the office of commissioner to the Lewis and Clark Exposition. The ex cursion of the state officials to Oregon -will, Mr. Mclsaac believes, result in much benefit to this state, particularly as Wis consin capital is greatly invested through out Oregon in timber landX, and mills. From Madison, Mr. Mclsaac proceeded to Milwaukee, where he met members of the Merchants & Manufacturers Associa tion. The association holds its annual meeting January IS, at which time the more prominent members will urge en dorsement of and participation in the Lewis and Clark Exposition. At Milwaukee also Mr. Mclsaac was the guest at the annual meeting and banquet of the Citizens' Business League. He de llvered an address relative to the Expo sition and the trade between the -Pacific Coast country and the Orient K. was truly 2. Pacific Coast night the members of the league expressing themselves as jgreatly Interested in the Coast country and the effect Its developmnt will have on the Nation at large. After the address an adjournment -was taken, and upon re assembling the league passed the follow ing resolution unanimously, the resolutions Jbeiag introduced by William George Bruce, the Educational Commissioner from Wis. consln to the St Louis Exposition and chairman of the Wisconsin Democratic State Central Committee: Make Strong Indorsement. "Whereas, The Lewis and Clark Cen tennlal Exposition commemorates an his torical event of immeasurable importance to the United States, and at the same time will tend to promote the industrial and commercial growth and welfare of the Jforth Central and Western States; there lore, be it "Resolved, That it is the sense ofthe Citizens Business 'League of Milwaukee that the great and diversified Interests of the State of Wisconsin should be' repre sented in an adequate and comprehensive manner and that the Legislature be urged to make proper provision 'for such repre sentation." From Milwaukee Mr. Mclsaac journeyed to Chicago, where, after much ceremony. he managed to get an interview with Governor-elect Deneen. The Governor elect listened with interest when Mr. Mc lsaac explained that Oregon spent 560,000 on the Columbian Exposition in Chicago, and that the annual trade between Chi cago and the Northwest amounted to something like $50,000,000. The interview ended in Deneen's agreement to incorpo rate in his message to the Legislature a clause recommending participation of the State of Illinois in the Lewis and Clark Exposition. It Is anticipated that Illinois will not allow the neighboring State of "Wisconsin to outdo the king state of the great corn belt Must Boom the .Fair. "An excellent opportunity awaits the people of Portland and of Oregon, as well as of the entire Western country." said Mr, Mclsaac. "The time to boost has come. - Not that Portland has not boost ers, but heretofore such men have not beep Itindly received by the more conserv ative element In the era prior to the Exposition project the attitude of Ore gon's citizens -was characterized by too much reserve.' Just pride in our state was concealed and the concealment did not aid us. Now we will have in the Exposition a. conclusive self-demonstration of civic capacity. There will be jio bad after effects, of the Exposition; on the, contrary, the effect will be a benefit We will not be undone, but made. "What we want and will have is a city of people swelling with" pivlc pride, upon -whom the mention of Portland will have an immediate and visible effect We need to manif est enthusiasm and municipal pat riotism. As one result of the coming Ex position, Portland should have a well equipped public museum, an Institution which will prove worth all the money ex pended and all the effort made. We need to prepare to make good impressions on all the visitors who will throng Portland be fore many months. Visitors Judge a city by its looks. They judge the Inhabitants by the civic pride they manifest They determine a city's future by the popular enthusiasm over that city's progress. Portland can -well benefit by the experience of'other Exposition cities." Part of the Harvest. One result. of the Oregon exhibit' at -the St Louis Exposition was shown yester day, when a letter -was received at Lewis and Clark headquarters stating that the writer, representing a mining company, had noticed at St Louis a specimen and description, of -wolframite, or tungsten, jamong the mineral exhibits from this state. The -writer asked where and by what means he could secure a large speci men of wolframite, and the proper infor mation will be forwarded him . TOMBSTONE CLUBS AEE TOEMED James W. Casey's Idea Is Followed in Other Cities. James W. Casey, traveling freight and passenger agent of the Chicago, Milwau kie & St Paul, has returned from Ta coma, where he has been stationed as general agent- for several weeks past' in the absence of W. H. Manner, of that place. Mr. Casey has returned to find himself famous.' Some time ago a story was printed to the effect that a tombstone association had beea formed among the traveling men and xailroad representa tives of the Northwest, and Mr. Casey was mentioned as the secretary and treas urer. John Thanem, a prominent travel ing man of the city, was to be the presi dent of the association. At first Mr. Casey thought it was funny to be the secretary and treasurer, out now he has changed his mind. On his return from Tacoma he found Ills desk filled with correspondence, much of which related to the Tombstone Association. Printed pamphlets containing the articles of association and the by-lawB of "The Mutual Monument Association," of Fort Scott, Kan., were the first to be opened. as Mr. Casey went over his accumulated pile of letters. These articles state that the object is to provide a tombstone or .monument ' for each member of the association and to erect the same over the grave of the member, when deceased. If the members are under the age of 20 years, the monu ments "will cost them $50; for all members between the ages of 20 and 25 the cost will be $75, and $100 for all members over the age of 25.. Any person over the age of 5 .years and under 65 may become a mem ber of the association by paying an in itlon fee of 10 cents, if over 10 years of age, and 5 cents for those under that age. All persons who have been continuous members of the association for 45 years prior to the age of 65 shall be from that time exempt from further dues or assess ments. The money Tderived from the dues and fees Is to be used in providing monu ments for the members wherever they may be. These associations have sprung up in several parts of the United States since the publication of the first story in The Oregonlan telling of the Portland Asso ciation. Fort Worth, Tex.; Kansas City, Houston, Tex., and Chicago all have seen the organization of similar associations since the time when Mr. Casey, was sup posed to have begun to sell shares in his new benefit association. Now the local representative of the Eastern road is sore because he did not in reality float the scheme as be announced in the first place, and is thinking longingly -of the surplus dollars -being gleaned by the other fellows." He is seriously considering the advisability of fathering his scheme on a business basis. Railroad Men at Reception. A. L. Craig, general pasgnger agent of the O. R. & N., held a reception yester day afternoon ln,hls office, at which were present the representatives of the steam ship and rail lines of the Lower Colum bia. It is customary each year for the men representing the different branch lines under the management of the O. R. & N. to meet and discuss plans for the coming year, and to make their reports for the year that has passed. There was no business of particular in terest transacted at the meeting of yes terday, the discussion being along the lines of management and operation. H0LtDAY ITEMS. For years we have made special efforts to secure novelties suitable for smokers' use and feel confident that we are recog nized leaders in this line as -well as In high-grade imported Havana and Key West cigars.' We have surpassed all pre vious efforts. Our Mr. SIg. Sichel while in New York had the opportunity to meet European manufacturers of novelties In smokers' outfits and purchased a variety of articles for our trade, which under or dinary circumstances would not be avail able for this market until one or two years later. We are showing exquisite designs In smokers' .tables, smoking sets, pipe plaques and racks, cigar moistening cases, tobacco jars., finest Vienna leather goods, and an endless variety of finest meerschaum, French and English Sweet Briar pipes. Our line of cigars Is the best In the city. Our prices most reason able. SIG. SICHEL & CO.. 92 Third Street Agents Ml Hogar and Garcia Cigars. PICTTJftE-PRAME MOLDING. We have Just received the finest line of picture frame molding ever brought to this city; also a large line of ovals in gold, ebony and gold, brown and gold. Better values not in the market Open evenings. Sanborn, Vail & Co., 170 First street sror ix) k coixiys HOT springs. A covered platform has been erected by th O. R. & N. immediately opposite Collins Hot Springs for the accommoda tion of passengers who desire to visit this resort ace bpokano flyer, trains 3 and a r 4. stop at this point on flat: to take on or let off passengers. A commodious launch. meets ana carries ail passengers and bag' gage across we river xo ine aoicj. mn.i t i -jzg -mm w w TALK ABOUT GOWS Oregon Dairymen's Associ ation Opens Annual Session. ADDRESSES FROM EXPERTS Ideas Presented on Care of Cows and Raising of Feed Will Plan Par ticipation in the Lewis and Clark Fair. Practically every phase of the -cattle-feeding business came up before the Ore gon Dairymen's Association meeting yes terday. There were "a number of able addresses, and questions were asked the speakers freely. An attendance of over 100 -was drawn from among the prominent dairymen from all parts of the state. The meeting Is the 13th annual convention of ARTIST the association. It opened in Oddfel lows' Hall, at First and Alder streets, where it will be concluded today. Following the address of welcome de livered by Mayor Williams, and responded to by President William Schulmerlch. of Farmihgton, the members got down to business. There was not a minute of the afternoon session that a dairyman -would not have learned something vitally Inter esting to him. In the morning Dr. Will iam McLean discussed the hygiene of the cow; J. M. W. Bonney, of Woodbum, spoke on "The Farm Dairy." and Richard Scotf, of Mllwaukie, spoke on the dairy tests of the various expositions, recount ing the method' used at St Louis and making- some serious objections to It Discuss St. Louis Tests. Later In the day William M. Ladd an swered Mr. Scott's objections, stating that the St Louis tests were very thor ough, and satisfactory. The tests were paid for by the breeders, but the breed ers' associations have, for the most part, expressed an unwillingness to bear the expenses at the Portland Exposition. As dairy tests form the dairymen's competi tions they take extreme interest in them, and, as Mr. Ladd pointed out It will be necessary to hold good tests to show the world what fine cattle there are in Ore gon and what they can produce. Mr. Ladd stated that he now owns the winners of the first live prizes for Jersey cows, at St Louis, having recently ar ranged for their purchase. He said "he procured the cattle because it was one of his father's requests that a portion of the estate be used toward the propaga tion of good cattle in Oregon. Dr. James Wlthycombe, of the Oregon Agricultural College, opened the after noon session with a discussion of dairy feeds, which might well have been termed "The Psychology of the Cow." "Consider the state of mind of the cow I you are about to milk," said Dr. Wlthy combe, and seek the psychological mo ment at which to milk her. Don't milk l I i iff 1 as; stMf -J""" - '7 WWXVt WV. 1 f-Aye . ,e mm ALL ABOUT THE WORLD'S FAIR. ' Th'e 2ew Year's Oregonian, that will lie published on, January 2 next, will contain engravings that will coyer every feature of the great buildings that are now in course of erection on the Lewis and Clark Fair grounds. The illustrations of the details of these mam moth structures will be the finest results of the engraver's skill. The New Year's Oregonian will tell people from abroad just how to reach Portland, rates of fare,, etc., and it will describe in detail all the features of the World's Fair that will be formally opened in Portland on Junel next. N Price of the New Year's Oregonian, to any address in the United States or Canada, postage prepaid, 10 CENTS A COPY. Address The Oregonian, Portland, Or. when she is intent on what she is eat ing. Give her what she likes most' to eat and let her eat it Then, when she has a satisfied feeling, and is in a good frame of mind, .milk hor and she -will give plenteously and richly. Study the Cow. "You have noticed the cow when Bhe hears the bleat of her calf. She stops feeding and her whole mind is intent on that calf and -what it Is doing." The vetch is Dr. Wlthycombe's pet feed. He believes it better than either alfalfa or clover for cattle. Moreover It grows easily In the Willamette Valley, he said, and It enriches the land and is full of the stuff which is good for cows. Feed it generously, he advised, even though It be expensive, and the return will Justify the outlay. Dr. WTlthycombe's other leading point was the -feeding of calves. He believes in the skimmed-milk-fed calf, weaned In 12 hours and within a weeK placed on a diet of skimmed milk altogether, and soon put upon solid food. Within the first few weeks the future strength and pro ductiveness of the animal is determined, he said. In the remainder of Dr. Wlthycombe's speech, and during- that of W. W. Cotton, who followed with an address on "Irriga tion in the Willamette Valley," the ques tion -was the possibilities of alfalfa rais ing in the Valley. The remarks and dis cussions brought out the fsxt that al- falfa will grow In the Valley on certain soils. Mr. Cotton expressed thebellef that it would only grow in alkaline soils and that the greater portion of the Wil lamette Valley has too much acid. To Neutralize 'Soil. Dr. Wlthycombe did not agree with Mr. Cotton's suggestion that lime would be a fit application to the soil to neutral ize the acid, but suggested gypsum. He stated that a Corvallis alfalfa had been raised successfully and very productively on soli not treated at all. But he saw no reason for the adoption of alfalfa in this climate to which It is unnatural when "vetch" Is at hand. Mr. Cotton's chief point was to advise a method by which the long, dry Sum mer in the Willamette Valley could be broken by artificial means. He pointed out that where water did not have to be raised more than 50 feet a centrifugal pump, operated by a two-horsepower engine, could irrigate 15 acres of land. With the aid of a storage reservolr plenty of water could be obtained from a spring or small stream. One or two irrigations a year, one in July and anoth er In August would keep fields of clover, alfalfa and vetch producing and supply plenty of green feed, -which dairymen generally lack In the height of Summer. He suggested a long canvas hose as a means of carrying the water upon the fields. H. E. Lounsbury, traveling freight agent of the Southern Pacific Company, suggesting in an Address that the rail roads were a wonderful boon to dairy- MURPHY VISITS DAIRYMEN'S men, t,he veteran Josiah West, of' Clat sop County, arose, shook back his long, white hair and asked how' it happened then that he'used to get better prices for butter before the Northern Pacific was completed. In turn, Mr. Lounsbury asked htm how he would get rid of his surplus butter now If It Tvere not for the railroads. "Oh, I'm not answering questions," said the old man. "I'm asking them." Last evening a committee, consisting of Dr. Wlthycombe, T. Judd, A. H. Lea, G. W. Weeks and T. T. Whitney met to draw up resolutions which will be pre sented before the convention this morn ing. They will deal principally with questions upon which the Legislature -will be requested to act and upon the obtain ing of a suitable exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Fair. Business Session Today. Today's programme will be a long one and full of importance. T.he morning ses sion will begin at 9:45 The day's pro gramme follows: Address, "Needed Dairy Legislation." J. W. Bailey, Portland; address; "Prin ciples of Pasteurization," M. Mortensen, Hazel wood Company, Portland; paper, "Nine Tears' Growth of the Tillamook Cheeso Industry." P. Mcintosh, Tilla mook; paper, "Cream Separators, Their Care and Benefits." J. C. Robinson, Port land. Afternoon business session Report of secretary-treasurer, reports of commit tees, election of officers; paper. "Varia tions of Total Milk Solids," Dr. J. P. Tamiesle, Hillsbofo; paper. "Some Im provements in Dairy Machinery." W. H. Monroe, Portland; address. E. A. Mc Donald. Washington Food and Dairy Commissioner. Dock for Warehouse. The Montgomery dock at Alblna has been leased to the O. R. & N Company for a term of years by the J. B. Mont- gomery estate. The deal has been under consideration for some time and was finally consummated yesterday by J. F. Booth, representing the Montgomery heirs, and officials of the O. R. & N. Com pany. The company will use the wharf of warehouse purposes and other pur poses for Its Oriental Steamship line. The owners of the property are having It re paired and supplied with electric lights and other conveniences. TO W0EK FOE NEW HIGH SCHOOL tEast Side Improvement Association Calls Meeting Friday Night. W. D. Fenton, president of the East Side Improvement Association, at the Instance of the executive committee, has called a general meeting at the Justice of the Peace Court, room, on the northeast corner of Grand avenue and East Morrison street .to start a campaign for an East Side high school. Every citizen Interested in this move ment Is invited to attend and to bring- a friend along. GLOVES GIVEN AWAY. $3 ladles' real kid, $1.45; the $1.50 grade real kid. 95c We are selling kid glove3 uid you can save 55c pair on your present McAUen Sc. McDonnell. ONLY TWO TENDERS Quartermaster Opens Bids for Lumber for Manila. BLOCKADE .RUNNERS COMING Tramp Steamers Reported to Have Sailed From Hong Kong for Port-, land Fast' Vessels for the Japanese Line. Bids were opened yesterday by Captain Jesse M. Baker, disbursing 'quartermas ter . for supplying the., department with 2,140,457 feet of lumber for shipment to Manila. The specifications called for the follbwlng quantities: Lot No. 1, 191.500 feet and 1. 208. S50. 2230 and 4S0 pieces; lot No. 2, 300,000 feet; lot No. 3. 262 pieces; lot MEETING rJ t No-. 4, 20.000 feet; lot No. 5, 270,000 feet; lot No. 6, 20,000 feet. V Tenders were made by only two Portland firms, the Portland Lumber Company and the Eastern Sc Western Lumber Company. Bidders of this city have not had much success of late in securing Government business, which probably accounts for the small number, of bids sent In. The Portland Lumber Company made a lump bid of $22,916 for the entire shipment and stipulated that it could begin deliv ery within 20 days at the rate of 150,000 feet a day. The Eastern &. Western Company sub mitted the following bids: Item Nd. 1, J16 per 1000; No. 2. ?13;. No. 3, $15; No. 4, ?16: No. 5. $16; No. 6, $18. It agreed to deliver the lot at the rate of 200,000 feet per day. Bids were also opened yesterday at San Francisco and Seattle. Captain Baker will tomorrow open tenders for an addi tional 20d,(XX feel for Philippine shipment San Francisco Bids. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 20. Bids for Government contract for lumber to be used in the Philippines were opened at the office of Major De Vol, Quartermaster of the United States Army, at noon. They are as follows: Pacific Pine Company Item No. 1, $16 No. 2, $14.73; No. 3, $14.25; No. 4f $15; No. 5, $19; No. 6. $8.95. Belllngham Bay Company No. 1. $13; No. 2, $15; No. 3. $13; No. 4, $14; No. 5, $13.50; No. 6, $9.50. Charles Nelson & Co. No. i. $17.50; No. 2. $13.50; o. 3. $13.50; No. 4, $19.50; No. 5, $4; No. 6. $34. Albion Lumber Company Item No. i, $620 for the lot. "Union Lumber Company Item No. 7, $40. Robert Dollar Item No. 1, $18; No; 2, $17; No. 3, $14; No. 4, $17.50; No. 5, $16.50. Pope & Talbott No. 1, $16; No. 2, $14.75;" No. 3, $14.25; o. 4, $15; No. 5, $19; No. 6. $5.95; No. 7. $37.50. ; C. A. Hooper & Co. No. 1. $15.75; No. 2, $15; No. 3. $14: No. 4, $15.10; No. 5, $19.10; No. 6, $8.50; No. 4, $37.50. MORE MYSTERIOUS STEAMERS. Two Tramps rfeported to Have Sailed for Portland. According to the maritime papers, two more tramp steamers are on their way across the Pacific, bound for Portland. They are the British steamship Salfordla and the German steamship Foschan. The former is reported to have sailed from Hong Kong November 14, and the lat ter on the following "day. No one in the shipping business here appears to know anything about the steamers and It is pre sumed some mistake was made In the report of their sailings, as was doubtless the case with the Ellamy. The" Salfordla Is a vessel of 2365 tons. She arrived at Hon Kong November 9 from Penarth. No reference to the Foschan can be found In the nautical gazettes. Rumors are still current however, that Portland is to be made the point of de parture for a number of blockade run ners and Inquiries are known to have been received by grainmen and millers from agents of the Russian government. No orders have yet been placed, so far as can be learned. The inquiries are for flour, oats and barley, and it Is presumed the shipments are Intended to reach the Si berian coast about the- time the Baltic fleet gets into the Pacific, when the Jap anese navy Is expected to be busy watch ing for the Russians. As some of the largest country millers have recently stiff ened in their views. In the face of a weak wheat market and a decline In the reg ular export demand for flour, this, leads many to suppose that they have been apr proached by the buying agents of Rus sia. Fast Steamers for Japan Line. 8AN FRANCISCO, Dec. 20. The Toyo Klsen Kalsha, whose steamships the Hong Kong, America and Nippon, were taken for use with the Japanese navy, will soon be In the field again with three now, fast ocean liners. The company will. It Is said, within two months begin work on three 12,000-ton steamers. The material for the liners has been bought in Scot land. Tho vessels will be built at Naga saki. It was the intention to build the liners with a speed of 19 knots. The Japanese government, however, wants the Toyo Kiscn Kalaha to- build faster boats at least 21-knotters.' As this additional two knots will involve considerable extra ex pense, the steamship company has asked for a greater subsidy than it was origin ally agreed to give them. This Is now un der consideration at Tokio and as soon as It I? settled the keels of the liners will be laid. STEAMER I AQUA IS LIBELED. Sailor Sues for $10,000 Damages for Injuries. Fred Bergklint. a sailor on the steamer Iaqua, yesterday filed a libel suit In the "United States Court against that vessel and owners. It is alleged by the libelant that while employed as sailor on the Iaqua and In the performance of his- duty on, Novem ber 34 he met with an accident in which his leg was broken, and which leaves him crippled and maimed for" life. The acci dent occurred, it Is further alleged, while handling heavy timbers by means of the machinery on the boat, this machinery breaking and allowing one of the timbers to strike Bergklint The complaint charges that this accident was due to the care lessness and negligence of the owners of the vessel in allowing the machinery to be used while in a defective condition. The damages asked for are $10,000. " Small Salvage Award. SAN FRANCISCO. Bee. 20. United States IMstrict Judge Dehaven awarded $200 to the crew of the steamer Rival for towing the steamer Iaqua out of a dan gerous position. The court stated that the captain and chief engineer should get $20 apiece, the crew the remainder. Marine Notes. - The China liner Arabia Is due at the mouth of the river today. The German ship Carl has begun dis charging Hamburg cargo at Greenwich dock. She brings 30S0 casks of cement, 2000 bundles of strawboard, 1407 bars and 6S1 bundles of Iron, 132 cases of mineral water and a lot of coke. The steamer Rosecrans arrived at Linn ton yesterday with oil from Monterey. The competition between the Lewis River and La Center Transportation Com panies has resulted In another cut in rates by the former,, a 25-cent fare each way being announced. The new company has not met the cuts. Domestic and Foreign Ports. ASTORIA, Dec 20. Arrived down at 4 A. M. Steamer "Whlttler and barkentlne Fullerton Left up at 7:30 A. M. Schooner Mabl Gale. Arrived at S and left up at 9:15 A. M. Steam er Rosecrans. from Monterey. Arlved at 0:30 and left up at 11:30 A. M. Steamer Geo. W Elder, from San Francisco. Condition of the par at 2 P. M., obscured; wind south; fogr and rain. Ban Francisco, Dec. 20. Arrived at 6 A. M. Steamer Columbia, from Portland. Sailed Schooner Borealis. for Columbia River. Ar rivedBritish steamer EHeric, from Portland; steamer Montara, from Tacoma. Sailed Ship Grenada, from Newcastle, Australia; steamer Areata, from Coos Bay. Yokohama. Dec. 20 Arrived previously Coptic, from San Francisco, via Honolulu, for Hong Kong; Deucalion, from Tacoma for Liver pool and Glapgow; Shawmut, from Tacoma for Manila; Tremont, from Tacoma and Seattle for Manila. Sailed JJlcomcdia, for Portland, from Hon? Konff. Trolley for Yakima Valley. NORTH YAKIMA, Wash.,' Dec. 20. (Special.) The electric railway system for the Yakima Valley now seems? to bo as sured. Robert Strahorn, of Spokane, presi dent of the Northwest Light Company, of this place, said today that he came here to take up the proposition, but on ar riving he found that nine local men, rep resenting Eastern capitalists, here figuring on the same scheme, and they asked him to step aside. He agreed to this and made arrangements to furnish electricity for the system. A large power plant Is now be ing constructed by the company for this purpose. r HE MEANS SCOTT'S 1 Your doctor says you must take cod liver oil. Probably he means Scott's Emulsion be cause you cannot" take trie clear oil; no one can take the clear oil who needs cod liver oil. The doctor understands that and doubtless means Scott's Emulsion of cod liver oil which everybody can take because it is emulsified and prepared so that it can be very easily digested by the most sensitive stomach. Most everybody likes it SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Purl Street, New Yerk. Mm rosrnvELY cure Kidney and Liver Dlsexse. Rheumatlim. Sick Headache, Erysipelas. Scrofula. Catarrh. Indi cation. Neuralgia, Nervousness. Dyspepsia, Syphilitic Diseases. Constipation. 12,280.050 pro. sl were treated in 1900. 2fic All druggists. m. mm I M.XJ wrrs HEAD SOLID SORE Awful Suffering of Baby tnd Sleepless Nights of Mother. CURED BY CUTICURA Skin Fair as a Lily with no Scar to Recall Awful Sore Writes Mother. 41 1 herewith write oat In fall the b- ginning and end of that terrible disease, eczema, which caused xnj babe untold suffering and mjself many sleepless nights. "My babe was born seemingly a fair, -healthy child, bat when she was three weeks old a swelling appeared on th back of her head, and In coarse of tims broke. It did not heal bat grew worse, and the-sore spread from the-size, of & dime to that of a dollar. I used all kinds of remedies that I could think of, bat nothing seemed to hejp; infactrlt grew worse. Her hair fell out whera the sore was, and I feared it would sever grow again. It contiuned until my aged father came on a visit, and when -he saw the baby he told me to get Cati cura Soap and Ointment right away. "-To please him I did so, and to my surprise by their use the sore began to heal over, the hair grew over it, and to-day she has & nice head of hair, her skin Is as fair as a lily, and she has no scar left to recall that awful sore, and it is oTer eight months and no sign of its returning." Mrs. Wm. Rter, Elk River, Minn. "Cure permanent." So writes Mrs. Ryer, Feb. 25, 1903, six years later: Tour letter of the 19th inst. received, asking In regard to the cure of my baby some six years ago. Well, the disease has never returned to her head which st that time was a solid sore on top and down the back. Once or twice since then a patch has come on her band near the wrist, bat it finally disappeared after proper treatment with Cutlcura." Sold throatbout the -world. Cotfear Retslrtnt. me. kr. roKcr Dm Chem. Corp.. 8ol Proprittcri. m l 3 The Highest nutrient quality is found in Hunter Baltimore Rye s which is made from the choicest of selected grain, most care fully and scientifically distilled and undergoes thorough ageing before it is sold. X i Sold at all Angela! cafes and br jobbers. WX. La-AHA- & SOy. Baltimore, Xd. TEETH SPECIAL CUT RATES Boston Painless Dentists Are now giving; their annual 1 CTTT KATE PRICES on all dental work. The charges xrn less than college price, and all work done by our painless sys tem and by specialists oC 13 to 20 years experience. TEETH WITHOUT PtflSs ASPECIALTT Extracting: Free. Examinations Free. fUlTer FllUiiES 35c! Gold Filling 756 Gold Crowns ...(3.00FnIl Set Teeth. . .a3.W ALL. WORK GUARANTEED FOR TEX YEARS. Have your teeth extracted without pain and replaced with new ones the earn a day. Coma In at one and take advantage of low rates. B sur yoH are In tha right place. Boston Painless Dentists Fifth aad Morrison Streets. Entranca 291Vi Morison Street. Lrrest Dental concern In tha worUk nns CLEAX3ISQ ATTD HEAL1XG CATARRH CURE FOR CATARRH Eirs CREAM BALM Easy and pleasant to j um. Contain no ia-f Jurloui drur- j It Is qulclclr.absorbed. GlTes Relief at onoa. i ft nnATIM UTtA f1 T7 V the Nasal Passages . fftl H lfc 1 Inflammation. UUW I Heals and Protects tha MamDrane. Bectoraa the Senses of Tasta and Smell. Larre Sirs. 00 cnts, at Drursists or by sail; Trial Sisa. 10 cants, dt era.", ELT 2R 3ROTHETL8. &S Wimn Ptrt. V. T. PREE LAND IN OREGON in the richest pain, fruit and stock section ia the world. Thouiands of xcres ofland at actual cost of irrigation. Deed direct from State ef Oregon. WRITE TO-DAY. BOOKLET and MAP FREE. Deschutes Irrigation and Power jCom-pinri6io-ii-i2McK3yBuMnj-,Ponknd,Orefu AO i