1XT THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 190. ; NAME . MILLS School. Directors Make Recommendations. NEW BUILDINGS NEEDED iSpecial Levy Urged for High i School to Cost $100,000, REPORT MADE TO TAXPAYERS Purchase of Block for Erection of East-Side Building FavoredDo mestic Science for Girte Suggested. RECOMMENDED BY SCHOOL. DIKECTOKS. Purchase of a block northeast of Holladay Sehool and erection of a. new building. Erection of new High School building, si cost of $100,000, money to be raised by 2-mUl levy or issue of bondp. Improvement of sanitary conditions in schools. Addition of "domestic science "depart ment for girls to school curriculum. Special levy of 4.6 mills, and 2 mills extra for proposed buildings, exclusive of the High School. The report for the fiscal year of the Board of School Directors, to be read be fore the meeting on December 27, was srlven for publication yesterday. The re port is in detail and a lengthy one. It lives an itemized account of the past jear's expenditures and makes numerous suggestions to the taxpayers for improve ments to be made in the year of 1905. The Introduction says in part: We meet at the end of another fiscal year, as taxpayers and supporters of the public schools, to learn of the work that has been accomplished during- the year Just passed, and to decide upon the needs of the comlnc year. The satisfactory condition of our schools at this time Is due to the generous response of ur ritisens when called upon for means with which to sustain them. Economy In the management of schools does not imply the lowest cost of maintenance; on the contrary, it consists of a generous pro vision, carefully and judiciously used by those to whom it is entrusted, for such expenditures as shall tend to the best development of our youth. The first paragraph of the report de scribes in detail numerous purchases of property on the East Side necessitated by the growth of the schools. Referring to the Couch Addition It says: As recommended at our last annual meeting, lots 1 to 10. inclusive, in block 206. Couch Ad dition, have been purchased for the sum of $14,000. and one wing of the new building has been erected containing four rooms, three, of which are occupied, and the fourth will be at the opening of the Spring term. Improvements In Schools. Attention ia called to the Atkinson School, which has been remodeled and en larged. Stress Is laid on the improved ap pearance of the building and grounds, which, the report says, is an object of pride to the neighborhood, after years of waiting and hoping for a building, up to date. The Improvement of the Portland, Clinton Kelly. Alblna Central and Ports- xnoutn scnoois ts dcscriDea in detail, as well as the construction of the Davis School, a new four-room building on East Twenty-eighth and Couch. The following bears on the burning of the Park School: On the 2Sth of January. misfortune came to the district in the burning or the Park School, fjome interruption neoessarily followed, but, through the courtesy of the Park Commission, temporary buildings were placed on the park "opposite the school block, and the congrega tion of the Temple Beth Israel, who offered free of charge the use of the Sunday school rooms in the Synagogue, together with trans fers to the Harrison and Atkinson Schools. the children were housed and made comfort able through, the remainder of tbo school year. As soon as was possible, plans were prepared. -and a new building, superior in every way to the one destroyed, was built at a cost of about $20,000 above the insurance. Thirty-three thousand dollars over the est! mate prwented a year ago has been expended on these buildings. The cost of repairs has been exceptionally heavy, the largest amount being expended on the High School. The bonded Indebtedness of the district is $00,000. in bonds of $1000 each. bearinr 5 per cent interest! Recommendations for 1905. The report mentions the normal training department recently instituted under W. J. Standley's supervision, and then sug gests the following Improvements for 1905 More room will be needed for the coming year at Eellwood, Highland, OclcJey Green and Albina Central. The last-named addition will take care of a part of the overflow at VU llama-Arenue and the Thompson. Some means xnuot be devised to take care of the crowded condition at Holladay, the growth of Irving ton and the territory north of it. For this we. recommend the purchase of a block somewhere northeast of the Holladay School, conveniently located to that rapidly growing' part of th city, whereon a building could be placed that would relieve the eastern portion of the "Wll llams-Av.cnue and the south part of the High land districts, as well as the Holladay. Brook' lrn though somewhat relieved by thd addition made this year, is still In need of increased accommodations, but it has been thought best to meet this demand by making use of tbo vacant rooms at the Stephens temporarily. with the expectation of completing the Brook lrn building in another year. New High School Needed. "'his. we believe, will furnish sufficient room lor si! needs except the High School. Over 1000 pupils arc In attendance there this year, which taxes the accommodations to the utmost. There is urgent necessity for more room, and means will have to bo provided at this time or In the rear future for the -erection of a building at some central point on the Hast Side. Such a building should be of brick, and the cost would be about $100,000; this could be raised by a two-mill levy, or by the issuing of bonds. The report recommends that a large sum be devoted to sanitary Improvements and suggests that a domestic science de partment be instituted for girls. . The following changes In the names of schools arc quoted: The South Portland to the Holman, for J, D. Holman; the Harrison to the b hat- tuck; the Park to the Ladd; the Central to the Hawthorne; and the Alblna Central to the Shaver. The report suggests that the public school exhfbit for the coming Lewis and Clark World's Fair be given careful study, and further, that the Portland schools take the lead In the state educational ex hlbit. An appropriation of between J3000 and 4000 is asked for. Teachers' Salaries. The following paragraph is In reference to the aeked-for advance in teachers' sal aries: "For some months we have had before its a petition from the teachers, asking: for an advance in salary- on account of the increased cost of living:, etc llany influ ential taxpayers have already 'requested the Board to grant the petition. To make an approximate increase of 10 per cent it would require a levy of six-tenths of a mill, and, inasmuch as there a diversity of opinion, among: the members of the board upon this subject, we have concludled to submit the same to you for your decision. The district employs at the present time 28 principals, 33o assistants, 8 half-pay. 35 pupil teachers and 10 special teachers." The aggregate estimate on receipts is Hld.GOO; on disbursements, including: all branches of the school department $474, 200. Concluding the report says: ' Levy of 6.6 Mills. "To meet the above expenses we have estimated that a special levy of 4,6 mills will be required on the assessed valuation of J50.ES7.95L "For proposed buildings, exclusive of the Hgh School, $100,000. requiring an addi tional levy of 2 mills, making a total of mills, which we recommend. Re spectfully submitted. "I. "W. EITTOX. "H. WITTENBERG. -R. K. WARREN, "R. WILLIAMS, "J. V BEACH." The reports of the School Clerk, Auditor and Treasurer have also been compiled, and will be read before the Board meet ing. Clerk's Report on Finances. The Clerk's report . is wholly statis tical, and quotes the following aggregate urns: Balance on hand, 58012.20; receipts. 5636,660.14; disbursements, $293,439.05; real estate purchased during the year, $15,000;. new buildings and additions, $178,181.54; re pairs to buildings, $23,317.45; miscellaneous expenditures, $107,540.79; general expenses, $1857.03; due on contracts, $SS25; claims due on file but not paid, $13,038. The statement of Indebtedness reads: Ten bonds, $1000 each, issued by Dis trict No. 31. June 2. payaDie in 1910. interest 6 oer cent $10,000 Ten bonds, $1000 each, Issued by Dis trict Na 31. June 3. isai. payame in 1D16, interest at 6 per cent iu.uoo inety bonds. $1000 each, payable on or before July 1, 1914, interest at 3 per cent ............................ tfj.uuo $110,000 School Census Returns. The census shows that during the past year 24,457 males and females between the ages of 4 and 20 years attended the public schools. Of this number 1831 females and 16S7 males were between the ages of 4 and years. The auditing committee reported that the School Clerk's accounts have oeen found correct. The Treasurer reports that during the past year he has paid to the Clerk of the School District an aggregate sum of $531, 75L57, covering all branches of the school department. STOKE FOR COLUMBIA. JETTY. Major Langfitt Will Soon Advertise for Bids. The specifications covering the supply of stone needed for next season's work on the Columbia River jetty have been ap proved, and Major W. C. Langfltt will ad vertise for bids on the same witnm me next few days. Bids were opened yesterday in the uni ted States Engineer's Department for the upplylng of coal for the various Govern ment boats in this district. Of these the nrlncinal vessel Is the dredge Chinook. A large number of bids were received, and clerks are now busy preparing tnem. lor comparison. HUMIDORS In hardwood, aluminum lined, keep cigars in perfect condition; we nave a large variety. SIg Slchel Co.. 92 Third street. Agents Garcia and Ml iogar cigars. DO YOU WEAK GLASSES? Properly fitting glasses and MURINE promote Eye comfort. Murine manes wcait Eyes strong. Druggists and opticians, or urine tuye xiemeay wmmsu. CTREGON COPPE-R FOR SAC A J AWE A STATUE Dr. arid Mrs. Henry Waldo Coe Make a Liberal Donation THAT the Sacajawca statue win oe an Oregon production has been settled by the generous donation of Dr. Henry Waldo Coo and Mrs. Coe, who have given the copper necessary to mold the great monument. In addition to tne 30 tons ot beautiful Peacock ore which now lies at Castlp. Rock ready for shipment to tne Henry-Bonnard Bronze Company in New York. Mrs. Coe has designed and manu factured several thousand copper souve nir spoons which will be placed on sale at various places in the city for tho bene fit of the Statue Association runa. xnis makes Dr. and Mrs. Coe easily the larg est contributors to the fund, and their ceneroslty is most deeply appreciated by the association and all citizens of Oregon who are interested in the monument to the Indian girl who piloted Lewis and Clark across the mountains to the Oregon Country. It will take 22.000 pounds of pure copper to mold the big statue. Dr. Coe's con tribution amounts to a great deal more than this amount, however, owing to tho fact that the cost of transportation from the mine to the railroad was great, and that he also bears -the expense of smelt ing and freighting to New York. The ore is taken from the St. Helens Consoli dated Copper Mines near Spirit Lake, which district was originally a part of the old Oregon Country. There is no rail road Into this region and the cost of bringing a large amount of rough ore out with teams is very considerable. These "mines were opened about IS years ago. but It is only in the last six years that Dr. Coe has been Interested in them, and during this time he has replaced the trail at one time tho only means of access by a substantial wagonroad through the giant firs of that district. This required not only a great amount of push and en ergy, but a large outlay of capital. East ern capitalists have become associated with Dr. Coe during the last year, and this mining property will soon be one of the foremost on the Pacific Coast. Sev eral railroad companies have had exports examine the district with a view to pene trating it with the steam horse, and a line will be put through In the near fu ture. The gift of Dr. Coe has satisfactorily settled a long-discussed question with the association of Oregon women who have been .working faithfully to make the statue project a success. It has been their earnest desire to have It made of material which should come from this state, and now that dream will be real lzed. The statue will be placed in some prominent site after the Lewis and Clark Exposition closes and will be presented to the city. The handsome souvenir spoons which Mrs. Coe has designed arc manufactured from copper taken from the same mine. and at her own expense she has had them made; all proceeds from their sale are to be donated to the statue fund. The bowl of the spoon contains a reproduction of Miss. Cooper's accepted design of the Sacajawea statue. The upper side' con tains the pictures of the two explorers. an outline of the monument to be erected DOCTOR TO BE SUED $15,000 Damages Claimed From Etta Hill Schnauffer, MALPRACTICE IS ALLEGED Mrs. James Hawley'c Estate Asks Large Sum for Death of Wife and Infant, Who Were Attended by Dr. Schnauffer. Dr. Etta Hill Schnauffer is to bo made defendant in damage suits for $15,000. on account of alleged malpractice. The suits are in consequence of tho death of Mrs. Jennie Hawley and her new-bom babe. The child died soon after birth, and Mrs. Hawley and her husband, James Hawley, sued Dr. Schnauffer for $5000 for the loss of the child. Since that time Mrs. Hawley died as the result of blood poi soning, never having recovered after the date of the child's birth. J. M. Long, attorney, states that he is preparing to sue Dr. Schnauffer in be half of her estate, which will be done through her father, as administrator. This will be for $10,000 damages, and another suit will bo Instituted to recover a $5000 death loss. This will make $20,000 altogether for the mother and child. To Go Before Medical Board. Speaking of the matter yesterday. At torney Long said that charges will also be filed against Dr. Etta Hill Schnauffer with the Oregon State Medical Board. Dr. Schnauffer defended a suit In which the alleged circumstances wore very similar, except that the patient did not die. That case was heard in the State Circuit Court over a year ago. and was won by the defendant. She Is the daugh ter of the late C. H. Hill, who was a prominent citizen of Albina for many years. STAGER0BBERS CONVICTED. will Have to Do Time for Tampering With Government Malls. It took the trial jury in the United States Court about an hour yestorday afternoon to find J. R. Hanson and John L. Ledford guilty of robbing the mall, the crime having been committed in a stage hold-up near Tipton, in Eastern Oregon, on June 24. After examining H. T. Bingham and F. H. Parr, the latter a Postoffioe In spector who ran down the two men, the Government rested its case early yester day forenoon. Tho defenso introduced but three witnesses. A. C. Berry, W. C. Miller and Pete Canovan. Ledford took the stand in his own behalf, but Hanson, his part ner, was not called upon to testify. For the defense, Ledford wa3 really the only witness, the others simply testifying to what they knew of his character. While the story told by Ledford was apparently straightforward and given without hesi tation, it lacked effect, since it really proved nothing In his favor. He said that he, in company with Hanson, had gone to Baker City on June 22, two daya prior to the hold-up, but he could not recall meeting any one who could testify to his having been there on that date. No part qf his evidence counted for much In his favor. After final arguments the case was sub mitted to the jury at 5 o'clock, a ver dict being returned about 6 o'clock. They were found guilty under. three counts, the first being that of holding up a United state mall carrier with mall In bis custody. The second count covers the stealing of the mall, and the third of destroying the mallsacks. STUMBLED ON UAD MAN. Police Tackle Drunken Man and Find Suspected Burglar. While in the midst of driving forth the occupants of the Green Front saloon, on Xorth Third street, last night and pre- DE. AND MBS. COE, WHO HA YE DONATED THE COWER FOB THE SACAJAWEA MONUMENT, AND A FAC SIMILE OF THE SACAJAWEA SOUVENIB SPOON. to them, and Multnomah Falls, while on the under side is tne state seal. Mount St. Helens and Spirit Lake, a group of tal Oregon firs and a string of salmon. These spoons will be sold at 75. cents each, and not only Portland merchants will handle them but outside towns will be-supplied. paring to proclaim himself monarch of all he surveyed, F. W. Allison was arrested by Detectives Kerrigan and Snow. Stolen Jewelry valued at perhaps $200 was found In his possession when he was searched at the Central Station, and a charge of lar ceny was placed against him. Allison is thought to have stolen the jewelry from the store of Moses Welser, 2242 Couch street, together with a large amount of clothing and other articles from the' residence of Edward Mason, C53 Sec ond street. At the latter place $S in cash was taken. Allison, -while jcrazed with liquor, en tered the Green Front saloon and became very abusive and demonstrative. At last it became necessary for attaches of the place to run out and search for police men. Detectives Kerrigan and Snow were found and went to take care of the drunken man. It was necessary for the detectives to show Allison they were able physically to cope with him before he, would consent to accompany them to head quarters. He fought all the way there, the excitement attracting a large crowd of people. The capture is regarded as a most fortunate one. and it is thought there is no doubt of the prisoner's conviction on the larceny charge. NOW ON CIVIL SERVICE LISTS Result of the Recent Examination Is, Announced. The result of the civil service examina tion held November 15 was divulged yes terday by the commission. There were over a hundred applicants, and but few of these failed to make the requisite per centage. T-ose who passed are: Fire Department Walter J. Phillips, hydrant man; William L Hawley. Albert Johnson, fire boat stokers; George S. Gcll, Charles W. Smith. Leo B. Ward, William H. Riggen. Edward Grenfall, Fred D. Hepner, Maurice Vyse, Har ry E. Hawkins, Edward T. Rablor, Harry A. Pollock, Henry C. Johnson, Dayton D. Day, Robert West, Thomas Van Zandt, Frank O. Knox. Porter J. Loomls, John L. R. Single, Frank Craig, McLeod Cameron. Fred Petrold, Cyras L. Eaton, Elmer J. Craig. Ernest C. Lewis. Benjamin P. Hutchlna, Park W. Win klebcck, Frank W. Hemsworth. David F. Keoly, Matthew J. Pflster, Frederick L. Harr. John B. Frost and Thomas Coven y, ladder and hosemen. John L. Masson, Charles E. Wood, Ever ett V. Hale. Arthur Helper, Charles W. Smith. John G. Stevens-. Victor Johnson. Jay W. Stevens, Lancelot J. Gardner, Daniel C Shaw, Michael Relff. Samuel B. Wood". Charles W. Howard and Thomas J. Symott, captains and lieutenants. Fred W. Reed and Frank Dolan passed as poundmasters. Joseph H. Keefe, Rutus King. Matthew John Watle and Fred C. Melauson passed as deputy poundmasters. John H. Armstrong, Fred Allwen, Jacob Ste vens. "Balser Frlson. Andy Dclln and George H. Fowler, sewer repairers. James S. Brackcnstos and George R. Hlstler, elevator men. Cook S. Simmons, Thomas William Goodwyn, Russ J. Chamberlain, Joseph Rasmus, Frank B. SegUF, James Edwin Brackenstos, Clement Devroe. Thor C. Lanoeswlck. Frank Cassldy and Adolph E. Banman. Janitors. Albert Thompson. Frederlch Austeln. Pahu L.. Pcttr. Thomas W. Legge. Alfred Press. Henry Holtz. Anthony Meltrler, Nets Thomp son. Slcurd Berven. Nels Reed. Alexander Couture. John Mclntyre, James H. C Fisher, John M. Darllns. William H. Gabriel, Nels B, Smith, Thomas Jefferson Buchane. Arthur H, Glllen and James M. Brown, .carpenters. Alexander Donaldson was successful as Superintendent of Street Cleaning, and Alexander Mitchell as City Hostler. Of the ladder and hosemen, 14 appli cants failed to make good, two being be yond the ago limit, two rejected by the medical examiners and nine having fallen below the required percentage. Nineteen failed to pass tho examinations for cap tains and lieutenants. F0EMATI0N OF HABITS. Interesting Topic Presented Young Men's Club. Before The Young Men's Club, an auxiliary or ganization of the First Christian Church, held its monthly meeting in the church parlors last night. The club had as its speaker Dr. J. H. Bristow, who gave an interesting talk on "Habits," speaking particularly on their formaUon. In beginning Dr. Bristow stated that after consideration he felt that there are so many habits that It Is impossible to cover them In one talk, and that he would therefore take up the mat ter of their formation. Dr. Bristow followed out. the idea that man Is the creature of habits, that his life is dominated by fixed habits, some innocent and beneficial, some injurious so that every woman and man in tho state may have an opportunity of becoming a contributor to the worthy cause which the Oregon women have undertaken. Miss Cooper, the Denver sculptore&s whose design for the statue has been ac cepted. Is now at work on the large model THE GOOD THINGS Get That Xmas Gift Here Today 50 Parlor Chairs like cut, mahogany frame, velour covering; reular 5.00, special $1.95 This Evenim We I. GEVURTZ Si FIRST AND YAMHILL STREETS THE LITTLE-AT-A'TIME.STORE GEVURTZ SELLS IT FOR CASH and absolutely destructive. He went on to show that life's habits begin to form at the moment of birth, and that through heredity we enter life with the germs of habits. Bad habits, he thought, even ac quired through, heredity, can he overcome by environment. At the conclusion of the address a dis cussion followed, in which many, interest ing questions brought out by the talk were considered. The club also held its election of officers for the ensuing year. Those elected were: G. Evert Baker, president: R. Lano Rus sell, vice-president: O. F. Fry. secretary; Frank Randall, treasurer; A. E. Meserve, press reporter; Rev. E. S. Muckley, teacher of the Sunday Bible class," and O. F. Fry, assistant teacher. COUNCIL MEETS TODAY. Tax Levy Will Be Fixed, and Water Rates-for 1905. - Also The most important business to be tran sacted at the meeting of the Council this afternoon, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, will be the levying of the tax rate for the coming year. The ways and means committee will, it is said, recommend that the.rate be 9 5-S mills. The Council will -also levy the last of the ten annual installments of the first Hens under the Bancroft bonding law, prior to its amendment. A great many citizens. It Is believed, have never paid their installments, and some have never paid but two or three, and theso delin quents will be forced to suffer a public from which the casting will be made While there have been a number of very generous contributions, the fund' of 57000 has not yet been raised, .and If there aro any other Dr. and Mrs. Coes in town the Sacajawca Statue. AssociaUon will be glad to hear from them. THEATRICAL -CATHRINE COUNTISS IN "CAMILLE" Here's a suggestion $4 Parlor Rocker $2.50 100 Parlor Rockers like cut, in golden oak or mahogany, cobbler or saddle seat, a regular $4.00 rocker Today only $2.50 from 6 to 9 o'clock a Triple-Plated Rogers Sugar Spoon and Butter Knife, regular $1.50, special Will Sell You on Easy Terms 6ale of their" property following the Coun cil meeting. The Union-avenue fill question will also come before the Council, and it is ex pected that the report of the viewers will be complete enough to be filed for con sideration. The fixing of water rates for 1905 will be an Important feature of the meeting, and there is much conjecture manifest as to whether they will be reduced or In creased. The idea seems to prevail that the rates will be reduced from their pres ent size. TO HOLD FABMEKS' INSTITUTE Meeting Will Take Place Tomorrow at Estacada. Tomorrow the Oregon Agricultural College will hold an institute at Esta cada for the- benefit of the farming .community, when the following pro gramme will be rendered: 10 A. M. Address ot welcome. Major W. K. HaviUnd: response. Dr. James Wlthycotnb; Plant Food and Plant Life." Professor A. l. Knlsley; "Stock Husbandry." winiara Hotden; "Appl on th Farm," A. Lacey: "Garden ia?." Mr. Gill. 1:30 P. M. Son?. Shlbley family: "DairyinB oa the Small Farm," Dr. James "Wlthycomb; recitation, Dels. Cuttadse: "Use and Abuse of thex Hard Separator." Profpsnor I. F. Ivent; THE BEST CHEISTMAS GIFT For Wife, Mother, Daughter Sister or Sweetheart By this Sign you may know and will find Singer Stores Everywhere A, small payment down, the sest t convenient intervals. Four different Kinds and a. wide range of prices to suit. Select Now-Delivery when wanted Get the Best and you get the Singer 402 Washington St 354 Morrison St 540 Williams toe. East Side PORTLAND, OREGON Quaker Maid THE WHISKEY WITH A REPUTATION Awarded the Gold Medal at the Louisiana Purchase Expo sition for Purity, Quality and Perfection of Age FOR 8AJLE AT AXX IZEADIKG BARS, CAFES A2TD DRUG STORES S, HIRSGH & CO., Kansas City, Mo. 65c SONS uaracn aaa urcnara rests. ' Professor A. B. v.oraiey: - 105 Katsinff," John Stormer. 7:30 P. M. Music; "Forage Plants." Dr. James Wlthycomb; recitation. Laura Stormer": "Grasses." A. M. Shlbley; music, "Rural School Problems." Professor A. B. Cordler: "Some Chemical Problems." Professor A. L.. Knlsley; music. "The Agricultural College and Its Work," Illustrated. Professor L. j Kent, HOLIDAYSPECIAL. String orchestra music, wine, with a French course dinner, $1 per cover. Served Saturday, Sunday and Monday at Richards', corner Park and Alder streets, in the main dining hall. Disarm Lone Robber, According to T. Kilduff. residing at 357 Couch street, two men were held up at the point of a revolver in the hands of a man at Ninth and Couch streets last night. They knocked the revolver from his grasp, took to their heels and re turned to the scene after the highwayman had gone, so Kilduff says. Charged With Theft. John Poulsen. of Kenllworth, was ar rested last night by Policeman Isakson on a warrant charging him with larceny of a bicycle frame. He denies his guilt. The case Is to be heard by Municipal Judge Hogue today. These Machines are never sold to dealers. Only from Maker to User Rye i