THE MORNING OBEBOMIAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, .1904. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Tbe OrecoBfatB! Telophase. CocBtmr-Hoom Hsln 6C7 Muiaelnir Editor Main 6S8 Sunday Editor Main 6235 Cltr Editor Mala ICO Bocljpty Editor Mela 6235 Compo tins-Room ..Main 685 Superintendent Building Red 2820 Saat Slda Qfflc East 01 AMUSEXKXTS. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER (Morrison St.. between 6ih and 7th) Tonight at 8:15, "A Chinese Honeymoon " COLUMBIA THEATER (14th and Washinston) Tonlffht at 8:15, Camllle. EMPIRE THEATER (12th and Morrison) To- nlrht at 8:15. "Shore Acre. GRAND THEATER (Park and WaaMneton Continuous vaudeville. 2 to 10:30 P. M. STAR THEATER (Park and Washington Continuous vaudeville. 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. BAKER THEATER (Third and Yamhill) Continuous vaudeville. 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. ARCADE THEATER (7ta and Washington) Continuous vaudeville. 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. BUOU THEATER (Sixth, near Aldert-Coa- Usuoob vaudeville from 2:30 to 10:30 P- M. LYRIC THEATER (cor. Alder and 7 Oi) Con tinuous vaudeville from 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. Tippbd Oft bt Bartender. It now develops that John Higgins, bartender fr Neil O'Hare. is the man -who first reported to Mounted Patrolman Croxford the suspicion that Patrolman Myres had been entering- a Russell-street Chinese laundry and smoking opium there. Po liceman Croxford made this announce ment last night, and Higgins affirms the officer. He declines, however, to make any accusations against Myres for pub lication, saying he does not now be lieve him guilty, and that he never said MjTes did smoke opium. "Higgins was the first and only man who ever spoke to me about Myres going into the Chi nese laundry," said Policeman Croxford. "He said that so frequent were the visits of the officer to the place that the board ers at O'Hare's saloon had been remark ing about it, and said some thought he went In there to hit the pipe. I re ported the matter to the Chief, because I supposed it would be quietly investi gated, and, if proved untrue, nothing would be said about it Sunday night I pent word to Myres that I would meet him and go with him to John Higgins, who agreed to tell Myres Just what he tetd me. Myres did meet me, but de clined to go and see Higgins, saying he did not care to; that he knew what ho woukl say, anyway. 1 hardly see what fairer thing I could have done. When the story first came out, I went to the Chief and told him I would bring in Higgins if he would call In Myres, and have the thing made right immediately. The Chief declined to do this." Of Interest to Pdblic. Commencing tomorrow we will Inaugurate a gigantic rale of our Immense stock of high-grade wines and liquors at prices never before attempted In the history of Portland. We propose to sell at such close margaln as to give everybody an opportunity to celebrate the coming holidays, and be merry at least once a year. Here are a few of our prices: G. H. Mumm, extra dry, quarts 52.90, pints $L45; McBrayer whisky, 12 years old, bottled in bond, guaranteed by the Government, $1.20 per bottle; Anderson" Co. whisky, 11 years old, .bottled in bond, 51.15; high-grade Kentucky -whisky, 18S7, per bottle 5L25; 10-year-old Sauterne, equals the finest imported, $9 per case; 3-year-old port and sherry, 75c per gallon. We have also received a large shipment of Virgin Olive OH direct from Italy. Phone your orders. G. Arata & Co., Main 2914. S. A. Arata & Co., Main 4S0. FnurTonowx3U5 to Meet in Boise. No tices have been Issued by E. L. Smith, of Hood River, president of the Northwest Fruitgrowers' Association, calling the an nual meeting of the association in Boise City on January 16, 17 and 18. A. very interesting programme has been pre pared, many prominent men of the Northwest and Canada having promised to make addresses during the course of tb convention Equal. ScrrhAoisrs to LI t. Mrs. Dr. Hoary Waldo Coe, president of the Ore gon State Equal Suffrage Association, who has boen spending some time in Cal ifornia, returned to her home in this city last week. There will be a special busi ness meeting of the association this (Tuesday) afternoon at 2 o'clock, in room 60S Marquam building. Officers and members are requested to be present Lodge Installs Officers. Albina Lodge. No. 101, A. F. & A. M., has elect ed and Installed officers as follows: R. S Darkco, W. M.; R. B. Fair, S. W. Charles McAfee, J. W.; F. A. Watts, treasurer: A. J. Handlan, secretary; H. G. Whipple. S. D.; P. Venstrand, J. D.; A. I. Ennes, S. S.: H. Woodham, J. S.; R. J. Williams, tyler. P. "M. J. C. Jame son acted as Installing officer. Meeting of W. C. T. U. This after noon at 2 o'clock th W. C. T. U. will be entertained by Mrs. F. J. Hard, 214 Twelfth street. Miss Webb, the assist ant pastor of the White Temple, will con. duct the devotions. An excellent pro gramme has been prepared. The county president, Mrs. Whltesides, will be pres ent and give an address. Members and friends are invited. To Address Young Men Tonight. Dr. J. H. Bristow will deliver an address on The Origin of Habit" before the Young Men's Club of the First Christian Church, corner Park and Columbia, to night In the parlors of the church. A brief business session. Including election of officers, will .precede the address. All young men cordially invited. School, Meeting Tonight. A school meeting will be held in the schoolhouse in St. Johns this evening to levy a tax for general purposes, and provide means for building two temporary classrooms, to relieve overflow. Incidentally, the meeting may take up the matter of es tablishing a permanent building. While you are buying Christmas pres ents why not buy a fine, comfortable carriage? Nothing would please better. We can sell you anything you want Call and let us show you what we have. Studebaker Bros. Co., Northwest Grotto Resort Bubglarized. The Grotto resort in Scllwood was broken into Sunday night and ?7 in cash was taken. A key was used in opening the door. Patrolman Brothers was on that beat at the time. 1 Steamer Charles Nelson sails for San Francisco Thursday evening; cabin. JU; steerage, $S. LoB Angeles. J2L50 and JI6. Meals and berth included. Thomp son Ticket Office. 12S Third street Prael. Hegelb & Co., retail depart ment store, opening evenings, showing a most beautiful lino of holiday china, art goods, rich cut glass, lamps, etc 100-105 Fifth street, corner Stark. - E. J. Kiss severed his emplovment with this company December 3. We are not rersponslble for his purchases there after. United States Launch Co. M. Seller fc Co. have removed to their new and commodious quarters in the "Wolnhard building, corner of Fifth and PttM streets. The Call m ft, 143 7th. Lunch 35c. 11:30 A. M. t 2 P. M. Dinner 50c, 4:S0 to 8 P. M. Service a la carte, 7 A. M. to S P. M. Ostrich feather fans and imported nov elties just received. J. Gansl. Ill 6th st Nice presents -for gentlemen fountain pens and diaries at Gill's. "Crokinole Boards," "Pit," "Flinch." and "Panic" at Gill's. Souvenir Postal Cards and books of views at Gill's. Ladles' Shopping Baos from $2.00 up. ward, at Gill's. ' "Bridge!" and "Duplicate" Whist Sets at Gill's Solid Gold Pen in pearl holder. $1.00. GUI s. Inkstands in brass and cut glass at Gilt's. Wooster sells cheaper than neighbors. Japanese- tea served. Parlor G. Portland. Office desk wanted. L 42, Oregonian. B. B. Rich Carlo Store is selling out Chatterbox" for 19M at GilTfi. Nebraska Societt Organized. At a preliminary meeting held last Sunday in the office of Isaac W. Baird, steps were taken toward the organization of the Ne braska Society. Twenty former Nebras kans were present and after electing J. H. Johnson, president, and S. SJ, Venard, secretary, the meeting was adjourned until December 29 to meet at the office of Dis trict Attorney John Manning. At that time the organization will be perfected and 'all officers elected. The society is formed much after the fashion of the well-known Ohio Society, and -all former residents of Nebraska are eligible to mem bership. When fully organized the society will extend throughout Oregon. Since there are from 300 to 400 Nebraskans in Portland alone, the membership will un doubtedly be large. The organizers of the society have a special object in view at this time, and that is the promotiox of the Lewis and Clark Fair. Arrangements are now being made whereby the Fair will receive full publicity throughout Ne braska through the medium of this new society. An especial feature of the Ne braska Society's work this year will be the establishment of an open houge for Nebraska visitors to the Fair. Headquar ters will be established prior to and dur ing the Fair, at which attendants will look out for the wants of all visitors from Nebraska in the way of information, en tertainment and housing. Hawthorne Lodge Elects. At the regular meeting of Hawthorne Lodge, A. F. & A. M., last night in the Burkhardt building, the election of officers was the most important feature. The following officers were elected: George T. Galllgan, worshipful master; A. E. Bellows, senior warden; P. A. Combs, Junior warden; H. II. Newhall. treasurer, and C. E. Miller, secretary. Excepting the election, nothing other than regular routine business was transacted. A joint installation. In which Washington, Mount Tabor and Hawthorne lodges are to participate, will occur on December 27. Death ok Herman Bruns. Herman Bruns, a pioneer of Oregon, died last Fri day at Sandy. He was born at Erie, Pa., January 6, 1645, and came to Portland in 1SC9, where he resided until he moved to Sandy In 1873. His funeral was held under the auspices of the M. A. Ross Post, G. A. R., at Pleasant Home. During the Civil War he was a member of Company B, Ninth Wisconsin. He leaves a widow and four children. Not Stolen, but Lost. He thought his 51S0 had been stolen by a woman friend, so Simon Isaac, butcher at 672 Hood street, caused a warrant for the arrest of Mrs. "Jane Doe" Happe yesterday. Later, he discovered his gold In his shop and serv ice on the warrant was stopped. Returns by wire of the Nelson-Brltt fight will be given by Tracey & Denny at the Sportsman saloon. "The Prodigal Bon," Hall Calne's new book, $1.08, at GUI's. Brush and Comb Sets and collar and cuff boxes at Gill's. Gill's Book Store will be open every evening this week. Your name free of charge on all leather goods at Gill's. Dr. C. W. Barr. Dentist, 817 Dekum. Box of paper and envelopes. Gill's. SUBPEISED AND PLEASED. We are not given to boasting, but it is an acknowledged fact that we are the leading Importers of cigars and smokers' outfits. Hence It Is expected that we show at all times novel and correct styles. This year we have made special efforts to surpass all previous displays, and for this reason our Mr. Sig SIchel visited New York to meet European man ufacturers of bJgh-grade novelties for smokers' use; and we arc thereby able to show most beautiful things, useful and ornamental. Our windows will give you some idea of the smokers' tables and sets. Have you seen the Parisian pipes, in briar and meerschaum, in endless variety? SIG SICHEL & CO., 92 Third Street Agents Ml Hogar and Garcia cigars. SPECIALTIES IN HOLIDAY GOODS Genuine briar and meerschaum pipes from $1.00 to $15.00. Imported smokers' sets, in all designs, from 50 cents up. Cigars in Xmas packages from 50 cents up. Tobacco pouches, tobacco jars, cigar cases. AH the very latest. Gerson & Hart 115 Third street, noxt door Feldenheimer. XMAS SALE OF PIANOS. To make people of modorate means happy in the possession of a'hlgh-grade piano, I have reduced prices for this week to such an extent that no one wjio ever expects to get a piano should miss this oportunity. A. W Meyer, 74 Shcth street PIANOS HAVE ARBIVED. A fine assortment; prices from $200 to $550. Every one guaranteed. Beautiful designs. Easy terms on all styles and makes. Weight's, 127 Seventh, between Washington and Alder. NEW YORK LIFE POLICY HOLDERS Should read the analysis of the New York Life financial methods In the cur rent numbers of the Era Magazine; 10 cents, all news stands. H0LIDAYSP,ECIAL. String orchestra music, wine, with a French course dinner. $1 per cover. Served Saturday, Sunday and Monday at Richards', corner Park and Alder streets, In the main dining hall. WHERE fTO DENE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant, fine, private apart xnents for parties. 203 Wash., near 6th. THE LITTLE ART SHOP. Second Warning. Pictures to be framed for Xmas must bo sent or brought in at once. SIG SICHEL & Ca, 92 THIRD ST. Smokers tables for the den or li brary, exclusive style. Santa Glaus Toys Come and see all our Toys, selling ' at half price In order to close them out during the Holiday Season. All kinds of Dolls, Doll Buggies, Games and other Comical Toys, etc. Also Japanese and Chinese Curios, Embroidered Wrapper?, Jackets, Netsuke Purses, Bronze, Ivory, Sil ver, Cloisonne Ware. Decorated Porcelain Tea Sets, etc. j ANDREW KAN SCO. i 287 MorrisoB St ANY SIZE We Have Moved to Our New BtilMiBg- LATEST STYLE. ANY QUANTITY. RAINCOATS, MACKINTOSHES RUBBER BOOTS AND SHOES Rubber and Oiled Clothing GOODYEAR RUBBER COMPANY K. H. PEASE, PRESIDENT. NEW ADDRESS, 61. C3, 63, 67 FOURTH, CO KXEIJ I'IXE ST., PORTLAND. OR. ill SHAW'S PURE America's ORIGINAL MALT WHISKY Without a Rival Today BLUMAUER & HOCH 106 aad 1 10 Foxrth Street DtetsifcBtM-a c Oregon 4 TfasM&fftML MALT COLUMBIA GRAPHO PHONES Took highest honors at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904, both cylinder and' disc. The others thought they had it but were labor ing under an illusion. Open Endings Uatfl Cfertslnis Columbia Phonograph Co., 128 7th St. SPECIAL SALE XMAS SWEETS TODAY ONLY Every Christmas -witnesses hun dreds of disappointed people who are unable to get served at our counters. They leave their pur chases unUl the tremendous rush of the last three days before Christ mas. To relieve this pressure and Induce early buying we will sell TODAY ONLY 1 lb. Fancy Broken Bright and crisp. Just the thing for filling the stockings. , lib. American Mixed The old-fashioned kind a favorite with the children. lib. Xmas Creams A special mixture of Chocolates and Bon Bons in large variety. The 3 ibs. for 40c This makes a nice assortment of strictly pure Candles all made In our own factory' and will satisfac torily supply family needs. But three pounds sold to one person and put up In paper bags only. Have you seen our popular HOLLY GIFT BOX? An ideal gift inexpensive, yet expressive of the. "Yuletide" spirit iSwetland&Son 273 Morrison St. Get the right place. We have no connecUon with any other store bearing our name. BY MAIL Sewing -Machine Needles FOR ALL MAKES OF MACHINES ONLY 5 CENTS Tcr Package. Postage oae ceat for 1 to 20 package Send Coin or Stamp. State kinds minted. Address THE SINGER MANFG. CO. 354 Morrison street. &10 "Williams avenue (East). 402 Washington street. COAL WE SELL ALL THE LEADERS DIAMOND AUSTRALIAN ROSLYN NEW CASTLE WASHED NUT BLACKSMITH Full Weight and Prompt Delivery KING COAL CO. Front and Kearney Sts. Main 1425 BOOKS for PRESENTS TVe sell new books as cheap, and. in many cases much cheaper, than any other dealer in the city. HERE ARE JUST " A FEW School for Scandal, fine illustrated $ 2.25 George Eliot, 12 volumes, India paper 12.00 Ella Wheeler Wilcox, poems .. 75 Balfour's Life of R. L. Stevenson, 2 volumes.. 2.50 Her Infinite Variety, il lustrated by Christy... 1.08 An OlcT Sweetheart of Mine, illustrated by Christy .1.55 Out to Old Aunt Mary's, illustrated by Christy. . 1.55 Sharps and Plats. Eugene Field, 2 volumes 1.55 John Henry Books..:... .58 Elsie Books 68 Our Bible stock is complete. Children's books, wo have a large variety. Our second-hand stock is the most complete on the Coast. Come in and browse around. You may find just the book you have been looking for so long. ' HYLAND BROS. 229-231 YAMHILL STREET COLUMBIA HARD MOULDED E RECORDS -feOC We play the records for you. GIBSON CO., 345 Wash. St, Portland, Or. I (kLJlsK 4:beiutifulwomir .aonta ciratucatyGray of glutted HiIt. iiuDeriarHaifiiB2fin8iaior' iiY syJu,!e Wraleii rracdy tot tlt&w. Bring Children to See Moving Dolls This Afternoon in Morrison St. Window I I , I JJon t uait until MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY - FILLED A" 'i- the &Last llloment BUT COME RIGHT DOWN THIS MORNING WHILE THE STOCKS. ARE AT THEIR BEST. CHOOSE FOR "HIM" SOME ARTICLE TO WEAR FROM The FINEST, FRESHEST, LARGEST AND MOST EXCLUSIVE LINES WEST OF CHICAGO IShshoePwears Neckwear, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Hosiery, Collars, Cuffs, Plain and Fancy Shirts, FuII Dress Haberdashery,, Pajamas, Underwear, Night Robes, Sweaters Derby, Fedora, Opera and Silk Hats Umbrellas, Canes, Toilet Sets, Dress Suit Cases, Trunks, Vaiises, Etc. Smoking Jackets, Bath Robes and Dressing Gowns Trousers, Fancy Vests, Overcoats, Cravenette and Topcoats Sack Suits, Full Dress Tuxedo, English Walking and Frock Suits, also Prince Alberts CHRISTMAS GIFTS GOLD SPECTACLES OR EYE-GLASSES EYES IN NEED Sparkle with joy when clear vision comes with merry Xmas OPEN EVENINGS WALTER REED The Optician, 133 6th St., Oresonlan Bldff. eoaooaooooeeooeee0oooo0ecoooaooooooooe moo Our Stock for Fall and Christmas Trade Far surpasses anything we have heretofore attempted to show in fact so much so that we think it worth the while to bring your attention to it. Naturally enough our showcases show that we have goods for any purpose or occasion at almost any price. Our Brooches, Scarfpins, Cufffauttons, Rings, Lockets, etc., for instance, for good taste, design, quality and finish would be hard to surpass; We do not misrepresent goods. 284 WASHINGTON STREET Between Fourth and Fifth s f Lw WAMIflulON Scientific &. Manufacturing- Opticians- Between Fourth and Fifth the htlr of and elowrlflt ..ZdHtl peira cr Muiucb. ONE APPLICATION , KRUSE'S A QUICK MEAL Will be served you wheneer you come In a hurry and give your order. Promptness and efficiency In service, first-class cook Inp. fine viands and everything for the Inner man that he relishes will always be found at Kruse's. QT KVV QT PP- Chamber Ol AfvJYOA. of Commerce tj$ This R r J n Automfitir. Ill I; JjT""" Memory R p isf will keep year business engagements aad anxngemeata M GLASS & PRUDitfHME CO. H ! eetooeooeeosestfoeeoteoeooeet9t9eseifltt I JAPANESE ART SALE I Brasses, Embroidered Linens, Shirtwaists, and Silk Kimonas PORTLAND HOTEL I PARLOR G 94699999999OSe994 9O09ee9 99909999999990999999444999 FredPrehn.D.D.S 405 Dekum bids. OFFICE HOUK3 From 3 A. 11 to 5 P. II. EVENINGS. MON DAY AND THURS DAY UNTIL 8 P. M. Japanese Curios Sale New Brassware, Handsome Embroidered Ladies' Kimonas, Robes and Jackets, Genu ine Canton Chinaware, Fine Cut Glasses. Our prices sl loir xs at wholesale. : THE WESTERN IMPORTING CO. S 108-170 Fifth st., Opp. old Poatomce. 133 ITrat st PortUnd, Or. (Opposite First National Bank.) Iks y STORES fWSKM(U!!jqg 01? "v; Jit iiaaimiuiuii and 293 Morrison Near Fifth. SPECIAL All our umbrellas from 6.50 up 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT. All our umbrellas from $10.00 up 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT. REPAIRING AND RECOVERING. 7 7V ynr wao rri?iti?i? uo. BEST WORK. X.ZAS0NJ3LZ PRICES STARK S T REIT i FOOTWEAR FOR WOMEN 1'iBiiif Xmas Shopping made easy yW by purchasing our Jg $3.50 Special y Jsttfik most acceptable offer- It&MM ng e Shoe of merit, in j!r f yur wanted size and style. INSPECTION INVITED 283-285 MORRISON STREET