ALL ROADS LEAD TO CHRISTMAS- THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KING STORE PORTLAND'S GRAND CENTRAL DEPOT OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. PORTLAND'S QUALITY SHOP "THE DIFFERENT STORE." Christmas Shoppin BICK Time Is Fleetin HOSTS OF EXTRA SPECIAL HOLIDAY BARGAINS LISTED IN OUR GREAT MORNING AND EVENING "MANAGERS' SALE" TODAY OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHEISTMAS. Willie Crow and Joys Fourth Floor. Afternoon and Evening Only. Two of the cleverest Christmas en trta.iorf you ever sow: enjoyod alike by children and grownups. SHnta ClmiK appears daily, 2 to 4:16 P. M. and 7 to S:46 P. M., to meet and talk witn the children and learn their Christmas wants. "Willie Crow's First Visit to the City." A sSde-sslittinsr monolosruc by a wtll-knowa artist, at 4:30 and 3 P. AL. sharp, uon t miss this treat. Store Open Until 10 P. M. S A. Sr. till 10 P. M. consti tutes the bUHlncwt day till Christmas. In fact -worker are here all night now, divided fa mMUm, to put things uplc sad npan for the morrovr. Nearly a thousand employes a hundred more hired yesterday AVh at a lot of employment such a great inntltutJon as this gives! THE LARGEST STORE IN THE CITY and the safest. No store so -rvell equipped to care for the Christmas throngs, and none so comfortable. Kljft wide atalr vayM. Three monster eleva tors the largest on the Const that "fly" a trip every min ute, Ilrst floor to fifth and re turn. Great, vrlde alles never blocked. for everyone runs thro goes somewhere and out of It. Don't turn, Just keep a-golngr, and keep to the right when on the move. No other local store can give equal shop ping facilities, No dark floors In our buildings. Every inch used for stocks uud aelllng. Our great -warehouses are outside where space Is less valuable. Five great, light, busy floors, and THE ONL.Y STEEL KIRE PROOb' building In the city. In all making PORTLAND'S LAR GEST AND FOREMOST STORE. The bigget December bnnlncss bclug done here that any West ern store ever knew And it's being cared for -with greater accuracy and Ies friction than ever. Another year -we'll give Ktill better service always learning and bettering. We've had to learn from the ntart, for no Portland store has ever given service -worth this store using as a model. The remark able values printed on this page are for morning and evening xclllng. un many more and a good remain on all day but lack mention for Inck of space. Public Tea Room Second Floor. Auspices of Y. W. C. A. "Grand ma" Munra, Hostess. TODAY'S 3IENU. TEA COFFEE CHOCOLATE MILK IN BOTTLES CLAM BOUILLON SALAD HOT ROLLS BROWN BREAD SANDWICHES BREAD AND BUTTER TEA CAKES OPEN EVENINGS Ice cream served in the evening;. COLUMBIA THEATRE -A H BALLARD. Lmtt J Mime ' lf.flac OfiCHir lirTBK MVfc'BMP . Portland, Oregon, k J s, v , 1 1 s - PORTIjAND, Or., Dec. 10th, 1004. OLDS, WORTMAN & KING Gentlemen: Permit me to express my grati fication at the beautiful gownn and wraps supplied by you and worn by me this week at the Columbia Theater In "Camllle." With one exception the creationn were purchased by me. from your famous ntyle limine, and I -msh to tuanK you heartily for your painstaking efforts in nupplylng me for the last three yearn with a wardrobe that ha been ndmlred la the East as well as the West. Assuring you of my con tinued patronage. Sincerely, CATHRINE COUNTISS. Following Specials on Sale Today, Tuesday S to 12 A. M. ONLY Some RemarSsable Values in Today's Spedai Shoe Sale 8 to 12 A. 31. only. . The Fair-Way Annex First Floor. BOVS' AND YOUTHS' SHOES here in box calf, tvlth heavy double sole3 and full round toos all solid Winter Shoes . Sizes 11 to IX. our $1.50 value, for, pair ORc Slses 13lfe to 2, our ?1.75 values, for. pa!r..$1.0S Sizes 2 to 54. our $2.00 value, for, MEN'S NULLIFIERS, WORTH 2.00, FOR 31.10. Men's black kid Nullillers. with flexible soles, full rohnd toes and flat "heels; our $2.08 value. Special at, pair 91.10 WOMEN'S 93.00 SHOES FOR fl,60. Women's all kid dross Shoes with patent tips, heavy or light soles, Cuban or military heels and frill round toes good $3.00 value for", pair $1.00 WOMEN'S HOLIDAY SLIPPERS. 2&M pairs of women's fancy Slippers and Ju liette fur trimmed, patent colt, undressed calf, ' Ylci kit, velvet or felt with flexible turn soles, opora. military or French hools a complete and yv"d fyfortmcnt 5r $2.S value special from S to 12 A. M. at, pair 63c Our 51.B0 asd $1.7i values special at, pair. 51.18 Our $8.00 values special at. pair 51.48 Our $2J0 values special at, pair 51.08 A Great Special Sale of Qiristmas Slippers USEFUL HOLIDAY PRESENTS AT RARE BARGAIN PRICES. Vry latest, newest noveltios in Shoes and Slip-; pers fqr evory member of the family from the tot to py-anflma. and grandpa.' The prices this week are less than manufacturer's oost in many instanoes. Those values for ALL WEEK. New Annex Shoe Store on the "Fair Way" . . First Floor. SOME DANDY ALL-DAY SHOE SPECIALS. Women's Slippers, worth $2.50, for 51.48 Woman's fancy Xmas Juliettos, fur trimmed fljp4bJe spies. French or military heels very dressy; our $2.50 value. Special all day at. pair 51.48 MEN'S HOUSE SLIPPERS, WORTH 52.00, FOR 51.10. Men's black NullJfiers or elastic-side house Slip pers with flexible turn soles; our $2.00 value. Special all day at, the pair 51.10 S7c FOR BOYS'" KID HOUSE SLTPPERS with flexible sojos; worth $1.25. Special all day at, pair STe WOMEN'S HOUSE SLIPPERS, AVORTli 51.25, - FOR C3c Women's house Slippers, in "Hack or red fur trim mod with hand-turned .soles; pur $1-25 value- Snccial all day at, pair .63c, " MEN'S hLACIC SLIPPERS. WORTH 52.00, FOR SL3S. Men's fancy house Slippers in ten choice styles; our rec'UhM". $2.00-value. Special all day at. the pair 5L3S Extra Specials in Knitwear Aisles First Floor. Women's Vents. Children's Leggings. 8 to 12 A. M. Today only. WOMEN'S SILK AND LISLE VESTS, WORTH, 51.7.1. FOR 513. Women's long, sleeve silk and lisle Vasts, flpJ ribned In- white pink or blue; our $1.75 value for, oach 51.23 INFANTS' 51.00 LEGGINGS FOR 59c Infants' black, white and cardinnl Drawer Leg gings fino all-wool crocheted: our $1.00 value. Special from 3 to 12 A. M. at. pair.... 59c BOOK BARGAINS First Floor. S to 12 A. M. Today only. 18c FOR BOOKS WORTH 22c AND 23c The Green Library of select fiction by the very best authors; our 22c and 25c values. Special at, oach v-l8c CHRISTMAS BOOKLETS AT HALF PRICE. Artistic Christmas Booklets, beautifully illus trated in colors and ornamented with gold: our 8c. 3c. 10c, 12c, 15c, 20c. 22c, 25c, 30c and 40c values at exactly one-half marked price. From 5 to 12 A. M. only. CHILDREN'S PICTURE BOOKS, WORTH 25c FOR 14c. Children's Books with A colored plates and many other pictures, Jn black and white. Tfte list inoludes all the standard children's classics-; Cindorella, Mother Goose Rhymes, Jack and the Beanstalk, Little Red Riding Hood- and othor stpries so dear to the hearts of thp chil dren; our 25c values for, oach ;....14c oflc FOR BOOKS WORTH 85c, Elegant Chrjstmas gift Books bound in ooze calf, with gilt tops and deckle edge list of titles includes standard classics in both prose and poetry. The publishers' price "is $1.25. Our regular price Is S5c. Special price from S lo 12 A. M. is. the volume 50c 3 Stirring Morning Specials in the New Second Floor Annex Stores. CHILDREN'S 52.00 COATS 51.73. SHETLAND FLOSS, 6c SKEIN, 72c BOX. WOMEN'S 55 NIGHTGOWNS 5250; WOMEN'S 520 ..NIGHTGOWNS 510 HALF-PRICE SALE. , S to 12 A. M. Today only. Children's Bhort Coats of white Bedford cord or cashmere, large cape and collar, trimmed with fancy brajd, rows of ribboa and heavy lace, 6 months to 3 years; regular price $2,50' and $2.60; special at 51.73 Another drive in Shetland Floss, in dainty col ors and black and white; regular $LO0 a pox of 12 skeins or 10c a skein: special 72c a box of 12 skeins or 6c a skein Ladies' fine Gowns of extra quality nainsook or India linen, very elaborately trimmed in lace and embroidery Insertion and edging, fine tucks, medallions, beading and draw ribbon, high, low or slip-over styles, long and elbow flowing sleeves, regular pripes from $5.80 to $20.00; special prices, from ....52.50 to 510.00 With many between prices. The Record Smashing Value of 1 904 In the Dress Goods Store. Fifth-Street Annex First Floor. Four morning hours today will witness a perfect furore in Dresa Goods buying. Those, -bargains will crowd the Annex Store as never before. Extra salespeople and wrappers on hand. Be early. Extra Special, 8 to 12 A. M. Today only. . . MILLINERY SALONS Second Floor New Annex. 51.08 FOR OSTRICH TRI3I3IED BLACK DRESS 55 HATS. -t This "all the year 'round" Millinery Department offers for today's selling a lot of large black dress shapes, madp of chenille and mo hair braids, faced underneath with silk folds and trimmed with a 16-Inch Amazon ostrich plume; positively a $5.00 value. Special all day at, .each 5L0S 8 to 12 A. 31. Today only. Domestic Aisle First Floor FANCY CREPES, WORTH 15c, FO'R 10Jc New fancy dotted Crepes ju6t the thing for in , expensive party dresses in all colors; our 15c value. Special from 8 to 12 A. M. at, the yard 10$&c A Tempting Sale of Wanted Toys A Tuesday Morning Event In Toydom., 8 to J2 A. 31. only Fourth Floor. PRINTING PRESSES, WORTH 53.00, FOR 51.85. Majestic Printing Presses, with cabinet; our $3.00 value. Special from S to 12 A. Mi at, each ; 51.85 6Sc FOR 3IAIL WAQON, WORTH 51.25. U. 8. Mall Wagon, horses with movable l!mb.s steel wagon and horses; our $1.25 value for, each ." '. ...CSc METAL SOLDIER SETS Tiese will' please the little lads who love the ''soldier boys."" Our pc value special for, set 3c Our 25c value special for, set.... . 13c Oiir 30c value special for, set 15c Our 45c value special for, set 2Sc Our 50c value special for. set 25c 27c FQR TRAIN, WORTH 45c Iron Train consisting of engine, tender and two Pullman cars enameled in red and gold; our ac value fqr, each , 27c SSc FOR WAGON, WORTH 05c Hook and Ladder Wagon, with two horses; our 65c value for, each 3Sc 38c FOR FIRE BNGIPfE. WORTH 65c Fire Engine, with three spirited horses enam eled in red and gold; our 65c value. Special at, each. 38c ENGINE, WORTH 52.50, FOR 51.50. The Whistler Engine; a mechanical locomotive with nickel trimmings and whistle- attach ment; our $2.50 value for, each 51.50 8 to 12 A. 31. TODAY IN CHRISTMAS BAZAAR First Floor. SDe FOR MISSES' TOILET SETS, WORTH 51.50. Misses Toilet Sets, with brush,, comb and Jiand mirror r-fancy decorated In pretty celluloid boxes; pur $1.50 value for, sot 80c 75c FOR COLLAR AND CUFF BOXES, WORTH 51-00. Collar and Cuff Boxes of celluloid, with fancy shaped top; our $1.00 value for, each 75c CHILDREN'S 3f ANIGURE SETS, WORTH ?2.00, FOR 51.10. Children's Manicure Sets, with 6 white celluloid fittings in fancy cellulpld box; our $2,Q3 value for, set ..' 51.10 CHILDREN'S NECKLACES, WORTH 35c, FOR 10c Children's pearl or turquoise Necklaces, with graduated sire beads; our 35c value fpr. eaph Ipe- MANICURE SCISSORS WORTH 51.25 FOR 85c Ladies' sterling silver handle Manicure ScisT sors. neat and. pretty designs; our $1.25 value, S to 12 only, .at, pair S5c 50c FOR BACK COMBS WORTH 05c Handsome sholl and amber Back Combs, with Jeweled setting; our 95c value for, each..50c BROQCH PINS WORTH 50c FOR 20c. Fancy Imported enameled Brooch Pins, assorted, designs; our 50c quality for, each .20e Today, 8 to 12 A. 31. only. EXTRA SPECIAL 1 1 COLORED DRESS GOODSr. 525 French Greoe Twine Voiles. 525-Scotch Mixed Suitings, v 51'fOr Mohair MlBtral Etamines. 5L25-Jllumlnated Voiles. 51,00 Heather and Illuminated Suitings. All "colors in the assortment. Extra special today, S to 12 A. M. only, per yard 4c Portland's Home of Fashion in Apparel GRAND SALONS SECOND FLOOR. ' The accompanying reproduction of an unsolicited letter, received yesterday from Miss Cathrine Countiss, tells its own story. A store from the feather-weight class of "has-beens" is making much ado over the fact of having sold Miss Countiss a beautiful gown good ! The gown is a beauty AND A GREAT BARGAIN. We congratulate the said store on having been able to obtain a gown from Paris fit for Miss Countiss to wear, after trying so hard for four years. This affords a splendid illustration of the com parative facilities of two stores. "We can't stop to enumerate the number of magnificent gowns, wraps, cos tumes, hats, etc we've sold Miss Countiss in that time, with the most cordial relations existing between that talented woman and this store. She has ever recognized the superior powers of production possessed by this store, even by sending to us for her costumes when in the East, where the best was at hand. In our larger success made sure and available by intelligent effort and perfect service, we can afford to congratulate a minor concern that does one single, lonesome achievement in four years that is creditable. "We offer the largest and fine3t assortment of gowns, costumes and theater wraps in all the "West, and at the lowest prices quoted in America. "Why not select one for Christmas? The beautiful ballroom gown i-orr. in the fourth act by Miss Countiss in "CamiHe" this w,eek was made under our direction and sold to Miss Countiss by nsj also all but one worn by her in the piece. I EXTRA SPECIAL THIS MORNING ONLY 8 TO 12 O'CLOCK. A GREAT POUR-HOUR SALE OF A GREAT SPECIAL SALE ALL THIS WEEK. Special sales of ready-to-don apparel for dressy women all this week. Special Today Women's $22.50 to $30.00 Suits, $13.95 Handsome Street Suits, in all the popular and stylish materials and trimming effects. All wanted colors and fash ionable mixtures; very la'test cut and smartest styles; best values in the city at prices ranging up from $22.50 to $30.00; special for today. . .13.95 Coats On Special Sale TODAY ONE-HALF PRICE. Today and tomorrow, Women's handsome Coats, one-half price. Very swell 27-inch Coats, in black, brown, blue and smart mannish mixtures. Materials are kerseys, cheviots, broadcloths and tweedish mix tures. Tourist, Norfolk and half-fitted back styles in the choosing. Splendidly tailored and of beautiful workmanship. Choice for two days only, $7.50 to $20.00 values, at One-Half Price. Nothing better to buy her than Rich furs Every Fur Piece, Coats and Neck Scarfs, merci lessly reduced to close before Christmas. Largest and best selected stock of Fine Furs in the city. 1 Silk Petticoats for Xmas Gifts SPECIAL SALE FOR TODAY ONLY $10.00 AND $12 SILK PETTICOATS. FOR 5.48. Handsome Silk Taffetas and Chiffon Taffetas, in a full line of colors and beautiful shadings, plaited and flounced styles, with ruffles and dust ruffles. Tho . best $10.00 and $12.00 values in the city. All bright, new, fresh and dainty. Special for today only ,...,5.48 $5.00 Walking Skirts for $1.95 These are the popular round-length Skirts for walking, shopping and the every use and function of these necessary garments. In cheviots and smart man nish mixtures, plain colors and mixed goods. Plain tailored and in the strappingi stitching and button effects, Best $5.00 values in the city 2 to 12 A. M. today only, at, a choice for 1.98 Raincoats Wanted for Christmas Every Raincoat in the house at one-half price For today, handsome Cravenetteo, Priestleys and smart, fancy mixed waterproof materials, in a full line of colors, latest mixtures and smartest trimming ef fect One-Half Price. A SENSATIONAL SALE OF Women's $ 15 Capes for $2.9S ALL DAY TODAY ONLY ALL DAY. One of the biggest bargains this store ever gave. These Gapes may be worn for street or evening theater wraps. Always in good form, staple styles, warm and dressy, easy to put on and off. Every woman jneeds one. Tndre're going to "farewell" a lot in handsome casRd and tan kerseys; splen did cloths, attractively tailored and trimmed in rows of stitching and baud effects. Values ranging up from $7.50 to $15.00 at a price that won't pay for the cloth in them, viz: 2198. This sale lasts all day, or until lot is closed. , TODAY 8 TO 10 A. M. ONLY. Another Big Sale of Women's Smart Tailored Waists THIS SALE POSITIVELY LASTS BUT 2 HOURS, AS ADVERTISED. A SENSATIONAL WAISTS SALE PRETTY $3.50 v . TAILORED WAISTS, 95c For two hours only, very smart man-tailored Waists, in mohair, flannel and granite cloth materials; reds, tans, navys, browns, blacks and handsome plaids and stylish fancy mixtures; plain tailored, with fancy stocks and silk ties or silk collars with fie. Best values in the ci4y up to $3.50 from S to 10 A. M. today only, choice for 98 Extra Specials for Evening Patrons Tonight 7 to 9 7 TO 9 P. M. FOURTH FLOOR. In Toyland Toys 48c fqr Bank Worth 85c Combination savings Bank, nickel or oxidized; our S5c value, special for two ham's only at, each 4S 63c for Music Boxes Worth $1.25 The Orchestrian Music Boxes worth $1.25; Special at, each 63 $ Drawing Slates Worth 25c for 16c Drawing Slates with a good vqriety of copy; our 25c value for 16 Garden Sets Worth 45c for 23c For little gardeners Cunning garden sets of four pieces, pump, sprinkler, wheelbarrow and shovel, attractively enameled in red, with gold trimmings; our 45c value for 23? Bugle Trombones, Six Notes Our $1.25 value for each 65 Bugle Trombones, Four Notes Our 75c value for, each -. 38 65c For Tool Chest Worth $1.00 Boys Tool Chest, hardwood chest; our $1.00 value, special at 65 Wagon Worth $3.50 for $2.55 Fine hardwood wagon, with iron axle, hardwood wheels with flat spokes, steel bound hubs, seat and dashboard; our $3.50 value for, each 2.55 7 TO 9 P. M. SHOE SPECIALS. In the Christmas Shoe Store Men's Slippers Worth 1.50 for 87c Men's black kid Slippers, with hand-turned soles, patent trimmed, full round toes and flat heels; regular $l.pQ value for, the pair ...87 Women's Shoes Worth $5.00 for $2.50 Women's Shqes here in patent kid or patent leather, or plain vici kid vamps with matt or all bright kid uppers; our $5.00 value for, the pair 2.50 Men's Slippers Worth $2.00 for $1.38 Men's vici kid Slippers in tan or brown, kid lined to toe, flexible soles; our $2.00 value, special for two hours only at, pair 1.38 7 TO 9 P. M. FIRST FLOOR. Book Specials in Xmas Book Store 23c Instead of 30c for Books Select library of late books in green cloth binding with flower design in colors, all standard books by well-known authors; our 30c value, from 7 to fl P. M. only, for 23 Copyright Books Worth 35c for 22c Books by Gen. Charles King "A Wounded Name," "Trumpeter Fred," "Fort Frayne," "Fqund in the Philip pines," "A Garrison Tangle," "Noble Blood," "Warrior Gap," "An Army Wife"; our regular 35c value, special from 7 to 9 P. M. at, each 22 C 7 TO 9 P. M. FIRST FLOOR, 5TH-ST. ANNEX. Bargains in Silks Tuesday Evening Extra Swell plaid Silks, largest and newest assortment in the city, all the latest color combinations; our regular $1.25 per yard values, special this evening, 7 to 9 P. M. only, per yard . . 98 $ Very acceptable and useful Christmas gifts. 7 TO 9 P. M. FIRST FLOOR. Women's "Hxins" Turn-Over Collars Worth 25c for 12c Grass Linen Collars in turnover effects, embroidered in colors, way be used with four-in-hand or Windsor ties; our 25c value, special from 7 to 9 P. M. at 12 . SHIMMERING, SHINING RIBBONS. 10c For Ribbons Worth to 20c A lot of beautiful narrow fancy Ribbons, l1? to 3 inches wide, also s lot of all silk and satin ribbons; these ribbons are worth from 14c to 32c, special from 7 to 9 P. M. at, the yard 10 Linen 'Kerchiefs Richardson's pure linen Handker chiefs, with and -inch hems; an extraordinary value at the regular price, I2V2C, special for two kours only at six for 45 See Supplement to this Advertisement on Page 4 m Bill