Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 20, 1904, PART TWO, Page 16, Image 16

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Origin of the Crocodile Species of
Timber That Cannot Endure
Sunshine or Cold.
Alone the coast lands oft Mexico there
is found a class of legends that differ
quit materially from those of the Inland
regions, saye Modern Mexico. They are of
a less exalted type than the legends that
are supposed to have a Toltec origin, and
they more nearly resemble the stories
handed down by the Northern Indians.
This Is particularly true of the animal
legends that are told in the hot country
adjacent to the sea. A characteristic
Ftory of this class Is about the crocodiles
that frequent the rivers and bayous of
the hot country. It will not require an
ethnologist to see the human nature that
Is woven Into the fantastic legend of the
uninteresting reptile. A particularly in
teresting point is the disclosure of the fact
that the Darwinian theory of the origin of
man prevailed at this time among the
primitive story-tellers of the Tierra Call
cnto, or at least along the banks of the
River of the "Winding Snake.
Long ago. before man lived upon the
earth, the banks of the "Winding Snake
were the homes of the crocodiles. They
lived there in great numbers, and were
taught by tholr ciders that all they had to
do in life was to He in the sun and warm
themselves and sleep. The young croco
diles sometimes wished to wander off in
the thick wood, where they heard the
monkeys chattering and the parrots mocking-
them, and the spotted cats fighting
with each other. They wondered how
wide the woods -were, and where the paths
led to that wound away into the dark
depths beyond, and if there really was
danger, as their elders said.
One day two strange animals came in
sight, walking on the banks of the Wind
ing Snake. They were men. but the croc
odiles did not know it. "When the croco
diles first heard the men's voices they all
plunged headlong into the water, but -when
the men sat down at the root of a great
tree the young crocodiles were so curious
to bear 'what they were talking about
that they swam close to the shore and put
their heads up among the reeds to listen.
The foolish creatures thought that the
men could not see them, and paid no heed
to the warnings of their parents.
Presently one. of the men said to the
other: "Do you see those crocodiles in the
water? They are exactly like the ones I
caw on the other side of the mountain.
The foolish people over there believe that
the crocodiles are gods, and feed them
and protect them till they grow'-as long as
& house."
When the men had gone away the young
crocodiles hurried out into the deep water
to tell their elders what they had heard.
""What! have you not been told that
all men were once monkeys and lived in
trees, and that now they are all liars?
To be sure, they have cut off their tails
and assumed a false "wisdom, but beware
of them! Men never worship any but
But the young crocodiles, like othe?
young creatures, having once heard tales
from the great world, wore not satisfied.
They wanted to see It, and sec the folly
of It for themselves, so the next day they
called a meeting of the youngsters, and
the ones who had heard the talk of the
men led a revolt.
"Our parents do not know as much as
monkeys.' said one. "and they know
much less than men."
"They are too lazy and too fat to do
anything." said another, "and they lie
in the hot sand and the mud and sleep
until their heads are as thidk as green
rocoanuts before the milk is in them, and
they are Afraid of their own shadows,"
said a third.
Then they agreed that they would run
away and climb over the great mountain
and see the world. For, they reasoned.
If monkeys with their tails cut off can
travel all over the land, so can we, and
we will not cut off our talis, either. The
meeting lasted from early morning until
the sun stood still in the middle of the
sky, and before they parted the young
crocodiles promised to meet at sunrise
the following morning, at the same place,
to start on their journey.
Sure enough, the rising sun saw hun
dreds and hundreds of young crocodiles
swimming in the waters of "Winding
Snake, all bound for the spot under the
cocoa palms whence they were to start
out to see the world. The old crocodiles
were all fast asleep, foolishly trusting
that the young ones would heed their
good advioe. All day they swam up
stream, for, of course, they were trying
to reach the mountain top so that they
could go down into the happy land on
the other side, where the crocodiles were
worshiped as gods. They could not travel
on the land because the forest was so
dense that they could not make their way
through the trees and vines, but some
times they were obliged to climb along
the banks to get around a waterfall or
over a fallen tree. "When night came they
were very tired, and crept out into some
tali grass that grew in a marshy inlet of
the "Winding Snake and quicklv fell
Alas, while the young crocodiles slept
the water god and his sisters came upon
them. They had told tho old crocodiles
long ago that tho young ones must never
leave the hot country, and they had a
great deal to, do besides looking after
crocodiles. They summon the rains and
the springs and the streams, and arc very
industrious people. For many years the
crocodiles had obeyed tho wishes of the
water god, but knowing the habits of
crocodiles ho was aware that If he over
looked this breach of law he should have
perpetual trouble with the tribe. So, in
order to settle the matter for all times,
lie called the spirits from the hills and
told them to take all the sleeping croco
diles and stand them on their heads In the
soft earth of the forest
The Epirlts of the hills obeyed the water
cod. and carried all but one of tho little
crocodiles into the dark forest, where the
sun never penetrates, and stood them up
like posts. There they stand today, with
their heads burled in the earth and their
fiat brown tails standing straight up in
the sir. a warning that is always being
renewed to other crocodiles not to leave
the lowlands. For these little wander
ing crocodiles have now all turned to
trees and the people call them the Rabo
de Lagarto (tho crocodile's tall). They
cannot live in the sun. and they are only
found in the dense shade of the coffee and
orange groves or the wild forest. They
are as sensitive to the cold winds and
fogs as they are to the sun, and suffer
from any chango because they aro not in
their native lagoons along the "Winding
"When the one little crocodile that the
water god overlooked awoko In the mora
ine and learned what had happened to
Ms companions he ran as fast as he could
to the banks of the "Winding Snake,
lumned in and swam home. "When he
told the old crocodiles the fate of all their
voung ones they began to weep. For a
whole year they mourned and they shed
so many tears that the mouth of the
"Winding Snake has ever since been salty.
Since that time no crocodiles in all the
world have ever climbed, into the hills.
The Moon's Craters.
If there be craters on the moon that are
anything but extinct they must expel
.nmt)t!nr Jndred bv the dlseharrrps of
our earthly volcanoes, that something
must DC waxcr ana caroymc ucm gas.
"Water cannot possibly exist as a liquid;
for tho temperature of the moon's surface
during the long lunar night is probably
fa r- frnm 4G0 Ap-rrpps. below thn zero
mark of a Fahrenheit thermometer. Ice
and snow are the forms, then, which
lunar water must assume, is mere any
riiAnnt nf It? Hundreds of "craterlets"
are lined with a Bllvery coating that
gleams gagcllnfly when the sun shines
full upon them. Capping the loftier peaks
the same silver glow may be seen. On the
slopes of the greater mountain chains, on
the ramparts of hugo craters the silvery
sheen casts Its halo, fading away strange
ly as the sun rises higher and higher, and
reappearing at sunset Just before the
long, cold lunar night sets in. From many
of the craters, notably from Tycho. long
white rays spread out for hundreds of
miles enigmas in the old moon of a gen
eration ago, but in the new moon of today
deep crevices illuminated only when the
sun is high in tho lunar heavens. "What
is this silvery substance that caps the
Apennines of the moon, gleams on the
slopes, and radiates from the craters?
According to the new school It is simply
ice and snow, collecting at the poles, on
summits, and In the very places where It
ought to collect Moreover, It partly ex
plains the curious changes that occur at
different times of the lunar day in the size
of the crater LInne, the "very small,
round, brilliant spot," previously men
tioned; it explains the illumination of
deep, snow-bottomed pits and abysses
that are inky black at sunrise and sunret,
and brilliantly white wheir the sun shines
directly into them; and it explains the
fading away and reappearance of white
stains at different periods in the lunar
day. The melting and falling of snow,
the disappearance and reappearance of
hoar frost, alone can account for these
changes. In old descriptions they axe said
to'be due to variations in Illumination; in
the philosophy of tho new moon they are
attributed with beautiful simplicity to the
alternate evaporation and freezing .of
water expelled from craters in eruption.
How "Pink Chiffon" Won Herself a
New York Press.
It is not the fault of the dainty lltlo
brunette In pink chiffon that the man
agers of an uptown department store
are looking for another girl to take
her place at the piano. The chiffon
creation was doing her work well
enough until He came. Popular melo
dies of the hour seemed to ripple from
her fingers as customers passed them
over the counter for her to play. But
all tunes were alike to her In business
hours until he began to take an Inter
est in her work.
He had to pass through the music
room in going from the restaurant to
the elevator. She noticed that he came
in for breakfast every morning at 11
o'clock, after she had been strumming
away for a couple of hours. Informa
tion disclosed the girl behind the cash
ier's desk was that "she guessed he
worked nights."
It was his custom to linger a few
minutes at the music counter and lis
ten to her playing. Other girls tried
to sell him music but ho did not seem
interested in them. The pink chlffsn
girl peeped at him through thef'corners
of her eyes. Once, when she caught his
full gaze, her cheeks became redder
limn aci kuhii. ana uiu uui ucu u tuun.
in his direction again for two days. One
morning, whon he had gone, sho found
a bunch of blue cornflowers close to
her elbow. If he had" come back later
In the day he would have seen them
set off to advantage in her dainty pink
gown. But he never came, except in
the mornings.
" 'Twos Enough to Make a Perfect
Lady Mad," she bankod away on the
keys when she saw him the next
morning. She daren't look to see
whether or not he smiled. He stood
back of her piano for a long time that
morning, turning over sheets of music.
She rattled off one tuno after another,
winding up with "Meet Me Down at
Huyler's" as ho disappeared In the ele
vator. A box of chocolates, surrepti
tiously deposited the next morning,
convinced her that he was old enough
Me." she thrummed when he came
One morning he bought a piece of
music and looked reproachfully at her
because she would not look at him
when be sent it up to be tried. "No
body Sems to Love Me Now" was the
name of it She selected "You'll
Never Find a Love Llk Mine" as a
follow piece. Her cheeks were so red
that the girl who sold music asked her
If she wanted the window opened. He
bought another sheet of music and
sent It up to be played. Just to pet
You Know" was the name of It "What
"Will You Do Without Me?" she
strummed, pianissimo, as he reluctant
ly sauntered away.
In a day or two ho took advantage or
the absence of the salesgirl and insist
ed upon pink chiffon deserting her
pianq stool to wrap up the score of a
comic opera.
"I bungle so In picking but the airs."
ho said. "It must be a delight to rattle
them off as you do. If I camo around
to tho piano could you give me a little
assistance?" .
"Against the rules." said plnK cnii
fon. "Better get some lady friend to
Invite you to her house and play them
to you."
When he said he hadn't a lady
friend, she told him he'd better get one.
"When he suggested that he didn't
know anybody who knew her, she said
she "guessed mamma would be glad
to see him any evening he cared to
call." As he was going away she
played "I Want to Go Tomorrow."
He took the hint That was only six
weeks ago, and now he and pink chif
fon are looking for a fiat
A Good Salesman.
- "I am ready to jut up your corner cup
board, madam," he announced with a cer
tain courtly deference, "If you will kindly
let me know which"
"Mv corner cupboard!" ejaculated Mrs.
Bambridge. "How did you know I
wanted one? Oh, I see! You met my
husband, Mr. Bambridge, and he told you
to call?"
Tho young man smiled, with a negative
shake of the head; then his face lit up
with astonishment
"Mr. Bambridge!" he exclaimed. "Sure
ly not the the president of the Bam
bridge Manufacturing Company?
"Yes," she answered.
An odd look flashed over his face, then
he spoke In a matter-of-fact tone. "No,
he didn't send me; in fact I didn't know
he lived here. I took it for granted that
you wanted a cupboard, because every
woman does. If your kitchen is well sup
plied there may be a useless corner In the
pantry or back hall, or you may need a
place to keep odd dishes, or a linen or ex
tra clothes closet Here is a model of tho
cupboard when put together; the shelves
can be arranged to suit any purpose, the
center ones being omitted when used for a
wardrobe, leaving a place for bonnet
boxes below and clothes hooks above."
"I see!" cried Mrs. Bambridge; the
light of possession was In her eyes and
her voice trembled with anticipation.
"And you can put up a cupboard like that
In any room?"
"In any oornor of any room where there
is a clear space of three" feet from the
angle on each side; and when tho cup
board is built you get rid of a dust
gathering corner and gain a place to put
all the odds and ends that make it dim
cult to keep a room tidy. If you would
like one put up In your kitchen, for exam
Pie. I"
"-O-oh, ma-ami" An ecstatic cry burst
irom jane, wno was standing behind Mrs,
Bambridge. "The corner back of the
door, ma'am," she pleaded in a tremulous
Higher Grades at Forest Grove.
FOREST GROVE, Or., Dec 19. (Spe
cial.) At a special meeting of the tax
payers of the Forest Grove school dis
trict Saturday. It was voted to add ninth
and tenth grades to the public school.
and a tax of S mills was levied for that
purpose. The agitation for bettor pub
lic school facilities has been going on
ror some time and the vote to add the
higher grades was almost unanimous.
Two additional teachers will bo em.
ployed and the new grades will begin
work aout Februaary j.
By virtue of a warrant to me directed,
issued by the County Clerk, commanding
me to sell the several articles of personal
property and parcels of real property upon
which the taxes are levied and unpaid,
as shown by taxllst accompanying such
warrant, of the state, county, school and
other taxes for the year 1903, and City of
Portland taxes for the year 3901. I will,
beginning at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon on
Wednesday, the 4th day of January. 1905.
and continuing from day to day thereafter
until the list is exhausted, offer for sale
at public auction and sell to the best bid
der tho real property situated In Multno
mah County. Or., particularly described
in the list following:
Lamont Thomas J. Lot 6. block 1,
Ashley's subdivision of lots 1 and 2,
block 5, Ainsworth Tract 2.33
McCoy, Newton Lots 17 and 18,
block 4. Alblna , 22.81
Griswold. Mary B. Lot 9, block 8,
Alblna 17.83
WIrfs. Peter and Mary K. W. lot
23. block 8L Alblna 8.S3
Marlay, P. H. Lot 9, block 13; Al
blna 4.6
Ryan. Matt Lot S. block 18. Alblna.. 88.03
McEntee, Rose S. 15 feet of, E. 90
feet lot 15. block 18, Alblna -4.52
Malr. Harriett Lucy N. 20 feet of E.
45 feet of lot 12, and E. 45 feet of
lot 13. block 23. Alblna 7-14
Montgomery, Mary Phelps Lots 4, 5,
6. 7, 8. 9, 10, 14. 15. 16, 17, 18. 19, 20, 21,
22, 23, 24. 23 and 25, block 27, Al
blna 135.63
Kraeft. Arthur T anJ Ardolla A.
E. 25 feet of lot 2, block 23. Alblna 3.33
Richardson. James Lot 12. block 30.
Alblna 23.o6
Shannon. Joseph Lot 6, block 47, Al
blna ..: 2.3S
Investors' Mortgage Security Co..
The (Limited) S. of lot 7. block
47. Alblna 4.7S
Brosy. Charles M. N. lot 16. block
48. Alblna 5.95
First National Bank of Portland. Or.
".Northeasterly 100 feet except SO
xlOO feet in N. E. corner of frac
tional block 55. Alblna 39.33
Smith. B. F. rndlvlded lots 5 and
6 and the Northeasterly SO feet of
lots 7 and 8, block 56. Alblna 84.49
Rankin. J. and H. Lot 5. block 53.
Alblna 16.66
Montgomery, James B. (heirs) Und.
Vi lots 7 and 8, except O. R. & N.
right of way. block 69. Albina 17.85
Scotton. G C. Lot 4. block 1. Al
blna Addition 11.90
Wood. Chas. E. S. Lot 5, block 4,
Alblna Addition 4.76
Lynch. Peter Lot 1. block 5, Alblna
Addition 10.71
Breske. Laura Lot 1, block 1, Al
blna Heights 1.67
Scnsel. Henry Lot 8, block 3, Albina
Heights N t. 2.63
Gantenbein. Ambrose EANB. of
block E.A.lbina Homestead 13.03
Frentress. Dora Lot 5, block 1. Al
blna Homestead 5.95
Marlay. P. H. Lot 8. block 1. Al
bina Homestead S.S3
Phillips. G. D. and J. P. Lot 2. block
8. Albina Homestead 15.95
Bauer. John W. V, of lots 1 and 2.
, block 15. Alblna Homestead 6.90
Marx, Daniel Lot 15. block 23. Al
blna Homestead 7.14
Shadlnser. Gall Grant E. lots 1
and 2. block 25. Alblna Homestead. 7.14
Freeman, J. A. and Andrew J. Lots
7 and 8 and E. k lots 9 and 10. block
25, Alblna Homestead 17.30
Freeman. Julia A. Lots 13 and 14.
block 28. Alblna Homestead . 7.14
Sackett E. M. Lot 8. Alblna Home
stead Addition 12.62
ThomDSon. John R. Lot 24. block 1.
Albion Addition to Aimna i.w
Share. H. J. Lots 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17,
18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23 and 2-i. blOCK 3.
Albion Addition to Alblna 19.93
Heft. Lena Lot 21. block 4. Albion
Addition to Albina i.
Knebel. F. Lot 8. block 5. Albion
Addition to Alblna 1.43
Eronauch. E. C Lots 4. 5 and 6.
block 9. Arbor Lodsre 4.2S
Pone. Seth L.. Tr. Lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5
and 6, block 13. Arbor Lodge 9.2S
Bronaugh, Earl C.Lots 1, 2 and 3,
block 26. Arbor Lodge 4.76
Taylor. Wm. M. Lots 7, 8 and 9,
oiocK zi. Arbor Lodge
Phoenix Land Co. Lots 10, 31. 32. 40,
41, 43, 44. 56. 59. 62. Arleta Park 13.42
Her. Anna C Lots 3 and 84 Arleta
Park li.fco
Phoenlr Land Co. Lots 99. 102. 107.
145 and 148. Arleta Park 6.66
i-ieed. cnaries J. Lots l. 3, 4, diock
i: lot 3. mock z; lots i, z, s ana 4,
block 3; lots 1 and 2, block 5; lots
1. 2. 3 and 4, block 8; lot 1. block 10.
Auburn Park (A. Subdivision of
lots 1 to 10. Mount Tabor Park).... 32.25
Mclnnls. Christina Lot 1. block 322.
Balch's Addition to Portland 22.37
Portland Trust Co. of Oregon Lots
IB. 19 and 20. block 3. and lot 6.
block 4. Beauvoir 10.67
Title uuarantee &. Trust co. so rcet
of Watson street W. of and adioln-
Inc block 15. Blackstone Addition.. 21.42
Bowman, a. a. und. z-z or jot a.
block 6, noise's Addition to Port
land 1
Allsky, Chas. A. Lots 9 and 10,
block 2. Bourne a Addition to Port
land 4.76
McClure. James Lots 2 and 3. block
9. Brainard Z.B
Maurln, Martin Lots 19, 20, 21 and
22. block 13, Brainard 3.14
Brainard. Wm. E. Lots 11 and 12.
block 14, Brainard S.37
Brezell, John Lots 1 and 2, block 1,
Brainard Tract 4.zs
Bkramen. Lotta Lot 7. block 2.
Brainard Tract 1.50
Bailey, Augusta Lots 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8,
9. 10. 1L 12. 13, 14. 15 and 16. block
7. Brlchton Park Addition to East
Portland 4.83
Cook. J. H. and Nellie E. Lot 19.
Brookdale 9.52
Bretherton. Walter W. Lot Z and B.
20 feet lot 4. block 1. Brush's Sec
ond Addition to East Portland... 4
Bretherton, Gertrudo B. N. 30 feet
of lot 4 and S. 40 feet lot 5. block
i Brush's Second Addition to East
Portland v- 43.03
Buckman. Lydla Lot 3. diock 34,
Lvdla. Buckman's Addition to Port
land 12.85
Rwiirert M. E. Lots 17. IS. 19. 20. 21
and 22, block 16, Burrage Tract 7.3S
Clinton, Kicnara lois vj, i ana
block 8; lots 9 and 10, block 13:
lots ,17 and IS, block 14; lots 12 and
1.1. block 15. Canltan Addition to
East Portland S.51
Cooper, Harry M. Lots 11 and iz.
block 11. CaDltan Addition to East
Portland 1.87
Preston. B. F. Lots 19 and zo. mock
11. Cadtan Addition to East Port
land 1.70
Smith. T. E. Lots 11 and 12. block
14. Cadtan Addition to East Port
land 1.71
Sturcls. Rose M. Lots 15 and 16.
block 35. Carson Heights 1.91
Nordby, T. W. Lota 5 and 6. blocK
1. Carter's Addition to East Port
land 27.13
Campbell, Collna Lots 7 and 8,
block 42. Carter's Addition to Port
land 8.33
Smith. Preston (Heirs), and Walter
V. Lots 3 and 4. block 44. Carter's
Addition to Portland 25.70
Ainsworth National Bank E. 41 feet
of lots 13 and 14. block 43. Carter's
Addition to Portland 23.61
Harrison, it c Lots 7 and s. block
85, Carter's Addition to Portland. 33.93
Canadian Bank or commerce W. 85
feet of the N. 50 feet of block 85.
Carter's Addition to Portland.... 20.23
j emu. May w. bo reet or lots 2, 3
and 4. fraction of lots 5 and 6;
also lots 7 and 8 and strip 30x100
feet N. of and adjoining lot 8.
subdivision lot 16. block A. Car
ter's Addition to Portland 74.97
wooa. Jiarry is. e. ss rcet or v. 70
feet of N. 130 feet of subdivision
of lot 25. block C. Carter's Addi
tion to Portland 24.51
ttoperts, Laura, ana Lambert Al
bert W. et al. Undivided two
thirds of lot 5. subdivision of lot 5,
block D, Carter's Addition to Port
land 6.66
j? ieianer. vvimam w. 6 reet of lots
1, 2 and 3, block 5. Carutbers Ad
dition to Portland 1.67
jenKB, .May Lots 6, and S of sub- -division
lot 5. block D. Carter's
Addition to Portland 32.13
Allen. Wiley B. S. A of lot 6. block
16, Caruthers Addition to Portland 11.90
iiumpnrey, james ixus l and 2;
also strip 20 feet wide N. of and
adjoining lot 1, block CO, Caruth
ers Addition to Carutheraf Addi
tion to Portland 9.52
Apple. iena is. si reet or lot 4.
block 7L Caruthers' Addition to
Caruthers Addition to Portland... 42.S4
aecunry aavinns & Trust Co. s.
lot 7 and E. 25 feet lot 8: also W.
56 feet lot-S. block 72, Caruthers
Addition to Caruthers' Addition to
Portland 22.14
Balfour. Guthrie Investment Co. E.
SO feet of N. 100 feet of block 76,
Caruthers Addition to Caruthers'
Addition to Portland 16.66
Wood, Corlnne E. Lot 9. block SO.
Caruthers Addition to Caruthers
Addition to Portland 63.45
Conneli. Anna B.. and Ibex Land
Co.r-Undlvlded i of lots 5 and 6,
block 104, Caruthers' Addition to
Portland by South Portland Real
Estate Association i.Ol
Switzer, Leroy J. N. 36 feet lot 2.
block 129, Caruthers' Addition to
Portland, by South Portland Real
Estate Association S6.1S
Dllley. Abram-Except S. P. R. R.
rignt or way. iu. lot 1. blocK
14S, Caruthera Addition to Port
land by South Portland Real Es
tate Association 2.8S
Adair. B. A. Owens Lots 7 and 8.
block 149, Caruthers Addition to
Portland by South Portland Real
Estate Association 15.24
Title Guarantee & Trust Co. Lots
0 ana 6, block 152. Caruthers' Addi
tion to Portland by South Portland
Real Estntft AsEorlntlon 14.23
Gregory, Lenora S. E. of R. R.. S.
m reet or lot 2 and N. 15 reet or
lot 3, block 165. Caruthers' Ad
dition to Portland by South Port-
land Real Estate Association 2.15
Wrenn. Samuel E. Lot 1. block 179,
caruthers' Addition to Portland by
South Portland Real Estate Asso
ciation 26.7S
Hackeney. Frank, and Mary Lots
1. 2, 3, 6. 7 and- 8. block lEo. Ca
ruthers Addition to Portland by
South Portland Real Estate Asso
ciation 207.77
Green. Charlotte, ct aL Undivided
two-nrths of lots 17, is. 19. 20 ana
21. all except a strip of H. Sinrtielm
er's. on N. of lot 26. and undi
vided two-fifths of lots 23. 29, 30.
31. 33. 34, S3, 36. 37. 33. 39. 44, 45. 46.
47, 54. 55. 56. 57, 5S. 59. 61. 62, 63. 64. '
65. 66. 67. 71 nnrt 72. Cedar Hill. 436.47
Cake. H. M. Lots 73 and 74. Cedar
Hill 66.64
Ellis. M. M. Lots 19 and 20. block
z. center Addition to East Port
land 3.08
Sidler. Albert, and Gellna Lot 16.
oiock 2. center Addition 10 tast
Portland 1.54
Williams. L. J. Lot 22, block 3. Cen
ter Addition to East Portland 1.54
Savage. Eva A. Lot 4, block 4. Cen
ter Addition to East Portland 1.54
Dalgety. Kate Lot 5, block 4, Cen
ter Addition to East Portland.... 1.54
Reeves. -Arthur Lot 4. block 6. Cen
ter Addition to East Portland 1.54
Vaughan. Sadie Lot 6. block 7. Cen
ter Addition to East Portland 6.11
Thomeson. Mary F. Lot 12. block
ij. center Addition to Jiast Port
land 4.93
Savage. Eva A.-jLot 3. block 15,
center Addition to Ka3t Portland.. i.m
Gilford. Harry Snuffln. John F..
ana Khodes. Charles. Tr. Lot 1Z,
block 2. Center Addition Annex to
East Portland 2.33
Rydman, John A. Lot 7, block 3,
center Addition Annex to East
Portland 1.51
Winters. Henrv D. Lot 3. block 1
Central Addition to East Portland 17.11
KHHngsworth. William M. Lot 9.
diock 1: lots 7 and 8. block 3: lot
10. block 4. Central Alblna 24.99
-Davie. N. M. Lot 3. block 3. Central
AiDina 4.16
Luthers. William S. Lots 5 and 6.
block 7. Central Albina 11.90
Arekenbrenner. Lizzie Lots 3 and 4.
diock 11, central Alblna s.02
Cooper. Elizabeth Lot 8. block 19.
Central Alblna 21.42
Murton. Clarence C Lots 5 and 6.
block 21. Central Alblna 14.2S
Halght. Emmon J. Lots 12. 14, 15
and 16, block 25. Centra: Alblna... 29
Halght. Emmor J. and Annie Lots
1. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6, 7. 8. 9. 10. 11, 12. 13.
v14. 15 and 16. block 26 Central Al
blna 215.39
Height Edna B. Lots 5. 6. 7 and 8.
block 27, Central Alblna 30.9i
HooDcke. Emma Lot 14. block 27.
Central Alblna 7.14
Alblna Swedish M. E. Church E. SO
feet lot 9. block 29. Central Alblna. 24.23
Merrill, Norman S. lot 14. block
31. central Alblna 12.38
Freeman. Andrew J. Lots 1. 2. 3 and
4, block 36, Central Alblna 15.33
Freeman. J. A. Loti 15. 16. 17 and
IS. block 36. Central Alblna 11.00
Staples, Pearl L. 'Lot 3. block 2.
Central Alblna Addition 7.72
Slover. Enoch A. Lot 16. block 8.
Central Alblna Addition 4.76
Richards. F. W. fHeirs Lots 1 and
2. block 16, Central Alblna Addition 5.21
Lusberg. Olisa M. Lot S. block 16,
Central Alblna Addition 5.7
Crosier. Jennie C Lot 3.- block 300.
Central East Portland 14.28
Keenan, Frank P., and Parker, E.
H. Undivided 2-3 lots l. 2. 3. 4, 5, 6.
7 and 8. block 3; City View Park
Addition to East Portland 11.10
Lewis, Herman A. Lot 7. block 11;
also lot 13. block 12. City View
Park Addition to East Portland.... . 3.57
Clifford Real Estate Association
Lot 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 and 8. block
13. Clifford's Addition 25.23
Patterson. Robert E. Lots 1. 2. 3
and 4, block A. Clinton 3.74
Clinton, Kicnard Lots 1. -'. 3. 4 and
5. block B; lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. 7.
8, 9 .and 10. block F; lots 3. 4, 5 and
6. bjqpk G; lou? 4. 7 and 8. block H:
lots 1. 2, 3, 4. 7 and 8, block' J: lots
5 and 6. block J; lots 5 and 6. block
IT . 9 i 7 anA B Vlnnti- T.
Clinton 30.87
Nosier. A. L. Lots 11 and 12. block 5.
Cloverdale Extension 5.00
Newton, jasper Lots 19 and 20. block
14, Cloverdale Extension No. 2 3.81
Bowman. i.miey L- Lots 7. 8. 3
and 10, block B. College Place 11.43
.Marlay. p. a. Lots 23. 24 and 25.
block 4, Columbia Heights 4.29
Murohv. Edward W. Lot 10. block 5.
Columbia Heights 1.43
MUlmore. G. T. Lot 7. block 6.
Columbia Heights 1.43
Wilbur. Kozei m. Lots 23 and 24.
block 6. Columbia Heights 2.86
Cooper. Ruby F. Lot 6. block 10.
Columbia Height-; 1.43
Vucash. Palmyre B. Lot 11. block
16; lots 9. 10. Jl ad 12, block 20.
Columbia Heights 7.14
Walker. May E. Lot 9. block 2L
Columbia Heights 1.67
Tavlor. Thomas J. Lots 15 and 16.
block 23, Columbia Heights 3.10
Healey. Elsie Lots 1. 2 and 4. block
24. Columbia Heights 4.52
Imbrie. Eliza J. Lots 5 and. 6. block
25. Columbia Heights 2.S6
Holmes. Mary Lots 14. 13. 16 ana 17.
block 1, Carona Park 3.15
Goner. Lane Long Lots sz ana 33.
block 2. Carona Park 1.5S
The German savings & Loan society
Undivided i lot 3. block 36. Couch
Addition to Portland 40.46
Adair. B. A. Owens Lots 5 and 8,
block 91. Couch Addition to Port
land 140.42
German Savings &. Loan bociety, Han
Francisco Lots 3 and 4, except S.
5 feet of lot 3 and S. 10 feet of
lot 4. block 137. Couch Addition to
Portland 80.45
Hlnkle. Lillian C W. 75 reet lots
2 and 3. block 140. Couch Addition
to Portland 80.92
Cook. C. E. N. lot 3. block 186.
Couch Addition to Portland 19.04
Marsh. Mary E.. and Marshall, Mar
crarette A. W. V lot 5. block 165.
Couch Addition to Portland 23.80
Martin, John R. Lot 5 and E. or
lot 8. block 134. Couch Addition to
Portland 140.42
O Brlen, John J. W. 1-3 of lot 11 and
E. 1-3 lot 14. block 264. Couch Ad
dition to Portland 16.05
Gllsan, Elizabeth R. E. 15 feet of
the W. "1 lot 8. block 270. Couch
Addition to Portland 12.88
McDonnell. J. R. Lot IS. block 258.
Couch Addition to Portland 52.35
St Vincent's Hosoital Lot 2. block
233. Couch, Addition to Portland.... 23.56
Smith. C. B. Lots 7 and 8. block 2.
Croslcr'a Addition to East Portland 6.76
Hunter. M. M. Lot F. block 1. Crys
tal Snrlnzs Addition to East Port
land 2.15
Metzger, Anna Lota 14. 15 and 15.
block 3. Crystal Snrings Addition
to East Portland 14.28
Hobson. Juletta A. Lota l. 2. 3. 4, 5,
6 and 7. and S. 4 of lot S. block
2, Crystal Springs Park 63.5:
ivratz, a. A. Lots j. 2, ana .
block 8: also lot 3. block 9. Dunn's
Addition to East Portland 49.02
Gibson. S. J. Lot 3, block 14,
Dunn's Addition to East Port-'
land 19.04
Johnson, Caroline J. Lot 10, block
16. Dunn's Addition to East Port
land 2L42
Marlav. P. H. Lot 4. block 2. East
Portland 57.12
Hughes. Ellis G. Lot 8, block 56; m
W. 63 feet lot 1. block 118. East'
Portland S5.6S
Smith, Seneca; McFadden, w. S..
and Kourthour. G S. 120 feet of
"block 72. East Portland 64.25
Loller, Robert h., ana t ran k &
Pratt Mary L. Lots 7 and 8,
block 75, East Portland 72.59
Pomeroy, Harry H. E. or w.
of lots 7 and 8. block 120. East
Portland 16.66
Porter. EI3I0 O. W. of lot 4.
block 145. East Portland 14.23
Parent Ida EL Lot 7, block 147.
East Portland 32.13
Allen. LIzz e M. E. of lots 5 and
6. block ISO, East Portland 14.23
Chamberlayn. Roxanna Lots 2 and
3. block 195, East Portland 47.60
iortn Paclnc cnurcn .extension so
ciety All excect S. 36 4-10 feet lot
7, block 229. East Portland 4.76
Aver. w. a. w. 40 tee- or t:. so
feet lots 7 and 8. block 23S. East
Portland 20.53
Goodsell, David undivided lots 8
and 9. block 13. East Portland
Heights 3.00
.Johnson, A. w. is. lot 14, and S.
3714 feet of lot 15. block L East
Tabor Villa 6.67
Barker. J. Fred Lot 16. block 1.
Eden .r..... 1.73
Cross, 'Ca.4ierlnc id., heirs Lots i
and 8. block 3. Edendale 3.0S
McWaln. O. G. Lot 3, block 3,
Marlay, P. H. Lots 5 and 6. block
z. Erwin ez watson s Addition to
Alblna 7.S6
Inman. Poulsen & Co. Lots S and 9,
block 2, Excelsior 4.o3
Clements. E. B. Lots 1, 2. 3. 4, 5, 6,
7, E. 3 and 10, block 9. Excelsior 19.52
Mclnnls. Christina Lot 2. block 10,
Excelsior 3i5?
Simon. Gus Lots 11, 12 and 13, block
3. ifairncia z.ia
Fowler, J. Lots 37 and 33, block 3,
ij-airneid .n 1.43
Hallock. F. S. S. 4 . lot 21. Fair- .
lawn 6.88
Lewis, Leander Lot 7, block 7, Fair-
VICW .. X.iZ
Austin. Edmund A. Lot "1, block 2,
i-airvlew Addition to .East Port
land 3.57
Hanson. Mrs. Frank Lots 5 and 6.
block 2. FarreU'a Addition S.SS
Grathwohl. Fritz Lot3 5 and 8, block
10, eurer s Addition to East Port
land 12.3S
Hlne. Hannah Lots 9 and 10, block
14; also lot z. block la, Feurer s
Addition to East Portland 19.62
Koelbener. John Anthony Lots 1
and z, block 3; also lots 1 and 2,
block 8. Firat Electric Addition
to Alblna 2.SS
Burpee, II. N. Lot 7, block 9, First
Electric Addition to Albina 1.67
Coolidge & McLean Lots 3 and 4.
oiock 4; also lots l and Z, block
8. Foxchase Addition 3.81
Davenport A. L. Lots 4. 15 and
16, block o; lots 3 and 4, block 6,
Foxchase Addition 4.76
Raynor, Charles S. Lots 5. 6 and
7, block 9, Foxchase Addition 2.86
Lang, E. D. Lot 8, block 9. Fox- -
cnase Addition 2.15
Hershner, A. F. Lots 1 and 2, block
10. Foxchase Addition 1.31
Fox, F. T. Lots 11 and 12. block
11. Foxchase Addition 1.91
MIsner. George M. Undivided of
10 is 1. a anu o. uiuch. oo. ruicnaao
Addition 1.43
Lowensteln, Jonas Lots 7 and 8,
block 14. Foxchase Addition 1.91
Gelatly, Laura J. Lots 34. 35, 36,
tlon to Alblna 3.57
Tobln. A. W. S. 55 feet lots 13 and
14. block 23. Fulton Park 4.03
wynkoop. L. w. Lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 9.
10. 11 and lz. block zu. Fulton Park. 14.23
HI celns. F. D. Lots 7 and 8. block
3. Fulton Park 3.33
Fulton Park Land Company Lots 1,
', 3, 4. o, 6. 1, and 9. diock o: lots
1, 2, 3. 4. 5. 6, 7, 8 and 9, block 14;
lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, block '15;
lots 5. 6. 7. 8, 9. 10. 11. 12, 13, 14.
15, 16, 17. IS, 19. 20, 21. 22, 23, 24,
and 25, block IS; lots 1. 2, 3, 4
and 5. block 19: lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6 and 7: block 20. Fulton Park.... 24.01
Starr. Anna Eliza Lot u. block 67.
Fulton Park 3.10
Best. Joseph Lots 10 and 19. block
69. Fulton ParK 2.61
Balrd. A. W. Lot 23. block 69. Ful
ton ParK 1.66
Chase. James H. Lot 24. block 69.
Fulton Park 1.66
Mitchell. Sarah Lot 9. block 70.
Fulton Park 1.91
City & Suburban Railway Company
120 reet or diock iua. Fulton
Park i.67
Cardwell. Byron P. Lot 9. block I.
Fulton Park 42.13
South Portland Real Estate Co Lot
5. block J. Fulton Park 1.45
Ladd. William M. W. 60 feet lot
2. block 4. uarrlson s subdivision. 32.37
Wcller. Soth G. Lots lo and 16.
block 2. uay s Addition to Alblna. 2.E6
Wil6on, Campbell T. Lots 11 and
12. block 4. cays Addition to
Albina 3.34
Pallock. Robert L. Lots 5 and 6.
UIULIV o, uuiuiamu ...X-
Russell. John N.. trustee, and Frank
Lots 7 and 0, oiock o, uermania. 1.40
Hudson. Henri- T. Lots 1 and 2.
block 1. Ulscome Tract 10.24
Barkley. verne. and Ulbson. Musa
Lot o, block l, U is come Tract.. 5.95
Davey. Lillle B. Lot 6. block 11.
Glencoe Park... 7 13.57
Lichtenthaler. F. M- undivided U
lots 10 and 13. block 4. Goldsmith's
Addition to Portland 18.57
McKenna, C. L. Lot 35,. block 2.
Good Morning Addition to East
Portland 2.15
Pate. J. A. Lots 10. U and 12.
block 12, Good Morning Addition.. 3.10
Feyrer. Louise Lots 2 and 3. block
IS, -Good Morning Addition 2.3S
Misner. Jesse Lots 1. z and 3. block
15, Good Morning Addition 3.10
Ainsworth. J. c. trustee Lots 7
and 13. block 2: also lots 15. 16 and
17, block 9. Grand View Addition.. 1.43
Stuart, C. A. Lots 1. 2 and 3, block
11, Griswold Tract 4.29
Brlggs. E. D. and Nellie TV. 50 feet
of lot 1. block 101. Graver's Addi
tion to Portland 1S.S1
Markle, Cora Beginning at N. W.
corner of block 109, thence E.
30 63-100 feet thence S. 4 deg. 11
min. W. 64 feet. ticnc N. 81 deg.
31 mln.; W. 60 23-100 reet, thence S.
62 dep. 29 mln., W. 44 feet, thence
N. 40 deg. 35 mln.; W. 50 feet
thence northeasterly 111 feet to
vers Addition to Portland.-.' 16.19
Croft Mrs. M. E. N. of E. 100
feet lot 3. block 111. Grovcrs Ad
dition to Portland 22.14
Roper, Minnie M. and C. R. Lots -
1 C a Mnlr XT A A
altlon to Portland 4.52
Delano. Harvey H. Lot 8. block I.
Graver's Addition to Portland 3.15
Unknown owner Lot 4. block L.
Graver's Addition to Portland 2.15
Delano. Ella P. Lots 7 and 10. block
L, Grover's Addition to Portland.. 2.33
Sunnyside Land & Improvement Co.
S. of C. & S. Ry, lot 4, block
8. Hanson's Addition to East Port
land 5.72
Gay. C. W. Lot 3. block 14. Han
son's 2d Addition 3.80
Roberts, J. C Lots 1, 2 and 10,
block 15. Hanson's 2d Addition to
East Portland 26.65
Hanson. Fred W. Lots 1, 2, 8, 3 and
10, block IS; lots 1. 2, 3, 4. 5 and
6. block 22; lot 4. block 25; W.
lot 5. block 27. Hanson 2d Addition
to East Portland 64.32
Kerr, John B. Lot 2. block 3, Hart's
Addition to East Portland 6.13
Linden, Robert J. Lots 46 and 47,
block 7. Hawthorno Avenue Addi
tion 2.42
Cake. H. M. and W. M. Lots 17 and
18. block 9. Hawthorne Avenue Ad
dition 2.42
Hawthorne Estate. The Lot 1, block
17; lot 1, block 21; lot 5, block 22;
Hawthorne 1st Addition to East
Portland 20.23
Kirker. A. J. & D. L. S. lots 11
and 12. block 16. Hawthorno 1st
Addition to East Portland 28.38
Hawthorne Estate. The E. lots
7 and 8. block 327; W. 4 lots 5
and 6. block 329, Hawthorne Park.. 33.32
Beck. Catherine H. Lot 8. block
256, Hawthorne Park 19.04
Beck. Catherine H., and Boise.
Louise H. Lot 3, block 2S7; W.
V lots 3 and 4, block 283; W. i
lot3 3 and 4. block 2S9; W. lot3
5 and 6. block 2S3: lots 1 and 2.
block 296, Hawthorne Park....... 13S.04
Fouch, Eva W. lots 3 and 4,
block 236. Hawthorne Park 66.64
Wortman, Hardy C Lots 1, 2 and
6. block 2, Hawthorno Place 8.63
Thomoson. Robert H.. Jr. Lot 5.
block 3, Henry's Addition 8.33
Hanson. relllo Graff Lot 12. block
4, Highland 15.47
Gamer. Acnes J. Lots 1 and 2.
block 16. Highland 4.23
Lindsay. Alerrttt Lot 12. block 17.
Highland 1.91
Smith' H. A. Lots 7 and 8. block
21, Highland 53.79
Mlnnr Win Imsfu T-ntn ..- J A
block 3. Highland Park..T '. 3.10
Wilson, K. b. Lot 22, block 2,
Highland Park 1.67
Alexander. A. F. Lots 15 and 17.
block 4, Highland Park 23.95
iioibrook. Etta C Lot 2o. block 4.
Highland Park 2.SS
isoble. H. E. Lot 2. block 5. High
land Park 1.67
Sheffield. F. W. Lots 32. 34 and 16.
block 7, Highland Park , 4.2S
Marlay. P. H. Lot 19. block- 32.
Highland Park 1.67
Klggln. Flora I. Lot 25, block 6;
lot 10. block 14: lots 2 and 4. block
D; lot 1. block E. Highland Park. 8.S1
Gwllt. John W. Lot 22 and 24.
block 15, Highland Park 3.57
Halght. Edna B. Lots 1. 2. 3, 7, 8.
9. 10. 11 and 12, block 1: lots 1. 2.
3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 32. block 2; lots
1, 2, 3 and 6. block 3; lots 3, 2 and
3. block 4; lots 1, 2, 3. 6, 7 and 3.
block 5; lots 3. 2. 3 and 4. block 6.
Highland Place 68.07
Unknown owner Strip 34 feet x
1301-10 feet W. of and adjoining
lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. S. 9. 30. ll
and 12. Hlllcrcst 8.57
Portland Trust Co. jN. 30 feet lots
23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 23. 29. CO, 31. 32.
33. 34, 35, 36, 37, 28, 39. 40 and 42,
block 2: N. SO feet lots 22, 23, 24.
25. 26. 27. 28. 29, 30. 31, 35, 36, 37.
38 and 40. block a, Hilton..... 9.03
Lenign, wiuiam J., neirs and M. A.
Lots 3. 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8. 9, 10. 11,
12, 33. 14, 15, 16. 17, IS, 19, 20, 21,
22, 23. 24. 26. 2$. 27. 23. 29. SO. 31.
32, 33. Zi, 35. 36. 37. 38. 33. 40, 41
and 42, block 3; lots 1. 2. 3, 4. 5.
12, 13, 34, 35. 37, 33, 19, 20, 2L 22.
,23, 24. 25, 26, 27, 23, 23. 30, 31. 34.
So, 36, 37 and 3S. block 6, Hilton.... 21.90
, peneer, aiarwa iL Lot 7. block: L
Holladav's Addition 13.20
Archambeau. Emma J. Undivided
of the w. of lots 3 ana
hlnr-lr K? Tlolladav'a Addition 16.03
Murphy, John Puis-Lots 1. 2, 3 4.
c a t A o NlfVL- CT WrtllnHflV R
Ac'illtlnn 223.72
Collinge. Carrie- A. Lots 3 and 4,
block 186. Holiday's Addition..... 40.94
Gleen. P. Lots 7 and S, block 206,
Holladavs Addition 34.04
McDavitt Kate E. of lots 3 and
4, block 214. Holiacay a Addition.. i.oi
Derby. Richard Undivided lots
l and 2, block zi. Hoiiadays -Addition
Shane. H. J. W. lots 7 and S,
block 242. Holladav's Addition.... 19.99
Smitn. Maria A. Undivided lots
1 and 2. block 26o; undivided Ja
lots T and 8. block 267. HolIadays
Addition 11.90
Tlt!e Guarantee & Trust Co. Lot
1. block lo, Houaday Park Addi
tion 11.90
Hamilton, R. G. Lots 1 and 2, block
12. Houacay Park Addition b.os
Colt. J. H- Lots 1. 2, 3 and. 10,
block 2. Howes Addition 4.76
Drew. Daniel Lot 8. block 2, Howes
Addition z.lo
Bates, P. S., and Gazzman, W. L.
Lot 8, block 2. Howitt 1.31
Leltmann, Maurice Lot 6, block 4,
Howitt 1.31
Reldt, William Lots 13 and 14. block
1, Hudson's Addition to Portland. 1.91
Wilkey, E. Lots 4 and 5, block 2.
Hudson's Addition to Portland.... 1.91
Rude, H. M.. and Roberts, F. M.
K. Lot 4, oiock 1, iiunter s Ad
dition to Portland 1.31
Hall, A. Lots 15 and 16, block 2.
Elisabeth Irving s Addition to East
Portland 38.0S
McCarthy. Mary E. of lots 3 and
4. block o. Eljzabetn Irving s Afl
dltlon to East Portland 31.90
Flynn, Ella J. S. 6S feet of lot 4.
block 7, Ellzabetn lrvmg-s Addi
tion to East Portland 30.94
Willis. P. L. Lots 1. 2. 3, 4. 5, 6. 7
ana s, diock 1; 101s 1. , j, 4, a, o,
7. S, 9. 10. 11. 32. 33. 14, 35 and 16.
block 9. John Irving's First Ad
dition to East Portland 2S5.60
Hamilton. R. G. S. 35 feet of lots I
and 2. block 4. John Irving s First
Addition to East Portland 9.52
Prescotl. Charles H.. Trustee Lot 9.
block 7, John Irving s First Addi
tion to East Portland 7.14
McCoy, M. L. Lot 13. block 13, John
Irving s First Addition to East
Portland 24.75
Hughes. E11I3 G. Lota 31. 12. 13 and
14. block zo. Jonn irving's First
Addition to East Portland 57.32
Hughes. Ellis G. Lots 1. 2. 3. 4, 6,
7. s, 13. 14. 10, lb, 17, u, i ano zo.
block 22: lots 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 16. 17,
IS. 19 and 20. block 36. Irvington.... 316.54
Williams E. T. Lots 1 and 2. block
36. Irvincton 27.37
Holm Martha Lot 5, block 8, Irving-
ton -Heights 1.43
Pruner. Mrs. V. S. Lots 20 and 22.
block 14, Irvington Park 1.43
Norman. V. D. Lots 30 and 32,
block 17. Irvincton Park 1.43
Johnson. E. C Lots 21. 23. 23. 27. 29
and 31, block 20. Irvington Park 4.28
Jasper, cnaries Lot 46 ana jN. i lot
ii, DIOCK S3, irYlUgLUil JTrtlii.. .......
Johnson. E. c Lots is. zo, -zz, 24
and 26. block 35; lots 16, 17, 19. 21.
23, 23. 27 and 29. block 42; lot3 18.
20. 22. 24, 26 and 28. block 42; lots
30, 32. 34. 36 and 3S. block 42; lots
14. 16. 38 and 20. block 50. Irving
ton Park 13.34, G r T.r, Aft Af Jl anil
45. block 35, Irvington Park 2.14
Williams. Elmer Lots 39. 41, 43 and
45. block 33. Irvington Park 2.14
Erler. Kate, Mary and Minnie Lots
10. 12. 14 and 16. block 45. Irvington
Park 1-91
Fleming. Roger J., and Hanley, P.
F. Lots 41. 43 and 45. block 50.
Irvington Park 1.67
Rich. J L. Lots 1 and 2. block 9.
Ivanhoe 4.18
Severance, Benjamin O. (Heirs).
Learned, Otis E., Doernbecher
Manufacturing Co. and Oak Park
Land Co. Fraction blocks 12 and
13. James Johns' Addition to St.
Johns 28.92
ratlin, jonn vtieirsj jols 1, aiiu
4. block 24. James Johns Addition
to St Johns 14.45
Oak -Park Land Co.. Learned. Otis
E.. Severance, Benjamin O. (Heirs)
and Doernbecher Manufacturing
Co. Undivided 2-5 of lot 1 and lots
7. S. 11. 12 13. 14 and A. James
Johns' Addition to St. Johns 227.48
John James (Heirs) Lots 1. 2, 3. 4,
. 5. 6. 7 and 8. block 32. James Johns'
Second Addition to St Johns 33.50
Jones. William. Trustee Lots 8 and
9. block fi. Kenllworth 9.75
Lorvea. Esther C Lots 4 and 5.
block 15. Kenllworth 8.57
Johnson, J. J. Lots 15 and 16, block
16. Kenllworth 1S.07
Williams, J. P. Lots 5. 6, 7, 8. 9. 10,
li and 12, block 8, Kennedy's Ad
dition to East Portland 6.13
Mackenzie, William R. Trustee, and
Fidelity & Deposit Co., of Mary
landLots L 2. 3. 4 and W. of
lots 5 and 6, block G; N. 110 feet
of block H, Kern's Addition to
East Portland 44.84
Brooke. Robert Lot 9. block 1, Key
stone Addition to Portland 45.22
Burkhardt Phoebe A. Lots 2, 3 and
4. block 2, King's Second Addition
to Portland 313.05
Reed, Margaret G., and Burr. Cath
erine G. E. 50 feet lot 9, block 38.
King's Second Addition to Portland 42.84
Laller, LUIle B. W. 10 feet lot 32
and E. 40 lot 13, block 13, King's
Second Addition to Portland 85.63
Mix. S. Josephine Lot 12, block 20,
King's Second Addition to Portland 61.83
Avers. Elizabeth Lots 7 and 8, block
i, Klnzel Park 3.14
Lewis. Leander Lot 8. block 2, Kln
zel Park 9.17
Rltzlnger. F. Lot 16, block 3, Kln
zel Park 9.17
Riley. Patrick Lot 13 and 14, block
5, Klnzel Park 2.62
Walton. Maurice Lot 12. block 14,
Klnzel Park 1.82
Lund. H. J. Block A, Klnzel Park 1.82
Simon. Samuel Lots 13, 14, 35. 16.
17, 38. 13 and 20, block 14. Labera
Addition .. 1.95
German Savings & Loan Society
Lot 5. block 3; lot 11, block 4,
Latourelle Falls 5.34
Sterne. Genie Lots 1 and 2, block
1; lots 11, 12 and 13, block 2, Laurel
Park 4.19
Jerome, Nancy B. (Heirs) Lots 17
and 38, block 3. Laurel Park 1.83
Smetzcr. A. H. Lots 11 and 12, block
5. Laurel Park 1.57
Campbell. A. V. Lot 11, block 4,
Lent (town of). 3.10
Shrigley. J .M. Lots 15 and 16, block
1. Lents Addition to Portland 11.90
Merchants" National Bank of Port
land. Or. Lots 8 and 9. block 2,
Lent's Addition to Portland 1.44
Velten. Metta Lots 20 and' 21, Leo
nora Place 2.24
Porter. Florence Lot 4, block 3.
Lesh's Addition 2.S6
Breske. Laura Lot L block 6, Lesh's
Addition 1.19
Dunning. George D.. and Campion
Patrick Lots 8 and 9, block 6, Lin
coln Park 8.33
Wlnkclmann. Ernest Lot 6, block
15, Lincoln Park 14.2S
Schiedeman. John Lots 4 and 5,
block 39. Lincoln Park .9.52
Shanahan, David Lots 7, 8 and 9,
block 22. Lincoln Park 23.56
Morgan. M. S. Lot 4, block 7, Lin
coln Park Annex 6.19
Macleay Estate Co. Lot 11, block 9,
Lincoln Park Annex 2.86
Seward. Loren Lot 11, block 12, Lin
coln Park Annex 3.57
Harnett Daniel H. Lot 6. block IS.
Lincoln Park Annex ; 3.57
Chaney. Joseph Lot 1, block 22, Lin
coln Park Annex 3.57
London & San Francisco Bank N.
30 feet of First street E. and ad
joining blocks 1 and 6 and J, street
N. of and adjoining block 6, Linn
ton 4.57
Selover, William Lota 6 and 7, block
7; lots 6 and 7, block 33; lots 3 and
4. block 25; lots 3 and 4, block 51.
Llnnton 7.13
Lowrle, Catherine Lots 3 and 4,
block 46. Llnnton .. 1.71
Carson." F. C Lots 18 and 17, block
16, Llnnton First Addition 1 62
Hall. Charles Lot 6, block 3. Linn
wood 5.24
Rowe. Henry S. Lot 30, block 2.
LInnwood 5.24
Durham. R. L. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
7 and 8. block 9; lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5,
6. 7 and 8. block 10; lots 1, 2, 3. 4.
6. 7 and S, block 13, Little Homes
Subdivision No. 3. DeLashmut &
Oatman's 27.37
Phonllnc. Annie E. 66 feet of 8.
block 15. Little Homes Subdivision
No. 3. DeLashmut & Oatman's 2.33
Gerhardt Frida Lots 13. 14. 15 and
16. block 1. Lochinvar Addition to
Alblna 1 17.61
Hall. Henry Lot 19, block 1, Lochin
var Addition to Alblna 1.44
McKenna. C. F. Lot 11, block 2,
Lochinvar Addition to Alblna 1.90
Newton. Minnie B. Lot 6. block 3,
Lochinvar Addition to Alblna 1.45
Cawston. Pearl Lots 9. 10 and H,
block 3, Lochinvar Addition to Al
blna 3 57
Wynkoop. Charles T. Lots 7 and 8.
block 4. Logan's Addition to East
Portland 39.23
Andrews, Lorin H. Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
and 9. block 1; lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
1 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 and 12. block: 5. Lor-
rinton r... 13.46
Southeast Portland Real Estate As
sociationLots 2. 3. 4, 5, 6. 7. 8, 3t
and 10, except R. of W block 11;
lots 1. 2 3. 4 and 5, except R. of W.
block 32: McKlnlcv Park 3.96
McMillen, Tirzah B. W. 19 feet lot
1 and W. 39 feet of N. Of lot 2:
also E. 35 feet of N. 25 feet of lot 7
and E. 35 feerof lot 8, block 3. Mc
Millen's Addition 10.00
Kratz. A. A. Lots 1. 2, 3. 4. a. 6. 7. 8,
9. 10, ll, 12. 13. 14. lo, 16 and 17. block
2: lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
12, 13. 14, 15. 16. 17, 18. 19 and 20,
block 3: lots 5. 6, 7 and 8, block 4;
lots 1, 2. 3 and 4, block 5; lots 1. 2.
3. 4. 5, 6. 7. S. 9. 30. 31. 12. 13. 14. 15.
16, 17. 18. 19 and 20. block 6: lots 1
and 2, block 7: lots 6. 7 and 8, block
9; lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 12. 13. 14, 15. 13.
17. 18, 19. 20. 21 and 22, block 10; lots
12. 13, 14. 15, 16. 17 and IS. block 13;
lots 1, 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
13. 14. 15. 36. 17. 1S19, 20. 21 and 22.
block 12; lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7. 8. 9.
10. 31. 16, 17, 18. 21 and 22, block 13;
lots 3, 2. 3. 4, 5. 6, 7. 8. 9. 10. 11, 12.
13. 16. 17. IS. 19, 20. 21 and 22. block
14. Mabelvllle" 64.72
Hastings, Jane Undivided lot 15,
block 1. Jiaegiy -tugniana 6.0a
McClure. Henry F. Lots 31. 12 and
13 hlnrlc 4 Mfloclv "Highland 7.J
Turner. T. A. and 6. C Lota 1 and
2. block o. iiaegiy Higniana 6.40
Morrison. Ira W. lots 11 and 12,
block 5. Maegly Highland 2.83
McKInney. Grace N. 4 lots 1 and 2;
also lot 3. block lo, -Jiaegiy nign
land Addition 14.03
Thompson. M. E. Lots 7 and 8,
block lo. .Maegly mgniana Aaaition 4.00
Rltzlnger. Antone Lot 31. block 4.
Market-Street Addition 15.95
Destifano, VIncenzo Lot 5. block 3,
Marouam RoarAdd. to Portland.. 1.43
Stefano. VIncenzo Lot 6. block 3,
Marouam Road Add. to Portland.. 4.30
King. Chas. F. B. lots 5 and 6,
block 316. Marshall's Addition 19.05
Cavanaugh. Andrew (Heirs) Lot 4,
block 6. P. J. Martin's Tract 1.90
McConnell. Sarah W. 56 14-100 feet
of block 1. Mead's Addition to Port
land 19.05
Hunt Leonard Gaylord All except
N. 100 feet of block "A," Mead's
Addition to Portland 4.7S
Hexter. H. L. Lots 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. .
8. 9. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
19 and 20, block 4, Meadow Park
Addition 20.00
Marshall, John P. Lots 1, 2. 3. 4. 7,
8. 9, 10. 11, 32. 13, 14, 15, 16. 17. 18.
19 and 20. block 5. Meadow Park
Addition 18.10
Ainsworth National Bank Lots 25,
26. 27. 28, 29, "30. 31 and 32. block 1;
lots 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6, 7. 8. 23. 24. 25, 28,
27. 2S, 29, 30. 31 and 32, block 2,
Meadow Park Addition No. 2 24.70
Hargrove. James E. Lots 3, 4, 5, 6.
7. 8. 9, 10. 11, 12. 13 and 14. block 7,
Menlo Park Subdivision of lots 1
to 34 2.85
Parker. W. W.. and Lewis. Howell
Lots 10 and 12. block 1. Midway.... 20.45
Hill. Wm. J. and Emery W. of
lot 9. block 1: lot 13, block 3:
lots 13 and 16. block 4. and all of
blocks A. B, C and D, Midway An
nex 16.4o
Graves, Gerod E. Lots 16 and 18,
block 3. Miller's Addition to Sell
wood S-SS
Miner. Chas. L. Lots 18 and 19,
block 24, A. L. Miner's Addition.... 2.63
Thomas. Cha3. H. Lots 11. 12 and
13. block 1, Mistletoe 1.40
Clinton, Richard Lots 9, 10 and 31.
block.2; W. V- block 4; all block 5:
lots 3. 4. 5. 6. 7, 9 and undivided
lots 11 and 32. block 7; lots 1. 2. 3.
4, 5. 6, 7, 8, 9 and 14. block 3, Mistle
toe 13.82
Toung. Elizabeth Lots 1, 2, 3. 4, 5
and 6. block 2; lots 1. 2. "3, 4, 5. 6, 7,
8. 9. 10, 11 and 12. block 3: lots 7,
8. 9. 10. 31 and 32, block 6, Morgan's
Subdivision lots 9 and 10, Glen
haven Park T.72
Botkln. Oscar F. Undivided lot
14, block 2, Mt. Tabor Central Tract 2.53
Clinton, Richard Lots 7. 8, 19, also
undivided 01 lot 24, block 1;
undivided Vi lots 3 and 4. also lots
16. 17. 18, 23 and 24, block 2: undi
vided lots 25, 26, 27 and 28, also
lots 45. 46. 47 and 48. block 3; lots
12. 14. 15. 18, 29 and 30; block 4. Mt.
Tabor Place Addition to East Port
land 21.93
Channell. D. B., and Hennessy,
James D. Lots 5 and 6. block 2,
Mt Tabor Place Addition to East,
Portland 3.04
Engleman, Chas. W., heirs Lot 11.
block 2: lots 14 and 15, block 18;
lot 19. block 23, Mt. Tabor Villa.... 5.49
Kvle. B. F. Lot 1, block 5, Mount
Tabor Villa 15.44
Warmouth, Nolllo M. Lot 1, block
6. Mount Tabor Villa 5.25
Klelse. Emu Lot 3, block 7, iiount
Tabor" Villa , 1.57
Jensma. John Lot 14, block 12,
Mount Tabor Villa 1.30
Riley, W. J. Lots 1 and 2, block 16,
Mount Tabor Villa 1.S3
Koelbener, John Anthony Lots 15
and 16, block 16. Mount Tabor Villa 1.57
Matthleu. Chas. O. Lots 16 and 17,
block 19, Mount Tabor Villa 12.05
Gerllng, Mary Lot 6, block 20,
Mount Tabor Villa.... 1.30
Helbrack. Metta J. Lots 35 and 35,
block 22. Mt. Tabor Villa 2.10
Nowhaus. Fred Lot 26, block 23,
Mount Tabor Villa 3.15
Thornton. C. C Lot 18, block 24,
Mount Tabor Villa 2.50
Searle. A. N. Lots 29 and 30, block.
24. Mount Tabor Villa 3.35
Faulkner. Robt H. Lot 5. block 2,
Mount Tabor Villa Annex 1.30
Cowlitz Lodge No. 66. I. O. O. F.
Lots 4 and 5, block 4, Mount Tabor
Villa Annex 2.10
Baker, James P. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5 and
6, block 6, Mt Tabor Villa Annex. 4.7fr
Kelley. Elizabeth A. Lots 7 and 8,
block 6, Mt Tabor Villa Annex... 23.50
Hart. Mary G. Lots 18 and 19, block
8. Mt. Tabor Villa Annex 2.60
Voorhees. C. S. Lot 13, block 10, Mt
Tabor Villa Annex 31.53)
Somers, C. F. Lots 9, 10, 31, 32, 13.
14, 15. 16, 17, 18. 19, 20, 23, 22, 23 and
24, block 2, Mountain Meadow Ad
dition to Portland Heights 3.2S
Thomes, Laura A. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4.
10, 13, 34, 15, IS. 19, 22 and 23. block
4; lota 17, 20, 21 and 24, block 5,
Mountain Meadow Addition to
Portland Heights 2J4
Stephens, H. P. Lots 11 and 12.
block 1. Mountain View Park Ad
dition No. 2 r... 1.50
Ott. Wm. S Lot 11, block 4, Moun
tain View Park Addition No. 2.... 1.35
McNicholas. M. Fraction of lot 1,
block 1. Multnomah 4.05
Bieloh. Emma A. (Heirs) Fraction
of lot 2, block 3, Multnomah 3.57
Bartram. Chas. Fraction lot 1,
block 5, Multnomah 1.20
Thomas, John C Lot 5, block 5,
Multnomah 31.30
Huntington. Nelson W. Lots 3 and 5
and fraction of lotl, block 6, Mult
nomah 8.10
Snow. Samuel F. Lot 10. block 9,
Multnomah 4.7S
Helden, Mrs. A. Lots 1, 3 and 5,
block 10. Multnomah 19.05
Stearns. Theodore F. Lot 4, block
10, Multnomah 10.71
Helden, Mrs. A. Lots 14 and 16.
block. 15, Multnomah 13.10
Wright A. M. Lot 10, block 17,
Multnomah 4.73
Bieloh, Emma A. Lot 7, block 26,
Multnomah 17.S5
Elder, Alexander Lot 11, block 33,
Multnomah 5.95
Bieloh, Emma A. (Heirs) Lot 6.
block 34, Multnomah 21.90
Church, First Congregational Lot
19. block 35. Multnomah 14.2S
Turin. Ida Lots 11 and 12, block 1,
Multnomah Park 1.43
Johnson, Annie C Lots 22 and 23,
block 1. Multnomah Park 1.67
Averv, Wm. C Lots 45 and 46, block
1, Multnomah Park 1.67
Dunlway, Ralph R. E. 24 29-100 feet
of lot 1, block 1; Eliza J. Murphy's
Addition to East Portland 6.43
Murphy, Eliza J. (Heirs) Lots 3 and
4, block 3, Eliza J. Murphy's Addi
tion to East Portland 26.13
Murphy, Eliza J. (Heirs), and J. M.
Lots 9. 10. 31, 12. 13. 14, 15 and 16.
block 4: lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. 7, 8, 9,
10, 13. 14 and 35. block 5; lots 1. 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8 and 9. block 6. Eliza
J. Murphy's Addition to East Port
land ; 206.83
MacEwan, Wm. L. (heirs) Lot 8,
Newton 2.55
Mundy, Ellen E. Lots 15, 16, 17 and
15, block 3. Normandale 2.04
Groner. Ferdinand Lot 4, block 22,
North Alblna 2.33
KIntzell. Chas. A. Lot 5, block 1,
North Irvington 27.37
Title Guarantee & Trust Co. Lot 31,
block 3; lot 15, block 4, North Irv
ington j 3.53
Rand, Robert Lota 6 and 7, block 9,
North Mt Tabor 1.70
Yerger, Helena A. Lot 2, block 4.
North Portland 11.90
Noble, H. E.; Lombard. B. M., and
Lichtenthaler, David M. (heirs)
Lots 5. 6, 7, 8. 9. 10, 31 and 12; also
W. 36 feet of lot 4 and W. 36 65-100
feet of lot 13, block 14, North Port
land 17.13
Lichtenthaler. David W. (heirs)
Lots 1. 2. 3, 4 and 5. block 21, North
Portland 15.95
Smith. W. H. Lots 24 and 25, block
3. North Villa 1.57
Crane. A. A. Lots 7 and 8, block 7.
Northern Hill Addition to Portland 17.85
Hill. Geo. H. Lot G, Northern Hill
Addition to Portland 4.45
Simpson, James Lots 5 and 6, block