THIS MOKJflNCx OKKGUJSXArf, THUKSUAr, "DECEMBER 15, 19U. 1&- TAX FOR THE RIVER Port of Portland Fixes Levy for Next Year. SCHOONER AND BOAT CRASH Mysterious Blockade Runner Report, ed to Be doming for Contraband Cargo Ellerlc Off for the Orient. The Port of Portland tax levy lor 130 was fixed yesterday at 2.7 mills as against 2.S mills for the present year. Of this amount, the proceeds of 1.5 mills will go into the general fund, of -S of a mill into the rofundlng fund and .4 of a mill into the drydock fund. The report of Commis sioners Adams and "Willis, fixing the levy, was adopted by the board at a special meeting. tvio nmmittcp that lnsnected the steam er Wenona reported that her hull is in fair condition ana recommenaea mat mas be invited on specifications drawn up by the superintendent, the bids to be opened December 19. On mntlrm of fYimmlKSinnpr Thomas, the contract for providing a new boiler for the steamer was awarded to tne wiiiametic Boiler Works, whose bid was $1590. pro vided the company will remove the old boiler and put the new one in position for a. price not to exceed $50. The drydock rules were amended by a provision that no charge be made for lay days when it is too rainy to permit paint ing or other work to be done on vessels. An opinion by the board's attorneys, Williams, Wood & LInthlcum, on the question whether or not the drydock Is exempt from taxation was read to the effect that the town of St. Johns has no power to collect taxes on the dock. A communication from Major W. C Langfltt to the City Council in reference to dredging the east channel of the Morrison-street bridge draw was passed along by that body to the commission as the proper authorities to deal with the matter. Superintendent Groves was instructed to see Major Langfitt and ascertain where the material can be deposited. SCHOONER COLLIDES WITH BOAT Annie Larsen Damages Sarah Dixon to Exte'nt of $1000. The schooner Annie Larsen, lumber laden for San Diego, collided with the learner Sarah Dixon while being towed down the river yesterday morning, and damages to the extent of $1000 suffered by the steamboat is the result. The schooner was being towed through the Morrison-street draw by the tug Nor man. The Ocklahama was astern of the pchooner and, as is customary in passing through the narrow passage, dropped hei hawser. The strong current proved toe much for the tug and before the larger boat could come to the rescue, the lumber schooner had crashed broadside on to the Sarah Dixon. The latter boat was lying at her dock at the foot of Washington Btreet. Four of her crew who ing on the monkey rudders just had time to escape to the M. F. Henderson, moored alongside, when the crash came. -The noise could be heard for blocks along the water-front as the woodwork of the frailer craft smashed and splintered from the blow given by the heavy-laden schooner. The lower house of the Dixon was crushed' in for a distance of 20 feet for ward of the wheel and the promenade decks were broken on both sides at that place. The steamer's plttman "was broken on the starboad side, both cylinder tim bers were demolished and the port guard splintered. The Henderson, which was lying between the Dixon and the dock, received no damage. The schooner was also unhurt and after being again made fast to the towboats, proceeded on her way down the river. Captain Shaver estimates the damage to" the Sarah Dixon at fully $1000. The blame for the accident. If anyone Is to blame for it. will probably be fixed at an investiga tion by the steamboat inspectors. BLOCKADE RUNNER COMING. Rumor Has It That Steamer Is "En Route for Contraband Cargo. An interesting rumor gained wide cir culation on the water-front yesterday, but could not be traced to an authoritative eource. It was to the effect that a steamer chartered for the purpose of running the Japanese blockade is headed for this port and will arrive in the next two weeks. Ac cording to the common report the steamer is coming to the Portland & Asiatic Com pany, though that company will not figure as its charterer. The freight Intended for tho vessel is said to be en route over the Harrlman lines. At the Portland & Asi atic office it was stated that nothing what ever was known of the matter, nor could any one else be found who could furnish any definite Information, except that the steamer in question is not the Ellamy. Nothing has been heard of this last named mysterious vessel for some time and shipping people have serious doubts whether she is coming here. The marine registers still report her as having cleared through the Manila Custom-House on Oc tober 27 lor the Columbia River. She should have showed up long ago, unless she is a marvel of slowness. ELLERIC TAKES PART CARGO. Steamer Leaves Today for the Orient by Way of San Francisco. The steamship Ellerlc, under charter to the Portland & Asiatic Company, has fin ished loading her outward cargo from this port and will leave down this morning, bound for San Francisco, where she will complete her cargo for the Orient. Tho steamer goes out In command of First Officer James Findlay, as Captain McLeod has not yet entirely recovered from his at tack of smallpox. The captain will join the steamer at San Francisco. The Ellcrlc's cargo from here Is valued at $179,218 and consists of 42S3 barrels of floor. 375 bales of cotton, 150 tons of wheat, 415 hogsheads of leaf tobacco. 119 pieces of machinery. 4 iron girders, 393 packages of structural Iron. 9 steel drums, 5S pieces of rolling mill machinery. 343 cases of sew ing machines, 20 cases of sewing machine oil and 3 cases of advertising machinery. The steamer would have carried a full cargo from here, but she was delayed by bad weather in reaching port and then suffered detention at quarantine 'and a considerable portion of the freight in tended for her was sent forward by other lines. GOOD YEAR FOR UNDERWRITERS Fewer Disasters Than Usual on Great Lakes. CHICAGO, Dec 14. The season just closed probably has been the most profit able one to ship underwriters in the his tory of that business on the Great Lakes. "Vessel-owners who carried no insurance were equally fortunate, the dangers of lake navigation reaching the lowest point since boats sailed the lakes. Several causes for this remarkable decrease In dis asters are"iven. Some of them are free dom from great storms, the nearly com plete absence of fog, and a mysterious rise In the stage of water, on all the upper lakes. Because of the strike of masters and pilots, general navigation did not begin until after June L i-rom tnat time unui tho close of navigation 430 disasters were noted In. the official record of the under writers. In 1903 there were 522 losses. The aecrecato losses- on vessels in 1904 were $1,260,750. and on cargoes $299,100. Thirty-seven vessels of all kinds passed out of existence. Their total tonnage was 17.6S7. The total tonnage lost the preced ing year was 31,644. Minnesota at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 14. The steam er Minnesota, the largest vessel ever in the Pacific Ocean, arrived here today from Norfolk, Va., on the way to Seattle, where she is to enter the service of the Great Northern Railway Company. The Minne sota has a cargo capacity of more than 3,000 tons. Though bullf expressly for freighting purposes, she has passenger ac commodations for 21S first .cabin, eight sec ond cabin and 2400 steerage. She is 630 feet long, 7 feet beam and 90 feet from her keel to the upper bridge. She will probably sail from Seattle for the Orient in January. Saved Themsefves on Deckhouse. BOSTON. Dec. 14. News of the loss of the bark Emlta, bound from Fernanda. Fla.. to Fall River, Mass., with lumber and of the rescue of hor captain, his wifo and the crew of seven men, after being for hours at the mercy of the sea on the vessel's deckhouse, was brought here to day by the Clyde line steamer New York. The Emlta struck on Diamond Shoal off Hatteras last Sunday. Those on board having no time to lower boats succeeded In hanging on to the deckhouse. Big Dredge's Excellent Showing. While working at Henrlcl's bar last Thursday, the Port of Portland dredge Columbia made the best record of her career, being employed 23 hours and 50 minutes out of the 24 hours. In that time she excavated a channel 500 feet long, 300 feet wide and four feet deep, and removed 22,222 yards of material. This is a show ing that probably cannot be equaled by another dredge In the world. The dredge rwill complete her work at that point in the Columbia this week. Departures Froni Tacoma. TACOMA, Wash., Dec 14. Threo ships have put to sea Trom Tacoma harbor. They are the French bark Edouard De toullle. the American bark Edward JVIay and - the unlucky French ship Admiral Cecllle, which has had so much trouble, and was libeled in the Federal Court. The Cecllle leaves under bond. DIrigo Requires Inspection. SEATTLE. Dec. 14. While in northern waters on the last voyage, the steamer Dingo went on the beach at Bcllabella: Good weather favored 'the vessel and she was not seriously damaged. The DIrigo went on the drydock today for an inspec tion. Marine Notes. The German ship Arthur Fitger has been laid on at Hamburg to load general cargo for Girvin & Eyre, of this city. The competition between the Lewis River and La Center Transportation Companies has resulted in a rate war on that route, the Kamm Company yesterday cutting the round trip rate to 50 cents between Portland and points between Lewis and Lake Rivers. Domestic and Foreign Ports. ASTORIA. Dec 14. Arrived down at 9 A. M. Steamrr Redondo. Arrived at 9:45 A. M. and left up at noon Steamer Aurolla, trom San Francisco. Arrived at noon Schooner El dorado, from Tslntau. Condition of the bar at 5 P. JL, obscured: wind south; weather rainy. Ssn Francisco, Doc 14. Sailed last night Steamer, for Portland. Sailed Schoon ers Luzon and Irene, for Portland. Arrived Steamer Minnesota, from Norfolk, Bahla, and Coronel; steamer Santa Barbara, from Gray's Harbor. Sailed Bark Rose, for Freemantle; ateamer Homer, for Gray's Harbor; Mtamer Mackinaw, for Victoria1; steamer Lakme, for Nanalmo; schooner Lizzie Vance, for Gray's Harbor. New York. Dec 14. Arrived Rotterdam, from Rotterdam. Hone Kong. Dec 14. Sailed Empress of Japan, for Vancouver, B. C, via. Shanghai, Nagasaki. Koke and Yokohama. Arrived De cember IS Doric, from San Francisco, via Honolulu, Yokohama, etc Liverpool. Dec. i'i. Sailed Tydeui, lor Seat tle, via Hong Kong; Baltic for New York, via Quecnstown. Arrived Welshman, from Port land. DIAMOND D0NNER COMING. Portland Girl Gets Home Today'VYith "The Billionaire" Company. From a local standpoint the most inter esting feature of "The Billionaire," which comes to the Columbia- tonight, will be the appearance of Miss Diamond Donner, a Portland girl, as the leading soprano. Miss Donner came to this city when she was 7 and most of her life has been spent here. She lived with her parents on the Bast Side and attended the public schools. She graduated from Portland Academy In 1895 and from Wellesley In 1S0L Immedi ately upon her graduation she Joined the chorus of "The Prince of Pilsen" and soon worked her Way into an important solo part. From "Pilsen" she went to "Buster Brown" and made such a favorable im pression that last Fall she was given the leading soprano role in "The Billionaire." Miss Donner has many friends and ac quaintances here who have been watching her career with great Interest and she will be tendered a "veritable ovation on her ap pearance this evening. The Klaw & Erlanger spclal train carry ing "The Billionaire" company will arrive at .10:30 this morning. It consists of two standard Pullmans, three baggage cars, a diner ana. a day coach. PERSONAL MENTION. Harry Barman, of New York, formerly of Portland, is at the Hotel Portland. C W. Mount, general agent of the O. R. & N. at Lewlston, returned to his home yesterday, after a couple of days spent in Portland in conference with Gen eral Passenger Agerit A. L. Craig. L. V.' Druce, agent of the Grand Trunk Railway system at Seattle, was in the city yesterday for a short visit in the in terest of his road. Mr. Druce is a great bird-fancier, and while here, made ars rangements for the. shipment of a large consignment of Chinese pheasants to his farm near Seattle, where he will turn them loose to propagate. NEW YORK, Dec. 14.-(Speclal.)-North-western people registered at New York hotels today as follows: - From Portland L. Peterson, at the Im perial. From Seattle W. S. Callaman, at the Marlborough; Miss G. Denny, at the Hol land. BOSTON, Mass.. Dec 14. (Special.) Sir Charles Ross and Hon. Percy Thel luson arrived in America today to tour the principal cities. They will visit the Pacific Coast and Northwest. Legislators to Meet. A meeting of the Multnomah legislative delegation has been called for tonight by W. Li. Boise, chairman of the County Central Committee. The session will be held in City Hall, and will be for the sole purpose of effecting organization for fu iure consideration of bills. MURINE EYE REMEDY. Cures Sore Eyes. Makes weak Eyes strong. Murine don't smart, it eoothes Eye pain. Druggists and opticians. HCarrir Traak Co. 231 Morrison, is headquarters for trunks, suit cases and bags. Trunks repaired. "Why don't you try Carter's Little Liver Pillss They are a positive cure for sick headache and all the ills produced by disordered liver. Fine Art PianosWhere to Find Them The piano is the visible sign of culture in every genteel household. A fine instalment bespeaks eloquently the musical feeling, the artistic appreciation of the quality, and lends a certain distinction to its environment, however simple. Similarly is it true that an inferior piano cheapens the effect of the richest surroundings and hints of some stain oiv the owner's escutcheon of taste. But unless one has the proficient earand technical judgment of an expert the way of the piano Tjuyer is hard. To avoid the pitfalls that' beset the path of the average purchaser we have made it possible to make piano buying easy at our place by presenting to the public pianos of unquestioned reputation and which are indorsed by the leading artists of the day The King Is Coming - Ovide Musin The great Belgian violinist and his com pany of artists will appear in. this city -December 19 at the White Temple, when all music lovers will want to hear this master of the violin, as well as Grace Whistler Misick, the accomplished con tralto : Marion Green, a magnificent basso, and Guillame Koenig, the brilliant pian ist. On this occasion The Everett Piano- will be used, which represents all that is Ijest in piano construction and is a recog nized art product appealing to the cul tured musical taste. . WE SELL THEM ' Other Artistic Pianos STECK Founded over a half century ago and known as The Old Reliable. FISCHER Established in 1840 and over 120,000 now in use in all parts of the world. HARDMAN Established in 1842, over 60,000 in use and the piano known to improve with use. PACKARD' A piano of the finest con struction and artistic merit. LrUDWIG One of the most popular pi anos at a moderate price and a 'big seller. Allen & TO SAVE THE FISH Oregon and Washington Offi cials to Work Together. KERSHAW GIVES' OPINIONS Says Open Season for Salmon on Co lumbia Should Be Extended Ten Days, and That Perpetuation Relies on Hatcheries. That the open season for salmon fishing on the Columbia River should be length ened ten days, that Is. to August 25; that early Spring salmon will become cxUnct unless propagated by hatcheries, but that hatcheries will be Ineffectual so long as Irrigating ditches shall be permitted to destroy the fry; that the closed Sunday would be cosUy of enforcement and would not protect the fish, because they would be caught further upstream; that all flsh ins: irear should be regulated by law with out discrimination against any; that thel chief reason for the short supplies of eggs at the hatcheries this year is due to the unusually muddy condition of the Colum bia, which kept tho fish out at sea, and to the low Autumn stages of tributary hatchery streams; that perpetuation of salmon must Tely entirely on hatcheries I such are tne opinions 01 x. jx. Acranaw, Fish Commissioner of the State of Wash ington. Mr. Kershaw says that hereafter he will -not heed the petitions of canners and cold-storage men, but will close the season up tight on the day and hour set by law. This year the closed season was enforced neither on the Oregon nor on the Washington side of the Columbia. Mr. Kershaw arrived from Belllngham yesteTday and will go to Astoria today to attend the conference of legislators which is to be held there this afternoon. The lawmakers will hall from Clatsop and Co lumbia CounUes, Oregon, and from Pa cific, Wahkiakum, Cowlitz and Clark Counties, Washington. H. G. Van Dusen, Oregon's Master Fish Warden, will at tend. The conferees will endeavor to agree on a plan of concurrent legislation for the two states. Such co-operation is regarded as highly 'essential both both Mr. Kershaw and Mr. Van Dusen. The Washington Commis sioner agrees that he should have author ity to make arrests in Oregon, and Mr. Van Dusen in Washington, and that cul prits should be prosecuted In the county: where the offense was committed. He says that if he had enforced the close season last Autumn a number of canners on his side would have gone bankrupt, be cause on August 11, four days before the open season legally ended, several had secured not more than 10 per cent of their expected pack, but that as things turned out their packs were normal. Every packer on the Washington shore peti tioned him to let him fish, and ho ac quiesced to savo them from ruin. "But hereafter," said he last night, "I shall enforce the closed season: on the Co lumbia as I did on Puget Sound last Fall." Mr. Kershaw expressed much surprise to see Mr. Van Dusen subjected to so much criticism. "In my state." he remarked, "I have the moral support of every fishing Interest. If I did not I would resign." The Fish Commissioner of Washington has considerably more authority than the Fish Warden of Oregon; anyhow more po litical Independence. He is appointed by the Governor, while the Fish Warden in Oregon is appointed by a commission consisting of tho Governor, Secretary of State and State Treasurer. It is the opinion of Mr. Kershaw that, the open season in August can be length ened 10 days without hazarding the hatch ery stock of fish. He says that hatchery Gilbert-Ramaker Co.. Sixth and Morrison sts. propagation has made the runs later than formerly; that August salmon are as fit to pack as July fish used, to be. and that after August S3 enough will go by to sup ply the hatcheries. Until laws are enacted to protect salmon, fry from destruction in Irrigation ditches he will not operate the Eastern "Washing ton hatcheries. Four hatcheries are In that part of the state, namely, on the Methow. the Colvllle, the Little Spokane and at Wenatchee. That on the Methow was the only one held ready for work this year and it received no salmon. Past the Colvllle hatchery only 11 fish were seen to pass. Mr. Kershaw believes that the low water of those streams kept the fish away. When It was pointed out that the Snake River at Ontario is a big stream even in dry years and that the take of eggs thero was far shprt, he responded that he could not speak for Ontario since he was not familiar with Its conditions. The salmon which reach the headwaters, he is sure, are those which enter the river In April, May and June. The State of Washington now has four hatcheries on tributaries of the Columbia west of the Cascades and Mr. Kershaw will advocate establishment of another. FOUND PITIABLE CASE. Police Sergeant Discovers Family In Destitution. Going In response to a call at 402 Water street last night. Sergeant of Police Hogeboom discovered a pitiable case of destitution. Charles Johnson had beaten his frail wife most brutally, she said, and had fled from the house before the arrival of the, officer. She was In a sad condition. In a report to Chief Hunt, Sergeant Hogeboom stated that Mrs. Johnson told him she had to beg from neighbors fre quently to keep from starvation. She said her husband worked, but drank up all his earnings. She also declared he often beat her unmercifully. Today Detective Hawley, of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, will be dispatched to investigate the matter more fully, as there-are some children In the family who need care. SMITTEN BY DISEASE. Policeman Finds Sad State of Affairs on His Beat. Three families living In one small house, at the northwest corner of East Eleventh and Umatilla streets, and with the diph theria raging-there, was what Policeman Isakson found last night when he visited the scene. Policeman Isakson made an Investiga tion, upon the request of neighbors, who complained that there had been no re strictions upon the families by the health authorities. He found the conditions stated above, and recommended in a report to Chief Hunt that steps be taken today to remedy the trouble. The Health Depart ment will be asked to take action. Continuous Applause at the Star. Crowded houses and continuous ap plause welcome the best bill of the season at the Star Theater. Every act Is a great vaudeville novelty. The whirlwind dancers Xrom Turin, Italy, the Molassos, Introduce cyclone waltzes, an Innovation that sets Portland audiences in a whirl of enthusiasm. Blmm Bomm Brrr are three sensational musical per formers, while a wee tot who Is a member of Close Brothers marvelous acrobatic quartet, does a hair-raising stunt of fall ing to the ground from the top of a three-man-high pyramid. The Molassos perform at 3:30, 8:30 and 9:30. Oregon's Trophy Is Unveiled. MANIIJA. Dec li. The gunnery record trophy presented by President P.oosevelt to the battleship Oregon was unveiled to day. Hear-Admlral Stirling, in command of the Philippine squadron of the Asiatic fleet, made the presentation speech, after which the President's salute was fired. There was a large reception on board the Oregon, which was attended by Major General H. C. Corbln and many officials. MRS. ROSE BLOCH BAUER AND THE KNABE PIANO There is nothing that acids so much to the artistic piano locally as the preference and opinions of our own artists. While D'Albert, Sauer Carreno and Hambourg give the highest expression as to the Knabe being abso lutely the best in America? no less valued is the opinion of Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer, our own greatest singer, as to the artistic merit of this matchless piano, who, before select ing a Knabe Grand, for her own use, spent some time in investigating the merits of other pianos handled here. AT THE THEATERS "Teas of the DUrbrv!llea." Joan Durbeyfleld ....Louise Royce Abraham ...Ollte Cooper John Durbeyfleld -William Terance Angel Clare Lucius Henderson Mr. Crick Frank McQuarry Alec D'UrbervIlle. Melbourne MacUowell Betty Lillian Armsby Marian Adele Worth Izz ..Georfjle Wood thorp e Jonathan Kali C. Gregory Rodgers Amby Seedling Forrest Scabury Teas Florence Roberts Bill Lcwel Sterling Lord-Whitney Liza Lu Anita Allen Ballirr Christian Lynton Only a few weeks ago I tried to write an appreciation of Florence Roberts as she appears in "Tess of the D'Urber vllles." Contritely it must be admitted that the effort fell short. In this second Instance I shall not attempt to tell of her magnificent acting in the role of Thomas Hardy's unhappy heroine. I predict that some of these days, good, gray, old Will iam Winter will sit down to his desk and analyze for us the great art of Florence Roberts. I wish that all of those who set up a bewailing over the present state of the American drama could have seen this woman with the touch of genius on her play her greatest part last night. I say greatest perhaps unwisely, for I have not seen her "Nora," and after Friday night amendment may be pertinent. Despite the face that the play had been seen here only a month before, there was a fine audience present. The majority of it understood the drama and the star, so there was an Intelligent and attentive hearing. Melbourne MacDowell appeared as Miss Roberts' leading support for the first time in this city. He was cordially received, and as "Alex D'UrbervIlle," he made an excellent Impression. Lucius' Henderson still plays Clare acceptably, which same may be said for Adele Worth. William Terance, Ollle Cooper, Louise Royce and George Woodthorpe, who have the other important assignments. Tonight will see Miss Roberts In "The Adventure of Lady Ursula," an Anthony Hope costume-comedy, which will give the star an oppor tunity to display her rare talents In a light character. A. A. G. AT THE THEATERS What the Press Agents Say. "THE BILLIONAIRE." Klaw and Erlanger Present Thomas Q. Seabrooke Tonight. Tonight at S:15 o'clock and tomorrow afternoon at 2:15, Klaw & Erlanger will present Thomas Q. Seabrooke in the big. musical comedy success, "The Billion aire," at the Columbia Theater, Four teenth and Washington streets1. The per formance will possess unusual interest from the humor of the story and the bril liancy of Its magic music. The support ing company will include Diamond Don ner, Josle Intropldl, Helen Dexter, Lois Ewell, Vesta Stanton, Helen Carpenter, Ethel Intropldl, Bessie KInsella. Pauline Harrice, Harry Macdonough. Tony Hart, Walter Perclval, A. Seymour Brown, Frederic Scott, John Steppllng, Charles Halton. James Grant and Abraham "Fried land. There will be a chorus of 70. Seats are now selling until 7 this evening in the Marquam Grand Theater lobby, after wards at the Columbia. A TELLING CLIMAX. Fine Emotional Work of Cathrine Countiss at the Columbia. The concluding line of the popular stanza. "Laugh and the world laughs with you," might appropriately be para phrased to read, "Weep and It laughs the more." If applied to the ordinary, stereo typed emotional acting of the ordinary The Queen Will Soon Be Here MADAM- Johanna Gadski At the Marquam December 19. It is unfortunate that two such great artists should appear in our city at the same time, but there is comfort in the thought that Portland is a music-loving city and that both will be accorded large audiences. Madam Gadski is endowed with a marvelous voice and charming per sonality, and a rare treat awaits all those who have the good fortune to hear her on this occasion. The Baldwin Piano will be used, the piano of her choice and the piano she uses on all occasions the great American piano that took the Grand Prix at Paris, 1900, and the Grand Prize at the St. Louis Exposition, just closed. WE HANDLE IT Special Reductions In order that all may possess a piano of the highest excellence, we have made quite a reduction on all our pianos this month bsides giving you the opportunity of paying for it on our easy-payment plan. We also have some good second-hand and used pianos at $400 pianos at $350 pianos at stereotyped emotional actress. But it does not apply to the magnificent portrayals by Miss Countiss. In the second act of te "Prodigal Daughter," of alter nate pasdlon and despair. In this scene the talented actress does not simulate but Is actually transformed Into the very In carnation of a wronged woman, and sways her audience to succeeding rage j and sympathy, as though a relative of their own, similarly mistreated, appealed to them. Betrayed, and abandoned by the man for whom she has sacrificed home, family and all the ties to which a woman clings. Cathrine Countiss rises to heights which have made actresses world-famous and will long be remembered In the annals of the Portland stage. "Lady Ursula". Tonight. Anthony Hope's sprightly romantic comedy, "The Adventure of Lady Ursula," will be presented by Florence Roberts and her company at the Marquam Grand to night, and for all who enjoy a thoroughly hearty laugh and clever acting, thls is the bill. It is splendidly written and abounds in witty lines and laughable situations. Miss Roberts is a revelation in the title role and extracts all the values from It. Report has It that the mischievous Lady Ursula Is her favorite character. Tomor row night "A Doll's House" will be the bill and much is expected from it. "The Fatal Scar. "The Fatal Scar" begins Its engagement at the Kmplre Theater tonight, and will run until Saturday night, with a matinee Saturday. This is a play for the family, young and old. It Is relaxation from care and worry, a force in character-building through exciting such feelings and senti ments as tend to develop and strengthen a man. It Is universal in its power to In terest, to move and to amuse, for it deals with experiences common, to all mankind, though specialized by a chosen environ ment. Once seen, this drama is sure of a hearty welcome on a return date. The company consists of clever actors and actresses, chosen for their special fit ness for the various roles in the play. Also as a special attraction the manage ment has secured Frank James, the last of the James Boys, and he will appear nightly, and this will probably be his last as well as his first appearance here be hind the footlights. COMIMG ATTRACTIONS. "Camille." The Columbia Stock Company will open Its third week under the management of A. H. Ballard, next Sunday afternoon. The play will be "Camille." It has been a long time since Portland audiences have witnessed this masterpiece of the .emo tional drama at popular prices. andMt is not overdrawn to predict that the produc tion which is to be given by the Columbia company will far overshadow even many of the big- 51.50 ones ihat have been given by road companies. Miss Countiss In the leading role will be in her element, as the part calls for those sudden transitions from bright, careless laughter and mock ery to deep sorrow and emotion, united with physical suffering. The gowns worn will be new and exquisite, and the entire scenery and stage settings will be the richest and most costly of any production of "Camille," probably, that has ever been given here. Black Patti Troubadours. Mirth, melody and music Is the keynote Lof the performance to be given by the famous Black fattl Troubadours at the Empire Theater for five nights, starting Tuesday. December 20. The sale of seats begins tomorrow morning. Those . sweet singers and ebony-colored funmakers of Dixie land have been recognized for years as a high-class standardattraction and one that has scored a "phenomenal popular success with theatergoers In all sections of the country. Among the 40 In its ranks are to be found the most talented Afro American singers, dancers and comedians In the world. "Shore Acres." There must be great merltand sterling worth In a play to carry It successfully through ten or more consecutive seasons! $150, $176, S200 and $218. $324, $375 pianos at $286, $268, $300 pianos at $238. Such a play Is "Shore Acres." which is underlined for production at the Empire Theater next Sunday matinee, Sunday and Monday nights The sale of seats begins this morning. This charming idyl of American home life was written by the late actor-dramatist. James A Heme, and first produced by him at McVIcker's The ater. Chicago, in May, 1S92. and it still continues to bask in the sunshine of pub lic; favor. In Its career It has broken many records for long runs, the longest being a season's run at Daly's Theater, New York. When first seen in the me tropolis. It was hailed as an epoch-marking work and Its author was spoken of as the American apostle of realism and tho American Ibsen. . "A Chinese Honeymoon" Coming. Mr. Sam S. Shubert's big company of b0 In the much heralded international musi cal comedy hit. "A Chinese Honeymoon," will be tho attraction at the Marquam Grand Theater next Tuesday and Wednes day night, December 20 and 21. This will be one of the really big operatic treats of. the season. There are two companies now playing this charming piece In America, one company In London and one In Aus tralia. The company that is to play here is the Xo. 1 organization which created a furore In Boston. Manhattan Beach and Atlantic City, where Its success was un precedented In the history of musical com edy. The advance sole of seats will open next Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Thalian Girls Play. Tomorrow (Friday) night at 8 o'clock at the Arlon Hall, corner Second and Oak streets, the Thalian Girls will give an entertainment for the benefit of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, consisting of a comedy In three acts entitled "Of ferings to Folly." Thomas Bobson, the boy soprano, will sing, and Eugene and Earnest Nordstrom will give character songs and dances. Tickets are on sale at Woodard & Clarke's drug store and the Red Cross Pharmacy on Sixth street, near Oak. AT TKE VAUDEVILLE THEATERS Thrilling Acts at the Grand. At the Grand Theater all this week an extraordinary bill Is being given. Madame Clifford nightly performs feats with swords, daggers, guns and cannon that defy emulation. People sit and shudder and yet they are fascinated by the lady's extraordinary work. The Martels do everything on their bicycles, and almost walk on the thin air. Berger brothers do an absolutely new act In physical endur ance and acrobatic skill. Wills and Col lins create roars of laughter. O'Brien and West tell funny stories so fast that one has hardly time to breathe between the laughs. Smith and Chester sing duets delightfully. Mr.- Bonner offers a new Illustrated song, and the grandiscope gives fine pictures never before seen in this city, and everybody Is delighted. "The Youngest Rough Riders." At the Arcade Theater this week are the'yc-unsest rough riders In the world," the three Rennee children,'' aged 3, 4 and 5 years, the moat winning tots that ever toddled on a stage. They appear with their father and mother In a charactei change act. first entertaining the audience as Swiss warblers, then as a family of Hebrews, and again as street beggars, concluding with a realistic camp scene. The act Is a top-liner, and on the bill with it are also musical and comic turns that make up a vaudeville feast fit for a king. Bijou's Splendid Acts. For an act that makes you hold your breath see De Shields at the Bijou. Swinging and swaying oh a slack wire, he rides a bicycle and then a unlcycle. He climbs a ladder, and still hangs on by his eyelids to the wire. Ml3s Kendall and Miss Thompson have caught the musical car with their cornet playing and bugle calls. Ben Jarrett's fun 13 contagious. Don't wait until you are sick before try ing Carter's Little Liver Pills, but get a vial at once. You can't take them with out benefit. i