12 THE MUKJS'LNOr OKKUUNIAtf, THUKSDAX IJJUCJSMBJBK 15, liK)& FF UNTIL APRIL Land-Fraud Cases Are Postponed. REASON IS KEPT SECRET Government's Prosecutors Surprise the. 'Court, . GRAND JURY BEGINS MONDAY Report That Testimony Wanted by Federal Attorneys Will Be Pro duced Before That Body and Evidence Be Complete. Something Is-srolng to happen, but just what no one knows except the agents of the Government, and they -will not tell. The land-fraud cases pending in the Fed eral Court have been postponed until the next term, which will place them on trial about April 1 next, and the Federal grand jury has been called for Monday morning at 10 o'clock. And that Is all the satisfac tion that the public will get for a time at least; perhaps It will know more in a day or so, after the grand Jury, sitting up in Its little room In the Postofllce building, commences to separate the sheep from the goats. The first land case was a source of sur prise and sonsatlon; the second is a mat ter of conjecture. It ended before it be gan, and no one has come forward with a solution of the puzzling move on the part of the Government. Judge Bellinger called the court to order yesterday morning at 30 o'clock. Mr. Honey arose In his place and made a vory short speech, Judge O'Day had a word to say, and the session was over. 'For reasons entirely satisfactory to the Government," said Mr. Heney, "but which the Government does not wish to disclose at this time, I would ask that the cases now pending be continued until the next term of court." Judge Bellinger looked up at the celling, and then down at Mr. Heney. "It will be so ordered by the court," he said. Judge O'Day asked about the disposi tion of Guy Huff, who was unable to fur nish bonds and had been in jail. It was decided that Mr. Hurt could arrange his bonds, and that all of the defendants would be allowed their liberty until such time a"s the next court conveyed, or until those under conviction should be sen tenced. Judge Bellinger allowed the attorneys for the defense. 40 days In which to file their motion for a new trial and their bill of exceptions. The time was made so long owing to the mass of evidence taken in the former trial which had to be transcribed before the motion and bill could be woll prepared. It Is the custom of the court that no sentence shall be passed until after the motion for a new trial "has been submitted to the court and decided upon. If that procodont Is followed out, the defendants will receive no sontence for their former tonvlction until after the end of the 49 days, after which time they will. In all probability, be allowed to go, pending the result of their appeal. The reason for the continuance at this time is a puzzle to all. Tho Government was entirely ready to proceed with its case, the defense was ready for trial, the Jurymen had been summoned and tho wlt nerseu are here. At first it was rumored that the Government had found that the points of previous conviction and ac quittal which, according to the argument of the defense, formed a bar to further proceedings undqr the plea that such prosecution would place the defendants twice in jeopardy .for the game offense, had been well taken, and that the prose cution had come to the conclusion that it could not convict. This argument was Ecouted at, and the fact was called to xnlnd that the court had ruled against tho plea of the defense. The next supposition was that the Gov ernment had received instructions from "Washington to delay the prdceedlngs for some unknown reason, but this was de ailed by the Government attorneys. Mr. 3Ieney made the following statement He said: "There were some important matters that I lesire to take up with the United States grand Jury before I leave here, and besides it is absolutely necessary for me to be in San Francisco on Im portant private business January 3. and 2 must also bo in Washington, D. a, the second week in January In connection "with the Hyde-Dlmond case, which is to bo argued before the United States Supreme Court at that time. Tho trial of the pending case promised to be as Jong as the last one and would have thus prevented me from keeping my other en gagements. The attorneys fqr the de fendants consented to a continuance for the term in consideration of the Govern ment making some slight concessions in referece to the bonds given by defendants In the ponding untried cases. "Of course, for obvious reasons, it would be Improper for me to give any intimation as to the matters which I expect to pre sent, to tho grand jury for its considera tion." The concession referred to by Mr. Heney was in regard to the bonds of Guy H"uff. The dofondant is now under J4000 bonds in the forgery case filed against him, but was in jail in default of 52000 bonds asked to Insure his appearance ' in the con spiracy case, which was to have been commenced yestorday. The Government consented to allow the bond of 54000 to cover both cases, -and Huffr was released during the afternoon. The reason for the postponement is, per haps, that there are to be developments from the meeting of tho- grand jury which will have to do with the cases now under consideration. The -evidence In the former trial brought to light things which will be submitted to the jury, and it is the com mon supposition that other evidence has been unearthed In the search for ma terial ti be laid before the Jurymen. Neither Mr. Heney nor Mr. Hall, for good reasons, will say anything about the ques tions that tho jury will have to settle. They say, however, that they are impor tant, and from all circumstances it is con jectured that, whatever they are. they bear a very intimate connection with the cases now at Issue. Mr. Heney will remain in Portland until after Ihe grand Jury has been made ac quainted with the questions which he wishes them to consider. He will leave here In time to reach San Francisco on January 2. and will go from that city to "Washington to assist In the argument of the Hyde-Dimond case. It is not his in tention to return here until the opening of the March term of the Federal Court, when he will again take tho lead In prose cuting the charges against Putor, Ware, McKinley. et al. Judge' Bellinger has adjourned the Cir cuit Court until Monday and has excused the Jurors until that date. SASSED THE CAPTAIN. Policeman May Be Suspended Breach of Discipline. for Patrolman Thompson will probably be called before Chief of Police Hunt today to explain why he refused to obey an order of Captain Moore, and why he eharply criticised Captai nMoore's actions in releasing May Brown on bajl Tuesday night. Captain Moore's order was for Police man Thompson to make a detailed report of the arrest of the Brown woman. It was delivered to Thompson by Captain Bailey, because Captain Moore was ill and was obliged to leave the central sta tion in command of Captain Bailey. "I made a sufficient report of the case when I arrested the woman, and I shall not make any further report," said Policeman Thompson, when Cap tain Bailey delivered Captain Moore's order to him. lt she had not been re leased on bail. I' should have done so. but I do not consider it necessary now to make a more detailed roport." Policeman Thompson then left the station. The matter is under consider ation by Captain Moore and Chief of Police Hunt, but the outcome is" in doubt. As already published, Miss Brown made serious charges against Thompson when brought to the sta tion, declaring1 him to have arrested her at the ruqur-st of .dissolute men and women, "particular friends of his," as she put it. She also stated that Thomp eon constantly declines to arrest other such men and women, of whom she said there are scores on the officer's beat. Policeman Thompson is the only of ficer who has not been shifted from his beat during the two years of Cblef Hunt's regime. AH the others have been changed about, some frequently. Thomp son has fleldom made arrests, although Policeman White, having the beat of days, has succeeded In bringing in many men and women and having them convicted of serious offenses. Captain Moore called Policeman Thomp son's attention to this fact in a severe lec ture before the first relief Sunday morn ing, and It Is believed this greatly an gered tho accused patrolman. It fe thought this had something to do with his refusal to. obey Captain Moore's order of Tues day night. NO CIGARETTES P0R THEM. Many .School-Children Join Interna tional League. The pupils of the Mount Tabor, Glencoe and Montavllla schools were addressed yesterday by Rev. Wallace R. Struble, general superintendent of the International Anti-Cigarette League, who made four lectures during the day. Great enthusiasm prevailed among: tho young folks and many accessions to the league were made. Arrangements are being made for a public meeting to be held in tho Fres byferlan Church of Mount Tabor tomor row night at 7:30, at which time the election of officers of the league will be held, and addresses wilt be delivered by the league superintendent and oth ers. Special music will be rendered also. The members of the league for Montavllla will meet in tho basement of the school building after school to morrow for the purpose of electing, and Installing officers. The Denver & Rio Grande scenery Is even more beautiful in Winter than Sum mer. Travel East -via that line and spend a day In Salt Lake City. After serious Illness Hood's Sarsaparilla Imparts the strength and vigor so much needed. : 7 r.... ........ 9 LEIGH TRACY, WHO WAS M f J4 XlilW - STRUCK DUMB BY A BLOW AoVV jjjv $WjB :: FROM A BEER GLASS, AND. V . JSmJL. W Ci ;: GUY FOSTER AND THERON k" iiattlft I .8 Wfr V " :: bush, who are on trial .'v 7 fytfWMm siMfc '' CHARGED WITH THE CRIME: . ' ARE NOW ON TRIAL Guy . Foster and Theron Bush Face Serious Charge, DAMAGING EVIDENCE GIVEN Two Young Men, Accused of Fractur ' Ing Skull of Leigh Tracy With Blow From Beer Glass, May Yet Be Convicted. Speechless almost from the effects of a blow -upon the head with a large beer glass. Leigh Tracy testified In Judge with a dangerous weapon. Tracy was struck down at Fifth and Davis streets on the evening of October 14. He was Frazer's court yesterday against his as sailants. Guy Foster and Theron Bush, who were on trial on a charge of assault taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital for treatment, "and for nine days ho was in an unconscious condition, and it was feared he would not recover. Ho then re gained his senses and recovered slowly from the skull fracture. The shock to the brain and nerve has Interfered with his speech, and Tracy now can articulate but very Imperfectly, and It Is difficult to understand what he says. The evidence showed that it was Foster who wielded the beer glass. It was a large stoln glass, holding 16 ounces. Foster and Bush are both young men, and shlnglers. The former resides with his parents at University Park, and Bush lives on Michigan avenue, in Alblna. Relatives of the accused were present in the courtroom, and also relatives of Tracy. Deputy District Attorney Moser was assisted -by George J. Cameron as private prosecutor, and the 'defendants were represented by Ogllsby Young, J. M. Long and Alex Sweek as counsel. As a defense, an attempt will be made to prove that Foster and Bush were at tacked bv a number of men and beaten about the head and face; that Tracy was concerned In the melee, and some one of his own crowd fractured his skull, and not Foster or Bush. In his opening statement to tho Jury. Ogllsby Young ad mitted that his clients had visited a num ber of saloons and drank beer, and among other places were In the Elegant saloon, at the corner of Fourth and Ever ett streets. Foster bought a large beer glass in one of the saloons visited, hav ing become attracted to it as a curiosity. The evidence of the prosecution divulged that the trouble started In tho Elegant sa loon, which is kept by Tony Arnaut. He testified that Foster and Bush came to his place twice within an hour under the influence of liquor, and Foster carried a large beer glass under his arm. On their first visit he sold them a glass of beer each, and the second tlmo they came he refused them because they had too much already. They threatened to clean the place out, and were disposed to quarrel. Ho called on Police Sergeant Hogeboom. Fred Fay and Joseph Peterson, Lack man and Tracy were In the saloon. The latter called to collect a bill for the Fashion stable, vby whom he was em ployed. Sergeant Hogeboom testified that he called at the .saloon, and warned Foster and Bush to be quiet and to leave the place. Foster had the largo beer glass spoken of. The real story, of the affray was told by Thomas Peterson. He testified that Bush and Foster picked upon Fay and called him. vile and Insulting nam.es. They walked up Everett street to Fifth from the saloon, and alonr toward Davis, and came to blows. Fay struck both Fos ter and Bush, and then ran away, saying he did not want to get arrested. Tracy and Peterson were behind. Aa they neared Bush and Foster, Tracy started to light a cigarette, and Foster, without provocation, struck Tracy with terrific force on the head with the beer glass. Tracy fell to the ground and bled pro fusely from the nose and mouth, and also from the wound on his head. The witness said he called for assistance, and the patrol wagon came. Another man saw the blow inflicted, but did not wait around, and did not give his name. Tracy told the same story about the beginning of the trouble. He spoke with difficulty, but succeeded in making the Jury understand him, and created- a good impression. He said Far knocked Bush down twice, and Foster once, and then ran away, crying that he did not desire to 'be arrested. Foster then slipped behind Tracy and struck him on the head with tho beer glass. Fay corroborated the evidence of the fight given by Peterson and Tracy, and what led up to It He did not see Tracy struck down, having run away before It happened. There was also evidence that the defendants endeavored to pick a quar rel In front of the Elegant saloon with a boy named Brandt, who came along on a bicycle Jailer Llllls and Captain Bailey also testified. The trial will be concluded today. ANXIOUS TO FINISH. Grand Jurors Want to Get Through and Attend to. Private Matters. It Is reported that Larkln Russell, one of the members of the grand jury, desires to finish up the business on hand as soon as possible, so as to get back to his farm and attend to his personal affairs, but some of the members desire to pro long the session to tho end of the month or longer. John M. A. Laue, another grand juror, would doubtless like to wind up the matters on hand with as much celerity as possible, so as to be in his store during the rush of the holiday trade. The grand jury has worked faith fully, meeting at 8 o'clock In tho morn ing and adjourning at 5 o'clock with, an Intermission at the noon hour. The cases requiring attention of the grand Jury are said to have been nearly all Investi gated. Yesterday City Auditor Devlin had an other session with the grand Jury, and had with him certain records. Several mem bers of the City Engineer's department wero also witnesses, and Al Wohlers-. Detective L. C. Hartman appeared before tho grand jury. It is said. In the Coon arson case. C. W. Miller, attorney, was called in the Tanner-Creek sewer mat ter. Some of his clients are reported to have bid on it. Yesterday morning In the hallway out side of the grand jury room, loud voices could be heard inside, and rumor soon was that the members were mixed up in an argument, and that a spirited difference existed between them. Some guessed that it related to tho conduct of city affairs, for the reason that the grand Jury has paid more attention to city matters than anything else for over a week past. What it really was all about will prob ably remain a deep-dyed secret SUE FOR THEIR FEES. Michael Piertier, Recluse of St. Hel--ens, Is in More Trouble. "I cleared Charles Meehan on criminal charges four times 'testified John F. Watts beforo Judge Sears and a jury yes terday. "He is in jail now, isn't ho?" asked Judge Moreland, the opposing counsel. "He is in jail' responded Watts. The case on trial was the suit to recover $300 attorney's fees of Watts and John Ditchburn against Michael Pierter. the aged recluse of St. Helens, who eloped with Mary Robinson, a 14-year-old girl, last Summer. Pierter was charged with seduction, and was kept in the Multnomah County Jail for safe-keeping at the re quest of the Columbia County authori ties. There he was met by Watts, and he signed a contract employing Watts and Ditchburn to defend him. Dlllard & Day, attorneys at St. Helens, were attending to Plerter's case, and he says that his con tract with Watts and Ditchburn was that they were to appear as additional counsel only with the consent of Dlllard & Day. They did not consent This is admitted on both sides, except that Watts and Ditchburn do not concede that those were the terms of the written contract They say they made trips to St Helens for Pierter, arranged .to obtain a $5009 bonds for him. and performed a lot of work, for which they want pay. Judge Moreland, counsel for Pierter, in his opening speech to the ' jury, said Charles Median, a prisoner In the County Jail, advised Pierter to employ Watts and Ditchburn, referring to them as the greatest lawyers that ever happened on earth. The trial will be concluded today! Files Suit for Divorce. Edgar D. Earnest, who says his wife, Edna M. Earnest, has falsely accused him of unchastity and adultery In the presence of divers, and sundry .persons, yesterday filed suit against her in the State Circuit Court for a divorce. They were married in Portland on February 17, 1902, and have one child, a girl a year and a half old. Court Notes. An Indictment was returned by the grand jury yesterday against Harry Jone3 charging him with larceny of money, a gold watch and other articles belonging to J. W. Vogan in a house at 523T Lovejoy street, on November 27, 1904. George Melger, who fractured the skull of 'John Kern with a rock on Failing street near Union avenue, in August last, was found guilty by" a jury in Judge Sears' court yesterday. The affair was the result of a row in a saloon on Fall ing street near Union avenue, and Kern took a hand as a peace-maker. Sentence has not yet been pronounced, and a mo tion for a new trial may intervene. In the suit of Maude TIfft against Arthur P. TIfft for a divorce, and in. the suit of Maude Tifft against her mother-in-law, Joan C. TIfft, for 520,000 damages for alienating her husband's affections, a stipulation between the parties allowing the defendants until December 17 to an swer was filed In the State Circuit Court yesterday. Mrs. Maude TIfft Is now living with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Akin. Yesterday, before Judge Cleland and a jury, the trial wa3 begun of tho suit of A. L. McFadden against J. B. Tlllotson, a contractor and bridge builder, for $10,400 damages for false arrest and imprison ment McFadden was employed by Tll lotson as a bookkeeper, and also traveled some in his Interest He says he was to receive ?2 per day and expenses. He drew a check in his own favor for a balance alleged due, and Tlllotson caused his ar rest on a criminal charge for so doing. McFadden was tried and acquitted in the State Circuit Court, and the case at that time was gone into very fully on both sides. He then sued Tlllotson for dam ages, alleging; in his complaint that Tll lotson was actuated, by malice In bring the criminal charge. The trial will be concluded today. SOME DAMAGE DONE. Wind Storm Plays Havoc With Elec tric Wires Throughout City. A strong wind, accompanied by an ex traordinarily heavy, downpour of rain, pre vailed for several hours last night in Portland, and although the damage wag not heavy, considerable inconvenience was experienced by telephone and telegraph companies' and the fire department Seldom, has there been such a fall of rain. The streets were running rivers and while the storm lasted there were very very people, comparatively, who cared to venture out So far as. reported to the police and ambulance stations, there were no serious accidents. Electrical displays were furnished at Union avenue and East Morrison street when a wire broke and started a fire, and at Eleventh and Morrison streets, where wires got crossed and started trouble. Brilliant strings of fire sputtered and darted about while the wires were crossed and the sights were witnessed by those on the streets and from buildings. All wiree were reported promptly by the policemen on the various beats, and linemen were dispatched at once to make repairs. An electric light pole was blown down at Gantenbein avenue and Beech street at 9 o'clock and the circuit was dark until after 11. Several other light circuits were impaired for short periods throughout the city. Crossed wires caused the bell at fire headquarters to tap several times, calling the horses and men from slumbers, but there wero no fires as a result of this trouble. The lines of the Pacific States Tele phone &. Telegraph Company were im paired slightly, but the officials stated that no serious Inconvenience was experi enced. The telegraph companies had some trouble, but nothing very serious. Along the water-front the etorm. raged fiercely and several small boats were roughly dashed about A few rowboats were filled with water and others wero overturned. At 10 o'clock the storm was at Its height The wind blew a gale and the rain fell In torrents, but at 11 o'clock not a drop was falling and there was a calm. WILL FIGHT INCORPORATION Center Addition, Mount Tabor, Pre fers Annexation to Portland. Center Addition, in North Mount Tabor, which 13 Included in the boundary lines of the proposed "City of Mount Tabor," will oppose Incorporation. At two public meetings recently held in the church and In the store or M. A. Barton, it was unan imously resolved to fight any effort to bring that territory into the new city. In order to carry out the resolution a remon strance was drawn up and has been gen erally circulated and signed against Incor poration. M. A. Barton, a- business man of Center Addition, says that as far as he can judge the people of that'district are unanimously opposed to incorporation. "If we are to bo taken into any incor poration," says Mr. Barton, "we want to bo taken Into Portland, and shall fight incorporation to the bitter end. Wo. want none of it in ours and can sco no good in tho movement" H. W. Hodges, of the Mount Tabor Im provement Association, and a strong ad vocate of incorporation, says: ."W must do something out here. We have the bost suburb around Portland, but are not moving forward. The city don't want us, and the county won't spend any money on our roads without great urging, and so we must do for ourselves. If the opposition will allow our charter to go through te Legislature It will then come to a vote at the polls, where every man can vote for or against the measure, and we shall have to stand the result" CATCH HIGH TEHPERATTRES New Weather Stations for Port Or ford, Bonlta and Mill City. Having received the approval of tht Chief of tho Weather Bureau, District Forecaster Edward A. Beals is now pre paring to establish subweather stations at Port Orford, Curry County; Bonita, Lane County, and Mill City, Marion County. Instruments for these now sta tions are now on the way and as soon as received actual work of observation will begin. The stations at Bonita and Mill City will be of especial service to the local weather bureau, since they are located on the west slope of the Cascade Moun tains, and will bo In a position to fur nish accurate information from whloh can be determined the changes that take place in rainfall and temperature with a rise of elevation. At present practically all substations of tho local bureau are located In the valleys, and there are really but two stations of high altitude, those at Gov ernment Camp and McKenzie Bridge Tho establishment of the new stations at Bonita and Mill City will therefore greatly aid 'in the work of the official? here. DO YOU WANT TO KNOW ALL ABOUT THE WORLD OF NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIVE THAT WILL BE HELD IN PORTLAND, OREGON, BETWEEN JUNE FIRST AND OCTOBER FIF TEENTH NEXT? The United States Government by concurrent ac tion of the House and Senate has appropriated $475, 000 for the support and maintenance of this Exposi tion. The Oregon State Legislature has authorized the expenditure of $450,000 for erection of buildings and arrangement of suitable exhibits. Portland's people have subscribed $475,000 for laying out of grounds, work of maintenance, etc. Altogether ap proximately $3,000,000 will have been expended on grounds, buildings and arrangement of displays be fore the gates of tle Exposition are opened to the pub lic on June 1 next. The site of the Exposition is perhaps the most beautiful of any grounds occupied by previous world's gatherings sof this kind. The site commands a view of the City of Portland, of the beautiful Wil lamette River, which flows through the city, of the most beautiful expanse of landscape in America, and of the lofty snow-capped peaks of the Cascades that have made Oregon famous. Portland is the commer cial and financial metropolis of the Pacific Northwest, and it is the most attractive city of the continent. The transcontinental railroads will offer to the people of the East during the time Portland's Exposi tion will be opened next year the lowest round-trip rates ever offered between Eastern seaboard, points," the Missouri River and the Pacific Coast. Portland offers all the advantages of an ideal Summer resort. Many Eastern people of wealth and refinement now regularly make their Summer homes here. During 1905 the great railroad systems of the country will be taxed, to their fullest capacity in efforts made by the management of these roads to handle properly the great passenger traffic that will be turned towards Portland. The scenic beauties of the Alps do not compare with the great attractions of the Siskiyous, crossed by the Southern Pacific Railroad lines be tween Portland and San Francisco, or of the matchless mountainous districts crossed by the lines of the Union Pacific system, the Northern Pacific or the x Great Northern that connect Portland with the big cities of the East and Middle West. THE NEW YEAR'S OREGON IAN FOR NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIVE Will be published on Monday, January 2, next. It will be all 1905 Fair. Every building erected by the state, the Eair Corporation of Portland and by the Government, will be shown exactly as it will ap pear when finished, by faithful and attractive illustra tion. The historic account of the Lewis and Clark journey across the continent under the direction of President Jefferson; of the wonderful development of the territory embraced within the limits of the orig inal "Oregon Country" during the century now near ing a close and of the opportunities of this same coun try for future rapid growth, an account that will be made a most important treatise in the New Year's Oregonian for 1905, will command world-wide atten tion. Every feature of the Great Fair will be fully covered by trained writers. The New Year's number for 1905 will be mailed to any address in the United States or Canada, postage prepaid, for TEN CENTS A COPY Letters containing remittances and orders should be addressed to 'S FAR THE OREGONIAN, Portland, Oregon. 4