tPHE MORNING OREGOKIAS, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, l&Ol FOX KENT. Housekeeping Rooms. TWO FRONT. SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING r.wms. connecting: nomeiiKe; cionem, . cooklns and lighting; furnace heat, phone. 185 16th. corner Taylor. bath. THREE NICELY FURNISHED 'HOUSE kralnc 'rooms for rent: uhone. bath ana. cor. YamhllL water, na ,asi uin si.. TWO NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lntr rooms, newly papered and painted, not and cold -water, very convenient, $10. - Union ave.. South. 454 YAMHILL ST. ONE LARGE. CON venient furnished housekeeping room, ground floor, close In; nice location. A NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, also housekeeping rooms, gas. hath ana phone. 32 N. Sth. Phone Main 196j. NEAT FUR. HOUSEKEEPING SUITES. $10 per month and up; modern; children taxes. Hotel Northern. N. 12. and Marshall. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms; use of both and phone, oji E. Morrison st. Phone East 2o92. NEW ELEGANTLY FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms, modern and first-class, rea sonable rent. Cor. 15th and Alder. ELEGANT HOUSEKEEPING close In; clean, warm and dry; and phoue. 262 Clay or 235 6th. SUITES; gas, bath $9 PER MONTH. 3 FURNISHED HOUSE kecplng rooms with water and phone. 630 7tb-st. Terrace, near Sheridan st. FOR RENT 2 NICELY FURNISHED rooms, for light housekeeping. Call at 624 6th St., or shone Main 405t. inr AT-ov.n C.T.-THREB FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, two beds, electric lights, bath, phone. Call evenings. vrnptv rrpvTSTTT-n HOUSEKEEPING ...i. in lneludlnir bath, gas and phone. 515 Yamhill St. mrx n t nvcr.v -ROOMS. PARLOR FLOOR; two upstairs, furnished for housekeeping; no children, so saimon. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING suite, gas, bath, phone; rent $lo. at.: one single room. FRONT 440 5th 431 MAIN ST. TWO LARGE FRONT HOUSE- keeplng rooms, nicety iurmsucu, bo.., ......... phone, cheap rent. . x-irrt v- ifiTBVISHED ROOMS FOR ""housekeeping for man and wife or 2 la dies. 404 13th St. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; nT niMMnt reasonable: also one transient room. 320 4th st. FOR RENT 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms, centrally located; reasonable. Phone Clay 755. 82 17TH. COR. FLANDERS. TWO FUR- nisbed housekeeping ' t""-" out children. UNFURNISHED SUITE OF THREE HOUSE- kfpnincr rooms. -e ui"". Phone 1006. THE TEMPLETON. 206 1ST-NICBLY FUR-nls-hed front housekeeping rooms, rent reason. able, bath. trrvt kt TIUST FLOOR. FURNISHED vninr nvimi: cas. Dbone. bath; no tiUuecanj'D children. T,nT-cm.'pra)iva "ROOMS. FIRST FLOOR. ",T. .. dnei. two blocks Oregonian. 363 Alder. nnniTND FLOOR HOUSEKEEPING SUITE, Kintrin room, close in. 86 10th, near Stark. tt'RMISHBD HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 93 Russell St., Lower Alblna; no chil dren. WITCH HAZEL, Front and Madison House keeping rooms; transient; Dam. ujjuw 27 W. PARK ONE LARGE ROOM FOR housekeeping, with use of bath an.d phone. vnn MKT-TWO SUITES OF HOUSEKEEP Ine rooms; rent reasonable. 267 Jefferson st. CLIFTON. 2934 1ST. COR. COLUMBIA Housekeeping rooms, moderate prices. Rouses. ttt -VOTT DESIRE TO RENT YOUR UN tenanted houses, fiats, or rooms, list them with us; we do not let the moss grow on the steps; we rent tnem witnoui. cnarge, H. E. Edwards. 1S5 to 191 1st. HOUSES FOR RENT. RENTS COLLECTED and DroDerty cared lor. xne xiue uuraaw & Trust Co.. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. Ground Boer, atn-svree io. HAVE OUR MAN. MR. YOUNG. LOCATE you In a, house, flat or rooms, before the rush from the East; he can do it. H. E. Edwards. 1S5 to 191 1st. 2 NEW MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSES ON the East Side. In a good location. $18. In quire o Hartman. Thompson & Powers. 3 Chamber of Commerce. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. NEAR STEEL bridge. East Side, $25 per month. John P. Sharkey. 201 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 180. FOR RENT MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE, lawn, roses, window shades, pas fixtures, $35. 649 E. Ankeny. Call 270 Washington. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO., PROMPT and reliable piano and furniture movers. Phone Main 1085. Offlce 110 N. 3d st. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 246 STARK ST., rents and insurance. Phone Main 245. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. 6-ROOM HOUSE. 3 BLOCKS FROM Ex position Grounds; bath. etc. $25. Powers Furniture Co.. 1st and Taylor. 4-ROOM FLAT. ON E. OAK. NEAR 10TH. $12. Including water. Powers Furniture Co., 1st and Taylor. 6 ROOM FLAT. MODERN. ON 18TH. N.. near Washington. $30. Powers Furniture Co.. 1st and Taylor. FOR RENT COTTAGE 126 17TH. BET. Gllsan and Hoyt. Inquire Max Smith, The Savoy, 106 Fifth st. 6-ROOM HOUSE ON NORTHRUP. NEAR 15th; good location, $18. Powers Furniture Co.. 1st and Taylor. FOR RENT EXCELLENT NEW 8-ROOM house, modern. E. 16th. Inquire room 614 or 616. the Dekum. FOR RENT 6-ROOM COTTAGE. 628 EAST Madison st. Apply Grant Phegley, 131 6th st. $40 9-ROOM HOUSE ON FLANDERS, near 21st. Towers Furniture Co., 1st and Taylor. 7-ROOM HOUSE, WITH BATH. NICE LO cation; family. Inquire 110 E. 11th. Scott 765. FOR RENT TWO 4-ROOM MODERN houses, 46 1 and 469 Mason st.. $11 and $9. FOR RENT HOUSE ON MARQUAM HILL. Inquire owner, ooo Spokane av.. Sellwood LARGE HOUSE. FIRST-CLASS LOCATION; pari xurnuure tor Bu-ie; win jeane. 11 7. or. FOR RENT FURNISHED 3-ROOM tage. Inquire 444 Hawthorne ave. COT- Fh nils lied Houses. FOR RENT. CHEAP TO RIGHT PARTY, nicely furnished 9-room residence; large ground and barn, on West ave.. Mount Ta bor. See owner. No. 70 E. 28th St.. bet. Davis and Everett, or phone East 2588. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. NEATLY FURNISHED East Side, walking distance, $20. Hatfield & smith, room az, .Kussei uiug., Fourth st. FOR RENT COMPLETELY FURNISHED 3 room cottage; bath; references"; walking dis tance. Call forenoons 589 5th rt. FURNISHED 5-ROOM COTTAGE, NEAT and clean. Call 628 E. Salmon st. Phone East 1225. FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE. ELEC- trlc lights, bath; central. Inquire 273 7th st. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. NEATLY FUR nlsbed; $25. Apply 784 Kelly St., Glbba 4r urover. FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE. CLOSE IN. large yard, cheap rent; will sell furniture. j to -itn. NICELY FURNISHED COTTAGE, INCLUD Ing piano. $26. 361 N. 19th. Houses for Rent Puralrure for Sale. FOR SALE ELEGANTLY FURNISHED 7. room flat, doing fine transient business. near Baker Theater; price $750. Care M 29, uregonian. 8 ROOM HOUSE. WELL FURNISHED. TWO blocks form City Hall; rent $20; furniture Xi. ii. inorap.on a: wo., zsa 3d. FURNITURE 27 ROOMS. WELL LOCATED. price $1200; cheap rent. 29 N. 3d st. Phone .Main 2113. NEW FURNITURE. OF 5-ROOM MODERN cottage for sale; rent very cheap. 428 10th st. FOR KENT. Houses for Kent FurBlcare for Bale. ROOMING-HOUSE BARGAIN 26 ROOMS ON one floor; $75 rent; cheap for casn; terms to responsible parties. Call at houie. 185 Morrison st. C-ROOM COTTAGE. TWO BLOCKS NORTH Washington; furniture for sale, $d; rent $15. 7 Park. ALL OR PART OF FURNITURE OF MOD- ern 7-room flat for sale. 202 14th. st. FOR SALE NICE FURNITURE OF C-ROOM cottage. leaving city. 355 E. Couch. 431 MAIN ST. 10-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT, good furniture of 5 rooms for sale. Winter and hummer Resorts. HOTEL MOORE. CLATSOP BEACH. SEA- cme. -win t open during Fall and Winter. Stores. FOR RENT STORE BUILDING. WITH TWO Jiving rooms in rear; good location, East Side; $20. Portland Trust Co., 10U 3d sc. PART FINE RETAIL STORE FOR RENT; an or jeweiry prsierrea. f s, uregonian. WAREHOUSE SPACE FOR RENT: 100x100; ireignt elevator. S. e. cor. 5th and Oak. Offlce FRONT DESKROOM FOR RENT. $10; HEAR, 57; half office, $15. 636 Chamber of Com merce. FOR RENT PART OF LARGE OUTSIDE offlce, well furnished. 324 Cham Mr of Com. merce. OFFICES AND NEWLY FURNISHED lodge halls. Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. PERSONAL. AZA HOLMES-RIBBECKE NEW INSTI tute. refitted, fully equipped for all classes of work performed at John Woodbery's, New York. Have your worK cone at nome. ur. A. L. Neiden. the world's beauty king, meth ods employed by Aza Holmee-Rlbbecke. the only graduate plastic surgeon and derma tologist on this- Coast. Portland's best pay alelans for reference. Parlors, 364 Morrison SEVERAL DROP-HEAD SINGER SEWING machines, slightly scratched, for sale at half price It bought at once, cash or easy terms. Call or address East Side Singer Sewing Machine Store, 540 Williams ave.. Portland, Or. 77 WOMAN WANTED SUFFERING FROM Irregular, painful or stoppages, leucorrhea (whites) and all diseases of women, old or young, cured by old Dr. Kessier. am lam " hill st.. Portland. Or. Private waiting-room for ladies. Consultation free. Call or write. Inclose 10 2-cent stamps. DISEASES OF MEN. GONORRHOEA. GLEET. SYPHILIS. BLOTCHES. OLD SORES. NIGHT EMIS SIONS. VARICOCELE. HYDROCELE and all affections of private organs permanently cured. Dr. Walker. 181 1st st. NO MAN OR WOMAN FEELS GOOD WHEN run down; Sexlne Pills build up as no other tonic can. Trice, $1. six boxes $5. with fun guarantee. Address or call. J. A. Clementon, druggist, cor. 2d and lamhill, Portland, Or. MONTHLY IRREGULARITIES YIELD promptly to our painless method of treatment; we treat diseases of women only; consultation free, private and strictly confidential. X Ka, dium Institute. 162 1st. cor. of Morrison st. MRS. M. GILBERT. FROM LONDON ALL klnls of feathers and boas cleaned, curied and dyed, best of work; satisfaction guaran. teed. 150 1st. Portland. Or. Phone Red 3161, Residence. 240 Harrison. Main 4443. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES-$1 a month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co., 347 Washington, opp. Cordray's. YOUNG WIDOW. AGE 28. WITH $10,000; lady.' 20. $50,000; lady. 25. $15,000: blonde. 18. caeh and beautiful farm. I seek honor able husbands for these. Confidential. Ad dress Mrs. W., 697 Fulton St., Chicago. 111. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB. erta Nerve Globules. One month s trea ment, 2; 3 months', $3. Sent securely scaled by mall. Agents, wooaard, Clarke & Co., Portland. Or. THE STAR HAIR REMEDY RESTORES gray hair to natural color, promotes the growth of hair and removes dandruff; not a dye. Parts Hair Store. 30S Washington st LADIES ATTENTION! ORIGINAL FRENCH Tansy Wafers for sale by leading druggists $2 per box; safe and reliable. S. G. Skid mor.& Co., Special Agents, 151 3d t-t. BY PRESENTING THIS AD AT THE NEW Home office. 350 Morrison St., you can get a drophead Singer or White for $15.; oak finish. Wc print your name on 30 calling cards, proper size and style. 25c: 250 business cards, $1. Brown & Schmale. 229 1st, Portland, Or. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Accu rately and reasonably filled at Bysselra Pharmacy. 227 Morrison, bet. 1st and 2d. FIRST-CLASS SECRET SERVICE WORK done, reasonable rate. Q 96. Oregonlan. Watcher, diamonds, easy payments; open even ings, w. H. Lsn. o;3 Dekum. Clay ism. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. 434 Alder st. Phone Main 4832. FINANCLVL. MONEY TO LOAN On improved city property or for building purposes. Any amount on 3 to 10 years' timo -with privilege to repay all or part of loan after one year. Loans approved from plans and money advanced as building progresses. Motgagcs taken up and replaced. FRED H. STRONG, j Financial Agent. 103 Second stiji hear Stark. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and responsible Arms; easy payments and strictly confiden tial; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses a spe cialty. NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY, 205 Abington Building. SALARY LOANS YOU CAN BORROW money from us on your salary or Income for one to elx months. In any amount from o to $100; lowest rate of Interest; no wait; no delay: all negotiations strictly private and confidential. Payments susoended in case of sickness. The Crescent Loan Co., first floor 10 me leit, 217 uregonian bldg. THE STAR LOAN- CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on nis note witnour. mortgage Confidential. Month, -month. Week $50 Repay to us $13.53 or $6.65 or $3.23 5Zj itcpay to us 9 o.ik or $3.35 or $1.65 $15 Repay to us $ 4.00 -or $2.00 or $1.00 210 M'KAY BLDG., 102 2D. LOANS ON THE EASY-PAYMKNT PLAN TO salaried people; lowest rates; strictly con fidential. Employes' Loan Co., room 716, The DcKum, 2d ana wasn. sts. x'none LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity, at low rates. C. W. Palette, 304-5 Fenton bldg. Phone aiain 1360. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 to $500 on all securities. R. L Eckerson & Co., room 5. Washington bldg. Phone Clay 73. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. S. W. King. room 45. Washington bldg. Phone Hood 415. MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OF $5 AND UP on all kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, Washington bldg. Phone Clay 1814 MONEY TO LOAN TO SALARIED PEOPLE or others on collateral security, small loans short time; notes bought. 333 Mohawk bldg. LOANS on furniture, pianos, any other seen rules at lowest, rates; notes, mortgages bought. Eastern Loan Co., 449 Sherlock bldg. MONEY LOANED ON ALL KINDS OF SE curtty; building loans a specialty. W. H. Xunn. oa- aaenocK dik. mane Clay 529. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY OR SUBURB an property. Mercantile Trust & Invest ment co., 4Uj cnambcr 01 commerce. CHATTEL LOANS on all kinds of chattel security. Loan Co., 321 Abington bids. Northwest $70,000 TO LOAN. CITY REAL ESTATE, 50 per cent valuation. L. W. Whiting & Co.. 408 Abington oiag. LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT ON REAL, PER sonal or chattel security, aiemmeiz & iteat Ing. 504 Marquam. Six per cent money to loan on Clackamas County. Itfnds. E. F. Riley. 008 Cham. Com. PRIVATE FUNDS LOANED. 50 PER CENT valuation; low rates. W. a. Viard, Allsky blag, State funds loaned. C per cent. W. E. Thomas. state agent Multnomah Co.. 400 Cham. Com. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER' CENT. Win. G. Beck, room 307, the Falling- bldg. Portland Real Estate Loans, 5. and 0 per cent. we. Deaaolm. 223 Falling biag. FINANCIAL. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Any wage-earner needing money before pay day can gel it from us; no commission or Interest In advance; no mortgage or Indoreer required. Repay weekly, monthly or semi monthly in amounts from $1 and upwards, thus avoiding the payment of the whole amount out of any one payday; and have six months time. If desired. NELSON & HINDLEY. SOS .McKay bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE. teamsters, etc.. without security; easy pay ments; largest business in 49 principal cities. Tollman. 223 Abington bldg. $600 TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL Es tate, inquire at 017 commercial unrju. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Inrlted. BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PORTAGE RAILWAY. The undersigned will receive sealed bids until Saturday, the 24th day of December, 1904. at 12 o'clock noon, for the building, constructing and equipping of a line of single-track, standard-gauge railway, with spurs, sidings, crossings, in clines, wharfboats. buildings of all kinds, trestles, culverts, bridges and cattle-guards, all complete and ready for operation, from a point below low-water mark In the Columbia River near Celllo. to a point at low-water mark In the Columbia River at Big Eddy, all in Wasco County, Oregon, in conformity In all respects with the plans and specifications of he Engineer of the Board of Portage Commissioners of the State of Oregon, and subject In all respects to the terms and conditions of form of contract approved by said board. A bond in the sum of $30,000, having as surety thereon some surety company authorized to do business in the State of Oregon. Kuaraniccing the faithful performance of th? contract by the contractor, and condi tioned otherwise as required In said con tract, will be required from the bidder to whom the contract may be awarded. Each l-I( must be accompanied by a cer tified check to the amount of 5 per cent of the bid. made payable to the order of the treasurer of the Open-River Association, to be forfeited to the State of Orogon should said bid be accepted and said bid der fall within Ave days thereafter to en ter Into a contract in conformity with his tender and furnish the security required for the completion of the work. Plana, specifi cations, maps, forms of bid, eta, may be examined at the office of the Board of Portage Commissioners of the State of Oregon, at Salem, Or., or at the office of J. N. TeaL room 314. Worcester block. Portland. Or. All bids must be addressed and delivered to J. N. Teal by 12 o'clock noon of the 24th day of December. 1904. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. OPEN RIVER ASSOCIATION, by J. A. Smith, president; W. J. Mariner, sec retary. Portland, Or., Dec 12. 1904. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS TO LAY water pipe. Sealed proposals will be re ceived by the undersigned. City Clerk of the City of Aberdeen. Washington, up to 5 o'clock P. M. Wednesday. December 28. 1004. for the laying of 140 pieces, more or less, of iz-incn cast-iron water pipe, irom the north bank of the Chehalis River, across to the south banK 01 said river, bald pipe being flanged, and to be Jald so that when the pipe is In position the top of the flanges will be nothing less than 3 feet 6 inches below the bottom of the river bed. Said pipe to be laid from about 325 feet east of tne east line 01 .rairneia street across the said river to Columbus street in South Aberdeen. All the pipe, knuckle Joints, bolts and rubber packing to be furnished by the city: the contractor to fur nish all appliances and labor, and to lay said pipe In a good and workmanlike man ner, to the satisfaction of the City Coun cil or one In Its behalf authorized Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check payable to the City of Aberdeen, in the sum of $200. as a guarantee that the bidder will If successful promptly execute a satisfactory contract and bond, according to the laws of the State of Washington for the faithful performance of the work, bald work to be paid for by warrants drawn on the water fund 01 saia city 01 Aberdeen. The City Council reserves the right to re iect any or all bids. Dated Aberdeen. Washington. Nov. 26, 1904. Attest: . P. F. CLARK. City Clerk. NOTICE IS HEREBY GrVEN THAT sealed bids will be received by the County Clerk of Multnomah County up till 10 o'clock A. M. Wednesday. December 21, 1904, for one horse in first-class condition not less than 15 hands nor more than 17 hands In height; not less than 5 nor more than 10 Tears of age. and weighing not less than 1400 pounds. All bids shall be addressed to F. S. Fields. County Clerk. and should give a. complete description of horse offered. The County Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. En' veloDes containing bids should be marked "Bids for horse." By order of the County Court, F. S. Fields, county Clerk. OFFICE DISBURSING QUARTERMASTER, Portland. Or.. Dec. 10. 1904. Sealed pro porala. In trioleate, will be received here until 10 A. .i. January v, ivvu. ior mr nlsbing 6830 tons hay and 4550 tons oats. old crop, at Portland. Or., for ilanlla. P. I. Information furnished at thl office. United States reserves the right to reject or accept any or all bids, or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked. "Proposals for hay and oats for Manila, P. I.." and addressed to Jesse M. Baker, Capt. Quartermaster, U. S. A.. Disbursing ja. Masters' Notices. FRENCH SHIP VILLE DE MULHOUSE Neither tho captain, tne owners nor the undersigned consignees of the French ship Ville de Mulhouse will be responsible for any debts contracted by tho crew. The J. McCraken Co.. agents. Miscellaneous. NOTICE. The Farmers' Fire Relief Assodtalon of Buttevllle, Or., has been doing business for nine years. It has proven Itself to be one of the strongest, most Tollable, fair and square, as well as the cheapest mutual ODeratlng in this state. 11 you are member you cannot do better than remain. If you desire protection it win pay to in vestixrate. this, the only strictly farmers' association In the state. We hereby notify the farmers of Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas Counties that J. J. Kern Is no longer our agent; that we will not be resnonslble for mm in any way what ever. The secretary will be at Portland Or., room 313. Allsky bldg., Mondays and Tuesdays of each week In case you wish to see him personally. By order of the board of directors. Francis teller, presl dent Henry L. Bents, secretary. Aurora, Or.. Route No. 3. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The annual meeting of stockholders of the American Alarm Company will be held on Saturday, January 14. 1903. at 2 -o'clock P. M.. at the office of said com oanv. rooms 403 and 404 Marquam bldg., Portland, Or., for tho election of directors and the transaction of such other business as may lawfully corns before the meet nB' AMERICAN ALARM COMPANY. LOST AND FOUND. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS LOST. North side of Washington. ISth to 10th west side of 10th to Morrison, outh Fide of Morrison to 7th. north side of Yam hill to 3th: reward will be said for Its return. 30S Commercial block. LOST A SMALL BROWN PURSE CON talnlng gold and currency; return to land lady. Selling-Hirsch bldg., and receive re ward. LOST SATURDAY EVENING. UMBRELLA with full name, leave room 10, Brooks bldg.. 7th and Washington; reward. LOST DEC. 10. BET. 2D AND 3D ST, ON Yamhill, arrow-head wing pin; reward. Louis Wachsmuth. 353 Yamhill st. LOST BLACK LEATHER WALLET. NAME stamped on Inside. Phone J. P. B., Main 4335. Reward. LOST A PAIR OF SILVER STRAIGHT bow spectacles; return to Oregonian; re ward. LOST SATURDAY. BRILLIANT EAR drop; return to 335 Couch St.; a reward. BUSINESS CHANCES. RELIABLE PARTNER WANTED BY Bus iness man Will sell half Interest at In voice price, which is about $1000. and give easy terms for payment; owner pre fers paine- to hired help, and will pay purchaser $35 weekly; duties easily learned. Call 248 Stark st. $800 FOR HALF INTEREST IN OLD Es tablished legitimate business; no experi ence necessary; money secured; thorough Investigation; references exchanged. M 28, Oregonian. FOR RENT LARGE HOTEL, GOOD CON dltlon. centrally located In thriving col lege town: also the furniture therein for sale at a bargain. Address Bos 344, Cor vallls. Or. MEN WITH CAPITAL TO INVEST IN ONE of the best business enterprises In the City of Portland: It will pay you to investi gate this. Julius H. Alexander. ISC Morri son st. 32 ROOMS. CORNER BRICK. BEST Lo cation, lease, bargain If taken at once; owner going to mines; no agents; buy di rect of owner. Address F 28. Oregonian. WANTED EXPERIENCED BUSINESS MAN .to represent corporation; salary $1500 per year: must be prepared to take at least $1000 worth of stock.. Ad ire 3 Q 2, Oregonian. BUSINESS CHANCES. JENNINGS & CO. Tel. Main 188. S32& Washington st. LIST YOUR HOUSES WITH JENNINGS & CO. The Place To Buy - Roomlng-Houses And , Business Chances ' , Of All Kinds. ' Large List to Select From. BARGAINS IN ROOMING-HOUSES. 75 rooms, modern. Income, $1300 51.000 72 " 5S furnished, large Income.. 6.500 70 " all furnished, part boarding 9.000 60 Klect board and room, lease. 4.600 60 transient, lease, low rent.... 6.000 55 " elegantly fur., modern 19.000 50 income S1200. clears $300 3.000 46 " fine fur., lease. Income $500 45 " N. 1st "st., rent $100 40 " elegant fur., steam heat.... 40 " good location, clears $225... 33 " well furnished, good lease... 38 ' transient and steady roomers rtt rant nnlf 1ft0 lease ... 7.000 2,750 7.500 3.000 0.000 4.500 3.500 3,000 550 2,500 5.100 6.500 3.000 1.200 4.500 2.400 3,000 3,500 3,750 2.550 3.600 3,250 2.200 950 3,500 1,800 35 " lodging-house, rent $S0, lease 35 " seems like a bargain at.... 34 " near Union Depot, lease.... 34 " fur. H. K.. rent only $125.. 30 " select brd.. clears $300 SO " near Custom-House 30 B. S.. clears $50 23 " new fur., fine location 2$ rent $03. money-maker 25 " N. 3d. good buy 24 " 11th. nr. Wash., big Income 24 ' " boarding and room, close In. 23 " all furnished, close P. O 23 ' 6th. nr. Main, fine H. Kpg.. 23 6th, nr. Oak, low Tent 22 " centrally located. H. Kpg... 22 E. S., prominent corner.... 20 Wash. St.. fine transient.... 19 " some H. Kpg., all fur Ill nn VI-0.0, o- np s Mills. 1.500 18 Park and Jefferson, rent $60 2,650 10 " Park. nr. wasn.. rent io.. a.iw 14 " good fur., owner must sell. 14 " Sth, near Grant st 14 " let and Col., pt. IL Kpg... 12 ' close to Union Depot 12 " very central, R, B 12 " 0 fur., board and room 11 " elegant fur., Ella st........ 11 13th, Alder, money-maker... 11 . US fur.. Montgomery st 11 " good fur., clears $50 10 " extra good fur., a bargain at 10 " first-class fur., central.'..... 10 " on Wash, st., 2 years' lease. 10 " fine fur., fine location.' 10 " reduced from $1050 to 10 " near City Hall. Income $S5. 10 " on Main st., good buy 10 " N. 9th St.. good business... 9 " well furnished, close In 9 " on Sth st.. rent only $20.... 9 on 4th, near Market 9- " nr. Library, grand fur 8 " on Taylor, rent only $17.50.. 8 " fine fur., fine .location 8 " lttth and Yamhill, rent $20. . 8 " board and room, rent $20... 8 " Park nr. Montgomery, 4 fur. 7 " 4th St.. 1-ycar lease, rent $25 7 fine fur., very central 7 " new, elegant fur 7 "' good fur., rent $30 7 ' modern house, elegant fur.. 7 " part fur.. Alder nr. 4th.... 6 nr. new P. O., Investigate.. fl miJnt o An. 1.200 1.050 950 1.400 950 400 1.2 1.200 400 1.150 1.100 1.400 1.050 1.100 650 850 050 600 950 two 750 850 900 1,000 800 325 .300 950 900 1.000 400 500 250 bOO 550 5 E. Sth. rent $16.50 300 We have at least 50 other good bargains. NjLIST YOUR HOUSES WITH JENNINGS &. CO. Nearly all the above have good leases and are wen located. - hand, and wilt be glad to assist buyers at 'nai jaw 01 mieresL. JENNINGS & CO 3324 .WASH. ST GRAND OPPORTUNITIES OFFERED BY THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO. Rooming-houses and hotels. $7300 10 rooms. 10th and Alder sts. $4250 28 -rooms. 12th street, near Alder. $3000 17 rooms. Alder street, close In. jiT-oo excellent restaurant, Washington street. $2000 23 rdoms. Sth street, swell locality and good business. $2000 Family grocery and confectionery store, near 11th and Morrison. $1000 Cigar and confectionery store, Third street. $1000 Cigar, Ice cream and confection er- store. Washington street. $600 0 rooms, reasonable rent, highly zurnisnea. Apply 1493 1st st. FOR SALE RESTAURANT. In good location, newly finished, with Mis shhi oaK furniture. 24 chairs, G stools, gas ranges, new crocKery. glassware, sliver. linen; everything is of the best, and Is fitted up for swell trade: fine location for night trade: good reason tor selling; rent only $25, Full iniormatlotuat EMPIRE INVESTMENT Room 0. Chamber of Jmmerce, SPECIAL BARGAINS 70 rooms, good furnishings, steam heat. clears over $250 month; owner must sell only ioooo. 50 rooms, newly furnished, modern and up- to-date: price S6S0O: easy .terms. 40 rooms, tplondldly furnished, positively tne Dcst buy on the market; $5800. Many others; terms on any. THE HELVLET INVESTMENT CO., 210-214 Abingto,n, 100 3d st. FORD'S BUSINESS CHANCES. INC, 165 4 th. Clay 53S. JOSEPH FORD. Manager. GREAT BARGAIN IN ROOMING-HOUSES. 28 rooms, rent $65, lease, central, $2100, 20 rooms, rent $60. lease, central. $2100. 33 rooms.- transient, terms, $3000. 10 rooms, finely furnished, $850. LEASE. FIXTURES AND BALANCE OF stock of clothing, gents rurnlshing gooes and shoes for sale cheap; owner retiring from business; one of the oldest and best stores In the city: lease to ,run 31 months at reason able rent. Inquire of owner. Samuel Ilrom berger, 03-53 N. 3d st. LIGHT MANUFACTURING BUSINESS Chance offered today to reliable man to buy Interest in good business with position that will pay over sir.O monthly: small capital required, fully secured. Call 24SH Stark st. -G-HOUSE. IS ROOMS. VERY central, rent $73, lease. Income $223 per month: can be bought on easy terms. Jintneld & smith, room 32. itussei bldg. 103 4ih st. CONFECTIONERY AND FRUIT STORE. West Side, go?d trade. 3 living rooms, rent $15; clean stock, for sale reasonable Invoice if desired. Pittinger. room 9. 245 Morrison. WANTED-S1000: RELIABLE BUSINESS man wants $1000 to open good-paying gro cery. It will pay you 12V4 per cent and money back after a year. C Stadler, 369 Third st. $5000 WANTED IN ESTABLISHED BUSI nees paying 75 per cent a year: salary guaranteed; no experienco necessary: open to tnorougn investigation, c 21. oregonian, WANTED POSITION IN A GOOD. SUB stantlal oank. or wholesale house, by young man with $10,000; would buy some stock if satisfactory- G iz, oregonian. DRUG STORE INVOICE. CHEAP RENT. 10-year lease; brick building, live alley town; owner under doctors cnarge; money maker. Red 173S. No. 4 N. Oth. WE INCORPORATE AND FLOAT STOCK companies; we handle unlisted securities loans negotiated. Horatio Gilbert & Co. Elllcott Square, Buffalo. FOR SALE WELL FITTED UP STUDIO at Pendleton. Or. Good trade; must leave at once; snap If picked up at once. Ad dress H 23. Oregonian. $223 WITH SERVICES WILL BUY CASH business In city that will pay you $18 to $25 weekly, and experience unnecessary. can Z4S stark st. A GOOD. RELIABLE BUSINESS. IN which goods are exclusive and profits large for sale by Mr. Everett. SS East Oth st. Phone East 2417. $350 FOR HALF INTEREST IN GOOD narlnr hiislnfrft- lnirwnrhT mnn wnnt guarantee $23 a week; duties easily learned. N -s. oregonian. WANTED PARTY WITH $1500 TO EN gage in business: money trebled In 10 months: handle your own money; no agt J 23. Oregonian. SALOON ANOTHER BARGAIN THIS day: $750 will take care of this; chance to double your money In short time. Call Z4t starK st. ROOMING-HOUSE BARGAIN 2C ROOMS ON one floor. S75 rent: chean for cash: terms responsible people. Call at house, 185 Morrison st. HALF INTEREST IN REAL ESTATE AND business chance offlce. fine proposition for active man: $200. E 22, Oregonian. PAYING SALOON. 12 FURNISHED ROOMS, all for $700; well located; cheap rent. Apply 29 N. 3d at. Phone Main 2113. $1000 GROCERY AND FEED BUSINESS, building lot and fixtures, dally sales $20; easy terms. A 21. Oregonian. FOR SALE FURNITURE IN 11-ROOM house, very nice; rooms all rented: rent $43. Central. Phone Main 4766. FOR SALE $1250. NEW STOCK GROCER ies. horse and wagon. 560 E. Alder. FOR SALE 12-ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE, low rent. Owner, 267 Jefferson st. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE. HEADQUARTERS. TAFT & CO. 125-6 Abington Block Phone Main 156. We make a SPECIALTY OF ROOMING- HOUSES, and have many of, the MOST DESIRABLE LOCATIONS that are for sale. Good locations are solas fast. Note our par tial list below of both large ana snuui cues. If these don't suit, call In: 50 ROOMS Hotel, steam heat, new brick building, . strictly modern and up-to-date: house full of good people; cheap rent and long lease: clearing now soo per moaiu. lease. Price. $4175. .n TtnnuR-nMt location In the city: ele gantly furnished; rent only $200 per month; lease for two years; clearing now over $300 per month; steam hea and all modern con veniences; for a money-maker during the Fair this house cannot be beat. Our price. $7500. 40 ROOMS Steam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms, new house and all new fur niture, clearing absolutely above all ex penses $200 per month; cheap rent and good lease, and best location In the city. . Price $5000. 3S -ROOifS Swellest nlaee In the city; all Axmlnster carpets, golden oak and mahogany furniture; clearing over per "1U"L"- cheap rent and good long lease; bona fide reasons for celling; exclusively wxin us. Price for quick sale, $6000. 34 ROOMS Steam heat, hot and cold wa ter in ail rooms, the very best location In the city; has been under the same manage ment for 10 years. House is clearing aoae all expenses $250 per month. If you are looking for something good, don't fall to sea this. Price, $3750. 25 ROOMS Close in; furniture all good; steam heat: good lease. This la tiptop prop osition; $2250. 20 ROOMS Furnishings fine; good, nice, clean house: two blocks Portland Hotel; lease, rent right; $2150. 20 ROOMS On Illh st., near Morrison; boarding: nicely furnlrned, doing good bust nesa; rent only $90. S3S0O. IS ROOMS Furniture all nice. Including piano: good location; cheap rent; mostly housekeeping, always full. $2650. 11 ROOMS On 10th at., rent $15; furni ture good; has good income. $950. 9 ROOMS Furniture all good: location very central; rent right. Price JS50, GROCERY STORE: On Washington st.. doing cash business of $40 per day; nice, clean stock, yaoo. CONFECTIONERY. One on First st..... One on Morrison st .$ 500 . 1000 DELICATESSEN. One on Morrison, receipts $20 One on Washington, receipts $35.. .$ 800 . 2000 WE CAN MAKE TERMS ON ANY OF THE ABOVE. ALL 5 GUARANTEED. BUYERS PROTECTED AS WELL AS SELLERS. WE WANT 10 TO 15-ROOM HOUSES; ALSO 20 TO 40. TAFT & CO. 122-3-5-6 Abington Block 106 Third St. INVESTORS YOU ARE NOW OFFERED golden opportunity for making a gilt-edge Investment; will pay you 20 per cent profit with absolute security; has the indorsement of thesbest business men in the city; will bear the closest Investigation. R 23, Ore gonlan. A RARE CHANCE FOR A NO. 1 con tractor, carpenter, concrete and cement. workers, to Invest their time and labor. In one of the best business enterprises in the city of Portland. Call on Julius H. Alex ander. 1S6 Morrison st. ROOMING-HOUSE FOR SALE. CENTRAL. with lease till after Fair; rent 535; part cash, remainder on monthly payments to suit customer If taken at once; sickness cause of selling: no agents. Phone Clay 033, FOR RENT TO THOROUGHLY RESPONSI- ble nartv. with ample capital. large store room, most central and best located for each trade; specially fitted for general merchan dise business. Address Box 344. Corvallls. Or. CORNFTR SALOON. GOOD LOCATION. ELE- gant fixtures. longe lease, well established and doing a large business, will be sold at a sacrifice on account of sicKneee or. owner. Particulars. L. B. Thompson. 228 3d. $500 BUYS MILK BUSINESS PAYING $100 and expenses monthly, can i'i- .Ellsworth Richmond Addition. Portland. FOR SALE HALF INTEREST IN MACHINE shop to good machinist or business man. Ad dress L 25, Oregonian. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE RESTAURANT in San Franciaco; particulars. D 20, Ore gonian. A GOOD CASH PAYING BUSINESS FOR $950. Call 272 Oak St. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion I'lnltin-. MISS O. GOULD. 801 MARQUAM BLDG accordion and knife plaiting and pinking. Art. STUDIO OF PAINTING. PYROGRAPHY and designing. Order work a specialty. 720 Marquam bldg. M. t. woods. Art Furnishing. ANTIQUE Furniture, orders taken, repairing. carving; lessons. 34f Aider. JJain 1983. Aasayers and Analysts. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE 208 STARK ST. Prices: Gold. $1; copper. $1; silver. 60c. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYBR AND ANALYST; gold dust bought. 228 stark st. Attorney s-at-Law. O'BRYON & O'BRYON, ATTORNEYS. 420- 421 Commercial bldg. Pbone Clay 465. Business Colleges. GREGG SHORTHAND TOUCH TYPEWRIT ing. famous budget bookkeeping, actual bus! neas practice: positions found for graduates day and night school. Holmes Business Col lege. Y. M. C A. bldg. Phone Main 613. Carpenters and Builders. W. L. BUCKNER. offlce. store fixtures, general Jobbing, contracting. 330 stark, uiacic ai. GEO. W. GORDON. COUNTERS. SHELVES houses built and repaired. 208 4tn. ciay 1 Carpet Cleaning. Sanitaxv carpet cleaning, suction and com pressed air combined; carpets cleaned on floor witnoui removal, rnono jiain aod-t. Chiropodist and Manicuring. TO'. D EVENT & ESTELLE DEVBNY, THE enly scientific chiropodists, parlors room 203 Drew b:dg.. itz -d st. xcone jaam uou This is the long-haired gentleman. He is the man you are looking for. N. Y. CHIHOH JiSTS ALL DISEASES OF tho human foot. S1G Allsky bldg. Red 3086. .T. UNDELL. expert chiropodist, all Instru merits serllized. 702 Marquam. Black 2856. Civil Engineers. PHILIP G. EASTWICK. 662 WORCESTER block Railroad, hydraulic, mining, and gen era! engineering. I Coal Dealers. WESTERN FEED fc FUEL CO. PHONE Main 1018. Castlo Gate Coal, blacksmith oal, coke, charcoal. Offlce Front & Hoyt. VULCAN COAL CO., wholesale dealers, heart coals; foundry and smelter coke. 329 B st. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF bides, pelts, furs. wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal and general commission merchant. Front st.. near Main. Portland, Or. Cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKEJRS and commission merchants. Sherlock blag..' Portland. Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duee merchants. Front and Davis sts.. Port land. Or. Dancing. THE MATTINGLY ACADEMY OF DANCING. 269 14th. cor. Jeff. Class or private lessons. MRS GRANT'S ADULT and children's classes. Western Academy. Morrison st., cor. 2d. Djelnr and Cleaning. H. TV. TURNER. PROFESSIONAL DYER and cleaner. 505 Jefferson. Tel. Main 2513. Educational. Teacher In college preparatory branches; spe cialty langtidges. Suite 27. 1S7 17th. Land. .LAND SCRIPS. GENERAL LAND JPRAC tlce, Collins Land Co., Concord bide. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Clalnroysufrts. CLAIRVOYANT. 00c 50e 50c 50c 50c-50e THE VEILED PROPHETESS. BUDAH BERNIQUE. DEAD-TRANCE MEDIUM. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. $15 COMPLETE LIFE READING. 30c. "I TELL YOUR NAME." Sn nmlMra mrr, T mv Tinmen to tell UlS past, present and future and exactly -what you want to know that I -will make NO CHARGE! NO CHARtirit Unless you obtain perfect satisfaction and find me superior to all MEDIUMS. CLAIR VOYANTS and PALMISTS In tbla city. It may be of vital Interest to you to know the outcome of your present distress. ine nappiness or your ruture "c pend upon the right solution and proper advice. There are no mistakes In the predictions made by the great and wonderful Psychic. iou may wish to know ir it is sovuuuiw to make a change in busines. In love. In marriage. "Can I obtain my hopes, my wisoes. my ambitions?" "Shall I ever enlov the luxuries 01 wealth V "Can I trust my friends r "When shall I marry?" Hew often shall I marry?" "Shall I ever be divorced?" "Does another share the love that right fully belongs to me?" "If so. whom? "Am I loved In return?" "Is there a rival in my love?" "When shall my love affair terminate In marriage?" "When ehall my domestic troubles end? "How can I make my life and home happy?" "When shall my absent friend return?" "Why do I not receive a letter?" HOURS 10 TO 8. DAILY AND SUNDAY. PARLORS. 291 MORRISON. COR. 5TH. SAME FLOOR AS BOSTON DENTAL PAR LORS. PROF. VAN CORTLAND. 313 WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 6TH ASTRO TRANCE MEDIUM. CLAIRVOYANT, PALMIST. Tho Greatest LIvlnir Adviser on the Conti nent. Established in Portland and Seattla for 7 years. The name Van cortiano double guarantee. Rediirort Pharcea 50e 50e This Week $15 Readings 30c oOc Satisfaction guaranteed or no fee accepted, At a glance, before you have a chance to utter one word, he will tell you your name, what you came for, giving dates, facts and figures, names of absent and departed friendB; he tells every wish or your ute, now to gain success In love, courtship, marriage, divorce, whether vou will be successful In business, Investments, etc.; no matter what may be your fear, hope or ambition, can on this rifted man and find reiiet: nis oe- scrlptions of your friends and enemies are as real as though they stood neiore you. He tells whom and when you'll marry, set ties lovers' quarrels, positively mentioning our sweetheart s full name, reunites tne separated, no matter how long standing; he tells everything, good or baa; you near the truth and nothing but the trutn. WONDERFCL POWERS. It Is universally conceded by deepest think ers of the present age that Prof. Van Cort land has been endowed by nature witn. pro phetic powers to a degree hitherto unKnown; keenly conscious or his great responsiouity, he has honestly endeavored to let his light shine that all whe seek may And truth as he sees It. Call and be convinced. Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Daily and Sunday. PROF. VAN CORTLAND. 313 WASHINGTON ST. Also Private Entrance on Sixth st. MME. DR. HERZOG. FROM BERLIN. SCI entitle reveaicr. tens lire irom craaie . to grave. Consultation on all affairs. Good ad vice, sure help, mistake Impossible: re tores lost love arid unites separated by sympathy; locates burled treasure. Fee, $1; letter. $2. 2Q7 Park. DR. LYON. THE MOST WONDERB'UL clairvoyant and psychic Dal mist in the world, now stopping at the Kingston, next door to Baker s Theater; readings $1. Fraternal Insurance. Order of Washington, foremost fraternal so ciety of N. W. : protects the living. J. Mitchell. Sup. Sec. 612-615 Marquam bldg. Harness and Saddles. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE sale saddles and harness mfrs.. saddlery hardware. leather all kinds. 72-74 5th' st. GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLJ sale saddles and harness mfrs., leather and saddlery hardware. SO-86 1st. Medical. DR. PAUL CROMWELL, the colored special 1st. sanatorium. 127 N. 12th. cor. Gllsan Consult this old doctor and learn what your aliment Is. Letters promptly answered. Junk, Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OF hides, pelts, wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals ,and sacks. 342 Front st. Leather and Findings. J. A. STROWB RIDGE LEATHER CO. Leather and findings; Stockton sole leath er and cut stock: full line Eastern Jum bos. ISO Front st. THE BREYMAN CO.. LEATHER MFRS.. boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe store supplies, leather of all kinds. 72-74 Sth. Machinery. TRENKMAN & CO.. MINING. SAWMILLS, logging machinery; hydraulic pipes, cast ings of all kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th st. THE H. C. ALBEE CO.. SECOND-HAND machinery, sawmills, etc.. 248 Grand ave. Marble and Granite. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS For bargains see Weeks; no agents; 20 per cent saved. At 720 Front, cor. Hooker. Massage. YOUNG LADY. SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE Vapor, cabinet bath, magnetic treatment, alcohol rubs, salt glows; good attention given to patrons. The Raleigh. 6th and Washing ton. Parlors 15-16, first floor. PARLORS OF 110 4TH ST. CHANGED hands; first-class baths, with magnetic treat ment and massage by young lady with young lady assistant. Will be pleased to see old and new patrons. VAPOR AND ELECTRIC BATHS. MAG netic massage, by lady, formerly of the Raleigh. Electric treatment for rheumatism and nervoue troubles. Room 2. 146 Oth st. IF YOU WANT A FIRST-CLASS VAPOR bath and massage, try me; satisfaction guar anteed. 323 6th and Washington sts., third floor, Raleigh bldg., rooms 26-27. FIRST-CLASS VAPOR BATHS. ALCOHOL rubs, magnetic and scalp treatments, mani curing and chiropody; young lady from East. Room 25. 145 6th. VAPOR AND SPONGE BATH. VAPOR MAS sagc and magnetic treatments by experi enced young lady. 351 Morrison st., rooms 11 and 12. HERE'S HEALTH TO THE MAN. EITHER young or old. who takea Persian baths to cure his cold. The Frances, Weet Park and Morrison. -S AND MASSAGE BY YOUNG LADY formerly Marquam, now The Palm. 189 3d. room - FRENCH LADIES GIVE BATHS AND MAS sagc treatment. 20S 3th st. Main 5936. Naturopathy. DR. F. W. BLOHM, NATUROPATHIC PHYSI clan. Tourny bldg., 2d and Taylor, room 304. Northwest Vlavl Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON STS. Call or send stamp for Health Book. - Osteopothy. DR. L. B. SMITH. DR. CARYLL T. SMITH, osteopathic pliyHlclcns: graduate KlrksvlUe. Mo. 400 Oregonian. Phone Main 1242. Sani tarium. 014 4th. Consultation free. DRS. ADD IX & NORTHRUP. 416 DEKUM bldg. Phone Main 349. Examination free. Faints, Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. JOBBERS. PAINTS, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d St Taylor. Patent Lawyers. R. C. WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patents; Infringement cases. 004 Dekum. T. J. GEISLER. 530 CHAM. OF COM. U. and foreign patents a specialty. Rubber Stamps. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 240 ALDER. TEL. Main 710. Rubber fitamps. seals, stencils. Safe. 8 SECOND-HAND FIREPROOF SAFES, prices mnglng from $23 to $150; 3 good second-hand bank safe for sale.' Call or write 84 3d St.. Portland. Or. NEW AND SECOND. LOCKOUTS OPENED: repairs. DIebold Agency, J. E.' Davis, 06 3d BUSINESS D ERECT OK Y. Spiritualists. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. 50c. 50c. 50c, 50c. 30c. 30c, 50c. 50c. 50c. SIR FRANCIS DRAKE, 303V- WASHINGTON ST.. COR uTH. 1 TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. SPIRIT MEDIUM, "OAT TlfTSIT READINGS REDUCED TO 50c FOR' 7 DAYS MY $13 CELEBRATED LIFE READINGS OOC, OOC, HVC. oue, ovw I DO HEREBY SOLEMNLY AGREE AND GUARANTEE to make you no charge if I fall to "call you by name in full. name, of your friends, enemies or rivals. I prom lse to tell you whether your husband, wife or sweetheart is true or false, tell yoo how to gain the love of the one you mosc desire, even though miles away; how to succeed In business, speculation, lawsuits, how to marry the one of. your choice, how to regain youth, health and tallty. Removes evil Influence, cures drink habit, locates treasures, cures all nervous dis eases. , How can I have good luefc? How can I succeed In business? How can I make my home hxwpy? - How can I conquer my enemies? How can I marry the one 1 choose? How can I mary well? How soon can 1 marry? - How can I conquer my rival? How can I make any one love me? How soon will my lover propose? How can I get a letter? How can I get a good position? How can I remove bad influences 7 How can I control any one? How make distant ones think of me?, How -can I settle my quarrel?. t How can I hold my husband's love? - How can I keep my wife's love? SIR FRANCIS DRAKE tells all-andrnever asks questions. . .iiV-vtlLY NO EQUAL. ON EARTH IN HIS PROFESSION. HOURS DAILY. 10 to 7. AND SUNDAY, 303 WASHINGTON ST.. COR 5TH. ' FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STS. MRS WALLACE. 23 YEARS PORTLAND'S most reliable medium; all m trouble call and get her valuable advice on all affairs of life, business, love, troubles; absent friends a specialty. 163 4th st., Russel bldg.; hours 9-5. . S. STEVENS, spiritual life reader, sclen- 1111c puimiai, juc. ot73 j.uiuuim, vvji. uu. MRS. LADD FINNICAN HAS RETURNED; can be consulted daily. 412 Alder, cor. llth. jiiRS. SOPHIA. B. SBIP, Clairvoyant, proph etess. Readings daily. SI'Tth cor. u.aK. iiRS. C. CORNELIUS, 305 Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison; sittings daily. Hood 40J. Shoe Manufacturers. l.rilD & HERTSCHE CO.. SHOE MANUFAC- turers, 0 and 11 N. 1st., Portland, or. Second-Hand Dealers. SUGARMAN & SONS, highest price paid 2d-hand furniture, stoves. 233 Front, lied 3173. Showcases, Bank and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO., COR. 6th and Hoyt; branch' Seattle, Wash. H.AND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO., 348 1st, near. Market. Phone Black 3133. Stop Drinking. GUARANTEED cure; send 50c: tablet form; mailed In plain package; has cured thou sands. L. L. C. Co.. 417 Hay ward bldg. S. F. Storage. STORAGE! STORAGE! PLENTY OF ROOM, fireproof building, rates cheaper than th cheapest. 26 Union ave. Phone Union 914. Storage and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE mov;ed. packed ready for shipping and shipped; all work guaranteed; large 3-story brick fire proof warehouse for storage. Offlce 128 1st. C. M. Oisen. Phone Main 547. C. O. PICK. OFFICE 88 1ST. BET. STARK and Oak. Phone 506. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment; com modious fireproof brick warehouse. Front and Clay sts. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 31 N. FRONT st.. household goods and furniture, pianos, trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and all movable articles at reasonable prices. Trunk Factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. 34 3D ST., wholesale and retail. Send for catalogue. Typewriters. New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and repaired. Coast Agency, 231' Stark. Tel. 1407. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROC ery, cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Port land, Or. BANKS. LADD & TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1830. Transacts a general banking business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favor able terms. Letters of credit issued avail able in Europe and all points In the United States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York, Washington. Chicago, St. Louis, Denver. Omaha, San Francisco and various points in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Montana and British Columbia. Exchange on London. Paris. Berlin, Frankfort. Hong Kong. Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depositary. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, avail able in all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought. LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK LIMITED. Chamber of Commerce building. Third and Stark Streets. Head Offlce. 55 Old Broad Street. London. This bank transacts a general banking business, makes loans, discounts bills and issues letter of credit, available for trav eler and the purchase of merchandise In any city of the world. Deals In foreign and domestic exchange. Interest paid on time de posits. W. A. MACRAE, Mgr. WELLS. FARGO & CO. BANK Corner Second and Washington. HOMER S. KING President (San Francisco.) R. LEA BARNES Cashier WALTER A. HOLT Assistant Cashier (Portland.) Generat banking business transacted. Ex change sold and letters cf credit issued, available in all parts of tho world. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Head Office. Toronto, Canada. Capital paid up $8,700,000 Reserve 3.000.000 Transacts a general banking business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up ward and Interest allowed on minimum monthly balances. Rates on application. 244 WASHINGTON ST. E. A. WYLD, Manager Portland Branch. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest corner Third and Oak streets. Transacts a general banking business. Drafts issued available In all cities of the United States and Europe. Hong Kong and Manila. Collections made on favorable terms. President J. C. AINSWORTH Vice-President W. B. AYER Cashier R. W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT FIRST NATIONAL BANK of PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary and Financial Agent of the United States. President A. L. MILLS Cashier J. W. NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier ..B. F. STEVENS Letters of credit Issued available In Eu rope and the Easterri States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York, Boston, Chicago, St Louis. St. Paul. Omaha. San Francisco and th principal points of the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit on ' London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Maln. Hong Kong. Yokohama. Copenhagen, Christianla. Stockholm, St, Petersburg, Mos cow. Zurich Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF ORE GON. NO. 109 THIRD ST. The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. CAPITAL. $300,000. We conduct a general banking business. We receive savings deposits. We Issue time certificates and certificates of deposit pay able upon 10 days' call. 30 days' call or 90 days' call, with Interest at 3H. 3 and 4 per cent- per annum, respectively. Call or send for our book of ILLUSTRATIONS. BEN J. I. COHEN N. .President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary