THE MORNING OKEGONIAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1904. CITY NEWS -IN BRIEF The Oregonlan's Telephone. CocntJng-Room Main 667 Managing Editor Mcln 630 Sunday Editor Main 6235 City Editor Main 166 Society Editor Main C235 Composlng-Rooni .....Main GS3 Superintendent Building Red 2S28 East Side Office East 61 1 AMUSEMENTS. EMPIRE THEATER (12th and Morrison) Matinee 2:15, evening 8:15? "Darkest Rus sia." COLUMBIA THEATER (14th and Washing ton) Matinee 2:15. evening 8:15, "Mistakes Will Happen." MARQUAM GRAND THEATER ' (Morrison st bet. Oth and 7th) Matinee at 3 o'clock, evening at 8:30. "Everyman." GRAND THEATER (Park and Washington) Continuous vaude-Ille, 2 to 10:30 P. M. STAR THEATER (Park and Washington) Continuous vaudeville, 2 to 10:30 P. M. BAKER THEATER (Third and Yamhill) Continuous vaudeville, 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. ARCADE THEATER (7th and Washington) Continuous vaudeville, 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. BIJOU THEATER (Sixth, near Alder) Con- tlnuous vaudeville from 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. LYRIC THEATER (cor. Alder and 7th) Con- tlnuous vaudeville from 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. altar Society Elects Officers. The Altar Society of St. Mary's Church, Al bina, has elected the following officers: President, Mrs. C. T. Smith; vice-president; Mrs. P. E. Sullivan; assistant vice president, Mrs. J. W. Brost; financial secretary, Mrs. N. Brondel; recording: secretary, Mrs. Joseph .Noonan; treasur rer, Mrs. Bock; board of directors, Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. F. Tr. Wascher, Mrs. Pren dergast. Mrs. A. Marpert, Mrs. Walsh and Mrs. C. J. Muehe. The next meet ing of the society will be held on the 18th of the month, when reports for the year will bo read. "hd Original Journals of the Lewis & Clark Expedition," edited by Reuben Gold Thwaltes, volume 1 Just received by the J. K. Gill Co., -who are authorized to receive subscriptions. They are illus tlated with original sketches of Indian implements, huts, trails, animals, fish, etc., also with numerous maps drawn by Clark's own hand. They contain much matter never before published. Regular edition, 7 volumes and atlas, $60; largo paper edition, $150; edition de luxe, $375. Mrs. Maybrick's Own Stort. The Sunday Oregonian tomorrow will publish a full-page synopsis of "Mrs. Maybrick's Own. Story: My Fifteen Lost Tears." Ever elnce her return to America, Mrs. Maybrick, In the seclusion of a New York mountain cottage and under tho shelter of a sympathetic friend's roof, has been engaged In writing this book. To those who have been Interested In this world-famous case, the article to morrow must be of intense Interest. "Will Gnu a Banquet. At a meeting of the St Johns Commercial Club Thurs day evening It was decided to glvo a ban quet about January 1, and a committee composed of Messrs. Carlson, Chapel, Couch and Blckner, was appointed to make the arrangements. Also a meeting of citizens of St. Johns has been called for the evening of December 13 for the purpose of organizing a fire department. Paintshop Is" ext. 1- ans for the new paint and repair shop to bo erected on the terminal grounds In Lower Alblna are practically completed. This building will be north of the transfer and machine shops, and will be 540 feet long. The old foundation built several years ago, will be used, only there will bo an addition to the foundation to make it conform to tho plans. "Will Discuss Improvements. There will be an important meeting of tho North Alblna Improvement Club Monday, December 12, at Patton's Church. Meas ures will be taken toward obtaining bet ter water service and the prevention of a saloon locating in tho North Alblna district. Bargains in Fresh Meat. To get per sonally acquainted, to Inspect-the finest, cleanest, up-to-dato meat market; the Independent. Meat Co., 127 First street, offers spare ribs, 7c a lb,; boiling roeat 5c and Pc a lb.; prime boneless rolled ribs of beef, 9c 127 First street. Books by Jacob A Rils "Theodore Roosevelt, the Citizen"... $2.00 "The Making of an American" , 1.50 "The Battlo "With the Slum" 2.00 "The Children of tho Poor" 1.50 "Is There a Santa ClausT" 75 For sale at Gill's. First Presbyterian Church. Serv ices tomorrow at 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. The pastor. Rev. Edgar P. Hill, D. D., will preach morning and evening. In the evening third In series on "Old Pic tures in New Frames." the topic being "The Man TVho Swears." To Let Church Contract. The con tract for the new Central Baptist Church to be built on the corner of East Twen tieth and Ankeny streets will be let next week. Plans have been completed and bids are being received. A manse Is also to be erected. Those beautjful calendars for 1905, lovely roses by Paul de Longprey, the word-farned flower painter. Ask for one at the Savings Bank of The Title Guar antee & Tryst C0- 7 Chamber of Com merce. Football! Football! Football! Willamette University vs. Multnomah Multnomah Field Today, 3 P. M. One of" the Season's Bid Games. Rain or Shine. Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Com pany's calendars for 1003, suitable for stores and offices. Call at offico, 204-6 Falling Bldg., Arnold S. Rothwell, state agent Football! Football! Football! "Willamette University vs. Multnomah Multnomah Field Today, 3 P. M. One of the Season's Big Games. Rain or Shine. We've a very choice assortment of smoking jackets, bath and lounging robes, Hewett, Bradley & Cc, Haber dashers, 348 Wash., next Grand Theater. Dog Men Attention. The entries for the Salem show close tonight at 9 o'clock. Be sure and have entries mailed by this time. C. D. Minton, Sea, Salem. Or. We make a specialty of the most styl ish neckwear for ladies and gentlemen. Hewett. Bradley & Co., haberdashers, SIS Washington, next to Grand Theater. Da. Brougher's topics at the White Temple, Sunday: Morning, "Can Pente cost Be Repeated?" night, "The Battle for Bread and Butter." Baptism. "Roosevelt the Citizen," and ".The Making of an American." by Mr. Rils, are fine books for Christmas presents for young nVen. For sale at Gill's. The new steamer. W. H. Kllburn. leaves this evening, S P. M., for Sap Francisco. Cabin. J12. Thompson, 12S 3d. The Calumet. 143 7th. Lunch 35c. 11:30 A M. to 2 P. M. Dinner 50c, 4:30 to S P. M. faenlce a la carte, 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. Dance. Alisky Hall, given by Ladles' Aid Society, Saturday, December 10. Ad mission 2ac, including refreshments. Gross and Refined Spiritualism. Dr. G. C. Cressey speaks on this topic tomor row. 11 A M., Unitarian Church. Finest ohrysanthemums, carnations, flo ral pieces, reasonable. Burkhardt's, 23d-G. Dr. C. W. Barb, Dentist, 817 Dekum. B. B. Rich Curio Store Is selling out. Woqster sells all fruits. 7th and Mor. STRANGER SELLS OPIUM. Escapes on Seattle Train Before Off! cer Can Make Arrest, Bold, daring and highly successful was tho act of an unknown man, who, accord ing to a report made to the police and to Colonel R, M. Dunne, Collector of Cus toms, sold a quantity of opium over tho counter of a Second-street Chinese gin shop, received $700 for it and made a run for the Seattle train. James Breyman chanced to see the transaction, but paid no attention to it, We Have Meved t LATEST ANY SIZE RAINCOATS, MACKINTOSHES RUBBER BOOTS AND SHOES Rubber and Oiled Clothing GOODYEAR RUBBER COMPANY R. H. TEASE, PRESIDENT. NEW ADDRESS, 6L 63, 65, 67 FOURTH. CORNER PINE ST, PORTLAND, OR. SHAW'S PURE "SRC MAS lid BLUMAUER & HOCH 103 end 110 Fomrtk S treat , Sole Distributer for Onegen as& WashjBfftoa. thinking to follow the man and have him arrested. The young man carried out his intentions, followed the man to the depot, where the Seattle train was just ready to start, and saw him board it. No police man wa3 encountered, and the man es caped. Breyman returned to the Central Po lice Station and related his story to Ser geant Hogeboom. He also notified Cus toms Collector Dunne. SALOON MAN AHEESTED. Minor Found by Police in North-End Dive. As a result of the finding of Nellie Smith, a minor, in the Favorite saloon dive, J. B. Moore, one of the proprietors, was 'arrested yesterday afternoon. He Is charged with permitting a minor to be in his establishment He was arrested upon complaint of Chief of Police Hunt, who was called before Municipal Judge Hogup and asked about the matter. This Is tho second case of this week where a minor has been found In North End dives, and Judge Hogue stated dqring court yesterday that he is getting very tired of such things. He announced that he would not tolerate minors being lured into such places and intimated that per sons found guilty of aiding in the down fall of young girls will be severely dealt with. EASY PAYMENTS On Saturday. If you want them, ?1 per week. The fair lowing prices don't look as though they were raised, dp thoy? No, indeed; The fact is, you see we operate our own -factory, make all these garments right here and we can strike a lower selling price than any one. PQk at the specials for Saturday this week. Christmas presents now is your chance if you want to make a lot of presents. Getting garments for almost nothing, you can afford to give lots of t,hem away for Christmas presents. Specials Ladles' Coats, $2. J2.p0. $3, $3.?0. Tourist Coats Latest styles, just made, gentlemen's tailor cloth $23 now $18.50. $20 now t5, $18.50 now $15, $15 now $12.50, $12.50 now $10. Elegant Black Jackets $25 now $15, $30 now $10.50, $17.50 now f-8.50. Raincoats a specialty these are fine, don't miss them $10 Coats for $5.50; $12.50 for 5S.50, $16.50 for $12.60, $18.59 for $12.50, $20 for $15, $25 for $16.50. Ladies Suits Tailor cloth, shrunk, won't spot $35 for $22.50, $30 for $20, $25 for $18.50, $22.50 for $10.50. In black only, just a few $22.50 ones, close them at $11.50. We also have a few odd and end size suits which will be sold at $5, $7.50 and $10 great values, if you are lucky enough to get your sfze. 100 tailored Skirts, worth $5.50. special for $3.75. Men's Department Merchant tailoring, easy payments if you like, $1 per week. How do you like the looks of the follow ing few prices we quote? We employ more tailors and make more garments than any three stores In Portland, and wo do it right here at Fifth and Alder streets -r-Saturday. one day only to order, late style, elegapt alj-wool Over coats. $25 and $27 ones, $18.50; to or der, late style, elegant all-wool Suits from $20 to $25; fine black or blue black Clay worsted Suits, $25. Nothing shall cost you 1 cent If you are not satisfied. THE J. M. ACHESON COMPANY, Merchant Tailors and Makers of Ladles' Garments. " OLD LOCATION IS SELECTED. Mount Tabor WW Have a Fraternal Hall In the Spring. At the meeting of the directors of the Woodmen of the World Kali Association of Mount Tabor yesterday, N. S. L, Nor mandln presiding, it was unanimously de cided to erect the proposed faternal hall on the Old foundation of Oriental Hall, on West avenue. Oriental Hall was burned down three years ago. The ground se cured is 50rl00, but tho new hail will be 4070 and contain two stories, the lodge room being oa the second floor and the lower being reserved for other purposes. Work will 'not be started on the build ing until Spring. Capital stock of the GRAND PRIZE AWARDED TO ESTERBROOKS Steel Pens AT THE St Louis Exposition Our New BhU4Ib ; STYLE. ANY QUANTITY, America' ORIGINAL MALT WHISKY Without & Rhrsd Today MALT Table D'Hote Dinner With Wine $1.00 From Two Until Eight p. M, THE MEALTHAT SANTA CLAUS BRINGS to you at KRUSE'S "Restaurant is sure to be the "real thlnsr," as past and present patrons wrlll tell you with pleas ure. Everything the market affords caters to your preference, here, and our prices are so very reasonable that all set full value for their money. STARK STREET OPPOSITE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. association is $2000, more than half of which has been subscribed, which insures the erection of the "building, which has been greatly needed at Mount Tabor slnca the destruction of Oriental Hall. "A SOLDIER'S SWEETHEART." Amateurs Present at the Marquam. "A Soldier Sweetheart." Elsie Lovell Mrs. Charles H. Richards Kate Tyson. , Marion E. Korten Victor Belmont Herman von Borstel Teddy O'Mally...,...., Fred W. Jones Jos Valdez Leonard Arnold Benjamin Lovell James G. Brown Private Tommy , Irwin J. Thompson Manuel Loes Henry O. Brown Soldiers, marines, tc. Military Jlfe, drugged wine, aristocracy, love, comedy, and the usual heavy villain with a dark mustache, to be bottled up and well shaken before taking, and there you have the five-act comedy-drama writ ten by James G. Brown, of Cleveland, O., entitled "A Soldier's Sweetheart," and played -by Portland amateurs last night at the Marquam Theater. The event was under the auspices and for the benoflt of tho First Regiment, Uniformed Bank, Knights of Pythias, of this city, and the theater was well filled by an indulgent audience. A delegation was present from tho friends of those who acted in the play, and the applause was generously be stowed. The production was a meritori ous one, and those deserving special men tion for good work are; Mrs. Charles H. Richards, M!s3 Marlon B. Korten, Fred W. Jones and Herman Von Borstel. BOLD THEFT COMMITTED, CaptaJn of Steamer Lopes $230 In Pay Money, One of tho boldest thefts of the year was perpetrated on the steamer Ramona early this morning, while the CaptaJn was paying off his crew. Tho amount stolen was $230. How the thief operated in so short a space of time as he had to enter the Cap tain's room while that officer was out, taken the money from a drawer and hake FOR SATURDAY XMAS SHOPPERS A FEW OF THE MANY SNAPS TO BE HAD AT THIS STORE BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 9 A. M. AND 9:30 P. M, Genuine Japanese Kimonas tmiSS house, made from Japanese crepe trimmed in Japanese sateen; long, $3.50; short, $2.25. Bobbinet Curtains Triinmed jii Battenbujg anJ Antique La.ces; from $3.50 down to 1.25 Swigs Curtains, in a. great range .of styles, from $1.25 down to, thp pair...,T 20 Ladies' warm Planneletto Wrappers, lined and fitted waist; all sizes , 47 Men's and Boys' heavy flannej Night Gowns, fancy striped; all sizes; only ."1 . .50 Ladies' Vests and Pants, pure white and cream, heavy fleeced, extra fine; standard price, 75o; for ?, ..,..50 BIG BARGAINS in Sheets and Pillow-Cases, Men's extra heavy Shirts and Drawers, ribbed and nlaiu; extra special f 35) Men's heavy gray wool socks X2V Men's fancy dress Shirts, Mount Hood; wp'rth 75c and $1; all sizes , 3o Corset Sale Friday mprning we offer for sale the entire line of Warner's Rust-proof Corsets, 2 grades go at $1.45; $1.50 line for 95; tape girdles, 35; new Opera for t25 Rcdfern Corsets, worth $7, all sizes, for. ...3.00 Best Corset on Eartl?. Stocking Feet 5c 9$at Orders promptly filled 9J(ens furnishings or Christmas FROM THE MOST EXCLUSIVE AMD LARGEST ASSORTMENTS IN THE NORTHWEST his escape, is puzzling the police. There is no clew to the identity of the robber. Petective Weiner was assigned to the case yetserday morning. He made an inr vesUgatlon, but returned tQ the Central Station without anything definite. A fur ther Investigation will be made, hqwever. POUND SALOON OPEN. Another Proprietor Arrested for Dis obeying Closing Ordinance. Having his, saloon open at 2:30 In the morning, which Is contrary to the city ordinance, caused the arrest of Sol W, Fisher, who runs a rcHoft at 430 Washing ton. While Captain of Police Bailey and Sergeant SJover were touring the city looking for violators of the law yester day morning they came across the open door and walked In. Threo men were wlthjn, drinking. Four other saloonkeepers, whose places were found open after the proper "hour, were fined ?25 by Municipal Judge Hogue. They did not put up any" defense. TRIED TO STEAL A GRIP. Irate Landlady Attempts to Hold the Thief but Falls. While attempting to escape from the Albany House. 22 North Sixth street, last night, with, a stolen grip, J. Wheatley was caught by Mrs, Rice, the landlady, who endeavored to hold him until an of ficer arrived from the Central Police Sta tion. Although sh.e made a desperate ef fort, the prisoner extricated himself, and ran. Ilp threw the grip over the rail into the backyard. An hour afterward Wheatley was cap tured by Policeman Endlcott In "Myste rloua Billy" Smith's saloon, the Atlantic Cafe. Third and Pino streots, and will be arraigned before Municipal Judge Hogue this morning. Powder Trust Granted a Stay. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 9. The 60 called powder trust, otherwise known as the E. I. Dupont-De Nemours Powder Company, obtained a restraining order The Store Noted for the Best Goods at r S. W. Corner Tfeckwearj Suspenders, Slovesj jfcdktaj Shirts j Qlmhreiiasj, Canesj J&osej Underwear, SPaamaSj Stc. 9?en's Jfcztss !Der6ySj fedorasj -Silk and Opera cftyiea, jGadies Cowboy JPats, $2.50 to $6.00 from Judge Kerrigan today which pre vents the sale, advertised ior tomorrow, of $300,000 worth of the trust's stock in the "Peyton Chemical Company for a $30, 000 delinquent assessment. An Order was made for the local company to show cause next Friday why the Injunction should not be mado permanent and why its books and records should not be opened for the inspection of the New Jersey corporation. WTTTTRE TO DINE. All the. delicacies of the season at the Portland Bestaurant, fine, private apart ments for parties. 205 Wash., pear 6th. The Denver & Rio Grande scenery is even more beautiful in Winter than Sum mer. Travel East via that line and spend a day la Salt LaKfi City. v ' 4 Harris Trunk Co. 231 Morrison, is headquarters for trunks, suit oases and bags. Trunks repaired. BY MAIL Best Sewing -Machine Needles FOR ALL ' MAKES OF MACHINES ONLY 5 CENTS Vcr Package. Postage obc cent for 1 to 20 package Send C clamor Stamps. State Jdads wanted. Address THE SINGER MANFG. CO. 354 aiorrlnon street. 540. Williams avenge (Emit). 403 Wasfcimrtoa street. New Kid Gloves 147 dozen, Foster Lace, extra line French kid, $1.50 value, fitted and warranted, for 75 127 dozen Pathfinder, English Derby and French P, Kf, best street Gloves made; worth $1.50; go at : 95 48 dozen? German Lamb, all colors and all sizes. 50 Oregon Colored Wool Blankets, 10i size; worth $3.50, for 2.45 Best values in Portland in Bed Comforters, raurfng from 3.50 down to.., 75? Ladies' white and colored Aprons, handsomely trimmed; values up to 5Qc;-go at 25 Children's heavy wool Hpse, worth 35c; sizes 5 to 7Vo; Friday and Saturday 17 Ladies' heavy fleeced Union Suits 3S Heavy American Suitings, full 36 inches wide; worth 50c, for , , 1Q Just received by express New Line Silk Drop Skirts With double ruffles and accordion plaited, in browns, blues, gun metals, green and black; regular $7.00 value; special for holidays ....5.00 Also extra fine drop Skirts, in all new and late shades; regular $12.50 values; special. .10.45 NEW RAINCOATS AND ORAVENETTES Tourist Coats Special for holidays 12.50, 13.50, 15.00, 17.50, 1950 s 22.50 Modes Patterns Lowest Prices Morrison Suits and Fourth SPECIAL NOTICE To accommodate our annual rush oC Christmas patrons our store will remain open evenings, beginning tonight, until 10 P. PEERLESS OPERA GLASSES, OPERA-GLASS HOLDERS ANX GOLD SPECTACLES OR EYE GLASSES make superb presents. Walter' reed THE 133 SIXTH STREET MY BATH ROBES ARE REAL ARISTOCRATS TRUE TO THEIR C0L08S -AND MY SYSTEM. MY SYSTEM FORBIDS HIGH PRICES. B My booklet) CIothc3-oIcSy used a ex tarn ally regulates your style cf dress. Write me for -it. care ol a I U0SENWALDf;MILCfflC4G0. Eijsm asm ecic eudi ohed ipesi matssssmss 1 NoneSijch f HinceMeat 2 I SolJ ty I YOUR REGULAR GROCER IN 2 PIE 10c PACKAGES a It Is Always I CLEANLY, DAINTY I ECONOMICAL I PRACTICAL gj PREMIUM LIST IN PACKAGES Merrell-Soule Co., Syracuse, N. Y. KXESia ram mna win wsa wsa nnsn raai muai k FredPreho.D.D.S 405 Dekum bldpr. OFFICE HOURS From 9 A. M. to 5 p. ar. EVENINGS, MON DAY AND THURS DAY UtfTIfc i P. M Qchwab Printing Go, 3 EST ffORK. REASONABLE PRICES STARK STREET liUJHKSHagrs Ai ii MY MARK i FOOTWEAR FOR WOMEN THE MOST ACCEPTABLE XMAS OFFERING Complete line of Children's, 97fail Orders promptly filled Overcoats THE BEST OVERCOATS AND SUITS SHOWN THIS SEASON u is Made in. generous, prppor tions to avoid the customary feeling of tightness under the arm. Every coat has snug collar and long, shapely shoulders and lapels. $10 to $35 Overcoats Sufficiently loose-fitting to 0 over any thickness of cloth ing. Properly cut, hang well and 'drape well from the shoulders. Every fashion able model. $10 to $50 IS 1 ."t 3 OPTICIAN OREGONIAK BUILDING TEETH SPECIAL CUT RATES Boston Painless Dentists Are no-vr giving their annual CUT RATE PRICES on all dental work. The charges an Ie3s than college prices, and all work done by our painless sys tem and by specialists of 12 to 20 years" experience. KO STUDENTS EaXPIiOYED. TEETH extracted, filled or croTimad absolutely without pain by our secrai preparation applied to the gums. TEETH WITHOUT Extracting Free. Examinations Fre. Silver rjlllngs 35clGold XUUas Ma Gold Crowes ...$?.00jFuU Set Teetii...$3,UU ALL WORK GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEARS. Have your teeth extracted wjtbput pain and replaced with new ones tho same day. Come In at once and take advantage of low rates. B sure you are in the right place. I Boston Painless Dentists Fifth and Morrison Streets. Entrance" 23F& Morison Streot. Largest Dental concern. In th world ONE-PRICE CANTON BAZAAR STORE Established 1004. CHINESE AND JAPANESE FANCY GOODS CURIOS. Depot for Cloisonne, Old Satsuma, Fin? Ivory, Shell, Sandalwood, Lacquered Ware, etc Silks and Satins, Dressing Gowns. Wrappers, and full line of Embroidered Goods WING WAR LUNG CO. 00 Sixth Street, Between Stark and Oak. On easy payments. Sen4 for catalogue. GIBSON CO.. 345 Wash. St, Portland, Or. EETH For modern dental work. World-renowijed Specialists. Lowest prices consistent with" nrst-clasa work. Go to the NEW YORK DENTISTS rOURTH AND MORRISON STS. 3.50 OUR SPECIAL The Shoe noted for its merits. Exclusive in style. Faultless in construction. Newest designs. All leathers. Any size. 283-235 Morrison Street Misses', Boys' and Youths' Shoes.