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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1904)
s THE MORNING OKEGONIAN, FHIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1904, Entered at the Postofflce et Portland. Ori, as second-class matter. REVISED SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Br mail (postage prepaid In advance)- Dally, with Sunday, per month $ .85 Bally, with Sunday excepted, per year.. .50 Dally, with Sunday, per year 0.00 Sunday, per year 2.00 Th "Weekly, per year 150 The Weekly. 3 months 50 Daily per week, delivered, Sunday ex cepted 15 Daily, per week, delivered. Sunday In cluded .20 POSTAGE RATES. United States. Canada and Mexico 10 to 14-page paper... ................ ....lo IS to 30-page paper...... - -c 22 to 44-page paper 3c Foreign rates, double. EASTERN' BUSINESS OFFICE. The S. C lie ck with Special .Agency New York: rooms 43-50. Tribune building. Chi cago; rooms 510-512 Tribune building. The Oregonlaa does not buy poems or b to ri e Irom individuals and cannot undertako to return any manuscript sent to It without solicitation. No stamps should be inclosed ior this purpose. KEPT ON SALE. Chicago Auditorium Annex: Postofflce News Co.. 173 Dearborn street. Denver Julius Black. Hamilton & Xend xick. 906-912 Seventeenth st.. and Frueauff Bros.. 005 10th et Kansas City. Mo. RIckseckcr Clear Co., Ninth and Walnut. Jam Aaccles B. F. Gardner. 259 South Spring, and Harry Drapkln. Oakland. CaL H. Johnston. Four teenth and Franklin st. Minneapolis M. J. Kavanaugh. 50 South Third: I Hegelsburger. 217 First avenue South. New Tork City Ii. Jones & Co.. Astor House. Ocden F. R. Godard and Myers aid Har rop. Omaha Barkalow Bros.. 1612 Farnam; Mageath Stationery Co, 1808 Farnam. Salt I-ake Salt Lake News Co.. 77 "West Second South street. San. Francisco J. K. Cooper Co., 740 Mar ket etrect: Foster & Orear. Fexry News Stand: Goldsmith Bros., 230 Sutter; Xu E. Xe. Palace Hotel News Stand; F. 5v". Pitts, 1008 Market: Frank Scott. SO Ellis: N. "Wheatley. S3 Stevenson: Hotel St. Francis News Stand. Washington. D. C. Ebbltt House News Stand. PORTLAND. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1004. THE LINES OF DIVISION. Advice comes in. plenty to the Demo cratic party in particular to the Southern Democracy, "which constitutes the effective strength of the party. Southern Democracy is told that it should no longer follow, hut should lead; that since it has little or no sym pathy In fact with socialistic and popu listic notions, it should fall in with the conservative elements of the Northern States, "cut Bryanism out," and Insist that the party shall again he put on a platform that will give it the confidence of the country. Easy enough Jo say these things;, but they spring from a total misconception. There Is nothing in common between the Southern Democracy and the con trolling forces of the Northern Democ racy The latter is radical, socialistic, aggressive taking its stand upon the ideas of a social and industrial democ racy which Is coming to insist that the slate and the industrial system within it shall be one. "With this tendency the South sympathizes not at all. The South therefore is not attached at all to the Democratic party of today. It votes Democratic only because It hith erto has not been able to cut loose from ancient history and habit. "Will it ever cut loose? It must; because it has nothing in common with the con trolling forces of Northern Democracy. Mr. Bryan, who is the actual repre sentative of these forces today, was beaten twice for the Presidency. Then the conservative minority of the party in the North was allowed to take direc tion of affairs. The South acquiesced, and fell in. The South, that had voted for Bryan, was ready also to vote for Parker, for It was not voting on any National Issue, but only on Its negro problem; and its vote went to the Dem ocratic party, because, during the long struggle over the politics of slavery and of the Civil War, the Democratic party of the country was affiliated with the South. But that, in the mind of the Northern Democracy, Is a thing long past. Northern Democracy does not trouble Itself with the South's negro problem. It is busy with the problems of industry hours of labor, wages, cap ital, profits and exchange. Hence at this time there Is nothing in common between Northern Democracy and Southern Democracy. The general pur poses of the former are socialistic; of the latter anti-socialistic. Parker's can didacy did not appeal to the heart of the socialistic elements- of Northern Democracy. Hence Parker's ' over whelming defeat, in every Northern State. If the negro question can. be elimi nated, the South will be much nearer to the Republican party than to the Democratic party. For Bryan is the leader of the Northern Democracy and Bryan ism is Its expression. But the South, inclined to conservatism, is in fact opposed to both. An attempt was made in the recent contest to reorgan ize the party on the conservative basis. The party was more signally beaten than ever. The Democratic party can be nothing, unless opposed to the exist ing regime of private property, pro duction, capital and industry. Yet the South will not fall in with this scheme. The agitation going on, over our system of industry, -and the endeavor to sup plant it through application of the doc trines of socialism, divorces the De mocracy of the South from the con trolling forces of Northern Democracy. The instinct of multitudes Is keener than the calculations of the makers of platforms; the Democratic multitudes of the North saw the platform and the candidate of this year were not what they wanted, and their votes were -withheld or but reluctantly given. So great a gulf is fixed between the conservatism of Southern Democracy cr.d the" radicalism of Noitfhern Democ racy that there can be no real meeting or harmony between them. The South cannot take the. lead in reorganization of the party, on a conservative 'basis, as President "vYoodrow "Wilson, of Prince ton, and others suggest; because the Northern Democracy will not have It. Its masses are for. the Ideas of which Bryan is the representative. Reorgan ization cannot ignore the great masses of the party-whose tendency is strong, and growing stronger, towards the doc trines of socialism. TAETERRIMA CAUSA." "Which is woman. "The woman did it." The shocking, dreadful, hideous cause of it was woman. "Woman has a bad name in history and all literature. She gets through the Book of Genesis with little or no credit, and through the Paradise Lost with as little! And now, in our day, here is Mrs. Chadwick. Here again Is proof that woman, so dangerous a'creature, ought to "be rtro hiblted" altogether. There has been experience enough with this creature heretofore-7-certainly. Tet she is still tolerated. It shows how patient and long-suffering man is, and what a fool withal. Temptation and sin came Into the world with-' this creature, and will continue in the world, evidently, as long as she shall remain in it. Those good men who have been mis led by Mrs. Chadwick are entitled to general sympathy. "O, why did God, who peopled highest heaven with spir its masculine, create at last this fair defect on earth?" And here, besides Mrs. Chadwick, is. Mrs. "Watson, and here is Nan Patterson, top. "The woman thou gaves't to be "with me!"' The truest story in all human 'history is the story of the Fall! CCSTOSI, BUT NOT JUSTICE. The plight In which Rev. Mr. Small,, of the First Universalist Church of this city, finds himself, through having sent a very pressing request to. a widow, not of nls congregation, to pay for his cler ical services at the funeral of her hus band, is annoying, to say the least That in presenting a bill for payment of services of this kind Mr. Small has sinned grievously against the ethics of his profession there can Jae no question. But, that ministers and churches are imposed upon in such matters by people who have "no use for. churches and ministers" until death' enters their households and they feel constrained to observe the decencies of custom In the observance of funeral rites. Is a well-known fact. Comments 'upon' the element of dis play in grief that induces the family of a deceased person to ask that a church be opened for his funeral, and "religious services be performed over his body, regardless of the fact that in life he cared n6thing, for religious observances and neither attended church nor, con tributed to its support, are very fre quently heard. But, regardless of the assumption of the request, it Is univer sally granted, not only without expense to the bereaved, but In the main cheer fully and without thought of recom pense by the pastor. The experience of most ministers in cases of this kind coincides with that of the preacher who expressed himself as being lucky If he was even thanked for his kind offices at funerals. In point of fact, and regarding the case from a practical, business stand point, there is no more reason why the minister who gives his time to a fu neral, offering such spiritual consola tion as he may, is not entitled to recomr pense for his services. The physician does not hesitate to present his bill for professional services rendered because of the death of his patient, nor does the undertaker perform his part upon the solemn occasion without recom pense. Why should the minister be ex pected to give of what he has read the Scriptures, rack his Ingenuity for suit able terms in which to set forth satis factorily the virtues of the departed, and stand bareheaded In wind, sun, rain or snow, as the case may be, be side the grave, while he reads the final prayers and delivers the benediction? "Why, except that custom requires It and the ethics of the ministerial pro fession demand it? The story of Parson Tucker, a consci entious New England clergyman of the old school, as told by Rose Terry Cooke, suggests a way out of this unrequited service. This godly man utterly re pudiated falsehood in all formB, and when called upon to officiate at funerals insisted upon telling the exact truth as he comprehended it about the life of the person who had died. It is related that upon one occasion he -was called upon to bury a wealthy man, who, though outwardly respectable, was niggardly to his family, ostentatious, overbear ing and cruel as death to the poor and struggling who, crossed his path or came into his employ. The Rev. Thomas Tucker improved the occasion. He took for the text of his funeral address 'What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose Ills own soul?" And after a pungent compari son between the goods of this world and the treasure that is laid up In heaven, he laid down his spectacles and .continued: "And now, beloved, I have laid before you the two conditions. Think ye that, today, he whose mortal past lies before you would not utter a loud amen to my statement?" Need Jess to say, Parson Tucker was not often called upon to officiate at funer als of those who in life had "no use for the church" and whose family, to use the words of Mr. Small, "does noth ing whatever to maintain the church." As may be supposed, Parson Tucker of the old time had a hard time to keep in the good graces of the community, and finally saved himself, though un wittingly, from peremptory dismissal by resigning his pastorate. The indi cations are that Parson Small, for hav ing dared to maintain what he con ceived to be just in a funeral matter will follow in the footsteps of the goodi old Puritan who set truth and Justice above custom. THE WORLD NOX YET AT AN END. Tennyson sings approvingly of the freedom which "broadens slowly down from precedent to precedent." From the poet's viewpoint no more momen tous precedent has ever been estab lished than that set by the senior class of the High School, which has elected as its president Miss Sarah Rogers. So far as memory serves, no woman has ever been elected by popular vote to supreme office in a republic. Even among the Amazons, where man had neither rights nor place, a monarchy was maintained. There have been Queens, indeed, who ruled with firm hands, from Semiramis to the Dowager Empress of China, and there have been leaders in war, such as the 'Maid of Orleans, but women have hitherto played no prominent part in popular government. Not that women haven't governed in directly. "Who knows what statesmen have owed to their wives? The petti- fcoat lobby, whether in democratic "Washington or in aristocratic Paris, has many a time -shown' its power. Old Hickory was not unbendable where Peggy O'Neal was concerned, and, of course. In private life woman has al ways been the boss. Did not Eve lead Adam into eating the apple, and haven't wives worn the breeches ever since that garment was invented? Yet despite all this government by woman, one had never, before the High School led the way, been elected to an office In which her authority and leadership was indicated by outward and visible signs. No wonder that the supporters of Mr. Lane Goodeli indignantly cried that the nomination of Miss Rogers was un precedented. No wonder that they at tempted to make fiery speeches until a Portia, "informed thoroughly of the cause," .pointed out that speeches at this stage of the proceedings were not in order. No wonder that they writhed in .helplessness when Miss Rogers was elected by a majority of 35 votes. No wonder that Miss Laura Jones, another Molly Pitcher In spirit, we do not doubt, was elected to the office of sergeant-at-armB. Tet there Is no reason for the boys to sulk In their tents. The precedent has been established, but it Is not likely to result in a turning topsy-turvy of the world. "We cannot believe that any girl will now turn Omphale and don football clothes, nor that any boy will Hercules-like assume skirts and take to doing fancy-work. Should the male heart burn too fiercely, however, and overturn fof the moment this glorious freedom-spreading precedent, we hope that Miss Rogers will prove the Boa dlcea of the cause She, In all a monarch's pride. Felt them In her bosom slow: Rushed to battle, fought and died; Dying, burled them at the foe. "Ruffians, pitiless as proud. Heaven awards the vengeance due; Empire Is on us bestowed. Shame and ruin wait for you." COLUMBIA CHANNEL IMPROVING. At no corresponding period in the past five years have ships passing In and out of the Columbia River experi enced such slight delays as they have encountered this season. Delays of more than a day have been very rare, and not in a single Instance has there been one-half the amount of time lost that was charged up against the ships suffering the greatest detention a year ago. This pleasing situation has been noted during a period In which storms of unusual severity swept over the North Pacific Ocean, and Is directly traceable to the Improvement made in the channel over the bar by the Colum bia River jetty. There is a difference of opinion as to how much or how little the bar dredge Chinook has contributed to the results that are now beginning to show quite plainly, but the experi ence of the past with the Jetty leaves no doubt whatever as to the perfect channel that will follow the completion of that structure. The "Winter storms have damaged the trestle somewhat, but the loss from this cause is In the aggregate of small proportions and can be quickly repaired at a moderate ex pense. With such excellent results directly traceable to the jetty and an improve ment In the channel being continually noticeable as progress is made in the structure, the necessity for a sufficient appropriation to rush it to compjetion next year becomes all the more appar ent Advices from Washington Wednes day quote Senator Mitchell as being very hopeful of having the amount now available for pursuing the work rein forced by a sum sufficient to carry the work to completion. With both the jetty and the dredge Chinook simul taneously engaged in deepening the channel, it Is, as previously stated, dif ficult to determine the exact amount of credit for the results that can be awarded to each of these factors. It Is the general opinion, however, among local shipping men that the dredge should be operated on funds separate and distinct from those available for jetty construction work. " The amount absorbed, in equipping and operating the Chinook has diverted froni the appropriation available for jetty construction a sum sufficient to add materially to the amount of fin ished jetty. As It is only on the good showing previously made by the Jetty that It has been possible to secure re cent appropriations for the work, no chances should be taken on having fu ture appropriations jeopardized by di verting money actually needed for jetty construction to other purposes. The Government should be liberal with its appropriation for. jetty work, but It should not charge the heavy expense of maintaining and operating the Chinook against the jetty appropria tion. Friends of the dredger are cer tain that the results secured are suffi ciently pronounced to warrant the big craft being kept on the bar for an in definite period, and If this can be proven? to the satisfaction of the engi neering department it should not be a very difficult matter to secure in a sep arate item in the river and harbor bill an amount sufficient to enable the big craft to continue her work for another year. The open-river agitation has secured 6uch a hold on the people east of the Cascade Mountains in all three of the Northwestern States that even the Pu get Sound papers, which have previ ously "knocked" all plans for Improv ing the river, have been silenced, and the only opposition to liberal appropri ations that will be aroused will be in quarters where the merits of the de mands are not understood. With the river "open" to a proper depth at the mouth, the Improvements farther up stream will come quickly; accordingly all efforts should be directed towards securing plenty of money to speedily carry out the work now under way. EMBARGO SHOULD BE LIFTED. -The United States Government is in the market for large quantities of hay; oats and lumber for the Philippines. The call Is for something like 4500 tons of oats and 2,000,000 feet of lumber. Bids on the forage portion of the con tract are to be opened In New Tork as well as at Pacific Coast ports. This is a new feature of these bids, as the, fa vorable location of the Pacific Coast ports has always given us an advantage over the Atlantic ports on this class of products, and this advantage was so apparent that It was never deemed necessary to invite bids at Atlantic ports. The explanation of this change lies in the fact that the Government, in spite of a law to the contrary, is still shipping Government supplies from New Tork to the Philippines in any vessel that will carry them the cheap est and with the best dispatch. When the law requiring that all goods for the Philippines be transported In vessels flying the American flag was passed, there was, of course, an insufficient amount of tonnage available for han dling the business as expeditiously and economically as it had been handled by foreign ships. This shortage of American tonnage quickly resulted In higher rates for freight and higher prices for forage. On the Pacific Coast, Puget Sound and San Francisco had a monopoly of the American tonnage, and quite naturally rates were forced up to high figures as soon as the law became effective. The loss to the Government did not cease with high rates for freight, for Portland had regularly submitted lower bids on both forage and lumber than had been received from the ports north and south. Being short on American ton nage, however, the working of the new law prohibited dealers In this city from submitting bids, and .the other ports less favorably situated for. securing supplies took advantage of the occasion and marked up prices. New Tork has more American tonnage available than Is in evidence at the Pacific ports, but, like Portland, she has1" a much larger amount of foreign tonn&gewhich Is al ways available at lower rates-than the American shipowners' Asm an 4. The Government onTcI&ls at the At lantic ports. wre undoubtedly willing to obey the" hew law whexever it was possibly to do so without -placing the Government at unnecessary- .expense and delay. The American shipowners, in whose interest this classIegislatlon was enacted, put the rates 'to the Phil ippines up to such a high figure that the Government ignored the law entire ly, and continued shipping "its freight by the vessels that would carry it the cheapest. Having thus established a precedent, there Is no good Teason why Portland should not be granted the same right regarding shipments to the Philippines. Our bidders will submit more satisfactory figures on forage and lumber than can be secured at any other Pacific Coast port, and, If the shipping embargo is lifted and this port placed on even terms with New Tork so far as the nationality of the snips is concerned, we can do business on a basis that will be satisfactory alike to the Governmenfarid our merchants. If the law restricting the supplies of tonnage is a poor law for. New Tork it Is also a poor law for Portland, and as the Government evaded It at the At lantic ports, there Is no good reason why it should -be enforced on the Pa cific There are not enough American ships available to handle this business except at an (increased cost to the Gov ernment, and no advantage whatever accrues from the discrimination against ports -that are without ample supplies of American tonnage. All that Port land has ever demanded in -connection with the Government business was an opportunity to submit prices and freight rates on." even terms with other ports. The Government in the case .of New Tork has ignored the law compel ling the exclusive use of American shfps for carrying supplies to the Phil ippines. It is now up to Portland to Insist that the same treatment be ex tended Portland bidders. FLAT SALARIES AND MAGIC. Though Governor Chamberlain de clares himself for flat salaries and has done so before, still, whenever payday comes round, up trots His Excellency for his share In heaping and not "flat" spoonfuls. His second recommendation to the Legislature for "flat" salaries, even if not refreshing, may be food for wonder. However, a Republican Leg islature will probably put no obstacle In the pathway that leads to the cherished goal of so eminent a Democrat. Ordained by the constitution Is it that "the Governor shall receive an an nual salary of $1500, . . . and shall receive no fees or perquisites what ever"; ditto, Secretary of State. And the constitutional limit of the State Treasurer's annual stipend is $S00. Tet these officials draw down "fees" and "perquisites" of princely fatness; how fat scarce any man knoweth, save each official unto himself only. But, now that Secretary of State Dunbar must relinquish, the rich dignity at the end of this, his. second, term, and cares not for the fat on the- ribs of his successor; and now that nobody needs Mr.Dunbars aid to be elected United States Senator, perhaps the Republican Legislature can afford to fulfill the pledges of the Republican state plat form and will not think itself ham pered by the constitution. Already a Republican State Convention has prom ised to take fees and perquisites from the reach of thrifty state officials, but political magic has come out victor. Here's hoping the Governor will not make a third recommendation and that Republican lawmakers will respect his Democratic ideas of economy, at least as he expresses them in his message, and will make his salary just as "flat" as he desires; perhaps "flatter." Since the Astors can be induced to take no interest whatever their money is not wanted In the Lewis and Clark Centennial and having no pride or en thusiasm In the expeditions with which the name of their ancestor is associ ated, nor in the American settlement of thePaclfic Slope and in the name of As toria, will not, it Is said, even answer letters addressed to them on the sub ject, suppose Astoria should respond by asking the Legislature to drop the name and substitute that of some old citizen and pioneer whose family would take It as. an honor, and of which the state also would be proud? Not a dol lar is wanted from the Astors, for, we have money of our own for the Fair; but recognition from them, as from all quarters, of the movements and events underlying our history, with memorials thereof, would be interesting and im portant. Thomas Hinds, of Butte, who Is suing the Inter-Mountain for damages be cause the paper alluded to him as a grafter and a rounder, Is out with a statement that he did not need to work for a living, because he had made $10. 000 last year playing poker with mil lionaire mining men. This 13 the most serious charge that has yet been made against the talents of the Montana millionaires. The reputations attained by those high-rollers at the National game have led the general publio to believe that it required decidedly "hard work" to separate therri from $10,000, or any other sum. In a poker game. If Hinds failed to find this hard work, he should proceed to establish a school for the instruction of poker players. Governor Douglas, of Massachusetts, was elected,. by the wageworkers and members of the labor unions, who voted for him en masse, for reasons that seemed good to themselves. Now Gov ernor Douglas Is going to make General Miles his Adjutant-General of the mi litia of the state. , What is General Miies, as a military commander, likely to do when riots, almost always concur rent with great labor, strikes, occur? He has a record on this subject. But in a state -so refined and transcendental as Massachusetts, what's the use .of a military force, anyway? Why shouldn't General Miles go to hoeing-cabbage? Mrs. Watson, or whatever the lady calls herself, has secured ball and is out of jail. Why doesn't she go ball for Puter and take' him out? Is the dalli ance of the Puter-Watson-Porter-Pot-ter business to wither under the first little frost of adversity? "Frenzied Finance," as exploited by Mrs. Chadwick, may furnish pointers to even such old stagers in the game as Rockefeller and Carnegie. Mr. Carnegie says he didn't sign those notes. But It is evident to Banker Beckwith that somebody did. NOTE AND COMMENT. Portland is becoming a sort of milky way for young stars. Which will be the first magazine to get Mrs. Chadwick on its staff? "Sewer report" being framed," says a local item. Probably as a decoration for the walls' f the City "Engineer's office. We always did suspect that cash in ad vance had something to do with the virtues of the deceased as extolled in the funeral sermon. GRAPPLING SOOK COLLECTION AGEN CX. Bad debts of all kinds collected. Special attention to ministerial trade. Delinquent marriage and funenl fees undertaken on com mission basis. Adrt. The President's message was run as a serial by the Eugene Register. Rather heartless of that paper to keep its read ers in such suspense for 24 hours. A fuel merchant advertises seasona bly: "Tour wife would like to find a ton of coal In her stocking." Wonder how much coal that fellow sells as a ton? One of the bicyclists In the six-day race that is now . dragging its length along In New Tork ate a lot of ice- cream during the night and complained that he didn't feel very well the next day. "Fancy!" The Pittsburg Dispatch publishes a brief news item under this tiead: "Interested in Pittsburg. "New Tork Lawyer Planned Visit Here, but Killed Himself Instead." Question for the Fruitland Literary and Debating Society: Is Suicide Preferable to Pittsburg? A correspondent writes that when the Russian second Pacific squadron looms up on the horizon. General Stoessel will softly hum: I've waited, honey, waited long for you; Tou'd best go back, there's nothing more to do. For Nogi's got mo bad; Rojeatvensky, I wish you bad Showed up a month ago or two. Some practical poet has sung the fol lowing little ditty: Little deeds of kindnes3 Are nice, you understand: But I would rather have & deed To a little piece of land. Horace Greeley McKinley and others might adopt this as their club song. According to the New Tork Evening Sun, the triumphal march In Handel's "Judas Maccabeus" has been adopted by the Imperial College of Music at Toklo as a Japanese air entitled, "The Victory on the Talu." The Imperial musiclaners cannot have heard "A Hot Time In the Old Town Tonight" or they would havo given Handel the go-by. It's odd that no one has yet roasted the father of the prodigal son. Wasn't he responsible for the home life that re sulted in the boy's excursion into riot ous living? To bo sure ho was; then why pat him on the back for dlscharg lng his responsibilities with a piece from a fat calf. When a youth goes astray nowadays, we notice that the parents como in for all the roasting, but then things may have been different In Biblical times. In their desire to be in the fashion ad vertlsers in tho magazines almost all herald their wares as Just tho thing for Christmas presents. Think how nice it would be for hubby to wake up and find a logging engine by hiS bedside, and how delighted wife would be to find a hundred cans of beef extract in her stocking. A few blocks of fireproof concrete would be just the thing for an uncle, and an aunt would appreciate an elevator grat ing of hammered copper. Look over the magazines and make your choice. We are glad to observe that the sturdy people of Stevens County find time In the struggle with Nature to cultivate the higher life. Literary and debating soci eties give all an opportunity to engage In the discussion of topics that stimulate the mind to Its utmost efforts. Not only that, but other subjects are chosen as well, as tho following excerpt from an exchange will showi Tho first meeting of the Fruitland Literary and Debating Society was held Tuesday even ing, November 15. There was a large crowd In attendance. The subject for debate wan. "Resolved, That poultry rale lng is moro profit ablo than wood-chopping," made a very In teresting discussion. The Judges decided tin favor of the negative. The topic chosen for Tuesday evening, November 22, is, "Resolved, That the labor unions are of moro benefit than trusts." The literary programme was well rendered, and another is being prepared for next Tuesday evening. Here one topic deals with an economic problem directly affecting our everyday life and tho other involves great national problems of economics and sociology. Ohio women apparently have less wor ries than their sisters In other states, for all kinds of club3 and societies seem necessary to keep them engaged. Colum bus, for Instance, has an "Anti-Women Stenographers' Society." From the name you might think the society was com posed of stenographers opposed to wo men, but that's not It. The. society is made up of women opposed to the em ployment of women stenographers. After a year's research the Antl-W. S. S. de clares that in tho last ten years 6253 di vorce cases have been filed by wives, naming stenographers of their husbands as corespondents, and during the same period 796 employers were made defend ants in breach-of-promise suits instituted by their stenographers. These are curi ous figures, but, of course, the Anti-W. S S. has shown nothing- until It gives the number of stenographers employed. Then the percentage can be estimated. In the meantime the members of the Antl W. S. S. might devote some of their tirao to making homo cheerful. WEX. J. True to the Traditions. Seattlo News. The captain eyed the receding shore. And nervously paced the bridge. He heard the wind through the rigging roar, And nervously paced the bridge. The sun went down like a ball of fire, The rolling waves grew higher and higher. But nothing the captain's legs could tire; He nervously paced tho bridge. All the livelong night, as we ere told. He nervously paced the bridge. 'Twas naught to him that his feet grew cold; He nervously paced the bridge. Through the weary voyage, night and day. In sunshine clear or In blinding spray. He persed along In the eclf-same way. And nervously paced the nrldgc. When the ship at last drew near the land .He nervously paced the bridge. Clearly he uttered each sharp command. And nervously paced the oridge. Mid the rattling of the anchor chain. And the greetings. Joyous and profane. He still was under the same old strain; He nervously paced the bridge. "Why did he do It. I'd like to know? Why nervously pace the bridge? Why couldn't he walk It. calm and slow Not nervously pace the bridge? Well, maybe he sometimes did. but gee! It wouldn't sound right in print, you see. Captains, as story writers agree. ' - ALL nervously pace the bri&s GREAT WEALTH OF AMERICA. Controller Shows Her Money Supply Is One-Flfth of That of the World. WASHINGTON. Dec 8. Tho forty-sec ond report of Controller of the Currency Ridgeley starts with a detailed statement of tno resources and liabilities of the National banks, as shown by the five re ports of conditions made in response to the call of the Controller. In comment ing. on this statement the Controller says: The number of reporting banks has In creased from 5118 on November 17, 1000. to 5412 on September 6. 1904. and there has been a gradual lncreaae during the year of the ag gregate resources of the association from $6,310,420,960 on September 0, 1003, to $6, 075.038.504, the Increase being $(364,656,537. With the exception of the United States and other bonds on "deposit In the Treasury De partment to secure public deposits and tin holdings of sliver and of legal tenders, thero has been an Increase in every item of re sources, the principal Increase being In loans and discounts amounting to $244,704,647, or from $3,431,446,772 to $3,726,151,410. The In crease in bonds on deposit to secure circula tion was $36,830,860; other United States and miscellaneous bonds, etc, $42,203,209, and in holdings of specie, including coin certificated, $107,192,767. The banks' holdings of specie and legal tender notes on September 0, iVJS. were $554,306,026, and on September 6, S0C4. they were $661,436,520. The paid in capital stock has gradually in creased since September, 1003, from $733,722,653 to $770,777,854, or an Increase of $17,055,106. The surplus and undivided profits aggregate $5S3,137,047. an Increase of $26,765,50S during the past year. The denoslts of the banks, in dividual. Government and bank, amounting to nearly 75 per cent of the total liabilities ag gregated $5,130,235,040, a net Increase during the year of $507,804,603. The law requires National banking associ ations located in reserve cities to maintain a reservo of 25 per cent on their deposit lia- Diuues. and banks located elsewhere, a serve or 15 per cent. On September 6. 1904. the central reserve city banks' deposit liabil ities were $1,340,720,685. and the reserve held 27.23 per cent: other reserve citv banks, with liabilities of $1,153,73S,S06 held a reserve of the average for all reserve city banks nemg 2j.. On deposit liabilities of $1,004. 467.117, the country banks held an average reserve of 17.21. The aggregate deposit na- blllties of all National banks, amounting to $4,400,035,400. were protected by an average reserve or .43 per cent. During the past year 26 National banks, including one thereto fore involuntary liquidation, were placed in tne cnarge of receivers. Six of the awocia tlons, however, have been restored to solvency" and permitted to resume business, the receiv ers being discharged. Eight of the failures were due to fraudulent management or dls honesty of the cashiers. Within the past 12 months the affairs of 15 National banks, theretofore placed in the charge of receivers, were fully settled by the payment of final dividends to creditors, leaving 73 pending trusts. Statistics relating to the aggregate stock of money in the principal countries of the world at the cloeo of the calendar year 1003 have been received and compiled by the Bureau of the Mint, from which it appears that the ag gregate Is $12,313,100,000. the amount of gold being $5,628,200,000, of which $2,802,600,000 Is held In banks and public treasuries. $2,526,000. 000 being in general circulation. The stock of s'lver aggregates $3,201,400,000. of which $2.- -ws,4W.uiM is "iuu tender." and tho remain ing $032,700,000 limited tender. Uncovered pa per currency Is stated as amounting to $3,473, 500.000 Of the total stock of money in the world,, or approximately one-fifth, Is held In this country. The stock of gold of the United States. $1,320,400,000. Is greater than that of any other country, and is nearly one- fourth of the world's stock. The amount of sliver Is $670,200,000. Tho per capita circula tion of the United States Is $30.70 and Is greater than that of any of the principal coun tries of the world except France, wherein it is $40.00. The circulation per capita of tho various kinds of money in the United States is follows: Gold, $16.26; sliver. 4 $S.36 and paper. $6.17. The banking power of the United States made up of the capital, surplus profits, de posits and circulation of banks of the United States and Island possessions aggregates $13, 826.000.000. From the latest and most Tellable data the banking power of foreign countries has been estimated at $10,781,000,000, thus making the aggregato banking power of the world approximately $33,608,000,000. The figures given elsewhere in this report show the most marvelous growth in the wealth and commercial importance of the United States. Almost every year all pre vious records are broken in the volume of our international trade, our exports and imports. The people of the United States have become the richest In the world and the National re sources of tho country are so great that this Is suro to contlnuo and increase for many years to come. The amount of bank clearings and deposits and the money on hand In the banks Increases in every portion of the United States at a most .remarkable rate. In spite of all this, however, we do not seem to be taking our proper rank and position In foreign and International banking. One of the chief difficulties encountered by all merchants and manufacturers in extending their trade with foreign countries and especially those of South America and of the Orient, Is the lack of American banking facilities and tho neces sity of doing this business -vers largely through European bouses. This ranks next In importance to the question of an American mercantile marine, as it Is one that has a very great influence on the volumo and char acter of our foreign trade. As long as the United States was experimenting with silver or a bimetallic standard. Jhat fact acted as a handicap In this direction, but now that tho gold standard is firmly and Irrevocably estab lished, we should be able to take our proper place In international banking transactions. New Tork should become more and more the depository for International balances, and exchange on New Tork be accepted more and more in all commercial countries of the world. One important reason why our people have not been more aggressive and taken a larger part In International banking business has been tho same as In many other lines of trade that Is. that wa have been too much occupied with our own domestic business and there has been a greater temptation to transact the business at home, which was easy to do and promised as great or even greater profits. With the accumulation of capital and wealth this condition Is greatly changed and there is now In the United States abundant capital and talent for this business, If It Is given proper encouragement. The Controller would therefore recommend that National banks having a capital of $1, 000,000 or more, and located In the reserve cities or central reserve cities, be specifically authorized to buy and sell foreign exchangn la which to accept bills drawn on themselves, payable not to exceed four months after sight and to Issue letters of credit; and also to open and maintain such offices, agencies or branches as may bo necessary to conduct this business in forelra countries. Porto Rico, the Philip pine Islands, the Hawaiian Islands and the Panama Canal zone. It is believed that the measure will tend to make closer the relations of the United States with each of its posses sions and would bo obviously to the advan tage of both. The Controller recommends that an act be passed repealing the limitation on the propor tion of the circulation of any bank which may be Issued In notes of the denomination of $5. Tho scarcity of notes of this denomina tion and the great convenience it is to the banks In the smaller communities to be able to Issue notes of $5 to the amount of their whole circulation, as formerly, lead the Con troller to strongly recommend that this re duction be itrtaled. The Controller again renews his recommen dation rOT the repeal of section 0 of the act of July 0. 18S2. which limits the amount of lawful money which may be deposited with tho Treasurer of the United States by National banks reducing their circulation 'to $3,000,000 during any calendar month. Its repeal would add materially to the elasticity of the National bank circulation without any counterbalancing disadvantages. The Controller again calls the attention of Congress to the necessity for legislation In're gard to the liquidation and consolidation of National banks and the extension of their cor porate existence. United States Coining Money. "World's "Work. Our mints are now coining money for nations that have no mints of their own. For example, last year the Philadelphia mint coined money for Colombia and Venezuela. Tho Philadelphia and San Francisco mints executed the coinage for the Philippine government. TWO VOTES SAVE GOVERNMENT; French Deputies Vote on Case of Judges Making Investigations. PARIS, Dec. S. In the Chamber of Dep uties this afternoon the sovernment es caped defeat by the narrow margin of 2 votes, 27S to 274, on a resolution involv ing the government to refer to the Su perior Council of Judges the cases' of those magistrates who have been guilty of making secret investigations. The Cabinet s narrow escape from de feat Is due to the indignation at the sys tem of Informers In the various depart ments of the public service, the first ex posure of which in connection with the army caused General Andre's resignation of the Ministry of war. The discussion of the budget of tho Ministry of Justice furnished a fresh opportunity for appeal ingto this sentiment, a deputy demanding the punishment of those magistrates who had furnished secret information concern ing their colleagues.. Premier Combes vigorously criticised the tactics of the opponents of the Ministry, declaring it was unfair to ' continually bring up the question after his expressions of disapproval of the system and prom ises to suppress the abuses. He further maintained that persons lawfully supply ing the government with important infor mation should not be considered inform ers. The Premier's arguments did not convince the Chamber, the Ministers' own votes alone averting disaster. Critical de bates are expected tomorrow over tho Premier's circular to officials on the sub ject of their duty toward the government. GAS FUMES DEADLY TO DEPUTY Assailant of Minister Meets End in Most Dramatic Manner. PARIS. Dec. 8. M. Syeton, the National ist Deputy) whose action in striking War Minister Andre, in the Chamber of Depu ties November 4, led to the Minister's resignation, was found dead late this aft ernoon, having been asphyxiated by gas. The circumstances of his death were peculiarly dramatic, following upon his sensational attack upon General An dre in the Chamber of Deputies and his committal for trial therefor, which was to open tomorrow. During- the morning- M. Syveton re ceived numerous friends, the last of whom left him at 1 o'clock. Two hours later Mme. Syveton, surprised at not seeing- her husband, entered his study and found him lying- on the floor, un conscious. The room was full of a powerful odor from a gas stove. The doctor was Immediately summoned, but pronounced the case hopeless, and at 4 o'clock the Deputy expired. Deputies Fcrretie and Binder, Inti mate frienda of. the Syvetons, who wore summoned to the house immedi ately after tho accident was discov ered, made a sensational statement in the lobbies on returning- to the Cham ber of Deputies. It appears that the stove stood within an open fireplace of the usual type in French houses, a nar row opening: in an iron plate allowing- the sases to ascend the chimney. They pointed out to the magistrate who was Investigating- the aifair that tills opening- was plugged with a pa per, which proved to be a copy of to day's Intransigent, demonstrating that the stoppage was effected this morning. The Deputies decided from that fact that Syveton's death was due to crime or suicide, but refuse to ac cept the latter hypothesis. An evening paper announces that M. Syveton. when recently insuring his life with the American company, seemed much depressed, affirming he was convinced that enemies intended to make away with him. PONTIFICAL HIGH MASS HELD. Church Anniversary Fittingly Cele brated in Rome. ROME, Dec. 8. A pontifical high mass was celebrated today in St. Peter's-in honor of the-50th anniversary of the proc lamation of the dogma of the immaculate conception. The procession which went down to St. Peter's by the grand staircase from the "Vatican was Imposing in the ex treme. The procession passed on to the papal altar, whero was deposited the triple crown. After the celebration of mass at the high altar, the procession slowly re formed and wended Its way to the chapel choir, where the pontiff with great emo tion presided over the unveiling of the statue of the virgin of tho immaculate conception bearing its magnificent new diamond crown, the gift of the faithful in all parts of the world. After the cere mony tho procession returned to tho Vatican. In the beautiful hall of the Borgia apart ments in the Vatican, Papal Secretary Merry del Val gave a sumptuous dinner of 36 covers this evening in honor of guests who have arrived in Rome for the jubilee. America was represented by Bishop Mc Donnell, of Brooklyn. "Rome was literally ablaze tonight with illuminations In honor of the jubilee of the Immaculate Conception. St. Peter3 was the chief center of the illuminations, but the display at the American College was very effective. HOLIDAY BOOK BUYING. Try to Place Yourself in the Position of Another. New .York Evening Mail. If you buy a book for Christmas, you are not supposed to be getting the book that you wish to read yourself, but the one that you think your friend or rela tive would like to possess. In so far. therefore, as books are published to catch the Christmas sale, they are pub lished to suit a vicarious taste. You may have, yourself, so strong a taste for statistics or for agriculture that you read for your own diversion nothing but finan cial works and Agricultural Department reports. But you do not buy these things for your feminine and juvenile friends at Christmas. This noble personal pref erence you put aside, and try to set into the mental attitude of another. The holiday book business nowadays Is really a magnificent demonstration of the general good judgment. The classics, in convenient sots and fine bindings, and no longer in the flat and cumbrous center-table style of architecture, occupy a prominent place in the Christmas buying. Admirable' editions of art and musical books. With reproductions of master pieces, attract those who make rich gifts, and a similar taste characterizes even the humbler offerings. And then thero Is an increasing disposition to bring the solid books of the year works of his tory, biography, travel, solid fiction, even jof- economics into an agreeable and prof itable harmony with the holiday season. No book Is either too good or too seri ous to bring out Just now. And with it all, what a world of what Is poignant and suggestive even In tho lightest and most juvenile Christmas literature! To Get Parker Back on Bench. From New York Letter to Philadelphia Public Ledger. It Is said that friends of Judge Alton B. Parker in the Manhattan Club are "planning to bring about his nomination next Fall as a Justice of the Supreme Court in New York County. To that end a non-partisan dinner is being arranged, to which Republicans as well as Demo crats will be Invited. Should he get the place his salary would be $4500 more than he received as Chief Justice, as It is tho hopo of his friends that Governor HIggins would assign him to the appellate division in casb he was elected to the supreme bench. To get the nomination Judge Parker would have to change his voting residence, which his friends say he would do. Three Tammany Justices will leave the bench this Fall on account of the age limit and the expiration of their terms. Moreover, it is believed that a law would be passed by the next Legislature pro viding for three additional Justices for New York County. It Is hoped that out of those six places Judge Parker will get one. ,