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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1904)
8 THE MOKNING OREGONIAS, FRIDAY,: DECEMBER 9, 190. OLD BILL HELD UP Lawyers Presence Fails to Move Port of Portland. RUBBER SLEEVES DISCUSSED Bowers Company Seeks Payment on an Ancient Claim, but Commis sion Says No Bids fop We ' nona's Boiler Opened. Most of the time of the two hours' ces sion of the Port of Portland. Commission yesterday was devoted to a discussion of the merit of the rubber sleeves furnished by the Bowers Rubber Company, of San Francisco. These articles are used in join ins the sections of pipe through which the dredges discharge their material. Mr. Gray, the representative of the company, was on hand to press for the payment of an old bill, and he was accompanied by his attorney. Judge Charles H. Carey. Tho Port of Portland entered into a contract with the rubber company on Feb ruary 21. 1902, for 36 sleeves. Twenty-six were paid for. but the remaining ten were found to be defective, and the payment for them. $935.50. was held up. The board took this action on the recommendation of Its former engineer, J. B. C. Lockwood. The report of Mr. Lock wood, the contract, specifications and other papers relating to the matter were read and the subject was discussed at great length. It was shown that the sleeves in question had not stood the required test, but it was pointed out by Mr. Gray and Judge Carey that they had been subjected to unusual service. In order to settle the matter, which has been hanging fire for a long time, Mr. Thomas moved that the bill be allowed in full. Mr. 'Willis seconded the motion, but Mr. Drlscoll opposed it, saying the company had not fulfilled its contract, and Presi dent Swigert declared the material had not been according to specifications. On the rollcall all the Commissioners voted "No" except Messrs Thomas and "Willis. Captain Spencer suggested that the Bowers people be paid for tho Iron work in connection with the sleeves, and a com mittee consisting of Commissioners Drls coll, Pease and "Willis was appointed to in vestigate this matter and arrange a com promise. The Columbia Contract Company, which recently used the dredge Portland at Van couver, asked that the charges be reduced, as It was unable to operate the dredge the lull time. The board agreed to cut down the per diem charge one-half, exclusive of the operating expenses. The Peninsula Lumber Company, in a letter, demanded that the Port of Port land remove 100,000 yards of material de posited by the dredge Columbia back of the St. Johns dike. No action was taken, the letter being placed on file. The matter of fixing the 1905 Port of Portland tax levy was referred to Com missioners Adams and Willis with power to act. Bids for a new bollorfor the steamer Wenona were then opened as follows: Antoria Iron TVorks f2 Willamette Boiler "Works 1KW Portland Boiler Works JJ Marine Iron "Works. 18t Mr. Thomas was in favor of giving the contract to the "Willamette Boiler "Works, as the lowest bidders. It specified a shell 7-32 of an inch in thickness, while the others offered five-eightha iron. There was eome controversy over the matter, and it was decided to postpone it until . next week, when the affair will ho settled at tt'Sspecial meeting. ELLERIC BEGINS LOADING. Wiil. Finish Her Cargo for Orient at San Francisco. The steamer Ellerlc arrived up early yesterday morning and tied up at the O. R. & N. dock at Albina. where a good start" was made in loading her. Because of her lateness in arriving, owing to her slow trip across the Pacific and her de tention at quarantine, much of tho freight reservations on the steamer wero cancelled, so she will have to go to San Francisco to complete her cargo. Her outward freight from this port will con sist of about 1500 tons, of which 450 tons will be flour, the remainder Iron, cotton and miscellaneous goods. It is expected to get the steamer away from here Sun day. The regular liner Numantia will also Fall on Sunday, carrying a full cargo of WOO tons to tho Orient, consisting of 42, 29S barrels of flour and quantities of nails, lumber, sewing machines and tobacco. Requires Sails and Repairs. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. S. The schoon er John G. North, bound from Port Townsend to South American ports with a cargo of lumber, put into this port to day for a new set of sails and repairs which were rendered necessary "by the effects of a gale she encountered off the mouth of the Columbia RIVer. South Bend Mill Breaks Down. SOUTH BEND, "Wash., Dec S. (Spe cial.) Owing to an accident in the Simp son mill last week, wherein an engine was wrecked, the barkentine Arago was this morning towed around to Aberdeen "by the tug Astoria for a lumber cargo. Domestic and Foreign Ports. ASTORIA. Dec a Arrived down at 2:30 and sailed, at 11:20 A. M. Steamer Columbia, for Ban Francisco. Arrived dorm at 6 A. M. and Young Girl Renounces the World Miss Delia. Irene Daly of Seattle, Becomes Sister Mary Rosalia Sister Mary Batnildis Takes Perpetual Vows. mr NBEUNG in the quaint little chapel m at St. Mary's Academy, with her I I eyes on the .beautiful picture of the Sacred Mother and Child, Miss Delia Irene Daly, of Seattle, a beautiful 20-year-old girl, whose parents live in Fremont, Neb., renounced the world forever, and took the veil of sisterhood in the order of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. A few minutes later. Sister Mary Bathfi dis. who has been seven years in the order, made her perpetual vows and gave her life to the service of the church. The services, presided over by Arch bishop Christie and Rev. Father Murphy, were very impressive. The chapel was crowded with sisters of the order, pupils at the Academy, and friends and relatives. "Mcthinks it most appropriate, during this feast of the Immaculate Conception, for a young girl, pure In heart and mind", to make the vows which bind her forever to the services of Christ." said the arch bishop. "The order of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary is a teachlng.order, whose dufy it is to teach the young in the pro tective and uplifting influence of the church. A young woman could do no nobler thing than to consecrate her life to such a worthy and Godlike task." His grace spoke briefly on the work of tho order and commended those who were about to link themselves to it forever. The moments which followed were Im pressive and solemn. Kneeling before the archbishop, her eyes looking past him to the image above. Miss Delia Irene Daly declared her intention of taking the veil of sisterhood and renouncing the world, .forever. His trace questioned .the appli sailed at 12:10 P. M. Steamer Alliance, for Eureka. Sailed at 8 A. M. Steamer Elmore, for Tillamook. Sailed at 11:20 A. M. Schoon er J. M. Weathenrax, for San Francisco. Ar rived down and sailed at 2:55. P. M. Steamer Aberdeen, for San. Fraaclsco. Condition of the bar at S P. M., moderate; wind eaat; weather cloDdv. San. Francisco, Dec 8. Arrived at 8 A. M. Steamer Aurella, from Portland. Sailed at 11:30 A. M. Steamer Geo. W. Elder, for Port land. Arrived Schooner .Marion, from Gray's Harbor; rt.ea.mer Breakwater, from Coos Bay. Sailed Schooner Ensign, for Gray's Harbor; schooner Volant, for Gray's Harbor; nteamer ChJco, for Cocullle River; German steamer "Karl and Ella, for Caroline Islands; schooner W. H. Marston. for HHo. OREGON HAS TOBACCO LAW. W. C. T. U. Propose to Have Its Pro visions Enforced. PORTLAND. Dec 7. (To the Editor.) Will yon please jmbllsh the following tobacco law of the State of Oregon, which was enacted by the request of the W. C T. IT.? We hope to have it enforced. FRANCES E. GOTSHALL, Aeelstant'BecordlnB Secretary. The law follows: An act to prohibit the ale cf tobacco, cigars, or garettes to minors under the age of 18 years, and the use of tobacco, cigars and cigarettes by each minors In ny public place, and to repeal the act entitled. An act to prohibit the sale of tobacco, cigars or cigar ettes to minors nnder tho age of 18 years, ap proved February 18. 1880. Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of tb State of Oregon: Section 1. It shall be unlawful to sell, barter, trade, give or In anymanner furnish to any minor under the. age of 18 years any tobacco, cigar, or cigarette In any form, or any compound In which tobacco forms a com ponent part, without the written consent or order of such minor's parent or guardian, and when wich minor has no parent or guardian, then in that case consent may be given by the County Court, sitting for the transaction of county business, upon the proper application ln the county la which said minor may have his residence. Sec. 2. Any perwon violating the provisions of this act shall, upon conviction, be fined In any sum not lees than two dollars nor more than fifty dollars. Sec 3. It shall bo unlawful for any minor under the age of 18 years to smoke, or In any way use any cigar, cigarette or tobacco In any form whatsoever In any public highway, rtreet, place, square, or resort. Sec 4. Any minor violating the provisions of this act shall, upon conviction, be fined In any cum not leas than one nor more than ten dollars, or by Imprisonment at the option of the court, two days for each often?. Sec 3. Justices of the peace shall have concurrent Jurisdiction with the Circuit Court for all offenses arising under this acU Sec 6. The act entitled. "An act to prohibit the sale of tobacco, cigars, or cigarettes to minors under the age of 18 years, approved February 18, 18S9, and all other acts and parts of acts Inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. Inasmuch as the present law upon the subject is incomplete, and an emergency exists, this act ahall be In force from and after it approval by the Governor. ANOTHER INSTITUTE DATED. Commercial Interests of the Country to Be Discussed. Among the Institutes to be held during the Exposition will probably be one relat ing to the commercial Interests of the country, for which plans are now being formulated by a number of business men who wtfl co-operate with the Exposition management in securing such an institute or congress, to oe neia aunng me part of the Fair. The idea will be to get the agents of the various groat commer cial enterprises, for the purpose of ex changing ideas regarding American com mercial interests. In a recent interview on this subject Major Alfred Sears, an expert on South American commerce, in outlining the pro posed congress, says: ot tnTi. A mpHrvnn 'bureau. sunDorted by the" American republics, has done much of late years to promote connaence ana increase -commerce between nations rep resented In its work. Many articles of use and luxury are to be found south of the equator on. .the Pacific Coast and then, too, there is a market by direct purchase for every production of the Pacific Northwest. "The freighters are in favor of the southern voyage as compared with the western passage into the region of ty phoons, while the respective distances rule in the same direction. American ex ports to the Orient last year amounted to $37,400,000, while to the South Pacific ports they were of the value of 555,850,000. Twelve nations control 18,000 miles' of shore line along the American continent and while extraordinary enterprise has been shown in the development of our commerce with the Orient, the superior value of American trade with the ports of this continent call for some such general movement as this proposed commercial In stitute in order to stimulate interest In getting a share of the business of the Southern ports on these waters now pay ing dividends to Germany and England." P0ST0PHCE IS ROBBED. University Park Office Entered by Burglars Early This Morning. About 2 o'clock this morning the Uni versity Park Postoffico was entered and robbed of a quantity of stamps and 15 cents in money. Clerk Hemstoclc, hearing suspicious noises, entered the office soon after, and discovered results or the rob bery. He notified the police immediately, No clew of the robber's Identity could be found. That man could own his own home If he were not so extravagant." "Tfes. but what would be the use? It he owned his home he would simply mortgage it." Washington Star. cant closely, after the manner of the ritual, and her answers came clear and strong. In a voice thrilling with deter mination. Miss Daly received the veil and retired, to reappear in a few moments in the garb of the order. Once more she kneeled be fore his grace, while sisters detached the white veil and clothed the supplicant with other garments of the order. Archbishop Christie looked at the can didate closely, closed, his eyes a moment in prayer, and then announced in a voice that had a note of sweetness in it: "Be known no more as Miss Delia Irene Daly; hereafter be known as Sister Mary Rosalia." When Sister Mary Rosalia turned from the altar her eyes were downcast, but on her lips was the ghost of a smile a smile full of sweetness, of purity, of satisfac tion at her act. Sister Mary Rosalia came to Seattle from her home In Fremont, Neb., about three years ago, was edu cated in a, convent and reached the de termination to become a sister of the or der and give her life in the order's service. She passed the period of probation suc cessfully and yesterday her desires were gained. She Is known to the other sisters of the order as a woman of sweet dispo sition, intellectual, and Is expecled to be come a model sister. Sister Mary Batnildis, who took the per petual vows, 'has been connected with the order for seven years. She is at present filling an important post at St. Mary's Academy. High Mass at St. Francis. High mass was celebrated yesterday forenoon In St. Francis Church, East Elsvacth. sat Oak streets,. In the presence HE GIVES HIS OPINION ATTORNEY-GENERAL DISCUSSES LOCAL OPTION. in His Mind the Special Legislative Act of 1901 "in Regard to Fair Grounds Is Not Repealed. The opinion of Attorney-General Craw ford that the special Legislative act of 1901. authorizing the State Fair Board to regulate the sale of liquor .on the State Fair grounds, has not been repealed by the local option act, has given rise to tho question whether the special acts con tained in municipal charters giving the same power to City Councils has been re pealed or whether Councils can reassert that power in towns and precincts of towns which "went dry" November 8 or which may "go dry" hereafter. But the Attorney-General, In the same opinion, held that that power of Councils is sus pended in any town or precinct of a town which adopts prohibition under the local option law, inasmuch as that law makes special reference to municipal charters. Thus the local option law supersedes charter provisions, permitting City Coun cils to Issue licenses. The Attorney General's opinion, therefore, harmonizes with that of Judge George in the box ordinance decision, who held that laws at variance with the local option law are suspended whenever the means pro vided for doing so in the local option law are adopted In prohibition elections. Because the local option law makes no mention of the act relating to the sale of liquor at the State Fair, the rule is held to prevail that the general law will not repeal by Implication a prior special act on the same subject. The question as to the State Fair went up to the Attorney-General from W. H. Downing, president of the State Fair Board. Says Mr. Crawford: The first thing to determine is the efTect to be given to the local-option law, and I am of the opinion that It should be given tho same consideration and have the same effect as though enacted by the Legislature. The fact that It became a law by direct vote of the people In pursuance of Initiative petition, does not give the act the standing of a constitu tion, but tho amendment of our constitution allowing direct legislation by means of Initia tive petition Is only another mode of enacting laws, and laws so created must be In har mony with the constitution, and are subject to the same rules of construction as acts parsed by the Legislature. The local-option law went Into effect June 24, 1904, upon proclamation of the Governor. It was general throughout the state, and the only question Is whether It repealed the special act above referred to, giving the board power to license the sale of liquor. There is no pro vision in the latter act expressly repealing the former, and It is a general rule of statutory construction that a later statute, general In Its nature and terms, and not expressly re pealing a prior special statute, will ordinarily not affect the special provisions of the earlier statute, unless repeal Is expressly named or necessarily Implied from the language of the later statute and the subject-matter thereof. AT THE THEATERS What the Press Agents Say. "EVERYMAN" THIS AFTERNOON Famous Ben Greet Players in Great Morality Play at the Marquam. This afternoon at 3 o'clock the famous Ben Greet players, of London, will pre sent the great morality play of the 15th century. "Everyman," at the Marquam Grand Theater. The entire clergy of the city have been invited to .witness this sacred offering and many have accepted. One of 'the most interesting of all tho sentences penned by clergymen concern ing "Everyman," Is by Archbishop Ryan, of Philadelphia, who summed up briefly his impression of "Everyman" in these words: "I have heard many sermons, and preached many, but never anything as powerful as this." "Everyman" will not be played tonight, but will be pre sented again tomorrow afternoon- and night. AT THE COZY COLUMBIA. Fetching Farce-Comedy Well Done by tie Stock Company. For two more days only Portland play lovers will have an opportunity to see "Mistakes Will Happen" at the cozy Co lumbia, and It is an opportunity that should not be lost. The play fairly scintillates with gems of wit and drollery. It Is both epigrammatic and humorous a rare combination. It is clean and pure. Not a single offen sive word or Innuendo brings a blush to the cheek of modesty. To miss "Mistakes Will Happen" is the greatest mistake that could happen 'to. anyone. "Darkest Russia." The engagement of "Darkest Russia" at the Empire Theater will close Sat urday night. Tomorrow afternoon there will be a special bargain matinee, which will give all lovers of intense drama an opportunity of seeing- one of the great Eastern successes at a very small price of admission. It is the intention of the management of the Empire Theater to share with the public its profits on this occasion. COMING ATTRACTIONS. "The Prodigal Daughter." "The Prodigal Daughter." the great melodrama by Henry Pettlt and Sir Au- of a great congregation that filled the large auditorium to overflowing. Rev. Father J. H. Black was the celebrant. Gregorian chant by the boys' choir of 30, attired In cassock and surplice, added much to the Impresslveness of the serv Ices. CELEBRATED WITH POMP. Feast of Immaculate Conception Ob served in Catholic Churches. The Feast of the Immaculate Conception.- This is one of the great festivals of the Catholic Church, and was cele brated with pomp and stately ceremonial yesterday In all churches of the Cath olic faith. The occasion was alsa the 50th anniversary of the definition of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, In stituted 50 years ago by Pope Pius IX. At the cathedral of the Immaculate Concep tion, at 10:30 o'clock yesterday morning. Pontifical high mass was celebrated by Archbishop Christie, assisted by these priests: Assistant priest. Rev. Father Thompson: deacon of the mass. Rev .Father J. D. Murphy; subdeacon, Mr. De Lormler; deacons of honor, Rev. Fath. ers Hennessy and Mattlngly; master of ceremonies, Ignatius Mclntee. Rev. Father Hennessy preached the sermon on the meaning of the feast. The altar of tho blessed virgin, which was recently provided with a beautiful statue of Car rara marble, symbolic of the immaculate conception, was decorated for the occa slon. Last evening, appropriate services were held in the cathedral and several young women of the parish were received as members of the Blessed virgin So dality. Mrs. Mary E. Meserve, of Salisbury, Mass., was cured of I Anaemia, a disease in which there is an actual deficiency of the blood, by the use of Dr. Wiffitrnx' Pink P2k for Pile People She says: "The first symptom was an unusual paleness. Later the blood seemed to have all left my body. I had shortness of breath and . flattering of the hexrt; was de pressed, morose and peevish. I suf fered for two years. Physicians did me, little good but I am now a well wow in because I took twelve boxes of Dr. Williams' Ptnk Pills." These pills really make new blood and have cured obstinate cases of rheumatism, scrofula and erysipelas. They are es pecially useful to growing girls "1 . . SeU by all Dragpit. gustus Harris, which Is. now in prepara tion at the Columbia Theater, opening at the regular Sunday matinee December 11. is undoubtedly the largest, most elab orate and beautiful production yet put forward by the superb Columbia Stock Company. Tho play includes the entire strength of the company, and the race horse scene at least 100 extra people. It will run all the week beginning next Sun day afternoon and everyone should se cure their seats early, as there will bo a rush. Advance Sale Today. Florence Roberts, who opens what promises to be a remarkably brilliant engagement at 'the Marquam Grand on Monday and Tuesday nights with "Zasa." "Tes8 of the D'Drbcrvilles" is annuonced for Wednesday night and will be followed In turn on Thursday by the delightfully funny romantic comedy ""The Adventure of Lady Ursula." Friday night and Sat urady afternoon Miss Roberts makes her first essay here at the Ibsen drama. "A Doll's House." Saturday night the en gagement terminates with the presenta tion of Gulmera's pretty romance of Spain. "Marta of the Lowlands." The supporting company is particularly strong and ' Includes Melbourne MacDowcll as leading man. The seat sale for all per formances opens this morning. "A Little Outcast." E. J. Carpenter's "A Little Outcast" company, with its splendid scenic equip ment, will be the attraction at the Em-, plre Theater four nights starting with a matinee next Sundav. This hlrr "ou- York production Is a melodrama cirthe cleanest type, having every essence of numan mteresy ana is, without doubt. uiu tol Hung di lis Kinu yet proaucca. "The Billionaire" at the Columbia. Klaw and Erlanser's two-act musical comedy, "The Billionaire," with 0 peo ple In the company, will be tho attrac tion at tho Columbia Theater next Thurs day night and .Friday afternoon. Decem ber 15 and 16. The advance sale of scats will open next Tuesday morning, Decem ber 13, in the lobby of the Marquam Grand Theater. AT THE VAUDEVILLE THEATERS The Grand Still Pleases. The CTeat bill nresented n.t tho nrunfl this week has drawn the largest audiences of the season and It has given very gen eral satisfaction. The performers seem to have increased In nonularitv a th wool- draws to a close, and many of the turns now are applauded as they make their first entrances. Th nirt nrffV,i Villi c "by long odds the most magnificent that nas ever Deen seen in .foriiana, ana it Is likely to set the town on fire. Amateur Night at Arcade. Tonight Is amateur night at tho Ar cade, when the begirmers in vaudeville will appear In eccentric acts. The regu lar progamme, with such star performers as the Montague Sisters, dashing sou- ARE YOU SICK? Headache? If so where? Dry, hacking- cough? . Foul tongue? Loss of appetite? Lack of energy? Pain in stomach? Bowels? General weakness? These are but a few of the signs of indigestion. Some others are: Wind in the stom ach or bowels; constipation or diarrhea; pale complexion; spots'before the eyes; dizziness; loss of flesh; Irritability; sleep lessness; nervousness. All these symptom will plague and torment you, and will never permanent ly leave you, onfco you suffer from them; only are sure. In time, to get worse, if not treated by the best known scientific method of cure Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. These curative tablets are composed of Ingredients which modern knowledge of the true Inward processes of diges tion approve of, as forming the best, safest, surest and most scientific com bination of medicinal drugs, that can be used to relieve all the conditions of HI health brought on by this much-dreaded .disorder. A disease so "protean" or change able in its manifestations, assuming so many forms, characterized by so many different symptoms that, more times than not, it Is mistaken for some other disease altogether, and the poor patient may die. or at best allow the seeds of permanent, chronic sickness, to germi nate and take root In his system. So it is a real danger we ask you to avoid, when we say: In case of. doubt, take Stuart's. Dyspepsia Tablets. Even if disordered digestion Is not the. real cause of your sickness (which, probably, though. It is), yet your di gestion is nearly certain to be out of order, and if allowed to remain so will -seriously complicate your sickness for you. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, then, will be sure to do you good, and will not In terfere with any other medicine you may be taking. They will help to make your food make you strong', and thus, if in no other jray, help you back to health by" helping your system to throw off disease like a healthy duck shakes wa ter off its back. ' Shake off your sickness with Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.- MORRIS CHAIRS MAKE ACCEPTABLE HOLIDAY PRESENTS A comfortable and good-looking chair makes a substantial sort of Christmas present that ought to please most anybody. We'd like you to take a look at our Morris Chairs while you're doing your holiday shopping. For comfort, good looks and general worthiness they're rather out of the ordinary. Tifty new designs in golden oak, weathered oak and mahogany. Some have rod backs and many of them have the automatic back that you can adjust without getting up. They're all well made and handsomely finished with comfortable cushions. We're always glad to show goods, so don't hesitate about stak ing up our time. That's what we're here for. a ' $9 to $45 Special Sale of Pictures Today and Tomorrow brettes, and Campbell and Shepp. fanci ful comedians, will be given complete. Next week the Great Rennee family of singing and character-change artists 13 the big feature act. Tonight at the Daker. If you llko a thoroughly good vaude ville bill you should not fall to see the offering- at. the Baker this week. It combines more of the elements of greatness than often falls to the lot of a theater to present. James Nesbltt, the talented Irish monologulst, has an act that has few equals on the stage. Byrne and West, in their rural comedy sketch; delight the audiences at their every appearance. The Onrls, five of the finest globe-rollers and jugglers In the world, are seen at their best. All Good at Bijou. The Bijou programme -this week is just like the watch which will be given away at 9 o'clock this evening, good from one end to the other. Qulzlna Is one of the cleverest and most grace ful contortionists seon here for many a long: day. Hlldebrandt is a wonder as a strong man. Violet Ross' art studies are a delightful novelty. For a chance at the watch, you must go 10 a matinee. Lyric's Big Star. The Lyric has the vaudeville star of the week in Mitchell, the remarkable king- of ventriloquists. His work 13 marvellous enough to amaze even those foTniiinr -with this sort of an act. He has proven himself the most entertain ing performer in this line tnat nas ever appeared in Portland. Gene Kins and hl3 cocker spaniel are also proving themselves to be great favorites with the audiences. Coupon Matinee at the Star. j TnHnv nri the Tecular weekly coupon matinees at the Star Theater. The cou- I pon will be found on page 10 of this issue j of The Oregonlan. One or tne greatest acts ever put on the vaudeville stage for la that of the Three DeGraus. entitled "Foxy Grandpa and the Three Bad Boys. An act tnat appeals to tne .rAtm.nn la the double-voice singing of Miss Cole Frances Bower, a talented prima donna. Next week a great all-feature bill starts on Monday. . TRADE IS GB0WING FAST. American Exports This Year Likely to Be Larger Than Ever Before. "WASHINGTON, Dec. S. Experts of manufactures in the calendar year 1904 will not only exceed the highest figures of any earlier year, but may probably pass the 5500,000.000 line, as against $434, 000,000 in the high-record year, tho fiscal year 1300; $131,000,000 In 1890. $103,000,000 in 1SS0. $65,000,000 In 1870, and $40,000,000 In I860. Not only will manufactures as a whole make their highest record during the present year, but this is also true of Iron and steel manufactures, which fona the largest group of manufactures ex ported and which seem likely to show for tho calendar year a total exportation of $120,000,000. as" against $122,000,000 In the high-record fiscal year 1900. $26,000,000 In 1S90, $15,000,000 in 1S80, $13,000,000 in 1870 and $6,000,000 in 1S60. ' 'JfVHH These estimates of the exports of man ufactures of all classes and of iron and steel manufactures as a single class dur ing the year which ends with the present month are based upon ten months' figures already Issued by the Department of Com merce and Labor through its Bureau of Statistics, and accepting the figures of October as a fair measure of the pros pective figures of December. For the ten months ending with October, 1304, manu factures exported amounted to $412,946,036; for the single month of October the total of manufactures exported was $47,355.67S. Thus, should the November and Decem ber exports of manufactures average as high as those for the month of October, the total for the year would exceed $500, 000.000 and stand $06,000,000 above tha high est record made in the exports of manu factures during any earlier fiscal year, those of the fiscal year 1900, when the total value of manufactures exported was $433,531,756. Of Iron and steel manufactures, the ex ports during the ten months ending with October, 1904, were $103,350,413, and those of the month of October, $12,798,451. Should the November and December exports average as high as those of the month of October, the total for the year would ex ceed $130,000,000, against $121,913,543 In the fiscal year 1900. This Increase in the value of manufac tures exported occurs chiefly in mineral oils, copper, and manufactures of iron and steel. Of mineral oils, the value of the exports during the ten months ending with October. 1904, was $62,601,566. against $52,755,863 in the corresponding- months of CHRISTMAS OUTING The Outdoor Magazine of Human Interest. EDITED B7 CASPAR TOTTMEY. THE LADY OF THE WILDERNESS By MARIE MANNING. Pappoose Cradles for Out door Babies The Gypsy of England Plira Ram Makes a Pilgrimage The Outdoor Japanese ARTISTIC, ENTERTAINING, PRACTICAL. 1903, while measured by quantity the total exports of illuminating oils (the chief Item under the general term of manufactured mineral oils) in the ten months of 1904 amounted to 641.780.039 gallons, asainst 565,201,897 in the same months of 1903. Of copper, the value of the exports aunng the ten months ending with Octo ber, 1904. was $60,792,375, while the quantity of ingots, bars, plates and old copper (wnich form the principal articles in the group, manufactures of copper) showed a total exportation during tho ten months amounting to 4o6.9SO.031 pounds, against 239,492,542 pounds in the corresponding montns or 1D03. Of iron and steel, the total exports, as already Indicated, are $105,350,418. against $31,696,786 In the corresponding months of or last year. In this group, manufactures of iron and steel, the increases occur chiefly in pig Iron, billets. Ingots and blooms; steel rails, steel sheets and plates, locomotives, pipes and fittings, electrical machinery, and tin plates. Of pig Iron, the exports during the ten months ending with October amount to 43,354 tons, against 13,532 tons in the corresponding months of last year; of billets. Ingots and blooms, 273.615 tons, against 10S4 tons In the corre sponding months of last year; steel sheets and plates, 85,370,826 pounds, against 12.69?. 788 pounds In the corresponding months ot last year: tin plates. 14,298.411 pounds, as against 3S2.216 pounds in the same period of last year; railway locomotives, 439 in number, as against 213 In the correspond ing months of 1903, the value of locomotive engines exported during the ten months of 1904 being $4,144,607. as compared with $2,411,515 in the same months of 1903. The Noisy Birds of the Night. Ernest Ingersoll in Harper's for December. All the night birds are noisy. They cannot consort with one another in happy companies as do the warblers and thrushes and finches, and sing and whisper, but must call loudly and long: to one another in the darkness. On coasts where petrels and certain other night-hunting: sea-birds abound, all day sitting- on their eggs or hiding in burrows, you will hear no sound from morninff till night, but after dark the air is filled with shrill cries. The loud, reiterated calling of the Southern Exerr Elcin Watch Is fnllr Kraranteed. AU jewelers liare Euetn Watches. "Tlmem&ken sod ThnekeeBerc.' as illnitr&ted history of tea -watcn, sent tree upon roqnett. Elffo fettaal Wfltah C, Siffo. Hi, m. Is m on ey pio ilsin vs'k mtt m rinir fi i gggtT whose minutes Sm Special Sale of Cut Glass Today and Tomorrow jMAKEYOUfi I OWN TERMS chuck-will's-widow, and of its North ern cousin, are familiar. A whippoor wlll will sound its cry several hundred times in succession without a pause. Owls, hoot, or utter a harsh sort of laughter, rarely pleasant to listen to. and night-heron3 and bitterns squawk and boom. Sweet songs occasionally heard In the darkness are those of wakeful day-birds, as the nightingale, or our own oven-bird. Timber Resources of America. 5 Bookfovers. Across the Great Lakes in Canada there lies one of the world's greatest reserves of timber. In spite of the tar iff imposed, much of this timber is to day coining to the United States. Tho forests of the Dominion are beginning' to yield abundantly. More than a billion feet of pine sawlogs arid square timber, during a recent season, were cut upon territory held under timber licetase from the crown. Much of Canada's tim ber land has not yet, even been ex plored. In the newly-developed districts of Algoma, which are close to the Great Lakes, it Is-estimated that there are more than a hundred million cords of spruce and pulpwood, while in the districts of Thunder Bay and Rainy River there are nearly two hundred mil lion cords more. A belt at least 3000 miles long- Is believed to exist in Can ada batween Alaska and the Atlantic. It has been estimated that, at tho present rate of cutting, the greatest timber resources of the United States those of the Pacific Coast States will bo exhausted in less than half a cen tury. The . annual cut of shingles and lumber' in these regions is some four and a "half billion feet. The standing timber of Washington, Oregon and Northern-California at, present Is twice that of the original timber lands o the northern woods. Washington pro duces about as many feet of shingles and other lumber as Otegon and Cali fornia together. "This state is noted for its shingles, there being more than a thousand shingle-mills within it3 bor ders. At Tacoma are located the largest sawmills in the United States. 1 av MfcV r r r arr