Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 09, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Mrs. Ghadwick Unable to Give
$15,000 Bail.
Warden Denies Request That Maid
Be Allowed to Remain With Her,
and Will Keep the Woman
Entirely Isolated.
NEW YORK. Dec S. Mrs. Cassle L.
Chad wick is tonight occupying: one of the
scantily-furnished cells in the Tombs.
After a fruitless search all day for bail,
lir attorneys gave up the fight tonight,
and Philip Carpenter, her chief counsel,
stood in the corridor of the Federal
Building at 9 o'clock when United States
Marshal Henkel threw open the double
doors of his -office agid led the woman out
trn her way to prison.
Mrs. Chadwick was wan. .tired' and al
most fainting. She made her way across
the hall to . the . elevator, leaning heavily
cn the Marshal's arm and .that of her
eon. Emll. Behind -them came her nurse,
Freda Swenson, and Deputy .Marshal
Kennedy. The.. party passed through a
double ..row of curious jieople to a car
riage which-was In waiting on the Broad
way side. They were driven directly to
the Tombs. Arriving there, Mrs. Chad
"wlck was half .carried -up the 'steps and
into the building. "Warden Flynn met the
party and after the' usual preliminaries
bad been attended to, the .woman asked
pennIsslon.-to -have her nurse, remain with
her. This- was -denied, the Warden say
ing she should have no privileges, not al
lowed to other prisoners.
Mrs. Chadwick gave a hand-bag and a
few trinkets to- the nurse, and. whispered
some instructions to her son. She was
then taken to the matron's room. She
asked to say-good night to her son, and
the lad eagerly rushed .to his mother and,,
wrapping his arms about her,' gave her
a long embrace. Then she was led away
to the Inner office, where her -pedigree
was taken and, she was assigned to a cell.
The son and 'nurse entered a carriage
and were driven to a hotel.
This has been a momentous day for
Mrs. Chadwick. It commenced with her
early departure from her hotel for the
Federal Building' and ended with her
Incarceration In the Tombs.
Held in $15,000 Bail.
In the interval she had been arraigned
beTore United States Commissioner
Shields and held In $15,000 bail, which
she was unable to furnish. All day long
lawyers representing her interests bad
sought in even quarter for someone
owning real estate In Manhattan who
would sign her bond, and the Marshal
"had, out of sympathy for the woman,
kept her in his office hours after she
should have been removed. The en
deavors of tho lawyers were unsuccessful,
rendering her imprisonment necessary.
To add to her cup of woe it was
learned tonight that a charge of forgery
would likely be made against the woman
in Ohio, based on the "Carnegie note and
other papers given as security for loans.
Efforts to get bail will continue tomor
row, although Mrs. Chadwick expressed
the desire tonight to go to Cleveland as
soon as possible. She said she would
voluntarily give out a statement tonight
wer It not for the contrary advice of
Mrs. Chadwick dined at 7 o'clock in
Marshal Henkel's office under conditions
In strange contrast to the manner In
which she lived In New York hotels.
When "Warden Flynn was seen, after
Mrs. Chadwick had arrived at the Tombs,
he said:
Will Be. Entirely Alone.
"Mrs. Chadwick will be placed In a cell
on the second tier of the prison. She
wilt be entirely alone on the tier, which
Is set apart from the other women Drl
oners. She Is a United States prisoner,
and will not be allowed associates in any
way. She will be entirely alone. To
morrow morning she will hae her meal
with the others, but durins the day she
will be compelled to remain alone.
"If she is 111, she will be attended by
the physician, Dr. Levin, whose duty is
to look after United States prisoners."
"When the Warden was asked as to her
pedigree, he replied:
"She gave her age as 51 years, said
she was born in the United States, not
specifying any state, and that she was
As,ked whether she would be allowed to
retain her medicine chest; he said:
"No prisoner Is allowed to have medi
cine except that which Is ordered by
physicians, and Mrs. Chadwick will be
no exception. She will be treated like
the other prisoners here."
Sudden Flash of Powder From Many
Machines Startles Mrs. Chadwick.
NEW YORK, Dec. 8. As Mrs. Chad
wick came Into the corridor to return to
the United States Marshal's office after
her arraignment, the battery of cameras
which had been set up outside the court
room door was turned upon her. The sud
den flash of the. powder ao startled Mrs.
Chadwick that she fainted and sank to
hr knoes on the corridor floor. She was
paved from falling by Marshal Henkel and
her son Emll. who supported her as she
continued down through tho. long line of
curious onlookers, who had crowded the.
corridors between the courtroom and the
Marshal's office.
A few minutes before 9 o'clock Mrs.
Chadwick came down from her apart
ments and prepared for the journey to the
Federal building. -She appeared to be Very
weak, and leaned heavily on the arm of
the United States Marshal. Before leav
ing the hQtel she was compelled to sit on
a couch in the hall and rest for a time.
On the way from the hotel to the Fed-,
eral building Mrs. Chadwick said to tho
Marshal who had her In charge:
"The time will comb when these people
will see that I am a very much maligned
and persecuted woman. When I think of
what I have .gone through in the past few
weeks I wonder that I am' not Insane.
Everybody has jumped on me, but I will
come out of this all right, and when I do
I will Issue a statement to the public that
will show how Innocent I have been."
Mrs. Chadwick later thanked the Mar
shal again for his courtesy to her and es
pecially for not putting her upon arrest
before, as she said, her lawyers had .told
her he could have done.
When Mrs. Chadwick was taken be
fore Commissioner Shields the crowd
was so great In the corridor that
it was impossible to pass, and Mrs.
Chadwick was taken through a series
of offices directly into the courtroom.
She "was supported by the Marshal and
her maid, -and walked slowly, almost
tottering, but a few steps into the
room, where she dropped into a chair,
amid a hundred or more newspaper
men. Mrs. Chadwick sat with her
head bowed in her hands, and did not
once look up.
Assistant District United States At
torney Baldwin formally presented the
case before Commissioner Shields, say
ing that on his Information and belief
other complaints would probably be
brought, but this specific case was the
only one he desired to bring at this'
He asked that a bond of 525,000 be
fixed In the case. Attorney Carpenter
asked that $10,000 be fixed, in view of
the fact that the principals whom she
Is charged "with aiding and abetting
were held In thai amount The Com
missioner fixed the amount at $15,000.
and the hearing was put over until
December 17, Ir." Carpenter agreeing
to that, with the. understanding :that
he have the privilege of another con
tinuance at that time, should he not be
prepared to go on with the case.
At the conclusion of the proceedings
occurred one of the most sensational
Incidents In connection with the case.
As Mrs. Chadwick was assisted to her
feet by the Marshal there was a stam
pede for the door;" led by the 50 or more
photographers who had been disap
pointed a quarter of an hour before,
when Mrs. Chadwick was one her way
to the courtroom.
. Shouts of "Order!'' "This' court is not
adjourned" and "Genlemen take seats,
or pass out," were unheeded; Deputy
Marshals were summoned, but they
were carried by the crowd out Into the
corridor, only to face a battery of pho
tographers. Luncheon was served to Mrs. Chad
wick and her maid' in the Marshal's
office, and she spent the early after
noon reclining- on a couch. Her maid
remained constantly at her side.
Mrs. Chadwlck's son, Emll. this morning
pent a cablegram to Paris. He will not
disclose the nature of the person to whom
the message was addressed.
Number of Warrants Will Be v Issued
on the General Charge of Forgery.
NEW YORK, Dec 8. Receiver
Lyons, of the Oberlin bank, which re
cently closed its doors, told a repre
sentative of the Associated Press to
night that he would leave for Cleve
land tomorrow morning, where crim
inal proceedings will be taken against
Mrs. Chadwick. He said he had been
in communication with Prosecutor Sul
livan, of Cleveland, today, and that
developments in the bank's case
against 'Mrs. Chadwick might be looked
'for. As to the exact nature of these
he declined to make a statement.
Asked If any communication had
been held with Mr. Carnegie here in
this city, he admitted that certain com
munications had been passed. Mr.
Lyons declined to go further into the
case, saying any statements would
come from Cleveland.
The Associated Press learned on the
best of authority, however, that In
the communications in New York today
between Mr. Carnegie and representa
tives of the Oberlin bank, Mr. Carnegie
denied absolutely that he had signed
the notes which have figured in the
case as the Carnegie notes, and denied
"he knows or ever saw Mrs. Chadwick.
The same authority said that the Ohio
proceedings would be in the nature of
action on the charge of forgery.
"Will anadditional warrant bo is
sued in Ohio for Mrs. Chadwlck's ar
rest?" he was asked.
"Yes; probably a number- of war
rants." "On what charges w.ill these war
rants be sworn out?"
"On the general .charge of forgery."
Inquiry was made as to whether the
charges of forgery would be based on
the Carnegie notes, and the reply was
made that they would be made on
these and soma other papers given as
security for loans.
The papers, other than the Carnegie
notes, have not appeared in the' case
heretofore, and as to what thgy. consist
of and whose signatures they .'bear he
would not say.
Drops Case So Far as Notes Go.
CLEVELAND, Dec. 8. Prosecutor
Keeler, of this county, and Prosecutor
Stroup, of Lorain County, had a long
conference by telenhano late this after
noon at the close of -which Prosecutor
Keeler announced, that testimony had
been brought before the grand jury at
Elyrla to the effect that the alleged Car
negie notes bad been uttered In Cleve
land. On this information. Prosecutor
Stroup had decided to drop'the case as
far as the Carnegie notes are concerned.
Carnegie's Reply to Prosecutor.
CLEVELAND, O., Dec. S. County Pros
ecutor Keeler today received the follow
ing telegram from Andrew Carnegie, at
New York, In. reply to an Inquiry as to
tho genuineness of the Chadwick notes:
"Never signed such notes; have no
notes out now; have not issued a note
for many years. Hope you can arrange
to have any necessary affidavits executed
Votes to Indict Mrs. Cha'dwick.
ELYRIA, O.. Dec 8. The grand jury
adjourned tonight after voting to in
dict Mrs. Chadwick on the charge of
having obtained money under false
pretenses in Lorain County. Oberlin Is
In Lorain County.
Porte Yields to Austrian Demands.
has yielded to the Austrian demands re
garding the detention of Austrian malls,
and the Incident may be regarded as
closed. Threatened complications have
therefore been averted. The Austrian ul
timatum demanded the dismissal of the
Director of Customs, the Secretary-General
of the villayet and the Chief of Po
lice of Scutari, within three days, falling
In which Austria would make a naval
demonstration at Salonical.
Weathtr Is Turning Colder.
MUKDEN, Dec 8. The Russians con
tinue to bombard the Japanese positions
with both heavy and light artillery. The
Japanese response Is feeble. The weather
is turning much colder.
Japanese prisoners reported that the
prolongation , of the war Is exhausting
Japan and causing much .discontent, the
censorship of the press being so strict that
the papers do not evince- the -sentiments of
the people
Ship Trust Stock Sold.
NEWARK, N. J.. Dec. 8. James Smith.
Jr., as receiver, sold at auction today all
the stock of the subsidiary, companies of
the Ignited States Shipbuilding Company
to George R. Sheldon, chairman t the re
organization committee, for $350,000. Mr.
Sheldon was the only bidder.
Ratify Anglo-French Convention.
LONDON, Dec 8. Ratifications -of the
Anglo-French Convention were ex
changed today between Ambassador
Cambon and Foreign Secretary Lans-downe.
It's the small .but constant
loss vof flesh " that indicates
physical waste the gradual
slipping away' of healthy flesh,
pound by pound, whieh no
ordinary food seems to re
store. Scott's .Emulsion will
restore it This Emulsion is
the greatest flesh builder ob
tainable. Scotfs Emulsion
first stops the wasting--that's
one gain. Then when it sup
plies new flesh and takes one
back to normal strength and
weight,- that's- another gain
and a big one. -
Vf ell send yon x sample, free
SCOTT SO WKE(49 ?rl Stmt. Ntv York.
Moody Anxious Trial of Hyde
and Dimond Proceed.
Attorney-General Requests That Ap
peal of Men Indicted in California
for Land-Grabbing Be Heard
Earlier Than Intended.
ington. Dec S. The Attorney-General
will make a motion in the Supreme Court
next Monday to advance the case or
Hyde and Dimond. under indictment in
the district of California for land frauds
in California. They appealed from the
order of the Federal Court In Califor
nia denying them writs of habeas corpus.
and the Attorney-General is anxious to
have the appeal decided in order to go on
with the trial in Washington.
people of Oregon for their generous in
dorsement of our administration. Oregon's
Indorsement; In June, however, your firet
gun, Mr. Baker, your first gun, was the
Important event in -your state. It set the
pace for the November contest."
Mr. Baker came Bast at the Invitation
of the Oregon Senators and managers of
the Republican National campaign. He
will xemain .until the holidays, and will
have a conference with the President,
Chairman Cortelyou, Secretary Dover and
other officials of the National Committee.
Mr. Baker says he is not here to discuss
appointments, but will have something to
say after he sees the President again.
Senator Mitchell also presented Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Lachner. of Baker City, -and.
Mrs. Dan J. Moore, of Portland, to the
President today.
Senate Committee Passes on Yakima
Valley BUI.
ington, Dec. 8. The Senate committee on
Indian affairs today ordered a favorable
report on Representative Jones' bill open
ing to settlement the unallotted lands -of
the Yakima Indian reservation In East
ern Washington. This bill passed the;
House at the last session and stands a
good chance of being finally enacted this
Senator Foster and Representative Jones
appeared before, the Indian Commission
today to urgo favorable consideration of
the bill. As reported it provides that the
surplus lands shall be classified into agri
cultural grazing and timber lands, the
Value of each subdlvisldn to be fixed by
appraisers. Settlers who - take up lands
will be required to pay the., appraised
values. The method of throwing the lands
opsn is left to the discretion of the Presi
dent. Between 700,000 and 00,000 acres are in
volved. These lands depend, for their value.
largely upon the -possibility of being irri
gated. With water, most of them would
be very valuable farm lands. Senator
Foster Is urging the reclamation service
to devise a plan for Irrigating this Jarge
tract by storing the surplus waters of the
Yakima River. Investigations areiow in
progress to determine the feasibility of
the plan.
Oregon Senator Opposed for Chair
man of Canal Committee.
ington, Dec. S. Senator . Mitchell will
have to. put up the stlffest kind of a
fight if he Is to secure the chairman
ship of the committee on Interoccanlc
canals. It Is understood this chair
manship, made vacanc by the deatlr of
Senator Hanna, will be filled before the
holiday adjournment. While Senator
Piatt, of New York, Is the ranking man
and would naturally succeed Hanna,
he Insists he does not want the place.
Mitchell is next In line and would or
dinarily be appointed. Many leading
Senators, however, are making a de
termined fight to .keep Mitchell out on
account of his. stand for Nicaragua at
the time the two canal routes were
under consideration,- and are bringing
all their Influence to bear to this end.
So far, Senator Mitchell has made no
fight in his own behalf, but Is rather
depending: upon his seniority to airry
him through. His chances are grow
ing less every day. Senator Kittrcdge
is seeking the position.
Senators Mitchell, Fulton and Ankeny
Indorse Walla Walla Petitioh.
ington, Dec 8. Senator Mitchell, Sena
tor Fulton and Senator Ankeny have
united In indorsing a petition of citi
zens of Walla Walla County, request
ing that all of lands embraced in sec
tions 30 and 32, township 9 north, range
31 east, in the Walla Walla land dis
trict. Walla Walla County, Washing
ton, be released from the "withdrawn
areas in the Palouse irrigation project
and thrown back to general entry.
This request is made for the reasons
that said sections lie south of the
Snake River and cannot be covered by
any irrigation system of lands north
of that stream. The petition recites
further that these lands have been en
tered under the homestead act and that
the entrymcn are desirous of commut
ing, which is not permissable until the
lands in said sections arc eliminated
from the withdrawal cited.
The chief engineer has- requested the
engineer In charge of the Palouse pro
ject to make an early investigation of
this matter, and a recommendation as
to" the advisability of complying with
the request pf the petitioners.
Shaw Urges $800,000 Be Approprl-
ated for Public Building.
ington, Dec 8. Secretary Shaw will send
to Congress a recommendation that the
limit of the cost of the Tacoma build
ing be lncreaseed from $400,000 to $500,000,
and will ask that necessary appropria
tions be made to carry out the work. If
Congress authorizes the Increase, plans
for the" building will bo prepared next
Summer, and work will be under way
within a year. So far the plans have
been delayed at the request of Senator
Foster and Representative Ciishman, be
cause they deemed $400,000 Insufficient for
a suitable Tacoma building.
Oregon Chairman and the People Are
Thanked for Big Vote Given.
ington, Dec 8. Chairman Frank C. Baker,
of the Oregon Republican State Central
Committee, was presented to President
Roosevelt today. He was accompanied to
the White House by Senators Mitchell
and Fulton. Senator Mitchell, in present
ing Mr. Baker to the President, said:
"Mr. Baker is the liveliest chairman In
the West."
The President replied:, 'VT.w, M.r,..Baker.
I am sure -of that and thank you and the
Urges Penalty for Illegal Grazing.
ington, Dec S. Secretary of the Interior
Hitchcock today sent to Congress a-recommendation
that a law be passed grant
ing authority to impose a penalty of ?1
per head on all cattle or stock that may
be driven upon Indian reservations with
out proper permission. He also asks,fqr
authority to seize such stock .and hold
it until the fine Is paid". -"' T
New Washington Postmasters.
ington, Dec. 8. Postmasters were ap
pointed today as follows:
Foster, Joseph T. Foster, vice Adam
Held resigned; Hlllman, Cuthbert Pratt,
vice Martin Cottenbaugh resigned.
Denver Handwriting Experts Con
clude Examination of Ballots.
DENVER, Dec 8. Reports made to the
Supreme Court today by handwriting ex
perts who examined the ballots found In
the box from Precinct 6, of Ward 5. dis
closed evidences of repeating for both the
Democratic and Republican tickets at the
late election. Expert George H. King, em
ployed by the Republicans, reported that
of the 171 ballots found In the box 60 with
the Democratic heading had been written
by 16 persons, one of whom had written
eight and another five. He said that 22
Republican ballots had been written by
ten individuals.
C. F. Reed, the Democratic expert, re
ported that he found that 53 Democratic
ballots had been voted by 18 persons and
20 Republican ballots by 13 persons.
Arguments of counsel was completed and
the court announced that a decision would
be rendered on Saturday.
United States Commissioner A. B. Cap
ron today bound over to the grand jury
Max and William Schradsky, two of the
persons charged with conspiracy to pre
vent people from voting at the recent elec
tion. Sadie Plessncr and Samuel Slatkln
were discharged.
The two Schradskys acted as Constables
at the recent election and the testimony
offered by the attorneys for the Republic
ans showed they ran tho polling place to
suit themselves.
Why Writ of Review Was Denied.
ST. LOUIS. Dec. 8. The opinion of
Judge Sanborn, of the United States Cir
cuit Court, denying the application for a
writ of habeas corpus made by Michael
Doud, of Denver, who was imprisoned by
the Supreme Court of Colorado on a
charge of contempt growing out of the re
cent election, was made public today. The
writ was denied on the ground that the
action of the Supreme Court of Colorado
is reviewable by a writ of error from the
Supreme Court of the United States and
that precedent established the latter tri
bunalas the reviewing court rather than
a Federal Circuit Judge
House of Wealthy Georgia Planter Is
Then Set On Fire.
AUGUSTA, Ga., Dec. 8. Some time
last night Ben W. Hughes, a wealthy
merchant and planter, of Trenton, S.
C, and entire family were murdered
and their house burned.
Investigation revealed the fact that
unknown parties, believed by the
tracks found of three men under the
house, murdered Mrs. Hughes In her
room with an ax, then went to the
room occupied by the daughters. Em
ma, aged 19, and Hattic, aged 14, and
murdered them in like manner, with
out the girls awakening.' Hughes evi
dently heard the noise and went from
his room Into the hallway, where ho
was shot down. A special train was
sent to Columbia for bloodhounds to
track the murderers. The. highest state
of excitement prevails throughout the
Nan Patterson, the Show Girl, Has All
Women Excluded From Courtroom.
NEW YORK. Dec 8. After John D.
Benedict had been removed from the
jury box by Justice Davis In the criminal
branch of the Supreme Court, the two
Jurors necessary to complete the panel
In tho trial of Nan Patterson for the
murder of Caesar Young were chosen
this afternoon, and Assistant District
Attorney Rand at once began his open
ing statement. Miss Patterson was the
only woman in the courtroom when the
prosecutor opened, all others being ex
cluded at her request. Mr. Rand prac
tically repeated the charges he made at
the former trial, which was brought to
a sudden end by the illness of a Juror.
After Mr. Levy, representing Miss Pat
terson had objected to certain state
ments made by Mr. Rand, adjournment
was taken until tomorrow noon.
Oklahoma Bank Is Robbed.
Farmers' State Bank,- at Lambert, 40
miles west of Enid, was robbed last
night by three men, who dynamited the
safe. About $3000 in cash was secured
and the robbers escaped toward tho
Gloss Mountains. A tfosse Is in pursuit.
Ohio Murderer Electrocuted.
COLUMBUS, O., Dec. 9, William
Nichols, aged 68. convicted of the mur
der of Alfred Mlnard, a Civil War vet
eran, at Kenton, O., In July, 1903, was
electrocuted in the annex at the Ohio
penitentiary shortly after midnight.
Bankers Enter Plea of Not Guilty.
BUFFALO. Dec. S. President Rlch-
The quantity of the food taken is not
the measure of its nourishment. The
quality is what counts. Many babies
take large quantities of food and "get a
small amount of nourishment. Mel
lin's Food babies take a small quan
tity of food and get a large amount
of nourishment. Send for our book
" Mcllin'a Food Babies." . . .
Special Friday Supplement
An Ail-Conquering Sale of
Actual, Splendid $10 and $12.
Skirts for $5.65
See the Peerless Beauties in a Washington
Street Window
Eich, handsome Taffetas, Peau ds Soles and Ohilfon Taffetas, in bonnie plaids, plain colors and change
able effects. In every wanted color and shade you can name and every style favored by imperious Dame
Fashion. Beautiful trimming effects add to the magnificence of these charming SKrts. They make ele
gant and practical Christmas gifts. We buy and sell more Petticoats than ALL other Portland stores
combined. To demonstrate our mastery in price-making, we shall offer these real, un- J- T Ct T
rivaled 10 and $12.50 values for today and tomorrow only at .-. vl UO
The Sweaters are in both blouse and Norfolk
styles, soft but firm, pretty -wools, plain red,
white and fancies:
$3.50 and $3.75 values at 32.39
$4.50 and $5.00 values at S3.18
$6.50 and $7.50 values at 34.65
Our regular $5.00 and $6.00 values for. . .3.19
Golf Vests, in handsome wools, white, red and
fancy mixtures? our regular $200, $2.50, $3.50
and $4.50 values, for . .....1.56
Above values for today and tomorrow. .. .
Fur weather and Xmas coming. Miss Bernard
doesn't care a rap whether these choice furs want
to be driven out in the cold or not they've got to
go; and these reductions should sweep them out
quickly. Our regular prices on furs are the low
est in the city. The furs are the first and best
selections of a prominent St. Paul manufacturer
the finest in America.
Beautiful Neckpieces
Electric Seals, Blaok Coney, Sable and Isabella
'Possum and Black Martens; lined with rich
Siberian Squirrel, Silken Cords, Tassels and
Tails. Yalues from $3.50 to $38.50, and reduced
this "way:
$ 3.50 Neckpieces ......... .82.18
$ 4.50 Neckpieces .... $3.00
$ 6.00 Neckpieces ... $4.15
$ 7.50 Neckpieces 5.15
$10.00 Neckpieces 6.65
$12.50 Neckpieces 38.35
$15.00 Neckpieces .S10.50
$18.50 Neckpieces $12.35
$20.00 Neckpieces $13.35
$22.50 Neckpieces $15.75
$25.00 Neckpieces $16.65
$27.50 Neckpieces $18.35
$30.00 Neckpieces". . '. $21.20
$32.50 Neckpieces $22.85
$35.00 Neckpieces $24.65
$38.50 Neckpieces $27.95
And other in-between prices proportionately
How the Crowds Flock to the
"Toggery Shop"
New Annex First Floor.
Such a wonderful display of smart,
things thore for men to wear and
such hosts of bargains! The prob
lem of "what to buy for tho man"
Is easllv solved here. Walking- by
a nearby store, the writer saw, a day or two since, a lot of Eng
lish Squares prominently displayed In a large show window,
marked "Special at 50c." The same scarfs were on sale here for
36c and It wasn't a block away, either. You'll pay 5c to ride a.
few blocks in the trolley cars. You'll save lac by walking a block
from Morrison street to this store on the purchase of one of these
ties. And dollars on other things that men wear. The best "Man s
Shop" in town Is Olds, "Wortman & King's. Special today.
29c for Men's Underwear, worth 50c.
A lino of men's ribbed balbriggan shirts and drawers, in flesh
color. French neck and covered seams; the bast garment It Is pos
sible to buy of any merchant for 50c. For Economy Sale only we
sell them at 20c the jtarmtut.
Only 1 9c for Men's Hose, worth 35c.
The newest, best and swcllest lino imaginable of men's fancy Fall
sox: extra good value at 35c. Economy Sale Price.... 10c the pair
79c for Men's Shirts worth $1.25 and 51.50 Men's fancy Shirts, soft
bosom style, separate cuffs, in materials of Oxfords and Madras,
in very choice patterns; our best 51.25 and $1.50 values for... 70c
Men's Nightshirts, worth 75c, for 4Ec Men's Flannelette Night
shirts, soft, fleecy garments; a guarantee of good, refreshing
, sleep for these chilly nights; our standard 75c value, for, each. -45c
Only 9Sc for Men's Walking Gloves worth $1.50 Men's Glace
Kid Walking Gloves, full pique sewed, best and most desirable
street colors; our $1.50 value, for. pair oSc
92c for Men's Underwear worth $1.50 Men's fine natural wool Un
dershirts and Drawers, in silver gray, Winter weight, very flno
stock; our $1.50 value, for, each 83a
60c for Men's Handkerchiefs worth $1.00 Men's Christmas Hand
kerchiefs with Initials, put up one-half dozen in box; our $1.00
value, for, box .60c
Men's Neckties worth 75c for Sac Men's Christmas Neckwear
English Squares and Four-In-Hands, the richest silks and. newest
patterns ever offered at the price; our 75o value, for, each....35o
15c instead of 25c for men's Hose Men's Cashmere Hose, in natu
ral, silver gray or solid black, medium weight; our best 25c value
for, pair 13c
Table Iikem
Mr. E. J. Oliver, "Big
Chief" of the Linen
and Domestic Aisles
Thrown Out More Ballast for Today.
First Floor.
Loosens up a notch or two on the
brake and turns on the bargain cur
rent full force. All previously ad
vertised specials of the week are
in force here today (unless closed
out), and these added ones.
WORTH $2.50.
First Floor.
Richardson's fine satin damask,
double; our $2.50 quality. For Econ
omy Sale, at, the yard $1.80
Full size dinner napkins to match;
our $7.00 value, for.. $44)5 the doxem
WORTH ?2.25.
Very fine satin damask, 2 yards
wide, good line of patterns; our
$2.25 quality, for $1.45 tfee yard.
Full size dinner napkins, same
quality; our $6.00 value, for
...94.25 tfee dosem
Fusillade of
Bargains in
Xmas Wares
From the Holiday Baxnar AIhIck. oh First Floor.
Fancy Imported baskets, containing bottles of per
fume, all odors:
Our 20c value for iyc each
Our 25c value for ,15c ach
Our 50c value for aec each
$2.49 Toilet Sets, for $ 1 .49
Fancy porcelain bark hand-painted toilet set3, with
brush, comb and hand mirror. Our $2.49 value for
V $1.40 the set
75c Opera Bag Gate Tops, 29c
Fancy gilt or oxide opera bags, gate tops. Our
45c to 75c values for , .SOc each
I9c for Children's
worth 29c
Fancy boxes of children's writing paper.
tints of Daner and envelopes. Our 29c value for.
19c the box
39c instead of 75c for Handsome
Patent Leather Music Roll
$2.19 Kodak Albums for $1.39
Kodak Albums, with extra heavy leather backs, for
unmounted kodak pictures; size 7x10 inches. Our
$2.19 value for $1.39 each
Only 95c for Shaving Mirrors,
worth $1.49
Combination shaving mirrors, round shapes, with
plain mirror on one side and magnifying glass on
the other side; easel back. Our $1.49 value for
05c each
15c FOR LADIES' CARD CASES, in black or brown
leather. Our 25c value for 15c each
long. Our 35c value for 10c each
our 59c value, for 30c the pair
Ladies' fine enamel back watches, gold filled case,
open face, small size. New England movement. Our
$11.98 value, for ..$7.00 .each
Only 39c for "Pit" and "Flinch" playing cards. Our
50c value for 33c
55c for Stationery, worth 90c
Fine box stationery, In high-grade quality; in red,
green and brown tints. Our 90c quality for 53c box
ard Emery, of the German Bank;
Cashier Paul Werner, and Assistant
Cashier William P. Luedko today plead
ed not guilty to the charge of grand
larceny. Tho case was adjourned until
next Tuesday.
Alaskan Boundary Finally Fixed.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 8. A final set
tlement of the Alaskan boundary line
has been reached. There was a 'small
section of this boundary which" was not
determined by the Alaskan RmmHnr-i-
Commisslon at its meeting today, for
the reason that it never had been sur- I
veyed. Mr. Tittman, president of the
Geodetic Survey, and Mr. King, of the
Canadian government, were appointed,
a special commission to complete this
work, which has been done.
Son of Aator Under Surgeon's Knife.
NEW YORK. Dec. 8.V!ncent Aator,
aged 12, only son of Colonel and Mrs. John
Jacob Astor. has undergone an operation
for appendicitis. It was apparently en
tirely successful, and the chances for re
cover' are raid to be excellent.
Troops Have Little to Do at Ziegler.
SPRINGFIELD, III.. Dec. $. Adjutant
General Scott received word from Major
Elliott, commanding the state troops at
Zelgler, that the troop3 had done no fir
ing the past 24 hours, but that United
States Marshals had fired last night and
had killed one of the company's mules.
The. Adjutant-General reported the health
Of the troops as good.
Civil Reform League in Session.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. The 24th an
nual convention of the National Civic
Reform League opened here today with
about 500 delegates from all parts of
the country present. Annual reports
were read, and the annual addresses