Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 09, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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Civil Service Commis
sion Under Fire
Hepburn Holds Spoils System
Not Improved Upon;
grosvenor joins in attack
President's Recommendation That
Strict Economy Be Practiced Is
Takep Cognizance of by the'
Speakers on Both Sides.
Attempt to brine up pure-food ,bUl Is
Tillman brings Crum case Into promi
nence by asklnc committee to give states
of recess appointments.
Clvil Service Commission i attacked
because of a proposed Increase of 23
employes to constitute the rural carrier
examining board.
Pay of stenographers to House com
rnlttets Is reduced from $3000 to fSOOO
per annum.
"Proposition to Increase' 'the salarr
2250) of the -secretary -of- the Civil
Service Commission is. rejected.
WJLSHINGTON. . .Dec. . 8.rTho . annual
fight on the CJyjl . Seryipp, .Commission,
was begun in, the House today during
consideration of the legislative appropria
tion bill. The opposition came from
Bartlett (Dom., Ga.), Hepburn (la.) and
Grosvenor (O.). Hepburn moved to strike
out the entire appropriation for the Com
mission and Its force of olerks, at the
same time denouncing the Civil Service
as not having Improved on the spoils sys
tem, but on the contrary, as growing less
and less efficient. The session lasted five
hours and 20 minutes. The legislative bill
was scrutinized carefully, in consonance
with the President's recommendation
against extravagance.
The pay of the stenographers to the
committees of the Houso was reduced
from 55000 per annum to $3000, and the
House refused to accept the provision In
creasing the pay of the secretary to the
Civil Service Commission. Little progress
was made on the bill.
The House, on convening, went into
committee of the whole to consider the
measure. Livingston (Ga.), minority mem
ber of the subcommittee, followed with a
brief explanation of the various provis
ions of the bllL It was then read tor
amendment and discussed under the flve
mlnute rule.
An appropriation for a Janitor to the
House committee on the library met some
Democratic opposition, led by Bartlett and
Maddox of Georgia, and Clark of Ml
souri. Clark said there were many super
numerary officials around the House who
ought to be gotten rid of. The President's
message, he said, had urged economy,
and Clark contended If the House was
going to economize, the best place to
commence was the House itself.
In a few vigorous remarks Livingston
(Dem., Ga.) defended the appropriations
committee in the preparation of the bill,
but lamented the fact that bills appro
priating millions of dollars should be hur
ried through In 50 days'. This hurried
legislation ought to stop, he declared.
Congress, he suggested, ought to meet in
May, and thus give a decent time to the
legislation of the country.
Gillett (Mass.) thought that too little
attention was paid in the House to ap
propriation bills. Bingham (Pa.) Insisted
that the bill had been cut more than any
similar one handled in recent years, and
said it had been considered fairly by the
subcommittee, whose conclusions had been
accepted by tho full committee.
The committee, by a vote of 71 to 65,
reduced the pay of committe stenogra
phers from $5000 to $3000.
Attack on Civil-Service Board Begins.
The paragraph relating to the Civil Ser
vice Commiesion elicited from Maddox
(Dem., Ga.) severe criticism, because of a
proposed increase of 23 employes to con
stitute tho rural carrier examining board.
He declared there was no necessity for
them, and it was the duty of this Con
gress to retrench if the statement of the
Secretary of the Treasury be true.
The discussion shifted to the salary of
the secretary to the Civil Service Com
mission. The committee had Increased It
from $2250 to $3000. but an amendment by
Bartlett putting It back to the former
amount was adopted. After Lilley (Conn.)
had expressed tho opinion that the sec
retary to the Civil Servioe Commission
could not earn $2250 elsewhere, Grosvenor
inquired, amid laughter. If it would not
be well to strike out the provision for
tho three Commissioners and let the
tlerks run the office.
Hepburn (la.) moved to strike out the
appropriation for tho commission, and bit
terly denounced It. He was not, he said.
opposed to ajjroper civil service, but the
present merit system did not Improve on
the old spofli' system. The present civil
service was not as good as it was 20 years
ago. and was constantly becoming less
and loss efficient.
"I denounce it,' he said, with emphasis,
"as un-American and unfit for our uses;
as insufficient to accomplish the purposes
that men say they desire by a civil ser
He was roundly applauded on both sides
of the chamber.
Gillett (Mass.), chairman of the commit
tee on civil service, defended the system.
and said that, even should Hepburn's
amondmont prevail, the law Itself would
go on just the same.
"Williams (Miss.), the minority leader.
suggested it would be an improvement
over the present system to fix a certain
period for which an employe should serve
the Government.
Grosvenor (O.) spoke of the Civil Service
Commissioners as "these great gentle
men" and "these $2500 gentlemen," and
referred to a package of papers which had
come to him today from a rural carrier
who had been propounded certain Ques
tions by the commission as to whether he
had used his influence in behalf of the
election of President Roosevelt In tho Ohio
campaign, and whether, on a certain day.
he had turned over his route to his sub
stitute and worked for the Republican
"Now think of holding up 'a poor devil
of a rural carrier like that! The man had
simply gone to the polls and voted.'
The man in Question, he said, h&d been
The Corriing of a Queen
An Especially Rare Treat Awaits the Music Lovers of
Portland In the Coming of Madam Johanna Gadski
to the Marquam, December 19th.
"I was today, for the first time,
accompanied by the Pianola, and I
hasten to tell you of my satisfaction
and pleasure at the satisfactory
and delightful support which it
gave me in the extremely difficult
and trying numbers which I sang.
No accompaniment could be more
perfect and moro satisfying. I wish
you great success.
"Johanna Gadski."
These opinions of the gifted singer are shared with such other cele
brated musicians as the great composer Ed Grieg; the famous German
musician Carl Reinecke; Dr. Joachim, the greatest violinist of this age;
the famous conductor of Parsifal, Alfred Hertz; Dr. Hans Richter;
Otto Lohso, conductor Royal Opera, Covent Garden, London, England;
Madame Mathilde Marchesi, Busoni, Saint-Saens, Dr. Richard Strauss,
Chaminade, Moszkowski, Scotti, Madam Kirkby Lunu, Ben Davies, Pol
Plancon, Caruso, the De Reszkes and numerous others.
In Portland and the Northwest these instruments are found in many
of the wealthiest and most cultured homes. Within the past few weeks
the Eilers Piano House has disposed of no less than three carloads of
Weber pianos, including a number of grands and baby grands, and nearly
the same number of Pianolas, which includes Metrostyle Pianolas and
Pianola Pianos, these latter being simply the upright piano with the
Pianola mechanism built into the space which has hitherto been vacant
in upright pianos.
Purchasers will now find a holiday display of these, instruments- at
our store, 351 Washington street, corner "Park. Eilers Piafib House.
Moderate payments can be arranged..
held -up by the Civil Service Commission
and was losing his pay, while a great
body of men are Investigating, not what
is the matter with the woman at Cleve
land that robbed everybody, but did that
man vote for Roosevelt and did he work
at the polls on election day?"
What If He Had Voted for Parker?
Williams, directing his remarks to Gros
venor, said he had been wondering how
Grosvenor could have the heart to punish
the House with such a hard-luck story
because an Ohio fellow had shown polit
ical activity in the case of President
Roosevelt. What might possibly have
been the fate of a fellow who would have
dared to have shown political activity in
behalf of Mr. Parker? This reference to
Mr. Parker created laughter on both sides
of the chamber.
"The Indications are.' replied Grosvenor,
which caused a renewal of laughter,
"there were a great many of them terri
fied." "From the Jiumerousness of their scarc
ity at the polls." responded "Williams,
amid more laughter, "I imagine a groat
many of them must have been terrified,
whether through the rural free-delivery
service or in some other way I shall not
undertake to say."
He was Inclined, he 6ald, to agree with
Hepburn, and said the old spoils system
was as good as the "Chinese system" now
In vogue. He favored the appointment of
men to office who were in sympathy with
the party in power. '
Tho bill was then laid aside, and the
House, at 5:16 P. M., adjourned until to
Heyburn's Move to Bring Up Pure
Food Bill Is Defeated by Aldrich.
WASHINGTON". Dec ,8. The Senate
held only a short session today and ad
journed until Monday. An attempt to se
cure consideration of the pure-food bill
by Heyburn was defeated by a demand
of Aldrich that the bill bo read at
length, which brought an objection from
Tillman, who did not want the time con
sumed. Tillman brought the case of William D.
Crum, the colored man nominated for
CoUector at Charleston. S. C, Into prom
inence by asking for a report from the
Committee on Judiciary as to the status
of recess appointments.
Responding. Piatt (Connecticut) said
the resolution had failed to receive con
sideration during the past session be
cause of the Illness of Chairman Hoar,
and he promised to bring the matter up
at the next meeting of the committee.
"Has the committee power to refuse to
make a report when under instructions
from the Senate to do so?" Tillman
asked, whereupon Spooner inquired of the
South Carolina Senator whether the reso
lution carried a time limit, to which that
Senator replied In the negative. He added
the conviction that It would "Be possi
ble to stir the matter up occasionally in
the Senate, even though no report should
be made."
Tillman said he did not Intend to make
any facetious opposition to the "Crum"
nomination for the purpose of thwarting
the will of the President, but ho felt
called upon to antagonize confirmation
until the committee report could be re
ceived. The Senate then, at 12:29, went into
executive session, and at 12:45 adjourned
until Monday.
List Acted on by Senate Contains
Name of Portland Postmaster.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 8. Tho Senate
today confirmed the nominations of
Captains DIckins, F. F. Wllkle, Charles
"FT. Davis. Charles F. Strain. Georco W.
Plgman and J. O. A. Converse to bo
Although, owing to the enterprise
of Miss Lois Steers, Portlanders are
becoming accustomed to the rarest
voices and finest music which the
world now knows, Madam Gadski
will not suffer by comparison with
the rarest.
Endowed with a marvelous voice,
possessing both beauty and a
charming personality; with the ad
vantage of years of study from
early childhood with the very ablest
teachers, and later years of experi
ence with other famous and gifted
singers, with repeated triumphs in
the most trying and difficult ope
ratic roles and now in the very
zenith of her fame, she makes her
first appearance in Portland.
After she has been heard, if not
now, the following expressions by
her concerning the world's most
famous musical instruments will be
"Especially interested I am in
the small Weber Baby Grand which
I am using in Boston. I think its
tone is most exquisite, combining
beautiful quality with great power
which is quite remarkable for such
a small instrument and can hardly
be improved upon. Very truly
" Johanna Gadski Tauscher."
Rear-Admirals in the Navy; also the
T. C Dawson. Iowa. Minister reaiilAnt
and Consul-General to Santo Domingo
Charles Richardson. Massachusetts
Secretary of the Legation at Rio de
janiero: jvaam c Carson, Virginia, As
sociate Justice of the Supreme Court
or the Philippine Islands; William T.
Cochran. Kansas, rmrehnslnir n runt fnr
the Postomce Department.
Postmasters Oregon, William Ml
.Brown, leoanon; Charles W. Parks
Roseburg; John W. Mlnto, Portland
August H. Bender, Myrtle Point.
Statehood Bill Safe in Senate.
WASHINGTON. Dec. S. Th Senate
comlmttee on territories will take up
the statehood bill presented to tho
House last session for the admission
Of Arizona and New Mexico anil of Tn
dlan Territory and Oklahoma as two
states. Chairman Bevcrldge expects
that the bill will be perfected in time
to tako it up after December 16, the
day set for taklne- a vote on the Phil
ippine bill. The fact that the bill is
recommended by the steering- commit
tee to be made the unfinished business
Insures tho passage of the bill without
serious opposition.
Bills to Reduce Representation.
. WASHINGTON. Dec S. Representa
tive Morrill, of Pennsylvania, today In
troduced a bill to reduce representation
in states where citizens are disfran
chised. The bill is more general than
that introduced by Senator Piatt yes
terday, and its provisions apply to any
state 'limiting: suffrage.
Representative Sherman, of New
York, today introduced a bill identical
with that introduced by Senator Piatt
in the Senate, reducing- the representa
tion of Southern States in Congress.
Would Confirm Mills' Nomination.
WASHINGTON, Dec. S: The Senate
committee on military affairs today au
thorized a favorable report on the nom
ination of Colonel Albert I. Mills to be
Brigadler-Goneral. The nomination
failed of confirmation at the last ses
sion of Congress, but was again sent
to the Senate by President Roosevelt.
Bill for Cable to Panama.
WASHINGTON, Dee. 8. A bill to
connect the Canal zone on the Isthmus
of Panama with the United States by
cable was Introduced today by Repre
sentative Wanger. of Pennsylvania.
New President of National Associa
tion Outlines Its Plans.
CHICAGO. Dec 8. Frank J. Hagen
barth, of Utah, the new president of the
National Livestock Association, left for
the West today. Mr. Hagenbarth said:
"The livestock interests are now plan
ning a reorganization along modern lines.
Tho new plan contemplates an alignment
and grouping of each and every live
stock interest along these scientific latter
day lines.
"Each branch will organize a commit
tee to become known as the general com
mittee of that branch. Such general com
mittee will represent the Interests of the
branch creating it and will select one of
Its members to represent It in a central
committee, which will be the whole ex
ecutive authority of the association.
"In place of the old system," continued
Mr. Hagenbarth- "the annual delegate
conventions are abandoned, and there will
bo annual meetings composed of all the
general -committees in Joint session. This
annual meeting will receive reports of of
ficers and tho central commlttco and will
TUa QirrmlP T if A
J. Itw KJlltipiW JJliC
This again demonstrates the well
IBest Mail Order Store
You can shop here by mail
with absolute safety ''our
money-back' 1 guarantee insures
satisfaction promptness is a
great characteristic.
Remember That
SlOSilkPetticoats $6.45
These are the Petticoats we placed on sale yesterday there were
83 of them sold over one-half of the lot balance of them on sale
today at the same price $6.45. They are made of a superb
quality of taffeta silk, m tan, pink,
eray, blue and changeable greens,
They have a deep, flaring flounce,
with clusters of narrow tucks and hemstitching, and are finished
at the bottom with niching and deep dust ruffle; actual value of
these magnificent garments is $io.oo; on sale today at $6.45.
Two Thousand Sterling Sil- O Cr
ver Toilet Articles Special at &J"
The assortment consists of Nail Files, Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes,
Blotters, Shoe Hooks, Shoe Horns, Cream Jars, Bottles, Perfume
Bottles, etc. a sale that offers opportunities for buying pretty
gifts for a trifle. The values are remarkable.
Ribbon Remnants: Half-Price
Thousands of Dolls have their home in "Dollyland" all of them
are pretty all of them of exceptional value at their respective
We show Kid Dolls at 75 to 10 and at all between prices
We show Rag Dolls at lo to 15 and at all between prices
We show Jointed Dolls at . . .15 to S12 and at all between prices
We show Bisque Dolls at 10 to 90d and at all between prices
We show Dressed Dolls at. . . 5d to S15 and at all between prices
discuss any matters brought before It,
and may make such suggestions and rec
ommendations as it may dcslro to the
central committee. It will transact no
executive business, having only the
power of initiative and referendum.
"The National Wool Growers' Associa
tion can select the general committee of
the sheep men. Pure-bred record asso
ciations can each select a member of
their general committee. Packers and
stockyards men can do the same thing.
The National Livestock Exchange can
act for the commission men and the rail
roads can each select a representative on
their general committee. In this way all
the Interests within any branch are given
representation and have a voice In the
selection and government of their member
on the central committee,
doors o this office and led tho woman out
"The Government has devoted propor
tionately very little of Its energies to
the development of the livestock inter
ests. It Is our desire that fat stock and
purebred shows be held In sections of the
big land of ours where conditions and
climate differ.
"Again, the cattleman and the sheep
man and those who furnish them credit
are reduced to the condition of gamblers.
Who knows today whether we are oper
ating on a shortage or surplus of cattle?
I do not believe there Is a man In the
United States today who can furnish
a safe estiruato -as to the number of cat
tle on hand. To correct this evil we pro
pose to ask for an annual census of live
stock and farm products. Such a census
is made annually of the cotton crop; why
not include the others?
"We think the livestock Interests pe
culiarly fortunate In the friendship of
President Roosevelt, who was once a
cowman. Secretary Wilson Is likewise a
friend of the stockman and allied Inter
ests, and knows our needs."
In reply to the query as to what en
couragement he had met In earning out
his plans and engaging the heavy inter
ests Involved In their execution. Presi
dent Hagenbarth replied:
"I havo just finished making the rounds
and am pleased to say that I And the
large Interests easier to Interest In this
work upon the high plane proposed. We
now have an assurance of the co-operation
of the railroads as well. Among tho
lines which will take part In bringing
about the new order of things will be
the Harrlman and Gould Interests, the
SL Paul, the Santa Fc, tho Northwestern
and the Rock Island, and we feel confi
dent that the other livestock lines will
fall In when the matter- Is presented to
Contracts for Wharves Signed.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 8. At today's
meeting of the State Board of Harbor
Commissioners the contracts for the con
struction of the new Pacific Mall wharves
were signed, and the bonds of the con
tractors approved and accepted. One of
tho wharves will be a double-decker,
and both will be so built and equipped
that an enormous quantity of freight can
be handled without the congestion of
traffic. Work on these wharves will be
begun without delay and the construction
will be carried to compleUon with all
possible dispatch.
Finina of Eugene Gamblers.
EUGENE, Or.. Dec. 8. (Special.) The
police are still keeping up- their crusade
against gambling, and today five local
sports were brought before the Recorder
on charges of gambling or permitting
gambling, receiving the usual sentence.
Easy io T&k&
Because purely vegetable yet thor
ough, prompt, healthful, satisfactory
Hood's Pills
55 A canvas of the city showed that not ONE copy of this most -
any book or department store in the city. Wcoffer today 500
- known superiority of our book store over all others.
Lipman, Wolfe & Co
There Are Only 14
lavender, reseda,
reds and blues."
which is trimmed
In no season of the year are Ribbons in such
demand as during the weeks immediately be
fore Christmas.
To meet these demands in a way that's sure to
be to your liking, we begin here today
Widths range from four to nine inches
lengths from three-quarters to one and one
half yards. Many of the fancy Ribbons are
suitable for OPERA BAGS. There are quite
a number of plain satin taffeta and Liberty
satin Ribbon included.
I 1 "i . , ,
If you knew the facts about
Schilling's Best, you wouldn't
bother with anything else m
those six lines at alL
For Portland
Tutf s PSis
Cure All
Liver Ilia.
constitution undermined by ex
travagance in eating, by disre
garding the laws of nature, or
physical capital all gone, if so,
Tutt's Liver Pills will cure you.
For sick headache, dyspepsia,
sour stomach, malaria, torpid
fiver, constipation, biliousness
and all kindred diseases.
Tutt's Liver Pills
an absolute cure.
More Buying Days
Another shipment of Waists exactly like a lot
we sold at the same price a week or so ago.
These Waists are made of the highest quality
of heavy-weight import
ed white mercerized ma
dras, in a large variety of
brocaded designs. The
fronts are in pleated ef
fect, have French back, full-pouch sleeves and
fancy stock collars. The fit is absolutely per
fect. We say that their value is $4.50; we
could say $5.00, and then not overshoot the
mark. Choice of them today at 1.98.
Fancy Silver and Metal Bags
and Purses at Half-Price
We offer at exactly one-half of regular prices a collection of Ster
ling Hand Bags and Purses, Gunmetal Finger Purses and Gold and
Silver-Plated Purses.
Sterling Silver Hand Bags and Purses that were $6.50, $9.00, $12.50,
$15.00, $16.00 and $17.50 are on sale at 3.25, 4.'50, 6.25,
7.50, 8.00 and 8.75.
Gunmetal Finger Purses that were $1.50 and $2.00 are on sale at
75 and 1.00.
Silver-Plated Purses that were $1.50, $5.00, $5.50, $6.50, $7.00 and
$10.00 are on sale at 75, 2.50, 2.75, 3.25, 3.50 and
Gold-Plated Purses that were $9.00 and $10.00 are on sale at 4.50
and 5.00.
50c Lace Hosiery 37c
We offer a great holiday special today in the Stocking Store.
The offering consists of fifty dozen of Women's Imported Fast
Black Lace Lisle Stockings. Choice of a wide variety of all-over
lace and lace boot patterns best 50c quality on sale today at 37.
Two Blanket Specials
$5.00: Worth $6.50
Full double-bed size all-wool
white Blankets, with pink or
blue borders best Blanket
value in town.
Y 1 .1
of Misses' and Children's Wear
The special values we are offering in our Misses' and Children's
wear department for today and tomorrow should prove very attractive
as the garments combine the very latest styles with the finest materials.
We mention below a very few of the suits and dresses now on sale on
the third floor.
$10, S15' Raincoats $9.85
Misses' Cravenette Raincoats, in
tans, grays and mixtures, belt '
and collarless styles, with and
without capes, finished with
fancy stitching; ages 12 to 16 !
years. Regular $10.00 to
$15.00. values for $9.85
$12.50, $15 Suits $10.15
Misses' Suits of fine serge, cheviot
and fancy mixtures, in black,
blue, brown and gray, Peter
Thompson and Middy styles,
blouse effects; ages 12 to 16
years; regular $12.60 to $15.00
values for $10.15
As a gift for a lady nothing is more appropriate or more highly
appreciated than a stylish fur piece. The extraordinary values we
are now offering should prove an incentive for early purchasing.
Don't wait until the eleventh hour buy now, while stocks are com
beautiful and exclusive designs in sterling silver and 14 karat gold
filled handles make these umbrellas especially suitable for holiday
gifts. Prices range from $3.60 to $10.00.
To the Ladies of Portland
As yet it does not seem to be generally understood that on the
three floors of our "New Store" we carry as select, complete and ex
tensive a line of ladies' and children's wear as any establishment in
the 'city. Convince yourself by examining our stock of Furs, Suits
and Furnishings for ladies, misses and children.
Millinery One-Half Price
We include in thia special offer every hat in our immense stock
of the newest and most up-to-date models.
sought - for book was obtainable in
copies at 25, 100 copies at O0.
Best Picture Framing
We've framed over one hun
dred thousand pictures lirst
complaint yet to come best bid
for trade ever made, don't you
Before Christmas
$4.00: Worth $5.00
All-wool full-size gray Bed Blan
kets weight is full 6 pounds.
Best cheap Blanket in town.
$6.50, $7.50 Dresses $4.85
Children's Dresses, of serge, cassi
mere and plaids, in blue, brawn,
red, gray and fancy checks;
Peter Thompson and Buster
Brown styles; ages 6 to 12
years; regular $6.50 to $7.50
values $4.85
$4, $5 Coats $3.15
Children's Coats, of brown, blue,
tan and green zibelines and. wool
mixtures; ages 4 to 6 years;
regular $4.00 to $5.00 values
for $3.15
Ages 6 to 12 years, $6.50 to
$8.60 values $5.85
We have just received the
finest line of ladies' and
misses' Silk Umbrellas
shown in the city. The