Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 09, 1904, Page 15, Image 15

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Squall Sweeps Over NewYork
Stock Market
In a Rally Near tha End Nearly All
the Losses Were Recovered "
Wide Fluctuations in
the List.
NEW YORK. Dec. S. A violent squall
wept over the stock market today, which
wrought havoc while it lasted, bat which was
dissipated almost as quickly as It came. Com
pared with the stormy scenes of the day, the
final market was as placid as a Summer lake
and the buying of stocks was going on as
ryatematleally aa if no disturbance had oc
curred. A review of tho day's net changes reveals
not a few gains, and even the worst of tho
losses are confined to moderate proportions.
I'nfortunatcly for those who asld their stocks,
either from fright at the crumbling tendency
of price or from necessity to repay borrowed
money, the final prices of the day by no means
represented the prices at which the largest of
the day's sales were made. There was a time
during the market when there was no apparent
demand for stocks at any price. Orders to
sell a few hundred shares could only be ex
ecuted at concession of 1 to 3 points from the
preceding sale. Such haste and confusion
characterized the selling that the same stock
old simultaneously only a few feet apart at
variations of $2 to S3 a share. There was no
each frantic fluctuation as that Jn Northern
Pacific on May 0. 1001. owing to the corner
which existed on that stock, but otherwise
the movements In the market resembled those
on that day, and the day's total sales of
2,003,400 shares compare with 3,051,700 on
Way 9. 1001.
The day probably will go down In the history
of the Stock Exchange as one of those In
which the assurance which usually sustains
men in action on preconceived determinations
deserts them and they do things under the in
fluence of unreasoning panic. A list of some
of the day's extreme declines is the- best evi
dence of this fact, taken in connection with
the subsequent almost complete recoveries,
when reason had reasserted Its control. Col
orado Fuel fell an extreme 11, Amalgamated
Copper 10. Tennessee Coal 9. Lake Erie &
western 84. St. Paul 7, Brooklyn Transit
73. United States Steel preferred 7. St.
Louis & Southwestern 7. Sugar United
States Steel 6&; Union Pacific 5U. Missouri
Pacific r. Metropolitan Street Railway 6,
Metropolitan Securities 5. Consolidated Gas sji.
Louisville & Nashvillo 4, and many others
lesser amounts. These low prices represented
a. drop from the .high level of this week on
Monday of such figures as 24 for Amalgamated
Copper. 21 for -Colorado Fuel, 15 for Tennes
see Coal, 11H for United States Steel preferred.
11 for Union Pacific. 144 for Sugar. 12 for
Brooklyn Rapid Transit, and 12' for St. PauL
The rapidity arid" Violence of this shrinkage
of values abundantly accounts for the fears
aroused by lenders of money on stock collateral
and the urgent demands for additional margins
ent out by brokers carrying stocks for cus
tomers. There was undoubtedly some sudden
discrimination against the character of col
lateral, which added to the stringency of the
The source of the selling was not accurately
known, and it seemed to come from widely
distributed sources. It was somewhat remark
able that reports of financial embarassmcnts
did not get afloat at any time during the
break. The call money rate went slightly
above the season's previous maximum, but as
everybody was liquidating loans, the actual
supply of cash was being replenished Instead
of depleted.
The sererc break In tho foreign exchange
market reflected a .quick resort to that .source
of relief, and there were largo offerings of
bankers' finance fcllls in that market. Lon
don's heavy absorption of our stocks on the
break also made a large supply of exchange.
The same was true of foreign, purchases of
cotton and grain on the break In those mar
kets under the reflected pressure from the
stock market. The extreme weakness of
Amalgamated Copper had a reflex effect In
the market for copper metal both here and
In London.
The first violent recoveries were due to the
scramble among the triumphant bears to re
cover their short contracts, but the more sub
stantial buying sustained the market well to
the strong closing. There was no serious con
sideration of news developments, the specu
lative Inflation and its rupture being held
amply to account for the break.
The bond market was affected In sympathy
with stocks, but In less degree. Total sales,
$9,211,000. United States bonds were un
changed on call.
Sales. High. Low. bid.
Atchison ...... G0.S00 80 83 Vt 85
do preferred 3,000 102 100 102
Baltimore & Ohio.... 32.700 09 044 Oil
do preferred D3W
Canadian Pacific 14,500 131ft 127 130
Central of N. J 400 100 189 169
Chesapeake & Ohio... 13,100 48- 43& 4(
Chicago & Alton 200 41 40 40
do preferred SO
Chi. Great Western. 11.200 22 10 224
Chi. & Northwestern. 3.400 206 2(3 205
Chi., Mil. & St. Paul 52,900 172 1C4 169
do preferred 400 182 10 180
Chi. Term. &. Trans.. 2,700 12 11 12
do preferred 2,500 23 HO 23
C, C. C. & St. Louis 1.600 83 Kt SO
Colorado Southerns. 1.100 20 19 20
do 1st preferred.... 800 58 68 57
do 2d preferred , 32
Delaware & Hudson. 4,300 186 183 185
Del., Lack. & "West.. 200 335 385 S32
Denver & Rio Grande 200 31 31 31
do preferred . 1.700 86 83i 85
Erie 89,900 38 34 37
do 1st preferred.... 11.000 75 71 74
do 2d preferred . 3,200 55 53 54
Hocking Valley 100 92 92 90
do preferred 90
Illinois Central 14.700 153 149 153
Iowa Central LOGO 29 25 V- 29
do -preferred 7 53
Kan. City Southern.. 1.200 27 24 27
do preferred 900 49 48 49'
Louisville &. Nashv.. 11,800 143 138 141
Manhattan L. 1.900 166 164 166
Metrop. Securities ... 16,700 81 75 80
Meropolilan St. Ry.. ,7.900 122 110 121
Mexican Central 13,700 21 16 20S4
Minn. & St. Louis o
M.. St. P. & 8. S. M. COO 89 86 86
do preferred - 144
Missouri Pacific 73.100 107 ibsU 1074
Mo., Kan. & Texas.. 3.200 32 30 32S
do preferred 4,700 62 60 02
National pf Mex. pfd. 200 40 40 40$
New. York Central.... 15,400 138 134 1377?
Norfolk & "Western... 10,700 76 74 77x4
do preferred 8,900 93 90 90
Ontario & Western 43
Pennsylvania 104,1000 136 133 136
P., C C. & St. L.... 400 77 73 76
Reading.. 120.400 77 73 77
do 1st preferred S00 87 84 88
do 2d preferred 300 82 S0 80
Rock Island Co 20.100 34 30 33
do preferred 7.000 83 81 83
Et L. & S. F. 2d pfd. 4.600 67 C3 C6.
St L. Southwestern. 4.200 25 23 25
do preferred 4.300 56 50 53
Southern Pacific 197.600 63 . 59 62
do preferred 2.200 117 115 117
Southern Railway .. 62.500 35 33 34
do preferred 1.2O0 96 94 95
Texas & Pacific 1,100 34 32 34
Toledo. St. L. & . 1.000 35 33 34
do preferred 6.300 54 51 53
Lnlon Pacific 230.400 111 105 110
do preferred 4
"Wabash 3.300 22 20 21
do preferred 0,600 44 41 43
W heeling & L. Erie. 500 16 17 16
Wisconsin Central .. 2,900 22 20 21
do preferred 1,700 45 44 45
Express companies
Adams 233
jfan 200 211 210 209
United States 115
Wells-Fargo X.I ... 40
Miscellaneous -
Amal. Copper 309.100 65 5S GO
Amor. Car & Foundry ft.009 32 So 31
do preferred 1.300 91 89 90
American Cotton Oil. 1.200 36 35 SO
do preferred 04
American Ice ....... 2.200 '7 "7 7
do preferred 3.7O0 38 37 37
American Linseed Oil 21,000 16 16 16
do preferred ..... 37
American Locomotive 11,500 33 ho " 33
do preferred ....... 400 102 101 102
Aroer. Sm. & Refining 22.700 So 73 75
do preferred 2.100 111 110 110
Amen Sugar Renfllng 59.100 143 - 134 I4iu
Anaconda Mining Co. 4,500 104 US 103
Brooklyn R. Transit.. 52.700 63 66 6174
Colorado Fuel & Iron 00,400 48 37 4G
Consolidated Gas ... 15,300 210 205 209
Corn Products 0.200 21 19 21
do preferred COO 79 77 70
Distillers' Securities. 3,300 38 35 37
General Electric 4,000 186 182 185
19 20
76 77
International Pump.. 100 38 38 37
00 preferred ,. ..... 83
National Lead 3,400 24
North American .... 1.700 100"
Pacific Mall 6.1Q0
43 39
.people s Gas .....
Pressed Steel Car.
29.700 107 104
,400 38 34
do preferred 600
SB 87
Pullman . Palace Car 233
Republic Steel 3.300
aa preferred ....... 2.400
Rubber Goods 6,300
do preferred ....... 400
Term. Coal & Iron... 25.500
U. S. Leather....... 100.900
do preferred 11,100
U. S. Realty
U. S. Rubber 6.100
do preferred 2,300
U. S. Steel 401.100
30 27
90 83
29 23
91 84
do preferred 337,700
Westinffhouse Elec.
1.100 176 176
Western Union LO0O
Total sales for the day, 2,905,400 shares,
HEW YORK. Dec 8. Closing quotations
U. S. ref. 2s reg.104
do coupon ....104
V. S. 3s reg. ...104
do coupon ....104
U. S. new 4s reg.130
do coupon ...131 I
U. 8. did 4s reg.105
do coupon ...106
Atchison AdJ 4s. 94
a & N. W. C. 78.128
D. & R. G. 4s... 101
N. Y. Cent, lsts.100
Nor. Pacific 3s... 75
do 4s 105
So. Pacific 4s... 93
union Pacific 4s.l00
Wis. Central 4s. 92
Stocks at London.
LONDON, Dec. 8. Consols - for money,
87; consols for account, 57 15-1 a 4
Anaconda 5 )Nor. & Western. 77
Atchison 86; do preferred .. 94
do preferred ..103jOnt. & Western. 42
Bait. & Ohio ... 9SPennsylvanla ... 69
Can. Pacific 133Rand Mines .... 11
Ches. & Ohio ... 48 Reading ...
C. Gt. Western.. 22
C. M. & S. P...175
DeBcers 18
D. & Tt. G; 32
do preferred ..88
Eric 36
do 1st pref ... 75
do 2d pref ... 57
Illinois Central. 156
L. & N 145
M-, . & T. 3i
N. Y. Central.. ..141
do 1st pref
do 2d pref .
... 45
.. 41
,.. 35
.. 98
... 62
.. 97
... 26
.. 90
So. Railway .
do preferred
So. Pacific . .
Union Pacific
do preferred
U. S. Steel ..
do preferred
Wabash ...
do preferred
.. 44
Spanish 4s 89
Money, Exchange, Etc
NEW YORK. Dec 8. Money On call strong
and higher, 34 per cent; closing bid. 4; of
fered at 4 per cent. Time loans, steady; six
months, 34 per cent; 60 and 00 days, 3
04 per cent. Prime mercantile paper !Q4
er cent.
Sterling exchange Weak, closing steady,
with actual business in bankers' bills at 4.80
(S-M.86 for demand, and at $4.83404.8350
for 60 days; posted rates. $4.84 and $1.87;
coramcrical bills. 44.834.83.
Bar silver 59c
Mexican dollars 46c
Bonde Government bonds, steady; railroad
bonds, weak.
LONDON. Dec 8. Bar silver Quiet. 27d
per ounce. ,
Money 12 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market for
short bills is 2 13-1682 per cent.
The rate of discount 5n the open market for
three months bills is 2J2 per cent.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec S. Silver bars.
Mexican dollars 4748c
Drafts Sight, par; telegraph, 2c
Dally Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. Today's statement
of the Treasury balances In the general fund
Available cash balance $144,132.9S1
Gold 87.54S.S38
Bank Clearings.
$ 63.573
Portland .
Seattle ...
Tacoma ..
Spokane ..
, 581.090
Grain. Flour, Feed, Etc
WHEAT Export values. Walla Walla, SOc;
bluestem. S5c; milling. Walla Walla, 83o; blue
etem. 68c; Valley, 87c: Eastern basis. Walla
Walla, S5c; bluestem. 90c
BARLEY Feed. 522 per ton; rolled. $23.50
OATS No. 1 white, $L30QL32; gray,
$1.35 1.40 per-cental. -
FLOUR Patents, $4.654.85 per barrel;
straights, $4.20 4.45; clears, $3.85 04; Val
ley. $4.10(24.25; Dakota bard wheat. $6,509
7.50; Graham, $3.5004; whole wheat, $4 9
4.2; rye flour, local. $4.50; Eastern, $59
5.10. 1
MDL.LSTUFFS Bran. $19 per ton; mid
dlings. $25; shorts. $21; chops. U. S. Mills.
$19; linseed dairy food. $18; llnsed ollmeal.
lc per pound.
CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream, 90
pound sacks, $6.76; lower grades, $5,759
0.25; oatmeal, steel cut. 50-pound sacks, $S
per barrel; 10-pound sacks. $4.25 per bale;
oatmeal (ground), 50-pound sacks, $7.50 per
barrel; 10-pound sacks, $4.25 per bale; split
peas. $4.50 per 100-pound sack; 25-pound
boxes. $1.25; pearl barley. $4 per 100 pounds;
25-pound boxes, $1.25 per box; pastry flour,
10-pound sacks, $2.50 per bale
HAY Timothy, $14(3)16 per ton; clover,
$1213; grain. $1213; cheat. $1213.
Vegetables. Fruit, Etc.
Another lot of grapes was received unex
pectedly yesterday, probably the last of the
season. Sweet potatoes .axe much firmer.
VEGETABLES Turnips. $1 per sack; car
rots, $1; beets, $L25; parsnips, $1.25; cab
bage, lc; lettuce, head, 15 0 per
dozen; parsley, 20c dozen: tomatoes, $1.25 per
crate; cauliflower. $1 per dozen; egg plant,
1C015C per pound; celery, 6070c per doz.; cu
cumbers, 10015c per dozen; peas, 668c per
pound; beans, green. 7c; wax. 7c: pumpkins,
liflc per pound; peppers, 6c per pound.
ONIONS New, $2.10. buyers' prices.
HONEY $303.25 per case.
. POTATOES New Oregon, fancy. 7590c;
common. GO g 65c. buyers' price; Merced sweets,
RAISINS Loose Muscatels, 4 -crown, 7c:
S-layer Muscatel raisins. 7c4 unbleached
seedless Smtanas, 0c: London layers,
8-crown, whole boxes of 20 pounds, $1.85;
2-crown. $L75.
DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated. 0Q
Sc per pound; sundried, sacks or boxes,
none; apricots, lO&llc; peaches. 901Oc;
pears, none; prunes, Italians, 4 6c; French,
23c; figs, California blacks, 6c; do
white, none; Smyrna, 20c; Fard dates, cc;
plums, pitted, 0c
DOMESTIC- FRUITS Apples, fancy. $10
1.75; clean, 75c $1; wormy, 50 00c per
box; figs, 85cO$2.50 per box; grapes, Cali
fornia, $L25LC5; pears. Winter Nellls,
$1.25S1.60; cranberries. $9.50811 per barrel;
persimmons, $1.25 per box.
TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, fancy, $30
3.75; choice, $2.75 per box; oranges, new na
vels, $2.60: mandarins, C070c per box; grape
fruit. $3373.60 per box; bananas, 585c per
pound; pomegranates, $2.26 per box.
Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Etc
The poultry market has a weak tone, as
more chickens are arriving than arc required.
Oregon eggs are strong at the price quoted.
There Is no change In the butter situation.
EGGS Oregon ranch, 32c; Eastern, 2428c
CHEESE Full cream twins. 13015c; Young
Americas. 1416c
BUT! ER City creameries: Extra cream
ery, SOc per pound; fancy creamery, 223
27 c Stat n creameries: Fancy creamery,
2527c: store butter. 12ffl4c
POULTRY Fancy hens, ll12c; do old. 11
llc: mixed chickens. 10?llc; old roosters,
&9c; do young, 1010c; Springs. 1 to 2
pound. 10eilc; broilers. 1 to 1-pound, 12
313c; dressed chickens. 11 (J 12c; turkeys, live,
Spring. 154316c; do dressed. 17lSc; do choice,
ia20c: geese, live, 89c; do- dressed. 10Ilc;
ducks, old. 56QC.60: do young, as to size. Si
68: pigeons. $1L25.
GAME Wild geese. $33.50; Mallard ducks.
$363.25; Widgeon. $22.50; Teal. J 1.75 2.
Hops. Wool. Hides. Etc
HOPS Fancy shippers. 31031c; choice. 30
31c; prime. 20g30c per pound.
WOOL Valley, 10320c per pound; Eastern
Oregon. i017c; mohair, 25 82 tic per pound for
HIDES Dry hides. No. L 10 pounds and up.
136lSc per pound; dry kip, N6. 1, 5 to 10
pounds, 12c; dry calf. No. 1, under S pounds
10c; dry, salted bulls and stage, one-third less
than dry. flint; salted, hides, steers, sound. 7
pounds and over. 8bc; 50 to 00 pounds, la
8c, under 50 pounds and cows, U7c; stags
and bulls, sound, 44c; kip. sound. 15 to 20
pounds. 7c; under 10 pounds, 8c; green (un
salted), -c per pound less; culls, lc per pound;
horse bides, salted. $1.50&2 .each; dry. $1
1.60 each; colts' hides. 255ds each; goatskins,
common. 1015c each; Angora, with wool on.
TALLOW Prime, per pound. 4Q5c; No. a
and grase. 23c
Groceries. Nats, Etc
COFFEE Mocha. 26328c; Java, ordinary.
IC20c; Costa Rica, fancy. 1820c; good,
16lSc; ordinary, 10 12c per pound; Co
lumbia roast, cases, 100a $15; 50s. $13.25;
Arbuckle. $14.SS; Lion. $14.88.
RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1. $5.37; No.
2 Creole. 4.2.1; Carolina, 6c; broken-head,
SALMON Columbia Blver. 1-pound tails,
$1.65 -per dozen; 2-pound talis. $2.40: fancy
1-pound flats. $1.80: -pound flats. $L10;
Alaska sink. 1-DOund talis. 87c: red. 1.
.pound tails, $1.20; sockeyes, 1-pound talis. A-pouna uais. ?i.&a. .
SUGAR Sack -basis, 100 ioundn: Cube,
International Paper.. 6,200 20
do preferred 1.200 77
56.50; powdered. $6.25; dry granulated,
JG.15; extra C $5.65; golden C, $5.55; fruit
sugar, $6.25; advance over sack basis as fol
lows: Barrels. 10c; half barrels. 25c; boxes,
50c per 100 pounds. (Terras: On remittance
within 15 days, deduct c per pound; If
later than 15 days and within 30 days, de
duct c per pound; no discount after 30
days.) Beet sugar granulated. $6,05 per
100 pounds; mapie sugar, 15 18c per pound.
SALT California. $9.50 per ton; $1.30 per
bale: Liverpool. 50a, $16.5u; 100s. $13; 2uus,
$14.50; halt-ground, 100s, $5.25; 60s, $5.73.
NUTS Walnuts. 15 c per pound by sack,
lc extra for less than sack; Brazil nuts. 15c;
filberts, 15c; pecans, jumbos, 15c; extra
large. 14c; almonds, L X. L., 15 916c; m
plus ultras, 15c; nonpareils, 13c; chestnuts,
Italians, 15c; Ohio, $4.50 per 25-pound drum;
peanuts, raw, 8c per pound; -roasted. 9010c;
plnenuts, 10O12c; hickory nuts, 7c; cocoa
nuts. 85 Q 00c per doses.
BEANS Small white, 3c; large white,
3c; pink. 4c; btyou. 3c; Lima, 4c
Meats sd Provlslos.
BEEF Drcaoed l&tic per pound.
MUTTON Dressed, 4)5c per pound; limbs,
6&0c per pound.
VEAL Dressed, 100 to 125. 7SSo per pound;
125 to 200. 36c: 200 and up. 334c
PORK Dressed. 100 to.-lSO, 6tc per pound;
159 and up. 6c
HAMS Ten to 14 pounds, 13c per pound; 14
to 10 pounds. 13c; 18 to 20 pounds. 13c; Cali
fornia (picnic), 9c; cottage hams. 0c; shoul
ders, 9c; boiled ham, 21c: boiled picnic ham,
boneless, 14c
BACON Fancy breakfast. 18c per pound:
standard breakfast. 17c; choice, 15c; Eng
lish breakfast, 11 to 14 pounds. 14c; peach ba
con. 13c
SAUSAGE Portland bam. 13c per pound;
minced ham. 10c; Summer, choice dry. 17c;
bolegna, long, 6c; welnerwurst, Sc;. liver, 5c;
pork. 10c; blood, 5c- headcheese, 6c; -bologna,
sauiage. link, 6c
DRY-SALTED MEATS Regular short clears.
10c ealt, 11c smoked; clear backs, 9c salt,
10c smoked; Oregon export, -20 to 25 pounds,
average, 10c ealt, llc smoked: Union butts,
10 to 18 pounds, average Sc salt. 9c smoked.
PICKLED GOODS Pickled pigs' feet, -bar.
rcls. $5; -barrcls. $2.75; 15-pound kit, $1.25;
pickled trlpc -barrels. $5; -barrels, $2.75;
15-pound kit, $1.25; pickled pigs' tongues,
barrels. $5; -barrels. $2.76; 15-pound kit,
$1.25; pickled lambs' tongues, -barrels, $8.25;
-barrels. $4.73; 15-pound kits. $2.25.
LARD Kettle-rendered: Tierces, 10c: tubs,
10c; 60s. lOUc; 20s. 10c; 10s. 10c; 5s,
10c Standard pure: Tierces, 9c; tubs.
9c; 60s. 9c; 20s. 9; 10s. 10c; 6s. 10c
Compound: Tierces. 6c; tubs. 6c; 60s, ec;
10s. 7c; Ob. 7c
GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cases, 21c; Iron
barrels, 18c; 86 degrees gasoline, cases, 82c;
Iron barrels or drums. 26c
COAL OIL Cases, 21; Iron barrels, 16c;
barrels, 18c Washington State test burning
oils, except headlight. c per gallon higher.
LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels. 64c; cases, 59c
Boiled: Barrels. 60c; cases, 61c On cent less
In 250-gallcn lota.
TURPENTINE Cases. 85c; barrels. Sic
WHITE LEAD Ton lots, 7c; 600-pound,
7c; less than 500-pound lots. Sc
Prices Current at Chicago, Omaha and
Kansas City.
CHICAGO. Dec a Cattle Receipts 11.000.
Including 600 Westerns. Market steady. Good
to prime steers, $6.007.20T .poor to medium,
$3.606.80; stockcrs and feeders. $2.20-34.10;
cows, $1.4004.00: heifers. $2.00g4.00; canncra.
$1.352.40; bulls. $2.004.10; calves, $3,500
7.00; Western steers, $3.404.90.
Hogs Receipts 45,000; CglOc lower. Mixed
and butchers'. -$4.2594.45-; good to choice
heavy, $4.404.50; rough heavy. $4.2064.30;
light, $4.1564.40; bulk of sales. $4.3564.40.
Sheep Receipts 18.000. Sheep strong.
Lambs 10S15c higher. Good to choice wethers,
$4.405.25; fair to choice mixed. $3.5064.35;
Western sheep, $3.5065.10; native lambs,
$4.0085.65; Western lambs, $4.7564-35.
KANSAS. CITY., Dec 8. Cattle Receipts
8000. Market strong to 10c higher. Native
steers. $3.50 0.50; native cows and holfers,
$3.00 5.00; stockcrs and feeders. $2,500
4.15; Western cows, $1.75 3.30.
Hoga Receipts 12,000. Market 5 10c
lower. Bulk of sales, $4.20 4.4 5; heavy.
$4.454.52; packers, $4.30 0 4.50; pigs and
light, $3.9064.33.
Sheep Receipts 2000. Market stronger.
Muttons, $465.23; lambs .$4.5066.00; range
wethers, $14.90; ewes. $2.5004.25.
SOUTH OMAHA. Dec 8. Cattle Receipts
3400. Market steady. Native steers. $3.50
6.25; cows and heifers, $2.5063.75; Western
steers, $2.9064.70; Texas sheers, $2.7063.80;
cows and heifers, $2.40 3.50; canners. $1.75
;23r stockers and leaders. $2.50424.00;
calves, $355.50; bulls, stags, etc, $2 4.50.
Hogs Receipts 14,000. Market 510c
lower.4 Heavy, $4.254.35; mixed, $4,236
4.45; light, $4.25 64.35; pigs, $3.50 4.35;
bulk of sales. $4.25 4.30.
Sheep Receipts 3300. Market strong.
Westerns, $4.4004.35; wethers. $4.25 4.65:
ewes, $464.50; common and Blockers, $2.50
64.40; lambs. $5 6.25.
This Country Shy 19,000 Bales for Homo
TACOMA, Wash., Dec. 8. According to a
table prepared by Herman Klaber & Cc, a
leading Tacoma hop firm, the hop crop of the
United States is "shy" 19,000 bales for home
consumption. Their figures are:
Total crop of the United States 240,000
Exported from New York 40,000
From other Eastern ports 7.000
To Canada. Australia, etc 5,000
En route East tor export, r. 8,000
Thus there are CO. 000 bales exported out of a
crop of 240,000 bales; leaving 180,000 bales In
the country. Imports to this country for the
past ten years have averaged 15,000 bales per
year, which amount would bring the available
hops to 105,000 bales. According to the 'returns
issued by the Department of Agriculture, brew
era of the United States used last year 214.000
bales, and as there are no old hops held over
It will be seen, according to this estimate
that a shortage already exists.
Mining Stocks.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 8. Official closing
quotations for mining stocks today- were as
Alta ...
Andes .
...$ .05
Julia $ .07
Justice 10
Mexican ... .... 1.25
Occidental Con.. .78
Best & Belcher.
Challenge Con. .
Con. Cal. & Va..
Crown Point
... 3.15
... .08
... .16
... .25
411 Overman
Savage ... ...
Seg. Belcher .
Sierra Nevada
Silver Hill 61
Union Con.
Gould & Curry .
Utah Con
Yellow Jacket
Kale & Norcross L10
NEW YORK, Dec 8. Closing quotations:
Adams Con. ....$ .55
Alice 25
Little Chief ..
Savage. ... ...
Sierra Nevada
Small Hopes ..
Standard ... .
.$ .05
.. 3.60
.. 2.75
.. .17
.. .14
.. .21
. . .42
,, .20
.. 1.90
B recce 1!
Brunswick Con.. .1'
Comstock Tun... .07
Con. Cal. b Va.. 1.70
Horn Silver .... L50J
Iron Sliver 1.90
Leadvllle Con... .02
BOSTON, Dec 8. Closing- quotations:
Adventure . . .$ 5.50
Mont. C. & C$ 4.00
Allouez 17.75
Old Dominion. 25.8S
Amalgamated. 05.50:
Osceola 02.50
Parrot 26.00
Atlantic 16.25
Cal. & Hecla
Centennial . . .
Copper Range.
Daly West ...
Dominion Coal
Isle Royale ...
Mass. Mining -
Qulncy 109.00
Shannon ... . S.23
Tamarack .... 120.00
Trinity 12.00
U. S. Mining.. 20.23
U. S. Oil . 110.00
Utah ... .... 44.00
8.50 Winona
8.30 Wolverine
Coffee and Sugar.
NEW YORK, Dec 8. The market for coffee
future? closed at a net gain of 5fl0 points.
The sales were 81.750 bags. Including: Janu
ary, $767.05: March, $7.20 7.25; May, $7,406
7.43; .July, $7.6067.63; September. $7.7567.80.
Spot firm.
Sugar Raw firm: refined firm; confectioners'
A, $5.40; mold A. $5.90; cutloaf, $6.25; crushed,
$6.25; powdered, $5.65; granulated, $5.55;
cubes, $.80.
New York Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, Dec 8. Cotton futures opened
easy at a decline of 6g7 points, and closed
veryvsteady at a net advance of 70 points.
December. 7.70c; January. 7.77c; February.
7.S5c: March. 7.94c; April. 7.99c; May, S.03c;
June. 8.09c Spot closed steady. Middling up
lands. Sc; middling Gulf, 8.25c Sales. 26.265
Dairy Produce at Chicago.
CHICAGO. Dec. a On the Produce Exchange
today the butter market was steady. Cream
ery. 16?26c: dairy. lC27c
EsgsSfeady at mark, 20625c:
Cheese Firm. 11612c.
Chicago Market, After Bearish Open
ing, Overcomes Weakness, and
Final Prices Show Gains.
CHICAGO. Dec 8. Reports of Improved de
mand for flour at Minneapolis helped make a
basis for a strong rally In wheat prices hero
today. At the opening, the market was weak.
May being unchanged to c lower, at $1.106
1.10. One Influence tending to create bearish
sentiment was continued liberal receipts In the
Northwest. Another factor was a Teport of
excellent harvest weather in Argentina. The
effect of yesterday's heavy liquidation was In
evidence early In the day. and with little sup
port tho market became still weaker. Shorts
covered cn the slump, but before the decline
was checked. May had sold off to $1.00. The
sensational break In Wall street la. said to
have indicated telling of wheat here by com
mission houses.: Toward tho middle of the
day, however, the wheat market rallied sharp
ly on liberal purchasing by a leader of the
longs. The early loss- was quickly regained,
and prices soon showed good gains over Initial
quotations. On aa excellent general demand,
the market held strong throughout tbe remain
der of the sesslotu An" unconfirmed report of
large ales of flour at Minneapolis was re
sponsible for much of the late bullishness.
Another factor was the strength of wheat at
St. Louis. Shortly before the close. May
reached $1.11, the highest point of the day.
Final quotations were at $1.11.
Trading In corn wan on a fairly generous
scale, and the market ruled Arm the entire
day. May opened a shode to 6c higher, at
44?s644c mid between 44c and 446c,
and closed at 44c
Depressed receipts had a strengthening effect
on the oats market. May opened unchanged
at 30c, and sold between 30c and 30c, and
closed at 30c
Liquidation of scattered holdings caused
weakness In provisions. At the close May
pork was oft 10612c. at $12.2712.S0; lard
was down 2c at J7.CS, and ribs showed a
loss of 265c. at $6.35.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. High. Low. Close.
December $1.08 $1.05 $1.07 $1.0S
May ..A L10 J.11 1.09 1.11
July 98 .99 .08 .99
December 45 .46 .45 .46
May 44 .44 .44 .41
July 44 .44 .44 .44
December 28 .28 .2S .28
May 30 .30 .S0 .30
juiy ju .M-n -30 -30
January 12.50 12.50 12.40 12.47
IHJ 1-.6U JZ.t:ft 1 lO 12. w
January 6.65 6.85 6. SO 6.85
May 7.05 7.05 7.02 7.05
January 6.50 6.50 6.45 6.50
May 6.67 6.70 6.G5 6.70
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour Stead-.
Wheat No. 2 Spring. $1.0861.15; No. 3, $1.02
61.13; No. 2 red. $L0961-13.
Corn No. 2. 4Cc; No. 2 yellow. 46c
Oats No. 2, 2SJ?2Sc; No. 2 white, 310
31 c; No. 3 white, 2030.
Rye No. 2, 75c
Barley Good feeding, 3Sc; fair to choice
malting, 4247c
Flaxseed No. 1, $1.15; No. 1 Northwestern,
Mees pork Per barrel, $11.25611.60.
Lard Per 100 pounds. $6.80.
Short ribs side? Loose $0.2566.50.
Short clear sides Boxed. $C7566.S7.
Clover Contract grade. $12.50.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrel? 31,300 16.900
Wheat, bushels 117.100 19.000
Corn, bushels 629.400 81,900
Oats, bushels 14,500 160.800
Rye bushels 9,000 3.500
Barley, bushels 104.600 112,600
Grain aad Produce at New York.
NEW YORK, Dec S. Flour Receipts. 16,700
barrels; export 1300 barrels. Market dull and
lower to sellers. Minnesota patents, $5.85
6.10; Winter patents. $5.5065.85; Winter
straights. $5.256.40.
Wheat Receipts, 07,000 bushels; spot irreg
ular. No. 2 red nominal elevator; No. 2 red,
$1.16 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth,
$1.23 f." o. b. afloat; No. 1 bard Manitoba,
nominal f. o. b. afloat. Wheat was Irregular
all day. The main features were a pronounced
early break. Influenced by liquidation at Chi
cago, easier cables, improving Argentine
weather and Wall-street demoralization. This
was followed by full recoveries on renewed bull
support at Chicago and a scarcity of shorts.
Tho market closed lc net higher, except
December, which, under liquidation, closed lc
net lower. May. S1.U61.13 1-16, cloaCd
$1.13; July, $1.0261.04. closed $1.04; De
cember. $1.151.16. closed $1.15.
Petroleum Steady.
Hides and wool Firm.
Grain at Saa Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 8. Wheat and bar
ley easier.
Spot quotations-
Wheat Shipping, $1.4361.50; milling, $1.62
Barley Feed. $1.1061.12; brewing, $1,150
Oats Red. $1.2261.00; white, $1.4261.67;
black, $1.2761.62.
Call board sales
Wheat December, $1.41 bid; May, $L43 bid.
Barley December, $1.10. No sales.
Corn Large yellow. $1.4261.45.
European Grain Markets. v
LONDON, Dec 8. Wheat cargoes on passage
rather easy; English country markets firm.
LIVERPOOL, Dec. 8. Wheat quiet; Decem
ber, nominal; March, 7s 3?;d; May, 7s 3Td.
Wheat and flour In Paris quiet. French coun
try market firm. Weather In England cold and
Wheat at Tacoma.
TACOMA. Dec 8. Wheat Unchanged; blue
stem. 63c; club.-86c.
Large Increase In Pig Iron Production
NEW YORK. Dec 8. Our monthly blast
furnace statistics foreshadow a very large pro.
'ductlon of pig Iron at an early date, says tho
Iron Age Capacity has Increased from 334,000
gross tons on November 1, to 337.000 tons on
December 1, and since the opening of the cur
rent month there haye been further additions.
Preparations are"golng on in different parts
of the country for resumption. The Steel Cor
poration will, at tho opening of the year, have
practically Its entire capacity In operation,
there having been blown In lately Idle fur
naces In the Pittsburg and Wheeling district.
During the past month the steel companies
made 960.626 gross tons. Merchant furnaces
produced. 519.97C tons In the same time.
With the steel works consuming 1.000,000
tons a month, the merchant furnaces shipping
600.000 tons, and the charcoal fumacea, 19,
600.000 tons of pig Iron is being used yearly.
This Is a startling change .when compared
with tbe condition of affairs a year ago.
There has heen some heavy buying of basic
pig In the East, sales for the week In the steel
works in New England, New York and East
ern Pennsylvania footing up 65.000 tons, which
were placed on the basis around $15 at furnace.
A sharp demand for Bessemer has developed
In the Central West.
In the Eastern markets fully 30.000 tons of
foundry Iron have been purchased by cast
lrcn foundries, and 60,000 tons of foundry. pig
lias been taken by one Interest In tbe Central
West. As a result; the markets arc very Arm.
with an advancing tendency, and an Increasing
number of sellers quoting higher prices.
Metal Markets.
NEW YORK. Dec 8. There was another
sharp decline In the London tin market,
with ppot closing at 131 5s. and futures
at 120 10s. Locally, the market was dull
nnd easier In sympathy with spot, closing
28.70 628.00c
Copper also underwent a sharp reaction In
the London market, probably as a result of
speculative operations, and closed at 64 15s
for spot and 65 2s Cd for futures. The
local market was unsettled by the develop
ments abroad and In-the 'stock market and
Downing, Hopkins &G0.
' y: Established 1893
Room 4, Groiind Floor Chamber of Commerce
was practically nominal. Lake Is held at
14.87 15.12c; electrolytic at 14.75613.00;
casting, 14.50614.75c
Lead was unchanged at 4.006--70c In New
York and at 12 17a Cd in London for spot.
Spelter was a shade caster at 24 17s 6d
for spot In London. In New York the mar
ket remained quiet and unchanged at 5.75
5.87 He
Iron closed at 53s 6d in Glasgow, and at
47s In Mlddlesboro. Locally the market Is
firm. No. 1 foundry Northern. No. 1 found
ry Southern and do soft at $17617.50; No.
2 foundry Northern, at $ 10.50 17.
LONDON. Dec 8. In the market today
copper fluctuated considerably and closed
weak at 63 17s 6d.
Dried Fruit at New York.
NEW YORK. Dec S. Evaporated apples
were moving slowly, and the tone Is weak on
all but the highest grades, which are rendered
Arm by light offerings. Common, 34c;
prime, 464c: choice, 5g5c; fancy. 666c.
Prunes firm on the larger and smaller sizes,
while medium grades are easier. Quotations
range from 2c to Cc for California fruit.
Apricots are In moderate demand for Imme
diate needs, and rule firm. Choice, 10c; extra
choice. 10isilc; .fancy, ll615c.
Peaches are in light supply and firm. Choice,
9tf69c; extra choice, 9i610c; fancy, 10
Refined "Sugar Advances.
NEW YORK. Dec 8. The following grades
of refined sugar were advanced 10c a 100
pounds today: Confectioners A. mold A, cut
loaf, crushed, powdered, granulated and cubes.
Wool at St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS, Dec 8. Wool strong; medium
grades combing and clothing, 23629c; light fine,
18622c; heavy. 14618c; tub washed. 20ff40c.
Record In Six-Day Bicycle Race.
NEW YORK. Dec. 8. At 1 o'clock this
morning; the two leading- teams in the six
day bicycle race, Vanderatuyft and Dol
and Root and Dorlon, had covered 1633
miles and five laps. Gougoltz and Breton
and Samuelson and Williams were one lap
behind. The Keegan-Logan, Turville-
Mettllng and Krebs-Fogler teams stood at
1633 miles three laps, and Dussot and
Masan-, Palmer and Agraz, Downing- and
Llmberg- had covered 1533 miles two laps,
and Sulklns and Rokowltz, 1604 miles and
eight laps. The record Is 1SS2 miles four
A Schoenfeld. Chgo
F S Davis, San Fran
A Ross. St Louis
8 T Downs, Kan City
J G Tate. Denver
E O Dutro and wife.
Cascade Locks. Or
A Loupe. N Y
E M Libbey and wife.
Clarkston, Wash
Miss Libbey. Clarkstn
Miss G Libbey. Clarks
Miss E S Fuller. S F
L M Wanamaker.
New York
H Garretson. Tacom
J T Dickson, Chlcag
J Grove and wife.
H M Grunder, New Y
H B Harmon, Ohio
C E Rohr. Boston
J Jardlne, San Fran
R A Dlnsmore, Mnpls
W Custer. Chicago
H P Fisher. San Frn
G Louis. Seattle
J C Neville and wife,
M Lewis. Olvmnia
M J Gordon. Spokane.
W A Robblns. La Crs
J Drukker and son,
W Seaborg, Ilwaco
C P Hill and wife.
New York
HHlrroKt Air.
E P McCormick andJF C Baggs, New York
wue, aaiem tu v. aray, Chicago
C W Clark: and wlfe.'.B S Varian and wife.
Wallace-. Idaho
San Francisco
W O Spencer and wf,
T W Pack and wife.
San Francisco
W E Knight, San Ft(
C E Dickenson, Seattl
w i scott, Chicago
G Strachan, New Yk
A C Skinner, city
M Lane, Belllngham
J B Hayes. Aberdeen
K A Hayes. Abrdeen
W J Patterson, Abrd
L C Wanamaker and
wife, New York
A M Gardiner. Snn F
E D Harthenv. N T
J F McNaucht.
P Somere. New York
C F Whalley, St Paul
D D Stenhen. San Frn
F Loe Seattle
iJ C Fltxslmmons. SF
F P Lonergan. Callfr
W TT Turnov fnl Tint
Raymond Blackman,
1 Baker City
Wm DeHaven and
wife. McMtnnvtlle
C Solomon. Jr. San F
E V Carter. Ashland
Dr T W Harris. Eujm
Chas Kappler. Houlti
A WInans, Hood Rvr
E A Nelson. Pendletn
RHey GIrthoffer. Pndl
G E Williams and n-f.
Dr L W Brown. Euge
W J Furnish. Pendlet
Frank B Clopton, do
it Alexander,
do I Hood River
J J Kelley.
do (C J Pennington and
Walter M Pierce, do I wife. lone
Mrs J A Laycock. J C Gallagher. lone
John DaV W TT Vnrfly Tnl.n
G Putnam, San FramT D Taylor.' Pendlton
N W Miller. Pomona
IJ C Benner. SDOkane
Mrs P A Davis, Sllvr
Mrs F M Brooks. Sllv
Mrs M J Hayden. Vnc
w W Estbrook. Spok
W H Hay. San Fran
A C Shute. HUlsboro
1 A Webb, GoldendaljChas C llc'aley, St P
Mrs A R Shreve.
Mrs J F Barker, Rosb
Squire Farrar, Salem
Mrs A E Nelsenger. iMr and Mrs E de
Bamel. Seattle
B J Ford and wife.
Miss B Alexander.
Miss Gertrude Sheri
Mrs.L K. Jones. Vlctra
Miss S Blackman. Buf
dan. Pendleton
Mrs C S Blackman. F A Wiggins. Salem
Baker City Chas A Billings, Olym
John Slavin. Republic
C H Brockman,
Wm Brockman,
J W Shelton. Sclo
J F Elchman, Keasey
R S Lindsay. Keasey
E D Albright, city
G H Russell, city
E C Zentmever. Chsro:1 Mnv tUv
H W Robinson, Amity T J McCawley. Seattl
Mrs Robinson, AmltyA W Severance. WalW
J E Thrasher. U S AJC J Porter. Miller
n a carter, u o A (Mrs Porter. Miller
Joe A Koth. Washerl
J B Wilson, N Powder
W F Broshelt. Wnshe
Mrs Wilson. N Powdr
G W Welch. Marshla
C H Walker, Albany
Abner Blaln. Newbg
Con Relley, Skamokw
T Nlnamaker, Toledo
D E Welt. Toledo
A E Feller. Hubbard
Mrs Feller, Hubbard
Mrs Wm Doherty,
W S Perkins, Baker C
Mrs S B Wiest. Stella
Mable Spear, Baker C
J W Armstrong. Evrt
C Eagan, So Bend
S H Donovan, So Bnd
J W Rude. Colorado
Sylvester E Evans,
u t coe. Kalnler
E Smith. Rainier
L H Carter. Astoria
Geo Smith. USA
W C Kruger, Newberg
fc Ken. Aurora
Latourell Falls
Mrs Kell, Aurora
H Bouge, McMlnnvlS J Woods, Bugby
J White. Kansas C.
M Morgan. Currlnsvll
Francis Wiest, Stella
G R Walton. Kent Or
Wm Wiest, Stella
Mrs Walton. Kent
Fred Fllklnt, TangntJ D Holden, Washgl
Ella Fllklnt, Tangent
W B Johnson. So Bnd
H Robblns. Amity S R Baxter. Euirene
H Palm. Collins H Sp
A Bowman, Stafford
G T Ellis, city
A M Stewart. SodavIU
T W Blacklaw. Salubr
L Wilcox. Gaston
H A Thomas. Pendlt
L Zuttermelster
A Thomason, city
J B Yeon. Rainier
Geo Miller. Collins
A Wakefield. Ashlanrl
F j Hays. McMlnnvl
;C Egan. So Bend
Mrs Mary Tooley,
M J Cunningham,
Robt Crabtree
R L Hathawav
J II Robinson. N Yam
A B Anderson, Rosebg
Elva Montgomery,
Lyons, Or
T E Ohltwell. AshlndjMrs W R Munkers.
a upenncimer. s F'G iinir. Birk-Wnn
A R Lansdale, Westn
L W Mayer, Canby
F M Harris, Or City
Mrs Harris. Or City
C L Look. Connell.
Chas Gabbcrt
R Hill
W R Gould, La Centr
L M Simmons. S F
Mrs Nebergall, city
L E Stokes. San Frn
Miss C Hayes. Seatl
Miss I Fhelan. Seattl
io E Phillips, Baker
Miss E AIHett. OlympjR G William. S Lake
L M Fisher. St Paul
Mrs Buell. Eucene
W J Redmohd, Oak P
J T Hickey. Tacoma
IMrs Hickey. Tacoma
Miss C McDonald. Seat
Mrs Redmond. Oak V
M(m Pearl Dillon. Ch
Miss V Snyder, Tacm
L D Foster. St Paul
A Groven. Seattle
W F May. St Paul
G D Taylor, Lexingtn
Mrs Taylor. Lexingtn
Miss Jennie WIx, Spk
F P Howland. San Fr
;C C Rice. Spokane
Mrs M Crawford, Asto
L D Mahone, Astoria
A C Benton. Oakland
Miss G TJansIand,
Butte. Mont
J E Younc. Victoria
John Allen, Everett
C E Nebergall, city '
p Tacoma Hotel. Tacoma,
American plan. Rates. S3 and up.
Hotel Doanelly, Tacoasa. v
Slrat-clasa restaurant In connection.
French Vessel Offering at Eighteen
and Nine Fancy Potatoes and
Onions Firm.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec & (Special.)
The grain freight market remains very quiet.
No spot charters were anounced locally this
week. A French vessel has been offering at
this port for 18s 9d, but at tho present price
of grain, shippers are not inclined to accept
that rate. Engaged tonnage in port amounts
to 12.000 tons; disengaged. 54, COO; on tha
way, 179.000. .
Wheat here was dull all day. The May op
tion had a small rise at the start, but traders
were afraid of Chicago's stability, and the
price fell back closely to last night's lev4.
Barley was stronger for spot and futures.
Oats were steady. Bran was firm. Hay was
The wool market Is almost hare of stock, as
the Fall clip has nearly all been sold.
Hops aro Inactive and easy.
Citrus frultf, aside from extra grape fruit,
were In large eupply and weak. Although the
regular auctions will not commence until
after New Year's one or two small sales of
oranges may be held Christmas week. Re
ceipts of apples are lessening, but stocks are
still heavy and prices weak. The demand to
chiefly for atock that sells at 66 to 85 cents.
Eastern and Oregon cranberries are selling at
a lower range.
Dried fruits are quieter.
Fancy Salinas and Oregon potatoes are fairly
arm. Ordinary river atock moves slowly.
Sweets aro. plentiful and easier. Fancy onions
are strongly held. Butter Is steady. Cheese Is
weak. Eggs are firmer. Receipts Butter,
37,000 lbs; cheese. 40.000 lbs; eggs, 13,500 dor.
VEGETABLES Garlic. 35c; green peas.
3g5c: string beano, 47c; tomatoes, 60cff$l;
egg plant. 58c
POULTRY; Turkey gobblers, 1618c;
roosters, old $4S4.50; do young. $5C6.50;
broilers, small. $33.CO; do large. $3.504;
fryers. $404.50; hens. $535.50; ducko, old.
$5C; do young. $68.
CHEESE Young America. ll12c; East
ern. 1315c.
BUTTER Fancy creamery. 21c: creamery
seconds, lie; fancy dairy, 17c; dairy seconds.
EGGS Fancy ranch, 35c
WOOL Lambs'. 1618c.
MBL.LFEED Bran. $18.6019; middlings.
HOPS 1904. 2530c. ....
HAY Wheat. $1014.50; wheat and oats.
$10S!l3.SO; barley. $911; alfalfa, $9gll.50;
clover. $7(50; stock. ?3g7; straw. 40263c.
FRUIT Apples, choice. $1.25; do common.
25c; bananas. $13; Mexican limes. $4: Cali
fornia lemons, choice, $4- do common. $1
oranges, navels. $1Q2; pineapples. $1.5Ckg6.
POTATOES River Burbar.ks. 4070c; River
reds, 6&365c; Salinas Burbanks. 90c41-0;
sweets. 60Q85c; Oregon Burbanks, 75c$1.15.
RECEIPTS Flour. 24,225 quarter sacks;
wheat, 9400 centals; barley. 12,300 centals;
oats. 1013 centals; beans. 3S00 sacks; corn.
24S1 centals; potatoes, 4761 sacks: bran, 7900
sacks; middlings. 20S1 sacks; hay, 90S tons;
wool, 248 bales; hides, 571.
Boys and Girls in Procession.
WAIiLA. YVALiTjA, Wash.. Dec. 8. (Spe
cial.) One hundred "boys from La Salle
Institute and 150 girls from St. Vincent's
Academy took part In the procession
which marched Into the Catholic Church
at 9:40 this morning In celebration of the
golden Jubilee of the Immaculate Concep
tlon. Rev. Father Flohr blessed and pre
sented to the boys a magnificent silk ban
ner, on which -was painted a figure of the
child Jesus. Solemn high mass was after
wards held by Father Leflie, assisted by
0 altar boys.
Murderer's Friends Raise Fund.
OREGON CITY, Or., Dec 8. (Special.)
Friends of George W. Lauth, convicted
murderer of Mrs. Leonora B. Jones, to
day raised by subscription sufficient funds
to defray the cost of appealing his cases
to the Supreme Court. Lauth has been
sentenced to be hanged January 27 next,
but an effort will be made to secure for
him a new trial in hopes 'that the sen
tence may be reduced to life imprison
We Charge No Interest for
Carrying Long Stock
Genera! Office S5
SC. X. Alden, Corresponds!,
Room 2, Ground Floor,
Chamber of Commerce.
XUA VT. I . K K.V tiUlUjC.
Awluv uivaiiiuo
Direct line for Moffett'a. St. Martin's and
Collins Hot Sprlnci. Connecting at Lyle.
-Wash., with Columbia Hirer St Northern Kr.
Co.. for Ccldendale and Kllc&ttat Vailer
poiatx. Lnntflny toot of Alcr atrou Phoa
Main 914. ii'UuNALU. Aeai
For South-tastern Alaska
. v -v 'iLuaA u ir. ii.. oav nr
J noo and Sitka);' KAMOXA
5ieIrrT'f, S recw: com vcsieia maKititr reg-
sil75r ular S. E. Alaska nort of
call: Cottage City calls at
Vancouver; Bamona CALLS AT VICTORIA.
CITY OF SEATTLE Ieavea Seattle Tuesdays
Thursdays, Sundays, 10 P. M.; call at Everett
and Belllngham.
Steamers connect at San Francisco with com
pany's steamers for ports In California. Mex
ico and Humboldt Bay. For further Informa
tion obtain folder. Right la reserved to change
steamers or sailing date.
Portland 24D "Washington st-
Seattle 113 James sc. and luck
Sar. Francisco io Market st.
C. D. DUNANN. Gen. Pasa. Agt.
10 Market St., San Francisco.
Smot Lime
ax Union Pacific
Through Pullman standard and tourist sleep
lng-cara dally to Omaha, Chicago. Spoaaas;
tourist leeplng-car dally to Kansas City;
through Pullman tourist sleeping-car ipersos
ally conducted) weekly to Chicago. Recusing
caalrvcars (seats free) to the East daily.
UNION DEPOT. Leaves. Arrives.
CHICAGO-PORTLAND 9:15 A. iL 5:25 P. 1L
SPKC1AL for tan East Sally. Dally
-via Huntington.
ttfUfcLANt; 1'Lx.esh t5i. Ji. a:W A. if.
for i-u::ra Warning- Dally. Dally,
ton. Viaua Walla. Lew
iston. Coeur u'Aicat
and .Great Nortaen. i
points. j
ATLANTIC EXPKKs,. P. M. .':13 A. M.
tor the Eaat via Hum Dally. I Dally,
legton. j
i'OR- ASTORIA. amib:U0 P. 1L 5:00 P. ii.
way points, connecting! Dally. Dally,
with t earner for Hwa- except except
co and North Beach Sunday. ouaOax.
steamer Hasaalo. Ash- Saturday.
street dock (water per.) lu:OU P. M.
FUR DAiTON. Ore-l I:uo A. il. JaoV.ii,
gon City and Xamhui Dally. Dlly.
River point steamers except except
Mudoo and Ruth. Aua- Sunuay. bunaay.
street dock water par.j
FOR LEWISTON. ,;40A.iI. About
Icaho, aad way point Dally. 3:00 P. U.
from Riparia. Wash., except except
steamers Spo&an anc Saturday. Friday.
Telephone Main 712.
For San Francisco, every five days from
AInsworth dock S. S. Geo. W. Elder. Dec.
2. 12; S. S. Columbia. Dec 7. 17. SalllnSi
from AInsworth dock. 8 P. M.
For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at
Kobe, Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight
via connecting steamern for Manila, Pore Ar
thur and Vladivostok: S. S. Numantla. Dec. 8;
S. S. Arabia. Dec. 31. For freight and further
particulars apply to
telephone Mala i&i. Upper Alaska Docx.
EAST via
for aalem. Rune-
7:23 A. it.
burg. Ashland. Sic-.-ttiuaniu,
ugdsu, sua
Francisco, ilojave,
1.0a Augeltan El
raso. New urlsaaj
uia tbe iirasu
aiornlng train con
$0 A. U.
7:10 P. M.
nects at oodburj.
idaliy except Sun-
oay) with train to
Mount Angei. silver
ton, Jbi-owiuvllle.
Springfield, Wena-
ing ana riairon.
4:00 P. M.
Albany passenger
-onneeta a.t Wood.
10:10 A. U.
zum with Mt. Ange:
iaa Biiverioa loou.
Jorvallla passenger,
.heridan passenger.
7:20 A. 1L
11 XO P. it.
3:30 P. M.
118:2a A. iL
Dally. H Dally, except Sunday.
Leave Portland dally for Osweao t 7:30 A.
II.. 12:60. 2:05. 3:23. 5:20. tJUO. 7:45. 10:10 P.
2L Dally, except Sunday, 5:30. 6:30. 8:33,.
10:25 A. M., 4:oo. 11:30 P. M. Sunday, ouly,
Returning from Oswego arrlva Portland dally
gft j 1:55, :oa. 4:33. 8:15. 7:33. :33,
11:10 P. H. Daliy except Sunday. tiCii, 7:23,
0:30. 10:20, 11:43 A. M. Except Monday, 12:25
A. M. Sunday only, 10:0o A. M.
Leave from same depot tor Dallas and Inter
mediate points dally except Sunday. 4 P. X
Arrive- Portland. 10:20 A. M.
The Independence-Monmouth motor lino oper
ates dally to Monmouth and A 1 rile, connecting
with S. P. Co. trains at Dallas and Independ-
First-class fare from Portland to Sacramento,
nnd San Francisco. $20; berth, $5. Socond
elass fare, ?15; second-class berth, 32.30.
Tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also
Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia.
CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and
"Washington streets. Phona Main 712.
Depart. Arrlva.
Puget Sound Limited for
Tacoma, Seattle, Olympla,
South Bend and Gray's
Harbor points 8:30 am 5:30 pra
North Coast Limited for
Tacoma, Seattle. Spokane.
uBtte. St. Paul. New Xork.
Boston and all points East
and Southeast 3:00pm 7:00 ara
Twin City Express, for
Tacoma. Seattle. Spokane,
Helena, St. Paul, Minne
apolis. Chicago. New York,
Boston and all points East
and Southeast 11:15 pra 7:00 pa
Puget Sound-Kansas City-
St. Louis Special. for
Tacoma, Seattle. Spokane.
Butte. Billing. Denver.
Omaha, Kansas City, St.
Louis and all points East
and Southeast 8:30 am 7:00 am
All trains dally, except on South Bend branch.
A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Pas
senger Agent. 235 Morricjoa. St., corner Third.
Portland. Or.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
8:00 A. M.
For -Mays era, Kalnlor,
Clatskanlto. Westport,
Clifton. Astoria. War
renton. Flavel, Ham
mond. Fort Stevens.
Gearhart Park, Sea
side, Astoria and Sea
shore. Express Dally.
Astoria Express.
11:10 A. 2tV
7.-00 P. M.
9:40 P. M.
C. A. ETil" ART. J. c. MAIO.
Comm'l Age. 243 Alder st. G. F. 6 P A.
Phone Main 000. "
City Ticket Office, 122 Zd st. Fhoas 030.
formation, call on or address
H, DlCUiON, City I'abueaser and Ticket
A ar.. jLiura street, x'ortiaad. Or.
for Japan, China and all Asiatic Ports, will
Leave Seattle about Dec. 131b,