Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 07, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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Taft Makes Frank Con
fession to Panama
Dingley TarifFShouId Not Have
. Been Extended to Canal.
Alter December 12, No Cargoes Can
se Landed at Canal, Except on
Presenting a Panamajgr-
PlNAMA, Dec G. A supplemental
agreement signed this morning between
Waj Secretary Taft and President Ama
dor land Foreign Minister Guardia, pro
vides that after December 12, no cargoes
canlbe landed at the canal ports except
on presenting a Panama Consular Invoice
from the port of shipment.
Th original plans for a popular dem
onstration in the public square in cele
bration of the ratification o'f the agree
ment! were carried out last night. Sec
retary Taft made a speech during which
he congratulated the Republic on select
ing (the distinguished physician. Dr.
Amador, for President, and a leading
lawyer and Jurist as Vice-President, thus
indicating the desire of the people that
the civil authorities should be superior
to the military, and that the army should
only e an instrument for the support of
the ch'il government. '
The Secretary criticised the order which
he saH he himself had Issued, putting in
force the Dingley tariff bill on the canal
sone and the Isthmus as being a mistake.
A friction between the two governments
was undoubtedly caused by that order. It
was fair to say that the order was made
against the recommendation of Governor
He felt ure that a reading of the
agreement would satisfy every impartial
person that the United States had no de
sire to acquire any power of property in
the isthmus except that necessary to
build, maintain and protect the canal.
Pablo Arcsmena. the Liberal leader, ex
pressed satisfaction at the agreement and
added It was gratifying to the adminis
tration. Secretary Taft will make a further in
snection of the Isthmian Canal tomorrow.
and will sail for Kingston, Jamaica, at 3
o'clock In the afternoon.
Mercantile Interests Pleased.
COLON. Dec. 6. The mercantile
Craraunlt aad others are highly pleased
the sortition which has been reached
of the, difficulties between the United
States and Panama regarding the govern
ment of the canal zone.
with the international character of the
exposition, were a cornoratlon. h If thn
National committee or the Exposition
Company, which are not international
corporations. In any way to Interfere with
the distribution of the awards."
Finance Minister Believes It Will
Supply Funds So Badly Needed.
BERLIN, Dec. 6. A profound sensation
has been created by the authoritative re
port that Baroh von Rhelnbabe, the Min
ister of Finance, has drafted a bill for a
graduated Income 'tax. which is to extri
cate Germany from her present financial
Tie tax is to be levied on all incomo
drawn from property representing a mini
mum value of 100.000 marks ri25 noni nr
from an equivalent capital. "While such
a law would no doubt be the most Social
istic measure of taxation in existence to
day the Socialists will fight it. They have
been persistentlv active nm!nt -mAnsnroa
borrowed from their own programme
wnenever they emanated from govern
ment sources. The party press reverts
to its old argument todav that nalllativA
measures should be fought by all who be
lieve in the acceptance of the entire So
cialist programme.
Annual Display of Highest
Grade Pianos an Inspira
tion to Many.
Ellers Plane House Making a Phe
nomenal Record In the Matter ef
Sales of Costly Instruments.
Prominent Frenchmen Exchange Two
.Shots, but Without Result.
HENDAY, France, Dec 6. M. Do Rqu
lede and M. Jaures, the Socialist leader
in the French Chamber of Deputies,
fought a duel with .pistols here today.
The exchange of shots had no result.
Two shots were exchanged at 23 paces.
The political prominence of the partici
pants in the meeting attracted great In
terest The Spanish Government warned
the parties not to fight In Spain, so the
French Government allowed M. De Rou
lede 24 hours leave to enter France and
meet M. Jaures. The seconds of both
parties were prominent members of the
Chamber of Deputies.
(Deputy Jaures telegraphed a challenge
to Paul De Roulede, an ex-deputy
and founder of the League of Patriots,
who has been in political exile in Spain
since his participation in the plot to
overthrow the French Government. The
challenge grew out of the agitation of
the students of Paris resulting from the
alleged insulting remarks about Joan of
Arc madei by a professor of history at
the Lycee CondorceL M. De Roulede
telegraphed from Spain declaring the
Socialists were responsible for the at
tacks on Joan of Arc and adding that
she was the most. sublime figure in his
tory, whereas M. Jaures was the most
contemptible of her detractors.)
Princess Is Reported to Be Advocat
ing Polygamy Among Germans.
BERLIN, Dec. 6. Officials in the im
perial household are secretly investigating
ihe sources of the recent publication In
American newspapers of a statement that
Princess Charlotte, of Saxe-Melningen,
Right upon the heels of the announce
ment of the tremendous sales of costly
pianos by Ellers Piano House during
Thanksgiving week, comes the salo In a
single day of three more of an aggregate
cost of over $2400.
On Monday of the present week Mr.
R. L. Rush, president of the Pomeroy
Bank, purchased a Chlckerlng baby grand
lano for his handsome Portland home.
The Instrument has been the admira
tion of the many visitors at Ellers Piano
House during the present annual display.
It Is cased In very fine quarter-sawed
English oak and In tone It Is exceptionally
fine even for a Chlckerlng.'
On the same dav Mr. W. J. Zimmer
man, vice-president of the Zimmerman-
Wells-Brown Company selected another
of our exhibition pianos, an exquisite
Weber upright. In an exceedingly hand
some walnut case.
And on the same day there was shipped
to Mr. Geo. F. Barney, of Ft. Warden.
Wash., a Pianola Piano. This Is another
of the costly Webers. with the Pianola
mechanism built t in the space which has
hitherto remained vacant In upright
pianos. These Weber Pianola Pianos are
pronounced the greatest triumph of mod
ern Dlono-moklrur. combining the rarest
"Weber tone with the facility for playing
either In the old-fashioned way by means
of the hands or by means of the pacer
roll which enables any one to play.
Our present display of the very -rarest
products of modern piano-making has
proven a revelation to our hosts of
friends and visitors. Many have found
In it Just the Instruments they have been
wanting, but which they had not hoped
to secure in these parts except on spe
cial order. Those who wish to avail them
selves of the opportunity which It offers
of examining the largest and finest col
lection of the world's greatest pianos ever
brought to the Coast, should call at once.
Ellers Piano House, 351 Washington
street, corner Park.
eldest sister of the Kaiser, had written a
book advocating polygamy among the'Ger
man nobility. The book. It was alleged,
advanced the argument that the lower and
middle classes were multiplying so rapidly
that nothing but a system of plural wives
could arrest the gradual extinction of
noble caste.
Inquiry at the royal library and at a
dozen leading book stores and publishing
houses In this city failed to reveal any
knowledge of such a book, either In Prin
cess Charlotte's name or of anonymous
authorship. Members of the Kaiser's en
tourage declare the story incredible, as
Her Highness would not have dared to
subject herself to the Imperial "discipline
that would be sure to follow detection of
her action.. Princess Charlotte was mar
ried to the heir to the throne of Saxe
Melnlngen in 1S78, and Is the mother, of
one child.
After Visit Home They Expect to
Show at 1905 Fair.
SEATTLE, Wash.. Dec. . (Special.)
The 68 .Igorrotcs now in Seattle on the
way home from the St. Louis Exposition
are enthusiastic over the prospect of re
turning to America to attend the Lewis
and Clark Exposition at Portland next
year. Every native in the crowd undcr
Ftands the plan and oven those who have
mastered tut a smattering of English tell
of their hopo of returning to Portland.
Of course, the Igorrotcs are glad to g
home. They want to see their mountain
province again and they want to tell the
other natives of their trip. But it Is only
a visit to Luzon they welcome.
"Just go home for visit now; back to
Portland next year," one of them ex
plained today, and the bright little An
talro added for the party: "All of our
people have enjoyed our visit to this coun
try and have been pleased to meet its
people. "Vo expect to be as happily
treated next year at Portland, and to
learn as much more as we did this year.
These visits will help our people too, for
we will tell others the story of our trips.
Chief Antonio echoed the sentiment and
others, in bidding visitors good-bye, prom
ise to meet them at Portland in 1905. While
only Antairo and Julio spoke English
when the party left Luzon, most of the
Igorrotcs have a smattering of the lan
guage now.
Major Warner Has No Desire to Ba
Pension Commissioner.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 6. Major William
Warner, of Kansas Citv. ITnlted St' tts
District Attorney for the Western District
or .aiissouru nas been offered the office of
Commissioner of Pensions, and declined
the proffer- The place will be made va
cant by the retirement of Eugene Ware,
of Kansas, whose resignation will tk
effect January 1. Major Warner was
strongly indorsed for the Pension r!ommij
rionorshlp by his.G. A. R, comrades," "but
dia not acsiro tne appointment. "
Major Warner Hopes to Win the Seat
Vacated by Cockrell.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Dec. 6. Major
William Warner, of this city. United
6tatcs District Attorney for Western
Missouri. In a dispatch from Washington,
today announced his candidacy for the
orace or united states Senator to sue
ceed Senator Francis M. Cockrell. Major
Warner's friends here will begin active
work at once to advance his candidacy.
German Commissioner With Francis.
ST. LOUTS. Dec. 6. Dr. Theodore
Lewald. Commissioner-General from Ger
many to the World's Fair .and vice-presi
dent of the jury of awards, has taken
Issue with the contention of. the National
committee of final jurisdiction in the mat
ter of awards made by the jury. Dr.
Lewald said:
"I fully share the sentlriits expressed
by President Francis, of the EExposition.
In the act or Congress it is stated ex
pressly that the exposition shall be Inter
national in character land the rules and
regulations state explicitly that the jury
shall be international. In accordance
with tills, the representatives of foreign
nations have been members of the group
jury, the department jury, the superior
jury and the committee of five.
"It would, therefore, ho Irreconcilable
u i ' " Jt f
Our comprehensive showing
of Fur Garments, embracing
every kind and style; is without
a rival in the West. Never be
fore have we been as well pre
pared to meet the demands of
our holiday trade. Our facili
ties, from the purchase of the
furs in their raw state, until
the last stitch by our expert
workman, is absolutely com
plete in every way.
All Millinery One-Half Price
Two Specials for Children
In lines which will appeal very strongly to mothers having .children
needing warmer underwear and hosiery.
$1.25 Union Suits 98c
Hisses fine Merino Union Suits,
in natural and white, from 3 to
16 years; best $1.25 values
at 98
35c Wool Hose 23c
Children's heavy ribbed worsted
and cashmere hose, doubly rein
forced at heel and toe; 35c
values 23. or 2 pair for 45
Handkerchiefs and Neckwear
For the Holidays
We have just received a special line of ladies' pure linen, hand
embroidered Handkerchiefs, which make especially desirable Xmas
gifts, six handkerchiefs, each of a different design, being packed in a
handsome box.
$1.75 Boxes t $1.50
$3.00 Boxes at $2.75
Ladies' 75c NecKwear 55c
A very special line of ladies' neckwear, all the very latest creations in
boas, four-in-hands, turnovers and stocks, in lace and silk, with
beaded, braided and embroidered effects. Any piece in the collec
tion would make a most desirable Xmas present; best 75c values on
sale at o5
"Silverfield's New Store"
As yet it does not seem to be generally understood that on the
three floors of our new store we carry as select and extensive a line of
ladies' and children's wear as any establishment in the city." To
convince you we ask you to call and examine our lines of furs, ladies'
and children's suits and cloaks, silk and wool waists, silk skirts,
dressing gowns and wrappers, muslin and knit underwear, millinery,
handkerchiefs, neckwear, umbrellas, gloves, hosiery, fans, handbags,
baby's wear and feather and chiffon boas.
We Do the Only Artistic and Reliable Picture Framing in the City
We make all kinds of Dra- I T -. TATa1 d JT1 The Muary copy o
Out-of-Town Customers Can. Fill Their Holiday Wants Here Splendidly by Mall j
Glove Store
We are selling in our women's
Glove Store
Golf Gloves in black, red, gray
and 2-toned effects. Best 35
values, at the very low price of
This Is the Christmas Store Because
This is an all-the-year-round store serving you always with better
values than are procurable anywhere else.
This store is literally a treasure-house of holiday gifts Every
civilized country has furnished its share of the wonderful holiday
array of merchandise.
This is a comfortable store where everything that brains could
evolve, experience suggest or money accomplish has been done to
make your shopping easy and pleasant.
Picture Store
We place on display today in
our Picture Store
Pastel Heads by Charles Dna
Gibson at the very low price of
only ..yv
These are very pretty and show that
this famous artist's work is better now
than ever a. feat that many ha;e
deemed Impossible.
Suits, Coats-Very Special
It "would seem almost imperative that
every woman with unfilled coat or suit needs
take advantage of the splendid bargains told
about in detail below :
Xfp Coats Today at
The assortment comprises:
27-inch half-fitting' Coats of all-wool kersey in
black, tan anJ'castor. made in double-breasted
styles, trimmed with stitched straps and
metal buttons; 27-inch box-back kersey
Coats in black, tan and castor, in fly-front
style, trimmed with stitched straps; 27-inch
fltted-back Coats of all-wool tan and castor
kersey fly-front trimmed with cording and
straps; 27-inch plalted-back Coats of black;
tan-and castor kersey, back is strapped,
four patch pockets inlaid with velvet; 27
inch fitted-back Coats of black, castor, tan
kersey, fly-front style, tucked, plaited and
strapped Former prices of these coats were
$12.50 to $17.50; your choice QR
of them today at p.E7J
$30 to $37.50
Suits Today at
A collection composed of high-class tailor
made Suits Everyone this season's make
Made of the very finest grades of all-wool
cheviots, broadcloths, panne cheviots and
fancy men's wear suitings. In black, navy
blue, brown and tan; vest front Jacket suits,
blouse coat suits, long and short coat suits
and a lartre variety of novelty suits. The
former regular prices were $30.00 to 337.50
for!?. . ...??! $ 1 8.5 0
75c and $1 Socks at 50c
-A .sale outlined above that comes just in time for buying husband,
son or brother something that he'll like and the buying to be
done at a saving.. The socks are made of the finest lisle thread and
cotton yarns, come in solid color, striped and clocked effects are
the very best T09 and $1.00 grades and are
oh sale today v 50C
The Man's Store Submits
Some Holiday Gift Hints
Can't do any more than give mere outlines, of
course The stock is so varied and extensive
that more than that is impossible Any of
these will be welcome by any man:
French Lingerie
as Christmas Gifts
I Handmade and hand-em Droiaereu
A'iCIli;u ..U.U3UU Liiucintoi, auiiaun.
for gifts to members of the family
or intimate friends, on sale at very
low prices.
Chemises Exceptional values at
$1.10, $1.25, $1.60, $1.75, $2.00,
$3.00, 3.50, $4.00 and to $10.50.
Drawers Splendid values at $1.50,
$1.75, S2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $4.00,
$5.00 and to $8.60.
Skirts Magnificent ones at $7.75
and $9.00.
Gowns Your money's worth at $3,
$4.50, $6.60, $7.00, $7.75, $9.50
and $12.00.
Corset Covers Beauties at $1.10,
$2.65, $3.00, $4.00, $4.75, $5.00 and
to $7.50.
Bridal Sets at $24.50, $30.50, $32.50.
Dolls With Curls for Little Girls in
Don't you know some little girl that would like a doll? Don't
you know a dozen or more of them who would be delighted to
have one for Christmas? We've the largest showing of dolls ia the
city Ev.ery day people go out of their way to tell us that they
are prettier and much better value than those shown elsewhere
Prices run like this
Kid Dolls .at 75d to 10 and All Between Prices
Rag Dolls at lod to Jj515 and All BetweeirPrices
Jointed Dolls at 15i to 12 and All Between Prices
Bisque Dolls . . . at 10 to 90and All Between Prices
Dressed Dolls at 5 to 15 and All Between Prices
Holiday Handkerchiefs
We are offering a large line of
wompn's and children's Handker
chiefs, packed in pretty boxes, at
very low prices.
Children's Handkerchiefs with pretty
colo'red borders: box of three for.Oc
Children's Handkerchiefs, colored
hemstitched borders; box of three
for 10c
Children's Handkerchiefs, plain white
hemstitched, erreat value: box of
three for inc
Children's Handkerchiefs; box of six
for 2Sc
Children's Handkerchiefs, plain white
hemstitched, two grades; box of
six for 33e and 45c
Women's Handkerchiefs, plain cord
ed, lace trimmed and embroidered;
, box of' six for 40c
Women's ail pure linen hemstitched
Handkerchiefs, six special values
today; box5' of six for ?2:35, $T.9S.
51.49, $1.23, 5Sc and 70c
Women's Handkerchiefs, assorted
patterns, embroidered and lace
Irimmed, scclloped and plain edges,
six grades; box of six for $2.95,
51.98, $1.19. $1.23. 9Sc and TOc
In the Dress Goods Store
Dress Goods chief He was ready for the paper with some exceptional bargains
A Of 44"1CU creme novelty
dress goods, including mohair,
granites, afmurcs, wool serges, Henriettas,
striped and corded Sicilians; best 60c to 75c
grades at 50
33-inch noyelt-. wool dress ma- j
terials, tailor suitings, zibelines, '
eatnclsbair mixtures, etc. All are our best 30c :
and 60c grades of these materials, today at 39
Haven't mentioned one word about Dress Goods dur
ing the last week Been too busy talking about holi
day goods Took a little time and interviewed the
A x C 36-inch Cloakings, cm
JnX pLtiJ bracing zibelines, broad
tails, Thibet?, kerseys, English coverts and Eng
lish mixtures; all our $1.50 values at 1.25
A QO 56-inch English Kerseys,
At pJ.70 box clothSj ripple and broad
tail zibelines, meltons, mowbray, coverts, in
black, tan, drab, castor, navy, cardinal, brown,
mvrtle, etc.; all our $2.50 to $3.00 qualities
at 1.98
ft 46-inch imported French
2 JL vnilos. rinm?np;. prpnp dp Paris.
poplinc d' chine, eoliennes, etc., in cream, light
gray, champagne, tan. reseda, blues and other
shades for evening wear; $1.2o and $1.50 grade?
at 97
Black Goods
$2.00 imported black Turkish mohair ccpe.ftl.50
91.2.; Imported Crepe de Paris, pure silk warp. 51.00
92.25 French Novelty Crepe Silk dot and stripe
75c all-wool Cheviots and English Storm Serges.
effects at $1.75
46-inch, at 50c
Danger to Life and Property in
Christmas Displays.
Tour attention is hereby respectfully
called to the fact that tho Introduction
nbont premises of Christmas creens,
harvest specimens and other Inflamma
ble materials, such as cotton to repre
sent snow, and tho like, introduces an
additional hazard not contemplated by
the underwriters in issuing policies of
Indemnity covering the usual fire haz
ard, and, in this connection wo refer you
to one of the conditions of the stand
ard form of fire Insurance policy where
in it Is stipulated that:
'This entire policy, unless otherwlso
provided by agreement Indorsed hereon
or added hereto, shall bo void," etc..
etc., "if the hazard be Increased by any
means within the control or knowledge
of the Insured."
In addition to the danger to property
from displays referred to, the danger
to life In crowded stores or places of
meeting by reason of a panic occasioned
by a fire, even though it be small and
easily controlled, is so great that the
underwriters, who have, made a study
of such hazards, would only, be partly
fulfilling their duty should they fail
to give this warning.
Electric displays whero motors- arc
used and where electric currents aro
shunted or broken on different circuits
for advertising purposes will not be
aT-oroved unless the devices for motive
power and for shunting and breaking
of currents on different circuits arc In
stalled in accordance with requirements
of National Electrical Code.
By J. C Stone, surveyor in charge, dis
trict D.
New President for Westrn Pacific.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 6. It was for
mally announced today that at the next
meeting of the directors of the Western
Pacific Railway Company, Attorney Bart
nctt. president of the corporation, will, be
succeeded by E. T. Jeffrey, president of
the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, who
was- recently elected a director of tho for
mer company.
Merchant Robbed of Jewelry.
NEW YORK. Dec. 6. Jewels valued at
510,000 are reported to have Ween stolen
from the apartments of J. K.- Weiner, a
wealthy merchant, in Manhattan- Square,
near Seventy-seventh streeet. "The jewels
were" left" in a secret repository while the
family were driving, and were not missed
for some hours. The apartment appar
ently had been entered by the use of
duplicate keys.
Francis Says National Commission
. Was Asked to Sit With Judges.
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 6. President D. R.
Francis, of the World's Fair, tonight
Issued the following statement, when In
formed of the substance of ex-Senator
Carter': comment? on his statement rela
tive to the letter of Major Pangborn:
"The National Commission was never
formally notified, it is true, to appear be
fore the committee of five. It was. how
ever, repeatedly invited verbally by both
Judge Boyle and myself to submit to the
committee of the Superior, jury any
Irregularities or evidences of frauda in
the making of awards by tho juries that
they might be in posn?ss!on of.
"These verbal Invitations were not in
tended as summonses, for not only did
we invite them to produce for investiga
tion puch cases a? they might have
knowledge of. but they were also asked to
come and sit with the committee of the
Superior Jury In its deliberations."
Druggists Caught Red-Handed.
CHICAGO, Dec. 6. Out of 139 decoy
prescriptions sent out by the State Board
of Pharmacy to Chicago druggists to ho
filled. 23 contained no trace of the drug
called for: 66 irere SO per cent impure:
10 were 20 per cent Impure, and only 31
were pure. As a result the Board will
prosecute over 100 druggists for selling
lmpuro drugs.
Salvationists Welcome Eva Booth.
NEW YORK. Dec. 6. Commander Eva
Headache, biliousness, heartburn. Indi
gestion, and all liver ills are cured by
Hood's Pills
Sold by all druggists. 25 cents.
CsrM&CoMkiOcc!y,CH 3 Dtys
3WL fees. 35g
WANT of Box Writing Paper
with my monogram on it from
Wedding and Visiting Card Engravers
Washington Building
A. Booth, of the Salvation Army, was
welcomed to this country tonight at
an enthusiastic meeting that filled
Carnegie Hall. She was given an ova
tion of cheers and flag-waving.
A covered platform has been erected
bv the O.-.R. & N. Immediately opposite
Collins Hot Springs for the accommoda
tion of passengers who desire to visit this
resort. The Spokane Flyer, trains 5 and
4. stop at this point on flag to take on or
let off passengers. A c6mmodious launch
meets and carries all passengers and bag
arnce across the river to the hotel.
Tutt's pais
Humors Cured
! with HarflnR Soap. SkinHealth. (olnt
i ment) aad S-ktnHealtli Tablets. A posi
I Htc and speedy cure for erery ltchlns, burninff.
cair. Dieeainjr. crusiea, pimpij ana uiuiiu
humor, irlth loss of hair. Produces clear, bril
liant, bealtby skin end pore, rich, red blood.
Troaimont 7 So
cozulstsnf Harflna.Soap,25c.,raedleated,anti'
septic: Sk.inHealtb.(olDU.25c.,tokM germs,
heal the skin, and SklaHealth Tablet,
23c, to expel humor gems. All drngslJts.
Hnrflna. Soap for flic Complexion,
for pimples, blackheads, redness, roughness, chaf.
Ing; cbapplnj?, rough hands. Nothing -will 1t
such a 'speedy cure. 25c.t 3 cakes, G5c.
Send 8c. postage for Free Samples enj
booklets to PHILO HAT CO.. NEWARK. N. J.
Fourth and Wash last oh.
liver Ifis
Save Your Money.
One box of Tutt's Pills will save
many dollars in doctors' bills
They will surely cure all diseases
of the stomach, liver or bowels.
No Reckless Assertion
For sick headache, dyspepsia,
malaria, constipation andbilic
usness, amillionpeopleendorse
The Terrible Skin Scourge i Itching. Burning,
Bleeding, Weeping, Crmting, Scaling.
IA ttle babies most afflicted. No sleep, no rest . fron
burning, ltchlnff. Hopeless mothers xrorn out Trtth
weary watching. There Is a quick, poaltiTO cure la
Consists of Harflna Soap, medicated, antisep
tic; SUinhealtU (olnt.), to kill humor germs,
beal the skin and stop Itchlnc. and Slcinhealttt
Tablets, to expel humor germs. MULTI
TUDES OFMOTHERSrclyonSlcinfeealth,
treatment "with Harflna Soap for immediately
relleTing and quickly curing all kinds of dlstress
lng humors from Infancy to old age. for beauti
fying tho kla and hair, soothing all Irritations
and for many antiseptic uses. Druggists.
Fourth aad WasUIajftCia.