Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 07, 1904, Image 1

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Jury Returns Verdict in
Land-Fraud Trial.
Conspiracy to Defraud Gov
ernment to BeTDTilshed-
S. A.t3. Puter, Emma L. Watson, Hor
ace G. McKinley, Frank H. Wal
gamot and Dan W- Tarpley
Are Convicted.
Ctentlemen o the Jury: A conspiracy
is formed when two or mora persons
agree together to do an unlawful act;
and when there Is ouch an agreement,
and one or more of the parties does any
act to effect the object of the common
design, they are guilty of the offense
of conspiracy.
It Is not necessary that the conspiracy
should be proved by evidence of an ex
press agreement between the conspira
tor, or by direct evidence of any agree
ment. The acts of the defendants, and each
of them, prior to theJTth day of March,
lf01. may bo considered by you In de
termining the relations between the de
fendant, and the probability or non
probablllty of persons bearing such re
lations entering Into the conspiracy al
leged 1n the Indictment.
The wolght to be given the testimony
of a 'witness whose opinion is based
upon familiarity with, the writing in
question depends upon the opportunities
which the witness has had to become
acquainted with the writing to which
he testifies.
I deem it unnecessary to refer to the
testimony in the case. The time occu
pied in its production, and the many
arguments made pro and con in your
hcarings to its materiality and tend
ency, will enable you to give It due
consideration In its relation to the sev
eral facts Fought to he proved, without
comment cr suggestion from me.
The law presumes thai the defendants
are innocent, and the burden is upon the
Government . to overcome that presump
tion by such, a preponderance of the
evidence as. satisfies you of the guilt of
the accused, and of each of them, be
yond a reasonable doubt.
"We have, your Honor."
Those words yesterday afternoon
brought the blood in surging waves to the
checks of Emma I. "Watson, drove, In
spite of himself, the mocking smile from
the face of Horace G. McKinley, puckered
still more the small, restless black eyes
of S. A. D. Puter into a steady gleam and
forced back the blood from the face of
Dan W. Tarpley.
The long trial has ended and has passed
into history; the tired but patient jury
has gone, each member to his distant
home, but no't until its composite hand
traced the mark of guilt against the .name
of each defendant in the famous case.
The strife and contention of the Gov
ernment, the sullen resistance of the de
fense; the mass of evidence and the
sweep of oratory, all has been weighed,
sifted and judged and 12 men have de
cided that Emma X. Watson, 5. A. D,
Puter, Horace G. McKinley, Frank H.
Walgamot and Dan W. Tarpley are
guilty of the crime of having defrauded
the Government out of title to a portion
of its public land.
It was noon yesterday when Mr. Heney
had finished his address to the Jury, and
at 2 o'clock- Judge Bellinger commenced
his charge to the men in whose hands
rested the fate of the defendants. It was
ton minutes later when he had finished
and Captain J. A Sladon had adminis
tered the oath to the bailiffs of the court
In whose charge the jury was to be
placed during1 its deliberations. At 2:15
the 12 men filed from the courtroom out
Into the little room in which the fate of
so many men have been decided.
The court announced a recess until such
time as the jury should have come to a
decision and the hum of conversation
arose and filled the bare, comfortless
chambor. Men stood, packed like bales
of brooms, outside the lobby rail and laid
wagers, over shoulder, with friends upon
the length of the intermission. Women sat
around the wall and the Inner circle and
exchanged excited whispers unon the out
come. The lawyers deserted their" posts
where for 12 days they have clustered
around the long table in earnest conten
tion and in little groups discussed the
The defendants 'bunched together and
talked in low tones as they awaited their
fate. Ton minutes passed and the whis
pering groups had dissolved. Tarpley
loaned against the clerk's desk alone
Puter sat twisting a fragment of paper,
slowly, ceaselessly in his hands; Mc
Klnley leaned against a pillar, silent, his
face no longer wreathed in smiles; Mrs.
Watson waited, and with each swing of
the pendulum the blood mounted to her
face until her eyes, red and bloodshot.
gazed out from a mask of purple red.
Jury Returns Verdict.
It lacked ten minutes until the hand
had touched throe when the tread of the
jury was heard along the hall and the
hum of voices sank to silence. The men
Jlled In and took each the place which has
been his for 12 days and more.
'Gentlemen, asked the count, "have
you agreed upon a verdict?"
A. Blevlns rose from his chair in the
back row and made answer to the ques
We have, your honor." He sat down
leaving the aged bailiff to boar the vcr
diot to the court, who passed It to the
"We. the jury." road the clork, "em
pannelcd to try the case of the United
States vs. Jbmma L. watson. b. A. D,
Pntar. Horace G. McKinley. D. W. Tar
pk$. Frank H. Walgamot, Marie I. Ware
At al find the defendants guilty of the
crime of conspiracy to defraud the Gov- j
ernment out of a part of Its public lands
situated in township 11 south, of range
7 east.
"We, the jury, find Emma !. Watson
guilty, as charged In the indictment. We
find S. A. D. Puter. Horace G. McKinley,
D. W. Tarpley and Frank H. Walgamot
guilty as charged In the Indictment. Wo
find the defendant Marie Jj. Ware not
guilty as charged."
"Is that your verdict, gentlemen.?"
asked the court. "It is," was the reply
of the foreman, and the long trial was a
thing of the past.
Mr. Hall asked that the defendants be
placed under additional bonds In this
case, aa he did not consider the existing
bonds, which also bound the defendants to
the coming trials, to be sufficient, now
that conviction had been secured. The
offense was pot an extradictable one, and
as the bonds were for only $4000 the Gov
ernment did not desire to run the risk of
forfeiture in this case and consequent loss
of trial In the cases yet 'to come.
Thf-edurt decided that a. bond of $4000
for --the case convicted would be ample
rrid therefore ordered that such security
be given. This will place the defendants
each under 5S000 bonds, with the excep
tion of Tarpley and Walgamot. who are
concerned in one case only, and whose
bonds arc $4000 each.
The case has been a long and stub
bornly contested one, both for and
against. No pains or time or expense has
been spared by the. Government to accom
plish' its purpose. Special' Inspector A. R.
Greene has woven around the defendants
a net so compact, so close' and unbreaka
ble that there was no means of escape.
John H. Hall, the attorney who has been
laboring for months on the case, has
gathered together the loose ends of evi
dence until nothing was overlooked or
forgotten; special prosecutor Francis J.
Heney has guided the conduct of the
trial and has hurled the mass of evidence
at the defense until the other side has
stopped aghast at the onslaught and been
bereft of hope.
Appeal Will Be Taken.
There Is no doubt but that an appeal
will be taken. The attorneys for the de
fense are now preparing their motion, and
will in all probability present It at the
opening of the next case, on Tuesday, De
cember 13.
Mr. Heney closed the case for the Gov
ernment, and spoke from the opening of
the morning session until a little after
noon had struck. His argument was a
detailed one, and covered the ground of
the prosecution from first to last. There
was not a point left untouched or a loop
hole left unguarded. From tho time of
the first filing until the speech of Judge
O'Day nothing was forgotten.
"I feel," he said In opening, "that we
ought to congratulate ourselves that the
disgusting spectacle of yesterday. In
which a whole day was spent In vilifica
tion and abuse, has passed and la gone. I
will net spend more time In following this
line of argument other than to answer the
challenge of Judge O'Day. .The Govern
ment Is not called upon to present the de
fendant's side of the case. In olden times
the defendants used to be tried by the
witnesses before the Jury- In olden times
the people of Portland, those before whom
Puter and Watson flaunted their vice,
would have tried the defendants. Now we
try to get those who know nothing of tho
Judge O'Day Is Answered.
"Yesterday Judge O'Day had tho ef
frontery to laud Mr. Burns fls a great
detective and me as a great -attorney, and
then In the next breath to accuse us of
being hero for money alone to prosecute
some of the lesBer thieves while we leave
the corporations and the money powers
alone.' Since the opening of the trial
Judge- O'Day has been trying to inject into
the caee another issue. He has tried to
get me to attack Senator Mitchell. Tou
all. know why I wanted the Senator to
come here. Tou ail remember the letter
that I read, which he had written to Mr.
Hermann, but which the latter had for
gotten and which had a bearing on the
connection of the Defendants Puter and
Watson In this case. You all know that
the actions of the Senator were simply
those of a public officer serving one of his
constituents who had been recommended
to him. And If on that evidence I had
tried to bring Senator Mitchell into this
case I would have been open to the cen
sure which Judge O'Day has heaped upon
And they have charged me. with bring
Ing another thing Into this case, and It
comes with ill grace from the Hps of the
defense to accuse me of wanting to drag
the name of any woman Into a criminal
case, when they have dragged from his
grave the name of old Joel Ware to con
nect It even by reference with this trou
ble. I say that old Joel Ware Is now look
ing down from his home In heaven de
manding vengeance from Horace G. Mc
Klnley, that vile and depraved being
there, for having dragged that child down
into the mire of crime. It Is said that
to spare the humiliation of the wife and
children Puter should have, gone un
scathed, he who has had so little care for
the humiliation of wife or the disgrace of
children, he who has gone defiantly in
open adultery with this woman Watson.
"There is another thing that I want to
resent and that Is the imputation of
Judge 'O'Day that the majority of women
are as this Defendant Watson Is. In my
narrow circle of acquaintance, thank
(Concluded on Page 12.)
The following are short biographical
sketches of the defendants found
guilty of conspiracy in the land-fraud
Emma I. Watson is between S3 and
40 years of age. Her maiden name was
Sutton and she was born and grew up
in Cincinnati. About 15 years ago she
was married In Indiana to a man
named Watson. They went to Chicago
and it Is said were implicated In a
Liberal Appropriation
Seems Certain.
Congressional Committees A re
Friendly to Columbia,
The Dalles-CelHo Canal'Project Is As
sured of Favorablev-onslderatlon,
and Other Projects Will
Not Suffer.
Ington, Dec 6. That. there Is an excellent
prospect of Oregon rivers and harbors se
curing liberal appropriations Is the firm
belief of Senator Mitchell. He has thor
oughly canvassed the situation, and today
Issued the following statement:
'In view of what I have learned since I
have been here and what myself and col
leagues have done, I am very much cnr
couraged to believe we shall get very lib
eral appropriations for our rivers and har
bors. Especially do I believe we shall be
able to get In the sundry civil and river
and harbor bills enough money to com
plete the Jetty at the mouth of the Co
"Seven hundred thousand dollars, ap
proved by the Chief of Engineers, by
which Major Iangfltt's estimate was cut
from Jl.300,000, will without question go
into the sundry civil bill, as It is cov
ered by continuing contract. The Chief
Engineer advises me he thinks $100,000 out
of the remaining $600,000 of Langfltt's cstl
mate can be dropped without injury- This
will leave for completion of the Jetty but
$500,000 to be carried by the river and har
bor bill. This, I feel, with careful work
upon the part of ourselves and friends, we
will be able to get Into the bill before It
becomes a law.
"I also feel satisfied that we will get the
amount recommended by the Chief En
glneer for Tho Dallea.canaL . .
"Of coMrse, other river and harbor ap.
proprlatlons will not be neglected."-
Senator Foster and Representative
Jqnes, who are members of the Commit
tees which handle river and harbor legis
lation, have both pledged themselves to do
everything in their power to secure liberal
appropriations for the Columbia at the
mouth of the river as well as The Dalles.
Celllo canal and the upper river. They
arc confident, with the backing of the
delegations from Oregon, Washington and
Idaho, they can ultimately secure all the
money that can be expended on these
various projects up to the time the next
river and harbor bill Is framed.
Eastern Oregon People Must Be Con
tent With Pay for Improvement.
ington, Dec. 6. Based upon a report sent
to Congress today by Secretary Hitchcock,
the Oregon delegation In Congress will
undertake to secure legislation to relm
burse settlers in Sherman County, Or., for
losses which they sustained by being dis
possessed of homesteads within the limits
of the Grant to The Dalles Military Road
Company and the Northern Pacific Rail
Secretary Hitchcock reports that the
Eastern Oregon Land Company, suc
cessor of The Dalles Road Company, and
present owner of the lands which are be
Ing leased to the original settlers. Is not
anxious to sell, but If the Government
will purchase not less than 10,000 acres it
can be had in quarter-section tracts at the
uniform price of $60 an acre. While this
prlco Is high, the company says the lands
case of forgery in that city just before
the Columbian Exposition. Shortly
after that time Mrs. Watson came to
Oregon, where she met S. A. D. Puter
and engaged in timber land speculation
with him. She has shown herself to
be a cunning and resourceful woman.
Horace G. McKinley Is about 23 years
of age. He Is a native of West Salem,
Wis., and comes of an excellent fam
ily, his father being extensively en
gaged in the logging business. He
are exceptionally fertile, and well located.
To the value of the land the company has
added the expense which It has borne In
litigation defending its title.
Inasmuch as there are over 22,000 acres
Involved, it would cost $1,300,000 or more'
to buy up this land and present It to the
settlers. This figure is too great to be
considered by Congress, so the delegation
will take the other alternative and seek to
secure an appropriation of a few hundred
thousand dollars to pay settlers for the
Improvements which they lost at the -time
they were dispossessed, and give them the
right to make entry elsewhere on the pub
lic domain. The exact form of the bill
that will be pressed Is yet to be deter
mined. Result of Chehalls Election.
CHEHAT.1S. Wash., Dec 7. (Special.)
Chehalls city election resulted. In the. suc
cess of the following: Mayor, David
Stewart: Treasurer. A. S.. Cory; Clerk,
W. A. Westover; Health " Officer, E. 11.
pow; Attorney, W. E. Bishop; Council
men, two years, C. B. Quick, Dan WIs-
ner, George L. loung; Councilman at
large, George Walker.
Russo-Japanese War.
Japanese from 203-Moter Hill arc shelling
Russian fleet and have sunk-one battle
ship and set a number of other vessels
on Arc. Page 1.
Russians are making nightly attacks on
203-Meter Hill, and have lost 3000 men
trying to retake it. Page 1.
Russian diplomats fear Britain too greatly to
permit Black TSea fleet to try to pass the
Dardanelles. Page 5.
British prestige has suffered terribly In near
Bast as result of Dosrger Bank policy.
Page 5.
Taf t acknowledges he made a mistake in .ex
tending Dingley tariff to canal zone at
Panama celebration. Page 3.
Government flies answer in Senator Burton
case, and strongly argues he is guilty.
Page 11.
Denver grand Jury is empanelled to investi
gate election frauds. Page It.
Seven Jurors are secured in the Nan Pat
terson case. Page 5.
Mrs. Chadwick.
Mrs" Chadwick is suffering from nervous
prostration, and is seriously ill. Page 1.
Mrs. Chad-Kick changes hotels, and is fol
lowed by Secret Service men. Page 1.
Carnegie and Federal officer fall to hold
expected conference to examine signatures
to notes. Page 1.
The many names Mrs. Chadwick has gone
under and the cities she has operated
In. Pago 4.
Newton now acknowledges he has no secur
ity for the $190,800 he lent tho woman.
Page 4.
Liberal appropriation for Columbia River
Jetty is assured. Page 1.
President's message Is read in both houses.
Page 4.
Text of the President's message. Pago 14.
Senator Piatt will introduce a bill to re
duce representation of several states, prin
cipally the South. Page 4.
Henry B. Miller, of, Oregon, Is again noml
nated for. Constli-General at Chefoo;
, JnajJF .qts.erjionrtjatlonj. Page 4..
x-acuic coaar.
Coos County will spend 10,000 on Lewis
and Clark Fair exhibit. Page 11.
Governor-elect Mead, of Washington, will
' recommend stricter laws on divorce.
Page 0.
Corvallls poultry show will be made a great
event. Page S.
C. W. Mcllwain. of Salem, takes poison as
short road to divorce. Page 8.
Commercial and Marine.
Effect on stock market of President's mes
sage. Page 19.
Ar cause fluctuations in wheat
market. Page 10.
Improvement In San Francisco potato mar
ket. Page 10.
Two spot ships chartered for wheat and
flour. Page 5.
New schedule of Portland & Asiatic Steam
ship line. Page S.
Northern Pacific transfer barge launched at
Hoqulara. Page G.
Portland and Vicinity.
Verdict of guilty returned In land fraud
trial. Page 1.
Greed, and defllance of law killing the
salmon industry, says F. A. Seufert
Page 11.
Mrs. Helen C. Jennings is insane as result
of shock following divorce. Page 12.
Franklin Association of printers will abolish
eight-hour day. Page 7.
Portland amateur photographers represent
ed in New Tork salon. Page 12.
Women arrested for opium smoking hide
Identity behind veils. Page 13.
Portland Gas Company is not preparing for
competition. Pago
Grand Jury returns Indictments. Page 12.
Barbers' Commission refuses aged man a
permit; he goes to Poor Farm. Page 7.
Mayor's sewer experts Inspect Tanner Creek
tunnel. Page 10.
Liberal arts building at Lewis and Clark
Fair completed. Page 12.
came to Oregon in 1S0O and has been
dabbling In timber Jands -ever, since
He is said to - be an expert timber,
cruiser and in this capacity he selected
some of the bestMimber land in the
state for hu co-conspirators and vari
ous corporations. He Is unmarried,
having been divorced from his wife
some time ago.
S. A. D. Puter. generally recognized
as the leader of the conspiracy, is be
tween 45 .and - 50 years- old. He has
Mrs. Chadwick . Faints.
in. New York Hotel. fc
Moves From House Where She
Has Been Guest SomeTime.
Expected Conference Between Car
.negle and Federal Officer to Ex
amine Signatures to 'Notes Is
Not Held.
NEW TORK, Dec. 6. The. expected did
not happen tonight In the Chadwick case.
and all the predictions proved at fault
when, at a late hour. It was announced
that no conference between Federal of
ficers and Andrew Carnegie had been held
at the latter's home.
This turn was surprising, for Mr. Car
negie had announced in4 the course of the
day he would be glad to receive a Fed
eral officer, and it was supposed that F.
F. Oldham, representing the Controller
of the Currency, would meet him tonight.
and that the matters of the notes alleged
to have been given to Ira Reynolds, of
Cleveland, and said to bear the name of
Andrew Carnegie, would be discussed.
As unexpected as the news that no con
ference was held was the departure of
Mrs. Chadwick from the Holland House,
where she has resided, for the New Am
sterdam Hotel. She was accompanied by
her son and a maid, and took with her
some baggage. Secret Service men who
have been at the Holland House for sev
eral days followed Mrs. Chadwick.
It was about 10 P. M. when Mrs. Chad
wick, with her son and maid, left an
elevator in the Holland House and took
a cab. She walked slowly, and her ac
tions indicated that she has not fully re
covered from her recent Indisposition. As
soon' as Mrs. Chadwlck's cab left the
hotel, Secret Service men. tqpk other ve-
L hides and drove after hejr. .
r- .- Mrs-. Ciharfwlr.Ir Pain...
At the New Amsterdam Hotel she was
helped Into the women's reception-room
where she fainted. After some Ave mln
utcs the woman was able to walk again
and, clinging to her son; she went to the
elevator and was shown to a room on the
first floor. She did not register, nor did
her son. nor the maid. The hotel man
agers declined to give Information as to
how long the rooms were engaged for.
The son and maid carried Mrs. Chad
wick's baggage. The son returned to the
reception-room for the baggage after he
had taken his mother to her room, and
the Secret Service men held him In con
versation for some minutes and then let
him go. He went back to his mother.
The detectives refused to say what they
had asked. The son engaged the room3
for his mother's party.
Shortly before . midnight Mrs. Chad
wlck's son went to the public telephone
and called up Dr. Atbertus A. Moore. He
asked the physician to hurry at once- to
his mother, who, he said, was very 111.
Dr. Moore said later:
'JMrs. Chadwick Is suffering from nerv
ous prostration, the result of her re
moval from the Holland House to this
hotel, and being followed by Secret Serv
ice men and reporters."
The coach used by Mrs. Chadwick, her
son and the maid, was driven to Gram
ercy Park after leaving the party.
Against Orders of Physician.
Mrs. Chadwick changed her hotel
against the orders of her physician. Dr.
A. A. Moore, who visited her at least
twice today. After his evening call, the
physician said Mrs. Chadwick was In a
.serious condition, and he believed her on
the verge of nervous prostration. He
operated In Oregon lands for the past
20 years- and Is known as a very dar
ing and . energetic speculator. He has
a wife, and . two daughters living at
Berkeley, Cal. It Is believed that he
and Mrs. Watson got the largest por
tion of the profits arising from the
conspiracy. As nearly as can be deter
mined at this time the coterie of .Um
ber thieves secured lands worth In an
aggregate more than $500,000. The the
ory of the Government Is. however.
feared If the excitement attending the
case continued much longer. Mrs. Chad
wick would break down entirely.
Shortly after the physician left the, Hol
land House, Mrs. Chadwick made her
preparations for her departure, and ear
ned them out without the knowledge of
her doctor.
The Secret Service men have taken
rooms near Mrs. Chadwick at the New
The officers had hertoforc denied that
their mission was connected with the.
Chadwick case, but their actions tonight
served to confirm previous reports- that
the Secret Service had officially taken
cognizance of the case.
The management of the Holland House
said tonight Mrs. Chadwick left there of
her own volition, and that she had settled-
Ker. bill up to last Sunday.
Despite reports to the contrary. Philip
Carpenter, attorney for Mrs. Chadwick,
stated to the Associated PrcS3 tonight
that Ira Reynolds, who is reputed to have
come here frcm Cleveland with securities
valued at 53,000,000 belonging to Mrs.
Chadwick, had not seen his client today.
"Will a warrant for Mrs. Chadwlck's
arrest be issued?" was asked, and Mr.
Carpenter replied: "I do not think any
warrant will be Issued at all."
Secret Service Man Informed.
When asked why Mrs. Chadwick
changed hotels, Mr. Carpenter declined to
state, but added:
"There was no secrecy about the change.
She went out of the main entrance, and
the fact that the Secret Service men had a
cab In waiting would signify they had
been informed in advance of the contem
plated move."
Andrew Squire, a Cleveland attorney.
representing Ira Reynolds, made the an
nouncement tonight, after several confer
ences with Receiver Lyon, Mr. Oldham
and others, that he believed there would
be no further developments in the case
before ; tomorrow and also said that Mr,
Oldham had returned to Washington. This
announcement was the first indication
that there would not be a meeting at
Carnegie's home tonight.
Stories of a possible arrest In the case
wer still current this evening, but so far
as known no warrant has been Issued.
Lawyer Carpenter, one of Mrs. Chad-
wicks' counsel In New York, declined to
give the results of the numerous confer
ences today. Percy W. Carver, counsel
for Herbert D. Newton, In an interview
with an Associated Press representative,
said that the Newton claim had not been
paid, and that no new assurances had
been given as to Its payment, and'George
W. Ryall. associated with Mr. Carver,
gave no new information besides confirm
ing the story that he had been In confer
ence with Mrs. Chadwick today. As to
the subject of their talk he declined to
make -any. statement.
Mr. Squire, of Cleveland, had a long
conference with Mrs. Chadwick today.
When seen at the Waldorf-Astoria to
night he declined to tell the results of his
Interview, merely saying things' would
come out, at the proper time.
From present indications every effort
will be made by Mrs. Chadwlck's friends
tomorrow to settle the case. It was said
tonight by one Interested in her affairs
that Mrs. Chadwick has at the present
time much more than enough to settle
those claims which have been matte up to
this time. Her counsel said today that she
Is worth over 51,000,000.
Another Physician Is Called in About
NEW YORK, Dec. 7. Dr. Moore, who
was called to attend Mrs. Chadwick after
she arrived at her new apartments, called
In Dr. J. P. Ferguson about midnight,
and they were in consultation late Into
the night. Dr. Moore said that Mrs.
Chadwick Is very 111, but declined to go
Into the matter further.
A gentleman Intimately connected with
the Chadwick case was asked tonight
why Mr. Reynolds had come to New Tork
with Mrs. Chadwlck's securities, and he
stated It was for the purpose of raising
money so that a settlement might be ef
fected without further legal complications.
As to stories of possible arrests, he said:
"So far no complainant has appeared.
If the notes said to bear the name of a
well-known man are forgeries they must
be so declared, and until he has seen them
nothing can be done.
The gentleman was asked if some of
ficial of the Oberlln bank could not be
the complainant- The answer was re
turned: "It must first be shown that the bank
has been swindled, and until this fact can
be ascertained, great caution must be ex
ercised." S. A. D. rUTER.
that most of the money realized from
these operations has gone into the
coffers of certain lumber syndicates
and that Puter and his associates have
squandered most of their illegitimate
earnings. '
Dan W. Tarpley is a young lawyer
of Salem, where he was born and has
lived all his life. He Is about SO years
of age and was apparently taken Into
the conspiracy some time after its
Japanese Train Guns on
Port Arthur Fleet
Others Must Put to Sea or Suf
fer Irreparable Damages.
Russians Realize the Great Advantage
of the Position, and Are Making
Nightly Attacks to Recapture
It Many Men Lost.
TOKIO. Dec. 7. (Noon.) It Is officially
announced vthat the Russian battleship
Poltava has been sunk in the harbor of.
Port Arthur as a result of tho Japanese
bombardment, and that the battleship
Retvizan has been seriously damaged.
(The Poltava was an armored turret
ship of 10,960 tons displacement and 11.255
indicated horsepower. She was built In
St. Petersburg In 1894. and went Into
commission in 1S9S. Her cost of construc
tion was nearly 55,000,000. Her arma
ment consisted of four 12-inch. 12 5.9
Inch and 34 smaller caliber breech-loading
rifle guns of the Russian Krupp pat
tern. She had a crew of 700 men. She
had a speed of 16.2 knots.
The Retvizan is a battleship of 12.700
tons displacement and 16.000 indicated
horsepower. She was built in Philadel
phia in 1902. Her armament cqnslsted of
four 12-inch, 12 six-inch. 20 three-inch, 20
thrcc-pounder and six one-pounder guns
of Russian Krupp pattern. Her speed was
IS knots per hour.)
Japanese Attack Russian Vessels
From 203-Meter Hill.
TOKIO, Dec. 6. The effective bombard
ment of the Russian battleships in Port
Arthur, which began Saturday last,- was
one of the results .of1- the capture of- 203
Mcte'r Hill. "Up to that time the War
ships had been able to seek shelter from
the Japanese fire under Pelyu Mountain,
but the capture of 203-Meter Hill, No
vember 29-30, enabled the Japanese to
train their guns on the Russian vessels,
with the result that a number of them
have been set on flro and the others must
either put to sea or suffer Irreparable
damage. The Port Arthur besiegers re
port as follows:
"On Saturday, December 3, our naval
guns bombarded the Russian ships. The
Pobieda (battleship), was struck six times;
a vessel of the Retvizan (battleship) type.
was hit eight times, and on other ships
16 shells took effect.
"On the following Monday the Pobieda
was hit seven times, the Poltava (battle
ship). 11 times, and the Retvizan 11 times.
At about 3 o'clock in the afternoon one
of our shells struck a magazine south of
Peiyu Mountain, causing a heavy explo
sion. The conflagration that followed was
not extinguished for two hours.
"The same day our heavy guns were
directed at the enemy's ships. The Pers
vlet (battleship), was struck twice, and
two more shells were lodged in other
ships. A vessel of the Poltava type was
observed to be on fire for onehour, send
ing up a great volume of smoke.
"The attacking operations against the
Sungshu Mountain forts eastward are
carried on day and night Two 36-milIi-meter
quick-firers were captured Sunday
in a half-moon fort, pn Rihlung Moun
tain." The Russians are nightly attacking 203
Meter Hill in a determined endeavor to
retake the summit of the ground In con
tention. The Japanese are Increasing their de
fenses on the position and have succeed
ed, so far, in repelling all the assaults.
The Russians have suffered the heaviest
losses, and It is estimated they have sac
rificed 3000 men In their effort to recap
ture the ground, which the Japanese are
confident In their ability to hold.
Observations Indicate that the garrison
Is feeling the shortage of men.
The works against Sungshu Mountain
and the forts to the eastward are pro
gressing speedily, and all indications
point to an early general assault, al
though the date when It will begin is
kept secret. It is expected that the next
general assault will prove successful.
Japanese Cruiser Blown Up by Mine.
MOSCOW, Dec. 6. A special dispatch
from Vladivostok says that a steamer
which has arrived there from Shanghai
reports that the ' Japanese armored
cruiser Adsuma has been blown up and
sunk by a mine.
Japanese Preparing for Long Stay in
Front of Mukden.
via Fusan, Monday. Dec. 5 (delayed In
transmission). In the villages near the
actual Japanese line houses are being
built and repaired, scores of wells aro
being dug, villages are being denuded of
trees and fuel is being carried. Every
Indication points to the Intention to re
main on the present line during the Win
tor. The cold weather is not affecting
the Japanese, although the temperature
has already fallen to a few degrees above
zero. There are only a few sick men.
Germany Prepares for Trouble.
BERLIN, Dec. 6. A dispatch to the
'Tageblatt from Kiel says the Admiralty
has determined to double the strength of
the detachment of marine artillery at
Kiaochou, the German port of the Shan
.Tung Peninsula, and to add four compa
nies, numbering 700 men. to the garrison,
also sending out an experienced officer
from the General Admiralty staff.