If THE MORNING OREGONIAN, DECEMBER TTESDAY, 6, 190 Rindlaub, Conrad Lot 2, block 3, Proebstel's Subdivision 7.14 Voygbt. William Lot 14. block 4. Proebstel's Subdivision 9.52 Sarsfleld, James W. 2S feet of N. 95 feet lot 16. block 5, Proebstel's Subdivision 4.76 Portland Trust Co. of Oregon E. 10 feet lots 1 and 2; also E. 10 feet of N. 9 feet of lot 3, block 1L Proeb stel's Addition 1.91 Dunn. Sarah L Lots 9, 10. 13, 14, 15, 16. 17 and IS. block 11. Prune dale Addition to Portland 1.S2 Anderson, James Lot 3 and fraction of lot 4, block 3. Raffety's Addi tion to East Portland 10-71 Church of Good Shepherd Lot 6. block 2, Railroad Shops Addition.. 57.12 Hawkins, L. L., and Charleston. W. S. Lots 17 and 18, block 4, Ravenswood 8. SI Young, Harlet H. Lots 12, 15. 16 and 17, block 2, The C. J. Reed Tract 5.71 McDonald, Alex, and Jemima Lot 12, block 1. Richmond addition to East Portland 2.03 Munley, Elizabeth B. Lots 2 and 4, block 5, Richmond Addition to East Portland 42.13 Smith, Jessie M. Lots 11. 13 and lb, biocK s, iticnmona Aaaiuon to East Portland Dabney, Percy P. Lot 14. block 10, Richmond Addition to East Port land Sharp. W. J. Lots 2. 4 and 6, block 12. Richmond Addition to East 16.1S 2.06 Portland 6.90 Green. Thomas C Lot 15. block 2. Riverside Addition 1.90 Marlay. P. H. Lots 18. 19 and 20, block 2, Riverside Addition : Leonard, Herman C Lots 17, 18 and 19, block 3; lots 5, 10. 17, 18. 19 and 20. block 4. Riverside Addi 5.76 tion 17.13 Byer, William F. Lot 8, block 10, Riverside Addition i. Seottnn. G. C Lots L 2 and 10. 1.90 block 1, Rivervlew Subdivision.. 17.14 Pittenger, John M. Lots "8 and 9, block 5, Rivervlew Subdivision.... Chemln, Louis F. South lots 5 and 7, block 13, Rivervlew Subdi vision Methodist EnlscoDal Church Lot 11. 2.14 9.5: block 15. Rivervlew Subdivision... 27.37 Hall, A. M. Lots 3 and 4. block 3, Rose dale Daniel, Harry and Chambers, E. A. Lot 9, block 7, Rosedale An nex BiBch, Phlllppa, heirs Lots 10, 13 and 14, block 8, Rosedale Annex.. Hnrkroll TT. T5 TVits 3 and 4. block 5.71 2.14 6.66 9, Rosedale Annex 4.2S tMarlnv. P. H. Lot 5. block 1L Rose dale Annex 2.14 Bahlstrom. H. G. Lots 31, 32, 33 ana 34, block L Roselawn Annex Williams, Edw. T. Lots 3, 2. A and B.; also lot 7, except 15 7-10 feet of the south 100 feet, and lot 8, wont R. ioo feet of block 3. Sal 5.95 isbury Hill SS.1S Williams, caran n. a. xw ieet ui jh. 15 7-10 feet of lot 7, block 3, and fi. 100 feet of lot 8. block 3. Sal isbury Hill 36.18 Dunn, Nellie J.. .Lots a ana diock L Saratoca 2.14 Jnrrion. Henrv G. C Lots 6. 7 and 8. block 2. Saratoga 3.57 Archer. Dora G. Lots 5 and 6. block 18, Sell wood 5.23 Austin, H. J., heirs Lots 7 and 8, , block 19, Sellwood 4.76 Btleringler, P. Lot 8, block 23, Sell wood 2.86 Poni Ketfttft Investors' Association. Lots 5 and 8. block 24, Sellwood.. 4.76 T7- S. Savings & Loan Co. Lots S and 4, block 26, Sellwood B.71 Hnnsen. C Lot 15. block 40. Sell wood 2.86 Woods. Ella D. Lot 4. DIOCK 42. Sellwood 3.33 Porter. L. D. Lot 8. block 42. Sell wood 2.14 Xoble. H. E. Lot 9. block 60. Sell wood 2.S6 Smith. B. F. Lot 2. block 51. 5eli wood ?. 5.95 Methodist Episcopal Church W. hi lots 1 and 2. block 56. Sellwood.... 24.28 Waltz. Olive M. Lot 18. block 57. Sellwood 2.62 Sellwood, T. R. Ju-JLot 16, block 58, Sellwood 2.EG McMlnnvllle College Lots 9, 10, 11 and 12, block 63, Sellwood 9.28 Sellwood. Joseph A. Lots 8. 9 and 14, block 66, Sellwood 6.42 Johnson, Hannah A. Lot 4, block C7, Sellwood 3.33 Story. C. D. Lot 1. block C9. Sell wood 1.67 Young, Jasper E. W. 14 feet lots 2. 3 and 4 and all of lots 5 and 18. block 72. Sellwood 4.05 Hansen. C Lots 6. 7. 16 and 17. block 72. Sellwood 6.19 Lamnert. Lena, and Atlas Milliner Co. Lot 6, block 75. Sellwood;. .V 2.63 Hutchlns. Minnie Lot 4. block 87. Sellwood 2.62 Pearcv. M. M. Lots 1 and 2. block 6, Seventh-street Terrace 34.38 Geiger. Alice E. Lot 9. block 7, Seventh-street Terrace 6.43 Shlndler, Daniel A. Lot 11, block 7. seventn-street xerrace 4.23 Shaver. James W. Lot 13. Shaver Block 19.04 Johnson, H. C Lots3 and 4, Sha ver's Delmer Addition to East Portland 19.04 'Sherlock, William, heirs Lot 9, block ZL Sherlock's Addition to Portland 3.57 iMcolal. Louis and Theodore Frac tion N. of and adjoining lot 12, block 23. Sherlock's Addition to Portland 1.67 ujlnd, veronica Lot 8, Goldsmith's Subdivision of block 7, Smith's Subdivision and Addition to East Portland 12.3S rEmlth, Isabelle. and Reed, William J. Lots 4 and 5. Oatman's Sub division of block 12; also lots 8 and 9, Oatman's Subdivision of block 18. Smith's Subdivision and Addi tion to East Portland 23.50 -Sharp, w. j. Lots 6 and 7. Oat man's Subdivision of block 12, Smith's Subdivision and Addition to East Portland 10.47 SKrelllch, Elizabeth Lot 2. Oatman s Subdivision of block 13, Smith's Subdivision and Addition to East Portland 10.00 McMillan. W. C Lots 2. 4. 6 and 8, block 12, Southern Portland.... 15.47 'Watson. W- EL E. 34 feet lot 9. block 14, Southern Portland 2.3S "Curray. Kate Lot 19. block 15. Southern Portland 5.95 Johnston. James S. Lots 14. 16 and 18, block 18, Southern Portland.. 5.95 Cake, H. M. and W. M. Lots 17 and 18. block 19. Southern Port land 4.7 'Belaing. Lizzie and Cora N. Lot 24. block 19. Southern Portland.. 2.62 Bel ding. A. W. and Henry A. Lots 27 and 28. block 19. Southern Portland 2.72 Marquam. Julia Lots 3 and 4. block 26 B, Southern Portland 2.86 UTcvett. Katherine L. Lot 2. block 36, Southern Portland 2.3S tftussell. c. XL, Tr. Undivided lots , 1, 2, 3. 4, 5 and 6, block 27 A; lot 6 block 27 B; lots 6, 12, 13 and 14. block 25 A: lots 3 and 6. block 23 B; Southern Portland 13.20 "Nairn. C. D. Lot 24, block 36, Southern Portland 2.62 veincK, Alexander Lot 50, block L btanley 2.43 Schiller, L. Lots 2S, 46, 47 and 48, block 4, Stanley No. 2 1.33 Martin, A. C Lots 23 and 26, block 7, Stanley No. 2 4.53 Title uuarantee at Trust Co. Lots 27, 23, 29, 30. 31, 32 and 33. block 7, Stanley 10. 2.... 3.34 uxer, tegina J. Lots 3 ana 4, block 55, Stephens' Addition to East Portland 65.93 vmgiey, Lizzie u. Lot 6. block 58, Stephens' Addition to East Port land . 28.56 fcpore. Francis E. Lots 5, 6, 7 and S "Mrnr t!7 Sfanhnnc' A tiffin.. n East Portland 114.72 Epperlcy. George A. w. 50 feet lot L N. 15 feet of W. lot 2, block 70, Stephens' Addition to East Portland 10.71 iieade, Ellen M. w. hi lots 5 and East Portland 15.23 Calvary Baptist Church Lots 1 and 1 ...ww.i. AUUIUUU W East Portland 24.93 Adams-street M E. Church N. 20 feet of E. hi lots 5 and 6, block 107. Stephens' Addition to East Portland 7.14 sevan. John w. Lot. 2, block 109, Stephens' Addition to East Port land 16.66 jjorDes, Anna 1 E. 30 feet lot 1, block 112. SteDhens Addition to East Portland 7.85 Aiuaace Trust Co., The (Limited) Lots 5 and 7. block 9. Sullivan's Addition to East Portland 5.47 i.ngieman. unaries w., heirs w. hi lots 3 and 4. block 25. Sulllran'R Addition to East Portland 10.71 Bisters 01 unarity or the House of Providence, -of Vancouver, Wash. Lots L 2, 3. 4. 7 and S. block 29, Sullivan's Addition to East Port land, 1S.S9 Parent, Ida is. Lot 12 and S. 55 feet of lot 13: also S. 55 feet lot 16, block 1, Sunnysidc 40.93 Carpenter, ivittie y. Lots 2 and 3, block 3; also E. 23 feet lot 3, block 4 Sunnyslde 33 Gibson. JoseDh C E. 4 lot 10. W- & lot H. block 10. Sunnyslde 6.19 Sunnyslde Land & Improvement Co. Lots la ana i, diock u; lots 4 and-15. block 3L Sunnyslde 23.79 Collis. Edw. H. Lot 23, block 15, Sunnyslde -w.ii Jones. Grace I- W. 331-3 feet of tne lu. w 2- ieet or 101s , o ana c. block 29. Sunnyslde 18.56 Alliance Trust Co. (Limited), The Lot 6. block 30, sunnysiae 32.36 Chamberlain. J. R. Lot 15, block 3L Sunnyslde 5.71 Ludesher, Frank Lot 7, block 47, Sunnyslde 5.71 Carson, MInetta A. Lots 16, 17 and 18. block 52. Sunnyslde 16.C6 HInkle, Perry Lots 1, 2 and 3, block 55. Sunnyslde u.gi Snong, A. J. Lot 5, block 1, Sunny slde Addition 7 S.33 Oregon Investment Co. Lot 6, block L Eunnvsme Aaaiuon Gilbert, Edith P. Lot 2, block 12, , sunnyslde Addition 3.si 1 Clinton, Richard Lots 7. S, 9 and j 10, biocK e. sunset paric Aaaiuon No. 2 to East Portland 3.57 Portland Land Irrigation, Lumber i & Fuel Co. Lots 11 and iz, diock 6. Sunset Park Addition' No. 2 to East Portland 1.86 Johnson. C. W. Lots 13 and 14, 'block 3; lots 1, 2, 3, 4. a, 6, 7, 5, 3, 10, U. 12. 13 and 14, block 4; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, block 5, . Syndicate Addition to East Port land 6.S6 HIghet. Robert Lots 11 and 12, block 1, Tabasco Aaaiuon to juast Port land 1.38 Krellich, Emll-Lots 25 and 26, block 2. Tabasco Aaaiuon to .cast port land 5.70 Clinton, Richard Lots 1 and 2, block 3; lots 0, s. 18, 19, 20. 21, 28, n ana 30. block 4; lots 7. 9, 10. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. IS, 29, 30 and 31, block 6; lots L 2, 3. 4, 5, 15. 16. 17 and 18, block 6. Tabasco Addition to East Portland 20.01 Wortman, J. Lots 19 and 20, block 5. Tabasco Aaaiuon to i;ast x'ortiana 1.09 Buchanan, Lotta H. S. 25 feet lot 2, ri. m ieet lot 3, diock xi, - xaoor Heltrhts 6.C8 Damberson. Buell (Heirs) Undivided lot 2 "B." block "T:" unaivwea Vz lot L block "U;" undivided Vt lot 0, diock "v; unaiviaea it 0. of Broughton avenue, block "X":" undivided of E. S. of Brough ton avenue and all of W. of block "Z." Tabor Heights 11.30 Armstrong, Kate A. Lots 11, 12, 13. 14, 15 ana 16. diock 2: lots b, v, s and 9. block 3. Tabor View 2.69 Hacker. Emma A. Lot 7, block 2, Tabordale l.i Kenworthy, John Lot 13. block 4, Tabordale 1.54 Bowman, B. H. Lots 1. 2. 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, S. S. 10. 21. biocK 5. Taborslde 15.23 Conrad. A. B. Lot 22, block 5, Ta borslde 4.92 Bowman. B. H., Tr. Lot 4, block 7, Taborslde 1.21 Monroe & Bowman Lots 2, 3, 11 and w. 30 ieet or lot 12, diock 12, Ta borslde 4.71 McCoy, E. A. Lots 9 and 10, block s; lots 10 and 13. diock 10; lots 1, 2. 3, 4. 5, 6, 7 and 'A," block 11; lots 1. 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, block 12. Taborslde 24.83 Lawyer, Eliza J. Lots 11 and 12, block 16. Taborslde 1.91 Gerllng. Man Lots 1, 2, 3. 4. 5. 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11 and 12, diock is, Ta borsldo 10.53 Bralnard. Wm. E. Lots 2L 22 and 23. diock v. Terminus Addiuon 5.71 Spauldlng. Hepple Lu Lot 3, block 1, Terwllllger Homestead 23. SO Hunt, Robert I E. 12Sl feet lot 1 and a. 128 feet and w. 9S feet of S. 50 feet lot 2, block 3. Third Electric Addition 1.55 Judge. Herbert E. Lots 8 and 9, diock 4. Third Laectric Aaaiuon.... 2.07 Sears, Chas. B.. Georgia M.. Jennie xl, and Du Buisson, Hattie c Lot 5, block 2, Tlbbett's Addition to East Portland 10.00 Morgan, Mary Lots 3 and 4, block is, TiDDctt s Aaaiuon to isast port land 23.32 Smith. M. J. Lot 1, block 37, Tlb bett's Addluon to East Portland... 15.70 Heenan, Mrs. I. Lot 2, block 49, TiDDett's Addition to East Portland 15.66 Kennedy, Harriet Tract adjoin ing diock w on tne s., TiDDeit s Addition to East Portland ; 10.00 Reed, Clarence M. (Heirs) Lot 2, diock &2, TiDDett's Addluon to isast PorUand 7.62 Shlllock, Anna C E. 40 feet lot 2 and w. 10 reet lot 3. Diock "C." TIbbette Addition to East PorUand 20.23 Emmons, Altha E. 40 feet lot 3. block "C." Tlbbett's Addition to East Portland 2.E3 Harris. Edwin F. Lot 23, block "C." Tlbbett's Addition to East Portland 6.42 Blanck, Agnes J. Lot 1, block 8, ex cept westerly 63 ieet, TiDDett's Homestead 1.90 Title Guarantee & Trust Co. Lot 21, block 4. Tllton's Addition to Port land 9.52 McGIU. Daniel J. Lots 6 and 7. block u. Toiman Tract 2.S3 Simpson. Grover B Lots 3. 6. 7. block 15, Toiman Tract 4.76 Rankin. J. W. Lots 6 and 7. block 17, Toiman Tract 2.86 Wash. JoseDh H. EL lots 9. 10 and all lots 11 and 12, block 37, Tremont 14.16 wuis. i? ranK ana XL Grace Lots 21, ZZ. 46. 24. DIOCK V. lOtS 22 antl 23. block 13, Tremont Place 2.78 nopKins. wm. H. Lots 16. 17 and IS. block 23. Tremont Place 17.87 Easton, F. S. Lots 14. 15. 16 and 17. block 27. Tremont Place 1.62 Armstrong, L. E. Lots L 2 and 3. diock 23. xremont Place 1.63 Portland Trust Co. Lot 4. block 25; lots 19 and 20. block 32. Tremont Place 1.40 .BucKiey. John C Lot 1. block Troutdale 19.61 Daniels, Bessie W. 63 feet lot 7, block 7, Troutdale..... University Land Co. Lots 11, 12 and 13. block 44: lots 16, 17, 29 and 30. block 126? lots 1. 2, 3 and 4, block 158; lots 21, 22, 23 and 21, block 1SS; lots 1 and 2, block 190, University Park 10.47 part Land Co. Lots XL 12. 17 and 18. block 71: lots 8 and 10. block 72: lots L 2 and 3, block 100; lots 23 and 24, block 104; lots IS and 19. block 105: lots 16 and 17. block 106. Uni versity Park . 17.37 university Park Co. Lots 4 and 5. block 100, University Park 1.90 J-ane, Delia a. Lots 17 and IS. block 132, University Park 20.47 xjrown. winara J. Lots 30, 31, 32 and 33, block 132. University Park. 20.71 jjrencn, Lester ana Cora N. Lots 34 and 35, block 132, University Park 15.71 .jonnson. Aug. w. Lots 1 and 2, block 1. Vanscholck's Addition to Mt Tabor 4.55 Siemens, w. j. Lots 3 and 4. block 1. Villa Heights 72.59 Lamson. R. H. Lot 14, block 1. Villa Heights 9.52 Putnam. Ajmes Lot 7. hlocir 1 Walt's Cloverdale Annex 2.38 wmpoeii, jn. u. Lots z and 3. block 3, Walt s Cloverdale Annex 3.81 aaumann. Jticrman Northwesterly of division line of Blacklstone Ad dition lot 8. block 27. Watson'n Ad dition to Portland 7.86 juacieay. uonaid tiieirs) All S. of division line of Blacklstone's claim block 30. Watson's Addition tn Portland 5.72 -aiercnani, warren, ana Morgan. W. H. H. All N. of division line of Blacklstone claim block 30. Wat son's Addition to Portland 5.72 aiacK-enzie, w. Kusseu, Tr. Lots 5 and 6 and E. 22 feet of lot 7, block 2, Waverly Addluon 7.22 ivern, aaran M. and John W. (Heirs) Lot 1, block 10, Waverly Addition 5.48 nugnes, niuis tr. All or blocks 15, 54, 55. 56. C7. 58. 61 and 62. except R. Of W. 63. 64 and GS. W.ivorlr AddlUon 277.75 Vr-T'V or D'ock 17. E. 55 S75-1000 fPt of TV 13ft fuf block 46, Waverly AddlUon 19.04 Wills. W. B. Lofr A. h1nrlr 01 Woo Irvington . .. 9 52 Hahn. Sophia Lot 3, block 126, West t,'.1??... 33.32 jtui uana ity xteai .Estate Assocla UonTpts and 17. block 1: lots 11 and 20. block 2; lot 17. block 3: lot iH bltcik $;n,0PL5..and 2 block 7? lot 7. block 9: lot 13. block 11; lot 1. block 16; lot 15. block 17; lots 1 and 2. block 19: lot 6, block 21: lot 14 block 22; lots 1 and 9, block35: lots 3 and 4, block 64; lots 3 and 4 block 71; lot "U," block 78, West PorUand Wood, T. A. Lot 10, block 35; lotsT 2. 5. 6. 7 and 8. block 71. wc 6.30 PorUand 2 02 Dlstler, A. Lots 7 and 8, block 42 West Portland ' 3 57 Poller. Jacob Lot 6, block 43, West Portland 4 99 naniDao, j. ju., j.r. .Lots JU 3. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9, 10. 1L 12. 13, 14. 15716. 17, 18. 19. 20. 2L 22. 23 and 24, biock 1: lots 7. 8, 9. 10, 1L 12. 13, 14, 15. 16. 17 and 18 block 4: lots 1, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. 14. 15. 16. 17, 18. 19. 20. 2L. 22. 23 and 24. block 9. West Portland Center 5.jj Denton, w. a. lois 3. A 3, 4. 5. 6, 7, 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16, 17, 18, 19. 20. 21. 22, 23 and 24. block 7: lots 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2L 22. 23 and 24, block 10. West Portland Center. 3.40 west Portland Park Assoclauon Lots J2. 13. 14, 15 and 32. block 35; fracUoh of lots L 2 and 9, block 37; lots 5 and 6, block 46; lots 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 7 and 8. block 47: lots 29, 30. 31, 32, 33. 34. 35 and 35. block 66; lots iz and 14, block 95, West Port land Park 1.5S Wheeler. G. W. S. of SE. block 22. Wheeler's AddlUon to East Portland 33.32 Pacific Coast Abstract -Guarantee & Trust Co. W. of SE. Vl of block 33. Wheeler's AddlUon to East Portland 36.18 Ruddat, Herman Lots IS, 21 and 22, ' block 2. White Tract 12.62 Multnomah "Real Estate Association Lots 5 and 6. block 4; lot 17, block 5; lots 8. 15 and 16. block 8; lot 13. block 20; lots 8 and 10, block 24. Willamette 15.47 Redman. R. C Lot 9, block 13, Wil lamette 1.67 Doran. Mary Lots 21, 22, 23. 24 and 25, block 3. Willamette AddlUon to East PorUand 1.81 Rooney, Chas. Lots 7. S. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. 15, 16. 17. I?, 19. 20, Zl, 22, 23, 24. 25 and 2C. block 5. Willamette AddWon to East Portland 6.95 Burns. Owens S. Lots 26. 27, 28 and 29. block 9. Willamette AddlUon to East PorUand 1-34 Yesslln. Theodore Lots 30, 31 and 32. diock s: lots 1. z. 3. 4 ana 0, block 12, Willamette AddlUon to East Portland 2.81 Nelson, Peter Lots 17. 18, 19. 20 and 2L biocK 12, Willamette Aaaiuon to East PorUand .' 1.S1 Uren. T. A. Lots 38, 37, 33. 89 and 40. block 16. Willamette AddlUon to East PorUand 1.81 Keating, John Lots 36, 37, 33. 39 and 40. diock is, Willamette Aaaiuon to East PorUand 1.81 Mead. Mrs. Emily Lots 13, 14. 15 and ie. biocK 14; lots xi, is. is ana xu, block 24, Willamette AddlUon to East Portland 2.81 Colton, Hurbert G. Lot 21. block 4, Willamette iieignts Aaaiuon to PorUand 4.76 Dobie. Harriet M. Lot 5. block 32. Willamette Heights AddlUon to PorUand 63.07 Security Savings & Trust Co. Lot 12, Diock "A." Willamette neignts AddlUon to Portland 15.47 Brooks, W. F. Lots 17 and 20. block B. Willamette Heights Aaaiuon to Portland 34.51 Ellis. A. S.-MLot 6. block 1. Williams Avenue AddlUon to PorUand 15.47 PorUand Trust Co. of Oregon Lots 19 and 20, block 12; lot S, block 13; lot 14. block 14: lots 7, 13, 14. 20 and 21. block 15. Williams Avenue Ad dlUon to Portland 66.64 Hess, David Lot 18. block 13. Will lams Avenue Addition to Portland. 7.14 Bain. John and Sybil M. Lot 6. Diock 2. w imams Avenue Aauiuon 10. a. 4.b Gardner. Elizabeth Lot 14. block 2 Wilson's Addluon to PorUand 14.76 Sawle. Geo. F. Lot 17. block 1. WooJlawn 1.91 Miller. Elmer E., Tr. Lot 3 and N. 40 ieet lots 4 and 5. diock 10. Woodlawn 4.73 Webb. W. W. Lots 6. 7 and 8. block 10, woooiawn - o.9 uampbell, D. w. Lot 4, block 13, Woodlawn 1.91 Boothe. J. F.. Tr. Dot 1. block 19. Woodlawn 2.3S Morris. G. C Lot 10. block 19: lots 13 and 18, block 34, Woodlawn 5.9J Kelley. M. J. Lot 14. block 25. Woodlawn 1.91 Blacstone. E. W. Lot 11. block 30. w oodlawn 1.31 Frtedrtckson. James Lot 12. block 24. Woodlawn 1.91 Rockwell. Cornelia F. Lot 9. block 36, Woodlawn 1.91 Franklin Building & Investment As sociationLot 10, block 35, Wood lawn 23.57 Bothwlck, Calvin Lot 3, block 6, woodlawn Heurhts 1.91 WIckham. Jno. F. Lots 17 and 18. DiocK 10. woodmere 13.93 Foster, Minnie D. Lot 1, block 19; tot 3. oiock ty: lot 2. diock 12a. Woodstock 7.73 May, XL la. Lot 2, block 29. Wood stock 2.78 Union Trust & Investment Co. Lot a. block 34, Woodstock 2.82 Cola. W. A. Lot 2. block 35. Wood stock 3.58 Walker. Leslie A. Lot 1. block 12S. Woodstock 2.55 woodward. Tyler and Mary J. Lot t. diock z. woodward's Sub. DIv. lot 1. Riverside Homestead 5.43 Lionman. Irving and Annie Belle- Lot 10. block L WynkooD Villa.... 16.68 Holloway, Edward Lot 5, block 3, WynkooD Villa 17.2S Rlslahens. Justlna E. Lot 7. block 1, wynKoop viiia s.is Hawthorne Estate. The Lot 9, block 8. York O'Leary. Chas. M. Lot 2, block "D." Barnes' Heights Dry den. Wm. Lot 8 except acre 3.57 1.63 ueeaea 10 dudiio ana lot . $ower- lnr Tract las.ss uuritnart, x. .x. undivided 4 lot - 4, joeimont parK , .. Lewis. Leander Lot 9. EverelariA 37.31 23.27 1.67 4.15 4.05 Mlnogglo, Severlno N. 50 feet of E. iw ieet lot 5, pernwood Arnold. Uriah K. (Heirs) Lots 18, jjj ana 2v, laermantown O'Malley, J. J. N. E. lot 12, Hazelwood Scheutzleln. Theodore Lot 24. Hazel- wood 8.10 pnoenix iana uo. juot 7, irvington Acreage Tract Scott, &. Lot B." The Jenne Tract George. M. C Lot 1, Linn Park Vinson. Stephen Lot 2, Little 3.57 6.2S 3.14 Homes No. 2. De Lashmutt & Oatman's Subdivision 2 .60 uriiman, j. jl (Heirs) Lot 24, LItUe Homes No. 2. De Lashmut & Oat man's Subdivision 5.18 xweea. wnaries J. Lot 12, XiL Tabor rK gsl xiuumson, A. u. IX) ts 3, b and 6, -aiuitnoman Berry Ranch 12.56 Brlggs. Julia A. Block 38, New hurst Park 3 57 oncers, j-s. a. i undivided oiock 44, Newhurst Park 1.7s oiuicscnon, xiuawig p. Lot 62. Pal atine Hill Patton, Robt (Heirs) Strip 23 feet wide W. of and adjoining; also strip 23 feet wide E. of and ad Joining block "J," M. Patton Tract, also strip 2212-100 feet W. of and adjoining, also atrip 23 feet E. of and adjoining block "O," M. Pat ton Tract Rice, Sylvester W. Block 10, Rlve'r side. Shea. Daniel and Mary Lots 4" "and 5, Shac's East Fairview TS?'lo.r-aw-, and Nellie-Lot 17, Taylor's Subdivision of Sec. 2. T. Gpddard. A. wJ Lot'V "Vanco""" case Henry M. (Helrs)-Lots 50, 5L 52, 53 and 54, Vcrdants Dryden. Wm. M Block 1 Th Tn 3.57 39.04 1.4 3.16 4.23 5.04 1.90 LJTo.v 27.S5 x ,iu . -Jinur aeginnmg 191 67 100 feet N. 256 35-100 . E. of where W. line of John Foster D. L. -C. intersects the !inA,llni siouBh TOad: thence N. 446 31-100 feet, theaco E. 244 feet, thence S. 446 31-100 feet, thence W. 244 feet to beclnnlrur. Srtinn s t I N., R. 1 E. 2 50-100 acres...'.... 7.14 u. jBcginning 1364 32-100 feet N 71 deg. W. and 559 5-10 feet N. J9 deg. E. of S. E. corner of Southmayd D. L. C. thence 2sT. 19 deg E. 167 5-10 feet, thence 71 deg. W. 260 feet, thence S. 19 deg. W. 167 5-10 feet, thence S. 71 deg.. E. 260 feet to beginning SecUon 6, T. 1 N., R. 1 E. 1 acre Barnes, R. Dee, trustee A strip of Jand . of and adjoining blocks 37, 38, 39 and 40. Woodlawn, 60 feet In width, secUon 14; T. 1 N.. R. 1 E. 150-100 acres Barley, May Beginning S 3M00 chains N. of center of secUon 15. en" J- 9 S1"100 chainfe, thence N. 10 57-100 chains, thence S. 89 deg. 30 mln. E. 9 81-100 chains, thence S. 10 51-100 to beginning, section 15. T. 1 N., R. 1 E. 10 acres Allen. Alice M. Beginning 9 S4-100 chains S. of S. W. corner Dewis Love D. D. C., thence E. 268 4-100 feet, thence S. 603 4-100 feet to N. lino of PorUand boulevard, thence W. 26S 4-100 feet, thence N. 605 feet to beginning. secUon 15, T, 1 N.. R. 1 E 3 72-100 acres ! Shipley, A. R. Undivided of 20 acres, described as follows: N. V of N. E. of N. secUon 16, T. 1 N., R. 1 E McCully, G. M. Undivided of 10 acres described as follows: S. E. IL of S. W. U of N. E. sec 3.62 S.33 SS.03 35.70 23.80 Uon 21. T. 1 N., R. 1 E 53.53 tsazety .Nitre Powder Co. Beginning 132 6-10 feet N. and 72 8-10 feet W. of center of secUon 2L thence N. 70 deg. E. 50 feet, thence N. 20 deg. W. 23 64-100 feet, thence 70 deg. W. 54 54-100 feet to N. E. corner of Vulcan Powder Co.s lot, thence S. 29 deg. E. 29 feet to beginning, containing 1497 square feet, and R. oX W. extending in one direction to county road and In the other to the W. end of Jo seph Delay's Wharf. secUon 21. T. 1K.R1 E. 1 acre 11.50 vigorite Powder Co. All that piece of land situated between the coun ty road, running from Alblna and the private road of Joseph Delay leading from county road to wharf, secUon 21. T. 1. N.. R. 1 E. I acre .. '11.90 woodward- -nary j. Beginning 50 feet W. and 23 75-100 feet N. of N. W. corner of Upshur and TwenU eth street thence S. 26 75-100 feet, thence w. to W. line of Roas Tract, thence N. 2S deg. W. to N. W. corner of Ross Tract, thence N. 59 deg. E. 297 feet, thence S. 2S deg. E. 165 feet, thence S. 59 deg. W to beginning, secUon 28. T. 1 N., R. 1 EL 87-100 acres 2.3S Wilcox, John By and Lombard, Benjamin M. Beginning .32 3-iiw chains N. 45 mln. E. from S. E. corner M. Neff D. L. C, thence N. 45 mln. E. 3 22-100 chains, thence W. 3 6S-100 chains, thence S. 1 26-100 chains, thence S. 1 deg. W. 1 96-100 chains, thence E. 3 71-100 chains to beginning, sec tion 29, T. 1 N.f R. 1 E. 1 18-100 acres 9.52 Blyth. Percy H. E. of N. W. 01 s. w. &ec ji, x. .x IN., XI. 1 E.. 20 acres - 59.92 Flanders. J. C Undivided 1-3 6f 10 acres, described as roiiows: s. xu. of S. E. of S. W. Sec 31. T. 1 N.. R. 1 E 5.S3 Parkhurst. Annie T. Beginning 60.8. chains N. and Las cnains w. or S. B. corner of W. of A. N. King D. L. C; thence W. 39.51 chains: thence N. 26 mln. W. 10.32 chains to N. W. corner of said claim: thence S. 89 deg. 33 mln. E. 38.01 chains: thence S. 3.1625 chains; thence E. L5S25 chains; thence S. 6.S4 chains to beginning; also commencing at N. E. corner of Mellnda King D. L. C: thence W. 20S.7 feet: thence S. 208.7 feet; thence E. 20S.7 feet; thence N. 20S.7 feet to beginning, Sec. 32, T. 1 N., R, 1 E., 40.61 acres 226.10 Holman, Caroline D. Beginning E. line of King street iaL2 ieet. Southerly from Intersection of E. line of King street and S. line of Washington street; thence South erly 62.02 feet: thence Easterly" 100 feet; thence Northerly 60.02 feet; thence Westerly 100 feet to begin ning Sec 33, T. 1 N., R. 1 E., 0.14 acres 93.20 Morris. I. M. S. Beginning 30.29 feet s. from intersection 01 a. line or Washington with "E. line of King street; thence Southerly 75 feet; thence Easterly and along N. line of Mary F. Stearns tract, 100 feet; thence Northerly' and parallel with King street 75 feet: thence W. 100 feet to beginning. Sec 33. T. 1 N.. R. 1 E.. 0.17 acres 195.16 Cook, Vincent Lot 5. Sec 4. T. 1 N.. jx. 2 Li., 2a.ta acres, aiso jots 2 and 3, Sec-9. T. 1 N., R. 2 E., 63.42 acres. Also lot 8. Sec 10. T. 1 N.. R. 2 E.. 16.G6 acres 14.S9 smith 11. C commencing in a. a. corner Sec zs; tnence is.- 23.35 chains; thence W. 9.64 chains; thence S. 29.36 'chains; thence E. 9.64 chains to beginning, except part in O. R. & N. R. of W., Sec. 2S. T. 1 N.. R. 2 E.. 2S.S0 acres 17.14 Grahamv Thomas Beginning 10. id line of Base Line road and Gil ham avenue: thence N. 22 feet: thence W. 120 feet; thence S. 92 feet; thence E. 120 feet to begin ning. Sec 31. T. 1 N.. R. 2 E.. 0.25 acres 3.39 Thayer. Burdette Beginning at S. i.. corner of s. L. of N. Ji. of Sec 33; thence N. 469.2 feet: thence E. 96.3 feet: thence N. 190.8 feet: thence E. 563.7 feet: thence S. 660 feet: thence W. to beginning. Sec 33. T. 1 N.. R. 2 E.. 9.58 acres 12.14 Drake, Franklin Beginning at S. E. corner or s. xx or bee 31: thence N. 50 rods; thence W. 32 rods; thence s. 50 rods; thence E. 32 rods to beginning. Sec 31. T. 1 N.. R. 4 E.. 10 acres 2.52 Floss, Albln Beginning at railroad limits on N. side or u. r. & jx. tract, 440 feet E. of W. line of Sec 26; thence easterly to W. line of land owned by F. Hubbard; thenco N. to Columbia River; thence W. along said river to point opposite beginning; thence S. to beginning, containing 0.80 acres. Also begin ning at railroad limits on S. side of O. R. Sz N. Co. tract, on W. line of See. 26; thence easterly along railroad 10 rod?; thence S. 16 rods; thence W. 10 rods; thence N. 16 rods to beginning, containing 1 acre. Sec 26. T. IN.. R. 1 E..... ' 8.5 Patton, F. P. N. of SW. VL of BW. bee 25. T. 1 I.. K. 4 id.. 20 acres T 2.03 Felt. Paul S. U of S. of SW. V. Sec. 35. T. 1 N.. R. 4 E.. 40 acres.. 4.05 Flegel. Austin F. Lot 3. Sec 30. T. 1 N., K. a E.. lLZo acres 3.Z4 Columbia Land Co. Lot L Sec 4r T. 1 N, B. 6 E., 25.16 acres 2.64 Cress, Jonn. il., Trustee Lot 3, Sec .4. T. 1 N.. R. 6 E.. containing 22.40 acres. Also lot 1 and E. Vz of NW. Vl Sec 9. T. 1 N.. R. 6 E.. contain ing 107.60 acres 15.83 Kobertson. James H. SW. VL Sec 14. T. 1 N.. R. 6 E., 160 acres 15.83 Ainsworth National Bank N. of NW. and SE. of NW. U. Sac. 15. T. 1N..R.6 E... 2S0 acres 13.21 Hazen. George w.. Receiver NE. of NE. Sec 16. T. 1 N.. R. 6 E.. 40 acres 5.15 Love. Joehua J. SE. of NE. Vj.. Sec 16. T. 1 N., R. 6 E., 40 acres.. 3.96 Watson. Charles H. NW. VL of NE. 4. Sec. 16, T. 1 N.. R. 6 E.. 40 acres 3 95 Moore. Albert NE. Sec 21. T. 1 N., R 6 E., 160 acres 15.85 Watts. Moses A. NE. Vi Sec 22. T. 1 N., R. 6 E., 160 acres ,.. 17.04 Hazen. George W.. Receiver NE. of SE. and SE. V of NE. 44 Sec 24. T. 1 N.. R. 6 E.. SO acres 7.93 Ebert. R. G. SW. of NW. and N. of NW. H. Sec 34. T. 1 N.. R. 6 E.. 120 acres? 11.90 Burke. Thomas Lot 4. Sec. 23. T. 2 N., R. 1 E.. 52.50 acres 7.17 Macrum. L A. (Heirs) Undivided of the following swamp land, de scribed in book 169. nace 63. Sec 31. T. 2 N.. R. 1 E 240 acres 2.97 Reed. William R. Lot 1. Sec 34. T. 2 N., R. 6 E., containing 5.43 acres: also lot 4 and W. 20 rods of lot 3. Sec. 35. T. 2 N.. R. 6 E.. contalnlnsr 34.32 acres 5.95 Monett. Laura A. Lots 2, 3 and 4, except AV. 2.S2 acres of lot 4. N. of railroad. Sec. 29. T. 2 N R. 7 E.. containing 101.87 acres. Also lots 1 and 2, S. of Railroad right of way. Sec 30. T. 2 N.. R. 7 E.. containing 25.68 acres 23.11 London & San Francisco Bank Be ginning at intersecUon of N. line, of I .street with center lino of First street. In Llnnton; thence southerly on said line of First street 30 feet: thence sasterly on line parallel with I street to Wil lamette River: thence N. with meanders of river to N line of Llnnton; thence westerly .along N. line of said town 463 feet; thence southerly 357 feet to beginning. 8ec. 3, T. 1 N.. R. 1 W.. 2.20 acres 15.70 Thompson. R. N. of NW. M and lotP'L 2 and 3. Sec 3, T. 1 N., R. 1 W.. 129.26 acres 25. Laller. Eliza (Heirs) Lots 4 and 3. Sec. 3. T. 1 N.. R. W.. 4S.11 acres 8.56 Laller, Alexander (Heirs) E. of NE. Sec 4. T.. 1 N.. R. 1 W.. 79.34 acres 11.42 Caples, Nancy Beginning 29.83 chains S. and 8.17 chains W. of NW. corner of William Caples D. L. C, same being NE. corner of D. S. Southmayd's 3-acre tract; thence S. 71 deg.. E. 1932.22 feet to NW. corner of Brazee tract: thence S. 20 deg. 15 mln.. W. 669.20 feet along westerly line of Brazee tract to division line between hus band and wife; thence N. 71 deg., W. 1155 feet to easterly line of B. O. Severance 10-acre tract; thence N. 24 deg. 23 mln., E. 53 feet to NE. corner of said tract; thence N. 71 deg.. W. to NW. corner of said tract: thence S. 24 deg. 23 mln.. W. 32 mln. 8 sec to NE. corner of 6 936-1000 acre tract of James John; thence N. 6S deg. W.. 87.12 feet: thence N. 20 deg. 15 mln.. E. 633 feet to beginning. St. Johns, Sec. 12. T. 1 N.. R. 1 W.. 25 acres 6 Saltzman, Nicholas, Frank and Pe ter N. 15 acres of NE. of NE. of NW. ii. Sec 22. T. 1 N.. R. 1 W., 15 acres 6.55 Welch, L. F., Trustee Undivided 6-7 of W. of SE. of SE. and E. of SW. of SE. y. and NW. of SW. U of SE. Sec 23. T. H N.. R. 1 W.. 50 acres 2S.05 Mackintosh. William S. of Wil liam E. Cooner D. L. C. Sec 3. T. 2 N.. R. 1 W.. SO acres 23.95 Rendall. George (Heirs) SE. of SW. Sec 19. T. 2 N.. R. 1 W.. 40 acres 5.03 Baker Loan &. Investment Co. SW. i of NE. Vi. Sec 19. T. 2 N.. R. 1 W.. 40 acres 5.0c Ainsworth NaUonal Bank and King Estate SE. V. Sec 32. T. 2 N.. R. 1 W., 160 acres 38.21 Osborn. Charles Sr.. i or sw. a 01 SW. y. Sec 33. T. 2 N.. R. 1 W.. 10 acres 5.97 Ladd. Charles E. Undivided lot 9. ec 34. T. 2 N., R. 1 W., 32.16 acres 1.59 Poole. James Beginning at SW. cor ner Sec 14: thence E. 1263 feet: thence N. 1270 feet: thence E. 1372 feet; thence N. 1370 feet; thence W. 2640 feet; thence S. 2610 feet to be- , cinninr. Sec. 14. T. 2 N.. R. 3 W.. 6.31 Loewenberg, Julius, Trustee N. of SEl V and SW. of SE. i Sec 22. T. 2 N.. R. 2 W.. 120 acres 12.61 Bernhardt, Henry S. of SW. or xti. sec. z. t. 2 a. w., 20 acres 3.40 Topham, Charles E. W. of W. of TCW V, nf MR V. Spc. SS. T. 2 N.. R. 2 W. ,10 acres... 3.7i Hoffler. Fred NW. V of NW. . Sec 25, T. 3 N., K. 2 w 40 acres, o.ua Printer, George Undivided 2-3 of icu acres, aescnoeu as loiioivw; o. H of NW. and W. of SW. and SE. of SW. , Sec 25, T. 3 N.. R. 2 W 10.03 Steffen. Laura E. NW. A of Sec 25, T. 3 N., R. 2 W., 160 acres Tltcomb. C. J. N. of NE. Sec. 10.09 5.03 T7 T 1 XT o 4 TO SA ocros . Born. Fred'erlck 'Commencing 3 chains B. of SE. corner Pleasant View Addition; thence N. 10 chains: thence E. 2 chains: thence S. 10 chains; thence W. 2 chains to be ginning. Sec. 1, T. 1 S., R.IE.,2 acres 101.15 Lambert. A. W. Commencing 30 feet w. or the sw. corner diock Dolan's Addition; thence W. 5o feet; thence S. 76 feet; thence E. 55 feet: thence N. 76 feet to begin ning, Sec 1. T. 1 S., R. IE.. 0.09 acre 3.ot Harms, J. D. Commencing 1E0 feet S. of SW. comer of Belmont ana East Seventeenth street; thence W. 100 feet .thence S. 41.67 feet; thence E. 100 feet; thence N. 4L67 feet to beginning. Sec 2. T. 1 S., R. 1 E., 0.10 acre 21.42 Robertson, Mary Commencing 422.8 feet S. or SE. corner or Belmont and East Sixteenth street: thence E. S53.5 feet; thence 8. 18L5 feet to N. line of Brown's Addition; thence W. 355.5 feet to E. line of East Sixteenth street: thence N. 184 feet j to beginning, except 60x353.5 feet In East Taylor street, and except oart taken bv East Seventeenth street. Sec 2, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., 0.95 acre 47.60 Poppieton, I. Beginning at pipe marKea s at am. corner wum Tract: thence N. 52 deg. 11 mln.. E. 270.14 feet: thence S. 59 deg. 30 mln.. E. 3S.44 feet; thence S. 47 deg. 30 mln., W. 192.74 'feet; thence S. 24 deg. 30 min. W., 37 feet; thence W. along N. line of Sisters Tract 334.22 feet; thence N- 40 deg. E. 25.03 feet: thence N. 47 deg. 30 mln., E. 38.57 feet; thence S. S3 deg., E. 222.65 feet to beginning, containing 0.32 acres. Also com mencing 657.56 feet 0 deg. 17 mln. E. and 44.84 feet N. 41 deg. 15 mln. E. from the IntersecUon of the N. line of the Donner-clalm with E. lino of the Robinson claim; thence N. 41 deg. 15 min.. E. 7.20 feet; thence N. 69. deg. E. 231 feet; thence N. 26 deg. 25 mln.. E. 127.44 feet: thence S. 29 deg. 43 mln.. E. 96.50 feet: thence S. 35 deg. 30 mln.. E. 14a feet more or less to the N. line of Seventh-Street Terrace: thenco W. 400 feet more or less along N. line of Seventh-Street Terrace to be ginning, subject to a right of way 15 feet wide along the N. line of the Seventh Street Terrace, con- tnlnlncr O TO 9lrK Rff 4 T- 1 S.. T? 1 R " -'- 1 21.42 McLaughlin, Ann Commencing 25.30 chains iM. ana 1.&0 cnains w. ot m. post on S. line of Sec 6: thenco W. 5.S2 chains; thence N. 5.16 chains; thence E. to a point 7.21 chains W. of E. line of Jones D. L. C; thence southeasterly to place of be- trlnnlnir Kic. G. T 1 S.. R. 1 E: 1.8S acres 8.67 Clark, L. F. Commencing 160 rods W. and SO rod3 S. or NE. corner ot Sec. 8; thence S. 14 rods 4 feet: thence E. 14 rods; thence N. 15 rods 9H feet: thence W. 10 rods: thenco S. 1 rod 4 feet; thenco W. 3.50 rods to beginlng Sec. 8, T. 1 S., R. 1 E.: 1.33 acres 4.8: Klrkman. Wm., and Moore, Miles u. undivided l-o or iw acres de scribed as follows: E. M ot SW. & and W. of W. of SE. and E. of W. . of SW- Sec 8. T. 1 S.. R. L E 32.13 Adair, Mrs. B. A. Owens Commenc ing at NW. corner block us ua ruthers AddlUon: thence S. 200 feet: thence W. 460 feet; thence N. 200 feet; thence E. 460 feet to be einnlnir Sec 10. T- IS.. R.1 E.: 2.17 acres 53.50 Cartwright, Charlotte Moffctt Be ginning at a point equl-aistant from the SW. corner J. B. Sed lack's land book 30 page 194 and from the NW. corner of Multno mah Trunk Co.'s land: thence east erly and parallel with N. and S. Una of said tracts to the Willam ette River: thence northerly along river to SE. corner of Sedlack's land; thence westerly along S. line of Sedlack's land to the Macadam Road; thence southerly along the road to beginning Sec -10. T. 1 S.. R.1E.; 1.S0 acres 26.18 Multnomah .Trunk Co. Commencing at SW. corner of Charlotte Moffett Cartwrlght's l.S0-acre tract; thence S. along E. line of Macadam. Road to NW. corner of J. Oberll's 3-acre tract; thence S. S9 deg. E. 10.32 chains to low water mark of Wil lamette River; thence northerly along low water mark of Willam ette River to a point which Is E. of place of beginning: thence W. to beginning Sec 10. T. IS., R.1 E.; 3.S0 acres 117.81 Unknown Owner Beginning 60 reet E. of NE. corner block "K1' Kerns' AddlUon; thence E. 100 feet; thence N. to S. line of property owned by W. S. Ladd heirs; thence W. 100 feet: thence S. to beginning Sec 11, T. 1 S.. R. 1 EL; 0.07 acres 4.7 Truman, Gertrude Beginning 17.83 chains S. and 30.S5 chains E. of NW. corner of Sec 13; thence E. 517.5 feet: thence S. S25 feet to Kelly avenue; thence W. 517.5 feet; thence N. 825 feet to bcslnlnir Sec 13. T. 1 S.. R. 1 E.: 9.50 acres 71.40 Robertson, Margaret Beginning 200 feet E. and 331 feet N. of SW. corner of the A. C. Kelly D. L. C; thence S. 173 feet; thence W. 151 feet; thence N. 173 feet;, thence E. to beeinnintr Sec. 13. T. 1 S- R. 1 E.: 0.t0 acres 3.57 Morris, Hannah R. Commencing 10.70 chains E. and S. 55 feet W. 11.83 chains from M post between Sees. 11 and 14; thence S. 55 feet W. 11.84 chains: thence E. 22.50 chains; thence N. 5.92 chains; thence W. 12.37 chains; thence N. 55 feet E. 5.92 chains: thence W. to beginning Sec. 14. T. 1 S... R. 1 B.; 19.50 acres 176.12 Hyland. Edward J. Commencing at NW. corner of Catherine Howard's 3-acre tract In Sec. 14; thence E. 1050.72 feet; thence N. 19.59 feet; thence westerly 1050.92 feet; thence S. 2.5S feet to beginning Sec. 14, T. 1 S., R. 1 Ev; 0.267 acres 3.57 Unknown owner commencing at SE. corner block "C" Portland Homestead: thence E. to W. line of Macadam street: thence north erly along said W. line to an Inter secUon with the W. line of old county road: thence southerly along said W. line to beginning, except tract sold to L. Zimmer man. Sec. 15. T. 1 S.. R. 1 E.: 2 acres 47.60 Bingham, E. W.. and Corbett. Em ma E. Commencing at a point In East line dividing the W. 'from the E. of James Thillnda Ter wllllger D. L. C, which Is 12S3.35 feet N. or S. line of said claim: thence N. 131.46 feet: thence S. S3 deg. 32 mln. E. 2053.93 feet more or less to W. line of the Macadam Road; thence S. 21 deg. 30 mln. E. 143.80 feet: thence N. S3 deg. 32 mln. W. 2105.SS feet to beginning Sees. 15 and 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E.; 6.2S acres 109.4S Bingham. John El, Tr. Commencing at a point In tne E. line of the Macadam Road where the same is Intersected by N. boundary or an extension thereof of a one acre , tract conveyed by James Terwllll- ger and wife to Keller & Wyman; thence along the E. line of the Macadam Road as follows: N. 21 deg. 30 mln. W. 41.3S feet to a be ginning corner: thence E. 625.S2 feet to. the Willamette River: thence N. along said river 111.04 feet; thence W. 666.57 feet to the E. line of the Macadam Road: thence S. 14 deg. 10 mln. E. 2L76 feet: thence S. 21 deg. 30 mln. E. 92.02 feet to beginning Sec 15, T. 1 S., R. 1 E.: L65 acres 33.32 Hoffman. John P. Commencing 60 rods W. and 26 2-3 rtds S. of NE. corner of SE. of Sec 19: thence S. 26 2-3 rods: thence W. 30 rods: thence N. 26 2-3 rods; tnence. E. 30 rods to beginning Sec 19. T. 1 S., R. 1 E.: 5 acres 6.31 Lvman. Horace S. S. of SE. of SW. of SB. Sec. 19. T. 1 S., R. 1 E.; 5 acres 4.74 Scott, H. N., Tr. W. M of SW. U of SW. yi of NE. U Sec 20. T. J S.. R. 1 E.; 5 acres 5.71 Thomas. G. H. and Percy E. of SE. U of SW. of SW. Vu ex cept 1 acre designated In book 192, page 143, Sec 20, T. 1 S., R. 1. E.. 4 acres 3.95 Multnomah Box Co. E. of S. W. 4 of S. E. of S. W. Sec 120 acres 30. "t. 1 EL. R- 1 E 5 acres 7... 1.95 Vulcan Powder Co. Tract bounded on the EL by Willamette River, on the Westerly the central line of Macadam Road, on N. by N. line of H. B. Campbell's D. u. u.. on the S. by a line running E. and T. parallel with the end boundary, and 150 feet distant. Sec. 22, T. L S.. R. 1 E.. 0.S5 acres 9.53 Cleland." John D. Commencing at N. is. corner of sec 24 to tne wu lamette meridian, running thance W. along the N. line of said Sec 24 S90.S feet to a post 200 feet E. of the S. W. corner of Archon Kelly D. L. C: thence S. at right angles to said section line 223.7 feet to a point; thence W. on a line parallel with the said secUon line 260 feet to a point; thence. S. at right angles to said last line 223.7 feet to the S. line of tract owned by first parties: thence E. along said S. line 1150.8 feet, more or less, to the S. E. corner of the tract owned by first parties; theace N. along the E. line of the tract owned by the first parUes, 447.4 feet to beginning, Sec. 24, T. 1 S-. R. 1 E 41.47 Wills, Jacob, heirs Beginning 3S6 ieet is. or s. w. corner or jacoo Wills D. L. C; thence N. 22 deg. E. 2.12 chains; thence N. 5 deg. W. 0.71 chains; thence N. 60 deg. W. 0.60 chains; thence N. 3S deg. E. 1.84 chains; thence S. 15 deg. E. 5 chains; thence W. 25212 feet to beginning. Sec. 24, T. 1 S., R. 1 E.. 1 acre 4.05 Wills, William E. Commencing Z637.7 reet :. or s. w. corner ot Jacob Wills D. L. C; thence N. SO deg. E. 310 feet; thence S. 75 deg. w. 157 feet; thence S. 63 deg. W. 89.8 feet; thence S. 3 deg. N. 5 mln. W. 20S feet; thence S. S3 deg. 12 min. E. 227 feet to begin ning, containing 1.37 acres. Also commencing at N. W. corner of Edwin Cole's tract; thence S. S.75 chains to the county line; thence W. 12.24 chains; thence N. 8.75 chains: thence E. 12.24 chains to beginning, except acre desig nated in book 122, page 390, and except 4.60 acres In O. W. P. & Rv. Co. R. of W- containing 6.11 acres. Sec 24. T. 1 S.. R. 1 B.... 48.E5 Williams, John P. N. of S. & of iN. W. Vi Of iN'. hL Va. Sec. f. T. 1 S.. R, 1 E.. 10 acres 12.61 Thomas. George A. N. of S. E. XI of N. E. 14 of S. E. Sec. 29. T. 1 S.. R. 1 E.. 5 acres 7.50 Schafer. A. H. N. E. M of S. E. or s. w. ja. sec so. t. l a., u. 1 E.. 10 acres S.67 Thayer, Claud Beginning 40 chains jn. iu cnains xs. or s. w. corner Eliot D. L. C; thence W. 30.96 rods; thence S. 30.96 rods; thence EL 30.96 rods; thence N. 30.96 rods to beginning. Sec. 2, T. 1 S..VR. 2 E.. 6 acres 4.2S Title Guarantee & Trust Co. Begin ning 1794.47 feet S. and 1726.4 reet E. of N. W. corner of Sec. 4: thence E. 761 feet; thence S. 20O.7S feet: thence W. 761 feet; thence N. 200.78 feet to beginning. Sec. 4. T. 1 S.. R. 2 E 3.49 acres 4.03 Wllklns, R. A. Beginning 20 chains w. ana 30 cnains iN. or s. ju. cor ner of D. D. Prettyman D. L. C: thence E. 100 feet; thence S. 20S feet; thence W. 100 feet; thence N. 208 feet to beginning. Sec 5, T. 1 S.. R. 2 E., 0.4S acres McGowan. P. J. Beginning at NW. corner James Abraham D. L. C; thence N. 33.43 rods; thence S. 52.40 rods; thence B. 33.45 rods; thence N. 52.40 rods to beginning, Sec. 7, T. 1 S., R. 2 E.. 10.50 acres. Hamilton. Jennie Beginning 10 chains S. of NE. corner. Sec. S; thence S. 8 chains: thence W. 12.50 chains: thence N. S chains; thence B. 12.50 chains to beginning. Sec. 8, T. 1 S., R. 2 E., 10 acres Hammond. Albert E. Beginning 9.27 chains N. of SW. corner of NW. Vx of Sec 9: thence N. 11.11 chains; thence E. 14.40 chains; thence S. 11.11 chains: thence W. 14.40 chains to betrinnlnc- Sec 9. T. 1 S.. R. 2 3.45 64.97 35.23 E., 16 acres v.. 21.56 uorrnacK, j. xz. commencing feet S. and 43.335 chains W. of Y section corner on E. side of Sec 9: thence W. 849 feet: thence S. 505.7 feet; thence E. 849 feet; thence N. 505.7 to beginning Sec. 9, T. 1 S., R. 2 E.. 9.865 acres Wilson, James A. Commencing 419.9 .. 23.SS feet S. of 0 deg. 21 min. w. ot center pf Sec. 9; thence westerly 56L4 feet: thence southerly 1157.3 feet; thence SS deg. 19 mln., E. 651.9 feet; thence N. 0 deg. 21 mln., E. 1573.5 feet to beginning, sec. v. T. 1 S.. R. 2 E.. 20 acres 34.23 Pike. W. L.. Jr.. and Estclla Com mencing 0.32 chains N. or sw. cor Ezra Johnson D. L. C: thence N. 167.56 feet; thence E. 1639.60 feet; thence S. 187.56 feet: thence W. 1638.60 feet to beginning Sec 14, T. l 5., K. 2 is., b.2S acres Vanduyn. Isaac Undivided 1-5 of 25 acres, described as follows: N. of SB. of NE. of NE. and SW. Vl of NE. of NE. M. and NW. hi at SE. U of NE. Sec. 16. T. 1S..R.2 E. Born. Frederick Beginning lai.5 rods S. of NW. corner Thomas Gates' D. L. C; thence S. 21.5 rods; thence E. 74 rods: thence N. 21.5 rods; thence W. 74 rods to begin ning Sees. 9 and 16. T. 1 S.. R. 2 5.00 4.31 E., 10 acres : 41.41 oxer, Henry, and Regma, j. Begin ning 2.94 chains E. of M secUon corner In the N. line of Sec. IS: thence W. SO rods; thenco S. 40 rods; thence E. SO rods; thence N. 40 rods to beginning. Sec 13, T. 1 S., R. 2 E.. 20 acres Reed, Charles J.. and Lalse. Frank A. Beginning 75.20 rods E. of NW. corner Archon Kelly D. L. C; thence E. 19.03; thence S. 42 rods: thence W. 19.05 rods; thence N. 42 rods to beginning. Sec IS, T. 1 S-, R. 2 E., 5 acres Anderson. Gustaf N. 7.50 of E. of SW. hi Sec 20. T. 1 S., R. 2 E., 7.50 acres Hogan. Patrick and Mary N. of SW. hi of NW. hi of SE. hi Sec. 20. T. 1 S.. R. 2 E.. 5 acres Cavanaugh. Andrew (Heirs) E. of E. hh of NE. hi of NW. hi S. of the county road, Sec. 22, T. 1 S.. R. 2 E.. S.50 acres. Also E. of 93.9 17.40 10. 8.96 NW. hi 6f NW. hi Sec 22, T. 1 S., Tt O C OA nnT-AC T 17.97 Huntington. C. and W. SW. hi of sw. Vi. or NW. ii sec. 22. t.i s.. R. 2 E.. 10 acres 3.43 Johnson. Jasper J. S. 15 acres of E. V, of NW. of SW. Vl Sec. 22. T. 1 S.. R. 2 E.. 15 acres 5.59 Mount Scott Improvement Co. E. 20 acres of N. 2-3 of SE. U. Sec 22. T. 1 S., R. 2 E.. 20 acres S.57 Antonio, John and Mercedes S. W. hi of S. W. V. Sec. 5. T. 1 S.. R. 3 E.. 40 acres 11.35 Roberts, D. M.. and Neville, Her man L. Beginning at S. E. cornor of John Barnes D. L. C; tience N. 7.67 chains; thence W. C chains: thence S. 7.67 chains: thence SO deg. 15 mln. E. 6 chains to begin ning Sec. 5. 'T. 1 S.. R. 3 E.. 4.60 acres 3.71 Studars, William Beginning 1013.72 feet N. of S. E. corner James Pow ell D. L. C; thenee N. S69.28 feet; thence W. 1765.5 feet; thence S. 1236.5 feet: thence E. 264 feet: thence S. 52S.9 feet to center of Powell's Valley Road; thence W. along center of said road 55 feet; thence S. 214.71 feet: thence E. 1125.12 feet; thence N. 20L1 feet; thence E. 218.73 feet; thence N. S12.62 feet; thence E. 214.5 feet to beginning, except 5 acres desig nated in book 222, page 451, and 10 acres described In book 224. page 478. Sec 10. T. 1 S.. R. 3 E.. 55 acres 2S.38 Raster, Herman Beginning 122 rods W. and 40 rods S. of N. E. corner of Sec 14; thence S. 40 rods; thence W. 7S rods; thence N. 40 rods; thence E. 78 rods, to begin nng Sec 14, T. 1 S.t R. 3 E.. 19.50 acres ,. 12.61 Wortman. H. C Beginning 426 feet E. of N. W. corner Sec 4; thence S. 2U.7S feet; thence E. 279.37 feet to center of county road; thence N. 34 deg. 50 min. W. along cen ter of county road 25S.8 feet to Base Line; thence W. 132 feet to beginning. Sec 4. T. 1 S.. R.' 4 E.. 1 acre H.30 Holmes. Hannah N. E. hi of S. W. i and S. E. 1 of N. W. hi. Sec. 5. T. 1 S., R. 4 E.. SO acres 29.75 McGlll. Dan N. 60 acres of N. W. x. ' Sec. 6. T. 1 S.. R. 4 E.. 60 acres 3.12 Adams, Charles F. S. W. hi of S. E. hi Sec. 11, T. 1 S.. R. 4 E., 40 acres 2.45 O. & C. R. R. (Squires, Mary E.) N. W. hi of S. W. hi and S. W. Vi. of N. W. hi. Sec. 13. T. 1 S;. R. 4 E.. SO acres. 3.02 Roork. Minnie EL NW. hi of NE. v. Sec. 19. T. 1 S.. R. 4 E.; 40 acres.... 10.09 Roork. P. H. SW. hi Of SE. hi and SE. v. of SW. hi. Sec. 19. T. 1 S.. R. 4 E.: SO acres 13.U Markell. Willis E. and Charles E. Beginning at IntersecUon of N. line of Powell's Valley Road and B. line G. W. Brown D. L. C: thance N. 20 rods; thence W. 16 rods; thence S. 20 rods; thence E. 15 rods fo beginning, feed. 20. T. rS., R. 1 R nrr3 -. .................. 9.S3 6.31 Strode. Victor K. SW. hi Sec 24. T. 1 S., R. 4 E.; 160 acres...... Carlson, John, and Olsen. Peter E. of W. lying . or jarower jiiu goad. Sec. 4, T. 1 S., R. 5 E.; 70 acres 7.03 LInderman. Chas. H. NW. of NW. Sec. 7. T. l s., it. a ;.; w acres 6.49 7.31 LInderman. O. H. SW. U, Sec. 10, T. X iu a ..: 150 acre3 LInderman. H. F. SE. y, Sec. 10, T- 1 S.. R. 5 E.: 160 acres 8.50 Haromel. John C Undivided one- third of 160 acres described as roi iows: SW. il Sec 14. T. 1 S.. R. 5 E. 5.37 5.05 Leader. Augusta B. S. t of SE. Sec. 15. T. 1 S., R. 5 B.; SO acres.... Leeds. Wm. H. W. Vi of NE. i, Sec. 16. T. 1 S.. R. 5 E.: 80 acres 8.07 Graham, Robert (Heirs) N. of sw. and &w. or sw. 4. sec. 17 T 1 R P S V 19ft nKros 15.10 Lefler. J. NW. of Sec. 21. T. 1 S.. K. o l:.; iw acres Cress. John M. NE. 4 of NW. i. ... 15.14 sec. 24. t. l s.. a. o l;.: 4 acres... 1.51 Hardin, Wm. M. S. of SE. 4 of NW. and w. or sw. sec. 24. T. 1 S.. R. 5 E.: 100 acres 04 Hardin. Clark NE. H of SW. U and N. of SE. of SW. Ya, Sec 24, T. 1 S.. R. 5 E.: 60 acres 6.03 McKInney & Moffatt. Tr. All of Sec 7. T. 1 S.. R. 6 E.: 631.93 acres.. 63.07 SHERIFF'S ASSESSMENTS. Gllham. Frank F. S. S5.4 feet of the" W. 123.3 feet of block 18. North Mt. Tabor 13.24 The amount of taxes, interest to date of sale and penalUes due upon each parcel is set opposite the same, and also the name or the person to whom such parcel is taxed, which Is also the name of the own er when known. The sale will be held at the front door of the Courthouse In said county. In manner and form as upon sale ot real property under execuUon. except as by law otherwise especially provided. caca parcel win De sold to the person who offers to pay the taxes, costs' and accruing penalties thereon, and take a certificate at the lowest rate of interest; provided, however, the maximum rate snaii not exceea iu per cent. The sale will be made subiect to re demption as provided by law and s for ie purpose ot sausiyng tne said warrant wiin iawiui cnarges. l. M. WORD snenm or -Multnomah County. Oregon. Portland, Oregon, December 6, 1904. TERRAPIN TOTDEE SUSPICION. Why, Asks the Eastern Shore Man, Has the Price Fallen? New York Sun. Listen," said the Eastern, shore man. as he stood on the deck of his little craft and looked across the blue waters of the Chesapeake at the fleet of oystermen in Tangier Sound "Tho price of terrapin has fallen. Do you know why? Just be- causo some of the epicures are using a substitute. "Redbellles? No; they've used those for years, and you could n't possibly tell 'em from the real diamond back Some of us down here even think one Is just about as good as the other. But now It's something cheaper. In my opinion Is Is muskrat. Did I ever eat muskrat? No. I'd as soon eat a canned oyster, the kind that folks out West buy at $1.50 a gallon. But pretty near anything wild and out of the water can be made to taste like terrapin If it's properly cooked and dressed, and muskrat Is dark enough to serve the pur pose. "D'ye see that low land over there be yond those tongers? Well, that 's marsh. There are miles of It here, thousands of acres. Not long ago you could buy It at 50 cents and $1 an acre. Now the best of It fetches 5S or $10, more than a good deal of the upland. "The marsh Is bought partly for tho duck and goose shooting, but also partly for the muskrats. You can always rent out marsh like that for muskrat hunting. "Three fresh-water rivers make in over there, and the consequence is that the marsh is just an ideal place for muskrats. They breed there Ilk mice, and they are killed every Winter by thousands and tens of thousands. Wo have a closed season for muskrats In Maryland, because we recognize the Importance of our only plen tiful fur-bearing animal. "Men, boys and even women kill the muskrats on these marshes. They are snared, caught In steel traps, shot and killed In their houses with what we call glg3, which are big, many-tlned spears that kill two or threo at once. I've known men who would take 1200 muskrats In the short Winter open season. "There are two storekeepers down here who buy two or threo thousand dollars worth of muskrat skins every year, and there buyers here every Winter frcm Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. Thousands of these skins are exported to be relmported as something else. "Now, what do you think becomes of all the meat after the muskrats are skinned? Mind you, there must be tons of It from these marshes alone. "If you'll visit Cambridge or any other of these Eastern shore towns on a Satur day in midwinter you'll find a man on the street selling muskrats by the hundred without even taking the trouble to call them marsh rabbits. Saturday is a public day down here, and the towns are filled with country people, -oleat down here Isn't specially good, and poor folks live largely on pork. When they -want a change they eat muskrat. Thoso who are used, to It like It. "But, bless you, it Isn't all eaten here. A good deal Is sent to Baltimore, and you'll never convince mo that It Isn't served up as terrapin to some folks who are glad to pay 75 cents a dish for the stuff under its fine name. "Mind you, it 's just as clean as terra pin, and no doubt as wholesome, but It Isn't dlamondback. I've a notion that wo Eastern shore men will soon take to serving the real thing on our own tables, something we've been able to do very seldom since terrapin went up to $70 and $S0 a dozen." Vital Importance of Drydocks. Lieutenant J. S. Shultz. In Engineering Magazine, The maintenance of the highest state of efficiency and of economic operaUon of all maritime craft, whether their- pur pose be war or commerce, Is dependent primarily upon the means afforded for re pairs. The recent tremendous develop ment in the freight and passenger carry ing capaclUes of the trans-AUantic steamships was possible only after ad equate dock-yard facillUes had been es tablished on both sides of the AtlanUc; and no nation, however ambitious or whatever the necessity, can maintain a navy unless there be coIncIdenUy Installed proper shops, docks and manufacturing plants to overhaul and equip the vessels composing It. Perhaps never has this fact been more forcibly impressed upon the public generally than by the events Immediately following the first encounter between the Russian and Japanese squad rons at Port Arthur, when, had there been a carefully designed repairing plant available, the crippled Russian vessels could have been placed within a month In a serviceable condlUon to do batUe again with the opposing naval force a circum stance which, with the aid of the Vladi vostok ships, might have determined the control of the Sea. The Weekly Wash. Lipplncott's. The choirmaster of St. Anonyma's an nounced to his choir boys on Friday night that he' would like to have an extra re hearsal the following evening (Saturday), and asked if all the boys would be able to be present. Two only signified that they would not. and on InvesUgation It was discovered that the first youngster was to go to a party that night The second, a little fellow about 9 years old, was asked If he was also to be a guest at the same function. "No, sir," ho answered. "TJien why can't you come?" asked the choirmaster. The child hesitated for an instant, then In 'a burst of candor blurted out, "Be cause I've got to take my bath!" "Contentment is better than riches," said the philosopher. "Yes," answered Mr. Dustin Stax, complacently. "But X don't see any objection to having both." Washington Star.