15 THE .UOBKIKG OREGON! Atf, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 6, 1904. TOR RENT. Roonu With Soar. PORTLAND "WOMEN'S UNION 18TH TEAR: rocms with board; we of re wing-room; use of library; tVomia't Exchange. Address Mrs. Anabel Russell, superintendent. CIO Flanders. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. WITH OR -without board, on West Side, close In; ref erences required. A 83, Oregonian. VERY COMFORTABLY FURNISHED roc ma; best home-cooking:. 443 5th. cor. of College. Phono Main 6237. PLEASANT ROOM ON FIRST FLOOR. wlh board; beat home-cooking, private family. 487 E. Ankeny. QI'IET FAMILY BOARDING-HOUSE, 32 N. 11th Neatly furnished with bath; terms reasonable. Main 4S60. 394 ALDER. COR. 10TII NEWLY FUR nirtied front room, running water, with board ; reasonable. ROOMS. WELL FURNISHED AND CONVE rif nt, bst home cooking; very pleasant home. 443 Third st. ROOMS WITH BOARD PLEASANT FUR ntshed rooms with board in private family. 115 12th st. Rf)OM AND BOARD FOR TWO, $40; TABLE bnard. f4; newly furnished; home-cooking. 14 6th. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM. FIRST FLOOR, good board, for two people, light, heat, bath. 221 13th. NEW LOW RATES AT THE LINDELL Market, bet. 3d and 4th; all modern con veniences. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH FIRST clas board, modern conveniences. 147 W. Park. THE SOUTHERN. 374 YAMHILL ST. ROOMS with board; single or en suite. Phone Main 1802. 615 MORRISON AFTER DEC. 3 DESIRABLE room; hot and cold water; also slngl room. A SMALL NEATLY FURNISHED FRONT room with board. 153 13th. cor. Morrison. THE OZARK. 225 UTH ST. ROOMS EN suite or single, board, hot and cold water. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, WITH OR without board; gas and bath. 172 E. 35th. 248 N. 20TH ST. ROOMS. WITH OR WITH, out board; block from car-line. Main 3034. LARGE FRONT ROOMS. WITH GOOD board; first-class service. 265 6th st. 126 GLISAN ST. ONE UNFURNISHED room for rent. 96 month. Flat. FOR RENT LOWER FLOOR, 0 ROOMS, partly furnished house. 461 W. Park st. Walton. 270 "Washington st. (shoe store.) 6-ROOM FLAT. NEW. MODERN. CEN tral. steam heat. Frank E. Hart. Sher lock bldg. 10-ROOM FLAT. FURNISHED, FOR SALE with lease. 633 Washington st. FOR RENT NEW. MODERN 6-ROOM FLATS on 13th. Call 455 Market. Housekeeping Booms. THE ONEONTA. 1S7 17TH ST.. NEAR TAM hlll New houfe; elegantly furnished apart ments. In suites of 2, 3, and 4 rooms; hot and cold water; gas range In each kitchen; steam heat and baths; frco phone on each floor. "WHO HAS 3 NICE MODERN UNFUR nlshed housekeeping rooms for rent reason able Gas. bath, phone; walking distance; man and wife; desirable, permanent tenants. T 12, Oregonian. 95 PER MONTH SUITES OF TWO UNFUR nisbed rooms, with gas stoves; new. clean, near Morrison-st. bridge; have to be seen to be appreciated. 3S2 E. . Yamhill st. THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $12; new house, telephone, bath, hot and cold water; East Side, few blocks south Hawthorne aye. 340 E. 8th st. FOR RENT THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS for housekeeping; references exchanged. 140 E. 34th st., cor. of Morrison. Phono East 2662. tCELY FURNISHED OUTSIDE ROOMS for housekeeping, suites or single, first floor, two blocks of Oregonian. 363 Alder. 314 MILL. COR. GTH FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms, running water, modern con veniences, reasonable. Phone Main 6386. JJEAT FUR. HOUSEKEEPING SUITES. 910 per month and up; modern; children taken. Hotel Northern. N. 12. and MarshalL" FVRNISHED BEDROOM AND KITCHEN with closet and pantry, newly papcrod, all by itself, $9 per month. 498 Clay., FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITES. $8 per mo. and up; everything new; near Steel bridge. 230 & Larrabee st. 99 PER MONTH. 8 FURNISHED HOUSE kecplng rooms with water and phone. 636 7th-st- Terrace, near Sheridan st. BS0 6TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng apartments; light front rooms. Phone Main 4256. O. Healy, prop. S FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: pleasant home rooms; low rent; lOnlnutes1 walk; phone, bath. 421 6th st. TWO FRONT ROOMS FURNISHED COM plete for housekeeping, with piano; reason able. 40S Davis St., near 12th. TWO OR THREE. CLEAN FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; no children. 488 Ev erett st- Phone Main 1112. TWO LOVELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping, sink, water and use of bath. Call 586 Pettygrove st. FURNISHED DOUBLE PARLORS WITH piano, fireplace, dining-room, kitchen; rent rcasonaDie. izi j. iutn. TWO NICE FRONT FURNISHED HOUSE- icoeping rooms, water ana sink in kitchen, electric light. 214 13th. XARGE FRONT ALCOVE FURNISHED room, light housekeeping, gas, bath. Tel. West 942. 406 4th st. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms, modern conveniences; no children. B25 12th st. SUITE OF THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms. New Grant, 2d and Grant. x'jione i-Tont juuu. 16 ROOMS. WITH SALOON BELOW; ELE- gantiy nttea up; aon't miss this chance. Ap ply 453 12th st. 170 10TH THREE NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; $20; also room, with Doara, lor two. r 92 17TH. COR. FLANDERS TWO FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms to partlefwlth. out children. COMPLETELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping, first floor. 110 E. 14th. Jhone .cast SUITE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE- keeping, new furniture. S721& E. Oak. Phone union niii. NEW AND ATTRACTIVE UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms. The Jefferson. 6th and 431 CTH ST., FIRST FLOOR. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; gas, phone, bath; no children. ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED; fteam heat. batb. gas. 269 14th. near Jeff. WITCH HAZEL, Front and Madison House keeping rooms; transient; bath, electric light. EVERYTHING NEW. FURNACE HEAT, gas and electric light, bath. 309 Jefferson. CLIFTON, 293 1ST. COR. COLUMBIA Housekeeping rooms, moderate prices. THREE WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS LOW er floor, private residence. 667 Irving. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, reasonable rent. 561 Irving. S PLEASANT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, private family.- 555 Yamhill at. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent. 231 Cth st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS AND FURNISHED rooms. 7 Union ave. North. Houses. HOUSES FOR RENT. RENTS COLLECTED , and property cored for. The Title Guarantee Sc Trust Co., 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. Ground floor. 4th-ereet side. 2 NEW MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSES ON the East Side, in a good location. SIS. In quire cf Hartman. Thompson Sc Powers. 3 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN 11-ROOM HOUSE. FULL BASE ment, furnace; pantry, bath; Mt. Tabor car line; water free; 930.00. Powers Furniture Co.. 1st and Taylor. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 248 STARK ST.. rents and insurance. Phone Main 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. FOR RENT MODERN 11-ROOM HOUSE. Mount Tabor car line. Phone Scott 621. William E. Bralnard. FOR KENT. FOR RENT 10-ROOM HOUSE "WITH A couple of acres of land with choice fruit on it; good water and good barn: rent 98 a month. Inquire at the farm of M. Walsh. Mllwaukle, Or. MODERN COTTAGE. 333 MADISON. NEAR 7th. & rooms ana Dam; iuii basement, in quire. John Klosterman. 61 N. 21st, cor. Davis, or Wakefield, Fries Sc Co. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. NEAR STEEL bridge. East bide. 925 per month. John P. Sharkey. 201 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 180. 7-ROOM HOUSE, CEMENT BASEMENT. bath, etc., $2u; desirable location. South Portland. Powers Furniture Co., 1st and Taylor. SUBURBAN HOME. OREGON CITY CAR. line, acre vineyard, two fruits, berries; good cow. fine place for chickens. Phone West 2891. B-ROOM HOUSE. DESIRABLE. FULL LOT. vjiisan uu, dc i, ja ana ill in. A. li. Blr rell, McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. BANCROFT RESIDENCE. WILLAMETTE Heights, 8-room modern house. Rent, 935. Inquire 251 Washington st. 7-ROOM MODERN, CEMENT BASEMENT, etc.. Going st., 920. l'owers Furniture Co., 1st and Taylor. C-ROOM HOUSE. BATH, ETC; SOUTH Portland. ?20. Powers Furniture Co.. 1st and Taylor. FOR RENT FINE 7-ROOM HOUSE. NO. 649 EL Ankeny; $35 per month. Call 270 Wash ington st. 4-ROOM COTTAGE. GAS AND BATH. 920; Clay st. Towers Furniture Co.. 1st and Taylor. NEW. MODERN TWO-STORY HOUSE; NICE iucauuo un ovin anu ruweign sib., near rair Grounds. NEW 4-ROOM HOUSE. 43D AND II AW thorne, 912. Powers Furniture Co., 1st and Taylor. FOR RENT 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. IN good repair. 446 10th st. Inquire 394 Col lege. LARGE HOUSE. FIRST-CLASS LOCATION; part furniture for rale; will lease. R 7, Or. NEW 4-ROOM HOUSE. 912 PER MONTH. 43d and Hawthorne sts.. phone Scott 3245. 5-ROOM FLAT, NORTH 15TH. 915. FOW ers Furniture Co.. 1st and Taylor. FOR RENT MODERN 4-ROOM COTTAGE; gas and bath; 920. Inquire 347 Clay st. FOR RENT MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. 403 10th St.. 935. O. M. Smith. Main 860. Furnished House. FOR RENT FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. FUR nlshed. on Portland Heights, three blocks from car line; good-sized orchard. Inquire 327 Chamber of Commerce bldg. THE LOWER FLOOR OF AN ELEGANTLY furnished house to couple without children. 190 Cherry. 3 blocks north of Steel bridge. 7-ROOM HOUSE, WELL FURNISHED. IN cludlng piano; near City Hall. Call after noons, 328 5th st. WELL FURNISHED 6-ROOM HOUSE. EAST Side, 15-mlnutes car service; piano Included. 309 Jefferson st. NEAT. BUT CLEAN. FURNISHED FIVE room cottage complete with linens. 623 E. Salmon st. FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE. ELECTRIC ugnts, bath, central, inquire 273 Vi 7th. Houses for Kent Furniture for Sale. NEW UPPER FLAT, JUST BUILT. ELE gantly furnished, modern in every way, will sell everything at a. bargain. Phone Main 2133. or call at 3S7H 4th St., between 9 and 11. or 2 and 5. A SNAP FURNITURE OF 0-ROOM FLAT, fine condition, one block from car, five min utes from business center; price 9275. rent 918. 22C& Morrison. Phone Main 1323. MODERN. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. lurnuurc xor saio: nrst-ciass ana clean; bar gain if taken immediately. 194V 13th. C-ROOM COTTAGE. TWO BLOCKS NORTH "Washington; furniture for cale. 9325; rent 915. 7 Park. 7 FURNITURE OF 4-ROOM COTTAGE FOR sale. 975; cottage for rent, 915. Phone Red 3336. TEN-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT; WOULD sen ait or part or .furniture. -321 W. Park. ALL OR PART OF FURNITURE OF 7 room. modern flat for sale, cheap. 202 14th. Winter and btunmer Ret arts. HOTEL MOORE. CLATSOP" BEACH. SEA side, will be open during Fail and Winter. Stores. STORE BUILDING FOR RENT. EAST side, good location. 920. Portland Trust Co., 109 3d. PART FINE RETAIL STORE FOR RENT; art or Jewelry preferred. F 8, Oregonian. STORE FOR RENT APPLY 802 COKMER dal block. Offices. FOR RENT PART OF LARGE OUTSIDE office, well funuehed. 324 Chamber of Com merce. LARGE ROOM, NEW BUILDING. HOWH Davis Jt Kilham. Ill 2d st. PERSONAL. TWO DROP-HEAD SINGER SEWING MA chlnes. with a. large sum paid on them, can be bought for balance due on same if bought at once for cash or eay payments. Call at the Singer parlors. 354 Morrison st.. cor of Park. i 77 WOMEN WANTED SUFFERING FROM Irregular, painful or stoppages, leucorrhea (whites) and all diseases of women, old or young, cured by old Dr. Kessler. 2304 Yam hill et. Portland. Or. Private waiting-room for ladles. Consultation free. Call or write. Inclose 10 2-cent stamps. THE MATRIMONIAL REGI8TER. CON talnlng description of local ladle and gen tlemen seeking marriage, now ready for dis tribution; price 10 cents. We have oponed office and reception rooms in Portland. In terstate Introducing Society, box 1079, Port land. DISEASES OF MEN. GONORRHOEA, GLEET. SYPHILIS. BLOTCHES. OLD SORES. NIGHT EMIS SIONS. VARICOCELE. HYDROCELE and all affections of private organs permanently cured. Dr. Walker, 181 1st st. MONTHLY IRREGULARITIES YIELD promptly to our painless method of treatment; we treat diseases of women only; consulta tion free, private and strictly confidential X Radium Institute. 162J 1st., cor of Mor rison at. MRS. M. GILBERT, FROM LONDON ALL kinds of feathers and boas cleaned, curled and dyed, best of work; satisfaction guar anteed. 150 1st, Portland, Or. Phone Red 316L Residence. 249 Harrison. Mala 4443. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES 91 a month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tail oring Co., 347 Washington, opp. Cordray. YOUNG WIDOW, AGE 2S. WITH 910.000; lady. 20. 950,000; lady. 25. 9 15.O00; blonde. 18. cash and beautiful farm. I seek honor able husbands for these. Confidential. Ad dress Mrs. W.. 007 Fulton St.. Chicago. III. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts' Nerve Globules. One month's treat ment. 92; 3 months', 35. Sent securely sealed by malL Agents. Woodard. Clarke & Co., Portland. Or. THE STAR HAIR REMEDY RESTORES gray hair to natural color, promotes the growth of hair and removes dandruff not a rfvo Tr4 Mitr Rtnrv ane TV -V.I . XADIES ATTENTION I ORIGINAL FRENCH Tansy Wafers for sale by leading druggists; 92 per box; safe and reliable. S. G. Skid more St Co.. Special Agents, 151 3d st. MARRY WEALTH AND BEAUTY; MARRI. age directory free; pay when married; en. tlrely new plan; send no mosey. Address H, A. Horton. Dept. 81. Tekonsha. Mich. WANTED TO KNOW THE WHERE abouts of my friend Owens or Adams Please address me at box No. 9C7. Port land. Or. Walter Lee. PORTLAND INFORMATION BUREAU. Lockbox 257. secretly secures evidence for Individuals, corporations. Private detectives furnished. We print your name on 30 calling cards, proper size and style 25c; 250 business cords 9L Brown & Schmale. 229 1st, Portland, Or YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Accu rately and reasonably miea at uysseirs Pharmacy. 227 Morrison. Dei. 1st ana za. WANTED POSITION HOUSEKEEPER for bachelor or widower by middle-aged. refined widow. Phone Main 2430. PERSONAL. AZA HOLMES-RIB3ECKE NEW INSTI tute. refitted, fully equipped for all classes of work performed at John Woodbery's. New York. Have your work done at borne. Dr. A. L. Neiden. the world's beauty king, methods employed by Aza Holmes-Rib-becke. the only graduate plastic surgeon and dermatologist on this Coast. Portland's best physicians for reference. Parlors. 364 t Morrison. DETECTTVE PRIVATE WORK MY 8PE clalty; reasonable charges; beat of references. G 18. Oregonian. Watches, diamonds, easy payments; open even ings. W. H. Lesb. 513 Dekum. Clay 899. FIRSTS-CLASS SECRET SERVICE "WORK done, reasonable rate. Q 06. Oregonian. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. 434 Alder sC Phone Main 4832. BPC1AL NOTICK. Proposals Isrlted. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS TO LAY water pipe. Sealed proposals will be re ceived by the undersigned. City Clerk of the City of Aberdeen. "Washington, up to 5 o'clock P- M. "Wednesday. December 28. 1904. for the laying of 140 pieces, more or less, of 12-lnch cast-Iron water pipe, from the north bank of the Chehalls River, across to the south bank of said river. Said pipe being flanged, and to be laid so that when the pipe is in position the top of the flanges will be nothing less than 3 feet 6 Inches below the bottom of the river bed. Said pipe to be laid from about 323 feet east of the east line of Fairfield street across the said river to Columbus street in South Aberdeen. All the pipe, knuckle Joints, bolts and rubber packing to be furnished by the city; the contractor to fur nish all appliances and labor, and to lay paid pipe in a good and workmanlike man ner, to the satisfaction of the City Coun cil or one In its behalf authorized Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check payable to the City of Aberdeen, in the sum of 9200. as a guarantee that the bidder will if successful promptly execute a satisfactory contract and bond, according to the laws of the State of Washington for the faithful performance of the work. Said 'work to be paid for by warrants drawn on the water fund of said City of Aberdeen. The City Council reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. Dated Aberdeen. Washington. Nov. 28, 1904. Attest: P. F. CLARK. City Clerk. CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S OF flce. Vancouver Barracks, Wash., Nov. 8, 1904. Sealed proposals In triplicate will be received at this office until 11 A. M., De cember 7, 1904, and then opened in the presence of attending bidders, for laying cement sidewalks at this post. Plans and specifications with full information will be furnished on application to this office. The United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes should be indorsed, "Proposals for cement sidewalks," and addressed to the Constructing Quartermas ter, Vancouver Barracks, Wash. GENERAL DEPOT Q. M. DEPT.. JEFFSR sonville. Ind.. November 19, 1004. Sealed pro posals, in triplicate, indorsed on cover "Pro posals for Q. M. Supplies." and addressed to undersigned, will be received here until 10 o'clock A. M.. December 0, 1904, for hand carts, harness, wagon parts, sheet metals, paints; oils and miscellaneous supplies, as per schedule, which will be furnished to appli cants. Preference given to articles of do mestic production or manufacture. The right is reserved to reject or accept any or all bida or any part thereof. J. M. MARSHALL, As! stint Quartermaster-General, Depot Quar termaster. . Miscellaneous. NOTICE. The Farmers' 'Fire Relief Assoeltalon of Buttevlllc. Or., has been doing business for nine years. It has proven itself to be one of the strongest, most reliable, fair and square, as well as the cheapest mutual operating In this state. If you are a member you cannot do better than remain If you desire protection it will pay to in vestigate, this, the only strictly farmers' association in the state. We hereby notify the farmers of Multnomah. Washington and Clackamas Counties that J. TS. Kern 1r no longer our agent: that we will not be responsible for him in any way what ever. The secretary will be at Portland. Or., room 313. Alisky bldg., Mondays and Tuesdays of each week in case you wish to see him personally. By order of the board ef directors. Francis Feller, presi dent Henry L. Bents, secretary. Aurora. Or.. Route No. 8. LOST AND FOUND. LOST A SHEPHERD PUP. WHITE BREAST turn to 351 East ilth at. and receive rewnrd. LOST GOLD BROOCH. PANSY PATTERN. witn aiamona in center; a suitaoie reward will be given by returning to Imperial HoteU LOST BLACK SILK VELVET RIBBON. cm iron do a. riease return to iu jarson ave.. Mt, Tabor. LOST A PURSE CONTAINING ARTICLES raarKPU xnay. jvecp money, return purse to 70 lt st. FOUND-GOLD PIN. SET WITH PEARLS -and diamonds, inquire L. R. Kollock, Ada mant Co. LOST PORTLAND RY. CO. BOOK TICKETS; rewara. itoom 7, Chamber of Commerce. FOUND SMALL BLACK HORSE. 3O0 Front st.. cor. Columbia. INQUIRE FINANCIAL. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Any wage-earner needing money before payday can get it from us; no commission or Interest in advance; no mortgage or in dorser required. Repay weekly, monthly or semi-monthly in amounts from 91 and up wards, thus avoiding the payment of the whole amount out of any one payday: and have six months' tlm. if desired. NELSON Sc HINDLEY, SOS McKay bldg. MONEY TO LOAN On improved city property or for building purposes. Any amount on 3 to 10 years' time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after one year. Loans approved from plans and money advanced as building pro gresses. Mortgages taken up and replaced. FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent, 103 Second st., near Stark. LOANS, MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and responsi ble firms; easy payments and strictly con fidential; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses a specialty. NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY. 205 Ablngton Building. SALARY LOANS YOU CAN BORROW money from us on your salary or Income for one to six months, in any amount from 95 to $100; lowest rate of Interest; no wait, no delay: all negotiations strictly private and confidential. Payments suspended in case of sickness. The Crescent Loan Co., first floor to the left, 217 Oregonian bldg. THE STAR J.OAN CO. Any nalaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his note without mortgage Confidential. Month. 4-month. Week. 950 Repav to us 913.33 or 96.65 or 33.2.' 925 Repay to us 9 6.65 or 93.33 or SI. 05 915 Repay to us 9 4.00 or 92.00 or 91-00 210 M'KAY BLDG.. 102 2D. LOANS ON THE EASY-PAYMENT PLAN to salaried people; lowest rates; strictly confidential. Employes Loan Co.. room 716 The Dekum, 3d and Wash. sts. Phone 224. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE, teamsters, etc., without security: easy pay ments; largest business in 40 principal cit ies. Tollman. 223 Ablngton bldg. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM 95 to 9500 on all securities. It. L Eckerson & Co.. room Q. Washington bldg. Phone Clay 73. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities; lowest roles. S. W. King, room 43. Washington bldg. Phone Hood 415. MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OF 93 AND UP on all kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10. Washington bldg. Phone Clay 1814 LOANS on furniture, pianos, any other secu rities at lowest rates; notes, mortgages bought. Eastern Loan Co., 449 Sherlock bldg. MONEY TO LOAN TO SALARIED PEOPLE or others on collateral security; small loans, short time; notes bought. 333 Mohawk bldg. MONEY LOANED ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty; building loans a specialty. W. H. Kunn. 552 Sherlock blk. Phone Clay 529. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY OR SUBURB an property. Mercantile vTrust & Invest ment Co.. 403 Chamber of Commerce. CHATTEL LOANS on all kinds of chattel security. Northwest Loan Co.. 321 Ablngton bldg. 970,000 TO LOAN, CITY REAL ESTATE, 50 per cenf valuation. L. W. Whiting & Co., 40S Ablngton bldg. Six per cent money to loan on Clackamas County lands. E. F. Riley, COS Cham. Com. State funds loaned. C per cent. W. E. Thomas, state agent Multnomah Co.. 400 Cham. Com. 9500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND C PER CENT. Wm. G. Beck, room 307. the Falling bldg. Portland . Real Estate Loans. S and C per cent. Wm. Denholm. 225 Falling bldg. FINANCIAL. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity, at low rates. C W. Palette. 3d4-5 Fen ton bldg. Phone Main 15S5. 9800 TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL Es tate. Inquire at 617 Commercial block. BUSINESS CHANCES. FORD'S BUSINESS CHANCES, INC. 165 4th. Clay 533. JOSEPH FORD. Manager. GREAT BARGAIN IN ROOMING-HOUSES. 50 Rooms Well furnished, close, in.... 93500 28 Rooms Rent 965; lease; housekeep ing , 92100 20 Rooms Rent 900: lease; central.... 2100 10 Rooms House very One 1100 A good 10-room house S50 11 Rooms Flat; very fine 1100 FOR SALE STORE IN A GOOD GROWING mining and lumbering district and good agri cultural country tributary; stock of goods at invoice price; good building; will be eold or rented at nominal figure: buildings and location well adapted to hotel busi ness: paitoffice and hotel wlU alone p&V handsomely. For further Information ad dress E. Grimm. P. O. Box 930. Portland. Or. ACTIVE PARTNER WITH 9760 REQUIRED for half-Interest In old established whole ealo bueinces holding valuable exclusive agencies for state and clearing over 9250 monthly: Investment fully secured by stock. This will bear close Investigation. J 15. Oregonian. GOOD TRANSIENT HOUSE. 22 rooms on one floor in business center; lease; fair rent; clears over 9150 a month; furniture new and good; price 31700; terms; ?e It today. Ellis & Gibson, Room 21, 264 Morrison st. 9600 AND SERVICES WILL SECURE half Interest in a cash business where own er will pay you not less than 9150 every month: owner Is tired of hired help and wants reliable partner. Call 24$ H Stark st. FOR SALE CONTROLLING INTEREST IN the Falls City Mercantile Co. store (Incor porated): consists of general merchandise; about 97000; this Is a good lumbering town. Address G. Sowers, manager. Falls City, Or. FOR RENT TO THOROUGHLY RESPONSI ble party, with ample capital, large store room, most central and best located for cash trade; specially fitted for general merchan dise business. Address Box 344, Corvallls. Or. HERE. IS A SNAP FOR 9850. 15-room rooming-house, centrally located dwelling; rent. 60, lease; good furniture; receipts from rooms 990: Pee It today. Ellin & Gibson. Room 21, 264 .Morrison et. WE ARE ENNLARGING OUR BUSINESS and con use 93000 to 95000 additional capi tal; will pay liberal Interest and share of profits; secured by entire stock In trade. Address A 96. Oregonian. PARTENR WANTED FOR REAL ESTATE office; owner Is reliable and a property holder and has been in business several years; small capital required. Call 24S Stark st. CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY STORE good location, living rooms, clean stock, good trade, clears 980 month, selling only on ac count of Illness; invoice. Pittenger, 245H Morrison. FOR RENT LARGE HOTEL, GOOD CON dltion. centrally located In thriving col lege town; also the furniture therein for sale at a bargain. Address Box 344, Cor vallls, Or. CHOICE RESIDENCE IXCATION. 7-room house, good furniture and carpets; rent, 935: near Washington and 10th sts.: only 9400. -Ellis & Gibson. Room 21. 264 Morrison st. SALOON 9S00: THIS IS A GOOD CORNER with only 950 rent; also have opening as partner with good saloon man, 9500 re quired. For saloons can ana see us. -b;s Stark st. 93000 TO INVEST IN ANY LEGITIMATE business enterprise, city or country, must stand closest investigation, references given and required; stnte particulars. G 08, Ore gonlan. MANUFACTURING BUSINESS PARTNER wanted; 91000 required, fully secured; du ties easily learned; this will pay you at least 9150 every month. Call 248x Stark. 91000 PARTNER WANTED: MONEY DOU bled in 0 months; old established business; Portland bank references given; open to thor ough investigation. XX. care Oregonian. WANTED POSITION IN A GOOD. SUB stantlal Dank or wholesale house, by a young man with 910.000; would buy some stock If satisfactory, u uregonian. EWR qiTT 1R TinflVS. VimXTSHED! very centrally located: vent reasonable; will sell very cheap If sold in the near future; no agents, a jh. uregonian. WANTED PARTY WITH 9500 TO 93000 TO Invest In company controlling big paying concession for Lewis and t'lark exposition; gilt-edge security, i is. oregonian. 9500 FOR HALF-INTEREST IN GOOD PAY inc business: must be sober and trust. worthy man; 930 a week guaranteed; refer ences exenangea. iv id, uregonian. FOR SALE GROCERY STORE. GOOD Lo cation, with 5 living rooms in rear, will In volcu about 91000; with horse and wagon. Cheap rent. K 13. Oregonian. FOR SALE LAUNDRY ROUTE DOING good business: also wagon and harness; selling because leaving city. Canadian Era ployment Agency. 249 Burnslde. CHANCE TODAY FOR ENERGETIC MAN with 9200 to make 920 to 925 weekly: money secure: previous experience unneces sary- Call 24SVS Stark st. WE INCORPORATE AND FLOAT STOCK companies. We handle unlisted securities. Loans negotiated. Horatio Gilbert & Co.. Elilcott Square. Aiunaio. 92500 TO INVEST AS ACTIVE PARTNER in established manufacturing, mercantile, or hotel business, city or country. Address R 19. Oregonian. WANTED BUSINESS MAN WPTH 9300 TO 91000 to Invest in corporation and take active part: salary 91800 per annum. Address P 2, uregsuiai. 9300 PARTNER WANTED. LEGITIMATE business: 9100 monthly guaranteed: Invest ment secured; Immediate returns. K 1, Ore gonian. A FIRST-CLASS HOTEL FOR SALE OR lease doing a splendid buslnes; newly fur nlshed and nicely located. S 10. Ore gonlan. WANTED TO BUY CIGAR STORE. CEN t rally located: not to exceed 51000: here or in surrounujns iuwji, nu mwicu. jo, urc- gonlan. ROOMING-HOUSE 20 ROOMS. RENT '960, paying 9113 per month, 9800. Hatfield & Smith. I05Mi 4th st.. near Aiomson. I SCO BUYS MILK BUSINESS PAYING 9100 .mn... mn.lMr- Coll I'M" Vtlavnrth BARGAIN. Fine furniture of 9 .room?, full of roomers. long ieoEe. terms to suit. 03 aiain. ROOMING-HOUSE 2S ROOMS. BRICK building, rent 900. lease. 92100. Hatfield & Smith, room 32. 105 is 4" st. FOR SALE WELL ESTABLISHED GRO cery doing good business: corner store: about 9ZIMU. vi 10, uregonian. WANTED A GOOD. CONFIDENTIAL MAN as partner in a goad-paying business; 9100 required. 227 Burnslde. CIGAR. FRUIT STORE. ON BEST STREET, must sell today for 9500: come ready to close. Call 248 M Stark st. A ONE-HALF INTEREST IN A FIRST clars hotel doing a nice business for sale. T 10. Oregonian. BEST GENERAL STORE IN SPOKANE CO. for sale; about 95000 required. Address A 7, care Oregonian. WANTED PARTY WITH 9500 FOR GOOD paying proposition, clearing 9100 per month, X 10, uregonian. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF NICELY furnished, well-paying 10-room house. 335 Clay. cor. 7th. BARBER SHOP FOR SALE. CLEARING 9123 month; long lease; part cash. S 10. Orego nian. FrH SALE A GOOD PAYING ROOMING- house of 45 rooms. Inquire 20- North 1st. NICELY FURNISHED. WELL-PAYING 10- room house for sale. 353 Clay st., cor. 7th, WANTED BAKERY. IN COUNTRY TOWN; write price and particulars. . M 18, Oregonian. BLACKSMITH SHOP WITH TOOLS AND lot xor saae ui xcxiu, ut, a. x-cuerson. ROOMING HOUSE OF 22 ROOMS. WITH lease, for 9750. 22s 1st et. .no agents. GOOD PAYING LAUNDRY ROUTE. HORSE and wagon for sale. U 10, Oregonian. A GOOD. LEGITIMATE. CASH-PAYING enr ti vt nMu OUSinc9 iur v&i van. st WANTED SIX PHYSICIANS ; GOOD LOCA lions, iail ai i uuresiue sc. CIGAR STORE FOR SALE. INQUIRE 148 6th st. BUSINESS -CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. TAFT &. CO.. 125-6 Ablngton Block. Phone Main 156. ; We make a SPECIALTY OF ROOMING HOUSES, and have many of the MOST DESIRABLE LOCATIONS that are for sale Good locations are going fast. Note our ior tial list below of both large and small ones. If these don't suit, call In; 50 ROOMS Steam heat. "rath, gas and all modern Improvements; cheap rent; all velvet carpets and solid oak furniture. This place is clearing, above all "expenses, over 9"- 5 per month; 92000 cash will handle It. Leawc. Price. 96SO0. 46 ROOMS Best part of Morrison St.; very cheap rent and good long lease. It you want a good transient house and a money-maker, don't fall to see this. Price for this week only, 96000, part cash. 40 ROOMS Best location In the city; ele gantly furnished; rent only 9200 per month; lease for two years; clearing now over 930O per month; steam heat and all modern con veniences; for a money-maker during the Fair this houaa cannot be beat. Our price, 97500. 40 ROOMS New brick, modern In every way, furnishings very good; all-hair mat tresses; for a quick sell we have reduced th; price to 93475. 3S ROOMS Steam heat, hot and cold wa ter In all rooms; furnishings extra line: cheap rent; good long lease, making good big money. A real bargain for 95500. 2S ROOMS Swellest place in the city: all Axmlnster carpets, golden oak and mahogany furniture: clearing over 9200 per month; cheap rent and good long lease; bona fide reasons for felling; exclusively with us. Price for quick sale, 96000. 34 ROOMS Cheap rent, long lease, run ning water In all rooms, best location in the city, clearing 9200 above all expenses. We have reduced the price for this week to 93650. 28 ROOMS Very nicely furnished; located In heart of city, on Washington St.; cheap rent and long lease; clearing above all ex penses 9165 per month.- If you want eome thlng out of tho ordinary, buy this. 25 ROOMS Close in: furniture all sood: steam heat; good lease. This Is tiptop prop osition; ?2ZoU. 24 ROOMS New brick building, steam heat, hot and cold water In every room; every thing new and In good condition; good lease; rent. 9118; big money-maker; 93S00. 20 ROOMS Furnishing fine; good, nice, clean house: two blocks Portland Hotel; lease; rent right; 92150. 13 "ROOMS On Morrison St.. all on one iioor; niceiy furnished; rent low; 93500. 11 ROOMS On 10th st.: rent 945; furniture koog; nas gooa income; sskjO. fin .itj STnnp The oldest established cigar store in tho rltV Thl nlaa ho. m fill. .n-o man and will do the same for you. Rent only witn two-year lease, l'rice 91200. CONFECTIONERY. One on 1st st 5 500 DELICATESSEN. One on Morrison st.; receipts 920 9600 RESTAURANT. One of the best in the city on prominent street; owner la sick In bed. and it must go today, regardless of price: no reasonable offer refused. If you are looking for a genuine Dargain, don't fail to see thl?. WE CAN MAKE TERMS ON ANY OF THE ABOVE. ALL TITLES" GUARANTEED. BUYERS PROTECTED AS WELL AS SELL'S RK. WB WANT 10 TO 15-ROOM HOUSES; AL.SU M iO 40. TAFT & CO., 122-3-4-3.6 Ablngton Block. 106 Third st. 28 ROOMS, VERY NICELY FURNISHED cheap rent and long lease; clearing above ali jjvujcji iw per uiunin. 11 you want some, thing out of the ordinary, buy this Monday TAFT & CO.. 125-6 Ablngton Bldg. Phone Main 156. ROOMING-HOUSE FOR SALE. CENTRAL. witn jease uu alter Fair; rent 935; part coiu, remainaer on montniy payments to suit customer If taken at once: sickness causa of selling; no agents. Phone Black Bll. WORTH THE PRICE ASKED. S2-room rooming-house in good residence location: furniture new and (rood: lease: rent 9115: a good payer the year through: a snap at ?2200. Ellis & Gibson. Room 21. 264 Mor rison. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion Plaiting. MISS O. GOULD. 801 MARQUAM BLDG. accaraion ana Kroie plaiting ana ptnKtng. Art. STUDIO OF PAINTING. PYROGRAPHY and designing. Order work a specialty. 720 Aiarquam Diag. ai. . wooas. Art Furnishing'. ANTIQUE Furniture, orders taken, repairing. rnr-tMntr? Imsotih- 344 A1dr Main inc-l Assayers and Analysts. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 203 STARK ST. Prices: Gold. 91: copper. 91; silver, 60c. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYBR AND ANALYST; gold dust bought. 22SH Stark st. Attoraeys-at-Law. O'BRYON & O'BRYON, ATTORNEYS, 420- Business Colleges. GREGG SHORTHAND TOUCH TYPEWRXT Ing, famous budget bookkeeping, actual busi ness practice; positions, found for graduates; day and night school. Holmes Business Col lege. Y. M. C. A. bldg. Phone Main 513. Carpet Cleaning. Sanitary carpet cleaning, suction and com pressed air combined; carpets cleaned on floor without removaL Phone Main 5534. Carpenters and Builders. W. L. BUCKNER, office, store fixtures, general Jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Black 914. GEO. W. GORDON. COUNTERS, SHELVES, houses built and repaired. 203 4th. Clay 174. Chiropodist and Manicuring. Wi. D EVE NY & ESTELLE DBVENY. THE only scientific chiropodists, parlors room 203 Drew bldg.. 102 2d st. Phono Main 1361. This Is the long-haired gentleman. He Is the man you are looking for. J. LINDELL. export chiropodist, all lnstru ments sertllzcd. 702 Marquam. Black 2850. N. Y. CHlKOf STS ALL DISEASES OF the human foot, 316 Alisky bldg. Red 308G. Civil Engineers. PHILIP G. EAST WICK. 062 WORCESTER block Railroad, hydraulic, mining and gen eral engineering. Coal Dealers. WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO. PHONE Main 101S. Castle Gate coal, blacksmith coal, coke and charcoal. Office 154 5th N. VULCAN COAL CO.. wholesale dealers; best coals; foundry and smelter coke. 329 B st. Commission Merchants. HCRMAS METZGER. PURCHASER OW bides. StSTka'SS', taU0W.' ?W mhVir nd old metal ana general comm nn rubber and old metal and general commission merchant. Front st., near Main, Portland, Or Cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants. Sherlock bio.. roruana. vr. ALLEN Sc LEWIS, COMMISSION AND PRO duce merchants. Front and Davis uta.. Port land. Or. Dancing. THE MATT1NGLY ACADEMY OF DANCING 289 14th. cor. Jeff. Class or private lessons! MRS. GRANT'S ADULT and children's classes Wetrtern Academy. Morrison st., cor. 2d. Dyeing and Cleaning. H. W. TURNER. PROFESSIONAL DYEK and cleaner. 605 Jefferson. Tel. Mala 2513. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE tale saddles and harness mfrs.. saddlery hardware, leather all kinds. 72-74 5th ut. Educational. Teacher In college preparatory branches; spe cialty languages. Suite 27. 1S7 17th.. Fraternal Insurance. Order of Washington, foremost fraternal so ciety of N. W.; protects the living. J. L. Mitchell. Sup. Sec. 612-615 Marquam bldg. Lands. LAND ECMPS. . GENERAL LAND. PRAC- Uce. Collins Lane id Co., Concord bldg. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Clairvoyants. CLAIRVOYANT. Me 50c 50o 60c 50c 50c THE VEILED PROPHETESS. BUD AH BERNIQUE. DEAD-TRANCE MEDIUM. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. 915 COMPLETE LIFE READING, 50c. "I TELL YOUR NAME." So positive am I of my powers to tell the past, present and future and exactly what you want to know that I will make NO CHARGE! NO CHARGE! Unlets you obtain perfect satisfaction and find me superior to all MEDIUMS. CLAIR VOYANTS and PALMISTS In this city. It may be of vital interest to you to know the outcome of your present distress. The happiness of your future life may de pend upon the right solution and proper advice. There are no mistakes In the predictions made by -the great and wonderful Psychic You may wish to know If it is advisable to make a change in buslnes. In love, in marriage. "Can I obtain my hopes, my wishes, my arobltionsT" "Shall I ever enjoy the luxuries of wealthf "Can I trust my friends?" "When shall I marry?" "How often shall I marry?" "Shall I ever -be divorced?" "Does another share the love that right fully belongs to me?" "If so. whom?" "Am t loved Jn return V "Is there a rival in my love?" "When shall my love affair terminate in marriage?" "When shall my domestic troubles end?" "How can I make my life and home happy V "When shall my absent friend return?" "Why do I not receive a letter?" HOURS 10 TO 8. DAILY AND SUNDAY. PARLORS. 2913 MORRISON. COR. 5TH. SAME FLOOR AS BOSTON DENTAL PAR LORS. PROF. VAN CORTLAND. S1ZM WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 6TH ASTRO TRANCE MEDIUM CLAIRVOYANT. PALMIST. The Greatest Living Adviser on the Continent. Established In Portland and Seattle for Years The name Van Cortland a double guarantee Reduced Charges. 60c 50c This Week $15.00 Readings 50c 50a Satisfaction guaranteed or no tee accepted. At a glance, before you have a chance to ut ter one word, he will tell you your name, what you came for, giving dates, facts and figures, names of absent and departed friends; he tells every wish of your life, how to gain success in loce. courtship, marriage, divorce, whether you will be successful In business. Investments, etc: no matter what may bo your fear, hope or 'ambition, call on this gifted man and And relief; his descriptions of your friends and ene mies are as real as though they stood before you. He tells whom and when you'll marry, settles lovers' quarrels, positively mentioning your sweetheart's full name, reunites the searated. no matter how long standing; he tells every thing, good or bad; you hear the truth and nothing but the truth. WONDERFUL POWERS. It Is universally conceded by deepest thinkers of the present ago that Prof. Van Cortland has been endowed by nature with prophetic powers to a degree hlthertn unknown? keenly conscious of his great responsibility, he has honestly en deavored to let his light shine that all who bcck may nnd the truth as he sees it. "-an ana do convinced. Hours 3 A. M. to S P. M. Dally and Sunday. PROF. VAN CORTLAND. 313 H WASHINGTON ST. Also Private Entrance on Sixth street. MME. DR. HERZOG. FROM BERLIN. Sci entific revealer. tells life from cradla to grave. Consultation on all affairs. Good ad vice, sure help, mistake impossible; restores lost luvo ana unucs psniteu u dj uiyuui locates burled treasure. Fee. 91: letter. 92. 207 Park. Contractors. railroad, ditch, logging road. Irrigation and general grauuis. iiwuiu v, v. w. j?, bldg.. Portland. Or. Harness and Saddles THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE. SOie eSuuies U1U uaruna Wilis., acavuca uia acaiery naranan. cu-oo jju Junk, Hides and Pelts. t. ctta'vv CO. PURCHASERS OF HIDES. "pelts, wool. furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals ana sacKs. c tuuk w Leather and Findings. Leather and findings; Stockton sole leather end cut stocx; iuji line .eastern jumotn. ioj Front at THE BRBYMAN CO.. LEATHER MFR3.. boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe store i .v n vujci r-vr k,k -f Machinery. logging machinery; hydraulic pipes, castings Ot ail KIUU3 rcytmtu. ivr tm su THE H. a ALBEE CO.. SECOND-HAND MA- chlnery. cawmuis. etc -j urana ave. Marble and Granite. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS For bargains see Weeks; no agents; 20 per cent saved. At 720 front, cor. Hooter. Massage. JAUNITKT. MAGNETIC HEALER. VAPOR and electric baths, aiconoi runs; rheumatism, indigestion, biliousness and all nervous dis orders successfully treated by electricity. Parlors 1 and 2. Marquam rooming-house. 145& 0th st. YOUNG LADY. SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE, vapor, cabinet baths, magnetic treatment, alcohol rubs, salt glgwn; good attention given to patrons. The Kaieign, utn ana wasnwg ton. parlors 15-10. first floor. THE SNOWDEN BATHROOMS. 234 1. MOR rlson St., cor. 2d. rooms 3 and 4 Vapor and sponge baths, with massage: also electric treatments; pleased to see an oia custom ers: also new ones. PARLORS OF HOt, 4TH ST. CHANGED ment and massage ty young lady with young laay asaisiani. m uc picaecu io sen oiu ana new patrons. IF YOU WANT A FIRST-CLASS VAPOR bath and massage, try me: eatlsf action guar- noor, .lUHeigu ujuk. wi YOUNG. SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE GIVES vapor, electric, thermal, alcoholic and med icated baths, magnetic treatment. 20 Ral eigh bldg. VAPOR AND SPONGE BATH. VAPOR MAS- sage -and magnetic treatments by experienced young lady. 331& Morrison at., rooms II and 12. the East, bath and massage parlors. Mar-y quam loaging-uou?;, 4103 uiu, ruuin ..1. YOUNG LADY GIVES MASSAGE. TURKISH, cabinet baths, electric treatment; very se lect. Room 20. 143 h Oth st. mtTvr. T.mv OTVFS'MASKAfi'R TTTTvtcit cabinet baths, electric treatment; very se FRENCH LADIES GIVE BATHS AND MAS sage treatment. 20S 3th st. Main 5036. Medical. DR. PAUL CROMWELL, the colored special. 1st, sanatorium i- iin. cor. unsnn. uon. ment is. Letters promptly answered. Naturopathy. ' mnnv Vl-rTTWnDlTnrn nrr. ' clan. Tourny bldg'.. 2d and Taylor. roonV 304." -"" Northwest Viavl Co. i LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON STS. ' -tn fr- K.nd stcmn for Health Ttvi.- t Oiteopothy. Tin T B. SMITH. DR. CARYLL T. SMITH 1 osteopathic physicians: graduates KIrk3vi;ie I Mo. 4Uv uregoniiui. roone tain Ji- ijanl tartum. mt 4tn. ijuauitauoa iree. DRS. ADIX & NORTHRUP. 416 DEKUM blcg. rncne iain .hu. .examination free. Paints. Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. JOBBERS. PAINTS, oils, glaas. sash and doors. Cor. 2d & Taylor. Patent Lawyers. R. C. WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOR elgn patents; Infringement cases. C04 Da kum. T. J. GEISLER. 530 CHAM. OF COM. U. a and foreign patents a specialty. Rubber Stomps. P. C STAMP WORKS. 249 ALDER. TEL. Main 710. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils. Shoe Manufacturers. REID Sc HERTSCHB CO.. SHOE MANCFAC turers. 9 and 11 N. 1st. Portland. Or. Safes. NEW AND SECOND.. LOCKOUTS OPENED: repairs. Dlebold Agency. J. E. Davis. 00 3d. BUSINESS DIKECTOKX. Spiritualists. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. 50-. 50c. 30c 50c. 60c. 50c. 50c. 50c. 50c SIR FKANCld DRAKE. 803 WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 5TH. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. SPIRIT MEDIUM. Dir.MtST. MY 915 CELEBRATED LIFE READINGS 50C. S0C, OUC. ave, ouc. iiuc I DO HEREBY SOLEMNLY AGREE AND GUARANTEE to make you no charge If I fall to call you by name in full, names of your- friends, enemies or rivals. I promise to tell you whether your husband, wife or sweetheart Is true or false, tell you how to gain th love of the one you most desire, even though miles away; how to succeed lo business, speculation, lawsuits; how to marry the one of your choice; how to re gain youth, health and vitality. Removes evil influence, cures drink habit; locates treasures, cures all nervous diseases. How can 1 have good luck? How can I succeed in. business? How can I make my home happy? How can 1 conquer my enemies? How can I marry the one 1 choose? How can I marry well? How soon can I marry? How can I conquer my rival? How can I make any one love me? How soon will my lover propose?. How can I get a letter? How can I get a good position? How can I remove bad Influences? How can I control any one? How make distant ones think of ma?. How can I settle my quarrel? How can I hold my husband's love? How can I keep my wife's love? SIR FRANCIS DRAKE tells all and never asks questions. POSITIVELY NO EQUAL ON EARTH IN HOURS DAILY. 10 TO 7. AND SUNDAY. 303 WASUIWUIU ox.. v,uu. FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STS. MRS. WALLACE. 23 YEAR3 PORTLAND'8 most reliable meaiuui. an wwuuio v. and get her valuable advice on all affairs of life, business, love, troubles; absent friends a ! specialty. 165fc 4th Russel bldg.: hours 9-5. MRS STEVENS, spiritual life reader, sclea- r.- -jj-ili Tomhni cor. 7th. uuc paixiusi. uvi . MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP. Clairvoyant, proph etess. Readings aany. oa in. w- MRS. C CORNELIUS, 305 Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison; sittings aauy. ooou Safes. S SECOND-HAND FIREPROOF SAFES. prices ranging irom u second-hand bank safes for sale. Call or write 84 3d at., Portland.. Or. Second-Hand Dealers. SUGARMAN & SONS, HIGHEST PRICE PAID 2d-bond furniture. ov. -x iuuu w Showcases. Bank and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKE "MANUFACTURING CO.. COR.. 6th and uoyt: Drancn ceuiiio. r mu. PORTLAND SHOWCASE Sc. FIXTURE CO.. 34S 1st. near AiarKet. xrnoua aiut Stop Drinking. GUARANTEED Cure; send 50c r tablet form; mailed in plain pacsage; bm L. L. C Co.. 417 Hayward bldg.. S. F. Storage. WITH THE COMPLETION OF OUR NEW -warehouse, we nave every zaciiuy ior prop erly storing at moat reasonable terms, flns plsnos and other high-class commodities, which it may be necessary to maintain In thoroughly dry and even temperature. Pi anos moved, packed and shipped by thor oughly experienced and competent men. All work guaranteed. Ellers Piano House. Phone Private Exchange 23. STORAGE! STORAGE! PLENTY OF ROOM. nreproot duiiuwb, rates raeuver wui iu cheapest. 28 Union ave. Phone Union 914- Storags and Transfer. I SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE moved, packed ready for shipping and shipped; all work guaranteed; large 3-story brick fire proof warehouse for storage. Office 123 1st. C M. Olsen. Phone Main 547. a O PICK. OFFICE 38 1ST.. BET. STARK and Oak. Phono 596. Pianos and furnltura moved and packed for shipment; com modious fireproof brick warehouse. Front and Clay sts. L FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 31 N. FRONT et. household goods and furniture, pianos, ti links, tool chests, sewing machines and oil movable articles at reasonable prices. Trunk Factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO., 54 3D ST.. wholesale and retolL Send for catalogue. Typewriters. New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and repaired. Coast Agency. 231 Stark. TeL U07.. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROC ery cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or." BANES. LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK LIMITED. Chamber of Commerce Building, Third and Stark Streets. Head Office. 55 Old Broad Street, London. This bank transacts a general banking business, makes loans, discounts bills and Issues letters ot credit, available for trav eler and tho purchase of merchandise in any city of the world. Deals In foreign and domcatle exchange. Interest paid on time deposits. W. A. MACRAE. Mgr. WELLS. FARGO & CO. BANK- Corner Second and Washington. HOMER S. KING....-..-.-..-. President (San Francisco.) R. LEA BARNES Cashier WALTER A. HOLT. . Assistant Cashier (Portland.) General banking business transacted. Ex change sold and letters of credit Issued, avail able in all parts of tho world. THE CANADIAN BANK OB" COMMERCE Head Office, Toronto, Canada. Capital paid up Reserve o.ww.uw Transacts a General Banking Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of 910 and upward and Interest allowed on minimum monthly bal ances. Rates on application, an 244 WASHINGTON ST. K. A. WYLDE. Manager .rorciana uranen. 1 UNITED STATES. NATIONAL BANK UPiA OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest corner Third and Oak streets. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts Issued available in all cities of the United States and Europe. Hong Kong and Manila. . , . Collections made on favorable terms. President J- C. AINSWORTH Vicl-Presldent W. B. AYER CasPlerr. R. W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier -A. M- WRIGHT IRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Tiiicnated Depositary and Financial Agent of fa the United States. TVIdpnt. - L. MILLS Sahler - J- W- NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier... ..B. F. STEVENS Letters ot credit Issued avallaala In Europe and the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Boston. Chicago. St. Louis. St. Paul Omaha, San Francisco and tho principal points of tho Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit on London Paris. Berlin, Frankfort-on-the-Maln. Hong Kong, Yokohama, Copenhagen, Chrlstl nnla. Stockholm. St. Petersburg. Moscow. Zu rich." Honolulu. Colectlons made on favorable terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON HO. 109 THIRD STREET. The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. CAPITAL, 9300.000.00. We conduct a general banking business. Ws receive savings deposits. We Issue time cer tificates and certificates of deposit payable ucou 10 days call. 30 days' call or 90 days calL with interest at 3Vi. 3 and 4 per cent per annum, respectively. Call or send for our k 0t ILLUSTRATIONS. BENJAMIN 1. COHEN President H L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET. J Secretary J. O. GOLTRA..A Assistant Secretary LADD Sc TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1850. Transacts a general banking business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favorable terms. Letters of credit Issued available la Europe and all points In the United States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York. Washington. Chicago. St. Louis. Denver. Omaha. San Francisco and various points in Oregon. Washington and Idaho. Montana and British Columbia. Exchange on London, Paris, Berlin, Frank fort. Hong Kong. Yokohama. Manila and Ho nolulu. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OR. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depositary. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, avail able In all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought. r