8 THE MORNING OREGOITCAN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, I90f. For The Parlor Axminster Carpets are ideal. They have a long, heavy pile, a velvety smoothness and lustre, and excep tional beauty of coloring. BIgelow Ax minsters sewed, lined and laid, per yard $Zi Bussorah Axmlnsters sewed, lined and 01 7C laid, per yard $iii 0 WE OFFER AN UNEQUALED SELECTION IN THESE CARPETS Exclusive Carpet House J.QJack&Co. 86-88 Third St 'SCBCSC (AK THE PORTLAND FOBTUKD, OB. American Plan also European Plan. Modern Restaurant. $3 PER DAY and upward. ALBRIGHT IN THE LEAD. Two Other Candidates Still Confident at Oregon City. , OREGON CITY, Or., Dec 4. (Spe cial.) Friends of tho rival candidates for tho Mayoralty -worked faithfully today. The Indications tonight appear favorable lo the election of Albright, who is bolng strongly supported by the franchise peoplo and the Oregon "Water Power & Railway Company. Friends of Campbell, Republican can didate, claim his election on an antl gambllng and anti-franchise platform. On the contrary, the supporters of Dr. E. A. Sommer, citizen, who will have a big vote from the paper mills and large German population, declare that ho will win out in the three-cornered light. At any rate, it is certain that the contest will be conducted until the polls are closed. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL. REPORT. PORTLAND, Dec 4. Maximum tempera ture 44 deg.: minimum temperature, 40 deg. River reading at 11 A. iL, 2.2 feet; change In past 24 hours 0.5 feet. Total precipita tion. 5 P.M. to 6 P. 1L, none; total precipi tation since September 1, 1004, 10.14 Inches; normal. 12.01? deficiency. 2,37. Total sun shine December 8. 1004, 7 hours and 24 min utes; possible, S hours and 48 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level), at 6 P. M., 3024. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Wind. -frTATIONS, Baker City Blsmark Boise Fureka ......... Helena Kamloojw. B. C North Head... Pocatello Portland Bed Bluff....... Roseburg ........ Sacramento .. . Salt Lake City.. San Francisco.... Spokane Seattle Tatoosh island... Walla Walla. . 0.00! INE Clear 0.00 14NW uiouay Clear !0.00 o.oo: 101 X Clear 3210.00; 61 8W 0 14B W 7ISE iNW INW SIX 6NW 6INE NE ISW Clear 0.00 Pt, aoud 0.00 -uouay Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear 3410.00 0.00 0.00 40 521 0.00 0.00 Pt. Cloudy 36' 10.00 ujear Clear Clear 16810.001 I40 O.W 4010.00 4810.00 Pt. Cloudy 20IE ciouay Foggy 3010.001 ISW Light. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Fair "weather continues in the North Pacific States " with temperatures as a rule slightly below normal. The Indications are that no marked changes will occur during the next 24 hours, and the fair weather will continue over Monday. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 2S hours ending at midnight. December 5: Portland and vicinity Fair weather, with nearly stationary temperature; southeasterly winds. Oregon and Washington Fair, except pos sibly showers near the Immediate coast;, south easterly wlads. Idaho Fair and continued cool. EDWARD A, BEALS. District Forecaster. NEW XODAT. FOR SALE: Worthineton Compound Duplex Pump, second hand, AI condition. Size 10xl8xl4xl0. Deliver ing 875 gallons per min ute. Check valve, lub ricator, etc., complete. Inquire A. W. Cochran, Oregonlan Building. Hortgtge Loans 5and Upwards Heal Estate City and Farra Insurance in All Lines A- H. BIBEELL, 102-3 XcKay Building, Third and Stark, coax oxK item me dolb. i t Savonnerle Axmlnsters sewed, lined and Q1 Qf laid, per yard. . . I 3u Smith Extra Axmlnsters sewed, lined and Q1 (Jfl laid, per yard...-V I lOU $1.00, $1.50, $200pr Dty eeuooisteij FOB TIOKtSTS iia CCWKEICIJU. lUTEUtt Sgerfal rat m4a to families and stasia eeatle bw. At laaa aceateat wttl b please at all State t aaow rooms s4 rive prieec A -raeiera Xarldsfe eat e taaUsh meal Ut tho hotel. H. O. BOWZM, AUCTION SAXES TODAY. By J. T. Wilson, at 180 First at., at 10 A. M.. and 428 Montgomery, at 2 P. It, J. T. Wilson, Auctioneer. ' MEETING NOTICES. TVANHOE LODGE. NO, 10. K. OF P. Regular convention tonight, at 7:30 o'clock. In Pythian Hall, eighth floor. Marquam building. Election of officers and page rank. Visiting Knights cordially Invited. ROBERT G. MORROW, C. C. FRED P. HOLM, K. of R. and S. ANCIENT ORDER OF HIHSRVTAVB . Please attend funeral of our deceased brother, J. S. Cunningham, from residence. Fourteenth ana aavier streets, o:av a. JO., December 6. J. P. ME EH AN. WILLAMETTE LODGE, N. 2. A. F. & A. M. Stated communication this (Monday) evening, at 7:30. Work. "Visiting brethren welcome. W. S. WEEKS, Secretary. HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. 111. A. Be & A. M. Stated communication this (Monday) evening, at 7:30. Work In M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. By order of the W. M. C. E. MILLER, Secretary. if C AMELIA CHAPTER, NO. 27. O. E. B. A stated communication this (Monday) evening, at 8 o'clock. In Hill's Hall. Election of officers. By order W. M. ESTHER KANE, Secretary. DIED LABBE In this city, at the family residence. CIS 19tb St., Dec 4. 1904, Emllie Therese. wife of Blaise Labbe, aged 04 years 1 month and 28 days. Notice of funeral hereafter. BROOKS In this city. Dec 4. 1904. at 355 Alder st, Lyddla J. Brooks, aged 81 years. The deceased was the mother of Mrs. M. J. Countls8 and G. W. Brandenbcrg. both of this city. Funeral notice hereafter. FUNERAL NOTICES. CUNNINGHAM In this city, on Dec. 2, 1904. at 361 N. 14th st. J. S. Cunningham, aged 37 years. 11 months. 7 days. Funeral Mon day. Pec 6. 1904, 8:30 A. M., from the above residence; 9 A. M., from St. Patrick's Ca thedral, corner 19th and Savler sts. Rela tives and friends respectfully invited to at tend. Interment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. CARLTLB At the family residence, 781 Roosevelt St., Dec 5, 1904, Dorothy Carlyle aged 1 month 9 days. Friends and acquaint ances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at the above residence today, at 2 P. M. Inter ment Lone Fir Cemetery. DUNNING. McENTEX GJXBAUQH, tecccesors to Drum lag Camples, under takers and cabal-sen. modem la every de tail, 7th aad Piae. Jraeae Mala 436. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Undertaken and embalm en. Iisto snored to their ae build ing. Third and S"alww. Lady TTffaitimt. Telephone No. 7. 3. T. ITNXET SOX. Faseral Dh-ectcrs, cor. 84 and Madboa. OflSee of Cesaty Cr aer. Lady assistant. Teleaasao No. t. F. S. DUNNTNG, TJadertaker, 414 Tjlm Alder. Lady asslstaat. Telephone Easi 2. NEW TODAY. Great Bargain A Good Chance to Secure a Lovely Residence Situated on Car Line and Elegant Surroundings, on East Morrison Street Having decided to travel for my health. I will sacrifice my new residence, consist ing of 7 rooms, all modern Improvements, cement sidewalk and basement, large fur nace and elegant mantel fireplace; price $4000. $1500 cash, balance on time; will bear close investigation. For farther Informa tion, address V 9. care Oregonlan. INVESTMENT BONDS Warrants and stocks bought and sold. J. W. Cruthers & Co., Ciuuabsr eX Coauaercsk Exclusive Carpet House 5& AXUSEXENTS. Marquam Grand Theater w.T.ruou Phone Main SG8. Bieni Miatpr Monday and Tuesday nights, December 5, G. TflKISari ROSE MELVILLE UstTiM AT 8:15 I In the Characteristic Play. TOEOmi O'CLOCK I "biS HOPKlNb" KlgM The comedy hit of last season at the Marquam. Prlces Lower floor, except last 3 rows, $1; last S rows, 7Cc; balcony. 76c and 50c; gallery, 25c and 85c; boxes and loges, ?7.50. beats now selling. -i . Marquam Grand Theater gagg6 Phone Main SSS. 1 Jane Corcoran WliDefdtf Supported By TfcDrStJiJ Ks6J Andrew Robson ? "Pretty Peggy" 8 A picturesque romance of the ISth Century. Prices Parquet, $L50; parquet circle, si; balcony, .75c and 50c; gallery, 25c and 35c; boxes and loges, $10. Seats now selling. Columbia Theater A. IL BALLAKD, Lcsse and Slanacer. Fourteeath and Waaklagtoa Streets. Ail this week, matinee Saturdaj-. The Superb Columbia Stock Company Charles Dixon, presenting great farce comedy "Mistakes Will Happen" A decided hit. crowds and great success. Under new management. Public and company delighted. Evening prices, 15c, 25c, 35c, 60o; logo cir cle 75 1 Matinee prices, 10c, 15c, 25c; logo circle, 50a Box office open all day down town, 10 A. M. to 7 P. M.. at Dolly Varden Candy Shop In Marquam bldg., 327 Morri son at. After 7 P. IL at theater. EMPIRE THEATER. Oregon Theater Company. Phone Main 117. George L. Baker. Mer. Both house and play a pronounced success. two crowded Houses Testcrday. Tonight and all this week, regular Matinee Saturday. A play and company you should all see. DARKEST RUSSIA Eva Mountford as the Jewish Girl Ilda. Prices Evening. 15c, 25c, 35e, 50c Matinee 10c, 15c. 25c Seats on sale at Empire Theater from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. dally. 1 THE STAR THEATER Cor. Park and Wasblastoa. The Best and Most Fashion able Vaudeville Theater 3-DE GRAUS-3 In "Foxy Grandpa" COEE FRANCES BOWERS ARLINGTON AND CLYDE. TIPPLE AND KLMENT. GALE AND "WTS'SLEY. KJTTTE STEVENS. . JACK DAVIS. THE PBOJECTOSCOPE. ticows mmi to tr. ja., io 10:S0 P. M. General admission, 10c; reserved box seats, 25c The Grand Theater A Wonderful Offering TODAY NEW BILLTODAY I Mont's Dog, Cat and Monkey Circus. SEAMAN AND ROGERS. Tho Professor and the Coon. THE KINGSGUKYS, Eccentric Musical Novelties. J A3 EES R. AND MAUD RYAN, Character, Comedy and Dancing. Murphy and Andrews. Mr. Alf Bonner, Pictured Melodist. Tho Fkrtsfc Weavers, Trapeze. The Markleys, Banjolsts. "Kit Carson," the Grandloooopo. Admission to any seat 10:; box seats. 25c THE ARCADE THEATER The original family vaudeville house. This Week. BELL & 'FERRIS MONTAGUE SISTERS. AL LEWIS. BILLY RANTZ. GENEVIEVE ARDELL. AMERICAN BIOSCOPE. Shows 2:30 to 4:30 P. M., 7:30 to 10:30 P. M. Admission. 10c to any seat. 4 BAKER THEATER EZATINO 8t FLOOD, Managers. Third and Yamhill. LARGEST CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE BOUSE IN TILE WORLD. EVERY SEAT 10c One performance afternoon; two every evening. BIJOU THEATER SIXTH ST.. OPP. OREGONIAN. THIS WEEK'S PROGRAMME: Walker & LabelL McNamee. Clay Modeler. Audrey Sisters. Harry Steele. Lydell and Butterworth. The Two Ross. Pearl Grey son. Moving Pictures on the Vltascopc Afternoons from 2 to 4:30; evenings from 7 to 10:30: continuous Sundays. 2 to 10:30. Admission. 10c. LYRIC THEATER (Comer Alder and Seventh.) HIQH-CUSS REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:30 to 4:30; 7:20 to 1030; Sunday, 2 to 10 P. X. Thla'ad. and 10c will admit two people any matinee, except Sundays and holidays. TEN CENTS NO HIGHER. CLASSIFIED AD. BATES. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board." "House kecplac Rooms," "Situations Wanted," 15 words or less, 15 cents; 10 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc No dis count for additional insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except New Today," SO cents for 15 words or less; 16 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc first Insertion. Each addltlo'nal faasertion. one-half; no farther discount un der one month. IMPORTANT Tho low second-time rate on advertising that runs either In the classified columns, or under head "New Today." will be given only when advertising Is Inserted on consecutive days. Dally and Sunday Issues. Advertising that Is scheduled to appear at Intervals of one or more days apart will be charged for at full one-time rate each In sertion. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate), 15 oeats per line, first Insertion: 10 cents per Use for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oreconlaa, and left at this office, should always be Inclosed in sealed en velopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be reaponslblo for errors in advertisements taken through the telephone. NEW TODAY. OLD GOLD, JEWELRY MADE OVER OR exchanged; diamonds, precious stones, loose and mounted; watches. Jewelry repaired close prices; good work. Tingry. the Jeweler' N. E. cor. 3d and Washington, Breeden bldg upstairs. IF YOU WANT TO BUY A 1 CO-ACRE FARM at a bargain, call on or address Et C Mad. dock, trustee. 14th and Main st,, Oregon City, Or. WANTED CASCARA. GRAPE ROOT. Rosenberg Bros. Sc. Co.. 200 Washington. MONEY TO LOAN! In sums to suit, on city real estate, private funds. PARRISH. WATKXNS & CO. 250 Alder st. I Mortgage Loans--City Property At Lowest Current Rates. Ajply FRANK E. HART. - 105 Sherlock bldg; NEW TODAY. EASILY AND CHEAPLY "THE OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IN OREGON." (CAPITAL $300,000) ISSUES MONEY ORDERS PAYABLE EVERYWHERE. They may bo made payable to any one de sired, or to tho purchaser's own order. In tho United States, Canada. Mexico, or In any of the countries of the Old World. Our rates for issuing these orders are Just one-half of those charged by the express com panies and Postofflce Department. THEY ARE GOOD TO SEND CHRISTMAS PRESENTS TO THE OLD COUNTRY. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 109 Third Street. BENJ. I. COHEN. President H. L. PITTOCK... Vice-President B. LEE PAGET... Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary For Sale! A new, strictly modern, eight-room resi dence .beautifully situated, on the East Side, $4650. An eight-room house, with full lot. In Couch's Addition, will be sold for 12C50. This Is a great bargain. A five-room cottage well located In south west part of city, price $2050. PARRISH, WATKINS & CO. 250 ALDER STREET FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 60x60. N. W. cor. 18th and Flanders.- with 8-room houie 6,000 60x100 on Water bet. Whltaker and Glbbs. with good double house, rental JS5 per month 3,600 650 feet water and rail frontage In Southern Portland 4,500 200x200. Portland Heights, on Chap man, bet. Elm and Laurel 4,750 Corner lot, 9th and Couch, with three 2-tory houses; will rent for $100 per month 11.000 100x160 on E. Burnaide and fith. with 2-story building and cottage, yield ing J 87. 50 per month at present low rental 8,000 4 lots In Portland Homestead 1,200 2 fine lots and new 8-room house In Willamette Heights, tach 6,000 Large lot and handsome 8-room house, Willamette Heights 6.250 64 acres in Clark Co.. Wash., only... 2,200 Several small tracts In Mount Tabor, cheap. 60x50 on Fettygrove, near 17th, with 2 cottages , 2,000 30x100 on Hall, .near 11th st., with good house 3,100 34x70 on 11th et, near Harrison, with good house 3,100 100x50 on Washington and 14th 23.000 100x100 on 27th and Thurman sts.... 8,750 67x100 S. W. cor. H. ,6th and Wash ington, with 2 cottages ..- 3,500 200x100 on E. 7th bet. Oregon and Irving, yielding $32 per month 5.000 10 acres near Mount Zlon 2.000 Markle residence on Portland Heights with large grounds , 25,000 Good residence and large grounds with lake, at Mount Tabor 8,000 Lots in Ardmore near St. Helen's Hall at from $42.60 to 6,000 Lots on Willamette Heights from $1000 .to 1.800 400x225 feet on Washington St., with Exposition bldg. 80.000 Fractional lot 8. W. cor. 7th and An- keny, with 34 feet fronting on 7th.. 9,600 98x100 on 6th and Davis; rental $300 per month 37,600 114x50 on 6th St., with 2 corners on Pine and Ankeny 30,000 103x125 on 10th and Stark, with six good houses 45,000 4600 feet deep water frontage below Portland Flouring Mills tor eale In tracts as desired at $25 per front foot. Half-block, with 3 double houses, on E. 7th bet. Yamhill and Tatfor sts.; rental $122.60 per month 12,609 H block and good 10-room house on 22d and Everett 12,600 RUSSELL & BLYTHE. 82H Third St.. Cor. Oak. FOR SALE. $2230.00. Twin cottages on Rajelgh St., near 23th: hot and cold water bath, toilet, gas, well finished, excellent condition. Improved street, cement- -walk, very choice location; easily worth $2500.00. We have Just sold one, who wants the other? PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, 100 Third street. FOR SALE CHOICE LANDS, LOCATED near Springfield, Or., is offered on account of falling health: 1033 acres, part in cultiva tion. Including 70 head of cattle. 8 dwell ings. 4 baron, orchard and farming Imple ments; portion of the land' suitable for hops; $25 per acre, part cash, balance to suit pur chaser. 300-acre - farm. Improved, and near the above land. $25 per acre. Also 295 acres near Jasper, a good stock ranch. $10 per acre. For further particulars Inquire of B. A ROBBERSON. 349 12th Bt.. Port land. Or. TELL YOUR FRIENDS. .ABOUT IT CLUB offer, . $i25; $75 cash, balance $12 monthly: 25 lota In heart of East Portland, fine sur roundings: must sell together; want sale for 18 more lots or It's no go. Let us get In and take them all; they are worth $S50 each. Here Is a chance for sure money. Address P. O. Box 473, city. ACRE TRACTS WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of handling acreage: we have tracts In side of city limits or outside; some are directly on car line; all ore accessible, one acre or more; prices very low; terms to suit. A. C Churchill & Co.. 110 Second street. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 3 NEW. WELL bullt 6-room houses on E. Main st. between E. 2Sth and 29th st.; good Investment; would take some unimproved property on price of same. 860 E. Main. Phone East 613. FOR SALE $250 LN WOODSTOCK. PORT lahd's most attractive suburb: lots 100x100; every lot a corner. We will loan you money to build; you can pay us In Installments. Portlard Trust Company, 109 Third at. STEWART PARK. 20 MINUTES BY MT. Scott car, lots 60x100, only a few left at $100: $5 a month; special terms to immedi ate builders; office on grounds. , 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addition; Lents, Or. Take Mt, Scott car. 5c CHEAP SOME CHOICE LOTS. BLOCKS 18 and 22. Highland; also 5-room cottage. Lin coln Park Annex. . Owner. 117 Ablngton bldg. $600 A RARE BARGAIN. 10 ACRES LAND mile out. on Section Line; must be sold. Apply Edna Ross. Montavllla School. LOT 25x100 AND TWO HOUSES FOR SALE bet. Wash, and Alder, on Lownsdale. In quire 123 Lownsdale st. $600 4-ROOM HOUSE WITH 2 BEAUTIFUL lots, fenced, near Woodlawn Station. 303 Chamber of Commerce. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. 2 LOTS. RENTS $10 per month. $1100, part time. Hatfield & Smith. 165 i 4th st. $2600 MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. EAST Side, close in, large lot. Miller, 303 Cham ber of Commerce. $900 HOUSE, 3 LOTS, HOUSEHOLD FUR nlture. good cow. 1298 14th st, N Wood lawn. SIX LOTS ON WEST AVENUE. $250 EACH. Address owner. 62 Glllam av., Mt, Tabor. CENTRAL. 31x100. AND NEW NINE-ROOM house; $3500. Apply at house. 331 Front, HOME CORNER LOT. 0 ROOMS. 5673 CASH. Berry ii Alexander. 4 N. 6th. t FOB SALE FARMS. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 80 acres with 40 under plow, other 40 cov ered with brush and cord wood timber; soil Is rich, lays good and nicely watered. 300 bearing fruit trees of which 100 are choice Winter apples; a large S-room 2-story house nicely finished, woodshed, chicken-house. 2 large barns, good fences: 2 cows, 2 2-year-old, mare and colt; all kinds farming tools, about 10 ions of hay: on good county road. U-mlie from good school and 3 miles from Carrollton. a-town on the N. P. Ry. and Co lumbia River. Price $2000 with $1000 down, or will take half of valuation in desirable Portland property with J GOO down. Iroua & Willoughby, Kalama, Wash. ONE 240-ACRE WHEAT RANCH ONE 160 acre stock ranch, with private Irrigating ditch, all located in Klickitat County. Wash Ingtcn. B 99. Oregonlan. Exceptionally Una Improved farm. 55 acres, cast of Portland; electric car. 227 Front. FOR SALE FARMS. 142 ACRES. 6 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 33 acres upland, balance rich bottom land. 53 acres In cultivation, balance open except 1 acre timber; price $95 per acre. $5000 cash, balance lo-g time, 6 per cent; splendid dairy farm. B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder st. TO EXCHANGE. ONE-HALF BLOCK IN WOODSTOCK. PORT land.. Or Can use any good Southern Cali fornia city property; prefer Los Angeles or beach, or near Los Angeles, unimproved. Address R. F. Davis, 320 Trust bldg.. Los Angeles, Cal. A WIDOW. MIDDLE-AGED. WISHES TO meet an elderly gentleman with means; Is a flrst-clasa housekeeper and kind disposi tion; object matrimony. Q 15. Oregonlan. WANTED STOCK OF MERCHANDISE IN exchange for fruit ranch on electric car line, value $20,000; will divide. F. L. Ork ney, box 463, San Jose, Cal. IF YOU HAVE PORTLAND PROPERTY TO trade for a farm see our "ad" In the column "Farms for Sale." Imus & Willoughby, Kalama. Wash. A GERMAN YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE TO exchange German or French for English lessons evenings. K 17, Oregonlan. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED TO PURCHASE RESIDENCE within S blocks of 6th and Washington. $3000 to $5000; might buy building site; give full particulars and price for cash. T 97. Oregonlan. WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES. $3000 to $10,000; also business properties, $5000 to $20,000. Have buyers. L. W. Whiting & Co.. 408 Ablngton bldg. LAND SCRIP. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. ApproTtd. unret trlcted, ready tor immedlats ase. LOWEST PRICES. E. F. & F. B. Riley, 603 Chamber Commerce. APPROVED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP for securing title timbered or agricultural land. H. B. Compson, 618 Marquam bldg. FOREST RESERVE. SANTA FE AND OTH er guaranteed land scrip on hand ready to locate. Maglnnis & Son. 227 Falling bldg. FOREST RESERVE AND ALL OTHER scrip: general land practice. Collins Land Co.. Concord Bldg. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE SIX SPAN HEAVY WORK horses, will sell cheap. Phoenix Fuel Co.," 2S7 East Morrison. Phone East 26. YOUNG DRIVING HORSE CAN BE SEEN by calling at Union Laundry, 2d and Co lumbia. WOLFSTETN buys and selts horses, wagons. harness, buggies, farm Implements. 227 Front. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AN 2D-HAND vehicles on Coast for sale or hire. 211 Wash. NEW BUSINESS TOP BUGGY FOR SALS cheap. 329 Sellwood st. Phone East 2594. FOR SALE HORSES BY W. E. JACOBS, 134 East 34th st. Phono Union 1632. Pianos. FOR SALE 1 STANDARD-MAKE NEW piano at 12S 1st sr. Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair It with Elaterlte: It rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old Iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs. Elaterlte Roofing Co.. room 2, Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments: w rent tables, with privilege of buying. Mod ern bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender. 48 3d st. FOR SALE A LARGE SAFE WITH BUR glar chest; must be sold at a sacrifice ac count removing to new quarters. Phone Main 408. or call M. Seller & Co., Front and Burnside. FOR SALE1 SEVERAL MORTGAGES OF $1000 and $2000 drawing 7 and 8 per cent Interest per annum; best real estate secur ity. Apply 74 6th st. FOR SALE FINEST FIXTURES IN PORT land for confectionery or light grocery; must be sold; see them. 355 Union ave. N. 5 COWS. 3 HEIFERS. 2 YEARS OLD. 2 heifers 1 year old. 1 steer 1H years old; 1 calf 3 months; S1S0. 227 Front, FOR SALE CHEAP. 3 PLATE GLASS showcases. 12 and 13 feet long, almost new. Roberts Bros., 3d and Morrison. CASH PAID FOR OLD' GOLD OR . Ex changed for new Jewelry, at Uncle Meyers, 143 3d. near Alder. 2 NATIONAL. 1 TOLEDO. 6. CHICAGO. DE tall and Jotal-adder cash registers. Ill No. Third street. FOR SALE 25 NEW VOLUMES ENCYCLO pedla Brltannlca for salo cheap. L 6, Ore gonlan. Moving picture film, nong slices, magic lan terns. T. P. Andrews. 109 Mont.. S. F.. CaL Bargalns in typewriters, supplies, office goods, rubber stamps, safes. Coast Co., 231 Stark. Oliver typewriters. S. H. typewriters, all makes. Norrls Safo & Lock Co., 84 3d st. BICYCLE CLOSING OUT SALE $40 "WOLFF Amerlcans now $25. 7th and Morrison. HELP WANTED MALE. LOGGERS. MILL AND YARDMEN. LAB orcrs. city and country; men and teams, farmhands and milkers, restaurant and mets-houie help; work of all kinds. Ca nadian Employment Co., 249 Burnslds and 226 Morrison. Phono Main 3074. WE SEARCH THE WORLD FOR MEN; WE have to. to fill the positions we now have open for competent managers, salesmen, office and technical men. Call or write Pacific Com mercial Bureau, suite 45, Concord block, 2d and Stark. LEARN BARBER TRADE AT GILLETT. Teaches you free In shops; practical meth od: wages while learning: no fake barber college. 611 Commercial .St.. San Francisco. WANTED SINGERS. ACTORS. MUSICIANS, for Portland World's Fair, vaudeville circuit and traveling companies. Newman's Vaude ville Circuit, Raleigh. 6th and Washington. WANTED EXPERIENCED BUSINESS MAN to represent corporation: salary $1800 per year: must be prepared to take at least $1000 worth of stock.. Address Q 2, Oregonlan. WANTED COAT AND PANTSMAKER AT once; pay $10 per coat and $3.50 for pants; must be first-class. A. II. Marquardt, La Grande. Or. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS WANTED; commission. Clyde's Advertising Bureau, moved to larger quarters, 636 Chamber of Commerce. D. PATTERSON. OF 2CS MONTGOMERY St.. cures all private diseases of men; con sultation free; charges reasonable. EXPERIENCED SUBSCRIPTION SOLICITOR for N. Y. trades paper; liberal commission. P. O. Box 103C, Portland. WANTED FIVE SOLICITORS. SALARY OR conimifsion. $4 to $10 per day. 23 Labbe bldg., Portland. Men wanted to learn barber trade. Barber College. 741 Howard st. San Francisco. DR. WALKER. 181 1ST.. CURES ALL PRI vate diseases of men. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED lady cashier and bundle wrapper. Apply, with references to The Hub, 3d and B. WANTED LADY STENOGRAPHER: ONE with machine preferred. Call Room 35. Raleigh bldg.. 6th and Washington. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. As sist with two small children, good home for right parti. 710 E. Taylor. WANTED G IRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE work In family of two. Inquire 127 Four teenth, near Washington. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE REQUIRES the services of 25 young ladies 16 years or over. Apply at once. STENNER WANTS GOOD CHOCOLATE DIP per. Call Monday eve., between 6 and 7. 323 Morrison street. WANTED COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER, male or female, willing to go out of town. P 17, Oregonlan. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. no washing. Apply before 3 P. M.. 684 Everett st. EXPERIENCED ARM WAITRESS. THOMP eon's Restaurant, 5th St., bet, Washington and Alder. A GIRL FOR GENE RAD HOUSEWORK, good wages. Apply 440 E. 19th st.. near Irvlngton. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. AP ply 692 Hancock st., Irvlngton. HELP WANTED FEMALE. DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KINDS CHAM bermalds. coolts. waitresses, nurse girls, second girls, housekeepers, housework. SIS to $30. CanAdian Parlors. 226& Morrison. Phono Main 1323. WANTED SINGERS. ACTORS. MUSICIANS. for Portland World's Fair, vaudevillo ctrouu and traveling companies. Newman'6 Vaude ville Circuit, Raleigh. Cth and Washington. DRAMATIC. VAUDEVILLE ACTING. STAGE dancing, sketches taught; terms reasonable; positions guaranteed. Newman's School of Acting. Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington. CHANCE TODAY FOR ACTIVE. RELIABLE man, with $300. to secure cash buslnefs that will pay him $25 to $30 every week. Call 24SH Stark st. WANTED GIRLS TO LEARN MILLINERY whole course taught In 1 month. $10. Ap ply at Hotel Brown, room 220. Tel. East 302. I WAITRESSES. $21; HOTEL. EASTERN ORE- gon (lares): others: dishwashers, hotel cooks,' housework help. Drake's. 205& Washington. WANTED A OIRL TO ASSIST IN GEN eral housework. 215 12th st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; good wages. 713 Savler st. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN housework. 705 Northrup St. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. 50 CASH GIRLS AND BOYS OVER 14 years. Apply early this morning at superln tendent's desk. Olds. Wortman & King. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. BookKrepera aud Clerks. PHARMACIST WANTS POSITION AS MAN ager and buyer for drug department; suc cessful record; Chicago experience; employed at prerent: hustler; experienced in every branch of the drug and sundry line: best of referen.-ee; age 32. Address M 16, Orego nlan. ON JAN. 1. BY YOUNG MARRIED MAN holding position as cashier and bookkeep er, work of any kind; highest references from present employers; moderate salary. Address Y 9. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED WINDOW DRESSER. DRY goods, desires position; 8 years' experi ence; prefer city. Box Y 10. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN WHO HAS STUDIED OEO metrlcal drawing wishes position with draughtsman. A 10, Oregonlan. REGISTERED DRUGGIST DESIRES Po sition In city. F 11. Oregonlan, Miscellaneous. JAPANESE BOY. PEST REFERENCES, wishes position general housework small family, or table waiter. Phone Japanese Mission. R 212 N. 13th st. POSITION WANTED NIGHT WATCH man; strictly temperance and can furnish good reference. N 10, Oregonlan. JAPANESE ASSOCIATION CAN FURNISH domestic servants, farmer and all kinds of help. 203 Everett, Black 992. YOUNG MAN WITH GOOD ADDRESS wants to learn butcher trade; small shop preferred. N 13. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN OF 25. WITH FAIR Busi ness education, wants work, most any kind. K 0. Oregonlan EXPERT YOUNG JAPANESE WISHES Po sition of Janitor work In public building. Address 121 15th st. JAPANESE SCHOOLBOY WISHES TO work In professor's family In city. Address F 18. Oregonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUATION GEN eral housework, help cook. In family. K 18, Oregonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS TO WORK IN A small family and go to school. M 10. care Oregonlan. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION houseworklng or dishwashing. Q 11, Orego nlan. GOOD JAPANESE COOK WANTS SITUA tlon to do cooking. Address P 11, Oregonlan. JAPANESE WANTS POSITION OF COOK or any other kind work. Black 152. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Housekeepers. WANTED POSITION HOUSEKEEPER FOR bachelor or widower, by middle-aged, refined widow. Phone Main 2430. BY MIDDLE-AGED LADY AS WORKING housekeeper for widower; will go In coun try. C 13, Oregonlan. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING PARLORS. ROOM 217, Allsky bldg. Tailor-made suits and wraps of all kinds. Jackets relined. Skirts bound and pressed for $1. Prices reasonable. SHIRTWAISTS. 75c UP; CHRISTMAS AR tlcles made to order; embroidery, etc; good work assured. 191 6th. Domestics. EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTS POSITION doing general housework or second work. Address C 18. Oregonlan. TWO EXPERIENCED GIRLS FOR GEN eral housework; understand plain cooking. D IS, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY A SWEDISH girl to do light housework. Call at 782 Roosevelt st. Miscellaneous. COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS WORK BY the day. washing, ironing or housecleaning. Phone Union 413. YOUNG LADY WITH GOOD CHARACTER desires position In reception room. J 13. Oregonlan. BUSINESS WOMAN WANTS WORK AS manager or collector. Phone Main 2203. WANTED AGENTS. A. J. CRANWELL & CO.. 218-224 ABINO ton bldg., wholesale dealers and Jobbers, carry the largest stock of Jewelry, notions, and novelties west of Chicago; retail trads supplied; house-to-house canvassers, ped dlers and agents can make big money handling our special lines. Call and Inspect our new stock -for Christmas trade. THE ORIGINAL JOHN A. MOLER HAS opened one of his famous barber colleges .t 644 Clay st.. San Francisco; special Induce ments this month; positions, guaranteed; tui tion earned while learning. Call or write Chas. Halstead. agent, 215 Morrison st,. Portland. SOLICITOR WITH ABILITY FOR STA ple. line; big opportunity for conscientious worker. D 15. Oregonlan. WANTED ENERGETIC PERSONS (MEN OR women) to solicit orders; salary or commis sion. Box 305. Portland. WANTED PICTURE AGENTS. LADIES OR gents; big money. 404 Ablngton bldg. Wanted Portrait agents; side line: big money. Lucerne Photo Studio. Dekum bldg. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED BY YOUNG MAN AND WIFE two or three rooms for light housekeeping: south of Morrison and west of 7th; etate how heated and price. Address X 19. Oregonlan. WE HAVE MANY' CUSTOMERS WHO WANT houses. If you have a house to rent, see us or send description. We make no charge far renting. H. E. Edwards. 1S7 1st st, WANTED FURNISHED ROOM WITHIN 4 blocks of 1st and Mill, with barn for horse and buggy. Burk. 349 1st, Phone Front 101. WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED ROOM-lng-house, from 20 to 30 rooms, for 1 year or more. Addrefa H 18. Oregonlan. WANTED 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS NEAR Courthouse. E 4. Oregonlan. WANTED MIS CELLANEOUS. E. A. CLEM & CO.. 251 ALDER ST.. PORT land. Or. Mining securities bought and sold: stocks In producing properties a specialty; reliable corporations represented. CONGENIAL ROOMMATE WANTED BY young man stenographer of 25: willing to change location; references. K 16, Orego nlan. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHINO and shoes; highest price paid. Call at th "Fair Deal." 02 N. 3d. Phone Hood 617. WANTED LOGGING CONTRACT ON Co lumbia or tributaries preferred, Addreea J 18. Oregonlan. PARTIES DESIRING TO HAVE THEIR children cared for in private home phone Main 1SG9. WANTED SECOND-HAND PREMIER TYPE wrlter: give model and price. G 11, Ore gonlan. SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR BtJa at HOOLA Tsaugh's, 207 Taylor, bet. 8d and 4th WANTED MISCEZXANEOU5. WANTED LADIES. FOR 10c WE WILIf send you package ever-ready mending tis sue; also nsw catalogue with premium of. ter. Write at once. Louis Nuonthal. Cle alum. Wash. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT. tls of all kinds. Phone East 2233. FOR RENT. Rooms. THE AUDITORIUM. 20SS 3D ST.. BET. Taylor and Salmon, one block south of Baker "Theater, new brick building, ele gantly furnished, steam heat, hot and cold water In room, porcelain bath, rooms with private Taaths, elevator; reasonable rates. THE PALMER. S. E. COR. ALDER AND Park Sts. The most complete apartment house In the city; steam heat. gas. electrlo lights, porcelain baths, every modem con venience: tourist and transient trade solicited. Young & Shepard. Props. "THE LINCOLN." 409 Morrison, cor. 11th New brick, elegant, furnished, sunny rooms, all modern conveniences: tourists and trav ellngmen solicited. Mrs. T. D, Hughes. Prop. ffHB COSMOS. S- E. COR 4TH AND MOR- rlson; best down-town rooms In the city: heat and service night and day; rates $3.50 per week and up. including bath; $1 day. ROOMS FOR RENT ELEGANTLY FUR- nished. In suites or rooms, not ana cam running water In each room, electric lights, gas. phone and bath. 207 14th st. THE NEWCASTLE. 3D AND HARRISON Elegant up-to-date furnished and unfurnish ed housekeeping and other rooms: heat, bath, light free: reasonable prices. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. ELECTRIC light, bath and phone; $2 per week and up. The New Belmont, 193 First st, Mrs. L. Zlnsley. prop. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. $3.50 per week, with running water, furnace heat; private family; central. 394 Yamhill sU FINELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, light, heat, bath and gas. use of kitchen If desired. 13 E. 7th. Phone Ea3t 1929. LARGE. SUNNY FRONT ROOM. FURNISH ed; gas, bath. heat, private family. 41H Union ave. North. Phone East 1979. THE TEMPLE, 343 YAMHILL ST.. COR. 7th. opposite Hotel Portland Nicely fur nished rooms; rates reasonable. 201 10TH. COR. TAYLOR COMFORTABLY furnished rooms, piano, porcelain bath, phone, electric light, furnace. T-IE DEXTER NO. 124 12TH. COR. WASH lngton, n'.ze comfy rooms, single, en suite, transient. Phone Green 438. SELECT FAMILY HOTELS. ROOMS EN suite or single; transients: 17th and Mor rison st. Phone Main 139S. NICELY FURNISHED CHOICE ROOMS, gas, bath, heat, phone, private family, gen tlemen. $S. 86 North 15th. NEW BUILDING. FURNACE HEAT. GAS. and electric light, bath; rates $2.50 per week and up. 309 Jefferson er. THE ELM. 121 13TH. COR. WASHINGTON Newly furnished rooms, single or en suite; modern conveniences. . 106 10TH. NEAR MORRISON WELL-FUR-nished room, suitable for one or two men; modern conveniences. THE ELM. 121 13TH. COR. WASHINGTON Newly furnished rooms, single or en-suite; modern conveniences. THE MARQUAM HOUSE. 143", CTH ST. Rooms, single, cn suite and housekeeping1. Phone Clay 1653. 248 SIXTH ST.. FOUR BLOCKS SOUTH Hotel Portland, sunny furnished room with private family. THREE LIGHT. AIRY. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 140 East 34th. Phone Scott 2S41. 11TH ST.. NO. 23S NICELY FURNISHED front alcove room, private family, modern; gentlemen. JUST THE ROOM YOU'RE LOOKING FOR; with or without housekeeping; upper fiat. 394 Jefferson. A NICE FURNISHED ALCOVE ROOM FOR two gentlemen. 29 N. 10th St., near Bum side. Cheapest and best located rooms In Portland. $1 wek up. Gllmon. 1st and Alder sts. THE APPLETON. 71 N. 6TH SUNNY FUR nished rooms. $2 up; transient rooms. GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS WITH STOVES, $5 per month. 323 Clay and Water. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; ALSO two side rooms, for rent, 231 5th. AT FAIR GROUNDS. ROOMS AND BOARD; home cooking. 902 Thurman st. ROOMS AND BOARD (HOME COOKING) AT the Fair grounds. 902 Thurman st. 260 PARK ST. FURNISHED FRONT AL cove room, reasonable. Main 5390. 726 IRVING NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, suitable for two gentlemen. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS at 269 Columbia at. Rooms With Board. THE LINDELL AN ENTIRELY NEW FAM. ily hotel, attractively located for permanent and transient guests; Market St.. bet. 3d and 4th; all outside rooms, with handsome, mod em furnishings and all up-to-date conveni ences: electric light, gas. sanitary plumbing, porcelain baths, heated throughout by steam; excellent cuisine and service. Exceedingly low rates to single gentlemen and families. Phone Main 5501. THE OHIO. 150 11TH. NEAR MORRISON. Family boarding-house, home cooking, nicely furnished rooms with running water, steam heat, phono, bath, electric light; prices rea sonable; table board by week or month. ELEGANT OUTSIDE ROOMS. WITH FIRST class board, for two people, $40 per month, at the Llndell. Market st,. between 3d and 4th; electric light, gas, steam heat, por celain baths PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION 16TH YEAR; rooms with board: use of sewing. room; uss of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. Ana.be 1 Russell, superintendent. 610 Flanders. ROOM WITH BOARD FOR ONE OR TWO young ladies, In private family; 10 minutes walk from center of city; "phone, bath and gaj. O 10. Oregonlan. NICE FRONT ROOM. WITH BOARD FOR two gentlemen; private family. $21 each; references. 35 N. 18th. near Washington. ROOM AND BOARD FOJs MAN AND WIFE or two ladles, private residence, modern, piano, phone, reasonable. Q 98. Oregonlan. 295 10TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED rooms, excellent home cooking: furnace heat. gas. pocelain bath. Phone Main 3862. POSITION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN AS bookkeeper, timekeeper or office work; ref erences; will leavo town. O 13, Oregonlan. HOTEL BROWN. 271 GRAND AVENUE Pleasant rooms, single or en suite; elevator; billiard-room; transients; both car lines. 1 FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT, WITH OR without board, on West Side, closo in; ref erences required. A 89, Oregonlan. BLAKELY HALL. 270 6TH ST. PLEASANT rooms, with first-class board; new house; 4 blocks south Hotel Portland. VERY COMFORTABLY FURNISHED rooms; best home-cooking. 443 3th, cor. of College. Phone Main 6237. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM; GOOD BOARD: married couple, or one or two ladles pre ferred. 581 Washington. PLEASANT ROOM ON FIRST FLOOR, with board; best homo-cooking, private family. 487 E. Ankeny. ROOMS. WELL FURNISHED AND CONVE nlent, best home cooking, very pleasant home. 449 Third st. ROOMS WITH BOARD PLEASANT FUR ntshed rooms with board in private family. 115 12th st. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM. FIRST FLOOR, good board, for two people, light, heat, bath. 221 13th. NEW LOW RATES AT THE LINDELL Market, bet, 3d and 4th; all modem con veniences. ' NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH FIRST clas3 board, modem conveniences. 147 W. Park. THE SOUTHERN. 374 YAMHILL ST. ROOMS with board; single or en suite. Phone Main 1602. BOARD AND NICE ROOMS. WITH PRI vate family, at Mount Tabor. Phone Scott 1441. 515 MORRISON AFTER DEC. 3 DESIRABLE room; hot and cold water; also single room. A SMALL NEATLY FURNISHED FRONT room with board. 153 13th, cor. Morrison. THE OZARK. 225 11TH ST. ROOMS EN suite or single, board, hot and cold water. 4 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. WITH OR Wit-ass beard; gas and bath. 172 E. 35th.