Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 05, 1904, Page 12, Image 12

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Police Discover Saloonmen
Breaking the Ordinance.
Regular Officers Complain That They
Act as Lookouts and Warn Sa
loonkeepers When a Policeman
Approaches Any Resort.
Gem On Sixth street, between Wash
ington and Alder.
Pullman Cafe On Fifth street, between
Washington and Alder.
Tuxedo On Alder street, between
Fourth and Fifth.
Maze Cafe On Third street, between
Tamhlll and Taylor. "
Fritz' On Burnslde, between Second
and Third.
Though the police -were very careful to
keep from the public the Investigation
of last nleht relative to saloons being
open after hours. It tvas learned that
Captain Bailey and another officer, in
plain clothes, visited the greater number
of resorts In the central part of the city
and reported five to the Chief of Police
as not regarding the ordinance requiring
them to close at 1 A. M.
Along -with this fact comes the startling
statement that Chief Hunt will be told
today that special officers -who draw reve
nue from some of the saloons known to
be breaking the law, have been posing as
lookouts, and have given the signal when
ever Captain Bailey or his men heave
in sight, that their patrons may be prop
erly protected. It Is whispered that sev
ral cases, of this character, involving
nearly every special officer working in
the central part of the city, will be re
ported to Chief Hunt this morning.
Following out the orders of his chief.
Captain Bailey made a personal investiga
tion of the situation, and succeeded in
.discovering that saloons throughout the
city were breaking the provisions of the
ordinance. "Warrants are expected to be
issued this morning for a number of the
proprietors, and other arrests will follow
as rapidly as Information can be gained
and evidence collected. The work Is be
ing done quietly, the police, while not at
tempting to subdue the facts, being very
reluctant about making their discoveries
public. It is expected that the plain
clothes work will continue indefinitely,
the captain of the relief spending a part
of his time on the outside of the station.
Final Arguments to Be Made In the
Land-Fraud Trial.
Today at 10 o'clock the Federal
Court will convene for the last chapter In
the land-fraud case, which has been
trailing its course before the public for
the past 12 days. Judge Thomas O'Day
will deliver the argument for the defense
and will bo followed by Francis J. Heney
for the prosecution, who will -mako the
closing argument for the Government,
provided the defense does not claim its
right of two speakers, in which event the
argument will be closed by John Hall. It
is not thought probable that Judge O'Day
will occupy all of the forenoon with his
statement, as he has simply to deal, so
far as is known, with, the technical
phases of the trial. Outside of that it
is generally supposed that the long-pent-up
feelings of the speaker will lead him
into a train of ridicule and satire directed
against the credibility of the Govern
ment witnesses and the conduct of the
case, -wh'lch will be of interest to the
audience as well as to the jury.
The case will go to the jury in all prob
ability by 5 o'clock in the evening and It
Is not considered likely that a verdict will
be long in coming.
The second case of the series will be
commenced on Tuesday, December 13.
This is a case in which Miss Ware Is the
principal figure, sTie sharing the limelight
about equally with McKinley. Here Miss
Ware, in her capacity as Land Commis
sioner, acted in conjunction with Mc
Kinley, so it Is alleged, in securing six
quarter sections of land in townships 24
and 5 south of range 1 east. McKinley
procured most of this land by means of
false affidavits which he made before
Miss Ware. She passed the proofs sub
mitted to her by McKinley and sent them
to Washington, where patents wero Is
sued to them. At this juncture Puter
and Watson stepped In and disposed of
the lands to the. profit of all concerned.
This, in brief, is the case alleged by the
Government. From the testimony ad
duced at the trial just closing, and from
the statement of the Government that its
case in the second instance is stronger.
if .anything, than that which has been
listened to during the past 12 days, It
would 'seem that the defendants can hope
lor but utue irom tne trial.
To Be- Had at the Selling-Out Sale
of B. B. Rich Curio Store.
Tou cannot conceive the variety of art
novelties they are selling out at the "B
B. Rich Curio Store. Mr. Rich wishes to
inform the public that ho intends selling
the entire stock by January 1- This is
your chance to get your presents now at
the actual wholesale cost. We Invite you
to come and see for yourself what we
have here on display. The B. B. Rich
Curio Store. 123 Sixth street
, ,,
! -
The original draft of the "Editorial" (?) which appeared on .Page 2 1 of yesterday's Oregonian can fee fonnd word for word fn The Meier & Frank Store News on page 9 of the Scnday
Oregonian of October 20th, 1901 Three years in the lead, that's all Our ideas and methods approved hy retailers as well as individuals As the months roll by The Meier & Frank
Store, in its own reliable way and in face of desperate competition, keeps strengthening, and at a more rapid pace than ever, its hold as Portland's Largest and Best Store
For today we offer 100 S-day Mis
sion Clocks, like cut. three styles,
cathedral song1 strikes the. hour
and half hour, weathered oak fin
ish. Just another demonstration
of the persistency of the Meier
& Frank store,, never to be under
sold. MISSION CLOCKS $1.03
100 small size Mission Clocks, 1-day
movement, weathered oak finish,
value extraordinary, while they
last at, each $1.03
Either one of the above clocks
would make a pleasing Xmas gift
lor the housewife .
Infants hand embroidered Dresses.
Beautiful styles, aii agea
$3.00 values. 2S
55.00 values. 93JQ7
S6.S0 values. S5.17
$9.00 values. fOAT
hand-made Shirts
S2.C0 values. $1.98
$3.75 values.2.9S
$1.75 values. $1.37
S2.00 values. $1.63
Entire stock of
if frrpntlv reduced nrlces,
O . i i -TTrn AVer
Hana-emoroiucreu '
Infants' Hoop Rattles, ribbons
and bells trimmed. 75c values.. 40c
Women's unlaundcred all-linea
hand embroidered initialed Hand
kerchiefs, three different styles;
best 25c values at 3 for COc
Women's hemstitched all-linen
Handkerchiefs, , Vz and ?iwin.
hems, full sizes, value extraordi
nary, each Oc
Women's Swiss embroidered Hand
kerchiefs, hemstitched and em
broidered, also scalloped edge anJ
embroidered, 20c and 25c values,
2 for 250
Women's hemstitched and initialed
unlaundered Handkerchiefs, .all
Initials, great special values for
this sale, each - c
Children's plain white initial Hand
kerchiefs, hemstitched, fancy box.
great value, box ....lSc
Children's colored border Handker
chiefs, in Taney boxes, great spe
cial values at. box lc
Sale continues through the week.
Men's Handkerchiefs at special
Immense new shipment of Screens
and India Stools for the holidays.
For one week take your choice at
special low prices.
500 3-fold Screens, oak, mahogany
or white enamel frames: 5 ft. 6
in. high: fancy silkollne filled, all
new $1.75 values, for each. .$1.10
Handsome Burlap Screens, 5 ft 6
in. high, covered on both sides
with fancy figured burlap 3-fold
for each $&50; 4-fold for. .$8.00
Fire Screens, oak frames, grill tops,
two styles ,
Silkollne filled
Tapestry panel filled $4.50
Weathered oak Fire Screens. 1
ln. posts with heavy standard
Plain burlap filled. $4.50 s tapestry
panel filled. $7.50-$9.75; 3-fold oak
Screens, $2.50 to $4.50; 5-fold oak
Screens 350
Weathered oak Screens, beautiful
styles $7.50 to $1&50
India Stools in weathered oak,
golden or English oak, $L5,-$175,
$3.00 and $350.
Footstools, velour covered, pretty
designs, iron legs 33c
Fancy box Stationery, beautiful va
riety, Eaton-Hurlburfs, Hurds,
Crano's, Whiting's snd other well
known makes; every new style
and size; prices range from 35c
to $12.50.
Austrian Novelty Boxes, Toilet Sets,
Sewing Boxes, Smokers' Sets, Ci
gar Boxes, Manicuring Sets, etc.,
etc: immense variety of styles;
plain or metal trimmed: all prices.
Ebony and Ebonold Sets, Hair
Brushes, Military Brushes,
Clothes Brushes, Hat Brushes,
Manicuring and Toilet Sets.
Stag-Handled Toilet Sets in a big
variety of styles.
Shaving Sets, Shaving Mirrors in
new styles; all prices.
Agents for -Gillette" Safety Razors,
$5.00 set; apleaslng gift; every set
guaranteed; come in a handsome
Brass Clocks. Mission Clocks best
display in the city.
Men's, Women's and Children's gold
and silver Watches, Chatelaine
Watches, Ingersoll Watches for
' boys.
Solid gold Jewelry for women, chil
dren. Infants.
Fancy bottle Perfumes in grand va
25c Bathasweet for, can ....10c
35c La Blanche Face Powder... 30c
25c "Purity" Bay Hum for 17c
Eastman's Toilet Water, violet car
nation and crushed roses, regu
lar 50c value, for 38c
Eastman's Almond Lotion 18c
Java Rice Faco Powder, can.... 23c
Eastman'3 Perfumes, all the best
odors, regular value 60c oz.; salt
price, ounce 31c
All 25c Chamois Skins, for 17c
All 50c Chamois Skins, for. .....30c
Pure white velvet Chamois 7c
25c Purity Violet Cream 15c
Cuticura Ointment, bottle 36c
Oregon wood souvenirs ink wells,
smoking sets, 1 thermometers,
match boxes, etc; your choice. 0c
Great showing of holiday boxes.
Toilet sets, cigar boxes, work
boxes, manicuring sets, etc, etc.
The Meier Frank Store
Portland's Larg
est and Best Store
Artistic Picture Framing to Your Order; Newest Moldings; Orders Promptly Executed 1905 Calendars in Immense Assort
ment; Every New Style and Idea, 1c up to $15.00 Each Principal Portland Agents for Butterick Patterns and Publications
Santa Clans Returns Tomorrow at 2:30 P. M.
Here's good news for the youngsters Old Kris wired lis yesterday that
her would ,have to comb to the store tomorrow and greatly increase his stock
.of things to make little folks happy Hadn't planned for such; a-great increase
of population as Portland has experienced the past year. Tou know the Meier
&. Frank store Is his headquarters, because the assortments are largest and
merchandise the beat While doing his shopping he's only too glad to meet
the little ones, shake their hands and promise to do his best to bring them
just what they ask for. Old Kris prefers to have them come., with their
mamma's, so he can arrange about hl3 visit during the early hours of the
morning of the 24th. You see, many of' the chimneys on Portland homes won't
permit his entrance. In that case door or window must be left open. His tele
gram reads: "Will arrive promptly at 2:S0 o'clock Tuesday." Don't deny the
children the pleasure of seeing him. The thousands who saw him last Friday
will testify "as to his kindness and humor.
Red painted double-seated Doll Swing, y
great special value at each. 4&3C
28x28-in. two-side Game Board, many CJff
new features, regular $1.75 value jC C
Large size Toy Clothes "Wringer suitable for,;
small garments, good as the best, c C "
. crreat. value at each ......
Nickel-rimmed Drum, 12-in. in diame
ter,' best $1.00 value, on sale for. ..
All our $1.35 Ping Pong Sets on sale 45
All our $2.50 Ping Pong Sets on sale. . . .75e
All our $4, $4.50, $5 Ping Pong Sets, set.Sl.25
All our $6.00 and $7.50 Ping Pong Sets.Sl.75
$10.00-$12.00 Sets. $2.50 $20 Set for.$3.75
$2.00 Steel Wagon $1.43
Absolutely all wrought iron steel-gear "Wagon,
14x28x4 inches, 12-in. and 16-in. wheels;
best make "Wagon on the mar- A
ket, $2.00 values 4 I 'lO -
Velocipede with 14-in. rear and 20-in. front
wheels, extra heavy steel rims, adjustable
seat, easily propelled ; best make ; T 1 f r
$2.00 value .P
Hip-Jointed J&id Doll, bisque head, curly hair,
. moving eyes ,shoes and stockings,
16 inches long, 60c value
"EESTNERS" "Famous large Kid Body Doll
with' beautiful features", bisque head, moving
eyes, sewed curly wig, 24-in. size, 1
regular $2:65 value, for
"Ktetrfers'' full-jointed -Doll with moving head,
closingeyes, elegant sewed curly wig, shoes
ana siocKings, $.zo vame,
for '. . .
Ve can dress the above doll for 50.
23-piece Decorated China Tea Set, all
large pieces, regular $1.50 value..
"Defender? Gun, absolutely harmless, shoots
softrubber ball, elegantly finished barrel;
each one in a carton; new model 5 e
never before shown, 50c? value 2
Steel Book-Shaped Bank, elegantly finished,
absolutely new this season, fine lock, Af?f
(toe in a box, 75c value, for each P C
Metal Phqto" Frames in an immense
assortment of styles and sizes;
regular prices from 25c up to
$1.45; for one week your choice
at 1-3 off
Hand-painted framed Water Colors,
a variety of very handsome
frames, size 8x12; $3.25 values,
for 1J
Photographed,. Views, framed In 2
lnch brown trames, gilt trimmed,
5x7 inches, 35c values 23c
SxlO Passepartouts, colored pic
tures, best 35c values, for.... 19c
All sizes of Gilt Photo Frames
Large variety of Paper Weights,
Trays, Pipe Racks, etc. 2d floor.
BOO gray and white Fur Hugs, 30x60
inches, value extraordinary for
one week at, each....... $1.89
Our Great Holiday Book Store
Books, Books, Books, everywhere Our all-year-round Book
Store has expanded to about five times its normal size so as
to properly care for Holiday crowdsBooks for young and
old Books of every kind and description and at the very
lowest prices Mail orders will be promptly attended to
500 copies of a new Cook Book, 100 ways of cooking eggs, yfs
100 ways of cooking fish, 100 desserts, all for. 4UC
The Animal "World, 500 illustrations, $1.00 value . . 75
International Stamp Album, $1.50 value t. 50d
lamp Leather Classics, gift books each . . . .55
Story of Mary McLane, special value copy
Charming Bible Stories, illustrated each .... ,;. ..$1.50
Children's Nursery Book, $1.50 value, for 69
Children's "Wonder Book, popular story-tellers.. 69
Teachers' Bible, reference, concordance copy c
All the latest Copyrighted Books on sale at-copy .1.08
Dictionaries, Dictionary Stands, Bibles, Hymnals.
Books for Boys and Girls; board-covered Books, Linen Books.
1905 Calendars immense variety, i to $15.00.
Christmas and New Year's Cards.
Cut Glass, Silverware, Cloisonne, Etc.
A Great Holiday Sale
Marvelous values in Holiday Goods in the Base
ment today Remarkable values in Cut Glass, Sil
verware, Cloisonne, Electroliers, Bronzes, Havil-
and China Take Advantage
Beautiful Cut Glass "Water Pitcher, medium c0
size, elegant cut, regular $12.50 value for, ea.p-' 7 1
Cut Glass Jelly Dishes, with or without handle, r y
beautiful cut, regular $4 value, on sale for. . 1 mSt
Cut Glass Bon-Bon Dishes, $2.00 value for, each. 1.59
3-piece Carving Sets, stag handles, sterling . A
mountings in lined case, regular $7.50 value.. 40 I
Nickel Chafing Dishes with fancy cover, very
best burner and style, regular $9.50 value, for,P
Nickel Chafing Dish' with plain cover, medium tf c
size, handsome style, regular $6.75 value, forP-7
5-o 'Clock Teakettles with wrought-iron stand,
our best $4.25 value, on sale all the week at. .P0
he "Sternau" Coffee Machine, silver lined, practical;
every housewife wants one; tor this sale
the best $10.00 style on sale for
Water Sets Pitcher and 6 glasses ; beautiful set, fLQ
regular $1.00 value; your choice for this sale. . . .O-JC
Cloisonne at 4 Off
Choose from our entire stock of Silver and Cop
per Cloisonne "Ware at 25 per cent reduction
from the regular selling prices. Beautiful speci
mens in all styles and sizes. Also remember that
our Cloisonne "Warfc isn't marked at a 200 per
cent profit. That's what you are J A
asked to pay at the Japanese stores. VII
Sale of Silverware
Sogers "1847" Cream Ladles, all pat
terns, best 75c values, on sale at...
Gravy Ladles, Rogers "1847," all pat
terns, 90c values, on sale at
Cold Meat ForksKogers "1847," gilt
bowl, regular $1.00 value, for.
50c Sugar Shells, 43. 50c Butter Knives, 43
Electroliers at ls Off
For one weekchoose from our entire stock of
Bronze Electroliers and Statuary at 33 1-3 per
cent off the regular selling prices. Magnificent
high-grade pieces in big variety; a pleasing
holiday gift for man or J
woman (Basement;
Havilaivd China Specials
Cups and Saucers, daintiest designs
75c values 62 85c values. ..... 706
90c values 72 $1.00 values 82
$L25 values. .$1.00 $1.50 values. .$1.10
"When in the Basement take note of the grand
assortment of merchandise and special values to
be found on our 10c, 15c and 25c tables.
Great $ 1 .00 Shoe Sale
Phenomenal Shoe Bargains for women, men and children
here tomorrow Our annual December housecleaning
at which time we offer the greatest shoe bargains of the
year Every person having footwear needs to supply
wDl arrange to be here bright and early in the morn
ing Lots are small you know Here are the facts
500 pairs of "Women's $2.50 and $3.00 Lace and Button Shoes,
spring heel, good styles, all sizes, marvelous 1 ff
values at pair ,. .. I vv
500 pairs "Women's Felt Juliettes, fur-trimmed, red, rf f(
green, black and brown, all sizes, great value pr. V
400 pairs of "Women's fancy leather Slippers, odds tf ff
and ends, splendid styles, $2.50 to $4 values pr v UU
200 pairs of Vici Kid 1-Strap Slippers, all sizes pair. .1.00
Odds and ends in Boys' Kid and Patent Leather Dancing Ox
fords, -also Tan and Black Nullifiers, marvelous
values for this sale at pair........... .........
Men's Felt Slippers, leather sole Men's Felt c
suppers, learner trimmed, ail sizes, pair, . . . p w
0 pairs of little gents' Lace Shoes in vlcl kid, box
calf, satin calf and kangarette" calf.
All sizes. Great values, palr-v.-. .-
60 pairs men s 53.oo congress Shoes, odd
sizes. Bad goringr,
j congress anoes, oaa qq
black kid opera. Imitation black and chocolate alli
gator, brown Kid in Everett and opera style
Sizes 6 to 11. Great special value at, pair. . . 1 Uw
Best grade flat Shoo laces, gross boxes,.
6-4. 5-4, 4-4, box ...I &I.UU
Holiday Gifts for Men jgjj
The new set for men Suspenders, Garters and Arm Elastics to match, hand
some styles, prettily done up in a novelty box; choice, 1.50 set.
The new "Heart" Suspender Silver heart attached to Suspender straps;
opens for photo, 1.50 pair.
Extra quality Japonet'Silk Initial Handkerchiefs, two for 25.
Best Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, initialed, 25 each.
Men's Handkerchiefs in all styles and grades.
The largest display of Smoking Jackets and Lounging Robes to be found in
the city.
New Full Dress Protectors, Gloves, Hosiery, Neckwear, etc.
Men's Umbrellas, Fancy Vests, Jewelry, etc., etc.
Suits, Cravenettes and Tourist Coats
Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store presents for the
coming week a formidable array of special values in Wom
en's Ready-to-Wear Garments Suits, Cravenettes and
Tourist Coats in this season's very best styles and materials
are offered at decided reductions A genuine bargain in
just the garments cold, wet weather demands 2d Floor
$27 Suits for $ 1 9.85 Each
."Women's latest-style Suits, medium and long jackets, fancy vests,
crushed velvet trimmed, plaited skirt; navy, brown, grays and
blacks ; in Cheviots, mixtures and gft q m
Broadcloths ; all sizes ; every Suit the best I g J
$27.00 value ; your choice
$32 Tourist Coats $24.85
."Women's Tan Covert Tourist Coats, strapped seams, belted back,
box plaited, velvet trimmed, with or without collar; the very
newest style garment; we've sold hun-(
dreds of them at $30.00 and $32.00 each;
your choice for this sale
$16 Crushed Plush Jackets $12.45
Women's 27-inch Crushed Plush Jackets, tight-fitting, fancy braid
trimmed and collarless; satin lined; aj A m
handsome, stylish garment that fashion I A J
demands; reg. $16 value, your, choice., m
$32.00 Cravenettes $24.45
Choose from our entire stock of $30.00 and $32.00
Cravenettes, or full-length, plaited backs;
all round belt, with or without collar; tan,
olives, Oxfords; our best $30.00 CA AL
and $32.00 values, for .p1.
$35.00 Cravenettes $28.65
All our $34.00 and $35.00 Cravenettes in this sea- S
crn 'e loarKncr cf.vloci tn-nJ OvfrtTrle nnrl nliTjnc - 3. S
or full-length styles; with or without collar;
values extraordinary tor tnis L CLEL
sale at the low price of 4IJ