THE MORNING OBEGONIAN, MONBXT, DECEMBER 5, 190 FEW SH!PS ENROUTE List Is the Smallest in More Than Twenty Years. y MARTHA ROUX REACHES PORT Steamboat Rate War on Puget Sound New York Shipping .Men Discredit North jgapific " Wheat Blockade?' ' Tho French bark Martha Roux, -which has been reported on! the mouth of the river for nearly a week, arrived In at Astoria yesterday morning -with a cargo of coal from Swansea. The arrival of this vessel brings the ll3t of grain ships In port up to a total of 14, and had the Anna not been chartered for lumber Sat urday, tho en route and in port list would have contained exactly the same number of names. There are but 15 ves sels listed to arrive for Portland and most of them are far away. The "ton nasre en route has fallen below 30,000 tons, tho smallest at any corresponding period in more than 20 years. One year ago today there was listed for Portland 44,323 tons, with 19.9G1 tons in port. Puget Sound, which has but a dozen grain ships of 25,000 tons' register now en route, one year ago, had 28,000 tons en route, and S2.000 tons In port. At that dato the coming dullness in ship ping was beginning to be felt, and two years ago today there was en route G6.00S tons for Portland and 61,201 tons for Puget Sound. On December o, 1901, the records show Portland with 12LS6S tons en route, and 46,562" tons in port, while Puget Sound was credited with 80,000 tons en route and 14,000 tons in port. These figures were the largest on record for this date. PLENTY OF SHIPS. New York Shipping Men Discredit Stories of Shortage in Tonnage. The attempt of Coast grain exporters to secure space on steam or sail vessels plying between the Pacific Coast and New York and thus relieve the strain on tho railroads Is not credited with sincer ity in New York, where conditions are misunderstood. The Journal of Com merce of November 30 has the following on the matter: Officers of the various steamship companies -lth vessels plying between Pacific Coast ports and New Tork and representative or tho largest Eastern milling Interests interviewed yesterday to some extent discredited the re ports current In this market for a week past to the effect that there are 15,000,000 or more bushels of wheat in the Northwest awaltlnc shipment to tho East, and that on account of the inadequate transportation facilities fur nished by the railroads the grain handlers had decided to utilize sailing vessels. The reports further said that an effort had been made to secure space on the steamers of the American Hawaiian Line, but it was found the steamers had all the business they could attend tb. In this connection Traffic Manager JackGon. of the American-Hawaiian Company, eald yes terday If there are large quantities of wheat la the Northwest purchased for Eastern account arl awaiting shipment the dealers and hand lers certainly are making no very strenuous effrrts to secure space on vreeeLs of our line. The facts in the case are that we have been iralle to ?cure grain cargoes for our. steal er?, and 'I am informed, "that -"sailing vessels ale 3 have been unable to get fixed. The Texan, of the American-Hawaiian Line, left Scaitle October 30. after making a vain ef fort to secure & part cargo of grain, and the Alaskan Is now en route north from Southern Ca. fornln. ports. If the grain people want f pace In her, they can have It, and welcoma to the extent of 4000 tons." Mr David B. Dearborn, one of the active members of the Maritime Exchange, pooh hooded the Idea that the grain handlers of the Northwest are looking for American sailing vessels In which to transport large quantities of grain from Seattle. Tacoma and Portland to New Tork. "For some time past," he said, T have been casting about for a cargo of grain 5000 tone for a sailing vessel now lying in the harbor of San Francisco. There are others available, I know, and steamships as well. If the dealers .want their grain trans ported to Atlantic Coast ports by the water route, all they have to do is to make known their wants. There are any number of steam and sailing vessels available." Mr. Jones, of the Hecker-Jones-Jewell Mill ing Company, said that he knew of no note worthy purchases of Northwestern wheat hav ing been made recently by Eastern milling interests which demanded quick transporta tion; he saw no reason why the dealers should not take advantage of the lower water rate and utilize steam and sailing vessels. "Of course," he said, "large quantities of the Northwestern wheat ultimately will find its way East, but so far as I can see, there Is no urgent call for it." RIGHTS OF THE STATE. Supreme Court Decides That State Officers Can Limit Licenses. The United States Supreme Court has Just handed down a. decision regarding the right of a state to enact laws for regulating pilotage. The case was brought up from Texas and the point at issue was exactly the same as that in volved, in the case of White and Smith against the Oregon Board of Sailor Boardinghouse Commissioners. The Texas pilots sought to restrain others than those licensed by the state from engaging in the business. The outside pilots brought suit on the grounds that the limiting of licenses by the board was unconstitutional, because it gave certain parties a monopoly of the business. The lower courts In Texas, as in Oregon, took this view of the matter, hut the Supreme Court reversed their decisions and up held the state law. In passing on the point where the lower courts In Texas and Oregon went wrong, Justice "White, of the United States Supreme Court said: "The contention that because the com missioned pilots, have a monopoly of the business and by combining among them selves excluded all others from- render ing pilotage services the law Is unconsti tutional Is but a denial of the authority of the state to regulate. The contention that no monopoly or combination in a legal sense can arise save from tho fact that the duly authorized agents of the state are alore allowed to perform the duties devolving upon them by law, con sldered In Its ultimate aspect, amount simply to the contention, not that the Texas laws are- void for want of power, but that they .are unwise. If an analysis of the laws justified this conclusion the remedy is in Congress and cannot be Judicially afforded by denying the power of the state to exercise its authority over a subject concerning which it has plenary power until Congress has seen fit to act in the premises." RATE WAR ON' PUGET SOUND Old Reliable Steamer Flyer Makes a Cut In Seattle-Tacoma Rates. The encroachment of the lnterurban railroad on the passenger business on Puget Sound between Seattle and Ta coma has at last provoked retaliation from the steamers plying between the two cities. The old reliable Flyer, which annually travels more miles than any other steamboat in existence, has cut the rate to BO cents for the round trip between the two cities and Is carrying large crowds. The rate on the lnter urban Is CO cents one way or 51 for tho rouncbtrlp. Tho Flyer, although she has been running on the route for more than a dozen years, continues to bfc tho marvel of the steamboat world. on Puget Sound, and no other boat that ever turned ta wheel In those waters has ever equalled her in number of miles traveled or regu larity of service. As she Is a Portland built boat, the people of this city have never lost interest In her DerformaneAs. 'and will view with regret the appearance of a craft that can beat her even In her old age. Boscowitz Towed Into Port. VICTORIA, B. C., Dec, 4. (Special!) The wrecking steamer Maude, be longing to Bullen Bros., Victoria, and the Esqulmalt Marine Railway, arrived tonight In Esqulmalt harbor towing the steamer Boscowitz, wrecked some weeks ago on Harbledown Island reef, on the north end of Vancouver Island, and purchased by Bullen Bros, at auc tion for $625. The Boscowitz has a list of 18 de grees to port and Is kept afloat by a ten-Inch pump from the Maude. She will be docked Monday and prepared for the Northern freight and passenger trade. Reached Shore Only to Die. ASTORIA, Or., Dec 4. (Special.) Passengers on the steamer Sue H. El more, which arrived from Tillamook late last evening, confirm the report that the bodies of two of the three men who left the disabled schooner Web foot In a small boat on November 21, were found on Thursday afternoon on an unfrequented portion of the beach between Necarnie Mountain and Neha lem. The bodies were dressed only In un derclothing and were lying above high water mark. Indicating that the men had been able to reach the shore but had died afterward from exhaustion and exposure. On the beach near them was the "Webfoot's boat. Steamer Athenian Is Overdue! YOKOHAMA, Dec 5. The steamer Athenian, which sailed from Victoria, B. C. Nov. 14, for Hong Kong and this port, Is vio days overdue. Domestic and Foreign Ports. ASTORIA, Or.. Dec. 4. Arrived down at midnight and sailed at 8:20 A. M. Steamer Wblttler, for San Francisco; steamer Acme, for San Francisco. Arrived at 7:20 A. M. and left up at 9:30 A. M. Steamer Aberdeen, from San Francisco. Sailed at 8:20 A. M. Schooner Honolulu, for Shanghai! schooner Makuhona, for San Pedro. Arrived, at 10 A. M. French bark Martha Roux. from Swansea. Condition of the bar at S P. M., smooth; wind east; weather, cloudy. San Francisco, Dec 4. Arrived Spokane, from Port Gamble. TERMS GIVEN ADDICKS. Settlement With Receiver of Bay State Gas Company. WILMINGTON, Del., Dec 4. The terms of the settlement of the case of George Wharton Pepper, receiver of the Bay State Gas Company, against J. Ed ward Addlcks and other officers of the company for an accounting of stock Is sued by them, were learned here tonight from an authoritative source. According to the terms of settlement, Mr. Addlcks and the directors of tho company re turned to Receiver Pepper 1,021,250 shares of the 1,500,000 shares, with a par value of $75,000,000, which were alleged to have been Issued unlawfully. For tho remaining 478,750 shares the de fendants are to pay the receiver $48,254, which is the amount realized by the de fendants from the sale of the stock In the open market. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. O. F. Paxton, accompanied by Mrs. Paxton, leaves today for- a two weeks' business trip to New York. Arthur F. Warde, advance representa tive for Florence Roberts, arrived In tho city yesterday to pave the way for his star's visit to the Marquam Grand for a week, commencing next Monday night. Miss Roberts will present a varied reper toire, including "Zaza," "Tcss of the D'Urbervilles," "The Adventure of Lady Ursula," ".Marta of the Lowlands" and Ibsen's "A Doll's House." NEW YORK, Dec 4. (Special.) North TONNAGE EN ROUTE AND IN PORT Vessels Chartered or Available for Grain Cargoes From the Northwest. FOR PORTLAND Flag and rly. Name. Master. May 26 July 1. July 15 July 22 Aug. 14 Sopt. 30 ICarl Uer. ship Br. ship Ger. ship Hashagen Fraser ionsaaie Chrlstel Wurthmaa Eugenie Fautrel Henrletto Pythomene Alice ft. hark Le Huede Denkela Ger. shin Br.4 ship Ger.ship Gr. 6hip Splncy Relmers Oregon Hashagen England, Thistle nr. narK Fr. bark La Fontalno Plnmore Haumorit Br. bark Jones Humphreys B runnings Gezary ICarnedd Lewellvn Br. ship Ger. bark Ft. bark Dan. brk 1 Magdalene Turgot Princess Marie Total tonnag en route and listed, 27,842. GRAIN' TONNAGE -Flag and rig. Name. Master. Aug. 29 Dumfriesshire Sept. 17 Ruthwell Sept, 29 Nomia Oct. 3 Oweeneo Oct. 14 Glaucus Oct. 28 Langdale Oct. 29 Europe, Oct. 29 JS. Celeste Nov. 10 IDunreggan Nov. lOiNauarchos Nov. 12 Jules Gommes Nov. 24JHolt Hill Nov. 29JV. de Mulhouse Dec 4fMartha Roux Br. bark Fernaux Br. oark Honeyman Ger. bark nasselman Burchell Crystal Jones Rollier Maresco Br. ship Br. ship Br. ship Fr. bark It. ship Br. bark Smith Ger. barklAr. fmann Fr. ship Bandry Parker Cannevet Gamier Br. bark Fr. bark Fr. bark Total tonnage In port, 23,127. GRAIN TONNAGE EN Flag and rig. Nam. July 3 Aug. 6 Oct. 10 Sept, 17 Aug. 22 Aug. 9 Oct. 22 Sept. 15 Oct. 28 Nov. 15 Sofala iBr. bark CoL Vbols Mareuil Fr. bark Auld Zuiemper Lyderhorn Br. bark Williams Eurasia Dimsdale Socoa Br. ship- Hughes nr. sniD Fr. ship Br. ship Br. bark Ger. ship Fr. ship Br.bark Br. bark Br. bark isvans Daudry I Cedar bank Batcneior Cromblo Muller Louvet Moulton Amberman Houghton (Inveramsay Andre Theodore Pegasus Tamar Haddon Hall Total tonnage on route and listed, 24.S26. GRAIN TOJiXAGE Flag and rig. Kerne. Master. Sept. 26 Dunfermline July 31 Dunstaffnage Aug. 26 Engelhorn Sept. 27 Bertha Sept 7 Falklandbank Oct. 11 Ed. Detallle Oct. 15 Ancona OcL 21 Sokota Nov. njDavld Anglers Nov. 19T. de Auvergne Dec 2 IMuskoka Br. snip Br. bark Br. bark Ger. ship Br. ship Fr. bark Br. bark Br. ship Fr. bark Fr. bark Br. bark Woodward Forbes Levitt Helneke Bobbins Drlllet Bobbins Burke Le Carre Frauguel McDonald Total tonnage In port, 22,99C western, people register at New York ho tel today as follows: Seattle F. B. Chandler, at the Astor; J. F. A. Strong and wife, at the Victoria; R, J. Chase, at the Imperial. NEW YORK, Dec 4. George Ade, the playwright, who has been ill at the Hol land House for several days, was much Improved today and expects to bo out tomorrow. BOSTON. Dec 4. Prince Fushlraa of Japan spent Sunday in his apartments. Tonight he entertained a few Boston friends at an informal dinner, among those present being President Eliot, of Harvard. AT THE HOTELS. THE PORTLAND. E H McCune. Albany R D Spencer, Chicago I R Knighton. do O G WInhelm. do W H Wood & wfe, Aberdeen E S Harrison & wfe Nomo J H Schweley. OlymJ L Van Orden. Seattle F T George. Arlngton J O Vltter, Milwaukee A F Warde. N Y T M McHale, Chicago a f weaver. Indiana R R Mllllken. Pttsburg E N Brlggs, SaglnawJM Welsol, Minneapolis J H Seeley. Silver B F A Murcheeon. Illlna W B Pevk & wfe. N Y W H Irvine, St Paul v i wood. co u c swing, seatue B G Bodlghelmer. SlmjC E Kuhn. Ilwaco F B Thayer, St Paul J B Kllppatrlck. Chxo A Dunbar. Astoria T H Curtlss. Astoria W F Buckingham. Chg E N Coyne, N Y G K Patterson, Fennsy B S Adams & wfe. Cgo G E Goule. Seattle Mrs J H Seeley, B C E S Bllllngharo. B C t iTTeman. Seattle C H Verillns. S F R C Smith. Skagway '.Mrs W G Fritz & son. Chicago THE PERKINS, A Newell, McMInnvllC W Wilson. Nome B S Olsen. Little FUsfE K Gowdy, Eugene C P Calles, Paris. Mo J E Williams. Tacom Mrs Calles. Paris Mrs Fenton, Portland B Kaughlln, T Dalles' H Rosenberg, Minnpls; W N Ferrln, For Gro Mrs J A Gclsendoffer, the Dalles Mrs J W French. The Dalles. Or Mrs E H French, The Dalles. Or J 8 Rabb. Kelso. Wn Mrs K&bb, Kelso, wn C H Overlngton, S F A S Locke, Indepndco Alfred O Byrd, Denver Mrs Byrd, do M Bird. do M K Byrd, . do R B McDonald. McM James Keane. N Y Mrs A Heywood. Hills C E Moulton, Tacoma H Hcnsen, La Grand Hrs Hensen, La Gran F Vroman Cora Hawley, Grass VjP B Vantress. Tlllara Grant Hawley. G V C C Haynes. For Grv Geo Thurman. Rood house. Ill Emll J Nyman. Asto C C Tlckner. Portlnd Jas Nelson, Pendletn J C Christiansen. El A B Stanley. Lone Rk John Moffett. Lone R gin W H Lucas. Lone Rk H B Howatt, Astoria R W Glosteln, city C L Fenton. Vancouv A M Powell. Valdes A V Andrews. La Gr E M Eversoll, Joseph O C Eversole, Joseph N Sellg. Myrtle Creek Mrs Sellg, Myrtle- Ck W T Kerr, Coqullle C B Robert. N Y M T Nolan. T Dalles Mrs L Rice, Wal Wal W Rennenshlp, San Fi P Windier. San Fran J E Webb. Wal Wal Mrs Webb, Wal Walla H S McGoWan, McGn A J McCallum. w W J T Brown, Colfax Mrs Brown. Colfax Mrs A C Peterson, Alton. Wash Mrs Peterson, Alton Master Peterson, Altn Lew Smith, Blng hampton THE IMPERIAL. A L Brown, Salem B C Brooks, San Fran Li A Carter, So Portld W B Howalt. San Frn J E Presnell, Newberg Mrs W E Famsley. Tacoma John Bush, Alaska J H Harris, Corvallls A a ray ao n. city Mamie A Ward, Her- llner J E Clark, Seattle Mrs C Cleaver, Prairie City J I Love, Grand Rap Robt Forster, Pendltn C G Messlnger ana wf, Michigan D C Brownell. TJmatll H R DeLaplaln. Taco, F L Poole, Pendleton E E Dunbar. Wolf CkC B Porter and faro, R H La Croix. Salemj San Francisco Cal Truesdale, Salem T A McBrlde, Ore City Alta Roberts, MnnplsJJ N GrlflUTn, Astoria THE ESMOND. D Castle. Dallas E Wrenn. Seattle J T Atkinson. Spokn Mrs H L Freeman, Toledo J P Howes," Eugeno Mrs Atkinson, Spokn H J Howard. Ashland Mrs Howard, Ashland M Brlscom, Cairo. Ill J Tillman, Astoria J Carty. Rtdgefleld Mrs Tillman, Astoria H H Cole, Astoria N Thompson. Salem Mrs Thompson, Salem Mrs Cole, Astoria, Or Mary Thompson. S&lm W J Campbell. Corral A Olsen, Deep River W Johnson, PleasantV C Black,. Eufaula G A Taylor, Holbrook N A Jackson. Holbrok J Johnson, Holbrook Mrs Johnson, Pleasnt M Murphy, Salem B Murphy. Salem F Brown, Frankfort C G Young, Oak Point C White, Ostrander S Phllllppl. Stayton W B Wing. Eugene C Chose. Castle Rock J O Banks, Seattle W C Mltret. Oak Pt B C Turner. Carrolton J W Hobbs, Eugene C Divine. Toledo Mrs Divine, do Miss Divine, do J Divine, do C Conklin. Omaha Mrs Conklin. Omaha E B Blaine, Spokane Mrs Blaine, do H Snyder, do Mrs Snyder, do Mrs Hanson. Astoria Geo Smith. Goble H Brown, Goble P A Courtney, Oswego H Jacobson, Astoria R Watson, Oswego Mrs Jacobson. Astoria J Godwin. Spokane Hilda Jacobson, AstolG W Browning, Spok B Ruggett, Tacoma L a weicn. Rainier Tacoma Hotel. Tfeceasa. American plan. Bates, $3 and up. Hotel Donnelly, Tacom. Flrst-clacs restaurant in connection. Con signees. From. 1316' Hamburg Shields 1931 Glrvln Girvln 16S3 157 169S Shields 143! 17051Hamburg 129 Balfour 1G47I Antwerp 1001 1755! Antwerp 69 Taylor Hull Hamburg Hamburg Antwerp Hull 1775 Meyer Meyer Balfour 21S2 173S 2286 Meyer 160SAcapulco 26SGJ Hamburg 1772Antwerp 1288Guaymas IN THE RIVER From. Agents or Charterers. Berth. 4S3IS wansea Disengaged Baltour Disengaged Mtgmy. 2 Stream Mtgmy. 1 Holmes Elevator Astoria Mtgmy. 2 O. & C Newcastle Shields 1921 2334 Newcastle Disengaged1 1909 Antwerp Disengaged Balfour 1SS9 2070 iiongay Hobart jCntwern Kerr N.W.W.Co. 1606 1477 (Newcastle Disengaged Coal bkrs 2TS6 Disengaged Astoria Mersey Stream Stream Astoria 1902 Hull Ken Oceanic 2269 Hamburg 2429! 1592) Hamburg Swansea Disengaged Disengaged I ROUTE TO PUGET SOUND Master. From. Con signees. 21601 Cardiff Antwerp Hamburg London Antwerp Dunkirk Liverpool Antwerp Antwerp Cardiff Hamburg Rotterdam Guayaquil 17321 2C87 1742 1779 1826 2G3 1321 1C70, 1675 243S 1949 1332 OS PUGET SOUND From. Agents or Charterers. Berth. (2773;h.hangnal Disengaged) Tacoma Disengaged Tacoma Disengaged' Victoria 31231 iiiogo 23741 Fusan 2613Rotterdam 17SliGlasgow uisengagea Seattle Vaacouvr Tacoma Victoria 172S! Newcastle E P.F.M.Ca Disengaged Disengaged N.W.W.Co, Disengaged Disengaged 2570! Callao 2193 Hong Kong Hamburg Lelth Hamburg P. Town', tf79 Seattle Tacoma Seattle. 1732! 228 ADVERTISED. Free delivery of letters by carriers at the residence of owners may be secured by ob aervlng the following rules: Direct plainly to the street and number of the house. Head letters with the writer's full address. Including 'street and number, and request answer to be directed accordingly. Letters to strangers Or transient visitors In the city, whose special address may be unknown, should be marked In the left-hand corner, "Transient." This will prevent their being delivered to persons of the. same or similar names. Persons calling for these letters will please state date on which they were advertised, December S, They will be charged for at the rate of 1 cent for each advertisement called for. MEN'S LIST. American Cash Grocery Anderson, A Anderson, C Anderson. Charley Aratte, A H Avery, Ed Baker, C M Baker. Doc Wood Baker & Baker Ballentlne Barleben, Ernst Barger. Beth A Barrett, Prof B J McGann, F d McGary Co., J D-2 McGarry. W R McHolland. J A McKellops. C M KlnneL Robert K McLean, Wm McLeod. J J McNaughtOn, D T Mack, Wm Maley. Frank Manning. D Mann, Mr William Marsow, George Bateman, Pacific Marshall, All Nursery c Seed Co Markharn, James H Beardsley, Wm J-2 Marshell. Warren Bennlck. E J Martin, C Aney Bingham. Mr and Mrs Maybee, B R. M Meek. Attorney Blumenthal. Godfrey Meagher, Michel Bogdanovlch. Anton Mengle. Joseph Boric. Albert Mlms. Alec Bortner, Arthur E Bowon, Blrdla Braun, Henry Braun. H Brandt, E & J W Brlttan, Jack Srowden. J A Brooks, W T Brookes & Co., J BUell, Alfred Bulen, G F Burchardt, Geo Burnett. E F Butcher, Wm E Butler, Leo Campbell, Clyde VD Cairo ody. Frank Carson, J Castleman, W A Champlln, Arthur Chance, John Chicago Artificial Limb Co Chrlstxaan, Wm Clark, G W Clark, .W J . . . . Cllne, Horace Code, J G Colvln, Harmon Coleman, James R Conley, A 8" Cornelleus, Art Corbett; Wllliam-2' Couch. H C Craushaw. Edward Godfrey Crane, Charles D Crelghton, J V Crooks, Vlllard Cronnse!L P Crolse, T J Dalrymple, J J. . Danlelson. G Davison. Leslie E Davis. Geo Mlckelson, James A Miller. B H Miller. Ed Miller. E Miller, T L Miller, Horace Miller. P Mitchell. H Mock. John Mocsn. B Moon, James Moore, J J Morrow, J E Morfltt. Frank Morrison. Dr J R Morse, R A Mosher, Leslie S Multnomah Boating Works Muller. Edward W Murphy." J J Myers, Edward Meyer, John Michaels, W E Nystrom. Peter National Candy Co Nass. Job Nentland. Henry Nelson,. F M Nelson. Frank Nelson. Peter NHL E W Gpenhlmer Okerbloom. "Wjn A Occidental Oyster Co Ogden, S X Oliver Baking Co Olson. John' Orumel, R J Oriental Rug Co Orton. Chester Oregon. Wood Co Oregon Art Astociai tion Oregon Land Co Dement Bros Co OtKeefe, RJchard Dalmas. A E De -St O'Neill, Wm H Deverell, D Pflfter Edward Dickinson. -C Lester Dillon. Charles Dill, Western Dover, Wm H Drak. Kanath Drapler, Will H Drake. F P Dutton. L L Dunbar, A Eaton, Bert Easter, C F Ellsworth, Wm K Elliott, F Ellis. George Engle. C L Erlckson Fuel Co Eveanbrack. C H Erlcksson, Erik Evening Times Evans, Harry B Falrley, C B Fokas, Wolf Fyle..IC Padgram, H F Palmer, J W Palmer, Hal 8 Paris Art Company Parker, Leslie ' Patterson, C A Powr. F M Payne, Frank J Peterson. Frank J Peterson. Gust Plttie. J S Polettl, Glacomo ,Poynes. J C 'Portland Commission Co Portland Nursery Co Powell, J Pugh, Earl Host, F C Rein. George Regan, Fred-3 Regain. James Fennler, Ad Ferguson. Fred and Beynolas & Busa Frank Rice. R F Fitzgerald. F J Flattmann, H F Franklin, Chas F Freldrich. Oliver Gay, E H Gahras, W J Garnett, A J Geisler. Christian Richmond. Geo Richardson, Ed Rleder. F S Riding, G M Rlnehart. C O Robinson, Frank Robinson, A Lloyd Robinson, Richard Rodger. Andy German Exhibit of World's Fair. MngrBoWo: 'Mr- Geary, George A . Romany Oil Company Gibbons, Willie itosen, Viktor Raycraft, Mr Rule, Hary Rufe; Henry Bymon. Frank Sanborn. C M Glbblsh, Jos Oilman, Herbert Glllennater. Kemp GUssner, Jos Golden, T Gorm, B G Sanaerson, Peter German VUlaxo Exno- Schollne. Peter sltion. Manager sears uu Co., Lewis Griffith, Jeff Shannon. Harry Gunderson. Gundcr Hable. John Hall, D G Hamm. James bnarp, Herman Shaw, Robert Shireman. Howard Shoemaker. Roy Hammersley. Charles Shoot. H E S Shoemaker, A T Hamilton. Mr and MrsSIsco, Frank J A Simons. Willie Simpson. Claude Simpson. Mr and Mrs Smlthson. Charles C Small,. H A Smith.' Aaron Smith, Earl Smith. J E Smith. J H-2 Smith, Walter V Smith, W T Snyder. Dr O W Sorensen, John Spauldlng. Zephanlan S Stahl. BenJ T Stamm, Roy Stanberry. Sol SteeL M O Stevens. Joe Stephson. L H Stlrrltt, James Stone, Geo Stone. Lee-2 Stralley. C F S trade. J 8 Sundman. John Hamilton, Jeffe Hamilton, W Hamilton. J D Handly, Jos Hants, Grover Hansell. C W Hansen, Valdemar Hardy, A Harmon. David A Harris, William Harvey, E J Harvey, Eugene Hayes, C E Hendrlx, Thomas Herrmann. C O Herrmann. F Hicks. Dr R C Hilton, James Jllxson, Harry H Holley, Luther Hopkins. Orvllle Havell. T Howells Howard, Henry A Hudon, Robert Hughes. Joe J Hunt, D A Hurbert, J C Husser, Louis Huton. F W Ihlefeld, Hermann Irvine, R C Jacharia. A. N Jenny, Christian Johnson, Carl Jones, Charley Khan. Slrbelaird Kasklc. Frajlk Katterfeld, Jul Keating. A B Keefe. John Kelt. M Kern. Rev J J Kinsella, Ed KInsella. E P Kunz. H Knight, Frank Kowalsk, Tuzep Krueger. Ferdlnend Laggtala, Francesco LayFette. Louies Lam'ler, M Larson, Eskil Latrell, James P Lauler, Jack Leisure, M Lester, Clcvo Levltch. H Lewis, Elen A Little, A G Littler. Guy Lltzenberg, Don Long, Joseph Looney, C P Supt of Plaster Deco ration Exposition Swanson, 8 Sweeney, P J Taccarine. Amelio Tuning, A Taylor. John I Taylor, Richard Thomas. J C Thompson, E Thompson, Chas Thompson, Louis Thompson, Wm Tuner. H J Urslch. Juroy Universal Library As sociation Urtlg. Wm V Van Meter, Henry van iiouten. C B Van Winkle. L E Wagner, H Walker. Mr and Mrs Geo L Wasso, G E Watts A M Watson, X P Weber, B C Welnhold, Robert Wells. Frank West. J H-2 Wetmore We.trel, E H Wlekel. W A Wlbcrg. F Emll Wllklns, H Williams, Walter Wilson, J Love, Lewis Wilson, J O Luster, Jr. Richard Wilson, R J Mitchell, J H Wilson, T H Wougan, J M Wolvertcn. James Wood, Frank McClalne. A F McClellan, James-3 McCloud McDanlels. F A Wright, W Mackachern, John N Tama. George McElroy. B-2 Toung, E B .WOMEN'S LIST. Akin. Miss Jessie Luttrell, Mrs S J Addlngton. Mrs S Lutes. Mrs R Adams, Mrs W S McCarthy, Mrs Flossy Alma, Miss Zola McGinn. Miss Edna Anderson. Miss' Mar- McHyntire, Mrs Graca gurette Mackentlre, Mrs Geo Anderson. Mrs Mabell Mcay, Miss Maud Apford. Louise McLood, Miss -Marga- Atklnson. Mrs J F ret Banbler, Miss S L Macifurry, Mrs J E Bailey, Mrs Mary Mack, Miss Frances V Mahler, Miss Myrtle Balx, Miss Hilda Barrows. Miss Nora Mai lory, Mlas Barrett, Mrs P Malay. Mrs Barton, Mrs Rosa Basey. Mrs Sarah Bernaich, Mrs Berry. Mrs G F Marshall. Mrs L E Martelle. Mrs M Marsh, Mrs Mary Matheson, Mrs Walter May, Mrs John M Merrills. Mrs Mary Miller, Mrs Blanche B Miller. Miss Rosle Moody. Mrs Stella Moore, Mrs H Moore, Miss Mary B Morris. Miss E-2 Morse. Mrs Llnnle Mountalne, Miss Louisa Brand e, Helen O Brook. Mrs J H Brown, Helen Brown, Mrs Jas Brown. Mary Brown, Zolma. Bruce, Ida Buck, Mrs Wm Buckland, Mrs Ray Butler, Mrs Flora-2 Butsche. Mrs Geo Munro, Mrs May Carpenter, Mrs Alex- Murray, Miss Wanda ander Meyer. Miss Hilda Carmfck, Mrs M A Carl. Mlts Agness Carter. Miss Vattle Meier, Mrs David Nelson. Mrs S D Newman. Miss Birdie Nolan. Miss Bessie Cleopen. Mrs T7 H ChamberUn. Miss Hat-Nolan. Mrs tie Opperman. Miss fM- Chamberlain, Miss sle Alma Ohlin. Mrs Hulda A B Chamberlain, Miss M Osborn. Mrs Charley Etta 0Conell. Miss Anna Childs. Mrs Belle Page, Mrs Churchman, Miss Parry, Miss Llssle Nora 1-2 Payne, Mrs u b Pemberton. Miss Claire Pennlnger, Mrs Plvlne, Miss Elseela Clark, Mrs Jennie Close. Mrs Delia L Coffey, Mrs R A Cole, Mrs Mollle Pierce. Mrs D z Consor. Miss GertrudePearce. Mrs C L Conner. Mrs M C Phelps, Mrs Council, Miss Mary Polrllt, Mrs Paul Conley, Luella Poynter. Miss Lena Courtney. Mrs W Porter. Miss Alta Custtis. Miss GensvenePotter, Mrs Jos Cox. Miss Emily Power. Mrs Ed Crlgler, Miss Jossle Powel. Mrs Lizzie Cruzan, Miss Ethel Purser, Mrs Ellen Craven. Mrs C Pullen. May Crawford. Miss B Qullty. Mrs Crelghton. Miss Allc Quackenbush, Mrs Crook Mrs Elizabeth Monroe Cumins, Miss Ethel Curri. Miss Hallle Race. Mrs Lottlo Handle, Laura Ray. Miss Jennie Recauiner. Allco Ruckert. Mrs Ena A RIggs. Mrs A W Roberts. Theresla Ross, MrsjE Roth. Alice . Strives. Mrs L 8 van, Mrs In grid Svansson, Miss Jennie Telsal. Miss Bella Devlney, Mrs M Dlsque. Miss May Edwards. Mrs F E Elswlck, Mrs Sadie Emlow, Mrs James Dean Evlnger, Miss Ella Fensler. Mrs Chas Fennell, Miss Lena Fields, Miss Gertrude Svenston. Mrs HilmaP Zella Sabln, Mrs Pearl Flnnlcan. Mrs Ladd Saylor. Mrs B B FIshback. MIm Rose Scrivener. Mrs W J Fisher, Mrs D Scamp. Mrs Maggie Forlls. Miss Mabel Sohuring, Miss Myrtle Ford. Mis Jennie Schulmerlck, Miss Frye, Miss Maude Joclo Selwood, Mrs Nelll 8 Fraser. Mrs M E Fraud,. Miss Retta M sxt0,n ,M" MoJLH2 7n-h Mr. t.i Shank. Mrs A E-2 FUpper, Miss Jessie Shoemaker, Miss Ma Gamln, Mrs James H Olbhardt, Mary L Shortelle. Miss Hattic Goodlson, Miss Emer- S,' . . T , geDe Simmons. Miss Jennie Goodwin. Mrs Agnes f.lmn, Grant, Mrs "Mary P Jmon' H 8 Grant. Mrs Nora w Grosvenor. Miss JallafP""'TrM R Q run. Mrs Lna-2 Sl?lth Mrs. May Greg- 5oTmond MW W11IUm TT.Tn.'n nn t Denlng Harasll. Miss Laura Hamilton, Mrs A N Hawhaw, Mrs 'J Hayhurst, Miss Etta Hersh'lef.' Miss Eva Hewitt. Mrs N Hess, Miss E M He 6s, Mrs Susan Hlgglns, Mrs J J Hill. "Sirs Herman Hill, Mrs Denoyer Hinckley, Mrs Mary Sotzen. Miss Laura Sorenson, Miss Blanche Spalding, Mrs Jennie Spencer, Miss Annl St Clair, Miia C Stevenson. Miss Zella Stiles, Miss Mabel Swlnk, Miss Ella Suartz, Mrs Harry Sullgar, Mrs Tanlsch. Marie HOimes, Mrs. Rosle ?lnV?' M nms Jacobs. Miss Claudia Thompson, Mrs A E Tlllotten. Mrs J Truax, Mrs Le Roy Turman. Mrs Fanny Tuft, Miss Cora Turner, Miss Mabel linger, Mrs Van Zandt, Mrs Frances Wallace. Mrs Jo sephine Walsh. Miss J F Jackson, Mrs C Jackson. Mary Jackson, Mrs Lilly Jasper, Mrs Nettle Johnson, Tina Jones, Mlas Edytha Jones. -Mrs F D Jones, Miss Mabel Kelly, Mrs F T Kelly, Miss Harriet Kenney. Miss Llllle Kennedy, Mrs G W "8en?f n ?ofla B Wclnrick. Miss Emms 1:, ' . i . " Biting, Miss Agnes Kruger. Mis Jennie-white Mrs M Kurtll. Mies Emma White. Miss Mabel u""uu. -anas win- Wiggins, Mrs rude Williams. Mrs Mary Laning, Miss Eleanorewilson. Margaret laoo. miss Loia Wilson. Miss Cella Leatherraan, Mrs Winans. Miss B Frank Wood, Mr Sylrla Lenhort. Miss Ida Wright. Mrs E B Leonard. Mrs Lizzie Toung. Mrs Katie A Link, Miss Violet J Tounge, Mrs Georry Lucas, Mrs E A PACKAGES. Ausmussen, A Moon, Mrs W H Bain. R Miller, Mrs C L Calvin. Harmon McGary. J D & Co Carlson, Oscar Stewart, Mrs Chas Crane. Charles D Short. Glenn Drlskell, William Von Blum, Prof Rich England. Stanford ard Lino. . Miss Williams. Chas 3 M. F. G. Co . Wiser, J JOHN W. MINTO. P. M. Those unhappy persons who suffer from nervousness and dyspepsia should use Carter's Little Herve Pills, ly for this class. made expreas- 1 "I rather like to meet this fellow," said Golden Gate, "It's so easy to make hlrn see stars and planets, too' Notklt iees with GOLDEN OATS COFPEE bat fisfactloa. Tim aris ae ctatoai-ao crockery. 1 aad 2 lb. iroaa. tight Urn; Hm-rmt Bald la balk. J. A. Folger SL Co. Xstafclialaad lalf & Cmtrar San Francisco TEETH SPECIAL CUT RATES ! Boston Painless Dentists 'Art now Eivinsr their annual CUT RATE PRICES on all dental work. The charges arn less than college prices, and all work done by our painless sys tem and by specialists of 12 to 20 years experience. NO STUDENTS EMPLOYED. TEETH extracted, filled or crowned absolutely without pain by our scr preparation applied to the gumz. TEETH iTHOUTWEs PKIAUI, Extracting Free. Examinations lYe. Surer Fillings 35cGo!a Fillings 75 Geld CroTras ...S3.00fnll Set Teeth. . .3.t ALL WORK GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEARS. Have your teeth extracted without pain and replaced with new ones the ame day. Come in at once and take advantage of low rates. Be sure you are in the right place. Boston Painless Dentists Fifth ui Xerrlcea streets. Entrance 291 Morison Street. .Largest Dental concern In the world. Blaster. Mrs Mattle 9v Dr. W. Norton Davis IN AWEEK W treat successfully all prlrate nervoua aad chronic diseases of zaeo. algo blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. W eur SYPHILIS (without mercury) to stay cured foravr, la ao to 00 cays. We remov STRICTURE, without operation or pain, la 16 cajra. W stop drains, the result of self-abuse. Im mediately. We can restore the sexual vigor of any man under Su. by means of local treatment peculiar to ourselves. WE CURE GONORRHOEA lUTKEK Tab doctors of this institute ar all rtgular graduates, have had many years' experience, have been known In Portland for 15 years. hav a reputation to maintain, and will undertake so case unless certain cure can be effected. We guarantee a cure In avnr caas wo under take or charge no te.. consultation free. Let ters confidential. Instructive BOOK FOR MEN- mailed free In plain wrapper. It you cannot call at offlce. writ for questlos blank. Home treatment successful. Offlce bourn 0 to 6 and 7 to 1 Sundays aad holidays, 10 to 12. Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. Offices la Van-Noy Hotel. 024 Third st. cor. Pise. Portland. Or. HAND vSAPOLIO It ensures an enjoyable, invigor ating bath; makes every poro respond, removes deed skin, ENERGIZES THE WHOLE BODY starts the circulation, and leaves ft glov equal to a Turkish bath. ALL GROCERS AND DRUGGISTS Humors Cur&d with liar Art a. Soap. SkinHealth (oint ment) and Sltinllealth. Tablets. A posl tire aad speedy cure for every ltchlcg. burning, scaly, bleeding, crusted, pimply and blotchy humor, with loss of hair. Produces clear, bril liant, healthy skin and pure, rich, red blood. GKNHEALTSJ 1 Tposimont 7 So mm consists of HarflnaSoap,25c.,medIcated,antl septic; SkinHcaItb(olnt.).25c..toBlll germs, heal the skin, and Skinllealtb. Tablets, SSc, to expel humor germs. All druggists. Harfinn Soap for the Complexion. for pimples, blackheads, redness, roughness, chaf ing, chspplag, rough hands. Nothing will gir such a speedy cure. 2Sc. 3 cakes, Ooc. Send 6c. postage for Free Samples and booklets to PHILO HAY CO... NEWARK. N. J. , "WOOD ARD, CLARKE! & CO., Fourth aad Washington. The Terrible Skin Scourge Itching, Burning Bleeding Wteplng, Crusting, Scaling. Little babies most afflicted. No sleep, no rest .front SKINHEALTH-yCL TREATMENT jQm rr..!.f n,f Trii-lTi lnan. medicated, antisep I tic: Sltlahcalth (olnU. to kill humor germs, i feeai the skin and stop Itching, and Sklnhealtl Tablets, to expel lurnor Kerms. MLLTI- ETUDES OFMOTirERSrelyonSIrfnhealth; I treatment with liar fin a. Soap for lmmedUteiy relieving ana quicxiy curing an itiaua oi lug humors from infancy to old age. for beauti fying the ekta and hair, soothing all irritations sad for many antiseptic uses. Druggists. AVOODARD, CLARKE fc CO., Fourth and AVashlairton. 0MMISSIGH GRAIN and STOCK BROKERS Wc Charge No Interest for Carrying Long Stock General Office S buying MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. X. K. Aides, Correspondent, Room 2, "Ground Floor, Chamber of Commerce. TRAVKT.KR.V GUIDE. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY SISSoS PORTLAND to THE DALLES FYi : Regulator Line Steamers U'.IT (EXCEFT SDNDAT) 7 LU, Direct ltn for MoCetfs. St. Martin's and Collins Hot Springs. Connecting at Lyla, Waan.. with Columbia River & Northern Ky. Co.. for Goldenuale and Klickitat Valley pojaU. Landing foot of Alder street. Phono ilain 014. S. M'JJOXALD. Agent. For South -Eastern Alaska rav ndub i yucK. u, oi. J2rwiVij tAi l VBoB i InmWT- Tiar. 17 vim. Tino anil Rttlrnl- PAMflVl reel): both vessels making reg- 5" ular S. E. Alaska ports of call; cottage City calls at Vancouver: Ramona CALLS AT VICTORIA. FOR VANCOUVER. CITY OF SEATTLE leaves Seattle Tuesdays, Thursdays. Sundays, 10 P. M.; call at Everett and Belllngham. Steamers connect at San Francisco with com pany' steamers for ports In California. Mex ico and Humboldt Bay. For lurther Informa tion obtain folder. Rlcht la reserved to change steamers or sailing date. TICKET OFFICES. Portland 240 Washington st. Seattle ..113 James at. and Uoek San Francisco ...10 Market st. C. D. DUNANN, Gen. Pass. Agt, 10 Market St.. San Francisco. EQZEMM I .XXAVEXKB& GUXDK. 0.I.&N Shoj$- Line am Union Pacific 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullman standard and tourist slee lng-cars dally to Omaha. Chicago. Spokaat; tourist aleeplng-car dally to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping-car (person ally conducted) weekly to Chicago. Reclining chair-car (seats free) to the Out daUy. UNION DEPOT. Leaves. Arrives. CHICAGO-PORTLAND 0U5 A. M. 5:23 P. M. EFEC1AL tor th Sasl Dally. EaUy -via Huntington. SVOfcJLM FLli&K. u;is f. M. 30 A. 1U for iUitern Waauisz- Daily. Daily, toe. aua Walla, Lew liion. Coeur a'Aiacc and Great Northert; polnta. ATLANTIC KXPP.Ebi. j:i5 p. M. THoZmT for tho East via Hunt Dally; Dally, lug to a. RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR ASTORIA and S:CO P. M. 6:00 P. M. way points, connecting Dally. Dahy. wlta oteamer for Ilwa- except except co aad North Ucaca Sunday. SuniUjr. steamer Hassalo. Ash- Saturday. street dock (water per.) 10:00 P'. M. FOK DAYTON, Ore- 7 :w A. it. JUJO V. M, goa City and yamhili Dally, Dally, Klver points steamers except except Modoc and Ruth. Asa- Sunasy. Suad&r. street dock (water per.; . FOR LEWISTON. 1:40 A. M. About Idaho, and way points .Daily. j:00 P. M. xrom Rlp&ria, Wash., except except- teamen Spokane am. Saturday. Friday; - Lewlston. Telephone Main 712. SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND S. S. CO. For San Francisco, every Ave days Irora Ainaworth dock S. S. Geo. "W. Elder. Dec 2. 12; S. S. Columbia. Dec. 7, 17. Sailings from Alnsworth dock. 8 P. M. . PORTLAND ASIATIC S- S. COMPANY. For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling, at Kobe. Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamers for Manila. Port Ar thur and Vladivostok; S. S. Numantla, Dec. $: S. S. Arabia. Dec. 31. For freight and further particulars apply to JAMES H. DEWSON. Agent. Telephone Main iUS. Upper Alaska Dock. EAST m SOUTH Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. OVERLAND E0C PKts TRAXNS for balem, iioso- 8:50 P. M. 7:25 A. II, burg, Ashiuad. tio- trancuco. iiojave, Loa Augclctf, l fazo. New urleaas Una the Kast, S30A. 1L Morning train con 7:10 P. M. nects at Woodburt. daily except sun cay) wltn train tos Mount Angel, silver. ion, iirowmsvuu, Springfield, Wend- fucg and Natron. HS0O P. M. 10:10 Ju M, Albany passenger connecu at Wood- turn with Jdt. Ang and Sllvertoa los!. Corvallls passenger. Sheridan passenger. 7:50 A. M. K4 Z0 P. M. 3:30 P. iL 118:25 A. i- Dally. 11 Daily, except Sunaay. PORTLAND-OSWEGO SUBURBAN SERVICE AND YAMHILL DIVISION. Leave Portland dally tor Oswego t 7:30 A. M 12:50. 2:05. 3:25. 5:2o. B:23. 1:46. 10:10 P. M" Dally, except Sunday, 5:30. tf:30, S:33. 10:25 A. M., :w. l-"30 P. M. Sunday, oUiy. 0 A. M. Returning from Oswego arrlv Portland dally g;3() v.. x:o3, 3:03. 4:3S, 0:13. Ti3, 0:53, 11-10 P. H Dally except Sunday. e:23. 7:23, 9-30 10.20. 11:-13 A. M. Excapt Monday, 12:23 m Sunday ouly, lo:0o A. M. Leave from aamo depot tor Dallas and inter, mediate points dally except Sunday., 4 P. it Arrive Portland. 10:20 A. M. The Independence-Monmouth, motor lino oper dally to Monmouth and Alrlle. coonectlng wltn ST P. CO. ualns at Dallas and lndnpena- "vfat-class fare from Portland to Sacramento Jd San TFranclsco. $20: berth. $3. Secdnd c" U?e. 311 second-class bertn.s2.30. Tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Alaa jnan China. Honolulu and Australia. ?ITY TICKErr OFFICE, corner Third and Washington streets. Phone Main 712. TIMC r A DFI , ..x isiwii s unit Ll' PriRTI ANiPl DeDart. Arrive. Puget Sound Limited for Tacoma. Seattle. Olympla. South Bend and Grays Harbor points S:30 am 3:30 pra North Coast Limited lor Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, uBtteTst. Paul, New York, Boston and all points East and Southeast 3:00 pra 7:00 ara Twin Clu Expresa; for Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane. Helena, fit. Paul. Minn- spoils. Chicago. New York, Bodton and all points East and Southeast 11:45 pza 7:00 pra Pugc; aounq-Kansas City- St. Louis Special. for Tacoma, Seattle. Spokane, Butte, Billings. Denver. Omaha. Kansas City. Su Louis and all points East and Southeast 8:30 am 7:00 ara All trains dally, except on South Bend branch. A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Pas senger Agent, 253 Morrison St.. corner Third. Portland. Or. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Leavs. UNION DEPOT. ArrlTta. Dally, For Maygttrs; Kalnler. rjallr Clatskanle. Weatport. CUrton. Astoria, War 3:00 A, M. rentoa. Flavel, Ham- h:ioa.M, mond. Fort Stevens, Gearbart Park. Sea side. Astoria aad Sea shore. Express Dally. 7:00 P. M Astoria Express. a:40 P. M. Dally. C A. ETBWART. J. a MAYO, Comm.'! Age, 248 Alder st. G. F. A. P. A. Phona Main 000. City Ticket Office. 122 3d it. Fhoae 6S3. 2 0VERLAHD TBALNS DALLY 9 The Flysr and the Fast Mail. SPLENDID HKKV1CE UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS EMPLOYES For Tickets, Rates, Folders aad full In formation, call on or address 11. DICKaON, City Puasenger and Ticket Agt.. 122 TblrU street, Portland, Or. JAPAN-AMERICAN LINE S. S. IYO MARU For Japan, China aad all Asiatic Ports, will Leave Seattle about Dec ISta. rBREATN0BTHERH