THE MORNING OBESONIAN, FRIDAY, DEOEMBEB 2, 190. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF The OreroalaB's Telephone. CountlnK-Room .4.. Main 667 Managing Editor ...Main 630 Sunday Editor Main 6233 City Editor M&ln 160 Society Editor Main 6235 Composing-Room ..Main 685 Superintendent Bnlldlnc Red 2S2 East Bide Office East 61 AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER (Morrison street, bet. 6th and 7th) "Who's Brown?" COLUMBIA THEATER (14th and Wash ington) Tonight at 8:15. "The New Do minion." GRAND THEATER (Park and '"Washington) Continuous vaudeville. 2 to 10:30 P. M. BTAR THEATER (Park and "Washington) Continuous vaudeville, 2:30 to 10:30 P, M. BAKER THEATER (Third and Yamhill) Continuous vaudeville, 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. ARCADE THEATER (7th and "Washington) Continuous vaudeville, 2 to 11 P. SK BIJOU THEATER (Sixth, near Alder) Con tinuous vaudeville from 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. LYRIC THEATER (cor. Alder and 7 th Con tinuous vaudeville from 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. Scit for Judomekt. Suit was filed yes terday In the United States Court against Dave Dove and H. HIrschberff, of Inde pendence,. Or., by Ulienthal Bros., of New York. The case is the outcome of an al leged failure to comply "with the terms of a hon contract The complaint of Lllien- thal Bros, shows that they entered into a contract with the defendants whereby the latter were to deliver 40,000 pounds of hops to the plaintiffs. It is alleged that Dove and HIrschberg had and continue to have on hand a sufficient quantity of hops to All the contract, but that they refuse to comnly with the terms of their agree ment. Ulienthal Brcs. therefore ask for a Judgment covering the contract prjce of the hops promised to be deiiverea. amounting to $6600. Son and Brother. Among the letters of introduction taken by Frank C. Baker to Eastern men Is one from It. . Mitchell, of this city, to his son at the White House. "Washington. It is unique In terms, and especially in the way ad dressed. It is': "In re. Baker Mitchell to Mitchell: My dear son and brother." The explanation lies In the fact that all con cerned are Elks. Mr. Baker and the Colo nel being past exalted rulers of the Port land Lodze. and the Colonel's son being the present exalted ruler -of the "Washing ton Lodge, hence "Son and Brother is proper but odd. Officers Elected and Smoker Held. Orient Lodge No. 17. I. O. O. F., Wednes day night elected the following officers: Noble grand. C. G. Hall; vice grand, E. H, Bertroche; recording secretary, "W. A. Wheeler; financial secretary, J. S. Foss; treasurer. A. K. Currier. Installation ceremonies will be held the first Wednes tfay in January. Reports showed over 200 members. Following the election a pmoker was held. "Visitors were present from other lodges, and several Invited guests attended. Festival Begins Tonight. The Cha nuckah Festival, or Festival of the Mac cabees, begins this evening, and Dr. Stephen S. "Wise will preach at Temple Beth Israel on the subject, "Wanted: A Maccabeean Revival The Question of Assimilation Once More." Music arranged with special reference to this festival will be rendered by the quartet choir. Includ ing much of the old Maccabeean tradi tional music Services begin promptly at V o'clock. Albina Lodge Officers Elected. In dustrial Lodge No. S9, L O. O. F.f has elected the following officers: Noble grand, J. R. George; vice grand, Hermann Eben hart; recording secretary, J- A. Bastes; treasurer, R. L. E. Simmons; trustee, J. P. Menefee. Harmony Lodge No. 106: No ble grand, Frank S. Hammond; vice grand, M. Meade; recording secretary, Frank Hastings; financial secretary. J- H. Steffan: treasurer, W. H. McRea. PriIses in Essat Contest. The judges for the Panama Canal essay contest of Olds. Wortman & King; Maria C. Jack son. Ellen G. Barber and I "W. 'Litton,'' have awarded the prizes as follows: First prize, $10, Elmer Young, Portland High School; second prize, $7.50, Clarence Sprague, Couch School; third prize, $5, Alma. Figglns, Portland High School; fourth prize, Gcraldlne Kirk, St Mary's School. Established His Citizenship. United States Commissioner J. A. Sladen yester day heard depositions establishing the right of residence for Lee "Wah, a China man. Lee "Wah was born In this country and Is at present a merchant He Is con templating a trip to China and therefore seeks to establish his identity so as to assure his admittance to the United States upon his return. Skull "Was Fractured. J. H. Schram, rural free mail-carrier on the Cleone route, in St Vincent's Hospital because of Injuries caused by the kick of a horse a few days ago, is reported in serious con dition. There was a fracture of the skull and a blood clot has formed, causing com plications. His left eye, which Tecelved the force of the kick, does not appear to be seriously Injured. Look to the Title. In view of the large and increasing number of real estate transfers it behooves purchasers to look well to the title. We insure titles and furnish full and complete abstracts. No transfer Is allowed to pass through our office unless we are satisfied that the title Is clear. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. Funeral -of Mrs. Elizabeth Hodson. The funeral of Mrs. Hodson was held yes terday from St. Mary's Church, "Williams avenue. In the presence of relatives and friends. Mount Calvary was the place of interment Mrs. Hodson lived at 141 Beech street She was G6 years of age. Aluunp Association Meeting. The Brooklyn Alumni Association will meet this evening In the new assembly hall for the first time. After transaction of busi ness a programme of music and recita tions will be rendered, lollowed by a spelling contest Declares Himself Bankrupt. With, liabilities amounting to $2948.25 and assets of $50. J. C Carson yesterday filed papers in the United States Court declaring him self a bankrupt Carson gives his occupa tion as a "salesman and residence Port land. Ladies' Guild Holds Bazaar. The La dles' Guild of the Good Shepherd Church of Upper Albina opened its bazaar yes terday afternoon. Many attractive and useful articles were displayed, and there was a good attendance. Last evening an entertainment was given. We will auction the art goods now In stock Saturday, November 28, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evening following, at 7:30 only. Special prices during business hours. E. H. Moorehouse & Co., 312 Al der street. CnEAP Lots Double Your Monet. We have .a number of cheap lots for sale on the Peninsula, close to car, school and mores to close estate. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. Societt Will Meet. The Women's Home and Foreign Missionary Society of the Taylor-Street Church will meet this afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. H. Beharroll, 470 Park street Meeting Will Be Held. There will be a meeting of the State Equal Suffrage Association Saturday. December 3, at 2 o'clock m room 16 In the new Stearns building. Steamer "Rdookdo" will leave San Francisco for Portland via Eureka next Monday, Dec 5. For freight apply to Tay lor. Young & Co., 446 Sherlock Bldg. Congregational Bazaar, closing out sale of novelties, fancy work, art house hold goods and jewelry, next Monday aft ernoon. The Calumet. 149 7th. Lunch 35c, 11:30 A. M. to 2 P. M. Dinner 60c, 4:30 to 8 P. M. Painted China reasonable for Xmas gifts. Room 22, Selling-Hirsch Bldg. Woman's Exchange, 133 10th, near Al der. Lunch, 12 to 2; -tea, 2 to 5 P. M. C C, Newcastle, dentist. Mohawk bldg. B. B. Rich Curia Store ia celling out Historical Societt to Meet. Prepara tions are being made for the sixth annual meeting- of the Oregon Historical Society, which will be held at the City Hall. Satur day, December 17, at 2 o'clock P. M. The principal address will be given by Judge R. P. Boise, of Salem, and his topic will be "The Bench and Bar of Oregon From the Beginning of the First Court in This State Up to and Including 1S60." Since Judge Boiso is probably the oldest con tinuous legal practitioner in Oregon, and probably on the Pacific Coast it Js ex pected that his address will be one of great interest as well as of special his torical value. The Historical Society cor dially invites the members of the bar of Washington, as weU as those of Oregon, to be present upon" this occasion. Pre vious to the address the annual meeting of the society will be held, annual reports read and disposed of and officers for the ensuing year elected.' As this will be a most important meeting it Is hoped that the attendance of members will be very large. The Blues Win. In the contest among the members of the Mlsslsslppl-Avenue Congregational . Church, represented by the 'blues" and "reds," to raise money to pay off debts, $218.27 was secured as the result of the effort Mrs. M. E. Thompson and Bessie Dupee were captains of the "blues," which raised $148.46, and Mrs. C M. Smythe and Mae Zelgler were cap tains of the "reds," which raised $62L Some more money came In after the con test was ended, which increased the total. Ice cream and cake will be served to the winning team and dry breakfast food to the losing team this evening In the church. The whole membership will be present Dr. Bresee Speaks Tonight. Rev. Dr. Bresee, the head of the Nazarene Church. will speak at Berea Mission, corner Second and Jefferson streets, this evening at 7:30. Dr. Bresee organized his Los Angeles church In 1S95 and the work has steadily grown since that time, the parents church now having a membership of 1600, while branch churches have been organized in other California cities as well as in sev eral other states. Dr. Bresee Is on his way to Spokane and can hold but one meeting at this Time, but it is hoped that arrangements can be made for him to stop over for two weeks on his return Journey. Wants Will Filed. The petition of J. P. FInley, who is a creditor of the es tate gf Jane Abraham, deceased, asking that her will be filed, was before the County Court yesterday- It has been, as certalned that Newton McCoy ha3 posses slon of the will, and Judge Webster says Mr. McCoy Is willing to bring the will into court any time and once before of fered to do so. Mr. FInley wants to dis cover If Mrs. Abraham left any property so that he can collect money due him. Delegate Is Desired. Any stockman who desires to attend, as a delegate from Multnomah County, the meeting of the National Livestock Association at Den ver, which opens on January 10, 1903, and continues for four days, can receive an appointment from Judge Webster. His honor has received a circular letter ask ing him to make an appointment, which .he will do provided the appointee con sents to pay his own expenses. Burglars in Residence. In response to a call from Mrs. F. M. Davis, living at 358 Ivan-street Sergeant Hogeboom and Policeman Isaacs last night went in a wagon. It was a burglary call, but when the officers reached the house they found the prowler gone. He entered through the front door and when the police arrived got away before he could be caught Warrants Issued. Warrants were Is sued out of the Municipal Court yester day for W. A. Willis, A. Gunderson and "John Doe" on charges of selling cigar ettes to minors. The arrests have not yet been made, but it is expected the cases will be heard before Judge Hogue Satur day. Bor Is Missing. Ernest "Bradley, a minor. Is missing from his home, 350 East Oak street and the police have been re quested to look out for him. It is thought he (left Jhe city with Richard Hewett, an other boy, who is supposed to have takon a Southern Pacific train for California. Defective Flue Causes Fire. Fire yesterday afternoon slightly damaged a cottage at Union avenue and Sellwood .street Firemen extinguished It The cot tage is owned by J. Russell. No one was at home A defective flue was the cause of the blaze. Firb in a Restaurant. A small fire in the restaurant operated by Mrs. P. E. Vancash, S3 Fifth street, wrought damage lo the extent of $200 yesterday morning. X lighted match, carelessly thrown against a lace curtain, was the origin of the fire. Stole Policeman's Clothes. Patrol Driver Gruber, attached to the day re lief, went out on a call late yesterday and while he was away some one stole his overcoat and a pair of gloves. Detective Day was assigned to the case. Three Fingers Severed. Al Thomas had three fingers of his left hand severed by a saw in the mills of the Eastern & Western Lumber Company. He Is at Good Samaritan Hospital, where a sur geon is In attendance. It's convenient to know Wobstcr. MUSIC AT EILERS. Special informal recital today at the Ellers Piano House fine piano exhibit. Pianola, Aeolian Pipe Organ and Orches- trellc Dally from 3 to 4; not Sundays. To Be Beautiful Costs Nothing To Prove This We Will Give Yon Free a 75c Set SkinKealth Treatment. 1 Is Well Kiown that all ills of skin, scalp and blood, with dandruff and falling hair, are due to germs. And Skin health Treatment is the only recog nized sure, safe, quick and economi cal treatment for the permanent cure of all contagious or inherited humors from infancy to old age. Millions testify to its wonder ful cures. Millions have never used it; for thatjeason we make this re markable offer. We will buy the first set of Skinhealth Treatment and give it to you if you will use it We will do this gladly, as we are certain of what it can da What SkinhealtK Treatment Consists of HARFINA SOAP Medicated, deodorizing, antiseptic, germicidal, soothing, healing, fragrant A skin and scalp cleanser and purifier. A hair and complexion beautifier. A hand whitener. Absolutely the purest and best soap for bath, toilet, nursery, scalp and hair, and for shaving. "A Breath of Pine Balsam in Every Cake," IN TROUBLE AGAIN Solomon and Grant Are Indict ed by the Grand Jury, .NUISANCE ACT IS APPLIED Document States Defendants Com mitted an Act Against Public Mor ality by Owning and Operat ing a Gambling-House. Indictments against Peter Grant and Nate Solomon, of the Portland Club, charging them with committing an act which disturbs the public peace and Is in jurious to public morals, was returned by the grand jury, yesterday morning. The men were arrested by a Deputy Sheriff and were released on $200 bonds, each signed by Lavitrcnce M. Sullivan and Pat rick Powers. The Indictment Is brought under section 1S30 of the Statutes, regard ing nuisances, and the facts recited in the bill are as follows: That Peter Grant and Nathan Solomon on September 26, 1003, and continuously until February 29, 1901, In the County of Multnomah, did wilfully and wrongfully commit an act which grossly disturbs the public decency and is injurious to public morals. That Peter Grant and Nathan Solomon did then and there unlawfully keep and maintain a common gaming-house, open to the public night and day, and did then and there entice, congregate and cause to borne together great numbers of dis orderly and Idle persons and youth, play ing therein at unlawful games for money, betting and wasting their substance there on and otherwise misbehaving themselves and leading one another and all other persons to evil ways; to the common nui sance of all the people, contrary to the statutes in such cases provided and against the peace and dignity of the State of Oregon. The witnesses are Mrs. C. M. Badgeley, Lewis W. Robertson, E. B. Will lams, Marlon R. Johnson. The Indictment is signed by John Manning, District At torney. Witness Sued Them. One of the witnesses, Lewis W. Rob ertson, sued the proprietors of the Port land Club for money lost gambling In the house, and can testify that gambling was being ' carried on. Miss Badgely Is the official stenographer and took the testi mony for the court in the Robertson suit E. B. Williams did some legal business for the Portland Club people once, and Marlon Johnson is a deputy clerk In the State Circuit Court and knows something about the caso from the official records. This is the first time proprietors of a gambling-house have been charged under the nuisance statute except in the Nease poolroom case. The Portland Club gambling-rooms have been closed since July 21 last by order of Sheriff Word. Wheth er the nuisance statute can be made to apply where the nuisance complained of has long since ceased to exist Is a ques tion the court will probably be called upon to rule upon. The penalty is a fine of not more than $200, or imprisonment In the County Jail not less than one or more than six months. "WILL ATTEND LEGISLATURE. Dr. T, B. Ford, of Sunnyside M. E. Church, Elected to Third Houee. Rev. T. B. Ford. D. D., pastor of the Sunnyside Methodist Episcopal Church, will attend the Oregon Legislature, In January, to urgo retention of the present local-option law without amendment of any sort Dr. Ford was authorized to i represent tho Sunnyside Methodist Epls- ! copal Church in that capacity at the quar- j tcrly meeting held yesterday. Tho tem porance committee reported a memorial to the Legislature asking that the local option law be allowed to stand as it Is without amendment together with a reso lution appointing Dr. Ford to go to Salem to present the memorial. The memorial and resolutions wero adopted by tho quarterly conference, and tho secretary was instructed to commu nicate with other Methodist Episcopal Churches of the city, and ask for their co-operation In the same line. Dr. Ford says he will accept the commission and will attend the Legislature In behalf of the local-option law, and expects other churches to send representatives, so there will likely be a number of preachers in the third house this session. Challenges Detractor of Joan of Arc PARIS, Dec L Deputy Jaurcs, the So cialist leader, has telegraphed a challenge to fight a duel to Paul de Roulede, who has been in political exile since his par ticipation In the plot to overthrow the government The challenge grows out of the agitation of the students resulting from alleged Insulting remarks' about SKINHEALTH (Ointment) In fallible Germ-killer and Skin Healer. Marvelous medicinal scientific remedy for all skin soreness. Sovereign remedy for piles. Kills all disease germs, soothes and heals the skin. Makes healthy scalp; soft, rosy skin. SKINHEALTH TABLETS Pure ly vegetable, odorless, chocolate coated. Destroy and eradicate all disease microbes, regulate the liver and bowels, purify and revitalize the blood. Do not cause pain or grip ing. WKat SkinKealth Treatment Will Do. Skinhealth Treatment works won ders when all other remedies, hos pitals and even the best doctors fail. It destroys the disease germ and promptly cures Abscess Barns Bruises Boils Constipation Catarrh Dandruff Eczema Felons Insect Bites Itch Inflammations Liver Troubles Piles Rheumatism Scalds Sores Scaldhead Scrofula Sunburn StomachTroubles Wounds Makes dear, healthy scalp and skin, and beautiful, luxuriant hair. Joan, of Arc made by a professor of his tory at the Lycee Concorceat M. de Roulede telegraphed from Spain,, declaring that the Socialists wero respon sible for the attacks on Joan of Arc, and adding that she was the most sub lime figure in history, whereas M. Jaurcs was the most contmptIblo of her de tractors. ' The student demonstrations in behalf of Joan of Arc were continued today. SEAMEN SUFFER TEREEBLY. Nine Leave Sinking Steamer, but Only Two Survive the Trip. LONDON, Dec 2. A story of terrible experiences Is told by the two survivors of the crew of nine of the steamer Blanche, which was sunk in the Mersey River In collision Wednesday night They escaped in a lifeboat, which Immediately was dashed against the sinking steamer, three of the seamen being drowned. The remaining six righted the boat and rowed away, but were buffeted by the waves, which soon filled the boat with freezing water. Two more died of ex posure. Again the boat capsized, but the four survivors by superhu man efforts managed to scramble In again. Though almost dead from cold, they renewed their efforts to reach shore, but two more succumbed before. At 3 o'clock Thursday morning the lifeboat struck shore at Formby and the sur vivors painfully dragged the boat and its gruesome cargo through the surf to land. FRESHMEN MUST -PAY FOR LARK Yale Students Assessed Twenty Cents Each to Repair Work of Vandals. NEW HAVEN, Conn., Dec L Dean Wright of the academic department of Yale, has ordered the . members of the freshman class to pay an assessment of 20 cents each in order to meet the ex pense incurred by the City Park Commis sioner in cleaning East Rock Park after a freshman celebration there. Signs on the fences In the neighborhood of the park were disfigured and the numerlcals of the class were painted on the face of the lofty cliff. The actual perpetratora of the acts of vandalism have not been discovered. " PERS0NALMENTI0N. E. B. Seabrook, an attorney of Marsh field, Is visiting Portland. NEW YORK, Dec 1. (Special.) North western people registered at New York hotels today as follows: From Portland F. A. Vallle, at the Murray Hill; M. Eastham, at the Bar- tholdi. From Seattle E. J. McNcely, at the Astor; H. G. Griffin, at the Park-Avenue. From Salem, Or. A. N. Moore and wife,' and Miss G. Clark, at the Park-Avenue. From Tacoma E. J. McNeely, at the St Denis. - From Spokane F. H. Rlnghardt at the Grand Union; B. C. Riblet, at tho Im perial. CIGAR SALESMEN WANTED. Experienced cigar salesmen wanted. Those at present employed given prefer ence. Good references required. Address R 10, Orcgonian. Carnegie Libraries for Omaha. OMAHA, Dec 1. Andrew Carnegie has decided to give $40,000 for the establish ment of two branch libraries In this city, at the solicitation of Edward Rosewatcr, proprietor of the Omaha Bee. Mastery in clothes "S3 mnlcintr must he fnllnwrr? logicauy oj superiority in fit and style. SteinBIoch Smart Clothes cut, sewed and pressed by fifty years of knowing how have captured correctness. Ask the Stein-Bloch dealer in your town to show you these clothes, andlook for the label printed above. "Smartness" the author ity on dress, sent free. TEE STEIfl -BLOCS CO. Wholesale Tailers ; 139-32 Fifth Atc., New Yerk. ' Taller Shops, Rochester, N. Y. HARFINA SOAP cleanses and prepares the affected parts, SKIN HEALTH (oint) kills the disease germs and little parasites that cause soreness and irritation, instantly stops all pain, soothes and heals, while SKINHEALTH TABLETS purify the blood and act directly on the pores, expelling the humor germs, and complete the cure. 75c. Treatment Free. If you have never tried Skinhealth Treatment, and will use it, fill out and send us this coupon. We will then mail you our order on your nearest druggist for a full size set of these three marvelous remedies and will pay the druggist ourselves for it It's a free gift to show you what Skinhealth Treatment can da In justice to yourself, you should ac cept this offer at once, for it places you under no obligation whatever. Cut Out This Coupon. Fill oot the blanks nd nail to the Phllo Hay Specialties Oo., Newark, New Jersey. ' My disease it Hare scTer tried Skinhealth Treatment, tot If yoa trill acsd mo a 75c set free I -Bill use It. ' Give foil nane and address. This offer nay not appear again, and la rood only If mailed -within 5 days from this date, . Mastery in clothes AT THE THEATERS "Tho Devil's AuctioH." Tobey George M. Topack Carlos Alice Stoddard Pore Ondoche W H. Lorella ' Count Fortuna Lillian Herndon Gogin Gono Alfred Latell Tresblen .William Newman Madeline Edna West Janet .'. Lizzie X. Wilson Kow Wow Chang W. II. Lorella Tee-Sin Henri Barlo Chang Han Thomaa Saelyr Moan Chow ., William Speurl Koket .....Emma Frager Crystallne Kitty Sinclair Mephlsto Henry P. Thomas Chaos George Hermann Thla Is a sh6V that has gono troupine up and down the land so long that we have come to expect It with the changing, sea sons. Unlike the seasons, however, "The Devil's Auction" never changes. It Is the same yesterday, today and, unless some thing Is done to prevent, threatens to be the same forever. It filled a one-performance engagement at the Marquam lagt night and there were apparenUy enough people In town who had never seen It before to fill tho house comfortably. The show Is neither better nor worse this year than formerly. It's tho same old thing gone to seed. Many people In the audience seemed to like It last night and If there be ten In the the ater who like a show It will not do to fly In the face of public opinion and call it bad. Anyway it was only for one night. A. A. G. WHERE TO DINE. All the delicacies of the' season at the Portland Restaurant, flne, private apart merit for parties. 306 Wash., near Eth. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tki Kind You Have Always Bsught Signature of You are sure to get your money 's worth if you buy your piano from us. More than that, you are sure of a good piano. Easy time payments- accepted. SOULE BROS. PIANO CO. .372 and 374 Morrison Street, Corner "West Park. Rational to cow cotreswnd- ence Is provided by ue x and' Rapid Roller Letter Copier, 51 Because every change or alter ation in the or i iginal letter cr paper is laitafnlly reproduced. 9 Provides three or five distinct and separata copies. I Wouldn't you lite a sample- of WOK and the TandE Copier Czuiczco? GLASS & PKUDHOiOiIE CO. 123 ITret St. rortland. Or mnposlte First National Bank) BY MAIL Best Sewing -Machine Needles FOR ALL MAKES OF MACHINES ONLY 5 CENTS Per Package. Postage one cent for 1 to 20 package Send Coin or Stamps. State kinds wanted. Address THE SINGER MANFG. CO. 354 Morrison street. 540 Williams areaae (East). 102 WaahlBErtea street. COAL FOR HOUSE USE Haven nt Coal, delivered at S5.7S per ton Karen lump Coal, delivered at 6.20 per ton Itenton Lump Coal, delivered at 7.00 per ton Australian Cool, delivered at 7JS0 per ton Carbon Hill Coal, 'delivered at.. 7JJ0 per ton Rock Springs Coal, delivered at 8.20 per ton Screened Coal Full TVelshta. VULCAN COAL CO. Office Phone Main 277C. 339 Burnslde St. fic h wab Printing Co. BEST WORK. REASONABLE PRICES 247 STARK STXEXT A Way 1ST MM Mm a in f ill I TV HilHiliilHii Mm Connoisseurs Understand Thai There Is Nothing Better Than YELLOWSTONE i Whiskey. Old, mellow and delightfully palatable, it is the ideal stimulant ROTHCHILD BROS., PORTLAND, OR., Sole Agents I WANT Box For a CHRISTMAS PRESENT with my monogram on it from W. Q. SMITH & CO. Wedding and Visiting Card Engravers Washington Building CONFIDENTIAL CHAT NO. 70 If tho friend or relative, over the selection of whose Christmas gift you are worrying, wears glasses the soluUon is easy. Buy him or-vher a pair of gold spectacles or eye glasses, fitted later by the house that knows how, and earn the unsUnted gratitude of the recipient. WALTER REED THE OPTICIAN 133 SIXTH STREET XD V C ATI O X AX. PARK AND WASHINGTON STKEET3 PORTLAND, OREGON Established in 1565. Open all tho year. Private or class instruction. Thousands of graduates in positions; opportunities constantly occurring-. It pays to attend our school. C&t&logu. specimens, etc. free. A. P. ARMSTRONG. UUB.k PRINCIPAL. S ELOCUTION AMD VOICE CULTURE ART OF EXPRESSION Private lessons given. Apply to MISS LOUISE FORSYTH, St. Helen's Hall. Portland. Or. DRAWING Water Color, Pen and Ink Sketching:, Burnt Wood Work, Leather Work. Lessons xlven by MISS LEONE CASE BAER. Studio, St. Helen's Hall, Portland, Or. Economy Brand Evaporated Cream bears the above cap label. Contains fully as much food substance per can as the watery Imitations In larger cans. It Is smpoth and perfect because skillfully pre- HH guaranteed. HAND 5APOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH Delicate enough for tho softest skin, and yet efficacious in removing any stain. Keeps the skin In perfect condition. In the bath gives all tha desirable after-effects of a Turkish bath. It should be on every wash stand. ALL- GROCERS AND DRUGGISTS FredPrekD.D.S 405 Dekum bid?. OFFICE HOURS From 5 A. M. to 5 P. M. EVENINGS. MON DAY AND THUBS- EI3 Writing Paper COMFORT ACHIEVED A mastery over all cares of a busy day before a cheerful fire of good COAL The Pacific Coast Co. CHAS. H. GLEIM, AGENT 249 WASHINGTON ST. TELEPHONE 220 AND 237. S X 5 X X x $ X ft X OREGONIAN BUILDING TEETH SPECIAL CUT RATES Boston Painless Dentists Are now giving their annual CUT RATE PRICES on all dental work. Tha charges arn less than college prices, and all work done by our painless sys tem and by specialists of 12 to 20 years experience. NO STUDENTS EMPLOYED. TEETH extracted, filled or crowned absolutely without pain by our secret preparation applied to tha gums. TEETH WITHOUT PtSIEs PEClAtTj. Extracting- Tree. ExamintioB Free. BUver PUliaffs SSclGold PllllaffS "Se Gold Crowm ...$3.80PuU Set Teeth.. ,?3.W A I.I WORK GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEARS. Have your teeth extracted without pain and replaced with new ones the same day. Come in at ones and taks advantage of low rates. Be sure you are in the right place. Boston Painless Dentists Flitk and Merrieea Jftreet. Entrance 291 Morlson Street. Largest Dental concern in the worli, 2 STORES 312 Washington Near Sixth asd 293 Morrison Near Xlfttu Our patent rust-proof umhrel- C-f Kf las with, cloria covers P 1 Our rust-proof and wind-proof star frame umbrellas. Unloa) qq Repairing and Recovering COAL WE SELL ALL THE LEADERS DIAMOND AUSTRAL! AN ROSLYN NEW CASTLE WASHED NUT BLACKSMITH Full Weight and Prompt Delivery KING COAL CO. Front and Kearney Sti. Main 1425 TEETH For modern dental work. World-renowned Specialists. Lowest prices consistent with nrst-clasft worlc. a Go to the NEW YORK DENTISTS FOURTH AND MORRISON STS. REE LAND IN OREGON in the richest grain, fruit 2nd stock section in the world. Thousands of acres of land at actual cost of irrigation. Deed direct from Stats of Oregon. WRITE TO-DAY. BOOKLET and MAP FREE. Deschutes Irrigation and Power Cora paaj$ 1,9-1 l-l aMcKavBoMnf, PortlandOrcfoa. J SaiFrjscbco, Calif orala x VgrX Cns can tt mors for e.n'j (J 0 ffljp iccnjyiUhs Hotel Sl. Frauclr