Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 02, 1904, Image 6

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French Chamber of Deputies
Has Stormy Session.
lasting nearly SO hours, lias compelled a
partial cessation of business. In Madrid
street traffic has been stopped, the the
aters are cl03ed, the markets are without
supplies and 20,000 workmen are out of em
ployment. The railways and teiegrapn
lines are utterly disorganized.
Course of Minister of Instruction in
Regard to Professor's Secret Re
ports and the Joan, of Arc In
cident Under Discussion.
PARIS, Dec L Today's sitting of the
Chamber of Deputies was an animating
one, in which exchanges of personalities
and invectives woro frequent. The discus
sions -were with reference to the conduct
of the Minister of Public Instruction in
connection with professors' secret reports
on the policies of their colleagues, and the
Joan of Arc incident.
The former brought out a protest from
Premier Combes against the persistence
of thfi opposition in bringing up questions
which were settled at the time of General
Andre's resignation from the war port
folio, when the government promised to
abolish all systoms of official espionage.
The motion of censure which had been
introduced waa subsequently withdrawn,
and discussion of the interpellation con
cerning Joan of Arc proceeded. Tho Min
isterialists who declared that M. Chauve,
Minister of Instructions, ha'd made a weak
concession to the Nationalists in removing
the professor of history at the Lycee Con
dorcet. demanded protection for Repub
lican educators.
The Chamber voted confidence by a con
. eiderable majority, including several
prominent members of the opposition.
Many Deputies did not vote.
Socialists and Other Opposition Par
ties in Russia Declare Themselves.
PARIS, Doc 1. The Socialist leader, M.
Jaurcs, today made public the text of a
manifesto of the revolutionary. Socialist
and other opposition parties in Russia,
which, he says, was issued simultaneously
throughout Europe. The manifesto is
signed by representatives of the "various
revolutionary and Socialist parties of the
empire, particularly in European Russia,
Poland and Finland, who recently have
been holding secret meetings. The mani
festo leaves the individual parties free to
pursue their own methods of opposition to
the government, but pledges the union of
all the elements of the opposition to se
cure "the abolition of autocracy and the
substitution of a democratic system, based
upon universal suffrage, the revocation of
the measures destructive of the constitu
tion of Finland, and the suppression of the
violence of the central government
Against various sections of the empire."
The manifesto closes as follows:
"The parties represented here will unite
their efforts for the purpose of hastening
the inevitable fall of absolutism."
XL Jaurcs says that the uniting of the
opposition parties is part of the move
ment for the adoption of a democratic in
stitution in Russia, which, he declares,
will be the most Important historical
achievement since tho French Revolution.
They Believe the Day of Terrorism Is
Past, and Will Leave America.
LONDON, Dec 2. The Leader's Cop
enhagen correspondent wires that sev
eral hundred Finnish emigrants have
returned from the United States, and
will take n steamer for Finland in tho
near future. Most of them seem to bp
fairly well to do. They express full
confidence In the future of their coun
try, saying In their opinion the day
of terrorism is past.
According to statements made by. the
leaders of the party, thousands of
FJnns now in the United States aro
saving their money with a view of re
turning home at the earliest possible
moment. If funds were furnished
them, they would start immediately.
All of them, these men say, are enthu
siastic patriots who were practically
driven from home by Russian misrule,.
but who have long ago determined to
return as soon as conditions changed
in such a manner as to assure them
of the right to earn a living without
government Interference.
Alexandra Quietly Observes Her Six
tleth Anniversary.
LONDON. Dec. L Queen Alexandra to
day celebrated her 60th birthday at Sand
ringham. Flags were flying everywhere.
churchbells pealed and the usual salutes
were fired at the naval and military sta
tions at home and in the colonies. The
festivities at Sandringham were of a sim
ple character, the main feature being the
entertainment of the school children of
the estate, at which the Queen and her
guests personally attended to the wants
of the little folks.
The Queen was the recipient of many
presents, mostly curios and artistic knlck
knacks. Telegrams of congratulation from
friends and public bodies, to which the
Queen always responds personally, reached
sandringham in very large numbers dur
ing the morning.
Foreign Ministers Object to Increase
in Transit Fees.
PEKIN, Dec L The foreign minis
ters have lodged with the government
a Joint protest against the levying of
additional transit fees as being con
trary to the treaty understandings
Heretofore the Chinese authorities
levied 2 per cent on goods sent to
and from ports, but latterly additional
amounts have been le-ied under the
plea of working expenses. The Joint
document of the ministers is most em
phatic in tone- and unusual In form
The diplomats considered the occasion
an urgent one and their decision to
enter a protest was unanimously ar
rived at. No answer has yet been made
Earl Grey Starts for Canada.
LONDON, Dec 1. Earl Grey, who sue
ceeds the Earl of Mlnto as Governor
General of Canada, started today for his
post, accompanied by the Countess, their
two daughters and two aides-de-camp
Tho travelers will embark on tho Allan
line steamer Parisian, after an official
reception by the Lord Mayor -of Liver-
French Code to Be Revised.
PARISDec L Minister of Justice Valle
hs appointed a commission of the most
prominent Jurists, senators, deputies and
academicians to revise the civil code.
This will be tho first comprehensive re
vision of the code since Napoleon promul
gated It in ISO.
St. Petersburg in Winter's Grasp. "
sian capital is in the grasp of Winter.
The Neva is frozen solid, heavy snows
have fallen, wheeled vehicles have been
retired and everything is on runners. The
thermometer today registered IT degrees
below zero.
Drihk Poisoned Brandy.
BKRLIN. Dec 1. A disnatcfr to tho
Lokal Ansclger from Kieff, Russia, an
nounces that 20 persons have' lost their
lives there through drinking poisoned
brandy. -
m r
NewtonClaim Is to Se M,et, as Well
as Airother Legitimate Ones,
NEW TORS, Dec 1. George Ryall, lo
cal counsel lor Herbert D. Newton, to
night made a statement that the. settle
ment agreed upon with Mrs. Cassie L
Chadwlck, of Cleveland, is for the pay
ment In cash of Mr. Newton's entire
claim. The payment, he said, is to be
made either this week or early next.
7o securities have ben given for this
payment," he added, "but we are sure
It will be made"
In reference to the statement this after
noon by Edmund Powers, counsel for
Mrs. Chadwlck, that of the amount
claimed by Mr. Newton, 5G5.O0O represent
ed notes given for bonuses, Mr. Ryall
"Mr. Powers is mistaken in his figures.
The notes he refers to do not represent
bonuses. The settlement is upon our full
claim of 5190.800."
Mr. xtyall further said that Mr. Newton
was In conference with his own attorneys (
today, but no one representing him held'
any conference with Mrs. Chadwlck or
her attorneys.
Mr. Newton and Mr. Carver returned to
Boston this afternoon.
That all the legitimate claims against
Mrs. Chadwlck will be met is the state
ment made by her attorneys, but at the
same time they decline to say anything
as to the source from which the neces
sary funds will be obtained.
They would not discuss the value of
the securities said to be in the posses
sion of Ira Reynolds, treasurer of the
Wade-Park Banking Company, of
Cleveland, or. In fact, any of tho indi
vidual features of the case. The set
tlement of the Newton claim when
made will reduce Mrs. Chadwick's al
leged obligations by flSO.SOO. At the same
time, however, there remain claims aggre
gating at least $800,000.
Edmund W. W. "Powers, counsel for Mrs.
Chadwlck. made a statement regarding
the case this afternoon. He said the total
indebtedness to Mr. Newton was approxi
mately $190,000. Of this he said $78,000 was
money actually owed and due, $53,000 was
due on bonuses to be paid for accommo
dation, and $5000 was owed on two notes.
of $25,000 each, which would not mature
for a year.
vara. Chadwlck has ample money to
meet her debts," said Mr. Powers. "She
has over $1,000,000 In her own right. It Is
true that she paid over to her husband
$2,500,000 some time ago, but had enough
to meet all of her debts, which total
about $500,000.
"Mrs. Chadwick's personal statement
will not be ready until Saturday," he said.
"She is now working on It, and will have
It ready then."
A story was current late today that Mrs.
Chadwlck drove from the Holland House
to the Central Trust building In Wall
street this afternoon, where she remained
several hours In the law offices of Butler,
Nolman, Joline & Mynderse. Mr. Jollne,
of this firm, is attorney for Andrew Carnegie.
Mr. Joline disclaimed any knowledge of
airs. Chadwick's presence and declined to
make any statement regarding her. Other
members of the firm also declined to make
any comment.
Trial of Case at Cleveland Postponed.
CLEVELAND. O., Dec 1. The re
ceivership case brought by Herbert D.
Newton, of Br,ookIln, Mass., against
Mrs. Cassie L. Chadwlck was called in
Common Pleas Court today. Attorney
Carr, representing the plaintiff, re
quested the court to again postpone
the hearing. Judge Babcock granted
the request, with the consent of coun
sel lor Mrs. Chadwlck,. and the hear
ing was fixed to take place next Sat
The action was taken, it is under
stood, as a result of negotiations,
which, it Is said, will probably result
in settling the claim of Mr. Newton
out of court.
She Makes Brief Statement.
CLEVELAND. O., Dec 1. Tho Clevo
land Leader tonight offered its columns
to Mrs. Chadwick if she cared to make a
statement. Mrs. Chadwick, replying from
New York, sent the following message:
"Thanks for the telegram offering free
use of your paper for statement. I will
nay every dollar I owe Regret exceed
ingly that so much groundless gossip
has. without any fault of mine, caused
so much trouble to others. You are at
liberty to use this.
Transport Wrecked In Tied Sea.
Portugese transport Saothome. "which
sailed from Lisbon, November 10, with
troops and passengers bound for East
Africa, has been wrecked In the Red
Sea. The British steamer Clan Mackay
rescued all on board the transport.
Heavy Snow Storm In Spain.
MADRID, Dec 1. The heaviest snow
storm experienced in opain in many years.
Remains Are Washed Ashore, and It
Is Evident He Suffered Greatly.
STEVENSVILLE, Mich., Dec 1. Pe
ter Nlssen, who started across Lake
Michigan in his boat, "Foolklller No
3," was found dead on the "beach, two
and a half miles west of here today.
Nissen is supposed to have, been wash
ed ashore during the nighti His "Fool
killer" was about 20 rods down the
beach from the body and was much
damaged. A life-preserver and his
overcoat were fastened to the basket
shaped car in the boat. The body was
brought tp Stevensvllle, where It lies
in the town hall.
The hands and face arc frozen and
.the features reflect his suffering. The
clothing on the body was somewhat
torn. It is thought that Nlssen could
not have been dead a great while when
tho body was found, as mortification
had not set in.
The body was found by Mrs. Collier,
who lives on a farm near the lake
shore. Nissen's employer was notified
as soon as word was received here that
the body had been found and a Coro
ner's Jury was Impaneled and began
an inquest. Men have gone from hero
to bring in the wrecked "Foolklller
No. 3."
It Is almost certain that Nissen prac
tically reached shore alive yesterdf
about 4 o'clock, after ho had been out
of Chicago 24 hours. The "Foolklller
No. 3" was then seen about 200 rods
from shore off Livingston, six miles
south of Stevensvllle. A heavy gale
was blowing and It Is presumed he was
unable to land and was probably tossed
about up shore all night.
It is believed that Nissen was either
unconscious or so thoroughly chilled
that he was unable to save himself
when the "Foolklller" finally collapsed
and that he was drowned.
When the wrecked aquatic balloon was
examined, one of Nissen's business cards
was found, on the back of which was a
note, from the dead adventurer saying
an air hose, upon which he depended to
renew his supply of air, had broken, and
he was doomed to die of suffocation.
It Is believed here that Nissen was aliv'i
when his boat first touched ths eastern
shore of the lake . His wrecked boat was
lato today hauled into Stevensvllle and
a Coroner's Jury was Impaneled. The
Inquest was adjourned for further inves
Chalmers and Stott on Next Year's
Stanford Team, With Fenton as
Substitute Quarter.
1. (Special.) The - football team re
turned Sunday night from Denver,
where they, defeated the University of
Colorado ThdnkRtrlvihsr day. They
were met at the depot by a throng of
Joy-gladdened students who took tho
horses from the tallyho, and substi
tuting- tneinsaivcs, -arew-tne victorious
team to the camnus. where a trreat
jollification was held. The game
Thursday ended one of the most Drn
Hant years in the history of Stanford
football and leaves Stanford undis
puted champion from the Coast to the
Mississippi- 0 '
. Jl fetter-was received today from the
University - Club, of Denver, praising
tre-sporismansuip oi tne aianiora .cam
anA ornronlnff- the nnlnlon that Btail-
ford indisputably stands in a class with
Michigan and Minnesota.
In the game with Colorado, although
thrA rpcrular men were mlsslntr from '
the line-up, the- team played the florc
est game of the season. kAl Trow
bridge, of Portland, who was substi
tutine at half for Chalmers, played the
star game. On defensive he was a
whirlwind and on jthe offensive ne
bucked tho opposing' line and ran the
ends ror long gams, ne mane two oi
thf flvA touchdowns, one of them after
a sensational run of 30 yards through
a scattered field. Ho also did excel
lent work In kicking goals.
"Stump" Stott took Bausbach8 place
at quarter when the "latter was Injured
and as In the Calirornia game provea
Wmc.lf n Trnrthv KtierftRSOI. He not
only ran the team ably but did soma
of the most sensational bacKiieid worn
ever seen on a Colorado gridiron.
This game ends the 'varsity season
and enthusiasts are already collecting
the dope for next year's team. Jack
Sprott, probably the best tackle on the
Coast, who has played for three years.
Will probably be elected captain. A
center, guard, tackle, ena, nan ana
nnnrter will bo left vacant by gradua
tion- For the line positions thcro is
an aoundance oi material oui ol which
"Jlmmie" Lanagan will undoubtedly
develop good men.
At quarter Stott will handle the reins
of next year's eleven. For .two years
he has substituted at this position and
nmvod his nhllltv. "Kenny" Fenton.
who made his debut as freshman quar
ter this season, stands tho Dest cnancw
of steDDinsr into Stott's shoes next year
and being first substitute.
At half will bo "Bull Chalmers again
with an Increased speed and experience
which should make him the best half
back In the West. The most likely can
didate for the other halt is ai -irow-brldge
who, if he comes back, will hav
nn Hlffipiiltv fn makincr the nosition.
This is Trowbridge's senior year, how
ever, and he may not return
Expected Row Failed to Materialize,
and Peace Ruled.
Yes. tho Portland Kennel Club met last
night in their annual meeting and elected
officers. This gathering, just a corporal's
guard,, met and elected officers, and to
quote one member of the organization.
these officers will serve during "one of
the greatest and best financial periods of
the organisation." The officers were
elected without a dissenting voice. In
fact it was as easy as the nomination
and the election of President Roosevelt.
It Is true that the constitution (which, by
the way, was found wanting) and the by
laws ware a bit faulty, but this trifle was
overcome by motions that were adopted
by those present, so as to make the
meeting run more'smoothly.
It was rumored that there would be a
Holland V. Peter to a.
Dec. 1. (Special.) The track men have
unanimously selected Holland U. Peter
son to captain Pacific's track team dur
ing: the. coming Spring; campaign. Pe
terson has been a member of the 'Var
elty team for two seasons, and last year
was one of the chief point-winners on
the team that won the state champion
ehlp. He Is a member of the Mult
nomah Club, and has represented that
organization twice In the Northwest
meet. L&et year he finished first In the
half-mile, but was disqualified for run
ning o'at of the course.
His record for the 109-yard dash la
101-5 seconds; for the 220. 23 eeconds;
for the 440. M seconds; and for the
S:SO, 2 minutes and 3 seconds. He also
holds a broad-Jump record of 21 feet,
10$ lnchea
merry row, but notfais of the sort took
place, In short they that Is the . few
that were present were one great big
family; the kind that coald havenothlng
but peace.
In this organisation. Which works sim
ply by its by-laws the board of directors
hold, the high hand. They ca-5Rke or
mar the organisation. .One member
sought to question the limits, of this
board of directors, but he was easily sat
isfied and the meeting proceeded to elect
Its officers. They were: B. F. "Willis,
president; Frank H. Fleming, vice-president
and "William Goldman treasurer.
The office of secretary was left Jo the
board of directors to appoint. The di
rectors elected were fV. TV.' Peasley,
Grant Scott. F: F. "Wamsley and Dr. Al
lan W. Smith. The Portland Kennel Club
Is going in deep during- the Lewis and
Clark Fain It is the Intention, of the or
ganization to give one of the "biggest
and best bench shows In the 'history of
the association.
Princess 'Tulane, Second Cholcc,Tak
Feature Race at Ascot.
LOS ANGELES. Cal., Dec. L-The finish
In the -fourth race at Ascot Park today
was the feature event on the card; a free
handicap for 2-year-olds and upward at
a mile and one-sixteenth. Fiobob was
the favorite at 9 to 10; Princess Tulane,
S to 5, and Elle at 10 to 1. "William
"Wright was also In the race, but did not
figure In the running to any extent.
Elle set a terrific pace, but in the stretch
Fiobob and Princess closed upon him, and
the three ran neck and neck for an eighth
of a mile. The finish was so close that
the crowd was in doubt as to tho winner
until the judges hung up Princess Tu
lanc's number. She beat Fiobob a nose,
who was a head in front of Elle. The
time was 1:45-. Summary:
Seven furlongs Almanaor won, Los An
gelo second, Tizen third; time, 1:30.
Five furlongs, selling Interlude won,
Songer second, Lanark third; time, 1:1)24.
Five and one-half furlongs "Workman
won, Tramotor second, Capltasaxo third;
time, lxfiM.
One mile and one-sixteenth, free handi
capPrincess Tulane won, Fiobob second,
Elie third; time, 1:.
One mile and one-eighth, selling Mer
wan won, Invictus second, Helgerson
third; time, 1:55H.
Slauson course, selling Bath Beach
won, Elfln King second. Tarn O'Shanter
third; time. 1:11.
Red Cross Nurse, Elght-to-One, Wins
Mile Race at Oakland.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 1. Favorites
took three of the races at Oakland to
day, and the other winners were not ne
glected In the betting. One of the clos
est finishes this season occurred In the
last event when Davis landed Nigrette up
in time to win by the shortest of noses
from Andrew B. Cook, who opened up
a gap of four lengths in the early stages.
Red Cross Nurse, an 8-to-l chance, led
all the way In the mile race, beating
Ishlana, the favorite, by less than a
length. Results:
Five and one-half furlongs, selling
Albennarle won,. Batldor second. Black
Thorn third: time, 1:094.
Second race, futurity course Lillleus
won, Jerusha second. Indicator third;
time, 1:14.
Five and one-half furlongs, selling Bill
Reed won, Pickaway second. Educate
third; time, 1:09.
One mile, selling Red Cross Nurse won,
Ishlania second. Col. Van third; time,
One mile and one-sixteenth Briers won,
Northwest second, Galanthus third; time,
Six furlongs Nigrette won, Andrew B
Cook second, Sol Lichtensteln third;
time, 1:16.
At New Orleans.
NEW ORLEANS. Dec 1. Results:
Six furlongs Alist won. Bard of the
"Valley second, Mimosa third; time, 1:1s.
Half a mile Sponge Cake won, York
shire Lad second, Busted third; time.
One mile and one-sixteenth Katie Pow
ers won, Judge Himes second, Mizzen
third; time. 1:54.
Seven furlongs Dick Berhard won,
Rankin second. Ahola third; time, .1:21.
One mile and 70 yards Mamselle won,
Gasllghter second, Harry Towne third;
time, 1:13 2-5.
Seven furlongs Gigantic won, Klein
wood second, Glendon third; time, 1:32 1-5.
Court of Appeals Renders Decision in
Case of American Jockey.
PARIS, Dec! L Advocate-General Blon
del today submitted to the Court of ,Ap
peals his opinion that the lower court
had erred, In jAng a judgment favorable
to "Tod" Slry the American jockey,
against the Jockey Club. The opinion
says the club Is the exclusive judge of
discipline within its precincts. This
opinion foreshadows the judgment of the
Court of Appeals, which was postponed
for a week.
(The Court of Appeals at Paris, Novem
ber 17, began hearing the appeal of the
French Jockey Club against the decision
of a lower court favorable to "Tod" Sloan
in the suit for $40,000 damages which the
Jockey brought against the club for being
warned off the turf In connection Rose d&
Mai's winning the Prix de Diane in May,
of the Highest Order, Are for This Season
of Surpassing BEAUTY AND MERIT
Quaker. look gold medal at the St. Louis Exposition. The most
original' and rti- ic designs. TVe have them all, and are sole agents
for this, 'Air.erica's finest product. Every piece at a popular price.
Here are some specials for this week:
$6.60 AT
U si
Patterns of old colonial days.
Now is the time to hegin the fas
cinating art of' basket, mat and
screen waving. Raffia, all col
ors, package, 10; uncolored,
pound, 25 Rattan, package,
10 Our book tells you how
free "with a 50c purchase.
Pyrography, Complete Outfits,
ART SKINS, any color or shade,
65S 75, $1.00.
. Eaton Kurlburt's latest designs at popular prices.
Boxes etch filled -with the finest of Paper and Envelopes in the correct
tints and finish.
Prices, for every purse v.35, 50, 65, 75
Brill Wanted Graney, but He Declines
to Serve.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec L It has been
practically decided that Billy Hoche will
referee the fight between Jimmy Britt
and Battling Nelson, which will take
place In this city on December 20 next.
Representatives of the two fighters met
tonight and the Britt faction asked for
Eddie Graney. Ted Murphy, manager for
Nelson, agreed to this, with the under
standing that should Graney not accept.
Roche would be chosen. This was satis
factory to all concerned. It was later
learned that Graney would refuse to act.
Loo Angeles Loses Second Special
Game by Three to One.
evened up matters today by taking the
second game of the special series by
winning from Los Angeles, with a score
of J to 1. Newton and Overall did the
8labwork. Although the latter was bat
ted for five hits, but one of them was a
run getter. Score: R.H.E.
Tacoma 0 0000300 3 6 3
Los Angeles 0 010 0 0 0 0 01 5 2
Batteries Overall and Graham; Newton
and Spies. Eager.
Umpire McDonald.
Chicago Man Leads in Bowling Match
ST. LOUIS, Dec 1. The final results
of tho Olympic tenpln championship tour
nament have been announced, as fol
lows: Pint. Average..
Gus SteeU Chicago 3245 218.50
TL M. Roberta. St- LouU 3161 210.14
Frank Brill, Chicago S140 2C0.50
E. Funeke. Belleville. Ill 3083 2C4.S0
W P. IWalnirwelL Chlcaica. 3057 203.12
A. R. Flschoeur. Chicago 3055 203.10
W. L- Flenner. Chicago... 3C24 201. W
C A. Mack. St. Loula SOU 200.14
F. Ollmnn. Santa Monica, Cal.... 2937 180.12
E. T. TVIlUams, St. Louis Z3T . lua.-w
Cross-Country Ride.
In response to the general request
of the members, the paper chase sched
uled for Saturday, December 3, has.
FREE Your name in gold. on leather
Make perfect pictures, and
we show you free.
Baby Anscos $1 and $2
Folding Anscos
95, $13, ?17
New the 1905 Annual, beau
tifully illustrated contains
everything new and good
about photography.
Free darkroom.
Send for our catalogue.
Another shipment of Japanese
Rainbow Fantail
GOLD FISH 25c, 35c, 50c
Aquaria ......50& S5& $1.25
Goldfish Food, box 10
We are headquarters for the popu
lar Card Game,
Playing Cards, special
9& 13& 19 23d
Oregon Souvenir Playing Cards
regular $L00-special ....L8S
Adjustable Mirrors, very conven
ient for self-shavers.
$2, 93.50, g5, $6.50
The famous "Waterman and
Conklin's self -filling, the lat
est and best
32.50, 93, 94.50
Cur own importation. Beautiful
designs in Vases, Cups and Jar
Trays, Plaques, Bowls and Sticks
in rare designs.
Canadian money taken at full value. Frtee delivery to all parts of the city. Complete Telephone Exchange,
with direct connection to every department of our store.
been changed to a 'cross-country rido
over the Kerr Cup trail or last Thurs
day. All the dangerous jumps will be
left out so as to give overybody an
opportunity to go through. The start
will be from Piedmont water tower at
3 p. M. The annual meeting and elec
tion of officers will be held In the
offices of Downing. Hopkins & Co., at
g P. JL, Saturday, December 3.
Football Match Postponed.
It was at first thought that there would
be a. game of association football, the
kicking game, between the Portland As
sociation Football Club and. a team se
lected from the crews of ships now in
the harbor, at Hawthorne Park, tomor
row afternoon, but It ha3 been postponed
until one week from today. December 12.
as the sailors' team cannot get ready in
time. On the last "occasion on which the
rival elevens faced each other, the lands
men had the advantage In weight and
football experience, and it is now pro
posed that there will be sailors and lands
men alternately on each team next Sat
urday. This will even up matters and
make the game more interesting.
Many New Big Corporations.
NEW YORK, Dec L New companies
formed under the laws of Eastern .states
in November, with an authorized capi
tal of $1,000,000 or more, according to the
Journal of Commerce, had a grand total
of $121,200,000. Nearly half of th!a amount
was furnished by the Chicago Subway
Company, which -was incorporated with,
550,000.000. The November total compares
with 5215,000.000 in ocioDer. Dut or mis
large amount the new American Tobac
co Company contributed 5180,000.000. In
November a year ago the total was
556,100.000, and two years ago jiis,iw.wu.
As usual". New Jersey heads the list.
Fight for Controlling Interest Alarms
Large Depositors.
BUFFALO, Dec. L A fight for the con
trolling Interest in the German-American
Bank today resulted in on that in
stitution estimated by Vice-President
Schillings at 5400,000. The withdrawals
were made by large depositors, so the
run did not cause any perceptible ex
citement today.
President Emery, ,of the German-American
Bank, called a meeting of the direct
ors at the close of today's business.
When the meeting was over two state
ments were issued. One declared:
"The bank is perfectly solvent, able
and willing to meet any demand upon it
in full and ready to submit its entire af
fairs to the examination of the clearing
house." President Emery came here from Balti
more last Spring to assume the presldency
of the bank, having purchased a con
trolling Interest In the Institution. The
minority stockholders have not always
been ir accord- with- the new officials. . It
was proposed by the new regime to con-.
solidate the German-American, and an
other bank In this city. The- minority
sotckholders, it is alleged, opposed this
Princeton Freshman Expelled.
PRINCETON. N. J., Dec. 1. Announce
ment has been made officially that a
freshman has been expelled from the uni
versity for violating the "honor sys
tem." This is the first breach this year
of the honor system.
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