Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 02, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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ipr's residence shortlv after midnight to
night, but the heroic work o the fire de
partment and neighbors confined the dam--
ago to the destmctlon of tno wooasnea, m
xrhlrh thn flr Teas started. ABOUt-tWO
months ago some one set fire to Schlnalers
dairy barn, causing a. loss or ?3Cw.
Ready to Receive Pro
posal From Japan.
When Port Arthur Falls, Op
portunity Will Be Presented.
r .
Offensive and Defensive Alliance Will
Be Formed, and Supremacy of
Both Nations in the Far
East Made Certain.
ST. PETERSBURG, Dec. 2. A report
which -cornea 'from an unimpeachable
source has reached the- Publishers'
Press correspondent that Russia-is not
only ready to receive any peace pro
posals Japan may have to make, but
that with the fall o Port Arthur she
Trill be ready to sue for peace. That Is
the situation today, not-withstanding
the swashbuckling attitude of thosa
who profess to frame the Empire's pol
Icy, and will bo the situation right
along, even if this and subsequent
statements -to this effect were officially
denied. Before the world at large Rus
sia' cannot afford just now to appear
tired of the struggle and skeptical as
to its outcome, but diplomatic circles
are permitted to know the truth, and
Russia's representatives all the civil
ized world over have received strong in'
tlmations that sincere and authorlta'
tlve offers of mediation must not bo
treated lightly in the future.
It is therefore to To assumed that
Russia considers that the conflict is
entirely hopeless. There are sure to
be some Russian victories in Manchuria
and the general belief is that they will
come soon, owing to the fact that Field
Marshal the Marquis Oyama has been
compelled to part with large bodies of
his men in order to hasten the fall of
Port Arthur. But Russia has Far East
ern interests of much greater import
ance than even the possession of Port
Arthur, and as these interests have
been attacked in the past by Great
Britain and China alike, she is in dir
need of an ally. That ally will be
Japan, if the plans of today do not mis
carry. The battles of today are to bo
followed by close ties of commercial
and political union tomorrow. .
Offensive and Defensive Alliance.
'Naturally, Russia will not consider,
her. friendship a sufficiently great grift
to'expect the Japanese refrain from
the occupation of Port Arthur, from
special rights in Corea, and from other
provinces which are set down in the
Japanese peace programme today as
indispensable. Diplomats here are
confident the Mikado and his advisers
will take the same view. The strength
of the argument that armed peace be
tween the two nations would be a con
slant menace to the prosperity of both.
while an offensive and defensive alii
ance would assure both a great future
Is considered Incontrovertible. The
Czar's advisers know full well that
Japan does not trust China and that
Great Britain's friendship is believed
by many leading Japanese to be the
outgrowth of England's hatred of
Russia, and not for love of the "littla
yellow men."
-Details of the plan to be followed in
the settlement are not obtainable as
yet, but the programme is being work.
cd.out with great care, and according
to the Informant of the Publishers'
Press correspondent, provides for all
poslbilities. It provides for peace by
mediation on the part of a foreign pow
er, for peace through a Japanese offer,
and for peace by means of a Japanese
proposal. The contingencies of Port
Arthur's fall, as well as of the rescue of
the fortress by the Baltic fleet, are pro
vided for as minutely as are those of
victories south of Mukden, but the
final chapter of all, the point to which
all these lines converge, Js an alliance
of such ironbound ties that .Russia and
Japan will stand as one If any othe
power attempts one step in the Far
East which does not tqually please "tflf
Czar and Mikado.
Salem Residence Set on Fire.
SALEM, Or., Dec 2. (Special.) An in
condlary attempted to burn Jacob Behind
Diaz Begins His Seventh Term as
President of Mexico.
auguration of General Porfirio Diaz,
as president of the republic 01 .Mexico
for the seventh time, and Senor Don
Ramon Corral, as first vice-president,
took place in the hall of the Chamber
of Deputies under most auspicious circumstances.
At sunrise today all the artillery
stationed in the federal district and
also the infantry here and at barracks
throughout the republic fired a presi
dent salute, and flags were hoisted over
all public buldings.
The principal streets and edifices ana
residences were decorated profusely
with arches and national flags, freely
interspersed with the flags of .foreign
nations. One of tho features of the
street decorations were two allegorical
arches over the Paso de la Reforma,
the principal street of tho capital, rep
resenting "Peace" and "Glory.
A heavy rain which had fallen the pre
vious day necessitated the postponement
of the grand civic and military procession
for which elaborate preparations had been
The days was devoted to field sports
and merry-making. Tonight there will
be music on tho various plazas by mili
tary bands and an inaugural ball, to
which over 1000 persons have received
15,000 MEN LOST
Japanese Casualties for a Day
at Port Arthur.
Roosevelt Will Not Urge Peace Con
ference Be Held at Once.
"WASHINGTON, Dec l.-OfficIal an
nouncement was made at tho State De
partment of Russia's conditional accept
ance of tho American Government g Invi
tation to join tho other powers at The
Haguo for a second peace conference.
Russia's suggestion for a postponement
of the congress until the close of the war
must necessarily delay further steps for
the" present, for the reason that it Is de
sired that Russia, shall participate in this
conference, and, moreover, several other
powers would bo unwilling to attend the
conference if Russia were not represented.
Russian Press Is Pleased.
ST. PETERSBURG, Dec 1. There Is
universal commendation of the prompt
ness with which Russia accepted the
American arbitration treaty proposal, but
beyond expressions of satisfaction at the
fact that it will bind the two countries
closer together, the papers indulge in lit
tle comment.
Grand Prize for Bordens.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Dec 1. (Special.)
Borden's Malted Milk received grand
prize. Borden Condensed Milk Co. also
received grand prize on Eaglo Brand Con
densed Milk, Peerless Evaporated Cream,
and gold medal on caramels.
Russian Warships at Tangier.
TANGIER, Dec 1. Several warships
anchored in the bay last night. They
are supposed to be a part of the Russian
second Pacific squadron.
December 10 Is the Date When It Is
Expected the Capture of the
Stronghold Will Be
LONDON, Dec 2. Tho correspondent at
Chefoo for the Dally Telegraph says the
attack pn 203-Meter Hill resulted In
heavy losses to the first division of the
Japanese stormers. Simultaneously with
this assault, the correspondent says, men
of the Ninth and Eleventh Divisions ad
vanced and menaced the Rlhlung and
Kekwan forts. It is'said, tho correspond
ent adds, that within the last 24 hours
the Japanese casualties havo totaled
15,000, and It is asserted tho attacks have
been planned to continue until December
10, when It Is hoped the capture of Port
Arthur will be completed.
Thousands of Recruits Don Uniforms
for First Time at Tokio.
TOKIO, Dec L General Nogi's
telegram announcing the storming and
capture of 203-Meter Hill was received
with cheers by the Japaneso people. It
revives the hope of an early capture of
Port Arthur proper. Tho pcoplo havo
never despaired of the success of tho be
siegers, but the fortitude of the defenders
and the prolongation of tho siege, which
exceeds by months the most liberal pre
liminary estimate of the time required to
accomplish the reduction of this strong
hold, have been a source of deep regret.
combined with the loss of life and dis
appointments over tho fact that the siege
has occupied such a large forco of
men. decreasing Field Marshal Oyama's
strength at a time when he needed every
available man.
Today was the dato set under tho con
scription act, when recruits could join
tho army. Cheered by the news from
General Nogi, thousands of recruits
throughout tho empire marched, to bar
racks and donned uniforms for the first
time Following an honored custom, tho
relatives of the recruits, carrying flags
and banners, escorted the n6w soldiers to
their barracks. In Tokio today there
have been scores of little processions es
corting detachments of popular con
scripts. The number of men who havo
joined the colors today under the con
scription act has not been made public.
Russians Are Not Ready to Admit
Japanese Have Seized Hill.
ST. PETERSBURG. Dec 1. Tho War
Office here is not yet prepared to accept
tne report tnat the Japanese before Port
For Portland
The reputation of Silverfield's Purs is established hy their absolute
perfection in fit, style, quality and -workmanship. Our stock is the larg
est in the West, comprising all this season's best styles, as well as the
many exclusive style ideas of our own designer. Practical presents are
always appreciated, and it is doubtful if you could purchase & more sen
sible and lasting remembrance than one of our Fur Garments.
$3.50 Child's Set $2.65
White Angora Child Set, with col
lar, trimmed with Siberian lamb,
and neat flat muff to match, with
small purse attached. Grand hol
iday Sale Price.. $2.65
$6.00 Boas $3.85
Regular $6.00 Australian Marten
. Boas, in sable and Isabella
colors, trimmed with six tails;
very dressy. Holiday Sale
price $3.85
$10.00 Boas $6.95
Regular $10.00 Sable Marten Long
Boa, finished with six large tails,
good quality marten and well
made. Holiday Sale Price.$6.95
$25.00 Boas $16.85
Regular $25.00 Sable and Isabella
Pox Stoles and Long Boas, the
season's most favored fashions,
trimmed with natural tails,
dressy and serviceable. Holiday
Sale Price $16.85
$8.65 Boas $5.35
Regular $8.65 Brook Mink Long
Boas, a serviceable and stylish
garment, trimmed with four full
tails and finished with cord and
tasseL Holiday sale price.$5.35
$15.00 Boas $9.85
Regular $15 White Mouflon Boas
just the thing for young ladies;
dressy and youthful; trimmed
with cord and taiL Holiday Sale
Price 9.85
$18 and $20 Boas $13.75
Regular $18.00 and $20.00 Sable
and Isabella Fox Boas, in the
long effect, lined in Siberian
squirrel and trimmed with nat
ural tails and cord and tassels.
Holiday Sale Price $13.75
$75.00 Coats $54.45
Regular $75.00 Ne'arseal and Genu
ine Alaska Beaver Coats, cut on
the new blouse style and trimmed
with handsome gold-braided belt,
lined with brocaded silk. An un
usual value. Grand Holiday Sale
Price $54.45
The greatest millinery special we have ever offered. Our entire stock
of Ready-to-Wear Hats, including all our trimmed velvet and fur Hats,
Gainsboroughs, Envelope shapes, etc Every hat in our stock, including
all imported and Fur Hats, at
Our stock of beautiful and useful articles for the holiday trade is both
large and of special merit, as we make a point to keep styles and novel
ties in all lines that cannot bo obtained elsewhere. See our Fourth-street
window display of Ladies' Handkerchiefs, Fans, Fancy Combs, Hand
Bags and Neckwear.
Ladies $25 Suits $16.65
We are placing on sale a special
line of Ladies' Suits, in blue,
brown and black cheviots and
mixtures, with fitted or loose
backs, in the collar and collarless
styles; suits we have been selling
regularly for $25.00 your choice
during Holiday Sale... $16.65
$7.50 and $8.50 SilK
Petticoats $6.15
A handsome Silk Petticoat makes
a most acceptable Xmas Gift.
The, line on sale is large and the
assortment the best. All made
of heavy, rustling taffeta, in
black, blue, gray, brown and
green. The regular price of
these Petticoats is $7.50 to $8.50
on sale at $6.15
This is the -only store in the
city which does artistic and reli
able picture framing.
Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
We make all kinds of Drapery
work, Portieres and Window
Shades to order.
Suit and Coat Specials
We bought these suits and coats at about half of what the man
ufacturers had been receiving for them all season for their dupli
cates, and if you -come today you can have your unrestricted choice
at the same saving. It's a clear case of tremendous sacrifice on the
part of the makers, who -were willing to take a loss in order to clear
out overproductions with one sweep.
$17.50 to $20
Coats for $9.98
These Coats are made of excellent ker
seys in tan and castor made in
fancy stitched and strapped styles,
36 to 40-inch lengths; some of them
have capes, while others are made
without. All are lined with satin of
excellent quality; $17.50 to $20.00 is
a very conserva
tive estimate of
their value, yet
our price is only.
$20 to $30 Suits
for $12.75
Tailor-made Suits made of cheviots,
broadcloths and fancy mixed men's
wear materials; colors are brown,
navy, blue and black, in vestee, coat
and blouse styles; some are plain
tailor-made, others are fancy effects.
None in the lot less than a $20
value, irom that
up to
choice of the line
today at only...
We Offer for Today
$6 to $12 Hats for
We'll confess that the above sounds like a "fairv tale" but irs
the truth nevertheless. It's emergency selling, caused by the urgent
need of room for the display of Holiday Goods by .adjoining depart
ments. The offering consists ot remnants of our best-selling lines,
none were less than $6, a few as high as Si 2, the majority selling
heretofore at $8 to $10. We offer for today
Sk d 4N f One Hun
Zl t m dredTrim-
"m 1 w I med Hats
t aRi W tJL and Ready-
to - W e a r
Hats. Included are large shapes sail
ors, turbans, toques and bonnetsr made
of finest quality French felts, trimmed
with choice ponpons, velvets, etc.; none
of them was heretofore less than $6,
from that up to $12. The entire lot
on sale today at only $1 each. All in
all, the greatest millinery bargain of the
Crocheted Silk and Wool Scarfs
Our assortment of Crocreted Scarfs and Shawls of wool, ice
wool and silk, is now at its best. They lend themselves remarka
bly well for evening and theater wear. Prices very reasonable, of
course. Full assortments of evening shades, as well as white,
cream and black.
Crocheted Silk Scarfs, magnificent values at $1.'50, $2.75,
$3.75 and $5.
Crocheted Silk Shawl, magnificent values at $1.75, $2.25, 1
$2.75, $3.50 and $4.50.
Crocheted Icewool Squares, magnificent values at 756, $1.00,
$1.50, $2, $3, $3.50 and $4.50.
Shetland Shawls and Squares, magnificent values at 25, 65,
85, $1.00, $1.50 and up to $3.00.
Music Store
Sale of Standard Music. This
edition is printed on the finest
paper from new plates with
beautifully colored title page.
Publishers' price 50c and 60c
Today Only 5c Each
Beautiful Danube, Cornflow
er Waltz, Daily Question,
Frolic of the Frogs, Fifth Noc
turne, Flee as a Bird, Garden of
Eden, Home Sweet Home,
Kathleen Mavourneen, La Fon
taine, Last Hope, Last Rose of
Summer, Melody in F, Musical
Box, Old Folks at Home, Shep
herd Boy, Thine Own, Valse
Blue, Palms.
A mighty busy place these days is "Dollyland" a center of
great absorbing interest for every little girl in town. Selling al
most as many dolls these days too as we did last year at the height
of the holiday rush. Good news spreads fast we're selling the
prettiest Dolls in town, and our prices are much the lowest. Ex
amples :
AT 75 Unbreakable Dolls, light
and dark wigs, 15-inch; real shoes
and stockings.
AT 50 "Buster Brown',' Dolls,
including the famous dog
AT $1.25 Rag Dolls, light and
dark. Can be dressed and un
dressed 15-inch.
AT 89 Full joined sleeping
bisque head Dolls; real stockings
and shoes; 17-inch.
AT $1.13 Very pretty celluloid
head Dolls 13-inch. Fully
dressed; great value.
AT 60 Fully dressed "Middy"
Dolls 13-inch. Great value for
the money.
Fine Hosiery
We herewith call your attention
to our stock of Fine Hosiery, espe
cially designed as gifts; useful,
therefore very acceptable :
Women's pure silk Hose, plain
black, extraordinary values, at
$2.00, $2.25 and $2.75.
Women's pure silk Hose black
plain tops, with lace boots, splen
did qualities, at $1.50, S2.25,
$2.75 and $4.00.
Women's allover lace and lace boot
lisle Hose large variety, excep
tional values, at 5, 85&
S1.25, S1.50, Sl.To.
Women's plain and lace ankle lisle jj
btockings, with hand-embroidered
floral and other designs splendid
values, at 506. 856. S1.25.
Sl.oO and S2.00. 3
Hand-crocheted House Slippers, in
black, red, blue and pink, 98f.
Lambswool Slipper Soles all sizes
infants' to largest men's sizes.
In the Men's Store Today
The mercury is beginning to flirt with zero these days, there
fore warmer underwear will certainly be in order the proper
kinds are here at the proper prices.
Special at
If we were to tell the exact truth
about the value of this special it
would seem like exaggeration
therefore we confine ourselves to
a description: Men's natural
merino TJnderwoor of medium
weight shirts have ribbed skirts
and silk fronts; drawers, self
bands, double gussets, suspender
tapes and pearl buttons also;
same in heavier weight.
Special at
Men's natural wool and camelshair
Underwear, made like the above,
on sale today at the remarkably
low price of $1.23. Equal to
the best elswhere sorts at $1.50
and $1.75.
Handkerchiefs Are Welcome Gifts
At 25 each, or $1.40 for the half dozen, men's pure Irish linen
hemstitched Handerchiefs, unlaundered, have hand-embroidered
initial; great value; also two grcst lines in laundered, all linen,
hemstitched Handkerchiefs, with hand-embroidered initials, at
25 and 50.
Neckwear Always Acceptable
Our assortments of men's Neckwear are now complete, styles
are absolutely correct in every particular, and prices are lower
than those asked by other stores -50 to $2.50.
We call particular attention to our assortment of English
Squares at $1.00 and $1.50 the values are truly magnificent.
Children's Fitted Work Boxes
We are displaying in the Notion Store a large variety ol
Children's Work Boxes, made of leather, linen, pressed leather
ette and wicker. We are the only store in the city that shows
a collection of these pretty gifts.
AT 40 Pretty linen boxes con
taining silk, in colors, scissors,
needles, thimble and button box.
AT 50 Box containing four
papers needles, colored cotton,
colored spool silk, spool cotton,
button box, glove mending cotton.
AT 2J5 Little boxes containing
darning cotton, colored and black
silk, cotton and thimble.
AT 35 Boxes containing scis- J
sors, needle, darning cotton and 1
11- 1.1 1-1- 3 t-JI B
suit, luimuie ana uouKin.
Also more elaborate Boxes at 756, $1.00. $1.25 and up to
sortment in different sizes, colors and shapes, varying in price
from 25 to $2.50.
19c Instead 35c
Women's Fancy Stock Col
lars of Mousseline de Soie, em
broidered silk and silk with ap
plique; great variety and great
49c Instead 75c
Women's Silk Stock, with
silver or gold bead embroidery,
silk with faggoting and silk
with applique.
Fancy Lace Jabots; special, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.75 eath.
Fancy Embroidered Mull Turnovers, 35.
New Messaline Ombre and Plaid
Ribbons 30c
We have on display new ombre and plaid Ribbons in all the
latest colors and shades.
We offer at half price a large number of remnants of high
class Novelty Ribbons, suitable for making opera bags.
Arthur have taken 203-Meter Hill, but
If it Is officially coniirmea, tne war
Office admits that It will be a desperate
blow for the gallant defenders of the
fortress. The position commands the
harbor and, if the Japanese can mount
siege suns on lt3 summit they can force
out the Russian squadron or destroy It
at its anchorage.
Those familiar with the supporting
plans of the forts think it Is by no means
certain that even though Russians are
forced to reUre from 203 Meter Hill, tho
Japanese can place in posIUon heavy guns
against the fire which tho other forts
can bring to bear on It. SUU, the War
Office officials reluctanUy agree that
such a breach In the chain renders the po
sition extremely critical, and though the
garrison might be able to hold out In the
Golden Hill, Tigers Hfll and Uao Tal
forts for some time, it may mark the "be
ginning of the end.
The War Office is convinced that with
tho approach of the Russian second Pa
cific squadron the Japanese considered
that tho elimination of tho Port Arthur
squadron as a fighting factor was ab
solutely vital, thus accounting for the
Your Liver
"Will be roused to its natural dutlea
end your biliousness, headache and
constipation be cured If you tax
Hood's Pills
Sold ty 11 dructfst. 25 cents.
reckless sacrifice of life In order to se
cure a position directly commanding the
Does Not Expect Fall for Weeks.
VICTORIA. B. C. Dec 1. Richard
Barry, war correspondent for a San Fran
cisco newspaper, arrived here today from
Port Arthur on the Japan liner Iyo Maru,
en route to San Francisco, Ho expresses
the opinion that It will he many weeks
yet before the fortress at Port Arthur
can be captured. He has been with Gen
eral Nogi's army since August. He says
the Japanese regard the arrival of the
Baltic fleet with considerable apprehen
sion, but are making tremendous prep
arations for its proper reception.
Japanese Generals Wounded.
TOKIO, Dec 1. Reports from, the Jap
anese army besieging Port Arthur say
that Ueutenant-General Thuchlya la
among the wounded, and that General
Nakamura, the leader of the specially
trained body of swordsmen which charged
into the Russian forts November 26, was
injured in both legs.
Decidedly Heavy Skirmish.
MUKDEN, Dec. L-r-There was an
othro small skirmish on General Ren
nenkampff's front on November 30, but
otherwise everything' remains quiet
here. The weather Is warmer and more
agreeable. Chinese report that In con
sequence of the Inability of the Rus
sian Red Cross Society to obtain sup-
jllcs efTorsd la hs United St&tw aa&
I China, these supplies will be handed
I over to the Japanese for the benefit of
) an International hospital at Yinkow.
A decidedly heavy skirmish took
place on November 29 on the Russian
right between the villages of Chjantn
and Syaokchet, the latter place beiisr
occupied by Russian troops. Several
companies of Japanese with cavalry,
taking- advantage of night, tried to cut
the Russian communication In this di
rection, but border scouts enclo'sed the
Japanese on two sides and routed them,
capturing ten rifles and several horses
The Russian loss was five killed or
wounded. The Japanese loss is sup
posed to have been much heavier.
Report From Kuropatkln.
ST. PETERSBURG, Dec 1. General
Kuropatkln reports under yesterday's
date the continued pursuit of the Japan
ese who retreated from Tsinkhetchen.
Wherever y on see
Schilling's Best
fiavorinx extract
there is fair dealing too.
At jour frees'; aBoncybick.
The Russians November 24 forced the
Japanese rear guard to evacuate a pasr
10 miles southward of Tsinkhetchen. The
Russian losses were Insignificant.
Arbitration Treaty Signed.
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Dec. 1. An ar
bitration treaty betwten Norway. Sweder
and Belgium- was signed yesterday.
Tutf s pais
Cure All
Liver ills
disease by the timely use Oi
Tutt's Liver Pills, an old and
favorite remedy of increasing
popularity. Always cures
sour stomach, malaria, indiges
tion, torpid liver, constipation
and all bilious diseases.