is THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1904. I $5.00 to $7.50 Silk Waists for $2.98 Each 250 of Them on Sale Second Floor For Today's Great 7S7th Friday Surprise Sale we will also offer a special purchase of 250 beantifal Silk Waists at less than half their real value You miss a grand op portunity to buy a suitable Holiday gift for women if yon don't take advantage of today's great silk waist bargain Crepe de Chines, Pean de Cygnes, Pean de Soies and Taffetas in a big assortment of styles Natty tailored effects, plain or trimmed; black, white and colors, all and colors One waist in a box, $5.00, $5.50, $6.00, $6.50, $7.00 and $7.50 values on sale today at the phenomenally low price of $ 2.98 See Fifth-Street Window Display The Meier & Frank Store's 787th Friday Surprise Sale 18,500 Yards of Fine Embroideries -Values Up to $7.50 q Strip4-Yard and 656-Yard Strips for 89c A STRIP ftffl JVK -.11- 1 greatest of all December merchandising events A sale that for magnitude and real value has never I been equalled in the history of Portland's Largest and Best Store We have made arrangements to serve the immense throng, that will want to share in this remarkable bargain, with promptness and satisfaction The early comers will naturally get the best strips See if yon can't be an early bird just once, even if it is Winter The lot consists of French Embroideries, English Eyelet Embroider ies, Irish Point Embroideries, Edgings and Insertions Embroideries for Skirts, Embroideries for Corset Covers and Children's Wear Beautiful designs ki immense assortment Widths range from 3 to 15 inches 4-yard strips and 6fyard strips A duplicate purchase of the grand bargain we had for a Friday Surprise Sale early in September Doors will open promptly at eight o'clock and you can buy all you want We think the quantity sufficient to last through the day, but if yon want the choicest designs you'll have to come early No mail or phone orders Q Qr5f filled-See big Fifth-Street Window Display 0"C Oliip Holiday Handkerchief Sale 50c "Women ?s unlaundered All-Linen hand-embroidered initialed Handkerchiefs, three different styles; best 25c values, at 3 for "Women's hemstitched All-Linen Handkerchiefs, 4, and 34-inch hems, full size, value extraordinary, each. "Women's Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs, hemstitched and embroidered, also scal loped edge and embroidered, 20c and 25c values, C 2 for JC 5c "Women's hemstitched and ini tialed unlaundered Handker chiefs,' all initials; great spe cial values for this sale, each Children's plain white initial Handkerchiefs, hemstitched, fancy box, great value, box Children's colored border Handkerchiefs in fancy boxes, great special values e at, box UC Sale continues through . the week. Great Sale of Women's Hosiery "Women's All-"Wool ribbed top and all-wool ribbed Hose, sizes Sy2 to 9; great spe cial value, pair C "Women's "Onyx" black in grain fleeced Hose, split foot, best 50c values, in all sizes, pair OC "Women's fancy embroidered Lisle Hose, .new- importation; striking patterns in big assort ment; all sizes, best 75c values, for. pr. Great special sale of "Women's and Children's Knit Under wear now in progress. 57c "Women's extra size black fleeced Hose, fast color, all sizes, 50c value 37 Women's black cotton fleece lined Hose, regular and out size, best 35c values, pair. 25c Children's All-"Wool 1-and-l ribbed Hose, all sizes, double knee, regular 35c Or values, for, pair. Boys' Ironclad heavy Cotton Hose, all sizes, triple Q leg, best 25c; pair I OC Book Store Crowded With Holiday Suggestions Onr Big Book Store is filled to overflowing with a wonderful array of books for young and old All the copyrighted books, sets, encyclopedias, atlases, poets, Bibles, dictionary and stand, cook books, books for boys and girls, all the popular Guthors, board-cover books for children, linen books for children, calendars in enormous variety Prices to fit the purses of everyone We can fill your book wants to your entire satisfaction in every possible manner These Special Values are of importance to everyone Painting Plays, child's Paint Book, regular 50c value, 22C Paper Dolls, special value at. .15 Henty Books for Boys, 41 titles, value extraordinary at 1 q each . -C Longfellow's Evangeline, holiday edition, regular 50c value, T for JC Poems of Pleasure, by "Wilcox, each 75 $ Complete line of Padded Poets, each 75 "Webster's School and Office Diction ary, great special value at each JJC All the books, Happy Hooligan, Foxy Grandpa and others; tf v great special value ?UC "White House Cook Books, special at : '. : 68 "Webster's new Unabridged Diction tary. full sheep, indexed C? Q CT marvelous value Dictionary Stand, great bargain at $2.95 Combined Dictionary and Stand, spe cial at $5.95 "World's Brightest Sems of Music, vocal and instrumental, great flo value at "JvC Peck's Bad Boy, great bargain, per copy .. 45 Abraham Lincoln, his stories and speeches 50 Humorous Remarks by Bill Nye, spe cial : 50 Up-to-Date Letter "Writer, 75c value, for 45 "Twenty Years of Hustling," special value 50 Uncle Tom's Cabin, regular $1.00 edi tion for 50 Around the "World on Sixty Dollars, for 50 "Jack Raymond," by the popular Voy i'ich, $1.50 value 50 Visits of Elizabeth, clever and witty, copy 1 19 The Etiquette of Today, reliable, up-to-date 65 $ Kingdom of Nature, illustrated museum of the animal world, special . . . .95 Photo Glimpses of the Northwest. 40 Mail orders will receive our prompt and very careful attention. All the latest copyrighted Books are on sale here at $1.08 copy. SALE OF BOYS' CLOTHING Second Floor Little Boys' Overcoats in dark blue, double-breasted style, belted back, velvet collar, brass buttons, $4.00 Q value J Boys' Overcoats in dark gray and brown. mixtures, age ' 8 to 14 years ; all the best $5.00 values Om J Great special values in Boys' Suits, Norfolk and double breasted styles, in brown and gray plaids and mixtures ; also blue Cheviots, 8 to 16 years $2.50 Suits $ 1 .70 $3.00 Suits $2. 15 $3.50 Suits $2.45 $3.95 Suits $2.95 $5.00 Suits $3.95 $6.00 Suits $4.80 Knit Underwear Specials "Women's heavy cotton ribbed Corset Covers, high neck, long sleeves, 65c value 49 Children's mixed wool and cot ton Union Suits, buttoned across the chest, white or gray, regular 75c values 49 "Women's nonshrlnkablc fine ribbed Wool Vests and .Pants, light gTay or white, handsomely finished; best $1.50 under- wear for $i.2Z Women's "Harvard Mills" heavy fleece-lined ribbed Cotton Vests and Pants, Vests long or quarter- sleeve; best 65c values .47c Santa Claus Arrives at 3:30 Today Old Kris himself, big, hale and hearty, will arrive this afternoon at 3:30 and be at home to his friends until 6 We want all the children in town to come down and meet him he'll have a pleasant word and handshake for every one of yon Tell him what yon want for Christmas and we haven't a donbt hut what he'll see that you'll get jnst what yon order. He's a happy old son! and a delightful visit is assured all who come to see him We're going to try and persuade him to visit ns again tomorrow We'll let you know his decision in tomorrow's Oregonian These special bargains on sale today and tomorrow " All the popular Card Games selling at 50c on sale today at 33, including Pit, Flinch, Sherlock Holmes, Competition, Stage, Trolley, Bulls and Bears, Bunco, Bid, etc., etc 5C Boys Tool Chests, 164 in. "by 1 in., com plete with tools, including g brace and hit, $1.25 value, for. . . O JC Doll Bed, trimmed in best quality silko line, draped canopy, enamel oq finish, 24x13 in., $1.25 value OVC 9xl4-in. Bed, great value at 35 B Double Doll Swing Bed for 23 Rubber Ball Shooting Gallery, gun and ball, size of gallery 17xl5x ffl 6 inches; gun shoots rubber ball; $1.00 value Mechanical Rope-Walker, 33. Elegant Kid Body Doll, 21 inches, extra large fine bisque head, moving eyes, mouth showing teeth; heavy curled wig; regular $1.75 QJIr value, for -?OC Hip-Jointed Kid Doll, bisque head, mov ing eyes, curly hair Hip, Arm and Elbow-Jointed Kid Doll, elegant bisque head, moving eyes, curly hair, sewed wig, shoes, and stockings; regular $2.25 value, for v Our Doll Wardrobe Department, largest arid most complete in the city. Doll ready-to-wear ap parel, millinery, dresses, hosiery, shoes, undercloth ing, etc. 17-piece "White China Tea Set, beautiful set er and marvelous value, reg. $1.25, for, set C $1.25 Upright Steel Fire Engine for 87c Drug Sundries Dr. Lyons Tooth Powder, e today, Dottlo 1 "Purity" Tooth Powder;- 19c 5 value, bottle IOC Dr. Graves famous Tooth Pow- q der; 13c value OC Dr. famous Talcum Powder; 10c value : C Woodbury's Facial Soap; reg- ular 19c valuo IDC Murray &. Lamman's Florida Q Water; 25c value 1T7C Murray & Lamman's Florida Air Water; 4Shj value 3G Woodbury's Dental Cream; ; 19c value, can UC All our 25c Tooth Brushes on sale for, each I C Hinds' Honey and Almond "l! Cream; 39c value .., wOC Jewelry Specials ."America" Alarm Clocks; reg-- r ular 75c values, for JT?C 25c Brooches In plated and in French gray for, each I3C 25c Hat Pins on sale for -....17c "Portland 1905" Pins; regular -5 35c values; on sale for 1C Women's guaranteed Chate- oe lalne Watches for ?JOJ Women's and Men's Solid Gold Rings at exceptionally low prices. Babies" Solid Gold Rings, 5c up. Women's Solid Gold Brooches,- $3.00 up. Complete line of Comb and Brush Seta In ebony, ebonold, hardwood, leather and leatherette cases. Opera '.Glasses, American a.nd French makes. Holiday Fur Sale Five great lots of Fnr Scarfs on sale today ami tomorrowThe best Fur values you ever had the chance to buy, and what makes a more appre ciated Xmas gift to a woman than a handsome Fnr Neckpiece Long Jap Mink Scarf, eight tails, cord and two tails, beautiful piece; regular $5.50 Ae value; on sale for Short Cluster Scarf of mink, six tails; ' . QQ regular $3.00 value; on sale for l7u Black Coney "Cluster Scarf,, six tails, best $2.50 Scarf money can buy; your 00 choice, each - 1.0T7 Brown Opossum Cluster Scarf with six tails; our best $5.00 value; fur stores ask $7.50; sale price, each.. ............. Long Black Coney Scarf, six tails, cc $5.00 value, each , )JJ Sable and Isabella. Fox Scarfs, two large 'hand some tails, best -$12.50 value; 5 your choice, each 7?3 isong xsaoeua rxjx scans, large van- a aa t ety, $8.00 to $42. GO Complete line of small novelty Neck a e rrs "" Pieces, $12.00 to $40.00 ' Electric Seal Jackets, 22-In. length, eQ nn $25.00 to iOO.UU Astrachan Jackets, 22-in. length, $35 and 933.00 $2.50 Felt Hots 25c Each In our Millinery Department we are cleaning up stock with a vengeance today's great offering is a fair example of the remarkable bar gains you can share in if you have headgear needs. Untrimmed Felt Hate, Turbans, Dress Shapes, High-Crown Hats, etc.; French Felts, Scratch Felts, Fur Felts, all good colors and desirable styles; the greatest bargain of its kind our Millinery Store has ever offered, values up to $2.50 each 430 Great Shoe Bargains Today Friday and Saturday Shoe Bargains for men and children Footwear of the very best style and quality at saving prices We also call attention to the Holiday -Sale of Men's Slippers Best grades at about one-half real value 500 pairs of Youth's, Boys' and Little Gents' Shoes, very best makes, all kinds of leathers single or double sole, odd lots, some very un usual bargains $2.50 to $3.50 Valnes, Sizes 2 1-2 to 5 1-2, for $1.95 Pair $2.00 to $230 Valnes, Sizes 11 to 2, for $1.65 Pair Little Gents' Box Calf and Satin Galf and Yici Kid Shoes, best styles, sizes 10 to 13, great values, pair. S1.33 Misses' Vici Kid and Box Calf Shoes, 11 to 2, for, pair $1.23 Children 's'Vici Kid and Box Calf Shoes, 8y2 to 11, pair $1.13 Children's Vici Kid and Box Calf Shoes, 5 to 8, for, pair. $1.03 Sale of Men's Slippers $4-$5 values jn Men's Slippers, four lots consisting of red Kid Bootees, Patent Corona Opera Slippers, genuine Monkeyskin Opera Slippers, in tans, and blue; genuine Lizard, Alligator and "Walrus Slip pers, all sizes, $4.00-$5.00 CO QO values tymri74& 300 pairs of Men's $3.00 Slippers, in various styles and all sizes pair S2.22 $1.75-$2.00 Slippers, all leathers, pair $1.43 Men's $4 Shoes $2.75 Men's $4.00 Box Calf, Patent Corona and Yici Kid Lace or Blucher Shoes, welted soles, very best lasts, all this season's very -best styles, in sizes 6 to 11, $4.00 values, on sale today am and tomorrow at, pair V- SPECIAL. VALUES IN WOMEN'S SHOES Men's Clothing, Smoking Jackets, Etc. Great December Sale of Men's Snits and Overcoats, ready-to-wear gar ments of recognized style and quality at a big saving in the prices yon are asked to pay for equal grades at the exclusive clothing store The foI-v lowing splendid bargains are of interest to economical men Men's strictly all-wool $10.00 Suits, in fancy Cheviots and Cassimeres, O C all 1904 styles in the best patterns; value extraordinary for Men's strictly all-wool $12:50-$13.50" Suits in fancy Tweeds, Worsteds and Cheviots, this season s very best garments, m the leading styles and designs; Cf Q wonderful values for . . 00 Men's all-wool navy and brown Jersey Overcoats, velvet collar, satin sleeve lining, handsomely made, stylish, perfect fitting garment that the exclusive ? 1 1 Q C clothier would ask $18.00 for; our special price is y U0 New line of "Priestley" Crayenettes $12.50 to $25.00 Smoking Jackets, Lounging Robes sir m The equal of our holiday showing of Smoking Jackets, Lounging Kobes cannot be found on the Coast. Every attractive style and material in all grades. Father, husband, brother or son would appreciate one for Christmas. Second floor. Fine grade Tricot Smoking Jackets, in navy, mar oon and brown ; handsomely made and trimmed ; grand value at this low price $4.75 Gray Smoking Jackets with plaid self-lining, cord trimmed, all sizes, great value $4.00 Men's fancy Smoking Jackets in a big variety of styles and colors ; great special e values at JO.UU Smoking Jackets, made of fancy homespun ma terials, handsome designs, best wear- r Sf mg fabrics, unusually low priced ea.pOOU Lounging Robes in exceptionally large variety, $6.50 to $20.00. Bath Robes, $2.50 to $10.00.