Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 02, 1904, Page 15, Image 15

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Market Shows Improvement
but Is Still Quiet,
Sales Made in Last Few Days Prove
That Values Have Not Decllned-r-Strength
In New York and'
The hop market, although it continues In
active, maintains a Arm tone, with a somewhat
better feeling; on the part of holders than was
shown early. In the week. This improvement
has been occasioned by the receipt of a good
many Inquiries from Eastern dealers and brew
en, though no negotiating la reported for for
eign account.
The most important sale made lately was at
Ealem on Wednesday, when T. A. Llvesley b
Co. sold 100 bales to Jessup, buying for L.
Horet & Co. The price paid was 30 cents,
and the hops arc reported to have graded
prime. This shows that values are as good
now as at any time this year. One or two
sales of smaller lots were made recently, the
bops Involved being of Inferior quality and the
price under 30 cents, practically the same fig'
tire at which they were formerly held.
Cables received from London yesterday re
ported a strong market there. Uew Tork ad
vices were of firm prices, but not much ac
A Tacoma report eays: "At least one bop
sale was made In Tacoma yesterday. Herman
Xlaber & Co. disposed of 100 bales at 29 cents.
These hops were below grade; and, in fact, all
Inquiry at present seems to be for that class
of goods. The b.uyers ar men who have sold
ahort, and in order to save what they can on
the rapid rises of the last few months they
are delivering the poor grade hops. There Is
more inquiry for hops in the Hast than for
several days, but there is nothing doing in
London. Correspondents at London, however.
say that the outlook is good for business soon.'
The following shows the movement of hops
at the oort of. New York:
Receipts. Exports. Imports.
TT, AX- x- nr. T flirt tt VST "77
Eame week last year. . 4,326 2,830
Since Sept. 1.... 71.805 42,381
Eame time last year.. 33,797 12,294
Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc
The wheat market Is dull but eteady in. tone.
Dealers are doing but little buying, putting in
most of their time forwarding old orders,
Farmers are not pressing sales.
WHEAT Export values. Walla Walla, 80c;
bluestem. 65c: milling. Walla Walla. 83c: blue-
stem, 88c; Valley, 87&c: Eastern basis. Walla
AY ana, toe; Diuesiem, wc
BARLEY Feed, S22 per ton; rolled, $23.50
C 24.60.
OATS No. I white, $L301.32; gray,
$13001-40 per cental.
FLO UK Patents, $4.C3 04.85 per barrel;
straights. 54.sucf4.4D; clears. S3.S334: Val
ley, $4.104.25; Dakota hard wheat. $6,500
7,50; -Graham, $3.50jp4: whole wheat, $40
rye flour, local. $4.50; Eastern, $50
5 10.
MILLSTUFFS Bran. $19 per ton; mid-
d.tnge, $25; shorts. $21; chops. U. S. Mills,
$18, Unseed dairy food. $18; linseed ollmeal.
ljc per pound.
CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream, 90-
pound sacus. su.vo: lower grades. 15.750
C25, oatmeal, steel cut, 50-pound sacks, $8
xer barrel: 10-pound sacks. $1.25 per bale:
oatmeal (ground), 50-pound sacks, $7.60 per
barrel; 10-pound sacks. $4.25 per bale; split
peas. $4.50 per 100-pound sack; 25-pound
boxes. $L25; pearl barley, $4 per 100 pounds;
25-pound boxes, $1.25 per box; pastry flour.
10-pouna sacks. per bale.
HAT Timothy. $14&ltS per ton; clover.
S12Q13; grain, 512&13; cheat, $izsi3.
Vegetables. Fruit, Etc.
Three cars of bananas have been received In
poor condition, the fruit being badly scratched.
and unless the dealers can recover from the
transportation lines, Uey stand a good show
of losing heavily ot. the shipments. Yester
day's steamer brought, up but small consign'
meats. A car of. sweet potatoes was also re
ceived. They are much firmer and will ad
vance In a few days.
VEGETABLES-7-Turnlps. $1 per sack: car
rots, $1; beets, $1.25; parsnips, $1.25; cab-
cage, ic; jettuce, neao, 100 per
cozen, parsiey, uc aozen; tomatoes, per
crate; cauliflower, $1 per doren; egg plant.
lOfiizc per pouna; ceiery, oosfTUc per dot.: cu
cumbers. lOfiflSc per -dozen; peas, OgSc per
pouna. oeans. green. c; wax. c: pumpkins,
ICilUC per pouna; peppers. lc per pound.
ONIONS New. $22.10. buyers' prices.
HON E Y $3 it 3.1:5 per case.
POTATOES New Oregon, fancy. 75SD0c
common. &CK265c. buyers' price; Merced sweets.
RAISINS Looso Muscatels. 4-crown. 7e
B-layer Muscatel raisins. 7$4c; unbleached
seedless Sultanas, tic; London layers.
B-crown, wnoie coxes 01 zu pounds, SL85
S-erown. $L&.
DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated. 60
6Vc per pound; sundrled. sacks or boxes.
none, apricots, lo&piic: peaches. aeplOMiC
pears, none; prunes, Italians, 45c; French,
-sS-Hc. figs, California blacks. 5c; do
white, none; Smyrna. 20c; Fard dates, Cc
ciums. pitted. 6c
DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples, fancy. $1
175? dean, TScosi; wormy, 00(g60c per
Dcx, ngs. Jwcw.w per dox; grapes, call
fornla. $1.2561.65; pears. Winter Nellia,
Cl3tfi.&u; quinces, si; crantierries, $9,509
11 per barrel; persimmons, $1.25 per box.
TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, fancy. $3.23
C. -noice. fi per cox; oranges, new na-
rle. $2.503; grapefruit. $303.50 per box: ba
nanae. 5g5Vic per pound; pomegranates. $2.25
per box,
Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Etc
The chicken market is inclined to be weak.
s the demand Is not up to expectations. Eggs
are steady and unchanged. Butter Is easy
BUTTER City creameries: Extra cream
ery. 30c per pound; fancy creamery, 25
2TV4 c Statu creameries: Fancy creamery.
25331c; stock butter. 12314c
EGGS Oregon, ranch. 30?32c; Eastern. 22
POULTRY Fancy hens. llllc: do old.
20911c; mixed chickens. lOgllc; old roosters,
?H08c; do young. 1010Kc; Springo. 1 to
2 pound. i:gl-Vic; broilers, 1 to IVi-pound
12a13c; dressed chickens. 12S12ttc: turkeys,
live, spring lotioc; ao aressea. 15018c
do choice, 19$2oc; geese, live, 8S9c; do
dressed. 9loc; ducks, old, $60.50; do
3-oung, as to sise. $768; pigeons, 51QL25.
GAME Wild seese. $303.50: Mallard ducks.
$384. Widgeon. $22.60; Teal. $2SZ25; China
pheasants, $Tf?6; do native, $5i; grouse, $4
C5. cuaii. sz.ooQ-3.
CHEESE Full cream twins, 131414c
louKg Americas, HQ' n fee
Groceries. Nuts. Etc.
COFFEE Mocha. 202Sc; Java, ordinary,
lc(?20c; Costa. Rica. Xancy. 1820c; good,
I65 18c; ordinary, 10&12c per pound; Co
lumbia roast, cases, 100s. $13; -SOs. $13JJ3;
ArbucKle, $14.75; Lion. $14.75.
RICE Imperial Japan. No. L $5.37; No.
S Creole. $t.2S; Carolina, 6c; broken-head.
SALMON Columbia. River. 1-pound tails,
$LC5 per dozen; 2-pound tails, $2.40: fancy
1 -pound flats, $Lb0: -pound flaie. $L10;
Alaska pink. 1-pound talis. 87 fcc; red. 1
pound talis. $1.20; sockeyes. 1-pound tails.
$1 75; 1-pound flats, $1.85.
SUGAR Sack basis, 100 pounds: Cube,
S&50; powdered. $0.25; dry granulated,
$8.15. extra C. X5.Co. golden C, 35.55; fruit
bugar. $&5, advance over sack basis as fol
lows: Barrels, 10c; half barrels. 25c; boxes,
Oo per 100 pounds. tTerms: On remittance
within 15 Caya. dedjet fee per pound; If
later than 15 days and within 30 days, de
duct He per pound; no discount after 30
days.) Beet sugar granulated. $0.05 per
100 pounds; mapio sugar. 15918c per pound.
SALT California, $9.50 per ton; $L30 per
bale; Liverpool. 50a, $15.&u; 100s. 15; 2vO,
$14.50; half-ground, lOOs, $5.25; 50s. $5.75.
NUTS Walnuts. 155ic per pound by sack,
lc extra, lor less than sack; Brazil nuts. 15c;
filberts, 15c; pecans. Jumbos", 15c; extra
large, 14c; almonds. L X. L., 15 10c; n
"lus ultras, 15c; nonpareils. 13c; chestnuts,
Italians, 16c; Ohio. $4.50 per 25-pound drum;
peanuts, raw. 8c per pound; roasted, 9G10c;
plnenuta. 10&12Uc; hickory nuts, 7c; cocoa
jjuts. S590tf per dozen.
, BEANS Small -white, 3c; large white,
ZM.C. Plok. 4 He; bryou. Sc; Lima, 4Hc
Areata cad Provisions.
BWCF Dressed 46c per pound.
MUTTON Dressed, 45c per pound; lambs,
SAiStc per pound.
'3UJt-& ta 14 pound,, l$o pr pwad; 14
to in rounds. 13c: 18 to 30 pounds. 13c: Cjui-
lornla (picnic), 8c; eottago hami, 0J4c: shoul
ders, vc; ooiiea nam, iuc; picnic nun,
boneless, lie.
VEAL urtstea. loo to i, iho Pr pouna;
123 to 200. 5Gc; 200 and up. SH 4c.
PORK Dressed, ioo to i&u. &efec per poena:
160 and up, 5c.
BACON iaocy DreaKiasc zoc per pouna;
standard breakfast, 17c; choice, 15c; Eng
lish breakfast, 11 to 14 pounds. 14c; peach ba
con, 13c.
SAUSAGE Portland bam, 13c per pound;
minced bam, 10c; Bummer, choice dry, l"Hc;
bologna, long, 6&c; welnerwursi. 8c; liver, fihe;
pork. l6c; blood, 5&c; headcheese. 6&c; bo
logna sausage, link. b&c.
DRY-SALTED MEATS Regular aaort clears,
10c ealt, 11c smoked; clear backs, f?3ic ult,
lOXc smoked; Oregon, export, 20 to 25 pounds,
average, 10&a salt, 11 &c smoked; Union butts.
10 to IB pounds, average, c salt, vo smoked.
PICKLED GOODS Pickled pigs' feet, V&ar.
rele, $5; -barrels. $2.75; 15-pound kit. fl.25;
pickled tripe, -barrels, $5; -barreifi. $2.75;
15-pound kit. 41.25; pickled pigs' tongues, Vt
barrels, $5; -barrels, $2.76; 15-pound kit,
J 1.25; pickled, lambs' tongues, -barrelf, $8.25;
-barrels, id-pound xits, 9:2.23.
LARD Kettle-rendered: Tierces, 10c; tubs,
lOVic: 50s. lOVic; 20s. 10c; 10a, 10!4c; 5s,
10c Standard pure: Tierces. 8Kc; tubs,
SU-c: 50s. flc: 20s. 0: 10s. 10c: 6s. lOPAc
compound: nerces. aftc; tuns, oc; owe, c;
10s, 754c; w, c.
Hops, Wool, Hide, Etc
HOPS Fancy shippers. 31031c: choice, 30
31c; prime, zysuc per pouna.
WOOL valley, ivioouc per pouna; u.a
Oregon, 10(3 17c; mohair, 25j?2ec per pound fox
HIDES Dry hides, No. L 10 pounas ana up.
15 015 He cer pound: dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 18
rtn i2f" dt-r calf. No. 1. under 5
16c; dry, aalted bulla and stags, one-third less
thnn iirv flint? tnltrl hides, steers, sound. 70
pounds and over, 8S8c: 50 to 60 pounds, 7ttf
8c. under 50 pounds and cows, 6S"c: sUgs
and bulls, so una, mp. bum, ui w v
pounds, 7c; under 10 pounds, Sc; green (un
salted). 3c per pound less; culls, lc per pound;
horse hides, salted. $1.5022 each; dry. $19
.50 each; colts hiaes, aywc eacn; goauuns,
common, lvsri&c eacn; Angora, wjui woot a,
25cB$L .
tallow inme. per pouna. aac; io.
and grease, 2 33c
GASOLINE Btove gasoline, cases. 24Hc: Iron
barrels, J8c; b8 degrees gasoime, cases, kc;
iron barrels or drums. 26c
coal oiLr-cases. iron oarreis. iuc;
wood barrels, none; 83 degrees, cases, 22c;
barrels, 16c Washington SUte test burning
oils, excebt headllsht. V,a oer gallon hlcntr.
LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels, 54c; cases, 59c
Boiled: Barrels, COc; cases, 61c One cent less
is iu-gaucn 101s.
TURPENTINE Cases. 85e: barrels. Sic
WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 7Ue: 600-pound.
ic; less man 600-pound lots, sc
Prices at Portland Union Stockyards Yes
Receipts at the Portland Union Stockyards
yesterday were 350 sheep and 110 cattle. The
following prices "were quoted at the yards:
CATTLE Best steers, $3.25; medium, $2.75;
cows, $22.50.
HOGS Best large, fat hogs, $5.25; light
hogs. $134.50.
SHEEP Best Eastern Oregon and Valley,
$2.50; lambs, $3.25.
Prices Current at Chicago, Omaha and
Kansas City.
KANSAS CITY. Dec L Receipts 5000
Market steady. Native steers, $3.7305.65;
native cows and heifers, $1.50 5.00; Block
ers and feeders, $2 3.50; calves, $2.50 6.00;
Western steers, $334.75; Western cows. $1.50
Hogs Receipts 15,000. Market steady to
15c lower. Bulk of sales, $4.30 4.00; heavy,
$4 5504.65; packers, $4.4504.65; pigs, $3.75
Sheep Receipts 4000. Market was steady.
Muttons. $3.75 5.25; lambs, $4.5006.00;
range wethers, $4 4.00; ewes, $2.50 4 25.
OMAHA. Dec L Cattle Receipts S0O0.
Market active. Native steers, $3.80 6.23;
native cows and heifers, $34.80; Western
steers, $3 4.75; Texas steers, $2.7503.75;
range cows and heifers, 52.4003.40; canners.
$1.7502.35; stockers and feeders, $2 400
4.00; calves, $2.50 05.50; bulls and stags, $2
Hogs Receipts 12.000. Market shade to
; lower. Heavy, $4.37 04.45; mixed.
$4.37 04.40; light, $4.3004.40; pigs. $40
4.35; bulk of sales, $4.37 04.40
Sheep Receipts 2800. Market strong.
Western yearlings. $4J15 04.75; -aethers, $4
G4.C0; ewes, $3.80 04.50; common and stock
ers, $2.50 03.4.0; lambs. $5.4Cg6.00.
CHICAGO. Dec L Cattle Receipts 7000,
Including 2000 Westerns. Market steady
Good to prime steers. $607.25: poor to me
dium. $3.60 05.75; stockers and feeders, $20
4.20; cows. $1.2504.00; heifers, $1.8505.35:
canners, $1.4002.10; bulls, $2 04.20; calves.
$3 0 6.75; Western steers, $3.5005.15.
Hogs Receipts today 40,000; estimate for
tomorrow 30,000. Market stronger. Mixed
and butchers, $4 4004.65; good to choice
heavy, $4.5004.05; rough heavy, $4.40 04.65;
light, $4.30 0 4.57; bulk of sales, $4.50
Sheep Receipts 18.000. Market strong.
Good to choice wethers, $4.3504.00; fair to
choice mixed, $3.5004.30; Western sheep, $3
05.00; native lambs, $4.2506.15; Western
lambs, $4 0 5 90.
Large Consumption Is Looked for Next
CLEVELAND, O., pec 1. Actual develop
ments, as well as the well-founded expectation
that 1905 is to be a year of large consumption
of lronand steel In tho United States, eays the
Iron Trade Review, give a very strong tone to
the market- In the past week a further ad
vance In Northern pig Iron has taken place.
and bar Iron is from $1 to $2 higher, while old
material has advanced In all markets.
While the number of pig Iron buyers the past
week was small compared with that of a month
or six weeks ago, they represented in not a
few cases large consuming capacity and the
size of their purchases at the newly estab
lished level indicates how unexpected the up
turn was. A large machinery interest In the
Pittsburg district has bought 12.000 tons at an
advance over last week, and. Central Western
pipe works have taken 20.000 to 25.000 too.
Northern furnaces have all put up prices In
. . ....... . . ,
the week, and $16 is now asked for 3fo. 2.
Bessemer Iron has advanced to $16.25 and
$15.50 at Central Western furnaces.
A steel bar meeting will occur early in De
cember, and an advance of $2 a ton is a prac
tical certainty. Bar iron has advanced $2 a
ton further.
Among advances expected is one of $2 to $4
on wire goods, and $2 a ton on wire sails.
Mining Stocks.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec L Official clos
ing quotations for mining stocks today were
as follows:
Andes $ .23Just!ce
$ .10
Belcher 23
Mexican .
Best .& Belcher., 1.50!
Bullion 22
Caledonia 45
Challenge Con.. .17
Chollar 18
Confidence 85
Con. Cal. & Va.. i:0
Crown Point ... .17
Exchequer .44
Gould & Curry - - .23
Hale & Norcross 1.05
Occidental Con..
Seg. Belcher ...
Sierra Nevada ..
Sliver Hill
Union Con
Utah Con.
Yellow Jacket ..
NEW YORK, Dec 1. Closing quotations:
Adams Con. ...$ .25
Alice 6Q
Breecc 12
Brunswick Con.. .20
Littlo Chief .
.$ .05
. .3.50
. 2.30
Ontario . . . . .
Ophlr ... ...
. .13
. .16
Comstock Tun.. .08j
Con. Cab i Va.. 1.70
Horn Sliver .... 1.55
Sierra Nevada
Small Hopes -.
. .28
. .42
. .26
. 1.90
Iron Silver 2.20
Leadvllle Con
02Standard ... .
BOSTON, Dec. L Closing quotations:
Adventure ...$ 6.25; Mohawk ....$ 55.00
Allouez 17.00jMont. C. & C. . , 4.63
Amalgamated. 81.00 Old Dominion. 27.50
Am. Zlno .... 12.75
Atlantic 17.50
Osceola 96.00
Parrot 32.00
Qulncy 115.00
Bingham ... .
Cab & Hecla .
Copper Range
Daly West ....
Dominion Coal
Granby ......
Isle Royal e ..
Mass. Mining.
Michigan. ....
Tamarack ....
U. S Mining..
U. S. Oil
Wolverine ....
New York Cottes Market.
NEW YORK. Dec L Cotton Futures
opened weak at a decline of 12016 points, and
closed steady at a decline of 31034 points.
December, 8.42c; January, S.52c; February and
March. 8.59c; May, 8.S2c; June. S.63c: July,
S.SSc; August, &S9c Spot closed quiet, 3
points' decline; middling uplaads, ftc; do Gulf,
S.SSc. fialM. M.214 -Uls
Strong Spots In Stocks Developed
Rotation Northern Securities
NEW YORK. Dec 1. Prices moved upward
in the opening dealings in stocks today In a
fairly uniform Nnanncr. But that was the last
of uniformity in the day's market. There were
many strong epots, and they were developed In
rotation, spreading the effect of the strength
through the session of the Stock Exchange.
but the general list did not become animated
it any time, and the day's business wae con
siderably contracted from the recent average.
Some of the most notable features of recent
advances were laggard or inclined to- eag on
light offerings. As against the sharp gains
in special stocks, there were no well defined
weak epots, but only dullness and heaviness.
There is still unabated confidence that the
tranquility of the money market is not to be
disturbed for the year-end requirements, al
though It is commonly expected that rates will
work somewhat closer. So long as money
rates remain easy, there seems nothing that
can disturb speculative confidence la the mar
There was a revival of confidence that the
Northern Securities decision was imminent.
but some uncertainty was professed as to
what its character would be, so that this
served to induce some hesitation rather than
to stimulate speculation, as has usually been
the caee. The strength of St. Paul was gen
erally attributed, however, to hope of an early
decision of the Securities case.
The most notable advances were divided be
tween stocks of an extremely high class and
those of little tried and suspected Issues. Th!
apparent anomally la easier to understand when
it Is considered that both classes of stocks are
likely to be not widely distributed, and In con
sequence easy to move. The Junior Vandcr-
bilts were conspicuous examples of the class
today. A distinctly detected absorption for
investment of this group of etocks is of greater
sentimental effect on the market for secur
ities than almost any other act that could be
named In the operations of the market. For
this reason a concerted advance In the group
is a favorite device of the market leaders to
help along the rest of the market by sympathy.
The rapid manner In which these prices were
advanced today was sufficient to mark the
movement as suspicions, the railroad investor.
as has been truly observed, not following the
manner of a bargain-counter rush to secure
hie holdings.
The rise In Amalgamated Copper was based
on rumors of an intended Increase In the divi
dend on ono of its subsidiary companies.
Railroad earnings reported were generally fa
vorable. The conclusion of the London settle
ment occasioned a favorable influence from
that source. The December settlements here
and the payments of a $20,000,000 Installment
on Southern Pacific stock induced a firmer
tone both for call and time loans, but this
was not an effective Influence in the stock
market. The reactionary tendency became
fairly general, however, later In the day, and
the closing was weak and generally below last
night's level of prices.
Bonds were easier. Total eales, par value.
$7,605,000. United States 4s coupon advanced
per cent on call.
Sales. High. Low. bid.
Atchison 32.500 89 83 87
do preferred 4.000 103
Baltimore &. Ohio..
do preferred
Canadian Pacific...
7.200 134
Central of N. J
Chesapeake & Ohio...
cmcago & AJion
do preferred
Chi. Great Western..
Chi. Si Northwestern.
Chi., Mil. & St. Paul 45,200 177
go preicrrea
Chi. Ter. tt Trans..
do preferred
C C C. & 8t. L...
Colorado Southern ..
do 1st preferred....
do 2d preferred
Delaware & Hudson.
Det. Lack. & West..
Denver & Rio Grande
do preferred -
do 1st preferred....
do 2d preferred.....
Hocking Valley
do preferred
Illinois Central
Iowa Central ........
do d referred .......
Kan. City Southern..
do nreierrea .......
Louisville & Nash v.. 19,400 143
Manhattan L. 1.200 IBS
Metrop. Securities... 13,000 S3'
Metro Dolitan St. Ry.. 34.000 125
Mexican Central 12,200 22
Minn. & St. Louis... 100 04
M.. St. P. & S. S. M.
do Dreierrea -. ....
Missouri Pacific 71.500 HI'
Mo., Kan. & Texas.. 3.400- 34
do nrererrea ww o
National of Mex. pfd. 200 4ZK
Norfolk & Western... 07,000
da nreferred ....... ......
Ontario & Western... 8.100 43 42 42J$
Pennsylvania 12.500 139 187 137
Reading 89.500
do 1st prererred.... i.uw
do 2d nreferred.....
Rock Island Co 13,500
do Breferred 3.800
S. L. & S. F. 2d pfd. 1.200
St. L. southwestern, aiw
do nreferred 5.300
Southern Pacific .... 17.000
do nreferred 3.000 118
Southern Railway ... 44.300 3
do nreferred ww iw
Texas & Pacific 8.500 3S
Toledo. St. L. & W.. Z.20O 37
do nreferred uo outi
Union Pacific 5&.&00 lie
do preferred 1,200
I Wabash 1.500
do preferred 3.600
Wheeling St L. Erie. 600
W isconsin central .. ww
do preferred 400
Exoress companies
Adams .... ' 238
American 215
United States 120
Wells-Fargo 242
Amal. Copper 124.000
I Arafcr. Car & Foundry 1,900
I An. nrf,rrM TOO
do nreferred
American Cotton Oil.
do breferred
American Ice
do preferred
American Linseed Oil
do preferred 38
American Locomotive 5,500 35 345i 34I
do nreferred 200 I03$i 103U 103
Amer. Em. & Refining 18,700 82 81 81
do preferred 100 il8 113 113
Amer. Sugar Refining 22,800 151 149 150
Anaconda inning uo. ;,iuu 11s 115 115
Colorado Fuel & Iron 15.S00 67
Consolidated Gas ... 14,400 216
Com Products 3.500 24
do nreferred 1.100 Sl4
Distillers' Securities. 9.800 39
General Electric
800 192
International Paper..
500 20
700 79
200 40
do preferred
International Pump..
do preferred
National Lead 21.100 24
Pacific Mail
900 49
People's Gas
10.600 iii;
1.200 41
Pressed steei car....
do nreferred
500 80
Pullman Palace Car. 200
Republic Steel 2.300
do preferred ....... ZOO
Rubber Goods 9,500
do nreferred 200
Tenn. Coal & Iron... 5,300
U. S. Leather........ 5,300
do preferred . 1,200
U. S. Rubber 800
do preferred 8,000
U. S. Steel 117,100
do -nreferred ....... 3.600
WestiniAouse Elec.. 1:500 184 184
Western Union COO 03 92
Total sales for the day. 1,305,700 shares.
NEW YORK. Dec 1. Closing quotations
U. S. ref. 2s reg.104
do coupon ...104
TJ. 8. 3s rtg, 104
Atchison AdJ 4s. 04;
C & N. W. C 7s 128
N. Y. Cent, lsts.101
Nor. Pacific 38.. 75
do 4s 105
So. Pacific 4s... 04
Union Pacific 4s. 106
do coupon ...104
V. S. new 4s reg.103
do coupon ...131
U. S. old 4s reg.105
do coupon ...100
Wis. Central 4s.. 93
Stocks at London.
LONDON, Dec L Consols for
I 88 11-16; do for account, SS.
Anaconda 5
Nor. A Western. 78
Atchison 91
do preferred .106
do preferred .. 85
Ont. & Western. 44
Salt..& Ohio ...101 Pennsylvania
Can. Pacific ....137 Rand Mines
-. 11
.. 40
.. 45
.. 41
... 37
.. 98
Ches. & Ohio .. 51 Reading
C GU Wevtern. 2C j do 1st pref
C M. & St P.. 181 do 2d pref
DeBeers lSiiSo. Railway
D. & R. G. ..... 34i do preferred
do preferred
do lat pref . .
j&o 2d preX ju
Union Pacific
do preferred
- 97
U. S. Steel 33
do yriferred d
87H 07
133 133
48,000 50 49 49
200 43 42 43
14.100 26 24 24
0.800 214 211 ZlUi
(Ml JB3?fc -IC iOll
200 14 14 14
2.000 25i 25 25
5,700 93 00 91
700 23 22H 22
200 58; 5S 58
700 35 35 35
2,400 188 166 186
700 335 335 337
200 33 33 32
1,500 86& 88 80
22,900 40& 39 39
1,800 74 73 72
000 57 57 56
200 87 86 nl
300 00 80?i 90
18,300 15S 150 157
400 30 30 30
600 56 56 56
5,000 31 30 30U
200 54 52 52
141 141$
167 167tl
4 81 82
4 123 124;
i 21 21
64 63
.... 00
$ 109 110
I 33 33
43 4
4 75 75a
78 77 77
&Si 88 8Sii
. - - 8&j
36 36 36
86 . 84 84
68 6SU 68
26 25$i 26
55 54 - 54
CO-i 66 OH
8 117 117
6 35 35
S 05 05U
36 30
37 36$i
110 115i
95 80. 85
24 23 23
47 46 46
21 20 20
23 23 23
48 47 47g
80 60
34 33 33
00 u. 0017
COO 33 33 33
100 93 93 92
500 S 8 8
300 39 30 38
200 16-11 16 16U
55 65
216 215
23 23
81 0
39 SSK
191 190
18 20
79 79
40 39
24 24
104 104
48 48
110 nog
40; 40
90 00
40 237 237U
18 17 17
71 71 7;
26$T 238 25
94 94 94
76 75 75
13g 12 13
.96 95 85n
33 33 33
92 81 90
32 31 31
84 83 93
Illinois Central .lMSo. Pacific 69
L.&N. 146 Jwabash 24
M.K T 34H1 do preferred .. 48
N. Y. Central.. 145 (Spanish 4s S8SJL
Xer Sxekasge, Etc.
NEW YORK, Dec 1. Money on call, firm,
3$4 per cent; closing bid, 3 per cent; offered
at 34 per cent. Time loans, 60 days. 90 days
and six months. 4 per cent- Prime mercantile
paper. 4045i per cent.
Sterling exchange steady, with actual busi
ness in bankers bill at $4.S6554.3G0 for de
mand, and at $4.837074.8375 for 60-day bills.
Posted rates, $4.84 and $4.87. Commercial
bills. $4.834.83.
Bar silver. 5S?4c.
Mexican dollars, 47c
Government bonds firm; railroad bonds' easier.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 1. Sliver-bars, 59ic
per ounce.
Mexican dollars, 46247c.
Drafts Sight, pat; telegraph, 2c.
Sterling on London Sixty days. $4.84; slgbt,
LONDON". Dec. 1. Bar sliver firm, 27?Jd per
Money, 23 per cent.
Rate of discount for short bills. 803 Pr
cent: for three-months' bills, 3 pr cent.
Dally Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON. Dec 1. Today's statement
of the Treasury balances shows:
Available cash balance $143,344,353
Gold 83,812,018
Bank CleariBgs.
Clearings. Balances.
Portland J39.T21 $168,616
Seattle 788,666 207,803
Tacoma 529.872 48.677
Spokane 491,250 87,354
Strike lm Buenos Ayree Leaves Decks Piled
With. Bales.
BOSTON. Dec. 1. (Special.) Private cable
advlcM from Buenos Ayres gives news that
will have a serious effect upon the Boston and
the American wool markets generally. A ren
eral strike was Inaugurated November 25, and
everything in Buenos Ayres IS now at a sUnd-
still, while thousands of bales of wool are
piled up on the docks awaiting shipment to
Enormous purchases for Boston account were
made early in the month, with rush orders at
tached, but nothing can leave there. The Bos.
ton market is now restricted to limited offerings
and poor selections, with, an active demand
continuing. Scoured territory, half, three
eighths and quarter bloods are now quoted at
60c and 62c and fine clothing territory at 65c
or more, with fine scoured territory at 63065c.
A little Fall Texas la offering at 10020c in
E S Ramp. Milton
T H Curtis. Astoria
W D Owen, N Y
E A Belns, N" Y
W Curran and wife,
A Grith. San Fran
G Neall. Seattle
R Lowe. Seattle
J Davis. New York
J B Beresford. Omaha
T Hughes and wife,
Los Angeles, Cal
A A Greene and wife,
T O Velten, Milwaukj
A C Hough, ur pass
B E Osborne. San Frn
Mrs R P Lewis, St L
Mrs V Russell, Seattle
G Kruger. N Y
C L Durocher. St PI
Miss F Robinson,
San Jose
A Roberts, Mnples
T H Sullivan, Tacoma
C E Pitt. San Fran
C Waidehberg, Cbgo
Miss B Logan, ChlcagjF H Lamb, Hoqulam
G W Grunbaum, N Y
R D Baker. Plttsbrg
C A Morris. New Y
J D Elliott. Duluth
A Berger, N Y
J 8 Baer. Chicago
J B Parxette and
daughter. San Berdn
G F King. New York
J C Allen, Chicago
J S Pershing, do J
C N Crewsdon, do
J L Elsendroth, do
L Fox, do
Capt Maxey and wf,
Ft Missoula
A T Egan. St Louis
Mrs Parxette
Mrs S L Johnson,
Mrs M J Greene,
A W Burrell, Oakland
E F Gray, San Fran
P Serve. Seattle
M J Kinney, Seaitte
B H WllUams, Chgo
F W Pcttygrove. S F
C B Russell, Seattle
R Sykes and wife,
Edgerley, N D
W H Bentley, Wal W
H B Lee, Antelope
Thos Bonner. W W
Carrie Dammon, Clcon
R Parsons, Elgin. Or
Lulu M Spangler, Corv
H Parsons. Elgin JW B McCoy. Moro
W L Rice. Lansing
ID Blggerstaff, Moro
A A Jayne. Hood Kv
A King Wilson. Moro
W H Wilson, T DallesP P Collin. Pendlton
T WIgman. T Dalles Mrs Collin. Pendlton
O Weldner. No YamhjMaster Collin. Pendlt
Mrs Weldner. do
Win Van Vactor,
R G Roberts. do
Mrs Roberts. do
Miss Roberts. do I
G D Booster, Stay ton
F B Tlchnor. Albany
C G Sapp, Albany
M M Allen. Albany
J S Stewert, Fossil
Frank Walker. Los A
Henry Blethen., S F
F L Moore. Baker C
C A Moore, San Fran
Mrs Moore, San Fran
A L Bratten. San Frn
D L Boyd. Mitchell
S Conn. Seattle
JW B Kurtz, T Dalles
A B Stanley. Lone Rk
J M Roset, walla w
A J McMillan. T Dlls
Mrs Roset, Wal Wal
Miss Roset, Wal Wal
C E Moulton, Tacoma
F O'Brien. Albany
Mrs T F Smith, Chehl
Miss Smith. Chehalls
W McDougall. Wardnr
Irs M A Laughlln.
Mrs McDougall. do
Miss Eva Pelllnr,
Denver. Colo
Mrs J P Pelllng, Denv
T T Land. Pendlton
Miss McDougaiL do
J H Johnston, Dufur
H C Dodds, Dufur
G J Evans, Wal Wal
C R Fowler, Centralla
Mrs Land, Pendleton
Miss Land, Pendleton
Alfred Alpln, San Frn
J S Purdon. Or City
A J Schuman. Antelp
Mrs Purdon. Or City
J O cox. Antelope
Mrs Cox, Antelope
C O Tunnls, Slletz
W O Minor, Heppner
W C McConnell. Mos
cow Chaa Keley. Moscow
O W Fuchs. Warren
C O Merrill. Gresham
R Henricl. St Helens
Michael Spahn, Rock-
Mrs Conradt, city
Mr Conradt, city
B H Thurston. Dlles
J E Buck, Baker (
Mrs Buck. Baker (
Marlon West, city
Margaret McKenzIe
R E Morris, Eugene
S Mastereon. Eugene
E Grimm, city
C J Llttlepage,
A Montgomery,
G C Bates. Troutdale
C H Bates. TroutdaH
W T Jameson. Chi ego
A H Adams. T Dalls
R H Keazy. St Loul
F E Dow, Sauvies Isl
Geo M Lannon, Bostn
Geo Domyer, Sauvle's
John A Norman.
C D Herople
Mrs Hemple
J Holbrook. Catlin
J D Johnson. Kelso
P Buttner, Salem
Mrs Buttner. Salem
G E Glass, Fairfield
Mrs Glass, Fairfield
San Antonio. Tex
Farley Weir. San Ant
W J Campbell
Mrs J E Gray, city
A H Butler, Latourell
Mrs Butler. Latourell
Ben McMulIen, Rosebg
F J Heck, city
Roy H Kagg. St Louis
Howard Conlee, Moro
Geo D Goodhue, Salm
A Richards. Estacad
J G Dorrence. Bend
M Brownson. city
A L Kelly, Moscow
C Hall. Lyle
E Kllnger, Hubbard
Bert Best
Mrs Mary Jones,' Sa-iC A Soney, Woodland
ID McCarthy, city
J J Mays, Glencoe
O Savery. Dallas
W E Her. Aurora
A W Blankenburg.
Mrs M F Bird and
C H Archer. Pueblo
F M Grant. Mt Pleas
Chas Miller, Lincoln
A G Waggon or
T F Hickman. Albany
Robt Baker. Tacoma
R Raymond. St Paul
E D Garrison, Warren
John Dethman. city
C J Crook. Or City
G Berg. Stelal
Mrs Berg. Stella
W J Smith. Salem
(Mrs Smith. Salem
Miss N Smith, Salem
G Healey, Astoria
Mrs Healey. do
J Nelson, do
Mrs Nelson. do
J Taylor, So Bend
H R Moore. So Bend
C Bush. Ladu
S S Miller. Aurora
T Jones, Albany
Mrs Jones. Albany
O W Harris, The Dlls
Mrs Harris. The Dlls
J S Wilcox, T Dalles
E Kingman, The Dlls
O A Peterson, Woodld
L B Parker. Spokane
S A Miles. St Helns
F Burke, Centralla
L D Peck, Astoria
I Tucker. Astoria
F L Brit tain. Centrala
N Jones. Centralla
D C Butler. Cathlam
H N Bush, city
G A Taylor, city
W Foley. St Helens
E Wrenn. Seattle
E B Parson. San Fran
W T Morris. PhllomW Foley. San Francis
E Scripp, Philomath
V Johnson. San Fran
L Morrison. San Fran
Mrs Morrison. San Fr
D Castle. Seattle
A B Conrad. Gr Pass
J Nelson. San Francis
Mrs Conrad G Pass
Mrs Nelson, Ban Frn
J W Ellsworth. Baker
A J Stlllman. Orchard
E Dean, Seattle
H Johnson, Seattle
E V Halloway, Spring
Mrs Johnson, Seattle
I field
H Wilson. Stella
(Mrs Halloway, Spgflld
Thos Finn, Butte )VT T Webb, Seattle
Susie Finn. Butte
W F Carver. St Paul
Eamuel Houston. Butt
H H Blnckerhoff. S Fj
J W Trich. city
E P Kelly. Durango
E Beal. Long Beach
C R Getting?. Illinois
A C Hawley. Mlnnpls
T B Neuhauser, T Dls
P M Miller, Chicago
D S Tlnnln. St Paul
J W Trich. Jr., city
T C Crego. city
Mrs Miller. Chicago
R M McDonald, city
R O Williams. Salt LI
F W Anderson. Baker
E A Barnes, city
Chas Grissen, McMlnn
L E SkeeU Hennepin
S Jacobs. New York
J E Johnson. AstoriaJF L Melville, Rockfrd
Ed Hanson, Astoria Mrs Melville. Rockfrd
TaeotBA Betel, Taeeasa.
American plan. Bates, $3 and np.
8e4el Dos welly,- Taeetaa.
)yijat 0 ttauuraai i& coaatctioa,
Downing, H opkins & Co.
Established 1593
Room 4, Ground Floor
WHEAT -HAS a set back
December Deliveries There Amount to
Million Bushels Better Weather
in Argentina.
CHICAGO. Dec 1. At the start wheat
was strong. Higher prices at Liverpool and
unexpectedly small receipts In the North
west were the factors mainly responsible .for
the Initial firmness December was up
to H cents to $1.OS01.O8, and May up
X8 cents at $l.C33i1.10. Owing to ex
ceedingly light deliveries In December con
tracts, shorts were active bidders for that
option, and as offerings were hard to find.
the price quickly advanced to $1.00. In
sympathy May sold up to $1.10. Toward
the end of the first hour, sentiment gradually
shifted to the bear side. With incroased
offerings by pit traders, prices eased oft.
The weather was still dry throughout the
Winter wheat country, but Kansas City sent
reports of some snow flurries in parts of Mis
souri. The prospect of moisture In the
drouth-stricken region gave courage to sell
ers. In regard to the effect of the dry
weather, a Cincinnati trade paper asserted
that the time bad not yet been reached for
assuming a positively pessimistic view and
this helped to allay some of the uneasiness
of the market. Late In the day. buying
took an additional set-back as a result bt
heavy selling by Northwestern houses. At
Minneapolis, deliveries on December con
tracts reached the astonishing figures of
1.000.000 bushels. In consequence, the Do
cember discount under May In that market
was confined to 4 cents at one time. The
weakness there was reflected in the trading
here. A late cablegram from Argentina
stated that the weather was Improving and
this also had a weakening influence on the
market. At $1.071. December reached the
lowest point of the day. May declined to
$1.09. The market closed barely steady
with December at $1.03. May closed off
6K cent at ?1.0&fil.09.
Heavy primary receipts and weakness of
wheat caused an easier tone in corn. Trad
ing was light. May closed 1 cents lower
at 45 ?c
In oats trading was not heavy. May closed
a shade lower at 31U831Uc.
Heavy receipts of hogs brought out some
selling' of provisions with Intimations of a
considerable increase in contract stocks. An
easy tone prevailed throughout the entire
session. At the close May pork was off 10
cents, lard and ribs each were down 2 cents.
The leading- futures ranged as follows:
Onen. Hltrh. T-on.- no
December Sl.08 si.oo 11 073; si.oa
May 1.00 1.10 1.09
July 99 .0941 .9S .88
.481 .40
.45 .45?
.45 .45
.29 .23
.31 .31
.31 .31
.12.92 12.92
May ..... I." .""l3.12 13.12 12'97
7.00 7.00
7.20 7.20
0.55 6.57
0.77 0.S0
Cash quotations were as follows:
FIout Easy.
Wheat No. '2 Spring, $1.0S31.14; No. 3. $1.02
ei.12; No. 2 red. $1.111.12.
Corn No. 2, 49c; No. 2 yellow, 52c
Oats No. 2, 31c; No. 2 white. 3132e; No.
3 white. 3031c
Rye No. 2, 7375c
Barley Good feeding, 3Sc; fair to choice
malting. 42g50c
Flaxseed No. 1, $1.11; No. 1 Northwestern,
Timothy seed Prime, $2.70.
Mess pork Per barrel, $11.4011.45.
Lard Per 100 pounds, $0.75.
Short ribs sides Loose, $6.626.75.
Short clear sides Boxed. $6.756.03.
Clover Contract grade $12.25.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels 44.900
Wheat. bu3hels M 57.000
Com. bushels 377.000
Oats, bushels 143,600
Rye, bushels 7,200
Barley, bushels 65,700
Grata aad Produce at New York.
NEW YORK. Dec 1. Flour Receipts, 43.400
barrels; exports, 4000 bushels; sales, 4000 pack
ages. Market dull.
Wheat Receipts. 15,000 bushels; sales, 3,900,
000 bushels futures. Spot steady; No. 2 red,
$1.18 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth,
$1.20 f. o. b. afloat. At first, market was
very firm and nearly a cent higher on further
adverse Argentine crop news and light interior
receipts, wheat for all months weakened under
liquidation, coupled with predictions for rain
or snow In the Southwest. The close was par
tially c net lower. May closed at $L11;
July, $1.07; December, $1.15.
Hops Easy; state, common to choice, 1904,
30938c;, Pacific Coast, 1904 crop, 30330c; 1003-
crop. 2934c; olds, 1417c
Hides Quiet.
Wool Firm.
Grain at Saa Fra&clsee.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 1. Wheat, steady
Barley. firm
Spot quotations
Wheat Shipping. $1.4531.50: milling. $1.52
Barley Feed. $1.101.12; brewing, $L15
Oats-Red. $1.221.50; white. $1.42&1.67:
black. $1.2743H.62.
Call board eales
Wheat December, $1.41. "
Barley December, $1.10.
Corn Large yellow. $1.4531.47.
Government Crop Report.
WASHINGTON. Dec- 1. The Weather Bu
reau's monthly summary of crop conditions
"As a whole. November was very mild and
exceptionally dry- Complaints of drouth are
received from Southern California. Notwith
standing the drouth, the general condition of
the Winter-wheat crop In Kansas Is good."
European Grain Markets.
LONDON, Dec 1. Wheat Cargoes on pass
age, rather firmer. English country markets,
quiet, but steady.
LIVERPOOL. Dec 1. Wheat Firm. Wheat
and flour in Paris, dull. French country mar
kets, firm. Weather In England, milder.
Wheat at Tacoma.
TACOMA. Dec 1. Wheat unchanged; blue
slem. 88c; club. &5c
Large Decreases Compared With a Month
w Ago.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 1. (Special.) The
Merchant's Exchange reports the following
etocks of grain In regular warehouses at this
date: Wheat, 47,000 tons; barley, 35,600 tons;
oats. 4000 tons; corn. 470 tons; bran, 230 tons;
beans. 150,000 sacks. Excepting corn and beans,
stocks show a large decrease compared with a
month ago, and the same time last year.
Stocks of beans Increased 50 per cent over
November L hut the gain Is chiefly In damaged
The local wheat market had a relieved- ap
pearance after the recent liquidation of De
cember contracts. Speculative prices had small
gains, closing steady. Barley futures con
tinued m, A short intecett of about 10.000.
Chamber-of Commerce
t&ns is Btill out for December delivery, in
addition to 1200 tons delivered today. Oats
and other cereals were quiet and eteady. Feed-
stuffs were firm.
Two French vessels arrived under prior char
ters to load wheat. Spot business In grain
freights here la at a standstill, with about 17s
6d a nominal quotation.
The fruit market Is1 without new , features.
Oranges and apples are still In heavy supply
and selling slowly at weak prices. Some deal
ers report fully 30 carloads of apples rolling
this way from Oregon and Washington. I? rop
iest fruits are abundant.
Receipts of potatoes were moderate. Ordi
nary are slow and weak. Strictly fancy Bur-
banks are firm. Fancy California and Oregon
onions are strong, some dealers asklpg $2.40.
Dairy products are quiet but steady. Re
ceipts. 34,000 pounds butter, 33.0C0 pounds
cheese, 14,000 dozen eggs.
VEGETABLES Garlic, 4S5c; green peas.
24c; string beans, 35c; tomatoes, 40c&$l;
SB plant, 3 4 c
POULTRY Turkey gobblers, 1517c; roos
ters, old, $44.50; do young. $5G6; broilers.
small. $22.50; do large. $33.50; fryers, $4-g
4.B0; hens, tJ.GOe; ducks, old, $56; do young.
CHEESE Young America, ll12c; Eastern,
uunt,K-Fancy creamery, 21c; creamery
seconds, 17c; fancy dairy, J7c; dairy seconds.
EGGS Fancy ranch, 37c.
WOOL Lambs' , lOfflSc.
MILLFEED Bran. $18.50910; middlings, $25
HOPS 1904, 2731c.
HAY Wheat, $1014.50; wheat and oats, $10
13.60; barley. $911; alfalfa. $911.50; clover.
$Tf3; Btock, $57; straw, 40 65c.
FRUIT Apples, choice. $1.25; do common.
25c; bananas. $13; Mexican llmea. $4; Cali
fornia lemons, choice, $3; do common, $1;
oranges, navels. $1?P3; pineapples. $1.504.
POTATOES River Burbanks. 40-05c; River
reds, 60 70c; Salinas Burbanks. 90c3$1.35;
sweets. E5?00c; Oregon Burbanks. 75c3$l.
RECEIPTS Flour. 16.780 quarter sacks;
wheat. 1014 centals; barley, 1407 centals; beans.
944 sacks; corn, 325 centals; potatoes, 3532
sacks; bran. 150 sacks; middling. 50 sacks;
hay, 313 tons; wool, 15S bales; hides, 833.
Metal Markets.
NEW YORK, Dec 1. Tin was easier In the
London market, with spot closing at 135 5a
and futures at 134. Locally, the market con-
Unues quiet; spot is quoted at 29.6229.S0c.
Copper also was easier In the London market.
closing at 66 10s for spot and 66 ISa 9d for
futures. Locally, the market was firm, with
outsldo prices in some Instances strong. The
general range Is from 14.85c to 15.25c for Lake
14.7515c for electrolytic, and 14.5014.75c for
Lead was unchanged In the London market.
closing at 12 183 9d. Locally, the market waa
firmer, with large producers raising their price
for car lots. The range Is from 4.60c to 4.70c.
Spelter was unchanged at 24 14s 6d In Lon
don, and 5.7&ff3.S7c in the local market.
Iron closed at 53s 6d In Glasgow and at 4Ss
4d In Mlddlesboro. Locally, prices were
firm. No. 1 foundry Northern. No. 1 foundry
Southern and do soft are quoted at $16.75
17.25; No. 2 foundry. $16.25016.75.
Exports of copper for the month of Novem
ber were 22, OSS tons, making a total for the
year so far of 227.6S2 tons, against 127,358
tons for tho same time last year.
Dried Fruit at New York.
NEW YORK, Dec. 1. The market for evap
orated apples continues quiet. Demand shows
little .If any Improvements. Prices are barely
sustained. Common are quoted at 33c;
prime. 44c; choice, &S5c; fancy. 68c
Prunes are reported to bo offering less freely
for some sizes, and prices rule a little steadier.
the general range being unchanged at from "a
to 5c. according to grade.
Apricots are in light supply and are firm.
Choice, 9S10c; extra choice. 10Vi(g-10c; fan
cy. ll15c.
Peaches are unchanged. Choice. 9g9c; ex
tra choice, 9lCc; fancy, 10Hc.
Coffee and 8ugar.
NEW YORK. Dec 1. Coffee futures closed
steady, unchanged to 5 points higher. Total
sales. 48,250 bags. Including December, 6.90c;
January. 7c; March. 7.20ff7.25c: May, 7.40c;
July, 7.60c; September. 7.75c; spot Rio quiet;
No. 7 Invoice steady.
Sugar Raw, steady; fair refining, 4c; cen
trlfugal. 96 teat. 4c; molasses sugar. 4c Re
fined, steady; crushed, $8.15; powdered,
granulated, $5.45.
Dairy Produco In the East.
CHICAGO, Dec 1. On the Produce Exchange
today, the butter market was firm. Creamery,
16Q25c: dairy. 15S22e.
Egge Firm at mark, 1923c.
Cheese Steady, H12c.
SEW TORK. Dec. 1. Butter. Arm. Extra
creamery. 2626c; common to choice, 1626c.
Cheese Unchanged.
We Charge No Interest for
Carrying Long .Stock
General Office 2g iSffia
X. S. Aides, Correspond sat,
800m 2, Ground Floor,
Chamber of Commerce.
Columbia river scenery
Line Steamers
Direct line for Moffett's. St. Martin's and
Collins Hot Springs. Connecting at Lyle,
Wuh.. with Columbia River & Northern Ry.
Co for Goldendale and Klickitat Valley
Mints. Landing foot of Alder street. Phone
Main 914. S. M DONALD". Agent.
For South -astern Alaska
TACOMA 0 P. M.. day Drel
CV .X VIOUS, ie&maipB X r
SEATTLE. NO. 4. 1U. "3.
line at Aeiciukaa, jjouxiaa
Juneau and S Wag way; HUM-
SOLDI. rov. 11, zi, via Vic
toria; COTTAGE C1TI. Nov.
7. 21. via Vancouver. Sitka
and Klllisnoo; ROMONA for
Vancouver. Aionaay. vvtdnes-
JJJ?J?Iik Francisco with com.
pany-TTteamers for ports In California, Mex
ico and Humboldt Baj. For further Informa
tion obtain folder Right preserved to change
ateamera or eallmg date. City of SeatUe docs
not call at Vv'raagell or BrlUsh Columbia porta
Ported 240 Washington at.
Seattle.. ..............113 James st. and Dock
gaa Finncisco ............10 Mancet su
C D. DUN ANN. Gen. Pass. Agt
1Q Markat st.L Saa FraatUcc
Snoicj Line
a tlMOH Pacific
Through Pullman standard and tourist sleep
lag-cars dally to Omaha. Chicago. Spokaae;
tourist sleeping-car dally to Kansas uty:
through Pullman tourist sleeping-car (person
ally conducted) weekly to Chicago. Rochalaj
.chair-cars (seats free) to the East daily.
UNION DEPOT. Leaves. Arrives.
CHICAGO-PORTLAND 8:10 A. 1L 5:25 P. iL
SPECIAL for the luut juaily. Dally.. -via
aPuKJuMJ FLxM&H, j:i& p. 01. S:0O a. M
for latiurn Wanning- Daily Dally. -ton,
Vail Walla, Law
Uton, Cudur u'Aie&e
and Great Northern
ATLANTIC EXPKHsi d:15 P. M. :15 A. M.
for the East via Hunt Dally. Dally.
FOR ASTORIA and 8:00 P. M. 3:0p P. iL
way points, connecting Dally. Dally..
With uteamer for llwa- except exctpt
co and North Beach Sunday. Sunday,
steamer Hassalo. Ash- Saturday.
street dock (water per.) 10:00 P. M.
FOR DAYTON. Ore- 7. IX) A. M. 5:30 Y-M
gon City and Yamhill Dally. DUy,
River points steamers except except
Modoo and Ruth, Ash- Sunaoy. Sunday,
street dock (wator per.)
FOR LEW1STON. 1:40 A.M. About
Idaho, and way points Dally. 1:00 P.M.
from Rlparla, Wash, except except
steamers Spokane and Saturday. Friday.
Lewlston. I
TICKET OFFICE. Third and Washlagtoa.
Telephone Main 712.
For San Francisco, every five days from
Alnsworth dock S. S. Ceo. W. Elder, TJec
2, 12; S. S. Columbia, Dec 7, 17. Sailings
from Alnsworth dock. 8 P. M.
For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at
Kobe. Narasaki and Shanghai, taking freight
via connecting steamers for Manila, Port Ar
thur and Vladivostok: S. S. Numantla. Dec 8;
S. S. Arabia, Dec 31. For freight and further
particulars apply to
Telephone Main 2t$S. Upper Alaska Dock.
for fialem. iioae-
320 P. M.
7:23 A. iL
burg. Ashland, tuc-
runiantu, udea, tdn
Francisco, ilojave.
Lot Angeltt). .
Paso. Nov urleand
knd the SLSt.
8:30 A. IX.
Morning train con.
7:10 P. at
nccts at V oodburn
idallv except bun-
lu) wlta train foi
Mount .nget, suver-
tun, mownhviHc,
Stincfleiu, Wena-
uig ana nuiron.
4:00 P. M.
10:10 A. M,
Albany passenger
connects at v oca
turn with Mt. jvnst.
and bllvtxioa ioolX.
Ccrvallis passenger.
Sheridan passenger.
7:30 A. M.
3:30 P. M.
118:25 A. M.
1.4:60 P. M.
Dally. ilDa1' "l Suaiay.
Leave Portland daily iur Osweso rt 7:30 A.
M., 12:50. 2:05 3:-o. osaj. 00. :. iu;iu r.
M. Dally, except ouuu. u.w, u.v. o.o.
10:25 A. M., 4.00. 11:30 P. M. Sunday, ouly.
A. ax. A.r m. and tnter.
. v c,w.Ar nn v. iu:uo A. .11.
Portland. 10:20 A. il.
he Independence-Monmouth motor line oper
dally to Monmouth and Alrlle. connecting
ith S P Co trains at Dallas and Independ-
, ..... fare from Portland to Sacramento
rid ta Francisco. $20; berth, $5 Secona
ls lare $15; iecondlass berth. $2.50.
clHsJ.rr..m ooints and Europe. Also
t pbina Honolulu and Australia.
Jap&B. Chma .on"" corner Third and
Depart. Arrive.
Limited for
Puget Sound
Tacoma. Seattle. OlympU.
Sooth Bend and Gray's
Harbor points 8:30 am 5:30 pa
North Coast umuea tor
Tacoma, seatue, bjwjwuc,
uBtte. St. Paul, New York.
Boston and all points East
and Southeast 3:00 pm 7:00 ara
Twin City isxpressu ior
Tacoma. aeatue, sposane.
Helena, St. Paul, ' Minne
apolis. Chicago, New York.
Bostun and all points East
and Southeast 11:45 pm 7:00 pa
Pugot Sound-Kansas city-
BU Louis special. tor
Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane.
Butte. Billings, Denver.
Omaha, Kansas City, St.
Louis and all points East '
and Southeast 8:30 am 7:00 am
All trains dally, except on South Bend branch.
A d. CHARLTON. Assistant General Pas
senger Agent. 255 Morrison at., corner Third,
Portland. Or.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
JO aSrlA5TW-i
I . Dnrtl,ni nallT
. 3.65; m lat 6:15. 7:35. 9:53.
li-ioP 3L Dally except Sunday, 6:25, 7:25.
9:30. 10:20. 11:45 A. M. Except Monday, 12:23
Leaves. TJNION DEPOT. Arrives.
Daily. "r Aiaygers. Rainier, jjailr
Clatskanle, Weatport.
Clifton. Astoria. War
5:00 A. M. renton, Flavel. Ham- llao
mond. Fort Stevens,
aearhart Park, Sea
dde. Astoria and Sea-jhore.
Express Dally.
7:00 P. M.J Astoria Express. . 8:40 P. Mi
, uaiiy. j
Comm'l Agt., 2U Aider at. a. F. & P. A.
Phon Main SCO.
City Ticket Office, 122 3d st. Phons 6S0.
The Flyer and the Fast Mall.
For Tickets, Bates, Folders and full In
formation, call on or address
H. DICKSON, City Passenger and Ticket
Agt.. 122 Third street, Portland, Or.
For Japan, China and all Asiatic Ports, will
1 Leava Seattle abeat Iec, 13 tk.