Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 02, 1904, Image 13

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    THE MORNING OREGOKIAy, FRIDAY, DECEMBER- 2, 1904. i : . - ' ' '
Booms. Xonsckeeplng Boom. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STRANGERS STRAVOERS TV our pity ' Clalrvojaats. ' ' Spiritualists.
1 Any wage-earner needing money befora ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. if yon WrV looklnsfor rtlng-bonse bargains . --r,..- . xr 1
THE ANGELUS. 272 STH ST.. COR. JEFFBR- $5 PER MONTH-SUITES OF TWO TJNFUR- payday can set It from us; no commission d0n't fall W call at mToMcl lha lived CLAIRVOYANT. TRANCE CLAiRVOYANT.
son New house, new furniture, rooms single nlshed rooms, with gas stoves; new, cltan, or Interest In advance; no mortgage or in TAFT St CO. in Portland "0 years Know every bouse In so-- 50c 5Uc- 50c 00c' 50c 50c 50c SOc
or en suite. strlcUy modern; $2.50 and up per near Morrlson-st bridge: have to be seen to dorsex required. Repay weekly, monthly or the clty. win we you are DrotPcted and lo- " -50c 50c 60c 50c 50c 50c SIR FRANCIS DRAKE.
week. be appreciated. 382 E. Yamhill st semi-monthly Jn amounts from $1 and up. 123-6 Abtngton Block. Phone Main 158. iated right Ho all ail prices from TOTnlEDPROPHETESS. 8034 WASHINGTON ST.-. COR.6TH.
"wards, thus avoiding the payment of the. . , 1300 to 520 000 Also restaurantk grocery BUD AH BERNIQUE. . TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT.
NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. PRIVATE 278 WHEELER ST. FOR RENT FURNISH- wholo amount out or any one payday; and We make a SPECIALTY OF ROOMING- itona, confectionery etc LUHai i De Heater. DEAD-TRANCE MEDIUM. SPIRIT MEDIUM,
family, gas. bath, phone and heat, rent $8. ed front room, with use of kitchen, sulta- have six months time. If desired. HOUSES, and have many .of the MOST 405 Tayior Bt. q years Portland TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. PALMIST.
6 North 15th. ble for man and wife. 4 blocks from Steel NELSON & HINDLSY, SOS McKay bldr. DESIRABLE LOCATIONS that are for "r )co" SIS COMPLETE LIFE READING. 50c READINGS REDUCED TO 30c FOR 7 DAYS
bridge. McMUlen Addition. sale. Good locations are going fast Not A piNE PROPOSITION "X TELL YOUR NAME." " MY $15 CELEBRATED LIFE READINGS
205 6TH ST.; COMFORTABLY FURNISHED PRACTICAL. INTELLIGENT BUSINESS our partial list below of both large and 32-room house? near Portland Hotel fine So Poltlve am I of ray powers to tell the 50c. 50c. 50c. 50c. 50c. 50c
room, suitable for two, one block from Hotel LOVELY LARGE OUTSIDE FURNISHED man would entertain proposition; active small ones. If these don't suit, call In; furniture rent a. snan with lease See It J131' Present and future and exactly what
Portland: $16. housekeeping rooms; tultes of- 3, $24. two. interest in some established business where today. Price $3100- terms nii - nibum rn want to know that I will make l DO HEREBY SOLEMNLY AGREE AND
$16; single, $8; bath, free phone; no children. integrity of character, experience and busl- 50 ROOMS Steam heat bath, gas and all roo o, MorrlsonTt ' NO CHARGE! NO CHARGE! . GUARANTEE .to make you no charge If I
JVELY ALCOVE ROOM WITH GOOD TA- 471 Alder, bet 13th and 14th. ness habits count; capital $3000 to $5000 modern improvements; cheap rent, all velvet Unless you obtain perfect satisfaction and fan lo call you by name In full, names of
no board: modern; suitable for two or three. to Invest or would entertain position of carpets and solid oak furniture. This plac ss-0 poj, Tv T find me superior to all MEDIUMS, CLAIR- your friends, enemies or rivals. I promise.
208 11th t 3 ROOMS AND BATH. WELL FURNISHED, trust with some corporate company or is clearing above all expenses over S275 per KiuhedtoIlne VOYANTS and PALMISTS, la thhr city. to tell you whether your husband, wife or
light pleasant, very desirable; strictly prl- banking house; principals only; references' month; $2000 cash will handle it; leas t,c VSm m S JLK. will S It may be of vital Interest to ybu to know sweetheart la true or false, tell you how to
THREE LIGHT. AIRY. UNFURNISHED vate; reasonable. 223 Grant the highest given and required; give full Price. SSbOO. flosMtnvesUeatlon- r'eferenes exehanJed: the ouicomp of your present distress. ala tne iove o the one you most desire.
housekeeping rooms. 140 East 34th. Phone particulars. L 8. Orcgonlan. , . v., K a "orSionlif? references exchanged. The happiness of your future life mar de- ven though miles away; how to succeed In
Scott 2841. 3S9 GTH ST.-NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE- ; ; . MHOOMS Hotel. Leam he .SfT.Ji&'i wcgonian. pend upon the right solution and proper buslaeS3. Speculation, lawsuits; how to
...T.r.T keeping apartments; light front rooms. Phone . MONEY TO LOAN building, strictly modern and up-to-date. "rfot-.t nnvvr rnnn rnv adJSjce- , , . AU .,, ., marry the one of your choice; how to re-
11TH ST.. NO. 25S NICELY FURNISHED Mam 425dT O. Healy. Prop. On Improved city property or for building house full of good people; cheap rent and FOR .RENT. LARGE HX5TEL, GOOD CON- There are no mistakes in the predictions yOUth health and! vitality. Removes
'ront alcove room, private family, modern; ' """' v purposes. Any amount on 3 to 10 years' long lease; clearing now $250 per month: dltlon. centrally located In thriving col- made by the great and wonderful Psychic f?m fluence cues drink habit- locates
gentlemen. TTVO NICE FRONT FURNISHED HOUSE- U& wilh pri?Uege to repay ail or part of lease. Price. ?4175. - Jew town; tho furniture thereto for You may wish to know It It Is adrUbte ?wa! SSrt.'aU dlases.Cate
. keeping rooms, water and sink In kitchen. loan after one year. Loans approved from , , . ea, bargain. Address Box 344. Cor- to make a change in buslnes. In love. In pan 1 have cood luck?
JI ST THE ROOM YOU'RE LOOKING FOR; rfeTtxlc lht 2? Wth plans and money advanced as building pro- 40 ROOMfBest location In the city; ele- . valllt. Or. . marrlaga How caS 1 wcceed ?n business?
LARGE FRONT ROOMS. ELEGANTLY FUR- Financial jggfi && st. near Stark. 5E"3gS 7E SSS i SS
nhed: modern conveniences. 182 17th. cor. children. 3 1-th st SALARIED PEOPLE Fair this house cannot be beat Our price. Bi-mvT-RVQTTm vr prf 'SBTi' How "on
YlUnmlU . 2h"VELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR fPaS1!SS: fexpBerlfnc?125ver? ''LwVten'all1 IarryT" . ' How llnl conquer Sy rival.
NICE PLEASANT FRONT ROOM WITH ALL houaeltep!ag. "with sink, water and use of blc firms, easy payments and strictly con- ROOaIBNew DricJc. niodern in every small capital required. Call 2iSh Stark st "Shall I ever be divorced?" How can 1 make any one love me?
modern wnvenlences, for gentlemen. 195 bath. 68S Pettygrove. - fldenUal; also way xuran, very good; an hair mat- "Does another -share the ' love .that right- How. soon will my lover propose?
lath st ' . V . J?t- 1 ... . tresses: for a quick sell we have reduced FOR SALE STOCK OF GENERAL MER- fully belongs to me?" How can I get a letter?
"m etm TWO LOVELY ROOMS. PARLOR FLOOR: 2 on personal property; rooming-houses a the price to W4?5. chandlse. including lot nd building. 53000 "If so. whom?" : How can 1 got a good position?
VERY NICE SINGLE ROOM, ONE BLOCK "StairSvH",sbca for housekeeping; no cbll- specialty. ., vv 4 Apply to Allen & Lewis. ' "Am I loved In returnr' How can I remove bad Influences?
Hotel Portland. !oO week; $12 month. 1G4 ton- 354 Salmon. NEW "ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY, 38 ROOMS-Swellest place In the city; all "Is there a rival In my lover How can I control any one?
I'ark. " 20 j Ablngtoa Building. Axmlnster carpets, golden oak and mahog- a BUSINESS PAYING $100 NET PER "When shall my love affair terminate In How make distant ones think of me?
. - ' SUITE OF THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSE. 1 . . U. any furniture; Clearing over 5200 per month: month for $1200. Call 272 Oak st marriage?" How can I settle my quarrel?
ri,..w,t and best located rooms In Portland. keeping rooms. New Grant 2d and Grant SALARY LOANS OV CAN BORROW cheap rent and good long lease; bonafide rea- "When ehall my domestic troubles end?'.' How can I hold my husband's love?
si week us Gllman. 1st and Alder sts. Phone Front 1006. . money from us on your salary or Income eons for selling: exclusively with us. Price, "How can I make my life and home How can I keep my wifo's love?
up' Z 1 for one to six months, in any amount from ;or Qulclc 5600a SPECIAL NOTICES. happy?" SIR FRANCIS DRAKE tells all and never
THE APPL.ETON 71H N 6TH SUNNY FUR- w- PARK. VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS $5 to $100; lowest rate of Interest; no wait . "When shall my absent friend returnr asks questions.
niKhtd rooTnsT ' in-transient rooms. ior Eht housekeeping, furnace heat, gas, no delay; ail negoUations strictly Private 29 ROOMS Well-furnlshed. one of the best Proposals Invited. "Why do I not receive a ietterr POSITIVELY NO EQUAL ON EARTH IN -
nisnea rooms. - up. transient rooms. bath ul phone. and confidential. Paymenu suspended In corners In the city; hlgh-ilssa trade. This v HOURS-ilO TO 8. DAILY AND SUNDAY. HIS PROFESSION.
rnnn mnvi!HPri booms WITH ETOVES case of sickness. The Crescent Loan Co., will stand the closest of Investigation; lease. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS to tTv- PARLORS. 291V4 MORRISON. COR. 5TH. HOURS DAILY. 10 TO 7, AND SUNDAY.
G??en SSSZ! 16,inMfl?teddo8nui SSL? , st floor t the left 217 Oregonian bldg. Price, $3800. plpTf-Sros8 wU? be SAME FLOOR .VS BOSTON DENTAL PAR- 303H WASHINGTON ST COR. 5TH. .
R?S iSnSa M- Thurmai Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can tam heat: good lease. This is Up-top propj o'clock P M. Wednesday cemb?- 'S PROF. VAN CORTLAND. THE GREAT CARMENA. THE WITCH OF
the Fair grounds. DO. Thurman st NICELY FURNISHED HDB, 7 ROP' get on his note without mortgage sltlon-$2250. ltorihtlaotlvmm'w sl3 WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 6TH T wall stT clairvoyant, palmtot and, trance
T -TTr3 for housekeeping; bath and garden; rent $27. confidential. Month. -month. Week. les. o 12-lnch cast-iron water Dine trom ASTRO TRANCE MEDIUM medium; thU ad filled her parlors In New
Room' Kh Board' . 1C3 Porter st $50-Repay to us $13.33 or $6.o5 or $3.25 20 ROOMS-Fumtahlngs fine; good, nice, nokhlmkottClItw'Mu CLAIRVOYANT. York, and the Portland people have caught
,T.TT 1 mDmv -k-- ri . $25 Repay to us $ 0.05 or $3.35 or $L05 clean house: 2 blocks Portland Hotel; lease; to the south bank of said river Said nine PALMIST. on, as her rooms at 215 Morrison st are.
THE LTNDELL-AN ENTIRELY NEW FAM- TWO VERY FINE SUITES. NICELY LO- liRinay to us I 4.00 or $2.00 or ?L0O rent rlght-$2250. beta flSTni to bo laid o thatVh?n ' crowded.
l&JS?r&Ut& cated: phone, gas, bath, alcove, bay window. 210 11 KAY BLDG., 102 2D. ,nT . the VpTYs Vsltlon T0 nr t.-Q'
Jfh- ouuideroms wth ha'dsom. m"- V7 Main bU 10 ROOMS On Morrison st, all on on flanges will be nothing les T than- 3 feet 0 Established In Portland and Seattle for 7 Years MRS. WALLACE. 23 YEARS PORTLAND'S
furniihmcs anoall I uP-tdaU ? confenl- 00 ,r nrT, r-r tvnrncTOn -pttr LOANS ON THE EASY-PAYMENT PLAN floor; nicely furnished; rent low. $3500. lnchM be,ow tna bottom of the river bed. Tbo name Van Cortland a double guarantee. - fcost reliable medium; all In trouble call
2J irie Tllrnt" sis. sanUanf plumbing. 02 M1? COIb FLAN DERS TWO FUR- to salaried people; lowest rates; strictly . . , , ., . , Said pipe to be laid from about 325 feet Reduced Charges. and get her valuable advice on all affairs of
soreeftinMittaV hetterontut Sy steai? nlshed housekeeping rooms tD parties with- confidential. Employes Loan Co.. room 718 , 11 ,7i0??lBrVlnt-clf 1-UoaJ,IeT., "J1 eaat of the east line of Fairfield street SOc-OOc-Thto Week $13.00 Readlngs-50c-50c me. business, love troubles; absent friends
excellent S. and errici Exceedingly out children. The Dekum. 3d and Wash. sts. Phone 224. ftratahefl: clearta about 14. tows all ex- acrogs the said river to Columbus street In Satisfaction guaranteed or no fee accepted. , a specialty. 1C5& 4th t. Russ-l bldg.;
low rates to single gentlemen and families. OT . KSf.'c? p U rauea. South Aberdeen. All the pipe, knuckle - hours 0-5.
Phone MahT'HCl mm" TWO FRONT ROOMS FOR HOUSBKEEi'IN G. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE. Plice S30- Joints, bolts and rubber packing to be At a glance, before you have a chance to ut- ..
with piano; very reasonable. 408 Davis st. t".erT etc. without Security ; easy payl . rurnlshed by the city; the contractor to fur- ter one wordhe will tell you your name, what MRS. STEVENS, spiritual life reader, scien--
THE OHIO. 150 11TH. NEAR MORRISON aear 12th- inents; largest business in 40 principal dt- P?11 SJtO0 ara,tur nlsh all appUances and labor, and to lay you came for. giving dates, facta and Agfe title palmist 50c 343 Yamhill, cor. 7th.
Famllv boardlne-housk home-cooking, nicely ZT r.,..,r. 1I.,mn TTT 77777717 ill Tollman- 223 Ablncton bldg. tooa. has good Income $oO. said pipe In a good and workmanlike man- names of absent and departed friends; he tehs
fmSsLd roomf with rumMn? wateF steam T? 0 , K01 F.OR HOJiSE- les. Tollman. ADingn oicg. .... , , . . ner. to the satisfaction of the City Coun- every wish of your life, how to gain success la jirs. SOPHIA B. SEIP. Clairvoyant proph-
heat nhonebShT elcctricufht prices rea- Vr.p,ni,:,P0 cWldren- Eaat ak- phone t Vk "WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL ,6"RS93I ?aV your own F?1 yhed ell or one In Its behalf authorized Each loce. courtship, marriage, divorce, whether you etess. Readings daily. 81 7th. cor. Oak.
sortable- Sle bd to week or monS. Union Ul. atlly?clanllorWt. ftly. Including piano. This place has bid must be accompanied try a certified will be successful In business. Investments. J 2 ,
sonable. table board by ween or montn. ' ... ' Sb"e3 J t C W p5l s ? Moaaay- "ure- CaU ln and Set ar- check payable to the City of Aberdeen. In etc; no matter what may be your fear, hope MKS a CORNELIUS, 303 Allsky bldg.. 3d
'Rjpaasa sags EiJ35SK?jas!ira jg&arffla Mgf""-&jrsssjJK&s,asi rusftnjsjtfgj&is&sist "- ,
INMATE WNS IX SUMS FBOM ,5 0. Sg. .0 KKMffif.TB?'ff S5? "W
hJtA Le -Ll8.,, n.if SUITE OF 3 WELL-FURNISHED HOUSE- to $500 on all securities. R. L Eckerson & tho faithful performance of the work. Said c ormNn w vmt irfproob- safes
enable, table board by eck or month. keeping rooms vacant by December 5. 170 Cc. room 5. Washington bldg. Phone CIGAB STOKE. J w;ork to beald f bTwanUarlwn on He tells whom and when you'll marry, settle rifeCs?angtoTrom fo?130; 3
PORTLAND WOMEN'S UN1ON-10TH YEAR" Wth t C4e 73. The oldest established cigar store in the the water fund of said City of Aberdeen, lovers' quarrehi. positively mentioning your '"ond-hand bank Tlafei lor sale. Cail or
CLIFTON. 203H 1ST. COR. COLUMBIA- LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS ANd' w ft y & l S" to lS. 8 si? ,d. Or.
ATIeuuiHngu olO Flindlra: Housekeeping rooms, moderate prices. other t?"1 & -gg ' wlth 2'year leMe Prlce 51300' Aberdeen. Washington. Nov. 20. thing, good or bad; you hear the truth and, jw AND SECOND. LOCKOUTS OPENED;
ROOM AND BOARD FOlt MAN AND WIFE SJcffi lg' '. THE jSoVBTAKB " Attest: P. F. CLARK. City Clerk. Ul th repairs. Dlebold Agency, J. E. Davis. 66 3d.
K-5SSfflSg? iaemmSlM Won bldg. Phone Clay 1814 WANTO TO 13-ROOM HOLSES. Nomber "ftp gggrSg
ery comfort '6113th It Phone Mafn 1203.' 3 PLEASANT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. LOANS on furniture, pianos, any other secu- , P. M. on the 13th day of December. 1904. of his great responsibility, he has honestly en-' Ston Drinking
eery comiort .ti utn st. none jviain lua. private family. 555 Yamhill ritles at lowest rates; notes, mortgages TAFT & CO. and then opened, for the low-pressure deavored to let his light shine that all who btop unnKing.
2B5 10TH ST NICELY FURNISHED ' ' bought Eastern Loan Co., 449 Sherlock bldg. ... steam heating apparatus complete ln place, seek may find the truth as ho sees It. Call ' -p . vtftft) Cure- send 50c- tablet form:
rooms, excellent home cookmg; furnfee rtT,p, T01,g Ablngton Block. 10614 Third St - for the United States Postofflce and Court- and be convinced. aUedSn package! hJ Poured ffiJaSS
heat nas uocelaln bath Phone Main 38C2. ZZ CHATTEL LOANS house, at Portland. Or., ln accordance with -r O On. 417 llayward bide.. 3. F.
neat gas, poceiain nam, none Mam mz. We take charoe op. HOUSES AND on aU klDds of chattel security. Northwest drawings and specification, copies of which Hours-0 A. M. to 8 P. M. Dally and Sunday. L. L. C. Cc. 417 aaywaru oiog..
HOTEL BROWN 271H GRAND AVENUE other buildings, secure good tenants, rent L0an Co.. 321 Ablngton bldg. ROOMING-HOUSE SNAP. may be had at this otllce or at the office Storace
Pleasant rooms, single or en suite; elevator; the properties, attend to necessary repairs . - of the superintendent at Portland, Or., at PROF. VAN CORTLAND. -U k
billiard-room; transients; both ar lines. wth strict economy, pay taxes, and In ail WANTED TO LOAN $400 ON TRACT OF Bargain, on Prominent street the discretion of tho supervising architect 313 WASHINGTON ST. wtttt ttto coitPLETION of OUR ' NEW
"Pects careto,r lle1Iite'?eu ho ,,wtn land. 33 acres, all cleared. G 7. care Ore- - . James Knox Taylor. Supervising Architect. Also Private Entrance on Sixth street . , warehouVe we have every faclll for prop-
FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. WITH OR FyJ "n-PnJiSSd ,?lSr 20 roomsonpne floor. , L iSSt ronable ternL. fine
without board, on West Side, close In; rer- l"rthcf,prt,0UiaSnr.tlan T " . M 7 , TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE OF MME. DR. HBRZOG, FROM BERLIN. SCI- mknos and .other high-class commodlUea.
erences required. A &. Oregonlan. , Pany ot Oregon, ion 3d st State funds loaned, 0 per cent W. E. Thomas, Rent $75.00 with good lease. the Supervising Architect. Washington. D. tntlflc rovealer. tells life from cradle -ta which It may be necessary to maintain ln
11 1 r state agent Multnomah Co., 400 Cham. Com. ' C. November 12. 1004. Scaled proposals grave. Consultation on all affairs. Good ad-. " " thoroughiy dry and even temperature. PI
LARGE FRONT ROM. WITH BOARD. FOR FOR RENT 10-ROOM HOUSE WITH A . Price. $1600.00. Deal with owner. will be received at this office until 3 o'clock Vice, sura help, mistake Impossible; restores , . anos moved, packed and shipped by thor-
two gentlemen; use of bath and phone. couple of acres of land with cholta fruit JDOO.OOO TO LOAN AT 5 AND 0 PER CENT. P. M., on tho 13th day of December, 1904. lost love and unites separated by sympathy . oughly experienced and competent men. All
28H 10th at. near Washington. on It; good water and good barn; rent $8 Wm. G. Beck, room 307. tho Falling bldg. Will accept $800.00 down and then opened, for the Installation of an locates buried treasure. Fee. $Ij letter. $2.' , work guaranteed. Ellers Piano House.
- a month- Inquire at the farm of M. Walsh. . . : . electric passenger elevator ln the United 207 Park. Phone Private Exchange 23.
BLAKELY HALL, 270 CTH ST. PLEASANT Mllwaukle. Or. Portland Real Estate Loans. 5 and 0 per Easy terms on balance. States Postofilce and Courthouse at Port- 1
rooms, with first-class board; new house; 4 cent Wm. Dcnholm, 225 Failing bldg. land. Or.. In accordance with drawings and Chiropodist nnd Manicuring. STORAGE! STORAGE! PLENTY OF ROOM
blocks south Hotel Portland. WHY .DISTRESS YOURSELF TRYING TO . . House located Front and Morrison over specifications, copies of which may be ob- fireproof building, rates cheaper than the
find houses, flats and rooms, when you $800 TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL E3- Pap's Restaurant Call at house. 185 talned at this office at the discretion the wy. DEVENY & ESTELLE DEVBNY. THE cheapest 20 Union avc Phono Union 914.
VERY COMFORTABLY FURNISHED can call on us and our man will locate tate. Inquire at C17 Commercial block. Morrison. Supervising Architect JAMES KNOX TAY- cniy scientific chiropodists, parlors room 203 '
rooms; beat home-cookings 443 5th. cor. of you while you rest IL E. Edwards. 185 jz LOR. Supervising Architect. Drew bldg.. 1C2 2d st. Phone Main 1301. Storage and Transfer.
College. Phone Main 6237. to 101 1st FORD'S BUSINESS CHANCES. INC. TOTTT 77 This Is the long-haired gentleman. He is the
PERSONAL. . 165 H -ith. Clay 538. .C,PO. . .J, . ,J?.EIVP AT man you are looking for. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE moved.
FIRST-CLASS BOARD AND ROOM FOR HOUSES FOR RENT. RENTS COLLECTED , JOSEPH FORD. Manager. the office of tho Lewis and Clark Centen- . . packed ready for shipping and shipped; all
gentlemen. $5 week; home comforts. 502 and property cared for. The Title Guarantee AZA HOLMES-RIBBECKE NEW INSTI- GREAT BARGAIN IN ROOMING-HOUSES. glal Exposition C omml s slon, room 6. dr. FLETCHER AND WIFE, EXPERT CHI- work guaranteed; large 3-story brick fire
flay. Phone Main 5099. & Trust Co.. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. tute, refitted, fully equipped for all classes 33' rooms, transient lease, $1500. Stearns bdg.. Portland. Or., until 12 o clock ropodlsts, 310 Allsky bldg. Red 3080. proof warehouse for storage. Offlca 123
Ground floor. 4th-svrtet side. 0f work performed at John Woodberys. 28 Tooms. rent $65; lease; closer In. $2100. noon, December 10, 1004. for the construe- . . s, & oisen. Phona Main 347.
GOOD FRONT ROOM AND BOARD IN 1 New York. Have your work done at home. 2 beautiful 10-room houses, nicely fur- . tlon of the Oregon State Building. Dancing. t
private family for two gentlemen. $40. 480 2 NEW MODERN 0-ROOM HOUSES ON Dr. A. L. Nelden, the world's beauty king, nlehed, one block from Portland, exeju- v Plans can be seen and specifications ob- , . O PICK, OFFICE 88 1ST., BET. STARK
E. Washington. the East Side. In a good location, $18. ln- methods employed by Asa Holmes-Rib- "ively with Ford's Agency; never on market talned at the offlca of the director of ar- Mr3- Grant. Academy of Music, Morrison st and Oak. Phone 500. Pianos and furniture
' quire of Hartman. Thompson & Powers. 3 becke. the only graduate plastic surgeon before , . chltecture, room Stearns bldg. Bids cor 2d Monday night, beginners; Thursday' moved and packed for shipment; com-
394 ALDER. COR 10TH ST. NEWLY FUR- . Chamber of Commerce. and dermatologist on this Coast Portland's . A beautiful S-room bouse In Seattle; cen- must be submitted on forms furnished by advanced; children AVed. and Sat afternoons! modlous fireproof brick warehouse. Front
nlshed ront room; alto .small room, with best nhvsiclans for reference. Parlors &U4 trally located. $300. . the commission, and addressed to Edmond nd ciayVsts.
board; xeasonable 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, NEAR STEEL MorrSonT rexcrence. manors, bo a partaerflhip, reai c,tate afld business a Giltncr. Secretary. Tratr"il )nnnrnni-f ana nay
: bridge. "EasI Siae. S2S per ' month. " John , chance office. .3d Interest rental Income, of . . FREr bICKEL. STORES AT 31 N FRONT
EYP,CUI?H:i.R?Py3.' ",R St 8haf,k.2j?1 Chamber of Cdmmerce. TWO DROP-HEAD SINGER SEWING MA- 250 Pr ycar 5Q- - Miscellaneous. 0rder ot Washington, foremost fraternal so- et. household goods and furniture, pianos.
ihorioard; table board, $4; home cook- Phone Main 180. lYn Tth lr Turn ,id n t THE BIGGPS- SVAP clety of N. W.; protects the living. J. L. trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and
lrg. 6th. CTTTinnn(V ' nTtn chines, with a large turn paid on them. hSiTo iS?t) Sif location for NOTICE. Mitchell. Sup. Sec. 612-C15 Marquara bldg. all movable articles at reasonable prices.
. SUBURBAN HOME. OREGON CITY CAR- can b bought for balanco due on same If 35-room house, rent $JO. good location lor Farraer-. yire ' Relief Assocltalon of , .
PLEASANT ROOM ON FIRST FLOOR WITH line. Mre vineyard, two fruits, berries; good can oq Dougnt. lor oamnco. uue on same 11 boarders; goal, laip dining-room e;ory thing BGttevllU Or has been dohlc business rTf.,n nnrt ornnln.r Trunk Factory
X'" prJval famlly' S Pl"e for chickens Phono West brought a once for cash or easy payments. in good I .tape. m hav Wsteady boarders; fy has'lroven ifseU 'to be' Dyeing and Cleaning. Trunk iactory. ,
487 E. Ankeny. 2831. Call at the Singer parlors. 354 Morrison mtt EMPIRE INESTilENT CO one the strongest, most reliable, fair H. W. TURNER. PROFESSIONAL DYER PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. 54 3D ST.,
CHOICE SUITE AND SINGLE ROOM WITH $35 RENT TO RESPONSIBLE ADULTS st. cor of Park. Room 0. Chamber of Commerce. and square, as well as the cheapest mutual and cleaner. 505 Jefferson. Tel. Mala 2513. wholesale and retail. Send for catalogue.
Cofumost"" COnVCn,enc 334 ?nfonme&rk ROOMING-HOUSE FOR SALE. CENTRAL. memb"?Eyouannot dtterSh'an" remain" THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE- writers.
' pa au urttwUM talnlng description o local ladles and gen- with lease till after Fair; rent $35; part If you desire protection it will pay to ln- sals saddles and harness mfrs.. saddlery
FURNISHED ROOM WITH BOARD. ALL "MODERN COTTAGE. NO 333 MADISOV lJ.ein?n "eklnK marriage, now" ready for cash, remainder on monthly payments to vestlgate. this, the only strictly farmers' hardware, leather all kinds. 72-74 5th at New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and
modern conveniences, private family. 147 neaF 7th; $35. Inquire TprVns afternoons' dlstrlbut on: price 10 cents. We have op- suit customer If taken at once; sickness association ln the state. We hereby notify repaired. Coast Agency. 231 Stark. Tel.
W.Park. or John fcffirmaS ,N. 21et and Davis ened office and reception rooms In Port- cause of selling; no agents. Phone Black the farmers of Multnomah, Washington Harness and Saddles. 147. - ,
' land. m,er"ate Introducing boclety. box 0lL and Clackamas Counties that J. J. Kern
NEW LOW RATES AT THE LINDELL DONALD G. WOODWARD, 240 STARK ST. 107. Portland. , Is no longer our agent; that we will not THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO., WHOLE- Wholesale Grocers.
Market bet. 3d and 4th; all modern con- rents and insurance. Phone Main 345. ' u,m,pV WAV1Tn ktikcprtvo ttroxt TRANSIENT HOUSE. CENTRAL. be resoonslble for him In any way what- !aLe,!aidi,rc,S3fl mif3" ,esUber and r . T r'
venlenoes. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. 4rrl,Mi; rnin Trhfoinf.. 28-room brick, all on one floor, right in ever. The secretary will be at Portland. saddlery hardware. 80-80 1st ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROC-
' iuSf'an? an disease? Km.ToM oi business Cinter. new and fine 'furalture: Or., room 313. Allsky bldg.. Mondays and ery. cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland.
THE SOUTHERN. 374 YAMHILL ST.-ROOMS FOR RENT S-ROOM COTTAGE. 443 7TH. ui iuft,.d bv old Luir mt leaae. rnt only $80; price $3000. Ellis & Tuesdays of each week In case you wish Junk. Hides and Pelts. Qr
with board; single or en suite. Phone Main modern, rent $25 per month. Key at 289 ITtlAov? MvtteaW&.oa Gibson, room 21. 204 Morrison st boaradlreorTFranfls FcUer 0rea! L. SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OF HIDES?
BOARD AND NICE ROOMS. WITH PRI- FOR RENT 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. IN laaoso 10 "ept stamps. and w ?3000 to ?500o additional capl- Or.. Route No. 3. and sacks. 31. STont st ( , v
yate family, at Mount Tabor. Phone Scott good repair. 440 10th st. Inquire 394 CoJ. DISEASES OR MEN' tal; will pay liberal interest and share of i 1 ; PORTvR T?S ifS TqSi 0REG05r
-ill! ifS GONORRHOEA, GLEET. SYPHILIS. Tlort LOST AND FOUND ' The OltoitfcpanOreson.
room; hot and cold water; also single room. aker st Apply Grant Phegley. 131 6th st Sfe JSSf?SSl.Sg StSr- 71 ' SrT52?S? ffi&uS?Sl St
NICELY FURNISHED ROOM.WPTH OR NEW 4-ROOM HOUSE. $12 PER MONTH. f cured. Dr. Walker. 181 1st st VSISSffSS Z!r1bXg5 lather and Findings. B?5S?
without board; gas and bath. 172 E. 35th. 43d and Hawthorne sts.. phone Scott 3245. LlRS. M. GILBERT. FROM LONDON-ALL , uh to" Oregonlan. - ov pV AYE WHITE J. A. STROWB RIDGE LEATHER CO.- 38? wKh YnferetaPsK d l
248 N. 20TH ST.-ROOMS WITH OR WITH- FOR RENT 0-ROOM MODERN COTTAGP Wnd ot feathers and boas cleaned, curled Lnn RA1YX GOOD PAYING COVPEC. and yellow tox. terrier nun lone-tailed 3 Leather and flndlngs; Stockton sole leather per annum, respectively. Call or send for our
out board; block from car-Une. Main 3634. Fgg GaTTel1 'Hti' jgrfi5l?" PorttandWlOr"fa PtowKed nerlgtor wUh ifghtrol month's; bTlongf totoby. PRPcwa?d.C ta"ed' nC ' 189 ILLUSTRATIONS.
THE OZARK. 225 11TH ST.-ROOMS EN FOR RENT A NEW 4-ROOM HOUSE Ai Residence. 249 Harrison. M&ln413. ZinZJ for womamQ 7 'oreconiM UabI FINDER OF RING LOST AT MEIER i 1 ' BENJAMIN I. COHEN -....President
suite or single, board, hot and cold water. Ffr JsdWawtSSSef ScStt!1" ' u OTT vnu tTT Hiyi, 1 Q ' rCgn"m- s?oe. So Jtov JgonIn office T?B fMAN- ' M Mm, H.ffi ISSgg
1 DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 wavtp.tu. PARTVFR WITH S40O CASH TO irnn! Vn ntiMtinni nvxi boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe store B. LEE PAui.1. ...... orcreiary
FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT FOR RENT-HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS AND montt keep, your Whins clewedJd TlttomM.pIy. , yarJ- questions asked. supplies, leather of all kinds. 72-74 5th st. J. O. COLTRA Assistant Secretary
board; also table board. 395 Morrison. batn 460 7th eU Inqulre 394 Salmoa bU pressed, buttons sved o rips sewed up. ing grocery; must be a hustler; no experience FOUND-SMALL BLACK HORSE. INQUIRE Machinery 1 ladd & T1LTON BANKERS-
T .,. 77 rr, rr 1 Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tall- necessary. p 9. Orcgonlan. 500 Front at. cor. Columbia. Jiacamery. LADD & VQT.m tw?n(Lvi
LARGE FRONT ROOMS, WITH GOOD pnn ttttict a nnnu vonmv itmcv oring Co.. 347 Washington, opp. Cordrays. - . : ' : . ESTABLISHED IX inso.
board; first-class senlce. 265 0th st F9R n.T inmMrJ w awSSL FSBf? WE INCORPORATE AND FLOAT STOCK ' TRENKMAN & CO.. MINING. SAWMILL. Transacts a Keneral banking business.
TT 7-: 77777777-7 7 348 Rosa st Inquire 323 Ablngton bldg. ARTHUR MAY. BORN ESSEX. ENGLAND, compaSles!PWe 0!? unlisted L Lcuritle BUSINESS DIRECTORY. sifi?7ridhyirt 2!E CaaUnsi alTts ot favorable
om"f!rentT-$0"m(onth VNF0NIgHED -NEW 4-ROOM HOUSE. $12 PER MONTH; 43D : Wverpool about August ,1879' Loans negotiated L HoriUo Gilbert & Co.. , , ot all kinds repafred. 104 N. 4th st tefC"tersado8f 'credit & Tvallabuf in
room for rent. $0 month. and Hawthorne sts. Phone Scott 3245. ludue Um. AVrltTlf' t ElUcott Square. -Buff alo. Art. THE H. C. ALBEE CO.. SECOND-HAND MA- bSS. and all points In the United States.
A?derBrTH BARD AT VENDOME, 455 FOR RENT-MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. 463 Horncastles. Cheap.lde, London. England. O8 fAg? STUDIO OF PAINTING, PVROGRAPHY chlne aa 2i Qra ave. Sight n. and JgteTfen
-2212: 10th st. 335. O. M. Smith. Main 500. YOUNG AMERICAN GENTLEMAN WITH 55r5lJ,2SJ,5lS 5282 9g&"" Marble and Granite. Luls Denver, S ,4
. "at- V. , Furnished House.. money In the t nk. wonld like tmarry teed. Call 24S Stark st Marquam bldg. M.F.Woods. ; qRAX1TE MOXUMEyTs JtoMo. M&una Md Bri&h umbuSB
TO LET TO DESIRABLE TENANT. BEAU- THE LOWER FLOOR OF AN ELEGANTLY n some nice boardrng-housewFth private 10 ROOMS. FIRST-CLASS LOCATION. VERY Assayers and Analysts. For bargains see .Weeks; no agents: 20 par fJ?e?,? SngfTohaMnUaand
tlful upper flat 0 rooms, bath and large famished hbuw to couple withal children. family. Address O SS, Oregonlan. central, well furnished ln housekeeping rooms; OFFICE "0 startt rr 8aVCd' At 720 Frnt Cr' Hooker- nolulu.
attic, new and modern in every respect; 87 jao Chem-. 3 blocki 1 north of flteei bridire $50 above all expenses, rent cheap. Inquire MONTANA AS SAX OFF! tB 208 ST ARK ST. " ,
V SaU rrom 10 to " 232 MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB- of owner. 229 5th . Prices: Gold, $1; copper. $1; sliver. 50c - Ubsw MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK
asoincton st. NICELY FURNISHED COTTAGE OF SIX erts Nerve Globules. One month's treat- . , ... rt ... t,.Ttt pivmei ASSAYHR AND AKaitst. 77777777 77 11nu !rrw 7 77777777 PORTLAND. OR.
FOR RENT ELEGAN1 5-ROOM FLAT. hlUS S.cS "Scgn&t'Z d dgntTtat fhLSS?. kV VISSSSl
every convenience, very reasonable to de- "ngIon- "1"'" amraoem. c Port land Or "oooara. tiarke a m invested; gift-edge security. Address . ment and massage young lady with young & HOYT Cashier
5wSer 4-whllaSl,.v?? 5 8t-'orsM 7-ROOM HOUSE COMPLETELY JTJRNISHED POrtlaPa' r' O 2. Oregonlan. Attorneys-at-Law. Ud aUUnt Will be pleased to see old QsorTjtl'&"
owner. 4 Williams ave. IOr housekeeping. Including piano; central; LADIES ATTENTION! ORIGINAL FRENCH uuvTr-Tiixm-g man- iyitk tmn to n.vnv g. O'BRYON ATTORNEYS patrons. TRANSACTS- A GENERAL BANKING
FOR RENT-LOWER FLOOR, 0 ROOMS. $35. E 9. Oregonlan. "sa ank gSmrSgblgg- Algg RHEUMATISM NEED NOT BE ENDURED;! United IffiSoalUr,
Sm.g JLSS CrofoodFLS , bF&'&SfiSSgriA&g? J Business College, ft'W S1
TiWwE "Zlnent-Purnlture for Sale. "Hlss WS buVfof .JoZL'sO, BATHS, WITH 'MAS- J" sVn FRANCISCO b""'
lock bldg. xnrmmm ior oxic piewo address me at box No. 907. Port- made to pay $100 per week. Address X 9. ness practice; positions found for graduates; sage and magnetic treatments by experienced LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK
. cvap-FTIRVittirh op fl-ROOM Fr at land. Or. Walter Lee. Oregonlan. day and night school. Holmes Business Col- young lady. 351 Morrison st. rooms. 11 . LIM1TED-1,., , .
tv t ni? k Trnc 77777777777 7777777. A b,At .,UHSIi vl, , uf Oi'OOM irLAT. . . Sr.. v v V a bide Phon. Sain aii and 12. Chamber of Commerce Building, Third and
Ffc ritv? nn1.S'USrNJHE?inIINST fl?e cMdIUoB. ono block from car. fU;c pin- w, print your name on 30 calling cards. fo1 sale GOOD BUILDING WITH pay lege. Y. M. C. A. bldg. Phone Main 513. s k streets.
ilea? 13th W ? P 4,0 TaJ"l0r' ii'l5 Mn'n PhonV fl nDi pr0Ptr al" and Bty, 25c: 260 business ca&s F?D S0taM?jAiualhM Carnet Cleuninr ST OPENED BY YOUNO LADY FROM Head Office. 53 Old Broad Street London.
near 13th. $13. 226 Morrison. Phone Main 1323. sl Brown & Schmalc. 229 1st, Portland. Or gg. father parUculars address M 6 can Carpet Cieuning. the JSjuU bam aad massage parlora j; Th bank transacts a general banking
stLSSW "FT - FURNITURE 5-ROOM COTTAGE, YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE ACCul Sanitary rLtff 'caS" quam lodging-house, 145 0th, room 25. g-"?1 e0S SS2SS
rent $0 per month. 4.0 Taylor, near 13th. close In. "West Side; rent $18. Address Ada rately and reasonably filled at Eyssell's RESTAURANT DOING GOOD BUSINESS- 8" removaL S Main FOR A NO. 1 BATH AND MAGNETIC eler and the purchase ot merchandise in
FOR RENT-NEW MODERN 6-ROOM flat. Foe8n3nln5t0n- &U " Phn VDl0Ji Pharmacy. 227 Morrison, bet 1st and 2d. Rflldlocatl?n: don't fall to fee th!s nr " PbC Maln ; c?)!a' 323 Washington st. any city of the world. Deals In foreign
on 13tn Cl 455 Market S 40S3- . bargain; only $830. Gelser & Zlpf. 206; mmentera and Bnllde. 1 rooms 20-27. third floor. and domestic exchange. Interest paid On
on 13th. Call 455 Market . tt - FIRST-CLASS SECRET SERVICE WORK Morrison p ' Carpenters ana Builders. Uma depoaita. W. A. MACRAE. Mer.
ROOMING-HOUSE. 12 ROOMS. FURNITURE done, reasonable rate. Q 96. Oregonlan. aiorri son. .. nn ' FIRST-CLASS VAPOR BATHS AND MAS-
Housekeeping Rooms. for sale, bargain: central, rent reasonable; no ' vjregn'an- SALOON SPECIAL HONEST MAN CAV BUY YOUNG LADY GRADUATE CHIROPODIST- sage by lady, room 17. 323 H Washington st. WELLS FARGO & CO. BANK-
708 BVBRETT " BLOCKS FROM WAsn aSts. C 9. care Orcgonlan. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE DIS- WtoSWtoTmTbh SeSaSi Su 20 'SalSh fflc pnpvptt t. VDIES GIVE BATHS AX" . CorneVcond- and Washington.
1ngFon-NS--?urSS 27 ROOMS-RENT $80; 14 FURNISHED. 13 Alder st Phone Main 4832. b an opportunity seldom offered. Call 248 ment Main 3311. 20 Raleigh bldg. FREN CH LADIES on E BATHS AN DM AS- HOMER S. KINCL...... President
apartments, with homelike accommoda- unfurnished, on Sixth st Inquire at No. 4 , W. L. BUCKNBR, office, store fixtures, general' . '. R lea BARNES Cashier
tlons; desirable location. 0th. Phone Red 1738. BUSINESS CHANCES. 22 ROOMS. NEW FURNITURE LEASE. Jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Black 014. Medical. W'ALTER A. HOLT Assistant Cashier
FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED 10-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNITURE qvi'p FOR $450 ' city-1 C39t; Ortron1 ExanieMt2S8V4KAsh- GEO. W. GORDON, COUNTERS. SHELVES. DR. PAUL CRO M WELL, the colored special General banklngbuafness transacted. Ex-
housekepelng suites, singlo rooms, sleep- for sale: corner locaUqn; bargain If taken at rooming-house within i Mn. intonst ixcnange. J ash- houaca buiu and repaired. 208 4th. Clay 174. 1st sanatorium 127 N. 12th, cor. Gllsan. Con- change sold and letters of credit Issued, avan-
!liI,rmHU'?,0 JT KnSfHrSSsHlS J "cS HOTEL FOB SALE OR CKU J ' SSflg TUS&ZS&T' "U 1 .
h0U8e- C-HOOM COTTAGE TWO BLOCKS NORTH SraSv consist ShiSIl . rr, r-vr-ontn iv-rr t- clan. Tourny bldg.. 2d and Taylor, room 304. Transacts a General Banking Business.
. Washington: furniture for sale $325- rent poraicc). consists ot general merchandise; ACTrVE ENERGETIC MAN W ITH $3-0 CAN roi Dnlm . cavtnc? BANK department
iHREE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING 7 ' V Addresl' G Sowersl marr'TsluTcTty0 S-P SS, mLT" 1 ' Northwest YIutI 1 Accent oled Ifw S TfOand upward
rooms, newly papered, running water, yard vvtl 71 1 Z Z Address G. borers, manager. Falls Clt. Or. perlecce. ln cash business. Call -43t Stark. QRBAX WESTERN COAL CO.. 441 HOYT ' : and Interest allowed on minimum monthly bal-
and Private entrance. 395 Salmon st Winter and bummer Resorts. r SEE THIS FOrI" STORE BUSINESS PARTNER WANTED: - StSTS1 StSW m IWSn ST.
gTOM SSS fSLmuss arosf fefc 0., r":""'
Hotel Northern. N. 12. and Marshall. "77 Mnrrfenn t ninriTv t t. uriitiJ p i -JP? A lv
1 1 ' Stores. Morrison St ' fll,tl,SGi', , n, WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO.-PHONB DR. L. B. SMITH. DR. CARYLL T. SMITH. OF PORTLAND. OREGON.
l?HmTanuUpfer?Nn?new STORE BUILDING FOR RENT, EAST 2?g5? lo5n!eg0ftour'323UlMa, lnolA SSiS t.TSSanJS'
Steel bridge. 23011 od location. 520. Portland Trust TglfaTZ $500 BUYS MILK BUSINESS PAYING $100 1 COVL CO wholesale deal, L 6" ConsultaUon free. .JT Sj
$3rTNER WANTED. LEGITIMATE " f made on favLb, t e J
t 7th-st Terrffce. near-Sheridan st art or Jewelr preferred. F 8. Oregonlan. business. $100 monthly guaranteed; Invest- $150-BUSINESS INTEREST NETTING $50 Commission Merchants. Paints, Oil. and Glass 4 vTct'Pretau::
7777 77777 .. STORE- FOR RENT-APPLY 602 COMMER ment secured; Immediate returns, it 1. Ore- weekly and increasing; outside and Inside t ; 777777 , ' ulaa' Cashier ..............R. W SC?HMEEK
NTllSSi'SaSTO,ragJ?lP1Na LARGE ROOSC NEW BUn-DISO. HOWE. 7" " "- tTo. o2ffi. u.Iness Xor sale. .i,, f.tot ito.trf JWttwtM IiSctal A.B.
sjr&jns- 381 MOiiEY 0K or es. 'ssizswjt? g rt ooai ,agNG .ooming. zm?s& ss- '-JigAa S&S'Sr' f"--
THREE LARGE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- curity; building loans a specialty. W. H. 'ay Ct" T' ,th- house of 4. rooms. Inquire 2ufa North 1st or. ' 777T sight exchange affi telegraphic transfers sold
blfrom5 orilanHr 205 6th'oa Nunn. 552 Sherlock blk. Phone Clay 529. ROOMING HOUSE OF 22 ROOMS. WITH BARBER HAS-VALUABLE EYE PREPARA- Jtubber Stamps. on'&Vwork.'llMtoa.
block from Portland Hotel, MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY OR SUBURB- eaa'. r "' - ag.ta- tlon; wishes partner to push same. 260 1st Showcases. Bank and Store Fixtures. P. c. STAMP WORKS. 249 ALDER. TElT So? Mi PtMpal
m'tlJLmlF SntOSbberSmmerir1" FOR f ALE, o0 'EAR I"AIR FOR SALE BARB E R SHOP. 3 CHAIRS. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO.. COR..' Main 710. Rubber stamps, aeal stencils. sight and time bills dra In sums to suit on
steam neat cam, gas, o 14th. near Jeg. ment Co.. 405 Chamber of Commerce. grounds, price $1200. P 0. Oregonlan. 2634 1st st. 6th and Hoyt; branch Seattle. Wash. s. ,,-., London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Main.
.7777777777777 . 1 - anoo Jianniactorers. Heng Kong. Yokohama. Copenhagen Chrlstll
, . HAZEL, Front and Madison House- Six per cent money to loan on Clackamas FOR BALE CHEAP. GOOD PAYING GRO- w-TfSAR qxotif; vnn qTP lNomnr no PORTLAND SHOWCASE Sc. FIXTURE rn . . inla, Stockholm. St Petersburg. Moscow Zu-
Jteeplng room.; trawkat; bath, eltrio ttgat County lands. E. F. Riley, 08 Cham. Com. J eery store. Inquire BCO fEm Alder, Jltort. . INQUIRE 148 J Vivrg St" Porufn O?0" j, "CofeotlOM made, on fawraMa