o 12 - THE MORNING OREGONIAN,. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1904. AMUSEMENTS. NEW TODAY. FOR SALE KEAL KSTAXE. KELP WANTED MALE. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. TRADE MASK Twi Stripes . Wmn in Btck'd Carpet Roxbury Carpets Have been the standard Tapes try Brussels for a generation. Best Quality. Handsomest Styles. Largest Assortment. We carry more than 30 patterns suitable for every room in the house; sewed, lined and laid, $1.25 r Exclusive Carpet House J. G. Mack & Co. 86-88 Third St. rms xkscsax, m. KfHTlUt YJMMITM TORTS, fttTUaR, KfW EffopenPlan $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day THE PORTLAND PORTURD, OR. American Plan also European Plan. Modern Restaurant. $3 PER DAY and upward. COST ONE MILLION DOLLAM. BESTS WITH THE WOMEN. So SaysiDr. Cressey Again as to Equal Suffrage. PORTLAND, Bee. 1. (To the Edltor.)-The women seem to have done me honor In re questing their president to defend them against Ideas which were neither expressed nor Implied In the few lines quoted from the report of my address of Sunday last In The Oregon! an, a quotation which was Incidental only to the general thought. Judging from the letter of your esteemed correspondent, the perturbation of mind arose not from what I said, but from imaginary Implications which were read into it A mere statement of the situation ecems to have been mistaken for a statement con cerning its equity and merits. Minorities, and possibly email majorities, have thus far failed in most of the states to attain the desired end. A practically universal demand on the part of women to vote would lead probably, within a comparatively ehort period, to change in state constitutions, and thui to the extension of suffrage to woman. Hen1, as a simple matter of fact, under the circumstances success demands this more ex tensive desire on the part of women in general. That such more general desire should exist and manifest itself is certainly a question which rests with the women, not with the men. "Whether the conditions or circumstances, how ever, are what they ehould be, whether or no the situation be just and equitable, whether or no men ought not to grant the privilege In re sponse to the demand already existing, whether or no men are practically asking of women what they have never demanded of any class of men before granting suffrage, are ques tions Into which. I did not enter, either direct ly or by implication. In short, I did not dis cuss the- Justice of the situation which X should be glad to discuss, however, at any time lnce I wished the time for what seemed to me more Important aspects of my general sub ject, 'The Natural Rights of "Woman." Curiously, while it was assumed by these ladles that X sought to screen the alleged enormity of man's attitude, the impression reemed to prevail among them that I am a mild nut mistaken advocate of the cause. Both Inferences are unwarranted and Incorrect. My brief allusion to the subject was entirely from a critical point of view. . GEORGE CROSWELL CRESSET. Canned Salmon for the South. SOUTH BEND, Wash., Dec. L (Spe cial.) F. C. Barnes' cannery is almost through cannula for the season. The out put this year -was close to 20,000 cases. He Is now shipping a lot of six cars to Alabama. I) ALLY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Dec 1. Maximum tempera ture, 53 deg.; minimum, 44. River reading at 11 A. M., 3.2 feet; change in past 24 hours, 1.1. Total precipitation, 6 P. M. to 0 P. M., 0.17 inch; total since September 1, 1004, 10.14 Inches; normal, 11.82: deficiency, 1.6S. Total sunshine November 30, 1904, 3 hours and 10 minute; possible, 8 hours and 54 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level), at 5 P. M., 30.17. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. K 3 Wind. $ g p3 U -a o B Zv. & T Bo STATIONS. g u? o g J- a rr C 7 3 a : f : Baker City J40J T Bismarck flSj0.04 N5V E NW N Clear Snow Boise 48 T Pt. eloudr Eureka ...... Helena Kamloops, B North Head 5410.00 18 Pt. cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy 40 0.00 14W C... 400.00 50 T 8W 8SW W NW NW 6NW INW 6 NW 88 E Pocatello , Portland , Red Bluff Roeburg ...... Sacramento ... Salt Lake City. Ran Francisco Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island Walla "Walla 40 T 153 T 60 0.00) u cloudy Pt. elmjrlv PU cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy '58j0.00 42 0.00 Uioudy 52(0.00 50)0.28; 20SW Cloudy 0OO.W 1SW wear Light. T trace. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 28 hours ending at midnight, December 2: Portland and vicinity Partly cloudy, with showers; southwest winds. Western Oregon.; and Western Washington Partly cloudy;-.with showers; southwest winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho Generallyfair. , EDWARD A-tBEALS, District oFrccaster. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Quiet weather prevails in the North Pacific TRADE MARK Tw Strips Wmn ifi IkIc tf Ctrpet per yard EE1BI0UTERS rORTIOIISTS 113 CGMKRCIU. TUTELH1 Special rttsi Bade to famllle and slarle geatl saes. Xhe man scemeat will he pleased at all time to show rooms and givs prices. A modem Turkish bath es tablish me as la the hotel. U. C. BOWERS. Manager- States, and the rainfall during the last 12 hours has been light. The temperatures are mild and generally slightly above normal. The indications are for showers in Western Oregon and Western Washington Friday, and generally fair weather east of the Cascade Mountains. AUCTION SAU2S TODAY. Bv J. T. Wilson, at salesroom. 180 First, cor. Yamhill, at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auc tioneer. At Baker's auction-house, corner Alder and Park. Sale at 2 P. M. Geo. Baker & Co., auctioneers. At Gllman's auction-rooms, 413 Washing ton street, at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. N. Gilman, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD, MULTNOMAH CAMP NO. 77 Meets Friday . nights In their forest. East Sixth and East Al der streets. Floor work not ex celled by any camp in the order. Come and meet with us. J. M. WOODWORTH, Clerk. WEBFOOT CAMP NO. 63, W. O. W. will open big log 'glng camp this (Friday) evening, and wants ten fall crs, 5 buckers, 5 swampers, 5 donk ey men, 4 rigging rustlers, 10 hook- tenders, 2 carriage riders; all members looking tor work will be placed. Visiting neighbors welcome. C. A. ELLIOTT, a C. A. Xj. BARBUR, Clerk. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 55, A. F. & A. M. Stated communication this (Friday) evening, 7:30 o'clock. Work in E. A. degree. All E. A. arc cordially invited. By order W. M. x. y rAii, secretary. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Wanted all members of the Order of Washington to attend the grand reunion Saturday night. Dec. 3 For esters' Hall. 171 2d st. -." J. U MITCHELL. Sup. Sec. HASSALO LODGE. NO. 15, I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Friday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. First degree. Visitors welcome. HENRY BROWN. Sec GEORGE WRIGHT WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS, NO. 2 Annual election of officers. Friday. Dec 2. at their hall. 2d and Morrison ELSIE MAE SHAFFER, President. ' MARY E. CHAMBERLAIN, Secretary. OREGON COMMANDERY. NO. 1 X. T. Informal conclave this even ing, at 8 o'clock, for purpose of forming drill corps. All members requested to attend. W. S. MACRUM. Recorder. DIED JAMES In this city, at 717 Ganenbein ave.. Mrs. Emeline James, aged 2S years. Remains at Zeller-Byres Co. parlors. Funeral notice hereafter. RUSSELL-7-In this city, on December L 1004. at 468 East Stark st.. Earl Trcvelyn Russell, aged 0 years. 4 months. 21 days, beloved son of Lewis N. and Lilly E Rus sell. Announcement of funeral later " FUNERAL NOTICES. KNIGHT Friends and acquaintances are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral serv ices of Ethel Knight, which will be held at Currinsvllle. today, at 2 P. M. Take O W P. & Ry. Co.'s cars. DUNNING, McXNTEZ GELBAUGIL successors to Dunsing Campion, under takers and embalm erg, modrra la every de tail. 7th. aad rise, fkeae .Mais 430. lady KMlftaat. EDWARD HOLMAN 'CO, Undertaker, and embabnen, have moved to their new build ing. Third aad S abasia. Lady assistant. TeJeaBoae No. 5C7. J. P. FTNLEY ft SON, Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. Office of County Cor eaer. Lady assistant. Telephone No. a. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 52v NEW TODAY. Great Bargain A GOOD CHANCE TO SECURE A LOVELY RESIDENCE SITUATED ON CAR LIVF AND ELEGANT SURROUNDINGS. ON IF MORRISON STREET. Having decided to travel for my health. I will sacrifice my new residence, consist ing of 7 rooms, all modern improvements, cement sidewalks and basement, large fur nace and elegant mantel fireplace; price $4000, $1500 cash, balance on time; will bear close investigation. For further Informa tion, address V S. car Oreconlan. Exclusive Carpet House jagg3 MARQUAM GRAND THEATER SES& Phone Main SOS. William Morris in "Who's Brown" Tonight and Tomorrow Night Special Price Mat lace Tomorrow The Comedy Success of the Year. Evening prices Lower floor, $1; balcony. 75c and 50c: gallery, 25c and 35c Special matinee prices 75c 50c 25c Seats are now selling. ; 1 Harquam Grand Theater h.t.pbie Phone Main 868. SitWtal Minttr Monday and Tuesday nights, December" 5, 6. A pur . OF PURPOSE ROSE MELVILLE In the Characteristic Play. "SIS HOPKINS" A PLOT OF SEISE Prices Lower floor, $1, 75c; balcony, 75c and 50c; gallery, 25c add 35c; boxes and loges, $7.50. Seats are now selling. COLUMBIA THEATER GEORGE L. BAKER, Manager. 14th and Washington. Phone 110. TONIGHT AND TOMORROW NIGHT, MATINEE TOMORROW. 2:15 P. M.. Columbia Stock Company, presenting Clay Clement's great success. "The New Dominion" A charming comedy-drama. A delightful story of Old Virginia. Evening prices, 15c 25c 35c 50c; loge circle, 76c Matinee prices. 10c 15c 25c; loge circle, 50c Box offlce open all day down town. 40 A. M. to 7 P. M.. at Doily Varden Candy Shop, in Marquam bldg., 327 Morrison st. After t P. M. at theater. Next week beginning Sunday matinee, "Mis takes Will Happen." OREGONIAN COUPON No. 24 Coupon-No. 24 STAR THEATER Friday Matinee, Dec. 2, 1804. This coupon and 5c entitles holder to one admission when presented at box office. The Grand Theater (Formerly Cordray'a.) To see the best in the land You must patronize the Grand. A Tremendous Bill! 10 TOP-LINE ACTS 10. RAWLES & VON KAUFMAN In "Mush" a scream. THE FOUR MANGEANS. Society Acrobats. . CHARLES AND IDA KALMO. Lightning-Change Dancers. TOMMY HAYES. Musical Trick Bone Soloist. Together with Walsh and Llgon. The Em pire Trio. Ed. B and Rolla "White. Mr. Alf Bonner In a pictured melody and the great Grandiscope with "The Elopement" and "Willie's Vacation." Admission to any Seat. 10c; box seats. 25c Matinees. 2 to 5 P. M.; evenings, 7 to 11 1 THE ARCADE THEATER The original -family vaudeville house. This Week. La Mont's Cockatoo Circus THE GREAT MALCOLM. BILLY MILLER. KATE COYLE. LEICESTER AND WILSON. AMERICAN BIOSCOPE. Shows 2:30 to 4:30 P. M.. 7:30 to 10:30 P. M. .Admission, 10c to any scat. BAKER THEATER KEATING & FLOOD. Managers. Third and YambllL LARGEST CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE HOUSE IN THE WORLD. EVERY SEAT 10c One performance afternoon; two every evening. BIJOU THEATER EXXTH ST.. OPP. OREGONIAN. THIS WEEK'S PROGRAMME: Walker & Lab ell. McNamce. Clay Modeler. Audrey Sisters. Harry Steele. Lydell and 'Butterworth. The Two Ross. Pearl Greys on. Moving Pictures on the Vitascope. Afternoons from 2 to 4:30; evenings from 7 to 10:30; continuous Sundays, 2 to 10:30. Admission, 10c LYRIC THEATER (Corner Alder and Seventh.) HIOH-CLASS REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:30 to 4:30: 7:30 to 10:30; Sunday. 2 to 10 P. M. This ad. and lOo will admit two people any matinee, except Sundays and holidays. TEX CENTS NO HIGHER. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board." "House keeping Rooms," "Situations Wanted," 15 words or less, 15 cents; 16 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents', etc No dis count for additional insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," SO cents for 15 words or less; 10 to 20 words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 words. 50 cents, etc. first Insertion- Each additional insertion, one-half; so further discount un der ono month. IMPORTANT The low second-time rate on advertising that runs either in the classified columns, or under head "New Today." will be given only when advertising la Inserted on consecutive days. Daily and Sunday issues. Advertising that is scheduled, to appear at intervals of one or more days apart will be charged for at full one-tune rote each in sertion. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate), 15 cents per line, first insertion: 10 cents per line for each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Orcgonlan, and left at this offlce, should always be inclosed in sealed en velopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonian will not be responsible for errors in advertisements taken through the telephone. NEW TODAY. IF YOU WANT TO BUY A 1C0-ACRB FARM at a bargain, call on or address EL C Mad dock, trustee. 14th and Main St.. Oregon City, Or. SOME BANKS ATe thorough believers in the principle that the customer should first seek the bank; and. acting upon this, thej- have adopted the rule not to make personal solicitation for business. It is simply on way of con ducting a bank, and we admit it Is a nice, easy, dignified way. But it has not been this method by which "THE OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IN OREGON." (CAPITAL, $300,000) Has added so heavily to its deposit during tho past year. Aek any one of our depositors about this. FORTUKD TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 109 Third street. BENJ. I. COHEN President H. I, PITTOCK . Vice-president B. LEE PAGET . Secretary J. O. GOLTRA .. Assistant Secretary . LOANS LOANS . . LOANS "THE OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IN OREGON." (CAPITAL, $300,000) Has money to Moan on MORTGAGES or DEEDS OF TRUST, on improved property In the city of Portland Our rates depend on the size of loan and value of the prop erty. ' We are liberal lenders on first-class col lateral In the shape of LISTED STOCKS and BONDS, NOTES and other securities. We are the only concern in Portland that lends extensively on Life Insurance Policies We shall be pleased to have you call and present your propositions. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 109 Third Street. BENJ. I. COHEN ...President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary DO YOU KNOW That Woodstock is 400 feet higher than the business district of Portland? That this means purer air, more sunshine and better health for the fortunate people who live in this suburb 7 , That Woodstock also has pure water, a fer tile soil, school, churches, postofnee, stores, excellent car service? That lots are 100 feet square, every lot a corner7 That we are selling theee lots at $175 to $250; $10 down and $10 per month? That we will loan you money to build and you can pay us in installments? That NOW Is the time to take ad-antage of this great opportunity to secure a home? Portland Trust Company Of Oregon 109 Third Street SIOO A LOT $5 DOWN $5 A MONTH CHOICE LOT'S ' ' AT ST. JOHNS On the high ground, within a few minutes1 walk of the big sawmills and the factories. On the car line, close to fine, large schoolhouse. Hydrant water, perfect drainage. Title Guarantee &Trust Co. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce RealEstateSnaps 750 $3000 $3500 $4000 $4500 Lots next to 1005 Fair. 55x101, corner 23d and Marshall, all improvements made. 100x100, S. W. cor. 18th and Northrup; will sell separately. Quarter block. 21st and Lovejow. Corner lot, 2 houses renting for 47.50, room for another house. W. H. Grindstaff 246 STARK ST. SUIWSIDE Fine level lots $350 and $400 a lot, part cash, balance on time. Improved streets, city water and sewers. Sunny side is the most accessible of any part of the city where lots can be bought at such low prices. Title Quarantee&Trust Co. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE: Worthington Compound Duplex Pump, second hand, AI condition. Size 10xl8Kxl4xlO. Deliver- ing875 eallons per min ute. Check valve, lub ricator, etc., complete. Inquire A. W. Cochran, Oregenlan Building. BUY AT WHOLESALE A block of 38 lots in Nob Hill to St. Johns at half retail price. Easy terms; an opportunity to make' Tbig money. Francis I. McKenna, 606 Commercial Block. Mortgage Loans 5and Upwards Keal Estate City and Farm Insurance in All Lines A. H. EIItRELL; 202-3 McKay Building. Third and Stark. INVESTMENT BONDS Warrants and stocks bought and sold. J. W. Cruthers & Co.. Chamber of Commerce. Mortgage LoansCity Property - At Lowest Current Kates. Apply FRANK E. HART. 105 Sherlock, bldg. FOR SALE IN ST. JOHNS. TWO-STORY store building and lot; best location In -St. Johns. $2250: this Is a snap. 018 Marquam building. WANTED CASCARA. GRAPE ROOT. Rosenberg Bros. & Co.. 200 H Washington. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE. $2000. Modern home on car-line, half block of ground. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, 100 Third street.- A FEW CHOICE BUILDING LOTS AT WOOD.:, stock; $75; very easy payments. 204 Macleay building. 5-ROOM COTTAGE WITH OR WITHOUT furniture. Call 225 Marquam bldg.. bet. 5-6. CENTRAL. 31x100, AND NEW NINE-ROOM 'house; $3500. Apply at house, 331 Front. HOME CORNER LOT. 8 ROOMS. J 575 CASH. Srry A Alexander, i N. 8th. FOR SALE, $3700.00. Corbett st., near Bancroft ave., 10-room house, good condition, modern, lot 45x110; fine view eastward. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, 100 Third street. ACRE TRACTS WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of handling acreage; we have tracts in side of city limits or outside; some are directly on car line; all are accessible, one acre or more; prices very low;v terms to suit. A. C Churchill & CoM 110 Second street. 40 ACRES. YAMHILL COUNTY, 15 ACRES in crops, orchard, house, barn and out buildings; young team, horses, harness and wagon; hay in barn will last until Spring; partly fenced, rails enough for balance; timber all slashed; price $1250, 5 per cent for cash. B. S. Cook & Co., 251 Alder st. ! ACRES WITHIN 5 MINUTES" WALK OF car, 5-room bouse, cistern, fruit, 1 acre fenced for chickens. 3 good chlcken-houees and other out buildings; price. $1050. J. L. YarneU, Moatavllla. Phone Union 4011. FOR .SALE S. W. CORNER. SO. FRONT and Currie sts.. South Portland; that fine 9-room house, and corner lot. cheap, on easy terms. R. C. Prince. 443 Sherlock block. Tblr dand Oak. FOR SALE OR. TRADE FOR PORTLAND vacant, 720 acres on Rogue River, 200 acres level black land, under cultivation; all fenced; 6 mUes N. Grant's Pass. King. 866 E. 7th St.. N. Phone East 075.. $050 BUYS MY NEW 5-ROOM HOME. ALL complete; large fruit trees. See Joo Nash In the White House, at Nashville Station. on the Mount Scott car Une Big bargain. FOR SALE 2 HOLLADAY PARK LOTS. Wasco st.. value $650; equity costing $375 for $300 cash, balance $20 monthly. Inter est 0 per cent. Y 6. Oregonian. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addition. Lents. Or. Take Mt. Scott car. 5c LOT 25x100 AND TWO HOUSES FOR SALE, bet. Wash, and Alder, on Lownsdale. In quire 123 Lownsdale st. 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE: NICEST place In Upper Albina. 32S San Rafael, cor. Rodney ave. $1250 SNAP: 5-ROOM HOUSE AND 4 LOTS, 50x100: part can stand at 7 per cent. Owner, S 02. Oregonian. FOR SALE FARMS- GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED SO acres, with 11 under plow and 11 more slashed, burnt and partly cleared; balance of land easily cleared; some trap, pole, piling and cordwood timber on place; plen ty creek and spring water, can Irrigate about 15 acres; 50 bearing fruit trees. 50 more not yet bearing; new 1-story box house, small barn, team of good horses, new wagon and harness, 2 milch cows and calves, 70 chickens, 3 tons hay. harrow and other small Implements; on county road, ?i , mile from Carrollton. a town on N. P. Ry. and Columbia River; excellent transporta tion facilities; price for place, $S50. or $1200, Including team, etc Imus & Wll loughby. Kalama, Wash. HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS FINE LEVEL farming lands, abundance of good water; making up party to start in few days. No. 4 N. 6th. opposite Postofficc ONE 240-ACRB WHEAT RANCH ONE 160 acre stock ranch, with private Irrigating ditch, all located In Klickitat County. Wash ington. B 09, Oregonian. FOR SALE 10 ACRES, WITH GOOD 8-ACRE bearing orchard; one mile from Mosler. Si mile from good school. - Address James J. Lewis, Mosler, Or. $850 11 U ACRES NEAR BARLOW. ON Southern Pacific; fenced. S cleared, good house, barn, stock, feed, furniture. D. Kydd. Barlow. 10-ACRE HOME. BEAUTIFULLY LOCA ted on public road, one mite from P. O.; fruit and berries. G. B. Rlggs. Froebstel, Wash. 60-ACRE FARM. MAIN ROAD. CREEK, best soli, $25 per acre. Y S. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. ONE-HALF BLOCK IN WOODSTOCK. PORT land,. Or Can use any good Southern Cali fornia city property; prefer Los Angeles or beach, or near Los Angeles, unimproved. Address R. F. Davis. 320 Trust bldg.. Los Ahgcles, Cal. LAND SCRIP. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. Approved, unrestricted, ready for immedlau ase. , LOWEST PRICES. B. F. & F. B. Riley. 603 Chamber Commerce. APPROVED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP for securing title timbered or agricultural land. 1L B. Compson, 616 Marquam bldg. FOREST RESERVE. SANTA FE AND OTH er guaranteed land scrip oa hand ready to locate. Maglnnls & Son. 227 Falling bldg. FOREST RESERVE AND ALL OTHER scrips: general land practice. Collins Land Co., Concord BldgY TIMBER LANDS FOR SALS. FOR SALE 250 ACRES TIMBER. ONLY mile from Columbia River; estimated over 8.000.000 feet; good logging chance. For par ticulars apply T 9. Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. , i WANTED TO PURCHASE RESIDENCE within 8 blocks of 0th and Washington, $3000 to $5000; might buy building site; give full particulars and price for cash. T 07. Oregonian. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. ONE HORSE. HARNESS AND TWO CARTS for sale cheap: can be seen at Sprangers Arcade. 6th and Couch, or at Model Stable, 5 th and Davis. WANTED TO BUY TWO DELIVERY horses; must be cheap. Bachlor Saloon. 143 Third street. WOLFSTEIN buys and selts horses, wagons, harness, buggies, farm Implements. 227 Front. I LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AN 2D-HAND 'Vehicles on Coast for sale or hire. 211 Wash. NEW BUSINESS TOP BUGGY FOR SALE cheap. 329 Sellwood st. Phone East 2504. FOR SALE HORSES BY W. E. -JACOBS. 134 East 34th st. Phono Union 1632. Piano. FOR SALE 1 STANDARD-MAKE NEW piano at 123 1st st. Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair it with Elaterlte; it rolls, easy to. lay; needs no painting or coating; good over cla Iron, tin or eblngies; best for new roofs. Elaterlte Rocflng Co., room 2. Hamilton bldg. FOR 8ALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; w rent tables, with privilege of buying. Mod ern bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender. 49 3d st. A BEAUTIFUL PAIR CLUSTER DIAMOND screw earrings, with genuine turquoise In center; original cost $C5; only $30. At Uncle Myers. 143 Third, near Alder. FOR SALE A PRIVATE COLLECTION OF bird eggs; excellent condition; many rare . specimens. Q SS. Oregonian. FOR SALE SEVERAL FINE PURE BLUE whlte diamonds, -k., at half value. 612 Commercial block. FOR SALE 25 NEW VOLUMES ENCYCLO pedla Brltannica for sale cheap. L 6. Ore gonian. Moving picture film, song sllaea. magio lan terns. T. P. Andrews, 109 Mont.. 8. F., Cal. Bargains in typewriters, supplies, office -goods rubber stamps, safes. Coast Co.. 231 Stark! Oliver typewriters, S". H. typewriters, all makes. Norrls Safe & Lock Co., 84 3d st. BICYCLE CLOSING OUT SALE $40 WOLFF Americans now $25. . 7th and Morrison. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED EXPERIENCED BUSINESS MAN to represent corporation; salary $1300 per year; must be prepared to take at least $1000 worth of stock.. Address Q, 2. Oregonian. WANTED COAT AND PANTSMAKER AT once; pay $10 per coat and $3.50 for pants: must be first-class. A. 11. Marquardt. La Grande. Or. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS WANTED; commission. Clyde's Advertising Bureau, moved to larger quarters. 630 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED PARTY WITH R1000 CASH OR .property to enter a business that can be made to pay $100 per weclc Address X 0. Oregonian. 80-ACRE FARM, 23 IMPROVED. HOUSE, barn, chicken-house. 3 cows, 1 horse, imple ments, 35 miles from Portland, for rent. $200 year; timber and flume on land, can be cut. 25c 8tumpage. " About 50 acres land to clear by contract; 5 GO acre. Others. HANSEN'S OFFICE 26 N. 2D ST. LOGGERS. MILL AND YARDMEN. LAB orcrs. city and country; men and teams, farmhands and mUkers. restaurant and sness-house help; - work of all kind Ca aaolaa Employment Co.. 249 Buraside aad 226ft Morrison. Phone Main S074. WB SEARCH THE) WORLD FOR MEN; WE have to, to fill the poeitions we now have open for competent managers, salesmen, offlce and technical men. Call or write Pacific Com mercial Bureau, suite 45, Concord block, 2d and Stark. DRAMATIC AMATEURS; MUST BE CLEV er, talented, good appearance: will receive actual stage experience, expenses paid and professional engagement when proficient. Address in full R 6. Oregonian. WANTED SINGERS, ACTORS. MUSICLVNS. for Portland's World's Fair, vaudeville cir cuit and traveling companies. Newman's Vaudeville Circuit, Raleigh, 6th and Wash ington. LEARN BARBER TRADE AT GILLETT. Teaches you free in shops; practical meth od: wages while learning; no fake barber college. 611 Commercial st.San Francisco. YOUNO MAN TO LEARN HARDWARE business, wages at first $15 per month, must be a good fast correct penman; state ref ence and age. Addresr A 9, Oregonian. REPRESENTATIVES: HUSTJLERS MAKE big money, calling on business people. Williams & Wllloughby. Seattle. Wash. BOY WANTED TO WORK IN NEWS store; salary $20 per month; references re quired. Address Q 10, Oregonian. WANTED ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN WHO understands engraving or commercial draw ing. Room 45, Concord block. WANTED SIX TEAMS TO HAUL TIES, steady work for Winter. Address R. R. Hill. Carlton. Wash. WANTED NEAT APPEARING HOTEL runner to meet trains. Call today, room 317, 84 6th st. WANTED FIVE SOLICITORS. SALARY OR commission, $4 to $10 per day. 23 Labbe bldg., Portland. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BOOK and magazine Illustrating. Address E. C, care Oregonian. WANTED EXPERIENCED STENOGRA pher. Apply J5y letter only. Doernbecher Mfg. Co. Men wanted to learn barber trade. Barber College. 741 Howard St.. San Francisco. SOLICITOR WANTED AT OREGON STEAM Cleaning Works. 353 Burnslde st. DR. WALKER, 181 1ST.. CURES ALL PR1 vate 'diseases of men. FIRST-CLASS BUTCHER WANTED. CALL at 340 1st. BOY WANTED-591 WASHINGTON, COR. 10th flt. HELP WANTED FEMALE. DRAMATIC AMATEURS ; MUST BE CLEV er. talented, good appearance; will receive actual stage experience, 'expenses paid; pro fessional engagement when proficient. Ad dress in full Q 6, Oregonian. DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KINDS-CHAM bermalds, cooks, waitresses, nurse girls, second girls, housekeepers, housework. $15 to $30. Canadian Parlors. 226 Morrison. Phone Main 1323. DRAMATIC. VAUDEVILLE ACTING. STAGE dancing, sketches taught; terms reasonable; positions guaranteed. Newman's School of Acting, Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington. WANTED SEVERAL YOUNG LADIES AND gentlemen to learn best-paying business In Portland; experience not necessary; free in structions. J. P. Metcalf, 533 Morrison st. WANTED A WOMAN WHO UNDERSTANDS cooking and general housework, for a small family; references required. Inquire morn ings, 264 Madison it. STAGE WANTED. LADY INVEST REASON able, first-class theatrical company; brilliant opportunity; money returned; taught part. T 92, Oregonian. LADIES EARN $20 PER 100 WRITING short letters. Send stamped envelope for particulars. Ideal Mfg. Co., Cassopolls, Mich. WANTED A CAPABLE GIRL FOR GEN eral housework: wages $25. to a good cook: reference required. Apply at 400 Holladay avenue. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAIT ers, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency, 230i Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. WANTED GIRLS TO LEARN MILLINERY whole course taught in 1 month, $10. Ap ply at Hotel Brown, room 220. TeL East 362. I FAMILY COOK. THE DALLES. $20; COUN try hotel cooks, $20 up: doestlcs; others. Drake, 205& Washington. WANTED A STRONG WOMAN TO DO GEN eral housework. Swede or Norwegian pre ferred. St. Helen's Hall. WANTED A COMPETENT SECOND GIRL; references required. Call mornings. 721 Flanders St.. cor 22d. WANTED GIRL TO HELP WITH HOUSE work for home. Give age. references, etc O 6. Oregonian. A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, good wages. Apply 440 E. 19th st.. near Irvlngton. WANTED GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK, small family 570 East Madison st.. near 13th. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR housework, small family. X 8, Oregonian. A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; good wages. Apply 440 E. 10th St., Irvlngton. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. Apply 400 Holladay ave. WANTED A GIRL FOR COOKING AND general housework. Apply at 563 6th st. GOOD, PLAIN COOK; ALSO SECOND girL 120 N. 18th. cor. Gllsan. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. AP ply 692 Hancock St.. Irvlngton. G,TtL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 606 Everett st. WANTED GIRLS ON DRESSMAKING. 289 Alder st. GOOD DISHWASHER. 104 NORTH 7TH ST. SITUATIONS WANTED wat.r, Bookkeepers and Clerks. A YOUNG MAN OF 8 YEARS' EXPERI ence in the china and glass business de sires a position for the holidays. Can fur nish best of reference. J 6, Oregonian. WANTED A POSITION AS ASSISTANT bookkeeper or cashier; experienced. Address K 9, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. WANTED A POSITION AS EDITOR OF weekly or small daily by experienced young man of 27; a student of University of Chi cago and College of Journalism. Address W. H. Weir, care Ellers Piano House. POSITION WANTED BY FIRST-CLASS planer or sticker man. Address E. R. Rayner. The Albany. 22 6th st. N. JAPANESE ASSOCIATION CAN FURNISH domestic servants, farmer and all kinds of help. 26S Everett. Black 902. A YOUNG MAN OF 22. WHO SPEAKS GER man. wishen a position as bartender. Address F. Koenlg, Oregon City, Or. COMPETENT JAPANESE COOK WANTS Po sition in family. Japanese Mission, 15th and Gllsan. Phone Clay 854. YOUNG MAN OF 25. WITH FAIR Busi ness education, wants work, most any kind. K 6, Oregonian EXPERT YOUNG JAPANESE WISHES Po sition of janitor work in public building. Address 121 15th st. A GOOD MEATCUTTER AND BUTCHER wants position out of town; single man. B 8, Oregonian. YOUNG JAPANESE BOY WANTS TO DO housework and help the cooking. P 10, Ore gonian. YOUNG RELIABLE MAN. GERMAN, wants work on private place. G 8. Ore gonian. A FIRST-CLASS BAKER ON BREAD AND cakes; position, city or country. M 9, Orego nian. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION TO AT tend school; wages no object. Phone Hood 362. A STRONG AND WILLING JAPANESE wants position to do housework. Phone Clay S54. Mlseeilaaeaas. JAPANESE WANTS POSITION OF COOK or any other kind work. Black 152. SITUATION WANTED FEMAXX. Domestic. A COMPETENT WOMAN WISHES SITUA tlon to do general housework or cooking: obliging- and able to take hold. Call or ad dress 733 Northrun. YOUNG WOMAN DESIRES SITUATION DIN-ing-room and chamber work, plain boarding house. 230& Yamhill. Phone Black 2S81. VERY CAPABLE GIRL DESIRES SITUA tion as family cook; wages $30. 230 Yam; hill. Phone Black 2SS1. WANTED. SECOND WORK. CALL 452 E. 7th st,. No. Phone Union 1262 TWO GIRLS WISH GENERAL HOUSE work. L 9, Oregonian. Housekeepers. WANTED SITUATION AS HOUSEKEEPER In widower's family; can give best of refer ences. Phone East 3069. Dressmakers. LADY WISHES TO DO SEWING AT HOME. Call room 30 Avalon Hotel, cor. 11th and Washington. SHIRTWAISTS, 75C AND UP; SHIRTWAIST suits, $3.50 up. 270 Market st. Miscellaneous. SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED SEC ond girl, wages $25; refined girl housework, small, homelike family: housekeepers, cham bermaids. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2bSl. MUST WORK 8 WAITRESSES (NEAT Ex perienced); chambermaids, cooks; housekeep ers, cashiers, domestics. Drake's, 205 Wash ington. MAN AND WIFE WITH BABY YEAR OLD want anv kind of work.. Mrs. Keeney. 46 7th st. N. WANTED AGENTS. A. J. C RAN WELL & CO.. 218-224 ABING ton bldg., wholesale dealers and .Jobbers, carry the largest stock of Jewelry, notions, and novelties west of Chicago; retail trade supplied; house-to-house canvassers, ped dlers and agents can make big money handling our special lines. Callvand Inspect our new stock for Christmas trade. THE ORIGINAL JOHN A. MOLBR HAS opened one of his famous barber colleges at 644 Clay st.. San Francisco; special Induce ments this month; positions guaranteed: tui tion earned while learning. Call or write Chas. Halstead. agent. 215 Morrison st., Portland. SOLICITORS. BOTH SEX. FOR EVERY county in the state; best talking proposi tion ever offered In the West; one agent cleared $50 last week; Gold Reserve Burial Association, room 12, over Citizens Bank. East Side. LEADING GALLERY WANTS PHOTO graph coupon agents; premium extraor dinary. Polrler. field agent. 123 11th. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE PEER less Cleaner: Just tho thing for good hus tler. Call at 127 11th st. WANTED AGENT TO SELL GAS-HEATER. Call 427 Chamber of Commerce, 11 to 12. WANTED TO RENT. WE HAVE MANY CUSTOMERS WHO WANT houses. If you have a house to rent, see ui or send description. We make no charge for renting. H. E; Edwards. 187 1st st. WANTED COTTAGE OR SUITE OF ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, for family of three; close In; rent reasonable; best of reference. Address N 9. Oregonian. WANTED BY GENTLEMAN, GOOD FUR nlshed room and board in private family; walking distance Albina R. R. shops. W., 121 13th. WANTED SMALL FURNISHED COTTAGE: walking distance Albina R. R. shops; no chil dren. J 121 13th. ELDERLY LADY WANTS BOARD AND room, home comforts. 514 Morrison. Phone West 1144. BOARD AND ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY. Address M. W. Davis, dentist, or phone Red 2S85. WANTED 3 UNFURNISHED ROOM3 NEAR Courthouse. E 4, Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED LADIES. FOR 10c WB WILL send you package ever-ready mending tis sue; also new catalogue with premium of fer. Write at once. Louis Nuenthal, Cle alum. Wash. E. A. CLEM & CO.. 251 ALDER ST.. PORT land. Or. Mining securities bought and sold; stocks In producing properties a specialty; reliable corporations represented. WANTED TO BUY GOOD WORK TEAM for farm. 1200 to 1350 lbs. sound and true: also wagon and harness. 904 Rodney ave. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517. PARTIES DESIRING TO HAVE THEIR children cared for In private home phone Main 1809. SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR 50c at HOOLA baugh's, 267 Taylor, bet. 3d and 4th. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle of all kinds. Phone East 2233. FOR RENT. Rooms. THE AUDITORIUM, 208 3D ST.. BET. TAY lor and Salmon, one block south of Baker Theater, new brick building, elegantly fur nished, steam heat, hot and cold' water in room, porcelain bath, rooms with prlvats baths, elevator: reasonable rates. THE PALMER. S. B. COR. ALDER AND Park Sts. The most complete apartment house in the city; steam heat. gas. electrio lights, porcelain baths, every modern con venience; tourist and transient trade solicited. Young & Shepard, Props. "THE LINCOLN." 409 Morrison, cor. 11th New brick, elegant, furnished, sunny rooms, all modern conveniences; tourists and trav ellngmen solicited. Mrs. T. D. Hughes, Prop. THE COSMOS. S. E. COR 4TH AND MOR rison; best down-town rooms la the city; heat and service night and day; rates $3.50 per week and up. including bath; $1 day. FINELY FURNISHED LARGE FRONT room, $4.50 per week; also smaller room. $3 per week; furnace heat, bath, phone, gas, private family; central. 394 Yamhill st. THE NEWCASTLE. 3D AND HARRISON Elegant up-to-date furnished and unfurnish ed housekeeping and other rooms; heat. bath, light free; reasonable prices. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM. CLOSET. BATH, electric light, furnace, phone; new house; near hospitals; gentlemen preferred. Y 92, Oregonian. COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOMS, porcelain bath, electric light, furnace, tele phone. Inquire 201 10th. cor. Taylor. THE TEMPLE. 343 YAMHILL ST., COR. 7th, opposite Hotel Portland Nicely fur nished rooms; rates reasonable. 324 HASSALO ST.. NEAR STEEL BRIDGE. East Side, nicely furnished rooms, modern convenience: private family. TIE DEXTER NO. 124 I2TH. COR. WASH ington, nice comfy rooms, single, en suite, trans.ent. Phone Green 486. . , SELECT FAMILY HOTELS, ROOMS EN suite or single; transients: 17th and Mor rison st. Phone Main 1398. TWO ROOMS: ONE FRONT BAY-WINDOW room, new house, strictly modern, central. 274 Park, cor. Jefferson. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms, modern: no children. 325 12th. Phone Main 1112. NICELY FURNISHED ALCOVE ROOM, suitable for two or four persons; transient or otherwise. 169 Park. WALKING DISTANCE. FURNISHED ROOMS. Including porcelain bath, heat, phone, gas; $8. $10 month. 292 10th. THE ELM. 121 13TH. COR. WASHINGTON Newly furnished rooms, single or en suite; modern conveniences. 125 14TH MODERN HOUSE. NEWLY FUR nlshed; always hot water; only first-class patronage solicited. THE MARQUAM HOUSE, 145 6TH ST. Rooms, single, en suite and housekeeping. Phone Clay 1653. 248 SIXTH ST.. FOUR BLOCKS SOUTH Hotel Portland, sunny furnished room with private family. 266 PARK ST. FURNISHED FRONT AL cove room, reasonable. Main 5390. 7J8 IRVING NICELY FURNISHED -FRONT room, suitable for two gentlemen. - FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. 221 W Fark.