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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1904)
Tilt MUK-NliNU UKfcJOrUJNxAitf, THUKatfAY, DECEMBER 1, IU04. Mm Wi ENDS Russia Will Then Join in Peace Congress. REPtMO AMERICAN NOTE Proposition of Roosevelt h ' Accepted in Principle, CASSIN1 CONFERS WITH. HAY Ambassador Informs the Secretary His Government Is In Hearty Sympathy With Movement President Will Rest. WASHINGTON, Nov. 30. Russia is unwilling- to Join the powers In a second peace conference at The Hague until her war "with Japan Is ended. - The Russian reply to Secretary Hay's circular note to the powers of October 23 last, inviting: them "in .the name of the President, to reassemble In conference at The Hague, to complete the postponed work of the first conference," was deliv ered verbally to Secretary Hay today by COunt Casslnl, the Russian Ambassador. The Ambassador was requested by his government to say that Russia heartily accepted In principle the invitation to a second conference at The Hague, and readily associated herself with the Amer ican Government to complete the mission of the first assembly convened under the leadership of the Russian Emperor. The Ambassador was further requested to say that while the Russian government very sincerely cherished these views, it did not consider the moment opportune for the convening of such a conference, and it therefore must withhold Its formal ac ceptance of the invitation until the war in the Par East was at an end. Secretary Hay and Count Casslnl were In conference for nearly an hour. The Ambassador was careful to assure the Secretary .that his government welcomed the Invitation of the President as an ad mirable evidence of the American Gov ernment's appreciation of the beneficent results of the first conference, and re gretted the necessity of suggesting a post ponement of the work then begun a work in which, the Russian government no less than the American, is keenly interested. Thanks the Ambassador. Secretary Hay thanked the Ambassador for the cordiality with which the declara tion of Russia's adherence in principle to the proposition had been conveyed to the American Government, and assured him he -would forthwith transmit the reply to the President. Although different In form, the Russian reply does not differ in ef fect Ironvrthat of Great Britain, France and the other European powers, practical ly all of which already have answered the ksvitatlorf. "While Russia is the first power specifically to suggest a postpone ment until thfe' close of the war, all the powers in expressing their approval of the proposition, reserved for future pour parleurs the . time when the conference should be held. It caji be. stated this Government is well pleased with the reception its note has re ceived. The powers signatory to The Hague . convention have been officially committed to a second conference at some future time. In his note Secretary Hay purposely omitted suggesting k date for the assembling of tho conference, realiz ing that certain powers might (hesitate to take up for final definition such compli cated questions as the rights" of neutrals at .a time when a great war was in prog ress. So far as the Russian government is concerned, it is stated it is naturally averse to discussion of the many import ant questions which would come before the conference at a time when its at tention lg devoted to a foreign war. In diplomatic circles the news of Rus sia's conditional reply caused some sur prise. Tho caution -which characterized even tho consideration of the note at St Petersburg made several Ambassadors here doubtful about the favorable recep tion of the American note This doubt has been removed, however, by the friendly terms in which the note today was couched. For the present It Is probable the Amer ican Government will rest on its oars. "When the Far Eastern war enters on its final stage this Government will be ready to follow up its proposition. In the mean time, should Russia's attitude change, ehe will find the American Government ready to lead the powers Immediately to The Hague for the second conference. ITALIAN PARLIAMENT OPENS. King, in His Speech, Declares for Lib eral and Peaceful Principles. ROME, Nov. 30. King Victor Em manuel, who was accompanied by Queen Helena, reopened Parliament to day. From his seat in the Senate at the Plazzo Madama he read the speech from the throne, expressing liberal and peaceful principles, which were enthusiastically applauded. The weather was magnificent The passing of the King to and from the palace of the Senate was a gorgeous spectacle. The streets through which the royal cortege passed were lined with troops, and behind them the peo Rle were packed, while the windows, balconies and terraces were crowded with sightseers. Tho sovereigns were accompanied by Prince and Princess Francis Joseph of Battenburg, Princess Xenia of Mon tenegro and Elenea of Servla, the Count of Turin, the Duke of Genoa and the Duke of Drbano. The King and Queen rode in beautiful gala all ver-mountea carnages, escorted oy a guard of honor of mounted culras- seurs, whose helmets, breast plates and swords sparkled in the sun. As the procession proceeded through the streets, the cannon of the castle of St Angelo boomed, the historic bells of the capltol rang1 out a welcome, the men shouted "Long live the King," and the women waved their handkerchiefs. The hall of tho Senate was crowded. and there was an especially brilliant gathering in the diplomatic tribune. where the united states was represent ed by Ambassador and Mrs. Meyer. The whole assembly stood and applauded for several minutes when the sorer elgns entered. Premier Glolittl called the roll-call of the members of the Senate, who took the customary oath, and then the King, sitting on the throne, read his speech. The speech began by greeting the rep resentatives of the nation, and the King then referred to the birth of the crown prince as "a much-desired event which has rejoiced my house, while the gen eral manner in "which the people joined in the good wishes and felicitations showed, that-the joy of my family is the Joy of the nation, and demonstrated the indissoluble union between the monarchy and the people which has formed so great a part of the success of the coun try." Continuing, he said: "When for the first tlmo I spoke before Parliament I affirmed my strong belief in liberty. My experience since then has confirmed my belief and has persuaded me that only with liberty can the ponderous problems now standing before all the peoples of the world, raised by the new aspirations and new attitudes of the .social forces, be solved. "My government will continue to follow the -policy of granting ample liberty within the limits of tho law, which should be strongly defended, and which has met with such strong approbation from the country." The King then announced tho introduc tion of bills having the object of progres sively elevating the condition of the work ing classes, facilitating an equitable and peaceful solution of. the. conflicts between capital and labor, substituting" co-operation among all classes for sterile strug gles, and replacing strikes, "which mean victory for the strongest, . by arbitration, which means victory for justice." The King then referred to the conclusion of commerlcal treaties with Germany, Switzerland and Austria-Hungary,4 and re marked: "Italy has been the first to demonstrate ,that the protectionist current dominating the world does not prevent commercial agreements when governments are guided by sentiments of equity and solidarity." He insisted on tho necessity for main taining the balance of the budget and the strength of the army and navy, and said in conclusion: "The economic condition of Italy is mak ing evident progress. This happy condi tion has been reached chiefly through peace, assured by solid alliances and fin cere friendships, and emphasized by the affectionate demonstrations which oc curred at the time of the visits to Romo of the German (Emperor, the King of Eng land and the President of France. Arbi tration treaties have been concluded with France, Great Britain and Switzerland, while negotiations for similar agreements with the United States and other coun tries are well advanced. Thus Italy con tinues her mission of peace." FIRM FOR OPEN SHOP FINDS AUSTRIA TOO STUBBORN Germany Breaks Off Negotiations for a Commercial Treaty. BERLIN, Nov. 30. The negotiations for a commercial treaty between Ger many and Austria-Hungary have been broken off completely, and in the pres ent mood of the German government they will not be resumed unless tho initiative comes from Austria-Hungary. Interior Secretary Count von Posadowski-Wehner, who has been con ducting the negotiations at the Austrian, capital for the last four weeks, returned here today. The semi-official newspa pers are exasperated over what Is de fined here as "Austro-Hungary obt stinacy," and threats are made to de nounce the existing treaty and open tariff hostilities as a means of showing Austria-Hungary that reciprocity, is better than a tariff war. Situation Considered Grave. VIENNA, Nov. SO. Count von Posa- dowsky-Wehner, the German Secretary, having failed In the negotiation of an Austro-German treaty, left Vienna today. returning to Berlin. There was not a single representative of Austria-Hungary at the station to bid him farewell. The situation arising out of the col lapse of these negotiations Is considered grave, and at the Foreign Office an earn est hope Is expressed that economic dif ferences will not be extended to the po- RUSS1A IS SUSPICIOUS. Looks With Misgiving on Acts of Britain In Southwestern Asia. ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 2. The state ment that Russia is concentrating troops on the Afghan frontier is denied. Never theless, it is undoubtedly true that Rus sia is watching with some misgivings the British plans for tho reorganization and increase of the Indian army, as well as the dispatch of a deputation to Persia. Coming on the heels of the Thibetan ex pedition, theee moves naturally create the suspicion that Great Britain is taking advantage of Russia's preoccupation in the Far East to strengthen her position on the Indian frontier of Persia. Russia seems keenly alive to the situation, but no open move has yet been made, and the authorities are not disposed to admit that any is in con templation as a counter-move in Per sia, The deputation from the Shah of Persia, headed by Arlza Kahn, ex-MIn-ister to Russia, which goes to Constan tinople in a similar capacity, is receiv ing considerable attention. The depu tation is now on its way to St Peters burg, and its ostensible purpose is to visit and congratulate Emperor Nicho las on the birth of an heir to the throne. "While it Is not admitted here, the idea prevails generally that the mission Is not devoid , of political sig nificance. The Emperor will give a state dinner to celebrate the visit WILL HARASS MINISTRY. Radicals Will Make Fruitless Objec tion to Military Programme. BERLIN, Nov. 30. Though it is prac tically certain that the government's new military programme will be ac cepted by the Reichstag by a good ma jority, it is evident the Radicals- will not neglect tho opportunity to harass the Ministry upon it One of the many points ot attack will be the provision to increase the cavalry by 28 squad rons, forming, with the 17 existing squadrons of mounted riflemen, nlno new cavalry regiments. The general staff declares that the Increase Is necessary in order to pro vide all corporations with a proper complement: but the opposition will claim that the proposed Increase is due to the Emperors fondness for this spectacular arm of the service. Approves Big War Credit. SOFIA, Nov. 30. The National Assem bly, behind closed' doors, today discussed and approved the demand of the "War Minister for an extraordinary credit of 58,400,000 for the purchase of SI field and nine mountain batteries, and for the ex tension of the coast defenses on the Black Sea. Earthquake Shock in Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 1. A severe shock of earthquake was felt here atvl o'clock this mornlnsr. Three nthpr It filt er shocks were felt a few minutes later in quick succession. Citizens' Association Again Goes on Record. PARRY RE-ELECTED PRESIDENT London Exchange Closes. LONDON, Nov. 30. The London & Paris Exchange, Tvhicn did a large business in stocks, closed its offices in London today. The failure had no effect on the market The oxchange dealt largely in the provinces, where Ismail Investors utilized its numerous branch offices. After a meeting of the creditors this afternoon it was announced that ef forts were making looking to a tiding over of the difficulties. A statement will be Issued tomorrow. Former Coast Minister Made Bishop. LANCASTER, Pa., Nov. 30. Rev. William T. Manning, vicar of Stannes, and formerly pastor of a church at Redlands, Cal., was today elected bish op of the newly organized Protestant Episcopal diocese of Harrisburg. Roosevelt Asked to Visit City. LOUISVILLE, Nov. 30. -The Board of Trade today passed a resolution in viting President Roosevelt to "visit Louisville when he makes his proposed trip to Texas in the Spring. Convention Also Holds Question of Hours Is Matter for Mutual Agree ment San Francisco Speaker Describes Conditions. NEW YORK, Nov. CO. Plans t or organ izing the, employers of labor in" this coun try to combat the labor unions were con sidered at today's session of the Citizens' Industrial Association convention. Among the addresses delivered was one by Dan iel Davenport of Bridgeport. Conn., ex ecutive agent or tne American Anti-upy-cott Association. Mr. Davenport's sub ject was "The Purposes and "Work of the American Anti-Boycott Association." It was In the employment bureau of the country that Frederick W. Job. secretary of the Chicago Employers' Association, found hope of a future settlement of all troubles between employes and employ ers. To that bureau he declared both sides must return In the end to find re lief. John Beattle. a representative of the Master Painters' and Decorators' Associa tion, speaking of the labor situation in New York, said: I don't want you to think the men of New York aro held up with strings will ingly or for lack of sand. Wo have in this city an organization that has suc cessfully fought the labor unions. "We organized our association 18 months ago. and made a strong fight "We formed an alliance with labor after a lockout last ing IS weeks which pair.lyzed business. "Recently I asked Pnsldent Roosevelt as an American citizen '.o use his Influ ence to put the responsibility on labor unions, and he said: 'That'j the thing that is needed.' " The report of the committee on resolu tions, which was adopted, reaffirmed the objects as adopted at Chicago and In dianapolis conventions of the Citizens' In dustrial Convention, and again declared for continuance of tho open shop. Continuing, the resolutions say: "Demanding only good faith and fair dealing, we discriminate against neither union nor Independent labor. "Wo demand the freedom of the ap prentice and the right of the individual to have a trade and follow It; also. "The right of private contract with equal obligation upon employer and em ploye. 'The right, to work, limiting the hours of labor, whether of brains or of the hand, is a matter of mutual agreement not a subject for arbitrary legislative en actment "The enforcement of the law." The resolutions direct that the execu live committee take the necessary steps to secure a proper channel of activity for the co-relation of Interested organlza tions with tho Citizens' Industrial Asso elation of America, They conclude as follows: Destruction of Industry. "Whereas, The limitation which the trades unions ct upon the number of apprentices in any shop is largely re sponsible for the disappearance of skilled labor. Is destructive of in dustry and is one of the greatest dis turbing faotors in the industrial de velopment of the country, in that it limits the right of the individual to learn a trade; and "Whereas, The effort made by the employer to increase the number of ap prentices in a trade is necessarily hampered by tho above limitations; therefore be It "Resolved, That the Citizens' Indus trial Association of America recom mends the establishment by boards of education of artisan schools, under the control and direction of the state, glv inga diploma which shall be the evi dence of the right to begin to practlco a trade. "Resolved, further. That It be' recom mended to individual employers, so far as practicable, to establish training schools In their own shops, and as rapidly as possible to Increase the num ber of apprentices desiring to learn the trade. "Wherea3, As In his farewell address. Washington declared a 'well-regulated militia necessary for National defense; and "Whereas, Organized labor through out the country seeks to discourage and practically prohibits membership In the state militia; therefore, be it "Resolved, That this association con demns this policy of labor unions as disloyal and dangerous, destroying tho natural nucleus of republicanism. weakening the attachment of the cltl zens to tho state, impairing a patriotic inspiration to our children and ulti mately necessitating an Increase in our standing army, repugnant to our tra dltlons and Institutions." "Wallace Downey, president of the New York Metal Trades Asoclatlon, said he was proud of what has been done 'for the "open shop' in the East He said: "In its fights the Metal Trades Asso ciation has won all the strikes -without the sacrifice of principles. Our em ployes have admitted that they were mistaken and we were right. "I am not an enemy to labor." he continued, "and I want every laboring man to get fair play. Labor unions have as much right to exist as your organization. Every one knows that the prevailing rate of wages and the eight-hour labor law have done serious damage, and I am glad it has been de clared unconstitutional. It drives busi ness to other states. I am in favor of eight hours, but I want at the same time to work as long ?jt I like. I am in favor of paying the highest rate of wages and giving the shortest work day." Conditions in San Francisco. James A. Emory, counsel of the Citi zens'. Alliance of San Francisco, told of the' system of organization on the Pacific Coast He said that In San Francisco labor was so well organized that It had unions of the chicken-pickers, ten-pin men and the sandwich or banner-carriers. "These were the conditions we had to meet when the Citizens' Alliance was formed," said Mr. Emory, "and then we realized that what we wanted was one single unifying principle to bring the people together. Tho political situa tion was such that at first the police would not enforce the law or protect willing workers. Then we, supplied these men with guns and told them to protect themselves. "Wo stand for no class or clique, but united we drove the political representatives of the riot ers from power, and in their place elected men who will enforce the law." On the report of tho nominating com mittee. David M- Parry of Indianapolis, was ro-electid president of the asso ciation; J. C Craig, of Denver, was elected first vice-president and Major A. C. Rosencrans, of Evansvllle, Ind., treasurer. The convention adjourned tonight The place of next roeotlng will be se lected by the executive committee. PRESIDENT DID NOT SAY IT. Never Held 'Unions Responsible for Paralyzing Business. -WASHINGTON, Nov. 30. It was au thoritatively stated at the "White House today that the President has no recollec tlon of a visit from John Beattio, the rep resentative of the Master Painters' and Decorators' Asoclatlon, who, at the con vention of tho Citizens' Industrial Asso ciation In New York today declared that the President had indorsed a proposition to out unon labor unions the resoonslbllltv for paralyzing business by lockouts. It also was anounced that the President did not make the remark attributed to him by Mr. Beattle. ALL IS QUIET AT ZEIGLER. Adjutant-General Does Not Say More Men Are In Mines. SPRINGFIELD, 111., Nov. 30. A tele gram received tonight from Assistant Ad jutant-General Reece, at Zelgler, states that all has been quiet at Zelgler today. He did not say whether any more men had been taken Into the mine to work. PLANS FOR CHUBCH FEDERATION Commission Representing Presbyter- Ian Bodies Takes Important Action. PITTSBURG, Nov. 30. The commission representing the seven branches of the Presbyterian Cnurch in this country. meeting here, decided today on a plan or federation for tho various churches. the most Important step yet taken towards the ultimate goal of organic union. Rev. Dr. J. D. Steele, secretary of the com mission, says- the plan provides for tho establishment ot a council which will be called "The Federal Council of Reform In the Churches In America, Holding the Presbyterian System." Each church belonging1 to the federation will retain its own Identity In all things. The seven churches which were repre sented on the commission are: The Re formed Presbyterian Church, Genera Sy nod, the Reformed Church in America, the Presbyterian Church in the United Stages of America, the Presbyterian Church of the United States, tho United Presbyterian Church, the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and the Reformed Church In the United States. The plan of the federation, as decided on by the commission, contains 17 ar ticles. It Is the desire of the commis sion that these articles shall not be pub lished until after, they have been passed on by the supreme judiciary bodies of the various churches. ARE TO REMODEL THE LAW LOCAL OPTION ACT IS TO BE PLANNED AFTER OHIO. BUSINESS HEN FIGHT DUEL. Wyoming Merchants Take Up Grudge, and One Is Shot. Old CODY, "Wye. Nov. 30. William Arnold and H. F. Newell, both prominent busi ness men of this place, engaged In a pis tol duel on the streets here today. Ar nold was shot In the thigh, but Is not dangerously hurt Newell was placed under arrest The trouble Is the out growth of an old grudge. Legislature Will This Winter Make Vigorous Effort to Gain This End in State of Oregon. In the Legislature this Winter a vigor ous effort will be made to remodel tho Oregon local option law after the Ohio act which passed the General Assembly of that state last April, and was ap proved by Governor Herrlck. The Ohio act differs from the Oregon In four es sential particulars, namely: First, the Ohio act applies only to resi dence districts of municipal corporations, whereas the Oregon law applies to any precinct and group of contiguous precincts ana any county m the state. Second, the Ohio law requires petitions for prohibition elections to be signed by at least 40 per cent of the qualified elec tors of the residence district: whereas In . Oregon but 10 per cent of the registered j electors of the affected precinct or goup j of precincts or of the county are re- I quired ( Third, the Ohio act provides that, after a prohibition election has been held, the i question cannot again be brought to vote ! for two years, whether the election shall ' have gone dry or wet; whereas the Ore- j gon law provides that a second election may be called In two years If tho elec tion preceding "went dry"; but that, if the election "went wet" the next elec tion may be held one year afterward. Fourth, the Ohio act does not apply to manufacturers and wholesale dealers In liquor; whereas the Oregon law applies to both. Alteration of the Oregon law In these four respects will have strong champions In the Legislature, and the amendments are regarded as quite likely to carry. The Multnomah delegation in both houses will doubtless support amendment of the law; Indeed, that probability Is manifest both from he personal feelings of the members and from the majorities r61led up against the law In this county In June and In November. Liquor forces will make no attempt to eliminate local option from single precincts or from residence districts, but they will fight county prohibition. In this they will be opposed by such elements as the Anti-Saloon League and the prohls on the ground that prohibi tion, if Impracticable of enforcement In Multnomah, is not so in rural counties. In this contest the familiar line of demarkatlon between local optionists and prohibitionists 13 likely to be erased. The real purpose of local op tion Is not prohibition, but the elimina tion of the liquor traffic In certain pre cincts or districts, suoh as where homes or schools are situated. But the pur pose of prohibition Is the elimination of the traffic everywhere. . Many persons who are local option ists In Multnomah are prohibitionists In other counties; therefore while they are ready or half-way willing to see Multnomah have straight precinct op tion they insist on leaving to other counties the option of prohibition. The Oregon law Is such that in 23 counties the Issue of county prohibition was presented on November S, despite the desire of many elector to voto on the question of precinct v prohibition only. In Multnomah it was impossible for an elector to vote his home precinct "drv" without votlncr for prohibition in the whole county. Consequently there I is a strong demand for amendment of the law so as to make It a pure pre- clnt option act or at least to restrain its operation to residence districts. In Ohio the prohibition question has been fought out for many years and She Brannock law whose essential differ ences from the Oregon law have been pointed out in the foregoing Is the re sultant of the long contest As has been cited, the Brannock law makes prohibition effective only in residence districts, and furthermore, 40 per cent of the qualified electors of the district must sign a petition for an election, else no election can be held. In Ore gon the percentage of registered elect--ors required is only 10, which means that a very small number of voters can bring up the prohibition question every year. Even If prohibition should fau each time In the face of an overwhelm ing "wet" majority, still a small coterie of agitators could keep up the turmoil. In a precinct which has 200 voters only 20 votes aro now needed to call an election, but in Ohio 80 would be re quired. In Precinct 12, in which is "Welnhard'a brewery, 427 electors are registered, 43 of whom can require an election, not withstanding the precinct wont "wet" by 273 votes against 28. If prohibition had carried In that precinct the brew ery would have had to quit business. Next June 43 electors will be able to menace the brewery with another elec tion. For this reason and because breweries and wholesale liquor houses vend Intoxicants by the glass, the Leg islature will be asked to exempt them from law. I Free i Musical Critic Lorlng. BERKELEY, Cat, Nov. SO.-Davld "W. Lorlng, musical critic and composer, and director of the Lorlng Club, of San Fran cisco Is dead, aged 67 years. FOUND! AT NOON YESTERDAY BY MRS. STELLA THEIS, 322 WASHINGTON STREET Free i Extraordinary Offer TO HOLIDAY SHOPPERS To make their Holiday Purchases in the Month of November Free with Free with Free with Free wi& Free $25-00 $J000 $500 $2.50 $1.00 $7.50 $3.00 $1.50 75c. 25c. worth of goods your own choice wot th of goods your own choice W3th of goods your own choice vrorth of goods your own choice worth of goods your own choice Free Free Free Free Free We want you to see our Grand Holiday Display of Beautiful 1 and Newest Creations Elite Chinaware, Limoges China, French China, Dinner Sets, Salad Sets, Chocolate Sets, Rich Cut Glass Ornaments, Vases, Bric-a-Brac, Lamps, English Porcelain Ware, v Novelties, and Dolls. Fancy Articles of Every Description. Prettiest, Daintiest and Newest Things made, Collected from the Markets of the World. Top Quality Teas, Coffees, Spices, Extracts, Baking Powder, Cocoa, Chocolates. We want you to see our very reasonable prices. We want you to come just to look Take advantage of this rery liberal offer. ctrr HERE CUT HERS CUT OUT THIS COUPON, btia it to 107 of our stews before December JO, 1904, and receive with each purcfuse as Hasted abava a very cancfaomg present of your own selection OREGONIAN, DECEMBER 1, 1904. Come to iwj;e Bring this Coupon with you to any of 00c stores. WOT aOOD AFTER DECEMBER 1Q, 19Q4. CUT HERB . CUT HERK m I Great American Importing Tea Co. 331 Washington St., 223 First St., Portland 0HIRARD EMS The Drink Ideal For Every Meal. Made Instantly With Hot IvXixec. 13 3 3 X . HUM 'KIP- llll t Ifi IS2 They act like Exercise tmsf Vlfi1" w bf for the Bowels Doctors of the St Louis HZ Dispensary SPECIALISTS IN DISEASES OF MEN VARICOCELE, HYDROCELE NERVOUS DEBILITY BLOOD POISON, RUPTURE, KID NEY AND URINARY DISEASES and all diseases and weaknesses of men, due to In heritance, habits, excesses, or tne result or specinc diseases. Every man "who is afflicted owes it to himself and his posterity to get cured sately and positively, with out leaving any blight or weakness In his system. We make no misleading statements or unbusiness like propositions to the afflicted In order to secure their patronage. Tho many years of our successful practice In Portland prove that our methods of treat ment are safe and certain. Call at our offices or write, and If we find that you cannot be cured we will NOT accept your money UXDRR XSY CONDITIONS; and if we tind you are curable we will guarantee a SAFiS AND POSITIVE CURB in the shortest oosslble time, without Injurious after effects. Our charges will be as low as possible for conscientious, skillful and successful service. Consult us before consenting to any Burtrlcal procedure upon Important blood vessels and organs. SPECIAL. HOME TREATMENT. If you cannot call write us. Always in close ten 2-cent stamps for reply. OFFICE HOURS 8 A. M. to 8 P. M.J SUNDAYS 10 to 2 ONLY. THE DS. KESSIXR St. Louis Sca.and Dispensary Cor. Second and Yamhill Streets, Portland, Or. The Master Specialist of Portland, vrho cure men only, who utti patients personally. Established 1879.