THE M0EN1K& OKEGOJilAST, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER W, 1S04. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Couatlag-"Room ..................Main SS7 Kmtlne Editor Mala 636 Sunday Editor Mala 6235 City Editor Mala 1C6 Society Editor - Main 6235 Co Ha jo ring-Room .......-. -Main csa Bnpertateadent Building Rd 282? East Side Office EastM. AMUSEMENTS. COLUMBIA THEATER (Uth and Wash ingtonTonight at 8:15. "The Hew Do minion." GRAND THEATER (Parle aad Washington) Continuous vaudeville, 2 to 10:S0P. M. MAKQUAM GRAND THEATER (Morrison eL, bet. 6tb and 7th) Tonight at 8:15 o'clock. The Devil's Auction." STAR THEATER (Park aad TVashlnctoaJ ConUnuous vaudeville. 2:50 to 10:30 P. M. BAKER THEATER (Third and Yamhill) Contlnuons vaudeville, 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. ARCADE THEATER ath and "Washington) Continuous vaudeville, 2 to 11 P. M. BIJOU THEATER (Sixth, near Alder) Con tinuous vaudeville from 2:30 to 10:S0 P. M. LYRIC THEATER (cor. Alder and 7 th Con tinuous vaudeville from 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. Breakfast Food Versus Ice Cream. rhe contest that has been going on among the members of the Mississippi Avenue Congregational Church. Alblna, to raise $500 closes tonight at 8 o'clock. The membreshlp was equally divided, with captains on each side, and the side 'which raises the most money will be gln Ice cream and cake and the losing side will Tie fed on breakfast food. All collection cards will be delivered to the captains of the two divisions and counted at sSO. n day evening the banquet for the winning and" losine sides will be held, anere nas been a lively contest during the month and a considerable sum has Deen raisea a M. Bmythe and Miss Mae Zlegler are cantalns of one side and Mrs. M. E. Thompson and Miss Bessie Dupee captains of the opposite side. Talked to Sooth Mount Tabor School. Rev. "Wallace R. Struble talked to pupils and patrons of the South Mount Tabor School yesterday afternoon on the evils of cigarette smoking. At the close of his address membership cards of the International Anti-Cigarette League were distributed. A large membership is ex. pected. Mr. Struble announced that 5.000 pupils of the Portland schools had Joined the league. After the meeting was over Mr. Struble was invited Into the higher grade room, where the pupils wanted some more details to the evils of cigarette smoking. Mr. Struble closed a busy day with a mass meeting In the Methodist Episcopal Church of Sunnyslde last night. Again Borino for Oil. Work of boring for oil has been resumed on S. J. Ogden's farm, north of St. Johns, on the Penin sula. A man who understands drilling has been put in charge of the machinery and better profress Is expected. The drill has gone down 700 feeL, and the interested men say that the prospects of striking oil In Daylng Quantities are getting better. Mr. Ogden. who owns the farm where the drilling Is being done, is very confident of success and, with several others, has put considerable money in the develop ment work of this wen. experts wno have examined, the Indications express the opinion that oil exists in paying quanti ties, if the vein can be reached. To Discuss New High School Mon day. The Board of Education will hold a special meeting next Monday evening to consider the erection of a new high school building early next year. There is a. dlvi slon whether the present building shall be enlarged or a separate building be erected on the East Side. The general sentiment Is for an' East Side building. It is prob able that the subject of a recommendation of an additional tax levy for next year that the school teachers' salaries may be raised, will also be considered at the meeting. Seamen's Concert Tonight. An inter esting concert will be given tonight at the Seamen's Institute by the Women's Auxiliary of Trinity Church, under the. di rection of Mrs. Apperson and Mrs. A. G. Ott. The -programme will include" songs by Miss May Donaldson, Miss C. Cocking, Mrs. "Whlgham and A. G. Ott: readings by JIIss Marten Kerns and Miss Marie Kellar, violin solo by Bay Lancaster and piano solo by Miss Idly Stratham. Evangelist Deserted bt His Wife. When Evangelist Rev. J. H. Barber re turned to his home, 32 Front street. Monday night, after preaching a sermon at the hall of the "Volunteers of America, he found a note from his wife saying she had left him. She took with her their daughter. She did not say where she was going, and yesterday the police were re quested to assist in locating her. To Address Home Training Assoclv noN- The Home Training Association will meet at the Young Women's Christian Association tomorrow afternoon at o'clock. Dr. Edna Timms will address the association on "What to Do in Cases of Emergency" (such as arise In childhood) and Mrs. Pelton Reid will give a paper on the methods of training children in obedl ence by gentle measures. George H. Dammier Arrested. George H. Dammier, wanted on a charge of ob talnlng $110 from Jennie Spauldlng under false pretenses, was arrested by Deteo tlve Welner yesterday. He was tamed! ately released on his own recognizance, upon request of District Attorney Man nlng. Dammier was formerly a Portland promoter. This is his second arrest with in a week. Chinese Woman Found Dead. Toy Kim, a Chinese widow, died from heart failure in her apartments at Second and Pine streets yesterday about noon. She was found last night by a friend, and Deputy Coroner Arthur I. Finley caused the removal of the body to his unccrtak Ing shop. Funeral services will occur to morrow. The woman was aged 5a years. Nurseb Meet Today. The members of the Nurses' Association will meet today at 2 P. M. at the Nurses' Home of the Good Samaritan Hospital. The nurses are organizing for their common good and also for the purpose of entertaining visit ing nurses during the Lewis and Clark Exposition. Notice to Lovers of Art. Over 510,000 worth of Oriental rugs are to be closed at cost in order to make room for our Xmas line. Be sure and make the best of this opportunity. A. Atiyeh & Bro.. 411 Washington st. The only exclusive and permanent dealers in the city. See the latest Improved Welsbach gas burner, equipped with opal globe, dls played in our windows. Price $1.00. Best Welsbach gas mantles 25 cents. H. W. Manning Lighting and Supply Co.. 43 Id street. The bazaar given by the women of Tay .or Street Church continues today and svenlng. Programme. Good lunch will oe served from 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. . Congregational Bazaar Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon and evening lnjjar lors of the church, corner Park and Madi son. Freight received today, by La Center Transportation Co., Leona, for Ridgefield and all Lewis River points. Oak-st. dock. Grand fancy sale opens this. Wednes day eve., St. Lawrence Hall, 3d & Sher man sts. All invited. Admission free. Wanted. Second-hand safe, 600 to 1000 lbs.; must be in good condition and cheap. Cottage Waffle Restaurant. 146 6th st. High School Girls' physical culture class at Rlngler's School twice a week. J4.00 for season. Open December L The Calumet, 149 7th. Lunch 35c, 1130 A. M. to 2 P. M. Dinner 50c, 4:30 to 8 P. M. Free dispensary for worthy poor, Tues. Tbnrs., Sat., 1 P. M., St. Vincent's Hosp." Woman's Exchange, 133 10th. near Al der. Lunch, 12 to 2; tea, 2 to 5 P. M. F. DfsassER & Company's East ISth and Broadway store opens December 1. Eskuxd Vance Cooke tonight, T. M. C A. star course. Woobtxb sells everything. 7th and Mor rison. C C Newcastle, dentist. Mohawk bldg. Hxak Cooke torilght, T. M. C A. Due rook for rent tlS C of C. Stops Runaway. Policeman J. J. Mur phy stopped what threatened to be a bad runaway last evening. The norses nitcnea to Ford's Auction House wagon started to run on Grand avenue. Policeman Murphy was standing almost In the path of the team, but as the horses dashed Into a telegraph pole he seized the bridles and topped them. May Lose His Leg. Relatives think it i may be necessary to send John Went, an aged East Side resident, to the hospital to have his leg amputated. From a bruise on one of his feet inflammation set in. which has resulted In blood poisoning. and It is feared that the only hope of his recovery is In the amputation of the af fected leg. Hear Cooke Tonight. "Mr. Cooke Is little less than a wonder." Is what the Charleston. W. Va., Dally Mail-Tribune says of Edmusjd Vance Cooke. Ho is to appear tonight at the Y. M. C. A., reading his own poems. This is the second num ber of the Y. M. C. A. star course. The next wlll be Jacob A. Rlls, Decem ber 12. Struck on Head with Cane. Nels Peterson was struck on the head with, a cane in the hands of Thomas Morris In Japanese restaurant on Burnslde street late yesterday afternoon. Detectives Hell- yer and Vaughn chanced along and took, the assailant to the City Jail and locked him up on a charge of assault and bat tery. St. Andrew's Day will be celebrated by the St. Andrew's Society and their friends in Parson's HalL 18th and Washington, this evening at 7:30 by a supper and con versazione. Good musical programme. Annual fancy sale, in charge of the ladles of St. Lawrence Parish, opens this evening In the assembly room, 3d and Sherman streets. Music, refreshments. Auction sale of fine. Tare Oriental rugs today at G. Baker's, corner Alder and Park, at 2 and 8 P. M. F. Dresser & Company's East 15th and Broadway store opens December 1. A brilliant new gas light. H. Claus- eenlus & Son, 415 Washington. DISAGEEE OK BUILDING SITE. Directors of Mount Tabor Hall Asso ciation Differ as to Location. At a meeting of the directors of the Woodmen of the World Hall Associa tion, of Mount Tabor, L. S. N. Norman din presiding. Monday evening, the question of location for the proposed Fraternal Hall was considered. The board was far from an agreement. Several directors want the buAldlng built at Prettyman's station on the Mount Tabor electric railway; others want it on the foundation of the former Oriental Hall on West avenue, and others thought it a good idea to pur chase the Baptist Church building. Another meeting will be held next Wednesday. HEW INVASION OF MEXICO. Passenger Agents Want Convention of Association Here in 1905. M. J. Roche, traveling passenger agent of the Denver & Rio Grande, with a party of excursionists, will leave this evening for Mexico City, where they will attend the annual convention of the Traveling Passenger Agents' Association. The party to leave Portland will be augmented on the way south until It will require a special train to carry the tourists. All of the Northwest delegates to the convention will work for Port land as the next convention city, and there Is but little doubt that the convention will be secured for some time during the Lewis and Clark Fair. . BUSINESS ITEMS. If Babr ! Cuttlnr Teoth. R morn mutt tis that old and icell-trtrd remedy. Mrt. "Win eloxr' Eoothlnc Eyrup, for children teething-. It aootnes tae ctUIO. softens tse sumj, allays sll pain, cures wind collo and diarrhoea. 'THE STORE NOTED BARGAINS INMUSLDT UNDERWEAR. Better Than Now The above is L true saying of our highly tailored Suits, Tourist Coats, Raincoats, Three-Quarter and Short Tight-Eitting-Back Coats. The style and quality are all here, while the prices are emphatically the lowest in the city. The sanfe can be said of our Misses' and Children's Coats. See our line on second floor before you buy. Children's School Coats Every garment ' this season's style and make and the prices are cat just ONE-HALF. Misses' Coats New styles, .best material; many are exclusive with this house. Every garment at ONE-HALF PRICE. Ladies' and Misses' Sweaters Elegant garments in 'white, "blue, black, green and cardinal, blue and gold, white and red; values as high as $2.50 special while" they last, only $1.50 Silk Petticoats Black only, the $6.50 values, special while they last, only 4.85 FURS, FURS We carry lOW. M BID GLOVE BARGAINS. THUD AND MORWSON STREETS. ' ' THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE DRY AMUSEMENTS Arioa Society's Ceseert. "March In Springtime" (F. E. Becker), Arion Maennerchcr; "The Lonely Rose" (Werner), Arlon Maeanerehor; 'cello solos (a) "ESegla" (D Gloria), (b) "Legeade" (Braga). Herr Alex Wagner; "The Forest" (C Haeser), Arlon Maea nerchor; "Adelaide" (Beethoven), W. H. Boyer; "The "Water Lily" (F.Aht). Arloa Maennerchor; "Thy Sentinel Am I (Watson), Charles Cutter; "Beautiful Rhine Father Rhine" (Hermann Mohr). Arlon Maeanerehor. Fifty male voices of the Arion Society gave the opening concert of the season in behalf of that organization last night at the Arlon Hall, and the singing was de cidedly worth listening to. Incidentally It may be marked that this is the largest chorus for years that the Arions have yet mustered. They could have produced 75 singers in all If 25 of them had attended all the rehearsals. The programme was of the serious yet sentimental order of thought, and the director was Louis Dam- masch, who brought out the best that there was In the chorus. The tone of the latter was well balanced, the attack was creditable, and the cresendo following the dlmendendo In Ha'jser's "The Forest" is worthy of special mention because of Us excellence. Werner's "The Lonely Rose" was a favorite number, and the choir was best in soft effects. Alexander Wagner contributed two 'cello solos and showed a commendable mastery of his instrument, and was heartily en cored. William H. Boyer was In good voice and sang with delightful expression In the Beethoven number, giving a selec tion from Puccini s "Manon Leseant" as an encore. "Mr. Boyer deserves credit for singing in German such a difficult offer ing as "Adelaide" from memory. Charles Cutter, formerly an Indian from Alaska and now a music student in this city, was the surprise of the evening.- He showed a bass voice of marvellous depth and timbre and spoke English well. He has real dra matic feeling. His encore was Finsult'-s "'TIs J." The accompanists were Mrs. Warren E. Thomas and Miss Pearl Scott. The audience was a large one. DICK HEWITT BUNS AWAY. Eight-Year-Old Boy Again Starts Out to See the World. Dick Hewitt, aged $ years, was reported to the police as rrlsslng from his home hut night, and a telephone message to Roseburg was sent by Captain Moore, as It was thought he went south on the train last night. This is tho second time the boy has left home. Once he rode to The Dalles on his wheel and returned, as ho became conscience-stricken. SEWED SOLES, 75 CENTS. By the only Goodyear machine In Port' land. Neater and better than hand work. Only best material used. Work called for and delivered. Schwlnd & Bauer, 263 Yamhill, between Third and Fourth. Phone Red 2Kvo. MUSIC AT EELEES. Special informal recital today at the Eilers Piano House fine piano exhibit. Pianola, Aeolian Pipe Organ and Orches- trelle. Dally from 3 to -4; not Sundays. WHEEEJTO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at- the Portland Restaurant, fine, private apart' ments for parties. 205 Wash., near Cth. FOR THE BEST GOODS Never Black Mercerized Sateen Skirt Made tip elegantly with two ruffles and two rows of regular value $1.25, here this week only93. an elegant line of Shirs and IT'S THE BEST OF ALL PARKER RYE WHISKEY ROTHCHILD BROS., Portland, Or. SOLE DISTRIBUTORS I WANT or Box For a CHRISTMAS PRESENT ' with my monogram on it from,: . W. Q. SMITH & CO Wedding and Visiting Card Engravers Washington Building found Those Keys? We've lost a bunch of keys somewhere down town. It con tains our name plate and a key numbered 1287. Whoever re turns it to us will receive a hand some mahogany Chiffonier. You can see a bunch of similar keys aad. the Chiffonier in' our front window. Tull&Gibbs Complete Housefurnishers. FredPrekD.D.S 465 Detain bids. OFFICE HOURS From a A. M. to 5 P. II. EVENINGS; MON DAY AND THURS DAY UNTIL 8 P. M. AT LOWEST PRICES" BARGAINS ttN THOMSON'S CORSETS. Short Scarfs We have them as low as $1.00 and as high as $10.00. Long Scarfs For-as little as $3.00 and as high as 17.00 All beautiful garments. Children's Furs Boa and Muff, for $3.00, $2.50, $2.00 and.$l Waist Sale All our Black Peau de Soie and Taffeta Silk "Waists, worth $4.50, for :z .2.95 are making the prices very BABrGADfS.- 1 fiOODfi JTCORE DT TEE CITY, Writing Paper r You are sure to get your money's worth if you buy your piano from us. More than that, you are sure of a good piano, j&asy time payments accepted. SOULE BROS. PIANO CO. 372 and 374 Morrison Street, Corner West Park. Only Rational Wav to fiery IS eneft Roller Letter oecau chiiage PRUDH03DCE BY MAIL Best Sewing -Machine Needles FOR ALL M&KES OF -MACHINES ONLY 5 'CENTS Festage ee eeat far 1 to package Sesel Cela 'or jUwupi 6ato yjnp w m t nf Address THE SINGER MANFG. CQ. urovided trr Jf Iff ' Rapid VV- Kg The Spiel of Baron Hohenstaufflg At the Columbia Theater Oh Baume mid Countiss, Countiss und Baume Eddie, und Kitty for aye ! True lof ist "wnndersame - - Eddie und Kitty for aye ! Dit you seen dot "New Dominion"? Es ist 'so wunderschoen; ' Gewiss, in mine ooinion, Die pootiest kind of hlay'n. Ein edler Deutscher poy (dot's me) Ich go selbst by Amerakie, I wants to stadie botany, Poot studia som 'dings mohr loflee; v Die pootiest Fraulein in. der Sout' .. Mein Gott, Ich kuss she on der mont' 1 Oh Baume und Countiss, Countiss und Baume Eddie und Kitty for aye ! - True lof ist wnndersame Eh, Baron? Eh, Flora May? Go to the Columbia Theater this week and see "The New Dominion"; don't mlsa. it it's the best ever. CONFIDENTIAL CHAT NO. 69 The injury wrought to the entire system by neglected eye strain is appalling; nervous debility, chronic head aches, lassitude and loss of ambition are all due to this cause. Haveyour eyes fitted with needed glasses and note the difference. WALTER REED THE OPTICIAN 433 SIXTH STREET OREGONIAN BUILDING EDUCATIONAL FAKK AXP WASHINGTON STRKETS PORTLAND, OREGON Established in 1S56L Open all tho year." Private or class Instruction, Thousands ot graduates In positions; opportunities constantly occurring. It pays to attend our school. Catalogue, specimens, etc.. tree. A. r. A KM ST KONG. 1X3, X'KINCIPAL. 2 ELOCUTION AND VOICE CULTURE I ART OF EXPRESSION e Private lessons given. J Apply to ansa iouise forstth. St. Helen's HalL Portland. Or. DRAVVFNG Water Color, Pea and Ink Sketching; Burnt "iVood Work, leather Work. Lessons Klven by MISS LEONE CASE BAER." Studio, St. Helen's Hall, Portland, Or.- TEETH For modern dental work. World-renowned Specialists. Leirest prieos consistent "with first-close work. Go to the NEW YORK DENTISTS FOURTH AND MORRISON SXS. E REE LAND IN OREGON I ia the rk&st giaao, frck ifli itock lectioa ia tkewarM. TbeNataeaofacmoOastacrw) coat af jmaatie. Deai ifoect from Sofee-e! Orefe. WMTC TO-DAY. BOOKLET mi MAP TSJJL Dedee Irrifatka and Power Cam-yaay,lP-i W2McKayBaafar,PonkaJ,OMoa. fiebwoh Printing Co. MM9T WVMX. XIjtJOITjIftf TAmnf Qm cm jit mora far eat'a (I J , &? MMHt tie Ketal St. Finds Tj SjCb tea at aeyafttr katal la f S iV" Bottled Sunshine IS PROPER NAME FOR GOOD COAL ASK FOR IT The Pacific Coast Go. CHAS. H. GLEIM, AGENT 249 WASHINGTON ST: ' TELEPHONE 229 AND 23T. COAL FOR HOUSE USE Xaveai Xm CeI, Mtvrea at rpmr Um Kaai4aa bat CL Jettwa mt pmr Um AaweraMaw Cmd, at TJ sr tm CarbM mn CmI, tbUTered at.. 7JW er tmm iMk SpHawe Cri. Urr4 at tm yec m gcraaal CmO FhU WeiatWe. VULCAN COAL CO: Oatkw JOifm 'Mat JTW. St aaoMWe 9U BREAKFAST COCOA fl k dktaguiahed from all ni'lSaVfB by ks ful flavor, ck&dous qtaaaVB jty aod absolute parity. WM TktLowiuy Rtcttfi Boeitemtfrt. The Walter M. Lawaej CtH 1