" THE yLOmOXG QKEGrOKTAlf, ffPKESDAT,. nw.JlBEJl 30, 1904. XaUra at the Posto&ce at Portland. Or.. m second-class matter. JtEVHWD SUBSCRIPTION' KATES (stostagc prepaid. In advance) r!Vwttn Sunday 'excepted, per year.. 7.50 . ywita sunaay. per year .w ly, er year............'. 2.00 teiy. per year...... -v reeklv. 3 months .50 r'-per -week, delivered. Sunday ex- a ..... - .-" le'r vreek. delivered. Sunday In- POSTAGE KATES. - - .USed States, Canada and Mexico ! .;14-pase paper - Ic l't'S-?e paper. - .....2c JB.Se -M-page paper .................3c ?el4f& rates, double. XASTKKS BUSINESS OFFICE. lfce 8. C. eckwith Special AgeBcy New t; Tooma 43-30. Tribune - building. Chl- rooms 510-512 Tribune building. At ereceaiaa does not buy poems or sto- ie from Individuals and cannot undertake te return any manuscript sent to it without swUekatlon. No stamps should be inclosed 2r (this purpose. KEPT ON SALE. ' CMmra Auditorium Annex; Postofflce Xws Co, 173 Dearborn street. Bwsver Julius Black. Hamilton & Kend a4eC 06-012 Seventeenth St.. and Frueauff Xre., 605 16th t v City. Mo. Ricksecker Cigar Co.. Xtsth and Walnut. Yjm Asmles B. F. Gardner. 259 South ring, and Harry Brapkln. fNJrlnmT Cat W. II. Johnston, Four ier th and Franklin et. Mhiaiagolls M. J. Kavanaugh. CO South Third: L. Keeelsburner. 217 First avenue Sovth. 3Cnr Xerk Clt-r L. Jones & Co.. Astor Meeee. . QjrAea F. K. Godard and Myers and Har rep. B Tin TTfnli iiIimi Bros.. 1612 Far nam; X&gcath Stationery Co. 1308 Farnam., Salt Lake Salt Lake News Co., 77 West Second South street. Saa Fraswteco J. K. Cooper Co.. 740 Mar ket, near Palace Hotel; Foster & Orear. Ferry News Stand: Goldsmith Bros.. 236 gutter; L. E. Lee. Palace Hotel News -Stand: F. TV. Pitts. 1008 -Market: Frank Scott, 80 Ellis; N. Wheatley. S3 Stevenson; Hotel St. Francis News Stand. WMklsetoa. D. C Ebbltt House News Stand. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 30, 1904. THE POINT OF VIEW. Truth is truth, always. But partial truths, or half truths, may be danger ously misleading. It Is so especially as to sociological or economic facts, wherein man also is a factor though the same postulate or idea runs through every branch of inquiry and science. But especially where the human ele ment enters the element of human life and consciousness and spirit there you have a new force, of which account must always be taken. This statement is suggested by a let ter from Mr. C. E. S. "Wood, printed yesterday. In this letter the idea that "economic reform is the basis of all re form" is made prominent. And eco nomic reform depends, by require ment of the argument, on the move ments of socletyr on the condition of the whole body. There is a truth here, but only a half truth. It leaves too little, or leaves nothing, for the opera tion and action of the individuals and personal spirit. It considers man only as a machine or an indistinguishable pari of it. It Is partly true, but man Is more than that. The spirit of the hive is the life of the bee; 'the spirit of the hill Is the life of the ant. But there is In man more than the spirit of the hive or of the hill, or of the jungle. And it is on this principle, and this princl ole only, that man gets ahead that human progress is made. Mr. Wood's idea is that moral con sciousness is but the reflex of particu lar social conditions. It is only a half truth. On one side of his life man is but part, and usually an lndlstinguish able part, of a vast machine. But he is more than the bee or the ant or the beast of the jungle, nevertheless. He has a personality; there is reserved to him, as Hamlet says, "some quantity of choice' Most difficult of all sub jects is free and personal, or Individual, responsibility. There is everlasting truth In Darwinism, but the ethical im port, the human content, mustn't be cut out of It. Social conditions, in poverty, do in deed present problems of extreme dlffl culty. But Individual talents, seizing the opportunities of fortune or of accl dent, do often overcome all obstacles. Every individual may hope to do it may hope to "pursue the triumph and partake the gale." The defect of Buckle's "History of Civilization" otherwise a great book- is the Idea underlying It that man is purely and wholly a creature of cir cumstanoes and fate, from which he may not hope to emerge or escape. Let 'it be admitted, indeed, that man is largely a creature of social conditions, But he is not wholly so. Hlght here we are in the depths of the old debate between free-will and fate. Right here Is the point where the personal human spirit breaks in, athwart the course of the blind forces that surround it. Man is not helpless and hopeless. He may be. If he surrender himself to his en vlronment But his glory Is that he may escape Xrom any lower environ ment though he will not always do 60, The situation is hard, often pitiless, but never quite hopeless. The human spirit is so, constituted that It may hope and expect to rise above all difficulties by which it may be surrounded. Society may assist, in various ways, but it can not change its own constitution or the orde? of its progress; for herein it is governed far more by necessity than the individual himself. The individual may help himself and multitudes do but society can't help him much. The Oregoniana protest is against the no tion of hopelessness and helplessness that Insists on transformation of socl ety as the only means through which the individual may rise, and against the corresponding notion that man is mere iy nothing in himself, but is driven'on by a late over which he can have no control, and is therefore without per sonal responsibility. Were that so, the beaver colony would reach about the hitfcest IdeaL Senator Mitchell, beset by Oregon claimants, passed them along without close investigation of the nature of their claims. Commissioner Hermann, "beset by Oregon claimants, passed them rslong, without close investigation of the nature of their claims. It was nat "ural. in the circumstances, and it will happen continually, under our system. In politics The Oregonian opposed Mitchell and Hermann, many a long year, -with such power as it could com snand. But it knows, and cannot but admit, that any men of Oregon, in pub lie place, would have favored appll cants jum claimant from Oregon un less they; had known, the claims were IibsbKZ fraudulentwhich it was impossible for them to know. Let us see the men of Oregon, inv representative place at "Washington, who, when the application is. made, fair on its face, would turn applicants from Oregon down. Such frauds as the Jury may find should be punished; but Mitchell and Hermann could not be on the look-out for them; and they had the right to suppose, as they did suppose, that the applications were lawful. This is said by The Ore- gonlan, that has opposed Mitchell and Hermann "from 'way back," and would have terminated the political career of both thirty years ago, if it could. But it opposed them on grave matters; and it always has been aware, as it is now. that there can be no just attack on them or on other representatives of Oregon, on the ground that they have assisted citizens of Oregon, presumably or apparently honest, In matters at Washingtdn. If you have men at Washington -who will not do this, you will not keep them there long. A STUDY OF THE PHILIPPINES. Mr. Alleyne Ireland offers In the At lantic Monthly a study of conditions in the Philippine Islands. He has made during several years careful examina tion and comparison of English, French, Dutch and American coloniza tion in the Orient. His leading points as to the Philippines may be stated briefly, thus: The principal fact in the constitution of the Oriental mind Is that it is accus tomed to one-man power in govern ment and can act effectually under no other. In the Philippine Islands this trait is as marked as elsewhere. This characteristic is the product of un counted centuries of native experience and development, and out of the condi tions attending it the natives of a trop ical country never have risen by their own initiative, nor as yet by the help of the white or governing race, any wnere. $ut we have started on a scheme in the Philippines of establish ing representative institutions among people who have known no govern ment not purely autocratic In charac ter. It is a clumsy mistake, due to the supposed exigencies of politics at home. the like of which has been committed by no other of the great powers in any tropical dependency. Yet no problem has been presented In the Philippines for which the experience of other na tions in such situations does not afford a parallel. We have lost heavily and paid dearly for our refusal to avail ourselves of their experience. The industry of a people bears a very close relation to their political condl tlon effective political institutions- of an advanced type being found only In countries of advanced industrial devel opment; a low economic condition being invariably accompanied by a low polit ical status. Now the Philippines "be long to a clearly defined type of trop ical countries. They have a high mean annual temperature and a low social and economical development; their in ternal trade Is Insignificant; they de pend for their economic welfare on an export trade resting on agricultural in dustries; nearly all the manufactured articles used In the Islands are import ed; the native labor is entirely inade quate for the development of the nat ural resources of the country; the great majority of the people are of the usual lazy. Indolent and thriftless character which distinguishes the native of the tropics; there is a small educated class, but 90 per cent of the population can neither read nor write." So, when we attempt to force demo cratlc institutions or corporate govern ment upon tropical peoples we under take what Is utterly unsulted to their character. Moreover, such of the peo pie of the Philippines as are intelligent know that the Commission governs the islands only so far as it is allowed to do so by Congress; and in the United States we all know very well that Con gress acts on Philippine questions with a view of meeting the requirements of American home politics. In the islands the effect Is to keep alive a restless and revolutionary spirit; since the agitators there hope for a change in parties and policies here, and wish to be ready for it. Among other things, we are making the mistake of trying to give the Fill plno a political education wrhen what he needs is industrial help. The whole future of the islands, Mr. Ireland de clares, lies In the solution of the labor problem. We have demoralized the sit uatlon by paying absurdly high wages to persons engaged not in production. but In transportation. Congress has excluded the Chinese, with whom lies the industrial salvation of the islands, and, more than this, It excludes capltar by a rate of taxation that it cannot bear. The public health board the scientific department of the adminis tration alone is efficient; and it has done as much in the face of incredible difficulties as similar departments of any colonial government. In his intercourse with the American officials, Mr. Ireland tells us, he was constantly brought face to face with two facts one, that with very few ex ceptions the members of the civil ser vice were animated by an honest and sincere desire to do the best thing for the general welfare of the islands; the other, that side by sldeuith this ex cellent intention there existed an lg norance of the broad established facts In relation to tropical administration, and an absence of information as to the work of the European nations in the neighboring colonies, which could scarcely fall to impair most seriously the usefulness of the most conscien tious and hardworking official." The writer gives it as his opinion that the following measures are necessary im mediately to insure the welfare of the Philippines, viz.: 1. The tree entry of all Philippine products into the United States. Admittance to the Islands of Chinese and Japanese laborers by the Government or by responsible private parties. 3. Good roads to open the country. 4. Encouragement of American capital by liberal terms to investors. 3. Abolition ot the Philippine Commission and provincial governments, and In their place a Governor-General, with an appointed council of Americans and Filipinos, to leg' lslate tor all the Internal affairs ot the Island, subject to the veto of some authority In the united states. 0. Creation of a nonpolltlcal Insular Office In Washington, like the Army and Navy De partments. 7. The transference of the control o all public works, except such as tall to the mu nicipalities, to the insular government To the demand that the United States withdraw from the islands Mr. Ireland answers that the Filipinos are utterly unfitted for Independence and self-gov-prnment: that -Vgulnaldo over thim would have meant a bloody tyranny and course of outrage, ended by Japan or some other nation; that but a few agitators desire independence, and that SS per cent of the people are indifferent to it; that beoauee & few Mtlra ikw themselves bright and capable of work, under direction, the idea that they could carry on a government is wrong; that government is founded not on In tellect, but character, devotion to the common interests and. executive ability, and that these the Filipinos have not; that independence cannot be con ferred on a people as you would pre sent them with a library or a drinking fountain; and that "whatever the fu ture may hold for the Filipinos, it is certain that today they have scarcely taken the first step on that long road of industry and self-discipline which alone leads to a sane and wholesome national life." Finally, our own enter prise or undertaking there merely re peats history in this, "that there is no Instance to be found of a nation which, having reached a certain stage of eco nomic development, has not embarked upon enterprises of territorial expan- sion; that this phenomenon in the growth of nations has persisted in all climates and under every form of gov ernment; that It is common to all races. and that It has been associated with every form of religion, heathen or Christian, of which we have any knowl edge." Moreover, "it is not too much to say that no single element in the human character has done more to mold the destinies of mankind than this Intimate relation between Intellectual and physical vigor and territorial ex pansion." It is the national spirit. moving within our people, that carries us on in this undertaking. JASON LEE'S HISTORICAL BANE. Jason Lee founded the first perma nent American settlement in the Ore gon Country just seventy years ago, He was a Methodist missionary, zeal ous, intense, but withal visionary, like other, evangelists of the period. He will occupy a lasting place In Oregon annals, but his importance will shrink In future estimate of his achievements. Lee came to save Indians to eternal life, but, seeing the futility of the ef fort, ended his career in an attempt to build up a Methodist colony. He did not altogether succeed, for the free spirit of American pioneer settlers would not endure supremacy of any religious sect It is just as clear that he did not perceive the force of pio neer expansion as that he was not Its stimulus. There Is no evidence in -the annals or psychology of that movemetit to substantiate the assertion that Lee. "saved Oregon." Like Dr. Whitman, he came with the irresistible drift. On French Prairie, ten miles north of the site of Salem, Lee built his first mission. In the Autumn of 1834. Ten years later he departed, never to re turn, and in March, 1845, died at Lake Memphremagog, Lower Canada. His remains now He temporarily In a de posit vault In this cjty, whither they have been brought over the continent, finally to rest beside those of his wives, Anna Maria Pitman and Lucy Thomp son, and his daughter, Lucy Anna Maria Grubbs. The missions of Lee near Salem, of Tiltman near Walla Walla, and Spauldlng near Lewiston, have been credited with far more Importance in establishment of American claims to Oregon than is due.- Heally they were but Incidents, always to be remembered as transcendent examples of courage and devotion and as potent Influences leading to American occupation. But the real claims of the United States to Oregon were already established In 1834, and only Immigration was needed to enforce them. A multiplicity of influences in the Mississippi "Valley made inevitable the advent of American settlers. Financial depression brought pioneers discontent in the Middle West The Pacific sea board stirred their imagination with the promise of an outlet for their prod ucts. The writings of Hall J. Kelley, the "Astoria" and "Bonneville" of Washington Irving; the explorations of Bonneville and Wyeth; the book of Dr. Parker, the missionary, and the letter of Robert Bhortess; the tales of Jason Lee and Dr. Whitman and of trappers and explorers; the diplomatic contro versy with Great Britain over rights which the United States had secured by original discovery, by treaty, explora tion and settlement, and the "Oregon bills" Introduced In Congress by Sena tor Llnn, of Missouri, made "Oregon" a household word. Hence, when the four Nez Perces in 1832 followed a trail of many moons from the setting sun and at St Louis begged vainly for the white man's Book of Heaven, the country responded by sending Jason Lee to Oregon; Ja son Lee will be a figure In Oregon an nals, always honored. The monument of his work Is the City of Salem and Willamette University. It is fitting that Oregon should hold his remains and keep them forever. SCHEME THAT TAILED. This has been a bad year for the crop statisticians who from the seclusion of their two-by-four offices in Portland figured the wheat yield of Oregon, "Washington and Idaho at 53,000,000 to 60,000,000 bushels. As the turn of the year approaches and the size of the crop Is more accurately defined, the extravagance of these claims, which were Inspired by local representatives of foreign shipowners anxious to ad vance freights, becomes all the more apparent The Oregonian Incurred the displeasure -of these foreigners and their cheaply purchased "statistician when, last September, it printed est! mates showing 45,100,000 bushels as an outside figure ior the crop of -the three states. This estimate was the result of the personal inspection of the principal wheat districts of the three states by a number of trained correspondents for whom . .shipowners' patronage had no allurements. The figures at the time they were printed were accompanied by the qualifying statement that later thresh ing returns from the Spring wheat dis tricts would probably cut down the es timates somewhat, vyitn the season nearly half over, it is now quite clear that an out-turn of 43,000,000 bushels Is about the best that will be secured. Even the shipowners themselves, who inspired the reckless figures sent out early in the season, have not profited by their -misrepresentation. None of the exporters who had to provide ton nage "lost their heads" and made ar rangements for handling a mythical 10, 000,000 to 15,000,000 bushels of wheat that never existed outside of the cobwebby brain of a subsidized statistician. Fortified with the pleasing intelligence that Oregon and Washington would require the services of from 100 to 150 ships more than in any previous sea son, these deluded shipowners estab lished a minimum rate out of Portland and Puget Sound and then lay back and awaited the coming of the export ers and the expected soaring of rates above the minimum figure. They are still waiting, and their hip, swing idly at anchor in every port on the-Paclf c Coast. w An xtnnsB&l movement of wheat by rail to the Eastern .States has, of course, reduced the amount of. wheat available for export from tidewater, but this movement, great as It has been. was Insufficient to account-for the dis appearance of from 10,OW,OQO to 15,000.- 000 bushels of wheat which- the foreign shipowner had led himself to believe actually existed. Fortunately for the farmers, this Eastern movement was of sufficient volume to thwart the ef forts of the freight, boomers, but, had it not been for this abnormal condition of affairs, the scheme of the shipowner and his subsidized statistician would have been more successful. Instead of a 20-ehllllng rate to the United King dom, -at least 30 shillings would be de manded, and the Increased cost of transportation would, of course, come out of the farmer. Facts as they exist are not always pleasing or profitable to some people, but seldom is permanent good resultant from distorting them, and a clumsy liar who is unable to cover up his prevari cations in the end proves expensive to those who make use of him In the be lief that they can delude the public A foolish story has been printed in Chicago that the Republican .Secretary of State In Oregon, aided and abetted J by the Democratic Governor, has de dined to give a certificate of election to a Republican candidate for Presi dential elector, because he did not reg ister, and was therefore disqualified from serving as an elector. This sad blow to the Republican candidate for President is softened by the statement that the Democratic Governor has ad vised the fortunate Democratic elector (who was to be given the certificate) to vote for President Roosevelt All this may be set down as interesting, but not true. "One would like to know," asks the Chicago Tribune, "what right the Secretary of State of Oregon had to re fuse a certificate of election to a man who had received a majority of the votes?" He didn't The four Oregon electors, all Republicans, will meet at Salem, on Wednesday, December 7, in obedience to the Federal statute, and they will cast four votes for Theodore Roosevelt for President of the United States. St Petersburg papers receive the text of the Anglo-Russian convention with expressions of favor that are easily understood - after a perusal of the document The commissioners are to "report ... where the responsib ility lies and the degree of blame at taching to subjects of the two high coni tractlng parties." As to the responsi bility that is already fixed upon the Russian officers, as the persons com mitting an act must be responsible for it The question of "the degree of blame" is a different matter. There are no defined gradations of blame in such a case, and the report of the con vention will have to be couched In gen eral terms. It is difficult to see how a satisfactory decision can be reached by the convention, even with a merely majority report The marvelous change that . ha3 transformed California from -a doubt ful state to a state overwhelmingly Republican Is shown in the official re turns for November 8, just published. The results are: "Roosevelt 305,226, .Par ker 89,294, plurality 115,932. The pro portionate Republican gain Is not so great as in Washington, but It suffices.' In 1896 McKinley carried the state by a bare 1922, In 1900 he had 39,770. But in 1S02 Pardee (Rep.) narrowly escaped defeat, having only 2553 over Lane (Dem.). In San Francisco the revolu tion has been most marked. In 1896 McKinley carried San Francisco by only 392, and In 1900 he. lost It by 4, al most a tie in each Instance. But in 1904 Roosevelt has 39,816, and Parker 18,03-inore than, two to one. Mr. Knute Nelson? who -certainly bears an 41lustrlous name, is the latest testimonial to the truth of the old adage that a fool and his money are soon parted. Succeeding -after a long period of patient toll In accumulating 5500 with which to .liquidate a mort gage on his farm, he drifted down to Portland's famous North End, where riches take wings quite suddenly. The rest of the story Is the same old yanr. One drink and then another, and when Knute awakened the money was miss ing. This same old story has been re peated so often with other Nelsons and numberless others of all kinds of names that It falls to excite even the slightest sympathy for the victim. The Kansas City Star, an important newspaper, supported itooseveit and Folk. The returns for Jackson County (Kansas City) give Roosevelt a. plural ity of 5256 and Folk 12,038. The success of the Republican electors In old Mis souri was due in no small part to the active work of the Star. According to President Francis, the President saw everything from every: where on his St. Louis visit, and was pleased. Twenty-four hours at St Louis was sufficient for the President who finished the whole thing up on schedule time. As matter of fact, If the issue in the land trials before the United States i Court were unlawful cohabitation, we should say the United States, through its able attorneys, had made out a very good case for the Government The Chinese nave a provero tnat a man should not stoop to tie his shoe in a neighbor's melon patch. -Similarly, Heir Most and his followers should not assemble where the President is on a visit Parker's plurality in Arkansas is 17,r 500, as against 36,000 for Bryan In 1300. Booker "Washington" as an Issue did not create any wild enthusiasm In the Dark Belt If the President still has a commend able curiosity to view the Philippine exhibit, we respectfully and cordially refer him to the Lewis and Clark Fair. Governor Vardaman's reply, to the message of President Francis strength ens his position as the greatest boor in the United States. If Japan continues to pour reinforce ments into the theater of war at Port Arthur, Nogi will soon have to display the S. R. QC sign. The ZKistvoIts have gone home. Their speeches, also, seem to have gene kotnr NOTE AND COMMENT. Magazine Stories a la Meets. It was 'Christmas eve. Little Willie went to bed hungry. He had eaten nothing but his dinner for three hours. Although he knew his father would not return from Alaska for Ave years, the shivering boy hung up his lit tle stocking and fell Into a troubled sleep, dreaming that he was being ' butted amidships by a gigantic automobile. Millionaire Lockjaw was going home. loaded down with presents for his pam pered children. It was Christmas eve. and he had been drinking far Into the night Consequently he was in that state in which poorer people aro called drunk. Passing the door of Willie's house he heard tae boy crying In his sleep. Lock jaw reeled into the room, and catching sight of the stocking, proceeded to fill it with the presents he carried. In went an automobile, a doll, a pony, a peanut, gun, a drum, a bull-terrier, a box of cigars, and a lot of other things. "Now, Ish able to go back-shze club," muttered Xockjaw, as he staggered out of the cottage. But little Willie never awoke to find the good things In his stocking. Ho had gone to Join the throng of little boys that loved mince pie too dearly. St Andrew's day will bo celebrated by a wheen o braw lad? and bonnie lassies the nlcht, and Portland Scots will no doubt be glad to hear that In Shanghai- where the liars come from the local St Andrew's Society is stimulating interest in Scotland by offering prizes of $100 cash to be competed for at an examination In Scottish history and literature. The China Times offers the following list of questions as suitable for one of the examination papers: 1. Is there any place like Peebles? 2. "Te'll tak' the high road and I'll talc' tha low road and I'll be In Scotland afore ye." (1) "Where la Scotland? (2) Where Is Loch Lomond? 3. Has a trueborn Scotsman any objection to be addressed as "Mac" If h! name Is Thompson? 4. "Bans went saspence." Explain the origin of the phrase and Its bearing on alleged traits of Scottish character. 5. Compile the longest Hit you can of Scots men who having once crossed the border south ward, have returned home again to bonnla Scotland. C. Write a short and merciful account of the conquest of England by Scotland, barring all reie.ence io uannocnourn. 7. Say anything you know about eheep-steal- Ing. .without- Incriminating your ancestors. If any. Kurbkl hesitates to admit his death. The open shop remains an open ques tion. The "Simple Life" Is a very complicated affair. Manners make the man; lack of them the Vardaman. Public attention was temporarily drawn from Generals Kuropatkln and Oyama by Generals Nelson and Corbott The progressive party In Centralla is trying to give the other. crowd a milk shake, or In other words to bar cows from the streets. . Prince Fushima has been viewing tho Liberty Bell in Philadelphia. Probably he will describe it in his letters hode as the American Buddha. The husband of Mrae. Schumann-Heink is dead. Death must be a.rejlef. to tho men that have to be described as. the husband of Mrs. So-and-Sb. A Russian destroyer has put into Cher bourg badly damaged in collision with her own anchor. The farmhands on board probably took the anchor for a pickaxe. An undelivered letter was recently re turned to the General Postofllce In Lon don bearing the following mysterious no tations, "Not in Jupiter. Try Mars." "Not in Mars. Return to sender." The letter was intended for a sailor aboard one of the ships in the Channel squadron, and had not been the rounds of the stellar system. Japanese assaults upon the citadel of English continue. A Kobe paper says that a foreign resident of the city sent to a Japanese veterinary "surgeon for exam ination the carcass of a pet cat which died suddenly. The following written re port of the autopsy was received: I think It is caused this death that your amiable cate has eaten a polsnous Insect. Oregonlans blushed with pride yester day morning when they read that Presi dent Roosevelt especially admired the Oregon exhibit at St Louis. They pic tured him gazing upon Fort Clatsop so long that he had no time to visit any Other state buildings at alL But a little mpre reading disclosed the fact that there were other pebbles on the beach, a whole stretch of them, Great Is diplomacy. Persons who hastily condemned the re sults of female suffrage in Colorado should reconsider their views In the light of recent dispatches. From affidavits filed in Denver it appears that a number of women received f5 each for their votes. As this is considerably above the average price of male votes, we fall to see in what way female suffrage has been un successful. It hasn't caused the market to break, as some feared, and unprejudiced observers will admit we think, that re sults In Colorado should, .cause other states to emulate its liberal spirit towards . "WEX. J. Biggest Man in the World. Leslie's Weekly. Theodore Roosevelt who has Just reached the age of 46, Is decidedly the most uowerful personality, old or vounpr. whom the worid see3 today. The youngest of all the 26 men jvho at tained the Presidency, he had won dis tinction in many fields of. activity be fore reaching that office, and in it his achievements have been more notable than have been scored, by the head of any other state in our day. The chief of the freest government of the earth, Theodore Roosevelt wields greater power than any other potentate now living or who has ever lived. Except Lincoln during tne civil War, when the limitations of the Con stitution were sometimes, and neces sarilv. disregarded in the interest of "Vatlnnal nreservatlon. no other Pres ident has wielded so much authority in home affairs as Mr. Roosevelt No other President in the long line beginning with Washington has exerted anything like the sway in the worlds affairs which the present American Execu tive had and has. i Boston Opinion of Mr. Lawson. Boston Herald. Miss Gilder thinks Hall Caine ought to bear a grudge against Mr. Lawson. Mr. Calne's latest novel has been run ning serially in the. same magazine with Mr. Lawson s -frexsled fiction, and comparatively few; readers paid any' attention to It And yet so discriminat ing & critic as Miss Gilder profess Mr. Caiae's romances to that- of Mr. Lawson. GREAT SOLDIERS OF MODERN TIMES FREDERICK THE GREAT gr (By Arrangement "With the Chicago Tribune.) I have no' resources more. . , . I will sot survive the destruction of my country. Fare well forever. Frederick the Great to hla Min ister. .FiBckeasteln, after th battle pi j Kunersdorf. The old must glvq place to the young, that each generation may find room clsar for It; and lite, if we examine strictly what Its course la, consists in steins one's fellow cjea turea die and be born. Frederick the Great to the Dowager Duchess ot Brunswick. In. the last letter he ever wrote. . IT has been the lot ot few hereditary monarchs permanently to alter tho trend of world history. This Frederick the Great King of Prussia, did. He doubled the area of his diminutive kingdom, and raised it ffom the rank of a fourth-rate to that of a first-rate power. He began at Rosabach the work which Bismarck fin ished at "Versailles with the proclamation of King "William as Emperor of Germany. The fame of Frederick after tho victory of Rosabach began, as Macaulay said, "to supply In some degree the place of a com mon government and of a common capital. Then first it was manifest that the Ger mans were truly a nation. Then was dis cernible that patriotic spirit which in 1S13 achieved the great deliverance of cen tral Europe," and In 1S70 and 1871 crushed the French at Sedan and united all Ger many under one crown. Frederick's father, the knotty, eccentric old Frederick "William I. who loved noth ing but money and tall soldiers, contrived far him a scheme of education Spartan in its rigor, which was Intended to make him a hardy and thorough soldier. The young Prince rebelled against this severe regi men, studied Latin, read French litera ture, became a skillful player on the flute, and acquired the most execrable vices. The furious old King kicked the Prince's Latin and French books from his hands and broke his flute over his back. Fred erick attempted to escape to the English court He was an ofBcer in the army. He was tried as a deserter and sentenced to bo shot and doubtless would have been but for the Interposition of the Emperor of Germany. Resistance to his father's wishes being useless. Frederick devoted himself energetically to the study of civil and military affairs. He continued, how ever, to correspond with the leading French poets and philosophers- in their language he could speak scarce his own and wrote pro3e .and verse with the as siduity of a Grub street hack. In 1740 Frederick "William I. died, leav ing his son a full treasury and 60,000 of the most perfectly drilled and disciplined soldiers In Europe. The world thought an effeminate poetaster had come to tho Prussian throne. It was quickly disillu sionized. Taking advantage! of the acces sion of the youthful Maria Theresa to the throne of Austria. Frederick revived an antiquated claim of his family to Silesia, and in 1741 hurled 30.000 soldiers Into that province. "Ambition, interest, the desire of making people talk about me, carried the day," he wrote, with brutal frank ness, In his memoirs. In his first fight, which took place at Mollwitz, Frederick became scared or excited and ran away. His field marshal, Schwerin, stood his ground and defeated the Austrian 3. The Austrians were again beaten a year later at ChotusltZt The first Sllestan war ended in June, 1742, hjr the treaty of Bres lau, left Frederick In possession of Up per and Lower Silesia. Frederick spent the ensuing two years of peace preparing for a renewal of tha struggle. He began the second Silesian war by overrunning Bohemia. He had to retreat from Prague, but he won the bat tles, of Hohenfriedberg, Sorr, and Hen- nersaorr, ana Leopold of :uessau gained for' him that of Keaselsdorf. The peace of Dresden again left In possession of SI lesla. " " Eleven years of peace ensued. Fredr erlck. spent them In strengthening his army, which he raised to 150,000 men, and SPIRIT OF THE NORTHWEST PRESS Cruel Remark From a Democrat. Baker City Democrat It looks like the timber-fraud cases now on trial in the Federal Court at Portland will yet involve others thaa those on trial. And the Boxes Still Stay. Moro Observer. The anti-box ordinance of Portland has been declared valid, by the courts, but even so. its validity will be of little im portance if enforcement is not behind It Astoria "Knocks" Again. Astorian. "What with tha land-fraud cases and the Tanner-Creek sewer scandal and the alleged dishonesty f all of her officials. Portland may well be set down as a yel low town. Cynical Editor Spoils Love's Dream. Lewiston Tribune. There are entirely too many young women who insist on marrying for love In order to be deemed heroic The heroic is generally there and most fre quently at the washtub or something worse. Next Year Never Comes. Eugene Register. The Oregonian has an editorial in ful some praise of the Multnomah football team. A year hence that same paper will be busy explaining how M. A. A. C hap pened to go down to defeat before the U. O.'s. An Editor Who Doesn't Bet. Salem Journal. Of course, it is to be regretted that the great State of Oregon is so poor that it has to hunt a 40-horse power pool-gambling establishment in con nection with the State Fair. If the State Fair Board hasn't outgrown that idea the rest of the people of the state have. Rotten Eggs for Portage. Moro Observer. We have undlsputable authority for saying that a new supply of rotten eggs has been put away about Salem to shy at the State Portage Railway, in accordance with the original arrange ment that under no circumstances must the project be finished. But the people behind it now will politically crucify the hobos concerned in the plot Warning to Republican Bosses. Wasco News. The wise are already casting about for a man to beat Governor Chamberlain. If the Republicans put up the right kind of a man ho will be elected, but the party managers will do well to remem ber the lesson of the last state election. -The people of Oregon are past swallowing yellow dogs at the diction of the bosses. Chamberlain has made a good officer and unless as good or better man is put on the Republican ticket he should be re elected. Albany Covets a Neighbor's Prize. Albany Herald. Varf'nn la a. mod nnntieh countv to make a good showing at a county fair of her -own. If the state fair Is held this year, it will probably be properly classi fied as a Marion County Fair anyway, and why.. net let Marion have the grounds, pay the bills and take the glory? Marion basBOt takea' many first prizes la the county exfarfMt class aad this wight be her opportunity. The Satm papfs nat urally objeet tp tha cmlmtom. of aarthiBg that will cut off for th time toeal sources Of ncofit" SbtL b state tear a rifcbt U consolidating his kingdoms. His labors were prodigious, his economy rigorous. Louis XIV. was his own Prime Minister; Frederick was his own sole Minister Meantime he continued to take, an interest in literature and philosophy. He had long admired and corresponded with Voltaire, whom he now invited to Prussia, intend ing to xnako him the chief ornament of hlj court Frederick and Voltaire at first caressed each other like a new brida and groom. The honeymoon soon ended. Vol taire published the "Diatribe of Dr. Aka kia," a ludicrous satire on Maupertlus. president of Frederick's Academy of Ber lin. There was outburst of kingly rage. Voltaire started to leave Prussia, taking with him. a book of Frederick's verses. He was stopped at Frankfort by soldiers. wno seized the royal verses and subjected ine enraged Voltaire to every manner of indignity. Maria Theresa had never gives up hope of recovering Silesia. . Frederick's ambi tion and, his sarcastic tongue had won him the hatred of every sovereign;' on .the continent Austria, France, Russia, Sax ony, Sweden and the Germanic body com bined to drive him from his throne and dismember his kingdom. Discoverine their designs, Frederick, JLn August, 1756. took the aggressive, conquered Saxony, and whipped the Austrians at Lowositz. Thus began the seven years war. One hundred millions of. people were in arms against 5,000.000. Fortunate it was for the latter that they had the greatest general of the age and that England soon came to their aid. In 1757 Frederick beat tha Austrians at Prague and was whipped by them at Kolln. In November of the same year he dazzled the world by overthrow ing with great slaughter at Rosabach a DTench army twice the size of his own. At Leuthen he won another splendid vic tory over tna Austrians. who lost 27,000 men. The next year. 1758, he whipped the Russians at Zorndorf. So much glory was to be followed by terrible disasters. The Austrians beat ' Frederick at Hochklrchen. At Kunersdorf they administered to him the most crush ing defeat of his life. The King hlrosqlf led -three charges. His coat was riddled with bullets. Of EO.OOO men whom he led upon the field he led but 3,000 away. He bethought himself of the corrosive sublimate which he always carried In his pocket as a certain defense against cap ture, but he never thought of quitting the struggle. Fortune soon favored him again. In 1750 he was. victorious at Liegn itz and Torgau. Two years later the new Russian Czar, Peter, deserted the allies and took the part of Prussia. In October. 1752, Frederick won, at Freiburg, his last victory over the Austrians. Peace was signed at Hubertsburg the next year. All Europe had not succeeded in wresting Silesia from the Iron grasp ot the great King. Frederick devoted his remaining ener gies with signal success to the work ot Improving the internal condition of his country. A sixth of Prussia's males capa ble of bearing arms had perished in bat tle. Under Frederick's vigorous and ca pable administration she put on a happy and prosperous aspect In 1772 he partici pated in the partition of Poland. On his death, which took place at Potsdam Au gust 17, 17S6, he left his successor a treas ury containing 70,000,000 thalers and a per fectly disciplined army of 200,000 men. In religion Frederick was an atheist He allowed no consideration of morality to stand in the way of the achievement of his ambitious projects. In some respects he was a stateman, but in many he was not His genius for war, however, has not been questioned. , " "That battle" (Leuthen), declared Na-' poleon, "was a masterpiece. Of itself ; it is sufficient to entitle Frederick to a. place in the first rank among generals." S. O. D. expect a broader view in this case. A por tion of Salem's subscription to the purses oc soiem day for 1903 and 1903 is still un paid. There is already talk enough of giving some other part of Oregon a turn at holding the state fair. Quite a num ber of elements enter into the present situation, and it is not unreasonable to expect Salem to be decent in the present contention, lest a worse thing befall her. Hot Shot for Hitchcock. Prinevllle Review. It is said that Roosevelt's Cabinet, with tho exception of Hitchcock, will remain as it is today. It will be a re lief to the West when the news of the Secretary s sequestration gets into the dispatches. The man has insulted Ore gon, and. indeed, the entire Northwest by his base suspicions, and his suc cessor will certainly find a disgraced office upon taking up his work. Mr. Hitchcock having earned his full measure of opprobrium while in ofr flee, will further earn the everlasting gratitude of the public by forever act ing in the capacity of a private citi zen. Law's Dignity at Condon. Condon Times. The quietude and dignity of this law abiding burg received a sudden shock last Saturday from the result of a couple of scraps that occurred on Main street As a sequel of the same Judge Goodwin com mitted a couple of would-be John L. Sul Hvans to the city bastile for three and five days, respectively. Monday they were put to work on the city streets and because ot diligent work" and good behavior their term of imprisonment was reduced, as they took French leave Tuesday, for with out being honorably discharged they "felt the grit" and the last seen ot them, they were "hiking it out" towards Fossil at a 2:10 gait No "Booze" for Benton. Corvallls Gazette. Under the recent prohibition vote it is decreed that Benton County, and Corvallls especially, shall be on the dry list for the next two years. It is freely talked by considerable numbers of people that under the dry system drugstores and -Other places devised for the purpose will sell liquors for Intoxicating purposes and not the saloons. It is safe to say that the people maintaining the present drugstores In Corvallls are law-abiding citizens and" they will not sell intoxicating beverages except strictly according to law. The law applies as strictly to drugstores as it does to saloons. A drugstore has no special privilege under the law to sell in toxicating liquors. OUT OF THE GINGER JAR. 1 thought" began Mrs. Chatte'rson, "Oh, no. you didn't" eald her husband. becaus you -were talking all the time." Cleveland Leader. "My daughter," aald the wealthy dame, "waa born with a silver pooa la her mouth.'" "Ah." responded the visitor, "a souvenir." Chicago Record-Herald. George What can be more sickening than to see another fellow making love to a girl 7 Barry To see another fellow making leva to your girt Town Topics. Mrs. 'Homer Do have some more of the Ice cream. Miss Gueatlyl Miss GueaUy "Well, Jsi3t a little, as you Intist; bat only & moutatal. mind. Mrs. Homer Jaae, nil Mice Quily's plate up again. Chicago News. "Why don't you try to make yepalf one ot the Intellectual" celebrities o year tlwteV "What's the user aaewered th-e bright, but indolent young man. "The ara wfeeee jjateat food I nave been eattnc would esse alosg and want all the credit." Washlagtsa Star. "No," said Riser, "I fcavea't amr toe people who never read peltry.'' "I d't e why you should fel that war; rspttecl Critic. "Way, the feell 1" aatwl tmwt. 't it?" "Xo. Why afeoeld yo earn, w VxC a tfcjsy r4 yor Kr'-l